Elevator Notes

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An elevator is a type of vertical transport equipment that efficiently moves people or goods

between floors (levels, decks) of a building, vessel or other structure. Elevators are generally
powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables or counterweight systems like a hoist,
or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston like a jack.

In agriculture and manufacturing, an elevator is any type of conveyor device used to lift
materials in a continuous stream into bins or silos. Several types exist, such as the chain and
bucket bucket elevator, grain auger screw conveyor using the principle of Archimedes' screw, or
the chain and paddles/forks of hay elevators.

Elevator lobby at the Forest Glen Washington Metro station in Silver Spring, Maryland

Because of wheelchair access laws, elevators are often a legal requirement in new multistory
buildings, especially where wheelchair ramps would be impractical.

Pre-industrial era
Elevator design by the German engineer Konrad Kyeser (1405)

The first reference to an elevator is in the works of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who reported
that Archimedes (c. 287 BC c. 212 BC) built his first elevator probably in 236 BC.[1] In some
literary sources of later historical periods, elevators were mentioned as cabs on a hemp rope and
powered by hand or by animals. It is supposed that elevators of this type were installed in the
Sinai monastery of Egypt.

Industrial era

The development of elevators was led by the need for movement of raw materials including coal
and lumber from hillsides. The technology developed by these industries and the introduction of
steel beam construction worked together to provide the passenger and freight elevators in use

Starting in the coal mines, by the mid-19th century elevators were operated with steam power
and were used for moving goods in bulk in mines and factories. These steam driven devices were
soon being applied to a diverse set of purposes - in 1823, two architects working in London,
Burton and Hormer, built and operated a novel tourist attraction, which they called the
"ascending room". It elevated paying customers to a considerable height in the centre of London,
allowing them a magnificent panoramic view of the city centre.[3]

Early, crude steam-driven elevators were refined in the ensuing decade; - in 1835 an innovative
elevator called the "Teagle" was developed by the company Frost and Stutt in England. The
elevator was belt-driven and used a counterweight for extra power.[4]

The hydraulic crane was invented by Sir William Armstrong in 1846, primarily for use at the
Tyneside docks for loading cargo. These quickly supplanted the earlier steam driven elevators:
exploiting Pascal's law, they provided a much greater force. A water pump supplied a variable
level of water pressure to a plunger encased inside a vertical cylinder, allowing the level of the
platform (carrying a heavy load) to be raised and lowered. Counterweights and balances were
also used to increase the lifting power of the apparatus.

Henry Waterman of New York is credited with inventing the "standing rope control" for an
elevator in 1850.[5]

In 1845, the Neapolitan architect Gaetano Genovese realized in the Royal Palace of Caserta the
"Flying Chair", a elevator ahead of its time, covered with chestnut wood outside and inside with
maple wood, accompanied by a light, two benches and hand signal to the plan, and can be
activated from the outside, without any effort on the part of the occupants. The traction was
ensured by a motor mechanic with a complex of toothed wheels, and was equipped with a system
to prevent the consequences of the splitting of the strings: the jaggies in iron plates along the
walls between which is inserted a beam would be placed under railroad the cab and pushed
outwards by a spring system in steel.
Elisha Otis demonstrating his safety system, Crystal Palace, 1853

In 1852, Elisha Otis introduced the safety elevator, which prevented the fall of the cab if the
cable broke. The design of the Otis safety elevator is somewhat similar to one type still used
today. A governor device engages knurled roller(s), locking the elevator to its guides should the
elevator descend at excessive speed. He demonstrated it at the New York exposition in the
Crystal Palace in a dramatic, death-defying presentation in 1854,[5][6] and the first such passenger
elevator was installed at 488 Broadway in New York City on March 23, 1857.

Elisha Otis's elevator patent drawing, 15 January 1861

The first elevator shaft preceded the first elevator by four years. Construction for Peter Cooper's
Cooper Union Foundation building in New York began in 1853. An elevator shaft was included
in the design, because Cooper was confident that a safe passenger elevator would soon be
invented.[7] The shaft was cylindrical because Cooper felt it was the most efficient design.[8]
Later, Otis designed a special elevator for the building. Today the Otis Elevator Company, now a
subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation, is the world's largest manufacturer of vertical
transport systems.

The Equitable Life Building completed in 1870 in New York City was the first office building to
have passenger elevators.[9]

The first electric elevator was built by Werner von Siemens in 1880 in Germany.[10] The inventor
Anton Freissler developed the ideas of von Siemens and built up a successful enterprise in
Austria-Hungary. The safety and speed of electric elevators were significantly enhanced by
Frank Sprague who added floor control, automatic elevators, acceleration control of cars, and
safeties. His elevator ran faster and with larger loads than hydraulic or steam elevators, and 584
electric elevators were installed before Sprague sold his company to the Otis Elevator Company
in 1895. Sprague also developed the idea and technology for multiple elevators in a single shaft.

In 1882, when hydraulic power was a well established technology, a company later named the
London Hydraulic Power Company was formed. It constructed a network of high-pressure mains
on both sides of the Thames which, ultimately, extended to 184 miles and powered some 8,000
machines, predominantly elevators (lifts) and cranes.[11]

In 1874, J.W. Meaker patented a method which permitted elevator doors to open and close safely.
In 1887, American Inventor Alexander Miles of Duluth, Minnesota patented an elevator with
automatic doors that would close off the elevator shaft.

In 2000 a vacuum elevator was offered commercially in Argentina.

Some people argue that elevators began as simple rope or chain hoists (see Traction elevators
below). An elevator is essentially a platform that is either pulled or pushed up by a mechanical
means. A modern day elevator consists of a cab (also called a "cage" or "car") mounted on a
platform within an enclosed space called a shaft or sometimes a "hoistway". In the past, elevator
drive mechanisms were powered by steam and water hydraulic pistons or by hand. In a "traction"
elevator, cars are pulled up by means of rolling steel ropes over a deeply grooved pulley,
commonly called a sheave in the industry. The weight of the car is balanced by a counterweight.
Sometimes two elevators are built so that their cars always move synchronously in opposite
directions, and are each other's counterweight.

The friction between the ropes and the pulley furnishes the traction which gives this type of
elevator its name.
Hydraulic elevators use the principles of hydraulics (in the sense of hydraulic power) to
pressurize an above ground or in-ground piston to raise and lower the car (see Hydraulic
elevators below). Roped hydraulics use a combination of both ropes and hydraulic power to raise
and lower cars. Recent innovations include permanent magnet motors, machine room-less rail
mounted gearless machines, and microprocessor controls.

The technology used in new installations depends on a variety of factors. Hydraulic elevators are
cheaper, but installing cylinders greater than a certain length becomes impractical for very-high
lift hoistways. For buildings of much over seven storys, traction elevators must be employed
instead. Hydraulic elevators are usually slower than traction elevators.

Elevators are a candidate for mass customization. There are economies to be made from mass
production of the components, but each building comes with its own requirements like different
number of floors, dimensions of the well and usage patterns.

Elevator doors

Elevator doors protect riders from falling into the shaft. The most common configuration is to
have two panels that meet in the middle, and slide open laterally. In a cascading telescopic
configuration (potentially allowing wider entryways within limited space), the doors run on
independent tracks so that while open, they are tucked behind one another, and while closed, they
form cascading layers on one side. This can be configured so that two sets of such cascading
doors operate like the center opening doors described above, allowing for a very wide elevator
cab. In less expensive installations the elevator can also use one large "slab" door: a single panel
door the width of the doorway that opens to the left or right laterally. Some buildings have
elevators with the single door on the shaft way, and double cascading doors on the cab.

Machine room-less (MRL) elevators

Kone EcoDisc. The entire drive system is in the hoistway.

Machine room-less elevators are designed so that most of the components fit within the shaft
containing the elevator car; and a small cabinet houses the elevator controller. Other than the
machinery being in the hoistway, the equipment is similar to a normal traction elevator. The
benefits are:
creates more usable space

use less energy (70-80% less than hydraulic elevators)

uses no oil

all components are above ground similar to roped hydraulic type elevators (this takes
away the environmental concern that was created by the hydraulic cylinder on direct
hydraulic type elevators being stored underground)

slightly lower cost than other elevators

can operate at faster speeds than hydraulics but not normal traction units.


Equipment can be harder to service and maintain.

No code has been approved for the installation of residential elevator equipment.


Noise level is at 50-55 dBA (A-weighted decibels), which can be lower than some but not
all types of elevators.

Usually used for low-rise to mid-rise buildings

The motor mechanism is placed in the hoistway itself

The US was slow to accept the commercial MRL Elevator because of codes

---national and local building codes did not address elevators without machine rooms.
Residential MRL Elevators are still not allowed by the ASME A17 code in the US. MRL
elevators have been recognized in the 2005 supplement to the 2004 A17.1 Elevator Code.

Elevator traffic calculations

Round trip time calculations

The majority of elevator designs are developed from Up Peak Round Trip Time calculations as
described in the following publications:- CIBSE Guide D: Transportation Systems in Building[13]
Elevator Traffic Handbook, Theory and Practice. Gina Barney[14] The Vertical Transportation
Handbook. George Strakosch[15]
Traditionally, these calculations have formed the basis of establishing the Handling Capacity of
an elevator system.

Modern Installations with more complex elevator arrangements have led to the development of
more specific formula such as the General Analysis calculation.[16]

Subsequently this has been extended for Double Deck elevators.[17]


Elevator traffic simulation software can be used to model complex traffic patterns and elevator
arrangements that cannot necessarily be analysed by RTT calculations.[18]

Elevator traffic patterns

There are four main types of elevator traffic patterns that can be observed in most modern office
installations. They are up peak traffic, down peak traffic, lunch time (two way) traffic and
interfloor traffic.

Types of hoist mechanisms

There are at least four means of moving an elevator:

Traction elevators

Geared and gearless traction elevators

Geared traction machines are driven by AC or DC electric motors. Geared machines use worm
gears to control mechanical movement of elevator cars by "rolling" steel hoist ropes over a drive
sheave which is attached to a gearbox driven by a high-speed motor. These machines are
generally the best option for basement or overhead traction use for speeds up to 500 feet per
minute (3 m/s). In order to allow accurate speed control of the motor, to allow accurate levelling
and for passenger comfort, a DC hoist motor powered by an AC/DC motor-generator (MG) set
was the preferred solution in high-traffic elevator installations for many decades. The MG set
also typically powered the relay controller of the elevator, which has the added advantage of
electrically isolating the elevators from the rest of a building's electrical system, thus eliminating
the transient power spikes in the building's electrical supply caused by the motors starting and
stopping (causing lighting to dim every time the elevators are used for example), as well as
interference to other electrical equipment caused by the arcing of the relay contactors in the
control system.
Contemporary cheaper installations, such as those in residential buildings and low-traffic
commercial applications generally used a single or two-speed AC hoist machine. The widespread
availability of cheap solid state AC drives has allowed infinitely variable speed AC motors to be
used universally, bringing with it the advantages of the older motor-generator based systems,
without the penalties in terms of efficiency and complexity. The older MG-based installations are
gradually being replaced in older buildings due to their poor energy efficiency.

Gearless traction machines are low-speed (low-RPM), high-torque electric motors powered
either by AC or DC. In this case, the drive sheave is directly attached to the end of the motor.
Gearless traction elevators can reach speeds of up to 2,000 feet per minute (10 m/s), or even
higher. A brake is mounted between the motor and drive sheave (or gearbox) to hold the elevator
stationary at a floor. This brake is usually an external drum type and is actuated by spring force
and held open electrically; a power failure will cause the brake to engage and prevent the
elevator from falling (see inherent safety and safety engineering).

In each case, cables are attached to a hitch plate on top of the cab or may be "underslung" below
a cab, and then looped over the drive sheave to a counterweight attached to the opposite end of
the cables which reduces the amount of power needed to move the cab. The counterweight is
located in the hoist-way and rides a separate railway system; as the car goes up, the
counterweight goes down, and vice versa. This action is powered by the traction machine which
is directed by the controller, typically a relay logic or computerized device that directs starting,
acceleration, deceleration and stopping of the elevator cab. The weight of the counterweight is
typically equal to the weight of the elevator cab plus 40-50% of the capacity of the elevator. The
grooves in the drive sheave are specially designed to prevent the cables from slipping. "Traction"
is provided to the ropes by the grip of the grooves in the sheave, thereby the name. As the ropes
age and the traction grooves wear, some traction is lost and the ropes must be replaced and the
sheave repaired or replaced. Sheave and rope wear may be significantly reduced by ensuring that
all ropes have equal tension, thus sharing the load evenly. Rope tension equalization may be
achieved using a rope tension gauge, and is a simple way to extend the lifetime of the sheaves
and ropes.

Elevators with more than 100 feet (30 m) of travel have a system called compensation. This is a
separate set of cables or a chain attached to the bottom of the counterweight and the bottom of
the elevator cab. This makes it easier to control the elevator, as it compensates for the differing
weight of cable between the hoist and the cab. If the elevator cab is at the top of the hoist-way,
there is a short length of hoist cable above the car and a long length of compensating cable below
the car and vice versa for the counterweight. If the compensation system uses cables, there will
be an additional sheave in the pit below the elevator, to guide the cables. If the compensation
system uses chains, the chain is guided by a bar mounted between the counterweight railway

Hydraulic elevators

Conventional hydraulic elevators. They use an underground cylinder, are quite common
for low level buildings with 25 floors (sometimes but seldom up to 68 floors), and have
speeds of up to 200 feet per minute (1 m/s).
Holeless hydraulic elevators were developed in the 1970s, and use a pair of above ground
cylinders, which makes it practical for environmentally or cost sensitive buildings with 2,
3, or 4 floors.

Roped hydraulic elevators use both above ground cylinders and a rope system, allowing
the elevator to travel further than the piston has to move.

The low mechanical complexity of hydraulic elevators in comparison to traction elevators makes
them ideal for low rise, low traffic installations. They are less energy efficient as the pump works
against gravity to push the car and its passengers upwards; this energy is lost when the car
descends on its own weight. The high current draw of the pump when starting up also places
higher demands on a buildings electrical system. There are also environmental concerns should
either the lifting cylinder leak fluid into the ground.

The modern generation of low cost, machine room-less traction elevators made possible by
advances in miniaturization of the traction motor and control systems challenges the supremacy
of the hydraulic elevator in their traditional market niche.

Climbing elevator

A climbing elevator is a self-ascending elevator with its own propulsion. The propulsion can be
done by an electric or a combustion engine. Climbing elevators are used in guyed masts or
towers, in order to make easy access to parts of these constructions, such as flight safety lamps
for maintenance. An example would be the Moonlight towers in Austin, Texas, where the
elevator holds only one person and equipment for maintenance. The Glasgow Tower an
observation tower in Glasgow, Scotland also makes use of two climbing elevators.

Controlling elevators
Early elevators had no automatic landing positioning. Elevators were operated by elevator
operators using a motor controller. The controller was contained within a cylindrical container
about the size and shape of a cake container and this was operated via a projecting handle. This
allowed some control over the energy supplied to the motor (located at the top of the elevator
shaft or beside the bottom of the elevator shaft) and so enabled the elevator to be accurately
positioned if the operator was sufficiently skilled. More typically the operator would have to
"jog" the control to get the elevator reasonably close to the landing point and then direct the
outgoing and incoming passengers to "watch the step". Some older freight elevators are
controlled by switches operated by pulling on adjacent ropes. Safety interlocks ensure that the
inner and outer doors are closed before the elevator is allowed to move. Most older manually
controlled elevators have been retrofitted with automatic or semi-automatic controls.

Automatic elevators began to appear as early as the 1930s, their development being hastened by
striking elevator operators which brought large cities dependent on skyscrapers (and therefore
their elevators) such as New York and Chicago to their knees. These electromechanical systems
used relay logic circuits of increasing complexity to control the speed, position and door
operation of an elevator or bank of elevators. The Otis Autotronic system of the early 1950s
brought the earliest predictive systems which could anticipate traffic patterns within a building to
deploy elevator movement in the most efficient manner. Relay-controlled elevator systems
remained common until the 1980s, and their gradual replacement with solid-state microprocessor
based controls which are now the industry standard.

Typical freight elevator control station

Typical passenger elevator control station

Using the emergency call button in an elevator. There is Braille text for visually impaired people
and the button glows to alert a hearing impaired person that the bell is ringing and the call is
being placed.
General controls

A typical modern passenger elevator will have:

Space to stand in, guardrails, seating cushion (luxury)

Overload sensor prevents the elevator from moving until excess load has been
removed. It may trigger a voice prompt or buzzer alarm. This may also trigger a "full car"
indicator, indicating the car's inability to accept more passengers until some are unloaded.

Electric fans or air conditioning units to enhance circulation and comfort.

Call buttons to choose a floor. Some of these may be key switches (to control access). In
some elevators, certain floors are inaccessible unless one swipes a security card or enters
a passcode (or both). In the United States and other countries, call button text and icons
are raised to allow blind users to operate the elevator; many have Braille text besides.

A set of doors kept locked on each floor to prevent unintentional access into the elevator
shaft by the unsuspecting individual. The door is unlocked and opened by a machine
sitting on the roof of the car, which also drives the doors that travel with the car. Door
controls are provided to close immediately or reopen the doors, although the button to
close them immediately is often disabled during normal operations, especially on more
recent elevators. Objects in the path of the moving doors will either be detected by
sensors or physically activate a switch that reopens the doors. Otherwise, the doors will
close after a preset time.

A stop switch (not allowed under British regulations) to halt the elevator while in motion
and often used to hold an elevator open while freight is loaded. Keeping an elevator
stopped for too long may set off an alarm. Unless local codes require otherwise, this will
most likely be a key switch.

An alarm button or switch, which passengers can use to warn the premises manager that
they have been trapped in the elevator.

Some elevators may have one or more of the following:

An elevator telephone, which can be used (in addition to the alarm) by a trapped
passenger to call for help.
Hold button: This button delays the door closing timer, useful for loading freight and
hospital beds.

Call cancellation: A destination floor may be deselected by double clicking.

Access restriction by key switches, RFID reader, code keypad, hotel room card, etc..

One or more additional sets of doors that can serve different floor plans. For example, in
an elevated crosswalk setup, the front doors may open on the street level, and the rear
doors open on the crosswalk level.

Security camera

Plain walls or mirrored walls.

Glass windowpane providing a view of the building interior or onto the streets.

Other controls, which are generally inaccessible to the public (either because they are key
switches, or because they are kept behind a locked panel), include:

Fireman's service, phase II key switch

Switch to enable or disable the elevator.

An inspector's switch, which places the elevator in inspection mode (this may be situated
on top of the elevator)

Manual up/down controls for elevator technicians, to be used in inspection mode, for

An independent service/exclusive mode (also known as "Car Preference"), which will

prevent the car from answering to hall calls and only arrive at floors selected via the
panel. The door should stay open while parked on a floor. This mode may be used for
temporarily transporting goods.

Attendant service mode.

Manual pushbutton elevator controls

Otis 1920s controller, operational in NYC apartment building

Large buildings with multiple elevators of this type also had an elevator dispatcher
stationed in the lobby to direct passengers and to signal the operator to leave with the use
of a mechanical "cricket" noisemaker.

External controls
An external control panel

Elevators are typically controlled from the outside by up and down buttons at each stop. When
pressed at a certain floor, the elevator arrives to pick up more passengers. If the particular
elevator is currently serving traffic in a certain direction, it will only answer hall calls in the same
direction unless there are no more calls beyond that floor.

In a group of two or more elevators, the call buttons may be linked to a central dispatch
computer, such that they illuminate and cancel together. This is done to ensure that only one car
is called at one time.

Key switches may be installed on the ground floor so that the elevator can be remotely switched
on or off from the outside.

In destination control systems, one selects the intended destination floor (in lieu of pressing "up"
or "down") and is then notified which elevator will serve their request.

Floor numbering
Elevator buttons showing the missing 13th floor
Further information: Floor numbering

The elevator algorithm

The elevator algorithm, a simple algorithm by which a single elevator can decide where to stop,
is summarized as follows:

Continue traveling in the same direction while there are remaining requests in that same

If there are no further requests in that direction, then stop and become idle, or change
direction if there are requests in the opposite direction.

The elevator algorithm has found an application in computer operating systems as an algorithm
for scheduling hard disk requests. Modern elevators use more complex heuristic algorithms to
decide which request to service next. An introduction to these algorithms can be found in the
"Elevator traffic handbook: theory and practice" given in the references below.

Destination control system

Some skyscraper buildings and other types of installation feature a destination operating panel
where a passenger registers their floor calls before entering the car. The system lets them know
which car to wait for, instead of everyone boarding the next car. In this way, travel time is
reduced as the elevator makes fewer stops for individual passengers, and the computer distributes
adjacent stops to different cars in the bank. Although travel time is reduced passenger waiting
times may be longer as they will not necessarily be allocated the next car to depart. During the
down peak period the benefit of destination control will be limited as passengers have a common

It can also improve accessibility, as a mobility-impaired passenger can move to his or her
designated car in advance.

Inside the elevator there is no call button to push, or the buttons are there but they cannot be
pushed except door opening and alarm button they only indicate stopping floors.
The idea of destination control was originally conceived by Leo Port from Sydney in 1961[19] but
at that time elevator controllers were implemented in relays and were unable to optimise the
performance of destination control allocations.

The system was first pioneered by Schindler Elevator in 1992 as the Miconic 10. Manufacturers
of such systems claim that average traveling time can be reduced by up to 30%.[20]

However, performance enhancements cannot be generalized as the benefits and limitations of the
system are dependent on many factors.[21] One problem is that the system is subject to gaming.
Sometimes, one person enters the destination for a large group of people going to the same floor.
The dispatching algorithm is usually unable to completely cater for the variation, and latecomers
may find the elevator they are assigned to is already full. Also, occasionally, one person may
press the floor multiple times. This is common with up/down buttons when people believe this to
be an effective way to hurry elevators. However, this will make the computer think multiple
people are waiting and will allocate empty cars to serve this one person.

To prevent this problem, in one implementation of destination control, every user gets an RFID
card to identify himself so the system knows every user call and can cancel the first call if the
passenger decides to travel to another destination to prevent empty calls. The newest invention
knows even where people are located and how many on which floor because of their
identification, either for the purposes of evacuating the building or for security reasons.[22]

The same destination scheduling concept can also be applied to public transit such as in group
rapid transit.
A destination dispatch control station, outside of the car, on which the user presses a button to
indicate the desired destination floor, and the panel indicates which car will be dispatched

Special operating modes

Anti-crime protection

The anti-crime protection (ACP) feature will force each car to stop at a pre-defined landing and
open its doors. This allows a security guard or a receptionist at the landing to visually inspect the
passengers. The car stops at this landing as it passes to serve further demand.

Up peak

During up-peak mode (also called moderate incoming traffic), elevator cars in a group are
recalled to the lobby to provide expeditious service to passengers arriving at the building, most
typically in the morning as people arrive for work or at the conclusion of a lunch-time period.
Elevators are dispatched one-by-one when they reach a pre-determined passenger load, or when
they have had their doors opened for a certain period of time. The next elevator to be dispatched
usually has its hall lantern or a "this car leaving next" sign illuminated to encourage passengers
to make maximum use of the available elevator system capacity.

The commencement of up-peak may be triggered by a time clock, by the departure of a certain
number of fully loaded cars leaving the lobby within a given time period, or by a switch
manually operated by a building attendant.

Down peak

During down-peak mode, elevator cars in a group are sent away from the lobby towards the
highest floor served, after which they commence running down the floors in response to hall
calls placed by passengers wishing to leave the building. This allows the elevator system to
provide maximum passenger handling capacity for people leaving the building.

The commencement of down-peak may be triggered by a time clock, by the arrival of a certain
number of fully loaded cars at the lobby within a given time period, or by a switch manually
operated by a building attendant.

Independent service

Independent service is a special service mode found on most elevators. It is activated by a key
switch either inside the elevator itself or on a centralized control panel in the lobby. When an
elevator is placed on independent service, it will no longer respond to hall calls. (In a bank of
elevators, traffic is rerouted to the other elevators, while in a single elevator, the hall buttons are
disabled). The elevator will remain parked on a floor with its doors open until a floor is selected
and the door close button is held until the elevator starts to travel. Independent service is useful
when transporting large goods or moving groups of people between certain floors.
Inspection service

Inspection service is designed to provide access to the hoistway and car top for inspection and
maintenance purposes by qualified elevator mechanics. It is first activated by a key switch on the
car operating panel usually labeled 'Inspection', 'Car Top', 'Access Enable' or 'HWENAB'. When
this switch is activated the elevator will come to a stop if moving, car calls will be canceled (and
the buttons disabled), and hall calls will be assigned to other elevator cars in the group (or
canceled in a single elevator configuration). The elevator can now only be moved by the
corresponding 'Access' key switches, usually located at the highest (to access the top of the car)
and lowest (to access the elevator pit) landings. The access key switches will allow the car to
move at reduced inspection speed with the hoistway door open. This speed can range from
anywhere up to 60% of normal operating speed on most controllers, and is usually defined by
local safety codes.

Elevators have a car top inspection station that allows the car to be operated by a mechanic in
order to move it through the hoistway. Generally, there are three buttons: UP, RUN, and DOWN.
Both the RUN and a direction button must be held to move the car in that direction, and the
elevator will stop moving as soon as the buttons are released. Most other elevators have an
up/down toggle switch and a RUN button. The inspection panel also has standard power outlets
for work lamps and powered tools.

Fire service

Depending on the location of the elevator, fire service code will vary state to state and country to
country. Fire service is usually split up into two modes: phase one and phase two. These are
separate modes that the elevator can go into.

Phase one mode is activated by a corresponding smoke sensor or heat sensor in the building.
Once an alarm has been activated, the elevator will automatically go into phase one. The elevator
will wait an amount of time, then proceed to go into nudging mode to tell everyone the elevator
is leaving the floor. Once the elevator has left the floor, depending on where the alarm was set
off, the elevator will go to the fire-recall floor. However, if the alarm was activated on the fire-
recall floor, the elevator will have an alternate floor to recall to. When the elevator is recalled, it
proceeds to the recall floor and stops with its doors open. The elevator will no longer respond to
calls or move in any direction. Located on the fire-recall floor is a fire-service key switch. The
fire-service key switch has the ability to turn fire service off, turn fire service on or to bypass fire
service. The only way to return the elevator to normal service is to switch it to bypass after the
alarms have reset.
KONE Ecodisc elevator in fireman's mode

Phase-two mode can only be activated by a key switch located inside the elevator on the
centralized control panel. This mode was created for firefighters so that they may rescue people
from a burning building. The phase-two key switch located on the COP has three positions: off,
on, and hold. By turning phase two on, the firefighter enables the car to move. However, like
independent-service mode, the car will not respond to a car call unless the firefighter manually
pushes and holds the door close button. Once the elevator gets to the desired floor it will not
open its doors unless the firefighter holds the door open button. This is in case the floor is
burning and the firefighter can feel the heat and knows not to open the door. The firefighter must
hold door open until the door is completely opened. If for any reason the firefighter wishes to
leave the elevator, they will use the hold position on the key switch to make sure the elevator
remains at that floor. If the firefighter wishes to return to the recall floor, they simply turn the key
off and close the doors.

Medical emergency/code-blue service

Commonly found in hospitals, code-blue service allows an elevator to be summoned to any floor
for use in an emergency situation. Each floor will have a code-blue recall key switch, and when
activated, the elevator system will immediately select the elevator car that can respond the
fastest, regardless of direction of travel and passenger load. Passengers inside the elevator will be
notified with an alarm and indicator light to exit the elevator when the doors open.

Once the elevator arrives at the floor, it will park with its doors open and the car buttons will be
disabled to prevent a passenger from taking control of the elevator. Medical personnel must then
activate the code-blue key switch inside the car, select their floor and close the doors with the
door close button. The elevator will then travel non-stop to the selected floor, and will remain in
code-blue service until switched off in the car. Some hospital elevators will feature a 'hold'
position on the code-blue key switch (similar to fire service) which allows the elevator to remain
at a floor locked out of service until code blue is deactivated.

Emergency power operation

Many elevator installations now feature emergency power systems which allow elevator use in
blackout situations and prevent people from becoming trapped in elevators.
Traction elevators

When power is lost in a traction elevator system, all elevators will initially come to a halt. One
by one, each car in the group will return to the lobby floor, open its doors and shut down. People
in the remaining elevators may see an indicator light or hear a voice announcement informing
them that the elevator will return to the lobby shortly. Once all cars have successfully returned,
the system will then automatically select one or more cars to be used for normal operations and
these cars will return to service. The car(s) selected to run under emergency power can be
manually overridden by a key or strip switch in the lobby. In order to help prevent entrapment,
when the system detects that it is running low on power, it will bring the running cars to the
lobby or nearest floor, open the doors and shut down.

Hydraulic elevators

In hydraulic elevator systems, emergency power will lower the elevators to the lowest landing
and open the doors to allow passengers to exit. The doors then close after an adjustable time
period and the car remains unusable until reset, usually by cycling the elevator main power
switch. Typically, due to the high current draw when starting the pump motor, hydraulic elevators
are not run using standard emergency power systems. Buildings like hospitals and nursing homes
usually size their emergency generators to accommodate this draw. However, the increasing use
of current-limiting motor starters, commonly known as "soft-start" contactors, avoid much of this
problem, and the current draw of the pump motor is less of a limiting concern.

Elevator modernization
Most elevators are built to provide about 20 years of service, as long as service intervals
specified and periodic maintenance/inspections by the manufacturer are followed. As the elevator
ages and equipment become increasingly difficult to find or replace, along with code changes
and deteriorating ride performance, a complete overhaul of the elevator may be suggested to the
building owners.

A typical modernization consists of controller equipment, electrical wiring and buttons, position
indicators and direction arrows, hoist machines and motors (including door operators), and
sometimes door hanger tracks. Rarely are car slings, rails, or other heavy structures changed. The
cost of an elevator modernization can range greatly depending on which type of equipment is to
be installed.

Modernization can greatly improve operational reliability by replacing mechanical relays and
contacts with solid-state electronics. Ride quality can be improved by replacing motor-generator-
based drive designs with Variable-Voltage, Variable Frequency (V3F) drives, providing near-
seamless acceleration and deceleration. Passenger safety is also improved by updating systems
and equipment to conform to current codes.
Elevator safety
Cable-borne elevators

Statistically speaking, cable-borne elevators are extremely safe. Their safety record is
unsurpassed by any other vehicle system. In 1998, it was estimated that approximately eight
millionths of one percent (1 in 12 million) of elevator rides result in an anomaly, and the vast
majority of these were minor things such as the doors failing to open. Of the 20 to 30 elevator-
related deaths each year, most of them are maintenance-related for example, technicians
leaning too far into the shaft or getting caught between moving parts,[24] and most of the rest are
attributed to other kinds of accidents, such as people stepping blindly through doors that open
into empty shafts or being strangled by scarves caught in the doors.[24] In fact, prior to the
September 11th terrorist attacks, the only known free-fall incident in a modern cable-borne
elevator happened in 1945 when a B-25 bomber struck the Empire State Building in fog,
severing the cables of an elevator cab, which fell from the 75th floor all the way to the bottom of
the building, seriously injuring (though not killing) the sole occupant the elevator operator.[25]
However, there was an incident in 2007 at a Seattle children's hospital, where a ThyssenKrupp
ISIS machine-room-less elevator free-fell until the safety brakes were engaged.[26] This was due
to a flaw in the design where the cables were connected at one common point, and the kevlar
ropes had a tendency to overheat and cause slipping (or, in this case, a free-fall). While it is
possible (though extraordinarily unlikely) for an elevator's cable to snap, all elevators in the
modern era have been fitted with several safety devices which prevent the elevator from simply
free-falling and crashing. An elevator cab is typically borne by six or eight hoist cables, each of
which is capable on its own of supporting the full load of the elevator plus twenty-five percent
more weight. In addition, there is a device which detects whether the elevator is descending
faster than its maximum designed speed; if this happens, the device causes copper brake shoes to
clamp down along the vertical rails in the shaft, stopping the elevator quickly, but not so abruptly
as to cause injury. This device is called the governor, and was invented by Elisha Graves Otis.[25]
In addition, a hydraulic buffer is installed at the bottom of the shaft to somewhat cushion any
impact.[24] However, In Thailand, in November 2012, a woman was killed in free falling elevator,
in what was reported as the "first legally recognised death caused by a falling lift".[27]

Hydraulic elevators

Past problems with early hydraulic elevators meant those built prior to a code change in 1972
were subject to possible catastrophic failure. The code had previously required only single-
bottom hydraulic cylinders. In the event of a cylinder breach, an uncontrolled fall of the elevator
might result. Because it is impossible to verify the system completely without a pressurized
casing (as described below), it is necessary to remove the piston to inspect it. The cost of
removing the piston is such that it makes no economic sense to re-install the old cylinder;
therefore it is necessary to replace the cylinder and install a new piston.[citation needed] Another
solution to protect against a cylinder blowout is to install a "life jacket." This is a device which,
in the event of an excessive downward speed, clamps onto the cylinder and stops the car. A
device known as a rupture valve is often attached to the hydraulic inlet/outlet of the piston and
can be adjusted for a maximum flow rate. If a pipe or hose were to break (rupture), the flow rate
of the rupture valve will surpass a set limit and mechanically stop the outlet flow of hydraulic
fluid, thus stopping the piston and the car in the down direction.

In addition to the safety concerns for older hydraulic elevators, there is risk of leaking hydraulic
oil into the aquifer and causing potential environmental contamination. This has led to the
introduction of PVC liners (casings) around hydraulic cylinders which can be monitored for

In the past decade, recent innovations in inverted hydraulic jacks have eliminated the costly
process of drilling the ground to install a borehole jack. This also eliminates the threat of
corrosion to the system and increases safety.

Mine-shaft elevators

Safety testing of mine shaft elevator rails is routinely undertaken. The method involves
destructive testing of a segment of the cable. The ends of the segment are frayed, then set in
conical zinc molds. Each end of the segment is then secured in a large, hydraulic stretching
machine. The segment is then placed under increasing load to the point of failure. Data about
elasticity, load, and other factors is compiled and a report is produced. The report is then
analyzed to determine whether or not the entire rail is safe to use.

Uses of elevators

An elevator in a residential building in Singapore

Passenger service

A passenger elevator is designed to move people between a building's floors.

Passenger elevators capacity is related to the available floor space. Generally passenger elevators
are available in capacities from 1,000 to 6,000 pounds (5002,700 kg) in 500-pound (230 kg)
increments.[citation needed] Generally passenger elevators in buildings of eight floors or fewer are
hydraulic or electric, which can reach speeds up to 200 feet per minute (1 m/s) hydraulic and up
to 500 feet per minute (152 m/min) electric. In buildings up to ten floors, electric and gearless
elevators are likely to have speeds up to 500 feet per minute (3 m/s), and above ten floors speeds
range 500 to 2,000 feet per minute (310 m/s).[citation needed]
Sometimes passenger elevators are used as a city transport along with funiculars. For example,
there is a 3-station underground public elevator in Yalta, Ukraine, which takes passengers from
the top of a hill above the Black Sea on which hotels are perched, to a tunnel located on the
beach below. At Casco Viejo station in the Bilbao Metro, the elevator that provides access to the
station from a hilltop neighborhood doubles as city transportation: the station's ticket barriers are
set up in such a way that passengers can pay to reach the elevator from the entrance in the lower
city, or vice versa. See also the Elevators for urban transport section.

Types of passenger elevators

The former World Trade Center's twin towers used skylobbies, located on the 44th and 78th
floors of each tower

Passenger elevators may be specialized for the service they perform, including: hospital
emergency (Code blue), front and rear entrances, a television in high-rise buildings, double
decker, and other uses. Cars may be ornate in their interior appearance, may have audio visual
advertising, and may be provided with specialized recorded voice announcements. Elevators may
also have loudspeakers in them to play calm, easy listening music. Such music is often referred
to as elevator music.
An express elevator does not serve all floors. For example, it moves between the ground floor
and a skylobby, or it moves from the ground floor or a skylobby to a range of floors, skipping
floors in between. These are especially popular in eastern Asia.


Residential elevators may be small enough to only accommodate one person while some are
large enough for more than a dozen. Wheelchair, or platform elevators, a specialized type of
elevator designed to move a wheelchair 12 feet (3.7 m) or less, can often accommodate just one
person in a wheelchair at a time with a load of 750 pounds (340 kg).[28][29]

Freight elevators

A specialized elevator from 1905 for lifting narrow gauge railroad cars between a railroad freight
house and the Chicago Tunnel Company tracks below

The interior of a freight elevator. It is very basic yet rugged for freight loading.

A freight elevator, or goods lift, is an elevator designed to carry goods, rather than passengers.
Freight elevators are generally required to display a written notice in the car that the use by
passengers is prohibited (though not necessarily illegal), though certain freight elevators allow
dual use through the use of an inconspicuous riser. In order for an elevator to be legal to carry
passengers in some jurisdictions it must have a solid inner door. Freight elevators are typically
larger and capable of carrying heavier loads than a passenger elevator, generally from 2,300 to
4,500 kg. Freight elevators may have manually operated doors, and often have rugged interior
finishes to prevent damage
A moving walkway or moving sidewalk as a travellator or a travelator (and colloquially
known by some as a flatalator, horizontalator, movealator, walkalator, autowalk or
movator)[citation needed], is a slow moving conveyor mechanism that transports people across a
horizontal or inclined plane over a short to medium distance.[1] Moving walkways can be used by
standing or walking on them. They are often installed in pairs, one for each direction.


The Great Wharf, Moving Sidewalk

The first moving walkway debuted at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, in Chicago,
Illinois. It had two different divisions: one where passengers were seated, and one where riders
could stand or walk. It ran in a loop down the length of a lakefront pier to a casino.[2] Six years
later a moving walkway was also presented to the public at the Paris Exposition Universelle in
1900. The walkway consisted of three elevated platforms, the first was stationary, the second
moved at a moderate speed, and the third at about six miles an hour. These demonstrations likely
served as inspiration for some of H. G. Wells' settings mentioned in the "Science Fiction" section

Moving sidewalk, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900

The Beeler Organization, a New York City consulting firm, proposed a Continuous Transit
System with Sub-Surface Moving Platforms for Atlanta in 1924, with a design roughly similar to
the Paris Exposition system. The proposed drive system used a linear induction motor. The
system was not constructed.
The first commercial moving walkway in the United States was installed in 1954 in Jersey City,
NJ, inside the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Erie station) at the Pavonia Terminal. Named the
"Speedwalk" and built by Goodyear, it was 277 ft (84.5 m) long and moved up a 10 percent
grade at a speed of 1.5 mph (2.4 km/h).[3] The walkway was removed a few years later when
traffic patterns at the station changed.

The first moving walkway in an airport was installed in 1958 at Love Field in Dallas, Texas. On
January 1, 1960, Tina Marie Brandon, age 2, was killed on the moving sidewalk.[4]

Moving walkways are built in one of two basic styles:

Pallet type a continuous series of flat metal plates join together to form a walkway -
and are effectively identical to escalators in their construction. Most have a metal surface,
though some models have a rubber surface for extra traction.

Moving belt these are generally built with mesh metal belts or rubber walking
surfaces over metal rollers. The walking surface may have a solid feel or a "bouncy" feel.

Both types of moving walkway have a grooved surface to mesh with combplates at the ends.
Also, nearly all moving walkways are built with moving handrails similar to those on escalators.

Pallet-types consists of one-piece, die-cast aluminium pallets. Example dimensions are: widths
(between balustrades): between 32 inches (800 mm) and 56 inches (1200 mm), with a speed of
100 feet per minute (.5 metres per second), powered by an AC induction motor.[5]

High-speed walkways

Variable high speed ThyssenKrupp walkway in Pearson airport, Toronto

In the 1970s Dunlop developed the Speedaway system. It was in fact an invention by Gabriel
Bouladon and Paul Zuppiger of the Battelle Memorial Institute in Geneva (Switzerland). A
prototype was built and demonstrated at the Battelle Institute in Geneva in the early 1970s, as
can be attested by a (French-speaking) Swiss television program entitled Un Jour une Heure
aired in October 1974. The great advantage of the Speedaway, as compared to the then existing
systems, was that the embarking/disembarking zone was both wide and slow moving (up to 4
passengers could embark simultaneously, allowing for a large number of passengers, up to
10,000 per hour), whereas the transportation zone was narrower and fast moving.

The entrance to the system was like a very wide escalator, with broad metal tread plates of a
parallelogram shape. After a short distance the tread plates were accelerated to one side, sliding
past one another to form progressively into a narrower but faster moving track which travelled at
almost a right-angle to the entry section. The passenger was accelerated through a parabolic path
to a maximum design speed of 15 km/h (9 mph). The experience was unfamiliar to passengers,
who needed to understand how to use the system to be able to do so safely. Developing a moving
hand-rail for the system presented a challenge, also solved by the Battelle team. The Speedaway
was intended to be used as a stand alone system over short distances or to form acceleration and
deceleration units providing entry and exit means for a parallel conventional (but fast running)
Starglide walkway which covered longer distances. The system was still in development in 1975
but never went into commercial production.

Another attempt at an accelerated walkway in the 1980s was the TRAX (Trottoir Roulant
Acclr), which was developed by Dassault and RATP and whose prototype was installed in the
Paris Invalides metro station. The speed at entry and exit was 3 km/h (2 mph), while the
maximum speed was 15 km/h (9 mph). It was a technical failure due to its complexity, and was
never commercially exploited.

In the mid 1990s the Loderway Moving Walkway company patented and licenced a design to a
number of larger moving walkway manufacturers. Trial systems were installed at Flinders Street
Station in Melbourne and Brisbane Airport Australia. These met with a positive response from
the public, but no permanent installations were made. This system is of the belt type, with a
sequence of belts moving at different speeds to accelerate and decelerate riders. A sequence of
different speed handrails is also used.

Experimental 185 metre long high-speed moving walkway on the Paris Mtro, France

In 2002, an experimental high-speed walkway was installed in the MontparnasseBienvene

Mtro station in Paris. At first it operated at 12 km/h (7 mph) but due to people losing their
balance, the speed was reduced to 9 km/h (6 mph). It has been estimated that commuters using a
walkway such as this twice a day would save 15 minutes per week and 10 hours a year.[citation needed]
Using the high-speed walkway is like using any other moving walkway, except that for safety
there are special procedures to follow when joining or leaving. When this walkway was
introduced, staff (seen here in yellow jackets) determined who could and who could not use it.
As riders must have at least one hand free to hold the handrail, those carrying bags, shopping,
etc., or who are infirm, must use the ordinary walkway nearby.

On entering, there is a 10-metre acceleration zone where the 'ground' is a series of metal rollers.
Riders stand still with both feet on these rollers and use one hand to hold the handrail and let it
pull them so that they glide over the rollers. The idea is to accelerate the riders so that they will
be traveling fast enough to step onto the moving walkway belt. Riders who try to walk on these
rollers are at significant risk of falling over.

Once on the walkway, riders can stand or walk. Owing to Newton's laws of motion, there is no
special sensation of travelling at speed, except for headwind.

At the exit, the same technique is used to decelerate the riders. Users step on to a series of rollers
which decelerate them slowly, rather than the abrupt halt which would otherwise take place.

In 2007, a similar high-speed walkway was opened in the newly opened Pier F of Pearson
International Airport in Toronto, Canada. This walkway is of the pallet type rather than the belt
type. The pallets "intermesh" with a comb and slot arrangement. They expand out of each other
when speeding up, and compress into each other when slowing down. The handrailings work in a
similar manner. The walkway moves at roughly 2 km/h when riders step onto it, speeds up to
approximately 7 km/h for the bulk of the length, and slows to 2 km/h again at the end.

In May 2009 it was announced that because of its unreliability and the number of users having
accidents, in 2011 the Parisian high-speed moving walkway will be replaced with a standard
moving walkway.

An inclined moving sidewalk at Beaudry metro station in Montreal, Canada

Inclined moving walkways

An inclined moving walkway is used in airports and supermarkets to move people to another
floor with the convenience of an elevator (namely, that people can take along their suitcase
trolley or shopping cart, or baby carriage) and the capacity of an escalator.

The carts have either a brake that is automatically applied when the cart handle is released,
strong magnets in the wheels to stay adhered to the floor, or specially designed wheels that
secure the cart within the grooves of the ramp, so that wheeled items travel alongside the riders
and do not slip away.

Some department stores instead use shopping cart conveyors to transport passengers and their
carts between store levels simultaneously.


A moving walkway at the Port Columbus International Airport, United States.

Moving walkways inside the Tom Bradley international terminal at Los Angeles International
Airport in Los Angeles, California, United States.

Moving walkways are frequently found in the following locations:


Moving walkways are commonly used in larger airports, as passengers often with heavy
luggage in tow typically need to walk considerable distances. Moving walkways may be used:
in passageways between concourses and the terminal

within particularly long concourses

as a connector between terminals, or

as access to a parking facility or a ground transport station.

Of particular note is the Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris, France, which has
several moving walkways inside a series of futuristic suspended tubes.

Museum exhibits

Moving sidewalks may be used:

to ensure that a museum exhibit is viewed in a certain sequence

to provide a particular aesthetic effect

to make sure the crowd moves through at a reliable pace.

The 1975-76 American Freedom Train did this; they had a moving walkway inside each
successive railroad car, thus maximizing the number of people who could view the interior
exhibits in the limited time the train was stopped in each town.[citation needed]

The National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC uses a moving walkway to connect the two main

The Tower of London in London, UK, uses a moving walkway where visitors are passing the
cabinets which contain the Crown Jewels.


Similar to museums, some zoological park exhibits have a moving walkway to ease guests
through an animal display or habitat. An aquarium at the Mall of America does this with a
moving walkway made up of specially rounded pallets that enable it to change directions en
route. The San Diego Zoo uses moving ramps to help guests ascend steep grades.

Theme parks

Some amusement park rides, such as continuous-motion dark rides like Disney's Haunted
Mansion, make use of a moving sidewalk to assist passengers in boarding and disembarking
rides and attractions. Some examples include:
the Ultra Twister, a roller coaster at the now closed Astroworld in Houston, Texas. (It had
a moving walkway with no handrail for passengers to step on prior to boarding their car.
The walkway would move at the same speed as the approaching cars, allowing
passengers completing the ride to step off and for boarding passengers to enter the car. A
loudspeaker announced "Moving conveyor, please watch your step" to warn of the
moving walkway.)

the exit from the Space Mountain attraction at Walt Disney World has a long moving
walkway which changes inclination multiple times.

the exit from the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Walt Disney World has an inclined
moving walkway leading towards a gift shop.

the exit from the Haunted Mansion attraction at Walt Disney World has a straight moving
walkway which leads to the ride's exit.


The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber uses a travelator in the number 'The
Phantom of the Opera' (act one, scene six), to give the illusion the Phantom and Christine are
traveling the catacombs below the Paris Opera House a great distance to the Phantom's lair on
the subterranean lake.

Public transport

Moving walkways are useful for remote platforms in underground subway/metro stations, or
assisting with lengthier connections between lines, for example Waterloo Underground Station in
London, United Kingdom, and between Central and Hong Kong stations on Hong Kong Island,
Hong Kong, as well as between Tsim Sha Tsui and East Tsim Sha Tsui stations in Kowloon,
Hong Kong.

Similar walkways exist in Singapore's Bugis MRT Station, Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station and
Serangoon MRT Station. In Glasgow, Scotland's Buchanan Street subway station a moving
walkway is used to connect the Subway station with Glasgow Queen Street Station.

In Toronto, Canada, a moving walkway existed between Spadina station on the Bloor-Danforth
subway line and Spadina station on the YongeUniversitySpadina line. Installed in 1978, this
series of moving walkways has since been removed (2004) and patrons are now required to walk
between the stations.

Urban areas

Hong Kong is one of the world's most heavily populated cities, and has public escalators that
connect many streets. See: CentralMid-Levels escalators
Skiers on a moving walkway


Moving walkways known as Magic carpets are also used in ski resorts. Skiers can place their
skis on the walkway which is designed to provide a strong level of grip. Since the walkways
cannot be too steep and are slow compared to other aerial lifts, they are used especially for
beginners or to transport people over a short uphill distance, such as to reach a restaurant or
another lift's station. Moving walkways can also be found at chairlifts' entrances to help
passengers in the boarding process.

Science fiction
The concept of a megalopolis based on high-speed walkways is common in science fiction. The
first works set in such a location are "A Story of the Days To Come" (1897) and When The
Sleeper Wakes (1899) (also republished as The Sleeper Awakes) written by H. G. Wells, which
take place in a future London. Thirty years later, the silent film Metropolis (1927) depicted
several scenes showing moving sidewalks and escalators between skyscrapers at high levels.
Later, the short story "The Roads Must Roll" (1940), written by Robert A. Heinlein, depicts the
risk of a transportation strike in a society based on similar-speed sidewalks. The novel is part of
the Future History saga, and takes place in 1976. Isaac Asimov, in the novel The Caves of Steel
(1954) and its sequels in the Robot series, uses similar enormous underground cities with a
similar sidewalk system. The period described is about the year 3000.

In each of these cases there is a massive network of parallel moving belts, the inner ones moving
faster. Passengers are screened from wind, and there are chairs and even shops on the belt. In the
Heinlein work the fast lane runs at 100 mph (160 km/h), and the first "mechanical road" was
built in 1960 between Cincinnati and Cleveland. The relative speed of two adjacent belts is
5 mph (8 km/h)[6] (in the book the fast lane stops, and the second lane keeps running at 95 mph
(152 km/h)). In the Wells and Asimov works there are more steps in the speed scale and the
speeds are less extreme.

In Arthur C. Clarke's novel, Against the Fall of Night (later rewritten as The City and the Stars)
the Megacity of Diaspar is interwoven with "moving ways" which, unlike Heinlein's conveyor
belts, are solid floors that can mysteriously move as a fluid. On pages 1113 of the novel, Clarke
An engineer of the ancient world would have gone slowly mad trying to understand how a solid
roadway could be fixed at both ends while its centre travelled at a hundred miles an hour... The
corridor still inclined upwards, and in a few hundred feet had curved through a complete right-
angle. But only logic knew this: to the senses it was now as if one were being hurried along an
absolutely level corridor. The fact that he was in reality travelling up a vertical shaft thousands of
feet deep gave Alvin no sense of insecurity, for a failure of the polarizing field was unthinkable.

In his non-fiction book Profiles of the Future, Arthur C. Clarke mentions moving sidewalks but
made of some sort of anisotropic material that could flow in the direction of travel but hold the
weight of a person. The fluid would have the advantage of offering a continuous gradient of
speed from the edge to edge so there would be no jumps, and simply moving from side to side
would effect a change in speed.

In the Strugatsky brothers Noon Universe, the worldwide network of moving roads is one of the
first megaprojects undertaken on newly united Earth, before the advent of FTL starships and its
consequences turned everybody's attention to the stars. These roads there are quasiliving
organisms similar to Clarke's description and were used for both local commuting and long-
distance non-urgent transport until their use was eclipsed by an instant teleportation network.

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