2016 National Drug Control Strategy

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Table of Contents

Introduction ..1

Chapter 1: Strengthen Efforts to Prevent Drug Use in Our Communities ..11

Chapter 2: Seek Early Intervention Opportunities in Health ...16

Chapter 3: Increasing Access to Treatment and Supporting Long-term Recovery ...21

Chapter 4: Criminal Justice Reform: Making the System More Effective and Fair ...32

Chapter 5: Disrupt Domestic Drug Trafficking and Production .37

Chapter 6: Strengthen Law Enforcement and International Partnerships to Reduce the Availability
of Foreign Produced Drugs in the United States ..46

Chapter 7: Improve Information Systems for Analysis, Assessment, and Local Management .54

Policy Focus: Reducing Drugged Driving ...61

Policy Focus: Preventing and Addressing Prescription Opioid Misuse and Opioid Use ..64

Conclusion .76

List of Acronyms ....78

References ......83

To the Congress of the United States:

I am pleased to transmit the 2016 National Drug Control Strategy summarizing the accomplishments of
my Administrations 21st century approach to drug policy and opportunities to continue to reduce
the burden of substance use in the United States. My Administration released its first Strategy in
2010 with a commitment to use the best available science and to consult broadly to develop a
balanced and comprehensive approach to drug policy that incorporates both public health and
public safety approaches to address this complex problem.
We set aggressive goals to reduce drug use by 2015 and though the results of our efforts are mixed,
we have seen progress in reducing drug use and in cooperation both nationally and internationally.
As a Nation we exceeded our goals for reducing alcohol and tobacco use among youth and for
reducing the number of new HIV infections attributable to drug use. We have been less successful
in reducing illicit drugs in youth and young adults as well as reducing the number of drug-induced
deaths and driving while drugged. We also face serious challenges including an epidemic of opioid
use and overdose deaths as well as growing threats from drug trafficking organizations involved in
manufacturing and distributing cocaine and synthetic drugs, including novel psychoactive
substances. These threats may continue to have an impact on drug use across lifespans, particularly
chronic drug use and its consequences that contribute to poor academic performance, crime,
underemployment, lost productivity, and health care costs, all of which threaten families and
My Administration has consistently sought a broad coalition of partners to provide input into the
development and enhancement of the Strategy during the past 7 years. We have invested in science
to better understand the nature of addiction and inform the prevention and treatment of addiction
and support services to help maintain recovery in the community. We have sought to use medical
terms and non-stigmatizing language when discussing substance use disorders, and those who suffer
from this disease. Our support for law enforcement has led to significant outcomes in taking down
drug trafficking organizations and removing millions of pounds of drugs from the market. And our
work with our international partners has been instrumental in our allies increasing regulation of
chemical precursors to synthetic drugs and reducing their movement across the globe. Throughout
my Administration, we have used the best available evidence to balance the Nations public health
and public safety and drive collaborative efforts to create healthier, safer, and more prosperous
The Nations work in reducing drug use and its consequences is not done and there are many
opportunities for advancing efforts to address ongoing and emerging challenges. I thank the
Congress for its continued support of our efforts and ask that you continue to support this vital

President Barack Obama

The White House

Preface from Director Botticelli

The 2016 National Drug Control Strategy highlights important accomplishments the Administration has
made in advancing a comprehensive and balanced approach to drug policy in the United States. From
the beginning, this Administrations Strategy has been informed by science and input from Congress,
Federal agencies, state and local partners, civic and professional organizations, and hundreds of
Americans who are committed to reducing the burden of substance use on friends, family members,
colleagues, and communities where they live. Over the course of this Administration, there have been
emerging challenges such as the opioid epidemic, new synthetic drugs, and drugged driving. President
Obamas Strategy has provided a solid framework for public health and public safety officials and other
stakeholders to collaborate and implement innovative solutions that work to prevent drug use, reduce
the stigma that creates barriers to treatment, create opportunities for sustained recovery, and move
support law enforcement as they work to reduce the availability of drugs across the Nation.

Perhaps the most powerful tool for reducing drug use across the Nation is the Affordable Care Act
which helped to guarantee substance use services for millions of Americans through the Marketplaces
and Medicaid expansion. The Administration has partnered with medical schools and medical
associations to educate practitioners about substance use disorders, especially opioid use disorders,
thus increasing the number of opportunities that individuals with a substance use disorder can be
identified and offered treatment. Also, in 2016, a landmark report, The Surgeon Generals Report on
Substance Use, Addiction, and Health, was released.

One of the most visible challenges for the Nation has been the epidemic of opioid use and deaths
resulting from opioid overdoses. As it became clear that the opioid epidemic was linked to the misuse
of powerful opioid pain medications, the Administration responded with a plan designed to reduce
prescription drug use. This plan was built upon the Strategy and works to reduce prescription drug use
through education, enhanced monitoring of prescription use, creating opportunities to safely dispose
of un-used prescription drugs, and providing tools for law enforcement to reduce the availability of
prescription drugs in the community. Additionally, the Administration has actively supported
community efforts to make the life-saving drug naltrexone widely available to reverse opioid drug
overdoses and reduce the number of deaths associated with opioid use. These and other efforts reflect
efforts by the Administration to integrate public health and public safety approaches to address the
Nations needs.

While we have continued to pursue the goals set forth in President Obamas Strategy, we and our
partners have not forgotten that we are working for to improve the lives of millions of Americans
affected by substance use. During my tenure as Director of National Drug Control Policy, I have
meet hundreds of individuals who are working towards recovery and hundreds of public health and
public safety professionals who are working alongside each other to make this Strategy a reality.
Though we have accomplished many of the tasks that the President has set for us, we as a Nation also
have many more opportunities to work on reducing the burden of substance use and creating healthy

Michael P. Botticelli
Director of Drug Control Policy

President Obama in 2010, with his inaugural National Drug Control Strategy (Strategy), announced his
commitment to implementing a comprehensive and balanced approach based on scientific evidence
to reduce the burden of drug use on the Nations communities. This and subsequent Strategies released
over the past seven years fulfilled his commitment through efforts to:

Prevent drug use before it starts;

Train and deploy health care professionals to intervene before problematic use and substance
use disorders (SUD) develop;
Provide access to SUD treatment for the more than 22 million Americans who need care;
Ensure the availability of services to support the recovery of those who have benefitted from
Reduce the stigma associated with SUD by eliminating barriers that impede access to
treatment, housing, employment, and other basic needs;
Reform the Nations criminal justice system to reduce incarceration and recidivism;
Support law enforcement efforts to reduce the supply of illicit drugs in America;
Coordinate drug control efforts among our international partners to reduce the cultivation,
manufacture and trafficking of illicit drugs; and
Enhance data collection systems and research capabilities to better support policy formulation,
implementation and assessment.

The central concept behind the Presidents Strategy is the understanding that SUD is not a hopeless
problem, but a brain disease that can be prevented, treated, and from which people can and do recover.
Successful implementation of the Strategy required a balanced approach involving prevention,
treatment and law enforcement.

This Strategy, building on advancements made over the course of the Administration, looks back over
the past seven years to assess the accomplishments made in the area of drug control policy. Perhaps
the single most important accomplishment in this area is the passage and implementation of the
Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA builds on the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental
Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) which requires group health plans and
health insurance issuers to guarantee that financial requirements (e.g., co-pays and deductibles) and
treatment limitations (e.g., visit limits) applied by most health plans and insurers to SUD and mental
health disorders benefits be no more restrictive than the financial predominant requirements or
treatment limitations applied to medical and surgical benefits.1 As of March 2016, approximately 20
million individuals gained coverage via the Marketplaces and Medicaid expansion, because they were
young adults who were able to stay on their parents plans, or through other coverage provisions.2
This translates into many more opportunities for access to screening and early intervention to help
identify substance use before it becomes problematic. In addition, the Administration is working with
medical schools and associations to increase the number of health care practitioners trained to provide
SUD treatment especially for opioid use disorder) in primary care and other settings.

The greatest drug threat to the Nation during the Administration has been the continuing opioid
epidemic, which began with the overprescribing of powerful long-acting, time-released opioid

medications originally prescribed for the relief of pain. In recent years, the epidemic was further
complicated by a sharp increase in the supply and subsequent use of high purity, low cost heroin
produced in Mexico and Colombia3 and the trafficking of illicitly produced fentanyl, a powerful
synthetic opioid. The response has been comprehensive and multi-faceted. Initially, the
Administration formulated a plan to reduce prescription drug misuse. It contains four pillars. First,
education is critical for the public and for healthcare providers to increase awareness about the dangers
of prescription drug misuse, and about ways to appropriately dispense, store, and dispose of controlled
substance medications. Second, enhancement and increased utilization of prescription drug
monitoring programs will help to identify individuals with opioid use disorders (OUDs) and detect
therapeutic duplication and drug-drug interactions. Third, the development of consumer-friendly and
environmentally-responsible prescription drug disposal programs may help to limit the diversion of
drugs. Fourth, by providing law enforcement agencies with the support and tools they need, their
efforts to target diversion of prescription pain medication may be enhanced.

Building upon these initial efforts, the Administration encouraged state and local authorities, especially
police departments and other first responders, to adopt the use of naloxone, an opioid antagonist that
can reverse an opioid overdose. The Administration also encouraged wider adoption of emergency
department-based programs that assist overdose victims to transition from overdose recovery to
treatment. The Administration also sought to increase the use of medication-assisted therapy (MAT),
including for criminal justice populations. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved
three medications for the treatment of OUD: methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone. The World
Health Organization recently issued standards for the treatment of drug use disorders that includes
the use of MAT to treat OUD.4

The Nation has seen results from these actions. The number of young adults who used prescription
pain medications non-medically in the past year dropped by about one-third between 2009 and 2014.5
In 2015, there were 16.6 million fewer prescriptions for opioid medications than the previous year
prescriptions for nearly all other categories of prescription drugs in 2015 increased over the previous
year.6 In 2012, deaths involving opioid declined for the first time since 1999 but rose again between
2013 and 2014. 7,8 In 2014, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued its final rule
implementing a regulation governing the disposal of controlled medications.9 Patients who have such
medications but who no longer have a need for them can now safely dispose of them by returning
them to the pharmacy and other methods. Across the country police departments and other first
responders have adopted the use of naloxone and reversed thousands of opioid overdoses and saved
countless lives. In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidelines for
prescribing opioids for chronic pain.10

The market for illicit opioids, including diverted opioid medications, heroin, and fentanyl, is driven by
those who use these drugs frequently. Treatment is the most effective way to reduce demand for the
drugs. Recognizing this reality, the President has requested $1 billion in new mandatory funding over
two years to address the opioid epidemic and expand treatment for OUDs. An additional $ 90 million
in new resources that was requested in the FY 2017 Budget that would continue and build on efforts
at Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to expand
state-level prescription drug overdose prevention strategies, increase the availability of medication-
assisted treatment programs, improve access to the overdose-reversal drug naloxone, and support
targeted enforcement activities.

There has been substantial progress across a number of other priority areas during this Administration,

Strengthening prevention efforts t through school-based education programs and continuing

support for communities through the Drug-Free Communities Support program;
Expanding screening and brief interventions into new settings to take advantage of
opportunities available through the ACA and advances in intervention science;
Integrating treatment and recovery support services into mainstream health care settings to
improve access to care for individuals with SUDs;
Training and equipping health care providers with the skills necessary to ensure SUD services
are available in areas of greatest need;
Improving access to and increasing awareness of transitional housing facilities in under-served
rural areas for those in recovery;
Improving access to services for offenders re-entering the community, including expanding
MAT for offenders prior to release, and expanding alternatives to incarceration to break the
vicious cycle of drug use, crime, and incarceration;
Enhancing efforts to counter drug trafficking networks and secure the Nations borders to
reduce the flow of dangerous drugs into the United States;
Building on successes with international partners to eradicate drug crops and reduce the supply
of precursor chemicals; and
Continuing work with Federal partners to enhance and strengthen the Federal Governments
drug-related data systems.

The remainder of this chapter provides a detailed assessment of the progress the Nation has
achieved in accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Strategy. The chapters that follow
highlight the major drug policy issues that have been addressed by this Administration in the areas
of prevention, brief intervention, treatment and recovery, criminal justice reform, law enforcement,
international programs, and data collection and analysis. Chapters on two special focus areas,
drugged driving and opioids, follow. For each chapter and policy issue, both the accomplishments
achieved and opportunities for future progress are discussed.

Progress toward Achieving the Goals of the Strategy

The Obama Administrations inaugural Strategy, published in 2010, established the following two
overarching Goals to reduce drug use and its consequences by 2015:

Goal 1: Curtail illicit drug consumption in America; and

Goal 2: Improve the public health and public safety of the American people by reducing the
consequences of substance use.

For each of the Strategy Goals and Objectives, the following definitions are applied to assess progress:
Target Met or Exceeded (Given the data available at this time, progress should be maintained.)
Progress Sufficient to Meet Target (Given the data available at this time, there is a reasonable
expectation that the target will be met.)

Progress Required to Meet Target (Movement toward the target is in the right direction; based
on the data available at this time, additional efforts are required.)
Insufficient Progress (Movement toward the target is moderate; based on the data available at this
time, significant progress is required to meet target.)
No Progress to Date, or, Target Not Met (For No Progress to Date, movement toward the
target is stalled or not in the right direction. For Target Not Met, based on 2015 or the most recent
available data, target was not achieved.)
Progress Cannot be Assessed (The category Progress Cannot be Assessed is used where data updates
are pending or a cessation of data availability occurred before a final progress assessment could be determined.)

The Strategy, developed through an extensive consultation process with Federal, state, local, and tribal
partners, addressed the Nations call for a balanced policy of prevention, treatment, recovery,
enforcement, and international cooperation. It also reflected the close collaboration between
ONDCP and its Federal drug control agency partners in undertaking evidence-based programs,
policies, and practices to achieve desired performance outcomes by 2015.

Both of the Strategys Goals have been strongly supported by domestic and international programs and
activities to reduce the availability of illicit drugs. Efforts to reduce the supply of drugs and enforce
the laws of the United States are focused on decreasing crime, increasing the protection of U.S.
borders, disrupting trafficking networks, and curtailing the international and domestic production of

The Strategy calls for a 1015 percent reduction over 5 years in the rate of young adult drug use,
chronic drug use, and drugrelated consequences, such as drugrelated morbidity and drugged
driving. Seven measures (3 of the measures have more than one sub-measure so that, in effect, there
are 13 measures in total) were developed to assess progress (see Table 11 on next page) toward
achieving the two Goals of curtailing illicit drug consumption in America and improving the public
health and public safety of the American people by reducing the consequences of drug use. This
chapter describes each of the seven Strategy measures along with their baselines, 2015 targets, data
sources, and assessments of progresstodate.

Assessment of Progress

Thirteen performance measures are used to assess progress toward achieving the Strategys goals of
curtailing illicit drug consumption in America and improving the public health and public safety of the
American people by reducing the consequences of drug use. The following paragraphs discuss the
final assessment of the Nations progress toward reaching these goals.

Of the 13 performance measures identified to assess progress in the Strategy, three met or exceeded
the targets set in 2009. The first two measures include decreasing the lifetime prevalence of alcohol
use and tobacco use among 8th graders by 15 percent by 2015. By 2015, alcohol use among 8th
graders had dropped to 26.1 percent, and tobacco use had fallen to 17.1 percent. These numbers are16
percent and 22 percent, respectively, below the targets set in 2009. The third measure, reducing HIV
infections attributable to injection drug use, exceeded the target of 4,929 newly diagnosed HIV
infections attributable to drug use by 22 percent (3,852 newly diagnosed HIV infections attributable

to drug use) one year earlier than the target of 2015. One measure, 30-day prevalence of drug use by
youth ages 12 to 17, shows insufficient progress toward its goal of 8.6 percent.

Table 1-1: National Drug Control Strategy Goals & Measures, Baselines, Targets, and Progress-to-date

National Drug Control Strategy Progress-to-

Goal/Measure Baseline date 2015 Target Assessment
Strategy Goal 1: Curtail illicit drug consumption in America
Strategy Measures
1a: Decrease the 30-day prevalence 10.1% 9.4% 8.6% Insufficient progress
of drug use among 12- to 17-year- (2009) (2014)
olds by 15%11
1b: Decrease the lifetime prevalence of 8th graders who have used drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by 15%12
- Illicit Drugs 19.9% 20.5% 16.9% Target not met
(2009) (2015)
- Alcohol 36.6% 26.1% 31.1% Target met or exceeded
(2009) (2015)
- Tobacco 20.1% 13.3% 17.1% Target met or exceeded
(2009) (2015)
1c: Decrease the 30-day prevalence 21.4% 22.0% 19.3% Target not met
of drug use among young adults (2009) (2014)
aged 18-25 by 10%13
1d: Reduce the number of chronic drug users by 15%14
- Cocaine 2,700,000 2,500,000 2,295,000 Progress cannot be assessed
(2009) (2010)
- Heroin 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,275,000 Progress cannot be assessed
(2009) (2010)
- Methamphetamine 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,530,000 Progress cannot be assessed
(2009) (2010)
- Marijuana 16,200,000 17,600,000 13,770,000 Progress cannot be assessed
(2009) (2010)
Strategy Goal 2: Improve the public health and public safety of the American people by reducing the consequences of
drug use

2a: Reduce drug-induced deaths by 39,147 55,403 33,275 Target not met
15%15 (2009) (2015)
2b: Reduce drug-related morbidity by 15%
- Emergency room visits for drug 2,070,452 2,462,948 1,759,884 Progress cannot be assessed
misuse and abuse16 (2009) (2011)
- HIV infections attributable to 5,799 3,852 4,929 Target met or exceeded
drug use17 (2009) (2014)
2c: Reduce the prevalence of drugged driving by 10%
- Data Source: National Roadside 16.3% 20.0% 14.7% No progress to date
Survey18 (2009) 2013/2014 2014

Two measures, the prevalence of lifetime illicit drug use by 8th graders and 30-day prevalence of drug
use among young adults aged 18-25 did not meet their targets of 16.9 percent and 19.3 percent
respectively. Two other measures, the prevalence of people who drive after using drugs and reducing

the number of drug-induced deaths showed no progress to date in reaching their targets of 14.7% and
33,275 respectively. Lifetime prevalence of drug use by 8th graders increased to 20.5 percent in 2015,
which is 0.6 of a percentage point above the 2009 baseline and nearly 4 percentage points above the
2015 target. The most recent prevalence data available indicate that past 30-day drug use among young
adults aged 18-25 has remained unchanged since 2009. This measure is driven primarily by the
prevalence of marijuana use, which was unchanged over this period of time. Prevalence of drugged
driving increased to 20.0, percent which is 23 percent above the 2009 baseline of 16.3 percent.* Below
is a specific discussion of the progress for each of the measures.

Four measures addressing chronic use of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine progress
could not be assessed due to a lack of availability of updated data. Though 2015 data are not available
for these measures at the time of publication of this report, the available data or other related data
suggest that is unlikely that the Nation will achieve these targets. The most recent data available on
the use of marijuana and heroin indicate that the prevalence of use of these drugs may be moving in
the wrong direction, which suggests that the number of people who use these two drugs chronically
also may be increasing. Vital statistics data show that the number of drug-induced deaths rose 27
percent from 2009 to 2014, and preliminary information suggests that this metric may continue to
move in the wrong direction, even though progress has been made in the implementation of overdose
reversal protocols across many states. Similarly, progress could not be assessed regarding the number
of drug-related emergency room visits. This measure was informed by data from the Drug Abuse
Warning System (DAWN); the DAWN data system was discontinued in 2011. The Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the National Center for Health Statistics, and
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are collaborating on a new effort to collect drug-related
emergency department data. Data collection began in calendar year 2016, and preliminary findings
are expected to be available by the end of calendar year 2017.

Measure 1 a: Decrease the 30day prevalence of drug use among 12 to 17yearolds by 15%

The data for this measure are drawn from SAMHSAs National Survey on Drug Use and Health
(NSDUH),which provides annual data on the substance use behavior of civilian, noninstitutionalized
populations 12 years of age and older, including ages of initiation for each substance. Included in the
nearly 70,000 annual respondents are college students in dormitories, people living in homeless
shelters, and civilians living on military bases. A 2009 baseline estimate of 10.1 percent was established
for the measure, with a 2015 target of 8.6 percent.

After two years of trending toward achieving the 2015 target of 8.6 percent, estimates for past 30-day
illicit drug use among 12-to-17-year-olds, increased from 8.8 percent in 2013 to 9.4 percent in 2014.
This is approximately 9 percent above the 2015 target. This most recent increase appears to be driven
by a 20 percent increase in illicit drug use other than marijuana (from 3.0% in 2013 to 3.6% in 2014).
However, prior to 2014 the rate of use of illicit drugs other than marijuana among youth had been
dropping steadily from 4.6 percent in 2009 to 3.0 percent in 2013.
As noted above, this measure is one of the two used to assess the Nations progress toward achieving
the Strategys goals that is affected by the 2015 redesign of the NSDUH. In order to achieve the target,
the 2015 estimate would have had to drop 0.8 of a percentage point. The 2015 NSDUH for the
prevalence of marijuana use among youth, for which there is not a break in the trend, indicates there
was no change from the 2014 estimate. Coupled with the trend for the rate of use of drugs other than

* The 2013/2014 National Roadside Survey results are used as the terminal data for this measure.

marijuana, it is possible that the Nation may have achieved this target, but due to the break in the
trend resulting from the 2015 re-design, it is not possible to make a definitive statement; therefore,
this measure has been rated as insufficient progress.

Measure 1b: Decrease the lifetime prevalence of 8th graders who have used drugs, alcohol, or
tobacco by 15 percent

The data for this measure are taken from the Monitoring the Future (MTF) study, which is supported
by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The MTF data on the use of drugs, alcohol, or
tobacco by 8th grade students are not combined within the study and are presented here separately,
resulting in three measures. The 2009 baselines are (1) any illicit drug, 19.9 percent; (2) alcohol, 36.6
percent; and (3) tobacco/cigarettes, 20.1 percent. The 2015 targets are (1) any illicit drug, 16.9 percent;
(2) alcohol, 31.1 percent; and (3) tobacco/cigarettes, 17.1 percent.

According to data from the 2015 MTF study, the Nation met the targets for reducing lifetime use of
alcohol and cigarettes among 8th graders: 27 percent for alcohol and 33 percent for cigarettes. Until
2012, the Nation was on target for achieving the goal for illicit drugs; however, by 2015, illicit drug use
among 8th graders had increased to 20.5 percent which is 3 percent above the 2009 baseline level of
19.9 percent and 21 percent above the 2015 target of 16.9 percent; therefore, the Nation did not meet
the target for this measure.

Measure 1c: Decrease the 30day prevalence of drug use among young adults aged 1825 by
10 percent

The data for this measure are taken from the NSDUH, with a 2009 baseline estimate of 21.4 percent
and a 2015 target of 19.3 percent. As noted above, the 2015 NSDUH underwent a partial re-design
that resulted in data from 2015 not being comparable to data from earlier years. This is the second of
two Strategy goal measures for which there is a break in the trend due to the re-design. With respect
to the reduction in the use of any illicit drug among young adults, the Strategy set a goal of reducing
such use by 10 percent, from 21.4 percent in 2009 to 19.3 percent by 2015. Between 2009 and 2014,
past 30 day use of any illicit drug showed no change from the 2009 baseline estimate. It is therefore
unlikely that in the absence of the re-design the data would suggest that the Nation made up the
needed deficit in one year and achieved the 2015 target. Consequently, this measure is assessed as
target not met.

The primary reason for this lack of success is the continued and unchanging high prevalence of past
month marijuana use among young adults nearly 20 percent since 2009. However, when marijuana
is excluded from the estimation of illicit drug use, the Nation more than doubled the targeted reduction
by 2014 a 24 percent decline from 2009 to 2014. This decline was been driven by a 25 percent decline
in past-month non-medical use of prescription drugs overall, which, in turn, was driven by a 31 percent
decline in past-month non-medical use of opioid medications.

For the purposes of the PRS, tobacco use was defined as the use of cigarettes. Although the Monitoring the Future Study the data
source for this measureasks questions about other forms of tobacco use, including small cigars, smokeless, hookahs, dissolvable,
and in 2014, ecigarettes, some of these are asked only of seniors. The MTF does not report an overall estimate for all tobacco
products combined. It was the consensus of the interagency group who assisted in developing the PRS measures that cigarette use
would be the proxy measure for tobacco use.

Measure 1 d: Reduce the number of chronic drug users by 15 percent

There are four measures for assessing progress in reducing the number of people who use drugs
chronically, one for each of the four major drugs: cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine.
The data for assessing these measures are from the 2010 report, What Americas Users Spend on
Illegal Drugs: 2000-2010 (ONDCP 2014). As noted above, data from this report are available only
through 2010, and therefore, a final progress assessment for this measure cannot be made. This
report estimates the retail value of the illicit drug market. In producing these estimates, two other
estimates are calculated: the number of people who use (occasional and chronic) each of the four
major drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine) and the amount of each drug
consumed by these individuals. The latest estimates of drug consumption, including the number of
people who used drugs chronically, are only available through 2010. Other measures such as illicit
crop cultivation, mortality, seizures, and workplace drug testing positive rates provide indications of
trends since 2010. Progress toward achieving each of these measures is discussed below.

Cocaine: In 2010, there were 200,000 fewer individuals estimated to be using cocaine chronically than
in 2009 (2.7 million). This reduction was consistent with the downward trending estimates of the
amount of drugs consumed from 2009 (161 metric tons) to 2010 (145 metric tons). However, several
cocaine indicators focusing on availability and initiation appear to be moving in the wrong direction
including a doubling in Colombian coca cultivation from 2013 to 2015 and a 27 percent increase the
number of Americans initiating use of cocaine (601,000 in 2013 to 766,000 in 2014).

Heroin: The number of people who used heroin chronically remained stable at 1.5 million between
2009 and 2010. However, several other indicators used to measure heroin availability and its
consequences suggest that the number of people using heroin chronically may have increased since
2010 including a 150 percent increase Mexican opium poppy cultivation from 2013 to 2015 and a 248
percent increase in drug overdose deaths involving heroin from 2010 to 2014.

Marijuana: The 2009 estimate of the number of people who used marijuana chronically (16.2
million) increased to 17.6 million in 2010, moving away from the 2015 target number of 13.8 million.
Indicators that estimate the amount of drugs consumed increased from 5.1 metric tons in 2009 to
5.7 metric tons in 2010 and NSDUH found that marijuana use has increased in from 8.7 percent in
2009 to 10.2 percent in 2014 among the general population 12 and older.

Methamphetamine: The 2009 estimate of 1 . 9 m i l l i o n people who use methamphetamine

chronically decreased to 1.6 million in 2010 and it appeared to be on track to meet the 2015 target of
1.5 million people who chronically used methamphetamine. However, other data indicators of
methamphetamine use and availability appear to be moving in the wrong direction. The amount of
consumed methamphetamine increased during this same period from 40 metric tons consumed in
2009 to 42 metric tons consumed in 2010. Estimated methamphetamine use among individuals 12
and older doubled from 0.1 percent in 2010 to 0.2 percent 2011 and remained constant through
2014. Domestic seizure submissions to forensic labs increased 48 percent between 2010 and 2014,
and Southwest Border seizures rose 215 percent between 2010 and 2015.

The report defines chronic use of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine as use of the drug on four or more days per month
essentially once per week. For marijuana there are three categories of chronic use: weekly (4 to 10 days per month); more than weekly
(11 to 20 days per month); and daily/near daily (21 or more days per month). Occasional use for all four drugs is defined as use less
than four times per month.

Measure 2 a: Reduce druginduced deaths by 15 percent

The data for this measure are taken from Vital Statistics Data compiled by the CDCs National Center
for Health Statistics (NCHS), which includes data from all death certificates filed in the 50 states and
the District of Columbia. NCHS tabulates deaths attributable to various causes, including drug
induced mortality. Causes of death attributable to drugs include accidental or intentional poisonings
by drugs, drug psychoses, drug dependence, and nondependent use of drugs. Druginduced causes
exclude accidents, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to drug use.

The target has not been met in achieving the target for reducing drug-induced deaths. In 2009, there
were 39,147 druginduced deaths; 37,004 of these were drug poisoning deaths and 20,848 of those
were reported to involve prescription drugs. The 2015 target strives to reduce the number of drug
induced deaths by 15 percent (33,275). In 2015, there were 55,403 druginduced deaths, an increase
of 42 percent compared to 2009. Of the 55,403 druginduced deaths in 2015, 52,404 (94 percent)
were drug poisonings, the majority of which (31,181) involved prescription drugs, especially opioid
medications (24,508).

Measure 2 b: Reduce drugrelated morbidity by 15 percent

There are two measures assessing drug-related morbidity. The first examines drug-related emergency
department visits. The data source for this measure is estimates from the Drug Abuse Warning
Network (DAWN) of drugrelated emergency department (ED) visits. The second measure assesses
the number of people newly diagnosed with HIV who were infected through injection drug use.
Data for the number of people newly diagnosed with HIV infection are compiled by CDC (CDC
February 2015, November 2015).**

The 2009 baseline estimate for drug-related ED visits is 2,070,452. In 2011, the latest data that is
available from DAWN, the number of people going to the emergency room for drug misuse and
abuse was moving in the wrong direction with 2,462,948 visits in 2011. This increase was attributable
to rises in visits related to both illicit drugs and prescription drugs. In 2011, there were 1,252,500
visits related to illicit drugs, up from 974,392 such visits in 2009. Likewise, in 2011, there were
1,428,145 ED visits related to prescription drugs, up from 1,243,606 in 2009.

The 2009 baseline estimate of the number of individuals wi t h n ewl y diagnosed HIV infection
acquired through injected drug use (IDU) is 5,799 (which includes those in the transmission category
of maletomale sexual contact and IDU); the 2015 target strives to lower this number by 15 percent
to 4,929. The 2014 data show that 3,852 individuals were diagnosed with drug-related HIV
infection, indicating that the 2015 target has been exceeded.

Of note, not all drug poisoning deaths report the drug(s) involved; a death can involve more than one drug, so any drugspecific
involvement in a death should be considered floor estimates.
** The data source for this measure was changed in 2015 on the advice of CDC staff from cases of incidence of drugrelated HIV to

diagnoses of such cases since the estimates of the incident cases are not expected to be produced in time to be useful in assessing
progress toward achieving this measure.

Measure 2 c: Reduce the prevalence of drugged driving by 10 percent

The data source for this measure is the National Roadside Survey conducted by the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The Roadside Survey is a nationally representative
survey of drivers on U.S. roads. The baseline survey, conducted in 2007, found that 16.3 percent of
weekend, nighttime drivers tested positive for the presence of at least one illicit drug or medication
(with the ability to impair driving skills). The 2015 target is 14.7 percent. The followup survey was
conducted in 2013-2014 and found that the prevalence of nighttime weekend driving after
consuming drugs or medications rose to 20.0 percent. Consequently, this measure is assessed as no
progress to date.


Progress in implementing the Presidents Strategy over this next year and beyond will require a
comprehensive effort that includes Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies,
international institutions and partner nations, nongovernmental organizations, academia, private
industry, and American citizens from all walks of life.


Chapter 1. Strengthen Efforts to Prevent

Drug Use in Our Communities
Preventing substance use before it starts is a fundamental element of the Administrations balanced
approach to drug policy. Monitoring drug use trends and supporting research to inform the
development and implementation of evidence-based prevention activities has been a key focus of
these efforts. Research has shown that each dollar invested in proven school-based prevention
programs can reduce social costs, including those related to substance use, by an average of $18.1
When evidence-based substance use prevention programs are properly implemented by schools and
communities, illicit drug use is reduced.

The Administration also has focused on streamlining Federal coordination and responding to specific
drug threats, such as marijuana, synthetic drugs, and opioids; educating stakeholders about the
importance of expanding evidence-based programs; building a national prevention system based on
current, effective programs and activities; collaborating with state and local governments, schools, and
community coalitions to enhance coordination across agencies; expanding the focus on the entire
community instead of the individual; and addressing the impact of substance use on youth.


The following sections describe significant accomplishments for the Nation over the past seven years
and opportunities for future efforts.

Principle: A National Prevention System Must be Grounded at the Community Level

Prevention efforts are successful when they are grounded at the community level, collaborative, and
involve multiple sectors of a community, including parents, schools, health and social service systems,
hospitals, law enforcement, faith communities, local businesses, neighborhood organizations, and
youth. Three Federal programs support the Nations prevention infrastructure through primary
prevention planning, implementation, and evaluation: the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Administrations (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant and the
Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success grants; and ONDCPs Drug-Free
Communities (DFC) Support Program. The contributions of DFC-funded community coalitions
constitute a critical part of the Nations prevention infrastructure. This investment in DFCs
philosophy that local problems, require local solutions has resulted in the DFC Programs success.
Since 2009, DFC-funded community coalitions have consistently shown positive outcomes in the
prevention and reduction of youth substance use. Based on core measures data collected by DFC
grantees from 2002 to 2014, the National Evaluation found that past 30-day prevalence of use declined
significantly from first to most recent observation across all substances (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana
and prescription drugs) at the middle school and high school level.2 DFC coalitions serve as a catalyst
in their communities for creating sustainable local change for the specific substances affecting their

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 came new Internal Revenue Service
standards that require tax-exempt hospitals to provide a benefit to the overall health of the
communities they serve.3 These community benefit requirements can take many forms, including

support for local community building activities, charity care, direct funding or in-kind support, and
workforce development.4 The IRS estimates the value of the Community Benefit nationwide to be
$62.4 billion.5 ONDCP is actively involved in increasing awareness of the community benefit through
conferences and webinars, and fostering on-the-ground collaborations between non-profit hospitals
and community coalitions to provide resources for local substance use prevention efforts.

ONDCP has hosted a series of webinars on evidence-based prevention practices and the science of
prevention for parents, care givers, and public health, state, and law enforcement officials. The agency
also hosted a webinar series in April and November 2015 on New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)
that examined the health consequences of NPS use, manufacturing, and strategies employed by state,
local, and community entities to reduce the use and availability of NPS.

Principle: Prevention Efforts Must Encompass the Range of Settings in Which Young People Grow Up

Engaging youth in multiple settings is essential to educating them about the importance of staying
healthy and above negative influences such as substance use. Young people need to hear messages
about the harmful effects of drug use from multiple sources peers, parents, teachers, mentors, faith
leaders, employers, and the media, for example and in multiple places, such as in the home, school,
and the media.6 They also need to hear these messages continuously throughout their lives.7 While
many social and cultural factors also may affect drug use trends, when young people perceive drug use
as harmful, they reduce their level of use.8

DFC-funded community coalitions work to reduce substance use among youth and to create safer
and healthier communities across the country. Between February 2014 and August 2014, 94 percent
of DFC grantees distributed prevention messaging via print and electronic media. DFC grantees also
utilized social media to communicate prevention messaging with youth garnering more than half a
million hits. DFC-funded coalitions also directly engaged youth and adults in their communities in a
broad range of settings; reached more than 740,000 people with special events; held more than 7,000
direct face-to-face information sessions and reached 130,000 adults and more than 150,000 youth;
trained over 330,000 youth, parents, and other community members; recognized more than 9,000
businesses for compliance with local ordinances; and helped to pass or modify 557 laws or policies.
Over 130,000 youth were specifically engaged in many activities such as Drug-free parties and alternate
community events supported by the coalition, including over 38,000 young people in youth recreation
programs and over 21,000 in youth organizations. Over 300,000 youth participated in activities to
reduce home and social access to substances.9 The evaluation of the program indicates that substance
use among youth in DFC communities is below the national average.

The Above the Influence (ATI) campaign, originally funded by ONDCP and now transitioned to the
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids (PDFK), plays a unique and important role in preventing youth drug
use. In recognition of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, Mentor Foundation USA
partnered with ONDCP and the PDFK to host the 4th annual Above the Influence Day, during which
over 200 students had the opportunity to interact with peers and learn strategies to stay above negative
influences through the arts.

Since 2010, the Administration has been focused on educating parents and other adult influencers
because they are essential to changing the way youth see and hear messaging regarding substance use.
In 2011, the DEA and Department of Education (ED) collaborated to revise their most popular
publication, Growing up Drug Free: A Parents Guide to Prevention, a user-friendly guide geared to educate

parents on how to talk to their kids about the dangers of drugs. DEA and ED are currently working
to update the guide and prepare a Spanish language edition. In 2014 and 2015, ONDCP co-hosted
with the NIDA a webinar for parents and caregivers that focused on the importance of parental
involvement and early intervention. The webinar, which featured parents of children lost to substance
use, reached over 500 parents, caregivers, school nurses, and prevention providers, and provided tools
and resources for local-level implementation of prevention strategies.

Principle: Develop and Disseminate Information on Youth Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use

The Administration continues to develop information on youth drug, alcohol, and tobacco use to help
prevent youth substance use. In recognition of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month in March
2015, representatives from ONDCP, ED, the Institute of Education Sciences, and the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) met to foster cross-discipline data sharing in support of the Adolescent
Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD Study).10 The ABCD study, led by the Collaborative
Research on Addiction Partnership at the NIH initiative, is the largest long-term study of brain
development and child health in the United States. Data from the study will increase our understanding
of the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain and help policymakers target resources where they are
most needed.

Targeting the environment of young children can positively affect subsequent behavior. In 2016,
NIDA released Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood, the first-ever research-based
guide on substance use prevention in early childhood. The guide will provide principles for intervening
early in childhood as well as resources for practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supports research to reduce
harmful and underage drinking by college students, and its consequences. In 2015, the Institute
released the College Alcohol Intervention Matrix, CollegeAIM, a research-based decision tool and
guide to help colleges and universities choose wisely among strategies to meet their alcohol
intervention goals. CollegeAIM allows users to compare nearly 60 individual- and environmental-
level strategies based on factors such as cost, effectiveness, and ease of implementation, helping them
choose those interventions that best fit the needs of their campus.

In 2016, ED made available free of charge their School Climate Surveys, new high-quality, adaptable
surveys and associated web-based platform that allow States, local districts, and schools to collect and
act on reliable, nationally-validated school climate data (including substance use indicators) in real
time. The platform processes data and provides user-friendly reports in real-time. Education agencies
administering the survey can store the data locally on their own data systems. ED will not have access
to the data. In 2017, ED will survey a nationally-representative sample of schools to create school
climate benchmark scores. These benchmark scores will be added to the platforms reporting
functionality to enable comparisons between local and national scores.

In 2011, the Department of Defense Education Agency distributed a parent-teacher resource guide
to 194 schools, reaching 85,000 students worldwide. In 2014, ONDCP successfully collaborated with
EDs Office of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide drug prevention messaging and
materials to more than 10,000 21st Century Community Learning Center grantees through the You for
Youth (Y4Y) portal, an online professional development and technical-assistance tool. Also in 2014,
ONDCP and ED hosted an academic forum for educators, researchers, and prevention specialists to
examine the nexus between substance use and academic achievement among youth. Forum panelists

shared their research findings and strategies to implement evidence-based prevention interventions in
school settings.

Principle: Criminal Justice Agencies and Prevention Organizations Must Collaborate

The Administration has made a concerted effort to foster public health and public safety collaboration
and share information on effective prevention strategies with law enforcement. An ONDCP-
sponsored webinar entitled The Science of Prevention: Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce Drug
Use was held on August 4, 2015, with the goal of expanding an understanding of effective prevention
strategies within the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program. HIDTAs provide
assistance to Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies that operate in areas determined
to be critical drug-trafficking regions of the United States.

Currently, 22 regional HIDTA programs, including those in Southwest border (SWB) regions, support
prevention activities. Forces United, a program funded by the SWB HIDTA/San Diego Region,
supports efforts by the four California HIDTA regions Opioid Prevention Committees and serves as
an example of public health and public safety working together to address common challenges. The
program also helps coordinate the Committees efforts regarding naloxone guidelines; educating
patients, parents, and law enforcement; prescription drug monitoring programs; prescription drug
take-back programs; and implementation of a grant to support recovery from SUDs.

In 2012, DEA updated two of its drug websites: GetSmartAboutDrugs.com, which is geared toward
parents, and the teen-focused JustThinkTwice.com. Both sites continue to educate millions of youth
about the impact of substance use and offer links to resources for support.

In 2016, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released the first-ever Surgeon Generals Report on
Substance Use, Addiction, and Health. This landmark project will bring national attention to the
enormous public health problems posed by substance use and the role all of us can play to prevent
and reduce substance use and its consequences.

Opportunities for the Future

SUDs are preventable, and there are many opportunities to expand the prevention infrastructure with
evidence-based programs. If the Nation is to decrease drug use, communities across the country
should intensify and expand the implementation of evidence-based practices for youth substance use
prevention in schools, among law enforcement, local hospitals, and other community partners.
Prevention in school settings is particularly important, as it helps ensure youth are receiving
appropriate and positive messaging to make them more resilient to pressures that can increase the
likelihood of drug use. The new Student Support and Academic Enrichment formula grant program,
authorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act, would provide funds that local school districts can use
for drug prevention activities.

Fostering change at the local level and sustaining long-term outcomes require that the latest research
findings and evidence-based programs reach communities. Continued coordination among Federal
agencies can ensure that prevention resources are not fragmented, but properly utilized to maximize
the benefit to communities.


Addressing the prescription opioid and heroin epidemic will continue to be a priority for the Nation.
Tools are available that have been proven to be effective in preventing and reducing drug use and
reversing opioid overdoses. These tools can continue to be used and the Nation can expand its
efforts to address issues related to the epidemic, such as infectious disease prevention and control
and suicide prevention


Chapter 2: Seek Early Intervention

Opportunities in Health Care
In 2015, 21.7 million Americans 12 and older needed specialty SUD treatment, and of these
individuals, 19.3 million did not receive it in the past year. The majority of these individuals (95
percent) who did not received specialty treatment did not perceive the need for it1 Routine and
universal screening by health care providers can be an important tool for detecting substance use and
other risky patterns that may be more amenable to brief interventions or referral to more definitive
treatment when necessary. In individuals with co-occurring chronic conditions, untreated SUDs have
been linked to poor health outcomes and an increased likelihood and frequency of hospital
readmissions and emergency department encounters.2 Failure to screen for substance use in primary
care and general medical settings represents a major missed opportunity to enhance quality of care
and reduce these readmissions and emergency department encounters.

General screening for substance use in primary care and other settings is important for monitoring
possible drug-drug interactions, determining the need for a range of evidence-based treatments, and,
where necessary, making referrals to specialty treatment settings. Specialty treatment may be
warranted when substance use is severe or has progressed to a chronic disorder. As with other health
conditions, there is a range of interventions for preventing and treating the continuum of SUDs, but
their deployment rests upon initial screening, case identification, and early intervention.

Screening and early intervention are supported through the largest expansion of mental health and
substance use disorder (MH/SUD) coverage in a generation. The ACA requires coverage for
MH/SUD services by most individual and small employer health insurance plans, including all medical
plans offered through the Marketplaces. These plans are also required to cover rehabilitative and
habilitative services, which can provide support to individuals with MH/SUDs. These new
protections build on provisions in the MHPAEA, that and expanded MH/SUD benefits and Federal
parity protections to insured Americans.


Implementation of services within primary care and other settings seeking to improve early
identification and intervention targeting risky substance use should be based on science. Much work
has been done to help train practitioners in evidence-based screening and early intervention and to
help service systems adopt these protocols. The following sections describe accomplishments in this
important area of population health intervention.

Principle: Identifying Substance Use Disorders Early Saves Lives and Money

Beginning with the inaugural Strategy in 2010, the Administration sought to expand strategies such as
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) that help increase access to services
in mainstream health care settings. SBIRT is an intervention that can be integrated across a range of
health care settings to help identify risky and problematic substance use that may be responsive to
brief office-based services. It also can help detect when use has advanced to the point where a referral
to specialty care is required. The policy since 2010 has been that screening is an essential part of health


care and can support health care providers in engaging in important conversations with their patients
in primary care settings. This approach can be less stigmatizing and anxiety-producing than being
directly referred to a specialty care program for SUDs. Over the past seven years, ONDCP has worked
with its Federal partners to develop programs to increase the adoption of evidence-based interventions
that can be offered in primary care settings, enhance provider training, develop financing strategies to
support early interventions, and support research to improve the quality of these important services.

Increasing adoption of screening and early intervention

An important catalyst for integrating substance use services in primary care settings across the Nation
was funding by SAMHSA of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
Demonstration Program. SBIRT is an evidence-based practice used to identify, reduce, and prevent
problematic use of and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs. Between 2009 and 2013, SAMHSAs
program funded more than 150 grants, and a number of grants are active through 2016. Funding
allowed grantees to develop and implement SBIRT approaches for different populations in different
settings and to provide training and technical assistance on SBIRT to thousands of health
professionals across the Nation, from clinical social workers to nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians
assistants, and physicians. SAMHSA awarded 33 state SBIRT grants (four states funded twice); 12
College SBIRT grants; 17 Medical Residency SBIRT training grants; and 88 health care student training
grants. Among the 17 medical residency grants, 6,600 physicians were trained, and 14 of these grants
funding the training of 11,800 allied health professionals. In 2014, SAMHSA continued to support
ongoing SBIRT program efforts to train allied health professionals and awarded Medical Professional
Training Grants to an additional 11 institutions.

Since 2010, a number of technical grants expanded adoption of SBIRT, including:

Dissemination of an SBIRT training curriculum for health care providers in primary care settings
through a collaboration between the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/SAMHSA and
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
In 2013, SAMHSA funded an Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) for SBIRT. This
ATTC, which works to accelerate the adoption and implementation of SBIRT and other
promising evidence-based SUD treatment and recovery services, continues to conduct webinars,
disseminate an SBIRT newsletter on the Web, provide training curriculums online and via CD,
support learning community websites, and offer free training to the public on numerous aspects
of SBIRT implementation and integration with primary care.
An SBIRT training offered to all Military Service primary care providers in TRICARE, a program
of the Department of Defense (DoD) Military Health System that provides civilian health benefits
for military personnel, military retirees, and their dependents, including some members of the
Reserve Component. Provided through the Office of Health Affairs in the DoD, the training is
an opportunity for the early identification of SUDs, allowing for timely intervention with
TRICARE beneficiaries.
SAMHSA and HRSA jointly fund the Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS), which
supports a resource page for SBIRT information, tools, and resources. The CIHS supports the
adoption of SBIRT through technical assistance strategies, including a clearinghouse that
promotes the development of integrated primary and behavioral health services to better address
the needs of individuals with MH/SUDs, whether seen in specialty behavioral health or primary
care provider settings.


In 2011, the NIAAA released Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioners
Guide, which provides information to help medical practitioners identify alcohol use and alcohol use
disorder (AUD) in youth ages 9-18, and to identify risk for alcohol use, especially for younger children.
NIAAA is supporting five studies to evaluate the youth alcohol screening guide as a predictor of
alcohol risk, alcohol use, and AUD, and as an initial screen for other behavioral health problems in
various settings including primary care, emergency department, juvenile justice, and academic settings

Also in 2011, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in collaboration with the
CDC, developed the Women and Alcohol website offering resources for womens health care
providers to identify women with risky alcohol use and provide brief educational counseling to reduce
or eliminate alcohol use.

In 2014, SAMHSA funded state SBIRT programs with a focus on health information technology
(HIT) development. Up to 30 percent of the grant funds can be used for HIT development,
improvement and integration of electronic health record (EHR) adoption, health information
exchange capability, telehealth, and web portals, etc. Each of the state SBIRT program grantees
developed state-specific strategic plans in coordination with SAMHSAs Center for Substance Abuse
Treatment (CSAT). SAMHSAs HIT team provided technical guidance and oversight in this effort.
States are at varying stages of implementation, as progress is closely tied to the level of HIT
infrastructure within each state and their respective health care organizations. SBIRT state grantees
include Ohio, Vermont, New York, South Carolina, New Mexico, and Maryland.

More recently, in March 2016, HRSA awarded $94 million to support the expansion of SUD services
within 271 health centers in 45 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Funding will allow
these centers to improve and expand the delivery of SUD services with a focus on providing
medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for OUD. HRSA also provided funding to establish an
estimated 266 new health center sites in 2015. These efforts were in addition to efforts in 2014 and
2015 that provided $166 million in funding to expand the capacity of behavioral health services in
health centers nationwide.

Improving Access to Quality Treatment

In July 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an urgent need to
improve how health care is delivered, measured, and experienced in the substance use field. Through
its Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) for Addressing Reducing Substance Use
Disorders, CMS is providing states with technical support designed to accelerate the development and
testing of SUD service delivery innovations. Strategies under consideration include payment and
health care delivery models; data analytics; quality measurement; rapid cycle learning; and state-to-state
learning involving sharing lessons and interventions used by other states. Several states have been
successful in implementing interventions that reduce drug and alcohol use, thereby reducing health
care costs and improving patient health. To date, 6 states3 participated in the High Intensity Learning
Collaborative (HILC). Participating states included: Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania,
Texas, and Washington. The HILC offered states technical support to tailor solutions to their own
needs and to develop relevant policy, program, and delivery system reforms. The types of technical
support included assistance with resources regarding care transitions and treatment engagement
following withdrawal management; model SUD health home and managed care contract language;
and administrative claims and managed care organization encounter data standardization. In addition
to the HILC, 48 states and Washington, DC participated in 15 Targeted Learning Opportunities

(TLOs) webinars. These TLOs webinars connected states to content experts and leading practices
across the country on a number of topics within SUD delivery system reform, such as encouraging
SUD provider participation in Medicaid and the integration of primary care and SUD services. The
IAP is also providing strategic design support to a number of states to assist with their section 1115
SUD demonstration proposals, under a new section 1115 demonstration opportunity to develop a full
continuum of care for individuals with SUD, including coverage for short-term residential treatment
services not otherwise covered by Medicaid. This new opportunity supports states undertaking broad
and deep SUD system transformation efforts, enabling them to provide a full continuum of care by
introducing service, payment and delivery system reforms to improve the care for individuals with

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and DoD established a joint workgroup comprising
research and treatment SUD experts to review and revise current guidelines for promotion of
evidence-based practices for SUD treatment and prevention. The workgroup reviewed the evidence
for management of opioid disorders and renewed the recommendations of MAT as recommended
evidence-based treatment for OUD. The workgroup published the most recent Clinical Practice
Guidelines (CPG) for SUD treatment in December 2015.

Enhancing Provider Education

A majority of physicians and other health care providers have not been trained and do not feel
adequately prepared to provide care for SUDs.5 This lack of knowledge was an impediment to
provider adoption of SBIRT. To address this educational and training deficit, HHS agencies
collaborated to provide training in SBIRT to health care providers throughout the country, particularly
in the Indian Health Service (IHS) and in Community Health Centers. SAMHSA supported this effort
by developing a Physician Clinical Support System (PCSS) to increase health care providers
knowledge of SUDs and evidence-based treatment for SUDs. PCSS continues in 2016, focused on
safe opioid prescribing, proper prescribing of medication-assisted treatment for OUDs, and the nexus
of pain and opioid misuse.

Along with increasing the specialization of providers in behavioral health, it is important that doctors
have a baseline understanding of the disease of addiction. In 2010, ONDCP collaborated with the
National Board of Medical Examiners to identify areas for improved SUD content in the United States
Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). As a result, the USMLE includes a broader range of
questions on SUDs and their relationship with other health conditions. Inclusion of these questions
signals the importance of this knowledge to the practice of medicine. It suggests the need for students
to master this material and underscores the need for schools to include it in their curricula.

Work across the Federal Government began in 2010 to address the growing demand for an expanded
workforce. In particular, HRSA and SAMHSA established a technical assistance and training center
to train health care providers on behavioral health care services, including SUD services, with the goal
of increasing the number of trained health care professionals.

In addition, the Department of Labor (DOL) administers the Trade Adjustment Assistance
Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program that provides grant awards to
community colleges nationwide. TAACCCT provides community colleges and other eligible
institutions of higher education with funds to expand and improve their ability to deliver education
and career training programs. TAACCCT grantees have programs than span multiple industries

including healthcare. Some programs with a healthcare focus include curricula or certifications for
counseling people with SUDs. NIDAs Centers of Excellence for Physician Information developed
curriculum resources on SUDs to be integrated into existing curricula to enhance medical
student/resident physician education. These curriculum resources address pressing issues facing
physicians today, particularly recognizing risk factors and identifying prescription drug misuse in their
patients. Finally, the NIDAMED Coalition, a partnership established between NIDA and the
American Academy of Pediatrics, the California Academy of Family Physicians, the American
Osteopathic Association, the American Academy of Physician Assistants, and the American
Association of Nurse Practitioners, together with leading experts and other medical associations, has
created a CME/CE that provides clinicians with research-based information and clinical strategies to
help them prevent and address SUD and prescription pain medication misuse in their adolescent
patients. After final review by NIDA, this web-based CME/CE is expected to launch before January,

To provide additional training and education for Military Health System medical providers who
prescribe potentially addictive medications, an interactive video training entitled Do No Harm was
developed by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences to illustrate the most
important points about prescription pain medication misuse. The interactive video training addresses
the incidence of medication misuse; risk factors and risk stratification of patients for medication
misuse; steps to mitigate medication misuse; and indications for referral to subspecialty providers.
This training was disseminated to medical providers in 2013 and was updated in 2016 to meet the
requirements in the 2015 Presidential Memorandum and will continue to be required for all
credentialed and privileged prescribing providers.

Opportunities for the Future

Much has been accomplished to educate health care practitioners about how to identify and treat
SUDs, progress can be made in other areas including:

Revisiting reimbursement rates for interventions to ensure they are competitive with
reimbursement rates for comparable physical medical approaches and are compliant with
Federal law.
Consider expanding reimbursement for interventions conducted by health professionals
beyond the physician, to include other health care specialists such as social workers, nurses,
and other allied professionals in primary care and other health care environments.
Expand research to identify strategies to expand the adoption of screening and intervention
across health care and social service settings.


Chapter 3: Increasing Access to Treatment

and Supporting Long-Term Recovery
From the outset of this Administration, treatment was understood to be a critical and even life-saving
resource for millions of Americans with SUDs. For this reason, ONDCP has been working with
Federal partners and stakeholders to increase access to high-quality treatment services. The
importance of these efforts is underscored by neuroscience research, which has enhanced our
understanding of SUD as a brain disease.1 We know that although it is possible to treat some early
stage SUDs with brief interventions and referrals to community-based services and supports,2
this approach may not be effective once SUDs have become severe and chronic. The
revolutionary advances made by science, combined with the courage of individuals and family
members who chose to speak out about SUDs and the hope of recovery, and have helped the Nation
understand that a comprehensive public health approach is required to make progress against this

Over the past seven years, the Nation has changed how it views SUDs, treatment, and recovery. Yet,
there has been little progress in the number of Americans accessing treatment. Data from the
2009 NSDUH found that 11.2 percent of Americans who needed treatment for a SUD received
treatment at a specialty facility.3 By 2014, this estimate remained unchanged; 11.6 percent of
Americans 12 years and older in 2014 who needed specialty treatment for an SUD received treatment
at a specialty facility.4 The provision of key treatment services, such as medication-assisted treatment
(MAT), which utilizes FDA-approved medications, remains somewhat limited.5 Despite a public
health crisis brought on by the misuse of medications and heroin use, only 9 percent of SUD treatment
facilities support provision of methadone, buprenorphine, or extended release naltrexone delivered by
programs certified by SAMSHA.6

Thirty-one percent of individuals who felt they needed treatment for a drug or alcohol use problem
indicated they did not enter treatment because they had no health coverage or could not afford the
cost of treatment.7 For those who are not ready to stop using, early intervention in a doctors office
may create the environment to seek help. For those who do not enter treatment because of inadequate
resources, which may include many who say they are not ready to stop using, the ACAs benefit
requirements for individual and small employer plans provide the potential to access treatment to
address their SUDs and begin the process toward recovery. Additionally, innovations in the financing
and delivery of care models that support the integration of primary care, treatment for SUDs, and
recovery services have created opportunities for building bridges among providers and patients to
provide quality treatment for those in need.


With the implementation of the Administrations first Strategy in 2010, there has been an emphasis on
moving from an acute care model to one that acknowledges the chronic nature of SUDs. Three
principles guide this effort. The first is an expanded emphasis on access to integrated models of care,
particularly within mainstream health care settings where individuals may have more opportunities for
screening and identification of SUDs. The second principle clarifies the importance of providing high-
quality care to those who access treatment services. Finally, people can and do recover from this


chronic illness, and celebrating those in recovery and seeking to enter recovery can help counter the
stigma that many experience as they address this disorder. The accomplishments below highlight the
progress that has been made in recent years, but remaining challenges require continued, determined

Principle: SUD Treatment Must be an Integrated, Accessible Part of Mainstream Health Care

The current system of care has been structured historically to provide episodic, acute care to
individuals with SUDs through encounters with emergency departments and detoxification units that
often discharge individuals to the community without linkages to long-term, stable treatment. As this
model does not address the chronic nature of SUDs, many of those who seek recovery experience
repeating cycles of abstinence, return to use, and treatment that often extend many years before they
achieve stable recovery, become permanently disabled, or die.8

The ACA provided the potential for access to MH/SUD services for almost 62 million people. Signed
into law in 2010, the ACA requires non-grandfathered individual and small group health insurance
plans in the individual and small employer health insurance plans markets to cover treatment for
MH/SUDs as essential health benefits, and was a catalyst for extensive and complementary actions
from SAMHSA, HRSA, and the CMS.

The ACA served as a catalyst to action for Federal agencies, as well as for the SUD treatment and
medical fields. Efforts focus on increasing access to SUD services in varied mainstream health
settings, improving the quality and availability of medications, modernizing health information
technology, and addressing workforce issues.

Expanding Coverage and Access to Services

In 2010, Federal data indicated that the majority of uninsured individuals with an SUD also had
incomes less than 200 percent of the Federal poverty line. SAMHSA provided states with information
on how to enroll these uninsured Americans in the Medicaid program, which would expand access to
treatment for eligible adolescents and adults. Through its financing academies (a technical assistance
initiative that builds relationships among State substance abuse agencies, insurance commissioners,
and Medicaid directors) and its public statements, SAMHSA made State SUD treatment providers
aware of the opportunities that Medicaid can offer.

To expand resources for treatment in the private sector, the Administration wrote regulations to
implement the parity requirements of the MHPAEA. The final rule, released in 2013, made clear that
health plans and issuers subject to MHPAEA offering coverage for SUDs may not impose benefits
with requirements and limitations on those benefits that are more restrictive than the predominant
requirement or limitation imposed for medical/surgical benefits. This includes financial requirements
such as co-pays and treatment limits (e.g., visit limits) on MH/SUD services. The ACA further
impacts MHPAEA by expanding those requirements to group health plans sponsored by small
employers and to individual insurance policies (including Marketplace coverage) and ensuring such
plans cover services for individuals with SUDs. Throughout 2014, SAMHSA and CMS led a variety
of educational efforts with both public (Department of Labor - DOL, Internal Revenue Service - IRS)
and private partners (National Association of Insurance Commissioners and a multitude of others) to
provide technical information to States, health insurance plans, consumers, and other stakeholders


about the content and implications of the final regulations as they relate to private employer-sponsored
group health plans.

In 2016, CMS issued a regulation applying the parity standards in explaining how MHPAEA applies
to Medicaid managed care organizations, Medicaid alternative benefit plans, and the Childrens Health
Insurance Program (CHIP) benefits. This regulation ensures that beneficiaries who receive services
through managed care organizations, alternative benefit plans, or CHIP will have access to mental
health and SUD services at parity with similar medical-surgical services, regardless of whether services
are provided through the managed care organization or another service delivery system.9 Finally, CMS
finalized regulations that provide that states may make a capitation payment to managed care
organizations for enrollees with a short-term stay in an Institution for Mental Diseases.10 11

HRSA committed to increase the ability of CHCs to address SUDs and related mental health
conditions, both through training of existing staff and through hiring of new staff with
specializations in SUDs. SAMHSA, which has long partnered with HRSA to improve behavioral
health care quality in rural CHCs, delivered technical assistance to this new expansion initiative. In
March 2016, HRSA provided $94 million to integrate SUD treatment services with primary care
services in 271 community health centers across the Nation, expanding access to treatment and
MAT services. SBIRT services are provided at 406 HRSA-funded health centers, and in 2015 health
centers delivered SUD services to approximately 400,000 patients

In 2013, DoD expedited changes to the TRICARE policy manuals to allow the provision of
medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in TRICARE-authorized Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Facilities. (TRICARE is the program that provides health coverage for members of the armed forces.)
In 2016, DoD revised its regulation to eliminate administrative barriers to care and expand the range
of SUD treatment services covered under TRICARE. Coverage now includes intensive outpatient
services, MAT for opioid disorders and treatment of SUDs by individual professional mental health
providers. Additionally, requirements to authorize MH/SUD service institutional providers to become
TRICARE providers are now streamlined, and reimbursement methodologies for newly recognized
providers are established.

In 2008, VA included SUD treatment in the VHA Handbook on the Uniform Mental Health Services in VA
Medical Centers and Clinics, which detailed the benefits available to all Veterans enrolled in the VA
Healthcare System. Each facility must offer at least two evidence-based psychosocial interventions
for SUD and MAT as indicated. By policy, MAT with FDA-approved opioid agonists must be
available to Veterans for whom it is indicated. VA has created several initiatives to disseminate these
policy requirements. Two are highlighted here. In 2012, VA implemented a comprehensive online
resource center that provides access to screening and assessment tools, VA and DoD clinical practice
guidelines, and information on accessing VA treatment services. To ensure that screening and
assessment services were known to veterans and their families, VA developed and implemented a
national outreach campaign, Make the Connection. This public awareness and outreach campaign
connects Veterans, their friends, and family members with information, resources, and solutions
related to issues affecting their health, well-being, and relationships.

VA continues to expand the availability of MAT for veterans with OUDs. In FY2015, MAT, including
office-based treatment with buprenorphine, was provided in over 90%percent of VA medical centers.
More than 300 sites of service provided at least some buprenorphine, including Community-Based
Outpatient Clinics, which are separate from the medical centers. In 2015, VA expanded its pharmacy


benefit plan to include extended-release naltrexone, another FDA-approved medication for treating

In 2009, the Administration signed into law an end to the longstanding ban on most Federal funding
for needle exchange programs. In partnership with the White House Office of National AIDS Policy,
ONDCP issued policy guidance to States, tribes, and communities on how to implement needle
exchange programs in the context of comprehensive, recovery-oriented public health systems that also
offer people who use intravenous drugs treatment for SUDs, other medical care, and testing for HIV
and hepatitis B and C. Congress reinstated the ban in 2012 but later removed the ban on using Federal
funds for services, other than the purchase of syringes, following an outbreak of HIV and hepatitis C
related to injecting drug use in Indiana in 2015. This policy reversal was instrumental in responding
successfully to the outbreak.

New Financing Models, Integrating Primary Care and SUD Services

As of 2016, 11 states have approved Medicaid State Plan Amendments that include plans for screening
for substance use and referral to treatment, and 19 states are targeting their Medicaid health home
efforts at beneficiaries with SUD or serious mental illness (SMI). Health homes are an optional benefit
available to states that allow for expanded coordination of care for individuals who have a chronic
condition, such as SUD and are at risk for developing a second chronic condition or who have two
or more chronic conditions. As most individuals who have an SUD also have other chronic health
conditions, such as high blood pressure or severe mental illness, health homes provide an important
framework for comprehensively addressing the needs of this population. To help implement the
health home model under the ACA, SAMHSA and CMS developed a consultation plan for states
submitting proposals for State Plan Amendments to develop health home programs.

ONDCP in collaboration with NIDA, SAMHSA, NIAAA, and HRSA hosted a workforce conference
in 2010 entitled Integrating Substance Use Services into Primary Care. The meeting showcased models of
integrated care in different health care settings, demonstrating that movement had begun for the SUD
field. It served as a catalyst for addressing credentialing and licensing issues and the development of
a career ladder for SUD counselors by SAMHSA, and it offered a closer look at workforce and
workplace issues such as the adoption of business approaches, HIT, and insurance reimbursement.

In addition to the $105 million in 2014 and 2015 for mental health and SUD services in community
health centers, HRSA made 271 awards totaling $94 million to support SUD services in 2016. MAT
was a key focus of this effort.

In 2010, ONDCP co-sponsored a Family Treatment Forum during which experts from HHS,
Education, and DOJ participated in panel discussions and answered questions from primary care and
family physicians. The forum resulted in a new partnership between the HRSAs Federally Qualified
Health Centers (FQHCs) and primary care and family practitioners. Through FQHCs, which offer
basic medical services to underserved populations, family treatment providers will now be able to
create partnerships and refer their clients to medical services. Often people who are being treated for
SUD require additional medical treatment. In 2011, ONDCP continued to facilitate this new
connection to ensure access to medical care for women and children taking part in family treatment


Improving Coordination of Care while Protecting Privacy

To safeguard key privacy rights while increasing opportunities for information sharing to improve the
coordination and quality of care, SAMHSA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in
early 2016 to update and modernize the substance use confidentiality regulations in 42 CFR Part II,
the rule that protects the confidentiality of SUD treatment records. An interagency team collaborated
from 2011 through 2015 and submitted two sets of recommendations to the Office of the National
Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) for SUD and related behavioral health measures for inclusion in
the Meaningful Use program. The measures are on the list for inclusion in planned updates to the set
of approved measures.

In its 2015 Certification Final Rule, the ONC included a technical standard on Data Segmentation for
Privacy (DS4P) that helps health care providers comply with the laws applicable to them by allowing
providers to tag data as sensitive and express re-disclosure restrictions and other obligations in an
electronic form. DS4P enables sensitive health information to be exchanged electronically. The ONC
strongly encourages health information technology developers to include DS4P functionality and
pursue certification of their products to help support their users compliance with relevant state and
Federal privacy laws that protect sensitive health information.

Principle: Patients with SUDs and Their Families Must Receive High-Quality Care

Medication-Assisted Treatment in Primary Care

In 2013, DoD removed the ban on medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for OUDs. Since that time,
DoD has collaborated with VA, SAMHSA, the military services, and Walter Reed National Military
Medical Center to offer training on prescribing MAT to DoD and VA providers, leading to the
required DEA waiver to prescribe buprenorphine. Approximately 100 providers have completed the
required training, and DoD has increased the number of providers holding a current DEA waiver by
15 percent.

In 2014, VA and DoD established a joint workgroup composed of research and treatment SUD
experts to review and revise current guidelines related to the promotion of evidence-based practices
for SUD treatment and prevention. The workgroup reviewed the evidence for management of opioid
disorders and renewed the recommendations of MAT as recommended treatment for OUD. The
workgroup finalized the most recent Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) for SUDs, published in
December 2015.

In 2013, the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) launched a reentry program field trial in which extended-release,
injectable naltrexone, an opioid antagonist approved by the FDA for the treatment of OUDs, was
administered to people as they transitioned to community custody. Under the pilot, participants
received their first two doses of the medication during the last two months of their incarceration and
six doses (one per month) while in community treatment at the Residential Reentry Center (RRC) or
on home confinement.

In 2015, SAMHSA awarded grants to 11 states with high per-capita rates of treatment admissions for
OUDs to expand access to clinically appropriate services for SUDs. Awarded directly to the single
state agencies with authority over the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, these
grants required that medication-assisted treatment be part of the continuum of services funded.

Establishing National Quality Standards for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

In 2012, SAMHSA published the National Behavioral Health Quality Framework to provide a mechanism
to examine and prioritize quality prevention, treatment, and recovery elements at the purchaser,
provider, and population levels. Aligned with the National Quality Strategy, SAMHSA promulgated a
series of quality measures to help guide efforts to identify and implement behavioral strategies and
interventions leading to better and more affordable care and healthier people and communities. In
addition, ONDCP, HHS, and partner agencies have been involved in the development and
implementation of behavioral health-related quality measures.

Medications Development

The Administration has actively supported research to develop new medications. For example, NIDA
research is supporting the development of vaccines for cocaine, opioids, nicotine, and
methamphetamine. The vaccines work by stimulating the bodys own immune system to produce
antibodies that target and bind the drugs molecules in the bloodstream and prevent them from
reaching the brain. The cocaine and nicotine vaccines have had promising results in human trials,
effectively reducing drug use in those patients who are able to achieve high antibody levels as a result
of vaccination.

To garner more pharmaceutical involvement, NIDA is de-risking compounds in the early stages of
discovery awarding large grants up-front for shorter durations to encourage quicker results among
closely monitored grantees or to allow a change in direction as needed. This more nimble strategic
approach was prompted in part by the successful clinical trial of an alternative to transmucosal
buprenorphine, supported by 2-year American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. The new
drug formulation of buprenorphine, probuphine, is appropriate for patients who are currently stable
on low dose buprenorphine. It can be implanted under the skin and allows continuous delivery of the
medication for six months after a single treatment, potentially eliminating the need for a daily dose,
potentially improving patient compliance, and reducing the potential for diversion and misuse. The
drug was approved by the FDA in May 2016.

Workforce Development

The IHS Scholarship program has been awarding funds since 1978 to qualified Native American and
Alaskan Native health professions students. The program allows health scholars to study clinical
psychology, pre-clinical psychology, social work, pre-social work, and SUD counseling. Since 2010, the
program has given awards to 187 American Indian/Alaskan Native health scholars to expand their
studies in behavioral health.

Each agency agreed to continue funding research projects on the role of SUD, post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), and traumatic brain injury on the well-being of former (VA) and current (DoD)
military personnel and their families. Also in 2010, through its Centers for Excellence in Substance
Abuse Treatment and Education, VA committed to provide ongoing consultation to HRSA and IHS
as they improve the integration of care for SUDs into the health care systems they oversee.

In June 2015, ONDCP co-hosted a White House Symposium with the American Board of
Addiction Medicine Foundation and key Federal partners, including NIDA, NIAAA, SAMHSA,
HRSA, and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). During the symposium, several groups made

commitments to promote advances in addiction medicine. The American Board of Addiction

Medicine Foundation (now the Addiction Medicine Foundation) committed to establishing an
Addiction Medicine Fellowship in every medical school in the country. At the time of the meeting,
there were a total of 27 established Addiction Medicine Fellowships. Since the 2015 symposium, 14
additional institutions have established fellowships that are accredited by The Addiction Medicine
Foundation, bringing the total number of fellowships to 41. The American Association of Medical
Colleges committed to assisting in the establishment of fellowship programs and to infusing
addiction medicine into all physicians training from day one. The American Board of Family
Medicine committed to designating addiction medicine as a core competency and to incorporating
the topic into its certification requirements. Since the symposium, the certification requirements
have been disseminated by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), after formally
recognizing Addiction Medicine as a subspecialty in October of 2015 and publicly announcing the
recognition in March 2016. The ABMS is tentatively scheduling the first exam featuring Addiction
Medicine in 2017. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
participated in the 2015 symposium, and announced in June 2016 that the field of Addiction
Medicine would be accredited by the ACGME. Other boards represented at the symposium,
Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Preventative Medicine and
Obstetrics and Gynecology, also have recognized addiction medicine as a subspecialty. These
boards function as independent groups and are not directly influenced by any other boards or

Technology Innovations and HIT

Showcasing innovations for the SUD field, ONDCP convened scientists, researchers, and developers
at the White House in 2013 to highlight technologies to improve SUD treatment, wellness, and mental
and behavioral health. Supported by SAMHSA, ONC, and the Office of Science and Technology
Policy (OSTP), conference panelists presented on a range of innovative health technologies, from
smartphone apps that help people maintain their sobriety to biosensors that can detect human
emotions that may put individuals at risk for relapse.

ONDCP and HHS worked with Federal partners to develop consensus recommendations for 14
behavioral health-related clinical quality measures. Each measure supports one or more of the Institute
of Medicine domains of health care quality, promoting effective, safe, efficient, patient-centered,
equitable, and timely care. These treatment measures are included in the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) Electronic Health Records Meaningful Use Incentive Program.

Principle: Celebrate and Support Recovery

Successful recovery from SUDs and other chronic conditions requires changing deeply imbedded
behaviors and maintaining those changes over time. Relapse is a common, though not inevitable, part
of this process. The likelihood of recovery can be affected by stress, unresolved trauma, the availability
of drugs, continued involvement in drug-using social circles, safe housing, a supportive social network,
engagement in continuing care, receipt of recovery support services, and participation in mutual aid
groups. Some of these factors also can affect the likelihood that people will initiate drug use.12

In the 2010 Strategy, the Administration broke new ground by supporting recovery as a national drug
policy priority and by creating an expert team to coordinate the implementation of related Strategy
goals, objectives, and action items. The 2010 Strategy called for actions that would celebrate and

support recovery from SUDs. This was significant because it marked the first time that demand
reduction policy was broadened to take account not only education, prevention, and treatment
activities, but the broader processes of SUDs and recovery and the increasingly important role the
organized SUD recovery community plays as educators, recovery support services providers, and

ONDCP has been engaged in ongoing activities to celebrate recovery and educate and inform the
public and policymakers about SUDs and recovery. The Administrations drug policy reform efforts
emphasize the importance of balanced, comprehensive multi-sector efforts to address both the public
health and public safety challenges associated with drug use. The recognition that SUD is a disease
and that people can and do recover is foundational to this policy framework. Celebrating recovery
and educating the public about recovery are key strategies for supporting its promotion.

While ONDCP works to celebrate, educate, and inform throughout the year, each September provides
a special opportunity during National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month). By
virtue of Presidential Proclamation, and thanks to the efforts of SAMHSA; state, local, and tribal
governments; and the recovery community, Recovery Month is celebrated across the Nation through
special events and rallies.

Reviewing Laws & Regulations that Impede Recovery from Substance Use Disorders

Over the course of the Administration, significant steps have been taken to reduce barriers to recovery
created by laws, regulations, policies, and practices. The Federal Interagency Reentry Council, which
is described in Chapter 4, has made significant strides in addressing legal and regulatory barriers
affecting many people in recovery from SUDs. Accomplishments include:

Modification to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) electronic form. First-
time applicants are no longer asked about past convictions for drug offenses if they have never
received student aid;
Development of FAFSA Facts, a document that clarifies when and how drug convictions affect
eligibility for Federal student aid and steps one can take to have eligibility reinstated;
Dissemination of a letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development
encouraging public housing authorities and subsidized housing owners to use the discretion
available to them under law to house people with past felony convictions;
Dissemination of a 2011 joint letter from the Secretary of the ED and ONDCP reminding
higher education officials of the need to comply with Federal regulations requiring colleges and
universities to provide drug education and prevention programming. One of these requirements
is that colleges and universities annually notify students of any drug or alcohol counseling,
treatment, rehabilitation, and reentry programs available to them.; and
Distribution of a letter from DOJ to State Attorneys General urging them to review laws in
their states that create collateral consequences to conviction and to consider eliminating
collateral consequences that do not respond to a public safety need. Additionally, ONDCP has
developed preliminary recommendations to increase Federal employment opportunities for
people in recovery from SUDs.


Fostering the Expansion of Community-Based Recovery Support Programs, Including Recovery

Schools, Peer-led Programs, Mutual Aid Groups, and Recovery Community Organizations

Over the course of the Administration, SAMHSA has initiated or sustained a range of grant programs
to support peer recovery support services and the development of recovery-oriented systems and
services. These include:

Recovery Community Services Program (RCSP), which supports the development and
enhancement of recovery community organizations (RCOs);
Targeted Capacity Expansion Peer-to-Peer program, which replaced RCSP;
Recovery Community Services Program Statewide Networks grants (RCSP SN), which support
the development of statewide RCO networks;
Statewide Peer Networks for Recovery and Resiliency, which support similar networks for
mental health consumer organizations, RCOs, and organizations that serve both the mental
health consumer and SUD recovery communities; and
Targeted Capacity Expansion, Local Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care grants, which help
local governments and organizations develop systems and services that emphasize long-term
recovery outcomes.

The first four of these programs accounted for more than $38 million in funding through 65 grants
to a wide range of community-based organizations. In addition, over $13 million in new grants was
awarded to 11 local governments and community-based organizations under the Targeted Capacity
Expansion (TCE) grant program.

Increasing Transitional Housing Options in Rural Communities

In August 2016, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, announced an initiative to use USDA's
rural development resources to help fill the need for transitional housing for people recovering
from opioid and other SUDs. The four-pronged initiative is the result of a conversation Secretary
Vilsack had in May 2015 in New Hampshire at the Hillsborough County Superior Court, where
individuals involved with the State's drug court program told him that a lack of access to
affordable housing made it challenging for participants to successfully complete their recovery
from SUDs.

Using USDA Community Facilities Financing for Transitional Housing Projects

USDA Rural Development's Rural Housing Service (RHS) instructed its field staff that
Community Facilities (CF) program financing may be used for the construction, expansion and
improvement of transitional housing facilities. The CF program provides affordable funding to
develop essential community facilities in rural areas, such as hospitals and schools. Additionally,
the CF program can be used as a financing tool for non-profit organizations considering the
purchase of existing properties for the purpose of transitional housing. In order to be eligible,
transitional housing facilities must provide supportive services to rural residents to help them
recover and prepare them to live independently within two years.


Partnering with Non-profits to Transform Vacant USDA Properties into Transitional Housing

Rural Development has also launched an initiative to encourage its state offices to sell single-
family homes and multi-family properties that are exiting USDA's Real Estate Owned (REO)
housing program to qualified non-profit organizations that would convert them into transitional
housing facilities. REO properties are houses owned by USDA as a result of foreclosure. The
single-family REO initiative is effective in the 22 States where the REOs are managed by that
State's Rural Development office.

USDA also developed a "Contract for Deed" pilot in the Single Family Housing program that
would make USDA-held REOs available for purchase at below-market-rate cost by qualified non-
profits providing housing for homeless individuals recovering from SUDs. The non-profit would
have two years to complete the purchase transaction, and would be able to utilize available RHS
financing for the purchase. During that time, the non-profit would take over the management of
the property for the benefit of the individual and community, pay the related taxes, make needed
repairs and handle other responsibilities. This two-year window would allow them to gain
experience managing the property and coordinate essential treatment services for the tenant, while
also securing the funding needed to purchase the property. The pilot is currently operating in
four states New Hampshire, Missouri, Nevada, and Vermont and can include up to fifteen
total REO properties.

Making Vacant Multifamily Units Available to Tenants Participating in Treatment Programs

USDA also developed a pilot project to incentivize owners of USDA multi-family rental housing
properties in New Hampshire, Vermont, Nevada and Missouri.to rent to those in recovery by
making hard-to-fill vacant units that are currently unsubsidized eligible for rental assistance if they
are occupied by a current participant of a drug court program. Drug court programs have been
proven to successfully reduce substance use and criminal recidivism because they require
participants to fulfill court mandated treatment and recovery requirements.

Using Data to Target Resources

Finally, USDA is harnessing the power of open data in order to most effectively target our
resources and to allow individuals in recovery to better locate USDA assistance. USDA's Rural
Housing Service has released data on its portfolio of Community Facilities loans, guarantees, and
grants across the country, which include hospitals, health clinics, group homes, and mental and
behavioral health treatment facilities, to Data.gov and policymap.com, an online data mapping
platform, where it can be visually overlaid with other indicators on substance use and recovery
services. This new data supplements existing multi-family property and single-family housing data
that the Agency recently released publicly. For example, the public can now map USDA multi-
family and single-family housing properties and locate nearby Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Centers using the latest SAMHSA data. Users can further determine which centers provide OUD
treatment and use telemedicine, among many other attributes.


Opportunities for the Future

There is strong evidence that medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can help stabilize individuals in
treatment for OUDs and move them toward long-term recovery. However, there continue to be
significant barriers to accessing MAT, especially for individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
Educating community and correctional officials and other stakeholders about MAT and its role in
reducing recidivism, supporting recovery, and saving lives, and fostering the adoption of practices to
support successful reentry and recovery are important goals for the field.

Consistent with the expansion of MAT in community and correctional settings, training and support
may be expanded to physicians and other prescribers to accelerate the integration of SUD treatment
into mainstream health care systems. More physicians in primary and specialty care settings and other
health care professionals should become familiar with Federal and state treatment regulations, FDA
labeling, standards, guidelines and research on the use of FDA-approved pharmacological treatments
for OUD; seek the training and registration required to prescribe buprenorphine; and become familiar
with the full array of SUD treatment resources in their community, including MAT. Limited Medicaid
coverage may contribute to the significant gap between treatment need and capacity at the state and
national levels. Some research estimates that there are somewhere between 1.3 and 1.4 million
individuals aged 12 and older who have an OUD but do not receive MAT.13 However, not all
Medicaid beneficiaries have access to SUD services. A 2013report by the American Society for
Addiction Medicine noted that 31 state Medicaid FFS programs were found to cover methadone
maintenance in outpatient narcotic treatment programs. This report also indicated that every state
Medicaid agency covers buprenorphine/naloxone, either in branded or generic formulation or both,
and 42 states have some coverage of injectable sustained release naltrexone.14 In 2014, the Center for
Medicaid and Childrens Health Insurance Program (CMCS) issued a bulletin highlighting the use of
MAT to help persons with SUDs recover in a safe and cost-effective manner. The bulletin provides
background information about MAT, examples of state-based initiatives, and useful resources to help
ensure proper delivery of these services.15

Finally, in addition to being imprecise and inconsistent, the terminology adopted for both scientific
and casual discussions of substance use and SUDs can be stigmatizing, often implying that SUDs are
the result of a personal or family failing.16 There is growing recognition of the need to adopt language
that is reflective of the DSM-V and of scientific research.


Chapter 4: Criminal Justice Reform:

Making the System More Effective and Fair
From the beginning, the Obama Administration embraced the notion that our Nation cannot arrest
its way out of the drug problem, and the 2010 Strategy identified issues that had long plagued the
criminal justice system. These included one-size-fits-all processes, overcrowded jails and prisons,
release of incarcerated people back into communities unprepared to help them, and reliance on the
justice system as the primary safety net for people with SUDs and mental illnesses.

To remedy these issues, ONDCP has called upon law enforcement and public health officials to
collaborate on effective strategies to address SUDs, encourage partnerships between law enforcement
and community organizations; support diversion and alternatives to incarceration; address substance
use issues among individuals in corrections facilities or under community supervision; promote
treatment and accountability among justice-involved individuals; and support people reentering their
communities from incarceration. In addition to promoting and maintaining the safety of communities
while treating SUDs, the Administration has made it a priority to identify and expand promising,
evidence-based practices that increase public safety, promote public health, and correct injustice.

Law enforcement agencies are increasingly using public health strategies which reflect a growing
awareness of how the needs of people with SUDs and mental illness should be addressed. Law
enforcement agencies are increasingly establishing or improving existing crisis intervention teams with
protocols to engage people with mental illness or who are under the influence of substances. First
responders, especially, have been helping public health providers address the opioid epidemic more
effectively. Around the Nation, many police officers and sheriffs deputies are now equipped with the
overdose- reversing drug naloxone and are creating best practices around this life-saving intervention.

Jurisdictions also are taking advantage of research regarding appropriate levels of supervision for
individuals to reduce the risk of committing additional crimes and treatment assignment based on
ones health needs. Many judicial and correctional systems are actively looking for opportunities to
divert individuals with an SUD away from the system and the cycle of crime, incarceration, and release
and focusing on c community-based diversion programs. In some instances, jurisdictions are looking
at the point of arrest or arraignment to properly assess the needs of an individual and match those
needs with appropriate interventions and services, rather than incarceration, which can both reduce
costs and improve outcomes overall

The Administration also has been addressing legal and regulatory barriers to successful reentry and
funding programs that provide supportive services to returning citizens. Efforts to support the
returning citizens include efforts to support all individuals with a criminal record, as a record even
without incarceration may be just as damaging to a persons chances of success as any lack of services
upon leaving jail or prison.



Today, law enforcement agencies, corrections facilities, courts, and community programs are much
more likely to seek out and implement policies and practices that integrate public health and public
safety. Such an approach has led to increased use of overdose-reversal drugs and crisis intervention
by first responder law enforcement officers; diversion of offenders with drug problems to services
rather than the traditional practice of catch and release; and efforts to reduce legal and regulatory
barriers that can impede successful re-entry into the community. Discussed below are recent major
accomplishments as well as remaining opportunities.

Principle: Help Communities Build the Capacity to Prevent Drug-Related Crime

Partnerships among public health and public safety practitioners have proliferated as law enforcement,
prosecutors, judges, and corrections professionals recognize the significant role they play in ensuring
the well-being of people in their care. Sheriffs and prison wardens have sought opportunities to
provide treatment to people in their facilities, recognizing incarceration as an opportunity to help
people with SUDs receive the care they need. More jails and prisons also are seeking ways to connect
people with treatment when they leave custody, and some jurisdictions are taking the critical step of
supplying naloxone to people at risk for opioid overdose.

The President convened a Task Force on 21st Century Policing to provide meaningful solutions to
help law enforcement agencies and communities strengthen trust and collaboration. The Task Force
Report was released in 2015 and identified ways to improve police-community relations and offered
best practice recommendations. The Justice Department will continue to explore these issues and
dedicate resources to promote safety for the public and for police officers.

Building capacity in communities includes giving communities the tools to reduce violence and
promote academic and career success. Over the past 7 years, the Administration has made violence
prevention a priority. In 2010, the Departments of Justice and Education launched the National
Forum on Youth Violence Prevention. By 2015, there were 17 Forum cities, and these were
complemented by the Community-Based Violence Prevention program operating in 16 cities
nationwide. Together with law enforcement, service providers, community residents, and community-
and faith-based organizations, the Forums are realizing reductions in the violence, particularly gun
violence, that contribute to environments where drug use and related behaviors can flourish. Another
collaborative initiative established by the Administration is My Brothers Keeper, established to help
communities reach out to young persons, providing support through educational and employment
opportunities, and diverting them away from criminal activities.

Principle: Develop Infrastructure to Promote Alternatives to Incarceration When Appropriate

The expansion of Medicaid to more adult men (who comprise the majority of the justice-involved
population) has provided participating states, counties, and cities with resources to offer treatment for
these conditions that was not previously available, although Medicaid coverage options for individuals
during periods of incarceration may be limited. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation HHS estimates that, among non-elderly adult men aged 18 to 64, the uninsured rate
dropped by nearly 38.3 percent as a result of the ACA; this translates into more than eight million
adult men who have gained insurance coverage.1


For system-wide changes, the Justice Reinvestment Initiative has captured the attention of
conservative and liberal legislators alike, offering data-driven solutions to complicated and costly
criminal justice challenges, such as over-incarceration and recidivism often attributed to untreated
SUDs. In states like West Virginia and Georgia, State legislators and Governors have worked together
to identify and address the triggering factors for growing justice system costs. In West Virginia, for
example, legislation established risk/need assessment* requirements at pretrial, in correctional settings,
and for people under community supervision. They also used legislation to integrate SUD services
more fully into the justice system which can lead to reductions in crime and lower rates of
incarceration.2 The West Virginia Governors Office reported that anticipated prison spending would
instead be diverted to creating treatment services for individuals with SUDs.

Principle: Use Community Corrections Programs to Monitor and Support Justice-Involved Persons with Substance Use

The conversation has shifted from cracking down on people who use drugs to diverting people away
from traditional justice processes and toward more supportive services. The number of problem-
solving courts, such as adult drug courts, Veterans Treatment Courts, and DWI courts, has increased
over the course of the Administration, bolstered by partnerships at the Federal level. The
Departments of Health and Human Services, Justice, and Veterans Affairs have all committed
resources to expanding and improving this model for combining treatment and accountability. In
addition, the DOJs Smart on Crime suite of programs has expanded to include Smart Supervision
and Smart Pretrial, drawing on available evidence to establish effective alternatives for people with
varying levels of need. Further, the Departments of Health and Human Services and Justice have
added language to their drug court grant requests for applications to promote the effective and
appropriate use of medication-assisted treatment in drug court settings. Judges presiding over
federally-funded drug courts cannot prevent a client from using medication-assisted treatment as a
condition of successful participation in the drug court program.

In 2016 ONDCP and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) collaborated on the development of an
on-line video and two webinars presenting examples of State and local programs. ONDCP also
convened corrections leadership to provide local examples and foster dialogue on Medication
Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Justice-Involved Populations at a meeting in June 2016.

Principle: Create Supportive Communities to Sustain Recovery for the Reentry Population

By coordinating Federal agencies, the Federal Interagency Reentry Council is changing Federal policies
and regulations relating to people with criminal records and has encouraged similar changes in states,
counties, and cities. This coordination amongst the Departments of Justice, Labor, Health and
Human Services, Education, and the Small Business Administration has increased possibilities for
people with criminal records, creating pathways to employment, education, housing, and health care.

For example, more than 600 Second Chance Act grants, first funded in 2009, have been awarded in
49 states and are being used to promote comprehensive programs. Many of these awards have been
used to assist drug-involved offenders reenter the community. . Resources are used to help individuals

* Risk/needs assessments are generally interview instruments that collect data on behaviors and attitudes that may help determine an
individuals risk of committing further criminal acts and need for rehabilitative or supportive services, including treatment for an SUD.
Decisions about appropriate placement in supportive programming, level of supervision, and intensity of treatment can then be made
based on this information.


re-entering the community with housing, transportation, job readiness, health care, and treatment for
SUD. Further, the Department of Labor Employment and Training Administrations Reentry
Employment Opportunities program provides grants to organizations to help people prepare for and
reenter the workforce. The focus of this program is on individuals with high need for services. .
Recipients of these awards must work with SUD treatment providers to ensure the SUD treatment
needs of their participants are met.

Principle: Improve Treatment for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System`

The Administration has committed to improving outcomes among youth. The Administrations My
Brothers Keeper, Generation Indigenous, and Children of Incarcerated Parents initiatives have drawn
attention to the challenges facing young people in communities of color and American Indian and
Alaska Native communities, and young people whose parents are involved in the justice system.
Partnerships between the Federal government and private sector companies, tribal leadership, and
public media have helped draw attention to these issues and identify available resources to promote
well-being and success among at-risk youth.

The Administration has put great effort into disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline, initiating
investigations and litigation to protect young peoples civil rights in school discipline, in interactions
with law enforcement, and in juvenile courts. In addition, the Administration has put into place the
Supportive School Discipline Initiative to help educators and administrators address discipline issues
without resorting to justice system involvement. The Departments of Justice, Health and Human
Services, and Education have provided guidance, funds, and technical support to educators and
administrators, helping to guide school systems toward less punitive measures for behavior that is
merely disruptive to school settings. Grants like the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Preventions School Justice Collaboration Program allow jurisdictions to help identify student needs,
like treatment for mental illness or SUD, and encourage partnerships between school systems and
justice systems that allow for developmentally-appropriate resolutions to discipline issues. Rather than
keeping a child out of school and involved with the justice system, better prevention, intervention,
and reentry efforts can help retain more students through graduation. Preventing entry into the justice
system, whether as a juvenile or adults, can have long-term implications for the future. These
alternatives can help someone avoid a criminal record that will affect his or her ability to secure
employment or housing for years after an offense.

Opportunities for the Future

Looking ahead, there is a need to sustain efforts to develop, evaluate, and implement effective
interventions for SUDs that can be integrated in the justice service system. The Federal Government
and its state, local, and tribal partners should continue to look to jurisdictions that have achieved
successes in reducing recidivism, decreasing jail and prison populations while maintaining public safety
and helping more justice-involved individuals lead healthy and productive lives in recovery from a
SUD. Executive agencies should continue to encourage innovations in justice practices and work with
Congress to reform laws that impede fairness and efficiency in the justice system.

Work is needed to help justice-involved youth with an SUD and those at risk of developing an SUD.
This includes supporting research to develop and identify effective, developmentally appropriate
treatment models and institutional structures that meet the unique needs of young people;
implementing case management systems that incorporate important stakeholders families, schools,

community leaders, and law enforcement; and expanding prevention services that address substance
use and other risky behaviors.

There continues to be a gap between what is available and what is needed in terms of services for
people reentering their communities following incarceration. Immediate needs like housing, health
care, and transportation as well as the provision of services that promote long-term success through
education, employment, family reunification, and peer recovery support are not always readily
available. To make reentry programs and services more successful, Federal and private-sector efforts
should look at eliminating the collateral consequences of a criminal record. Further, resources and
practices might be identified to incentivize collaboration and co-location among service providers.
Special attention could be paid to reaching out to rural and tribal populations with limited or no access
to local service providers.

The development of better practices to address substance use and justice system involvement
identifying people with SUDs as early as possible and connecting them to treatment could have
positive implications for the health care and justice systems.

In all instances, public safety practitioners and public health care providers should continue to find
ways to better integrate the services provided to the community. Access to treatment and recovery
depend upon these partnerships, as do effective prevention and diversion. The justice system is the
linchpin in balancing public health and public safety approaches to drug policy, and in the years to
come, it will build upon successes and look for opportunities to improve.


Chapter 5: Disrupt Domestic Drug

Trafficking and Production
The 2010 Strategy identified three policy objectives with regard to domestic drug trafficking and
production. The Strategy called for ONDCP and its interagency partners to focus on coordinating
Federal drug enforcement initiatives with state, local, and tribal entities; securing U.S. borders; and
addressing specific drug problems as they arise. Progress has been made in all three policy areas.
Intelligence and information sharing among drug enforcement and investigative task forces has been
strengthened, implementation of the three border strategies by the interagency partners is helping to
secure the borders, and agencies have been flexible in addressing new drug problems as they arise.
While milestones have been met for many of the action items, the efforts need to continue at or above
their current level. Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) are flexible and constantly changing their
tactics. The law enforcement response should be just as flexible and responsive. Following is a
summary of the accomplishments to date and those areas where coordinated work might continue.


To address the challenges of domestic drug trafficking and production, the Administration established
a number of principles to enhance public safety while reducing overlap between agencies and
departments. These include increasing coordination and collaboration. Multi-jurisdictional task force
teams that implement strategies to pool resources and share information are the backbone of
counterdrug enforcement efforts. De-confliction and information sharing the process of
determining when law enforcement personnel are conducting simultaneous actions in close proximity
to one another remain priorities for law enforcement agencies. Support to tribal law enforcement
will continue. A second principle emphasizes secure borders. Securing the land, air, and maritime
avenues of approach into the United States and controlling the illegal flow of drugs, bulk cash, and
weapons into and out of the country has been a top priority for the Administration. Finally, work that
identifies new trends in drug and illicit contraband has helped disrupt domestic drug trafficking and
production. A number of Federal agencies are actively working to identify and address new threats
through robust inter-agency efforts, training, and information sharing.

Principle: Federal Enforcement Initiatives Must be Coordinated with State, Local, and Tribal Partners

The Obama Administration has made coordination and information-sharing among State, local, and
tribal law enforcement agency partners a priority. This effort has been central to the work of multi-
jurisdictional task forces engaged in disrupting and dismantling Drug Trafficking Organizations
(DTO) through Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) investigations and
Strike Forces as well as DHS Border Enforcement Security Task Forces (BEST).

The OCDETF Program operates through its prosecutor-led, intelligence-driven, multi-agency task
force structure and is the centerpiece of the DOJs counter-drug enforcement efforts. De-confliction
is inherent in the OCDETF structure and process. Every investigation proposed for OCDETF
designation is reviewed by local and regional representatives of OCDETFs seven member

investigative agencies Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), DEA, Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), ICE/Homeland Security Investigations (HIS), IRS, United States Marshals
Service (USMS), and United States Coast Guard (USCG) as well as the federal prosecutors office
that will be handling the prosecution of the case. Further, all OCDETF investigations involve active
participation by at least two of the OCDETF agencies throughout the duration of the investigation.
Almost 90 percent of OCDETF investigations also involve participation by other Federal agencies as
well as state, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies. Finally, a prerequisite of OCDETF designation
for every case is submission of all target names to the multi-agency OCDETF Fusion Center (OFC,)
resulting in an extensive de-confliction intelligence product provided to all agencies with information
in the OFC related to any of the targets. In sum, every OCDETF case begins with extensive de-
confliction and continues with operational de-confliction throughout the course of the investigation.

The HIDTA program is a Federal grant program administered by ONDCP that provides assistance
to Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies operating in areas determined to be critical drug-trafficking
regions of the United States.* HIDTAs provide an umbrella to coordinate Federal, state, local, and
tribal drug law enforcement agencies and act as neutral centers to manage, de-conflict, analyze, and
report on drug enforcement activities in their respective regions. Event coordination ensures law
enforcement agencies working in close proximity of one another are immediately notified when
enforcement actions are planned in a manner that threatens or compromises other enforcement
operations. Notifications of such conflicts enhance officer safety and promote the coordination of
operations in a multi-agency environment. Similarly, target coordination alerts investigators when
there is an investigatory cross-over by enforcement agencies. To ensure coordination, every HIDTA
requires its task force and strongly encourages non-participating agency task forces to coordinate
targets and subjects under investigation. Three different - de-confliction systems (Case Explorer,
RISSAFE, and SAFETNet) are used by HIDTAs to accomplish this task. Each system can de-conflict
events, cases, subjects, and targets. After several years of analysis and technical work, these systems
achieved interoperability in May 2015. All 28 HIDTAs are now fully integrated and capable of

Information Sharing and Task Forces

Since the release of the Strategy in 2010, Federal agencies have made great strides in information sharing
with state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners. On December 7, 2012, the Jaime Zapata Border
Enforcement Security Task Force Act (Zapata Act) was signed into law. The Zapata Act established
the BEST program to enhance border security through collaborative efforts among Federal, state,
local, tribal, and foreign law enforcement agencies. By sharing information and coordinating activities,
law enforcement officials are able to better protect U.S. communities from crime, violence, and the
trafficking of arms, drugs, and people.

Participation in OCDETF investigations helps ensure the success of a multi-jurisdictional drug task
force. Since 2010, state and local law enforcement agencies have participated in at least 90 percent of
OCDETF investigations each year. Sharing intelligence and information products also is key to
successful investigations. Investigator and Intelligence Analyst demand for OFC products continues
to rise. In 2015, the OFC received a 33 percent increase in product requests, a 21 percent increase in
the number of targets referenced in their products, and had a 27 percent increase in the number of

* For additional information, please see https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/high-intensity-drug-trafficking-areas-program.


disseminations. Additionally, The DEAs De-Confliction & Information Coordination Endeavor

(DICE) increased the number officers using its system by 15 percent.

Tribal Law Enforcement Support

Supporting tribal law enforcement agencies remains a policy priority for the Administration. U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues its joint efforts with tribal law enforcement
agencies on the Southwest and Northern borders. In the Southwest, they are working with the Shadow
Wolves, an ICE tactical patrol unit located on the Native American Tohono Oodham Nation in
southern Arizona. From October 2006 through 2015, this 9-member unit has been responsible for
the seizure of over 113,000 pounds of marijuana, over 86 criminal arrests of smugglers, and the seizure
of 106 vehicles.1 In the summer of 2013, the Native American Targeted Investigation of Violent
Enterprises (NATIVE) Task Force was created as a new HIDTA Initiative for the SWB-Arizona
HIDTA. NATIVE is a cooperative Federal and tribal task force targeting smuggling operations of
individuals and organizations throughout the Tohono Oodham Nation. NATIVE includes law
enforcement personnel from the Tohono Oodham Police Department, Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI), and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Drug Enforcement Division.

Law Enforcement

In 2014, HIDTA-funded initiatives disrupted or dismantled 2,877 drug trafficking organizations,

removing significant quantities of drugs from the market and seizing over $1.1 billion in cash and non-
cash assets from drug traffickers. In addition, law enforcement has made strides against Consolidated
Priority Organization Target (CPOT) organizations. In Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015, OCDETF
member agencies initiated 1,979 OCDETF investigations, and they dismantled 233 and disrupted 438
CPOT-linked drug trafficking organizations.

Principle: The United States Must Continue to Secure Its Borders

Protecting Americas borders requires a close partnership among Federal, state, local, and tribal
authorities. Drug-trafficking organizations, operating throughout the United States, collect and move
thousands of packages of illicit drugs, currency, and weapons through Americas local communities.

Domestic Highway Enforcement

Identifying the interior corridors of drug movement and denying traffickers use of Americas highways
has been a focus of this Administrations Strategy since 2010. ONDCP started the Domestic Highway
Enforcement (DHE) program in December 2005 to assist the HIDTAs with market disruption
through a coordinated nationwide highway enforcement strategy. The DHE strategy is based on
collaborative, intelligence-led policing to enhance coordinated, multi-jurisdictional operational law
enforcement efforts to counter the transportation of illegal drugs on interstate highways specifically
identified as drug trafficking corridors. A coordinated nationwide highway enforcement strategy
contributes significantly to reducing criminal activity and enhancing public safety on the Nations
major transportation corridors. From 2010 to 2015, the DHE program confiscated $2.2 billion worth
of drugs, and disrupted or dismantled 353 drug trafficking organizations. The El Paso Intelligence
Center (EPIC) supports the DHE program through its National Seizure System (NSS), the Tactical

HIDTA Performance Management Process Database extract January 2016.


Incident Notification System (TINS), a Predictive Intelligence Unit, and an online DHE community
website. Users can access the DHE community of interest section through the DHS Homeland
Security Information Network (HSIN). The website portal allows DHE informational reports and
current trends associated with drug trafficking to be accessed by law enforcement officers across the

Southwest Border

ONDCP developed the first Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy in 2010 and updates the document
on a biennial basis. The 2016 National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy builds upon and expands
the successful Supporting Actions of previous iterations of the Strategy. By using lessons learned,
statistical data, agency annual reports, situational bulletins, and input from the field, the multi-agency
developers of the 2016 Strategy have produced a document that addresses the current, as well as
emerging, challenges posed by trans-national criminal activity associated with drug trafficking along
the border. The SWB strategy also encompasses demand reduction as highlighted in the Declaration
of Demand Reduction Cooperation that acknowledged the need to intensify prevention and
treatment efforts on both sides of the border. The work is ongoing, and it includes measures to
strengthen families and communities and promote healthy lifestyles and attitudes for at-risk youth and
other vulnerable populations.

Federal agencies have made impressive gains in their efforts to secure the Southwest border (SWB).
Efforts such as the Southern Border and Approaches Campaign provide for three DHS Joint Task
Forces (East, West, and Investigations) to coordinate and integrate efforts to secure the border and
its approaches. Specifically, the Joint Task Force-West (JTF-West), with its four corridors along the
border (California, Arizona, West Texas, and South Texas), provides a forum for border security
partners at the Federal, state, local, tribal, and bi-national level to share information, integrate
resources, and coordinate operations. The JTF-West efforts continue to advance DHS's mission of
identifying, disrupting, and degrading Transnational Criminal Organizations. The Alliance to Combat
Transnational Threats (ACTT) is a multi-agency operation initiated in September 2009 in the Sonora-
Arizona Corridor involving over 50 Federal, tribal, state, and local law enforcement and public safety
organizations. ICE and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have begun using the concept of
tailoring the ACTT approach to the El Paso-Ciudad Jurez Corridor.

The DHS Science &Technology directorate continues to work closely with CBP, the U.S. Coast Guard
(USCG), and ICE to identify and develop technologies to improve surveillance and detection
capabilities along land and maritime borders which directly support the National Drug Control Strategy.
This includes investments in tunnel detection and tunnel activity monitoring technology, low-flying
aircraft detection and tracking systems, maritime data collection/integration/data sharing capabilities,
supply chain cargo security, and improved border surveillance tools. For example, in 2011, CBP and
DoD shared test results regarding technology deployments, such as the Border Tunnel Activity
Detection System, to determine capabilities of certain technologies and requirements.

Targeting the southbound interdiction of currency and weapons has been the focus of several Federal
agencies from 2010 to the present. Cross-border gun trafficking prosecutions in the Southwest have
been enhanced by increasing information sharing among and between Southwest Border USAOs,
partner investigative agencies, and vetted Government of Mexico entities, and by expanding gun
trafficking training. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), CBP, DEA,


the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), ICE, and USMS continue to ) participate in multi-agency
initiatives, such as BESTs as well as OCDETF investigations and Strike Forces.

The 2016 National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy builds upon and expands the successful
supporting actions of previous iterations of the document, and builds on lessons learned to better
address emerging challenges caused by trans-national criminal activity including the ongoing opioid
and heroin crisis.

Northern Border

The National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy, first published in 2012 and updated in 2014,
recognizes that transnational criminal organizations operating on both sides of the U.S.Canada
border exploit the international boundary to smuggle proceeds from illegal drugs sold in the United
States and Canada and to transport drugs such as marijuana, MDMA (ecstasy), methamphetamine,
and cocaine between the two countries. The Northern Border Strategy has led to a unique level of
cooperation between the United States and Canada. For example, the Akwesasne Mohawk Indian
Reservation, which falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. and Canada, has been an integral partner in
northern border security. The tribal police participate in the BEST unit that borders Canada and the
reservation, and they also participate in an Integrated Border Enforcement Team, a U.S.-Canada
intelligence-driven enforcement team that includes core members ICE, CBP, USCG, the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The cooperative
initiative targets organized crime and other criminal activity between ports of entry.

Since the release of the 2014 National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy, information sharing
between U.S. and Canadian law enforcement has improved, and substantial opportunities for further
improvement have been identified. For example, CBP, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA),
and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) regularly exchange information about drug seizures
made at the border, helping to identify trafficking trends, routes, and organizations. Additionally, U.S.
and Canadian law enforcement share information about drugs coming from other countries,
particularly those that arrive from overseas in mail and express consignment packages. Customs
laboratories in Canada and the U.S. frequently exchange technical information about emerging trends,
such as synthetic opioids and designer drugs. To assist in implementation of the Northern Border
Strategy, the Science and Technology Directorate at DHS developed the Coastal Surveillance System
(CSS) to enhance awareness of maritime smuggling activity and increase the availability of actionable
law enforcement information to CBP, USCG, and other Federal, state, local, tribal, international, and
private partner law enforcement agencies. CSS is currently piloted at CBPs Air and Marine
Operations Center (AMOC) and includes Canadian partner participation. Additionally, Canadian law
enforcement officers, including officers from the CBSA, RCMP, and several provisional and local law
enforcement agencies, fully participate in BESTs.

Caribbean Border

Released in January 2015, The Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Strategy (CBCS) set forth the
Administrations plan to prevent illegal trafficking of drugs in and around the United States Caribbean
border (including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the islets and cays surrounding those main
islands). The goal of the CBCS is to substantially reduce the threat posed by drug trafficking,
transnational organized crime, and associated violence to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The
CBCS presents the combined efforts of the National Drug Control Program agencies in the Caribbean

border in the following areas: intelligence collection and information sharing; interdiction in the air
and maritime domains, and the ports of entry; investigations and prosecutions; disrupting and
dismantling drug trafficking organizations with a focus on the threat posed by drug-related violence;
and increased demand reduction efforts in affected communities. The CBCS was developed in close
consultation with Federal agencies and officials representing Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin
Islands. Due to the limited interior landmass and unique nature of the Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands
maritime borders, Federal collaboration with state, local, and territorial law enforcement agencies is
one of the CBCSs major areas of emphasis.

One strategic objective of the CBCS was to strengthen communities and reduce the demand for drugs.
ONDCP used the highly effective DFC Support Program to increase the number of community-
based coalitions in Puerto Rico. DFC is a Federal grant program that provides funding to community-
based coalitions that organize to prevent youth substance use. To help Puerto Rican communities
apply for the program in 2015, ONDCP staff presented two onsite technical assistance sessions to
prospective coalitions from Puerto Rico. After these workshops, the number of applicants increased
from two in 2014 to eight in 2015. Ultimately, four new DFC grantees received awards in 2015, for a
total of five DFCs in Puerto Rico.

Principle: Focus National Efforts on Specific Drug Problems

The United States continues to be challenged by emerging trends in illicit drug use, synthetic
substances such as methamphetamine and new psychoactive substances. ONDCP continues to work
with law enforcement to build collaborative and comprehensive strategies to track ongoing threats
and identify new threats and respond with coordinated policy approaches that address enforcement,
prevention, treatment, and recovery.


The Administration remains committed to reducing the use, production, and trafficking of
methamphetamine. Price and purity data and increased methamphetamine seizures across the
Southwest border indicate rising domestic availability, most of which is the result of high levels of
methamphetamine production in Mexico. While the majority of methamphetamine available in the
United States is produced in Mexico2 with precursor chemicals from China, the presence in the United
States of small-capacity production laboratories (SCPLs) and methamphetamine hydrochloride (ice)
conversion laboratories poses a serious threat.

Through the HIDTA program, ONDCP manages the National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI),
formerly known as the National Methamphetamine and Pharmaceuticals Initiative. The NETI assists
the HIDTAs with coordination, information sharing, and training for prosecutors, investigators,
intelligence analysts, and chemists to: enhance the identification of criminal targets; increase the
number of chemical/pharmaceutical drug crime-related investigations and prosecutions; and curtail
foreign chemical and precursor sources that are used by domestic illicit drug manufacturers. The NETI
also facilitates the planning and coordination of regional prescription drug summits where policy
makers, law enforcement, public health officials, and others gather to share information and develop
strategic approaches to countering the threat posed by the diversion and misuse of prescription drugs.
In addition, 437 OCDETF cases (43 percent of all OCDETF cases initiated that year) involved
methamphetamine in FY 2014. In FY 2015, 419 cases (44 percent of the total) involved


methamphetamine. For all active cases in FY 2015, OCDETF member agencies reported seizing
approximately 37,000 kilograms of methamphetamine.


Illegal marijuana cultivation on public land not only provides a supply of the drug to communities in
the United States, it is harmful to the environment. It negatively affects wildlife, vegetation, water, soil,
and other natural resources through the use of chemicals, fertilizers, and terracing and from poaching.
ONDCP works with its Federal, state, local, and tribal partners to address ecological threats posed by
marijuana cultivation on public and tribal lands. ONDCP convenes the Public Lands Drug Control
Committee, a Federal interagency group that coordinates programs to support marijuana eradication
operations, investigations, and related intelligence and information sharing.

The Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) is a significant initiative focused on eradication of
marijuana grow sites. The California Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture Forest Service lead CAMP with the primary objective of reducing the
amount of marijuana available to the illegal drug market. More than 110 local, state, tribal, and Federal
agencies have participated in CAMP, making it one of the largest and longest-running law enforcement
task forces in the United States. Most recently, in operations that culminated in September 2015,
CAMP conducted marijuana enforcement operations in 28 counties covered by all four California
HIDTAs. Operating mostly on public lands, CAMPs four regional teams raided 408 illegal marijuana
cultivation sites, eradicating 956,898 marijuana plants and seizing 5.34 tons of processed marijuana.
Its multi-jurisdictional model successfully leverages the resources of diverse law enforcement agencies
to confront illegal marijuana cultivation on a statewide scale. CAMP headquarters is co-located with
the Central Valley HIDTA program office in Sacramento.

The start of FY 2014 and through 2015, Marijuana was involved in 248 of the open OCDETF cases,
and OCDETF member agencies reported seizing approximately 44,063 kilograms of marijuana in that
same time period.

Diverted Prescription Drugs

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) furthers the Administrations crime prevention and law
enforcement goals by supporting research on drug-related crime to promote effective responses to
illegal drug markets (including diversion of legal drugs) and criminal behavior related to drug use.
Under its Controlled Substances and Forensic Toxicology Program, NIJs Office of Investigative and
Forensic Sciences funds research to improve narcotics enforcement, forensic science, and medicolegal
death investigations. In FY2012, NIJ funded research on illegal prescription drug market interventions
in collaboration with ONDCP to examine:

Strategies and resources for HIDTAs;3

The North Carolina Controlled Substances Reporting System to identify providers
manifesting unusual prescribing practices;4
Optimizing Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs to support law enforcement
Policy analysis of Florida House Bill 7095 for diversion of psychoactive prescription drugs.



In response to the heroin/opioid epidemic, multi-agency law enforcement task forces are providing
innovative approaches to address this threat. In FY2016, $3.8 million of ONDCP funding supported
HIDTAs program funds to support its strategy to respond to the Nations heroin epidemic. This
unprecedented project combines prevention, education, intelligence, and enforcement resources to
address the heroin threat across 20 states and the District of Columbia. The effort is being carried out
through a unique partnership of eight regional HIDTAs Appalachia, Atlanta-Carolinas, Michigan,
New England, New York/New Jersey, Ohio, Philadelphia/Camden, and Washington/Baltimore. The
HIDTA heroin response strategy fosters a collaborative network of public health-public safety
partnerships, sharing best practices and innovative pilots and identifying new opportunities to leverage
resources. In addition, the OCDETF National Heroin/Opioid Initiative, which was launched in
December of 2014, supports 70 regional efforts where federal, state, local and tribal public safety
officials work collaboratively to address the national epidemic. The Initiative supports multi-agency,
cooperative OCDETF strategic efforts to identify, investigate, and prosecute criminal networks and
offenders distributing heroin, fentanyl, and other opioids resulting in death of the people using these
substances. Simultaneously, Initiative partners work collaboratively with public health partners such
as forensic pathologists and toxicologists, medical examiners, coroners, and state health departments
to share real-time data pertaining to drug seizures, overdoses, and deaths in order to best arm the
public health and public safety united response to the national threat posed by opioids.

OCDETF has further demonstrated commitment in the fight against the opioid epidemic by
employing the Heroin Response Group (HRG) out of the OFC. The OFC is a multi-agency
intelligence center that leverages multiple investigative and financial data sources from OCDETF
member agencies and non-OCDETF partners to generate actionable intelligence products and leads
for the field. The HRG works in conjunction with the Special Operations Division to provide timely
information and data support based on the specific needs of ongoing heroin and / or fentanyl
investigations in an ongoing effort to establish linkages between heroin and fentanyl distribution
networks, trafficking routes, suppliers, and target communities. Pursuant to requests from the DEA,
FBI, ICE, ATF, the United States Postal Inspection Service, and the Health Research Group has
disseminated 234 products to the field in the fight against the opioid epidemic, with 27 of those
requests relating to the collaborative federal, state and local OCDETF funded Heroin Initiative efforts.

Fentanyl and Fentanyl Derivatives

2016 brought dramatic increases in the illicit manufacture and distribution of fentanyl, which has
resulted in hundreds of fentanyl-related overdoses and fentanyl- related deaths in several areas of the
country. Fentanyl, a Schedule II controlled substance, is one of the most potent opioids available for
anesthesia and analgesia purposes in human and veterinary medicine. Fentanyl produces opioid effects
that are indistinguishable from morphine or heroin, but fentanyl has a greater potency and a shorter
duration of action.

Opportunities for the Future

While many accomplishments have been achieved since the inaugural Strategy was released in 2010,
there is more work to do. It is important for milestones and objectives to be maintained at or higher
than their current level. It is important to continue support for tribal law enforcement. Coordination
among Federal, state, and local partners remains an important element in proactively diminishing the

progress of DTOs that will continue to exploit the Southwest, Northern and Caribbean borders.
Marijuana cultivation on public lands will continue to be a threat to the environment, and efforts
should continue to keep illegal marijuana from reaching markets. Interdicting drug trafficking through
mail and parcel services continues to be an area where improvements need to be made. With the
likelihood that heroin and other opioid trafficking and overdose deaths will continue to be active
threats, and innovative, whole-of-government strategies, like the HIDTA Heroin Response Strategy
and the OCDETF Heroin Initiative to facilitate collaboration and spur creative innovations, need to
be maintained to combat these threats.

While the majority of methamphetamine available in the United States is produced in Mexico, the
presence of small-capacity production laboratories and methamphetamine hydrochloride (ice)
conversion laboratories in the United States poses a serious threat. DEA continues to dedicate
enforcement, intelligence, and other resources to prevent the manufacture of methamphetamine and
to disrupt the trafficking and transportation of the drug. Their efforts include training state and local
law enforcement officers on clandestine laboratories and methamphetamine production.

Recent increases of coca production within Colombia, as well as the related movement of additional
shipments of cocaine through the transit zone on the high seas, is a troubling trend. U.S. agencies,
including CBP and the DEA, in cooperation with state and local task forces around the country, are
working to detect and disrupt increased cocaine wholesale distribution in our communities. This is a
trend worth watching closely.


Chapter 6: Strengthen Law Enforcement and

International Partnerships to Reduce the
Availability of Foreign-Produced Drugs in the
United States
At the start of the Administration, an international drug policy based on the principles of partnership
and shared responsibilities was developed. The intent was to ensure that policies, programs, and
priorities not only served to protect Americans from dangerous drugs, but also to help international
partners address their drug-related challenges, including crime, violence, gangs, and corruption. This
new spirit of collaboration and acceptance, as a major drug consuming country, of its responsibility
to assist partner nations, has enabled the United States to develop stronger, deeper partnerships
around the globe.

In communications with international partners, the United States continued to express its concern
over the drug production and trafficking threatening the Nation, but also listened to concerns from
U.S. allies, especially those within the Western Hemisphere. Many of these governments share
concerns over drug production and trafficking but are more focused on drug-related violence, youth
gang involvement, and burgeoning drug use among vulnerable populations. The candid exchanges
and shared commitment to work together enabled the United States to build new, stronger, more
effective partnerships.


Drug use, drug production, and drug trafficking are a global problem affecting all nations, not just a
challenge for producing, consuming, or transit countries to address on their own. This understanding
has enabled progress on numerous international initiatives and investigations, as well as on longer-
term efforts to build stronger institutions, promote the rule of law, support international demand
reduction, and protect human rights. These accomplishments, as well as the significant challenges
that require further attention, are described below under three key principles.

Principle: Support the Drug Control Efforts of Major Drug Source and Transit Countries

Illicit drugs pose a serious threat to public health around the world. The United States seeks to work
bilaterally and multilaterally to build robust law enforcement, security, and public health institutions
that can effectively address drug related threats.
Mexico and Central America

The partnership between the United States and Mexico remains vital to both countries. The bulk of
foreign-produced drugs consumed in the United States, including heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine,
and marijuana, are produced in or transit through Mexico. The Mexican people have made huge
sacrifices to combat the international drug cartels based within its borders. Just as the United States


is focused on drugs moving north into the country, Mexico is concerned about illicit drug proceeds
and weapons smuggled south.

Both nations conduct activities to address the illegal drug trade, including interdiction and efforts to
address drug production. Over the past year, the Obama and Pea Nieto Administrations have
intensified their collaboration with regard to the opioid epidemic. Representatives from both
governments have discussed new approaches to address opium production, heroin manufacturing,
and poly-drug trafficking. The Mexican government is conducting a poppy yield study with the
UNODC, assisted by U.S. experts, to better understand the actual potential production and inform
the government on eradication and interdiction issues. Additionally, Mexican law enforcement
officials have been working with U.S law enforcement on clandestine lab identification, evidence
collection, and safe handling of hazardous chemicals. These exchanges and collaborations have forged
a strong foundation for future cooperation.

Mexico, of course, is not the only country upon which drug trafficking has had a significant impact.
The lucrative drug trade has expanded the power of gangs, fueled the increase in murder rates,
corrupted institutions, damaged the environment, and undermined licit economic development in
Central America. In response to their pressing citizen security, economic development, and
institutional challenges, the Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras developed the
Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity of the Northern Triangle in 2014 and allocated a combined $2.6
billion to support the plan in 2016. In 2015, the U.S. government announced the U.S. Strategy for
Engagement in Central America (Strategy), a comprehensive, multi-year interagency initiative to
advance security, governance, and economic objectives in all seven countries in Central America. .
Congress appropriated $750 million in fiscal year 2016 funding to support the Strategy.

Andean Ridge

Further south, the Andean Region the source of virtually all the cocaine produced around the world
has long been the focus of the U.S. Governments attention. Through multiple administrations the
governments of the United States and Colombia have collaborated to reduce coca cultivation and
cocaine production, provide alternative livelihoods for coca farmers, seize cocaine, and bring drug
traffickers to justice. Building on these efforts, the Colombian Administration of Juan Manuel Santos
has sought to negotiate a peace accord with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
The United States is fully supportive of the peace negotiations and anticipates that a final accord will
not only create a stronger, more peaceful, more prosperous Colombia, but also will eventually facilitate
intensified initiatives to address coca production and cocaine trafficking. Such efforts will be vital in
responding to recent increases in coca cultivation (see below).

Our close partnership with Peru is also vital to efforts to reduce cocaine production. Peru continues
to make strides in stabilizing coca cultivation, with over 35,000 hectares eradicated in 2015, and in
providing innovative alternative development programs. The strong will and commitment of the
government of Peru, even in light of violence by the remnants of the Sendero Luminoso rebels, have
produced noteworthy successes over the past five years, with more achievements expected over the
next few years.


Principle: Exploit Key Vulnerabilities of Transnational Criminal Organizations

The foreign production and movement of drugs into U.S. communities is the result of a long and
complex process that is carefully controlled by drug trafficking organizations. To reduce the supply
of drugs, it is necessary to identify drug trafficking networks, determine their most vulnerable points,
and disrupt and dismantle these organizations by attacking their vulnerabilities.

Drug Interdiction

United States drug control efforts are focused not only on the land but, of course, also on the water.
High seas drug interdiction is extremely efficient, removing drugs from the trafficking flow through
multi-ton seizures before they are broken into much smaller shipments. Interdiction not only reduces
the flow of dangerous drugs into our country, it provides vital investigative leads and intelligence about
how drug trafficking organizations operate. Joint Interagency Task Force South (JIATF-South)
coordinates Western Hemisphere interdiction initiatives with 30 partner nations across 42 million
square miles of ocean. As a result of these combined efforts, 467 metric tons of cocaine were removed
in 2015, according to the Consolidated Counterdrug Data Base (CCDB) year-end report. Stronger
intelligence cuing and coordination of DHS (USCG, CBP) resources during 2015 contributed
significantly to this accomplishment. The successes in interdiction, accomplished by the men and
women serving across the region, often in difficult and dangerous conditions, have helped reduce the
amount of drugs entering communities across the Nation and contributed to our effort to keep the
pressure on drug cartels and bring their leaders to justice.

Disrupting Synthetic Drug Production and Trafficking

Over the past five years, the United States has seen an increase of New Psychoactive Substances
(NPS), threatening the health of our citizens. These synthetic drugs many of which mimic the
physiological impact of controlled drugs such as marijuana or cocaine can be dangerous and
sometimes fatal. In response to a surge in poison control alerts and reports about NPS from
communities around the Nation, U.S. agencies, led by DEA, worked to schedule many of these
substances on an emergency basis and shared information about this threat with Federal, state, local,
and community partners. Congress also has played a vital role in permanently scheduling many of
these dangerous drugs. Given the number of existing and potential NPS, Federal agencies are
working to determine how best to prioritize and understand the threats these substances pose to
public health and how this information can help inform sound policies to reduce their use and

China remains the source of many raw chemical compounds used to manufacture NPS. The United
States and China have intensified cooperation between law enforcement agencies through enhanced
intelligence exchanges, increased cooperation on investigations, and a series of technical exchanges
on precursor chemicals, NPS, and related topics. On October 1, 2015, China placed 116 chemicals
primarily NPS under national control. This action is expected to have a significant impact on the
export of NPS products to the United States.

Methamphetamine continues to be a serious concern to the United States. Mexico-based

manufacturers of the drug have been able to evade Mexican precursor controls on pseudoephedrine
and ephedrine by altering their production methods. Chinas Narcotics Control Bureau criminalized
illegal production and transportation of drug-making materials in 2015, supplementing a previous law

covering illicit purchase, sale, distribution, and smuggling. Chinas efforts will make it more difficult
for western hemisphere methamphetamine manufacturers to gain access to needed precursor
chemicals and are likely to lead to a reduction in foreign-produced methamphetamine entering the
United States from Mexico over the next 12 to 24 months. Chinas actions also could positively
change the broader enforcement environment, with greater cooperation between states on
Joint Interagency Task Force West (JIATF West) continues to work with both U.S. interagency and
international partners in the counterdrug community to exploit information in the global commodity
logistics chain to assist in the identification, location, and ultimate seizure of suspect precursor
chemical shipments before they are diverted to labs that can produce illicit synthetic drugs. The
identification of the relative few suspect shipments in the vast global chemical market is a significant
challenge. However, through extensive interagency efforts, nearly 4,700 metric tons (MT) of
methamphetamine precursor chemicals have been seized by partner nation security forces in Mexico
and Central America over the last 6 years.

Transnational Organized Crime

The summer of 2016 marked the 5-year anniversary of the Administrations Strategy to Combat
Transnational Organized Crime. At the White House in 2011, senior officials from the NSC, ONDCP,
and the Departments of Justice, State, and Treasury launched the first comprehensive interagency
transnational organized crime strategy in 15 years. Over the past 5 years the implementation of the
Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime has led to unprecedented efforts to apply all the elements
of national power to the leading global crime threats. This multi-faceted attack, using the combined
resources of U.S. agencies and partnership with key allies, has increased our capacity to protect our
citizens from an array of global crime threats. The 2011 document will guide U.S. policy in the years
ahead as we continue to confront the various organized crime threats that are associated with the
global economy.

Principle: Collaborate with International Partners

A key mechanism that enables the United States to address the drug problem more effectively is the
ability to partner with other governments, multilateral governmental organizations, and non-
governmental organizations on both short- and long-term objectives. This collaborative effort greatly
serves the interests of our Nation.

The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problems

The United States is concerned about all transnational organized crime challenges threatening the
country, including drugs, which remain the most lucrative illicit activity in the world.1 Until April
2016, it had been 18 years since the global community came together at United Nations (U.N.)
headquarters in New York to take stock of the global drug problem. At the U.N. General Assembly
Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem, the United States along with many other
nations called for balanced and comprehensive approaches to drug control under the framework of
the existing international drug control conventions and asked partners around the world to update
demand and supply reduction policies based on advances in research and science and the lessons of
experience over the decades.


As U.S. agencies and representatives in embassies spanning the globe engage in dialogue with host
countries on drug issues, their assistance is frequently requested on demand reduction programs,
including alternatives to incarceration, such as drug courts, and community coalitions focused on
preventing drug use among youth. In response to this strong interest, the United States has increased
U.S. assistance provided for international demand reduction both bilaterally and multilaterally through
key partners such as the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the World Health
Organization, the Colombo Plan, the African Union, and the Organization of American States Inter-
American Drug Abuse Control Commission (OAS/CICAD). Support from the United States in
piloting model programs, professionalizing staff, developing with international partners needed
treatment and prevention standards and curricula, and updating laws not only provided the type of
assistance our partners wanted, it created an improved environment for drug-related cooperation on
a host of issues.

Opportunities for the Future

Heroin Production and Trafficking

Mexico is the primary supplier of heroin to the United States likely due to our shared border, well-
established transportation routes and techniques for bringing the drugs into the United States, and
Mexicos ability to efficiently distribute illicit drugs to a vast U.S. drug market. Estimated poppy
cultivation in Mexico increased from 12,000 hectares in 2011 with a potential pure heroin yield of 30
metric tons, to 28,000 hectares with a potential yield of 70 metric tons in 2015. The reemergence of
illicit fentanyl, a powerful Schedule II synthetic opioid more potent than morphine or heroin,
exacerbates the heroin crisis.2 Illicit fentanyl is sometimes mixed with powder heroin to increase its
effects or with diluents and sold as synthetic heroin, with or without the buyers knowledge.3
Increasingly, illicit fentanyl is pressed into pill form and sold as counterfeit prescription pain
medications. The majority of the illicit fentanyl in the U.S. market is smuggled into the country after
being clandestinely produced in Mexico or China.4

Historically, Mexican drug trafficking organizations supplied lower-quality black tar and brown
powder heroin to the U.S. market. However, Mexican traffickers have shifted to producing white
powder heroin, increasing both the quality and quantity of heroin entering the United States across
the Southwest border.5

Since the formation of the bilateral Security Cooperation Group in 2014 and ONDCPs National
Heroin Coordination Group in October 2015, the relationship with the Government of Mexico has
strengthened in many ways.* Leaders in many of Mexicos governmental organizations work
cooperatively with ONDCP and its partners such as the Department of States Bureau of
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), the DoD, the DOJ, and others, on
drug issues with promising results.

As a result of several high level bilateral engagements, the governments of Mexico and the United
States have developed a common view of the costs of heroin and fentanyl to public health and

* This summit created an opportunity to share details about security threats in a candid manner and to take a combined approach to

strategic priorities on organized crime, counter-narcotics efforts, jointly managing our 2,000-mile shared border, and coordinating to
confront new threats from Cybercriminals. To read more: https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/02/27/third-meeting-us-


public safety for both nations. During the Security Cooperation Group meeting in Mexico City in
October 2015, the U.S. government provided insight on its efforts to reduce the demand for illicit
opioids, and asked for Mexicos increased cooperation in reducing heroin and fentanyl production
and distribution. Following a visit to Mexico City in March 2016, Mexicos Attorney General
established an organization within the Attorney Generals Office to synchronize the Government of
Mexicos heroin and fentanyl efforts. High level engagements led by the Office of National Drug
Control Policy in February, March, and July resulted in a stronger relationship with Mexico and a
series of formal mechanisms to guide and synchronize both nations efforts to address the heroin
and fentanyl crisis.

In June 2016 the Government of Mexico released its poppy cultivation study, completed in
cooperation with the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The detailed study
reported an average estimate of poppy cultivation nationwide of around 24,800 hectares from July
2014 to June 2015.6 As part of the U.N.-Mexico partnership, the MEXK54 project adopted the
additional goals of estimating Mexican poppy gum yield and the morphine content of the Mexican
illicit opium gum which will satisfy a long-standing desire to more accurately assess heroin
production throughout the country.

After adding drug policy to the U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation Group as a shared problem,
President Obama and Mexican President Pea Nieto discussed the heroin issue in May 2016 and
then again in June 2016 at the North American Leaders Summit (NALS). The Security Cooperation
Group is the primary forum for senior U.S. policy makers to work with their Mexican counterparts
and devise strategies against the security threats we both face. In addition to our bilateral
relationship, at the North American Leaders Summit, President Obama, President Pea Nieto, and
Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada agreed for their countries to participate in a trilateral North
American Drug Dialogue, which first met in October 2016. The October meeting sought to expand
cooperation on the heroin and fentanyl problem set across the entire continent.

The counterdrug partnership between the United States and Mexico is a crucial element in
addressing the heroin and fentanyl crisis in both countries. Formal opportunities for engagement
like the North American Drug Dialogue and the Security Cooperation Group provide excellent
avenues to address the public health, public safety, and law enforcement opportunities and
challenges inherent in countering the illegal drug trade writ large, and the current crisis with illicit
opioids. Our efforts to build trust and transparency with our Government of Mexico counterparts
should allow us to continue to strengthen collaboration at the policy development and
implementation levels. Our Federal counterdrug agencies will continue to build Mexicos capacity to
improve clandestine lab identification and neutralization, evidence collection, handling of hazardous
chemicals, and poppy eradication all in an effort to disrupt the Mexican drug trafficking
organizations whose activities have a direct and negative impact on public health and safety in both

Afghanistan produces over 80 percent of the world's heroin. This drug trade supports insurgent
operations in Afghanistan, destabilizes the region, expands OUDs in neighboring countries, and
fuels corruption. Afghan opiates do not be currently enter the United States in large known

The North American Dialogue on Drug Policy was born during the 2014 North American Leaders Summit (NALS) and reenergized

during the 2016 NALS. The NADD summit would smooth cooperation on issues of common concern by bringing together senior
national drug policy officials for North America to convene at least once a year and more often, if needed. The Dialogue would
provide a forum to exchange best practices, share information, and shape future engagements in international fora.


quantities. However, because Afghanistan represents the majority of global heroin trade, and there
is the risk that trade will change in response to U.S. successes against Mexican heroin, efforts to
disrupt and reduce the production and trafficking of Afghan heroin should continue in coordination
with our international partners.

The Regional Narcotics Interagency Fusion Cell located in Bahrain is an example of interagency and
international efforts to interdict Afghan opiates. This cell includes analysts and law enforcement
officers the United States, United Kingdom and Australia that fuse information on drug trafficking
operations primarily stemming from Afghanistan towards the east coast of Africa. That fused
information is then shared with action elements that can interdict this illicit trafficking. The
Coalition Maritime Force supports most of the interdictions in the Indian Ocean.

Cocaine Resurgence

As referenced above, there has been great progress over the past decade in reducing both cocaine
production in the Andean Ridge and cocaine consumption within the United States. Unfortunately,
even taking into account efforts in Colombia and Peru to reduce coca cultivation and cocaine
production, the United States estimates that total cocaine production capacity has increased over the
past year in all three of the Andean coca-producing countries.7 At the same time, U.S. consumption
remains below historic peaks but past year cocaine use may be increasing among young adults aged
18-25.8 Consistent with recent increases in consumption, drug poisoning deaths related to cocaine
have increased to 5,415 from in 2014 from a low of 4,183 in 2010, a 29 percent increase.9

It also is important for our anti-cocaine and anti-heroin efforts that future administrations provide
resources to support core data sets needed to understand drug production and supply trends. Among
this array of data sets are the crop reports provided by the intelligence community. In addition,
OCDETF-supported and DEA-led Operation Breakthrough provides essential manufacturing
efficiency analysis that enables the U.S. Government to provide credible potential drug production
estimates based on the crop reports. These and other resources are truly vital. Without them, future
administrations will become increasingly blind to the drug threats facing the Nation.

Need for International Treatment Capacity

The United States, as highlighted above, has increased its training and support for international
demand reduction initiatives. However, the need around the globe has greatly outpaced the ability of
donor countries to provide support. The United States should continue to work with other donors
to increase foreign assistance to support the development of evidence-based treatment and prevention
capacity here and abroad. It should also continue to encourage countries to invest their own resources
in this area.

There is a large unmet need for trained drug related health care personnel, adequate facilities, and
funded public behavioral and medication-assisted treatment slots. In addition, the widely sought goal,
endorsed at the recent UNGASS in New York by U.N. Member States, of increasing alternatives to
incarceration for drug dependent offenders, can be achieved only if sufficient evidence-based
treatment is available.


National Cocaine Coordination Group

The Office of National Drug Control Policy established the National Cocaine Coordination
Group (NCCG) in August 2016 in response to a series of indicators foreshadowing the resurgence
of cocaine availability in the United States. The NCCG will develop options for the current and
next Administrations and share the multi-disciplinary team of interagency subject matter experts
supporting the National Heroin Coordination Group (NHCG).
The United States estimates that total cocaine production capacity increased in 2015 in all three
of the Andean Region coca-producing countries. Detections and seizures of increased flow on
the high seas add to this troubling trend. U.S. consumption remains below historic peaks, but
lagging domestic indicators are forecasting a rise in cocaine consumption. An increase in the
availability of cocaine is likely to increase consumption and create public health, law enforcement,
and Western Hemisphere stability issues.
Current potential pure cocaine production in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia is estimated at 995
metric tons. Present interdiction assets are not sufficient to detect or seize numerous drug
movements on which we have sufficient intelligence. Interdiction is important, as it not only
reduces the volume of available illegal drugs, but also provides vital investigative leads and
intelligence about smuggling organizations.
The United States has opportunities and options to address this challenge in the Andean Region,
Central America and Mexico, the Southwest Border, and in the areas of Interdiction and
Investigation, Prevention and Education (especially for vulnerable communities), and Demand


Chapter 7: Improve Information Systems for

Analysis, Assessment, and Local
Crucial to this Administrations approach to drug policy has been the use of timely and accurate information
in all areas of drug control, including prevention, treatment, recovery, law enforcement, interdiction, and
source country efforts. Information systems have helped to illuminate the road ahead for evidence-based
drug policy. These same systems have been used to measure the effectiveness of drug treatment strategies,
focus supply-reduction activities, and prioritize resource decisions. ONDCP has worked collaboratively
with our Federal partners to strengthen data systems and prioritize data and analytic efforts to support
decision-making and monitor progress toward the Administrations goals. Ongoing workgroups, such as
the Interagency Work Group on Data, provide regular opportunities to share information and develop
collaborations that enhance individual agency efforts and improve coordination on emerging drug issues.

Without question, one of the most significant and consistent findings from these data over the past decade
has been the emerging public health crisis resulting from chronic, non-medical use of prescription drugs,
particularly prescription pain medications. More recently, there has been an alarming increase in the use of
heroin. According to NSDUH, from 2002 through 2009, more Americans initiated the misuse of
psychotherapeutics than initiated marijuana.1 By 2009, over 5.2 million people were misusing prescription
pain medications, a significantly higher number than in 2002 (4.4 millions).2 3 From 2000 through 2011,
the number of treatment admissions for these substances doubled every four years.4 Information tracking
the supply of prescription pain medications showed parallel rises in sales5 and street seizures.6 This supply
of prescription pain medications, often obtained from friends or relatives, was the source of nearly 70
percent of the opioids used non-medically in the past year.7 Data from the National Seizure System showed
a rise in heroin availability and use over the same time period. Southwest border heroin seizures rose 180
percent from 2008 to 2011.8 Drug overdose death statistics, collected by the NCHS from a census of death
certificates in the United States, was the strongest indicator of the consequences of opioid and heroin use.
In 1999, there were about 17,000 drug overdose deaths, which then increased by approximately 2,000 every
year through 2014. About half of these deaths involved opioids (prescription pain medications or heroin).
These data and the coordinated work of our Federal partners informed the Administrations Prescription
Drug Abuse Prevention Plan9 to reduce the supply through education, tracking and monitoring potential
diversion sources, proper medication disposal, and law enforcement efforts.

A number of significant policies, such as increased access to the life-saving drug naloxone, which reverses
opioid overdoses, are the result of using data systems to enhance our understanding of what is happening
at the community level and then using that data to develop a coordinated public health and public safety
response. Recent years have seen the development of a number of policy initiatives informed by data and
analytic work, as described below.


Policy Changes Informed by Data

Opioid Abuse and Heroin Use Initiative

Data on drug poisoning deaths from the National Vital Statistics System (CDC/NCHS) and treatment admissions from the Treatment
Episode Data Set (HHS/SAMHSA) provided critical information to support the need for a major expansion of medication-assisted
treatment and additional trained clinicians who could be deployed to underserved areas of the country. Data highlighting the impact of
opioid use on treatment admissions at the state level were important in the development of cooperative agreement proposals found in the
Presidents FY 17 budget. These proposals are designed to scale up activities to develop pain management and opioid prescribing quality
measures. At the same time, ONDCP analysis of data on opioid-involved drug poisoning deaths found significant increases in the rate
of deaths involving prescription opioids and heroin across the Nation as well as in rural settings. This data, coupled with the understanding
that rural communities often have fewer resources for responding to public health crises such as the opioid epidemic, prompted the
President to ask Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack to lead a new interagency effort to address opioid use in rural

Prescription Drug Response

Data from a number of federally supported data collections, including the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), Monitoring
the Future, the Defense Health Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel, and the National Vital Statistics System, helped
to identify targets outlined in the Administrations 2011 Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Plan. The plan focused on four major areas:
education, monitoring, proper disposal, and enforcement. Subsequent Strategies have reinforced the need to sustain efforts in these areas
while expanding access to evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

Drugged Driving
For decades, significant attention has been given to the problem of drunk driving, but awareness about the prevalence of drugged
driving rose dramatically in 2009, when the NHTSA Roadside Survey (NRS) results were reported. The 2007 NRS, the first national
prevalence estimate for drug-involved driving, found that among nighttime weekend drivers, 16.3 percent tested drug-positive
based on the combined results of either or both oral fluid and blood tests. These findings led to the inclusion of drugged driving
as an important prevention effort within the National Drug Control Strategy. December is National Impaired Driving Month, a time
to focus on drugged driving and other behaviors that impede the safe operation of motor vehicles. NHTSA, NIDA, and ONDCP
continue to collaborate on monitoring and tracking progress in the Nations efforts to address the problem of drugged driving.

Identifying Providers Who Intentionally Overprescribe Opioids

An enduring legacy of this Administration is its emphasis on the use of data to guide policy and monitor its impact. Perhaps one
of the most significant outcomes can be seen in how data have been used to address the role of pain clinics and their expansion in
Florida during the last decade. Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) data showed that Florida
physicians dispensed more oxycodone than those in all other states combined during the first six months of 2010 and reported that
90 of the top 100 oxycodone purchasing physicians in the Nation were located in Florida. The combination of law enforcement
activity and regulatory actions against doctors licenses dramatically decreased the availability of pain medicine diversion. New
Florida laws stripped doctors of their ability to dispense controlled substances, including opioid-based pain relievers, at rogue pain
clinics Florida mortality data showed a 69 percent decrease in deaths caused by oxycodone; from 1 516 in 2010 to 470 in 2014

Over the past seven years, the Administration has encouraged open, transparent communications among
Federal partners to create opportunities for a comprehensive understanding of substance use and strategies
to intervene early with at-risk populations and provide evidence-based care when substance use progresses
to a stage when specialized care is needed. A hallmark of this policy is that survey, administrative, and
research data be disseminated widely to inform policy and decision-making. As science has allowed us to
better understand that SUD is a brain disease, policies that are informed from valid and actionable data are
more likely to lead to interventions that prevent and delay drug use and offer hope for long-term recovery
for those who become addicted to drugs. The sections below outline some of the significant
accomplishments that have strengthened the Nations data infrastructure related to substance use and
challenges that remain.


Principle: Existing Federal Data Systems Need to be Sustained and Enhanced

A number of Federal data sets aid in monitoring drug use and related health consequences as well as supply
issues across the Nation. These data are critical for the development of informed policy. ), which tracked
drug-related emergency room admissions, and the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program,
which tracked drug use among arrestees are no longer operational. The DAWN sample of hospital
emergency departments became increasingly hard to sustain with declining support from hospitals, while
insufficient funds were available to continue ADAM. Sustained efforts have been applied to obtain such
information from other sources. This Administrations position is that systems such as those mentioned
above should not only be sustained but enhanced to allow for more timely dissemination of findings. The
Administration has encouraged Federal agencies involved in drug-related data collection to expand efforts
to develop and enhance systems that are responsive to the needs of tribal nations and local communities.
Doing so may require the development of new data systems and the identification of new measures that are
sensitive to emerging drug problems. Although there have been some discouraging trends in support of
these vital data systems, there also have been important advances, as described below.

Systems Monitoring Drug Use, Health Consequences, and Treatment Services

In partnership with the National Center for Health Statistics at CDC (NCHS/CDC), FDA, and SAMHSA
began a process to replace DAWN with a new system to track drug-related emergency room visits. The
new system, SAMHSAs Emergency Department Surveillance System (SEDSS), has been developed and
implemented through NCHSs new National Hospital Care Survey. Similar to DAWN, it utilizes data
collected from emergency departments to provide national estimates on drug-related emergency
department visits. In addition, SAMHSA will be able to look at referrals to inpatient treatment and to other
units within the hospital system. NCHS/CDC has been successful in obtaining meaningful use credit for
hospitals that participate in the survey, and it piloted with SAMHSA a new tool to review electronic health
records. Data collection began in calendar year 2016, and reports are expected in early 2017.

Another SAMHSA-supported data system, the NSDUH, serves as the primary population data collection
effort for substance use and related attitudes and behaviors. Findings from this survey have been
instrumental in understanding an array of prevention, treatment, and recovery policy issues, including trends
in opioid use. In 2015, SAMHSA implemented a partial redesign to enhance questions focusing on drug
use, including past-year prescription drug use. SAMHSA also has engaged with the National Academy of
Sciences to develop a series of expert panels to examine strategies for expanding data collection on such
topics as trauma and recovery.

Over the past seven years, SAMHSA has continued to enhance the Treatment Locator System, which draws
from the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (NSSATS) and the Mental Health
Systems Survey (MHSS). Beginning in 2013, SAMHSA developed a mechanism to sort programs managed
by the VA, and in 2014, SAMHSA partnered with the HRSA to integrate data on health centers into the
locator system. SAMHSA plans to enhance the treatment locator by including National Health Corps
Service health centers and programs run by the IHS. This National resource supports several key principles
under the ACA to identify programs, services provided, and the types of insurance that can be used to
access care.

People with SUDs disproportionately consume a large share of the market for illicit substances. The ADAM
program was developed to collect arrestee-reported data on drug use and related behaviors in selected
counties across the country because individuals who are arrested and/or convicted of crimes demonstrate

substantially higher rates of drug use especially chronic use than the general population. Understanding
the interplay between chronic drug use and crime is critical for policymakers, administrators, and
communities. When the ADAM program was terminated in 2013, ONDCP initiated a cooperative
agreement with the University of Maryland's Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) to pilot-test
a methodology to detect new drugs, particularly variants of synthetic cannabinoids, by re-testing already
collected urine specimens from criminal justice populations. The Community Drug Early Warning System
(CDEWS) study was completed in 2013, and a CDEWS replication study was completed in April 2015. A
third cooperative agreement to implement the CDEWS methodology in criminal justice populations in
other locations is ongoing, with expected completion in late 2016.

Principle: New Data Systems and Analytical Methods Should Be Developed and Implemented

Since the inaugural National Drug Control Strategy in 2010, a number of advances in analytic techniques have
taken advantage of information contained in federally supported data systems. This has led to significant
improvements in how we understand trends in the prevalence of drug use and in turn helps to highlight
which drugs are being consumed by Americans. Combining such information with additional data on
emerging trends have informed analyses used to improve public safety and public health responses.

Estimating the production, movement, and removal of illicit drugs is useful to decision-makers by
providing context for supply-reduction activities and indicating improving or worsening market
environments. The U.S. Government and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
cooperate to improve each others annual estimates of illicit crop cultivation and illicit drug production in
key source countries. Movement of illicit drugs toward U.S. markets is tabulated by the Consolidated
Counterdrug Data Base (CCDB). The CCDB was originally created to track cocaine movement, but two
modules were added in recent years to document heroin and amphetamine-type stimulants, including
precursors. Data on interdictions at and within the U.S. border are maintained by the National
Seizure System, which is continually expanding its sources of seizure information to provide a better
understanding of the magnitude of supply-reduction activities.

In August 2014, the NIDA launched the National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS) through a
cooperative agreement. This effort builds upon the former NIDA Community Epidemiology Work Group
(CEWG) that created a network of local substance use experts to report on drug trends and emerging issues
across a number of sentinel metropolitan sites and states. The NDEWS project will continue to monitor
trends using some of the same sentinel sites from the CEWG program, but also will incorporate a national
perspective using innovative data collection strategies to monitor emerging problems.

Principle: Measures of Drug Use and Related Problems Must be Useful at the Community Level

Developing new data collection efforts that exploit existing data, especially community-level data that are
responsive to local needs, can be a cost-effective strategy. A recent example is the DEA program that
connects state and local forensic laboratories. The National Forensic Laboratory Information System
(NFLIS) collects existing data on drug use and uses it to estimate regional and national trends in use,
trafficking, emerging substances (such as synthetic cannabinoids), and how use varies by geography.
Another system, which anticipates utilizing existing community resources, is the Community Early Warning
and Monitoring System (C-EMS) being developed at SAMHSAs Center for Behavioral Health Statistics
and Quality (CBHSQ). Beginning in 2012, SAMHSA entered into an agreement with the Department of
Agriculture to begin development of the Community Early Warning and Monitoring System (C-EMS). The
goal of this program is to provide tools to increase access relevant data at the local level in order to monitor

the behavioral health of the community. In addition, CBHSQ is working to develop and implement a web-
based application that will allow local communities to populate a targeted set of indicators and use that data
to generate community profiles with dashboard and mapping features. During 2015, CBHSQ/SAMHSA
incorporated a Community Epidemiology Team with deployment capacity to respond to local outbreaks
related to drug use. In 2016, CBHSQ/SAMHSA will begin phase two of this project in partnership with
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists to identify and promote a core set of behavioral health
indicators that will contribute to a national behavioral health surveillance system that responds to
community-level needs.

Opportunities for the Future

The Strategy promotes prevention, treatment, and law enforcement policies and programs that are
evidence-based and proven to be effective. Accurate and timely data are required to fully
understand the various aspects of the issue. There are challenges to maintaining current
information systems in these times of increasing diversity of the threat, but there also are
opportunities to improve the situation by merging and standardizing competing or parallel
systems. Data systems need to be as adaptable as the traffickers to provide policymakers with
the most complete, accurate, and meaningful information possible.


Many national information systems related to drugs are based on the integration of information collected
at the state or local level. Differences in standards challenge the aggregation of such information for
comparative purposes. For example, national mortality information on drug overdose deaths is based on
the collection of all death certificates, and categorizing them, sometimes by scanning hand-written
information documenting the forensic investigation. Transcription errors may be compounded by varying
standards for the conduct of forensic investigations that in turn, may lead to the omission of drug names
involved in the overdose.10 Forensic investigations are conducted by a variety of state and county public
safety organizations, including coroners and medical examiners, and often are guided by different standards,
further contributing to differences and confusion. The DOJ and the National Institute of Standards and
Technology are currently leading an effort to standardize the process for forensic investigations.11
Standardization of investigations and reporting will permit improvements to the timeliness and
completeness of mortality reporting statistics. Collaboration between Federal and State agencies will benefit
both groups by minimizing the differences. Examples of information that could be improved with greater
standardization include drug overdose deaths, fatal motor vehicle crashes involving drugs, and drug

Challenges that Impact the Survival of Systems

Large surveys can be costly and time-consuming but are important in the development of estimates of drug
use and its consequences especially when a large sample is required to investigate the relatively small
number of Americans who use cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and New Psychoactive Substances such
as synthetic cannabinoids. As noted above, two systems that were ended in recent years are the DAWN
and the ADAM program. In both of these cases, alternative information systems are being developed.


Merging Data Systems

In order to achieve efficiencies some agencies have merged parallel activities. SAMHSAs Drug and Alcohol
Services Information System (DASIS) was combined with its counterpart in mental health to become the
Behavioral Health Services Information System (BHSIS). This allowed for greater coordination of data
collection across the substance use and mental health service systems. The Federal-wide Drug Seizure System
(FDSS) was integrated into the National Seizure system. This new approach combines data on national seizures
with state and local seizures, including detailed information on the personnel and conveyance aspects of the
seizures. Agencies seeking to preserve systems that are important for informing policy and tracking progress
may benefit from a review of current systems to determine where merging components could lead to efficiencies
and savings while strengthening the network of data systems supporting the drug control effort.

Increasing Capacity to Collect and Disseminate Community Level Data

We know from recent experience in developing a comprehensive policy to address substance use and its
consequences that there is a great need for community-level data to help decision-makers at the national
level target resources more effectively. Two examples of such efforts include NIDAs National Drug Early
Warning System (NDEWS) and SAMHAs Community-Early Warning and Monitoring System (C-EMS).
Each of these programs were developed to address a real gap in information systems for enhancing the
health of the community. These programs bring to light problems that impact drug use and related
consequences and opportunities for improvement. Future efforts might focus on identifying and
supporting collaborations that utilize existing community-level indicators in conjunction with Federal and
state systems to guide actions and support policy changes to increase the effectiveness of public health and
public safety programming that addresses substance use and related conditions.

Data System Flexibility

Large population-based surveys like NSDUH require significant planning years in advance in order to
collect, process, analyze, and disseminate information, and they can be slow to respond to emerging drug
use trends. Recent drug trafficking activity indicates that changes in the design and production of illicit
substances are increasingly influenced by clandestine chemical labs, which provide traffickers with flexibility
of location, product, and precursors. Covert labs challenge existing data systems to accurately and
completely tabulate new or modified drugs, as routine tests, analysis, classifications, and data systems are
often not designed to be flexible.

Future administrations may look for ways to maintain core data collection efforts and encourage agencies
to pursue innovations that are agile for collecting and analyzing data and that extend traditional data
collection enterprises. For example, scanning social media can signal localized trends that can then be
pegged to quick data collections via mobile applications to augment local emergency room data. New
technologies that allow for real time estimation of use within communities and can complement traditional
survey studies used to measure use and the impact of policy. Expanding the number of tools that enhance
the flexibility and diversity of data systems creates more opportunities for accuracy in understanding
substance use in the United States and can have a profound impact on buy-in from stakeholders in
contributing to data submission and policy responses.


Access to Data

Sharing public health data and analytic information is critical for developing comprehensive policies and
programs to address substance use. Sharing law enforcement data and analyses is important for developing
comprehensive policies and programs to reduce the threats posed by the production and distribution of
dangerous drugs. Public health and public safety agencies often face legal and policy obstacles for sharing
data within their own divisions, much less across public health and public safety agencies. Moving forward,
the Nation will benefit from an effort to review the potential for sharing and combining data systems to
better inform coordinated policies to address current and future challenges at the Federal, state, local, and
tribal level. The Nation also will benefit from a review of current policies and practices that limit public
access to data systems in order to improve transparency and ultimately increase the publics understanding
and input into future strategies. This process will require attention to both legal and privacy issues that
arise from sharing data across agencies as well as attention to infrastructure needs to support the efficient
sharing and use of data from these systems.


Policy Focus: Drugged Driving

The National Roadside Survey has been conducted voluntarily five times since 1973 on drivers on the
Nations roads from across the country. In 2007, the National Roadside Survey estimated the use by
drivers of illicit drugs and potentially impairing medications for the first time. Previous surveys had
only estimated the prevalence of alcohol use among drivers.1 The latest version of the Roadside Survey
found the number of drivers with alcohol in their system had declined by nearly one-third since 2007
and by more than three-quarters since the first Roadside Survey in 1973. While drunk driving is down,
there has been a large increase in the number of drivers using marijuana or other illegal drugs.
Marijuana is the most frequently detected drug (other than alcohol) in crash-involved drivers.2 In the
2014 survey, nearly one in four drivers tested positive for at least one drug that could affect safety.
The number of weekend nighttime drivers with drugs in their system was 20 percent in 2015, and the
number of drivers with marijuana in their system grew by nearly 50 percent compared with the 2007
survey results.3

According to MTF, 11.3 percent of high school seniors reported driving after smoking marijuana
within two weeks of their interview. Since 2009, more high school seniors reported driving after
smoking marijuana than driving after drinking alcohol.4 A recent meta-analysis of studies looking at
marijuana-involved roadside traffic crashes (RTC) raises questions about earlier research findings that
found no difference or moderate increased risk in the odds of crash involvement due to marijuana
intoxication. First, most studies do not investigate the relationship between RTCs and acute
intoxication because the timing of the retrieval of samples was such that only presence of cannabinoids
could be assessed and not the level that existed at the time of driving. Second, several of the studies
did use the same or equivalent definitions of exposure for cases and controls which may create a bias
in the estimates. These limitations may lead to a bias that there is a lower risk of being involved in an
RTC while acutely intoxicated than currently supported.5 Additional research with updated
methodologies would help inform strategies to address marijuana use, marijuana intoxication, and

The 2010 National Drug Control Strategy set a goal of reducing drugged driving in America by 10 percent
by 2015. It has been a focus of the Administration, in collaboration with state and local governments,
nongovernmental organizations, and Federal partners, to meet the Presidents goal and keep more
Americans safe on our countrys roadways. There are four key focus areas with regard to reducing
drugged driving: increased public awareness; enhanced legal reforms to get drugged drivers off the
road; advancing technology for drug tests and data collection; and increasing law enforcements ability
to identify drugged drivers.


Collaboration across the interagency is imperative to reduce the number of drugged drivers on our
roads and to ensure more public awareness of the dangers of drugged driving. In January 2016, the
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced that ending substance-impaired driving
would remain one of its top 10 Most Wanted transportation advocacy goals for the year. Impaired
driving has appeared on the NTSBs Most Wanted list since 2013. The Board will focus on all
modes of transportation that can be impaired, including flight.


The year 2015 was the sixth year President Obama declared December National Impaired Driving
Prevention Month. During December, ONDCP, NTSB, and NHTSA principals partnered to write
a comprehensive blog about the importance of not driving after using drugs or alcohol. The blog was
posted and shared by all three agencies. In 2015, the President encouraged drivers to promote road
safety and avoid all forms of impaired driving: No person should suffer the tragedy of losing
someone as a result of drunk, drugged, or distracted driving, but for far too long the danger of
impaired driving has robbed people of the comfort of knowing that when a loved one leaves home
they will return safely. Impaired driving puts drivers, passengers, and pedestrians at risk, and each
year it claims the lives of thousands of Americans. During National Impaired Driving Prevention
Month, we recommit to preventing these incidents by acting responsibly and by promoting
responsible behavior by those around us. Together, we can enhance public safety and work to
ensure a happy, healthy life for all our people.6

Over the past six years, the Administration has hosted events, coordinated interagency engagement,
issued joint statements with other Administration leaders, and utilized social media to discuss drugged
driving. In 2014, ONDCP joined more than 30 national partners for a Twitter chat focused on
awareness and prevention of drugged driving.

In October 2011, the Administration convened a drugged driving summit with stakeholders from
prevention, youth-serving, and safety organizations, automobile and insurance industry
representatives, and Federal agencies. At the summit, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and
the Administration announced a partnership to raise awareness of the consequences of drugged
driving, and to support the victims of poly-substance use (both alcohol and drugs) and drugged
driving. In 2015, MADD revised its mission statement to read MADD's mission is to end drunk
driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes and prevent underage
drinking.7 Current MADD National President Colleen Sheehey-Church has suffered personally from
poly-use driving. Her 18-year-old son died in a car driven by a teen with alcohol and drugs in her

ONDCP has continued to focus on providing law enforcement with tools that improve their ability
to identify drugged drivers on the road. The online Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving
Enforcement (ARIDE) program is a free tool that the NHTSA, in partnership with ONDCP,
developed in August 2013. To date, more than 1,814 law enforcement officers and prosecutors have
enrolled in the online ARIDE training to learn more about impaired driving through the virtual
training course. ONDCP promoted the ARIDE program to law enforcement partners including the
International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Association of Police Organizations, DOJs
Community Oriented Policing Services Office, National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement
Agencies, Fraternal Order of Police, National Criminal Justice Association, and HIDTA DHE
program who delivered targeted information about the program to law enforcement communities
of interest and other stakeholders.

ONDCP has been focused on youth drugged driving education. In 2014, Director Michael Botticelli
met with NTSB Chairman Christopher Hart, NHTSA leadership, researchers, and youth-serving
organizations in Columbus, Ohio, for a one-day RADD-ONDCP Ohio Teen DUID Summit to
review data and prevention messaging. The Drugged Driving Toolkit,8 created by ONDCP, has been
shared with thousands of parents and community leaders to encourage dialogue about the dangers of
impaired driving.


Opportunities for the Future

ONDCP supports the development of guidelines on toxicology laboratory standards for detecting
drugs in oral fluids to make on-site drug screening by law enforcement possible and to enhance how
drug testing is carried out in the workplace. SAMHSA has proposed final oral fluid testing guidelines.

More research needs to be done regarding the impact of drug use on driving and the cognitive skills
needed to operate a motor vehicle. The National Institute of Drug Abuse, with support from
ONDCP and NHTSA, conducted a 2014 study to show how marijuana and marijuana with alcohol
impacts driving. Using a driving simulator, researchers concluded that drivers who used alcohol and
marijuana together were more likely to weave in and out of the driving lane than drivers who used
either substance independently.9 This is the first study of the effects of inhaled vaporized marijuana
on driving; more analysis is needed to fully understand how different blood concentrations of THC,
the main active ingredient of marijuana, impact driving ability. More recent research points to the
challenges in assessing the level of marijuana intoxication due to variability in rates of individual
decreases in concentration and the time between use and collection of the sample.10


Policy Focus: Preventing and Addressing

Prescription Opioid Misuse
and Heroin Use
With the release of the inaugural National Drug Control Strategy (Strategy) in 2010, the non-medical use
of prescription drugs and the consequences of their use, particularly prescription pain medications,
were recognized by this Administration as a significant and growing problem in the United States.
Data from the 2009 NSDUH showed non-medical use of prescription drugs was the second most
used illicit substance in America with 2.8 percent of Americans reporting past month use. People who
used prescription pain medications non-medically made up the largest proportion of those who
misused prescription drugs (76%).1

However, misuse of prescription pain medications has been declining. Data from the 2014 NSDUH
shows that between 2009 and 2014, there was an 11 percent decrease (2.8% to 2.5%) in non-medical
use of prescription drugs overall, and an even larger decrease (24%) in the non-medical use of
prescription pain medications (2.1 %to 1.6%).2 Additionally, there was a 35 percent decline in the
number of individuals initiating non-medical use of prescription pain medications. 3

According to the CDC, approximately 129 Americans on average died from a drug overdose every
day in 2014, including 78 per day from opioids.* Of the 47,055 drug overdose deaths in 2014, heroin
was involved in 10,574 drug overdose deaths, while natural and semi-synthetic opioids, the most
commonly prescribed opioid analgesics, and methadone were involved in 14,838 drug overdose
deaths.4 Additionally, 5,544 drug overdose deaths involved synthetic opioids other than methadone,
which includes both illicitly-manufactured and pharmaceutical fentanyl. This number has more than
doubled from two years earlier (2,628 in 2012).

There was a significant increase in 2014 in the number of current heroin users aged 12 and older
compared to 2013 (from 289,000 to 435,000 individuals).5 And, although there is evidence some
people who use prescription pain medications non-medically have initiated heroin use, it remains only
a small percentage of this population. Figure 1 illustrates a recent SAMHSA study finding that only
3.6 percent (approximately 360,000 of more than 10 million) of individuals who non-medically used
prescription pain medications initiated heroin use within the 5-year period following their first non-
medical use of prescription pain medications.6

Between 2000 and 2014, the rate of drug overdose deaths rose 137 percent; and the rate of drug
overdose deaths involving opioids (including prescription pain medications and heroin) rose by 200
percent and accounted for 61 percent (28,647) of all drug overdose deaths.7 These deaths are a part
of a 15 year trajectory of increasing opioid overdose deaths that began with nonmedical use of
prescription pain medications, and recently punctuated by a surge in deaths involving heroin, and
illicit, lab-created fentanyl and its analogs.8

*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Multiple Cause of Death, 1999-2014 on CDC

WONDER Online Database, released 2015. Extracted by ONDCP from http://wonder.cdc.gov/mcd-icd10.html on December 9,


The significant rise in the availability, acceptability, and use of opioids and the devastating
consequences on communities across the United States including overburdened emergency
departments, opioid overdoses, increasing numbers of infants born with neonatal abstinence
syndrome, and overdose deaths. The complexity of this crisis creates special challenges for Federal,
state, tribal, state, local and non-governmental partners who must confront the growing negative
impacts of opioid use on communities while safeguarding the role of some of these medications in
relieving pain and reducing human suffering.9 Because this crisis, in large part, concerns federally
regulated products, it demands a comprehensive response from Federal leadership. In this context,
ONDCP and Federal partners formulated an initial coordinated Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention
Plan (Plan) to address the non-medical use of prescription drugs. Titled, Epidemic: Responding to
Americas Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis,10 the Plan balances the need to ensure patient access to
prescription opioids to treat chronic and acute pain, while minimizing nonmedical use and misuse of
these potent, addictive medications.
The Plan contains the following four pillars to address the opioid medication misuse crisis:
1. Education. Educating the public and healthcare providers to increase awareness about the
dangers of prescription drug misuse, and about the ways to appropriately dispense, store, and
dispose of controlled substance medications.
2. Tracking and Monitoring. Enhancing and increasing the use of prescription drug
monitoring programs (PDMPs) to provide opportunities for early intervention and detect
therapeutic duplication and drug-drug interactions.
3. Proper Medication Disposal. Developing consumer-friendly and environmentally-
responsible prescription drug disposal programs can help limit the diversion of drugs, as most
people who use these drugs non-medically obtain prescription pain medications from family
and friends.


4. Enforcement. Providing law enforcement agencies with the support and tools they need to
expand their efforts to shut down pill mills and decrease diversion.

Since 2011, the Plan emphasized the need for patients and families to receive evidence based treatment
for an SUD and for first responders to be equipped with naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal drug.
The remainder of this chapter discusses accomplishments across these areas and remaining challenges
to be addressed.
The Nation has made substantial progress in implementing the four pillars of the Prescription Drug
Prevention Plan. Additionally, the Nation has made advances in other policy areas targeting the
opioid crisis, including addressing perinatal withdrawal, investing in strategies to reduce the burden of
pain without necessarily resorting to prescription pain relievers, slowing the increase in opioid
overdose deaths, and expanding access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and developing an
action plan to address the resurgence of heroin use across the Nation. Accomplishments in each of
these areas are discussed below.
Prescription Drug Prevention Plan
In 2011, the ONDCP released Epidemic: Responding to Americas Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis which
expanded on the Administrations National Drug Control Strategy and included action in four major areas:
Education, enhancing and increasing use of prescription drug abuse monitoring programs, developing
consumer friendly and environmentally-responsible drug disposal programs, and providing law
enforcement agencies with the support and tools necessary to shut down pill mills and stop doctor
shoppers. Progress on this plan is highlighted below.
Federal, state, local and non-governmental partners have worked together on a number of initiatives
to educate the Nation about the risks of non-medical use of prescription pain medications. These
efforts include providing training and resources for community-based providers through the DFC and
HIDTA programs. A number of initiatives have been implemented to enhance prescriber skills in
terms of pain management, helping patients learn to use opioids safely, identifying an emerging or
existing SUD, and providing or connecting patients with an SUD to treatment.
In October 2015, the White House announced a commitment by medical organizations to train
540,000 controlled substance providers on these practices. To date, almost 280,080 providers have
been trained with updated standards on pain management and opioid prescribing. Medical schools
and the Addiction Medicine Foundation have committed to expand substance use education in
medical school curricula and create fellowship positions to offer advance training in primary care and
pediatric programs.
In March 2016, the CDC released the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain11 (Guideline).
The Guideline equips primary healthcare providers with information and recommendations to improve
communication between clinicians and patients about the risks and benefits of opioid therapy for
chronic pain, improve the safety and effectiveness of pain treatment, and reduce the risks associated
with long-term opioid therapy, including OUD, overdose, and death.


A 2015 Presidential Memorandum required Federal agencies to provide training on the appropriate
and effective prescribing of opioid medications to all employees who are health care professionals and
prescribe controlled substances as part of their Federal responsibilities and duties.12 These
mechanisms are currently in place and more than 52 percent of Federal providers across the DoD,
VA, BOP, NIH, and the IHS have completed this training. .
In, September of 2016, ED Secretary King issued an open letter to the education sector on Supporting
Students to Prevent Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders that highlighted how educational
organizations could help to prevent and reduce drug use among the Nations students in K-12 and
colleges and universities. This letter also provided a number of Federal resources that are available to
educators and parents.13
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
There have been significant advances in implementing PDMPs, 49 states and Washington, D.C. now
have operational PDMPs. PDMPs help providers understand their patients medication histories, as
well as problematic behaviors that signal a need for more in-depth conversations about pain and
substance use. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) supported PDMP expansion grants in 11 states
in 2015. ONC, SAMHSA, and CDC all have funded research and standards development for PDMP
improvements. The IHS, DoD, and VA have piloted the integration of PDMP systems within their
electronic health records systems. In July 2016, both VA and IHS announced new policies that require
prescribers to check the PDMP prior to making a decision to prescribe controlled medications.
Historically, the ability of states to share data has been limited, but agencies are currently involved in
efforts to enhance the interoperability of state PDMPs. At the time of this writing, two electronic
data sharing hubs are operational, enabling 43 states to work through one or both to share PDMP
data with at least one other state. Funding from BJA and DoD has been used to enhance this interstate
data sharing.
PDMPs are only one approach to monitoring. The DoD, VA, and CMS all have initiated drug
utilization review programs for some of their patient populations to better coordinate care for
individuals who are prescribed opioid medications. Many hospitals administer patient surveys to
determine whether their pain was managed adequately. CMS has proposed new questions for these
surveys that avoid the perception that performance is linked to prescribing opioid medications for
pain control.14
Storage and Disposal of Excess Prescription Medications
In September 2014, the DEA issued a new rule governing the secure disposal of controlled substances.
Regulations promulgated through this rule helped implement the Responsible Drug Disposal Act of
2010, which expands options to collect unused controlled substances, and allows for expanded take-
back events, mail-back programs, and the placement of collection receptacles at police departments,
pharmacies, and some hospitals with on-site pharmacies. The rule also permits disposal via drug
deactivation products, as long as the medications are rendered non-retrievable. These systems may
be helpful where incineration is not available or collection boxes are not within easy driving distance.
Federal agencies have taken actions to safely dispose of expired, unneeded and unwanted prescription
pain medications. In April 2016, DEA held its 11th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. DEA
collected a record 447 tons of unwanted prescription drugs from 5,359 community sites.15 As of

October 2016, more than 6.4 million pounds of prescription drugs have been collected by DEA
through this initiative.16 Additionally, the VA has installed medication disposal receptacles at over 70
locations, and mail-back envelopes are available at all VA facilities. As of August 1, 2016,
approximately 38,700 pounds, almost 19 tons, of prescription pain medications have been collected
by VA and destroyed in an environmentally responsible manner.17 However, though safe disposal
programs have helped reduce the amount of prescription pain medications that can be diverted for
misuse, a recent review suggests that the evidence of these types of initiatives on health outcomes is
weak.18A number of private companies and other organizations have also elevated the disposal issue.
In February 2016, for example, Walgreens Pharmacy announced its intent to provide 500 disposal
receptacles in 39 states by the end of 2016; and CVS Pharmacy made donations of drop boxes to local
law enforcement. Additionally, the National Community Pharmacists Association reports more than
1,400 independent pharmacies engaged in disposal activities across the United States.19
Local governments have found it challenging to identify financial support for disposal programs. In
response, Alameda County, California, and King County, Washington, have passed product
stewardship laws that require prescription drug manufacturers to develop and pay for county
prescription drug disposal programs.
Enhancing Existing Laws and Supporting Enforcement
DEA has deployed an innovative approach that combines public health and public safety strategies to
address the opioid epidemic. The DEA 360 Strategy coordinates law enforcement operations that target
drug trafficking organizations and violent gangs distributing drugs in our Nations communities, but
DEA also engages drug manufacturers, wholesalers, practitioners, and pharmacists to limit the
diversion of prescription pain medications by increasing awareness of the opioid epidemic and its
consequences. There is also outreach and partnership with local organizations to provide
communities with the skills and resources necessary to continue to address the consequences of the
opioid epidemic.
DEA agents and investigators also are integrating with other Federal, state, tribal and local law
enforcement officers in 66 Tactical Diversion Squads across 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District
of Columbia. As DEA has worked to expand partnerships across public health and public safety
agencies, it has continued enforcement efforts to crack down on pill mills and doctor shopping; and
is working to thwart individuals who use the internet to illegally sell and purchase controlled
The HIDTA Heroin Response Strategy is a multi-state effort to coordinate anti-heroin activities by
taking a balanced public health and public safety approach. This effort enhances intelligence sharing,
increases development of effective enforcement strategies and operations, and maximizes resources
and minimizes the supply of heroin and diverted prescription pain medications in designated areas.
Through this strategy, a collaborative network of public health-public safety partnerships is being
fostered to identify new innovative practices to address the heroin epidemic more effectively. The
HIDTA Heroin Response Strategy currently encompasses 8 regional HIDTA programs in 20 states
and the District of Columbia.
In 2015 DOJ and ONDCP also co-lead a Heroin Task Force comprised of experts from Federal
agencies engaged in domestic public health and public safety responses to the opioid crisis. DOJ
released their report to congress on December 31, 2015.

Addressing Perinatal Withdrawal
In 2012, a study found that the number of newborns with withdrawal from opioid exposure (neonatal
abstinence syndrome, or NAS) appeared to be growing as the opioid epidemic expanded. Recent
research suggest that there is a five-fold increase in NAS since 2000.20 Many communities faced
knowledge gaps and demanded improved care for opioid-exposed mothers and infants. ONDCP held
a leadership meeting with various stakeholders, including the March of Dimes, American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and American Academy of Pediatrics. Later that year, Congress
passed, and President Obama signed the bipartisan Protecting our Infants Act (Act) which promotes
additional research on treatment for women and infants exposed to drugs during pregnancy, and
requires CDC to track trends in prevalence of the condition over time.
Transforming Pain Management
In 2016, the NIH released the National Pain Strategy, the aim of which is to decrease the prevalence of
pain across the continuum from acute to high-impact chronic pain and associated morbidity and
mortality. The report addresses six key areas including:

population research
prevention and care
service delivery and payment
professional education and training
public education and communication

Taking a lifespan perspective, the National Pain Strategy is part of a long-term effort seeking to
transform the way pain is perceived, assessed, and treated across the Nation, which would be a
significant step toward what the report highlights as the ideal state of pain care. 21,22

Preventing Opioid Morbidity and Mortality

This Administration supports the use of naloxone to reverse the effects of opioid overdose. In 2001,
New Mexico became the first state to expand access to naloxone, allowing health care professionals
to prescribe naloxone to lay persons, and for lay persons to administer naloxone, without being subject
to civil liability or criminal prosecution. Since then, overdose prevention laws have expanded
dramatically, with most being passed since 2012. As of December 2015, a majority of states have
enacted statutes that expand access to naloxone or provide Good Samaritan protections for
possession of a controlled substance if emergency assistance is sought for a victim of an opioid
Federal, state, tribal, and local agencies and stakeholders across the country have increased the
availability and use of naloxone. Today, hundreds of law enforcement agencies equip and train officers
to administer this life-saving medication. At the Federal level there have been a number of initiatives
to expand access to naloxone:

DoD is working to ensure that opioid overdose-reversal kits and training are available to all first
responders on military facilities;


The IHS and BIA are collaborating to reduce opioid overdoses among American Indians and
Alaskan Natives. Beginning in 2016, 90 IHS-funded pharmacies will dispense naloxone and train
500 officers from the BIA Office of Justice Services to administer this drug to individuals
experiencing an opioid overdose;
VA has provided more than 45,000 naloxone kits from when it began piloting its VA Opioid
Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Initiative in 2013 in Cleveland, Ohio and rolled
out nationally in May of 2014. Over 39,000 Veterans had received a kit by the end of September,
In 2016, SAMHSA provided additional funding to increase access to naloxone across the Nation
which will allow states to purchase naloxone and train and equip first responders;
The FDA has used its fast-track and priority review systems to approve an easy-to-administer
nasal spray version of naloxone that was developed through partnerships with NIDA to apply
new technology to interventions for opioid overdose;
USDA announced $1.4 million in funding for its rural Health and Safety Education grants program
to develop projects that work to educate the public about overdose and opioid use.24 Additionally,
since 2009, USDA Rural Development has provided more than $213 million in grants for 634
Distance Learning and Telemedicine projects in rural areas nationwide, many providing mental
health treatment; and
NIDA is funding implementation science to understand how to best implement naloxone
distribution programs.

In FY 2016, SAMHSA released two new grant programs to address the ongoing epidemic of
prescription drug and opioid misuse: Grants to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose-
Related Deaths (PDO) and the Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs (SPF Rx).
PDO is the first grant program in the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) that will allow
grantees to purchase naloxone in a fashion that is tailored to meet the specific needs of their
communities. The purpose of this program is to reduce the number of opioid-related overdose
deaths and adverse events among individuals 18 years of age and older through the use of
SAMHSAs Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit. The program will educate key community sectors
and implement secondary prevention strategies such as the distribution of naloxone. SAMHSAs
Toolkit and other resources will be utilized to help grantees develop a comprehensive prevention
program that educates the public about the dangers of sharing medications, raises awareness among
pharmaceutical and medical communities on the risks of overprescribing, and implement overdose
death prevention strategies. SAMHSA funded 12 PDO grant applications. The SPF Rx grant
program is designed to assist grantees in developing capacity and expertise in the use of data from
state run prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP). SAMHSA funded 25 SPF-Rx grant
Preventing overdose deaths has been a central component of the Administrations efforts to mitigate
the consequences of opioid use. However, the Nation also faces continuing challenges, such as
outbreaks of blood-borne infections like HIV and hepatitis that stem from intravenous drug use and
sharing injection equipment, engaging in risky sexual behavior, and non-compliance with medication
regimens. In December 2015, the President signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016
which modifies restrictions on the use of Federal funds for programs that distribute sterile needles
and syringes. HHS issued guidelines in 2016 allowing syringe services programs (SSP) to use Federal
funds, other than for the purchase of syringes or needles and where there is a demonstrated need,
such as significant increases in hepatitis infections or HIV outbreaks. See the accompanying text
box on injection drug use and blood-borne infections for additional information on this topic.


Medication-Assisted Treatments

In 2015, HHS announced an initiative aimed at reducing prescription pain medication and heroin
overdose, death, and dependence. The Initiative targets three priority areas: (1) providing training and
educational resources to assist health professionals in making informed decisions regarding the
prescribing of opioids;25 (2) expanding the use of naloxone to reduce the number of preventable deaths
resulting from prescription and illicit opioid overdoses, including heroin and fentanyl; and (3)
expanding the use of MAT combined with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat OUDs
As part of this initiative, HHS finalize a rule to raise the buprenorphine patient cap to increase patient
access to MAT. Buprenorphine is an opioid medication used to treat OUDs in the privacy of a
physicians office. Released in July 2016, the final rule qualified physicians with advanced
credentialing and those working in settings that provide high-quality care, the ability to treat up to 275
patients and expands access in emergency situations, such as disasters, epidemics, or incapacitation of
the physician in underserved communities. HHS estimates that within the first year of the rule change,
10,000 to 90,000 additional people will gain access to MAT; and an additional 2,000 to 15,000 patients
in each subsequent year.26 SAMHSA is also developing guidance on MAT for pregnant and post-
partum women that will be released in 2016.

The HRSA has provided funding to expand SUD services, hire mental health professionals, and invest
in integrated models of primary care. Additionally, in 2013, the DoD removed the ban on using MAT
to treat OUD. The DoD and VA have also been working with SAMHSA to implement training
programs and increase the number of providers that can prescribe buprenorphine.

The Presidents FY 2017 budget proposed $1.1 billion to address the opioid epidemic and help all
Americans who want treatment for their OUD get the help they need Within this amount proposed
for DOJ and HHS to continue and build on efforts to expand state-level overdose prevention
strategies, increase the availability of MAT services and fund implementation research to integrate
MAT practices, make naloxone more available, including nasal naloxone, develop population-level
guidance to manage pain, and support targeted enforcement activities. In December 2016, the
President signed the 21st Century Cures Act which included $500 million in FY2017 for States to fund
expanded prevention and treatment for OUD.
On June 17, 2016, ONDCP, in collaboration with BJA and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC)
convened a meeting titled, Medication-Assisted Treatment for Justice Involved Populations. This meeting
brought together leaders from the corrections field, various national associations (National Sheriffs
Association, American Correctional Association, American Jail Association, American Probation and
Parole Association, National Association of Counties, and National Association of Drug Court
Professionals), research and policy practitioners (the Urban Institute, the Community Oriented
Correctional Health Services, the Vera Institute of Justice, and the PEW Charitable Trusts), and
Federal agencies (SAMHSA, CMS, HRSA, and IHS) to discuss opportunities and challenges in
expanding the use of MAT for justiceinvolved populations.


Injection Drug Use and Blood-Borne Infections

People who inject drugs are at greater risk for acquiring and transmitting blood-borne viral infections, such as HIV, hepatitis B (HBV),
and hepatitis C (HCV). i ONDCP and our federal partners have worked to align the National Drug Control Strategy, the National
HIV/AIDS Strategy and Action Plan, and the National Hepatitis Action Plan to ensure the best care and treatment for people with
opioid use disorders who engage in injection drug use, or its past effects.

As a result of the opioid epidemic, the connection between injection drug use and blood-borne infections has become more pronounced.
The number of reported acute cases of HCV infection has increased since 2010, ii and a 2015 HCV and HIV outbreak in southeastern
Indiana was linked to injection of the prescription opioid oxymorphone. iii To date, 191 persons have been diagnosed with HIV as a
result of the Indiana outbreak; iii and 93 percent were co-infected with hepatitis C. iii And this was in a community of only 4,200 people.ii

Evidence-based strategies and integrated-service provisions are needed to comprehensively address the intersection of opioid use
disorder, and HIV, HBV, and HCV infection. Individuals that are at high risk of acquiring and transmitting blood-borne viral infections
may engage syringe service programs (SSP) that are linked to health care centers, drug treatment programs, and other facilities that
promote education and vaccination for hepatitis. iv,v In addition to receiving sterile needles and injection equipment (e.g., alcohol swabs,
vials of sterile water or works), and access to treatment, some syringe service programs offer basic health care services and provide
naloxone. Research indicates that SSPs can positively impact HIV and HCV incidence and prevalence rates and reduce injection-related
risk behaviors. vi,vii

Syringe exchange or possession of syringes is illegal in many states, and in states where these programs are legal, funding these programs
can be challenging. On December 18, 2015, President Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 which modified the
restriction on use of Federal funds for programs distributing sterile needles or syringes.viii A provision in the Act now allows Federal
funds to be used by state or local health departments, where legal, to support syringe access in areas with demonstrated need (i.e.
currently experiencing, or at risk of increases in hepatitis or HIV outbreaks due to injection drug use).ix Federal agencies (HHS,xi
CDC,xii SAMHSA,xiii and HRSAxiv) have released guidance on how to establish eligibility for Federal funding. Health Departments
interested in starting new syringe service programs should first contact CDC for a determination of eligibility, and then follow agency
guidance on applying for funding or repurposing existing funds as permitted.xv

Individuals with an opioid use disorder who inject drugs may also take a daily medicine that prevents the contraction of HIV (Pre-
exposure Prophylaxis or PrEP).xvi CDC recommends PrEP for anyone who has injected drugs in the past 6 months and has shared
needles or who has been in drug treatment. Additionally, Hepatitis C can now be cured using a number of new medicines, VA policy
offers Veterans with Hepatitis high quality care and appropriate treatment and their policy states that ongoing substance use or
participation in opioid use disorder treatment should not exclude people from treatment. Additionally VAs policy strongly discourages
using length of abstinence as a way to disqualify patients from treatment.xvi

i. CDC. (2016). Disease burden from Viral Hepatitis A, B and C in the United States. Accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/statistics/index.htm.
ii. CDC. (2015). Community Outbreak of HIV Infection Linked to Injection Drug Use of Oxymorphone Indiana, 2015. MMWR, 64(16):443-
444. Accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6416a4.htm.
iii. Indiana State Department of Health. News release. ( 2 0 1 6 ) . HIV Testing Hours Extended at Scott County One-Stop Shop, April 26, 2016:
Accessed at: http://www.in.gov/isdh/files/April_26_HIV_Testing_Hours_Extended_at_Scott_County_One-Stop_Shop(1).pdf.
iv. Carey, J., Perlman, D.C., Friedman, P., Kaplan, W.M., Nugent, A., Deutscher, M., Masson, D.L., and Des Jarlais,
D.C., (2005). Knowledge of hepatitis among active drug injectors at a syringe exchange program, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 20(10: 47-53.
v. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). Syringe Exchange Programs United States, 2008, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Retrieved
at: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5945a4.htm/Syringe-Exchange-Programs-United-States-2008.
vi. Abdul-Quader AS, Feelemyer J, Modi S, et al. (2013). Effectiveness of Structural-Level Needle/Syringe Programs to Reduce HCV and HIV Infection
Among People Who Inject Drugs: A Systematic Review. AIDS and Behavior. 17(9):2878-2892. doi:10.1007/s10461-013-0593-y.
vii. Patel, MR, Combs, B, Hal, P. et al. (2015). Reduction in Injection Risk Behaviors After Institution of an Emergency Syringe Exchange Program
During an HIV Outbreak Among Persons Who Inject Drugs, Indiana 2015. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2(Suppl 1):638a.
viii. HHS. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Implementation Guidance to Support Certain Components of Syringe Services
Programs. Accessed at: https://www.aids.gov/pdf/hhs-ssp-guidance.pdf.
ix. HHS. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016). Implementation Guidance to Support Certain Components of Syringe Services
Programs. Accessed at: https://www.aids.gov/pdf/hhs-ssp-guidance.pdf.
x. CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016). Program Guidance for Implementing Certain Components of Syringe Services Programs.
Accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/risk/cdc-hiv-syringe-exchange-services.pdf.
xi. SAMHSA. (2016). AMHSA-specific Guidance for States Requesting Use of Substance Abuse Prevention and treatment block grant funds to
Implement SSPs, Accessed at: http://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/grants/ssp- guidance-state-block-grants.pdf.
xii. HRSA (2016) Administration-Specific Implementation Guidance to Support Certain Components of Syringe Services Programs Accessed at:


Compelling information showed that providing MAT and recovery support services to justice-
involved populations reduced recidivism and realized cost-savings for institutions. This highlighted
the need for greater adoption of MAT in the correctional setting. Additionally, NIC Director James
Cosby announced the creation of a new behavioral health program that will establish 10 Centers of
Excellence to expand access to MAT for justice-involved individuals with OUD.

National Heroin Coordination Group

Several factors contribute to the current nationwide heroin crisis: the increased availability of heroin
in the US market,27 the availability of purer forms of heroin that allow for non-intravenous use,28 its
relatively low price,29 and individuals transitioning from the non-medical use of prescription drugs to
heroin.30 Heroin use has spread into suburban and rural communities and is growing among most
socioeconomic classes, age groups, and races.31

The United States typically addresses the heroin threat as a global issue. However, Mexico is currently
the primary supplier of heroin to the United States, with Mexican drug traffickers producing heroin
in Mexico and smuggling the finished product into the United States.32 Opium poppy cultivation in
Mexico has increased substantially in recent years, rising from 17,000 hectares in 2014, with an
estimated potential pure heroin production of 42 metric tons, to 28,000 hectares in 2015 with potential
production of 70 metric tons of pure heroin.33

The heroin crisis is being compounded by the reemergence of fentanyl, a powerful Schedule II
synthetic opioid analgesic more potent than morphine or heroin.34 Fentanyl is sometimes mixed with
powder heroin to increase its effects or mixed with diluents and sold as synthetic heroin, with or
without the buyers knowledge.35 Fentanyl used for illicit purposes comes from several sources
including pharmaceutical fentanyl diverted from legal medical use, which accounts for a small
percentage of the fentanyl in the illicit market, and clandestine fentanyl that is manufactured in Mexico
or China and smuggled into the United States through a variety of means.36 Fentanyl is extremely
dangerous and deadly. Between 2013 and 2014, at least 700 deaths in the United States were attributed
to fentanyl and its analogues, 37 although the actual number is likely higher.

The dramatic increase in the availability and use of heroin and fentanyl is a national security, law
enforcement, and public health issue, and it has become the highest priority illicit drug threat to the
Nation. 38

Departments and agencies, in consultation with the National Security Council (NSC) staff, agreed with
the establishment of the National Heroin Coordination Group (NHCG) within ONDCP to act as the
hub of a network of colleagues and partnerships across the interagency who can leverage their home
agency authorities and resources to disrupt the heroin and fentanyl supply chain coming into the
United States. This NHCG was established in 2015. One of its primary responsibilities has been the
development of a Heroin Availability Reduction Plan (HARP). This task has been coordinated closely
with the IPC and NSC and lays out actions, goals, and measures to provide a roadmap to guide and
synchronize interagency activities to reduce the supply of heroin in the US market. The NHCG is
responsible to the Director of National Drug Control Policy for overseeing the implementation of the
HARP and ensuring that its activities are coordinated across the drug control agencies and all internal
ONDCP components.

The HARP is a five-year plan, partitioned into six-month time periods, focused on the following
strategic end state: a significant reduction in the number of heroin-involved deaths in the United States due to a

disruption in the heroin and fentanyl supply chains, a detectable decrease in the availability of those drugs in the US
market, and the complementary effects of international engagement, law enforcement, and public health efforts.

The HARP is not a separate, stand-alone plan divorced from the many existing strategies, plans, and
activities focused on addressing the heroin epidemic. Rather, it is a strategic plan designed to bring
together, contextualize, and synchronize the strategies and partnerships currently taking place at the
Federal, state, local, and tribal levels to reduce availability of heroin and fentanyl. The range of demand
reduction efforts, while not explicitly addressed in this plan, is a critical element of achieving the
HARPs strategic end state and are included in the HARPs measures of effectiveness. This single plan
provides the Director of National Drug Control Policy and the NSC staff awareness of the full array
of U.S. activities related to the heroin and fentanyl problem set including international engagement,
interdiction, law enforcement, and intelligence, and their effects on heroin and fentanyl availability
and demand within the United States. This enables them to establish necessary policies, priorities, and
objectives, and ensures that the drug control agencies and interagency partners are adequately aligned
and resourced to implement their efforts to combat the consequences of the growing supply and use
of heroin and fentanyl in the United States.

The HARP focuses on effects and not simply performance. In a singular fashion, the HARP identifies
the efforts currently underway to address the heroin and fentanyl supply chain, the current demand
within the United States driving that supply, and the complementary effects of supply reduction efforts
on the availability of heroin and fentanyl within the Nations communities.

This plan deliberately conflates heroin and fentanyl into a single problem set. Addressing both heroin
and fentanyl in a singular fashion is intended to minimize the chance of accelerating the growth of
exclusive fentanyl use by addressing it as part of the larger heroin problem.

The HARP is organized along two complementary primary lines of effort, each with supporting lines
of effort. This allows for the clear identification of redundancies, gaps, and those particular activities
that show the greatest potential for complementary effects among both primary lines of effort.

The Supply Chain Disruption primary line of effort includes supporting lines of effort on cultivation
and production; precursor chemicals; fentanyl and other adulterants; intra-national movement;
international movement; and domestic movement, distribution, and sale.

The Detection and Intelligence primary line of effort has supporting lines of effort to address
international drug trafficking organizations (DTOs); domestic DTOs; cultivation and production;
intra-national movement; international movement; and domestic movement, distribution, and sale.

The Nations heroin and fentanyl availability reduction effort is altering the dynamics of the heroin
and fentanyl supply chains and their markets in the United States, and some of these changes could
bring negative results. Identifying the risks associated with the HARPs success was a crucial part of
planning, and developing the mechanisms to detect emerging trends, along with mitigating measures,
is a key component of HARP implementation. There is a risk that the increased application of effort
toward the heroin and fentanyl issue may threaten the hard-earned gains we have made in cocaine
availability and use within the United States. Moreover, an exclusive focus on Mexican heroin and
fentanyl coming across the southwest border of the United States risks opening the door for those
drugs produced in other areas of the world and trafficked by different organizations to flow into the
United States through other means. Finally, any comprehensive effort to reduce the supply of heroin
into the United States from Mexico should include collaboration with the Mexican government to

increase manual poppy eradication and the destruction of production laboratories by Mexican security
forces. An increase in manual eradication and lab neutralization efforts may lead DTOs to conduct
increased violence against Mexican security forces attempting eradication and neutralization, making
these already cumbersome and force-intensive missions even more dangerous.

The implementation of the HARP involves several discrete efforts which include the development of
information requirements and Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs), as well as the synchronization of
intelligence collection, analysis and information gathering efforts, developing and monitoring
measures of effectiveness, executing the mechanisms agreed to by the IPC for interagency
collaboration and information sharing necessary to implement the plan, and updating the Director of
National Drug Control Policy and NSC staff on the plans progress.

Opportunities for the Future

Despite the many accomplishments over the past seven years, there is still much to be done. Reducing
the availability and use of heroin and illicitly produced synthetic opioids, like fentanyl remains a critical
priority. The NHCG will continue its work to address this challenge. In addition, efforts to expand
the availability and use of naloxone will continue as will work to educate the public and prescribing
communities about the dangers of misusing opioid medications, overprescribing, the sharing of
medications, proper pain management, and identifying and treating SUD must be bolstered.

Grants made available through SAMHSA will support education efforts and provide for the purchase
and distribution of naloxone to communities across the country. Training and education of the entire
medical profession must continue, but also coordination with professional groups in psychology,
social work, nursing, and counseling to create a consistent standard in terms of education for health
care professionals.

Preventing overdose deaths is not enough. It is also important for individuals with SUDs to be moved
into treatment. However, the treatment infrastructure has not kept pace with the opioid problem.
Research shows that the number of people aged 12 and older reporting heroin use doubled from 2002
to 2014, and the percentage of people with a SUD in 2014 was significantly higher than in 2002.39
And yet, according to a Federal survey of more than 14,000 U.S. SUD treatment programs, from 2003
to 2013 the percentage of treatment facilities offering Opioid Treatment Programs grew by only 1
percent.40 Moreover, the vast majority (91%) of the U.S. SUD treatment programs surveyed in 2013
were not SAMHSAaccredited to offer MAT.

The FDA has approved new medicines for treating OUDs, including medicines that can be offered
by primary care providers in regular office-based settings. However, the number of providers who
have received training for certification to offer MAT with office-based buprenorphine is only at
30,000. Consistent with a 2016 Presidential memorandum, agencies offering health care or health
plans are examining policies that present barriers to accessing MAT. Additionally, efforts to address
MAT reimbursement issues, as well as payment for alternative pain management treatments to have
just begun, and will continue into 2017.


The impact of the Administrations balanced approach in the Strategy continues to be felt across the
Nation as Federal, state, local and tribal officials and community stakeholders work together to address
the challenges of drug use and its consequences. The central guiding principle of the Strategy is that
SUDs are a brain disease that can be successfully prevented and treated, and from which people can
and do recover and remain vital contributors to their community. In recognition of this
understanding, the Presidents FY 2017 request for $1.1 billion would address the opioid epidemic,
with a focus on expanding treatment for OUD. Further, implementation of the ACA and the Parity
Act creates the most important expansion of SUD treatment services in decades and provides
unprecedented opportunities for the more than 22 million Americans with SUDs to access quality,
evidence-informed care.

The Administration also has created additional opportunities for individuals to receive care with
trained physicians by expanding the number of patients that a qualified physician can treat with
buprenorphine. The Strategy has emphasized preventing overdose deaths by expanding resources and
training for first responders to deliver naloxone, a lifesaving medication that can reverse the negative
effects of excessive opioid use. The Administration also has supported efforts to reduce stigma and
advance recovery services for individuals and families.

The Administration remains committed to working with our international partners in Mexico and
Central and South America to monitor and reduce the cultivation of opium poppy and coca and the
resulting production and distribution of heroin and cocaine. Last year, ONDCP established the
NHCG to improve Federal, state, local and tribal efforts to reduce the availability of heroin and illicitly
manufactured fentanyl in the United States and the consequences of their use, especially deaths. In
2016, the NHCG developed the Heroin Availability Reduction Plan which already has resulted in
improved communications among participating agencies and increased situational awareness of
heroin- and fentanyl-involved deaths from a network of cooperating medical examiners across the
country. With the looming threat of an increase in cocaine availability in the United States, ONDCP
has established the National Cocaine Coordination Group to fulfill a similar role with respect to a
potential resurgence of cocaine use.

The Administration also is working closely with China to reduce the production and distribution of
precursor chemicals used to manufacture a wide range of synthetic drugs, including methamphetamine
and fentanyl. In terms of public safety, there has been tremendous progress in domestic efforts to
disrupt and dismantle domestic drug trafficking organizations, as well as progress toward integrating
public health approaches to implement innovative community models for rebuilding communities
following successful law enforcement efforts

Opportunities to build on the last seven years of progress remain. During the final months of this
Administration, there will be continued efforts to expand access to treatment across a number of
settings, such as primary care practices, community health clinics, and in specialty care programs. The
Administration will continue to advance opportunities to provide screening, brief interventions, and
referral to quality treatment where individuals are seen for care. Efforts also will continue to expand
access to MAT paired with counseling to engage individuals with SUDs, particularly OUDs, in
treatment and recovery. The Administration will continue to improve coordination among drug
control agencies to address the opioid epidemic and the potential threat of increased cocaine
availability. Further, this Administration will continue to use science to drive policies that stress
prevention and treatment over incarceration and actively confront the misunderstanding and stigma
that create barriers to recovery for millions of Americans.

ACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

ADAM Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

ARIDE Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement

ATTC Addiction Technology Transfer Center

BEST Border Enforcement Security Task Force

BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance (U.S. Department of Justice)

BOP Federal Bureau of Prisons (U.S. Department of Justice)

CBP U.S. Customs and Border Protection (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

CBSA Canadian Border Security Agency

BSI Caribbean Basin Security Initiative

CDB Consolidated Counterdrug Data Base

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. Department of Health and Human

CDEWS Community Drug Early Warning System

CHIP Childrens Health Insurance Program

CHC Community Health Center

CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (U.S. Department of Health and Human

CND Commission on Narcotic Drugs

CPG Clinical Practice Guidelines

CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention/SAMHSA (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services)

CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/SAMHSA (U.S. Department of Health and

Human Services)
CEWG Community Epidemiology Working Group

DAWN Drug Abuse Warning Network

DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (U.S. Department of Justice)

DFC Drug Free Communities Support Program

DHS U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DoD U.S. Department of Defense

DOJ U.S. Department of Justice

DOL U.S. Department of Labor

DOS U.S. Department of State

DOT U.S. Department of Transportation

DS4P Data Segmentation For Privacy

DTO Drug Trafficking Organizations

ED U.S. Department of Education

EHR Electronic Health Record

EPIC El Paso Intelligence Center

FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (U.S. Department of Justice)

FDA Food and Drug Administration (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

FDSS Federal-wide Drug Seizure System

FQHC Federally Qualified Health Center

HBV Hepatitis-B

HCV Hepatitis-C

HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

HIT Health Information Technology

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HOPE Hawaiis Opportunity Probation with Enforcement or Honest Opportunity

Probation with Enforcement

HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services)

HSI Homeland Security Investigations

HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

ICE U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (U.S. Department of Homeland


IHS Indian Health Service (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

INCB International Narcotics Control Board

IRS Internal Revenue Service

JTF Joint Task Force

MAT Medication-Assisted Treatment

MH Mental Health Disorders

MHPAEA Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act

MTF Monitoring the Future

NAS Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

NATIVE Native American Targeted Investigation of Violent Enterprises

NCI National Cancer Institute

NCHS National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

NDEWS National Drug Early Warning System

NFLIS National Forensic Laboratory Information System


NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (U.S. Department of

NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services)

NIC National Institute of Corrections (U.S. Department of Justice)

NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

NIH National Institutes of Health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

NIJ National Institute of Justice (U.S. Department of Justice)

NPS New Psychoactive Substances

N-SSATS National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services

NSDUH National Survey on Drug Use and Health

NVSS National Vital Statistics System

OAS/CICAD Organization of American States/Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission

OCDETF Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (U.S. Department of Justice)

OFC OCDETF Fusion Center

ONC Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy

PCSS Physician Clinical Support Center

PDFK Partnership for Drug Free Kids

PDMP Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RCSO Recovery Community Service Program

RCO Recovery Community Organization

REMS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy

SADD Students Against Destructive Decisions


SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services)

SBA Small Business Administration

SBIRT Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment

SEDSS SAMHSA Emergency Department Surveillance System

SMI Serious Mental Illness

SSP Syringe Service Programs

SUD Substance Use Disorders

TEDS Treatment Episode Data Set

UNGAS United Nations Global

UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

USCG U.S. Coast Guard (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

USUHS Uniform Services University of Health Science

USMLE United States Medical Licensing Exam

USMS U.S. Marshals Service

VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs



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