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Tuning the RAN in real time
to optimize end-to-end performance
A conversation with Vicent Soler
CTO RAN Optimization
In collaboration with
By Monica Paolini
Senza Fili

2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/

network element, cell, APN, QCI, application, expand the network. Finally, Nova detects
Astellia group of subscribers, and device. performance issues linked to device-specific
behavior due, for example, to high signaling
Nova RAN Optimizer, which operates across
RAN optimization technologies, spectrum bands, and vendors,
levels caused by some handset models.
collecting and analyzing network equipment call
solutions traces to allow mobile operators to continuously
The Nova solution is designed to monitor and
improve SON effectiveness by enabling further
monitor and optimize their RAN from a central automation in the network configuration and
Astellia provides end-to-end network and location. optimization processes, thus reducing opex.
subscriber intelligence solutions to mobile These tools enable mobile operators to use
operators. The solution Astellia developed for RAN geolocation to optimize RAN performance at a In addition to the traditional macro
optimization works within this wide perspective: high spatial resolution. The Nova solution environment, the Nova solution supports small-
RAN performance has to be tuned to make sure identifies incorrect network parameter settings cell deployments and challenging environments
both that the resource utilization is efficient and and recommends corrective actions (e.g., add or such as high-mobility areas (e.g., passenger
that the subscriber experience meets the remove neighbor relations, resolve PSC/PCI trains or highways) and special events (e.g.,
customers expectations. To do so, it is crucial to clashes). It also identifies congested and poor- games in stadiums). It can also help operators
collate data from handsets, core network coverage areas where the operator may want to evaluate new technologies and equipment.
elements and RAN to understand where the
bottlenecks are, and how to remove them.

The Nova solution enables Astellia to work on the

CEM and analytics side with its Nova Customer
Analytics and Nova Care applications and on the
network optimization side, with an additional four

Nova Explorer, an application for end-to-end

troubleshooting, from core to RAN, which
enables operators to identify causes of
subscriber complaints and performance
Nova Alerter, for real-time fault detection
triggered by QoE metrics and traditional KPIs.
Nova Performance Analytics, generating multi-
dimensional dashboards, reports and KPIs per

2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/ Astellia: Tuning the RAN in real time to optimize end-to-end performance |2|
Our solution and services address the needs of Vicent: Networks are evolving into very complex
Astellia different teams such as network performance, multi-technology, heterogeneous environments
customer care and marketing, but our DNA lies in (2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc.). So automation of
Tuning the RAN in RAN optimization. That is, we have more than 15 repetitive RAN optimization tasks is needed. It
years of experience in RAN optimization. Our Nova saves time and money, and it allows radio
real time to optimize RAN Optimizer solution has recently been
awarded Best Test and Measurement Solution at
engineers to focus their optimization activities on
more complex issues, on high-value customers and
end-to-end the LTE Awards 2015. high-value locations like tourist attractions,
shopping malls, business centers, roads, airports
Monica: What are the major pain points of the
performance operators that youre trying to address?
and high-speed train lines. It helps operators move
from network-centric to customer-centric
A conversation with Vicent Soler, Vicent: 80% of quality and hence customer

CTO RAN Optimization, Astellia experienceimpacting issues occur in the RAN. To For instance, we helped Orange Spain to optimize
provide a seamless user experience across radio its network for business travelers on board high-
access technologies and layers, it is therefore speed trains. These are very complex
Monica Paolini: Good morning and welcome to extremely important for mobile operators to focus environments due to the high speed at which
our conversation on RAN optimization with Vicent optimization activities on this part of the network. customers are moving, but Astellia managed to
Soler, CTO RAN Optimization at Astellia Spain. separate out those people who are actually on the
Without performing any drive tests, Astellias train and focus optimization activities on these
Vicent, thanks for taking the time to talk to us solution pinpoints coverage holes and traffic users. This allowed Orange to become the best
today. hotspots and detects bad RF conditions from a service provider on high-speed trains in Spain and
subscriber perspective. created a real competitive differentiator for them.
Vicent Soler: Its a pleasure.
We perform radio sanity checks, meaning that we Monica: Optimization typically starts with a
Monica: Vicent, can you give us an introduction as provide automated analysis to detect incorrect problem, and, increasingly, the problem is with
to what youre doing at Astellia? radio settings in neighbor list optimization; BA list, subscribers. Subscribers say quality of experience
PSC and PCI clashes; crossed sectors; cell is not good, and operators have to address it.
Vicent: Astellia is a leading provider of network overshooting, etc.
and subscriber intelligence, helping mobile If video doesnt work well, it may be difficult to
operators drive customer experience and business Astellia also guarantees configuration parameter identify the cause. It could be in the RAN. It could
performance. consistency by identifying out-of-range values, be in the core. It could be in the handset. How do
missing elements and conflicting settings. you figure that out?
Over 200 mobile operators use our vendor-
independent monitoring solution based on probes Monica: Traditionally, RAN optimization has been Vicent: You are right. A multitude of elements
and call traces to detect, report and troubleshoot done in a manual fashion, and this is changing. have an impact on the customer experience:
issues related to network performance, handset Why is that so? device and OS type, latency, congestion,
behavior and subscriber usage. applications used, network topology, location,
time, etc.
2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/ Astellia: Tuning the RAN in real time to optimize end-to-end performance |3|
In order to decide how and where to optimize the Monica: How do you use geolocation to optimize
network, and to ensure a good customer the RAN or to understand what goes wrong? And
experience, mobile operators therefore need a how can you do so without getting completely
holistic, end-to-end view of the subscriber, the flooded with all the details of where subscribers
network, the device and application usage. are and what they do?

Astellias solution correlates control plane, user Vicent: There are different use cases with
plane and call trace information. It thereby geolocation. Geolocation represents, for instance,
provides this end-to-end view, from radio all the a very cost-efficient alternative to drive tests for
way up to the core. measuring RF network quality; it can reduce field
drive testing by 90%.
This allows us to identify low-performing network
elements, measure device impact on the network, By the massive use of call traces we are collecting
benchmark handsets, analyze application usage daily hundreds of thousands of measurement
and understand customer mobility. reports on each cell, which includes geolocation
information we are hereby turning every
So, Astellia not only brings this 360 vision of the subscriber into a drive-tester.
subscriber experience, but also identifies the root
cause of the problems a subscriber might face. In contrast, drive tests can only generate a dozen
measurement reports and therefore do not reflect
Monica: Sometimes when you talk to operators, the real customer experience.
theyre wary of the increase in complexity that
optimization may cause. How can you avoid that? Additionally, drive tests are often inefficient at
reproducing an issue reported by a subscriber,
Vicent: As I mentioned before, Astellia is a real
since 70% of voice calls and 80% of data sessions
RAN champion. With that I mean that we do not
occur indoors. They only provide QoS snapshots at
only have a solid multi-vendor and multi- simulate overall coverage and network behavior,
a certain moment in time.
technology monitoring and troubleshooting including indoor and outdoor maps.
solution, but we also provide a wide range of
Finally, drive tests do not provide any information
consulting services such as network performance Astellia also helps operators pinpoint black spots
on handset performance, which is critical when
optimization, equipment parameter or coverage holes. If an optimization engineer is
evaluating the customer experience.
reconfiguration, etc. to help operators manage able to geolocate the areas with a high number of
this increased complexity. Operators can also dropped calls, then he can focus his optimization
With our Nova solution, mobile operators can
check that both network performance and efforts on that area.
benefit from up-to-date maps of their network
customer experience improve after parameters
coverage and performance. In order to obtain the Another relevant use case is small-cell planning.
change, with our reliable, vendor-independent, KPI
same results with drive testing, it would require a Right now, operators are looking for solutions to
trend analysis tool.
long and costly drive test campaign, and thereafter offload the traffic from the macro cells, and having
measurements would have to be extrapolated to information about where subscribers are located is

2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/ Astellia: Tuning the RAN in real time to optimize end-to-end performance |4|
very useful to define the right position to deploy Monica: Increasing
new small cells. capacity only where you
need it saves capex and
Then, there are use cases not directly related to opex for the mobile
RAN optimization but to support functions like operator. How can you
marketing and customer care. help operators manage
that, specifically?
Marketing, for instance, can engage immediately
with a customer entering a predefined area. Some Vicent: Mobile
examples of use cases are guaranteeing public operators can no longer
safety by notifying people in real time when they massively add network
are entering a hazardous area; location-based capacity. They need to
advertising; analysis of population flows for road optimize the use of their
traffic information; analysis of catchment areas existing equipment and
around commercial centers, etc. radio resources first
before investing in new
Without geolocation information, it is hard to capacity.
determine where an issue happened to a specific
subscriber. If customer care agents can geolocate They can reduce capex,
the area or cell where the problem occurred, they for instance, by reducing
can diagnose whether the subscriber is the only congestion through
one impacted or the problem is global to the cell. optimization of the Vicent: When you deploy new carriers on specific
This is particularly useful to check if the subscriber antenna tilt or by adding a new carrier or by sites, for instance, you have to rebuild the
is experiencing an already known issue, or to redefining engineering rules to move traffic parameterization of that site. Our solution is able
proactively prioritize network operations based on between different carriers. to cope with very complex engineering rules, to
the number of impacted subscribers. ensure that the traffic is moving between all the
At the end, optimization not only means capex and carriers as specified.
Monica: Basically, you help operators to decide opex reduction, but can mean an increase in
where they should put small cells where they revenues as well. By focusing optimization In some cases, we have seen situations where the
need capacity? activities on high-value subscribers and on the operators were deploying new carriers and the
most revenue-generating areas, there will be an carriers were not covering any traffic. They were
Vicent: Yes. Knowing the right position for a new increase in voice, SMS and data traffic, and global not used, and it was basically due to issues with
site deployment is critical. In some cases, you may revenues will be boosted. the parameterization.
want to reduce the traffic on the macro cell. In
other cases, you may want to improve the quality Monica: This is quite important, especially as Its clear that you have to deploy new carriers and
of the subscriber experience. So we have to be network complexity grows with small cells and new sites. But you have to be sure that the
able to combine different indicators to provide the HetNets, where you have multiple layers network is under control, and that newly deployed
right answer to our customers. interacting with each other. How can an operator cells are properly optimized as soon as possible.
deal with that? Automation, again, is one of the key tasks here,
2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/ Astellia: Tuning the RAN in real time to optimize end-to-end performance |5|
because it ensures that the configuration of all the I think that in the end, RAN optimization solutions But they still need to know what the performance
cells in the sites is properly defined. should cover all these things, including is, so they can make their own decisions. So you
geolocation, SON, monitoring and automation. enable them to do the same analysis, whether its
Monica: How does your solution relate to SON? Wi-Fi or 3G?
Monica: Another dimension here is voice, and
Vicent: SON is needed to reduce the complexity of especially VoLTE. How can you help operators with Vicent: Even if Wi-Fi access points cannot be
RAN heterogeneity. SON allows RAN optimization that? optimized, we can measure QoS of a Wi-Fi call
engineers to spend less time on recurring tasks from EPC to IMS and detect any QoS issues.
and focus more on added-value optimization Vicent: Astellia is involved in many FUTs and Astellia has a single solution that is able to monitor
tasks. Through automation you reduce the risk of provides dashboards to efficiently benchmark all interfaces related to voice and have the same
inconsistencies, human error. For instance, an RF equipment vendors, assess interoperability issues indicators.
optimization team needed 8.5 hours to perform a between vendors, and detect malfunctioning
complete optimization process on a cluster, while handsets. End-to-end monitoring here is very Monica: As mobile networks become virtualized,
with automation it took less than 1 hour. important; therefore Astellia provides SRVCC its very important to have an end-to-end
dashboards. optimization approach.
One of the applications of SON is ANR. Our
solution automatically defines the right Monica: This is very important, especially for Vicent: As the network goes virtual, so do probes.
recommendations for different use cases, and it applications like VoLTE. It may look like the traffic Astellias full virtualized monitoring solution is
automatically delivers these recommendations to is flowing perfectly well in the RAN, but then the based on Open Stack and can feed the NFV
the OSS. If desired, the operator can see the problem may be somewhere else, so you need to orchestrator. For instance, it provides the right
recommendations provided by our tool before have the end-to-end solution. information so that the orchestrator can allocate
they are sent to the OSS. additional resources to congested areas serving
Vicent: You are right, its very important to have high-value customers.
When you have a customer complaint and you the end-to-end vision and the capability to
need to understand whats happening, SON monitor the user plane and control plane, from Monica: Im sure you talk to many operators.
probably is not useful. In that case, you need a radio to core network. What do you think are the major challenges they
monitoring solution with the capability to drill are facing now, or that they are looking to tackle in
down into the root cause. Monica: In addition to VoLTE and OTT voice, we the near future?
are seeing the introduction of Wi-Fi calling. Can
In other situations, what you need is just to be you help operators with that as well? Vicent: What we see is that operators have to
sure that the network is under control, and SON manage their immensely complex multi-
gives you this capability. Vicent: Yes, we are monitoring the IMS, which technology and multi-vendor networks.
allows us to understand if the subscriber is using
In RAN optimization, you need to have all these Wi-Fi or the cellular network. Also, we can provide On top of that complexity, they have to keep
capabilities to be able to understand whats all the signaling messages end-to-end, down to the capex and opex under control while supporting an
happening. In some cases, it can be an issue with a radio. increasingly diverse range of subscriber behaviors
customer or with the handset. In other cases, it and connected devices. They need the data, tools
can be an issue with neighbor cells, or with a Monica: This is quite important, because for Wi-Fi,
and expertise to understand and reduce customer
parameter setting. operators may not have control over the APs, or
they might not have any visibility into the network.
2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/ Astellia: Tuning the RAN in real time to optimize end-to-end performance |6|
churn, to boost customer experience, and to Monica: What are you working on at Astellia right E2E End-to-end
increase revenues. now? And what do you see as becoming a hot EPC Evolved Packet Core
topic over the next few years? FUT Friendly user test
Big data will be a big help in this. All Astellia HetNet Heterogeneous network
solutions are already big-data compatible thanks Vicent: Automation remains very important, so we IMS IP multimedia subsystem
to Kafka connectors, so we can feed valuable keep on working on that. Customer analytics is KPI Key performance indicator
information (CDRs) into operators big-data lake. also something that is extremely relevant. LTE Long Term Evolution
On top of that, we are developing typical use cases NFV Network Functions Virtualization
(e.g., segmentation) and creating customized Of course, 5G is coming, and our company is also MRO Mobility robustness optimization
reports and statistics. entering into this new world. Im sure that in the OMC Organization and Maintenance
following months, in the following years, we will Center
Another challenge is HetNet rollouts. It is crucial see a lot of changes in the market because of 5G. OS Operating system
for operators to extend coverage and capacity. OSS Operations support systems
One of the challenges of HetNet is to be able to OTT Over the top
optimize Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G, and put in place an PCI Physical cell ID
efficient strategy of offloading and onloading PSC Primary Scrambling Code
ANR Automatic network relation
according to QoE and the user. QCI QoS class indicator
AP Access point
QoE Quality of experience
APN Access Point Name
We also see that more and more operators are QoS Quality of service
BA BCCH Allocation
trying to break their silo structure and are looking RAN Radio access network
BCCH Broadcast control channel
to create a SOC, or service operation center, a RF Radio frequency
CCO Coverage and capacity
centralized structure that allows divisions such as SMS Short message service
marketing, customer care and network operations SOC Service operation center
CDR Charging data record
to work more closely together and to provide a SON Self-organizing network
CEM Customer experience
holistic picture of the customer experience. SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity
Astellia is supporting operators to implement this VoLTE Voice over LTE
CRM Customer relationship
new transversal structure.

2015 Senza Fili Consulting http://www.senzafiliconsulting.com/ Astellia: Tuning the RAN in real time to optimize end-to-end performance |7|
About Astellia
Astellia is a leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence enabling mobile operators to drive business
performance and customer experience. Astellias vendor-independent real-time monitoring and troubleshooting
solution covers end-to-end 2G, 3G and 4G from radio access to core network. Astellias scalable products and
expert services address the needs of operators full value chain: CEM, network performance, customer care,
marketing and big data. Astellia has close partnerships with more than 200 telecom operators globally.
Headquartered in France, Astellia has worldwide presence with offices in Brazil, Canada, India, Lebanon, Russia,
Singapore, South Africa, Spain and USA. Follow Astellia at astellia.com, on LinkedIn and at #Astellia_news.

About Vicent Soler Ruiz

Vicent Soler Ruiz leads Astellia's subsidiary in Spain. Vicent joined the UPVLC iTEAM research institute in 2001 to
develop projects related to mobile wireless communications for UMTS, IMS and GSM technologies. In 2007, he
founded Ingenia Telecom S.L. and became CTO, leading the technical and inNovation strategy of the company.
Vicent received an M.S. degree in Telecommunications engineering in 2001 from the Universitat Politcnica de
Valncia (UPVLC), Spain. His final degree project was awarded with the National Prize from Universidad
Politcnica de Madrid within the Amena-Auna cooperation framework with the topic Mobile system for the live
transmission of images through Internet.

This conversation is included in the Senza Fili report

The smart RAN. Trends in the optimization of spectrum and network resource utilization,
prepared in collaboration with RCR Wireless News and available for download
from www.rcrwireless.com and www.senzafiliconsulting.com
About RCR Wireless News
Since 1982, RCR Wireless News has been providing wireless and mobile industry news, insights, and analysis to
industry and enterprise professionals, decision makers, policy makers, analysts and investors. Our mission is to
connect, globally and locally, mobile technology professionals and companies online, in person, in print and now
on video. Our dedication to editorial excellence coupled with one of the industrys most comprehensive industry
databases and digital networks leads readers and advertisers to consistently choose RCR Wireless News over
other industry publications.

About Senza Fili

Senza Fili provides advisory support on wireless data technologies and services. At Senza Fili we have in-depth
expertise in financial modeling, market forecasts and research, white paper preparation, business plan support,
RFP preparation and management, due diligence, and training. Our client base is international and spans the
entire value chain: clients include wireline, fixed wireless and mobile operators, enterprises and other vertical
players, vendors, system integrators, investors, regulators, and industry associations.

We provide a bridge between technologies and services, helping our clients assess established and emerging
technologies, leverage these technologies to support new or existing services, and build solid, profitable business
models. Independent advice, a strong quantitative orientation, and an international perspective are the
hallmarks of our work. For additional information, visit www.senzafiliconsulting.com or contact us at
[email protected] or +1 425 657 4991.

About the interviewer

Monica Paolini, PhD, is the founder and president of Senza Fili. She is an expert in wireless technologies and has
helped clients worldwide to understand technology and customer requirements, evaluate business plan
opportunities, market their services and products, and estimate the market size and revenue opportunity of new
and established wireless technologies. She has frequently been invited to give presentations at conferences and
has written several reports and articles on wireless broadband technologies. She has a PhD in cognitive science
from the University of California, San Diego (US), an MBA from the University of Oxford (UK), and a BA/MA in
philosophy from the University of Bologna (Italy). You can reach her at [email protected].

2015 Senza Fili Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved. This paper was prepared on behalf of Astellia. The transcription of the conversation has been edited for consistency and readability. The document can be
distributed only in its integral form and acknowledging the source. No selection of this material may be copied, photocopied, or duplicated in any form or by any means, or redistributed without express written
permission from Senza Fili Consulting. While the document is based upon information that we consider accurate and reliable, Senza Fili Consulting makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the
information in this document. Senza Fili Consulting assumes no liability for any damage or loss arising from reliance on this information. Trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective
owners. Cover-page and last-page graphics from Dmytro Titov/Adobe.

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