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Shymala plaza, Behind HUDA Maitrivanam, Ameerpet, Hyderabad,

8686864286, 040-66028688.
Email:[email protected]


Webservices & Integration

By Satish Myla
1.JSON Classes

1. JSON Class
2. JSON Generator Class
3. JSONParser Class
4. Serailizaing
5. Deserializing
2.Http Class
1.Http 1.0
2.Http 2.0
3.XML Response handling
4.JSON Response handling
5.Blob Response handling
6.API key based callouts
3. Introduction to APIs

Meta Data API

Chatter API
Bulk API
Streaming API

4. Meta Data API

1. Introduction Meta Data API

2.Advanced programs
3.Deployments into different orgs
5.Introduction to web services

1. Difference between http1.0 and 2.0

Satish Myla 86 86 86 42 86.
2. Introduction to SOAP API
3. Creating Webservice class in salesforce

1.Understanding WSDL
2.Creating WSDL using XML
3.Generating WSDL files Using salesforce
4. WSDl terminology

5.XMl Schema
5.Understanding and WSDL using XML

6. Types of WSDL files and their purpose

1.Enterprise WSDL
2.Partner WSDL
3.Apex WSDL
4.Meta Data WSDL
7.Consuming external WSDL file in Salesforce
8.Salesforce to Salesforce Integration using Enterprise WSDL
9.Salesforce to Salesforce Integration using Partner WSDl
10.Salesforce to Salesforce Integration using APEX WSDL
11.Consuming WSDLfrom any one of the external System( SAP,Seibel)
12.Session id using InputHeader_X
13.Certificate Based Session Id in Soap

7. Rest API

1.Creating a Rest methods in salesforce

2.Consuming salesforce Rest Resource in Salesforce
3. Introduction Authorization
4.Authorization using API keys
5. You tube Integration with salesforce using API Key
6. Face book integration using salesforce
7. Difference between OAuth1.0 and OAuth2.0
8. Authorization using the OAuth2.0 WebServer
9. Authorization using the OAuth2.0 User-Agent
10. Authorization using the OAuth2.0 Username Password
11. Salesforce to SalesForce using Rest API
12. Salesforce to Box.com using Rest API
13. Salesforce to Java using Rest API
8 .Packages

1.Manged packages
2.UnManaged packages
Satish Myla 86 86 86 42 86.
3.How build app exchange product
9.Chatter API:

10.Loading the CSV data using Apex

11.Salesforce to Youtube Integeration

12.Salesforce to Google Api integration

13.Salesforce to Any two external Systems

14.Heroku Implementation

Faculty name: Satish Myla

Exp: 8+yrs
Duration: 20 Hrs
Fee: 5000/- (Integration)

Satish Myla 86 86 86 42 86.

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