Inglês - Pré-Vestibular III

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Read text 2 and answer questions 08 and 09 Text for questions 16, 17 and 18.

according to it. Mr. Preaud and his wife, who is pregnant,

TEXT 2 hit the ground as people screamed, Get
GOOGLE HAS REFUSED GOVERNMENT down, get down! After the second explosion,
DEMANDS TO TAKE DOWN A he looked up to see a giant fan part of an
GAY MUSIC VIDEO IN KENYA air-conditioning unit that had landed near
Kenyas attempt to stop people from them. They had been eating at a Dlifrance,
watching a music video celebrating gay talking about Salah Abdeslam, the terrorism
couples is backfiring. Three weeks after suspect who was arrested in Brussels on
trying to ban a local rap artists remake of Friday after a four-month global manhunt.
Same Love, (1)__________ Macklemore Source:
and Ryan Lewis, Google Kenya has refused rld/europe/brussels (adapted). Access: March
to pull the video from YouTube, where it has 23rd, 2016.
now been viewed (2)____________ 140,000
times. Kenyan regulators banned the video 16. The verbal tense in the passage had been
in late February, claiming that the content eating is
threatens to turn the country a) future perfect continuous.
(3)___________ Sodom and Gomorrah b) present continuous.
and declaring that anyone caught distributing c) past continuous.
it would be punished. But the agency that d) past perfect continuous.
banned it also retweeted a link to itwhich e) present perfect continuous.
ended up bringing more attention to Kenyas
nascent gay rights campaign. ()
Source: 17. The word manhunt in the sentence the
hasrefused-government-demands-to-take- terrorism suspect who was arrested in
downa-gay-music-video-in-kenya (adapted). Brussels on Friday after a four-month global
Access: March 22nd, 2016. manhunt is a synonym with
a) fundi.
b) odd.
08. In the passage, the word backfiring is a c) chase.
synonym with d) kidnapping.
a) fighting. e) experiment.
b) working out.
c) appealing.
d) getting stronger. 18. The clause who is pregnant, in Mr.
e) failing. Preaud
and his wife, who is pregnant, hit the ground
as people screamed, Get down, get down!
09. The suitable prepositions to fill in blanks 1, is a
2 a) maintenance clause.
and 3 in text 2 are respectively b) temporal clause.
a) by, over, into. c) relative clause.
b) at, beside, through. d) stylistic clause.
c) by, from, beside. e) summary clause.
d) over, on, from.
e) through, by, into.
19. The word in bold type is NOT the head or 10. Connectors, or conjunctives (Halliday &
primary element in the nominal group in the Hasan, 1976), are a type of cohesion device
sentence that make explicit the logical relations
a) very large airplanes that are arriving between sentences (cause, addition,
from overseas. comparison, condition, etc.). Common
b) three high towers in front of you. connectors include and, but, however, and
c) a 100-meter long train at the station. because. Such connectors are of limited
d) Bakhtins perspective of speech genres. utility, however, unless the reader
e) the various practical applications of that understands how connectors function and
science. the logical relationship each specifies.
Source: GOLDMAN, Susan R. & MURRAY,
20. The word in bold type is NOT a part of the John. Knowledge of Connectors as
modifier in the nominal group in the sentence Cohesion Devices in Text: A Comparative
a) a heartbreaking reality around the Study of Native English and ESL Speakers.
district. (Adapted) In:
b) the majority of the countries faced with AD=ADA213269. Access:
bank failures. March 23rd, 2016.
c) an important objective of community From the groups of logical conjunctives
development policy. below, which one contains connectors that
d) the evolution path of such a type of specify a similar logical relation?
laboratory. a) Nonetheless, and, as soon as.
e) her daughter's college tuition bill. b) Unless, if, as long as.
c) However, nevertheless, whether.
21. The ING ending word is used as an
d) Because, therefore, unless.
e) As well as, nonetheless, however.
in the sentence
a) learning English is important for your 06. Identify the option in which one of the
career. words
b) those students are good at making in the group is NOT a homophone with the
excuses. others.
c) doctors say running is good for the a) Right, rite, write.
heart. b) There, their, they're.
d) Sarahs always smoking during the c) Seas, sees, seize.
break. d) Ware, wear, where.
e) my weekend was relaxing, just perfect! e) Buy, bay, bye.

22. In the sentence They intend to finish the 11. Which of the words below can be used for
English course and eventually study another ordering events in reports, essays and other
language the word eventually can be texts?
substituted, without changes in meaning by a) Then.
a) sometimes. b) Over.
b) not ever. c) Never.
c) by no means. d) Straight.
d) at no time. e) Nevertheless.
e) sooner or later.
14. Identify the alternative in which the plural
23. In the sentence The actress dances as well form is INCORRECT.
as she acts. the passage as well as a) Epoch epochs.
expresses an idea of b) Person people.
a) addition. c) Syllabus syllabi.
b) comparison. d) Alumnus alumnium.
c) contrast. e) Embryo - embryos.
d) consequence.
e) cause. Phrasal verbs
From questions 32 to 34, identify the item 33. Ive just ran into your sister on the mall.
that best replaces the phrasal verb in bold a) talked.
type. b) met by chance.
c) gave something to.
32. He tore up all her letters when she decided d) fell.
to move. e) studied with.
a) read carefully.
b) analyzed. 34. Ive finally got over the problem.
c) ripped. a) estimated.
d) showed others. b) decided.
e) sent back. c) reckoned.
d) counted.
e) overcame.


Read the comics strip and then answer the questions

In Scene 1,
hows Jon (Garfields owner) feeling?
A) Sleepy
B) Embarrassed
C) Surprised
D) Happy


Which of these statements is true about Scene 2?

A) Garfield is and Jon is reading
B) Garfield is speaking and Jon is speaking, too
C) Garfield is thinking and Jon is speaking
D) Garfield is speaking and Jon is thinking


How does Jon Know that Garfield wants him to turn up the heat?
A) Because Garfield Said he was cold
B) Because Garfield was wearing a winter coat in Scene 2
C) Because Garfield Said Morning
D) Because Garfield was wearing a Summer coat in scene 2

In Scene 3, hows Jon feeling?
A) Worried
B) Happy
C) Angry


He is going to Australia _________ his own.

A) In
D) by

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