SN049The Effects of Resistance Training Frequency On Strength Gains

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The Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on

Strength Gains





Francisco Jose Flix Saavedra Belmiro Freitas de Salles

Universidade de Trs-os-Montes e Alto Douro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Marcelo Ricardo Dias Roberto Simo

Instituto Metodista Granbery - Colgio e Facu Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Francisco Jose Flix Saavedra
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 05 January 2016

Journal of Exercise Physiologyonline

February 2015
Volume 18 Number 1

Official Research Journal of

Editor-in-Chief JEPonline
the American
Boone, PhD,
MBA of
Review Physiologists
Todd Astorino, PhD
The Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on
ISSN 1097-9751
Julien Baker, PhD Strength Gains
Steve Brock, PhD
Lance Dalleck, PhD Rhodes Serra1,2, Francisco Saavedra1, Belmiro Freitas de Salles2,
Eric Goulet, PhD
Robert Gotshall, PhD
Marcelo Ricardo Dias1,2,3, Pablo B. Costa4, Hugo Alves2,3, Roberto
Alexander Hutchison, PhD Simo1,2
M. Knight-Maloney, PhD
Len Kravitz, PhD Departament of Sports Sciences, Exercise and Health, University
James Laskin, PhD of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, 2School of
Yit Aun Lim, PhD
Lonnie Lowery, PhD
Physical Education and Sports, Federal University of Rio de
Derek Marks, PhD Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3Laboratory of Exercise Physiology
Cristine Mermier, PhD and Evaluation Morphofunctional, Granbery Methodist Institute,
Robert Robergs, PhD Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 4Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Department
Chantal Vella, PhD of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, California,
Dale Wagner, PhD
Frank Wyatt, PhD
Ben Zhou, PhD

Serra R, Saavedra F, De Salles BF, Dias MR, Costa P, Alves H,

Official Research Journal
Simo R. Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Strength
of the American Society of Gains. JEPonline 2015;18(1):37-45. The purpose of the present
Exercise Physiologists study was to compare the effects of different training frequencies
on strength gains in untrained males after 8 months of resistance
ISSN 1097-9751 training. Forty-five middle-age men were randomly assigned to one
of 3 training groups: 2 (G2; n = 18), 3 (G3; n = 17), and 4
sessionsweek-1 (G4; n = 10). Each group performed the same
resistance training program with the exception of the training
frequency. The 10RM tests were conducted in 2 nonconsecutive
sessions for the bench press, leg press, and lat pulldown exercises
at baseline, and after 4 and 8 months following resistance training.
All three groups showed significant increases in 10RM loads for all
exercises (P<0.05). The findings of this study indicate that 2 to 4
weekly training sessions produce significant strength gains. Thus,
lower frequencies may be all that is necessary for individuals with
short time to increase adherence and strength gains in untrained

Key Words: Performance, Strength Training, Training Variables



Resistance training is an efficient method to increase strength, power, and local muscular
endurance. However, the prescription patterns should be related to the goals and individual needs
of the participant (1). In this context, several prescription variables such as weekly frequency,
exercise order, number of sets and repetitions, rest interval between sets, intensity, and volume
must be carefully controlled and manipulated (2). The training frequency in resistance training
refers to the number of sessions performed during a specific time period, but it can also be
characterized as the number of sessions per week in which a single muscle group is trained (19).

The training frequency prescription depends on the volume, intensity, selected exercises, level of
fitness and ability to recover from the individual, nutritional intake, and training goals (19).
Excessively frequent stimuli in the same muscles could interfere with the proper recovery and
impair performance by overtraining; whereas, infrequent stimuli could allow an excessive recovery
time and, ultimately lead to detraining. For untrained subjects, it is recommended that 2 or 3
sessionswk-1 of resistance training should involve all major muscle groups (2). A meta-analysis
conducted by Rhea et al. (25) supports the recommendation. They concluded that untrained
individuals demonstrated maximum strength gains when they performed 3 sessionswk-1 for each
muscle group.

Previous studies have investigated the influence of resistance training frequency on strength
development (4,6-9,11-18,20-22,29,30), body composition (7,17,18,20,21,29), and functional
performance (13,14,22,29) using several different experimental designs and populations. Despite
the previous research on this topic, some doubts persist because of the difficulty of comparing the
data from different studies with different experimental characteristics. For example, some
researchers (7,18,20) equalized the weekly training volume between the analyzed groups. This
experimental design increases the internal validity of the research to specifically examine the
influence of resistance training frequency on the analyzed responses.

Other studies (4,6,9,11-16,21,22,29,30), however, did not equalized the weekly volume between
the groups. Thus, the groups that have engaged in more frequent resistance training consequently
had a higher training volume at the end of the study. The latter design has the advantage of
providing data of the influence of the weekly frequency of the total training volume. Thus allowing
analysis of the amount of stimulus needed for optimum development of the desired characteristics,
answering if the performance of a higher weekly training volume has superior results compared to
training with lower volume and frequency. This knowledge is important because the total training
volume is directly related to how much time should be spent to perform it, which may be an
important factor in the adherence to a training program.

Gillam (15) examined the bench press strength gains for untrained men after performing 18 sets of
one repetition maximum in the same exercise. The subjects trained 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 timeswk-1 for 9e
wks, and the results indicated the group that trained 5 timeswk-1 had greater strength gains than
the other groups. This suggests a higher weekly volume, obtained through a higher training
frequency was more effective in promoting adaptations, in contrast to the traditional
recommendation to not train the same muscle group on consecutive days.

Conversely, a considerable amount of evidence (6,9,11,13,14,16,21,22,29,30) demonstrated

similar strength gains between groups that trained with different training frequencies and volumes.
The data from the studies suggest that a higher training volume does not always result in higher

strength gains. However, most of the aforementioned studies analyzed frequencies of up to 3

sessionswk-1 in relatively short periods of intervention. We hypothesized more frequent training
could lead to higher strength gains in long-term resistance training. Therefore, the purpose of the
present study was to compare the effects of different training frequencies on strength gains in
untrained subjects after eight months of resistance training.

The sample was composed of 75 untrained middle-age men. To participate in the study, the
subjects could not have: (a) performed resistance training for at least one year; (b) performed any
type of regular exercise in addition to the prescribed resistance training during the participation in
the study; (c) presented any limitation to the performance of the tests and/or the training program;
and (d) used any nutritional supplement or ergogenic aid. Also, it was necessary that the subjects
answered negatively to all the questions on the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-
Q) (27).

The subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups, but only 45 of the original 75 completed the
study: (a) 2 sessionswk-1 (G2; n = 18); (b) 3 sessionswk-1 (G3; n = 17); and (c) and 4
sessionswk-1 (G4; n = 10). There was no significant differences (P>.05) among the groups in pre-
training anthropometric measurements (Table 1). The experimental training period lasted eight
months and all subjects analyzed completed at least 95% of all training sessions. The subjects
who missed more than a training session in the same week were also excluded from the analysis.
Before the data collection, all subjects signed an informed consent form, as per the National Health
Council Resolution (196/96). The experimental procedures were approved by the Institutions
Ethics Committee.

Table 1. Subjects Characteristics (mean standard deviation).

Age Height Body Mass
(yrs) (cm) (kg)
G2a (n=18) 39.4 9.6 175.8 4.8 82.8 12.4
G3b (n=17) 44.4 8.4 174.8 6.1 79.5 7.8
G4 (n=10) 40.3 11.7 174.8 6.1 85.4 10.6
a = 2 sessionswk-1; b = 3 sessionswk-1; c = 4 sessionswk-1.

Ten Repetitions Maximum Testing (10RM)
The 10RM tests were conducted in two nonconsecutive sessions. On the first visit, after the
anthropometric measurements, the subjects performed the first 10RM tests. After 48 hrs, the
procedures were repeated to verify the load reproducibility. The highest load achieved in the two
trials was considered as the 10RM. Each subject was asked to not perform any exercise along the
recovery period between test sessions, in order to not interfere with the results obtained. The
exercise order of the 10RM tests was: lat pulldown, leg press; and bench press machine
(Technogym, Italia). The exercises were selected due to their dissemination in resistance training
centers and ease of implementation. In addition, exercises were chosen that involved different
muscle groups, which allowed for the assessment of the influence of training frequency on such
muscle groups. During the 10RM tests, each subject performed a maximum of three 10RM

attempts for each exercise with 5 min of rest between attempts. After the 10RM load for a specific
exercise was determined, a 10-min rest was instituted before the first 10RM attempt of the next

This 10RM testing protocol was used previously (3,28). Standard exercise techniques were
followed for each exercise. Specific strategies were adopted to minimize the errors. Standard
instructions concerning the testing procedures were given to the subjects before the test. The
subjects received standardized instructions on exercise technique. Body position was held
constant (e.g., hand width during bench press and foot position during the leg press test). Verbal
encouragement was provided during the testing procedure. The mass of all weights and bars used
were determined using a precision scale. After four and eight months, the 10RM procedures were
repeated to examine the improvements in strength.

Training Protocol
All groups performed familiarization over the course of a week with exercises, loads, and rest
intervals adopted (three sessions). The training protocol consisted of 2 (Tuesday and Thursday),
three (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), and 4 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday)
sessionswk-1 in a total of eight months of resistance training for all groups. An experienced
physical education professional with the knowledge of resistance training supervised the exercise.
The training protocol included eight exercises performed in the following exercise order: lat
pulldown, leg press, bench press machine, leg extension, seated row machine, leg curl, shoulder
press, and abdominal crunch.

Except for the first three exercises of the sequence, the exercise order was alternated for the other
exercises after each month, but always keeping within the training methodology used (alternating
upper and lower body). Three sets of 10-12RM were performed for all exercises, with the exception
of the abdominal crunch that was performed with 15-20RM. In addition, the weekly total repetition
volumes were different depending on the number of sessions for each group (Table 2). The
training loads were adjusted whenever the repetitions training zone upper limit was exceeded. The
rest interval between sets and exercises was 60 to 120 sec (10). Before each training session, the
subjects performed two sets of 15 repetitions with 50% of load used in the first and second
exercises of the sequence.

Statistical Analyses
Levene's test was performed to verify the homogeneity of the data. Repeated-measures analysis
of variance (ANOVA) procedures were used to examine between groups changes for the
dependent variables (baseline, after 4 and 8 months). Post hoc tests with Tukey adjustment were
used when a significant main effect was observed. As there was found the sphericity assumption,
we used the F value of the Greenhouse-Geiser epsilon. The significance level for statistical testing
in this study was P<0.05. The software used for analysis was SPSS 20.0.


There was no statistically significant difference among the groups in pre-training for age, height, or
body mass (P>0.05) (Table 1). All groups showed significant increases in 10RM loads for all
exercises after 4 and 8 months of training (P<0.001). In addition, there were no significant
differences among groups (P=0.497). However, the G4 showed higher percent increases when
compared to G2 and G3 in each period (4 and 8 months). Table 3 presents the absolute 10RM
loads and delta percentage.

Table 2. Training Sessions Distribution at the Week and Total Repetitions Volume.

Groups Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday TRVd

G2a (n = 18) TS 1 TS 2 467 repetitions

G3b (n = 17) TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 693 repetitions
G4 (n = 10) TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 924 repetitions
(TS = Training Session); a = 2 sessionswk-1; b = 3 sessionswk-1; c = 4 sessionswk-1; d = total repetitions volume
(seven exercises x number of sessions x three sets x 10-12RM + abdominal crunch x number of sessions x three sets
x 15-20RM)

Table 3. 10RM Loads and Percentage of Change at Baseline, Four (Mid-Point) and Eight
Months (Post-Training) of Training.

Baseline Mid-Point Post-Training

Groups 10RMd (kg) 10RM (kg) Delta (%) 10RM (kg) Delta (%)
BP G2 (n = 18) 41.7 16.4 50.3 14.0* 18.4 9.7 57.4 15.4* 36.3 15.6
G3 (n = 17) 38.8 16.3 48.9 18.1* 23.9 6.3 59.5 16.5* 46.5 16.4
G4 (n = 10) 39.0 16.1 54.4 16.9* 32.7 6.1 62.8 18.1* 65.1 19.7

LP G2 (n = 18) 83.3 21.4 101.4 23.6* 22.8 11.0 113.3 26.6* 30.4 10.6
G3 (n = 17) 88.2 21.9 102.9 23.9* 17.5 12.4 112.5 18.5* 32.4 13.7
G4 (n = 10) 80.0 25.4 97.8 27.8* 23.9 13.1 117.8 30.5* 45.4 13.9

LP G2 (n = 18) 50.1 12.0 59.2 11.9* 17.7 11.4 67.4 12.0* 29.4 12.7
G3 (n = 17) 52.2 12.8 62.2 15.2* 17.3 8.6 69.7 17.0* 32.0 11.9
G4 (n = 10) 54.5 16.2 68.6 16.7* 28.8 14.2 77.5 18.1* 46.0 16.9
BP = Bench Press, LP = Leg Press, LP = Lat Pulldown; a = 2 sessionswk-1; b = 3 sessionswk-1; c = 4 sessionswk-1;
d = repetition maximum; *Significant difference from baseline; significant difference from four months.


The main purpose of this study was to examine the strength gains of untrained men after four and
eight months of resistance training performed in 2, 3, or 4 sessionswk-1. After 8 months of
resistance training, all three exercises 10RM loads increased significantly compared to pre-training
and after 4 months of training in all training groups. No significant differences in strength gains
among groups at 4 and 8 months were observed, although the percentage change of the group
that trained 4 timeswk-1 was higher than the groups engaging in 2 and 3 sessionswk-1.

Previous studies also analyzed the influence of weekly resistance training frequency on strength
gains. Gillam (1981) examined the effects of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 sessionswk-1 on bench press strength
increases. During 9 wks, the subjects underwent the same training protocol, which consisted of 18
sets of 1RM for the bench press exercise. After the training period, the group that performed 5
sessionswk-1 presented higher strength improvements than the other groups. Confirming this
result, Hunter (1985) showed that the most frequent training was more effective in the development
of bench press muscular strength and endurance. In this study, one of the groups trained 3
sessionswk-1 on alternate days while the other group trained 4 sessionswk-1 on consecutive days.
However, the total sets performed per week were the same for both groups, which was different
from the study conducted by Gillam (1981). Collectively, these data suggest higher training
frequencies result in superior muscular fitness improvements. Another key point that should be
noted is the recovery duration between training sessions. In the two studies, the best results were
obtained by the groups that trained on consecutive days. This suggests it is not necessary to
provide the minimum interval of 48 hrs between sessions involving a single muscle group as
recently recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine position stand (1).

Other studies analyzing the weekly resistance training frequency variable did not present
significantly higher strength gains in the groups that trained more sessions per week, even when
there was no control of the weekly training volume (6,9,11,14,16,21,29). These data corroborate
the findings of the curent study and demonstrate that a higher training volume does not always
reflect significantly higher strength and fitness gains, as is usually suggested by anecdotal
evidence. This is important information because one of the main arguments for not engaging in a
resistance training program is the time availability. In fact, it is often believed that to achieve
significant results it is necessary to spend several days a week and several hours a day to
exercise. However, as can be observed in the present results, the group training twice a week had
such impressive gains as the group who trained four times a week. Thus, individuals with little time
can be encouraged to participate in less frequent routines and expect significant strength gains.
This is also important information to public agencies or companies that offer wellness programs for
large population masses. The knowledge that less frequent and less costly time programs can be
effective may help in the development of intervention strategies that require less financial
investment or that they can cover a larger number of participants.

The percentage changes showed that the G4 obtained higher strength gains over other groups at
all times and in all exercises, although this difference was not significant. However, this may be
useful information for practitioners, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who might desire superior
strength gains than the minimum necessary for health.

The comparison between the present results and the findings of previous studies that analyzed
resistance training frequency is difficult due to the different methodological models used. For
example, some authors have chosen to equalize the weekly training volume (frequency sets
repetitions) between the experimental groups in order to isolate the variable training frequency
(7,18,20). However, other authors preferred to not control the weekly volume (5,12,17). In the
present study, the weekly training volume was not controlled such that the volume of training per
session (sets repetitions) could be kept constant between the groups, which seems to increase
the external validity of the results. Nevertheless, this might be a limitation of the present study,
because the groups who performed the greater training frequencies also performed the largest
total training volumes in the same period, which may have reflected directly on the scores


The findings of this study indicate that two to four weekly training sessions are sufficient to produce
significant strength gains. Thus, lower frequencies can be used for individuals with short time to
increase adherence. On the other hand, the percentage strength increases suggest higher training
frequencies may be useful to improve strength gains.

Address for correspondence: Rhodes Serra, School of Physical Education and Sports, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 21941-590, Email: [email protected]


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JEPonline, the editorial staff or the ASEP organization.

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