Uso Da Creatinina Urinária Como Marcador Nutricional e de Volume Urinário em Ovinos Alimentados Com Forragem Tropical Ou Temperada

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Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.67, n.4, p.1009-1015, 2015

Uso da creatinina urinria como marcador nutricional e de volume urinrio

em ovinos alimentados com forragem tropical ou temperada

[Urinary creatinine as a nutritional and urinary volume marker in

sheep fed with tropical or temperate forages]

D.B. David1, C.H.E.C. Poli2, J.V. Savian2, G.A. Amaral1, E.B. Azevedo3, F. Jochims2

Fundao Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuria FEPAGRO So Gabriel, RS

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS Faculdade de Agronomia Porto Alegre, RS

Universidade Federal do Pampa UNIPAMPA Itaqui, RS


To test the accuracy of creatinine as a marker for estimating urinary volume and its use as a nutritional index,
the possible interference of forage intake and forage quality over creatinine excretion was evaluated. For this,
sheep were fed different levels of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L) Leeke) or Italian ryegrass (Lolium
multiflorum Lam). The experiment consisted of a compilation of digestibility trials (n=6) with pearl millet or
Italian ryegrass in completely randomized designs with four replications and four forage levels: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5%
(kg dry matter (DM)/ 100 kg of live weight (LW)). The trials were repeated at different periods to evaluate how
stable the average metabolic excretion of creatinine is. In each trial, total urine collection was performed
individually during a period of 24 hours for five consecutive days and subsequently analyzed by colorimetry
for creatinine and purine derivatives. The creatinine excretion was not affected (P>0.05) by forage offer or
forage type, but there were period effects (P=0.0001). The average creatinine excretion for both forages was
0.21mmol/kg PV0,75. Linear regressions between the purine derivatives:creatinine index with total excretion of
purine derivatives were detected for pearl millet (P<0.0001, R= 0.64) and Italian ryegrass (P=0.02, R=0.20).
These results demonstrate that creatinine excretion is independent of the type and availability of forage and can
be a marker for urinary volume prediction and nutritional measures under grazing systems.

Keywords: digestible organic matter intake, microbial protein synthesis, urine


Para testar a preciso da creatinina como marcador para estimativas de volume urinrio e ndice nutricional,
foram avaliadas a possvel influncia do consumo e a qualidade da forragem sobre esse marcador. Para isso,
ovinos foram alimentados com diferentes nveis de milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L) Leeke) ou azevm
(Lolium multiflorum Lam). O experimento consistiu de uma compilao de ensaios de digestibilidade (n=6)
com milheto ou azevm, em um desenho experimental de blocos completamente ao acaso, com quatro
repeties e quatro nveis de forragem: 1,5; 2,0; 2,5% (kg de matria seca (MS)/ 100kg de peso vivo (PV)). Os
ensaios foram repetidos em diferentes perodos, com ambas as forragens, se para avaliar a estabilidade da
excreo mdia de creatinina metablica. Em cada ensaio, foi coletado o volume total de urina
individualmente, durante perodos de 24 horas, por cinco dias consecutivos. Posteriormente, esses ensaios
foram analisados por colorimetria para creatinina e derivados de purina. A excreo de creatinina no foi
afetada (P>0,05) pelo consumo de forragem ou pelo tipo de forragem, mas foi influenciada pelo perodo
(P=0,0001). A excreo mdia de creatinina para ambas as forragens foi 0,21mmol/kg PV 0,75. Regresses
lineares entre os ndices derivados de purina:creatinina com a excreo total de derivados de purina foram
detectadas para milheto (P<0,0001; R=0,64) e azevm (P=0,02; R=0,20). Os resultados demonstraram que
a excreo de creatinina independente do tipo e do consumo de forragem e pode ser usada como marcador
preditivo do volume urinrio e do status nutricional em sistemas de pastejo.

Palavras-chave: consumo de matria orgnica digestvel, sntese de protena microbiana, urina

Recebido em 16 de junho de 2014

Aceito em 7 de abril de 2015
E-mail: [email protected]
David et al.

INTRODUCTION randomly allocated to four treatments

represented by four levels of herbage allowance
The quantification of total urine excretion is (kg dry matter (DM)/100 kg of live weight
essential to describe processes such as nitrogen (LW)): 1.5; 2.0; 2.5 and ad libitum. Each
balance and energy intake, as well as estimates digestibility trial was completely randomized
of microbial protein synthesis (Kozloski et al., with four treatments and four replicates (animals)
2005). However, under grazing conditions, the per treatment.
quantification of urinary excretion is a very
laborious process and most of the time it is not The animals used in the trials were crossbred
practical. Indirect methods to estimate the total Texel x Ile de France lambs, with average weight
urinary excretion have been suggested, such as of 29.955.26kg and around a year old. The
the use of urinary creatinine (Faichney et al., animals were fed in the morning (09:00h) and
1995; Chen et al., 2004) as an alternative method afternoon (18:00h), and the pasture was cut just
of total urine collection. before animal feeding. We used two forage
species, temperate grass: Italian ryegrass (Lolium
Creatinine is a metabolite formed in the muscle multiflorum Lam) and other tropical grass: pearl
by water removal from creatine phosphate, millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke). In
originating in cellular metabolism (Harper et al., experiments with Italian ryegrass the upper half
1982). Because creatinine is produced daily and of the plants were cut to simulate the material
is excreted steadily per kilogram of muscle mass that would be selected by the grazing animals,
of the animal, it is the most widely used marker while with pearl millet only the leaves were cut
for estimating the daily excretion of urine. due to the large difference in quality between the
Furthermore, its use has not been seen as being leaf and stem and the probable selection for
influenced by nutrient intake and diet green leaves by grazing sheep under non-limiting
composition (Valadares Filho et al., 2007). herbage allowances. For the ad libitum treatment
a level of at least 20% of the daily orts was
On the other hand, Liu and McMeniman (2006) established. The ranges of chemical and
showed that variations according to the quality of morphological composition from the forages
the diet can be found, and the average daily used on the digestibility trials can be seen on
creatinine excretion by sheep are around 10.7 Table 1.
mg/kg of live weight, with values ranging
between 5.0 and 13.6mg/kg of live weight. Other The experiments were structured as conventional
authors (rskov and MacLeod, 1982; Hovell et digestibility trials in metabolism cages, with a 10
al., 1983; Hovell et al., 1987) found a day adaptation phase and five more days for
relationship between energy intake and feces and forage orts collection (Rymer, 2000).
creatinine excretion, but the explanation and Samples of total feces, forage offered and
reason for these observations are still not clear. refusals were taken daily. These were dried in an
oven with forced air at 55C for 72 hours.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine Subsequently, samples of feces, forage offered
whether variations in forage intake and type of and forage orts during the five days were pooled
forage interfere in sheep urinary creatinine and ground for subsequent laboratory analysis.
excretion, as well as to examine the use of
creatinine as a marker for urinary volume and Dry matter was determined by drying the
nutritional index for grazing systems. material in an oven at 105 C for 12 hours
(Easley et al., 1965), organic matter by burning
MATERIAL AND METHODS in a muffle furnace at 550C (AOAC methods in.
22,010, and no. 7,010, 1975), and nitrogen (N)
Data from six digestibility trials conducted by the Kjeldahl method (AOAC methods
between the years 2010 and 2011 were compiled. no.2,036, 1960, no.2049, 1975). The calculation
Assays were carried out at the Federal University of forage intake was performed by the difference
of Rio Grande do Sul, RS - Brazil. All assays between the forage offered and refusals. Forage
were similar in their experimental design and digestibility was calculated as the difference
protocol, varying only in the type/quality of between the forage intake and excreted feces,
forage and animal group (period). Each divided by forage intake.
digestibility trial was composed of 16 animals

1010 Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.67, n.4, p.1009-1015, 2015
Uso da creatinina urinria...

Table 1. Chemical composition and morphological composition of the pearl millet and Italian ryegrass fed
to sheep in indoor trials
Pearl millet Italian ryegrass
Mean Range Mean Range
Dry Matter (g/kg) 128 119136 227 170-283
OM1 (g/kg DM) 890 876901 915 897-932
CP2 (g/kg OM) 229 217241 201 146-256
NDFacp3 (g/kg OM) 548 500596 493 418-568
Leaf blades (g/kg DM) 396 175-617
Stem + sheath (g/kg DM) 321 304-338
Seed head (g/kg DM) 283 78-486
OM= organic matter; 2CP = crude protein; 3NDFacp = neutral detergent fibre corrected to ash and crude protein.

For urine collection each animal was fitted with Statistical analysis was performed using SAS
an abdominal urine collector to avoid contact version 9.2 statistical package (SAS Institute
with the feces. Urine was conveyed to a plastic Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The analysis of the
container with a lid containing 100mL of 20% experiment was performed by PROC GLM
sulfuric acid. After 24h, the total urine collected taking a completely randomized experimental
was measured, homogenized and 1% of the urine design with four treatments (offers) and four
was withdrawn and diluted three times with replicates per treatment. The effect of periods
distilled water to prevent possible crystallization (experiments) within the same forage was also
(Chen and Gomes, 1995). The samples were tested as a main effect. The comparison of means
adjusted to pH values below three using 20% was performed by Tukey test at a 5% error
sulfuric acid to prevent destruction of the probability. The regression between the PDC
bacterial purine bases and uric acid precipitation. index and intake of digestible organic matter
This was frozen at -20 C until analysis. Urine were evaluated by linear regression using the
samples were collected from only 84 animals of PROC REG procedure of SAS. Cook's distance
the 96 used in the experiments. Those excluded was calculated, excluding the data of those
were due to problems with abdominal collectors. animals that showed a daily excretion of
creatinine per kilogram metabolic weight that
Urinary creatinine was determined by the was very different from the average of the assay
colorimetric reaction with endpoint in alkaline within each level of fodder supply.
picrate solution, using commercial kits (Ref: 35,
Labtest, Lagoa Santa, MG, Brazil), while the RESULTS
purine derivatives (PD) were determined by
colorimetric analysis of allantoin and uric acid as Differences for forage intake (Table 2) between
described by Chen and Gomes (1995). Uric acid the levels of both offers were seen in the
was determined using a commercial kit (Ref: 73, experiments with both millet (P<0.0001) and
Labtest, Lagoa Santa, MG, Brazil), xanthine and ryegrass (P=0.0079).
hypoxanthine are converted to uric acid with
xanthine oxidase (Ref: x1875, Sigma-Aldrich In animals fed millet, urinary volume (Uv) and
Co.). daily excretion of purine derivatives followed the
For estimates of food intake and intestinal flow same pattern of response as dry matter intake
of microbial purines a purine (DMI), increasing with the increase of forage
derivatives:creatinine index (PDC) was supply. However, with ryegrass, this behavioral
calculated. This index was calculated from the pattern was not statistically different between
urinary concentrations (mmol/L) and creatinine treatments for Uv (P=0.18) and PD (P=0.21). The
purine derivatives multiplied by metabolic average volume of urine was higher for millet
weight as described by Chen et al. (2004): than ryegrass (2723 vs 2211 ml; Table 3) but
lower for the daily excretion of purine
derivatives (13.10 versus 18.71 mmol/day),
Where creatinine and purine derivatives (PD) are
expressed in mmol/L and LW is the liveweight
of the animal (kg).

Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.67, n.4, p.1009-1015, 2015 1011
David et al.

Table 2. Urine volume and urinary excretion of purine derivatives and creatinine by sheep fed different
allowances of pearl millet and Italian ryegrass
Main effects
Forage allowance (%LW)
Parameters SE2 (Pr>F)
1.5 2.0 2.5 AL1 Period Treatment
Pearl millet
DMI3 (g/day) 345c 444bc 578b 878a 33.72 0.01 <0.0001
Uv4 (ml/day) 2042b 2231b 2879ab 3696a 153.01 0.03 0.0001
PD5 (mmol/d) 8.02b 9.88b 14.07ab 20.11a 1.07 0.002 <0.0001
mmol/L 1.32 1.26 1.07 0.90 0.07 0.09 0.1529
mmol/day 2.50 2.79 2.97 2.99 0.15 0.02 0.7052
0.20 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.01 0.13 0.6615
Italian ryegrass
DMI3 (g/day) 458b 556ab 731a 759a 39.57 0.0350 0.0079
Uv4(ml/day) 1897 2291 1856 2835 184.51 0.0005 0.1852
PD5 (mmol/d) 14.43 12.85 16.28 30.61 3.34 0.87 0.2153
mmol/L 1.63 0.94 1.41 0.96 0.15 0.94 0.1355
mmol/day 2.90 2.13 2.17 2.72 0.28 0.0026 0.6833
0.23 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.02 0.0001 0.5285
AL= ad libitum; 2SE= standard error; 3DMI= dry matter intake;4Uv= urine volume; 5PD= purine derivatives
Averages in the same row followed by letters differ by the Tukey test at 5%.

Table 3. Urine volume and urinary excretion of purine derivatives and creatinine by sheep fed different
forage types
Pearl Italian Forage type
Parameters Mean SE1
millet Ryegrass (Pr>F)
DMI2 (g/day) 565b 605a 578 26.20 <0.0001
Uv3 (ml/day) 2723a 2211b 2563 122.04 <0.0001
PD4 (mmol/d) 13.10b 18.71a 14.87 1.30 0.0011
mmol/L 1.13b 1.29a 1.18 0.06 0.05
mmol/day 2.81 2.59 2.74 0.14 0.80
mmol/kg LW0,75 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.01 0.66
SE= standard error; 2DMI= dry matter intake; 3Uv= urine volume; 4PD= purine derivatives
Averages in the same row followed by letters differ by the Tukey test at 5%.

The daily excretion of creatinine (mmol/kg The purine derivatives:creatinine index (PDC
LW0.75) was not affected by the level of forage index) and digestible organic matter intake
allowance or type of forage. However, it was not (DOMI, Fig. 1) were significant for both pearl
constant over time, varying significantly millet (P<0.0001) and ryegrass (P=0.02) with
(P=0.0001) between the digestibility trials estimates of DOMI closer to the actual for pearl
(periods) for ryegrass. On average for the two millet (R=0.64) than for ryegrass (R=0.20). An
forages the daily creatinine excretion was inclination angle was also higher for millet (3.14)
0.21mmol/kg LW0.75. compared to ryegrass (1.23).

1012 Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.67, n.4, p.1009-1015, 2015
Uso da creatinina urinria...

Figure 1. Relationship between the purine derivatives:creatinine index (PDC index) and digestible organic
matter intake (DOMI) of sheep in different forage allowances of pearl millet () or Italian ryegrass ().

DISCUSSION present study, however, it is pertinent to

remember that two forages with distinct
The average excretion of creatinine nutritional characteristics were tested, and yet no
(0.21mmol/kg/LW0,75 or 9.79mg/kg LW) was differences were detected due to forage intake or
close to that found by Yu et al. (2001) for sheep type of forage. This supports the hypothesis that
supplemented with different protein sources creatinine excretion rate is constant and
(0.20mmol/kg/LW0,75), and reported by Liu and dependent solely on muscle mass and therefore
McMeniman (2006) for sheep fed different levels proportional to animal weight (Koren, 2000) and
of maintenance requirements (9.26mg/kg LW). it is also expected that the urine volume can be
Reference values for sheep (0.46 to 0.52mmol/kg estimated directly from the relationship between
LW0,75) described by Makkar (2004) for daily the concentration of creatinine in the urine and
excretion of creatinine per unit of metabolic the average daily excretion.
weight are well above those found in this study.
However, differences between breeds and The PDC index is related to food intake flow and
species are conceivable, mainly due to variations intestinal microbial purine and can thus be used
in body weight and proportion of muscle mass as an indicator of intestinal microbial nitrogen
(George et al., 2006), suggesting the need for flow (Valadares Filho et al., 2007). As such,
caution in generalizing the values. these estimates must be constructed from the
PDC index, by taking into account the animal
Experiments with ruminal infusions of nutrients live weight (Chen et al., 2004). The regressions
(short-chain fatty acids and protein) have shown performed, aiming to relate PDC index with
a relationship between nutrient intake and DOMI, were significant (P<0.05), with
excretion of creatinine (rskov and MacLeod, coefficients of determination of 0.64 and 0.20 for
1982; Hovell et al., 1983; Hovell et al., 1987). pearl millet and ryegrass, respectively.
Liu and McMeniman (2006) suggest that these
differences found between nutrient intake and As suggested by Chen et al. (2004), from the
creatinine excretion may be due to the type of PDC index, spot samples can be used to estimate
diet provided by different mixtures and microbial protein synthesis in sheep and to
concentrations of nutrients infused ruminally establish feeding strategies. However, there are
rather than strictly by energy consumption. In the suggestions that this relationship should be used

Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., v.67, n.4, p.1009-1015, 2015 1013
David et al.

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