Hydrology Project 5

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MARCH 23, 2015


1. The average annual discharge at the outlet of a catchment is 0.5 m3 /s. The
catchment is situated in a desert area (no vegetation) and the size is 800
km2 . The average annual precipitation is 200 mm/year.
a. Compute the average annual evaporation from the catchment in mm/year.
In the catchment area an irrigation project covering 10 km2 is developed.
After some years the average discharge at the outlet of the catchment
appears to be 0.175 m3 /s.
b. Compute the evapotranspiration from the irrigated area in mm/year,
assuming no change in the evaporation from the rest of the catchment.
2. For a watershed with a size of 120 km2 , the following data on precipitation P,
evaporation E and runoff Q are given in mm.

a. At the end of which month is the amount of water stored in the basin
largest and when is the smallest amount of water present in the
catchment? What is the difference (m3 ) in the amount of water stored in
the basin between these two extremes?
b. In what climate (arid, humid temperate or humid tropical) do you expect
this catchment to be located?
3. A catchment has a size of 100 km2 . In its original condition, the average
annual total runoff from the catchment is 1.1 m3 /s. The average annual
rainfall is 800 mm/a. In an average year, 50% of the rainfall infiltrates and
12.5% of the rainfall reaches the groundwater. Tests have turned out that the
average annual evapotranspiration from the unsaturated zone (being the sum
of the transpiration and the bare soil evaporation) amounts to 340 mm/a. In
all water balance computations over the year, one may assume that the
storage effects are small (dS/dt = +0).
a. How much water, in mm/a, reaches the root zone through capillary rise in
an average year?

b. How much water, in mm/a, seeps out from the groundwater to the surface
water in an average year?

c. How much water, in mm/a, evaporates directly from interception in an

average year?

d. How much, in mm/a, is the total evapotranspiration in the catchment in an

average year? A well field is planned to withdraw 0.16 m3 /s from the
catchment for drinking water consumption elsewhere . As a result, the
groundwater level is expected to go down and capillary rise into the root
zone will no longer be possible. The percolation, however is expected to
remain the same.

e. What will be the effect of the withdrawal on the different components of

the hydrological cycle: the groundwater seepage, the total runoff, the
evapotranspiration from the unsaturated zone and the total
evapotranspiration? Please quantify in mm/a.

4. A polder in the West of The Netherlands is surrounded by a canal. The water

level in the canal is well above the land surface of the polder. The size of the
polder is 10 km2 and 20% of this area is open water. The average annual
open water evaporation is 600 mm/a. The land use in the polder is grass. The
open water level in the polder is kept high all year round, consequently the
evapotranspiration of the crop equals its potential value. Potential
evapotranspiration of grass in The Netherlands may be estimated as 75% of
the open water evaporation. The average annual precipitation is 800 mm/a,
the average annual amount of water pumped out is 5x106 m 3 /a while
0.7x106 m 3 /a is let in to the polder in order to maintain a high water level in
the summer period.
a. Compute the average annual groundwater seepage into the polder in

b. Do you estimate the error of the computed amount of seepage to be less

than 1, between 1 and 10 or greater than 10 mm/a?

c. The Water Board decides to lower the open water level in the polder from
the original high level to a much lower level. As a result of this, the annual
amount of seepage as well as the evapotranspiration change by 10%. The
water intake remains the same (0.7 km3 /a). Compute for the new
situation the average amount that is pumped out in mm/a.

5. A tropical cyclone produces 240 mm of rainfall during a period of 5 days. The

figure below gives the percentage mass curve of this rainfall event. Plot the
hyetograph using daily time intervals.
6. For the rainfall gauging stations A, B and C, which are all situated in the same
climatic region, the annual precipitation data (cm) for ten successive years
are given below. The data of one station are not reliable. Determine this
station with the double-mass curve analysis.

7. In a rectangular area three raingauges A, B and C are located as shown in the

figure below. The recorded rainfall for June is as follows: Station A: 75 mm,
Station B: 40 mm and Station C: 30 mm. Use the Thiessen method to
compute the areal rainfall of the rectangle for the month of June.
8. The hyetograph in the figure above (right) gives the rainfall intensity in
(mm/h) with time (h) which is recorded with a raingauge at a height of 120
cm above soil surface.

a. Compute and plot the mass curve (cumulative rainfall depth with time).
b. Sketch roughly in the same figure what would have been the mass curve
for the situation that the position of the raingauge is changed in such a
way that the rim of the collector is at ground level

9. The following statistical characteristics (frequencies of occurrence) were

derived from a time series of daily rainfall totals:

a. Determine the missing figures in the table above.

b. Derive the intensity duration curve for a return period of 100 years.

10. Consider the following annual maximum daily rainfall data:

Make a graph of the extreme rainfall depth versus the logarithm of the return
period. Do not use semi-log paper. Estimate the annual maximum daily
rainfall with a return period of 20 years.
11. The Gumbel distribution of daily extreme rainfall data (mm) shows
P(X < 100) = 0.90
P(X < 130) = 0.98

a. Compute the daily extreme rainfall for a return period of 100 years. (If
you wish you can check the answer yourself graphically in figure 2.23).

b. Mention at least two requirements with regard to the establishment of

the Gumbel distribution that have to be fulfilled to make the answer of
the previous question meaningful.

12. For a certain watershed the following monthly data on precipitation

P and potential evapotranspiration Epot are given in mm.

The annual actual evapotranspiration Eact equals 610 mm. Except for one
month, the actual evapotranspiration equals the potential

a. Indicate the month for which Eact < Epot.

b. Compute the actual evapotranspiration for this month.

c. Compute the annual river discharge from the watershed, assuming

that the change in storage can be neglected.

13. For a large catchment the following data on precipitation P, free

water evaporation Eo, potential evapotranspiration Epot and actual
evapotranspiration Eact are given in an arbitrarily sequence in mm/year as
follows: 40, 100, 2500 and 3000.

a. Give the values for P, Eo, Epot and Eact. Explain your answer.

b. Indicate to which climate these values pertain: humid, semi-arid or


14. The three data sets in the table and chart below refer to monthly
evaporation values in mm/d for a shallow lake, a deep lake and a Class A
pan in the same region in The Netherlands.
a. Which data set belongs to the shallow lake, which one to the deep lake
and which data set represents the pan evaporation data? Please

b. Estimate the pan coefficient for the deep lake and for the shallow lake.

15. Measurements in Hodeidah (Yemen, 15 oN, altitude 18 m) of the

global radiation results in the following data:
August 15, 1990: RS = 20.482 MJ/d/m2, n = 6.3 hours
August 16, 1990: RS= 16.758 MJ/d/m2, n = 4.2 hours

a. Compute the parameters a and b in the radiation equation Rs = (a + b

n/N) RA

b. Compute the evaporation from a reservoir at Hodeidah for the month

of June according to Penman and Makkink, given the following data (24
hour mean values at 2 m height):

Sunshine duration : 10.4 hours

Air temperature : 31.0 oC
Relative humidity : 38.4 %
Wind speed : 2.0 m/s

16. An infiltrometer is used to determine the infiltration capacity of a

clay soil. The experiment lasted 120 minutes. During the experiment
water was added to maintain a constant water level in the ring. The total
volume of water added is tabulated below. The area of the ring is 600 cm 2.

a. Compute for each time interval the infiltration capacity in cm/hr.

b. Plot the infiltration capacity (cm/hr) versus time (minutes).

c. Estimate the ultimate value of the infiltration capacity.

17. he relation between infiltration capacity in mm/hour and the time
(in hours) since the start of the experiment as measured with an
infiltrometer is depicted below. The relationship may be described with the
empirical formula of Horton (equation 4.2), where fp, fc and fo in mm/h, t in
min. and k in min-1.

a. Derive the parameter values fo, fc and k from the measured


b. Estimate from the graph below the total amount of water that will
infiltrate into the soil during a rainstorm with a duration 20 minutes
and a constant intensity of 20 mm/h. Answer the same question for a
constant rainfall intensity of 12 mm/h.

18. The capacity of the interception storage of a forest is 2 mm. After a

dry period a rainstorm on this forest with an intensity of 40 mm/hr lasts
one half hour. The infiltration capacity during the first 1/4 hour is 40
mm/hr and during the second 1/4 hour is 32 mm/hr. Compute the amount
of water that infiltrates into the soil during the rainstorm.
19. A sprinkling test is carried out on a plot of 25 m 2. The simulated
rainfall intensity (i) equals 20 mm/h. After 4 hours the surface runoff from
the plot becomes constant and equal to 0.05 l/s.
a. Compute the ultimate infiltration capacity in mm/h.

b. Sketch in a graph the infiltration capacity with time, given an initial

infiltration rate at the start of the sprinkling rest equal to 18 mm/h.
Sketch in the same figure the infiltration capacity with time for the
situation the experiment is repeated a few hours later.

20. The rooting depth of a crop is 60 cm.

a. Compute the (maximum) available moisture for the crop from the root
zone (the amount between field capacity and wilting point) for sand,
loam and clay. Use the soil moisture characteristics in your lecture
notes in figure 4.6. Field capacity corresponds to pF2.

b. If all this water has been used the crop is dead (wilting point
condition). In order to prevent reduction in crop yield the farmer will
irrigate the crop when half of the available moisture is used. If the
evapotranspiration rate of the crop equals 4 mm/d, compute the
irrigation interval in the absence of precipitation.

21. In a soil with a deep water-table the root zone has a depth of 50 cm.
The moisture content at field capacity for this root zone is 28%. Just
before irrigation the moisture content in the root zone is 12%. During
irrigation 110 mm of water infiltrates into the soil. How much water
percolates from the root zone into the subsoil?

22. Consider the water balance of a reservoir during the last 6 weeks of
a long dry season. The reservoir is receiving water from one river only. The
river discharge into the reservoir at the start and at the end of the 6 week
period is 10 and 1.8 m3/s, respectively. The surface area of the reservoir is
20 km2.

a. Compute for each week the rise of the water level in the reservoir due
to the inflow of river water only. The following precipitation (P) and
evaporation (E) data (mm/week) apply for the 6-week period.
At the dam site water is released with a constant rate of 5 m 3/s. There
are no other significant flows that should be considered for the water
balance of the reservoir.

b. Compute the water level in the reservoir at the end of each week given
a water level of 20 m above mean sea level at the start of the 6 week

23. Consider a catchment of 33.3 km2 situated in an arid region. The

outlet of the catchment is a wadi (dry river) that carries water only after
heavy rainfall. A rain storm with a depth of 100 mm falls uniformly over
the catchment during a period of three hours. The rainfall depth in the
first, second and third hour are respectively 45, 35 and 20 mm. The
discharge at the outlet due to this rain storm is presented as hydrograph
A (solid line) in the chart below.

a. Compute the runoff coefficient for this rainfall event.

b. Compute the constant loss rate (the -index)
c. In the same chart the hydrograph observed at a point B, 20 km down
stream in the same river is plotted. The average width of the river
section between A and B is 50 m. Estimate the average infiltration rate
into the river bed between A and B in mm/hr during the passage of the
flood wave.

24. For a certain catchment the depletion curve of the hydrograph at

the outlet may be described with the equation 4.11. The flood hydrograph
Q (mm/d !) at the outlet, as given below, was produced by a rainstorm of
50 mm.
a. Plot the hydrograph and separate direct runoff from base flow by a
straight line. (For the construction of this line semi-log paper may be
used, but this is not required).

b. Estimate the direct runoff in mm.

c. Estimate the total base flow contribution from this rain storm.

25. Consider a rainstorm with a constant intensity falling uniformly over

a catchment of 6 km2. The time of concentration of the catchment is 3
hours. The runoff coefficient is 0.4. The Depth-Duration-Frequency curve
for the T = 10 years that applies to this catchment is given below. Use the
Rational Method to compute the maximum peak runoff in m 3.s-1 with a
return period of 10 years.

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