Original Brief Lesson Plan

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Brief Lesson Plan

(Christian Living 1- Enjoying our Journey of Faith)

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
a) discuss the creation as the foundation of Gods saving plan;
b) identify the causes of the damage of creation;
c) show a concrete solution in response to the continuous destruction of our
environment through a group presentation.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Gods Saving Action Through Creation

III. MATERIALS: LCD, laptop, handouts, notebook and pen

References: Christian Living textbook, Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)

A. Preliminaries
- Checking of attendance
- Students will be ask for someone to lead the opening prayer
B. Review
- What was our previous discussion all about?
- What did you learn in the previous lesson?
- Who can give a short summary from our last meeting discussion?
C. Motivation
- Picture Analysis: students will be asked to look at the pictures that will be
flashed on the screen; students will be asked about their observation.
- http://onehdwallpaper.com/mountain-wallpapers-hd-pictures/
D. Discussion Proper
LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills)
- What is the book in the bible that tells us about the beginning?
- What happened on the 1st day? 2nd day? 3rd day?etc.,
- What are the characteristics of Gods creative action?
- What are the causes of the continuous damage of our creation?
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
- How is Gods creative action related to His saving action?
- How did God expressed His concrete love for us?
- In what way did God continue to show His love and concern despite of our
sinfulness? Explain.
- How do we help restore our damage of the environment?
E. Synthesis
- The continuous destruction of our environment is slowly obscuring our ability to
see and experience God, therefore, now is the time for us to re-examine the ways
we think and act, to affirm and be committed to the good we are presently doing.
We should become more responsible stewards through our lifestyle choices,
through energy consumption, garbage recycling practices, etc.
F. Evaluation
- Students will present a role play showing their concrete response to the God
who created and saved us.

Prepared By: Evaluated By:

Mr. John Ray C. Enaje Ms. Sarah Jane Zaragosa
Brief Lesson Plan
(Christian Living 2- Enjoying our Journey with Jesus Christ)

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
a) explain the true meaning of authentic human freedom;
b) share their own experiences from the outcomes of doing good;
c) suggest varied ways on how to effectively exercise true human freedom.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Our Gift of Freedom

III. MATERIALS: LCD, laptop, Handouts, notebook and pen

References: Christian Living textbook, Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)

G. Preliminaries
- Checking of attendance
- Students will be ask for someone to lead the opening prayer
H. Review
- What was our previous discussion?
- What did you learn in the previous lesson?
- Who can give a short summary from our last meeting discussion?
I. Motivation
- Short Video PresentationThe Purge: Students will answer the following
questions after the presentation of video: Who can share their observation
based from what you have seen in the video? What will happen if we do
whatever we want? What will happen to our families, our friends, our
community and to our country as a whole?
J. Discussion Proper
LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills)
- What is authentic human freedom?
- What is the teaching of Jesus Christ about true freedom?
- What are the ways in which people can exercise true freedom?
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
- How is human freedom experience?
- What is meant by freedom of the children of God?
K. Synthesis
- Authentic human freedom is a shared capacity with others in the community
for choosingnot anything it allbut what is good, in order to become our
true selves.
L. Evaluation
- The students will make an essay on the given theme, Doing What Is Good:
Our Authentic Human Freedom. The following serve as guide questions:
What is true human freedom for me? How will I carry out the concept of true
freedom? To exercise ones gift of freedom, what shall I do to help those
people who are in need?

Prepared By: Evaluated By:

Mr. John Ray C. Enaje Ms. Sarah Jane Zaragosa
Brief Lesson Plan
(Christian Living 3- Enjoying our Journey of Discipleship)

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
a) explain human dignity as gift of God;
b) recall the scriptural account on Gods first creation to man;
c) point out concrete ways that shows respect to ones and others dignity;

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Our Dignity as Human Person

III. MATERIALS: LCD, laptop, handouts, notebook and pen

References: Christian Living textbook, Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC);

M. Preliminaries
- Checking of attendance
- Students will be ask for someone to lead the opening prayer
N. Review
- What was our previous discussion all about?
- What did you learn in the previous lesson?
- Who can give a short summary from our last meeting discussion?
O. Motivation
- Read a Story, entitled, Namaste;
Students will be asked by the following questions: What does Namaste mean?
What does it teach you about yourself as a person? How did the young person
use the term in a Christian way?
P. Discussion Proper
LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills)
- In what way is the human person Gods image?
- What responsibility did God give to human persons when He created them?
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
- Do you agree that ones dignity is based on what one is and not on what one
has? Explain your answer.
- What are the gifts given by God to the human person? How do these gifts
reflect Gods image?
- Why is a human dignity a gift of God
- How do you show respect for your dignity and the dignity of others?
Q. Synthesis
- Each one of us then is not only a human being with his/her own rights, but
each of us becomes a living image of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. The Divine image is present in every human person. It shines forth in
our dignity as human persons and in our communion among ourselves.
R. Evaluation
- Compose a jingle song that recounts the importance of respecting ones and
others dignity as human persons?
- Criteria: Message: 15 points; Originality: 10 points; Volume: 5points and
Hand Gestures: 5 pointsTotal Points: 35 points

Prepared By: Evaluated By:

Mr. John Ray C. Enaje Ms. Sarah Jane Zaragosa
Brief Lesson Plan
(Christian Living 4- Enjoying our Journey with the Church)

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
a) explain the importance of attending to mass;
b) share their personal motivation in going to mass;
c) commit in attending Sunday mass regularly.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: The Holy Eucharist: In the Filipino Context

III. MATERIALS: LCD, laptop, handouts, notebook and pen

References: Christian Living textbook, Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)

A. Preliminaries
- Checking of attendance
- Students will be ask for someone to lead the opening prayer
B. Review
- What was our previous discussion all about?
- What did you learn in the previous lesson?
- Who can give a short summary from our last meeting discussion?
C. Motivation
- The Story of the Eucharistic Miracle in Lanciona:
D. Discussion Proper
LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills)
- Do you attend Sunday mass regularly?
- What have you observed everytime you attend Sunday mass?
- Why do you attend mass?
- What do we gain from attending mass?
- What is your personal motivation in going to mass?
- What is the meaning of the word, Eucharist?
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
- How is the Holy Eucharist related to our daily life?
- Why is the Eucharist a, Gods special gift to us?
- Why is the Eucharist also called as, the sacrament of love.
- How true is the transubstantiation during the consecration of bread and wine?
- How do we manifest clear understanding and love of the Eucharist?
E. Synthesis
- The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Churchs life, for in it Christ
associates his Church and all her members with His sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to His Father; by this sacrifice
he pours out the graces of salvation on His Body which is the Church.
F. Evaluation
- Students will write their personal reflection from the discussion. The
following will serve as guidelines: What is the Holy Eucharist for me? How
will I carry out the message of the Holy Eucharist in my daily life?

Prepared By: Evaluated By:

Mr. John Ray C. Enaje Ms. Sarah Jane Zaragosa
Brief Lesson Plan
(Christian Living 1- Enjoying our Journey of Faith)

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
a) identify the different models of our faith;
b) manifest willingness to carry out the good examples of the models of
Christian faith.
c) conclude the significance of having to live out the true Christian faith by
way of a statement.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Models of our Faith

III. MATERIALS: LCD, Laptop, Notebook, Pen

References: Christian Living Textbook; CFC

A. Preliminaries
- Checking of class attendance
- Opening Prayer
B. Review
- What was our previous topic all about?
- What did we do last time?
- Who can share their insights on our previous discussion?
C. Motivation
D. Discussion Proper
LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills)
- What are the requirements for sainthood?
- Can anyone become a saint?
- How did the saints lived their earthly life?
- Who is the perfect example of faith?
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
- How do we express our deep faith in God?
- Does our faith limited in believing only?
- How do we express our faith in action?
- How do we carry out in our own simple way the good examples of the
E. Synthesis
- Our deep faith in God is expressed more concretely by helping our needy
brothers and sisters just like what the saints have lived during their earthly
F. Evaluation
- The students will be given a task to make a short comic strip presenting
the simple ways and means in doing good where it includes helping ones
needy brothers and sisters.
- The following are the criteria: Content: 10 pts.Creativity:10 pts.
Organization: 5 pts.

Prepared By: Evaluated By:

Mr. John Ray C. Enaje Ms. Sarah Jane Zaragosa

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