02-27-17 Edition
02-27-17 Edition
02-27-17 Edition
Citizens envision
a new El Camino
in Redwood City
Advisory group digs deeper into details for
future improvements on key thoroughfare
By Anna Schuessler current and proposed businesses
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF and residential buildings on or
near El Camino Real, largely
Now past initial conversations between Whipple Avenue in the
of what the Redwood City stretch north and Oakwood Drive in the
of El Camino Real could look like, south. The options were collected
a citizens advisory group met this from community meetings and
week to weigh concrete options stakeholder interviews in the fall
for coordinating transit and other and early part of this year.
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL activities along the busy thor- Providing for more affordable
Dr. Rakhi Singh, third from right, huddles with the staff at the Fair Oaks Health Center in the North Fair Oaks oughfare. housing, public art and open space
neighborhood in unincorporated San Mateo County south of Redwood City. This was the group's second were also among the issues
meeting to discuss a variety of brought up by those participating.
Warrant. A 47-year-old San Mateo woman
was arrested on a petty theft warrant near
Foster City Boulevard and Polynesia Drive
heres not much left of the SS Palo before 7:13 p.m., Monday, Feb. 20.
Alto, a ship made of concrete that Vandal i s m. Two vehicles were ransacked
has been an attraction near Santa on Constitution Drive before 10:35 p.m.,
Cruz for decades. The recent storms battered Sunday, Feb. 19.
the grounded ship so severely the hull split Di s o rde rl y c o n duc t . A 57-year-old
apart, pretty well closing the log on a story The SS Palo Alto, a ship made of concrete, during slightly better days before it was split apart Hayward man was arrested for public intoxi-
that started in Redwood City during World by recent storms. cation on Triton Drive before 3:59 a.m.,
War I with the launching of a ship named Sunday, Feb. 19.
Redwood City. He convinced the wartime The Peralta, according to the website
Faith. Burg l ary . A vehicle was broken into and
U.S. Shipping Board to commission ve Concrete Ships, became a sardine cannery
Shipbuilders must have had a great deal of miscellaneous items were stolen on Chess
reinforced concrete steamers, assuring the in Alaska in 1924 and was later moored off
faith when they drew up plans for a concrete Drive before 7:04 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 18.
board that the 5,000-ton ships could be Antioch, California until 1958 when it
ship. The Faith was the rst American ship operated at a prot. Redwood City had a became part of a breakwater for a pulp and
constructed of a material skeptics thought long history with cement, which was pro- paper mill in British Columbia, Canada,
would sink like a rock. duced using oyster shells and mud on what is where it remains. DUI. A 22-year-old San Carlos man was
The freighter, its black hull made entirely now Pacic Shores Center. Cement is a vital A ship made of concrete? A crazy idea, arrested for driving while intoxicated and
of concrete, was launched in Redwood City component of concrete. right? Apparently not because more than 20 his passenger was arrested for public intoxi-
on March 18, 1918, to great fanfare. The Faith was one of three concrete ships were built during World War II as well as cation near Cedar Street and Greenwood
Redwood City Democrat reported spectators built in the San Francisco Bay Area during nearly 80 concrete barges, including some Avenue before 10:52 p.m., Saturday, Feb.
came from every direction by train, in World War I. The others, all part of Comyns that played a vital role in the D-Day inva- 11.
automobile and by water to see an event venture, were the Peralta and the Palo Alto, sion of Normandy where they were used as Arres t. A 59-year-old man was arrested for
the newspaper predicted would revolution- both of them built as tankers in Oakland. oating pontoons to move troops and sup- trespassing on the 1100 block of San Carlos
ize the shipbuilding of the world. The ship The war ended before the other two ships of plies. Way before 8:25 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11.
didnt live up to that billing, but it had a the ve awarded to Comyn were completed. Di s turbance. A 60-year-old San Carlos
longer life than naysayers expected. Faith The Palo Alto sailed on only one voyage woman was arrested after being removed
The Rear View Mirror by history columnist
hauled general cargo to ports of call as far and that was under tow from Oakland to her from a residence and determined to be under
apart as Honolulu and New York before its Jim Clifford appears in the Daily Journal
present port at Seacliff State Beach at Aptos the inuence of a controlled substance on
sailing days ended in 1921 and it became a ev ery other Monday. Objects in The Mirror the 800 block of Bauer Court before 10 a.m.,
about eight miles south of Santa Cruz where
breakwater in Cuba. it served most recently as a shing pier. are closer than they appear. Saturday, Feb. 4.
The ship was launched in the midst of When it arrived on the coast, the ships sea-
World War I when the United States lacked cocks were opened and the Palo Alto settled
enough steel-making plants and shipyards. in. In 1930, a pier was built to the vessel
Historians say that at the time Faith was the and a dance oor, swimming pool and cafe
worlds largest sea-going concrete vessel. were added, giving the ship a new life. The
Using concrete for a ship was an idea owners, however, went broke after two sea-
pushed by Leslie Comyn, a San Francisco sons.
business executive who owned a shipyard in
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Theres definitely a strong demand, ever since 2011- number of parking spaces needed for the hotel. Per city
2012 after the recovery from 2008 slump. But overall, the codes, a total of 184 parking spaces would be required, but
Bay Area, especially Silicon Valley, which we are not at the proposal suggests just 146 on-site spaces, Schimpp
If I choose the heart of, but we are like the tertiary market. We also
have very strong companies here like Visa, Franklin
said. However, transportation demand management plans
will be outlined as part of the traffic study, she said.
cremation, Templeton, Gilead, Oracle just to name a few; Kaiser, Bank During his 40-year career, Tsai said he often finds hotels
of America, SolarCity; theres quite a bit of companies in are over parked, with many spaces sitting vacant. They
what are my this 92/101 corridor, Tsai said. also run a shuttle service between the airport and all of
Rick Riffel
options for Neighboring Belmont has two new hotels in the works
near Highway 101, and Tsai is driving the 121-room
their hotels, that are in a relatively small vicinity, which
greatly reduces the number of single vehicle trips and
Managing Funeral Director
burial TownePlace Suites, Extended Stay Hotel in Foster City parked cars. Most of his business customers dont have
cars and are employees of airlines with which he con-
expected to open later this year.
The community and Planning Commission will be tracts, such as flight attendants or pilots from San
Cremation offers many options for nal given a chance to weigh in on the new proposal next week Francisco International Airport there for short-term stays.
disposition such as burial in a cemetery plot, before a range of studies including on parking, traffic Plus, he noted, many businesses travelers use ride-share
and an environmental review are prepared, said Tricia and taxi services, or are picked up by colleagues, he said.
preservation in a columbarium niche, or Schimpp, San Mateos senior contract planner. He also suggested the city, which currently receives
scattering at sea or in a place of meaning. Tsai is seeking a variance to allow a height increase to about $500,000 from Los Prados Hotel through its 12 per-
We are happy to explain all the choices 55 feet, which is allowed but requires City Council cent transient occupancy tax, could nearly double that if a
approval, but the taller building will reduce the footprint newer facility were created.
that accompany cremation. We hope you of the structure, she noted. The proposed hotel is geared toward those visiting for
will allow us to assist. The last 55-foot proposal the city received was to create work, and Schimpp noted San Mateo planning documents
a five-story housing complex known as Hillsdale Terrace; have considered additional hotels.
which was very controversial but the City Council ulti- Our General Plan does encourage more hotels and most
mately approved this year. of the hotels or motels are pretty outdated. So there is a
A neighborhood meeting and commission study session need to have updated modern hotels and this one is the
on Tsais project was held in years past on the smaller pro- business-type model. It will not be like a convention cen-
posal, and although the public had age-old concerns, there ter or have banquet facilities or a restaurant. Its not a des-
was an interest in seeing the outdated Los Prados Hotel tination hotel, its for the business person, she said,
866-211-2443 revived, she said. adding the next step would be for the commission to
2012 MKJ Marketing
Most people seemed to be supportive of having an review the studies. Theres a whole process so the public
$" updated hotel there. The city does need hotels. There is can have input too.
www.ssofunerals.com FD230 concern about traffic always in the area because traffic is The Planning Commission meets 7:30 p.m. Monday
already a problem there. So we will be having traffic stud- Feb. 27 at City Hall, 330 W. 20th Ave., San Mateo.
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Students urged to forgo fear, seek monetary help
Immigration concerns linked to dwindling community college financial aid requests
BAY CITY NEWS SERVICE having their personal information shared with federal author- To qualify, students need to have either attended a
ities like U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, California high school for at least three years or earned the
Alarmed by the apparent lack of financial aid applications which appears to have stepped up its deportation activities equivalent of three year's of full-time high school credits and
from undocumented students, the chancellor of California's in the wake of President Donald Trump's heated rhetoric on attended a California K-12 school for at least three years.
community college system is urging such scholars to send in the topic. Also, students must have graduated from a California high
their requests for assistance. Under the (California) Dream Act, no student's personal school or received a GED and filed an affidavit stating that he
Last year at this time, the system had received 34,000 information is shared at the federal level, Oakley said. I or she has or will file an application to become legalized
applications. So far this year only 20,000 students have sent encourage all students to apply today for the Cal Grant, as with the college they are attending.
in requests for financial aid, according to officials from the well as other forms of state-funded financial aid, such as the Students must also be undocumented immigrants, hold a U-
California Community Colleges system. Board of Governors Fee Waver, that are available year- visa or hold a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
In a statement, Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley blamed the round. status.
drop on the national conversation surrounding immigration The California Dream Act is the name given to a pair of The California Community Colleges has always embraced
and deportation which has created an environment that is bills passed by the state legislature that took effect in 2012 the values of diversity and inclusion, Oakley said. It is
confusing and threatening to many of our students. and 2013. The laws allow colleges to grant state-funded what makes our system, and the state of California, strong
Students who need assistance should apply without fear of financial aid and scholarships to undocumented students. and prosperous.
Help sought to find missing man The robber was last seen running toward Gateway Drive,
Local briefs police said.
Redwood City police are asking the public to help them this He was described as a white man in his 20s, about 5 feet 10
evening to find a missing at-risk man. threatened nearly 200,000 people. inches tall, weighing 160 pounds and with a beard. He was
Horace Greely Nash, 72, walked away from a care home in The rescue team from Menlo Park is one of the state's orig- wearing a black baseball cap with a light bill and logo on the
Redwood City this morning without telling the home's staff inal swift water rescue teams established in 1994. Its staff is a front, sunglasses, a black hoodie sweatshirt with a basketball
members. mix of new and veteran members, including some who logo on the front, gloves, blue jeans and dark shoes, accord-
Nash is black, 6 feet 1 inch tall and 150 pounds. He was responded to disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. ing to police.
wearing a dark green jacket and gray pants. A surveillance camera was able to capture images of the sus-
He is probably on public transit or on foot because he does Pacifica police searching pect.
not own a vehicle, police said. for attempted armed robber Anyone with information about his identity is asked to con-
Anyone who sees Nash is asked to call the Police tact Pacifica police at 738-7314. Anonymous tips can be left
Police are asking for the public's help to find a man who
Department at 780-7118. at 359-4444.
allegedly tried to rob a pharmacy at a Pacifica Rite Aid store at
gunpoint Friday night.
Swift water rescue team returns home At 9:58 p.m., officers responded to the Rite Aid at 200
Expired medication kiosk open
A Menlo Park-based swift water rescue team returned home Fairmont Shopping Center for a report of an armed robbery, Police in Daly City have opened a kiosk location for resi-
on Friday following a deployment first to Sacramento and police said. dents to dispose of unwanted or expired medication, police
then to Los Gatos in case the recent rainstorms threatened Responding officers learned a man entered the store and said.
people's lives, Menlo Park Fire Protection District officials jumped the counter of the store's pharmacy. The suspect then The Daly City Police Department has partnered with MED-
said today. displayed a gun and demanded prescription drugs, according Project to open the kiosk outside the department in the City
The team, which is made up of staff members of the fire pro- to police. Hall rotunda at 333 90th St.
tection district, was deployed Sunday after returning from The pharmacist was able to distract the robber, who then Drop-offs can be made in the lobby Monday to Friday from
Oroville the week before where a damaged auxiliary spillway fled without taking anything. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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8 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL
Report warns of substantial state financial fallout from health law repeal
By Ben Nuckols and components for expanding coverage: subsi- private insurance. U.S. government, plus transforming the
Ricardo Alonzo-Zaldivar dized private health insurance available in The effect on Medicaid would be far-reach- overall program from an open-ended federal
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS all 50 states, and an optional Medicaid ing. The federal-state program for low- entitlement to one that operates under a cap
expansion that has been accepted by 31 income people covers more than 70 million would likely result in state funding gaps.
WASHINGTON A sobering report to states and the District of Columbia. Those Americans, many of whom have high health States that expanded Medicaid would face the
governors about the potential consequences two components of the health law cover care needs. deepest cuts.
of repealing the Obama-era health care law more than 20 million people. The Associated Press obtained a copy of a States would get more exibility to design
warns that federal spending cuts probably A report by the consulting rms Avalere slide presentation made by the consultants their programs, but the money crunch could
would create funding gaps for states and Health and McKinsey & Company concluded to governors meeting this weekend in lead to cuts in eligibility, benets, or pay-
threaten many people with the loss of insur- that the changes under consideration by the Washington. ments to hospitals and other service
ance coverage. GOP-led House would reduce signicantly The report said the combination of phas- providers. The impact of federal spending
The Affordable Care Act has two main federal dollars for Medicaid and subsidized ing out Medicaid expansion money from the reductions would compound over time.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Monday Feb. 27, 2017 9
Immigration and our nations laws people and sepa-
Fake news and the
By Linda Koelling
rate families?
So I ask, if then
President Clinton
Guest First Amendment
ith all the recent hysteria
and anxiety over the
threat of possible depor-
were to have decid-
ed to do something
about the illegal
perspective I
n less than a month, its obvious that Trumps presi-
dency is a threat to freedom of the press. His free-
wheeling press conference earlier in the month was
tation of undocumented workers, I
am wondering how those immigrants immigration prob- ample evidence. He demeaned or refused to call on reporters
lem as he suggest- open borders and thus sanctuary for
who came to America legally might who had been critical. He told viewers to watch Fox News
ed in his speech those who willfully and disrespect-
feel. Was it a waste to go through all and not CNN. He blamed all unfavorable news coverage as
and were to actually allow the laws fully ignore those laws is a society
the legal hurdles, expense and time fake news and said stories about Russia and his aides were a
of the United States to be enforced; headed for anarchy. I dont think
to claim citizenship, or, should they ruse. Later he tweeted that any negative polls are fake news
what would the media reaction have any American really wants that,
have just walked across the border and even worse that the press was the enemy of the people.
been? politically left or right because it
thus eliminating it all? A recent arti- As we all should know thats how dictatorships get started.
My family members came from goes against the very fabric on
cle in the Daily Journal and a resolu- The first thing they do is muzzle the press.
Italy in the late 1890s and early which this country was built.
tion by the San Mateo County Board Ironically, most of the fake news is coming from D.T. him-
1900s. They came here to enjoy a Those who feel they need to stand
of Supervisors suggesting the need self. I hate to repeat this stuff but here is a sample: 1). The
better life and to assimilate into behind this imperfect wall of sanctu-
numbers at his inauguration not the most as he claimed but
to protect and defend illegal immi- the American culture while celebrat- ary city protection are being duped
well under Obamas historic turnout. 2). The largest number of
grants is perplexing to those of us ing their own heritage. However, into a false sense of righteousness,
electoral votes not so. The 46th lowest. Reagan, Nixon,
who believe in immigration laws they came through Ellis Island, because they are being used as polit-
Johnson, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Obama received
and the need to protect our borders. were documented and settled in San ical pawns to discredit the current
more. 3). Terrorist attack in Sweden. Never happened.
Efforts by previous presidents Francisco and went through the leadership in Washington, D.C., by
Trump lied his way into the presidency and theres little
have strongly stated that illegal process of becoming citizens. those who failed to regain power.
hope hes going to change now.
immigration puts a burden on the There were quotas in place so there The nasty and fear-promoting rhet-
American taxpayers. I reference a was a wait depending on from oric is unbecoming, if not danger-
But what is fake news? Its lies posing as news. Deliberate
1995 State of the Union Address by which country you came. My grand- ous, and results in continued politi-
disinformation, hoaxes or
President Bill Clinton father came to the United States in cal polarization. Any proclamations
propaganda pretending to be
(https://www. c- 1924 without his wife and three being considered by lawmakers
real news. Mostly on social
span. org/video/?c4351026/clinton- sons. It wasnt until 1929 when he promising to stand against the feder-
media to drive web traffic.
1995-immigration-sotu), where he could bring my father, uncles and al government when it comes to ille-
Some of these affected the
states we need to secure our borders grandmother to the United States. gal immigrants is an elusive maneu-
election and they also pre-
and that a large number of illegal They appreciated and respected ver in the name of being inclusive
sented a threat when a gun-
aliens are taking jobs from legal America, worked hard, learned to and embracing diversity. Instead,
man inspired by false sto-
immigrants and citizens. He goes speak English and taught their chil- its a way of controlling a segment
ries fired shots inside a
on to say that we need to speed dren to respect the laws of this of our society, playing politics with
pizza restaurant. A sophisti-
deportation of criminal aliens and land. peoples lives, creating unnecessary
cated Russian propaganda
that, it is wrong and self-defeating This country is a land of diversi- fear and showing disrespect for our
campaign created and spread
to permit the abuse of our immigra- ty and we celebrate that; but it is laws and leadership.
misleading articles online
tion laws. Why then is President also a successful country because with the goal of punishing
Trump being painted as a vile of laws in place, and we should Linda Koelling is the former may or of Clinton, helping Trump and
human being, wanting to deport also celebrate that. Support for Foster City. undermining faith in
American democracy.
Letters to the editor Just as serious as the presidents lies (because his sup-
porters believe them or dont care) is his attack on our free
press. Will reporters resort to self-censorship so as to not
anger D.T. or lose funding? It already happened in San
Letter writer needs that sanctions or welcomes immi- Congrats to San Bruno for Antonio when a local commentator slammed Trump on a
a lesson in civics grants, legal or illegal. He goes on considering recreation needs PBS station and his editor removed it from airing. It was
only after local papers published the commentary did
to justify his lack of knowledge of
news of its suppression go public and viral. Meanwhile,
Editor, how our U. S. government works, by Editor, the Republican-led Congress investigation about Michael
Roy Scotts letter Sanctuary city res- citing an example of an earthquake The Feb. 21 edition of the Daily Jour- T. Flynns forced resignation is more about leaked infor-
olution is a bad idea in the Feb. 21 occurring, causing Trump to conceiv- nal told us San Bruno has plans to build mation to The Washington Post, The New York Times and
edition of the Daily Journal is an exam- ably withhold financial aid to our a Recreation Center along with a pool CNN then the real issue did cohorts of the president dis-
cuss removal of sanctions with the Russians at his urging
ple of how Trump uses his followers on community. Mr. Scott needs to take a using PG&E restitution funds (Money
before and after the election. This could be the smoking
Twitter to pass on his threats, bullying civics course. Thats not how our fed- from explosion to build rec center, gun a la the Nixon tapes of Watergate.
and misinformation to create fear and eral government works, even if pool). Congratulations, San Bruno! ***
chaos in America. Scotts letter is a per- Trump is the president. All federal This seems like a great way to use this With the lowest approval rating of all U.S. presidents in
fect copy of the wording thats being funding of any kind, including with- money. In this day and age, we need to their first month in office, many who did not vote for Trump
and even some who did are beginning to ask is there a way
spread on social media by Trump sup- holding or reducing funding, must be do all we can to help make exercise
out? Can he be impeached for treasonable activities, con-
porters, but in a more polite manner, approved by Congress, and no Re- more readily available in a less expen- flict of interest, putting his business interests before the
against communities who vote to es- publican politician is going to sive fashion. countrys, lying to the American people, etc.? Not likely
tablish a sanctuary or welcoming commit political suicide by voting Over the last year or so there has been with the Republican Congress or Senate whose members are
community to illegal immigrants in de- to approve such a withholding of fed- much discussion of the need for a skat- willing to sacrifice Americas health ,welfare and security in
return for corporate tax cuts and reduced regulations. Section
fiance of Trump. eral funds. But I wouldnt put it past ing rink, as we have lost a few on the
4 of the 25th Amendment provides that the Cabinet can by a
Mr. Scott ignorantly claims that the Trump to try such a tactic, even Peninsula. Is this something San Bruno simple majority vote to strip the president of his power and
San Mateo would put itself in a posi- though its unconstitutional. might consider in their plans? immediately hand power to the vice president. But thats not
tion of losing federal funding if it Michael Oberg David Thom likely to happen. It looks like we are stuck for four years.
establishes a feel good statement San Mateo San Carlos But heres what we can do. Make sure the Democrats regain
control of the Senate and gain more seats in Congress during
the mid-term elections. Very difficult to do with current gerry-
mandering. Democrats have more seats to lose than gain.
OUR MISSION: Still money and effort needs to be poured into these races to
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for increase turnout and educate voters. Dont give up, feel too
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. stressed to deal with bad news every morning. Keep up the
By combining local news and sports coverage, protests, write letters, make calls, watch all the news you can
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. You
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Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio need to stay informed. And help our free press remain strong
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Mona Murhamer Karan Nevatia
REPORTERS: Jeanita Lyman Brigitte Parman Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: ***
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Andrew Scheiner Joel Snyder
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Cindy Zhang ing the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
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speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peace-
ably to assemble, and to petition the government for a
Letters to the Editor Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. redress of grievances. Lets protect our freedoms and keep
Perspective Columns Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily reminding Congress of our grievances.
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and [email protected]
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal Sue Lempert is the former mayor of San Mateo. Her column runs
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
every Monday. She can be reached at [email protected].
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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday Feb. 27, 2017 13
County teams dominate CCS final four for first time ever
HMB matches best postseason push in program history by reaching Division IV semifinals
By Terry Bernal Antonio Veloso said of NDBs comeback Erisman scores 28 to lead Menlo
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF attempt. The one thing [the Tigers] really
are is disciplined. You cant get back cuts In other CCS Division IV action, No. 1
For the first time in Central Coast Section because theyre going to stick with it. And Menlo (15-10) cruised into the semifinals with
girls basketball history, a final four bracket they stuck with it and we started missing a 62-49 win over No. 8 Monte Vista Christian.
is composed entirely of four San Mateo shots. Senior point guard Sam Erisman scored a game-
County teams. The Cougars shot just 32.8 percent high 28 points as the Knights look to reclaim
Half Moon Bay finished off the county throughout, including 2 for 10 in the fourth the CCS Division IV crown after having their
sweep of the CCS Division IV final four quarter. But a dynamic steal by Walling with streak of three straight CCS titles snapped last
Saturday at Notre Dame-Belmonts Moore 1:13 remaining helped avert disaster. season in the CCS Open Division.
Pavilion with a 41-31 victory over host Up 34-29, HMB had just missed a pair of No. 2 Oceana (21-5) downed No. 7 Mercy-
Notre Dame-Belmont. With the win, HMB free throws and NDB was looking to close it SF 61-48; and No. 3 Sacred Heart Prep defeat-
advances to the conventional semifinals for to a one-possession differential. But the ed No. 6 Scotts Valley 60-29. Oceana and
just the second time in school history, and Tigers didnt count on Walling stewing over SHP will meet in the other semifinal at
its first since 1994, matching the programs a turnover she coughed up three minutes prior Moore Pavilion Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
deepest run into CCS play. on a steal by NDB senior Cam McNab.
Rounding out this years Division IV final I got the ball ripped out of my hands, CCS divisions I, II, III and V
four are Menlo School, Oceana and Sacred Walling said. That kind of frustrated me a In CCS Division I action, No. 6 Carlmont
TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL little bit. So, I needed to get one back. (18-9) was eliminated by No. 3 Cupertino
Heart Prep. Only once in CCS history had as
many as three county teams reached the final HMB senior Ally Longaker takes aim in a Walling didnt allow NDBs rebound off 60-50. Cupertino faces Los Gatos in one DI
four, that coming in 1996 when Menlo, NDB 41-31 win over Notre Dame-Belmont. the second missed free throw to advance semifinal, while Silver Creek takes on top-
and eventual champion Terra Nova did so, Its a common theme for us this year, past midcourt, as she wrestled her third steal seed Palo Alto in the other.
also in the Division IV bracket. Davenport said. Teams with length give us a of the contest and took it uncontested to the In the Division II bracket, No. 7 Aragon (16-
From 1983-87, when the CCS Division II lot of problems shooting. Were not a great cylinder. 10) upset No. 2 Gunn 56-54 in overtime. The
bracket held North and South region semifi- shooting team overall. We just have to make What it did was let everybody know were Dons advance to face No. 6 Leigh in Tuesdays
nals, constituted of eight teams, HMB up for is with grit and determination, and just still in control, Veloso said. Because I semifinals at Aragon at 7:30 p.m. In the other
reached the semis in 1985. However, the getting the extra shots and trying to get think the one thing our girls have a hard time Tuesday semi at 5:30 p.m. at Aragon, No. 4
Cougars were knocked out in the final eight layups. But today it was tough because their with is, we can be up 4, but if the tide is turn- Westmont will take on top-seed Presentation.
by eventual CCS Division II champ Mills, height and length is just problematic at the ing ... they dont realize theyre still up 4. In Division III play, top-seed South City
which won the overall North vs. South cham- rim. And we rushed some shots that we would- And with Walling making that steal its a (24-4) got past Notre Dame-SJ 48-42
pionship game against CCS South champ nt normally rush. 50-50 steal; if she misses, that could come Saturday at Mills. The Warriors advance to
Harbor. The Cougars who technically played as back and haunt us that kind of shows the face No. 5 Aptos after Aptos downed Mills
The CCS dissolved Division IIs North- the home team against host NDB held the girls that, hey, were here. 45-44. South City and Aptos tip off
South format in 1988. Since then, no CCS No. 5 Tigers to 10 points in the first half and The elimination loss for NDB marks the Wednesday at Mills at 5:30 p.m. In the other
bracket from I to V has seen an all-county took a commanding 32-21 lead into the end of McNabs four-year varsity career. As a semifinal, No. 6 Sobrato takes on No. 2
final four until this season. fourth quarter. senior in 2016-17, she ranked fourth in the Soquel at Mills at 7:30 p.m.
No. 4-seed HMB (19-8) joined the final NDB (9-17) made a run in the fourth quarter, West Bay Athletic League Foothill Division In Division V play, No. 5 Alma Heights
four party by virtue of a strong defensive though, spurred by some strong defense of with 14.8 points per game and led NDB in (19-7) earned its second straight upset on its
effort by senior forward Ally Longaker and a its own. HMB opened the final period on a 0- rebounds (77), steals (38) and ranked second home court Saturday, defeating No. 4
game-high 21 points from senior point guard for-8 cold streak, not scoring for the first six in assists (23). Castilleja 33-29. The Eagles advance to
Addison Walling. minutes of the quarter. The Tigers closed it to With the win, NDB advances to Tuesdays Wednesdays semifinals to take on top-seed
NDB head coach Josh Davenport credited a two-possession game at 36-31 with just semifinals to face top-seed Menlo. Tipoff at Priory at Alma Heights at 7:30 p.m. In the
HMBs defense for holding his team to 26.8 under one minute to play, but that is as close Moore Pavilion is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. other DIV semifinal, No. 2 St. Francis SCP
percent shooting, a backbreaker in that there as theyd get. We can make a run (at the CCS title), defi- takes on No. 3 Stevenson at Alma Heights at
were so many close-range misses. I wasnt surprised at all, HMB head coach nitely, Walling said. Were a strong team. 5:30 p.m.
14 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
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16 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
That was a bit of our game plan, Luce That was a big goal for us. We knew their Margaret Child stationed in the middle of
said. We put a lot of good pressure on their record, Luce said. To get one against them the box, who also found the right corner for
back line. Lets force them (the Vikings early proves that we could do it. a 3-0 M-A advantage.
defense) to be great today. Palo Alto, meanwhile, continued to control They (the Vikings) are a solid team. I
Continued from page 11 Guenin, who came in as M-As leading scor- the midfield for the rest of the half, but could knew wed have to do something special and
er, was held out of the net by a concerted defen- not muster much in the final third against M- we did, Luce said.
sive effort from Palo Alto. So Guenin simply As underrated defense. While the Vikings
trumped the Vikings impregnable defense to went from scorer to helper as she had a foot in managed to fire off eight shots in the first
the tune of a 3-0 victory. all three goals. With the Vikings focused on half, only three were on frame and nearly all of
Woodside back in Open semis
I didnt see this coming, Palo Alto coach not letting Guenin beat them, it opened up her them came from outside the penalty box.
Kurt Devlin said. They found their key play- In other CCS girls soccer action,
teammates, who, when given the chance, The Bears had only three shots, but one Woodside, which won the Open Division
ers. prove to be just as deadly finishing as Guenin. found the back of the net and another rolled title last season, advanced to the semifinals
The Bears did against Palo Alto (14-1-4) Its hard to stop her in all facets. You agonizingly wide on attempts by Morales. of the Division I bracket. The fifth-seeded
what they have been doing to a majority of cant stop everything about her, Luce said. In the second half, it was more of the Wildcats beat No. 4 Los Altos, 2-1.
teams all season long: they got an early first- Shes definitely our star player, but we same: Palo Alto controlling the ball and M-
half goal and then added on in the second half, Woodside (12-6-2) will take on No. 1 Los
have a lot of talent around her. A getting a bulk of the scoring opportuni-
striking for two more in the stunning upset of Gatos (13-6-3) at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Del
After weathering a strong start by Palo Alto, ties. The Bears had four shots in the second
the Vikings. Mar High School in San Jose.
M-A stunned everyone with a ninth-minute, half two goals and two near misses.
We just wanted to have a good perform- against-the-run-of-play goal, scoring on its M-A doubled its lead in the 56th minute. Sequoia, the PAL Ocean Division champ
ance, M-A coach Jason Luce said. first shot of the game. Morales ran past the Again, a ball was served over the top of the and No. 7 seed in Division, saw its season
The Bears will need another special per- Palo Alto defensive line to chase down a Palo Alto defense, where Guenin and end with a 2-1 loss to No. 2 Santa Clara. The
formance if they are to advance to their second through ball. The Vikings recovered and just Morales were running on goal. Guenin drew Cherokees finish the season 15-3-2.
straight section final. M-A (16-3-1) will now before dispossessing the ball from Morales, a double team and as the ball dropped over
face top-seeded Mitty (16-2-3) in a semifinal she used a slide to slice a pass back to the top her shoulder, she touched it into space for a Menlo, NDB fall in DII quarters
game at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday at Westmont of the box where it found Guenin with her back wide open Morales, who took a couple of
High School in Campbell. The Monarchs beat to the goal and a defender on her back. Instead touches before hammering her shot to the far In Division II action, Menlo School saw
No. 8 Salinas 3-0 in their first-round game. of trying to bull her way through, she laid off right corner for a 2-0 lead. their quest to repeat as CCS champs extin-
About the only thing M-A lost in the game a back pass to an onrushing Cotto, who let [Morales] was a catalyst for them, Devlin guished by No. 11 Sobrato, which beat the
was the time of possession battle as the loose a shot from 25 yards out. said. third-seeded Knights on penalty kicks, 3-2,
Vikings controlled the ball for the bulk of the It wasnt a rocket of a shot, but what it Morales had two more golden scoring following scoreless regulation and overtime
game. But the Bears proved there are ways of lacked in velocity she made up for with pin- chances fall by the wayside, but the Bears periods. The Knights end the season with a
beating teams other than consistent posses- point accuracy. The goalkeeper was frozen iced the win in the 76th minute. Guenin 12-5-3 record.
sion. When the Bears did get the ball, they and the ball nestled into the far right corner chased a ball down the left sideline, gained No. 5 Notre Dame-Belmont (16-4-2) also
wasted little time in going on the attack, of the net. the end line, beat her defender and made a run bowed out in the Division II quarterfinals,
using a direct, over-the-top approach to get It was the first goal allowed by Palo Alto at goal. As another defender stepped up to falling to No. 4 Presentation, ending the
their lethal strikers into space. since a 2-1 win over Gunn on Dec. 1. shut her down, Guenin found a wide open Tigers first CCS appearance since 2009.
son with eight innings of three-hit ball ERA between Tampa Bay and San Francisco. good building block. We got four outs, so I
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consider making cuts to a set of programs and staff still not retail space, more than 436,000 square feet of offices and a
Continued from page 1
fully recovered from the reductions made during the Great
Im not sure what we could cut at $900,000 We have
hotel in the area seen by some Millbrae officials as a poten-
tial economic engine for the citys future.
The proposal has sent school and city officials scrambling
already cut our certificated [staff] down to the bone, and that for additional revenue streams to cover against expected cost
is a lot of positions we would have to cut back, he said. increases brought by the developments. At the request of the
the findings in a district which is among the few county The parcel tax discussion comes as the district is seeking school district, developers wishing to build in the 116-acre
school systems without a parcel tax. to increase its various sources of revenue. Officials recently site will be asked by the city to meet and discuss with educa-
We are really pleased with the results, he said. That is agreed to hike the fees charged to developers proposing com- tion officials the potential impacts of their projects.
good. mercial and residential construction, in an attempt to offset Considering the variety of talks needing to be held over
While initial indications are positive, Barbaro noted offi- costs associated with expected enrollment growth. the coming months to lay groundwork toward getting the
cials have yet to make a decision to move forward in pursuit Also, prior to collecting input on the parcel tax, officials parcel tax passed, Barbaro said he believed school officials
of the tax. Instead, he advocated for launching a public edu- considered pursuing a bond measure which would have should begin to move quickly.
cation campaign designed to inform local residents on the financed building more classrooms and school facilities Even with the positive initial polling results, he said
districts need for additional funding. needed to accommodate the anticipated flood of students in approving putting the tax on the ballot is no sure deal.
We know we have to educate, and that we have our work cut coming years. This is a hard thing for a trustee, he said. Its a hard deci-
out for us, he said. A portion of the districts anxiety regarding enrollment sion we have got to bring the community in, and bring
Barbaro suggested the district host a town hall meeting as growth is due to a couple large residential developments pro- people in, and hear what they are thinking,
a first step to spread awareness regarding the districts dire posed in the 116-acre site near the citys Caltrain and Bay But facing a variety of financial challenges in a district
financial outlook in coming years, which projects a deficit of Area Rapid Transit station, adjacent to El Camino Real and that has gone many years without a parcel tax, Barbaro sug-
nearly $900,000 over the next couple fiscal years. Millbrae Avenue. gested he favored officials ultimately going after the addi-
Without the roughly $725,000 expected to be generated by Two builders have expressed interest in constructing a tional revenue.
the parcel tax, Barbaro said officials would likely be forced to combined 800 new residential units, 77,000 square feet of I think we are overdue, he said.
mary care. office, for Singh, the extra space in the new facility allows the
Continued from page 1
A provider will call one of the therapists into the exam
room to introduce them, and patient can leave with an
appointment, she said.
clinic to meet the changing needs of the community that sur-
rounds the clinic. The clinic most recently added to its staff a
pharmacist, who can work with patients to make sure they
For some of patients Alvarez sees, not having a permanent understand how to take their prescriptions and coordinate them
address can make it difficult for mental health providers to fol- with their insurance providers.
Dietitians and nurses work with patients on conditions low up with the appropriate care. Meeting their future thera- We still have services that I think we can add, but we try to
like diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Specialists pist face to face means the difference between a missed be as comprehensive as possible, she said.
in geriatrics, orthopedics and hormonal balance hold hours appointment and path toward recovery. Alvarez said that inte- For the team that surrounds Singh, the coordination of care is
at the clinic on certain days to save patients a trip to grating primary care and mental health also helps reduce the built into the way they work. Nurses and doctors sit side by side
another hospital or clinic, which may mean time off work stigma often associated with receiving mental health services, as they review patient records on computer monitors, just out-
they cant afford. which also increases patient follow through on much-needed side exam rooms. Every morning, Singh and her team meet in
Getting around to make it to see the subspecialists can be services. a huddle for 10 minutes at 10 a.m. to discuss ways they can
a big barrier, said Singh. Some dont actually ever make it, By addressing the whole person with this integrated care, it improve, oftentimes thinking about how they can improve
[and] theyll just not go. leads to less stigmatization of mental health and addiction, connections between different groups at the clinic.
Elizabeth Alvarez, mental health clinician at the Fair Oaks she said. Alvarez has been fortunate in seeing the payoff of the staffs
Health Center, knows the power of connecting patients with Though the clinics strength has long been in integrating efforts, and said she has seen the community embrace the clin-
the services they need at their primary care appointments. In care between various care providers, the completion of its ics work over time.
the 18 years she has worked at the clinic, she has helped many expanded 36,000-square-foot facility in late 2013 has acceler- Accessibility is a real benefit to the community because we
high-risk and often homeless patients get access to therapy ated its ability to connect patients with the right providers. are a place near where they shop, eat and work, she said. I
and addiction recovery programs, among other mental health While Alvarez remembers a time when a much smaller ver- hear many patients referring to it as the clinic or la clnica
services, while they are at the clinic to see a doctor for pri- sion of the clinic provided one mental health clinician with one as if it were the only clinic in Redwood City.
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20 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL
Over the course of several years and fastidious ties. So it has this large piece of property it can
Continued from page 1
legal negotiations, the pieces began to come
together. Half Moon Bay collected $5 million
from the Association of Bay Area Governments
now do whatever they want with it.
The neighboring 11-acre Glencree property
was donated to the city after the Beachwood liti-
risk-sharing pool; a $10 million and $3.15 mil- gation was resolved with the city now owning TUESDAY, FEB. 28
lion award from another insurance company; and nearly 35 acres, according to Condotti. Library Film Nights: Queen of Katwe. 5
wetlands had formed and a project that extensive p.m. to 7 p.m. 1 Library Ave., Millbrae.
most recently, a $450,000 award from the insurer Moving forward, one of the first things the city Admission is free. For more information
wouldnt be feasible. Although some coun- for the contractor that did the original work call 697-7607.
cilmembers may have considered a smaller proj- must do before considering potential opportuni-
resulting in wetlands, according to the city. ties at the property is conduct a thorough analy- Second Water Utility Infrastructure
ect the community has frequently been sensi- It has a complicated procedural history to say Study Session. 6 p.m. Chetcuti
tive to large developments in its coastal-zoned sis of the environmentally sensitive habitats Community Room, 450 Poplar Ave.,
the least, said City Attorney Tony Condotti. I that are on the property, Ruddock said. behind City Hall, Millbrae. Open to the
city the decision prompted the owner to sue, think its fair to say that everyone at the city is public. At this study session, residents are
unraveling a flurry of related legal actions. The only current member who was on the coun- invited to discuss the current state of our
pleased to have this litigation behind us. cil during the beginning of the Beachwood issue, water infrastructure, building upon ideas
Despite the citys success in San Mateo County and goals from previous meetings. For
and state appellate courts, the property owner The city did not fully recoup all of its losses, Ruddock said its unfortunate the city didnt nego- more information visit
eventually won a federal case that ended with an which included related legal costs and bond inter- tiate to keep the water connections as part of its www.ci.millbrae.ca.us/waterutilityinfra-
est, and Half Moon Bay essentially is out about structure.
order for Half Moon Bay to pay nearly $41 mil- keeping the property. Water connections are very
lion for the Beachwood site. Although it was able $2.4 million. However, it now owns the valuable, running up to $70,000 a piece, and are Introduction to Co.Starters
Beachwood site and a neighboring property. Entrepreneur Program. 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
to negotiate it down to $18 million the prop- required as part of any residential development. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos.
erty owner couldnt collect had the city gone The city is also making about $1 million a year Although there are a variety of ideas includ- Currently accepting applications for this
nine-week program. Limited to 16 com-
bankrupt the 2007 order aligning with the payments to settle the interest on the bonds it ing constructing housing, creating a park or con- mitted individuals/partners. For more
economic recession was a one-two punch to Half took out, which is expected to be fully settled in sidering a land swap Ruddock said the storied information email [email protected].
Moon Bays finances. August 2019, according to the citys finance history of Beachwood and the toll it took on the Cuba after Fidel. 7 p.m. Burlingame
Its a very dark and murky tale, said Deputy director. community makes outreach critical. Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame.
Come for a talk about the changes taking
City Attorney Reed Gallogly. Still, marking the end of the related legal cases We want to go through a process that allows place in Cuba since restoration of diplo-
Just when some thought all was lost, the city is a major accomplishment, Gallogly said. the community to feel like theyre being heard, matic relations with the U.S. and the
future of Cuba after Fidel Castros death.
hired experts and uncovered a range of insurance Were very pleased to put that one to bed, Ruddock said, noting everyone not just neigh- For more information call 558-7444.
policies from which it could potentially seek Gallogly said. The silver lining is that the city bors should weigh in as theres been a big city Shakespeares Twelfth Night by the
reimbursements, Gallogly said. now owns the Beachwood and Glencree proper- investment in dealing with this issue. San Francisco Shakespeare Festival. 7
p.m. San Mateo Main Library, 55 W. Third
enhanced sidewalks and bike lanes had been dis- really passionate about and organize overarch- Ave., San Mateo. Free. For more informa-
Continued from page 1
cussed at a previous meeting.
Several group members expressed interest in
including public art and open or green spaces in
ing efforts toward that, he said.
The group also reviewed strategies for incen-
tivizing economic activity along the corridor,
tion call 522-7818.
Rainwater Harvesting and Graywater
Reuse Workshop. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Millbrae
the activity nodes where possible. Planning such as creating a business assessment district, Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae. Free. Learn
innovativew methods for harvesting rain-
Commission Vice Chair Kevin Bondonno, who which would tax businesses and use revenue water and capturing household graywa-
serving on the Housing and Human Concerns also serves on the advisory group, noted the toward street cleaning and improvements, a ten- ter for use in your garden and landscape.
committee, the group reviewed the number and For more information or to RSVP call 349-
potential of the aesthetic improvements to help ant retention program that would require exist- 3000 or visit bawsca.org.
possible placement of activity centers, or build- those passing through the city's stretch of El ing businesses to be included in redevelopment
ing and parking clusters allowing residents to Camino know where they are. projects and a bonus to developers hoping to THURSDAY, MARCH 2
Foster City 55+ Club Meeting. 11 a.m. to
park in one place and visit a number of buildings Public art and public realm improvements consolidate several small parcels into one, 12:30 p.m. 650 Shell Blvd., Foster City.
and services. City staff presented an option to would be big in my mind so that people driving multi-use parcel. Come for entertainment, guest lectures,
game days, potlucks and special lunches.
locate four activity centers between Whipple in will know they're in a special place, he said. Redwood City resident Bill James offered his Meet others and make new friends. For
Avenue and Hopkins Avenue, Brewster Avenue They [will] know they're in Redwood City, support for multiple activity centers, and said more information call 573-0841.
and Jefferson Avenue, Maple Street to Pine they don't have to get halfway through the that they would help residents in neighbor- Cost of Living Launch and Lunch. 11:30
Street and around Charter Street. Another option Redwood City portion of the corridor to realize hoods farther from the downtown access servic- a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sobrato Center Redwood
presented was to have one centralized cluster at Shores, 350 Twin Dolphin Road, Redwood
how special it is. es more easily. He advocated for a center more City. For more information email adri-
or near Sequoia Station downtown. The group also provided feedback on how closely located near the northern end of the city, [email protected].
The group ultimately favored multiple centers developers proposing projects outside of devel- near Cordilleras Creek. Dance Series 01. 500 Castro St., Mountain
placed throughout the zone over one centralized opment requirements, which could include build- Going a little bit further in that direction View. Dance Series 01 features three
cluster after a discussion of their pros and cons. works including a world premiere, a
ing height and density that exceeds the city's would embrace far more residents in that neigh- regional premiere and a treasured work
Though some were encouraged by the idea that limits, could be required to provide resources borhood from Edgewood Road or even further in by Michael Smuin. Stanton Welchs Indigo
the activity centers could distribute services and examines the vagaries of romantic rela-
benefiting the community. that direction, he said. tionships as four couples come together,
businesses along El Camino Real and closer to Affordable housing topped the list of priori- Redwood City resident Gita Dev, who also fall in love, fight and exchange partners.
individual neighborhoods, the group acknowl- Show runs until March 5. 8 p.m. Thursday,
ties for most group members as a critical com- represented the Sierra Club, encouraged the Friday, Saturday. 2 p.m. Saturday, Sunday.
edged a concern that they might increase traffic munity benefit. Group members discussed ways group to limit parking spaces as a way to For more information visit
and congestion along the corridor. to encourage developers to include on-site encourage other modes of transportation. smuinballet.org.
Advisory group member Brian Jaffe chal- affordable housing units in their projects to We should be looking at other ways to get Lawyer in the Library with Christopher
lenged the group to weigh the goals of smooth- open new, below-market housing as quickly as people through this corridor, she said. The F. Morales. 6 p.m. South San Francisco
Main Library, 840 W. Oragne Ave., South
ing traffic along the corridor and improving possible. most dense volume is pedestrian. I would San Francisco. For more information email
access to services for those living in neighbor- Group member Alma Montalvo, also chair of encourage you to go for the lowest parking that [email protected].
hoods farther from the downtown. the Housing and Human Concerns Committee, we can. Don't give that precious real estate Computing in Your Pocket: The
I think the goal ought to be if you live near- wondered if there is a way to emphasize the need away. Prehistory of the iPhone in Silicon
by, you can do several things in the immediate Valley. 6 p.m. Computer History Museum,
for developers of new residential buildings to An online survey and community workshop 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View.
vicinity, he said. provide on-site affordable housing instead of next week will give residents additional oppor- Come for a panel discussion with former
The group discussed how the nature of the leaders of Silicon Valley companies and
paying a fee toward affordable housing, as one tunities to weigh in on some of the streetscape take a mini-tour of the museums Mobile
services and businesses located in the activity of the two is required for new projects to comply options generated from these meetings. The cit- Computing Gallery. For more information
centers could affect their impact on traffic on El email [email protected].
with the affordable housing impact fee. izens advisory group will meet again in April to
Camino Real, acknowledging pharmacies and I almost think we shouldn't give them a discuss feedback generated from these meetings FRIDAY, MARCH 3
dry cleaning services would generate shorter Womens View -2017 art exhibit. 8 a.m.
choice, she said. as well as from progress updates shared with the to 5 p.m. 400 County Center at the Hall of
visits than restaurants would. Several advisory Group member Muhammad Safdari suggested Planning Commission and other citizens advi- Justice, Redwood City. Exhibit is open
group members were supportive of the activity Monday through Friday and goes through
funds collected from developers hoping to build sory committees. April 28. For more information email
center's potential to provide shared parking beyond development standards be collected The next community workshop will be held [email protected].
opportunities, as the possibility of removing toward one priority, such as a new park. Wednesday, March 1, at 7 p.m. at City Hall, Kidz in Motion. 10:15 a.m. South San
parking on El Camino Real to make way for I like the idea of picking something we're 1017 Middlefield Road. Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Oragne
Ave., South San Francisco. For more infor-
mation email [email protected].
Lunchtime Knitters. Noon. South San
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Oragne
Ave., South San Francisco. For more infor-
mation email [email protected].
Anime. 3:30 p.m. Grand avenue Library,
306 Walnut, South San Francisco. For more
information email [email protected].
Step into Spring. 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Municipial Services Building, 33 Arroyo
Drive, South San Francisco. Sorotpimist
International presents an evening of
entertainment, silent auction and refresh-
ments to raise money for empowering
women. Tickets are $25. For more informa-
tion call 588-0661.
Free First Fridays. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2200
Broadway, Redwood City. The San Mateo
County History Museum continues Free
First Fridays, where not only is admission
free, but preschool children will be invited
to learn Irish traditions, and at 2 p.m.,
museum docents will lead museum tours
for adults. For more information visit his-
Step into Spring- 12th Annual. 5:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m. South San Francisco Municipal
Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South
San Francisco. Tickets are $25. For more
information visit www.soroptimistnorth-
Sudoku Want More Fun
answers and Games?
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called cages, must combine using the given operation Tundra & Over the Hedge Comics Classifieds
(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
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Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
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GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Be careful what you say partnerships and money matters. Your integrity may past will help you avoid trouble now. Back away from
and how you present your services. Offering something be at risk. anyone tempting you to get involved in something that
you cannot complete will make you look bad. Be LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Dont give up something is physically or emotionally damaging. Trust in yourself,
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Express your feelings honest and responsible. good for something unknown. Learn all you can before not in someone else.
and plans. Focus on the good things you have to offer CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Dont let anyone use you venture down a less-than-promising path. Stick to AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Alter the way
and go out of your way to assist the people you care you. Show some backbone and speak up. Present your what you know and work on improving what you can. you present yourself and your abilities. Take any
for and love. ideas and concerns, but dont offer to do the work all SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Live your dream. opportunity to invest in your skills. Financial gains are
ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Consider your options. by yourself. Express your thoughts, feelings and desires. Dont let within reach if you do the groundwork.
Time is on your side, but you must avoid impulsive LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Your hard work will bring anyone set boundaries for you. Make your position and
behavior. Reflect on your experience to figure out how about unexpected changes that will turn you into a options clear, and proceed. COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
to stabilize your current situation. go-to person. Accept a challenge and be proud of your SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Youll be blocked
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Your generosity and accomplishments. if you are too vocal about what you are doing. Dont
desire to do things for others will put you in a strong VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Hold off on any share your plans with others. Go about your business
bargaining position. Dont be shy; ask and you shall investment that isnt a sure thing. Use your intuitive and do your best to bring about positive change.
receive. intelligence to guide you to better choices regarding CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Remembering the
22 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- San Bruno. Please call (650)868-2334. STATEMENT #272302
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
The following person is doing business
as: Cordilleras Mutual Water Company,
bility shall be limited to the price of one Multiple shifts to meet your needs. great 1828 Cordilleras Road, REDWOOD
insertion. No allowance will be made for 2 years experience pay & benefits, Sign-on bonus, 1yr exp CITY, CA 94062. Registered Owners: 1)
Cordilleras Mutual Water Company,
errors not materially affecting the value
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- required. required. Starting at $15 per hour.
Matched Caregivers (650)839-2273,
same address 2)Rick Thall, same ad-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- dress 3) Julie Thall, same address. The
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate (408)280-7039 or (888)340-2273 business is conducted by an Unincorpo-
Card. Immediate placement rated Association other than a Partner-
ship. The registrants commenced to
on all assignments. HOUSE CLEANERS trans act business under the FBN on
110 Employment NEEDED 4/6/2007.
/s/Rick Thall/
Up to $15 per hour. Company Car.
Data entry skills a must. No legal re- Call Call Molly Maid at (650)837-9788.
90 glenn Way #2, SAN CARLOS
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 2/6/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
quired. Full time, benefits. Email:
[email protected] (650)777-9000 2/22/17, 3/1/17, 3/8/17, 3/15/17).
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking Arlene Pareja
for ambitious interns who are eager to Case Number: 17PRO00160
jump into the business arena with both To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con-
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs tingent creditors, and persons who may
of the newspaper and media industries. otherwise be interested in the will or es-
This position will provide valuable tate, or both, of Arlene Pareja. A Petition
experience for your bright future. for Probate has been filed by Anna Mae
Email resume Pareja in the Superior Court of Califor-
[email protected] NEWSPAPER INTERNS nia, County of San Mateo. The Petition
for Probate requests that Anna Mae Par-
JOURNALISM eja be appointed as personal representa-
The Daily Journal is looking for in- tive to administer the estate of the dece-
LOOkINg: terns to do entry level reporting, re- dent.
VERY CARINg Caregiver SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales search, updates of our ongoing fea- The petition requests authority to admin-
Excellent Cook, Housekeeper, Representative needed to sell newspa- tures and interviews. Photo interns al- ister the estate under the Independent
Very thorough,Integrity& References per print and web advertising and event so welcome. Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
(650)591-7079 marketing solutions. To apply, please call thority will allow the personal representa-
650-344-5200 and send resume to We expect a commitment of four to tive to take many actions without obtain-
[email protected] eight hours a week for at least four ing court approval. Before taking certain
months. The internship is unpaid, but very important actions, however, the per-
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- sonal representative will be required to
terns have progressed in time into give notice to interested persons unless
paid correspondents and full-time re- they have waived notice or consented to
porters. the proposed action.) The independent
administration authority will be granted
unless an interested person files an ob-
College students or recent graduates
Complete Senior Living & The Abigail are encouraged to apply. Newspaper
jection to the petition and shows good
cause why the court should not grant au-
experience is preferred but not neces-
sarily required. A hearing on the petition will be held in
this court as follows: APR. 03, 2017 at
Please send a cover letter describing 9:00 a.m., Department 28, Superior
Seeking Delivery driver to manage newspaper route
The best career seekers
read the Daily Journal.
We will help you recruit qualified, talented
individuals to join your company or organization.
styles , $20/ pair. call (650)592-2648
boose. Rare. New OB $99 (650)368-
7537 LADIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size xL,
5 Bottle topper 42 Plus-size 59 Coup d__ SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208
1 Seaweed wrap 6 University supermodel 60 Bill of Rights- case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
$60. (650)328-6709
LEATHER JACkET, New Black Italian
style, size M Ladies $45 (650) 875-1708
resorts supporter, briefly 43 Ascended defending org. SILk SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for LOUIS VUITTON monogram leather
5 Peaceful 7 Lite, dietwise 48 Jewel box 61 Lawn mower $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
clutch/computer carry case 10.25x13.5.
Inside zipper $95. (650)591-6596
9 Dozed 8 Civilian attire 49 Title for holder ULTRASONIC JEWELRY Cleaning Ma- MAN'S BLACk leather jacket, size 40,
14 Small chess piece 9 Virgin Islands isl. Connery 62 Animation still chine Cleans jewelry, eyeglasses, den- like new. $85.00 (650)593-1780
tures, keys. Concentrate included. $30
15 Baseballs 10 Lucy of 51 Emerson works 63 Aladdin prince OBO. (650)580-4763 MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
Moises Elementary 53 Recent White 64 Homes on UNIDEN HARLEY Davidson gas Tank (650) 578-9208
phone. $100 or best offer (650)863-8485
16 Flooring 11 70-Across House daughter wheels: Abbr. VASE WITH flowers 2 piece good for the
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
specialist collegian 54 Walked in the 65 Shop __ you Holidays, $25., (650) 867-2720 (650) 578-9208
17 Filled light pastry 12 Ab neighbor woods drop VINTAgE WHITE Punch Bowl/Serving
Bowl Set with 10 cups plus one extra
NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
pullover sweaters (xL) $15/each
19 Like good gossip 13 Give it a whirl 57 Early whirlybird, 67 Discouraging $30. (650)873-8167 (650)952-3466
20 Expand, as a 18 Mostly shaved- for short words WAgON WHEEL Wooden, original from PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un-
[email protected] 02/27/17
Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
request shot AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
52 Like some pizzas Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
(505)228-1480 local. CHILDS kICk scooter by razor with hel-
and apple pies met $25 obo (650)591-6842
55 Purported UFO gd. Fam./watchdpgs. Ex.Hiking Buddy.
EASTON FULL size pitching target with
pockets. $25.(650)646-8530
fliers $1600. (707) 980.0915.
gOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
56 Bond portrayer CANARY BIRD cage 24 x 16 for sale. $90.00 (650)341-8342
$40.00 firm. Used, good condition. Call
Daniel (650)766-3024 gOLF CLUBS, new, Warrior woods
3/15 degree 5/21 degree 7/24 degree
58 __ directed: ONE kENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- $15 ea (650)349-0430
medication mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. gOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
(650)593-2066 $50. (650)593-4490
PARROT CAgE, Steel, Large - approx IgLOO BLUE 38-Quart Wheelie Cool
62 Magna __ 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best Cooler/Ice Chest $14 (650)952-3500
66 Medical adhesive offer. (650)245-4084
kASTLE 190CM xcountry skis+poles
strip ... and a hint PET CARRIER, brown ,Very good condi- $29 650-595-3933
tion, $15.00 medium zize leave txt or call
to what can (650)773-7201
good condition, (650)341-0282.
1 Pet lovers org.
2 Western chum
By Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke
3 Left dumbstruck
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
4 Grab quickly
THEDAILYJOURNAL Monday Feb. 27, 2017 25
side white inside 4787 miles $13,000.
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CADILLAC 99 DeVille Concours,
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List your upcoming CHEVROLET 86 ASTROVAN,
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whatever sale you gOT AN OLDER
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in your local newspaper. (650)302-5523 $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
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Call (650)344-5200 MAzDA 12 Cx-7 SUV Excellent con-
dition One owner Fully loaded Low BRIDgESTONE TURANzA RFT (Run
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4650 (650)483-1222
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COBRA CABLE chains for radial and
regular tires, never used $65.00
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NEW CONTINENTAL Temporary tire
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NEW SNOW Cables SZ327 $19 650-
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