02-27-17 Edition

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Monday Feb. 27, 2017 XVII, Edition 166 www.smdailyjournal.com

City closes dark legal chapter

Half Moon Bay finalizes legal actions over Beachwood property, officials consider next steps
By Samantha Weigel project accidentally led to wet- it culminated Moon Bay to tighten its belt, Debbie Ruddock, who noted
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF lands developing on an adjacent arbitration on eliminate its police department Beachwood has a long and twist-
privately-owned site slated for its final out- while contracting with the ed history.
In turning the page to a dark redevelopment near the standing insur- Sheriffs Office, and significantly The root of the dilemma was
chapter of Half Moon Bays histo- Frenchmans Creek neighborhood. ance claim after downsize staff. While the city sparked by a flawed city drainage
ry that catapulted the city into After years of lawsuits, both receiving must still pay off a related bond project in the mid-1980s near the
legal and financial chaos, officials over the still undeveloped proper- $450,000, through 2019, the years of finan- already wet property at the bottom
were thrilled to announce theyve ty and against insurance compa- which brought cial upset appear to be moving fur- of a hill locals used to call hogs
recouped most of the $18 million nies, Half Moon Bay recovered all its total recov- ther in the rearview mirror. wallow. In the 1990s, when the
paid to settle the Beachwood law- but about $2.4 million and will ery to $18. 6 Debbie I think now that weve come property owner proposed con-
suit. essentially walk away owning the million. But out the other end of this process, structing 83 homes on the site,
The Beachwood saga began 24-acre property. prior to recoup- its time to take a look at what to the City Council noted protected
decades ago when a city-sponsored This month, the city announced ing losses, the lawsuit forced Half do with the property, said Mayor
See LEGAL, Page 20

Citizens envision
a new El Camino
in Redwood City
Advisory group digs deeper into details for
future improvements on key thoroughfare
By Anna Schuessler current and proposed businesses
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF and residential buildings on or
near El Camino Real, largely
Now past initial conversations between Whipple Avenue in the
of what the Redwood City stretch north and Oakwood Drive in the
of El Camino Real could look like, south. The options were collected
a citizens advisory group met this from community meetings and
week to weigh concrete options stakeholder interviews in the fall
for coordinating transit and other and early part of this year.
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL activities along the busy thor- Providing for more affordable
Dr. Rakhi Singh, third from right, huddles with the staff at the Fair Oaks Health Center in the North Fair Oaks oughfare. housing, public art and open space
neighborhood in unincorporated San Mateo County south of Redwood City. This was the group's second were also among the issues
meeting to discuss a variety of brought up by those participating.

Increasing access to health services infrastructure, design and econom-

ic considerations aimed at improv-
ing trafc and accessibility around
Consisting of 10 citizens
appointed by the City Council or
See REAL, Page 20
Fair Oaks Health Centers coordinated approach takes down barriers for clients
By Anna Schuessler
may have a job where coming in
means lost wages.
In the last year as the centers
clients come.
Just over 100 full-time staff and
countless part-time care providers
Proposed Millbrae school
Getting patients to follow doc-
tors orders may be tough, but
health care providers at the Fair
interim director, Singh has strived
to organize the efforts of the
physicians, nurses and specialists
working in the centers three mod-
address the needs of the estimated
15,000 patients who visit the cen-
ter, part of the San Mateo County
Health System, every year.
tax shows early support
By Austin Walsh ed to the district Board of Trustees
Oaks Health Center face other
challenges in making sure their ern floors stand tall at 2710 Though its no small feat, Singh DAILY JOURNAL STAFF during a meeting Tuesday, Feb. 21.
patients are following through on Middlefield Road in unincorporat- said the clinic has been able to Nearly 70 percent those likely
their health. ed San Mateo County south of meet the demand for several health Millbrae residents could soon to cast a ballot in the June election
Dr. Rakhi Singh, the centers Redwood City to provide services services by hosting a variety of face a new tax from the local ele- next year would vote in favor of a
interim medical director, is acutely for the people who live and work care specialists on site. mentary school district as offi- $97 parcel tax feeding into the dis-
aware of the obstacles standing in nearby. The clinic is in the middle Weve tried to create a one-stop cials grappling with a limited tricts general fund and preventing
the way of the patients who come of a light industrial area dotted shop in many ways, she said. budget attempt to stave off poten- a looming deficit expected to hit
to the health center for primary with service business, vacant lots In addition to adult primary care, tially severe cuts to staff and pro- in coming years, said board
care. and abandoned railroad tracks next the center provides pediatric, grams. President Frank Barbaro.
We have a good slice of to a low-income area with single- gynecological and dental care. Such a measure would garner suf- Barbaro said he was heartened by
patients for whom transportation family homes and apartment build- ficient support to pass, according
is challenging, she said. They ings from where many of their See CENTER, Page 18 to recent polling numbers present- See TAX, Page 18

Thought for the Day

Reasoning with a child is fine, if you can
reach the childs reason without destroying
your own.
John Mason Brown, American essayist

This Day in History

the Battle of the Java Sea began during

1942 World War II; Imperial Japanese naval

forces scored a decisive victory over
the Allies.
In 1 8 0 1 , the District of Columbia was placed under the
jurisdiction of Congress.
In 1 9 11 , inventor Charles F. Kettering demonstrated his
electric automobile starter in Detroit by starting a Cadillacs
motor with just the press of a switch, instead of hand-crank-
In 1 9 2 2 , the Supreme Court, in Leser v. Garnett, unani-
mously upheld the 19th Amendment to the Constitution,
which guaranteed the right of women to vote.
In 1 9 3 3 , Germanys parliament building, the Reichstag,
was gutted by fire; Chancellor Adolf Hitler, blaming the
Communists, used the fire to justify suspending civil liber-
In 1 9 3 9 , the Supreme Court, in National Labor Relations
Board v. Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., effectively outlawed REUTERS
sit-down strikes. Britain and France recognized the regime A member of a rival team is hit by an orange during an annual carnival orange battle in northern Italy.
of Francisco Franco of Spain.
In 1 9 4 3 , during World War II, Norwegian commandos
launched a raid to sabotage a German-operated heavy water In other news ...
plant in Norway. The U.S. government, responding to a fatten up during green months so when never seemed to put out trash for curb-
copper shortage, began circulating one-cent coins made of Drone puts elk on winter hits they can subsist on less- side pickup.
steel plated with zinc (the steel pennies proved unpopular, the run in Wyoming nourishing forage often covered up by The fact that there are no photo-
since they were easily mistaken for dimes). CHEYENNE, Wyo. Add this to the snow and ice. graphs or pictures on the walls, com-
In 1 9 5 1 , the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, limit- long list of problems caused by Its a crucial time of year for those bined with the fact that his daughters
ing a president to two terms of office, was ratified. buzzing drones: Frightening 1,500 elk animals and they don't need to be burn- room is still decorated for an infant,
into stampeding at a time of year when ing up additional energy stores unnec- more strongly reveals that (the) candi-
Birthdays too much stress can be deadly for the essarily, said Doug Brimeyer, deputy date is not domiciled at (the house), but
animals. wildlife division chief at the Wyoming merely uses that location as a conven-
This winter already is one for the Game and Fish Department. ient place to stay when he is working
books in western Wyoming. More at a nearby clinic he owns, wrote
than twice as much snowfall than usual Too few flushes gets Commonwealth Court Judge Anne
has fallen in many areas, and more candidate thrown off ballot Covey.
than 3 feet has accumulated at the
National Elk Refuge in the scenic val- HARRISBURG, Pa. A Democratic Attempted crooks say
candidate's run for the Pennsylvania
ley of Jackson Hole. sorry after crime is rebuffed
Typically the National Elk Refuge Legislature is down the drain partly
provides a winter haven for elk. But on because he used too little water at the MILWAUKEE A Milwaukee
Chelsea Clinton is Monday, David A. Smart, 45, of house he claimed as his residence. woman held up at gunpoint by two men
Consumer Singer Josh
Groban is 36. 37. Washington, D.C., got a $280 ticket A state judge on Thursday threw rebuffed their attempt to rob her and
advocate Ralph
Nader is 83. for allegedly launching a drone from a Frederick Ramirez off the ballot in the got an apology before they fled.
highway pullout and flying it over race for an open House seat in Kristy Welch was returning home
Actress Joanne Woodward is 87. Opera singer Mirella Freni hundreds of elk resting there. Philadelphia. Monday following a ceramics class
is 82. Actress Barbara Babcock is 80. Actor Howard Hesseman The judge found that low water and when the two men approached her
The device caused the elk to stam-
is 77. Actress Debra Monk is 68. Rock singer-musician Neal
pede half a mile through the snow. electric use at the house Ramirez while she was still in her car. Welch
Schon (Journey) is 63. Rock musician Adrian Smith (Iron Smart was trying to film the animals claimed as his residence showed he told them she just had surgery and did-
Maiden) is 60. Actor Timothy Spall is 60. Rock musician Paul and afterward was apologetic, refuge really didn't live in the district. nt have any money. That's when the
Humphreys (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark) is 57. deputy manager Cris Dippel said According to testimony, for 11 two men apologized and said God
Country singer Johnny Van Zant (Van Zant) is 57. Rock musi- Friday. months he was billed for a total of bless you before taking off.
cian Leon Mobley (Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals) is The encounter was caught on video
Nonetheless, wildlife managers take about 3,000 gallons of water, or the
56. Actor Adam Baldwin is 55. Actor Grant Show is 55. Rock animal harassment seriously. The fed- equivalent of less than two toilet surveillance.
musician Mike Cross (Sponge) is 52. Actor Noah Emmerich is eral crime of which Smart was accused, flushes a day on average. Welch's husband, Alfred, tells
52. Actor Donal Logue is 51. Rhythm-and-blues singer Chilli disturbing wildlife, is punishable by His lawyer said the low numbers, WTMJ-TV he installed a motion-acti-
(TLC) is 46. Rock musician Jeremy Dean (Nine Days) is 45. an up to $5,000 fine. showing zero use in some months, are vated camera outside their home many
Rhythm-and-blues singer Roderick Clark is 44. Country-rock
The deep snow is a bane for animals, misleading because of how bills are years ago.
musician Shonna Tucker (Drive-By Truckers) is 39. Actor including bison hit by vehicles as calculated.
Welch says that without the video,
Brandon Beemer is 37. Rock musician Cyrus Bolooki (New they sought easier walking along
Neighbors testified they never saw no one would have believed that some-
Found Glory) is 37. Rock musician Jake Clemons (Bruce plowed roads.
Ramirez on their block, the bedroom one put a gun to her face then blessed
Springsteen and the E Street Band) is 37. Rhythm-and-blues
Elk, moose, mule deer and antelope light was always on and the home her and left without causing any harm.
singer Bobby Valentino is 37.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles, Feb. 25 Powerball Fantasy Five Mo nday : Partly cloudly with a small
one letter to each square, chance of showers. Winds up to 11
to form four ordinary words. 6 32 47 62 65 19 7 11 15 18 33

FOLYT Tue s day: Sunny with an expected

Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

Feb. 24 Mega Millions Daily Four high of 57 degrees. Winds at 9 mph.

12 29 33 42 68 14 7 4 2 1 Wednes day : Sunny. Highs expected
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to reach beyond 60 degrees.
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday Thurs day : Sunny. Small chance of
FIWST Feb. 25 Super Lotto Plus 1 7 6 rain and winds blowing about 9 mph.
Fri day : Mostly sunny. Humidity rising to 69 percent. Low
3 11 24 30 46 15 temperature dropping to about 40 degrees.
Daily three evening
Mega number
Saturday : Cloudy. High at 60 degrees with a small chance
4 2 1 for rain and winds blowing around 8 mph.
LOBDUE The Daily Derby race winners are California S un day : Morning clouds leading to later sun. High
Classic, No. 05, in first place; Lucky Star, No. 2, in expected at 60 degrees and low around 45 degrees. Winds at
second place; and Big Ben, No. 14, in third place. 8 mph.
The race time was clocked at 1:46.91.
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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Monday Feb. 27, 2017 3

Ships made from concrete? Police reports

Bad medicine
A patient was arrested after hitting a
doctor and yelling at medical staff at
Kaiser on El Camino Real in South San
Francisco before 1:54 p.m., Monday,
Feb. 13.

Warrant. A 47-year-old San Mateo woman
was arrested on a petty theft warrant near
Foster City Boulevard and Polynesia Drive

heres not much left of the SS Palo before 7:13 p.m., Monday, Feb. 20.
Alto, a ship made of concrete that Vandal i s m. Two vehicles were ransacked
has been an attraction near Santa on Constitution Drive before 10:35 p.m.,
Cruz for decades. The recent storms battered Sunday, Feb. 19.
the grounded ship so severely the hull split Di s o rde rl y c o n duc t . A 57-year-old
apart, pretty well closing the log on a story The SS Palo Alto, a ship made of concrete, during slightly better days before it was split apart Hayward man was arrested for public intoxi-
that started in Redwood City during World by recent storms. cation on Triton Drive before 3:59 a.m.,
War I with the launching of a ship named Sunday, Feb. 19.
Redwood City. He convinced the wartime The Peralta, according to the website
Faith. Burg l ary . A vehicle was broken into and
U.S. Shipping Board to commission ve Concrete Ships, became a sardine cannery
Shipbuilders must have had a great deal of miscellaneous items were stolen on Chess
reinforced concrete steamers, assuring the in Alaska in 1924 and was later moored off
faith when they drew up plans for a concrete Drive before 7:04 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 18.
board that the 5,000-ton ships could be Antioch, California until 1958 when it
ship. The Faith was the rst American ship operated at a prot. Redwood City had a became part of a breakwater for a pulp and
constructed of a material skeptics thought long history with cement, which was pro- paper mill in British Columbia, Canada,
would sink like a rock. duced using oyster shells and mud on what is where it remains. DUI. A 22-year-old San Carlos man was
The freighter, its black hull made entirely now Pacic Shores Center. Cement is a vital A ship made of concrete? A crazy idea, arrested for driving while intoxicated and
of concrete, was launched in Redwood City component of concrete. right? Apparently not because more than 20 his passenger was arrested for public intoxi-
on March 18, 1918, to great fanfare. The Faith was one of three concrete ships were built during World War II as well as cation near Cedar Street and Greenwood
Redwood City Democrat reported spectators built in the San Francisco Bay Area during nearly 80 concrete barges, including some Avenue before 10:52 p.m., Saturday, Feb.
came from every direction by train, in World War I. The others, all part of Comyns that played a vital role in the D-Day inva- 11.
automobile and by water to see an event venture, were the Peralta and the Palo Alto, sion of Normandy where they were used as Arres t. A 59-year-old man was arrested for
the newspaper predicted would revolution- both of them built as tankers in Oakland. oating pontoons to move troops and sup- trespassing on the 1100 block of San Carlos
ize the shipbuilding of the world. The ship The war ended before the other two ships of plies. Way before 8:25 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11.
didnt live up to that billing, but it had a the ve awarded to Comyn were completed. Di s turbance. A 60-year-old San Carlos
longer life than naysayers expected. Faith The Palo Alto sailed on only one voyage woman was arrested after being removed
The Rear View Mirror by history columnist
hauled general cargo to ports of call as far and that was under tow from Oakland to her from a residence and determined to be under
apart as Honolulu and New York before its Jim Clifford appears in the Daily Journal
present port at Seacliff State Beach at Aptos the inuence of a controlled substance on
sailing days ended in 1921 and it became a ev ery other Monday. Objects in The Mirror the 800 block of Bauer Court before 10 a.m.,
about eight miles south of Santa Cruz where
breakwater in Cuba. it served most recently as a shing pier. are closer than they appear. Saturday, Feb. 4.
The ship was launched in the midst of When it arrived on the coast, the ships sea-
World War I when the United States lacked cocks were opened and the Palo Alto settled
enough steel-making plants and shipyards. in. In 1930, a pier was built to the vessel
Historians say that at the time Faith was the and a dance oor, swimming pool and cafe
worlds largest sea-going concrete vessel. were added, giving the ship a new life. The
Using concrete for a ship was an idea owners, however, went broke after two sea-
pushed by Leslie Comyn, a San Francisco sons.
business executive who owned a shipyard in

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4 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Rejuvenation sought for an old hotel

Well-known Peninsula hotelier proposes revitalization for an aging San Mateo lodge
By Samantha Weigel

Hotel developments have been booming along Silicon

Valleys busy Highway 101 corridor and San Mateo prop-
erty owners are refocusing their attention toward revamp-
ing a 1970s-era lodge.
Developers are now hoping to win over the community
and City Council with a five-story contemporary structure
aimed at attracting the modern business traveler.
The aging Los Prados Hotel at 2940 S. Norfolk St., a
Best Western brand offering about 120 rooms, has been
slated for redevelopment for years. After property owner
Founders Investment Corp. switched architects and
revamped the proposal, the Planning Commission will
hold a study session Monday, Feb. 27.
Now, the plans submitted in January will eventually
need City Council approval as the new proposal has An artists rendering of the proposed 182-room Hampton Inn and Suites proposed to transform the Los Prados Hotel in San
increased to constructing a single five-story building with Mateo.
182 rooms and 142 parking spaces. A prior 2015 propos-
al suggested a four-story structure with 158 rooms atop the United Pacific Hotel Group, is driving the revamp and is ies, circulation studies, parking analysis, all done as part
oddly shaped 2.3-acre lot currently hosting three build- well known in the area as a proprietor of four existing or of the project, she said.
ings spanning two to three stories. under-construction hotels in San Mateo and Foster City. Tsai noted during the prior meetings he was actually
Peninsula hotelier Solomon Tsai, managing director of He said the Los Prados property near the intersection of encouraged by planning commissioners to consider a
Highway 101 and Hillsdale Boulevard has outlived its use- taller building, which prompted them to redesign their
ful life, and a new 182-room Hampton Inn and Suites is proposal.
now planned to attract the modern business traveler. Tsais group is also seeking a variance to reduce the

Ask a Professional
Theres definitely a strong demand, ever since 2011- number of parking spaces needed for the hotel. Per city
2012 after the recovery from 2008 slump. But overall, the codes, a total of 184 parking spaces would be required, but
Bay Area, especially Silicon Valley, which we are not at the proposal suggests just 146 on-site spaces, Schimpp

If I choose the heart of, but we are like the tertiary market. We also
have very strong companies here like Visa, Franklin
said. However, transportation demand management plans
will be outlined as part of the traffic study, she said.
cremation, Templeton, Gilead, Oracle just to name a few; Kaiser, Bank During his 40-year career, Tsai said he often finds hotels
of America, SolarCity; theres quite a bit of companies in are over parked, with many spaces sitting vacant. They
what are my this 92/101 corridor, Tsai said. also run a shuttle service between the airport and all of

Rick Riffel
options for Neighboring Belmont has two new hotels in the works
near Highway 101, and Tsai is driving the 121-room
their hotels, that are in a relatively small vicinity, which
greatly reduces the number of single vehicle trips and
Managing Funeral Director
burial TownePlace Suites, Extended Stay Hotel in Foster City parked cars. Most of his business customers dont have
cars and are employees of airlines with which he con-
expected to open later this year.
The community and Planning Commission will be tracts, such as flight attendants or pilots from San
Cremation offers many options for nal given a chance to weigh in on the new proposal next week Francisco International Airport there for short-term stays.
disposition such as burial in a cemetery plot, before a range of studies including on parking, traffic Plus, he noted, many businesses travelers use ride-share
and an environmental review are prepared, said Tricia and taxi services, or are picked up by colleagues, he said.
preservation in a columbarium niche, or Schimpp, San Mateos senior contract planner. He also suggested the city, which currently receives
scattering at sea or in a place of meaning. Tsai is seeking a variance to allow a height increase to about $500,000 from Los Prados Hotel through its 12 per-
We are happy to explain all the choices 55 feet, which is allowed but requires City Council cent transient occupancy tax, could nearly double that if a
approval, but the taller building will reduce the footprint newer facility were created.
that accompany cremation. We hope you of the structure, she noted. The proposed hotel is geared toward those visiting for
will allow us to assist. The last 55-foot proposal the city received was to create work, and Schimpp noted San Mateo planning documents
a five-story housing complex known as Hillsdale Terrace; have considered additional hotels.
which was very controversial but the City Council ulti- Our General Plan does encourage more hotels and most
mately approved this year. of the hotels or motels are pretty outdated. So there is a
A neighborhood meeting and commission study session need to have updated modern hotels and this one is the
on Tsais project was held in years past on the smaller pro- business-type model. It will not be like a convention cen-
posal, and although the public had age-old concerns, there ter or have banquet facilities or a restaurant. Its not a des-
was an interest in seeing the outdated Los Prados Hotel tination hotel, its for the business person, she said,
866-211-2443 revived, she said. adding the next step would be for the commission to
2012 MKJ Marketing

Most people seemed to be supportive of having an review the studies. Theres a whole process so the public
4&M$BNJOP3FBMr4BO.BUFP $" updated hotel there. The city does need hotels. There is can have input too.
www.ssofunerals.com FD230 concern about traffic always in the area because traffic is The Planning Commission meets 7:30 p.m. Monday
already a problem there. So we will be having traffic stud- Feb. 27 at City Hall, 330 W. 20th Ave., San Mateo.

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Students urged to forgo fear, seek monetary help
Immigration concerns linked to dwindling community college financial aid requests
BAY CITY NEWS SERVICE having their personal information shared with federal author- To qualify, students need to have either attended a
ities like U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, California high school for at least three years or earned the
Alarmed by the apparent lack of financial aid applications which appears to have stepped up its deportation activities equivalent of three year's of full-time high school credits and
from undocumented students, the chancellor of California's in the wake of President Donald Trump's heated rhetoric on attended a California K-12 school for at least three years.
community college system is urging such scholars to send in the topic. Also, students must have graduated from a California high
their requests for assistance. Under the (California) Dream Act, no student's personal school or received a GED and filed an affidavit stating that he
Last year at this time, the system had received 34,000 information is shared at the federal level, Oakley said. I or she has or will file an application to become legalized
applications. So far this year only 20,000 students have sent encourage all students to apply today for the Cal Grant, as with the college they are attending.
in requests for financial aid, according to officials from the well as other forms of state-funded financial aid, such as the Students must also be undocumented immigrants, hold a U-
California Community Colleges system. Board of Governors Fee Waver, that are available year- visa or hold a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
In a statement, Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley blamed the round. status.
drop on the national conversation surrounding immigration The California Dream Act is the name given to a pair of The California Community Colleges has always embraced
and deportation which has created an environment that is bills passed by the state legislature that took effect in 2012 the values of diversity and inclusion, Oakley said. It is
confusing and threatening to many of our students. and 2013. The laws allow colleges to grant state-funded what makes our system, and the state of California, strong
Students who need assistance should apply without fear of financial aid and scholarships to undocumented students. and prosperous.

Help sought to find missing man The robber was last seen running toward Gateway Drive,
Local briefs police said.
Redwood City police are asking the public to help them this He was described as a white man in his 20s, about 5 feet 10
evening to find a missing at-risk man. threatened nearly 200,000 people. inches tall, weighing 160 pounds and with a beard. He was
Horace Greely Nash, 72, walked away from a care home in The rescue team from Menlo Park is one of the state's orig- wearing a black baseball cap with a light bill and logo on the
Redwood City this morning without telling the home's staff inal swift water rescue teams established in 1994. Its staff is a front, sunglasses, a black hoodie sweatshirt with a basketball
members. mix of new and veteran members, including some who logo on the front, gloves, blue jeans and dark shoes, accord-
Nash is black, 6 feet 1 inch tall and 150 pounds. He was responded to disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. ing to police.
wearing a dark green jacket and gray pants. A surveillance camera was able to capture images of the sus-
He is probably on public transit or on foot because he does Pacifica police searching pect.
not own a vehicle, police said. for attempted armed robber Anyone with information about his identity is asked to con-
Anyone who sees Nash is asked to call the Police tact Pacifica police at 738-7314. Anonymous tips can be left
Police are asking for the public's help to find a man who
Department at 780-7118. at 359-4444.
allegedly tried to rob a pharmacy at a Pacifica Rite Aid store at
gunpoint Friday night.
Swift water rescue team returns home At 9:58 p.m., officers responded to the Rite Aid at 200
Expired medication kiosk open
A Menlo Park-based swift water rescue team returned home Fairmont Shopping Center for a report of an armed robbery, Police in Daly City have opened a kiosk location for resi-
on Friday following a deployment first to Sacramento and police said. dents to dispose of unwanted or expired medication, police
then to Los Gatos in case the recent rainstorms threatened Responding officers learned a man entered the store and said.
people's lives, Menlo Park Fire Protection District officials jumped the counter of the store's pharmacy. The suspect then The Daly City Police Department has partnered with MED-
said today. displayed a gun and demanded prescription drugs, according Project to open the kiosk outside the department in the City
The team, which is made up of staff members of the fire pro- to police. Hall rotunda at 333 90th St.
tection district, was deployed Sunday after returning from The pharmacist was able to distract the robber, who then Drop-offs can be made in the lobby Monday to Friday from
Oroville the week before where a damaged auxiliary spillway fled without taking anything. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.


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6 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 STATE THE DAILY JOURNAL

Officials to stop Oroville dams outflow to clear debris

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing spring runoff season, it said.
The reservoirs water level has been reduced nearly 60
OROVILLE California water authorities will stop the feet since it reached capacity at 901 feet earlier this month,
outow from the Oroville Dams crippled spillway to allow the department said.
workers to remove debris blocking a hydroelectric plant The department said it will continue releasing 50,000
from working, ofcials said Sunday. cubic feet of water per second the rest of Sunday and
The Department of Water Resources said it will start grad- overnight. With inows of water at only 25,000 cubic feet
ually reducing outows from the Northern California dam of water per second, more space will be made at the reser-
beginning Monday morning and completely halt them by voir before the outows are cut on Monday.
the afternoon. On Feb. 11, water managers used the emergency spillway
The outow from behind the 770-foot-tall dam will be for the rst time in the dams 48-year-history after a chunk
stopped for several days to allow workers to clear concrete, of concrete tore out the main spillway, creating a 200-foot-
silt and other debris from a pool at the bottom of the spill- long, 30-foot-deep crater. But the ow of water ripped
way. Removing the debris will protect a shuttered under- through a road below and carved out deep chasms in the
ground hydroelectric plant and allow it to eventually ground, leading authorities to order a two-day evacuation
resume operations, the agency said. of 188,000 people for fear the emergency spillway could
Once operational, the Hyatt Power Plant can discharge fail. REUTERS
roughly 14,000 cubic feet per second, which will allow Since then, crews have been working to fortify the badly Helicopters carry rocks to the Lake Oroville Dam after an
DWR to better manage reservoir levels through the remain- eroded emergency spillway. evacuation order was lifted.

Doctor-to-doctor donation: Kidney saves sick colleague

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS young daughter. later.
I started dragging, he said. Holy crap, I felt bad. In a note sent to Coleman thanking her for her sacrice,
NEWPORT BEACH Its not unusual for a surgeon to save He started dialysis in April and needed to go through the Dunn credited her with persevering to help him.
another doctors life. process four times a day to purify his blood. He referred to Monday, January 30th is a day Ill remember forever, he
But Dr. Colleen Coleman did so by going under the knife the time-consuming and tiring process as his prison. wrote. Its the day that someone did something truly self-
to help an ailing colleague who desperately needed a kidney. Colemans intervention also almost didnt happen after an less for me. Colleen, you are an answer to prayer and an
Coleman donated to Dr. Brian Dunn, an anesthesiologist initial screening erroneously said she wasnt a match. Only amazing example to everyone around you.
she works with at Hoag Hospital Newport Beach whose kid- after the testing company called back in June to say it made Coleman, 51, who returned to work to nd owers, a cake
neys failed from chemotherapy he received as a teenager to a mistake did Coleman learn she was a match. and people hailing her as a hero, said she was moved by the
treat a stomach tumor. Her initial eagerness to help out, though, was tempered note from Dunn.
Coleman came through after one donor withdrew her offer with second thoughts and fears until she considered Dunns I did not understand how impactful it would be to help
and Dunns doctor advised him against accepting a kidney 6-year-old daughter. someone in this way, Coleman said. There is a benet to
from a patient with Lou Gehrigs disease. Colemans grandmother had died of kidney failure when giving. But hero is a very embarrassing word.
I thought, its not going to happen, Dunn told The her mother was a 6-year-old girl. I didnt want his daughter In addition to the scars they both bear in their midsections
Orange County Register. to grow up without a dad, Coleman said. from the surgeries, they also share other reminders of their
He had received a kidney from his mother when he was 25, The surgery last month was a success. Coleman went to bond.
but donated kidneys dont last forever. In late 2015, his see Dunn afterward. Dunn gave Coleman a set of kidney-shaped Tiffany ear-
health was failing and he could hardly keep pace with his I wanted to make sure my kidney could pee, she said. rings to thank her. She gave him a Tiffany money clip in the
Dunn, 45, said he felt vibrant and grateful three weeks shape of a kidney.
Woman, dog spend night in car in creek Around the state
Another Successful SANTA ROSA A woman who drove off a windy highway
into a swollen Northern California creek was rescued after Brulte again elected
Business Transaction spending a chilly night in the back seat with her dog,
authorities said. head of state Republican party
SACRAMENTO California Republicans have re-elected
California Business Opportunities, with offices in Northern Victoria Trautvetter, 67, was rescued after an eight-hour
and Southern California, was the intermediary in the sale of
ordeal when someone spotted the car in Austin Creek, the with their party chairman, Jim Brulte, to a third term.
Vanilla Moon Bakery, Inc. located in San Carlos to Boba Guys, The Sacramento Bee reports Brulte was re-elected Sunday
Inc in San Francisco and New York City.
Press Democrat reported Sunday.
with an overwhelming show of support from the 795 dele-
CBO, established in 1993, has sold and valued hundreds of Trautvetter drove her Subaru off Cazadero Highway late gates gathered at the Sacramento Convention Center for the
businesses including manufacturing, service, food, retail and Friday night, striking several trees before plunging 20 feet California Republican Partys three-day gathering.
others throughout California. down the bank. The car rolled once and ended upright in the Brulte says the Republican Party is focused on adding
Angelo D. Izzo, Broker BRE: 00633355 middle of the stream. Republicans to state and federal office, but the top priority
Business Sales & Valuations The Cazadero woman climbed into the back seat where she is electing a Republican governor.
California Business Opportunities, LLC and her dog, Jasper, stayed dry and waited for help. Brulte, a former state legislator and principal at the pub-
San Mateo, California lic affairs firm California Strategies, was first elected in
Monte Rio Fire Chief Steve Baxman said it was a double
www.calbizops.com miracle. The car ended up on its wheels and was lodged 2013.
against a rock so it wasnt swept downstream and it was pre- The party last year altered its two-term limit to allow
vented from flooding further. Brultes re-election. He faced no challengers this year.


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THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Monday Feb. 27, 2017 7
New Dem Party chairman Perez pledges to repair, unite party
By Hope Yen and the U.S. had felt neglected, saying he had
Bill Barrow heard from rural America that Democrats
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS havent been there for us recently.
Thats exactly what were going to do,
ATLANTA Newly elected Democratic Perez said, stressing grass-roots efforts in
national chairman Tom Perez pledged on all 50 states. He pointed to Democrats suc-
Sunday to unite a fractured party, rebuild at cess Saturday in one of their strongholds,
all levels from school board to the Senate Delaware, where they found themselves in
and reach out to chunks of rural America left an unexpectedly competitive race.
feeling forgotten in the 2016 election. Stephanie Hansen won a special election
Speaking in television interviews, Perez for a state Senate seat after vigorous party
indicated that an important rst step was campaigning that helped preserve
joining with vanquished rival Minnesota Democrats control of the chamber.
Rep. Keith Ellison, who agreed at Perezs As DNC chair, Perez must now rebuild a
invitation to serve as the Democratic party that in the last decade has lost about
National Committees deputy chairman. 1,000 elected posts from the White House
Perez said the two would work hard to put to Congress to the 50 statehouses, a power
out an afrmative party message while decit Democrats have not seen nationally
opposing President Donald Trumps poli- in 90 years.
cies, adding that he and Ellison were A lot of people feel forgotten, and we
already getting a good kick that Trump will not allow that to happen, he said.
was stirred to tweet that the DNC election On Saturday, the DNC elected Perez as its
was rigged. chair in a competitive race that took two
We lead with our values and we lead with rounds of voting unprecedented in recent
our actions, Perez said, describing a party memory for either major party. They picked
Perez, who was backed by former President Tom Perez was elected head of the Democratic party during the partys winter meetings.
focus that will emphasize protecting Social
Security, Medicare and growing good jobs Barack Obama, over Ellison, backed by lib- than a few young Ellison supporters in the he trusts Perez and that the burgeoning
in this economy. eral Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. gallery, some of them in tears. Reaction resistance movement aimed at Trump should
You know, our unity as a party is our Sanders had pushed the partys eventual wasnt enthusiastic among the liberal do the same.
greatest strength. And its his worst night- nominee, Hillary Clinton, into a protracted groups that had embraced Sanders and have On Sunday, Sanders praised Ellisons
mare, he said. And, frankly, what we need 2016 Democratic primary ght, gaining intensied their efforts since Trumps stun- strong bid to be DNC chair, taking on
to be looking at is whether this election strong support from young voters in par- ning victory over Clinton in the November Democratic insiders. Describing the party
was rigged by Donald Trump and his buddy ticular as he described a primary process as election. as broken and urging a total transforma-
Vladimir Putin. rigged by party establishment. We dont have the luxury of walking out tion, the Vermont senator said Perez now
The former labor secretary in the Obama Piercing cheers after Perezs election of this room divided, Ellison said Saturday has a real opportunity on his hands. And I
administration acknowledged that swaths of were boos, yells and expletives from more over the jeers. Afterward, he told reporters hope he seizes it.

Congress returns, with health care, Supreme Court on agenda

By Erica Werner Republicans in the House and Senate will be years of promises to repeal and replace for- Republicans will be keeping our prom-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS closely watching the prime-time address for mer President Barack Obamas Affordable ise to the American people, House Speaker
guidance, marching orders or any specics Care Act. House Republicans hope to pass Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said as he sent lawmak-
WASHINGTON Congress returns to Trump might embrace on health care or their legislation by early April and send it ers home for the Presidents Day recess
Washington this week to confront dramatic taxes, areas where some of his preferences to the Senate, with action there also possi- armed with informational packets to defend
decisions on health care and the Supreme remain a mystery. ble before Easter. planned GOP changes to the health law.
Court that may help determine the course of Congressional Republicans insist they
Donald Trumps presidency. are working closely with the new adminis-
First, the president will have his say, in tration as they prepare to start taking votes
his maiden speech to a joint session of on health legislation, with the moment
Congress on Tuesday night. Majority nally upon them to make good on seven

Navy secretary pick withdraws

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to that of Vincent Viola, Trumps nominee
for Army secretary who stepped aside earlier
WASHINGTON President Donald this month. Just last week, the Pentagon
Trumps choice to be secretary of the Navy, sought to tamp down reports that Bilden
businessman Philip Bilden, said Sunday he might pull out.
was withdrawing from consideration for the Bilden was an intelligence officer in the
post, citing concerns about privacy and Army Reserve from 1986-1996. He relocat-
separating himself from his business inter- ed to Hong Kong to set up an Asian presence
ests. for HarbourVest Partners LLC, a global pri-
Bildens withdrawal raises similar issues vate equity management firm.

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8 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Sessions tough on crime talk could fill prisons

By Eric Tucker as attorney general, an increase in the feder-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS al prison population and a chilling effect on
state reforms is a very real possibility,
WASHINGTON The federal prison pop- said Inimai Chettiar, justice program direc-
ulation is on the decline, but a new attorney tor at the Brennan Center for Justice.
general who talks tough on drugs and crime The approach by Session, a former
and already has indicated a looming need for Alabama senator, to drug crimes will matter
private prison cells seems poised to usher in courtrooms across the country and also to
in a reversal of that trend. the Justice Departments bottom line.
Jeff Sessions, a former federal prosecutor Nearly half of federal prisoners are in cus-
sworn in this month as the countrys chief tody for drug offenses, and the Bureau of
law enforcement ofcer, signaled at his con- Prisons budget accounts for about one-third
rmation hearing and during private of the departments overall $29 billion
meetings in his rst days on the job that spending plan. The population ballooned
he sees a central role for the federal govern- during the 1980s-era war on drugs as
ment in combating drug addiction and vio- Congress abolished parole and as federal
lence as well as in strict enforcement of prosecutors relied on mandatory minimum
immigration laws. sentences rigid punishments strictly tied
The result could be in an increase not only to drug quantity to seek decades-long
in the number of drug prosecutions brought prison terms for drug criminals. REUTERS
by the Justice Department but also in the But in recent years, scal-minded Attorney General Jeff Sessions holds his first meeting with heads of federal law enforcement
average length of sentence prosecutors pur- Republicans, and Democrats pushing crimi- components at the Justice Department.
sue for even lower-level criminals. If that nal justice efforts, have raised concerns triple-bunking, higher inmate-to-guard sions by the independent U.S. Sentencing
happens, the resources of a prison system about bloated prison costs and tried to ratios and long waiting lists for educational Commission to reduce drug sentencing
that for years has struggled with overcrowd- develop ways to cut the population. programs. guidelines and apply the changes retroac-
ing, but experienced a population drop as The Justice Departments inspector gener- The federal prison population now stands tively; and a 2013 Justice Department ini-
Justice Department leaders pushed a differ- al has said mounting prison expenses at just under 190,000, down from nearly tiative known as Smart on Crime, in
ent approach to drug prosecutions, could be detract from other programs and initiatives, 220,000 in 2013. which then-Attorney General Eric Holder
taxed again. and a 2012 Government Accountability Factors contributing to the decline directed prosecutors not to seek mandatory
Given the rhetoric coming out of the Ofce report said overcrowding at bureau include Obama administration clemency minimum sentences for nonviolent and
White House and the selection of Sessions facilities had caused additional double- and grants to more than 1,700 inmates; deci- low-level offenders.

Report warns of substantial state financial fallout from health law repeal
By Ben Nuckols and components for expanding coverage: subsi- private insurance. U.S. government, plus transforming the
Ricardo Alonzo-Zaldivar dized private health insurance available in The effect on Medicaid would be far-reach- overall program from an open-ended federal
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS all 50 states, and an optional Medicaid ing. The federal-state program for low- entitlement to one that operates under a cap
expansion that has been accepted by 31 income people covers more than 70 million would likely result in state funding gaps.
WASHINGTON A sobering report to states and the District of Columbia. Those Americans, many of whom have high health States that expanded Medicaid would face the
governors about the potential consequences two components of the health law cover care needs. deepest cuts.
of repealing the Obama-era health care law more than 20 million people. The Associated Press obtained a copy of a States would get more exibility to design
warns that federal spending cuts probably A report by the consulting rms Avalere slide presentation made by the consultants their programs, but the money crunch could
would create funding gaps for states and Health and McKinsey & Company concluded to governors meeting this weekend in lead to cuts in eligibility, benets, or pay-
threaten many people with the loss of insur- that the changes under consideration by the Washington. ments to hospitals and other service
ance coverage. GOP-led House would reduce signicantly The report said the combination of phas- providers. The impact of federal spending
The Affordable Care Act has two main federal dollars for Medicaid and subsidized ing out Medicaid expansion money from the reductions would compound over time.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Monday Feb. 27, 2017 9
Immigration and our nations laws people and sepa-
Fake news and the
By Linda Koelling
rate families?
So I ask, if then
President Clinton
Guest First Amendment
ith all the recent hysteria
and anxiety over the
threat of possible depor-
were to have decid-
ed to do something
about the illegal
perspective I
n less than a month, its obvious that Trumps presi-
dency is a threat to freedom of the press. His free-
wheeling press conference earlier in the month was
tation of undocumented workers, I
am wondering how those immigrants immigration prob- ample evidence. He demeaned or refused to call on reporters
lem as he suggest- open borders and thus sanctuary for
who came to America legally might who had been critical. He told viewers to watch Fox News
ed in his speech those who willfully and disrespect-
feel. Was it a waste to go through all and not CNN. He blamed all unfavorable news coverage as
and were to actually allow the laws fully ignore those laws is a society
the legal hurdles, expense and time fake news and said stories about Russia and his aides were a
of the United States to be enforced; headed for anarchy. I dont think
to claim citizenship, or, should they ruse. Later he tweeted that any negative polls are fake news
what would the media reaction have any American really wants that,
have just walked across the border and even worse that the press was the enemy of the people.
been? politically left or right because it
thus eliminating it all? A recent arti- As we all should know thats how dictatorships get started.
My family members came from goes against the very fabric on
cle in the Daily Journal and a resolu- The first thing they do is muzzle the press.
Italy in the late 1890s and early which this country was built.
tion by the San Mateo County Board Ironically, most of the fake news is coming from D.T. him-
1900s. They came here to enjoy a Those who feel they need to stand
of Supervisors suggesting the need self. I hate to repeat this stuff but here is a sample: 1). The
better life and to assimilate into behind this imperfect wall of sanctu-
numbers at his inauguration not the most as he claimed but
to protect and defend illegal immi- the American culture while celebrat- ary city protection are being duped
well under Obamas historic turnout. 2). The largest number of
grants is perplexing to those of us ing their own heritage. However, into a false sense of righteousness,
electoral votes not so. The 46th lowest. Reagan, Nixon,
who believe in immigration laws they came through Ellis Island, because they are being used as polit-
Johnson, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Obama received
and the need to protect our borders. were documented and settled in San ical pawns to discredit the current
more. 3). Terrorist attack in Sweden. Never happened.
Efforts by previous presidents Francisco and went through the leadership in Washington, D.C., by
Trump lied his way into the presidency and theres little
have strongly stated that illegal process of becoming citizens. those who failed to regain power.
hope hes going to change now.
immigration puts a burden on the There were quotas in place so there The nasty and fear-promoting rhet-
American taxpayers. I reference a was a wait depending on from oric is unbecoming, if not danger-
But what is fake news? Its lies posing as news. Deliberate
1995 State of the Union Address by which country you came. My grand- ous, and results in continued politi-
disinformation, hoaxes or
President Bill Clinton father came to the United States in cal polarization. Any proclamations
propaganda pretending to be
(https://www. c- 1924 without his wife and three being considered by lawmakers
real news. Mostly on social
span. org/video/?c4351026/clinton- sons. It wasnt until 1929 when he promising to stand against the feder-
media to drive web traffic.
1995-immigration-sotu), where he could bring my father, uncles and al government when it comes to ille-
Some of these affected the
states we need to secure our borders grandmother to the United States. gal immigrants is an elusive maneu-
election and they also pre-
and that a large number of illegal They appreciated and respected ver in the name of being inclusive
sented a threat when a gun-
aliens are taking jobs from legal America, worked hard, learned to and embracing diversity. Instead,
man inspired by false sto-
immigrants and citizens. He goes speak English and taught their chil- its a way of controlling a segment
ries fired shots inside a
on to say that we need to speed dren to respect the laws of this of our society, playing politics with
pizza restaurant. A sophisti-
deportation of criminal aliens and land. peoples lives, creating unnecessary
cated Russian propaganda
that, it is wrong and self-defeating This country is a land of diversi- fear and showing disrespect for our
campaign created and spread
to permit the abuse of our immigra- ty and we celebrate that; but it is laws and leadership.
misleading articles online
tion laws. Why then is President also a successful country because with the goal of punishing
Trump being painted as a vile of laws in place, and we should Linda Koelling is the former may or of Clinton, helping Trump and
human being, wanting to deport also celebrate that. Support for Foster City. undermining faith in
American democracy.
Letters to the editor Just as serious as the presidents lies (because his sup-
porters believe them or dont care) is his attack on our free
press. Will reporters resort to self-censorship so as to not
anger D.T. or lose funding? It already happened in San
Letter writer needs that sanctions or welcomes immi- Congrats to San Bruno for Antonio when a local commentator slammed Trump on a
a lesson in civics grants, legal or illegal. He goes on considering recreation needs PBS station and his editor removed it from airing. It was
only after local papers published the commentary did
to justify his lack of knowledge of
news of its suppression go public and viral. Meanwhile,
Editor, how our U. S. government works, by Editor, the Republican-led Congress investigation about Michael
Roy Scotts letter Sanctuary city res- citing an example of an earthquake The Feb. 21 edition of the Daily Jour- T. Flynns forced resignation is more about leaked infor-
olution is a bad idea in the Feb. 21 occurring, causing Trump to conceiv- nal told us San Bruno has plans to build mation to The Washington Post, The New York Times and
edition of the Daily Journal is an exam- ably withhold financial aid to our a Recreation Center along with a pool CNN then the real issue did cohorts of the president dis-
cuss removal of sanctions with the Russians at his urging
ple of how Trump uses his followers on community. Mr. Scott needs to take a using PG&E restitution funds (Money
before and after the election. This could be the smoking
Twitter to pass on his threats, bullying civics course. Thats not how our fed- from explosion to build rec center, gun a la the Nixon tapes of Watergate.
and misinformation to create fear and eral government works, even if pool). Congratulations, San Bruno! ***
chaos in America. Scotts letter is a per- Trump is the president. All federal This seems like a great way to use this With the lowest approval rating of all U.S. presidents in
fect copy of the wording thats being funding of any kind, including with- money. In this day and age, we need to their first month in office, many who did not vote for Trump
and even some who did are beginning to ask is there a way
spread on social media by Trump sup- holding or reducing funding, must be do all we can to help make exercise
out? Can he be impeached for treasonable activities, con-
porters, but in a more polite manner, approved by Congress, and no Re- more readily available in a less expen- flict of interest, putting his business interests before the
against communities who vote to es- publican politician is going to sive fashion. countrys, lying to the American people, etc.? Not likely
tablish a sanctuary or welcoming commit political suicide by voting Over the last year or so there has been with the Republican Congress or Senate whose members are
community to illegal immigrants in de- to approve such a withholding of fed- much discussion of the need for a skat- willing to sacrifice Americas health ,welfare and security in
return for corporate tax cuts and reduced regulations. Section
fiance of Trump. eral funds. But I wouldnt put it past ing rink, as we have lost a few on the
4 of the 25th Amendment provides that the Cabinet can by a
Mr. Scott ignorantly claims that the Trump to try such a tactic, even Peninsula. Is this something San Bruno simple majority vote to strip the president of his power and
San Mateo would put itself in a posi- though its unconstitutional. might consider in their plans? immediately hand power to the vice president. But thats not
tion of losing federal funding if it Michael Oberg David Thom likely to happen. It looks like we are stuck for four years.
establishes a feel good statement San Mateo San Carlos But heres what we can do. Make sure the Democrats regain
control of the Senate and gain more seats in Congress during
the mid-term elections. Very difficult to do with current gerry-
mandering. Democrats have more seats to lose than gain.
OUR MISSION: Still money and effort needs to be poured into these races to
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for increase turnout and educate voters. Dont give up, feel too
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. stressed to deal with bad news every morning. Keep up the
By combining local news and sports coverage, protests, write letters, make calls, watch all the news you can
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. You
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Letters to the Editor Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. redress of grievances. Lets protect our freedoms and keep
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every Monday. She can be reached at [email protected].
10 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Warren Buffett sticks to business, avoids politics in letter

By Josh Funk investing partner, 93-year-old Charlie Munger, seem con-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cerned about their legacies and how Berkshire is perceived.
This letter was more about Warren and Charlies epitaph
OMAHA, Neb. Investors who wanted billionaire Warren even more so than prior letters, said Smead, who is with
Buffett to address the current state of the world in his annual Seattle-based Smead Capital Management.
letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders will likely be dis- Buffett used the letter to again explain the advantages of
appointed, but they can still take some comfort in his con- low-cost index funds. He said he estimates that wealthy
sistently rosy long-term outlook for the U.S. economy. investors who use high-priced advisers have wasted over
Buffett re-emphasized points hes made in the past, such as $100 billion over the past decade.
his advice to avoid high Wall Street fees by investing in low- The bottom line: When trillions of dollars are managed by
cost index funds. And he again praised the countrys market Wall Streeters charging high fees, it will usually be the man-
system for its ability to allow Americans to continue build- agers who reap outsized profits, not the clients, Buffett
ing mind-boggling amounts of wealth over time. wrote. Both large and small investors should stick with low-
Unlike last years letter, when the longtime Democrat and cost index funds.
Hillary Clinton supporter took the opportunity to say he To prove his point, Buffett recounted the first nine years of
thought the country was in much better shape than some a 10-year bet he made in 2008 that an S&P 500 index fund
presidential candidates made it sound, Buffett mostly steered would outperform a collection of hedge funds that the money
clear of politics this year. managers who own Protege Partners LLC picked. Both sides
Ill repeat what Ive both said in the past and expect to say picked a charity that would get at least $1 million.
in future years: Babies born in America today are the luckiest Buffetts chosen index fund has recorded an 85.4 percent
crop in history, wrote Buffett, who has said he thinks the gain over than time while the hedge funds delivered an aver-
age of 22 percent.
Billionaire Warren Buffett released his annual letter to
economy will be OK under President Donald Trump. shareholders, but avoided addressing the nations current
Without mentioning Trumps immigration policies, Buffett devoted most of his letter to describing the evolu-
tion of Berkshire and the performance of the Omaha,
political climate.
Buffett did note that a tide of talented and ambitious immi-
grants played a significant role in the countrys prosperity. Nebraska-based company last year. His annual letters are Apple, among other companies.
Buffett will likely address other topics during a three-hour- always well read because of his successful track record and his Berkshire already owns more than 90 subsidiaries, includ-
long television appearance Monday on CNBC, but he still knack for explaining complicated subjects in simple terms. ing Geico insurance, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, BNSF rail-
may leave some people wanting more. Investor Andy Kilpatrick, who wrote Of Permanent Value: road, clothing, furniture and jewelry companies.
Investment manager Cole Smead said he felt that Buffett The Story of Warren Buffett, said he wishes Buffett had gone Buffett said he will continue looking for more acquisitions
spent too much of the letter extolling Berkshires virtues into more detail about how individual Berkshire businesses with Berkshires roughly $86 billion in cash, but the compa-
instead of talking about how hell approach investing the performed, but overall he thought it was a good letter. nys size means it will be hard to match its previous results.
companys $86 billion cash or what went wrong with the Berkshire has come to rely increasingly on acquiring entire Buffett said Saturday that Berkshire recorded a 10.7 percent
failed $143 billion bid for Unilever that Berkshire took part operating businesses instead of the firms stock portfolio, increase in book value and a 23.4 percent gain in stock price
in with 3G Capital. Smead said the 86-year-old Buffett and his which includes major stakes in Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, and in 2016.
Th e Ame ri c an In s t i t ut e of
Business briefs Cri mi nal Law Atto rney s has recog- On the move
nized criminal law attorney Paul a Kay
dian Whoopi Goldberg are just a few of the Canny as 2 0 1 6 1 0 Bes t Cri mi nal In Need, Redwo o d Ci ty as the recipient
Gorsuch sympathizes with growing number of celebrities publicly jump- Law At t o rn e y s fo r Cl i e n t of this donation.
workers, often sides with bosses ing into the marijuana industry and eyeing the Sati s facti o n . ***
A review of dozens of employment cases California pot market. The American Institute of Criminal Law Di g n i t y He al t h
that Neil Gorsuch has heard as a federal appeals The market is expected to explode after vot- Attorneys is a third-party attorney rating Me di c al Gro up -
judge shows a focus on texts and a fondness for ers in the state legalized the recreational use of organization that publishes an annual list S e quo i a, a service of
scrutinizing definitions of words in legisla- weed. of the Top 10 criminal law attorneys in Di g n i t y He al t h
tion and the Constitution. Regulators are still scrambling to get each state. Medi cal Fo undati o n ,
Conservatives herald his strict approach. Californias recreational marijuana market welcomed neurologist
*** Li di a B ro wn , MD.
Many liberals say it too often results in work- launched and are racing to issue licenses to
Th e Re dwo o d Ci t y - S an Mat e o She will join Dr.
ers losing out. growers and sellers by early 2018.
Co unty Chamber o f Co mmerce 2 0 1 6 Je f f re y Jav e rb aum
If confirmed to the Supreme Court, hes like- Still to be decided is who will receive the
Bus i nes s Wo man o f t h e Ye ar Award, and Dr. Jo hn Ro bert
ly to hear major workers rights cases. first licenses to grow, distribute and sell Lidia Brown Wi l s o n at the neurolo-
co -s p o n s o red b y Un i t e d Ame ri c an
They could include whether companies can recreational pot. Growers already cleared to
B an k o f Re dwo o d Ci t y , was awarded gy office at 695 Oak Grove Ave., Suite
require that employees sign away rights to sell medical marijuana in California could be
to S t e p h an i e Ko l k k a at an awards din- 310, in Menlo Park.
pursue class-action suits and whether the 1964 the first in line.
ner held last month. Stephanie is the Dr. Brown received her medical degree
Civil Rights Act bars workplace discrimina- owner of two retail stores located in
tion against LGBTQ employees. from St. Petersburg Pavlov State Medical
Gas prices continue rising do wn t o wn Redwo o d Ci t y : B ri c k University. She completed her internship
Mo n k e y , located at 2400 Broadway, and at the University of Iowa, residency at
The average price of a gallon of regular- Bri ck Mo nkey Squared, located at 816 Southern Illinois University, and clini-
Celebrities launch pot grade gasoline rose 2 cents nationally dur- Middlefield Road, that opened in 2013. cian neurophysiology fellowship at
brands as California legalizes drug ing the past two weeks, to $2.33. As this years winner, Stephanie won Southern Illinois University. Dr. Brown is
An industry analyst said Sunday that the $1, 000 from United American Bank, board certified in neurology and clinical
Country singer Willie Nelson, the children
slight rise was due to small increases in crude which will be donated to the local charity neurophysiology. Her special clinical
of the late reggae icon Bob Marley and come-
oil and wholesale gas prices. of her choice. Stephanie has chosen Pets interests include epilepsy and headaches.

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<<< Page 13, All four CCS D-IV semifinalists

in girls basketball from San Mateo County
Monday Feb. 27, 2017

Colts bound for CCS semis

EC matches 1970 team for best season in program history
By Terry Bernal 1970 Colts for the deepest post- son run has been chock full of dra-
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF season run in program history. matics. In last Thursdays playoff
It has been the ride of a lifetime for opener, the Colts (18-1-3) advanced
Happy birthday, Ken Anderson. Anderson, who has been part of El by virtue of penalty kicks against
With the El Camino boys soc- Camino soccer for over half his life. No. 14 Carmel after a 3-3 tie at the
cer head coach turning the big 5- Having played for the Colts for the end of regulation. And Saturdays
0 on Monday, his Colts gave him programs second-ever CCS berth in quarterfinal was much closer than
an early birthday present by 1985, he is now in his 24th year as the 3-0 outcome would suggest; El
marching into the record books. the teams head coach. This years Camino took a 1-0 lead on the last
With their 3-0 victory at home team, however, is the most prolific play of the first half, then held off
Saturday over Del Mar in the of which hes ever been part. Del Mar through most of the second
Central Coast Section Division II Im enjoying it, I am, half until scoring back-to-back
boys soccer quarterfinals, the Anderson said. Im enjoying it goals in extra time.
Colts advance to the CCS semifi- because weve got a great bunch of Id rather have those goals earlier TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL
nals, becoming the second EC kids. ... Its been a fun ride so far. Christian Lupercio knocks home the first goal in El Caminos 3-0 win over
team ever to do so, matching the No. 3-seed El Caminos postsea- See B-SOCCER, Page 14 Del Mar in the CCS Division II quarterfinals Saturday at Colt Field.

Lady Bears stun

Cruz crowned
Senior is first ever
undefeated Paly
By Nathan Mollat
Facing them,
however, was a
fo urt h -s eeded
and undefeated
SSF heavyweight PALO ALTO It was only the
first round of the Central Coast
Palo Alto squad
that had allowed
to claim CCS title Section Open Division soccer
playoffs, but when the final whis-
only one goal
all season long,
By Terry Bernal tle sounded Saturday afternoon, the and that coming
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Menlo-Atherton girls celebrated as
if they won the championship. Katie Guenin in the second
game of the sea-
SAN JOSE Ooh what a night. Why all the excitement? The son. The Vikings were riding an
The oohs echoed from the fourth-seeded Bears, who won the 18-game unbeaten streak.
rafters of Independence High School Division I crown last season, were In the end, however, it was M-As
like something out of among the hottest teams in brack- Big Three of Katie Guenin, Diana
WrestleMania. Some were oohing et, having won 15 straight games Morales and Josephine Cotto who
Luke while others oohed Cruz. and who featured one of the most
Either way, Luke Cruzs name cul- potent offenses in the section. See G-SOCCER, Page 16
minated in South City boys
wrestling history Saturday as the
senior was crowned the Warriors Giants 9, Reds 5
first ever Central Coast Section
heavyweight champion.
I think its just support thats
accumulated over the four years,
Giants swinging into spring
Cruz said of his fans. And Im
happy for it. I love having all the S.F. improves to 3-0 in Cactus League play
support I can get. By Jack Thompson nothing hurts.
Cruz earned a 3-1 overtime win The left-han-
over Branham senior Lucas Peters. der gave up a hit
The two had never faced one another and a run and
before and stood toe to toe for most GOODYEAR, Ariz. Matt walked two in
of the regulation six minutes. The Moore kept it simple in his first his first ever
only points tallied in regulation spring start for the Giants. Cactus League
were each wrestler scoring a 1-point Moore struck out three in 1 1/3 ap p earan ce.
escape. innings and the Giants beat the Moore had spent
In the first one-minute overtime, Cincinnati Reds 9-5 on Sunday. Matt Moore his entire career
though, Cruz pressed for a double- I told Nick (Hundley, his catch- with Tampa Bay
leg takedown to claim the victory. er) lets just go with whats work- until a trade during last season.
The senior hopped to his feet, flex- TERRY BERNAL.DAILY JOURNAL ing and whats going to get guys It was good. We got him where we
ing his biceps while radiating a out, Moore said. I was actually wanted, manager Bruce Bochy said.
South City senior Luke Cruz celebrates his 3-1 overtime victory over
Branham senior Lucas Peters to capture the Central Coast Section pretty satisfied with each pitch
See CRUZ, Page 15 285-pound individual title Saturday night at Independence High School that I throw. The big positive is See GIANTS, Page 16
12 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stanford 65, Oregon 59

Kurt Busch revels in first Daytona 500 crown No.
By Jenna Fryer 8 Stanford

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Kurt Busch used

downs Oregon
a last-lap pass to win the crash-filled Daytona By Anne M. Peterson
500 on Sunday in the opening race of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Monster Energys new role as title sponsor of
NASCARs top series. EUGENE, Ore. Eighth-ranked Stanford
It was a redemption for Busch also spon- got a morale boost heading into the Pac-12
sored by Monster as the driver was sus- tournament.
pended by NASCAR two days before the 2015 Erica McCall had 16 points and 14
Daytona 500 for his off-track behavior, and rebounds and the Cardinal rebounded from a
for Monster, which has promised to pump loss at No. 10 Oregon
new life into NASCARs sagging sport. State with a 65-59 victory
Ive had a lot of people that have believed over Oregon Sunday.
in me through the years, a lot of people that Stanford (25-5, 15-3
have supported me, Busch said. Pac-12) wrapped up the
Buschs banged-up No. 41 Ford now heads No. 2 seed and a first-
to the museum for its yearlong display at round bye in the confer-
Daytona International Speedway. ence tournament that
The more that becomes unpredictable starts Thursday in Seattle.
about Daytona, the more it becomes pre- Erica McCall Karlie Samuelson added
dictable to predict unpredictability, Busch 18 points for the
said. This cars completely thrashed. Theres Cardinal, who led by as many as 13 points.
not a straight panel on it. The strategy today, JOHN DAVID MERCER/USA TODAY SPORTS Sabrina Ionescu had 18 points and seven
who knew what to pit when, what segments NASCAR Cup Series driver Kurt Busch celebrates winning the Daytona 500 Sunday in Florida. rebounds for Oregon (18-11, 8-9) which lost
were what. Everybodys wrecking as soon as Ryan Blaney finished second in a Ford. AJ But the race was slowed by wreck after its third straight.
were done with the second segment. Allmendinger was third in a Chevrolet, and wreck after wreck, including a 17-car acci- The Cardinal were coming off a 50-47 loss
The more that Ive run this race, the more Aric Almirola was fourth for Richard Petty dent at the start of the final stage that ended at Oregon State on Friday night. The
that I just throw caution to the wind, let it rip Motorsports. the race for seven-time and reigning series Beavers (27-3, 16-2) clinched a share of the
and just elbows out. Thats what we did. I can understand his disappointment, for champion Jimmie Johnson and Danica Pac-12 regular-season title with the victory,
It wasnt NASCARs finest moment, sure, Blaney said of Elliott, his friend and Patrick. It was a particularly rough incident and won it outright earlier Sunday with a 71-
though, as multiple accidents pared down the rival. Youre leading the race. Looks like for Patrick and her Stewart-Haas Racing 56 victory over California. Oregon State
field and had a mismatched group of drivers youre going to win the Daytona 500. You team, which had all four of its cars collected was picked to finish fifth in the conference.
racing for the win at the end. know how he is, hes very hard on himself. in the accident. The Beavers also clinched the top seed in the
It appeared to be pole-sitter Chase Elliotts But it wasnt his fault. You cant help you run Just seems like that could have been avoid- Pac-12 tournament, followed by No. 2
race to lose, then he ran out of gas. So did out of gas. ed and was uncalled for, Johnson said about Stanford, No. 3 Washington and No. 4 UCLA.
Kyle Larson, Martin Truex Jr., Paul Menard The win was a huge boost for Ford, which the aggressive racing behind him that trig- The top seeds get a bye to open the tournament.
and Kasey Kahne. As they all slipped off the lured Stewart-Haas Racing away from gered the accident.
pace, Busch sailed through for his first career Chevrolet this season and celebrated the coup Kurt Busch was able to continue, but most Oregon State 71, Cal 56
Daytona 500 victory in 16 tries. with its second Daytona 500 victory in three of the top contenders found themselves on CORVALLIS, Ore. Oregon State senior
It also was the first Daytona 500 win for years. Joey Logano won in a Ford in 2015. the outside looking in. Sydney Wiese scored 19 points and No. 10
Stewart-Haas Racing, which is co-owned by What a great win to start off a partner- Some years I think we have it where we run Oregon State clinched the Pac-12 regular
Tony Stewart. The three-time champion ship, said Raj Nair, Fords chief technical here and nobody wrecks and its great racing, season title outright with a 71-56 win over
retired at the end of last season and watched officer. We were so fast. We knew we had a said Brad Keselowski, and then you have California on Sunday. Marie Gulich added 14
his four cars race from the pits. good chance and Kurt hung in there after get- other years like this where everybody wrecks points while Kolbie Orum had 11 for the
I ran this damn race (17) years and couldnt ting caught up in that crash. He didnt give all the time. Beavers (27-3, 16-2 Pac-12).
win it, so finally won it as an owner, Stewart up. Roughly two hours before the race, Jaelyn Brown came off the bench to score
said. Its probably the most patient race Ive The first points race of the Monster era was NASCAR chairman Brian France issued driv- 21 points and Kristine Anigwe had 15
ever watched Kurt Busch run. He definitely run under a new format that split the 500 ers a stern warning about blocking. points and eight rebounds for the Golden
deserved that one for sure. miles into three stages. Kyle Busch won the France rarely wades into competition mat- Bears (18-12, 6-12).
It was a crushing defeat for Elliott, who is first stage, Kevin Harvick won the second ters, especially in public, but stepped to the The Golden Bears were coming off a 55-49
developing a reputation as a driver unable to stage and neither was a contender for the win. microphone to admonish the drivers. The win over Oregon that broke a four-game los-
immediately digest defeat. He left the track NASCAR also this year passed a rule that gave Truck Series and Xfinity Series races were ing streak. Brown, a freshman, made buzzer-
without comment in a car driven by his father, teams just five minutes to repair any damage sloppy wreck-fests, and France hardly wanted beating 3-pointers at end of the second and
Hall of Famer Bill Elliott. on their cars or they were forced to retire. the same spectacle for his Super Bowl. third quarters.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday Feb. 27, 2017 13
County teams dominate CCS final four for first time ever
HMB matches best postseason push in program history by reaching Division IV semifinals
By Terry Bernal Antonio Veloso said of NDBs comeback Erisman scores 28 to lead Menlo
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF attempt. The one thing [the Tigers] really
are is disciplined. You cant get back cuts In other CCS Division IV action, No. 1
For the first time in Central Coast Section because theyre going to stick with it. And Menlo (15-10) cruised into the semifinals with
girls basketball history, a final four bracket they stuck with it and we started missing a 62-49 win over No. 8 Monte Vista Christian.
is composed entirely of four San Mateo shots. Senior point guard Sam Erisman scored a game-
County teams. The Cougars shot just 32.8 percent high 28 points as the Knights look to reclaim
Half Moon Bay finished off the county throughout, including 2 for 10 in the fourth the CCS Division IV crown after having their
sweep of the CCS Division IV final four quarter. But a dynamic steal by Walling with streak of three straight CCS titles snapped last
Saturday at Notre Dame-Belmonts Moore 1:13 remaining helped avert disaster. season in the CCS Open Division.
Pavilion with a 41-31 victory over host Up 34-29, HMB had just missed a pair of No. 2 Oceana (21-5) downed No. 7 Mercy-
Notre Dame-Belmont. With the win, HMB free throws and NDB was looking to close it SF 61-48; and No. 3 Sacred Heart Prep defeat-
advances to the conventional semifinals for to a one-possession differential. But the ed No. 6 Scotts Valley 60-29. Oceana and
just the second time in school history, and Tigers didnt count on Walling stewing over SHP will meet in the other semifinal at
its first since 1994, matching the programs a turnover she coughed up three minutes prior Moore Pavilion Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
deepest run into CCS play. on a steal by NDB senior Cam McNab.
Rounding out this years Division IV final I got the ball ripped out of my hands, CCS divisions I, II, III and V
four are Menlo School, Oceana and Sacred Walling said. That kind of frustrated me a In CCS Division I action, No. 6 Carlmont
TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL little bit. So, I needed to get one back. (18-9) was eliminated by No. 3 Cupertino
Heart Prep. Only once in CCS history had as
many as three county teams reached the final HMB senior Ally Longaker takes aim in a Walling didnt allow NDBs rebound off 60-50. Cupertino faces Los Gatos in one DI
four, that coming in 1996 when Menlo, NDB 41-31 win over Notre Dame-Belmont. the second missed free throw to advance semifinal, while Silver Creek takes on top-
and eventual champion Terra Nova did so, Its a common theme for us this year, past midcourt, as she wrestled her third steal seed Palo Alto in the other.
also in the Division IV bracket. Davenport said. Teams with length give us a of the contest and took it uncontested to the In the Division II bracket, No. 7 Aragon (16-
From 1983-87, when the CCS Division II lot of problems shooting. Were not a great cylinder. 10) upset No. 2 Gunn 56-54 in overtime. The
bracket held North and South region semifi- shooting team overall. We just have to make What it did was let everybody know were Dons advance to face No. 6 Leigh in Tuesdays
nals, constituted of eight teams, HMB up for is with grit and determination, and just still in control, Veloso said. Because I semifinals at Aragon at 7:30 p.m. In the other
reached the semis in 1985. However, the getting the extra shots and trying to get think the one thing our girls have a hard time Tuesday semi at 5:30 p.m. at Aragon, No. 4
Cougars were knocked out in the final eight layups. But today it was tough because their with is, we can be up 4, but if the tide is turn- Westmont will take on top-seed Presentation.
by eventual CCS Division II champ Mills, height and length is just problematic at the ing ... they dont realize theyre still up 4. In Division III play, top-seed South City
which won the overall North vs. South cham- rim. And we rushed some shots that we would- And with Walling making that steal its a (24-4) got past Notre Dame-SJ 48-42
pionship game against CCS South champ nt normally rush. 50-50 steal; if she misses, that could come Saturday at Mills. The Warriors advance to
Harbor. The Cougars who technically played as back and haunt us that kind of shows the face No. 5 Aptos after Aptos downed Mills
The CCS dissolved Division IIs North- the home team against host NDB held the girls that, hey, were here. 45-44. South City and Aptos tip off
South format in 1988. Since then, no CCS No. 5 Tigers to 10 points in the first half and The elimination loss for NDB marks the Wednesday at Mills at 5:30 p.m. In the other
bracket from I to V has seen an all-county took a commanding 32-21 lead into the end of McNabs four-year varsity career. As a semifinal, No. 6 Sobrato takes on No. 2
final four until this season. fourth quarter. senior in 2016-17, she ranked fourth in the Soquel at Mills at 7:30 p.m.
No. 4-seed HMB (19-8) joined the final NDB (9-17) made a run in the fourth quarter, West Bay Athletic League Foothill Division In Division V play, No. 5 Alma Heights
four party by virtue of a strong defensive though, spurred by some strong defense of with 14.8 points per game and led NDB in (19-7) earned its second straight upset on its
effort by senior forward Ally Longaker and a its own. HMB opened the final period on a 0- rebounds (77), steals (38) and ranked second home court Saturday, defeating No. 4
game-high 21 points from senior point guard for-8 cold streak, not scoring for the first six in assists (23). Castilleja 33-29. The Eagles advance to
Addison Walling. minutes of the quarter. The Tigers closed it to With the win, NDB advances to Tuesdays Wednesdays semifinals to take on top-seed
NDB head coach Josh Davenport credited a two-possession game at 36-31 with just semifinals to face top-seed Menlo. Tipoff at Priory at Alma Heights at 7:30 p.m. In the
HMBs defense for holding his team to 26.8 under one minute to play, but that is as close Moore Pavilion is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. other DIV semifinal, No. 2 St. Francis SCP
percent shooting, a backbreaker in that there as theyd get. We can make a run (at the CCS title), defi- takes on No. 3 Stevenson at Alma Heights at
were so many close-range misses. I wasnt surprised at all, HMB head coach nitely, Walling said. Were a strong team. 5:30 p.m.
14 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

from midfield. Thats when Stus struck the 68th minute on a rocket attempt by Del High Schools Terremere Field at 4:30 p.m.

B-SOCCER back, booming an assist pass into the box

for Lupercio, who got behind the defender
just outside of the left post for an easy tap
Mar sophomore Sebastian Garcia.
The one time Deinla got drawn out of posi-
tion, as Del Mar was going all-in on offense
Menlo prevails in 94th minute of OT
In other CCS Division II action, No. 2
Continued from page 11 in, giving the Colts the lead. in an attempt to tie in the 78th minute, Colts Menlo (15-1-4) battled for a 1-0 overtime
I think the goal right before the second half senior defender Gabriel Gonzalez stayed home win at home over No. 10 Soledad (11-6-3).
started, theres a lot of momentum and it gave to reject a shot from the keepers box. The Knights produced the game-winner in the
on to keep my blood pressure down, Anderson us a good boost to go out there and fight even Then, two minutes later as the match went
said. 94th minute for their second straight OT vic-
harder, Lupercio said. It was a tough first half into five minutes of extra time, Del Mar tory as junior Alistair Shaw got past two
No. 11 Del Mar (14-2-6) got Andersons but we knew it was going to get more difficult completely sold out on offense, pushing
heart going by opening with an impressive defenders for a close-range strike.
before the end of the game with fatigue and even its goalkeeper into the front-row I was lucky enough to make the play,
first half, controlling the tempo with quick, everything. But we just kept that momentum attack. With all 11 Dons up on a corner kick,
exact passes that had El Camino playing Shaw said via press release. It was a scrappy
going and we got the other two goals. Deinla produced the last of an array of clutch goal, but a goal is a goal, and we'll take it.
defense for the opening 20 minutes. Colts Those two goals, however, didnt come for saves with the opposing keeper tugging
goalkeeper Nate Deinla was on point, though. In the other CCS Division II semifinal, No.
another 40 minutes. at his jersey no less then made Del Mar 5 Serra (12-6-4) will take on No. 8 Hillsdale
And while the senior keeper faced his biggest El Camino survived a Del Mar barrage in the pay with a quick outlet throw to Marquez.
tests in the second half, the play of center (17-3-2). Serra downed No. 13 Gonzales 3-0
opening minutes of the second half. The Dons, Marquez proved to be the fastest player on Saturday at Brady Family Stadium. Hillsdale
defensive back Martin Hernandez and a clutch now working towards the west goal with the the field by taking the throw like a sling-
sliding tackle on a near Del Mar breakaway by outlasted No. 16 Sacred Heart Prep (11-8-1) 2-
sun in their faces, managed a close throw-in, a shot and dribbling 50 yards before tapping a 0 at Mazzoncini Stadium. SHP had previously
defender Edson Diaz in the 19th minute were free kick from 30 yards out and a corner kick all shot into the empty net, giving EC a 2-0
critical to maintaining a scoreless tie. delivered the biggest upset of the postseason,
within the first five minutes of the half. lead to all but clinch the win. eliminating top-seed Prospect last
According to Del Mar second-year head Then the Colts midfielders, led by Stus and We know [Marquez] has a lot of speed and Wednesday in a 1-0 thriller.
coach Ryan Castaneda, his Dons were execut- senior Shayan Charalaghi, started communi- we know we can do that, Deinla said. So as
ing their game plan through the opening 40 cating with Lupercio on the left wing. This soon as I get the ball I just get rid of it as Menlo-Atherton into Division I semis
minutes. But then, when forward Christian was effective for getting ECs leading goal quick as I can. We do it all the time. Just,
Lupercio converted just before the halftime scorer, the fleet-footed senior Christian that time it clicked. In CCS Division I action, the No. 6
whistle, it worked to take Del Mar out of its Marquez, plenty of play on the right side. After Marquez tackled the corner flag at Menlo-Atherton boys (10-7-4) downed No.
rhythm for the rest of the afternoon. the northeast corner in celebration, EC 14 Andrew Hill 2-1 in overtime. The Bears
We knew we had to fight hard and stay in
I think letting that goal in right before added one more goal as Lupercio sent in a advance to play No. 2 Watsonville (13-6-3)
there, Marquez said. We have a good
half kind of killed it, Castaneda said. cross pass to Stus, who booted it in to close in the semifinals Wednesday at Westmont
defense, good mids and good strikers, so we
The Colts missed a chance in the 38th the historic win in style. High School-Campbell at 7 p.m. No. 5
knew wed have a good chance. And all the
minute on a corner kick, with senior Ivan Stus The victory completes ECs unbeaten Mountain View and No. 8 Lincoln square off
chances we get, we put it away.
putting a header on target over the reach of Del streak at home during the 2016-17 season. in the other Division I semifinal.
Marquez played a tireless second half, seem-
Mars goalkeeper. But Dons sophomore ing to get even faster as the match progressed. Having lost just one match all season, a 2-1
Christopher Vargas saved the shot on goal, But late in the half the score was still 1-0, defeat at San Mateo High School in PAL Carlmont advances in Open Division
heading it out one foot shy of the goal line. forcing Deinla and the EC defense to hunker Ocean Division play, the Colts were 13-0-2 In the CCS Open Division, No. 4
Del Mar cleared the ball momentarily, but down. That they did. Deinla produced several on their home field. Carlmont advances to the semifinals after
El Camino intercepted and earned a free kick pressure saves, highlighted by a diving nab in The important thing about us getting a eliminating No. 5 Homestead 0-0 (4-3 on
No. 3 seed is we got two home games, penalty kicks). The Scots (15-4-2) will face
Anderson said. We havent lost here all No. 8 Monterey Wednesday at Milpitas High
year and [the players] knew that. And that School at 7 p.m. after Monterey dismissed
was the work that we had to do. top-seed Alisal 3-1. In the other Open
With the win, the Colts advance to play at a Division semifinal, No. 2 St. Ignatius will
neutral site in Wednesdays semifinals. EC face No. 6 Pioneer. St. Ignatius eliminated
will take on No. 2 Menlo School at Sequoia No. 7 Aragon (13-7-1) with a 2-1 victory.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday Feb. 27, 2017 15
were going to win that takedown. So its a like he and Patrick P-Loc Locsin had
scenario Im very comfortable with. I was planned. CCS boys hoops
just excited to be there. The sense of family runs deep between
While Cruz is winding down his high Cruz and Matteucci as well. HMB, Menlo, Jeff advance to semis
Continued from page 11 school career in fairytale style he does This means so much, especially with Top-seed Half Moon Bay (20-7) picked up
advance to the state championships this Luke, Matteucci said. Ive always been his overall win No. 20 with a 61-44 victory over
weekend in Bakersfield the CCS title is dad since Day One especially after what No. 9 Sacred Heart Prep (12-14) in the Central
boyish smile towards the crowd in celebra-
so much more personal than mere hardware. happened his freshman year. Coast Section Division IV quarterfinals
tion of capturing the 285-pound division
It was a goal he shared with a now- Saturday at Hartnell College-Salinas. The
gold medal. South City has had two previous heavy-
deceased friend, Patrick Locsin, who com- Cougars now advance to Tuesdays semis to
The fourth-year varsity star then raced mitted suicide in 2013 the day prior to weights take third place at CCS. Matteuccis
face No. 5 Santa Cruz at Hartnell at 7:30 p.m.
over to his corner to share an emotional hug South Citys first dual meet when Cruz was a son Tony was the last to do so in 2003.
Joe Foley scored a game-high 22 points
with longtime South City coach Steve freshman. Andy Fuimaono was the first in 1982. The
and No. 3 Menlo (17-7) advanced to the
Matteucci, then proceeded to hug it out with Cruz and Locsin had been best friends Warriors have had two other CCS champi-
CCS Division IV semis with a 57-37 win
new head coach Temo Cervantes. since meeting in fourth grade at Monte ons in lower weight classes.
over No. 6 Carmel (17-9) Saturday at
He wrestled his perfect match, Verde Elementary School. By the time they In the team competition Saturday, Gilroy Hartnell. The Knights now take on No. 2
Cervantes said. Thats what we were look- graduated to Westborough Middle School in High School earned its 15th straight CCS Pacific Grove Tuesday at Hartnell at 5:30
ing for: a 3-1 victory. We knew the kid was South San Francisco, they had already boys team title. Serra was the top San p.m. Menlo has seven all-time CCS titles,
tough, we knew he wasnt going to put on a planned to wrestle at South City, inspired Mateo County team in ninth place. most recently in 2012-13.
show. He went in there calm-headed, knew by Locsins older brother Jordon and Cruzs In other individual competition, San No. 3 Jefferson (18-9) defeated No. 6
his game plan and knew what the outcome older cousin Roko Smiljanic, both of whom Mateo County wrestlers landed two bronze Sobrato 58-43 in the CCS Division III quar-
was going to look like. wrestled for the Warriors. medals, with Terra Novas Daniel Borrego ters Saturday at St. Ignatius. The Grizzlies
It was Cruzs first overtime match of the We knew we were going to wrestle for taking third place at 113s; and Serras Evan advance to take on No. 2 Monterey
year, he said. He faced plenty of them during South San Francisco, Cruz said. And the Behrendt taking third at 182s. Finishing in Wednesday at S.I. at 5:30 p.m.
his underclassman years though, and has plan was, my senior year, we would be fourth place was Serras Evan Jones at 138s; In Division I, No. 7 Carlmont fell to No.
trained on the scenario all season. league champions and CCS champions. and Mills Sione Langi at 220s. Finishing 2 Los Gatos 72-43; in Division II, No. 11
Its a scenario that we love, Cruz said. Locsins brother Jordan was in the crowd in fifth place was Burlingames Kyle San Mateo was eliminated by No. 3 Valley
Every single day coach Temo Cervantes Saturday night. And soon after Cruz shared Botelho at 106s. Finishing in sixth place Christian 69-51, and No. 10 Aragon fell to
and I, we drill one-minute goes. And he just emotional hugs with his coaches, Jordan was Carlmonts Dylan Adams at 145s; Half No. 2 Leigh 75-71 in overtime; and in
tells me the same exact thing: CCS finals. was one of the first people from the crowd to Moon Bays Jimmy Claitor at 170s; and San Division V, No. 8 Nueva School was defeat-
State finals. You get into that overtime and embrace the newly-minted CCS champion Mateos Tristen Helin at 195s. ed by No. 1 St. Francis SCP 64-36.

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16 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

That was a bit of our game plan, Luce That was a big goal for us. We knew their Margaret Child stationed in the middle of
said. We put a lot of good pressure on their record, Luce said. To get one against them the box, who also found the right corner for
back line. Lets force them (the Vikings early proves that we could do it. a 3-0 M-A advantage.
defense) to be great today. Palo Alto, meanwhile, continued to control They (the Vikings) are a solid team. I
Continued from page 11 Guenin, who came in as M-As leading scor- the midfield for the rest of the half, but could knew wed have to do something special and
er, was held out of the net by a concerted defen- not muster much in the final third against M- we did, Luce said.
sive effort from Palo Alto. So Guenin simply As underrated defense. While the Vikings
trumped the Vikings impregnable defense to went from scorer to helper as she had a foot in managed to fire off eight shots in the first
the tune of a 3-0 victory. all three goals. With the Vikings focused on half, only three were on frame and nearly all of
Woodside back in Open semis
I didnt see this coming, Palo Alto coach not letting Guenin beat them, it opened up her them came from outside the penalty box.
Kurt Devlin said. They found their key play- In other CCS girls soccer action,
teammates, who, when given the chance, The Bears had only three shots, but one Woodside, which won the Open Division
ers. prove to be just as deadly finishing as Guenin. found the back of the net and another rolled title last season, advanced to the semifinals
The Bears did against Palo Alto (14-1-4) Its hard to stop her in all facets. You agonizingly wide on attempts by Morales. of the Division I bracket. The fifth-seeded
what they have been doing to a majority of cant stop everything about her, Luce said. In the second half, it was more of the Wildcats beat No. 4 Los Altos, 2-1.
teams all season long: they got an early first- Shes definitely our star player, but we same: Palo Alto controlling the ball and M-
half goal and then added on in the second half, Woodside (12-6-2) will take on No. 1 Los
have a lot of talent around her. A getting a bulk of the scoring opportuni-
striking for two more in the stunning upset of Gatos (13-6-3) at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Del
After weathering a strong start by Palo Alto, ties. The Bears had four shots in the second
the Vikings. Mar High School in San Jose.
M-A stunned everyone with a ninth-minute, half two goals and two near misses.
We just wanted to have a good perform- against-the-run-of-play goal, scoring on its M-A doubled its lead in the 56th minute. Sequoia, the PAL Ocean Division champ
ance, M-A coach Jason Luce said. first shot of the game. Morales ran past the Again, a ball was served over the top of the and No. 7 seed in Division, saw its season
The Bears will need another special per- Palo Alto defensive line to chase down a Palo Alto defense, where Guenin and end with a 2-1 loss to No. 2 Santa Clara. The
formance if they are to advance to their second through ball. The Vikings recovered and just Morales were running on goal. Guenin drew Cherokees finish the season 15-3-2.
straight section final. M-A (16-3-1) will now before dispossessing the ball from Morales, a double team and as the ball dropped over
face top-seeded Mitty (16-2-3) in a semifinal she used a slide to slice a pass back to the top her shoulder, she touched it into space for a Menlo, NDB fall in DII quarters
game at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday at Westmont of the box where it found Guenin with her back wide open Morales, who took a couple of
High School in Campbell. The Monarchs beat to the goal and a defender on her back. Instead touches before hammering her shot to the far In Division II action, Menlo School saw
No. 8 Salinas 3-0 in their first-round game. of trying to bull her way through, she laid off right corner for a 2-0 lead. their quest to repeat as CCS champs extin-
About the only thing M-A lost in the game a back pass to an onrushing Cotto, who let [Morales] was a catalyst for them, Devlin guished by No. 11 Sobrato, which beat the
was the time of possession battle as the loose a shot from 25 yards out. said. third-seeded Knights on penalty kicks, 3-2,
Vikings controlled the ball for the bulk of the It wasnt a rocket of a shot, but what it Morales had two more golden scoring following scoreless regulation and overtime
game. But the Bears proved there are ways of lacked in velocity she made up for with pin- chances fall by the wayside, but the Bears periods. The Knights end the season with a
beating teams other than consistent posses- point accuracy. The goalkeeper was frozen iced the win in the 76th minute. Guenin 12-5-3 record.
sion. When the Bears did get the ball, they and the ball nestled into the far right corner chased a ball down the left sideline, gained No. 5 Notre Dame-Belmont (16-4-2) also
wasted little time in going on the attack, of the net. the end line, beat her defender and made a run bowed out in the Division II quarterfinals,
using a direct, over-the-top approach to get It was the first goal allowed by Palo Alto at goal. As another defender stepped up to falling to No. 4 Presentation, ending the
their lethal strikers into space. since a 2-1 win over Gunn on Dec. 1. shut her down, Guenin found a wide open Tigers first CCS appearance since 2009.

son with eight innings of three-hit ball ERA between Tampa Bay and San Francisco. good building block. We got four outs, so I

GIANTS against the Los Angeles Dodgers on the

final day of the regular season.
He followed that by going eight innings,
Moore feels he is finally all the way back
after logging 198 1/3 innings in the regular
season in 2016.
think today was a good start.
Moore hopes to build off his strong fin-
ish to 2016, but noted things often can
Continued from page 11 striking out 10 and giving up just two hits I did get a little more rest, but maybe not
come together late this season a tough
against the Chicago Cubs in Game 4 of the in preparation for the season as much as to
formula to replicate early in the season.
NL Division Series. recover from a full season, he said.
They just need to get out there and get some
Moore is likely to slot third in the rota- I usually stink in spring training. Last At times, its not always clicking in the
work. Build em all up.
tion behind Madison Bumgarner and year was the first time I ever had a reasonable right direction, but I think last year ... I dont
The Giants acquired Moore for a package Johnny Cueto. ERA and had some outings where you could think I can try any harder, he said. Its more
including infielder Matt Duffy, and Moore After a promising start to his career, see that you could carry it into the season. In just being a little bit more in tune with how
helped San Francisco to a wild-card berth. Moore had Tommy John surgery in 2014 the past, it had been the opposite where you my bodys feeling, what Im capable of doing,
The 27-year-old has had control issues in and didnt regain a regular rotation spot know we still got some work to do as Aprils and getting strike one. I think if I throw strike
his career, but he finished strong last sea- until last season. He was 13-12 with a 4.08 coming around. ... But I feel like today was a one I have a hard time walking guys.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Monday Feb. 27, 2017 17
Allergies to animals
ast week I gave unsolicited and likely unwanted mar-
riage advice to Roberta whose husbands animal
allergies left their kid deprived if not psychologi-
cally abused. Since The Daily Journals editors demonstrat-
ed no common sense in printing that, whats to stop me
from giving medical advice? Lets talk about allergies!
As much as I might wish to dismiss allergies as hogwash,
they do exist. They are often however misunderstood and
overstated. Fact: I am allergic to cats. Ive had the tests, my
forearms swelled with bumps that looked like I was smug-
gling tennis balls under my skin. But
right now there are 75 cats a few feet
from my office, plus I live with three,
two of whom sleep on the pillow
alongside if not on top of my head.
But just as I continue to enjoy a
glass or four with dinner even though
red wine gives me headaches, so too
REUTERS are Puccini, Isabelle and Stinky Louise
Director Barry Jenkins holds the Oscar as Moonlight wins Best Picture. very much a welcome part of my life.
Yes, I do sneeze. So? The cats might

Big night for Moonlight at movie awards

By Jake Coyle But backstage, Stone said she was office, its one of the lowest grossing
resent the metaphor but it really is much the same: weigh
the pros and cons, and try to limit those cons.
For most, our noses are bothered more by floating hair
and animal dander than the wonderfully irresistible coats on
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS holding her winning envelope at the best-picture winners ever but also those loving guys and gals. Regular brushing, which my
time. I think everyones in a state of one of the most critically adored. cats adore, keeps the floating hair down. Bathe that dog!
LOS ANGELES Oscar winner, take confusion still, said Stone. Later the Host Jimmy Kimmel had come for- Kind roommate or spouses who brush the animals and
two. actress, who pledged her deep love of ward to inform the cast that change the litter box are fabulous (dont be taking advan-
Barry Jenkins Moonlight not, Moonlight, added, Is that the crazi- Moonlight had indeed won, showing tage!), or wear a dust mask while brushing.
as it turned out, La La Land won est Oscar moment of all time? Cool! the inside of the envelope as proof. I What about hypoallergenic breeds? That IS hogwash. Fur
best picture at the Academy Awards in a Kenneth Lonergan, who won best knew I would screw this up, said (even if called hair), skin and saliva all cause allergic reac-
historic Oscar upset and an unprecedent- screenplay for his Manchester by the Kimmel, a first-time host. tions, since its really the proteins in those bits of debris
ed fiasco that saw one winner swapped Sea, joked to reporters, It turned out Producer Jordan Horwitz then gra- causing the allergic response. All dogs and cats have hair
for another while the La La Land pro- that we actually won best picture. ciously passed his statue to the (the so-called hairless Chinese crested has hairy feet and
ducers were in mid-speech. It was, nevertheless, a shocking upset Moonlight producers. I noticed the ears), all shed (although some less than others).
Presenters Warren Beatty and Faye considering that La La Land came in commotion that was happening and I Everyone has to make choices. I choose cats and dogs.
Dunaway apparently took the wrong with 14 nominations, a record that tied thought that something strange had And red wine.
envelope the one for best actress it with Titanic and All About Eve. occurred, Jenkins said backstage. The
winner Emma Stone onto the stage. Barry Jenkins tender, bathed-in-blue last 20 minutes of my life have been
Ken White is the president of the Peninsula Humane Society
When they realized the mistake, repre- coming-of-age drama, made for just insane. He said that backstage Beatty
sentatives for ballot tabulators Price $1.5 million, is an unusually small insisted on showing the wrong enve- & SPCA.
Waterhouse Coopers raced onstage to Oscar winner. Having made just over lope to him before anyone else. This is
try to stop the acceptance speech. $22 million as of Sunday at the box not a joke.

Peeles Get Out scares up big debut weekend

By Lindsey Bahr Part of the reason is positive reviews.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Get Out has a 100 percent rating on Top 10 movies
Rotten Tomatoes, which is extremely
LOS ANGELES Great reviews and rare for a thriller and only added to the 1.Get Out, $30.5 million.
2.The Lego Batman Movie, $19 million
buzz propelled comedian Jordan Peeles excitement going into the weekend, ($12.9 million international).
directorial debut, the micro-budget said Universal President of Domestic 3.John Wick: Chapter Two, $9 million
Theatrical Distribution Nick Carpou. ($13.1 million international).
thriller Get Out, to a chart-topping 4.The Great Wall, $8.7 million ($14.6
opening weekend with $30.5 million Jordan Peele is an absolute talent, million international).
according to studio estimates Sunday. he said. As we got closer and closer to 5.Fifty Shades Darker, $7.7 million
($19.8 million international).
The Blumhouse-produced and opening, its amazing how many peo- 6.Fist Fight, $6.4 million ($1.3 million
Universal Pictures-distributed lm cost ple were rooting for it. international).
7.Hidden Figures, $5.9 million ($5.7
an estimated $4.5 million to make. Peele, who most audiences know for million international).
While it was expected to perform well his sketch comedy work on the series 8.La La Land, $4.6 million ($14.4 million
Key & Peele, wrote and directed the international).
against its budget, few people foresaw a 9.Split, $4.1 million ($17.3 million
debut this big especially with a rela- lm about a black man who travels international).
tively unknown star in Daniel Kaluuya upstate to meet his white girlfriends 10.Lion, $3.8 million ($6.8 million
leading the lm. family.
18 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL

consider making cuts to a set of programs and staff still not retail space, more than 436,000 square feet of offices and a

Continued from page 1
fully recovered from the reductions made during the Great
Im not sure what we could cut at $900,000 We have
hotel in the area seen by some Millbrae officials as a poten-
tial economic engine for the citys future.
The proposal has sent school and city officials scrambling
already cut our certificated [staff] down to the bone, and that for additional revenue streams to cover against expected cost
is a lot of positions we would have to cut back, he said. increases brought by the developments. At the request of the
the findings in a district which is among the few county The parcel tax discussion comes as the district is seeking school district, developers wishing to build in the 116-acre
school systems without a parcel tax. to increase its various sources of revenue. Officials recently site will be asked by the city to meet and discuss with educa-
We are really pleased with the results, he said. That is agreed to hike the fees charged to developers proposing com- tion officials the potential impacts of their projects.
good. mercial and residential construction, in an attempt to offset Considering the variety of talks needing to be held over
While initial indications are positive, Barbaro noted offi- costs associated with expected enrollment growth. the coming months to lay groundwork toward getting the
cials have yet to make a decision to move forward in pursuit Also, prior to collecting input on the parcel tax, officials parcel tax passed, Barbaro said he believed school officials
of the tax. Instead, he advocated for launching a public edu- considered pursuing a bond measure which would have should begin to move quickly.
cation campaign designed to inform local residents on the financed building more classrooms and school facilities Even with the positive initial polling results, he said
districts need for additional funding. needed to accommodate the anticipated flood of students in approving putting the tax on the ballot is no sure deal.
We know we have to educate, and that we have our work cut coming years. This is a hard thing for a trustee, he said. Its a hard deci-
out for us, he said. A portion of the districts anxiety regarding enrollment sion we have got to bring the community in, and bring
Barbaro suggested the district host a town hall meeting as growth is due to a couple large residential developments pro- people in, and hear what they are thinking,
a first step to spread awareness regarding the districts dire posed in the 116-acre site near the citys Caltrain and Bay But facing a variety of financial challenges in a district
financial outlook in coming years, which projects a deficit of Area Rapid Transit station, adjacent to El Camino Real and that has gone many years without a parcel tax, Barbaro sug-
nearly $900,000 over the next couple fiscal years. Millbrae Avenue. gested he favored officials ultimately going after the addi-
Without the roughly $725,000 expected to be generated by Two builders have expressed interest in constructing a tional revenue.
the parcel tax, Barbaro said officials would likely be forced to combined 800 new residential units, 77,000 square feet of I think we are overdue, he said.
mary care. office, for Singh, the extra space in the new facility allows the

Continued from page 1
A provider will call one of the therapists into the exam
room to introduce them, and patient can leave with an
appointment, she said.
clinic to meet the changing needs of the community that sur-
rounds the clinic. The clinic most recently added to its staff a
pharmacist, who can work with patients to make sure they
For some of patients Alvarez sees, not having a permanent understand how to take their prescriptions and coordinate them
address can make it difficult for mental health providers to fol- with their insurance providers.
Dietitians and nurses work with patients on conditions low up with the appropriate care. Meeting their future thera- We still have services that I think we can add, but we try to
like diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Specialists pist face to face means the difference between a missed be as comprehensive as possible, she said.
in geriatrics, orthopedics and hormonal balance hold hours appointment and path toward recovery. Alvarez said that inte- For the team that surrounds Singh, the coordination of care is
at the clinic on certain days to save patients a trip to grating primary care and mental health also helps reduce the built into the way they work. Nurses and doctors sit side by side
another hospital or clinic, which may mean time off work stigma often associated with receiving mental health services, as they review patient records on computer monitors, just out-
they cant afford. which also increases patient follow through on much-needed side exam rooms. Every morning, Singh and her team meet in
Getting around to make it to see the subspecialists can be services. a huddle for 10 minutes at 10 a.m. to discuss ways they can
a big barrier, said Singh. Some dont actually ever make it, By addressing the whole person with this integrated care, it improve, oftentimes thinking about how they can improve
[and] theyll just not go. leads to less stigmatization of mental health and addiction, connections between different groups at the clinic.
Elizabeth Alvarez, mental health clinician at the Fair Oaks she said. Alvarez has been fortunate in seeing the payoff of the staffs
Health Center, knows the power of connecting patients with Though the clinics strength has long been in integrating efforts, and said she has seen the community embrace the clin-
the services they need at their primary care appointments. In care between various care providers, the completion of its ics work over time.
the 18 years she has worked at the clinic, she has helped many expanded 36,000-square-foot facility in late 2013 has acceler- Accessibility is a real benefit to the community because we
high-risk and often homeless patients get access to therapy ated its ability to connect patients with the right providers. are a place near where they shop, eat and work, she said. I
and addiction recovery programs, among other mental health While Alvarez remembers a time when a much smaller ver- hear many patients referring to it as the clinic or la clnica
services, while they are at the clinic to see a doctor for pri- sion of the clinic provided one mental health clinician with one as if it were the only clinic in Redwood City.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Monday Feb. 27, 2017 19

Around the nation

Family says actor As a boy, he
was in the
Bill Paxton has died crowd that wel-
LOS ANGELES Bill Paxton, a c o m e d
prolific and charismatic actor who President John
had memorable roles in such F. Kennedy in
blockbusters as Apollo 13 and Texas on the
Titanic while also cherishing morning of
his work in One False Move and Nov. 22, 1963,
other low-budget movies and in Bill Paxton hours before
the HBO series Big Love, has Kennedy was
died from complications due to killed in Dallas. As a young man,
surgery. He was 61. he worked in the art department for
A family representative issued a B movie king Roger Corman,
statement Sunday on the death but who helped launch the careers of
TOM JUNG/ DAILY JOURNAL provided no further details. numerous actors and filmmakers.
Redwood City celebrates its 150th birthday this year. Events will include guest speakers, historical films and Paxton, a Fort Worth, Texas, Paxtons movie credits included
activities hosted by local merchants and restaurants. The Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee members native, appeared in dozens of some of the signature works of the
are (left to right) Marian Wydo, Georgi LaBerge, Nancy Radcliffe, Janet McGovern, Karen Seiko-Arimoto, Co-chair movies and television shows and past 40 years, from Titanic and
Barbara Pierce, Co-chair Dee Eva, Paula Uccelli, Pamela Estes, Robert Slusser, Chris Beth, Barbara Britschgi, Judy seemed to be around when history Apollo 13 to The Terminator
Yoakum and Jim Clifford. Visit rwc150.org for more info. was made both on and off screen. and Aliens.
*** *** Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 18, 2017.
Ry an and As hl ey Bro wn, of El Dani el Fernandes Barro s and Ri ta de ***
Granada, gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia Ol i v ei ra Brag a Lo pez, of Redwood City, Zi ao ji ng Zhang and Dandan Fan, of
Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 11, 2017. gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia Hopsital San Jose, gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia
*** in Redwood City Feb. 16, 2017. Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 18, 2017.
Manuel and Amanda Al eg ri a, of Bl ake and Ji e Jacquo t, of San Carlos, *** ***
Redwood City, gave birth to a baby boy at gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia Hospital Andrew Sweatt and Ki rs ten Reg al i a, Sco tt and Sus an Ni el s en, of San
Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 1, in Redwood City Feb. 12, 2017. of San Carlos, gave birth to a baby girl at Francisco, gave birth to a baby boy at
2017. *** Sequoia Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 17, Sequoia Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 19,
*** Ro bert and Adri enne Wener, of San 2017. 2017.
Geo rg e and Mary Mi l i o ni s , of Carlos, gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia *** ***
Emerald Hills, gave birth to a baby boy at Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 12, 2017. Ti mo thy and Kari na Babco ck, of Tao Huang and Xi ny an Ni , of Palo
Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 1, *** Redwood City, gave birth to a baby girl at Alto, gave birth to a baby girl at Sequoia
2017. Anto ni o and Jenni fer Najera, of Sequoia Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 17, Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 19, 2017.
*** Redwood City, gave birth to a baby girl at 2017. ***
Sean and Li nds ay Vo ra, of San Mateo, Sequoia Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 13, *** Kai l a Farrel l , of Mountain Ranch, gave
gave birth to a baby girl at Sequoia Hospital 2017. Bejami n and Kri s ten Vo g l ewede, of birth to twin baby girls at Sequoia Hopsital
in Redwood City Feb. 1, 2017. *** San Jose, gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia in Redwood City Feb. 19, 2017.
*** Matthew and Rebecca Bal aban, of
Ry an and Ki mberl y Cal dbeck, of San Jose, gave birth to a baby girl at
Emerald Hills, gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia Hopsital in Redwood City Feb. 14,
Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 6, 2017.
2017. ***
*** Hami s h Barney and El i s ang el a Sena
Mari o Cas taneda and Day na Jes us , of Barney , of Los Altos, gave birth to a baby
Hayward, gave birth to a baby girl at Sequoia boy at Sequoia Hopsital in Redwood City
Hospital in Redwood City Feb. 11, 2017. Feb. 15, 2017.








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20 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL

Over the course of several years and fastidious ties. So it has this large piece of property it can

Continued from page 1
legal negotiations, the pieces began to come
together. Half Moon Bay collected $5 million
from the Association of Bay Area Governments
now do whatever they want with it.
The neighboring 11-acre Glencree property
was donated to the city after the Beachwood liti-
risk-sharing pool; a $10 million and $3.15 mil- gation was resolved with the city now owning TUESDAY, FEB. 28
lion award from another insurance company; and nearly 35 acres, according to Condotti. Library Film Nights: Queen of Katwe. 5
wetlands had formed and a project that extensive p.m. to 7 p.m. 1 Library Ave., Millbrae.
most recently, a $450,000 award from the insurer Moving forward, one of the first things the city Admission is free. For more information
wouldnt be feasible. Although some coun- for the contractor that did the original work call 697-7607.
cilmembers may have considered a smaller proj- must do before considering potential opportuni-
resulting in wetlands, according to the city. ties at the property is conduct a thorough analy- Second Water Utility Infrastructure
ect the community has frequently been sensi- It has a complicated procedural history to say Study Session. 6 p.m. Chetcuti
tive to large developments in its coastal-zoned sis of the environmentally sensitive habitats Community Room, 450 Poplar Ave.,
the least, said City Attorney Tony Condotti. I that are on the property, Ruddock said. behind City Hall, Millbrae. Open to the
city the decision prompted the owner to sue, think its fair to say that everyone at the city is public. At this study session, residents are
unraveling a flurry of related legal actions. The only current member who was on the coun- invited to discuss the current state of our
pleased to have this litigation behind us. cil during the beginning of the Beachwood issue, water infrastructure, building upon ideas
Despite the citys success in San Mateo County and goals from previous meetings. For
and state appellate courts, the property owner The city did not fully recoup all of its losses, Ruddock said its unfortunate the city didnt nego- more information visit
eventually won a federal case that ended with an which included related legal costs and bond inter- tiate to keep the water connections as part of its www.ci.millbrae.ca.us/waterutilityinfra-
est, and Half Moon Bay essentially is out about structure.
order for Half Moon Bay to pay nearly $41 mil- keeping the property. Water connections are very
lion for the Beachwood site. Although it was able $2.4 million. However, it now owns the valuable, running up to $70,000 a piece, and are Introduction to Co.Starters
Beachwood site and a neighboring property. Entrepreneur Program. 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
to negotiate it down to $18 million the prop- required as part of any residential development. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos.
erty owner couldnt collect had the city gone The city is also making about $1 million a year Although there are a variety of ideas includ- Currently accepting applications for this
nine-week program. Limited to 16 com-
bankrupt the 2007 order aligning with the payments to settle the interest on the bonds it ing constructing housing, creating a park or con- mitted individuals/partners. For more
economic recession was a one-two punch to Half took out, which is expected to be fully settled in sidering a land swap Ruddock said the storied information email [email protected].
Moon Bays finances. August 2019, according to the citys finance history of Beachwood and the toll it took on the Cuba after Fidel. 7 p.m. Burlingame
Its a very dark and murky tale, said Deputy director. community makes outreach critical. Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame.
Come for a talk about the changes taking
City Attorney Reed Gallogly. Still, marking the end of the related legal cases We want to go through a process that allows place in Cuba since restoration of diplo-
Just when some thought all was lost, the city is a major accomplishment, Gallogly said. the community to feel like theyre being heard, matic relations with the U.S. and the
future of Cuba after Fidel Castros death.
hired experts and uncovered a range of insurance Were very pleased to put that one to bed, Ruddock said, noting everyone not just neigh- For more information call 558-7444.
policies from which it could potentially seek Gallogly said. The silver lining is that the city bors should weigh in as theres been a big city Shakespeares Twelfth Night by the
reimbursements, Gallogly said. now owns the Beachwood and Glencree proper- investment in dealing with this issue. San Francisco Shakespeare Festival. 7
p.m. San Mateo Main Library, 55 W. Third
enhanced sidewalks and bike lanes had been dis- really passionate about and organize overarch- Ave., San Mateo. Free. For more informa-

Continued from page 1
cussed at a previous meeting.
Several group members expressed interest in
including public art and open or green spaces in
ing efforts toward that, he said.
The group also reviewed strategies for incen-
tivizing economic activity along the corridor,
tion call 522-7818.
Rainwater Harvesting and Graywater
Reuse Workshop. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Millbrae
the activity nodes where possible. Planning such as creating a business assessment district, Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae. Free. Learn
innovativew methods for harvesting rain-
Commission Vice Chair Kevin Bondonno, who which would tax businesses and use revenue water and capturing household graywa-
serving on the Housing and Human Concerns also serves on the advisory group, noted the toward street cleaning and improvements, a ten- ter for use in your garden and landscape.
committee, the group reviewed the number and For more information or to RSVP call 349-
potential of the aesthetic improvements to help ant retention program that would require exist- 3000 or visit bawsca.org.
possible placement of activity centers, or build- those passing through the city's stretch of El ing businesses to be included in redevelopment
ing and parking clusters allowing residents to Camino know where they are. projects and a bonus to developers hoping to THURSDAY, MARCH 2
Foster City 55+ Club Meeting. 11 a.m. to
park in one place and visit a number of buildings Public art and public realm improvements consolidate several small parcels into one, 12:30 p.m. 650 Shell Blvd., Foster City.
and services. City staff presented an option to would be big in my mind so that people driving multi-use parcel. Come for entertainment, guest lectures,
game days, potlucks and special lunches.
locate four activity centers between Whipple in will know they're in a special place, he said. Redwood City resident Bill James offered his Meet others and make new friends. For
Avenue and Hopkins Avenue, Brewster Avenue They [will] know they're in Redwood City, support for multiple activity centers, and said more information call 573-0841.
and Jefferson Avenue, Maple Street to Pine they don't have to get halfway through the that they would help residents in neighbor- Cost of Living Launch and Lunch. 11:30
Street and around Charter Street. Another option Redwood City portion of the corridor to realize hoods farther from the downtown access servic- a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sobrato Center Redwood
presented was to have one centralized cluster at Shores, 350 Twin Dolphin Road, Redwood
how special it is. es more easily. He advocated for a center more City. For more information email adri-
or near Sequoia Station downtown. The group also provided feedback on how closely located near the northern end of the city, [email protected].
The group ultimately favored multiple centers developers proposing projects outside of devel- near Cordilleras Creek. Dance Series 01. 500 Castro St., Mountain
placed throughout the zone over one centralized opment requirements, which could include build- Going a little bit further in that direction View. Dance Series 01 features three
cluster after a discussion of their pros and cons. works including a world premiere, a
ing height and density that exceeds the city's would embrace far more residents in that neigh- regional premiere and a treasured work
Though some were encouraged by the idea that limits, could be required to provide resources borhood from Edgewood Road or even further in by Michael Smuin. Stanton Welchs Indigo
the activity centers could distribute services and examines the vagaries of romantic rela-
benefiting the community. that direction, he said. tionships as four couples come together,
businesses along El Camino Real and closer to Affordable housing topped the list of priori- Redwood City resident Gita Dev, who also fall in love, fight and exchange partners.
individual neighborhoods, the group acknowl- Show runs until March 5. 8 p.m. Thursday,
ties for most group members as a critical com- represented the Sierra Club, encouraged the Friday, Saturday. 2 p.m. Saturday, Sunday.
edged a concern that they might increase traffic munity benefit. Group members discussed ways group to limit parking spaces as a way to For more information visit
and congestion along the corridor. to encourage developers to include on-site encourage other modes of transportation. smuinballet.org.
Advisory group member Brian Jaffe chal- affordable housing units in their projects to We should be looking at other ways to get Lawyer in the Library with Christopher
lenged the group to weigh the goals of smooth- open new, below-market housing as quickly as people through this corridor, she said. The F. Morales. 6 p.m. South San Francisco
Main Library, 840 W. Oragne Ave., South
ing traffic along the corridor and improving possible. most dense volume is pedestrian. I would San Francisco. For more information email
access to services for those living in neighbor- Group member Alma Montalvo, also chair of encourage you to go for the lowest parking that [email protected].
hoods farther from the downtown. the Housing and Human Concerns Committee, we can. Don't give that precious real estate Computing in Your Pocket: The
I think the goal ought to be if you live near- wondered if there is a way to emphasize the need away. Prehistory of the iPhone in Silicon
by, you can do several things in the immediate Valley. 6 p.m. Computer History Museum,
for developers of new residential buildings to An online survey and community workshop 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View.
vicinity, he said. provide on-site affordable housing instead of next week will give residents additional oppor- Come for a panel discussion with former
The group discussed how the nature of the leaders of Silicon Valley companies and
paying a fee toward affordable housing, as one tunities to weigh in on some of the streetscape take a mini-tour of the museums Mobile
services and businesses located in the activity of the two is required for new projects to comply options generated from these meetings. The cit- Computing Gallery. For more information
centers could affect their impact on traffic on El email [email protected].
with the affordable housing impact fee. izens advisory group will meet again in April to
Camino Real, acknowledging pharmacies and I almost think we shouldn't give them a discuss feedback generated from these meetings FRIDAY, MARCH 3
dry cleaning services would generate shorter Womens View -2017 art exhibit. 8 a.m.
choice, she said. as well as from progress updates shared with the to 5 p.m. 400 County Center at the Hall of
visits than restaurants would. Several advisory Group member Muhammad Safdari suggested Planning Commission and other citizens advi- Justice, Redwood City. Exhibit is open
group members were supportive of the activity Monday through Friday and goes through
funds collected from developers hoping to build sory committees. April 28. For more information email
center's potential to provide shared parking beyond development standards be collected The next community workshop will be held [email protected].
opportunities, as the possibility of removing toward one priority, such as a new park. Wednesday, March 1, at 7 p.m. at City Hall, Kidz in Motion. 10:15 a.m. South San
parking on El Camino Real to make way for I like the idea of picking something we're 1017 Middlefield Road. Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Oragne
Ave., South San Francisco. For more infor-
mation email [email protected].
Lunchtime Knitters. Noon. South San
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Oragne
Ave., South San Francisco. For more infor-
mation email [email protected].
Anime. 3:30 p.m. Grand avenue Library,
306 Walnut, South San Francisco. For more
information email [email protected].
Step into Spring. 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Municipial Services Building, 33 Arroyo
Drive, South San Francisco. Sorotpimist
International presents an evening of
entertainment, silent auction and refresh-
ments to raise money for empowering
women. Tickets are $25. For more informa-
tion call 588-0661.
Free First Fridays. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2200
Broadway, Redwood City. The San Mateo
County History Museum continues Free
First Fridays, where not only is admission
free, but preschool children will be invited
to learn Irish traditions, and at 2 p.m.,
museum docents will lead museum tours
for adults. For more information visit his-
Step into Spring- 12th Annual. 5:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m. South San Francisco Municipal
Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South
San Francisco. Tickets are $25. For more
information visit www.soroptimistnorth-

For more events visit

smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.



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for and love. ideas and concerns, but dont offer to do the work all SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Live your dream. opportunity to invest in your skills. Financial gains are
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receive. intelligence to guide you to better choices regarding CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Remembering the
22 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- San Bruno. Please call (650)868-2334. STATEMENT #272302
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
The following person is doing business
as: Cordilleras Mutual Water Company,
bility shall be limited to the price of one Multiple shifts to meet your needs. great 1828 Cordilleras Road, REDWOOD
insertion. No allowance will be made for 2 years experience pay & benefits, Sign-on bonus, 1yr exp CITY, CA 94062. Registered Owners: 1)
Cordilleras Mutual Water Company,
errors not materially affecting the value
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- required. required. Starting at $15 per hour.
Matched Caregivers (650)839-2273,
same address 2)Rick Thall, same ad-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- dress 3) Julie Thall, same address. The
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate (408)280-7039 or (888)340-2273 business is conducted by an Unincorpo-
Card. Immediate placement rated Association other than a Partner-
ship. The registrants commenced to
on all assignments. HOUSE CLEANERS trans act business under the FBN on
110 Employment NEEDED 4/6/2007.
/s/Rick Thall/
Up to $15 per hour. Company Car.
Data entry skills a must. No legal re- Call Call Molly Maid at (650)837-9788.
90 glenn Way #2, SAN CARLOS
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 2/6/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
quired. Full time, benefits. Email:
[email protected] (650)777-9000 2/22/17, 3/1/17, 3/8/17, 3/15/17).

The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking Arlene Pareja
for ambitious interns who are eager to Case Number: 17PRO00160
jump into the business arena with both To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con-
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs tingent creditors, and persons who may
of the newspaper and media industries. otherwise be interested in the will or es-
This position will provide valuable tate, or both, of Arlene Pareja. A Petition
experience for your bright future. for Probate has been filed by Anna Mae
Email resume Pareja in the Superior Court of Califor-
[email protected] NEWSPAPER INTERNS nia, County of San Mateo. The Petition
for Probate requests that Anna Mae Par-
JOURNALISM eja be appointed as personal representa-
The Daily Journal is looking for in- tive to administer the estate of the dece-
LOOkINg: terns to do entry level reporting, re- dent.
VERY CARINg Caregiver SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales search, updates of our ongoing fea- The petition requests authority to admin-
Excellent Cook, Housekeeper, Representative needed to sell newspa- tures and interviews. Photo interns al- ister the estate under the Independent
Very thorough,Integrity& References per print and web advertising and event so welcome. Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
(650)591-7079 marketing solutions. To apply, please call thority will allow the personal representa-
650-344-5200 and send resume to We expect a commitment of four to tive to take many actions without obtain-
[email protected] eight hours a week for at least four ing court approval. Before taking certain
months. The internship is unpaid, but very important actions, however, the per-
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- sonal representative will be required to
terns have progressed in time into give notice to interested persons unless
paid correspondents and full-time re- they have waived notice or consented to
porters. the proposed action.) The independent
administration authority will be granted
unless an interested person files an ob-
College students or recent graduates
Complete Senior Living & The Abigail are encouraged to apply. Newspaper
jection to the petition and shows good
cause why the court should not grant au-
experience is preferred but not neces-

sarily required. A hearing on the petition will be held in
this court as follows: APR. 03, 2017 at
Please send a cover letter describing 9:00 a.m., Department 28, Superior


your interest in newspapers, a resume
and three recent clips. Before you ap-
ply, you should familiarize yourself
Court of California, County of San Mateo,
400 County Center, Redwood City, CA
with our publication. Our Web site: If you object to the granting of the peti-
Immediate need for Full Time/Part Time www.smdailyjournal.com. tion, you should appear at the hearing
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If you are a creditor or a contingent cred-
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THEDAILYJOURNAL Monday Feb. 27, 2017 23
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 296 Appliances Tundra Tundra Tundra
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months from the date of first issuance of authority may affect your rights as a BTU, Commercial Cool model
letters to a general personal representa- creditor. You may want to consult with an CPN14xC9, almost like new! All acces-
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the attorney knowledgable in California law. sories plus remote included.
Calilfornia Probate Code, or (2) 60 days You may examine the file kept by the 20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $345.
from the date of mailing or personal de- court. If you are a person interested in (650)345-1835
livery to you of a notice under sectioin the estate, you may file with the court a
9052 of the Callifornia Probate Request for Special Notice (form DE- CHARCOAL gRILL with cover, 24, al-
Code.Other California statutes and legal 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- most new $25. (650)368-0748
authority may affect your rights as a praisal of estate assets or of any petition
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praisal of estate assets or of any petition (650) 365-7710
or account as provided in Probate Code FILED: 02/24/2017 ELECTRIC STOVE From Sears
section 1250. A Request for Special No- (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Excellent Condition $225
tice form is available from the court clerk. nal on 2/27/17, 3/6/17, 3/7/17 ) Please Call (650)244-9267 Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
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FILED: 02/17/2017 gOOD MICROWAVE 1100 watt $40 Da-
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- ly City (415) 231-4825.
nal on 2/27/17, 3/6/17, 3/7/17 ) 210 Lost & Found JACk LALANE'S power juicer. $40.
Call (650)364-1243. Leave message.
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tingent creditors, and persons who may White. Like new. Top load. $250.00.
otherwise be interested in the will or es- LOST - Womans diamond ring. Lost (650)483-9226
tate, or both, of Robert W. Sperduto. A 12/18. Broadway, Redwood City.
Petition for Probate has been filed by 300 Toys 304 Furniture 304 Furniture
Spencer A. Sperduto in the Superior
REWARD! (650)339-2410 297 Bicycles
Court of California, County of San Mateo. LOST CAT Our Felicity, weighs 7 lbs, STAR WARS SDCC Stormtrooper ANTIqUE MAHOgANY Bookcase. Four SOFA PROTECTOR for Lounging Pets.
The Petition for Probate requests that ADULT BIkES 1 regular and 2 with bal- Commander $29 OBO Dan, feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. Washable polyester. Non-slide. Brown
she has a white nose, mouth, chin, all loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
Spencer A. Sperduto be appointed as four legs, chest stomach, around her (650)303-3568 lv msg tweed. Excellent condition. $89. 650-
personal representative to administer the neck. Black mask/ears, back, tail. Nice ANTIqUE MAHOgANY double bed with 260-0057
estate of the decedent. CHILDS BICYCLE in good condition. adjustable steelframe $225.00. OBO.
REWARD. Please email us at $30. (650)355-5189
The petition requests authority to admin- [email protected] or call 650-576- 302 Antiques (650)592-4529 TEAk-VENEER COMPUTER desk with
ister the estate under the Independent 8745. She drinks water out of her paws. single drawer and stacked shelves. $30
Administration of Estates Act. (This au- 298 Collectibles ANTIqUE BUFFET Cabinet, with 2 large BEIgE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition obo. (650)465-2344
thority will allow the personal representa- drawers w/skeleton key, needs refinish- (650) 315-2319
tive to take many actions without obtain- 1920'S AqUA glass Beaded Flapper ing. $700/obo.. ANTIqUE CHINA cabi- THOMASVILLE BEVELED mirror 22" x
ing court approval. Before taking certain LOST CAT. Black and White. Black BRAND NEW Bookcase 72"x30" still in
patch on right eye. REWARD. Purse (drawstring bag) & Faux Pearl net, with doors and legs, dark wood.. 12" $50. Call (650)834-4833
very important actions, however, the per- $500/obo. (650)952-5049 box $45. (415)231-4825.
Call (323) 439-7713. Flapper Collar. $50. (650)762-6048
sonal representative will be required to WALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with
CHAIRS 2 Blue good Condition $50 upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
give notice to interested persons unless LOST SMALL gray and green Parrot. 1940 VINTAgE telephone bench maple ANTIqUE ITALIAN lamp 18 high, $70 OBO (650)345-5644
they have waived notice or consented to Redwood Shores. (650)207-2303. antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833 (650)387-4002
the proposed action.) The independent WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
administration authority will be granted BILLY DEE Williams autographed Star BEAUTIFUL AND UNIqUE Victorian mountain cabin/house. $50. (650)520-
unless an interested person files an ob- Books Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian, Side Sewing Table, All original. Rose- 7045 WOOD FURNITURE- one end table and
jection to the petition and shows good space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518- wood. Carved. ExCELLENT CONDI- coffee table. In good condition. $30
cause why the court should not grant au- qUALITY BOOkS used and rare. World 6614 TION! $350. (650)815-8999. COMPUTER SWIVEL CHAIR. Padded OBO. (760)996-0767.
thority. & US History and classic American nov- Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409
A hearing on the petition will be held in els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 LENNOx RED Rose, Unused, hand MAHOgANY ANTIqUE Secretary desk,
this court as follows: MAR 29, 2017 at painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, 72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- COMPUTER TABLE, adjustable height, 306 Housewares
9:00 a.m., Department 28, Superior 294 Baby Stuff $12.00. (650) 578 9208. elled glass, $400. (650)766-3024 chrome legs, 29x48 like new $30 (650)
Court of California, County of San Mateo, 697-8481 BRASS FIREPLACE screen $30.
400 County Center, Redwood City, CA FISHER-PRICE HEALTHY Care booster MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good OLD VINTAgE Wooden Sea Captains (650)348-2306
94063. seat - $5 (650)592-5864. $59 call (650)218-6528 Tool Chest 35 x 16 x 16, $65 COUCH, CREAM IKEA, great condition,
If you object to the granting of the peti- (650)591-3313 $89, light-weight, compact, sturdy love- CHRISTMAS TREE China, Fairfield
tion, you should appear at the hearing RENO SILVER LEgACY Casino four seat (415)775-0141 Peace on Earth. Complete Set of 12 (48
and state your objections or file written 296 Appliances rare memorabilia items, casino key, two STORE FRONT display cabinet, From pieces) $75. (650)493-5026
objections with the court before the hear- coins, small charm. $95. (650)676-0974 1930, marble base. 72 long x 40 tallx CUSTOM MADE wood sewing storage
ing. Your appearance may be in person 1960'S AVOCADO Osterizer blender 21 deep. Asking $500. (650)341-1306 cabinet perfect condition $75. (650)483- COMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor
or by your attorney. excellent condition $20.00 (650)596- SCHILLER HIPPIE poster, linen, Sparta 1222 garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- 0513 graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00. 20-pieces in original box, never used.
itor of the decedent, you must file your (650)701-0276 303 Electronics DINETTE TABLE with Chrome Legs: 36" $250 per box (3 boxes available).
claim with the court and mail a copy to x58" (with one leaf 11 1/2") - $50. (650)342-5630
the personal representative appointed by AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- 46 MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great (650)341-5347
the court within the later of either (1) four mote. Slider model fits all windows. Lg 299 Computers condition. $400. (650)261-1541. PORCELAIN JAPANESE Tea set, Un-
months from the date of first issuance of brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- DINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. opened, in wood box, great gift $30.
letters to a general personal representa- 0898 kOgI 15 inch computer monitor. Model ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma- (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
L5Qx. $25. PH(650)592-5864. (650)578-9208.
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the chine s never used for small bus. $95
Calilfornia Probate Code, or (2) 60 days (650)992-4544. DININg ROOM table good Condition SMOkE ALARMS with batteries $4 650-
CHEFMATE TOASTER oven, brand RECORDABLE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- $90.00 or best offer ( 650)-780-0193
from the date of mailing or personal de- new, bakes, broils, toasts, adjustable 595-3933
livery to you of a notice under sectioin ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12x, ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma-
9052 of the Callifornia Probate temperature. $25 OBO. (650)580-4763 (650) 578 9208 chine s never used for small bus. $95 DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for SOLID TEAk floor model 16 wine rack
(650)992-4544. $75. good condition; good for children. with turntable $60. (650)592-7483
Call (650)678-8585
300 Toys BLAUPUNkT AM/FM/CD Radio and Re-
ceiver with Detachable Face asking DRESSER- ART Deco. 54wide 34 tall 308 Tools
LEgAL NOTICES 2 STORY dollhouse w/ furniture 24 x 24
good condition $50. joe (650)573-5269
3-STORY BARBIE Dollhouse with spiral
$100. (650)593-4490
BULOVA WINDUP Travel clocks.Vin-
tage. Set of eight. $99. gene (650)421-
22deep. $150. (650)888-2662.


BENCH SAW - 8 INCH includes attach-
ed table and accessories $35 (650)368-
Fictitious Business Name Statements, staircase and elevator. $60. (650)558- 5469 48wide 22 deep. W/ mirror 34x42
$450. (650)888-2662. BOSTITCH 16 gage Finish nailer Model
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, 8142 COMPLETE COLOR photo developer SB 664FN $99 (650)359-9269
DRESSER-ART DECO. Heavy glass.
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, ALLOYED LINOTYPE (BNH ~18) for
Besler Enlarger, Color Head, trays, photo
tools $50/ (650)921-1996 Top 51 tall 36 deep 14 wide $150. CRAFTSMAN 10" Mitre Saw $25
Notice of Public Sales and More. casting miniature/board-game figurines.
IPHONE 5 Morphie Juice Pack with
(650)888-2662. (650)595-3933
10#, $15.00. (650) 591-4553 DRUM TABLE - brown, perfect condi- CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
charger, Originally $100, now $85.
tion, nice design, with storage, $45., dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. LARgE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each (650)766-2679
great for Kids (650) 952-3500 CRAFTSMAN RADIAL SAW, with cabi-
kINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER for $50. net stand, $200 Cash Only, (650)851-
STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac- good shape, blonde, about 5' high.
Email them to: [email protected] tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer- LEFT-HAND ERgONOMIC keyboard (650)726-4102
CRAFTSMEN 3 saw blades $20. new.
head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614 with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20
(650)204-0587 ESPRESSO TABLE 30 square, 40 tall, (650)573-5269
$95 (650)375-8021 DELTA CABINET SAW with overrun ta-
MOTOROLA BRAVO MB 520 (android ble. $650/obo. (650)342-6993
4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8gB SD gLIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
card Belmont (650)595-8855 lent condition. $100 650-345-5644 LEAF BLOWER electric 7.5 amps brand

The Future NEW HP Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex-

tra cartridges- $50. Call (650)345-1234
ONkYO AV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital
LAWN CHAIRS (4) White, plastic, $8.
each, (415)346-6038
LEATHER SOFA, black, excellent condi-
new 30.00 joe, (650)573-5269
ROUTER TABLE ryobi $ 99. like new

of local news content Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,

Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
tion. $100 obo. (650)878-5533
LIVINg ROOM table 36"x19" exc condi-
tion $30.(415) 231-4825.
SHOPSMITH MARk V 50th Anniversary
most attachments.
OPTIMUS H36 ST5800 Tower Speaker
is actually right here in the present, as it has been for centuries The local community 36x10x11 $30. (650)580-6324 LOVE SEAT, Upholstered pale yellow VINTAgE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa
floral $99. (650)574-4021 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
newspaper. We ignore the naysayers and shun the "experts" when it comes to the "demise" of ORIgINAL AM/FM 1967/68 Honda Ra-
dio for $50. (650)593-4490 NEW DELUxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- VINTAgE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa
the newspaper industry. ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
PIONEER HOUSE Speakers, pair. 15 Sell! (650) 875-8159.
inch 3-way, black with screens. Work VINTAgE SHOPSMITH and BAND
great. $99.(650)243-8198 SAW, good shape. $500/obo. Call
The leading local daily news resource for the You will be offering a wide variety of NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame
$30.00 (650) 347-2356
SF Peninsula seeks an entreprenuerial marketing solutions including print advertising, SAMSUNg FLAT TV 20" ex.co.incl.
VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 OAk CLAW foot coffee table, needs
Advertising Account Exec to sell advertising inserts, graphic design, niche publications, SONY DHg-HDD250 DVR and program-
some refinishing $35 (650)646-8530
and marketing solutions to local businesses. online advertising, event marketing, social media able remote. OAk SIx SHELF Book Case 6FT 4FT 309 Office Equipment
Record OTA. Clock set issues $99 $55 (650)458-8280
We are looking for a special person to join our and whatever else we come up with if as the (650)595-8855 NEAT RECEIPTS Mobile Scanner new
in box $79, call (650)324-8416
OFFICE TABLE, 24"x48" HD. folding
team for an immediate opening. industry continues its evolution and our paper SONY PROJECTION TV 48" with re- legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost
continues its upward trajectory.
mote good condition $99 (650)345-1111 $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141 310 Misc. For Sale
You must be community-minded, action- VINTAgE g.E. radio, model c-430-a "MOTHER-IN-LAW TONgUES" plants,
$60. (650)421-5469
oriented, customer-focused, and without fail, a Experience with print advertising and online OUTDOOR WOOD SCREEN - new $80 3 in 5-gal cans. $10.00 each. (650)593-
VINTAgE g.E. radio, model c-442c $60. obo Retail $130 (650)873-8167 7408
self starter. You will be responsible for sales marketing a plus. But we will consider a (650)421-5469
PAPASAN CHAIRS (2) -with cushions 500-600 BIg Band-era 78's--most mint,
and account management activities associated candidate with little or no sales experience as VINTAgE g.E. radio, model c1470 $60. $45. each set, (650)347-8061 no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
with either a territory or vertical category. long as you have these traits: (650)421-5469
RECLINER CHAIR blue tweed clean 8 TRACkS, billy Joel, Zeppelin, Eagles
VINTAgE zENITH radio, model L516b good $75 Call (650)583-3515 ,Commodores, more.40 @ $4 each , call
$75. (650)421-5469 (650)393-9008
304 Furniture $99 (650)766-4858 CHRISTMAS TREE, 7.5 Oregon pine,
ROCkINg CHAIR fine light, oak condi- stand. Used once. $49. (415)650-6407
t(FOFSBMCVTJOFTTBDVNFOBOEDPNNPOTFOTFNBSLFUJOHBCJMJUJFT 5 FOOT resin folding table, still in the tion with pads, $85/OBO. (650)369-9762
box $20.00 (650)368-0748 DENTAL LABORATORY Jelblast sand-
ROCkINg CHAIRS solid wood, great blaster. New. Older model.#32000. In-
Join us, if you check off on these qualities and also believe in the future of newspapers. shape asking 30 dollars each. Call cludes 5 lb. Quartz Abrasive Sand. $450.
ANTIqUE DININg table for six people (650)574-4582 Lily 650-947-3396.
Please email your resume to [email protected] with chairs $99. (650)580-6324
RUMMY ROYAL poker table top $30.00 ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER, good
A cover letter with your views on the newspaper industry would also be helpful. ANTIqUE gLASS Hutch. Cherry Wood. (650)573-5269 condition $50 (650)878-9542
Excellent Condition. $450. gAME "BEAT THE ExPERTS" never
SHELF RUBBER maid new $20.00
(650)888-2662 contact joe (650)573-5269 used $8., (408)249-3858

Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

24 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

310 Misc. For Sale 316 Clothes

INCUBATOR, $99, (650)678-5133 BLACk DOUBLE breasted suit size 38
excellent condition $25 (650)322-9598
LARgE BLACk Ciao Luggage 26"
w/wheels, good Condition $35 (650)952- BLOCH Black Boost Dance Sneakers
3500 S0539L good Condition $20 (650)952-

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

2006, 2007 New OB $90 lot (650)368- BOY SCOUT canvas belt with Boy Scout
7537 Buckle. Vintage. Fair condition. $5.
sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 FAUx FUR Coat Woman's brown multi
color in excellent condition 3/4
LIONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and length $50 (650)692-8012
dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
LADIES BOOTS size 8 , 3 pairs different
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis RMT CHRISTMAS Diesel train and Ca-

styles , $20/ pair. call (650)592-2648
boose. Rare. New OB $99 (650)368-
7537 LADIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size xL,
5 Bottle topper 42 Plus-size 59 Coup d__ SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208

1 Seaweed wrap 6 University supermodel 60 Bill of Rights- case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
$60. (650)328-6709
LEATHER JACkET, New Black Italian
style, size M Ladies $45 (650) 875-1708
resorts supporter, briefly 43 Ascended defending org. SILk SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for LOUIS VUITTON monogram leather
5 Peaceful 7 Lite, dietwise 48 Jewel box 61 Lawn mower $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
clutch/computer carry case 10.25x13.5.
Inside zipper $95. (650)591-6596
9 Dozed 8 Civilian attire 49 Title for holder ULTRASONIC JEWELRY Cleaning Ma- MAN'S BLACk leather jacket, size 40,
14 Small chess piece 9 Virgin Islands isl. Connery 62 Animation still chine Cleans jewelry, eyeglasses, den- like new. $85.00 (650)593-1780
tures, keys. Concentrate included. $30
15 Baseballs 10 Lucy of 51 Emerson works 63 Aladdin prince OBO. (650)580-4763 MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
Moises Elementary 53 Recent White 64 Homes on UNIDEN HARLEY Davidson gas Tank (650) 578-9208
phone. $100 or best offer (650)863-8485
16 Flooring 11 70-Across House daughter wheels: Abbr. VASE WITH flowers 2 piece good for the
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
specialist collegian 54 Walked in the 65 Shop __ you Holidays, $25., (650) 867-2720 (650) 578-9208

17 Filled light pastry 12 Ab neighbor woods drop VINTAgE WHITE Punch Bowl/Serving
Bowl Set with 10 cups plus one extra
NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
pullover sweaters (xL) $15/each
19 Like good gossip 13 Give it a whirl 57 Early whirlybird, 67 Discouraging $30. (650)873-8167 (650)952-3466
20 Expand, as a 18 Mostly shaved- for short words WAgON WHEEL Wooden, original from PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un-


Colorado farm. 34x34 Very good used, about 12" long x 9" high
collection head style aged condition $200 San Bruno $23. (650)592-2648
21 San __, 22 Bigheadedness SIzE 38 tan gabardine navy officers uni-
WATER STORAgE TANk, brand new, form great condition Perfect for that cos-
California 24 Double Delight 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $250. tume party. Free. (650)322-9598
23 Comic Margaret cookie VELVET DRAPE, 100% cotton, new
beautiful burgundy 82"x52" W/6"hems:
25 Gronks position 26 Hazmat suit 311 Musical Instruments $45 (415)585-3622
on footballs problem BALDWIN gRAND PIANO, 6 foot, ex- VINTAgE 1970S grecian made dress,
cellent condition, $8,500/obo. Call
Patriots 27 Glimpses (510)784-2598
size 6-8, $35 (650)873-8167
WILSON'S Lg green Suede Jacket
30 Spiro ran with him 28 Tries to bite, ExCELLENT VIOLIN, previously owned, $50.00 (650)367-1508
34 Babys bodysuit puppy-style first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow
sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer. 317 Building Materials
35 Comm. system 29 __ Rides Again: (415)751-2416
CULTURED MARBLE 2 tone BR vanity
with hand 1939 Western gULBRANSEN BABY gRAND PIANO -
Appraised @ $5450., want $1800 obo,
counter top. New toe skin/ scribe. 29 x
19 $300 (408)744-1041
motions 30 Shot the rapids, (650)343-4461
LIkE NEW Oak bath fittings $5
36 Slowly withdraws say HAMMOND B-3 Organ and 122 Leslie
Speaker. Excellent condition. $8,500. pri- 650-595-3933
39 Tablet downloads 31 Arrives after the vate owner, (650)349-1172 SHUTTERS 2 wooden shutters 32x72
like new $50.00 ea.call (650)368-7891
40 Magicians hand bell MONARCH UPRIgHT player piano $99
(650) 583-4549 WHITE DOUBLE pane window for $29
movement 32 Overused PIANO, UPRIgHT, in excellent condi-
or Best offer. Call Halim @ (650) 678-
44 RPM gauge expression tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
WROUgHT IRON Railing Set side floor-
45 Unifying idea 33 Bonkers UPRIgHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi-
tion. $300 OBO (650) 533-4886. mount for porch/level change.
36Hx78L & 20L. $99 (650)483-3738.
46 Pierced body part 37 To the __ degree YAMAHA PIANO, Upright, Model M-305,
47 Moral values 38 Mets old stadium $750. Call (650)572-2337 318 Sports Equipment
50 Mob witness 41 Greenside golf 312 Pets & Animals 15 SF giants Posters -- Barry Bonds,

[email protected] 02/27/17
Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
request shot AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
52 Like some pizzas Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
(505)228-1480 local. CHILDS kICk scooter by razor with hel-
and apple pies met $25 obo (650)591-6842
55 Purported UFO gd. Fam./watchdpgs. Ex.Hiking Buddy.
EASTON FULL size pitching target with
pockets. $25.(650)646-8530
fliers $1600. (707) 980.0915.
gOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
56 Bond portrayer CANARY BIRD cage 24 x 16 for sale. $90.00 (650)341-8342
$40.00 firm. Used, good condition. Call
Daniel (650)766-3024 gOLF CLUBS, new, Warrior woods
3/15 degree 5/21 degree 7/24 degree
58 __ directed: ONE kENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- $15 ea (650)349-0430
medication mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. gOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
(650)593-2066 $50. (650)593-4490
PARROT CAgE, Steel, Large - approx IgLOO BLUE 38-Quart Wheelie Cool
62 Magna __ 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best Cooler/Ice Chest $14 (650)952-3500
66 Medical adhesive offer. (650)245-4084
kASTLE 190CM xcountry skis+poles
strip ... and a hint PET CARRIER, brown ,Very good condi- $29 650-595-3933
tion, $15.00 medium zize leave txt or call
to what can (650)773-7201
good condition, (650)341-0282.

precede the first

word of 17-, 25-,
40- and 52-Across
68 Graceland idol
69 Military medal
70 Ivy League
71 Hosiery thread
72 Hullabaloos
73 Upright wall

1 Pet lovers org.
2 Western chum
By Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke
3 Left dumbstruck
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
4 Grab quickly
THEDAILYJOURNAL Monday Feb. 27, 2017 25

318 Sports Equipment 379 Open Houses 620 Automobiles

kAYAk 12' sit on top 2 storage compart- SAAB 06 5 speed, 113K, clean. $4,200
ments baby blue must see $99.00 john (650)302-5523
(650)483-8152 OPEN HOUSE
TOYOTA 06 Prius, 149K, clean. $6,400
LADIES MCgREgOR golf Clubs
Right handed with covers and pull cart
LISTINgS (650)302-5523
$150 o.b.o. (650)344-3104 VOLVO S60 2.5T 04. Excellent mechan-
List your Open House ical condition, new tires, all records,
MEN'S CALLAWAY Rain Jacket xL . in the Daily Journal. 150k miles $2,249.
Mint Condition worn only a few times. Text/Call (415) 793-4099.
$50 650-208-5758 Reach over 83,450
NEW WEIgH bench With 200lbs, plus potential home buyers & 625 Classic Cars
free weights. $50. (510)943-9221.San renters a day,
Mateo. 1955 CHEVY BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
from South San Francisco Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
POWER PLUS Exercise Machine $99 to Palo Alto. obo. (650)952-4036.
(650)368-3037 in your local newspaper.
86 CHEVY CORVETTE. Automatic.
PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black Call (650)344-5200 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800
Bag with Prince Pro graphite Racket- obo. (650) 952-4036.
CORVETTE 69 50.000 miles. $19,000.
PURSUIT SCOOTER. $99. (650)348- Best Cash Offer. (650)481-5296.
470 Rooms FORD 64 Falcon. 4DR Sedan. 6 cyl.
SkI RACk Thule, roof mounted to roof auto/trans $3,500.00. (650) 570-5780.
load bars. Holds three pairs. $85, OBO
650-594-1494 HIP HOUSINg
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program 630 Trucks & SUVs
SOCCER BALLS - $8.00 each (like new) San Mateo County
4 available. (650)341-5347 (650)348-6660 LINCOLN 02 Navigator, excellent condi-
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo.
TOTAL gYM xLS, excellent condition. ROOM FOR Rent San Bruno $500.00 (650)342-4227.
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call Call (650)868-2334.
(650)588-0828 635 Vans
TREADMILL BY PRO-FORM. (Hardly 620 Automobiles CHEVROLET 06 Mini VAN, new radia-
Used). 10% incline, 2.5 HP motor, 300lb tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket.
weight capacity. $195 (650)598-9804 $1,500. (650)481-5296
01 TOYOTA Camry, limited, V6, 108K
VINTAgE ENgLISH ladies ice skates - miles, $4,700. (650)302-5523
up to size 7-8, $40., (650)873-8167 640 Motorcycles/Scooters
VINTAgE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom- Dont lose money 89 gOLD WINg. 1500 CC. 39K miles.
ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz on a trade-in or Call Joe (650)578-8357
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
consignment! ALPINE STAR motocross boots Tech 8s
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28 Monday Feb. 27, 2017 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Casualties mount as Iraqi troops advance in IS-held Mosul

By Susannah George on condition of anonymity.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The sudden spike in casualty numbers mir-
rors what played out in Mosuls east as the
MOSUL, Iraq We have wounded! the ght moved from rural villages to dense
men shouted from the roadside. Two sol- urban areas. Front-line medic stations that
diers, bleeding, were being bandaged beside stood empty for the rst days of the assault
their smoking vehicle on the side of a dusty on Mosuls west announced last week, are
dirt road. now overowing. At one clinic Sunday, the
Iraqi special forces Maj. Saif Ali yelled to dead had to be moved to the ground to free up
his driver to stop and leaped out. Put one beds as more injured arrived.
inside and the other on top! he called to his The soldiers that Maj. Ali picked up had
men. One was put in Alis seat, the other laid been wounded when a mortar red from
on the vehicles hood. Go! he shouted, districts held by the Islamic State group
crouching on the hood next to the wounded hit them along a route used by the thousands
man. His driver blared the horn and the gun- of civilians eeing Mosul on foot in the
ner shot into the air trying to clear a way days after Iraqi forces rst punched into
through a sea of eeing civilians and live- Mamun neighborhood on Friday. REUTERS
stock. Ali had been on his way back to base after Displaced Iraqis flee their homes as Iraqi forces battle with Islamic State militants, in western
As Iraqi forces push deeper into western a quick visit to the edge of Mamun neigh- Mosul.
Mosul, the assault is bringing a surge of borhood. Now he was gripping the grate of vehicle rode in almost complete silence as nearest clinic was ve kilometers (3 miles)
casualties at least 30 Iraqi security forces his Humvee, using his own weight to keep Ali and his gunner shouted directions to the away -- down bumpy dirt roads, crowded with
and more than 200 civilians killed or wound- the wounded man from sliding off the hood. driver and yelled for civilians to move out of people. After a few moments the soldier
ed in the last three days. Iraqs military does In the front passenger seat, the other sol- the way. went completely limp, his body swaying
not release ofcial casualty reports, but dier -- with a head wound -- sat with his eyes Blood slowly soaked through the black slackly with each bump the Humvee hit. He
medics at front-line clinics provided gures wide open and glassy. Everyone inside the shirt of the man sitting in Alis seat. The was dead.

Malaysia: Poisoning of Kim caused paralysis, quick death

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS nerve agent given to North Korean ruler Kim Kim Jong Nam died Feb. 13 at Kuala affected his heart, it would have affected his
Jong Uns exiled half brother was so high Lumpurs airport in what Malaysian police lungs, it would have affected everything.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Malaysias that it killed him within 20 minutes and say was a well-planned hit by two women Asked how long it took for Kim to die after
health minister said Sunday that the dose of caused very serious paralysis. who wiped a liquid on Kims face. Police he was attacked, Subramaniam said, I would
revealed Friday that the banned chemical think it was about, from the time of onset,
LITIGATION weapon VX nerve agent was used to kill Kim,
raising the stakes in the case.
from the time of application, 15-20 min-
STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS Health Minister Subramaniam Sathasivam Malaysia hasnt directly accused the North
said the dose of VX given to Kim was so high Korean government of being behind the
Trial Courts that he showed symptoms within minutes. attack, but officials have said four North
Appellate Courts Kim fainted at the airport clinic and died in Korean men provided two women with poi-
Bankruptcy Adversary Proceedings the ambulance while en route to a hospital, he son to carry it out. The four men fled
said. Malaysia on the same day as the killing,
Law Ofces of Brian Irion VX only requires 10 milligrams to be while the women one from Indonesia and
611 Veterans Boulevard, Suite 209, Redwood City absorbed into the system to be lethal, so I the other Vietnamese were arrested.
Smaller rmmore attention. 650-363-2600 www.thedesq.com presume that the amount of dose that went in Experts say the nerve agent used to kill
Your matter will not be is more than that, he said at a news confer- Kim was almost certainly produced in a
ence. The doses were so high and it did it so sophisticated state weapons laboratory and
assigned to an associate. Bankruptcy Business Real Estate Litigation fast and all over the body, so it would have is banned under an international treaty.


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