Akumulator Brosur

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HYDAC Accumulator Technology has over
45 years' experience in research &
development, design and production of
Hydac accumulators.
Bladder, piston, diaphragm and metal
bellows accumulators from HYDAC
together form an unbeatable range and as
components or units, support hydraulic
systems in almost all sectors.

The main applications of our accumulators

zzEnergy storage,
zzEmergency and safety functions,
zzDamping of vibrations, fluctuations,
pulsations (pulsation damper), shocks
(shock absorber) and noise (silencer),
zzSuction flow stabilisation,
zzMedia separation,
zzVolume and leakage oil adjustment,
zzWeight equalization,
zzEnergy recovery.

Using accumulators improves the

performance of the whole system and in
detail this has the following benefits:
zzImprovement in the functions
zzIncrease in service life
zzReduction in operating and maintenance
zzReduction in pulsations and noise

On the one hand, this means greater

safety and comfort for operator and
On the other hand, HYDAC accumulators
enable efficient working in all applications.
2. QUALITY In conjunction with the customer service
department at HYDAC's headquarters,
Basic criteria, such as: Quality, safety and reliability are paramount
service is possible worldwide.
zzDesign pressure, for all HYDAC accumulator components.
HYDAC's worldwide distributor network
zzDesign temperature, They comply with the current regulations
means that trained staff are close at hand
(or standards) for pressure vessels in the
zzFluid displacement volume, to help our customers.
individual countries of installation.
zzDischarge / Charging velocity, In taking delivery of a HYDAC Hydraulic
zzFluid, Accumulator therefore, the customer is This ensures that HYDAC customers have
assured of a high-quality accumulator the support of an experienced workforce
zzAcceptance specifications and also
product which can be used in every both before and after sale.
zzMounting options country in the world, depending on the
are important parameters required for certification.
sizing the correct accumulator. For more details, please turn to Section 4.
In addition the knowledge developed by
our accumulator specialists will help to
select the right type of accumulator. The All the processes involved, from
comprehensive range of HYDAC development, engineering and production
accessories simplifies installation and to approval and delivery are defined by
maintenance according to the HYDAC's certified management system
specification. and the relevant international accreditation
for the manufacture of pressure vessels.
E 3.000.12/03.12

CONTENTS Page section Page

1. HYDAC Accumulator Technology 2 E 3.000 2

2. Quality 2

3. Safety information 4

4. Regulations 5

5. Product overview 68


5.1.1 Standard E 3.201 19

5.1.2 Low pressure E 3.202 27

5.1.3 High pressure E 3.203 35


5.2.1 Standard E 3.301 39

5.2.2 Series SK280 E 3.303 51


5.4. Metal bellows accumulators E 3.304 61

5.5. Hydraulic dampers E 3.701 67

5.6. Special accumulators

5.7. Accumulator stations E 3.653 85

5.8. Accumulator accessories

5.8.1 Hydraulic accumulators with back-up nitrogen bottles E 3.553 91

5.8.2 Universal charging and testing unit E 3.501 97

5.8.3 Safety and shut-off block E 3.551 107

5.8.4 Safety equipment for hydraulic accumulators E 3.552 129

5.8.5 Supports for hydraulic accumulators E 3.502 135

5.8.6 ACCUSET SB E 3.503 143

6. Industries and applications 9 10

7. / 8. Website / Specification Forms 10 16

E 3.000.12/03.12

9. Sizing 17 18

10. NOTE 18

3. SAFETY INFORMATION Similarly the manufacturer of products 3.1. RISK OF EXCESSIVE
incorporating hydraulic accumulators
Hydraulic accumulators are pressure
must proceed accordingly (see Pressure PRESSURE
vessels as defined in the Pressure Products:
Equipment Directive 97/23/EC) and the
Equipment Directive 97/23/EC. They are
following principles must be adhered to Safety and shut-off block for the fluid side
closed vessels which are designed and
and in this order of priority: in various sizes and versions.
built to store pressurized fluids. Hydraulic
accumulators are charged with nitrogen zzRemoval or reduction of risks, insofar as See catalogue section:
which is separated from the fluid section this is reasonably possible,
zzSafety and shut-off block SAF/DSV
by a piston, bladder or diaphragm. zzApplication of appropriate protective No. 3.551
Hydraulic accumulators are specifically measures against risks which cannot be
designed to store and then discharge Gas safety valve and gas safety block for
pressurized fluids. the gas side
zzIf required, training of the users on
The regulations for commissioning and Bursting discs for gas and fluid sides
the residual risks and instructions
operating hydraulic accumulators which on appropriate special measures for See catalogue section:
are in force at the place of installation reducing the risks during installation and/ zzSafety equipment for hydraulic
must be observed. The plant operator or operation. accumulators
is exclusively responsible for ensuring For safe handling and operation, the No. 3.552
compliance with these regulations. operator must draw up a risk assessment
Relevant instructions are provided in the for the installation site, particularly in
Operating Manuals for our products. combination with other components and TEMPERATURE
As regards production and placing on risks. Products:
the market, HYDAC has carried out a The resulting measures must be Safety and Shut-off Block with solenoid-
comprehensive risk assessment. implemented accordingly. operated valve (open when de-energised)
In the case of fundamental risks affecting in conjunction with temperature monitoring.
hydraulic accumulators, e.g. See catalogue section:
zzExcessive pressure and zzSafety and shut-off block SAF/DSV
zzIncrease in temperature No. 3.551 or on request
(in the event of fire) Temperature fuses
we already have the relevant products See catalogue section:
available. zzSafety equipment for hydraulic
On no account must any welding, soldering accumulators
or mechanical work be carried out on the No. 3.552
accumulator shell. After the hydraulic line
has been connected it must be completely
vented. Work on systems with hydraulic
accumulators (repairs, connecting
pressure gauges etc) must only be carried
out once the pressure and the fluid have
been released.
E 3.000.12/03.12

4. PRESSURE 4.3. CERTIFICATE CODE = P Rest of the World Certificate
EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVE (KHK certificate) code
REGULATIONS For the Japanese market, HYDAC
DZ Algeria U 3)
On 29 November 1999 the Directive Technology GmbH has had approval as
a "Self Inspecting Manufacturer" since AR Argentina U 3)
97/23/EC (Pressure Equipment Directive) AU Australia F 1)
came into force and since 29 May 2002 the year 2000. Consequently, HYDAC
has been exclusively binding in Europe. is authorized to manufacture and test BS Bahamas E 3)
This directive applies to the design, pressure vessels for the Japanese market BB Barbados U 3)
manufacture, conformity assessment and to import them into Japan. BY Belarus A12
and placing on the market of pressure 4.4. CERTIFICATE CODE = A9 BM Bermuda U 3)
equipment and assemblies with a BO Bolivia U 3)
maximum permitted pressure of over (MANUFACTURER BR Brazil U 3)
0.5bar. It guarantees the free movement LICENSING CHINA) CE Canada S1 2)
of goods within the European Community. Since 1998 HYDAC Technology GmbH has CL Chile U 3)
EU member states must not prohibit, had approval from the Chinese authority
restrict or obstruct the placing on the CN China A9
"SELO" as a manufacturer of pressure CR Costa Rica E 3)
market and the commissioning of pressure vessels and valves. HYDAC is therefore
equipment on account of pressure-related authorized to import welded bladder, piston EC Ecuador U 3)
hazards, if the equipment complies and diaphragm accumulators, and safety ET Egypt U 3)
with the requirements of the pressure valves, into the Chinese market. HK Hong Kong A9
equipment directive and has the CE mark, IS Iceland U 3)
and is subject to a conformity assessment. In conjunction with this approval, it is
absolutely essential to provide the details IN India U 3)
Hydraulic accumulators with a capacity of of the end user/dealer when placing the ID Indonesia U 3)
V 1 litre, a maximum permitted pressure order. IL Israel U 3)
PS 1000 bar and a pressure capacity
PS V 50 bar l for gases of fluid group 4.4. Certificate table JP Japan P
2 (non-hazardous fluids) are subject to JO Jordan U 3)
The following table lists the codes used in
Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the European the model code for different countries of KR Korea (Republic) U 3)
Pressure Equipment Directive and do not installation. KW Kuwait U 3)
receive the CE mark. LB Lebanon U 3)
Inspection of the equipment and European member states Certificate LY Libya U 3)
installation, operational safety and repeat code MY Malaysia U 3)
testing are controlled as before by national (AKZ) MX Mexico U 3)
laws. AT Austria NZ New Zealand T
The equipment relating to safety is BE Belgium NG Nigeria U 3)
described in AD2000, ISO4126 and BG Bulgaria NO Norway U
EN14359. The repeat testing intervals CY Cyprus PK Pakistan U 3)
are stipulated in the new German health & CZ Czech Republic
safety regulations. PE Peru U 3)
DK Denmark PH Philippines U 3)
4.1. OVERSEAS EE Estonia PR Puerto Rico E 3)
Pressure accumulators which are installed FI Finland RU Russia A6
overseas (outside the EU), are supplied FR France SA Saudi Arabia U 3)
with the relevant test certificates required DE Germany SG Singapore U 3)
in the country of installation. GB Great Britain ZA South Africa U 3)
The country of installation must be stated GR Greece SD Sudan U 3)
at the time of ordering (see code in Model HU Hungary U 3) CH Switzerland U
Code for the particular product: Certificate IE Ireland (Republic)
Code). SY Syria U 3)
IT Italy TW Taiwan U 3)
LV Latvia TH Thailand U 3)
HYDAC pressure vessels can be supplied LT Lithuania TN Tunisia U 3)
with virtually any test certificate. Please LU Luxembourg
note that the permitted operating pressure TR Turkey U
MT Malta UA Ukraine A10
can differ from the nominal pressure. NL Netherlands
Depending on the authority, the different U US USA S 3)
PL Poland YU Yugoslavia (former) U 3)
material requirements must be observed. PT Portugal 1)
approval required in the individual territories
4.2. Certificate code = S RO Romania 2)
approval required in the individual provinces
(U STAMP) SK Slovakia 3)
alternative certificates possible
SI Slovenia
HYDAC Technology GmbH has had
authorization since 1985 to use the ES Spain
Code Symbol "U STAMP" on pressure SE Sweden
vessels which have been manufactured in
conformity with the ASME specifications
and to market these using the "NB"
symbol, in the jurisdiction (area of
application) of The National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
E 3.000.12/03.12

5.1.1 Standard Benefits of HYDAC bladder accumulators:
Nominal volumes: zzHigh discharge speeds,
0.5 ... 200 l
zzNo pressure differential between fluid
Permitted operating pressure: and gas sides,
330 ... 550 bar
zzCompact, maintenance-free,
zzHigh charging and discharge

5.1.2 Low pressure

Nominal volumes:
2.5 ... 450 l
Permitted operating pressure:
up to 40 bar

5.1.3 High pressure

Nominal volumes:
1 ... 54 l
Permitted operating pressure:
5 ... 1000 bar

5.2.1 Standard Benefits of HYDAC piston accumulators:
Nominal volumes: zzMinimal pressure differential between
up to 3300 l the fluid and gas sides,
Permitted operating pressure: zzLarge usable volume,
210 ... 350 bar
zzVariable installation position,
(higher pressures on request)
zzMonitoring of the piston position possible
using various systems,
zzParticularly suitable for back-up
zzHigh flow rates possible,
5.2.2 Series SK280
Nominal volumes: zzNo sudden discharge of gas when seals
0.16 ... 5 l are worn.
Permitted operating pressure:
280 bar

5.3.1 Diaphragm accumulators Benefits of HYDAC diaphragm
Weld type accumulators:
Nominal volumes: zzDesign optimised for function and
0.075 ... 4 l weight,
Permitted operating pressure: zzChoice of installation positions,
50 ... 330 bar zzNo pressure differential between fluid
side and gas side,
Screw type zzLow-maintenance and long service life.
Nominal volumes:
E 3.000.12/03.12

0.1 ... 4 l
Permitted operating pressure:
210 ... 750 bar

5.4.1 Metal bellows accumulators Benefits of the HYDAC metal bellows
for heavy diesel engines accumulator:
Nominal volume: zzGas-tight
3.8 l
Permitted operating pressure:
50 bar zzMedia resistance over a wide range of
Series: SM50P-...
other models on request


5.5.1 Dampers Advantages of the HYDAC hydraulic
Nominal volumes: damper:
0.075 ... 450 l zzReduces pressure pulsations,
Permitted operating pressure: zzImproves the suction performance of
10 ... 1000 bar displacement pumps,
zzPrevents pipe breaks and damage to
zzProtects measuring equipment and its
function in the system,
zzReduces noise level in hydraulic
5.5.2 SILENCER systems,
Permitted operating pressure: zzReduces maintenance and servicing
330 bar costs and
zzExtends service life of the system.

5.6.1 Weight Reduced
Hydraulic Accumulators
Over 80% reduction in weight
compared to equivalent
carbon steel accumulators.
The choice ranges from weight-optimized
accumulators, e.g. by using aluminium,
through to light-weight and ultra light-
weight accumulators.

5.6.2 Spring accumulators

These are fitted with a spring.
The energy is produced from the spring
force, instead of gas.
Further information on request.

HYDAC supplies fully assembled
accumulator stations which are ready for
operation, complete with all the necessary
valve controls, fittings and safety
zzas an individual accumulator unit or
zzin a back-up version with nitrogen bottles
to increase the effective volume.
E 3.000.12/03.12

5.8.1 Hydraulic accumulators with Using HYDAC nitrogen bottles provides
back-up nitrogen bottles the following benefits:
HYDAC also offers nitrogen bottles which zzCost-effective expansion of the
can be used to back up bladder and piston accumulator volume and as a result
accumulators. Nitrogen bottles used as
back-ups increase the gas volume in the zzSmaller accumulators for the same gas
accumulator. volume.

5.8.2 Universal charging and testing

unit FPU-1
Charging hose, pressure gauge and
pressure reducer for HYDAC and other
makes of accumulator, up to 350 bar.
Higher pressures on request

5.8.3 Safety and shut-off block Benefits of the HYDAC Safety and Shut-off
SAF/DSV Block:
Nominal size: 10 ... 50 zzMinimum of space and maintenance,
Permitted operating pressure: zzMinimum of installation required
400 bar (DSV 350 bar) (1 SAF replaces as a rule up to 10
Pressure relief valve: individual pipe connections),
Nominal width DN12 zzConsiderable reduction in installation
zzCan be adapted to different types and
also different makes of accumulator, and
zzAdditional valves (pilot-operated check
valves, flow control valves, etc).
5.8.4 Safety equipment
zzGas safety valve GSV6
zzTemperature fuse
zzBursting disc

zzGas safety block Benefits of the HYDAC Gas safety block:

as safety equipment for zzA gas safety block simplifies the
HYDAC accumulator products. operation of the hydraulic accumulator
Approval according to Pressure Equipment on the gas-side and also provides a
Directive PED and CE mark. means of attaching the above safety
equipment using the various ports.

5.8.5 Supports for Hydraulic

Accumulator sets, clamps and consoles
for efficient mounting of hydraulic

Nominal volumes:
1 ... 50 l
Permitted operating pressure:
330 bar
E 3.000.12/03.12

APPLICATIONS Automotive Industry
HYDAC Technology GmbH is zzGeneral industrial hydraulics, e.g. energy
represented in almost all industries storage
of the world which use hydraulic
The main sectors are industrial Machine tools
hydraulics, mobile technology and
process technology. zzSupport for the hydraulics for tool drive or
tool change
Further applications in oil & gas/
offshore as well as more energy zzEnergy storage in the compact hydraulics of
efficient systems utilizing accumulators machining centres
are gaining in importance.
Listed below is a selection of examples Plastics machinery
with accumulators/dampers which are zzAccumulator stations for energy storage
typical for these industries: during the injection moulding process
zzPulsation damping on the hydraulic drive

Forming machines
zzAccumulators used to store energy to
support the pump

Iron and steel industry

zzAccumulator to maintain the pressure in
rolling mills
zzBlast furnace hydraulics

Thermal power plants

zzEmergency supply for turbine control system
zzPulsation damping on pumps
zzLubrication, control and seal oil supply

Wind turbines
zzAccumulators in the pitch control system
zzSupport of the pitch drive
zzAccumulators on braking units

Mining machinery
zzHydraulic accumulators, e.g. in suspended
zzPulsation damping
zzComfort and safety for mobile working

Paper Industry
zzEnergy storage for emergency functions in
friction bearing hydraulics
zzEnergy storage in high/low pressure power

Test rigs and test systems

zzEnergy storage on crash test systems
zzPulsation damping on servohydraulic axes
E 3.000.12/03.12

Automotive technology Chemical industry
zzAutomatic and manual transmission zzEnergy storage and pulsation damping on dosing
zzAutomatic clutch systems pumps
zzEngine management systems zzSuction flow stabilisation on the suction side of
zzPump noise damping
zzAccumulators for turbocharger
emergency lubrication Loading stations / Refineries
zzShock absorption for valve closing
Construction Machinery zzPulsation damping on pipelines
zzAccumulators in braking systems
zzChassis damping
zzBucket damping Offshore / Oil & Gas
zzBoom damping on mobile cranes zzAccumulators to support valve closing systems
zzEnergy storage for deep sea rams
Agricultural and forestry machines zzBlow Out Preventers (BOP)
zzFront loader damping zzEmergency function for safety systems
zzAccumulators in tractor suspension zzAccumulators on wellhead control systems
zzStone strike protection for ploughs
zzBoom suspension on field sprayers

Municipal machines
zzEnergy storage
zzBoom damping
zzPulsation dampers
zzChassis damping

Lifting and material handling

zzEnergy recovery
zzBraking system

zzWater treatment plants
(pump support)
zzPulsation damping on diesel engines
zzHeave compensation (cranes)
zzEmergency function for lifeboats

Please visit us at the following address:

In addition to Industries, Service and Fluid Engineering,

under Products Hydraulic Accumulators, you will
find the standard product range and a
comprehensive range of accessories from

8. Specification forms
Our aim is to provide optimum customer service both
before and after purchasing the accumulator.

The following specification forms are designed to

help pre-select the required accumulator/damper or
E 3.000.12/03.12

You can also download these as a pdf document from

the intranet and internet (www.hydac.com/Hydraulic
accumulators) under the Downloads tab. You can then
complete them at your convenience on your PC and
also send them to your HYDAC contact, e.g. by E-Mail.
HYDAC Technology GmbH
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

General ACCUMULATOR Specification Form (Page 1/2)

(Subject to technical modifications)

Company: Location:

Project name: Originator:

E-Mail: Tel. no.:

Application: Requirement: pieces/year

The appropriate accumulator can be calculated using the HYDAC Accumulator Simulation Program ASP.
Download from www.hydac.com.

Type of accumulator Bladder accumulator Piston accumulator Diaphragm accumulator __________________

Fluid: Viscosity at 20 C: cSt
Density: kg/m Viscosity at operating temperature: cSt

Functioning of the pump Additional details on the accumulator

Continuous operation Intermittent operation Industry:
Accumulator data Country of installation:
Max. operating pressure: bar Design/Certification:
Min. operating pressure: bar Specification:
Pre-charge pressure at 20 C (nitrogen): bar Materials*
(See catalogue section: No. 3.000, Sizing)
Accumulator shell:
Ambient temperature: C Fluid connection:
Operating temperature: C Elastomer:
Complete cycle time: s Additional information
Installation dimensions: mm
(height x ext.)
Fluid demand diagram for one pump
and one consumer:
Fluid connection: Type:
Accumulator discharge rate: l/min For thread internal
Accumulator discharge time: s external
Flow rate of the pump: l/min Standard:
Pump runs continuously: Gas connection:
Pump starts after discharge: Colour/finish: internal
Spare parts/ see www.hydac.com
Alternatively: Accessories:
Fluid demand diagram for several pumps under Products/Accumulators
and/or consumers (see Page 2)
* dependent on operating temperature and/or fluid resistance

E 3.000.12/03.12

Date: Name:

HYDAC Technology GmbH
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

General ACCUMULATOR Specification Form (Page 2/2)

(Subject to technical modifications)

Fluid demand diagram for several pumps and/or consumers

Designation / Example
Qv = Consumer flow rate [l/s]
EV = Switch-on time of consumer [s]
AV = Switch-off time of consumer [s] [l/s] consumers
EP = Switch-on time of pump [s]
AP = Switch-off time of pump [s]
time [s]


Please indicate cycle data below

Number of consumers: Number of pumps:

QV1= EV1= AV1= QP1= EP1= AP1=

QV2= EV2= AV2= QP2= EP2= AP2=

QV3= EV3= AV3= QP3= EP3= AP3=

QV4= EV4= AV4= QP4= EP4= AP4=


time [s]
E 3.000.12/03.12

HYDAC Technology GmbH
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

Shock absorber specification form (Page 1/2)

(Subject to technical modifications)

Company: Location:

Project name: Originator:

E-Mail: Tel. no.:

Application: Requirement: pieces/year

The appropriate accumulator can be calculated using the HYDAC Accumulator Simulation Program ASP.
Download from www.hydac.com.

Type of accumulator Bladder accumulator Piston accumulator Diaphragm accumulator

Cause of the pressure shock Accumulator data
When pump starts When pump switches off Max. operating pressure: bar
When check valve flap (valve) closes Min. operating pressure: bar
Pre-charge pressure at 20 C (nitrogen): bar
(See catalogue section: No. 3.000, Sizing)

Fluids/media Ambient temperature: C

Fluid :
Operating temperature: C
Density: kg/m Fluid connection: Type:
For thread internal
Pipeline data for a single pipe external
Length: m Standard:
Diameter (internal): mm Gas connection:
Wall thickness: mm internal
Material of line: external
bar Spare parts/Accessories: see www.hydac.com
Max. permitted pressure in the line:
under Products/Hyd. accumulators
Total closing time of the valve: s Materials*
Speed of sound in the system: m/s Accumulator shell:
Fluid connection:
Alternatively: Elastomer:
Pipeline data for additional sections of pipe
(see Page 2)
Additional information on the accumulator/system
Pump data Available installation space: m
(L x W x H)

Zero head: m Industry:

Pressure of the pump at the operating point: bar Country of installation:
Flow rate of the pump at the operating point: l/min Design/Certification:
* dependent on operating temperature and/or fluid resistance Specification:
please send datasheet

E 3.000.12/03.12

Date: Name:

HYDAC Technology GmbH
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

Shock absorber specification form (Page 2/2)

(Subject to technical modifications)

Pipeline data for additional sections of pipe

Designation / Example
H = Zero head of the pump [m]
Di = Internal diameter of the pipe [mm]
T = Closing time of the valve [s]
(effectively approx. 30 % of the total closing time)
L = Length of the pipeline [m]

L1 L2 L3

Tank Tank

Di 1 Di 2 Di3

No. of different pipes: 3

L1 = 200 m D i1 = 100 mm
L2 = 50 m D i2 = 200 mm
L3 = 20 m D i3 = 500 mm

Typical values for speed of sound

Water = 1200 m/s
Fuel = 1100 m/s

Please complete below with the pipeline data

No. of different pipes:

L1 = m Di1 = mm L5 = m Di5 = mm
L2 = m Di2 = mm L6 = m Di6 = mm
L3 = m Di3 = mm L7 = m Di7 = mm
L4 = m Di4 = mm L8 = m Di8 = mm
E 3.000.12/03.12

HYDAC Technology GmbH
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

PULSATION DAMPER Specification Form

(Subject to technical modifications)

Company: Location:

Project name: Originator:

E-Mail: Tel. no.:

Application: Requirement: pieces/year

The appropriate accumulator can be calculated using the HYDAC Accumulator Simulation Program ASP.
Download from www.hydac.com.

Type of accumulator Bladder accumulator Piston accumulator Diaphragm accumulator

Fluid: Viscosity at 20 C: cSt
Density: kg/m Viscosity at operating temperature: cSt

Pump and system data Additional details on the accumulator

Oper. press./pump pressure: bar Industry:

Flow rate: l/min Country of installation:

Rpm: 1/min
No. of displacements:
Design pressure: bar
single double acting
Design temperature: C
Pump factor: optional (if available)
Stroke volume: 1 dm Accumulator shell:
d xp
Fluid connection:
for piston pumps: VH = x H x 106
d = piston: mm Additional information
H = stroke length: mm Installation dimensions: mm
(Height x ext.)
for diaphragm pumps: see manufacturer's specifications
Accumulator data Fluid connection: Type:
Pre-charge pressure : 1)
bar For thread internal
Operating temperature: C external
Application: pressure side suction side Standard:
Required residual pulsation: % Gas connection:
Result: l gas volume Colour/finish:

* dependent on operating temperature and/or fluid resistance external

see catalogue section: No. 3.000, Sizing Spare parts/Accessories: see www.hydac.com
normally pre-charged with nitrogen (N2)
under Products/Hydraulic accumulators

E 3.000.12/03.12

Date: Name:

HYDAC Technology GmbH
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

SILENCER Specification Form

(Subject to technical modifications)

Company: Location:
Project name: Originator:
E-Mail: Tel. no.:
Application: Requirement: pieces/year

Sizing example:

E1 E4
E0 0 1 Silencer 2 3 4
E3 5 6
Pump: A10VSO71 Design pressure: 210 bar Silencer inlet: SAE 1 1/4 3000 PSI
Pump rpm: 1500 1/min No. of pump pistons: 9 Silencer outlet: SAE 1 1/4 3000 PSI
Fluid: Aral Vitam GF Fluid density: 890 kg/m Design temperature: 50 C
Element no. Length [m] int. [m] ext. [m] Subsequent connection type Hose type
E1 0.5 0.020 0.030 Straight connection
E2 0.4 0.200 Straight connection
E3 1.5 0.025 0.040 T-junction 4SP (DIN EN 856)
E4 0.6 0.015 0.025 Pressure relief valve
E5 0.2 0.015 0.025 Right-angle
E6 0.6 0.015 0.025 Shut-off valve

Design data:

Pump: Design pressure: bar Silencer inlet:

Pump rpm: 1/min No. of pump pistons: Silencer outlet:
Fluid: Fluid density: Design temperature: C

Element no. Length [m] int. [m] ext. [m] Subsequent connection type Hose type
E 3.000.12/03.12

Date: Name:

Function principle Accumulator cycle Limits for the gas pre-charge pressure
Bladder accumulator

p0 0.9 p1
with a permitted pressure ratio of
p2 : p0 4 : 1

For HYDAC low pressure accumulators,

the following must also be taken into
The accumulator is pre-charged with account:
nitrogen. The separating element Type SB40: p0 max = 20 bar
(piston, bladder, diaphragm) shuts off Type SB35H: p0 max = 10 bar
the fluid connection.
The minimum operating pressureshould
be higher than the gas pre-charge
pressure. This should prevent the
Piston accumulator separating element from striking the
fluid connection every time fluid is p0,tmin 2 bar (piston type 2)
p0,tmin 10 bar (piston type 1)
Once the max. operating pressure is
p0,tmin p1 - 5 bar
reached, the effective volume V is
available in the accumulator:
p0 = Gas pre-charge pressure In extreme cases, during slow charging
(isothermal) and rapid discharge (adiabatic)
p1 = Minimum operating pressure
of the effective volume, and after accurate
p2 = Maximum operating pressure calculation, the gas pre-charge pressure
V0 = Effective gas volume p0 p1 can be selected.
V1 = Gas volume at p1 Accumulator supplied uncharged or
V2 = Gas volume at p2 with 2 bar storage pressure.
t0 = Gas pre-charge temperature
Diaphragm accumulator tmin = Min. operating temperature a) Permitted pressure ratio: p2 : p0
tmax = Max. operating temperature Weld type:
The pressure ratio of weld-type
diaphragm accumulators is between
4 : 1 and 8 : 1, depending on the design,
see catalogue section
Diaphragm Accumulators, No. 3.100,
Point 3.1.
Screw type:
All sizes: 10 : 1
Other pressure ratios on request
b) p0 0.9 p1

9.2. SELECTION OF During operation the separating element 9.2.3 Temperature effect
(piston, bladder, diaphragm) must not So that the recommended gas pre-charge
GAS PRE-CHARGE touch the fluid-side connection. pressures can be maintained, even at
PRESSURE Since the volume of the gas increases as relatively high operating temperatures,
The selection of the gas pre-charge the temperature increases, the gas pre- the p0 charge for charging and testing cold
pressure defines the accumulator capacity. charge pressure must be determined at the accumulators must be selected as follows:
In order to obtain optimum utilization of the maximum operating temperature using the tcharge + 273
accumulator volume the following gas pre- recommended values. p0, t charge = p0,t max
charge pressures are recommended: tmax + 273
9.2.2 Limits for gas pre-charge
9.2.1 Recommended values pressure t0 = tcharge (gas charging temperature in C)
for energy storage: (see right-hand column of table) To take the temperature effect into account
p0,t max = 0.9 p1 when sizing accumulators,
the pre-charge pressure p0 at min.
temperature t0 must be selected as follows:
for shock absorption:
p0,t max = 0.6 to 0.9 pm tmin + 273
p0, t min = p0,t max
(pm = average operating pressure for tmax + 273
free flow)

for pulsation damping:

p0,t max = 0.6 pm
E 3.000.12/03.12

(pm = average operating pressure)

p0,t max = 0.8 p1
(for several operating pressures)

9.3. Accumulator sizing Example
Petrol tanker filling station
on your PC

You want to size an accumulator for

your hydraulic system and need to find
out the required gas volume? How does
the accumulator actually behave in the
The formulae required for this are
complicated and also have only limited
When loading fuels into vehicles, ships or barrels, the flow is suddenly interrupted when
the valve closes.
The solution: HYDAC ASP -
This deceleration of mass results in a pressure shock which is also referred to as a
Accumulator Simulation Program:
Joukowsky pressure shock. By using a hydraulic accumulator, the pressure shock can
zz Accumulator sizing on your PC with be reduced to a tolerable level.
Windows interface for bladder, piston
and diaphragm accumulators and
systems using back-up nitrogen bottles, Given parameters:
taking into account isentropic, isothermal zz Temperature: 20 C
and polytropic changes in condition. Fluid: PETROL (Premium leaded)
zz Calculation of accumulator systems with (Density: 0.760 kg/dm3)
the possibility of adding accumulators, zz Pipe length from pump to valve: 900 m
consumers and pumps with their zz Pipe internal: Internal diameter = 107.1 mm
particular switch-on and switch-off times. (DN100 = 114.3 external,
zz Simulation of pressure, temperature and wall thickness = 3.6 mm)
volume over the given cycle time. Real zz Zero head of the pump: 147.5 m, equivalent to 11 bar
gas equations are used for this and the
accumulator type and its heat exchange zz Pump pressure at operating point: 10 bar (pre-charge pressure p0 = 9 bar)
behaviour is taken into account in the zz Max. permitted pressure of the pipe: 12 bar
calculation. zz Flow rate: 500 l/min
zz Sizing of pulsation dampers. zz Closing time of the shut-off valve: 1s (0.33 s effectively)
zzCalculation of the gas volume and the zz Pipe material: Steel E = 2.1 x 105 N/mm
residual pulsation of gas-filled pulsation
zz Sizing of shock absorbers, calculation of Required:
the required gas volume for "Joukowsky a. Maximum Joukowsky pressure shock in bar
shock". b. Maximum flow velocity in the pipe in m/s
Complex pipe systems are possible on c. Required accumulator gas volume in litre
zz Display of the gas compression and the
degree of efficiency.
a. Maximum Joukowsky pressure shock: 18.867 bar
b. Maximum flow velocity: 0.925 m/s
c. Required accumulator gas volume: 41.795 l

10. NOTE
The information in this brochure relates to
the operating conditions and HYDAC Technology GmbH
E 3.000.12/03.12

applications described.
66280 Sulzbach/Saar, Germany
For applications and operating conditions Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 01
not described here, please contact the Fax: +49 (0) 68 97 / 509 - 464
relevant technical department. Internet: www.hydac.com
Subject to technical modifications. E-Mail: [email protected]

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