Massachusetts In-State Tuition Eligibility Form: Please Print Clearly
Massachusetts In-State Tuition Eligibility Form: Please Print Clearly
Massachusetts In-State Tuition Eligibility Form: Please Print Clearly
Are you a U.S. Citizen? o Yes o No If not, please complete the following question.
Are you a Permanent Resident? o Yes (If yes, list alien registration o No
number in box at end of row)
If you are not a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, please state your Visa or immigration status in detail:
o I have been a Massachusetts resident for six (6) continuous months and intend to remain here.
o I have been a Massachusetts resident for LESS than six (6) continuous months.
As proof of my intent to remain in Massachusetts, I possess at least 2 of the following documents, which I shall present to the institution upon request.
These documents* must be dated between six (6) months and one (1) year of the start date of the academic semester for which I seek to enroll (except
for my high school diploma, which may only be used if I graduated within one (1) year of the start date of the academic semester for which I am enrolling
). The institution reserves the right to make any additional inquiries regarding the applicants status and to require submission of any additional
documentation it deems necessary.
Please check the documents you possess as proof of your intent to remain in Massachusetts and bring them with you to BHCC.
o Valid Drivers License o Utililty Bills * o Employment Pay Stub * o Valid Car Registration o Voter Registration *
o State/Federal o Massachusetts o Signed Lease or o Military Home o Other
Tax Returns * High School Diploma Rent receipt * of Record *
o Record of parents residency for unemancipated person *
o I am an eligible participant in the New England Board of Higher Educations Regional Student Program.
o I am a member of the armed forces (or spouse or unemancipated child) on active duty in Massachusetts.
i. I possess a work authorization card and will provide this as part of my instate eligibility. o
ii. I am a Deferred Action Childhood Arrival (DACA) and will provide a C33 card as part of my instate eligibility. o
I certify that this information is true and accurate. I understand that any misrepresentation, omission or incorrect information shall be
cause for disciplinary action up to dismissal, with no right of appeal or to a tuition refund.