Hom 1963 03 23 5608

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The undermentioned Gazettes of India Extraordinary were published upto the 13th March,

Issue No.' and Date Issued by] Subject

- - -

39 S.O. 582, dated 5th March, Miristry of Infor- Approval of films specified
1963. mation & Broad- therein.
40 S.O. 627, dated 7th March, Ministry of Corn- The Molasses Control (Amend-
1963. merce & Industry. ment) Order, 1963.
41 S.O. 628, dated 7th March, Do. . Further amendment to the Ex-
1963. ports (Control) Order, 1962.
42 S. 0. 629, dated 8th March, Election Commis- Calling upon the Dohad Parlia-
1963. sion, India. mentary Constituency to elect
before the 20th April, 1963 to
fill the vacancy by reason of
death of Shri Hirabhai Kunber-
bhai Baria.
S.O. 630, dated 8th March, Do. ! . Appointing the last date for mak-
1963. ing nominations; date for the
scrutiny of nominations date for
the withdrawal of candidatures;
date for polling and date before
which the election shall be
S.O. 631, dated 8th March, Do. . Fixing the hours of polling.
43 S.O. 652, dated 8th March, Ministry of Com- Further amendment to the Ex-
1963. merce & Industry. ports (Control) Order, 1962.
44 S.O. 673, dated 13th March, Election Commis- Amendments to notification No.
1963. sion, India. 43419162, dated 5th November,

Copies of the Gazettes Extraordinary mentioned above will be supplied on

indent to the Manager of Publications, Civil Lines, Delhi. Indents should be
submitted so as to reach the Manager within ten days of the date nf i w 1 1 - of
these Gazettes.

( 809 1
810 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1968/CHAITRA 2, 1855 [ P i ~ rII-
.... -
PART II--Section 3-Sub-section (ii)
Statutoq orders and notifications issued by the Ministries of the Govern-
ment of India.(other than the Ministry of Defence) and by Central
Authorities (other than the AMnistrations of Union Territories).

(Department of Economic Affairs)
New Delhi, the 13th March, 196X
S.O. 685.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (2) and (3) of
section 8 of the Provident Funds Act, 1925. (19 of 1925), the Central Government \
hereby rakes the following amendment to the notification of the Government of
India in .the Ministry of Finance (Department of Company Law Administration)
S.RO. 1416, dated the 12th June, 1956, published at p-e 1043 of the Gazette of
India, 1956, Part I1 Section 3, dated the 23rd June, 1956, -dy:-
In the said notification, for. the brackets. number and words "(1) The Hydera-
bad State Financial Corporation" the brackets, number and words "(1) The
Andhra Pradesh State Financial borporation" shall be substituted
2. The amendment made by this notification shaII be deemed to have come
into force on the 1st day of April, 1958.
E o . F.6(5')-Corp/62.1
S S. Sl3iWK& Under Secy.
(Department of Economic Affairs) \\ F?
New Delhi, the 16rh March 1963
S.O. 686-Statement of the Affairs of the Reserve Bank of India, as on the 8th March, 1953

Capital paid up

. .

5,m,oo,ooo Notes . 12,4I,84,-

Reserve Fundl . . . . 80,oo,oo,ooo
- . -
Rupee Coin
Small Coin
National Agri~wlturalCredit
2,92 ,000
2317,000 1 &

National Agricultural Credit

(Long Term Operations) Fund . . 61,m,oo,ooo
(Long Tenn Operations) Fund
(a) Loans and Advances to :-
(i) State Governments . . 23,54,34,=0'
National ~gricultbralCredit (ti) State Co-operative Banks 10,12,56,ooO
(Stabilisation) Fund . ~,OO,OO,OOO (iii) Central Land Mortgage ~ a n k ;
~ e b e n i u r e s-
(b) Investment in Central Land Mortgage ~ i a n k h84,88WQ
Deposits :-
National Agricultural Credit (Stabilisation) Fund
( a ) Government Loans and A3vances to State Co-operative Banks . ..
(a3 Central Government
(ii) State Governments .. . . 123,93,30,000
Bills Purchased and Discounted :-
(a) Internal
(61 External
(b) Banks (cy ~overnmentTreasury Bills . 81,73563,000
(i) Scheduled Banks
. --a

Balances Held Abroad* .
Loans -and Advances t o - ~ o v e r n & e n t s ~ *
.. I2,II,73,000
ii) State Co-operative Banks
iii) Other Banks
. 2,09,47,000
Loans and Advances to :-
($3 Scheduled Bankst . 83,39,62,000
(ii) State Co-operative Banks) : . 130,67,28,000
C) Others
ills Payable
. 167998,63,-
(iii) Others
Other Assets .

Rupees . . 628,71,9o,ooo Rupees . . 628,~r,go,m 1
*Includes Cash and Short-tenn Securities.
**Exclnding Loans and Advances from the National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operations) Fund, but including temporary overdrafts to
' State Governments. t
tIncludes Rs. 8,89,50,ooo advanced to scheduled banks against usancc bills under Section 17(4) (c) of the Reserve Bank of India Act.
fExcluding L n s and Advances from the National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operations) Fund and the National AgricuLval Credit
(Stabilisation) Fund.
An Accountpursuunt to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, for the week ended the 8th day of March, 1963

--- -.- ---

Notes held in the Prnking Depart-
men t 12y41~84~~oo Gold Coin and Bullion :-
. II
Notes in c:rculation . 2235,86,17~000
(a) Held in India
(6) Held outside India .' .~. ~ ~ ~ ~ , I o , o o o
Total Notes icsucd z248,28,01,000
Foreign Securities . 103,08,43,000
TOTAL. 2 x7,84,53,0~
Rupee Coin 114,01y33,000
Government of India ~ u p e securities
e '. 1916,42,IS,000
Internal Bills of Exchange and other
commercial paper . ..
- --
T O TI.rtrsnnr~s
~ ~ 22 48,28,0 1,000 TOTAL
. ---
- -
Daled :!.z ~ 3 t hday of March, 1963. P. C. BHATTACHARWA,

[No.F. 3(2)-13c/63.]
A, BAKSI, Jt. Secy.
. 3 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 25, I Y O S / ' ~+,~ ~ ~ A L Y&~


Patna the 24th January, 1963'
s U B ~ ~ c ~ : - P a p eClearance
r of Samples, maintenance of Accounts.
S.O. 687-In exercise of the powers conferred on me under Rule 233 Central Excise rule,,^
the following registers of samples as per proforma annexed hereto are prescribed for maintenance
by the Manufacturers of paper and Board in this Collectorate.
(I) Register for samples cleared free of dutj' Amexure-A
(2) Register for samples cleared on payment of duty-Annemrc B.
(3) Register for samples drawn for the Departmental chemists-Annexure C


Date o S1. No. & Net quan- Name and Remarks.

removal. description of tity. address of ad-
samples. dressee.

- - - - -- -


Date of removal S1. No. and des- Quantity Rate of duty pay- Total duty pay-
cription of able. able.

S1. No of gate pass Signature of Signature of the Date of payment

manufacture Factory Officer. of duty and de- Remarks.
posit particu-



Date of sample Description of Quantity Stock card and No. and date of
drawn. sample. lot h'o.from test Memo. un-
Sheets. Nett which drawn. der which des-
weight patched.

Purpose of test Result of test. Quantity returned Remarks Signature of

after test, if any. Factory Officer.

[No. 7/1-Paper/63.]


Bangalore the 5th February, 1963.

S.O. 688.-In exercise of the powers conferred on m e under rule 50 of the
Central Excise Rules, 1944, I herebj! direct that manufacfurers of gases shall not
remove gases in cylinders other than the dutiable gases in similar containers, with-
out the permission of the Central Excise Ofleer in charge of the factory.
2. Tbe manufacturers desirous of removing non-dutiable gases in cylinders
should present an application in the p_roper form in duplicate to the Central Excise
Officer in charge of the factory sufficiently in advance and obtain his written per-
mission before effecting removal of the same Trom the factory.
IIsmu from fLle C. No. VIIGm/21/1/63B.2!]
[No. 1763.1



New Delhi, the 16th March, 1963.
S.O. 689.-In exercise of the powers confqred by sub-clause (xi) of clause (a'
of section 2 of the EssenGal Commodities Act, a 5 5 (16 of 1955). the Central Gov
ernment hereby declares the commodities specified below which are used for thi
SEC.3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF IXDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1885 815
- - --
manufacture of wool tops and shoddy wool, to b'e essehtial commodities for the
gurposes of that Act, namely:-
(1) Wool combing machinery;
(2) Woollen-
(i) rag washing machine,
(ii) rag tearing machine,
(iii) rag cutting machine and
(iv) garnetting machine.
NO. F. 17(16)Tex(Dj/62-1.1

New Delhi, the 16th March, 1963
S.O. 690.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Essential
Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955), the- Central Government hereby makes the
following Order to amend the Woollen Textiles (Produbtion and Distribution Cont-
rol) Order, 1962, namely:-
1. This Order may be called the Woollen Textiles (Production and Distribution
Control) Amendment Order, 1963.
2. In the Woollen Textiles (Production and Distribution Control) Order, 1962 in
.clause 3, after sub-clause (1) the following sub-clause shall be inserted, namely:-
"IA. No person shall, except under and i n ,accordance ,with the terms and
conditions of a permit in writing granted by the Textile Commissioner,
acquire or instal .any machinery for wool combing worked by power
and use it for the purpose ~f manufacturing wool tops.
IB. No person shall, except under and in accordance with the terms and
conditions of a permit in writing granted by the Textile Commissioner,
acquire or instal any woollen.-
.(i) rag washing machine;
(ii) rag tearing machine;
(iii) rag cutting machine; or
(iv) garnetting machine.
-worked by power and use it for the purpose of manufacturing shoddy wool".

A. G. V. SUBRAHMANIAM, Under Secy.

(Indian Standards Institution)

New Delhi, the 28th February 1963
P S.O. 691. In pursuance of sub-rule (I) of rule 4 of the Indian Standards Institution (Certification
Marks) Rules, 1955; as amended in 1962, the Indian Standards Institution hereby notifies that the
Standard Mark(s), design(s) Fof which together with the verbal description of the design(s) and
. the title(s) of the relevant Indian Standard(s) are given in \the Schedule hereto annexed, have been ,
. .P These Standard Mark(s), for the purpose of the Indian Standards Institution (Certification
Marks) Act, 1952, as amended in 1g6!,-and the,rules and regulations framed thereunder, shall
816 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885 [P.~RT11-
S1. Design of the Product/Class of Pro- KO.& Title of Re- Verbal description of
No. Standard Mark ducts to which apph- levant Indian Stan- the design of the
cable dard Standard Mark
(3) (4) (5)
Enamel, Brushing, IS: 133-1950 Speci- The monogram of
Interior, fiation for Enamel, the Indian Stan-
(I) Undercoating Brushing, Interior dards Institution
(2) Finishing (I) Fnderccating consisting of letters
Colour As Re- (2) Finishing ISI, draun in the
quired Cclour As Required exact style and rc-
Iative proportions
as indicated in Col
(2), the number
designation of the
Indian Standard
being superscribed
on the top side of
the monogram as
indicated in the
Enamel, ~Spraying, IS: 134-1gso S~eci- The monogram of
Interior, fication for Enamel, the Indian Stan-
(I) Under Coating Spraying, Interior dards Institution
(2) Finishing (I) Undercoating consisting of letters
Colour As Required (2) Finishing ISI, drawn in the
Colour As Required exact style and
relative propor-
tions as indicated
in Col (z), the
number designation
of the Indian Stan-
dard being super-
scribed on the top
side of the mono-
gram as indicated
in the design.
Ready Mixed Paint, IS; I ~ E Q S OSpeci- The monogram of
Bru$!~ing,Finishing, Ecgtion for Ready the Indian Stan-
Stovmg, Enamel, Mixed.Paint, Brush- dards Instirution
Colour As Required ing, Fmishing, Stov- consisticg of letters
ing, Enamel ISI, drawn in the
Colour As Required exact style and re-
lative proportion as
indicated in Col (2),
the number designa-
tion of the Indian
Standard being su-
perscribed on the
top side of the mono-
gram as indicated
in the design.
ReadyBMixed Paint, IS: 151-1950 Speci- The monogram of
Spraying, Finishing, W o n for Ready the Indian Stan-
Stoving, Enamel, for Mixed Paint, Spray- dards Institution
General Purposes, ing, Finishing, consisting of letters
Colour As Required Stoving, Enamel, ISI, d r a w ,in the
for General Purposes, exact style and. re-
Colaur As Required lative propomons
as indicated 1n
Col (2), the. num-
ber deslgnanon of
the Indian Stan-
dard being super-
scribed on the top
side of the mono-
gram as indicated
in the design.
iec, 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1963jCIAITRA, 2, 188.5 817

(I) (2)

Enamel, Brushing, IS: 520-1954 Speci- The monogram of

Exterior, Type I fication for Enamel, the Indian Stan-
(Synthetic) Brushing, Exterior, dards Institution
(I) Undercoating Type I (Synthetic) consisting of letters
(2) Finishing (I) Undercoating ISI, drawn in the
Colour As Re- (2) Finishing exact style and .re-
quired Colour As Required lative proportions
(Tentative) as indicated in
Col (2), the num-
ber designation of
the Indian Standard
being superscribed
on the top side of'
the monogram as
indicated in the
Enamel, Spraying, IS: 521-1954 Speci- The monogram of
Exterior, Type I fication for Enamel, the Indian Stan-
(Synthetic) Spraying, Exterior, dards Institution
(I) Undercoating Type r (Synthetic) consisting of letters
(2) Finishing (I) Undercoating ISI, drawn in the
Colour As Re- (2) Finishing exact style and re-
quired Colour As Required lative proportions
(Tentative) , as indicated In
Col (2), the number
designation of the
Indian Standard
being superscribed
on'the top side of the
monogram as indi-
cated in the design.
Enamel, Brushing, IS: 522-1954 Speci- The monogram of
Exterior, Type 2, fication for Enamel, ' the Indian Stan-
(I) Undercoating Brushing, Exterior, dards Institution
(2) Finishing Type 2, constisting of letters
Colour As Re- (I) Undercoating ISI, drawn in the
quired (2) Finishing exact style and re-
Colour As Required lative proportions
(Tentative) as indicated in
C01(2), the number
designation of the
Indian Standard
being superscribed
on the tope side of
the monogram as
indicated in the
Enamel, Spraying, IS: 523-1954 Speci- The monogram- of
Exterior, Type 2, fication for Enamel, the Indian Stan-
(I) Undercoating Spraying, Exterior, dards Institution
(2) Finishing Type 2, consisting of letters
Colour As Re- (I) Undercoating ISI, drawn in the
quired (2) Finishing exact style and re-
Colour As Required lative proportions as
(Tentative) indicated in Col
(2), the number
designation of the
Indian Standard
being superscribed
on the top side of
the monogr? as
indicated In the

$18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885 PART' 11-
-- -
S.O. 692-In pursuance of sub-regulation (3) of regulation 7 of the Indian Standards Institu-
tion (Certification Marks) Regulations, 1955~ amended in 1961 and 1962, the Indian
Standards Institunon hereby notifies that the muhg fee per unit for various products details of
which are given in the Schedule hereto annexed, have been determined and the fee shall come into
'force with effect from 15 March 1963

51. Product 'Class of Pr,oducts NO.a+ tiltle of relevant Unit Marking Fee per Unit
No. Indlan Standard

- --

I Enamel, Brushing, Inter- IS : 133-1950 Specifica- One Litre 0.5 nP per unit with a
lor, tion for -el, Br- minimum of Rs-
(I) Undercoating ushing, Interior, ~,ooo.oofor produc-
(2) Finishing (I) Undemring tion during a cal-
Colour As Required (2) Finishing lendar year.
Colour As Required.
2 Enqmel, Spraying, IS : 134-1950 Speeifica- Do. Do.
Interior, tion for Enamel, Sp-
/(I) Undercoating, raying, Interior,
(2) Finishing (I) Under ma-,
Colour As Required. (2) Finishing
Calm As Required.
3 Ready Mixed Paint, IS : 151-Igj3 Specifica- Do. Do.
Brushing, Finishing, tion for Ready Mixed
Stoving, Enamel, Co- Paint, Brushing, Fi-
lour As Required. rishing, Sto- Ena-
mel, Ca1w As Required.
4 Ready Mixed Paint, IS : 151-1950 Specifica- Do. Do.
Spraying, Finishing, tion for R a d y Mixed
Stoving, Enamel, for Paint, Spraying, Fini-
General Purposes, shing, SM-, Enamel,
Colour As Required. for G=ral P u r p e s ,
CoLour As Requved
5 Enamel, Brushing, Ex- IS : 520-1954 Specifica- Do. Do.
terior, Type I (Syo- tion for Enamel, Br-
thetic). ushing, Exterior, Type
(I) Undercoating I (Spntketic)
(2) Finishing (I) ' L ' n d e d g
Colour As Required (2) Fiihing
Glour As Required
5 Enamel, Spraying, Ex- IS : 521-1954 Specific% Do. Do.
tenor, Type I (Syn- con for Enamel, Spray-
thetic) lng, Exterior, Type r
(I) Undercoating (Synthetic)
(2) Finishing (I) Undercoating
Colour As Required (2) Finishing
Colour As Required
7 Enamel, Brushing, Ex- IS : 522-1954 Specifica- Do. Do.
terior, Type 2, tion for Enamel, Brush-
(I) Undercoating ing, Exterior, Tqpe 2,
(2) Finishing (I) Uridercoating
Colour As Required (2) Finishing
Colour As Required
8 Bnamel, Spraying, Ex- 1s: 523-1954 Specifica- Do. Do.
terior, Type 2, tion for Enamel, Spray-
(I) Undercoating ing, Exterior, Type 2,
(2) Finishing (I) ~ndercuating
Colour As Required (2) Frnishing
Colour As Required
[No. MD/IS:Z.I
SEC. 3(ii)J THE GAZETTE OF ISDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1885 819
New Delht, the 5th arch, 1963
S . O . 4 9 3 . In pursuance of sub-rule (I) of rule 4 of the Indian Standards Institution (Certifica-
tion Marks) Rules, 1955, as amended in 1962, the Indian Standards Institution hereby notifies that
the Standard Mark, design of which together with the verbal description of the design
and the title of the relevant Indian Standard is given in the Schedule hereto annexed, has
been specified.
This Standard Mark, for the purpose of the Indian Standards Institution (Certification
Marks) Act, 1952, as amended in 1961, and the rules and regulations framed thereunder, shall
come into force with effect from 15 March 1963.

S1. Design pf the Stan- Product/Class of No. & Title of Rele- Verbal description of
No. dard Mark Products to which vant Indian Standard the design of the Stan-
applicable dard Mark

x Single Pole 15 Am- IS: 2120-1962 Re- The monogram of

Is: 2' 20 peres Tumbler Swi- quirements for Ele- the Indian Standards
ctrical Appliances Institution consist-
and Accessories ing of letters ISI,
drawn in the exact
and relative pro-
portions as indicated
in Col. (z), the
t number designa-
I tion of the Indian
4 Standard being sup-
I erscribed on the
top side of mono-
gram as indicated in
the design.

I (No. MD/17:2)

S.O. (94 In pursuance of sub-regulation(;)of reguiation 7 of the Indian Standards Institu-

tion (Certification Marks) Regulations, 1955, as amended in 1961 and 1962, the Indian Standards
Institution hereby notifies that the marking fee per unit for Single Pole 12 Amperes Tumbler
Switches details of which are given in the Schedule hereto
annexed, has been determined and the fee shall come into force with effect from 15 March 1963. .

S1, Produc/Class of Products No. and Title of Relevant Unit Marking Fee per Unit.
No. Indian Standard
- - -- --

(I) (2)

r . Single Pole 15 Amperes IS

Tumbler Switches
: 2120-1962 Require-
for Electrical Switches
20 c.
per unit, with a
mimmum of
Appliances and Ayes- Rs. 1,000.00 for
sories ,
production during
a calendar year.

[No. MDl18:zl
New Delhi, the 7th March, 1963.
9.0.695.1n- puraclance of sub-rcguialiun ( I ) C J rcguluLio11, S of thc Indian Standards I nstittctiou (Cestificalio!~Marks) Regulatiolrs, 195s as amend-
i ~ ~ ~ notifies that scvCnlicences, particiilars o l whicll src given in ilte Schcdulr l>rrrtn nnilexcd,
ed in 1961 and 1962, the Indian Sta~ldartisI n s t i l ~ t l hereby
have hecn grnnted auiharizing the licc~lscesto u-.c Llic S t a ~ ~ d a M r da ~ k .
-- ---- -----
S1. Licencc Period of Validity Name and Address of tlic License~ Articlc/Process covered by the Rclevant Indian Standard
No. No. and Licence
From To
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) -
1 CM/L-go6 1-3-63 29-2-64 The Great Indian Plywood Ma- Tea-Chest Mctal Fittings IS - 10-1953 Specification for
13-2-196 nufacturing Company, 76, Jessore Piywood Tea-Chests (Revised).
Road, Dum Durn, Calcutta-28.
z CMIL-507 15-3-63 14-3-64 Mjs. Murlidhar Thunjbunwala D D T Dusting Powders IS : 564-1961 Specification for
21-2-1963 Private Ltd. Field .NO. 8213 (a) D D T Dusting powders.
Sathankadu, Kaladipet,
3 CM/L-508 15-3-63 14-3-64 M/s. Tata-Fison Limi.ted, Pallu- Endrin Emulsifiable Concentrates IS : f31o-1958 Specification for
25-2-1963 mthy Cochin-5 having their, Endrin .l!mulsifiable concentrates,
Ofiice at Union Bank Building,
Dnlal Streer, Port, Bombay-I.
4 CM/L-509 15-3-63 14-3-64 M/s. Ilenley Cables India Limited, PVC Cublrs only, 250 and 650 Iolts IS : 6 4-1960 Specification for
25-2-1963 I ladapsur Indusirini Estate, Sho- Grade PVC eubles and Lords for Elec-
Iapur lioad, Poona-I, having ttic Power and Lighting for
their Registered Ofice at IIenlcy Working Voltages Up to and
House, Dnllard Estate, Bombay-I. Including 650 Volts to Earth
(Tentative, Attzcndsd).
5 CM/L-510 15-3-63 14-3-64 MIS. Nagrath Paints Private 1-td., ( i ) Enamel, Brushing Interior ( i ) I S : 133-1950 Specification for
28-2-1963 46, Pazalganj, Kanpur (U.P.) (I) Undercoating Enamel, Brushing, Interior.
(2) Finishing Colour as re- (I) Undercoating.(z) Finishing Co-
lour as Requlrcd.
(ii) Enamel, Brushing Exterior, (ii) IS: 520-1954 Specification for
Type I (Synthetic) Enamel, Burshing, Exterior
(I) Undercoating Type I (Synthetic)
(2) Finishing (I) Undercoating (2) Finishing
Colour as required Colour as required (Tentative).
(ttt)anamel, apraylng, axtenor, ytz) LD ; >rl-ry>rl. ~~pcc~llcatlon
Type I (Synthetic) for Enamel, Spraying, Exterior
(I) Undercoating Type I (Synthetic)
(2) Finishing (I) Undercoating (2) Finishing
Colour as required. Colour as required (Tentative)
14-3-64 MIS. Sylvan & Company, Tea-Chest Metal Fittings IS . 10-1953 Specification for
6212, Chetla Road, Calcutta-27. Piywood Tea-Chests (Revised).
1 ~ - ~ - 6 ;MIS. Yawalkar Insecticides and D D T Dusting Powders IS . 564-1961 Specification for
Chemicals Factory, Shed No. DDT Dusting Powders (Revised).
20, Industrial Estate, Kamptee
Road, Nagpur-4, having their
Office at Bhagwahar Layout,
Dharampath, Nagpur- I.
- -- -- -- -. --
No. MD/rz : 929
S.O. 696.-In pursuance of ~ b ~ r e p l a t i o( 1n) ~ f r e g ~ l l a t i oR nof' the Indian Stsndolds InstilutioIl (Ccrtificniio~lMnl ko) I1cguln,ic ns, 195: us "mended
in r962, tlie India11Standa-ds Instltut~nnliereby nollfics fh8t thirty-thee licel7ces, patlicult1ls of whicli arc - given in the Schedule hereto snnexed,- have heen
1 ----

S1. LicenceNo. Period of Validity Name & Address of tlze licensee Articlc(s) covered by the licence
NO. & date
From To
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
I CMIL-63 17-2-63 16-2-64 T h e Indian Turpentine and Rosin Co. Gum Spirit of' Turpentine (Oil of IS : 533-1954 ~pecification for
7-2-1958 Ltd., P.O. Clutterbuckganj, Bareilly
I T T n \
Turpentire) Gum Spirit of Turpentine (Oil
(u.l-.). of Turpentine).
Mls. Assam Forest Products Private Tea Chest Plywood Panels I S : 10-1953 Specification for
~ i m i t e d ,Dibrugarh, Distt. Lakhim- Plywood Tea-Chests.
pur, (Upper Assam). (Revised)
M s. Woodcrafts (Assam) Proprietors Tea Chest Plywood Par?cls IS : 10-1953 Spcification for Ply-
{ayshree Tea & Industries Ltd., wood Tea-Chests.
P.O., Mariani, District Sibsagar. (Revised).
M/s. Woodcraft l'roducts Limited 8, Tea Chest Plywood Panels IS : 10-1953 Specification for Ply-
India Exchange Place, Calcutta. wood Tea-Chests.
1-3-63 29-2-64 'The Standard Furniture Company Ltd., Tea Chest Pljwrcd Panels I S : IO-Jg53 Spccifical~onfor Ply-
Chalakudi(Kern1a State). wood T,c~-Chests.
16-2-63 15-2-64 Mjs. Minerva Plywood Industries, Tea Chest Plywood Pnncls TS : 10-1953 Specificalion for Ply-
A ~ / I I / I Chnulpntty
, Road, Cnlcutlo- wood Tea-Chc.;ts.
JO. . (Revised)
2-3-63 1-3-64 M / s . Uengal Plywood Manufocturirg Tcn Cl*e:t l'l3nc r d I'rl els IS : xo-1953 Spccificatirrl for Ply-
Company, 23/24,Radhn Razar Street, wood Tco Chests.
Calcutta. (Revised)
1-1-63 31-12-63 Mls. Bonlbay Chemicnls Private IJd., I'yrelhti m Pxlrocts I S : 1~51-1957 Spccificntion for
129, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, l'yretllrum Bxt racts.
1-3-63 29-2-64 M s. Andamns Timber Industries Tea C1:est 1'13 wcod Parels IS : ro-19.53 Specjficntior~for P l l ~
Limited, 2, Dalhousic Square, Bast, wood Tea-Chests.
Calcutta-I. (Revised)
1-3-63 29-2-64 MIS. Shalimar Biscuits Private Ltd., Biscujts(ExcludingWaferI3iscuits) IS : 1o11 -1957 Srecificrt'on for
Sun Mill Estate, Sun Mill Road, of the following varieties : Biscuits (Excludirg Wafer Bis-
LowcerParcl,Bombay-I 3. cuits).
(I) Custard Cream,
(2) Orange Cream,
3) Glucose,
4) Cookies,
(5) Dellco,
(6) Coconut Crunch,
(7) Ginger nuts,
(8) Fruit Cream, I
(9) Nice, and r-l

(10)Kesar Cream.
MIS. Tata-Fison Ltd., 20, Howrah BHC Water Dispersible Pow2er IS : 562-1c58 Specification for BHC
Road, Salikia, Calcutta. Concentrates. Water Dispersible Powder Con-
(Revised). ri
19-2-64 MIS. Bharat Pulverising Mills Private DDT Water DispeleiLle Fcv,c!ci. I F . c6c-1r6r Srccificoticnfor +,
Ltd., 589, Thirumottiy~~r High Concentrates. DDT Water Dispersible Powder m
Road, Madras-19. Concentrates.
14-1-64 M/s. Tata-Fison Limited, Pandit Moti- BHC Dusting Powders IS . 561-1958 Specification for ,
la1 Nehru Road,- "Tamna Kinara. BHC Dusting Powders. Z
Agra. (U.P.) (Revised). E]
24-1-64 Mjs. Great Eastern Cutlery Works, 2 0 PruningKnive?,Hooked & Culved. IS : 619-rs61 Specification for
Strand Road, Calcutta-I. Pruning Knives, Hooked and
27-1-64 MIS. ~ e i e a r c hChemical Laboratories, Ferro-Gallo Tar natc Forntaln Pen IS : ztc-1959 specification for X
550, VIII Main Road, Malleswarrm, Ink Ferro-Gallo Tamate Fountain
Bangalore-12. (0. I Percent Iron Content) Pen Ink ' '
(0.1 Percent Iron Content).
(Reoised). ,--
27-1-64 M/s. Research Chemical Laboratories, Dye-Based Fountain Pen Irk:, 18 : 1 2 2 1 - ~ 9 7Spe~ificatj~1'for
550, VIII Main Road, Malleswalam, Blue, Greer?, Rec: ar.6 Violet. Dqc-E'pcrd r c I ~irlr Pen Inks
- .- - (Blue, Green, Violet, Black and

-M;(s. B O O ~ S Pure Drug CO. (India) Copper Oxychloride Water Dis- I S : r(c7-1959 Specification for 5
Private Ltd., 17, Nicol Road,
persible Powder Concentrates. Copper Oxychloride Water Dis-
persible Powder Concentrates. c
14-2-64 The Sathe Biscuit & Chocolate Co., Unsweetened, Sweeter cc' :I c' Mill. IF : 116:-rc:I! S ~ e c i f c h t i c r f o r
Ltd., 820, Bhawani Peth,Poona-2. Covering Chocolztes. Coveril p Ckccolatc .
14-2-64 The Sathe Biscuit & Chocolate Co. Cocoa-Powder IS :I 164-1958 Specification for
Ltd. 820, Bhawani Peth, Pcons 2. Cocoa-Powder. . =
19-2-64 M/3. Sahibganj Electric Cables Limi- Aluminium Conductor Steel Re- IS : 398-1961 Specification for
ted, 49, Palace Court, I Kyd. St.
inforced and All Aluminium
Stranded Alu-
Conductors for /I w
---- - -Overhead Power 'Transmissio~i
Purposes (Revised).
29-2-64 MIS. Sudhir Chemical Company, 248, Copper Oxychloride Duqting IS:1506-1g59 Specification for
Samuel Street, Vadagadi, Bon~bay-3. Powders. Copper Oxychloridc Dusting
29-2-64 M/s, Sudhir Chemical Company, 248, Copper Oxychloride Water Djs- IS : I 507-1959 Specification for
Sainuel Street, Vadagadj, Bombay-3. pcrsible Powder Concentrates. Copper Oxychloride Watcr
Dispersible Powdcr Concentra-
29-2-64 M/s. Devidayal (Salcs) Private Limi- D D T Dusting l'owders IS :564-1961 Specification for
ted, Gupta Mills Estate, Rcay Road, D D T Dusting Powders,
Darukbana, Bombay, (Revised).
29-2-64 M/s. Aluminium CabIes & Conductors All Aluminium Conductors & Alu- IS 398-1961 Specification for
(U.P.) Private I.td., 47, Hidc Road, minium Conductor Steel Rein- Hard-Drawn Stranded Alu-
Extension, Calcutta. forced. minium and Stecl-Corcd Alu-
minium Conductors for Over-
head Power Transmission Pur-
poses (Revised).
29-2-64 Mls. Jnwal? Flour Mills ,33, Najafgarh Maida Grade r IS :1oog-1957 Spccification for
Intlustrlal Arca New Delhi-rg. Maida.
14-2-64 MIS. l'ravancore kllemicnl nnd Manu- UIIC Dusting IJowdcrs IS:56r-rg58 Specification for
facturing Co. Idtd. Mnnjunlmcl Al- BHC Dusting Powders (Rewised)
wuye having their Hcntl OfIicc at
Manjumrncl (Post Box No. rg) Al-
14-2-64 MIS. 'rrava~lcore Chemical l3r Manu- Dl-1C Watcr Dispcrsil)le T'owder IS:56~-1gs8 Specification for
facturjng Co. Ltd. Majummel Al- Concentrates. RIIC Waler D~spersiblePowder
waye having their I-Iead Office at Concentrates (Kwised).
Manjummcl (Post 13ox No. 19)
14-2-64 The National Screw and Wire Pro- Hard-Drawri Stranded Alun~i~liumIS :3g8-1961 Specification for
ducts Ltd. Belur P.0. Belur Math and Steel-Cored Aluminium Hard-Drawn Stranded Alurni-
Distt. I-Iowrah having their Regd. C.~nductors for Overhead nium and Steel-Cored Alumi-
Office at gr, Stephen House, 4, Power Transmission Purposes. nium Conductors for Overhead
Dalhousie Square, East, Calcutta-I. Power Transmission Purposes
14-2-64 MIS. Menco Electricals Private Limited, Metal Clad Switches (Capacity I 5 IS :r 567-1960 Specification for
Industrial Estate, Olavakkot, having and 30 amps, DP, TP, 250 Metal Clad Switches (Current
their Rcgd. Office at "Prakash" Kun- Volts and 500 Volts). Rating Not Exceeding IOO
nalmr, Palaghat. Amperes).
5-26 14-2-64 M/s. Pesticide lndia, Udaisagar BHC Dusting Powdm I~:g61-1gfl Specification
Road, UdaipW, having their ofice BHC Dusting Powders (Revised).
at Udaipur.
1-3-63 29-2-64 Mjs. Narhari Engineering Works, Com- Three-Phase Induction Motors IS :325-1961 Specification for
pound of India Timber Trading Co. Up to 3 HP only. Three-Phase Induction Motors
Sewree Cross Road, Bombav-I c (Second Revision).
having their office at 480, ~albade<i
Road, Bombay-2.
I-~-& 29-2-64 MIS. Khalsa Foundry & Workshop Fractional Horse Power - Single- IS:996-1959 Specification for
Coop. Ind. Society Ltd. Kapurthala Phase and Three-Phase Motors. Small AC and Universal Elec-
Road, Sultanpur Lodhi, (Kapurthala). tric ~ o t o r swith-'A' 1nsulGion.
15-2-63 14-2-64 MIS. Assam Saw Mills & Timber Com- Tea Chest Plywood Panels IS :10-1g53 Specification for
pany Ltd. 62, Ballygunge Circular Plywood Tea-Chests (Revised).
Road (I Rainey Park) Calcutta-19
(Factory at Namsai NEFA Assam).

[No. M D j r t :1411
- V





S.O. 691.-In pursuance of sub-rule (1) of rule 4 of the Indian Standards

rnstitution (Certification Marks) Rules, 1955, as amended in 1962, the Indian
Standards Institution hereby notifies that the Standard Mark, design of whicR
together with the verbal description of the design and the title of the relevant
khan Standard 1s given in the Schedule hereto amexed, has been specified.
This Standard Mark, for the purpose of the Indian Standards Institufcion
ertlfication Marks) Act, 1952, as amended in 1961. and the rules and regulations
amed thereunder, shall come into force with &ect from 15th March, 1963.

Sl- Design of the Stan- Product/Class No.& Title of rclev~r.t Verbal dcscri~ticn of the
No. dard Mark of Products Indian S m d t r d design cf rl-r Sterdsrd
to which Mark

Q. TdstDrills IS : 599-1960 Sped- The moncgrsm of the

dcation for T m t Irdian Star?dayds Tn-
Drills (Revised). stitution consisting of
letters ISI, drawn in the
exact style and relative
proportions and indicated
in Col. (2), the number
designation of the Ind~an
Standard being super
scribed on the top side
of the monogram as in-
dicated in the design.

S.O. 698.-In pursuance of sub-regulation (3) of regulation 7 of the Indian

e n d a r d s Institution {Certification Marks) Regulations; 1955, as amended iri
1961 and 1962, the Indlan Standards Institution hereby notifies that the marking
fee per unit for Twist Drills details of which are given in the Schedule heret6
annexed, has have been determined and the fee shall came into force with effect
from 15th March, 1963.

a. ProduetlClass of Products No. and title of r e Unit Marking Fee per

NO. levant Indian Unit

1. TwistDrills . IS : jgg-1960 Speci- 1,- Re. 1.00 nP. per unit

fication for Twist Pieces for the first 2 , m
Drills (Rmica)
nP. per unit for
the next 3,000 units;
30 a. per unit for
the 5,001st unit.
and above.

[No. MD/18 2.3,

Head Q th? Cktitlcationi Marks Division
3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCR 28, 1963/CHAlTRA, 2, 1885
Sm. 827
(Department of Iron & Steel)
R m Delhi, the 12th Ma~ch1963
8.0. 699/ESS.COMM/IRON bs STEEL-2(c) /AM(lOt) .-In exercise of t%e
>owers conferred by sub-clause (c) of Clause 2 of the Iron and Steel (Control)
Order, 1956, the Central Government hereby directs that the following further
amendment shall be made in the Notification of the Government of India in the
Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel; No. S.R.O.2041/ESS.COMl/I/IRON AND
STEEL-2(c), dated the 11th June, 1957, as amended from time to time, namely:--
In the Schedule annexed to the said Notification, in Columns 2 and 3 thereo
against 'OTHERS', for the existing entry No.-.49, the following sh
be subshtuted, namely: -
2 3

"49. (i) Joint Director (Iron & Steel) and

Iron and Steel Controller, Iron and All clarrses of the rrom and
Ofice, Calcutta. Steel Control,,Orde 1956.
(iq $LiaisonO5cer of the Ministry of Defence and
Ministry of Defence Production and ex-offzcio
Deputy Iron & Steel Controller, Iron and ?tee1
Controllers' Office, Calcutta.
[NO. SC (A) -2 (10) /61;3
T. J. VERGRESE, Under Secy.


(Damtankt d Agriculture)
N e w Dew, the 12th March ,1963.
S.0, 706.-The following draft of certain rules further to amend the Oilcakes
Grading and Marking Rules, 196.2, which the Central Government proposes tp
make, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Agricultural Prdc
duce ,(Grading and Marking) Ac4, 1937 (1 of 1937),.is pub!ished as required by
the said sectlon, for the infomatlon of all persons llkely to be affected thereby
and notice is hereby given that the draft will be taken into consideration on o i
after the 30th day of April, 1963.
Any objection or ~uggestionwhich may be received fro? a& person with
rcspect to the said draft befere the date so specified will be considered by the
h t l Cme2nment.

1. These Rules may be called the Oilcskes Grading and Marking (Second
.Amendment] Rules, 1963.
2 Ln rule 3 and l-ule 4 of the Oilcalres Grading and Marking Rules, 1%
Ohereinafter referred to as the said rules), for the words and figures 9chedule
I. to VI", the words and figures 5chedules I to VlI" shall be substituted. ,
a. In the said rules- 1

(i) in rule3 im the word and B ure "Schedule VII", the word and figure
u b VP
I shall be mu%stituted~,
(PE) Schedule VII shall be renumbered tie Schedule Vm m d Before the
Schedule so renumbcred, the following Schedule hall be inserted aP
Schedule VK namely:--
(See Rules 3 and 4)
Grade designations and definitions of quality of Coconut Oil-Cake.

M?isture Crude Crude fat or Crude fibre Total ash, Acid in soluble Castor
Grade dadgnation percent by (gotein ether extract percent percent by a&, per husk Oenernl chsracteristicr
I weight ~trogen percent by by weight welght cent by
(Murimurn) 6.23, weight (Maximum) (Maximum) weight
percent (Minimum) (Maximum)
by weight

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. I . 10.0 21.0 8.0 12-0 8.0 1-5 Nil (I) Coconut oil-cake of grade
No. r shall be the product
obtained after the expression
Cfhd Cake . 12.0 18.0 r3.o 12.0 8.5 2- o Nil of oil from Copra (dried
coconut kernels) by power
driven machinery.
(2) Ghani Oil-cake shall be
the produn obtained after
the expression of oil fiorn
C3pra (dried coconut kernels)
by the animal driven Ghani
or Chekku.
.- The material shall be fr.ee
from harmful constituents,
and Castorcake or husk.
(4) It sball be free from ranci-
dity, ndulteronts, insect or
fungus infestution and from
fermented, musty and other
objectionable odour.
( 5 ) It shnll be free from dirt
and extraneous matter.

Notr :-re V~&~UCS

specified in C3lumns 3 to 7 are calculated on moisture free basis.
A iapted Iras the Ialian Suadarib opocifimtion for Coconut Oil-cake as Livestock f e d (La. 1254-1962)

New Delhi, the 15th March 1963

S.O. 701.-The following draft of the In-Shell and Shelled Walnut Grading and
Marking Rules, 1963, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise
of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Agricultural Produce '(Grading and
Marking) Act, 1937 (1 of 1937), is published as required by the said Section for
the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby
given that the said draft will be taken into consideration on or after 15th April
Any objection or suggestion which may be received from any person with resped
to the said draft before the date specified, will be considered by the Centrd
1. Short title and application.-(1) These rules may be called the In-Shell and
Shelled Walnut Grading and Marking Rules, 1963.
(2) They shall apply to in-shell and shelled walnuts produced in India.
2. Definition.-In these rules "Scfiedule" means R Schedule to these rules.
3. Grade designations.-The grade designstions to indicate the quality of in-
shell and shelled walnuts shall be as set out in Schedules I and I1 respectively.
4. Definition of quality.-The quality indicated by the grade designations shall
be as set out against each grade designation in Schedules I and 11.
5. Grade designation marks.-The grade designation mark shall consist of a label
bearing a design (consisting of an outline map of India with the word 'XGMARK'
and the figure of rising sun with the words 'Produce of India') resembling; that
set out in Schedule 111.
6. Marking Provisions.--(1) The grade designation mark shall be securely affixed
to each bag or box or container in the manner approved by the Agricultural
Marketing Adviser to the Government of India. In addition to the grade designa-
tion mark, each container shall be marked with such particulars and in such
manner as may be specified by the said officer from time to time. The follow-
ing particulars, in addition to grade designation, shall be clearly marked on the
(i) Serial number
(ii) Type of in-shell or shelled walnut i.e.
(a) In-shell walnuts-"India Super Special" or "India Special", "India
A-1" or "India-B" or
(b) Shelled walnuts
(i) Special Light halvesllight halves/light brokensllight pieces ( s m U ) /
and light crums; or
(ii) Amber halves/Amber brokens & Amber pieces; or
(iii) Brown halves/Brown brokens, Brown pieces and Amber-Brown crums.
(2) An authorised packer may, .after obtaining the previous approval of the
Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India, mark his private;
trade mark on a bag or box or tin or any other approved container in a manner
approved by the said officer; provided that the private trade mark does not re-
present a quality or grade of in-shell and shelled walnuts different from that indicat-
ed by the grade designation mark affixed on the bag or box or tin or container in
accordance with these rules.
7. Method of packing.-(a) In-shell walnuts: (i) Well dried, clean and washed or
bleached in-shell walnuts as per 'Agmark' specifications shall be filled in sound
gunny bags neatly stitched, stencilled and sealed in accordance with the Wtlnut
Grading and Marking Rules, 1963.
(ii) Gross weight (according to specifications) should be marlred on each
bag (This will not apply in case of consignments to be shipped to
United Kingdom),
(iii) The standard packs are:
(a) 50 kg gross or
(b) 25 kg gross or
(c) 10 kg gross.
(b) Shelled walnuts: (i) Sound, seaworthy and seasoned wooden boxes or c a z
hard boxes or tins or any other suitable containers should be used.
(ii) Use of proper lining material (at least double, the first of brown paper
an3 the second lining of vegetable parchment or tissue or greassproof or butter
gaper or any other good substitute) should be made.
(ii)Net and gross weight according to specifications should be stencilled on
tifie box (This will not apply in case of consignments to be shipped to Uni6ed
Fumigation.-(i) Fumigation of new crop (from September to December each
gear), in case of in-shell walnuts is voluntary i.e. not subject to c o m p u h q hnni-
gation before export.
' (ii) From January to August, each year, all consignments of in-shell walnuts
shall have to be adequately fumigated before export.
@) Fumigation of dl shelled walnuts before trpott k compuisoiy.
(iv) Certificate from registered fumigraBon houm shall have to be furnished
the customs authorities as a proof that each eonsignrne~thag bcen fumigated.
The fumigation certificate shall be one that krs hem obtained not earlier &an
$1 days before the date of shipment.
&wrk Or& spsci'nc of In-Shell WaGnuts (Jirplanr re@) produced in India

SL Size Essential conditions ' Tolerance Limit

(1) (5)

I .
" ~ - S ~ ~ g a d o p "pmmbtabove. I. The crop shall be entirely free from previous
year's walnuts. (Year of crop or harvest to be
I. Tolerance limit upto a maxi-
mum of 15%.
. a. Well washed or blenched. 0
3. Shells bright. Tolerance includes all ather
4. Well dried nuts. things except cracking.
5. Agreeable taste.
, 6. Over 85% good cracking.
7. Freedom from : ..
$d a Od-bleds,
sun-burnt nuts,
(uz) Darkened nuts (due to mould or dampness),
(iv) nuts with adhering hull remains,
(v) physically injured nuts,
(vi) fissured or perforated nuts,
(&I> nuts showing residue of chemical bleaches,
(wiii) Blighted nuts,
(ix) empty nuts,
- @) stony nuts,
bi) stained nuts and nuts showing orha phynicla
S. It should also be fm fmm:
(i) Pest or disease infestation,
(ti) Staining of shells due to mould, f h g u o ,
dampness, oil-bleedmg or seepage, ' *!
(G) Rancidity, C
(iv) Partially developed, shrunken, damage&
fissured or spLitted nuts, atones, cmgtieq %
hard nuts.
(vi) Shell-grits, rodent exccretn, cob-webs,
human hak, alive pests and other foreign
2 "India Specialg* . . Well developed nuts of 30 mrn
and above.
Do. Tolerance includes all othe~
things except cracking.
3 "India-I" . . Well developed nuts of 26 mm
and above.
Do. Do.
4 "India-B" . . Well developed n u a of 24 mm
and over.
DO. Do.
g *"X" Grade . . Not below 24 mm Do. Do.
- - -- .

*Note:-"X" grade as per contract, subject to approval by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India.
(See rule 3)
S1. Grade Colour Size Essential conditions Tolerance limit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
3 "Indian Special Light Light creamy or broken Fully developed plumpy Freedom from-
Halves" (A special grade white or whitish light kernels having complete
of well-chosen extra yellow or extremely light halves i.e. undamaged I. Partially or wholly shrun- I. Light acornes upto a
small complete halves) golden colour. separate coty-ledons free ken, shrivelled kernels. maximum of 15%-
from adhering pellicle 2. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- 2 . Amber halves upto a
fragments. ed, sun-burnt kernels. maximum of 10%.
3. Diseased, moulded, damp 3. Foreign matter upto a
kernels. maximum of I 12%.
4. Rancid, bitter, excessively 4. Tolerance limit for other
oily and unpalatable kernels. things save the above upto
5. Insect-pest infested and a maximum of 2%.
partially or wholly eaten
6 . Kernels of old crop.
7. Acornes, brokens, piens,
crums and grits.
8. Amber or brown or off-
coloured halves, acornes,
brokens, pieces and crums or
grits. -
g. Walnut meal or flour.
10. Shell grits, wood-splin-
ters, etc.
p "Indian Light Halves" . Do. Do. Do. Do.-
Freedom from-
q "Indian Light Brokens" Do. Slightly borken or damaged I. Partially or wholly shrun- I. Small pieces upto a
or halves on edges, or longi- ken, shrivelled kernels. maximum of 15%.
'.'Light Pie~es(Largeln tudinal halves of indi- z. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- z. Amber acornes, halves
vidual cotyledons or un- ed, sun-burnt kernels. and brokens upto a maxi-
evenly broken halves, bold 3. Diseased, moulded, damp m y of 10%.
piefes, and acornes. kernels. 3. Forelgn matter upto a
4. Rancid, bit&-, excessively maximum of 112%.
oily and unplatablc kernels. 4. Tolerance limit for other
5. Insect-pest a infested and things save the above upto
partially *or wholly caten a maximum of 2%.
F w d o m From-
6. Kernels of old crop.
7. Small pieces, c m r anct
S. E e * ar btown or 0s-
&loured halves, brokuu,
iccca and crunu.
g. Galnut mcal or IIOUE.
to. Shell grih wood-splint-,

Piooea Light creamy or broken Smaller than brokens or I. Partially or wholly shrun- x. A m b a halves, acorn*
white o r whiti8h light bold pieces but lnrger than ken, shrivelled kernels. brokens & pieces upto a
~Ilow or oxtrcmdy light cnuns (Usually 114 the a. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- maximum of 10%.
rnlden d o u r . size ofundamngcd indivi- cd, nun-burnt kernels. 2. Foreign matter vpto a
dual cotyledons or corn- 3, Diseased, moulded, damp maximum of 1/20/
pl# holvcs). kernels. 3. Tolerance limit Pdr othu
4. Rancid, bitter, exceasirely things save the above upw
oily and unpttlatahle kernels. a maximum of 2%.
5. Insea-pest infested and
partially or wholly eaten
6. Kernels of old crop.
7. Crurns or grits.
8. Amber or brown or off-
coloured halves, acorn-,

brokeru, picces and crumr.
9. Walnut meal or flour,
10. Shell grits, wood-splinten,

g Light -H &&ht m y or broken Small pieces, tiny fragment8 r. Partially or wholly nhrun- I. Amber or brown halves
white or whidah light or particles, grits of wrl- ken, shrivelled kernels. acomes, brokens, piece
N o w a extrcrnelj light nut kernels. (Clean and 2. Oil-bled, darkened, blighted, and amber-brown crum
pMca c d o a ~ . free from walnut meal or sun-burnt kernels. u to a maximum of 10%
dust). 3. Disused, moulded, damp 2. %oreb matter upto
kernels. maximum of ~ / a % .
4. $amid, b i ~ r ex&vely
, 3. T h Wt or
olly and unpalatable kernels. W g s save the abort upto
5- Insect-pest infested and
partially or wholly eaten
a maximum of 2%.
kernels. c
6. Kernels of old crop.
7. Halves, acornes, b m b s and I
8 . Amber or brown or off-
coloured halves, brokens, P
ieces and crums.
g. Galnut meal or flour.
10. Shellgrits, wood-splinters,
Freedom from- b.
6 G E hlvceW Pllic
~ yellow with
~ slightiy Fully developed, plumpy I. Partially or wholly shrun- I. Amber acornes upto a
reddish or brownish tinge kernels having complete ken, shrivelled kernels. maximum of 15%. C
or rocin coloured (darker halves i.c. undamaged se- z. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- 2. Brown halves u to
than lights but lighter
arate coty-ledons, free
kkn adhering pllicle
ed, sun-burnt kernels. maximum of
3. Diseased, moulded, damp, 3. Foreign matter uoto a
108. r!
Fragments kernels. maximum of I 12% . .-
-. -. 4. Tolerance limit for other
4. Rancid, bitter, excessive1
oily and unpalatable kern&.
things save the above uptb
a maximum of 2%. 5
5. Insect-pest infested and
partially or wholly eaten
6. Kernels of old crop, -9
7. Acornes, brokens pieces,
crums and
8. Brown or oKbsio-d hal-
ves, acornes, brokens, small

pieces and cnuns.

9. Walnut meal or flour.
10. ShelIgrits, wood-splinters,
. Freedom from-

7 " h d h Ambu Brokexlb" ~ l urllthl slightly
~ Slightly broken, or demnged I. Partially or wholly shrun- * I. Small pieces upto a
or "Amber P k reddish or brownish tinge halves on edges or longi- ken, shrivelled kernels. maximum of 15%.
('zna;e>" or rosin coloured (darker tudinal halves of indivi- 2. Oil-bled, darkened, blght- 2. Brown halves, acornes,
than lights but lighter - dual cotyledons or un- ed, sun-burnt kernels. brokens and pieces upto a
than browns) evently broken halves, bold 3. Diseased, moulded, damp maximum of 10%.
- --I_-

pieces and acornes.
kernels. 3. Foreign matter upto a
l ur
Freedom from-
4. Rancid, bitter, excessively maximum of 112%.
oily and unplatable kernels, 4. l'olemnce limit for cltlier
5. Insect-pest infested and things save the above upto
partially or wholly eaten a rnnximum of 2 % .
6. Kernels of old crop,
7. Small pieces and crurns,
8. Brown or off-coloured
halves, acrones, brokeas,
small pieces and crums.
9. Walnut meal or flour,
10. Shell grits, wood-splin-
ter8, etc.
8 -Indim Amber pfoca Pale yellow with slightly Smaller than brokens or I . Partinlly or wholly shrun- I. Brown or off-colouxed
(Small)" reddish or brownish tinge bold pieces but larger ken, shrivelled kernels, halves, acornes, brokens &
or rosin coloured (darker than crums. (Usually 114 z. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- pieces upto a maximum of
than lights but lighter the size of undamaged ed, sun-burnt kernels, 10%.
than browns) individual cotyledons or 3. Diseased, moulded, damp, 2 . Foreign matter upto a
complete halves). kernels, maximum of 112%.
4. Rancid, bitter, excessively 3. Tolerance limit for other
oily and unpalatable kernels, things save the above upto
5. Insect-pest infested and a maximum of 2%.
partially or wholly eaten
6. ICernels of old crop,
7. Crums or grits,
8. Drown or off-coloured hal-
ves, acornes, brokcns,
pieces and c r u m ~ ,
9. Walnut meal or flour,
10.Shell grits, wood-splin-
ters, etc.
*ebdfnnB r m H&mm Dark amber kernels tending Fully developed, p l ~ m p y I. Partially or wholly shnm- I. Acornes upto a maxirnun
more towards reddish or kernels having complete ken, shrivelled kernels, of 15%.
brownish-or fight chocolate halves 1.e. undamaged 2. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- 2. Off-coloured halves upto I
colour. separate cotyledons free ed ,sun-burnt kernels, maximum of 10%.
from adhering : pelLicle 3. Diseased, moddcd, damp 3. Foreign matter upto
fragments. kernels, maximum of 112%.
4. Rancid, bit&, ekcasivelg. 4. Tolerance Emit for 0th- I pg
oily and unpalatable kernels, things save the above upto
5. Insect-pest infested and a maximum of 2%.
partially or wholly eaten S:
kernels, G
6. Kernels of old crop,
7. Acornes, brokens, pieces, 4
crums and grits,
8. Off-coloured halves, acor- I2
nes, brokens, pieces and Q
g. Walnut meal or flour, . %
10. Shell grits, wood-splinters,
10 "Indian Brown Brokens" Dark amber kernels tendiig Slightly broken or damaged Partially or wholly s h m - I. Small pieces upto
or more towards reddish or halves on edges or longi- ken, shrivelled kernels, maximum of I -j%, 8
"B own Pieces (Large)" 2. Oil-bled, darkened, blight- 2. Off-coloured halves, acor-
brownish or light chocolate tudinal halves of indivi-
colour. dual cotyledons or un- ed, sun-burnt kernels, nes, brokens and small
evenly broken 3. Diseased, moulded, damp
halves, pieces upto a maximum of t?
bold pieces and acornes. kernels, 10%.
4. Rancid, bitter, excessively 3. Foreign matter upto a
oily and unpalatable kernels, maximum of 112%~
5. Insect-pest infested and 4. Tolerance limit for other
partially or wholly eaten things save the above upto x
kernels, a maximum of 2%.
6. Kernels of old crop,
S. Small pieces and crums,
8. Off-coloured halves, acornes, C

brokens, pieces and cnuns, 3

9. Walnut meal or flour,
10. Shell grits, wood-splinters,
11' "Indian B m Rccco Dark amber kernels tending Smaller than brokens or I. Partially or wholly shrun- I. Off-coloured halves =i
(Small)" more towards reddish or bold pieces but larger ken, shrivelled kerr-Cis. acornes, brckens, piece. $
brownish or light choco-
late colour.
than crwns. (Usually 2. Oil-bled, darkened, blight-
I/ the size of undamaged ed, sun-burnt kernels,
and crums upto a maxiQ
mum of 10%
in$iridual cotyledons or 3. Diseased, moulded, damp 2. Foreign matter upto a

complete halves) kernels, maximum of 1/2\%,

4. Rancid, bitter, excessively 3. Tolerance limit for other
. P
oily and unpalatable kernels, things save the above
5. Insect-pest infestek and upto a maximum of 2%.
partially or wholly eaten ae
kernels. w
Freedom from-
6. Kernels Of old crop,
7. Crums or grits,
8. Off-coloured f~elves,UCGr-
ncs, hrokens, enMl piece8
and crums,
9. Walnut meal or flour,
10. Shell grits, wood-splin
*IS, e tc.

zz "India Ambar-Brown (f) Pale ellow with alightly Small piecra, tiny fr~gnlents I. Partially or wholly s h r m I. Off-coloured halve!
Cnlms'" reddi& or brownib tmge or partiden, grits of wal- ken, shrivelled kernels. acornes, brokena, r pieces
or rosln coloured (darker nut kernels. (Clean and 2. Oil-bled, darkered, blight- erd c l l n s ~ p t oa maxi
than lights but lightar free from walnut meal or ed, sun-burnt kernds, mum of IOX,
than browns) dust). 3. Diseased, moulded, damp 2. Foreign matter upto 8
OR kernels, maximum of 112%~
(ii) Dafk amber kernel8 4. Rancid, bitte, excessively 3. Tolersnce limit for othe.
tend~ngmore towards red- oily and unpalatable kernels thirgs save 11e s t c v e ugtc
dish or brownish or light 5. Insect-pest infeskd and a maximum of 2 %.
droclolatc colour. artially or wholly eaten
OR Rerncis,
fdmixture of both (i) and (U). 6. Kernels of old crop,
7. Acornes, brokens, nnd
8. Off-coloured halves, acof-
nes, brokens, pieces and
9. Walnut meal or flour,
to, Shell grlta, waod-oplin-
ten, ctc.
r. Partially or wholly s h m - "I.
ken, shrivelled kernels,
2 . 011-bled, darkened, blight- **2.
en, sun-burnt kernels, 3. Foreign matter upto a
3. Diseased, moulded, damp maximum of 112%.
kernels, 4. Tolerance limit for other
4. Rancid, bitter, excessively things save the above upto
d y and unpalntable kcmels. a roaximum dz%.
5. Insect-pest infested and
partially or wholly eaten
6. Kernels of old crop.
g. Walnut meal or flour.
so. Shell grits, wood-splin-
ters, etc.

*NOTII : (a) Crop . . . I.

Tho crop shall b e absolutely free from admixture of previous year's kernels.
Kernels extracted from new crop only will be termed as "Current year's crop".
3. Year of crop harvest and kernel production to be stamped.
(b) Tasta & Arcma . . . . Tha taste and aroma of kernels shall be agreeable.
(e) Essential conditions . . Absolute freedom from-
I. 'Cob-webs, rodent excreta, human hairs, etc.
2. Alive pests, grubs, eggs, etc.
3. Dust, dirt and other undesirable foreign m a d r .
2:-C0l~r, as per specifications approved by the Agn'cultural Marketirg Adviserto the Government of India. Essential conditions
under column 5 (7 and 8) and tolerance limit under column 6 (I and 2) may be mod~fiedwith the approval of th? Agriculturpl Marketing
Adviser to the Government of In&. Other mirlimum spediations l a ~ ddown as above will hold good in this case &a.
840 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :U C H 23, 1963/WIAIIPA 2, 1EB Phlr U-
SchmULH 111
(Set R ~ l e5 )

Nore:-The Tamil and Telugu words will not o m r in the hb& in caaes where commodities
*re graded for the purpose of export.
[NO.4s. 17-8162-AM]
: - ' .L' - -,-
XDepartment of Food) -
New Delhi, the 18th March 1963
S.O. 702.-In exercise of the pawers conferred by section 3 of the Essential
Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 19551, read with sub-section (2) of section 5 of
the Goa, Daman and Diu (Laws) Re lation, 1962 (12 of 19621, the Central
Government hrreby directs, lhat the Kit
Products Order, 1955, shall extend
)to, and come Into force in, *the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, with
&ed from the date of publications of this Order.
F. 8-10/62-AM.]
V. S. IGAM, Under Secy.
(Department of Agrimltnre)
New Delhi, the 14th March, 1963,
8.0. 703.-In pursuance of the provisions of Rule 26(4) of the Indian Oilseeds
Committee Rules, 1947, framed under Section 17 of the Indian Oilseeds Committee
Act, 1946 (9 of 1946), the Central Government hereby publish the audited accounts
of the Indian Central Oilseeds Committee, for the rear 1961-62, together with the
auditor's report thereon.
SEC. 3(ii)J
_- 841
Inspection Report No. 214 on, the accounts of the Indian Central Oilseeds
Committee, Hyderabad for the year 1961-62.
Name of the Secretary:-Dr. R. Sankaran upto 30th June, 1961.
Shri K. S.-Bedi 1st July, 1961 to 30th;November, 19G1.
Dr. M. S. Pate1 from 30th November, 1961, A.N. to date.
Inspecting Officer:-Sh. N. Srivasachari..
Name of the Local Audit Supdt:-Sh. 0.V. Sundara h n i a h .
Period of accounts audited:-1961-62.
Dates of audit:-19-12-62 to 26-12-62. '


Inspection Report 1959-60.

Para 3:-Interest free loans to Co-operative Societies through the State
The decision of the Standing Finance Sub-committee that interest @ 4%
will be charged on over-due instalments had been communicated to the respective
State Governments, under intimation to the Government of India. Periodical
reminders were being issued to the State Governments. However, no progress
was made in respect of recovery of the outstanding dues. This may please be
expedited. The position of unutilised loans in respect of Ballery and Nandyal
Market Committees may also please be stated.
Para 5 (b) & (c) : Participation in the World Agriculture Fair.
The matter was still under correspondence with the I.C.A.R. New Delhi.
Final reply is awaited.
I. Outstandzng utilisation certificates.-Utilisation Certificates for a sum of
Rs. 55,03,385 in respect of grants made to State Governments for 141 Research
Schemes (vide details in Annexure 'A') were yet to be received by the Com-
mittee. Immediate steps may please be taken to obtain the outstanding Utilisa-
tion Certificates as early as possible.
11. Unutilised Amounts,-A s u m of Rs. 87,805.40 unutilised by the State Gov-
ernments out of the grants given to them for the implementation of the various
schemes as per Annexure 'By was due to be refunded to the Committee. Effective
steps may please be taken to recover the amounts at an early date.
111. Recovery of cess duty from various Col1ectorates.-A sum of Rs. 1,39,461e67
on account of cess collected prior to 1st April 1956 was still due for recovery
from four Excise Collectorates as per details given in Annexure 'C'. Steps may
please be taken to expedite recovery.
CV. Miscelllaneous recbv'eries pending-Amounts totalling Rs. 2,395.28 as
detailed in Annexure 'D' were pending recovery. Item 1 was pending for over
6 years. Steps may please be taken to recover all the outstanding a m o u ~ t s
V. Audit fee for 6 days @ Rs. 95.00 per diem amounting to Rs. 570 (Rupees
five hundred and seventy only) may please be deposited in the State Bank of
Hyderabad in favour of the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
VI. A'copy of the test audit note containing minor irregularities which could
not be settled on the spot is enclosed. Compliance thereof may be shown to the
next audit.
(Sd.) D. P. J m - ,
Deputy Director of Audit.
Stdttnrcnt of Accc~untsof Receipts and Expenditure for the ycur Ending ?rst ,?f~lrch,1962,
..---------.---- --- - -- , - ., -- - ---
- Amount Total

RS'. n ~ . RS. nP. Rs. nlJ. Rs. nP.

Opening balance on 1-4-1961
Imprest Cash. .
. 81,g5,686.sr*
A, Administration of Indian Central
Oil seeds Committee (as per sche-
Securities . . 23,15,562'50 1,05,11,50I'OI dule 1) .
B. Travelling ailowance to members
Cess collections under section 3(2) of the C . Measures taken for promoting Ag-
Indian Central Oilsecds Committee riculturalRcsrarch (as per sche-
Act, 1946 . dule 11) .
Intcrcst on investments . D. Measures taken for promoting
Technological Research-
Profit on invenments . (a) Schemes financed from Com-
mittee's funds (scl~edule111) .
Miscellaneous receipts . (h) Category 'A' Schemes financcd
by thc Ciovcrnment of India
Grants from the Central Government, & CSIR (as per sc21edulc IV) .
froin 1,inqecd and Crroondnut fund. .
IZeceipts from Iicaent'ch Sch~mestinanced
hy. the Indiun Central Oilsccds Ccrm-
I!. Mecrvurcq tuken forpron~otingM lr-
Recovery of unsp'ent hjlances of @rantsf i r
schemes financrd hy the Indrnn Cen- keli~~g(nsper schedule V) . ,
tral Oilieeds Committee .
P. Meaqurcs taken for promoting D s -
Recovery of unspent bala~lceof grants by
Category 'A' schemes .
velopment of Oilseeds Crushing
tndustry (as per schedule VT)
G. Subsidies for publications .
H. Deposits and Advance s refi~ndahlc
(a) Conveyance, etc. . . . (as per schedules VII and IX)
1. Construct~on o f oflice bulldiiig,
le .
etc. (RSper S c h e d ~ ~VIII)
(b) Pay, etc.
( c ) Festivnlr
(4 Floods ,
. .. .. TOTAL
from 'A' to 'I' .
(e) Buildings, etc., of houses ..
(j)Loans advanced under scl~em@s 15~350'00
20,726. 23
Cbsinc balance on 31st March, 1962 :
Rent from I.C.O.C. Estate
6,675 '05 (a) Investments of funds as on 31-3-62
Indian Oilsceds Journal Sale and sub
scription .
- 3% Conversion Loan
19-6-1986 4,96,093 '75
Receipts from p~lblications Post Office National Savings
Receipts towards advertisements in Certificate? I,OO,OO~'CO
Indian Oilseeds Journal . 3% ~ o v e r n m e n t of' ~ n d i a
Loan, 1964 . 4,62,968 '75
2-3J4% Government
Loan, 1962 .
Grant from the Council of Scientific and 3 % Government of India
Industrial Research, New Delhi in
respect of schemes for Technological
Loan, 1963-65 . . 4,62,187' 50
3-112% National Plan Loan,
Research on Vegetable Oils during the
Third Five-Year Plan "Committed
1964 . 1,97,000~00

Grant received from the Government (b) Cash in Bank

of India in respect of 'Category A'
Schemes (as per Schedule X) . . - 95,041 '86 (c) Imprest Cash .

I,28,34,920.15 OF (a), Cb) & (c)


*Including the amount of grants lying unspent with the Committee. tIncludes a sum of Rs. 1,45,720 36 refunded to the Government of India
Rs. being unspznt balance from the grants lying with the Committee as
Government of India
. I,45,72Os36
44,923 '64
on 3Ist March, 1961.

Assistant Secretary, Indim Cenfml-Oilsea& Committee. I
1 have examined the foregoing accounts of the Indian Cen~rnlOilseeds Committee, Hyderabad for 1961-62. I have obtained 811 the information
and cx~lanationsthat 1 have requfrcd, ntld subject to the ohscrvntions in t h e separatc Audit Report, I ccrlify as a result of my audit, that in my opinion
these amounts are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and I'air vicw of the Svutc of affairs o l t h e concern according to the best of my information
nnd explanations given to mc and as shown by the books of the concet n.

Sd/- P.K. RAW,

Uirccror CJf Audit,
Food, Rahnbilitrttinn, St(ppf~1,C(vi1v2erceSteel ir~zdItJi!ics, New Uelhi.
[No. 8-93/62-Com.11. '
N. K. DUTTA, Under Secy.
., ur INUIA:MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, :889
- 845
--- -
J~JsIJ ~ n r .ALE^ lr,
New Delhi, the 8th March 1963
S.0: 704.-In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (3)
of section 3 of the Delhl Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment hereby appoints, Shri K. L. Pasricha as the Vice Chairman of the Delhi
Development Authority and makes the following further amendment in the
notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Health, No. 12-173/57-
LSG, dated the 30th December, 1957, namely:-
In the said notification, ,against serial No. 2, for the entries "Shri G. Mukharji,
I.A.S.",the following entries shall be substituted, namely:-
"Shri K. L. Pasricha".
[NO. F. 10-6163-L.S.G.1
B. S. 'SRIKANTIAH, Dy. Secy.

1Veu Delhi, the 12th March, 1963.

S.O. 705.-Whereas the Marathwada University has, in pursuance of the pro-
visions of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Indian Medical Council
Act, 1956, (102 of 1956), elected, from amongst the members of its Xedical
Faculty, Dr. G. K. Karandikar, vice, Shri Vinayak Bapu Pathak, who ceased to
be a member of the Council under sub-section (3) of section 7 of the said Act;
Now, 'therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of
section 3 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, the Central Government hereby
makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of I n l a in
the hlinistry of Health No. F. 5-13/59-MI dated the 9th January, 1960, namely:-
In the said notification, under the heading "Elected under clause (b) of sub-
section (1) of section 3", for the entries in column 2 against serial No. 23, the
following entries shall be substituted, namely:,
"Dr. K. K. Karandikar, M.B.B.S., F.C.P .S. (Born), M.S.,Ph. D. (Yale),
Dean, Government Medical College, Aurangabad."
[NO. F. 5-8/63-MI.]
B. B. L. BHARADWAJ, Under Secy.


(Department of Transport)
(Transport Wig)
New Delhi, the 12th March, 1963
S.O. 106.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section
. 4 of the Indian Lighthouse Act, 1927 (17 of 19271, . the Central Government
hereby appoints Shri D. Hogg to be a member of the Central Advisory Committee
for Lighthouses vice Shri B. T. Tyrrdl resigned and makes the following further
amendment to the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of
Transport and Communications (Department of Transport) S.O. 1674 dated the
23rd May, 1962, namely:-
In the said notification, for item 7 in the list of members, the following item
shall be substituted, namely: -
"7, Shri D. Hogg, C/o. MIS. Macneill and Barry Limited, 28, Barakhamba
Road, Connaught Circus, New Delhi".
WO. 4-ML(1 1 /63.1'
--..--- - -- --
- -
(Department of Communications and Civil Aviation)
( P . & T. Board)
New Delhi, the 16th March 1963
S.O. TO?.--In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (2) of rule 11,
&use (b) of sub-rule (2) of ruIe 14 and sub-rule (1) of rule 23 of the Central
Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Ru!es, 1957, the President
hereby makes the following further amendments In the notification of the Govern-
ment of India in the Iate Ministry of Comrnunicatjons (Posts and Telegraphs)
No. S.R.O. 620. dated the 28th Februrary 1957, namely:-
In the Schedule to the said notification-
(i) m part 11--General Central Service Class 111, for the heading "Office
of the Principal, Posts and Telegraphs T r a F n g Centre, Saharanpur",
the following heading shall be substitutea, namely:-
'_Posts and Telegraphs Training Centre and Postal Training Centre."
(if) in part 111--General Central Service, Class IV, for the hezding "Posts
and Telegraphs Training Centre, Saharanpur", the following heading
shall be substituted, namely: -
"Posts and Telegraphs Training Centre and Postal Training Centre."
[No. 4U19/62-Disc.]
Asstt. Dir. Genl.


New Dethi, the 13th March, 1963.
S.O. 708.-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of
the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following recru~tmentrules,
namely :-
1. Short Title.-These rules may be called the Ministry of Scientific Research and
Cultural Affairs, Vijnan Mandirs-(Post of Vijnan 3Iandir Officer) Recruitment
Rules, 1962.
2. Application.-These rules shall apply to the post specified in column 1 of
the Schedule annexed thereto.
3. Number oE l posts, classification, scale of pay and nabre.-The number of
posts, the classification, scale of pay attached thereto, shall be as specified in
columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule.
4. Nature of post, age Iimit, qualification, probation, method of recruitment, etr.-
The nature of the post, age limit, qualifications, period of probation, and other
matters connected therewith shall be as specified in columns 5 to 13 of the said
Schenule may be relaxed in the case of the Government Servants:
Provided that the educational and other qualifications specified under the head-
ing, "Essential" in column 7 of the said Schedule, may-be relaxed by the Ministry
of Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs on the recommendations of the Union
Public Service Commission in the case of candidates .otherwise found suitable.
5. Disqualification.-(a) No person who has more than one wife living or who
having a spouse living, marries in any case in %h.ich such marriage is void by
reason of its taking place during the life time of such spouse, shall be elisible
for appoinAaent to service.
(b) Nc woman whose marriage is void by reason of the husband having a wife
living at the time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife
living at the time of such marriage shall be e3gibPe for appointment to service:
Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied- thaQZ s r e are special
grounds for so ordering, exempt any perscn from the operation of this rule.

Recruitment Rules for z lze post of Vijlzaiz Mandir Officerin the Minis~ryof Scientijic Research 8r Cul~uralAffc ii s.

Name of No. Classifi-

post of cation
Scale of Whether Age
Pay selec- limit
Educational and othcr
Period Method of rectt.
of pro- whether by
In casc of
rectt. by
If a Circum-
D.P.C. stances in
posts tion for di- for direct recruits age and bation dircct rcctt. or promotion/ exists which
post or rect re- educa- if any by promotion or transfer, what is UPSC
non- cruits tional transfer and per- gradcs its is to be
selec- qualifi- centage of the fromwhich compo- consulted
ti6n cations vacancies to be promotion sition in making
post pres- filled by various to be made rccruit-
cribed methods mcnt
for thc
in the
Of pro-

42 Class 11 Rs. 325-
non-gaze- 15-475
(i) Master's degree in
No. 2 ycars 75 % direct rec
- Pronzotion Class I1 As rcquir-
D.P.C. ed under
Officer a e d .non- Bio-chemistry, Bo- Assistant the rules
minls- tany, Chemistry, or 25.x by promo- Vijnan
terial Zoology or M.Sc. in tion. Mandir
Agriculture. Officer (42)
(The quota of Rs. 210-10
-(ii) About 2 years ex- promotion will 290-15-
perience i? (a) re- be applicable 320-EB-
search or only with refer- 15-425,
(b) field work, or ence to the va -
with 3 years
(c) teachlng In the res- cancics available in the grade.
pective fields. in differentlin-
guistic rcgions)
-+ - --
(iii) R?lowled e of the
.angYngc o! the re-
gion of employment.
~es&ble 'z,
C %.
Experience of village or
social welfare work.

S. K. SANYAL, Under Secy.

SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1968/CHAITRA, 2, 1885 849

(Department of W. & H.)

New Delhi, the 14th March 1963

S.O.709.-In pursuance of sub-rule (2) of rule 1 3 4 of the Defence of India

Rules, 1962, the Central Government hereby authorises the officers specified m
column (2) of the Schedule below for the purposes of that rule in respect of
any publlic premises situated within t h e area specified in the corresponding en-
tries in column (3) of the said Schedule.

ial Officers Area

I. (I) Deputy Directors of Estates, New ~ e l k .The Union Territory of Delhi.
(2) Assistant Director of Estates, (Liti-
gation), New Delhi.
(3) Eviction Inspectors, Directorate of Es-
tates, New Delhi.
2. . .
The Estate Manager, Calcutta. , The area within the jurisdiction of the
Calcutta Municipal Corporation.
3. The Estate Manager, Bombay . . ; The area within the jurisdiction of the
Bombay Municipal Corporation.
4. The Assistant Estate Manager, Nagpur . The Area within the jurisdiction of
Nagpur Municipal Corporation.

5. The Assistant Estate Manager, Simla . The area within the jurisdiction of the Simla

S. L. VASUDEVA, Under Secy.

(Department of Rehabilitation)

c0ffic.e of the Chief Settlement Commisrsioner)

New Delhi, the 13th March, 1963.

S.O.710,-In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6 of the Administra-

tion of Evacuee Property Act, 1950 (Act XXXI of 1950), the Central Govern-
ment hereby appoints for t h e State of Uttilr Pradesh, Shri D. R. Dhall, Assistant
Settlement Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, as Deputy Custodian of
Evacuee Property for the purposes of discharging t h e duties assigned to such
Officer by or under the said Act with effect from 1st March, 1963.
I nt E 1 r.
C ~ L l Ur INUlA : M A K W 29, IYGT/CHAITRA 2, 1885 [PART11-
---- ----- . -.
--- - - --
---A -

S.O. 711.-In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Administra-

tion of Evacuee Property Act, 1950 (Act XXXI of 19501, the Central Government
hereby appoints Shri A. P. Agrawal, Assistant Settlement Commissioner, Uttar
Przdesh, Lucknow: as Assistant Custodian General of Evacuee Property for thc:
purposes of discharging the duties assigned to such 3ffica by :r nnder the said
Act with eE& from 1st March, 1963.
fNo. 5 (7) ARG /62.]
N. P. DUBE, J t Secy.
New Delhi, the 13th March 1963
S.O. 712.-In exercise of the powers conferred on me by Sub-section (3) of
Section 55 of the Administration of Evacuee Property Act 1950 (Act X X J 3 of
19501, I, N. P. &be, Custodian General, hereby delegate to Shri A. P. Agrawal,
Assistant Custodian General of Evacuee Property, Luckno-x, all powers vested
in me under the said Act for the purpose of the disposal of Appeals/Revisions
under sections 24 and 27: of the said Act.

[No. 5 (10) ARGl62.1

PIT.. P. DUBE, Custodian-General of Evacuee Property.


New Delhi, the 18th March 1963

. . . I

S.O. 713.-4hri S. C. Patil formerly Additional Regional Officer, Board of

Film Censors, Bombay, has been granted earned l e a v e f Z l 2 0 days with ,effect from
the 10th January to the 10th- May, 1963; with permission to su& closed holiday
on Saturday the 11th May and Sunday the 12th May, 1963.

2. On the expiry of the leave, Shri Patil's services will be placed at the disposal
~f the Government of Mysore.


New Delhi the 7th March, 1963.

s.0. 714,111 exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section

A of a e cod Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Deuelopment) Act, 1957 (20 of
19573, and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Central Government
.hereby rescinds the notification of the Government af India in the Ministry of
Mines and Fuel S. 0.No. 2977, dated the 17th September, 1962.
Sec. 3(ii)] T H E GAZETTE 01;INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA,. 2, 1885 851
.....- - -
New Delhi, the 12th March 1963
S.O. 715.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (2) and (4) of
sr?,ction 17 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957
(67 of 1!?57), and of all other powers enabling it ill this behalf, the Central
Government hereby rescinds the notifications of the Government of India in the
Department of Mines and Fuel (Ministry of Stezl, Mines and Fuel) S.O.No. 2764,
dated the 15th November, 1961 and S.O. No. 913, dated the 23rd March, 1962.
[NO. F. C-2-25(2)/61.J

S.0. 716.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (2) and (4) of
, section 17 of th. Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Actl 1957
(67 of 1957), and of all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Central Govern-
ment hereby rescinds the notifications of the Government of India.
in the Department of Mines and Fuzl (Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel)
S.O. No. 912, dated the. 20th March, 1962, and,
in the Ministry of Mines and Fuel S.O. No. 1535, dated the 9th May, 1962.
[No. C2-25(4)/61.]
S.O. 717.-Where as it appears to the central Government that coal is lik.11~to
b e obtained from the lands mentioned in the Schedule hereto annexed; ,

Now, therefore; in exercise of t i e powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section

4 of the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957).
the Central Government hereby gives notice of its intention to prospect for coal

Drg. No. Rev/5/63.

Dated 13-1-63.

Village Tahsil Tahsil District Area Remarks


I Khirba . . . . Deosar 108 Sidhi .. Part

Garbi . +
. . 2,
,, .... ),
.. . ..
. ,




6 Naurhia . 11
.. 11
.. 3,

7 Rajkhand . . Sing;;uli 480 " ..

- 8 Solong .
. . .552 ;; ..
9 Singhai
.. ..
10 Chakbar . . . 3,
I 161 "

Porari . . ..
11 ' 305 "

12 Chingitola . ,, , I73 .. I9
I3 Chukraramgah . 2,
.. .. >I

I4 Chulaa . ,l 178 " .. ,l

15 Amleri . I,
6 " .. 1,

16 Bharowa . 2,
181 " .. Y,

17 Kolbhowra . 99
41 " .. Y,

18 Muher . 29

,, 476 " .. I1

19 Matouli . 446 " .. .


~ o t a l Area-
' 17280,oo Acres ( ~ ~ ~ r OR
o i )
6998.40 Hectares (Approx)

Boundary Description:
A-B line' passes through villages-Mahdaiyn, Fuljhar, Naurhia and meeting at
point 'B' in Tahsil Deosar.
B-C line passes 'through villages-Naurhia in ~ a h s i lDeosar and through village
Rajkhand, Solong, Singhai, Chakbar, Porari and meeting a t point 'C' in Tahsil

C-D line passes through villages, Porari, Chingitola, Chukraramgarh and meeting
at psint 'D' in Tahsil Singrauli.
B E b e Basses through villages Chukraramgarh, ehukra, Amleri, Kolbhowra,
Bharowa and meeting at point 'E' in Tahsil Singrauli.
E-F line passes through villages-Bharowa, Muher and meeting at point '3" in
Tahvil Singrauli.
F-G line passes through villages-Muher, Matouli and meeting at point %' in -
Tahsil Singrauli.
G-H 5ne passes through villages-Matouli and rneetting at point 'H' in Tahsil
H-I-J line spares the part common Tahsil boundary of Tahsil Singrauli and Tahsil
Deosar and metting at point '3'.
J-A line passes through villages-Khirba, Gorbi, Ingura. Mahdaiya and meeting
at point 'A' in Tahsil Deosar.
Tfie maps of the area can be inspected at the office of the National Coal
Development Corporation Limited "Darbhanga House" Ranchi (Revenue Section)
or at the office of the Collector, Sidhi (MP).
F. C2-25(1)/63.1
S.0. 718,-Where as it appears to the Central Government that coal is likely to
be obtained from the lands mentioned in the Schedtile hereto annexed;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section
4 of the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571,
the Central Government hereby gives notice of its intention to prospect for coal
Drg. No. Rev.'6!63.
Dated 13-1-1963.

Village Tahsii Tahsil Disctrict Area Remarks

- No.

I Dudhichuwa . . . Singrauli 249 Sidhi .... Full
z Kom-ari . . . ,a

3 chatka.
4 Clyridah .
. . .
. .

3) ;; ,, ....


5 Jhtnprda . . . 9'
to6 :: --

... ... ...


6Tar~ja ..
7 Pindertali
8 Pijreh .

:; ..


area:- 18.69 Sq. miles (Approx)
11g61s60 Acres (Approx)
45a.45 Hectares (Approx)

Boundam Description:
A-E line passes along the part common boundary of villages Pindertali and
Kusbai and part common boundary of village Pindertali and Matouli and
part common boundary of villages Pindertali and Pijreh and meeting ah
point 'B'.
B-C lif.e passes through village Pijreh and meeting at point 'C'.
C-D l i e passes along the part common boundary of %Sages Matouli and Pijreh
and meeting at point ID'.
D-E-F line passes along the part common boundary of villages hlatouli and Pijreh,
cmmon boundary of villages Chatka and LIatouli, common boundary of
viIlages Matouli and Korwari, part common boundary of villages Matouli
and Dudhichuwa and meeting at point 'F'.
SEC. 3(ii)] T H E GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1bnS 853

F-G line passes along the part common boundary of villages &!Iatouli and Duhi-
chuwa and meeting at point 'G'.
G-H line passes along the part common boundary of villages Matouli and
Dudhichuwa and meeting at point 'H'.
H-I line passes along the common boundary of villages sarsabarajatola and
Dudhichuwa and meeting at point '1'.
I-J line passes along the Southern boundary and part Eastern boundary of
village Dudhichuwa, Southern and Eastern boundary of village Churidah,
Eastern boundary of village Jhingurda and meeting at point 'J'.
J-K line passes along the part Eastern boundary of Tanaja areas and meeting
at pornt 'K'.
K-A line passes though Tanaja areas, village Jhingurda and Pindertall and
meeting at point 'A'.
The maps of the area can be inspected at the office of the National Coal Deve-
lopment Corporation Limited (Revenue Section), "Darbhanga House" Ranchi or at
the office of the Collector, Sidhi (M.P.).
[NO. F. C2-25(1)/63.1

S.O. 719.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 78.48 acres of land in villages of Swarclih. Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas S/Shri Lilu Ray, Dhirju Ray, Mahadev Ray, Khepa Ray, Rati Ray,
Arjune Ray, Jagarnath Ray and La11 Mohan Ray of village Sudamdih the interested
persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for com-
pensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive i t and also
the apportio~ment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 720.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.0, 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Govern-
ment acquired 78.48 acres of land in village of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to-mine; quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Mohindri Ray of village Sudamdih the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, fifrnished his claim--for compensation payable for
acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and aIso
the apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]

S.O. 721.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
mert acquired 7:48 acres of land in villages of Sr~ardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals 'in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Gaur Mahto, Bhagirath Mahto, Dhirju Mahto, Nemai Mahto,
Rchini JIahatin, Doman Mahto and Chandra Mahto of a a p e Sudamdih the interested
Persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for com-
pensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable io them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
the apportionment thereof;
Kow. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
seetioxi 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 722.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Rlines and
.Fuel). S.O. 2957. dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas \Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 78:48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bare, &g and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring G25.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Gambhir Rawani of village Sudamdih the interested person
h s under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim far compensation pay-
able for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
the apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
sedion 1 4 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consistina of Skrri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said ~ r i b u n a l .
[No. C2-20(12) 161.1
S.O. 723.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late hlinistry of Steel, Mines of Fuel (Departmeot of Mines and Fuel)
S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under sedion 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired, 78-48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih, Gorigram
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said vil-
Whereas. S/Shri Lambodar Supakar, Nagendra m h Supakar, Nalini Ranjan
Supakar, Jitendra Nath Supakar. Dhirendra Nath Supakar, Harendra Naih Supakar,
Nirendra Nath Supakar. Nibaran Chandra Supakar. Ashu Tosh Supakar. Santosh
Supakar. Skibadas Supakar. Narayan Ch. Supakar and Panchanan Chetterjee of
village Sutilidih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act.
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
before the competent authority:
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title t o receive it and also the
apportionmect thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
ccnsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
SEC. 3(ii)] 2, 1885

S.O. 724.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department ,of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625:73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Prafulla Kumar Supakar, Satya Narayan Supakar, Nil Ratan
Supakar, Khudi Ram Supakar, Mani La1 Supakar, Paresh Supakar and Ganesh
Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the
said Act. furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their
lands before the competent authprity;
And, whereas, the amount of compe~sationpayable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Kow. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
e dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) 161.1

easuring 625.73 acres in the said villages:

to him under the said

receive it and also t h e

[NO. C2-20(12) 161.1

Government of India

h d . whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said

A d could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
i .

Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of

section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R,. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. 62-20(12)/61.]
--- --
S.O. 727.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fueli.
S.0.297.7: dated the 8th Decem%er, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(-kquntion and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1357), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and BhojucIih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas an?
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Balai, Babu La1 and Kandan Rawani, Jodha Kahar, Jagtu
Kahar,Chamu Kahar, Krishna Kahar, Bidhya Kahar, Gobardhan Kahar, Mangru
Kahar, Sashi Kahar, Moti Kahar, and Chuttu Kahar of village Swardhi/Sudam-
dihdsutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnish-
e d their claims for compensation payable for acqulsrtlon of their lands before the
competent authority;
h d , whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the saia
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
t h e apportionment thereof;
NOW,therefore,. in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constit~tesa Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refera the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) / 6 1 2

said Act, furnished their claims


refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.

[NO. C2-20(12)/61.1
the Government of India

bore, dig and search for, win, work

625.73 acres in the said villages;
Tulsi, Girdhari and Banshi
section 13 of the said
acquisition of their lands

And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now. :therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
t h e dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
SFC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963jCHAITRA, 2, 1885 857
- -- - - -

S.O. 730.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the d~strictof Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625,73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Arnulya Modak, Bindeswari Modak, Ichenubala Dasi, Sheodas
Modak. Habul Chandra Modak, Subash Chandra Modak Buchu and Nanda Lall
of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnishea their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of, Shri R. P. Sinna, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute" to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) 161.7
S.O. 731.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Shankar, Pate1 and Latu Kahar, Sahdev, Tulshi, Girdhari and
Banchi of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the
said Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their
lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas; the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispyte as to the title t6 receive it and also the ,
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of ht.: power c o n k r e d under sub-section (2) of
, section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal. I

[NO. C2-20012)/61.]
S.O. 732.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
fn the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Dukhu Modak and Gobind Modak of village Sutikdih, the
interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now{ kherefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.1

S.O. 733.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Sudmdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district 6f Dhanbad P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine. quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 62-5-73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, Shri Dipu hlodak of village Sutikdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authoritlp;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the saic?
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and a!so the
apportionment thereof;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of

section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.

S.O. 734,Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and-Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Centra! Government
acquired 778-48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad P S Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right t o mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, Shri Mahananda Modak of village Sutikdih, the interested person
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for-compensation
payable for acquisition of m-land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the ti& to receive it and also
the apportionment thereoi;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
emsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) 161.3
S.O. 735.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Government
acquired 778.84 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudarndih. Sutikdih. Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Bhalu Modak, Netai Modak and AnaTlta Modak, Amulya
Modak, Mukund Modak. Bindumayee Rani, Shantmayea Rani and Panchanan
Modak of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of t h e
said Act. furnished their claim for compensation payable for acquisition of their
lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas. the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
the apportionment thereal;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred mder sub-section (2) of
sectictl 1%of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a TribunaI
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[KO. C2-ZO(12) 161.3
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1YB5 859
- - --
S.O. 736.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the -Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Cenfcral Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sct~kdlh,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S.-Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, SIShri Dhirendra Nath Modak and Aklu Modak of village Sutikdih, the
':fiteresled persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for colnpensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the cc,mpetent
And, whereas, the amoui;t ol compensation payable to them under the saici
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof; .:LA
Now, therefore, ir, exercis-! of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
sec.tion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers tine dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 737.-Whereas in pursuance of the) notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Arehs (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acqulred 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Dalu Modak of village Sutikdih, the interested person has under
section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for
acquisition of his land before the competent authority;

And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) r.f
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
corlsisting of Shri R. P Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
-refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12)/el.]
S.O. '738.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areaq (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778:48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for.
win, work and e a n y away minerals in other lands measuring 625:73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Bhado Kahar of village Sutikdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
cor~sisting of Shri R P. Sir.ha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi snd
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal. ,
[NO. C2-20(12)/51.J
---- ----
S.O. 739.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Departmect of Mines and
Fcel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under secticn 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Sa-ardih, Sudamdih, S ~ ~ t t k d i h ,
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, .
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Kalachand Dhibar of village Sutikdih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation pay-
able for acquisition of his land before the competent auihority;
And, vrhereas, the amount of compensation payable to hkn under the said
Azt couid not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in esercise of the power conferred under sub-section (3) of
secfiion 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby cocstitutes a TribunaI
eo~lsisting of Shri R P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Corc?lissioner, Ranchi 2nd
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal
[KO. C2-20(12)/fil.]
S.O. 740.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of LIines and
Fuel), S.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Arezs (Arquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment scquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sctikdih,
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625-73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Chandra Mohan Deoghariya of village Sutikdih, the interested
person has under section 13 of the said Act. furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, t h e amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to 2 dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred d e r sub-section (2) of
seStion 1st of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
eorlsisting of Shri R P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi 3r.d
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12)/61.1
S.O. 741.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
ATeas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Su-ardih, Sudamclih, Sutikdih,
Gorigran. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanhad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine. quarry. bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625-73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. Shri Jugal Kahar of village Sutikdih, the interested person has
under sectlon 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the t i t e to receive it and also the
appor_tionment thereof;
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) @:
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
colljisting of Shri R. P Sinha. Additional Judicial Ccmmissioner. Ranchi ~ ' d
refer;, the dispute to the said Tribunai.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF ISDIA : MARCH 25, 19BS/CHuTRA, 2, lad' 861
- .-
s.0. nQZ.--Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under sect.ion 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Ghas ,and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, die and search for,
.win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in t h e
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Ashutosh Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, 'the amount of compensation payable to Him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) ~f
seciion 14 of the said Act, the .Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
cocsisting of Shri R P. Sbha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi ;itxi
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) / E l . ]
S.O. 743.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
lndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19577, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudanidih, Svtikdih,
Gorigrm, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for.
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shrimati Puspa Rani Debi, w/o. Prafulla Kumar Supakar of village
Sutikdih, the interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
her claim for compensation payable for acquisition of her land before the com-
petent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to her under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also thc
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise r.i the power conferred under sub-sectidn (2) cf
sec.tio.~14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Siche, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
.refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12)/61.]
S.O. 744.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearil~g
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih? Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jha'ria and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Rakhal Napit, Bachan, Ratan Napit of village Sutikdih, the in-
terested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for
compei~salionpayable for c.cquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable t o them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute a* tc: the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12) /ril.]

S.O. 745.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

lndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
meat acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
aaid villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Satya Narayan Supakar and Prafulla Kumar Supakar of village
Sutbitlih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
then claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the
roin;je&nt authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under ihe said
act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) cf
secjion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi ar,d
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /51.1
S.O. 746.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification af the Government of
lndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Departmeat of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (+4ccjuisitionand Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquured 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
uorrgram, Cnnota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Durga Das Chatterjee of village Sutikdih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation paxable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the ti& to r&ve it and also the
Now, therefore, in exercise oi the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 1 4 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
corlsisting of Shri -R.P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi srjd
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[so. C2-20 (12) 15:. j
S.O. 742.-Khereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under sechon 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Smardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
- Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarr3., b y e , dig and search for,
win, work and carry away rmnerals in other lands measvlng 625.73 acres in ihe
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Hari Pado Supakar, Danu Supakar and Lakki Ram Supakar,
Shashimayee Debi. w/o Bhola Nath Supakar, Ratan, Patal and Satish Supakar
and Khefitamayee Debya, W/o Mathan Supakar of yiLlage Sutikdih, the interested
persons have under section 13 of the saxd Act, furnished their c l a m for comprn-
sation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them undflr the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the tltle to recelve ~t and also the
a p p o r t ~ o ~ m e nthereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section ( 2 ) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the m u t e to the said Txibunal.
.- @To.(2-20 (12) /61.]
SEC. 3(ii)] T H E GAZET'I'E OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1885 863

S.O. 748.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778 -48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharla and
Chas and had also acquired the right t o mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Mosmat Dhondhi Bawri of village Sutikdih, the interesfed person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished her claim for compensation payable for
acquisition of her land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to her under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the.title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal. .

S.O. 149.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) A d , 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdili.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Jugal Chandra Dey of village Sutikdih, the interested
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) d
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Trlbunal
consisting of Sbri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]
S.Q. 750.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of-the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625 -73 acres in th?
said villages; I /

Whereas, Shri Mohan La1 Modak. of village Sutikdih, the interested

person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also fht?
apportionment thereof;
Xow, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred' under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dlspute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-30 (12) /61.]


S.O. 751.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acqured 778.48 acres of land in villages of S ~ a d i h Sudamdih,
, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the dktrict of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia a ~ d
Chas a d had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands m a n r i n g 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Rameshn7ar Garai of village Sutikdih, the interested
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payabk to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) oi
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C%20(12)/61]
S.O. 152.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdjh, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bcre, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands me- 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Balaram Rawani, Aklu, Mansa, Bhusan and Sujan Rawani
of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said A d ,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
M o r e the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby consQtutes a 'lhburlal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12)/61.]

S.O. 153.-W5ereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and'Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearlng
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central w e ? -
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Sward%, Sudamdih, Sut~kdlh.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of DhanbaP P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acqulred the rlght to m e , quarry, bore, &g and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
m e r e a s , the S/Shri Tanu Kahar and Gokul Kahar of village Sutikdih, the
interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands i x f ore the c~mpetent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby co@tutes o Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranch1 and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.3
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF 1NDIA:MARCH 25, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1885 865

S.O. 754.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of n!Iines end
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govcrn-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutilraih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and .Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to rmne, quarry, boye, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Nil Ratan Supakar, Khudi Ram Supakar, Mani La11 Supakar
and Paresh Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section
13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition
of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional. Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO.' C2-20 (12)/61.]
S.O. 755.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), SiO. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Rearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudanidih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625 .I3 acres ill the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Shankar Rawani of village Sutikdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for
acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.1

S.O. 756.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, die and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Sahadev, Tulshi, Girdhari and Banshi Katiar of village
Sutikdih, the 'interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the
competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it anci a l ~ o
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power konferred under sub-section (2) ,of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutesaa Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20 (12) /61.]
--- - --
S.O. 757.--Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas ((Acqusition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acqulred 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Hrishikesh Rawani, Radhu Rawani and Madhu Rawani
of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid wing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, ike Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-23(12)/61.]
S.O. 758.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
BLndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 195?), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acTes of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih.
Gafigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for
win, work and carry away mnerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Khandu Rawani, Bhim Rawani. Chatur Rawani and Mukteswar
Rawani of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section
13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition
af t h d r lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Kow, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby corsbtutes a Tribunal
cmisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) j'61.1
S.O. 739.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
i n a a in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
meas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 195i). the Centrai Govern-
meqt acquire& 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
C%as and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, die: and search for
win, work and carry away miners in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. Shrimati Putu Bala Debi W/o Indra Narayan Mukherjee of village
Sutikdih, the interested person has under section 13 of the said Act. furnished her
claim for compensation payable for acquisition of her land before the competent
And. whereas. the amount of compensation payable to her under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. S i ~ h a ,.Additional Judicial Conunissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the s a d Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GALETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2, 1889 867
-- --
S.O. 760.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
tiorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.?Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, d ~ gand search for:
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the ,
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Rameshwar Gorai and Mangal Gorai of village Sutikdih, the
interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be p a ~ dowing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also t
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
sectlon 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 761.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government d
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the r ~ g h tto mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Ganesh Chandra Supakar snd Kishto Chandra Banerjee
of village Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their iands
before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and a l s ~the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Ceniral Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri.R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 762.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutilrdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jnaria and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625 73 acres in +lie
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Chiranjan Supakar of village Sutikdih. the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for
acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefork, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) cf
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Raachi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]
S.O. i63.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late illinistry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
&Areas(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 195C), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land @ Villages of Swardih, Sudarndih, Sutikdih.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih m the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measurir~g625 73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Narayan Bawri and Ratani Bawri of village Sutikdih, the
interested Persons have under section 13 of the said Act, h_lnri~hedtheir claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the csmpetent
And, \srhereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the titie to receive it and &so thp
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes
. . a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Comrmssloner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) f61.1
S.O. 764.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), 5.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih.
Goripam, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right t o mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and c a n y away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Kali Mall& Bhirn Mallik and Arjune Mallik of village
Sutikdih, the interested gersons have under section, 33 cf the said Act, furnished
their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their l a ~ d sbefore the
competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers tile dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]
S.O. 765.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under secbon 9 of the Coal Bearlng
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (2 of 1937). the Central Gqvem-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Sudamdlh, Sutlkdlh,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbaa, P.S. Jharla and
Chas and bad also acqmred the right to mine, q u m y , bore, dlg and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measluing 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Dhirendra Nath Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to hinl under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to recelve lt and a!so the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
s f d i o y 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. S i h a Additional Judicial Cornmissloner, Ranch1 and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[80.C2-20(12) /61.1
SEC. 3(ii)] THE G.4ZE'I'TE OF INDLA: MAKCH 23, lYGJ/C;HAllKA, 2, 1885 869

S.O. 166.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Covern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Nagendra Nath Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
. And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under su3-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal. I

[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]

S.8. 767.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the &strict of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
whereas, Shri Balaram Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for
acquisition of his land before the cohp%nt authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it acd also the
apportiohent thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred uncier sub-sec~ion (2) cf
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government h e ~ e 6 yconstitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi, and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
IN;. C2-30 (12) /61.]
S.0. 768.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Ste,el, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudaridih, Sutikdih.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. F:S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the r ~ g h tto rmne, quarry, bore, dlg and search for,
win. work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
. Whereas. Shri Kali Mallik of village Sutikdih, the interested person has under
section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for acquisi-
tion of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also !.he
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of tfie power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutet: a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sipha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the s a d Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /Gl .I
870 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885 [PART11-
S.O. 769.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government o
M a in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines am
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coai Bearin{
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Centla1 Govern
ment acqurred 778.48 acres of land in villages of S w a r w Sudamdih Sutikdin
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia anc
Chas and had also acquired the right t o mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for
wm, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in thc
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Satya Mallik .and Joyti Mallik of village Silt]kdih, the
interested persons have under sectlon 13 of the said Act, f u m e d thtir claim
for compensation payable for acquisition of their f a d s beiore the competen
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the saic
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the ktle to recave ~t and also tht
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-sectioli (2) o
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribuna
consisting of Shri R. P. S e h a , .Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi anc
refers the dispute t o the s a d Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12)/61.:

S.O. 770.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government o

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Depar&ent of Mines anc
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearini
Arens (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdi?
Gorigram, C'nhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia an(
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search f o ~
win, work a ~ carry
d away minerals in other lands measurhg 625-73 acres in thl
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Dasu Kewat of village Sutikdih, the interested person has unde
section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for acqulsl
tion of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas. the amount of compensation payable to him under .the saic
Act codd not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also thl
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise 01 the power conferred under sub-section (2) o
secgon 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribuna
consirting of S k i R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi anc
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
- [No. C2-20(12)/Cl.
S.O. 771.-'Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government o
India io the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines an(
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearinl
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Govern
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia an(
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, &g and search for
win. work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625-73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Anadj Nath Supakar of village Sutikdih, the interested person ha:
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable fol
acquisition of E s land before the competent authority;
And, whereas: the amount of compensation payable t o him under the said Ac
could not be pald owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the appor,
tionment thereof;
Now, therefare, in er.el.cise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) ol
section 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribuna'
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, ~Additionsl Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi anc
refers L5e dispute to the said T r i b a l .
[NO. C2-2@(12)/1]
SE~. 3(iil] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITU, 2, 1885 878

S.O. 772.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel- (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Aress (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, S ~ t i k d i h ,
tiongram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals i n other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Janki Kahar of village Sutikdih, the interested person h a s
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
Apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, it* exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 ~i the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Trib~inal.
[No. C2-20(12) /(il.]
S.O. 773.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government od
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel .(Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in: villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sctikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig' and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625'73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Nemai Mallik of village Sutikdih, the interested person h a s
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the saidi
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
Apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section ( 2 ) of'
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes it TribunaL
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Hanchi and
relers the dispcte to the s-id Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) 161 1
S.O. 774.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government o I
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acqulred 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorlgram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in t h e
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Ram Das Kahar and Doman Kahar of village Sutikdih, the in-
terested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
fcr compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent

And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said'
Act could not be paid ciwing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
Apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
secjion 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R.. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial. Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
-7 --- --
S.O. 775.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government of
India in the late frlinistry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of 3Iine.s and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acyuisiiion and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Governrnect
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarr,y, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625'73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Hari Mallik, Chatu Mallik and Sripati Xallik of village
Sutikdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
their daims for compensation payable for acquisition of thelr Lands before the
competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receile it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby ccmtitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO, C2-20(12) /61.1]
S.O. i76.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government of India
i n the late Alinistry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of 3lines and Fuel), .
S.O. 297.7, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1955), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also a c ~ u i r e dthe right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and searzh for, win, work and
carry away mlnerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Doman Rawani and Ram Das Rawani of village Sutikdih, the
i ~ f e r e s t e dpersons have under section 13 of the said Act, furojshed their claims
for conpensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
co~Ldnot be paid owing to a dispute as the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of S k i R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 777.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
5.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1937), the Central Government
acquired 775 48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih. Gorigram,
Chhote Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had aI;o acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win, work and
carry a x a y minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, Shri Raju Mallik of village Sutikdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said A d , furnished his c:aim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a, dispute as .to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred cnder sub-section (2) of
section l d of the said Act, the Central Governmert toreby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judic~af Commissioner, Ranchi an4
.refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C3-20(12) 161 .]
..--. V'i",, A, "A. V"Y*" L Y W Y A I V U Y * . 'IY'&L.VYI- .,us I""", --I-- -*
---I ---- "12

S.O. 778.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the ~ o v e r n m e n tof India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work and
carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
whereas, S/Shri Hari Bawri, Rati Bawri and Pati Bawri of village Swardih, the
interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent acthority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under siib-section.j2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Trlbunal
corlsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute tb the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12) /61:]

S.O.779.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Goveniment of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8thUDecember, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778 48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram.
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P..S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win, work and
carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, Shri Sona Ram Kahar of village Swardih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said Act
could not be aid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof; !
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers fhe dispute to the said Tribunal.

S.O. 780.-Whereas in pursuance of the ~otificatio; of the Government of India
i n ' t h e late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O.2977. dated the 8th DGcember, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Government
acquired 778:48 acres of land in villhges of Swardih. Sudamdih. Sutikdih. Gorigram.
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work an$
carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas. Shrimati Most. Peli Gorain W/o Buchu Gorai of village Swardih, the
interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished her claim for
..compensation payable for acquisition of her land before the competent authority:
And, whereas. the amount of compensation ~ a y a b l eto her under the said Act
coulfi not be aid owing 40 a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
.appordionment thereof;
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
.the dispute to the said Tribunal.
"14 ---' - "--- -- - - LLVLYIL. *x*-YYPWYY +4) I I U J / UkYr*I IYYIL &$ .U-.I k-ad-a &

S . 0 . 781.-whereas in purtsuance of the Notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mlnes and Fuel),
S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih. Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, B. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right t o mine, quarry, bore, dig and search fir, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, S 'Shri Babu La11 Rawani, Balai Rawani and Kandan Rawani of village
Swardih. the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act. furnished
their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the
competent authority;
And, whereas, the m o u n t of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
sertion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a T r i b ~ n a l
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to fhe said Tribunal.
[NO.C2-20(12) /61.]
8.0. 782.-Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in vill w at Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih. Gorigram.
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih id the Z t r l e t of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and searah for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands meas5ing 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas. S/Shri Mangru Kahar, Bidya Kahar, Gobardhan Kahar and Mathur
Kahar of village Swardih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said
Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them Under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thermi;
Now. therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under subsection (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central overnment hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additions Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
S.O. 783. -Whereas in pursuance of the Notification of the Gox9emment of India
fn the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Xlines and Fuel).
S.O.2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section R of the Cod B a r i n g Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 19fl (20 of 1957). the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of l a n r i n villages of Swardih, Sudamd%. Sutikdih. Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and. Bhajudih in the disMct of Dhanbad. P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore. dig and sea* for. win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, S/Shri Amulya Modak, Bindeshwar Modak, Khenu Bala Dasi and Shfv
Das Modak of village Swardih. the interested persons have under section of 13 of
the said Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of
their lands before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power canterred under subsection (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government h e e b y constitutes a Tribunll
consisting of a r i R. P.Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
a-m(i2)%61.1 m.
SEC, S(ii)] THE GAXET'IL Uk r;siuLu:nunrrbrx 40. I ~ V -.-.---- --
~ , ,

---... --______-
-- - - --
- I .

S.O. 784.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of $nes and Fuel).
S.O.2977. dated the 8th December. 1961 under Zeclion 9 of the G a l Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of rand in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Su!ikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P. S. Jharla and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quar-, boiS'd2'and sear& for. win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
villages; . i -
Whereas, S,/Shri Jagtu Kahar and Jodha Kahar of village Swardhi. the interested
persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for com-
pensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to h e title to receive it. and also the
appsrtionment thereof;
Now, 'therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 785.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and FueI (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acauisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957).. the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Sudamdih. Sutikdih. Gorigram.
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district 6faharibad. P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
. Whereas, S/Shri Krishna Kahar and Chamu Kahar of village Swardhi, the in-
. terested persons have under section 13 of the said .Act. furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And. whereas. the amount of' compensation asa able ti5 them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
secVon 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P.Sinha. Additional Judiciai irommissioner. Ranchi and refers
tlie dispute to the said Tribunal.
CRT0. C2-20(12)/61.7
S.O. 786.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Gowrnment of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December. 1961 ~ m d e rsection 9 of the Coal Bewing Areas
(Acaui.ition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Government
acauirp.1 '778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Sudamdih. Sutikdih Gorigram.
Chbota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district o n h a n b a d . P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the rieht to mine, quarry.-borerdig- and seardh for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
villages; '
Whereas. S/Shri Sashi Kahar. Moti K a h g and Chatu Kahar of villarre Swardhi.
the interested Dersons have under section 13 of the said Act. furnished their claimq
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas. the amount of compensation payable to them u'nder the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispu"t?a's 0 the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof; 8 .

. Now, therefore. in exercise of the Dower conferred under sub-sectior! (2) of

section 14 of the said Act.lthe Central Government ,hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Coollnmissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Trjbwpql.
I* C2-20(12) /61.T
U ~ C Y W A - A ~ ~ C . ~ WI IIYLYYW :NIAKLH 23, t963/CMITRA- 2 7 8 8 3 &
Y 11-
I -

S.O. 787.-whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated-the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Beafing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, S ~ d ' ~ d i Sutikdih,
h, Gorigram,
ChAda Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
hadl also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands meas7ming 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, S/Shri Chamu Rawani and Krishna Kahar of village Swardhi, the
interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power confened under subsection (1) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial c<mmisskmer, Ranchi and referr!
the dispute to the said TribunaL
D\'o. C2-20(12)761.]
S.O. 788.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Puel (Departmrnt o C M i p - and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Srrdamdih, Sutikdih. Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
bad also acquired the right. to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away mineraLs m other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, Shri Chiranjan Supakar of village Swardih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act. furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authorily;
And. whereas. the amount of compensation payable to him under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title tD receive it and also the
apvortionment thereoi;
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
set'ion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shti R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial ~ m m i s s i o n e r .Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
WO.C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 789.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel .(Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acguisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih. Gori-
gram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas
and had also acquired the right t a mine, auarry, bore. di? and search for, win,
work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625: 73 acres in the said
Whereas. S:Shri Amrit Kahar, Raghu Kahar. Dhsnanjay Kahar and Jogindar
Kahar of village Swardhi, the interested persons have m d e r section 13 of the
said Act. furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their
lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas. the amount of compensation b a y a h l ~to t h m unrfcr the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to d v e it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under n~hsection (2) of
.section 14 of the said Ac.t. the,Ct?ntral Government hor~hvconstitut~s a Triyunal
consisting of Shri R. .P.Smha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the s a d Tribunal
S.0. TgO.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in tne late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department. of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal' Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry,-bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measurliig 625.73 acres iin the said
Whereas, S/Shri Sashi Kahar, Moti Kahar and Chatu Kahar of village Swardhi,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them _unider the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as-to the title t e e c e i v e it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of-the power conferred- uhrer sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribwal
consisting gf Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, RancM and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
S.O. 791.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel {Department of &es and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win, work
and carry away minerals in o b i r lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, Shri Nalini Ranjan SAlpakar of village Swardhi, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said A d , furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the comp6tent Huthorie;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-sect5on (2) 04
sectlon 14 of the said Act, the Central Governm6S hereby constitutes a Triband
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial ?oWssioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO.C2-a(12) /61:]
S.O. 792.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957!, the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the d i s t h t of Dhanzad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and sear& for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, S/Shri Lambodar Supakar, Nagendra math Supakar, Nalini Rajan
Supakar, Dhirendra Nath Supakar. Nagendra Nath Supakar, Jitendra Nath
Supakar, Nibaran Chandra Supakar. Ashutosh Supakar, Santosh Supakar, S u v a
Das Supakar, Narayan Das Supakar and Panchanan Chatterjee of village Swardhi,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to .the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under subsection (2) of
section 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribluld .
ronsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicid omm missioner, Ranchi and reforj
the disglrto to the said Tribunai.
fdf G ~ Z E T F0 ~b R A [PART fl-
1:t'hii :R ~ A R C2j,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / C H A ~2.T 1865
- -- --- - __._-^--I-
8.0. 793.--Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
iu the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778 48 acres ofland in villages of Swardih, Sudarndih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had also ac~uiredthe right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and searoh for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said
Whereas, S/Shri Rabi Bawri and Mangal Bawri of village Swardhi, the interested
persels have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for com-
pensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas. the amount of compensation payable to them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive i t and also the
apportionment thereof;
:cow, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under subsection (2; of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
cunsisting of Shri R. P. Smha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and re+ers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
!30. C2-20(12)/61.1
S.0. 794.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Govemment of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mlnes and Fuel (Department of Nines and Fuel),
S.0. 2977, dated tke 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 195i), the Central GovernmCni
~cquired778-48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the. district of Dhanbad, P. S. Sharia and Chas and
had also acquired the rlght to mine, quarry, bore, dig and sear& for, win, work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625'73 acres in the said
Whereas. S Shri Gulia Beldar, Budhi Beldar. Girdhar Beldar. Ram Baran Beldar,
Shyam Ch. Bddar and Chandan Beldar of village Swardhi. the Interested persons
have under section 13 of the said Act. furnished their claims for compensation
payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, t!le amount of com~ensationpayable 0 them under the said Act
could not be paid owing to a .disput% as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Xow, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred undPi' siib-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refezs
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[Ro. C2-20(12) /81.]
S.0. 795.-Wh~reas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O. 2[)77, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition aad Development) Act, 1957 (20 of '1957), the Central Government
acquired 778 48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, SEdahf-drh, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of DBiinbad, P. S. Jharia and Chas and
had aiso acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, d ~ gand search for, win, work
and carry anay minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the saiu
Whereas, Shri Jugal Kahar of village Swardih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act. furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition s f his land before the competent authority;
And. whereas. the amount of compensation payable to him under the said Act
couId not be pyid owing to a disjuf"e"as t o t h e title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore. In exercise of the power conferred under subsection (2) 0:
section 1 4 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Sfrrf R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
IEa* cz-za(lz)%cI.]
5% j(iill THE G A Z k T ~~ki ~ I~~SICHAITRA
~ N D ~ : ~ A23, C H Z 1
-- -
s.0. 796.--Whereas in pursuance of the notification Of the Government
India 111 the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Deparlnlent of Mines and
Euei), s.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
merit acquired 778.48 acres oi land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdlh, Sutikdlh*
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharis and
Chas anti had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said viliages;
Whereas, Shri Narendra Nath Chakrabarty of village Swardih, the interested
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could ficlt be paid owing to a dispute as to $he title to receive it and also ;he
apportiontnent thereof; I

Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of

section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Rav:chi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 797,Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Etiel), S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acqulred 778.48 acres ot land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutlkdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine. quarry, bore, dig and sebrch for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Bidhya Kahar and Gobardhan Kahar of village Swardih, the
interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim
for compensation payable for acquisition of his land before the competent
authority; . !
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as t o ,the title to receive it and also the
apportionmcnt thereof; b 'c.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section '(2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shrl R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
i [NO. 2.2-20(12) /61.]

S.O. 798.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Mlnistry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Goverll-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in :villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, S ~ t i k d i h ,
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharin and
Chas and haci also acquired the right t6 mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said vil!ages; i

Whereas, Shri Mangru Kahar of village Swardih, t h e interested person has under
section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for
acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to ihe title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof; I .
NOW. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. &0(12)/61.]
880 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 43, I%~/CHAITRA 4, 1885 [ Y m 11-

S.O. 799.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

Lndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Ceniral Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres oi land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdlh, Sutikdih,
Gorigran?, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Nakul Bawari of village Swardih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for cornpensahon payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to fie tit:e to recelve it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of t,he said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shrl R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commiss~oner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute t o the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) 161.1
S.O. 800.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the laze Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2971, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Amas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 758.48 acres oi land in villages of Swardih, Sudarndih, S~tikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625-73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shrimati Ania Kaharin W/o Khudu Rawani of village Swardih, the
interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished her claim
for compensation payable for acquisition of her land before the ccmpetent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to her under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, i n exercise of the power conferred under subsection (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. U-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 801.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
k d i a m the late RSlnistry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fue;), S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sctikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P. S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S k i m a t i Most Rasu Rawani W/o AWn Rawani of village Swardih,
the interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished her claim
for compensation payable for acquisit5on of her land before the competent autho-
rity ;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to her under the said
Act could c-t be paid owing to a dispute as to the title t o receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the diswte to the said Tribunal.
S.O. 802.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Mlnistry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
.Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Beai'lng
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota ranr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and sczrch for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Gokhul Kahar of village Swardih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionme? t thereof;
NOW, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shrl R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.0. 803.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acqu~red778.48 acres ot land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutlkd~h,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Lambodar Supakar, Nagendra Nath Supakar, Nalini Ranjan
Supakar, Dhirecdra Nath Supakar, Narendra Nath Supakar, Jitendra Nath Supakar,
Nibaran Ch. Supakar, Ashutoih Supakar, Santosh Supakar, Sibadas Scpakar,
Narayandas Supakar and Panchanan Chatterjee of village Swardih, the, interested
persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for cnmpen-
sation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of! the power conferred under sub-section '(2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a. Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. 22-20(12) /61.]
S.0. 804.-Whereas in pursuance of. the notification of the Government; of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages; . f

Whereas, Shrimatl Niharmayee Debe W/o ~ i b a i a nChandra Supakar 01 village

Swardih the interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
her claim for compensation payable for acquisition of her land before the
competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to her under the said
Act could cot be paid owing to a dispute as t o the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the'central Government ,hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO.C2-20 (12)/61.11
3 2
f d &
~ ~ & T T Eo i I N D :~&A&& ij, itj&/Edir*
2, 1885 [bar *-
S.0. 80j.-Whereas in PmUanCe of the notification of the Government of
India m the late Mlnistr~lof Steel, &fineti and Fuel (Departnlent of Panes and
Fud), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govem-
inetlt acquired 778.48 acres ot land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdrh, Sutikdih,
Goligralx, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search fcr,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said vfflages;
Whereas, Shri Kedar Nath Singh of village Swardih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his c l a h 7 o r compe-nsatron payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could riot be paid owing to a dispute as to $he title to receive it anu also the
apportiorlmcllt thereof;
Now, therefore, in cxercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 1 4 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, P a c h i and
refers the ciispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. (22-20 (12) /61.]
S.O. 806.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India m the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Cenlral Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutkdih,
Gorigrani, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, w31k ilnd carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
mereas, Shri Hira Beldar of village Swardih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable t . him under the said
Act coulci not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and abo the
apportionxent thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Ski R P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
mo. C2-20 ( i 2 ) /61.1
S.O. 807.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O.2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Gorern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigraiu, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mme: quarry, bore, dig and search for.
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Hari Pado Supakar, Mohar Supakar, Danu Supakar, Lakhi
Ran1 Supakar, Ratan Chandra Supakar. Patal Chandra Supakar. Satish Ch. Supa-
kar, Khenta Mayee Debya and. Sashi Mayee Debi of village Sudamdlh, the inter-
ested persons have under secbon 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas. the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise Of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act the Central Governmetit hereby constitutes a T n i a l
consisting of Shri R P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, R a ~ c h iand
refers the dispute to the 62id Tribunal.
NO, C2-20(12) /el.]
BEG, 4fii)f fzi cALi=+h 6i i$blrj: MARCH 23, 1 9 6 1 / ~ ~ ~ 1 ' .? 2,k k:&%
: , , L -;

, $fij
-- - ---
s.0, 808.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department 01 Mines and
Fuel), s.0.2977? dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Cenlral Goverll-
merit acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
-Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in ihe district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, ~ ~ o snd
r k carry away minerals in other 1and.s measuring 625.73 acres in the
said yillapes;
Whereas, Bird & Co., Chartered Bank Building, Calcutta-1 of village Sudamdih,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, iurnished their
claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the compet-
ent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the shid
Act couli; not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionmeni thereof; .
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government: hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judjcjal Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the d i s ~ u t el;o the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(1B) /61.]
S.O. 809.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Beadng
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigrani, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia a:ld
Chas and had, also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for.
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said vilisges; . ,
Whereas S/Shri Panu Kahar, Aklu Kahar, Morisa Kahar and Bhusan Kahar of
village. Sudamdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands '

before the conlpentent authority;

And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act conid not be paid owing to a dispute as to the; title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof; ,
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power; conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act; the' Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shrl R. P. Sinha, Additional 'Judicial Commissioner, Rsrichi arid ,
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal. I
[NO. C2-20(12)/61.] ,
S.O. 810.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9'of the 'Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957.'(20 of - 1957), the Central Govern-
aent acquired 778-48 acres of land. in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Svtikdih,
?origram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and '
-h?s and haci also acquired the right to mine, quarry, .bore, dig and search for,
in, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
. .
;aid villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Ratan Supakar, Patal Supakar, Satish Ch. Supaknr a"ld Khen-
:amayee Debya cf village Sudamdih, the interested persons have under section 13
~f , the said Act, .furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition
)f .their lands before the competent authority; ' . .
Acd, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
%at.could. rial -be 'paid .owing. to a dispute as to the^ title to receive .it and also the
~pportionmel't thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-secticn (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal,
!onSisti3!Z of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Sudicial Commissioner, Ranchi [and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[[NO.'a-20112)/61.] '
,.- . .
- .
s& THE GAZETTE OF I N D :~MARC33 28, i%%/CHAITRA 2. 1882 k*kr &-
--- a --
.- -
S.O. 811.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines a11d
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquued 778.48 acres ot land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigrani, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in ihe district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had aiso acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said riilages;
Whereas, S/Shri Hari Pado Supakar, Mohar Supakar, Danu Supakar and Lakhi
Ram Supakar of village Sudamdih, the interested persons t a v e under section 13
of the said Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable lor acquisition
of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
A d could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the1 Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
mnsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.J
S.O. 812.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres ot land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigrani, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in fie district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas Shrimati Sashirnayee Debya W/o Bhola Natb Supakar of village
Sudamdih, the interested person has under section 13 of the said Act, f u m e d
her claim for compensation payable for acquisition ai her land before the
competent authority ;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payab2e to her under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to $he title to receive it and also the
opportioment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred wider-sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
m i s t i n g of Shrl R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Rsnchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal,
[NO. C2-20(12) 181.1
6.0. 3l3.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
india in the late Ministry of Steel, Mincs and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuei), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under sectian 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mme, quarry, bore, dig and ~ e a r c hfor.
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
aaid vXages;
Whereas, Shri Sambhu Dom of village Sudamdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acqxisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act coald no: be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionnen t thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under subsection (2) of
section 14 of the said Ad, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
-consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Cammissioner, Ranchi 2nd
jraiers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
~ J o .C2-20(12) !el.)
me U P k!UkYiX : M X K I M 25, Y S r G Y / G t l ~ ~ #8, 1885 $85

3 .
Y I.'N.LY Y 1~
--- ---- .- -
S.O. 8 1 4 W h e r e a s in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), SO,2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Gox7ern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
Win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Jailall Ray, Bhukhal Ray, Gula Ray, Dhalu Ray, Juhi Ghat-
walin,, Sridhar Ray, Ramu Ray, T W Das Ray, Bhakru Ray and Rati Ray of
village Sudamdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under tine ssid
Act could noi be paid owing to a dispute as to fhe title to receive it and also the
agportionlnent thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
aection 14 of the said A& the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the Gspuk to the said Tribunal.
[NO. c2-20(12)/el.'j

S.0. 815.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
6reas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Ce&ral Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia ana
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Dhirju Ray, Maha Deo Ray, Khepa Ray, Arjuna Ray, Jagar-
nath Rajr, La11 Mohan Ray and Rati Ray of village Sudamdih, the interested per-
sons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for compensa-
tion payable for acquisition of their lands before_ the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could nut be paid owing to a dispute as to fhe title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
. section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional. Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-'LO(12) 161.3
S.O. 816.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acauisition and Development) Act. 1957 (2Q of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the rieht to mine, quarry, bore, die: and search for.
win. work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in tho
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Sri Prasad Ray of village ~ u d a m d i h , the interested person
has under section 13 of the said A d . furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act coi~ldnot be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and air0 the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred imder sub-section (2) 09
section 14 of the said Act. t K ' Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consistina of Shri R. P Sinha. Additional Judicial C~pmissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute the dispute to the said Tribunal.
C2-20 (12) /61.:
886 THE GAZETTE OF I N D :~MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITR4 2, 1885
. .
S.O. 817.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of ihe Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 3957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778-48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih.
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dh=bad, P.S.Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win. work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.i3 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Kunjo Rawani, Gambhir Rawani, Leba Rawani and Kusu
Rawani of viJlage Sudamdih, the interested persons have ~ m d e rsection 13 of the
said Act furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their
lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-secfion (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /61.]
S.O. 818.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel). S 0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Rearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 120 of 19571, the Cantral Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres af land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih: Sutikdih.
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of D'nanbad. P.S. Jharia :.nd
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, d ~ pand search for.
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands m a s n n g 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Hrishikesh Rawani and Tushu Bala Debi of village Sudamdih,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before t,he.competent
And, whereas. the amount of compensation payable to them und1.r the said
Act cwld not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and hl.50 the
apportionment thereof; ,
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred und2r sub-section !2) r *
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Govemment hereby constitutes a T~ibunpl
consistmq of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranch] and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[Nd. C2-20(12)/61.l
S.O. 819.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry sf Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977: dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearlng
Areas (Acquisit~onand Develo~ment)Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, tile Cenfra! Goyern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Su-ardih, Sudamdlh. Sutikdih.
Gorigram Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for.
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measxnng 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. Shrimati Champa Bala Debi, W/o Sahadev Chandra .Mahto
of village Sudamdih, the interested person has under section 13 of the sald Act,
furnished her claim for compensation payable for acquisition of her land
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the aAount of compensation payable to her under the said
. Act could not be Paid 'owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also ,the
apportionment thereof: '

'Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section ( 2 )
wrtipn. 14 of the said Act, the Central. Government hereby cpnstitutes a Tribunal
cons~st~ng of ,%ri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicjd Comm~ssioner, Ranch and
refers the dispute to the said. Tribunal,
[No. ~ 2 - 2 (12j/61.]
Y\..,l Y.YN~YI.Y
,&-- .<
I UWWA. I V ~ T ~ L ~ W - I LJ,
YJU3J ~ ~ - Y I Y I 4, roan ~Z$T
S.O. 820.-Whereas in pursuance 6f the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in vlllages of Swardih, Sudarndih, Sutlkdlh,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhoju$h in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia end
Chas and had also acquired thd right to mine, uarry, bore, d ~ gand search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lan s measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Lilu Ray and Charnu Ray of village Sudamdih, the interested
' persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to thefn under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under subsectim (2) of
section -14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12)161.1
5.0. 821.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, &ted the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the dlstrict of Dhanbad, P.S.Jhsria and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres In the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Mahabir Singh and Gobardhan Singh of village Sudamdih,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the ccmpetent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to tho title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14' of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of .Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Comrnissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
~ ~ p l ~ f i ' I~ ~:ap ;, p [NO.C2-20(12)/61.]
S.O. 822.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
Tndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O.2977. dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Develo~ment)Act, 1957 (20 of I957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikctih.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Rho~udihin the dlstrict of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharie and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Hrishi Kesh Rawani, Radhu Rawani. Madhu Rawani. Gangu
Rawani, Harku Rawani and Chamtu Rawani of village Sudamdih. the interested
persons have under section 13 of the said, Act. furnished their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation nayable to thentunder the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to'the title to receive it.and also the
apportionment thereof; *
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power, conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act. the Cehtral Government hereby constib~tesa Tribt~nrl
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute, to the said Tribunal. .
'. , . ? ,., mO. C2-20 (12 1/61. J
888 1 HE G U k l ?-k &.! lPIUl.4 : MARCH 23, k%fbJ/LnAkI K A ~ ~ 1 8 8 5 - [ Y A W JI-
- -
S.O. 823.-Whereas in pursuance -of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudandih, Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, qusrry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measu~iing625.73 acres in the
said villages;
P7hereaq S/Shri Badi Mahto, Kashi Mahto, Prayag Mahto and Kali Mahto
of village Sudamdih, the interested persons have d e r section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing'to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
NOW,therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]
S.O.824.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines snd
Fuel), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Develo~ment)Act. 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudarndih: Sutikdih
Gorigram Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad. P.S. Jharia ~ n d
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, le:and search for,
win. work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Chintamani Ghatwalin, Bundiya Ghatwalin, Gindiya Ghat-
waIin and Rajani Ghatwalin of village Sudamdih, the interested persons have
under section 13 of the said Act. furnished their claims for compensation payable
for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And. whereas, the amount of compensation aayable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
NOW,therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Ccmmissjoner, Ranchi and
refers the dlspute to the said Tribunal.
NO. C2-20 (12) /61.]
S.O. 825.-Whereas in pursuance of the nottfication of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fud), S.O. 2977. dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Rearing
Areas (Amuisition and Develonment) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Sudamdih. Sutikdih
C ~ n n a mChhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the riqht to mine, auarry, bore, dle and search for,
win. wnrk and carry away minerals in other lands measurhg 625.73 acres in (he
said villages,
Wkereas, S/Shri Saheb Ray, f i t i Ghatwalin, Punipa Ghatwalin and Faquni
Ghatwalin of v i l l a ~ eSudamdih, the interested Dersons have under secticn 13 of the
said Act furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisitron of their
lands before the competent authority;
And. vhereas, the amount of compensation ~ a y a b l eto them under the said
A d could not bc paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and zlso the
apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section '(2) of
section 14 of the said Apt, the,Cgp$ml Government h e r ~ b yconstitates s T'ribunal
ebnsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Addikional Judicial C o d s s i o n e r Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal. -
C2-20 (12) /61 .I
~EO. THE GAZETTE OP INDIA :MARCH 29, 1963/CHAITRA. 2, 1885 889
- -
-- ---
S.0. 826.-Whereas in pursuance af the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 195'i), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in ./illages of Swardih, Sudanidih, Suriaalh,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbacl, P.S. Jharia and
-Chas and had also 'acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
m e r e a s , .S/Shri Hrishikesh Rawani, Madhu Rawani and Radhu Rawani
of village Sudamdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands
M o r e the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
A.& could not be paid owing to a cbspute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof.;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby coi~stitutesa Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.'
[No. C2-20 (12')/GI.]
S.O. 827.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December. 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in vlllages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. aharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search ;or,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measming 625.73 acres in +he
said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Prabodh Pandey, Suraj Nath Pandey, Padarat Pandey,
Jainarayan Pandey, Rupan Pandey and Chandramohan Pa~dc-yof village Sudamdih,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to'the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore,'in exercise of the bower conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Centra! Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Addikonal Judicial C o m s s i o n e r , Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal. ,
[NO. C2-20(12)/61.]
S.O. 828.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification 04 the Government of
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in village<: of Swardih. Sudamdih: Sutikdih.
Gorlgram Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, 2.S. Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Prabodh Pandey, Suraj Nath Pandey, Padarat Pandey,
Jainarayan Pandey, Rupan Pandey and Chandramohan Pandey of rlllage Sudamdih,
the interested uersons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive i t and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under s~rb-section (2) of
m t i o n 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20 (12) /61. J
890 THE GAZETTE OF LNDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/C&U~U 2, [Pm
S.O. 829.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government d
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under secbon 9 of the Coal Be-
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the C m t W Gov-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swwdih, sudmdih, Sutikd
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojudh in the &strict of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and lrearch fw,q
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands meamring 625.73 acres in the
a i d villages;
Whereas, Shri T h W Das Mahto of village Sudamdih, the interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished hh daim for mmpensatiql
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authoritp;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him undu the iraiEl
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to d v e it and a h the
apportionment the~eoi;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power lconferred under s u M o n (2) at
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby canstituh a Tribunai
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
rrfers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12)dBl4
5.0. 830.-Whereas in pursuance of the notscation af the Govenunent ab
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and he1 (Department of Mines an8
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
h e a s (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govem-
ment acquired 778.48 acrea of land @ viilagq of Swardih, Sudamdih; Subk*
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bhojud~hm the dhstnct of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia an
Chas and had also acquired ?,he right to mine, quarry, bore, dig an6 sear* far,
win, work and carry away mnerals in other lands measwing 625.73 acres m the
mid villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Mahendri Ray, Keshori Ray, Pitarnbar Ray and Balu %q
of village Suaamdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act,
furnished their claims for compensation payable for q u k i t i o n of their lands
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act codd not be paid owing to a dispute an to the htle to &ve it and also the
apportionment thereof;
NOW, therefore, in exercise of the power c o d a unde+ suboection (2) uf
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby mmtitutej a Triiurrat
consisting of Skri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissione:, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. Ca-20(12)/63.J
S.O. 831.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification at the Government id
India in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Depx&ne~t of &fines end
=el), S.O. 2377, dated the 8th December, 1981 under sedion 9 of the Coal Bearing
h e a s (Acqaisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swariiih, Sudmdjh; Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chhoia Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of D h a n M , P.S. Jharia and
m a s and had also a c q w d the right to mine, quarry, bort, dig nnd aearch f a ,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 sera in tihe
raid villages;
Whereas, SfShri Manu Mahto and Dhanu Mahto ci vi%ge Sndamdih,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Art, furnished their c l a b
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, We amount of compensation payable bo them under the mid
A d could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to d v e it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power confnred under subsection (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby c p e i t u t e s a Tribwd
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Chmmmoner, h n c M and
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
m.=*.a0 (ll) /61.4
1)BC. 3(ii)] THE GA7XTTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 4, 1855 891

S.O. 832.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of

India in the late Ministry of Steel, W e s and Fuel (Department of M i n a and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development). Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land m villages of S w a r m Sudamdik Sutikdih,
Gorigram, Chh6ta Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S.Jharia and
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig a ~ i dsearch for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 621.73 acres in ihe
said villages; ,
Whereas S/Shri Bhagirath Mahto and Dhirju Mahto of village Sudamdfh,
the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Acc, furnished their claims
for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the saki
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereoi;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-sectim (2) d
m t i o n 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
~wnsisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, I;anchi aDd
refers the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12) /63.3
S.O. 833.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government oP
India in the late Ministry of Steel. Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines end
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under sect~on9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudanldih; Sutik
Gorigrarp, Chhota Tanr and Bhoju.&h in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia
(Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig mci search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shrimati Sohagi Debi alias Naryani Debi, W/o Satish ~ h a n d r aSupakar
Q village Sudamdih, the interested Derson has under section 13 of the said Act,
iurnished her claim for compensation gayable for acquisition of her
before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to her under .the dii
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive i t and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferned under sub-section (2) of
wetion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and
refers the dispute to the &id Tribunal.
[NO. C2-20(12) /GI:]
S.O. 834.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government d
lndia in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of &fines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing
Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land + villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih.
Gorigram, Chhota Tanr and Bholu.&h m the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia end
Chas and had also acquired the right to m e , quarry, bore, dig id search f a ,
win, work and carry away mnerals m other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
said villages;
Whereas, Shri Satish Chandra Supakar of village Sudamdih, the lnte~f2Sted
person has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for com-
pensation payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the aakl
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) aZ
=tion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government herebv constitutes a Tribunal
wnsisting of Shri R. P. Smnha,. Additional Judicial Commissioner, W c h i m d
s &spute to the srud Tribunal,
~ f e r the
i Mo. e2-20(12)/61;li-
-- - -
S.O. 835.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of
India .in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and
Fuel), S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearlnb
Areas (Acquisition and Develo~ment)Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Govern-
ment acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swarah, S~zlan~dih, Sutikdi
Gorigram. Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia an
Chas and had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for,
win, work and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the
da villages;
Whereas S r i m a t i Bimla Debi, W/o Haripada Supakar of til!age Sudamdih, the
interested person has under section 13 of ihe said Act, furnished her claim
for compensation payable for acquisition of her land before the competent
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable fo her under the said
Act could not bz paid owing to a dispute as to the title t o receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and
refers the dispute t o the said Tribunal.
[NO. C2-30(12) /61.]
8.0. 836.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Hines and Fuel),
S.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, i961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih. Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Goyigram,
Chho:a Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had alsg acquired the right tu mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas. S/Shri Prafulla Kumar Supakar and Satyanarayzn Supakar of village
Sudamdin the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
fheir claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the
competent authority;
And, .wf?ereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the aid
Act could n ~ be
t paid owing to a dispute as to the title lo receive it and also
the apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
ec:ion 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi ar;d refers
the dispute to the said Tribunn!.
S.O. 837.-.Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
h.1 the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of :.Iines and Fuel),
S.O. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under sectio? 9 of t b Cwl B ~ a r i ? Area3
(Acauisition and Develovmen~) Act. 1957 120 of 1957). t F p C ~ n + t ? lGcownment
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdib Sulikdih, Gorigram.
Chho:a Tanr and Bhojudih in tke district of Dhanbad P.S. Jhari3 acd Chas and
had aLw acquired the right to n.he, quarry, bore, dic! and search for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 a u e s i n the saidvillages;
Whereas, S/Shri Kall Singh and Maghu Singh of village Sudamdih, the interested
persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnish-.d tneir claims for com-
pensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not he paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
the apportionment tkereof;
Xow, therefore. in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
&ion 14 of the said Act. the Central Governmen: hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissionler, Ranchi 2nd refers
the dispute to the said Tribuna.
S.O. 838.-Whereas in pursuance or sne n u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.he~ Government
, , , of Indla
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),.
8.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
. (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the dlstrict of Dhanbad P.S. Jharia aird Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore, dig and search for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625 - 73 acres in the said viliages;
Whereas, S/Shri Bhabi KuIahin, Sashi Gorai, Kashi Gorai, Ghusur Gorai and
Khudi of village Sudamdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the
said Act, furnished their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their
lands before the competent authority;
And, whereas, 'the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also the
apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferrec! under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government herebv constitu:es a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-2C(12)/61:]
S.O. 839.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
in the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fcel),
5.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
{Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957). the Central Gcvernment
acquired 778.48 acres of lsnd in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had alsa acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win. work
andmcarryaway minerals in other lands measuring 625'73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, S/Shri Girish Mahto, Bideshi Mahto and Kheru Mahto of village
Sudamdih, the interested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, furnished
their claims for compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before the
competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive i t and also
the appcrtionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) sf
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Pinha, Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-2G(12) /61;]
S.0. 840.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
i n the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
S.O.2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Government
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of 'Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharis and Chas and
had also acquired the right to mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for. win. work
and carry away rnineraIs in other lands measuring 625'73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, Shri Chandra Mahto of village Sudamdih, the interested person has
under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable
for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to h i m y n d e r the said
Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
the apportionment thereof;
Now. therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissio~ler,Ranchi and refera
the disputs to the said Tribunal. -



6.0. 841.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India
b the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
6.0. 2977, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 19571, the Central Govgrnment
acquired 778.48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas and
bad also acquired the right to mme, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625' 73 acres in the said viliages;
Whereas, Shri Dhirju Ray of village Sudamdih, the interested person has under
&ion 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation payable for acquisi-
tim of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable to him under the said
Act could not be pair1 owing to a dispute as to the tltle to receive it and also
the apportionment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
d o n 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha, Additional Judicial Commissianer, Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.
[No. C2-20(12)161.1

8.0. 842.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

tn the late Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
6.0. 29';'?, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the Central Gcvernment
acquired 778'48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih, Sutikdih. Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, PS. Jharia and Chas and
had aiso acquired the right to mine. quarry, bore. dig and search for. win. work
and carry away minerals i n other lands measuring 625'73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, SfShri Muruli Mahto and Sahdev Mahto of viXage Sudamdih, the in-
terested persons have under section 13 of the said Act, f ' u d h e d their claims for
compensation payable for acquisition of their lands before '&e competent authority;
And, whereaz, the amount of compensation payable to them under the said
Act could pot be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also
the spportimmeat thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred under sub-section (2) of
section 14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby cons',itutes a Tribunal
consisting of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner. Ranchi and refers
the dispute to the said Tribunal.

8.0. 843.-Whereas in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India

fn the 'late Idinistry of Steel. hlines, and Fuel (Department of Mines and Fuel),
6.0.2077, dated the 8th December, 1961 under section 9 of the Coal Bearing Areas
'(Acquisition and Development) Act. 1957 (20 of 1957), the CenCral Government
acquired 778'48 acres of land in villages of Swardih, Sudamdih. Sutikdih, Gorigram,
Chhota Tanr and Bhojudih in the district of Dhanbad, P.S. Jharia and Chas and
had also acquired the right t o mine, quarry, bore. dig and search for, win. work
and carry away minerals in other lands measuring 625.73 acres in the said villages;
Whereas, Shri Mohan La11 Modak of village Sudarndih, t h e interested person
has under section 13 of the said Act, furnished his claim for compensation
payable for acquisition of his land before the competent authority;
And, whereas, the amount of compensation payable fo him under the said
'Act could not be paid owing to a dispute as to the title to receive it and also tho
appcrttonment thereof;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the power mnferred under sub-section (2) of

14 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby constitutes a Tribunal
?ing of Shri R. P. Sinha. Additional Judicial Commissioner, Ranchi and refers
d;cn~lt- +n the raid Tribunal.

mo. C2-20(12)/ 613

N m Delhi, the 14th March 1963
6.0. 844.-Whereas it appears to the Central Government that coal is likely
ta be obtained from the lands mentioned in the Schedule hereto annexed;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of
section 4 of the Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20
of 1957), the Central Government hereby gives notice of its intention to prospect
for coal therem.
Drg. No. Revlr3163
ita ad : 24-1-63.
S1. Name of vbageo TahsiI Mouza District Area in Remarks
No. No. Acres

I. Pardi . . Ramtek 213 Nagpur 1013-00 Whole

a. Etg2on . . Ramtek 16 Nagpur 2089 00 Whole
3. Walni . . Saoner 201 Nagpur 1265'00 Whole
4. Rohana . . Saoner I93 Nag~ur 77.2 oo Whole
5. Pota . . Saoner 149 Nagpur 668 oo Whole
6. Ronala . . Saoner 183 Nagpur 885.00 WhoIt
g. Dohegaon . . Saoner 108 Nagpur ro5r.m Whole
t. Chadkapur . . Saoner 71 Nagpur 1873.~0 Whole
9. Silewara ., . Saoner 224 Nagpur 800.00 Whole
10. Chichouli . . Saoner 77 Nagpur 815 oo Whole
11. Bhancgaon . . Saoner 168 Nagpur 1gg7a1 Whole
12. Bina . Saoner 156 Nagpur 1486.00 Whole
13. T h o m a s k . Ramtek 147 Nagpur 1413 oo Whole
14- Hingna . . Ramtek 389 Nagpur I I 64.00 Whole
15. Singouri . . Ramtek 364 Nagpur 80900 Whole
16. Saholi . . Ramak 351 Nagpur 907. 00 Whole
17. Dorli . . Ramtek 142 Nagpur 1034 oo Whole
18. Baghora . . Ramtek 330 Nagpur 1204'oo Whole
19. Ghatrohana . Rmtck 316 Nagpur 1985 oo Whole
20. Jimikamtee . Ramtek 35 Nagpur 1082.m Part.
TOTAL -23702.~0 Acrks.
9599' 31 hectares (Approx)
37'04 Sq. miles (Approx).
- -
AB line passes along the southern boundary of Junikamtee, ~ o u i h e r n
boundary of village Bina, Southern boundary of village Chichuli and
Chadkapur and Southern boundary of vlllage Dohegaon.
BC line passes along the Eastern boundary of village Dohegaon; Western
boundary of village Ronala.
CD line passes along the Northern boundan of village Walni, Northern
boundary of village Pardi.
DE line passes along the Western boundary of village Etgaon.
EF line passes along the North-East boundary of village Etgaon, North and
Part East boundary of village Thomasbare, Northern boundary of
village Hingna, Northern boundary and par8 Eastern boundafy of
village Baghora
' Line passes along the Eastern boundary of village Ghatrohana and part
Ekstern boundary of village Junikamtee.
GH line passes through village Junikamtee.
HI line passes through vilIage Junikamtee.
L4 line passes along the Part Eastern boundary of village Junikamtee.
The maps of the area can be inspected at the office of the National Coal
Develo ment Corporation Limited, "Darbhanga House", Ranchi or at the office of
Ihs &ctcr. Nwur.
NO. F. C2-25(2)161.
-- - -- - --
S.0. 845.-Whereas it appears to the Central Govmment that coal is like1;t.
to be obtained from the lands mentioned in the Schedule hereto annexed;
Now, therefor-. in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of
section 4 of the Coal Besring Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20
of 1957L the Central Government hereby gives notice of its intention to proapect
for coal therein. 6 r-.i

Drg. No. Rev/rg/63

Dated :25-1-63
S1. P-C. Name of village Vill- District Remarks
Pi -
NO.NO. , age
I. 23 Koreaumri (2) 77 B5tul . 11 Part
. 23 Chatarpur (3) . 228 Betul .
- 1
3. 24 30ila . (9).
657 Betul . I

4. a3 Bbgrona . (10).
453 Bed . 1
; Part
j. 26 Dhaser (11) . 86 Betul
6. aj Gogri (12) 183 Betul
13.286-4 -8
8. 25 ] Bikrampur (14) 496 Betul

(15) . 566 Betu 5380.99heaam Part

(20) 108 Betul
2. - R3nipurR.P. Reserved Betul . 1

13 - Asir R.F. ,, Betul .

20 76 miles or
13,285 qs rcrcs.
53b 99 kumm

A-B line passes through villages Koreaumri, Chatarpur, Begrona, along the
Eastern boundary of village Begrona, Southern boundary of village
Sorapur, left bank of Towa .nala, then through Tona nala and then
along South Eastern boundary of village Bhamaikhapa and then
through Asir RF.
B-C line passes through Asir R.F. and Ranipur RF.
C-D line passes through Ranipur R.F. and through villages Patakhera,
Mordlngri and Bakur.
D-E 1in.e passes .through village B a k ~ rand
. along the common boundan' d
wllages Blkrampur and RoyaMn.
SEG S(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 29, 196S/CHAITRA, 2, 1885 897
E-F line passes along the Southern boundary of villages Dhaser and K o b
F-G line passes through villages Kolegaon and Ohaser.
G-H line passes through villages Begrona and Soila.
H-A line passes through villages Soila and Koreaumri
The maps of the area can be inspected at the office of the National Coal
Development Corporation Limited (Revenue Section), "Darbhanga House" Ran&
or at the office of the Collector, Betul (M.P.). t
[NO.C2-25 (4)/81J

New Delhi, the 7th March 19Q
5.0. 846.-In schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the
Ministry of Mines and Fuel No. 3855, dated the 18th December, 1963, published in
Part II-section 3, sub-section (ii) of the Extra-ordinary Gazette of India dated
%he18th December, 1962:-
1. At page 2 3 4 ~ '
(a) In ~e Nineteenth line For "Banivatikuri" Read "Baniyatikuri";
(b) In the Twenty-third line F w "Teleganwan" Read "Telganwan";
2. At page 2345- t
(a) In the Twenty-eight line For 'Telaganwan" Read "Telganwan";
(b) In the Twenty-ninth line For "632" Read "532";
(c) In the fortieth line For "1266" Eead "1269";
(d) In the forty-first line For "520" Read "510"; and
(e) In the forty-second line For "Telaganwan" Read "Telganwan'~.
3, At page 2346-- I .

(a) In the Twenty-eighth line FA "544" Read "554".

'(b) In the Twenty-ninth line before "56(P)" insert "559(P)*. 1

a. At page 2347-
(a) In the Thirty-second line FOT "Farhi" Read "Jarhi'"
5. At page 2348- t

(a) In the Fifth line For "969(P) " Read "969" *and omit "1069".
(b) In the Fourteenth line For "244 (P) " Read "224 (P)";
(c) In the Forty-second line For "Point 'E' " Read "Point 'F' ";and
(d) In the Forty-Sixth line For ,"641" Read "642".
.NO. F. C2-22 (15) /504

New Delhi, the 13th March 1963
S.O. 847.-In the Schedule to notification of the Government of India, in the
' Ministry 01 Mines and Fuel, S.O. No. 3746, dated the 3rd December, 1962 published
In Part 11, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of the Gazette of India, dated the 15th
December, 1962.
At page 4058 in the fourteenth, sixteenth and eighteenth lines the words "Plot
Nos. to be acquired" may lbe substituted by the words "Plot Nos. for undertaking
mining operations".
r [No. F. ~2-25(1)/61-~t.1.
IRg GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1%3/~-2,1W- IFK~II=---
New Delhi, the 12th March 1963
8.0. $48.-In pursuance of section 17 o t the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
(14 of f947), the Central Government hereby publishes the following award of
the Industrial Tribunal, Dhanbad, in the industrial dispute between the employero
in relation to the Singhbhum Chromite Company L b W '(Koro-and Karkatakuti
Cfiromite Mines), Chaibasa and their workmen
3n the mafter of a Reference under Section lO(1) (dl of Industrial Disputes Ad,
1947 (XIV of 1947)

Emplayers h relation to the Singhbhum C h r d t c Ca LM. (Rom and

Karkatakuti Chromite Mines), C h i b a s
m?ir workmen.
Shri Raj Kishore Prasad, M.A., BL, Pnstding OfEicer.

For the Employers.-Shri N. Das Gupta, Advocate, with E

M P. G. Chatterjeo,
F a the w o r k m e n . 5 r i Patit Paban Patbak, and S M B. K. Shahi.
Smm: Ehar : Y
I~USTR Chromito.
Camp : Calcutta, dated the 31st Ja~,?kzw, 1963
This reference, under S&ion 10(l)(d) of the Industrial Disputes, Act, 1941,
was made by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, by
its Order No. 5/19/62-LRII dated the 10th October 1962, to this Tribunal, for
adjudication of the following Industrial dispute:
"Whether the demand of the Singhbhum C h r m i t e nlazdoor Union, Chaibasa,
for the payment of annual bonus to the workmen of Singhbhum
Company Limited (Roro and Karkatakuti Chrornite Mines) for the
year 1961 is justified? If so, to what extent."
2. On behalf of the workmen employed in the Roro and Karkatakuti Chromite
M l n a of the Singhbhurn Chromite Company Lirrited, the Singhbhum Chromitr
Mazdoor Union filed a written statement on 29th October. 1962 in which i t was
alleged that as the Union has not got the Balance Sheet and/or Profit and Loss
Account and/or figures of Capital invested, total labour cost. cost of extraction
af Chrornite, figures of other charges, Gross and Net Profits accrued, among
others, of this Coinpany, the Union was not in a positian to prepare a full and
comprehensive written statement or a statement of denands relatmg to the issue
and/or to compute available surplus for distribution as annual bonus or for consi-
deration of the issue. The Union, therefore, prayed for payment of two months
wages as annual bonus to the workmen for the year 1561.
3. The Union, on the same day, along with its vritten statement, also filed
a petition to direct the Company to supply the Urdon with Balance Sheets, Profit
and Loss Accounts and other relevant documents concerning the year 1961 as
well as the five preceding years for enabling the Union to prepare a full and
mmprehensfve statement of demands relating to the issue under reference. This
petition was pressed on 8th January, 1963, whereup& the Company was directed
ara21y to file these documents, which were in its possession that day, and,
a c c m ~ g l y the
, Company filed the o~iginalas well as true copies of the Balance
Sheets and Profit and Loss Accounts for 1958-59 (Whits M.9) 1959-60
Pkhihts Ml--UO(a)I and 1860-61 [-bits Ak2-M9(b)l.
$(ii)] TJ3E GAZETTE QP 1NDIA:MARCH 23, 1963/CHhITRA, 2, lW 899.
4. The Singhbhum Chromite Company Limited also on 7th November, 1963
fled its written statement in which it set out, in para 4 of its written statement,
the several grounds Nos. (i) to (xii) on which the company alleggd that the-
workmen's demand for pa.p_ent of annual bonus to them for the year 1961 was
not justified, and, therefore, it should be dismissed. Its main grounds were that
there was no system or practice of payment of any annual or other bonus in the-
neighbouring mines or other industrial establishment of any comparable unit;
that the Company has been running consistently at a loss, so much so that at the.
beginning of 1961 its accumulated losses had exceeded the sum of rupees four lacs;
that due to this continued heavy losses the position of the Company became very
precarious in as much as the total assets fell far short of its liabilities; that t h e
actual working for the year 1961, taking into account everything shows a loss-
slightly exceeding rupees five thousands; that the Companx, in spite of its:
precarious, condition, has voluntarily granted an increase i n the wages of the-
workmen from December 1961; and, that, therefore, the demand for two months'
wages as bonus for 1961 was without any basis and completely unwarranted in
law, and, as such, it should ,be dismissed.

5. The Company, in supper-t of its case, flled original Balance Sheets from
1958 to 1961, Exhibits M. to M.2, true copies of which were separafely marked'
as Exhibits M.9 to M.9(b) and later when the originals were returned, at the
request of the Company, the true copies were retained. The Company also filed'
a chart of available surplus, if any, for the year 1961, Exhibit M.5: Break u p
end analysis of (i) Mining Charges for the year 1961, Exhibit M.6 (ii) Miscellaneous
Expenses in 1961, Exhibit M.7; and (iii) Repairs Renewals and Maintenance
expenses in 1961, Exhibit M.8; a chart Exhibit M.14 giving page numbers of the
Ledger, Exhibit M.13, of the analysis of Repairs, Renewals and Maintenance-

expenses in 1961, Exhibit M.8; a similar chart, Exhibit M.15 regarding analysis
of Miscellaneous Expenses in 1961, Exhibit M.7; likewise a chart, Exhibit M.17,
for the analysis of Mining Charges, Exhibit M.6; and two charts of ava'ilable.
surplus, if any, for 1961 Exhibit M.5 and Exhibit M.16, showing two calculations,
and a chart showing analysis of expenses taken to pr6ii3 '2nd Loss Account for
the year ending the 31st December, 1961 Exhibit M.16; besides, Memorandum of
Association and Articles of Association of the Company, Exhibit M.10; and some
other documents, which will be referred to at the appropriate stage. The manage-
ment also examined its Secretary, Sri Panchu Gopal Chatterjee as M.W.I.
6. The Union also, on behalf of the concerned workmen, exaniined its General'
Secretary, Sri B. K. Shahi, as M.W.1, who Is, however, not a w o r k e ~ of the
company, but an outsider. The Union also. filed a ghart showing the calculation
of available surplus for the purpose of bon3"f'6??h@ VTai. 1961, Exhibit W. At
the time of argument, Sri Psthak, who appeared for the Union, reuresentine the
workmen of the Company, filed a chart as a p a d of xis argument prepared oti-
the basis of evidence and break up figures, which has been described as Chart
No. 1.
7. Sd Das Giipta, Advocate, who appeared for the Company, contended, in fha
first place, as a preliminary objection; that the reference as presented which means
recurrinq annual bonus, and, not bonus on the basis of profit. as now aualified,
on behalf of the Union, is not maintainsb7e, because annual bonus means bonus-
irrespective of profit and loss, as a condition of ser+fce; and, as such, this Tribunal
has no iurisdiction, in view of Section 10(4) of the Act, to go behind the reference
and decide the question of bonus on the basis of profit as asked and alleged by
the Union, and, therefore, on this very ground, the clsim for annual bonus, which
only is the subject matter of the refermce, should be reiected, and, in the second
place, on the merits, that although there was a net profit as per the balance sheet
in the year 1961, of Rs. 21.987.22 nP., and. 6 0 s s profit of Rs. 42,074:95 nP.. after
adding the normal depr'eciation of Rs. 20.087~~73 -rip., still there was no surnlus
left to the Company, after ~ a g m e n tof prior charqes, and deducting admissible
deductions, such as, Notional in-ome tax, Notional normal depr~ciation,return
an paid UD capital: return on the ioan capital; as shown in the two &arts
Exhibits M.5 and M.16; and, as such, there Is no question of paanent of anf
bonus. Sri Das Gupta, further, contended that never before any bonus has been
paid to the workmen of this Comuany, or, any other emplovee of the Company,
because since 1920. when the Company first darted working. there has ne~rerbefore
been anv profit upto 1960, and, even in 1961. -when there was some profit, it was
very little and negligible, and, after deducting the prior charges. etc. mentioned'
fn the Chart. Exhibit M. 16. there was a deficit of Rs. 17 637.39 np., and. as such, "
the demand for DaynIent of bonus for the year 196F, even on the basis of nee
pro&t, is unjustified md cannot be allowed.
8. Sri Pathak. on beha:f of the Union, however, challenged the balance sheet
of the year 1961, Exhibit M.2 (originalmxhibit..M.9(6) (true copy), and parti-
cularly challenged the expenses shown to have b ~ e nincurred in 1961 on five items
i.e. (a! Minmg, (b) Repairs, Renewals and Maintenance, (c) St& welfare:
(d) Mrsoe1,aneous expenses; and, (e) Directors' remuneration, and, submitted,
that if these items of expenses are excluded, it will be clear that there was
available surplus profit, of Rs. 1.42,026.78 nP. as shown by him in his Chart No. 1,
which entitled the workmen concerned to claim bonus, if not to the extent -of
two months' wages, a t ;east for a smaller period, and, accordingly, bonus should
be allowed, for any period the Tribunal thought proper.
9. I will consider the validity of the arguments presentd on behalf of both
the Parties hereinafter in order to find out which version is mrrect, on the evidence
before this Tribunal. 1 may, however, at the osjtset, mention that there
is no dispute between the parties as to the principles wfiic& should guide the
Tribunal in deciding the question as to how bonus be calculated and
whether bonus should be allowed in the present case. It was further coneded
bg both the wrties that The Associated Cement Co. Ltd. Vs. Its Workmen--
1959. I. L.L.J. 644-A.I.R. 1953 S.C.R. 967, in which finally the Sipreme Court
held that the Full Bench or L.A.T. Formula, as it is called, should t e applied in
2alculation of bonus, is the leading case on the subject of bonus, and how it is
to be calculated. It is now settled that the Full B ~ n c hor L.A.T. Formula, laid
down by t3e Labour Appellate Tribunal in Mill Owners' Associntirjn Vs. Rashtriya
Mill Mazdoor Sangh, 1950-L.L.J. 1247-1952 L.A.C. 433, which received the general
approval of the S u ~ r e m e Court in The State of Alwrxre Vs. the Workmen
represented by the Champion Reef Mine Labour Associatzon, 1958. 11. L.L.J. 479-
A.I.R. 1958 S. 923, is the correct approach for the calculation of bonus. On the
principle that bonus is paid on the profits of a particular year, bonus can be
claimed only for workers who have had a hand in earnicg the profits of that year.
There are. howevcr, two conditions under which the dernantf for bonus can be
ju~tified. They are : (1) When the wages fall short of the living standard, and,
(2) the indnstry mnkes huge profits part of which are due to the contributions of
the workmen in increasing the production. The demand for konus becomes an
industrial c:aim only when either or both these conditions are satisfied : See for
instance. Nuir Mills Gtd. Vs. Suti Mill Mazdoot Sangh. 1955-1,L.L.J.-IA,I.R.
1955 SC. 170. .Bonus is not a gratultuous payment made by emalover to its
employees nor it is a matter of deferred wages. Conception of social justice cannot
justify the grant of bonus when an industrial concern has made no profits but
has made a loss; and, therefore. if, in any particular year, the working of the
industry concerned has resulted in a loss there is no basis nor justification for
payment of bonus.
In the light of these admitted principles, the facts and the evidence in the
instant case have to be considered.
10. Acbxiittedly, also, on the evidene of Sri Ram Gopal Chatterjee, M.W. 1,
the Secretary of the Company, who is working in the Company since 3920, no
Wnus has been paid to any workman of the Company in any ycar, because the
company made a profits before and the Company is running at a loss since 1920.
On behalf of the workmen concerned also it was admitted thet no bonus %.aspaid
to the w ~ r k m e nconcerned ever before, but it was allrgd thst some bonus was
paid to the starf of the Headquarters at Calcutta &o-to ths n i n e staff in
1954, and, in 1959, as r i n e s were closed, no bonus =s pven. I t was further
alleged by the Union that in 1960 when bonus was den;anZed, bonus. was not
piven but some money was given in anotheq form. This IS also the evtdence of
Sri B. K Shahi. General Secretary of the Union. who is the only witness examin-
ed on behaV of the workmen concerned. It may be mentioned that no work-
man of anv of the two mines of this Company h3s been examined as a witness
in the present case no behalf of the workmen concerned. Tnis Witness, W.W. 1,
that he was not a workman of this Comrany and that he was an out-
siaer. In these circumstances, his evidence cannot be considered to be reliable,
because he had no access to the papers of the C o m p v l ~at 311. No receipts
the p q m e n t of bonus t o the other persons, as Stated by tfiis .witness, m.W-
have been filed to prove this assertion. Jn such a State of evldenm, wk'en the
&dence 1,f.W. 1 on behalf of the Company, is S U P P O ~by~ ~documents, I have
no h-jt~tion in acceptmg his evidence as correct and accepting the case
tl?e Comnany and in holding that no banus has ever b~ ~ a l ato any em~lOyee
of this Company, ever since 1920, because smce 1920 till 1960, 3dmlttedly the
G~~~~ has been nuuring a t a loss and had made no p r o m at d l .
11. The crucial. and the sole question, therefore, is for determination, in the
in.ftant case, is. Did the Company make huge profits in 1961, as a result
Src. tjii)] THE GAZETTE OF 1iVDU:MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA, 2 ?685 g0p
the joint contributjon of capital and labour and it had available surplus, as,
alleged by the Union in 1961, which alone could entitle the workmen concerned
to claim bonus in 1961? The Company adrnltted that ~t made profits, but its case
was that that profit was so small that after deducting the prior charges and
other admissible deductions it had a deficit of Rs. 17,637.39 nP., as shown in the
Chart, Exhibit M-16. It will be useful, therefore, to set out the different charts.
filed by the Company and the Union in order to find out which version js correct
and on the ev~dencewhat the actual position of the Company w$s in 1961. The
crux of the matter, therefore, is if there was available surplus In 1961, for the
calculation of which the first step is to ascertain the gross profit for the year-
in question. On this subject, the charts filed by the parties are very helpful.
12 As mentioned earlier, both sides filed charts showing available mrplus,
if any, in 1961, and, the two charts, giving calculations in two ways, filed by
the Company are Exhibits M-5 and M-16 and the two charts of the Union are
Exhibit W and Chart No. 1. It would be useful to examine the two charts
Exhibits M-5 and M-16 filed by the Company alongside Exhibit W, and Chart
No. 1, filed by the Union in order to find out the points of agreement bewteen
13. Exhibit ~~5 produced by the Company showing the avaiIahIe surplus, i
m y , for the year 1961, is as below:-
"Available surplus, if any, for the ydar 1961, as per Full Bench formula^
as approved by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India-
Net Profit for the year 1961 .. Rs. 21,987.22 nP.
Add: 'Depreciation (Normal decreciation only Rs. 20,087.73 nP.
charged in the balance sheet).
Rs 42,074.35 nP.
Gross Profit:
Less: Depreciation (only no&
' depreciation
at Scheduled rates). '

Less: Income-tax at 50 nP. per rupee. ..

Less: Return on 6 per cent on the Paid Up Its. 6,906.00 nP.-

Capital of Rs. 1,15,100, j I+

hs: ~ e t u r non the Loan C a ~ i t a l taken for

running the company using the same as
working capital a t 2 per cent.
Rs. nP.
Secured Loan: . . . . . 7,69)247'28
. . . . .
Unsecured Loan
Unsecured Loan . . . . b.,
16,973.69 17,470 '43
Deficrt r3,38ze82
Lessamount received in 1962 being the s u m of
Rs. 8,509'15 nP. only, from Messrs. Pioneer
Chromate Works Ltd., (in liquidation) as 50
per cent of the dues for transactions in 1954
and 1955-unrelated to the workers' efforts
~ 2 :sCost of Rehabilitation of Machineries and
.goz THE G m m OF INDIA :MARCH 23, l%S/QIAITlth $2, 1881
- &F-'

14. The chart, Exhibit W,filed by the Union &oaring the calculation oi avsilable
surplus for the year 1961, is as below:
"The Cbrt submined by Singhbhum Chromitc
&door Union showing calculation of availabla
surplus for the purpose of bonus for the year
Bs. nP.
Net pmfit a3 per balance sheet . 21,987'22
Add Depreciation . ~P87-73
Add Miscellaneous expense .
Add Dreaorpsremuneration . . .
Add Repair Expenses . . .
Less: 197,885 '6.2
Notional Normal De reciation
~ n m m e =ax A d . .........
Return on paid up capital at 6 per cent . Rs. 6,go6-00
Reburn on working capital if any, on p f at a per
cent . . . . Rs.................
N.B.-Expenditure under the head of Miac. Exp., Dinxtufs xemmemffob air;d
repair charges are not admitted
Please also refer to the Eetter to Sri ChatteTjee by Sri Pathag oi even &&?,
for other items.
ft is apparent that there will be sufkient available surplus for the ptrqxm of
Bcmus. The cl* of I&e Union is f a r 2 months' only which works out at Rs. 11,500/-
15. The second chart, Exhibit M. 1 6 , W by the Company, showing the available
surplus, if arty, for the year 1961, after deducting the amount of Rs. 8.509-50 aP.
received in 1961 from Messrs. Pioneer Chromite Works LM. (in liquidation) being
50 per cent of the dues against transactions of 1954 and 1955 unrelated to mt
$workers' efforts, is as below:

"Available Surplus, if any, for tbe year 1961, 9s per Full Bench Torn* su
-approved by the Hon'bk Supreme Court of India.
Rs. nP-
Met Profit for the year 1961 . .
Add Depreciation, as charged in the Balance Shem
6msPmfit . . . . . .
Jass :Normal Depreciation st the Scheduled rates

Less :Amomt mrived in 1961from M e m . Pi*

neer Chro-nite Works Ltd., (inliquidation)
being 54prr cent of dues against transac-
tions of 1954 and 1955-unrelated~ tht
worker's efforts. .u

Lev :lncomt Tax at 50 per cent ptm mpec

S a , s(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF 1 N D I A : U R W B, I S G 3 I C m 4 18bJ 903

Less : Return at 2 per cent on the loan taken for run-

ning the Company using the wxne as working
Capital :
Rs. nP. Itr.
Secured Loan : . . 7969,247' 28
Un-secured Loan : . 87,300'79
Unsecured Loan : . 16,973.69 17,470' 45

LCEE : Cost of Rehabilitation of Machineries and

16. Chad No. 1, filed by Shri Pathak, on behalf of the Union, as .a WU% d BQ
argument, prepared on the basis of evidence and Break-up figures filed by tbc
management, is as below:
"Chart No. 1 on the basis of evidence and break up figures placed.
Net Profit . . . 21~987- 22
Depreciation .
Donation and cont. .
8j5.00 (Vidd M. 7)
Mining Expenses . . a44,582*1g (M. 6),
Director's Remuneration . 1,764.04 (M.10 and
Repair Charges : . ~0,157.60 (M. P)

Less Depreciation
(Notional) ~a,goo~oo
2,9%932' 78
.Lats Income Tax
(Notional) 1,48,000~00
1948,932' 78
Less Return on Capital -00

Available Surplus . 1,42,026* 78"

17. If we read the Chart, p h i b i t M. 5, or, -bit M. 16, dong +&Chart

no. 1 and Exhibit W, we would find the follodhnng points of agreement betwea
the Company and the Union:
(a) Net profit for the year 1961 as per the balance shwt Exhibib IP($), in
admitted t o be Rs. 21,987.22;
(b) Depreciation as charged in the Balance sheet Exhibit 9(8) for 1981 is
admitted to be Rs. 20.087.73:
( c ) Deduction on account of Return a t 6 per cent on the paid up capital #
Rs. 1,15,100/- a t Rs. 6,906.00, claimed by the company, is admittea;
(d) the fact that there should be deductions on account of (il Income
(ii) Notional normal depreciation; (iii) Return on working capital. if
any, on proof at 2 per cent is also admitted by the Union in Exhikit
W; but in Exhibit W no amount has been mentioned against these
three. heads, which have shown as Uank. but in Chart No. 1 flgupclr
for only (i) Notional Depreciation, and (ii) Kotional Income Tax have
been shown, but they are much less than the figures given by the
company in Ehhibit M. 5 or Exhibit M. 16. In Chart I there is no
mention of Return on Working Capital, if any, on proof a t 2 per
which is admitted but shown as blank in Ekhibit W
The points of diflmence between Exhibit M. 5 or Exhibit Pvl. 16 and W b i l W
Chart No. 1 a r e these:
(i) Gross Pr&t shown by the Company in Exhibit M. 5 of h M b f t M, bS
is Rs. 42,074.95 nP. but ths Union has shown it at Rs. 1.27,&35.62 nP.
in Exhibit W and at Rs. 3,09,432.78nP. in Chart No..1.
- -- --
- ---- .- -
(ii) Deductims and their amount as shown in the Profit and Loss Account
lor l Y t i l in Exhlblt Y (ti), on five items name@, (I) M z ~ ~ t t iExpenses
(Rs. 2,88,379.60 nP. as detailed in Exhibits &I. 6 and M. 17); (ii)
neparrs, llenewals and Watntanance (Ks. 58,111.26 as aetalled m
Exhibits M. 8 and M. 14); (iii) Stag Welfare (Rs. 7,585.10 shown in
detail in Exhibit M. 18); (iv) Miscellaneous Expenses (Rs. 15,935.33
as detailed m Exhlblts M. 7 and M. 15); and (v) Virector's Kenuirera-
tton (Its. 1764.04 as shown In the Profit and Luss Account for 1961-
Exhibit M. 9(6), are not admitted; and, therefore, the Union in
Exhibit W, have added back (i) Rs. 15,935-35 for hliscellaneous
Expenses as shown in Exhibits M. 7 and M. 15; (ii) Rs. 1764.04 f o r
Director's Remuneration as shown in Exhibits &I. Y(6); and, (iii) Rs.
58.111.28 for Repairs etc. as shown in Exhibits 32. 8 and M. 14: and,
then arrived at the figure of Rs. 1,27,885-62 nP. as Gross Profit after
adding to the admitted net profit of Rs. 21,987.22 and :he admitted
depreciation of Rs. 20,087.73 nP.
18. The Charts Exhibits M. 5 and M. 16 have been -pared on the basls of
tihe balance sheet for 1961 [Exhibit M. 9(6)1. The baince sheet have been audited
for 1958-1961-Exhibits M. to M. 2-M. 9 to M. 9(6) by Ray and Ray Chartered
Accountants, and, therefore, unless it is established by the Union or it appears
that increase has been made at the deficit side with rnakfide intention to reduce
the amount of gross profit, there is no reason to reject the ba:ance sheets and the
Profit and Loss Accounts filed by the Company. As I vnll show hereinafter, the
workmen concerned have failed to prove that these account b b of the Company
are not reliable or that they have been manufactured for the purpose of this case
to defeat their bonus claim.
19. Shri B. K Shahi, General Secretary of the Union, W.W. 1, in his examina-
tion in chief said that he did not accept the figures given by th: company for
(i) Mining Expenses; (ii) Depreciation; (iii) Remuneration to Directors; (iv)
M~scelZaneousExpenses; (v) Staff Welfare expenditur?; (vi) Renewals and Mam-
tenance Expenses; (vii) Development, construction of bullrkngs and road expendi-
ture unless break up figures or vouch?rs, as the case may be, are supplied by
the Company. He further said that the company owned a Bull Dozer of its own,
which is let out on hire, but its earnings have not been shown.
When the witness was shown break-up figures supp1i.d by the company,
&hibits M. 6, M. 7, M.. 8, M. 14, M. 15, M. 16, M. 17 and M. 18, and cross-
examined on the different item of deductions shown in the Profit and Loss
Account for 1951, Exhibit M. 9(b), he admitted that:
(i)the expenses shown in break up, Chart Exhibit M. 7 (Miscellaneous
expenses), are allowable expenses, but as he had not studled ~ t he
could not say if it is correct; and,
fii) The expenses spent on repairs and renew& are allowable, proyided
they have been actually spent. and, when codmnted with the break-
up chart Exhibit M. 8 for Repairs, Rene-i-As and Maintenance in
1961, he simply said, he could not reply before studying it.
Although the break-up figures, Exhibits M. 6 , M. 7, M. 8, X.14, M. 15, M. 16,
M. 17 and TL2 18, were filed, th? witness had no other comment to make. W.W. I
expressly in respect of some items and impliedly in respect of the other items,
admitted that the deductions shown by the company onnvarious counts to arrive
at the G r x s Profit in Exhibit M. 5 or Exhibit M. 16 or ~ x h l b i tM. 9(6) were all
iegally permissible expense and deductions. The witness, W.W. 1, however
only vaguely challenged the quantum of such expenses and the figures ,?zntioned
by the Company. On this vague challenge without producing any poslt~veproof
in support of the union's allegations, I do not think I be justified on the
evidenc? in rejecting the Balance Sheet and the Profitsand Loss Accounts for the
year 1961 filed by the management. The ledger E x h ~ k t 13 has been filed and
the page numbers of the different expens2s in this Ledger have also been given
by the Company and they are Exhibits M. 14 to M. 17. Nothing has been sliown
bv the Union to persuade me to reject these docum-.nts filed by the.company. I
find no reason to hold that the entries made by the ccmpany m Exh~bitM. 16 or
h Exhibit M. 5 or in Exhibit M. 9(6) are malafidz entries or are not correct.
20. As the Union chall~ngedthe amour.! of expenses s3own against only five
Hems, namely, (1) Mining expenses. (2) Repairs, Renewals and Maintenancq
(3) Stag Welfare, (4) Miscellaneous Expenses, and, (5) Director's Remuneration
and the correctness of other items of expenses or their amount shqwn m the
M t wd Loss Accollnt in Exhibit & I. were not W l e n g e d , I wd1 ex-
SEC. f(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF ISDM : MARCH 23, ICJ63/LHAllKA L, ! b 5 ~ 90.5
these five items separately in order to show that the Union's objections, being
vague and imaginary, are not at all justified and substantiated, and, therefore,
they cannot be accepted as valid and correct. I t may be mentioned in thls
connection at the very outset, that the only challenge to these Items is by the. oral
evidence of W.W. 1, the General Secretary of the Union; otherwise, there 1s no
documentary evidence or any other reliable evidence such as the evidence of the
concerned workmen to support this challenge.
(i) Mining Expenses :
21. The Mining Expenses shown are Rs. 2,88,370e60 nP. The Chart showing
the break-up figures and analysls of the mining charges for the year 1961 is
Exhibit M. 6, and, the said analysis, witin reference to the Ledger Exhibit M. 13,
showing its page numbers of the different items of expenses jncurred on account
3f mining charges is Exhibit M. 17. On seeing Exhibit M. 6, along with Exhibit
M. 17 and the Ledger Exhibit M 13, 1 am satisfied that the amount of expenses
shown is correct and on the vague challenge of W.W. 1, lt cannot be held that
lhese entrles are malafide or incorrect. The Union has not given any cogent
reason nor demonstrated by facts and figures to prove its allegations that all these
%tries in Exhibits M. 6, M. 13 and M. 17 are malafide entries arid not at all correct.
(ii) Repairs, Renewals and Maintenance :
22. The amount of expenses shown on repairs, renewals. and maintenance is
Rs. 58,111.28 nP., as will appear from the Balance Sheet Exhibit M. 9(6). The
analysis and the break up figures of these exDenses is Exhibit M. 8, and the
3nalysis of these expenses, with reference to the Ledger Exhibit M. 13, giving
1ts page numbers is Exhibit M. 14. Taking into consideration Exhibit M. 18. M. 13
and M. 14, along with the evidence of the Secretary of the Company, M.W. 1, I
lave no doubt that all the entries therein are correct and they have been cor-
rectly made, and, therefore, on the vague allegation and the imaginary challenge
by W.W. 1, without any concret~objections supported by facts and figures, I am
lnable to hold, as asked by the Union, that a11 these entries are malafide and not
iii) Staf Welfare : I

23. The amount spent on Staff Welfare shown in the Balance Sheet Exhibit
M. 9(6) is Rs. 76,165:03 nP. The detarls of these expenses, on account of Staff
Welfare, are given in the Chart Exhibit M. 18 which is an analysis of all the
?xpenses taken to Profit and Loss Account for 1961 [Exhibit M. 9(6) 1. Nothlng
ias been shown or svrrgested, except vague challenge, to persuade me to reject
hese figures and find them, as on imaginary grounds, as asked, as malafide and not
iv) Miscellaneous Expenses :
24. Miscellaneous expenses shown in the Profit and Loss Account for 1961
Exhibit M. 9 (6) are Rs. 15,935: 35 nP. The analysis and break-up figures of these
Miscellaneous Expenses are given in the chart, Exhibit M. 7 and with.reference
.o the Ledger, Exhibit M. 13, giving the page numbers of the ledgers, 1s Exhlblt
M. 15. For the same reasons for which I accepted the amount of the admltted
ldmissible deductions, as correct, I find no.valid ground by these figures should
llso not be accepted as correct, and, accordmgly, I hold that all these entries are
)onafide and correct.
v) Director's Remuneratiolz :
25. The amount shown in Exhibit 9(b) as Director's Remuneration is
3s. 1,764: 64 nP. I t was contended on behalf of the' Union that when there was
1s profit there is no question of payment of any remuneration to the Directors.
m e management, however, filed its Memorandum of Association and Articles of
issociation, Exhibit M. 10, from which, in para 130, it will appear that it author-
ses the companv to remun?rate the director who is called upon to do any work
lr to-attend business of the company either by a fixed or by percentage ofprofit
IT otherwise as may be determined by directors. and, such rqmuneratlon 1s to.be
lther In addition to or in substitutio~for his or their share in the remun~ratlon
bove provided for the Directors. Exhibit M. 11 is a copy of the proceedings of
n Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Company held on 30th
Tovember, 1957, in which the fees oaid to the directors and percentages of tht!
et profits were fixed. Exhibit M. 12 is a letter from the Under Secretary to the
:ov~rnmentof India, Ministrv of Commerce and Industry. to the Company sent
n 27th March 1958, approving the payment of remuneration. to the two whole
[me directors, mentioned therein and mhn arc: named also In Exhibit M. 9(6).
'hese documents Exhibits M. 10 and M. 11. and M. 12 prove beyond doubt that


the Directors were entitled to remuneration, and, therefore, the amount of

remuneration shown as having been paid to the Directors in the balance sheet
Exhibit M. 9(6) must be accepted as correct.
26. I may mention that it has not established that the Bull-Dozer was the
property of the Company and that it earned rent by letting it out on rent. W.W. 1
in his cross-examination admitted that he had no evidence to prove that the
Company owned the Bull Dozer and that it hired it on rent. I, therefore, accept
the evidence of M.W. 1, supported as it is by docmnents, and held that the Bull
Dozer did not belong to the Compayy, and therefore, there is no question of
earnings from it not having been mentioned by the Company.
27. For the reasons given above, I would accept the balance sheet and *ofit
and Loss Account of the Company for the year 1961 and held that the Company
had Gross Profit gf Rs. 42,074: 95, but after adnrissible deductions, although it had
net profit for the year 1961 of Rs. 21.987:22, it had a deficit of Rs. 17,637:39 nP.
as shown in the Chart Exhibit M. 16. It m u < therefore, be held that the Industry
did not make huge profits, as alleged by the Union, and that, therefore, there was
no available surplus at all which could entitle the concerned workmen to demand
bonus, and, as such one of the two conditim required to be satisfied was not
satisfied in the instant case, and, consequenGy the concerned workmen were not
entitled to claim any bonus.
28. On the question, whether wages fell short of the living standard, there is
no reliable evidence at all. W.W. 1, the o d y non-workman witness on behalf
of the workmen, has said that "The rninimm wage of a worker is Rs. 1: 12 nP.
per day which is a consolidated amount and nothing extra" The allegation of
the union that in this company the-workers' w q e s are poor has not been establish-
ed, because W.W. 1, admitted in hls cross-examnation that he had no evidence to
prove that the wages of workers in the other mines were much higher. On the
other hand, the witness for the Company, NW. 1 stated that the wages paid in
other Companies are lower than those paid in ththis Company, but he admitted
that he had no records to prove. In such a state. of evidence, where there is only
oath against oath, I have no hesitation in acceptmg the ev~denceof M.W. 1, and,
therefore, it cannot be held that it has been estab:shed by the Union.that wages
fell short of the living wage and consequently even the second cond~tionis not
present here, and, therefore, the demand for bonus, in these circumstances by
the workmen concerned, is not justified.
29. M.W. 1 on behalf of the Company, stated that the raisings have been
increased slightly due to experimental marketing of a very low grade and the
prices have also increasd from about Rs. 110 to Rs. 132 per ton. W.W. 1, how-
ever, stated that the selling price of chromite u7to June 1960 was Rs. 90 to Rs. 95
but after June 1960 the price of chromite per ton has risen to Rs. 140 to Rs. 145,
and that the production of the Company in 1960-61 has mcreased, and, IS much
mwe than it was before 1960, but he admitted that he had not seen the p r d u c -
tlon records or the selling price records of the Company but he knew of the
selling price from outside. This cannot be considered to be any reliable evidence
to accept the contention of the workmen concerned
30. The result, therefore, is that, for the reasons given above. as none of the
two conditions precedent required to be satisfied before a demand for bonus can
be fnade, has been established, the claim for bonus for the year 1961 IS not
31. I would, therefore, answer the reference by holding that the demand of
the Singhbhum Chromite Mazdoor Union, Chaibasa, for the payment of annual
bonus to the workmen of Singhbhum Chronite Co~npany, Limited (Roro and
Karkatkuti) for the year 1961 is not justified, and, therefore, t h e are not entitled
to any bonus.
32. In view of my above decision on the merits of the reference in fayo? of
the Company, I do not think it is at a11 necessary to consider the p r e l i m a r y
ob~ection,.raisedby Sri Das Gupta, on behalf of the Company, that the reference
as made IS bad, because the reference is for annual bonus, which means recur-
ring bonus and not based on refit but irrespectirc cf prcfit and loss. The Union,
however, made it clear that &e r3emar.d for bonus ~ s ons the basis of profit and
not of recurring bonus. Both the parties also, lznderstood, as will appear from
their respective written statements, that the demand for bonus under considera-
tion on the reference made. was on the basis of profit in the year 1961 and not
mi the basis of recurring annual bonus, irrespective of profit and loss. 1, there-
$OR. find no defect in the reference,
SEC.3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDI-A: M.4RCH 23, 1963iCHAITRA 2, 1885 907
- -- -
33. This is my award which I make and submit to the Central Government
under Section 15 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Camp: Calcutta, Dated the 31st January 1963
Presiding Officer.
[NO. 5/19/62-LRII. J
New Delhi, the 13th March, 1963.
S.O. 849.-In pursuance of section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947'
(14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby publishes the following award of
the Industrial Tribunal, Dhanbad, in the industrial dispute between the employers
in relation to the Madanpur Colliery and their workmen.


In the matter of a Reference Under Section 1 0 ( l ) (d) of Industrial Dis-
putes Act, 1947 (XIV of 47).
Employers in relation to the Madanpur Colliery.
Their workmen.
Shri Raj Kishore Prasad, M.A.,B.L.,-Presiding Offjcer-
For the Employers.--Shri S. N. Murrakar, Director, Madanpur Colliery
Company Limited.
For the Workmen.-Shri Kalyan Roy, Vice President, Collieqy Mazdoor
Dhanbad, dated the 31st January, 1963.
This reference, under 'Section 10 (1) (d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,
(XIV of 47), has been made by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour and
Employment, under its Order No. 2/33/62-LRII, dated the 36th September. 1962,
to this Tribunal for adjudication of the following industrial dispute:
"Whether the termination of the services of Shri Seva Singh Kosta, Rlining
Sirdar, Madanpur Colliery P.O. Andal (Burdwan) was justified and
if not, to what relief is he entitled to?"
2. The Colliery Mazdoor Sabha representing the workman concerned. Shri Seva
Singh Kosta. filed a written statement on his behalf on 14th November 1962, in
which the main defence taken by the Union was that Shri Kosta joined the' Colliery
in the first half of 1961 as a Shotfirer cum Mining Sirdar and carried on his duties
as such legally and properly: that Shri Kosta was elected as Branch President of
the Colliery Mazdoor Sabha, Madanpur Colliery Branch, and, he took an active part
in organising workers under ihe Sabha, and represented the grievances of the work-
man of the Colliery and protested against illegal and flagrant1 violations of Statutes,
which incurred the displeasure of the management: that the management, therefore,
became determined to victimise Shri Kosta in order to frighten the other workers
so that they may leave the Sabha; that on the 20th June 1962, the managenlent
verbally stopped Shri Kosta from his duties*and his request to allow to work was
turned down and his services were terminated, that Shri Kosta, thereafter, fmme-
diately wrote a registered letter to the Manager of the Colliery on 20th June, 1962,
strongly protesting against this action of the management but the Manager neither
replied to his letter nor allowed him to ioin his duty; that the Union. therefore,
took up his case before the Conciliation Officer on 25th June, 1962, and, althougl?
several dates were fixed,'the management did not care to attend the Conciliation
Proceedings: that the management refused to take back Shri Kosta in the service
of the company, and, therefore, he is without anv job since 20th June 1962; a t u ,
that as such, the action of the management in stopping the workman concerned,
- ---
Shii Kosta. f? :m working with effect from the 20th June, 1962, was in complete vio-
lation cf S%tcciing Orders and principles of natural justice, and, accordingly, he
should cs reirrstated with full back wages,
3. The mznagement also filed its written statement on 9 t h January 1963, in
which its case was that the present dispute under reference was only an icdividual
dispuze and not an industrial dispute and the said individual dispgte never assumed
the character of an industrial dispute as the workmen of the Coll:ery never espoused
the c a a e of the hdividual workman concerned, Shri Kosta, and, at the Colliery
Mazdoar Sabha does not represent the workmen of Madanpur Colliery, it has
no locus standi to raise either an individual dispute. on behalf of any workman of
the co1:iery or t 3 represent ,the workman concerned, Shri Kosta; that Shri Kosta,
the workrnzn concerned, worked as Mining Sirdar cum Shotfirer for some months
in the earlier part of 1962, but he resigned his ~ o b of
, his own accord, by his letter
of 6th 33ay 1961, but, later, on his representation, he was re-employed by the
management, on 3rd June 1961 as a probationer far 12 months on a basic salary of
Rs. 60 as Mining Sirdar cum shot-firer, but his work was not found satisfactory
during the probationary penod of his servlce; that wfien on 20th June 1962, the
question of his confirmation was taken up. it was further fomd that l;e did not
possess a valid licence (certificate) for Gas Testing and Gas Detecting in the mines
of West Benga! and that his working as such as Mining Sirdar in this colliery u7as
against the Certificate Exhibit M.2 which he held as it was valid for Assam only;
that as the cantinuance of the said workman concerned, Shri Kosta, in his job
would have exposed the Colliery to prosecution it was decided by the management
that he shouLl not be confirmed, and, accordingly. the decision of the management
to terminate his services was communicated to him in writing on 20th June 1962.
4. The management examined its Agent, Shri Chedilal Khowa:a. M.W.l and
four other witnesses, namely. Shri S.P. Acharya. M.W.2, Genera1 clerk Shri Hari
Ram M.W.3. Engine Khalasi. Shri Bauri Gora M.W.4: Haulage Khalasi: and. Shri
Bimal Ghosh. Engine Khalasi. M.W.5. in support of its p r e l i d n a r y objection that
the present dispute was as individual dispute and not an industrial dispute. The
manaeeznent also $led documents, in support of its case, which were marked Exhi-
bits M to BI-23.
5. The Unim also examined the workman concerned Shri Sova Sincrh Kosta, as
W.W.1, and. d s o filed documents, which were marked Exhibits \TI to W-16.
6. It would be useful to know the history of the present dispcte. and. therefore,
the facts of this case, on the basic of the documents Aled by both the parties, may
be stated in their chronoIogical order, as below:
(a) On 25th January 1961 the workman concerned. Shri Sara Sin& Kosta, was
avpointed for the first time 2s a shot-firer of the Colliery on probation for six
months on a basic salary of Rs. 50 per month ~ l u susual dearness a l h - ~ ~ a n cand
other a'lowan-s as mill appear from the oridnal letter of his aupo'nfnrent, Exhibit
W. 10 On 9th M a y 1962 he was appointed a s Mining Sirdar c'm shot-firer. as will
appear from the o r i ~ i n a lletters of his appointment, Exhibits V.3 and W.9.
(bS Accorqing to the Union in March or April, 3962. a Brarcfi of the Colliery
Mazdnm SaSha, was formed in this colliery and most of tbc ~ o r k e r sof this Col-
liery became i + members
~ and the workman cancerned. Shri %a: Sin& Kosta. was
rlerted as its President. This fact, how~ver.is not admitted bv the msnaqpment.
Accordirlq to the management (vide M.W. 1) its recopiseci Union is West B ~ n a a l
Khan Nazdom Sangh, which, according to the Union, is the m m e t Union of the
Colli~ryand it does not contain a majority of the workers of this Colliery as its
(c\ Accorcling; to the management. Shri Sova.Sinqh Kosta r t t s i q e d bv his letter
of 6th Mau 1 P f i l . Exhibit & I. effect from 1st June 1961. but subseuuentlv on
his representation he was re-apnointed as Mining Sirdar nrm chot-firer on 3rd June
1961 or. probation for 12 month? on a hasic salarv of Rs. EO Der month. as will
appear from a copv of Ihe said alhqed letter. Exhibit 3f-1 Exhibit W-3. which
mentioced that 5is service will be confirmed, after satisfactory work. in writing on
completion of probation.
It may be mentioned here that thiq allepd 1 ~ t t of~ r annoiritrnent of the work-
man ccncerrted on 3rd dune 1961, Exhibit M-3 Exhibit W-3 % c h a l ! ~ r ? ~ ~bvr l the
Union as a 5nhse.cn~vtfabrication. because it i q contrarv to the oribi.rat letter of
anaoht-nenf h t e d 95th Januarv 1961. Exhibit W.10 apnnictine the workman cnn-
cerned as Minhng Sirdar cttm shot-firer. on nrobation for six months. and the
subsequent o r i g k a l letters Exhibits W-8 and W-9.
hc. j(ii)] GAZETTE OF I N D :~M A R C E ~23, 1963/cwTa 2, 1885
T H ~ 909
A- -- -
.- -- -
(d) o n 26th June 1961 when the workman concerned, Shri Kosta, reported for
duty, it is aLLeged by the Union that he was sent for by the Agent of the Colliery,
M.W.1, who stopped his work since then, and, according to the management it gave
a written notice dated 20th June 1962, Exhibit M-8, signed by the Nlanager ot the
Colliery to the workman concerned informing him that his service were no longer
required with immediate effect. This letter, iCxhibit M-8, is denied by the Union.
(e) On 20th June 1961 a registered letter was sent to the Manager of the Col-
liery by Shri Kosta, as will appear from a copy of the said letter, Exhibit w-7, and,
the registration receipt, Exhibit W-11, complaining that in spite of his working as
Mining Sirdar in this Colliery and discharging nis duties properly he had been
stopped from joining his duty without any fault on his part and that when on
20th June 196.1 at about 7-30 a.m., after recording his attendance in the Attendance
Register, he went to join his duty, he was called by the Agent M.W.l and was sur-
prised to hear when the Agent asked him (Shri Kosta) why he was demanding regu-
lar wages, bonus, elc., and, why he, along with the other workers of the Colliery
demanded quarters to live in, and on his denying these allegations the Agent
(M.W.1) got enraged and said that he will not allow him to work and stopped him
from work, and that later when he met the Manager he also said the same thing.
The workman, therefore, prayed to the Manager that he may be allowed to resume
work. The original letter of 20th June 1961 has been filed by the management and
it is Exhibit Ni-10 and the management admitted that no reply to it was sent either
by the Manager to whom Exhibit M-10 hxhibit W-7 was addressed or by any cne
else on behaif of the management.
(f) On 25th June 1962 the Union raised an industrial dispute before the Concilia-
tion Officer regarding the illegal and m l u f l d e stoppage of work of the workman
concerned, Shri Sova Singh Kata, Mining Sirdar of the Colliery, as will appear
from a copy of the said letter Exhibit W-6 in which i t was mentioned that the
workman concerned Shri Kosta, had sent a registered letter Exhibit W-7-Exhibit
M-10 to the Manager of the Colliery on 20th June 1961.
(g) The Conciliation Officer, on receipt of the letter of the Union, Exhibit W-6,
fixed 5th Juiy 1962 for joint discussions and sent a letter on 27 June 1962, Exhibit
W-13, to the Manager asking him to attend the meeting on 5th July 1962. But the
management asked for adjournment on 5th July 1962 by a letter dated 5th July
1962, Exhibil M-4, and, therefore, the Conciliation Officer on 6th July 1962 sect a
letter, Exhibit W-5 Exhibit M-14 to the Manager asking him to attend on 16th July
1962. In repiy to the said letter ExhibiVW-5, the Manager on 16th July 1962 %+rote
a letter, Exhibit W-2, in which i t was mentioned that the workman concerned Shri
Kosta was appointed as shot-firer in the month of June 1962 with the condition that
his services would remain on probation for 12 months and he will be confirmed
after satisfactory work of 12 months' probation, but as the management was not
satisfied with his services, it was not inclined to confirm his services, ~ n d therefore,
his services were no longer required by the company. The manager further said
$hat there was no industrial dispute.
The abcve statement of the management is based on the alleged letter of appoint-
ment of 8rd June 1961 (Exhibit M-1 Exhibit W.3)referred to before, which is all.eg-
ed by the Union to be a subsequent manipulation and contrary to the original letter
of appointment, Exhibit W.10 and also Exhibits W.8 and W.9.
(h) On 8th July 1962 the Conciliation Officer submitted his Failure Report, Exhi-
bit W-1, in which it is stated that the representative of the management sent a
letter dated 16th July 1962, Exhibit W-2, in support of its contention that there was
no industrial dispute in the matter and as such the proceedings should be dropped,
and that the management representative, during the conciliation proceedings, stated
that he had nothing further to add to what it .had allready stated in its letter just
referred to. It is further mentioned' in this Failure Report that the nznagement
representative mentioned that the management was not prepared to take back Shri
Sova Singn Kosta, the workman concerned, in its services. .
It may be mentioned here that relying on the just mentioned Failure Report of
the Conciliation Officer, Exhibit W-1, it was contended by the Union that the
management did not deny the allegations of the workman concerned made in his
letter dated 20th June 1962, Exhibit W-7, or, in the letter of the Union to the Conci-
liation OEcer, Exhibit W-6, and,
(i) On 5th September 1962 the Conciliation Officer (Central) Ranigunj sent a .
letter Exhibit W.4 to the Manager to attend the meeting on 19th September 1662,
but the management did not attend, and, therefore, on 18th September 1963 the Regio-
nal Labour Commissioner (Central): Calcutta, sent a letter to the Manager, Exhibit
- --
W. asking him to attend joint discussions arranged in cmnetiion with the arbitrary
stoppage cf work and other serious allegations made against the management on,
26th Septenlber 1962 in the office of the Conciliation OfIicer (Central), Asansol; but,
meanwhile. the present reference was made, as stated earlier, on 26th September
7. Shri Kaiyan ROY,representing the workman concerned, contended:
(a) that the Standlng Orders, Exhibit M-9 Exhibit W-12, had not been followed,
in as much as, the workman concerned had been stopped from work without any
charge sheet. without any enquiry, and, in contravention of Standing Order No. 28;
(b) that the alleged appointment letter Exhibit M-1 Exhibit W-3 dated 3rd June
1961, is a subsequent imposition with a malafide intcqtion, in as much as, the
original appointment letter, Exhibit W-10 shows, without any doubt, that the work-
man concerned was appointed on 25th January 1961;
(c) that this alleged letter of appointment Exhibit M-1 Exhibit W-3, appointing
the worirman concerned on probation for 12 months, even assuming it was genuine,
was illegal and invalid as it contravened Standing Order NO. l(g), in as much zs,
the probationary period could not be for more than six months, and, therefore, the
case of the management that even after expiry of six months, the workman con-
cerned was not made permanent was malafide and against standing Order No. l(g);
(d) that, therefore, the arbitrary stoppage of work of the workman concerned,
Shri Kosta on and from 20th June 1962 was illegal, malafide and against Standing
Orders, and. therefore, it must be set aside and the workman concerned reinstated
with full back wages and other emoluments which otherwise he would have been
entitled to.
8. Sri T. K. Jagdish, Labour Adviser, representing the management, very
seriously contested in the first instance, the validity of the reference and juris-
diction of this Trtbunal to decide it, on the ground thaT the present dispute was
an individual dispute, and not an industrial dispute. In support of his contention,
he relied on various decisions of the Supreme Court. also c n certain decisions
of some High Courts, including a Bench decision of the Patna High Court for the
principles which should guide a Tribunal in deciding whether a dispute is an
individual dispute or an industrial dispute.

The Supreme Court decisions relied upon by Shri Jagdeesh were (i) D. N. Baner-
jee V. P. R. Slukherjee, 1953, 1.L.L.J. 195 (per Chandrasekbm Aiyer, J ) ; (ii)
Central Provicces Transport Services Ltd. V. Raghunath Gopd Patwardhan, 1957.
I.L.L.3.25-AIR 1957 S.C. 104, (per Venkatrama Ayyar, J); (iii) Newspapers ~ t d
and Industrial Tribunal, Uttar Pradesh, 1957 11. L.L.J.1.-AIR 1957 S.C. 532; (per
Kapur J); (iv) Associated Cement Companies Limited and their workmen, 1960-1.
L.L.J. 491, (per Gajendragadkar J) ; (v) Newspapers Ltd. Allahabad Vs. State
Industrial Tribunal, Uttar Pradesh, 1960 11 L.L.J.37 (per Gajendragadkar J ) ; (vi)
Borribay Union of Journalists and the 'Hindu' Bombay, 1951-11. L.L.J. 436-AIR
1963 S.C. 318 (per Shah J.), and, to this list I may add, (vii) workmen of Dima-
kuchi Tea Estate V. Management of Dimakuchi Tea Estate, 1958-1L.L.J. 500-AIR
1953 S.C. 353; (viii) Workmen of Rohtak General Transport Company and Rohtak
Genera: Transport Company, 1962-I.L.L.J. 634, (per Gajendragadkar J.), (ix)
hlanagernent of Indian Cable CO. and its workmen, 1962-I.L.L.J. 409, (per Ven-
katerama Ayyar, J ) ; The decision of the Federal Court on this point in Western
Indian Automobile Association, 1949-I.L.L.3. 245 (per Mahajan J ) was approved
by the Supreme Court in State of Madras Vs. C. P. Sarathy, 1953-I.L.L.J. 174 (per
Patanjali Sastri. C. J.).
The decisions of the High Courts relied upon by Shri Jagdeesh were (i) a
Bench decision of the Madras High Court in Working Journalists of the 'Hindu'
and the 'Hindu', 1961 I.L.L.J. 288 (per Veeraswarni J); (ii) a Bench decision of
Andhra Pradesh High Court in Express Newspapers Limited Madras and Labour
Court Hyderabad, 1962-I1.L.L.J. 200 (per Chanda Reddy, C. J.); (iii) a Bench
tlwision of the Patna High Court in Ahmad Ali Ansari and Labour Court. 1962
I.L.L.J. 99 (per R. K. Choudhary J) ; (iv) a Single Judge decision of the Madras
High Court in Visalakshi Mills Limited and Labour Court, Madurai, 1962-11. L.L.J.
93 (per Veeraswamy J ) ; and, (v) a Single Judge decision of the P%& High
Court in Radio Television DeJ.hie and Sharma (K. K.) 1962 I1 L.L.J. (22 (per
Shamsher Bahadur, J).
bc.j(ii)] THE GAz~TTEOF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/Cf-IA1TRA 2, 1665 911
- -. - -
9. Sri Kalyan Shankar Roy, who represented the workman concerned however,
did not dispute the principles and the tests laid down by clle Supreme Court and
the High Courts in the above-mentioned cases, for deciding this disputed quesbon,
and, theretore, in my opiaion it is not necessary to deal with each case; but in
order to resolve the controversy raised, by Shri Jagdee~h,it is certainly necessary
to know the principles and tests laid down by the Supreme Court.
10. Section 2(k) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, as amended upto-date,
defines what an 'industrial dispute' means. The true import and scope of the defini-
tion of industrial dispute is now well settled by the just rrentioned several deci-
sions of the Supreme Court. Tests have been laid down to determine if, and when,
an inuividual dispute can become an industrial dispute, within the n~eaning of
the Act. The principles, which can be extracted- from the above cited decisions
of the Supreme Court, on which the High Court decisions replied upon ?re based,
may be summarised and re-stated in these terms:
The definition of 'industrial dispute' as given in Section 2(k) of the Act,
emphatically brings out the essential characteristics of the dispute with which
the Act purports to deal. The disputes must relate to the terms of employment
or with the conditions of labour and they must, arise, inter alia, between workmen
and their employer. Ordinarily, an individual dispute which is not sponsored by
the Union or is otherwise not supported by any group of workman is not regarded
as an industrial dispute for the purposes of the Act.. A provision like that con-
tained in Section 33A is, of course, an exception to this rule. The basis of indus-
trial adjudication recognised by the provisions of the Act clearly appears to be
that dispute between employers and their employees would be governed by the
Act, where such disputes have assumed the character of an industrial dispute.
The policy behind the Act is to protect workmen as a class against unfair'
labour practices and not to enact special provisions for enforcing the claims of
individual workman, and, as such, it militates against the contention that a dis-
pute which is essentially individual in character would become an industrial
dispute merely because two persons have joined in it. What imparts to the dispute
of a workman the character of industrial dispute is that it affects the rights of
the workmen as a class. That is why the above decisions lay down that the dispute
of a single workman would become an industrial dispute when it is sponsored
by a union or by a considerable number of workmen; for it can then be taken
that it does affect them as a class. No hard and fast rule can be laid down as
to the number of workmen whose association will convert an. individual into an
industrial dispute. That must depend on the facts of eacn case, and the nature
of the dispute. The group might even be a minority. But it must be such as to
lead to an inference that the dispute i s one which affects workmen as a class.
Accordingly, the validity of a reference must be judged on the facts as they
stand on the date of reference and that just as a withdrawal of the support by
a Union after a reference is made cannot render it invalid, likewise the support
by it after the date of reference cannot make it valid. t

Therefore, a dispute between an employer and a single employee cannot per se

be an industrial dispute, but may become one if taken up by a trade union .)r a
nurpber of workmen. Once it is shown that a body of workmen, either acting
through their union, or, otherwise, had sponsored a workman's case it becomes
an industrial dispute. It is not necessary that a registered bcdy should sponsor
a workman's case to make it an industrial dispute. An industrial dispute can
be raised by a group of workmen or by a union even though neither of them
represent the majority of the workmen concerned, in other words, the majority
rule is itlapplicable in the matter of a reference of an industrial dispute under
Section 10 of the Act. Even a minority group of workmen can make a demand
and thereby raise an industrial dispute, which in a proper case, would be referred
for adjudication under Section 10 of the Act.
The real test, therefore, to decide such question would be: "Had the dispute
been sponsored by the workmen before it was referred for adjudication?"
The above principles and tests have been reiterated and summed up hy Ilis
Lordship, Shah J., of the Supreme Court in the B o m b q Union of Journalists V.
The 'Hl!ldu' Bombay. A.I.R. 1963 S.C. 318-1961 11. L.L.J. 436, referred to before,
in these words: to quote the placitum:
A dispute between a n employer and a single employee cannot per se be an
industrial dispute, but it may become one if it is taken up by the Union or a,
number of workmen. The persons who seek to support the cause of a workman

must themselves be directly and substantially interested i n the dispute and this
would Weed on the facts and circumstances of each case. Persons who are cot
emploYees of the same employer cancot be regarded as so interested. that by their
support they may convert an individual dispute into an industrial ciis~ute. In
each case in ascertaining the character of an industria: dispute the test is whether
a t the date of the reference the d~spiitewas taken up c r aul;ported by the Union
of the workmen of the employer against whom the aisprrte is raised by an indi- -
vlduai workman or op an appreciable number of workmen.
if the dispute was in its inception an individual dispute and continued to be
such tilt the date of the reference by tne Government, ~t could not be converted
into an kcustrial dispute by support subsequent to the reference even of workmen
interested in the dispute. Just as the subsequent withdrawal of support will not
take a%ay the jurisdiction of an industrial tribunal, the wbsequent support will
not convert what was an individual dispute at the time of reference into an indus-
trial dispute."
11. Bearing the above principles in mind, I shall now proceed to c ~ n s i d e r
whether the dispute of the workman concerned, Shri Seva Singh Kosta, on the
evidence on the record, was taken up by a Union, or by a large cumber of work-
men. If. therefore, it is found on the evidence of the parties that the individual
dispute of the workman concerned. Shri Kosta, was scpported by a Union or by
a 601lsiderable number of workmen, and that that support preceded the reference
in auestion and formed the foundation for it, the auestion raised bv Shri Jaadeesh
' -
wili have to be answered in the negative.
12. Before, however, I do so, I like to refer particularly to cne decision of the
Supreme Court, which in my opinion is very appropriaze to the case in hand,
[Workmen of Rohtak General Transport Company (Supra), 1%2-I.L.L.J. 6341.
In this case the total strength of the Transport company, the appellant before
the Supreme Court, including the two concerned worlimen, was 22. There was
evidecce before the Labour Court that five workmen, excluding the two concerned
workmen, out of 22, sponsored the cause of the two concerned workmen and
fourteen wcrkmen did not espouse their case. The Labour Court rejected the
reference on the preliminary ground that the dispute was not sponsored by a sub-
stantial section of the workmen. The Supreme Court on appeal by Special Leave,
preferred by the workmen, held "that the Labour Court was in error in comlng
to the conclusion that reference was bad and the dispute was not an industrial
dispute because only a minority of workmen had espoused the cause in question."
The order of Lie Labour Court, was, therefore. set aside and the matter sent back.
Their Lordships observed that the test, as stated earlier, to apply in each case
would be: "Had the dispute been sponsored by the workmen before i t was referred
for adjucScation?"
13. In the light of the above principles, I now proceed to examine the facts and
evidence of the present case to find out if the present dispute is an individual
dispute or it was clothed with the character of an industrial dispute before the
reference in q~estion.
14. According to the workman concerned, majority of the workmen of this
Colliery are members of Colliery Mazdoor Sabha and on the evidence of the con-
cerned workman, W.W. 1. after the termination of his service a meeting of the
Executive Committee of the Colliery Mazdoor Sabha was held and his case was
taken up by the said Union which represented majority of +be workmen of this
Colliery. This fact is supported by the documents on the record.
15. Accn-ding to the evidence of the concerned workman, Shri Kosta, whose
evideace I have no reason to reject, the Madanpur Colliery in questian has 150 or
175 workmen. out of whom about 125 or 150 are members cf the Colliery Mazdoor
Sabha of which the concerned workman is also a member. Shri Kosta said in his
exarninatio~in chief that after three days of his stoppage of vjork a meeting of
the Executive Committee of this Union, which was attended by 10 out of its 15
members. was held and a resolution. regarding the stoppage of his work was
passed. Ic his cross-examination. he further said that i h r e was a meeting of
the workers after his stoppage of work in the colliery which was attended by
about 100 workmen of this company and at that meeting his stoppage of work
was taken up and a resolution was passed which was handed over to Shri Trilok
Sicgh. Treasurer of the Union, who took it to the Union oEce and also sent a copy
of it to the company.
THE GAZETTE OF IXDIA :MARCH 23, 1 9 6 5 / C U l T ~ A 2, 1886
kc. $(ii)] gig
--- -- --
- 7 - -
M.W. 3 to M.W. 5, employees of this Company, were examined by the manage-
ment on this question: M.W. 3 said that he was a Member of the Ganga Ram's
Union, that is, West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh; that between 250 to 350 work-
men are working in this colliery and except 10 or 15 others are members of his
union but the concerned workman is not its member; and that there was no
meeting of the workmen of this Colliery 'regarding the concerned workman. M.W. 4
said that about 50 workmen of this colliery were members of his Union, that is,
West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh. He, however, admitted that he attends the
meetings of the workers of Colliery Mazdoor Sabha and Ganga Ram Pandey's
.Union, that is, West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh. M.W. 5 stated that he did not
know how many workers of this colliery were members of Ganga Ram Pandey's
Union. that is, West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh, of which he was a member.
M.W. 2 said that he was the Secretary of the West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh
till before March, 1962. M.W. 1, the Agent, however, stated that the total number
of workers in his colliery was 275. But he added that hardly 10 to 25 of these
workers were members of the Colliery Mazdoor Sabha. On this point he is con-
tradicted by his own witnesses M.W. 3 and M.W. 4 whose evidence has been
referred to before.
Shri Jagdeesh argued that the Union,had not filed its membership register
and counterfoil books. TO this the answer is that the Union was never called
upon by the management to do so and now after the admission of M.W. 1, M.W. 3
and M.W. 4 it is hardly necessary to call upon the Union to produce them.
It may, however, be mentioned that on 29th January, 1963, the management
filed a petition calling upon the Union to file the above registers etc. and I allow-
ed this petition; but, subsequently after hearing both sides on 30th January, i963,
I recalled my earlier order and rejected it for the reasons given in my Order No. 1,
dated 30th January, 1963.
16. On the evidence of M.W. 1, M.W. 3 and M.W. 4, the witnesses of the
management, therefore, i t is established, (i) that this Colliery has 275 workers
(M.W. I);, (ii) that about 50 workmen are members of the other union, that is,
West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh (M.W. 4); (iii) that there are two Unions
(M.W. 1 and M.W. 41, namely, Colliery Mazdoor Sabha, of which the concerned
workman is a member, and, Ganga Ram Pandey's Union, that is, West Bengal
Khan Mazdoor Sangh, of which M.W. 2 was Secretary and M.Ws. 2 to 5 were
members. The evidence of the concerned workman that about 125 or 150 of the
workers of this Colliery are members of his Union, .therefore, gets ample support
by the admission of M.W. 4. It is, therefore, satisfactorily established, on-the
above evidence, that there are two Unions and further that the Union of the con-
cerned workman, namely Colliery Mazdoor Sabha is the majority Union since it
has on its rolls majority of the workers of this Colliery as its members, as will
appear from the following figures:
1. Total Number of workers-275 (M.W. 1).
2. Total number of workers who are members of the West Bengal Khan
Mazdoor Sangh-50 (M.W. 4 read with M.W. 1).
3. Total Number of workers who are members of the Colliery Mazdoor
Sabha-225. .
17. It may be mentioned that in the beginning the existence of this concerned
workman's Union, Colliery Mazdoor Sabha, was denied by Shri Jagdeesh *,on
behalf of the management but subsequently due to the admissions of M.W. 3
and M.W. 4 and in view of Exhibit W. 15, an agreement, dated 26th September,
1962, between the present management and Colliery Mazdoor Sabha as represent-
ing the workers of this colliery, this, objection was not pressed and withdrawn.
18. Exhibit W. 15, just mentioned, further supports the concerned workman's '

case that his union is recognised by the management as representing its workers,
and, therefore, on 26th September, 1962, on the complaint of this Union against
the stoppage of work of another workman of this colliery, Shri Ramcharan Singh,
the management came to terms with this very Union, Colliery Mazdoor Sabha ,
and agreed to re-instate the workman above mentioned.
19. For the reasons given above, I' held, first, that the Coiliery Mazdoor Sabha
has 225 out of 275 (M.W. 1) workers of this Colliery as its members, which would
be much more than four-fifths of the workers of this colliery, and, as such, it is
the only majority Union, and, secondly, that this Union, which is admittedly
representing the concerned workman, took up his case after it was expoused and
supported also by at least 100 workers (W.W. 1) out of 225 worker-members of
- TH% GAZETTE 06 INDIA: MARCH 23, I ~ ~ ~ / C H A I T R2.A 1881
-- [I!ART

this Union (M.W. 3 and M.W. 4 ) of this Colliery at a Meeting convened to consi-
der the case of the concerned workman, as deposed to by W.W. 1, whose evidence
I accept. The fact that this Colliery Mazdoor Sabha has 2W workers out of 275
workers (M.W. 1) of this Colliery as its members cannot be said to be an infinite-
simal number and as such a mere a drop in the ocean. On th2 other hand, the
West Bengal Khan Mazdoor Sangh having only about 50 workers out of 275
workers of this Colliery as its members is certainly a minority Union and this is
undoubtedly a drop in the ocean.
20. The fact that the case of this concerned workman was expoused by a
considerable number of workers of this colliery and that later seen after it was
taken up by the Union also is proved beyond doubt on the evideace of the record.
The day of termination of his services, Sri Seva Singh I(ost& the concern-
ed workman, sent a letter On 20th June, 1962, Exhibit M-10, fled by the manage-
ment~a COPY of which Was also filed by the concerned w o r m , Exhibit W-7,
in which he complained to the Manager of the Colliery about the stoppage of his
work. He stated that on 20th June, 1962, when he got his attendance marked in
the aWmdance register, he was called by the Agent, M.W. 1, ar-d when he went
to him he was asked by the Agent as to why he had asked the Colliery workers
to demand regular wages, bonus. etc., and why he along with the workers of the
colliery demanded quarters to live in. In reply to it, he told the Nanager that
he did not think it wrong or illegal to do so and that they were asking him as
he was their officer. On this the Manager got enraged and told him that his
work was stopped. This letter Exhibit M. 10 was admittedly received by the
management but no reply was sent to it ever, as admitted by X W . 1, the Agent.
The mansgement did not deny the allegations made therein against the Manager.
On the evidence of W.W. 1, which I have accepted as true, a meeting of the
executive Committee of the Union and later of about 100 workers was held
espousing the case and passing a resolution and sending it to the Union through
its Treasurer, only three days after the stoppage of his work
Immediately thereafter, and only two days later, on 25th J m , 1962, the Col-
liery Mazdoor Sabha, espoused the cause of the concerned workman Soba Singh
gosta and raised an industrial dispute before the Conciliation Officer by a letter
f that data Exhibit W. 6. In this letter Exhibit W. 6, the facts mentioned in the
Yetter of Soba Shgh, Exhibit W 7-~xhibit M. 10 are also m d i o n e d , and it is
asserted by the Union that the concerned workman, Shri Soba Singh Kosta, had
been stopped from his work only because of his trade union activities as he was
an active worker of Colliery Mazdoor Sabha at Madanpur Colliery. It was fur-
ther stated therein that the concerned workman sent a letter on 20th June, 1962,
Exhibit W. 7-Exhibit M. 10 to the Manager and since then he was going everyday
to the Managefi ofice for job but he had not been allowed to work u p till now,
and, therefore, stoppage of work was illegal and malafide and immediate
action should be taken On receipt of this letter, Exhibit W. 6, from the Union,
the matter was taken up for conciliation and the Conciliation Officer sent a letter
on 27th June, 196% Exhibit W. 13, and again on 6th July, 1963, Exhibit W. 14 to
the Manager asking him to attend the conciliation proceedings.
I n r ly to the letter, dated 6th July, 1962, Exhibit W. 14, sent by the Concilia-
tion a c e r to the Manager of the Colliery to attend the concili?tion, the
Manager sent a reply, Exhibit W.2,. on 16th July, 1962, m whlch ~t was
stated that the management was not satisfied with the services a+ therefore his
services were terminated. The Conciliation Officer, then sent a g a n a letter on
5th September, 1962, Exhibit W. 4 to the Manager to attend his office for settle-
ment of the dimute. Thereafter, the Concilla9on Officer OD 18th July, 1962,
gubstituted his failure of Conciliation Report, Exhlblt W. 1, to tho Regional Labour
Commissioner. On 18th September, 1962, the Regional Labwzr Commiss~oner
sent a letter ExXbit W to the Manager asking the manageme@ to attend joint
discussion on 29th September, 1962 in the office of the Conci?lation Oacer but
on 26th September, 1962 the reference m questlon was made under
Section lO(1) (d) of the Act.
21. On a consderation of the aforesaid facts and evidence and ~ i r ~ ~ m s t a n c e s ,
I am rugy satisfied that all the essential characteristics and requirements of an
t n d m e d dispute me present here, afld therefore, the present dispute is not an
individual dispute, but it became an industrial dlspute when it was expoused by
a considerable n m h e r of the workers of this Colhery and later taken UP by the
majority union, and, therefore, ~t has rl htly been referred to this Tribunal for
under Sxtion 10(l)(d), a n 8 as such, this Tribunal has jurisdiction
to decide it. The first objection is, therefore, over-ruled.
SEC. 3(ii)] T H E GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885
- -
22. AS regards the objection on the merit, the case of the management is that
the workman concerned of his own accord left his job, as will appear from his
letter, dated 6th hIay, 1961, Exhibit M, but later when he approached the manage-
ment he was re-appointed as a Mining Sirdar cum shot-firer on a basic salary
of Rs. 60 on 3rd June, 1961, Exhibit M. 1, on a probation for 12 months, but as his
work was not found satisfactory, .but more because he did not hold a licence for
Gas Testing and Gas Detecting in West Bengal it was considered desirable by
the management to terminate his services, as otherwise the management would
have been prosecuted. The case of the management, therefore, is that the servi-
ces of the concerned workman were terminated, and, it is not correct that he was
dismissed, and, accordingly, the question of application of the principles of natural
justice or of Standing Order 28 does not arise. On behalf of the Union, however,
it was contended that the concerned workman was dismissed from the company's
service but he could not be dismissed without complying with Standing Order
No. 28, and, as such his dismissal was illegal and without jurisdiction.
23. From the evidence of the concerned workman, W.W. 1, Sri Kosta, it appears
that his services were terminated and he was stopped from working with effect
from 20th June, 1962. Therefore, to such a case of termination of service neither
Standing Order No. 28 nor the principles of natural justice are applicable. But
in the case of termination of service it is certainly open to a Tribunal to enquire
into the reasons behind the propriety of termination of service to find out whether
the management had acted bonafide and not with an ulterior motive, because if
the termination is found by the Tribunal as not bonafide or by way of Victimisa-
tion or unfair labour practice it can order reinstatement. It is open, therefore, to
the Tribunal to enquire whether the termination of service was malafide or that
i t amounts to victimisation or unfair labourk practice and it may also e n q ~ r e
whether it was so capricious and unreasonable as to lead to an inference that it
was made with an ulterior motive. This principle has been accepted by Shri
Jagdeesh, on behalf of the management, and, therefore, in the light of these
principles let us now decide whether the termination of service of the concerned
workman Shri Kosta was malafide, with an ulterior motive only to victimise him
- 24. It may be mentioned here that it is not now disputed that this workman
was working as Mining Sirdar cum shot-firer. The concerned workman, how-
ever, contended that he continued in service since his first appointment on 25th
January, 1961 (vide Exhibit W. 10, the original letter of his first appointment) and
he never resigned and that although he sent a letter on 6th May, 1961, Exhibit
M, to the Manager that if he was not given Rs. 65 as basic salary it will not be
possible for him to continue his duty from the 1st June, 1961, but in fact he
continued in service because he was given basic salary of Rs. 60 and he did not
leave services from the 1st of June, 1961, as had been threatened in his letter
Exhibit M. The management, in support of its case that he was re-employed on
3rd June, 1961, under Exhibit M. 1 and that he did not continue in the previous
service, filed attendance register cum pay register, Exhibit M. 6 in order to show
that the concerned workmen did not work on the 1st and the 2nd June, 1961, as
intimated by him in his letter dated 6th May, 1961, Exhibit M. But, in my opinion,
this register Exhibit M. 6 instead of supporting the management, negatives its
case completely. On the 1st and the 2nd June, 1961, the concerned workman.
under Serial No. 8 in the register Exhibit M. 6, fias been shown as absent. On
the same page, Sri L. P. Handa had been shown to be worklng from the 11th
June; Shri S. P. Mukherjee is shown as working since the 8th June and Shri D. K.
Dutt as working from the 16th June. Before these dates these three employees
are not shown as either absent or as present in. the Register Exhibit IvL 6 which
shows that they were appointed for the first t m e on the dates on which they
were shown as present for the first time. Sri Jagdeesh conceded that they were
probably appointed on those dates and not from the very beginning. This is a
strong circumstance to show that Shri Sova Smgh, the concerned workman, was
marked absent on the 1st and the 2nd June not because he left service with effect
from the 1st June, but because he continued in service as before and even on the
1st June and the 2nd June he was in continued service as before but for, some
reason or other he could not be present on those dates, and, therefore, he was
marked absent.
There is great force in the contention of the concerned workman that this
alleged appointment letter of 3rd June, 1961, is faked and not reliable to be acted
u on. It is true that the concerned workman admitted his signature on the
aEeged letter of appointment, dated 3rd June, 1961, Exhibit M-1. But there is
a strong circumstance to support this contention. This letter alleged to be, dated
3rd June. 1961, is a typed letter signed by Tansukh Roy, Director of the Company.
and, Shri Sova Singh, the workman concerned. This letter Exhibit M-1 did not
bear any date before because no date IS typed, but with ink on the top of ~ t it .
is mentioned 3rd June, 1961. It appears that subsequently this typed letter
Exhibit M. 1 was made to show the date 3rd June, 1961 and that date was put in
mk to support its case.
It may be mentioned, as will appear, for instance frcm Exhibit M. 4 or Exhibit
8 that in all typed letters of the Company, the date of those letters are also
typed, and not left blank as was done in the case of M. 1. A

On this point the evidence of the concerned w c r b a n W.W. 1 is important.

He that on filing this petition on 6th May, 1961, Er;hiblt M, he started getting
Rs. 6Q basic salary and, therefore, he did not and continued to work
even after the 1st June, 1961. This statement I the ancerned workman is
supported by the Pay cum Attendancie Register hxk3;t M. 6 which shows that
in May 1961 his basic salary was Rs. 50 but in Junz, 1961, it was Rs. 60 per
month. The signature of the concerned workman on t h pay ~ register for the
month of June, 1961, is Exhibit M. 3. This shows &t he started getting ~ s 60 .
as basic salary from the 1st June, 1961, as alleged by Em.
On being shown the alleged letter of his appoin:ment, dated 3rd June, 1961,
Exhibit M-1, the concerned workman frankly admitted his signature at the bot-
tom of this letter Exhibit M. 1, but he said that he s-gned ~t without knowing
that he was appointed under that letter and further that the contents of this
letter were not read out to him nor was he told that LC had h e n appointed as a
shot-firer on a basic salary of Rs. 60 on probation for 12 months. This alleged
letter of appointment, dated 3rd June, 1961, m i b i t LZ 1 ~ss2lf condemned on
the admitted case of the management now that the cincerned workman was a
Mining Sir& cum Shot-firer. If he was a &fining Sirdar how and why he was
appointed under Exhibit M. 1 as a shot-firer. P r e m o - ~ ~ yas, w ~ l lappear from
Exhibit W-2, the reply dated 16th July, 1962, sent by h a LIanager to the Concilia-
tion OiXcer, the case of the management was that the cor-cerned workman was
appointed as Shot-firer and on that basis this alleged letter of appointment
Exhibit M. 1 was made out but for the first time ir, 12written statement filed
before this Tribunal on 29th January, 1963, it was a h - t t e d that the concerned
workman worked as Mining Sirdar cum shot-firer as was the case of the workman.
This explanation of the concerned workman appears to be true because it does not
stand t~ reason as to why he would accept a fresh appxntment on and from 3rd
January, 1961, when he never resigned and continued in s m z c e as before.
There is still another circumstance which further fakifies the case of resigna-
tion by the workman concerned from 1st June, i9G1 and his subsequent re-
appointment from 3rd June, 1961, as alleged by the nwrigernent.
The workman concerned filed a certificate, dated 9th 3me, 1961, Exhibit W. 16
granted by the Manager to the workman contrerned in w;u& the Manager says
that Shri Sova Singh is working in this colliery from January, 1961, as a shot-
firer and Mining Sirdar and is still continuing m the svne capacity. I t may be
noted that the case of the management that Shri S o ~ aSingh Kosta left service
on 1st June, 1961, m pursuance of his letter, dated 6th 'Ay, 1961, Exhibit M, and,
thereaft2r he was re-appointed on 3rd June, 1961 (Exhibit 31. I ) is falsified and
demolished completely bg this certificate of the Manager, Edbibit M. 16. I t is for
this reason that the Manager was not examined to avoid embarrassment to him
when he w-ould have been confronted with his certificate Exhibit W. 16. The
Manager, 'herefore, has been deliberately withheld from the witness box for this
For these reasons, I hold that the concerned workman Shri Sova Singh, did
not re&n m and from 1st June, 1961, but continued to work as before, as Mining
Sirdar mm-shot-firer, a d that i t is not established that he was re-appointed on
and from 3rd June, 1961.
25. m e letter of the concerned workman, dated 20th June, 1962 (Exhibit W. 7)
sent on the date when his services were terminated as.d he was stopped from
rn~rkingby the letter, dated 20th June, 1962 (Exhibit 21. 8) really goes to sup-
port the case of the concerned workman that the maragement was displeased
with him because of his trade union activities. This !etter, dated 20th June, 1962,
Exhibit :d. 10, was sent to the Manager and received by En. This fact is admit-
ted by the mnagement. The Manager, who was th; 52st person to deny the
allegations made in that petition, is not examined on bekdf of the management,
nor, did the manager send any reply to the workman corcernsd that the allega-
tions made him that he was displeased because he m s taking UP the cause
of the workers of the Company and he along with 0 t k r a.orkers of the colliery
demanded quarters to live m and making other dema~d.5on behalf of them was
not why was it that no reply to this letter -bit M. 10 was at all sent
Stc. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/CIIAITKA, 2, 1885 917
by the Manager or by the company? There is absolutely no explanation on behalf
of the management as to why the Company d Z not send any reply to it denying
the allegations and the assertions made by the workman concerned. This letter
Exhibit M. 10, in my opinion, proves beyond doubt that the management was dis-
pleased with this concerned workman because of his trade union activities.
26. This alleged letter of appointment, dated 3rd June, 1961, .Exhibit. M. 1
the concerned workman on probation for 12 months 1s also illegal,
even assuming that it is genuine, because it is contrary to Standing Order No. I(g).
(Exhibit M. 9-Exhibit W. 12). Standing Order No. l ( g ) says that:
"A 'Permanent' employee is one who is appointed for an unlimited period
or who has satisfactorily put in 6 months' continued service in a
permanent post as probationer."
This shows that the probationery period cannot be for more than 6 months.
Even Standing Order l ( h ) also says that the probationary period cannot exceed
six months. Therefore, the probationery period of 12 months fixed by the let-
ter Exhibit M. I was illegal.
Then again, the concerned. workman having been appointed on 25th January,
1961, on probation for 6 months, on expiry of six months on 25th July, 1961, he
should have been confirmed as there is no evidence that his work was not found
satisfactory during this period. He, therefore, became a permanent employee with
effect from 25th July, 1961, in accordance with Standing Order No. l(g).
Then again, assuming that 12 months' probationery Period was legal, and that
the letter of appointment dated 3rd June, 1961, Exhibit M, was genuine, then the
concerned workman having been re-appointed, as alleged, on 3rd June, 1961, he
completed his 12 months' probationerv period on 3rd June, 1962 and became a
permanent employee because no charge sheet was ever served on him during this
neriod showing that .his work was not satisfactory, and, therefore, how on 20th
rJune, 1961, after ,more than one year, his services could be terminated.
These facts show that the coficerned workman was not confirmed by the
management with an ulterior motive and, therefore, this action of the manage-
ment was malajide and against the Standing Order No. 1( g ) .
There is another aspect also. Before this Tribunal, Shri Jagdeesh, realisilig
that never any charge sheet was served on this concerned workman to the effect
that his work was ever unsatisfactorv for any reason during the probationery
period which would have confronted him with Standing Order No. l ( g ) , took the
stand that the services of this workman were terminated because his underground
Sirdar's certificate Exhibit M. 2 was valid only for Assam and not for West
Bengal, and, therefore, the continuance in service of this workman bp the com-
Dany in its service would have exuosed the companv to prosecution. This point,
however. was never taken up before. rather it is contrary to the stand of the
management before the Conciliation Officer, as disclosed by its letter, dated 16th
July, 1962, Exhibit W. 2. This stand is taken for the first time in the written ,
statement filed on 29th January, 1963. But obviously, it is an afterthought to
cover the management's malafide and illegal action in terminating wrongfully the
seryices of this workman for no fault of his but due only to his trade union,
27. For these considerations, I have no hesitation in holding, on the evidence
on the record, that the termination of the services of the workman concerned,
Shri Sova Singh Kosta, by the management was not bonafide, rather it was mala-
fide, because of the trade union activities of the concerned workman and t.hat it
,was by way of victimisation, and, therefore, it amounted to an unfalr labour

28. It is, therefore. just and fair that the termination of service of Shri S O V ~
Singh Kosta should b e set aqide and he should be reinstated with effect from
20th June, 1962, with full back wages and other emoluments to w h ~ h e would
~therwisehave been entitled.

2.9. The result, therefore. is that the reference is answered in favour of . t h e p

cqncernpd workman ~ T holding
T that the termination of the services of Shri S O V ~
Slnqh Kosta. Mining Sirdar cum shot-firer of the Madanpur Colllerv, was not
lustlfied, in Gat, it was malnfide and not at all honafide, 'and. therefore, it is set
aside and he 1s reinstated with effect from 20th June, 1962, with full back wages
and other emoluments. He will be deemed to be in service with effect from the
said date till the date of his re-instatement.
918 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885 [PART11-

30. The parties, however, will bear their own costs.
31. This is my award which I make and submit to the Government of India,
under section 15 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Camp: Calcutta, Presiding Officer,
Dared the 31st January, 1963 Central Governmect Industrial Tribunal, Dhanbad.

New Delhi, the 15th March 1963

S.0. 850.-In pursuance of section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
(14 of 19471, the Central Government hereby pub2shes the following a w q d of
the Industrial Tribunal, Trivandrum, Kerala State, in the industrial d l s p u t ~
between the employers in relation to the Trab-anxx Titanium Products Limted,
Trivandrum and their workmen.


Sri K. Purushothaman Nair, B.A. & B.L., Industrial Tribunal,
Trivandrum a

The Management of the Travancore Titanium Products Ltd.,


Their Workmen Represented by the Titanium Products Labour Union,

1. Sri R. Ramalingam Iyer (Advocate), Tnvandmm-Authorised represen
tative on behalf of the Management.
2. Sri S. Varadarajan Nair, General Secretary of the Titanium Product
Labour Union, Trivandrurn--On behalf of +he UTorkmen.

Government of India, Ministry of Labour and Employmat, have in exercisc
of the Powers conferred by Section 7A and C l a w (d) of sub-section (1) o
Section 10 of the ,Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. constituted me as Industria
Tribmal and referred for adjudication by this Tribclnal the dispute betweer
the above parties in respect of the following matter:-
"Whether the dismissal of Shri N. Ramaswani Pillai, Store Keeper. Travan-
core Titanium Products Limited, Trivandrum was justified; if not
to what relief is he entitled?"
2 On summons being issued to the parties, thev entered appearance and filec
their respective claim statement and counter statement. The parties then adduc:
ed evidence both oral and documentary in support of their respective claims anc
contentions. The case of the Union on the matter referred, as set forth in ik
claim statement, is to this effect:
3. On 15th September, 1961, Shri N. R a m a s w a ~Pillai was served with 2
memo to explain certain discrepancies found in the issue of stores of glue in
the month O F July 1961. An explanation was submitted by him on 16th Septem-
ber, 1961. Subsequentlv on 27th September, 1961, another memo was received
by Shri Ramaswami Pillai correcting the amount of gPue.mentioned in the first
memo. On 23rd September, 1961, he was again sen.ed m t h a memo of charges
to which he submitted an explanation on 26th September, 1961. On 27th Septem-
ber, 1961, he was served with a charge sheet stating that an enquiry will be
conducted on 30th September. 1961, On the same day another mema w8.s ?Wed
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF IIUDIA: hfARCI-I 23, 1963jCHAITR4 2, 1835 919
on him placing him under suspension. An enquiry was conducted on 30th Sep-
tember, 1961 and on 5th October, 1961 an order of dismissal was received by the
employee by registered post.
4. As the Union felt that the enquiry .conducted was not in accordance with
the rules and standing orders, it requested the management to conduct a fresh
enquiry and the dispute was taken up for conciliation on 12th October, 1961, but
as no settlement could be reached, the matter was referred for adjudication.
(i) The charge against Shri Ramaswami Pillai is baseless as is borne out in
evidence during enquiry and subsequently.
(ii) The enquiry was conducted against the provisions contained in the Stand-
ing Orders for staff. Order No. 20 of the Standing Order was not adhered to by
the Management. Three clear days notice was not given to the employee as
envisaged in the Standing Orders.
(iii) The employee was not given sufficient opportunity, time and convenience
to meet the charges levelled against him as envisaged by the Standing Orders and
the Management has thereby violated the princi)ples of natural justice in the
conduct of the enquiry.
(iv) The corrections alleged to have been made in the requisition slips are
dofie bona fide and under circumstances as explained by the employee.
(v) The order of dismissal was mala fide. The decision of the Management to
dismiss the employee was premeditated and it is not the result of the enquiry
conducted by the Management. The finding at the enquiry is perverse.
5. On the grounds stated above, the Union would pray that the order of dis-
missal passed against the employee be quashed and he be reinstated in service
with full back wages.
6. In the counter statement filed by the Management, they raised the fol-
lowing contentions:
(1) In September 1961 the Production Manager of the Company noticed that
according to the first copies of Issue requisitions, the issue of glue to the plant
in the months of June, July and August, 1961 was far in excess of the normal
intake of the commodity as warranted by the quantity of (production of titanium
dioxide in the said months. -On the basis of a preliminary investigation conduct-
ed by the General Su erintendent at the instance of the Production Manager, it
was 'noticed that Sri l!amawami Pillai, the Store Keeper was responsible for a
series of acts of falsification in the first and second copies of Issue requisitions
which are in triplicate, thus inflating the quantities of glue actually isued. I t
was further noticed that the first and second copies of the Issue requisitions had
been intentionally falsified by alterations made in the relevant entries with a view
to show higher quantities as issued than were actualIy issued under them. The
employee was therefore given show cause notice on 23rd September, 1961 and
as the explanation submitted by him was found unsatisfactory he was rssued a
charge sheet on 27th September, 1961. He was also informed that an enquiry vfill
be conducted by the Managing Director on 30th September, 1961. An enquiry was
duly conducted as notified, at which Ramaswami Pillai was personally present
and he actively took part by cross examining the witnesses and by offering him-
self to be examined: He made no complaint that there was any want of notice
or that sufficient time had not been given to him.
(2) The items of misconduct alleged against him have been duly proved at
the enquiry and in view of the seriousness of the misconduct, he was dismissed
by Order, dated 3rd October, 1961.
(3) The enquiry itself had been conducted'in accordance with Standing Order
No. 20. The employee was glven three days notice of the enqulry as contem-
lated by the Standing Order. In any view, it is not open to h ~ mto contend that
ge had been prejudiced by any non-complianc~with the Standing Order in so far
as he has fully participated in the enquiry without protest and had not pleaded
want of sufficient time. Neither the enquiry ,proceedings nor the order of dis-
missal suffers from any of the infirmities suggested by the Union.
(4) No relief either by way of quashing the order of dismissal or reinstate-
ment of the dismissed employee could be granted.
(5) The order of reference is without jurisdiction in view of the refusal or
the Central Government to refer the dispute by its order, dated 14th December,
-- 11.

7. The Union in its replication kss controverted almost all the averments ir
the counter statement of the Management and has answered in detail the point!
raised by the Management. According to the Union there could not be any frauc
in regard to the issue of glue or other raw materials from the stores as the issuc
of raw materials and the stock of raw materials in the stores are borne out bj
weekly statements in the prescribed form sent fro= the Stores to the Productior
Manager on the basis of which the consumptic2 figures and issue figures for :
month are arrived at for the compilation of monthly Production Report.
8. The enquiry, according to the Union, was conducted in violation of the cleal
pro~esionsin the Standing Orders relating to disciplinary proceedings againsf
empl~yees,by which prejudice to the maximum extent possible has been caused
to Sri Ramaswami Pillai. As for the jurisdictiorzal point raised by the Manage-
ment, the Union would answer by pointing out that though the Central Govern-
ment did not at first consider this dispute fit fcr reference, it subsequently on t h ~
merits of the review petition submitted by the Union came to the conclusion thal
this d i s ~ u t eshould be referred for adiudicaticn, which it was competent to dc
under the provisions of the Industrial Digutes Act.
9. From the pleadings of parties the folloxving cpestions fall for determination:
1. Whether the reference is in order and valid.
2. Whether .the enquiry conducted against the employee has been proper
and blnd~ngon him. Are the tinding and the consequent punishmenl
imposed on the employee liable to b .:t aside?
3. Whether the misconduct alleged apainst the employee has been proved
before the Tribunal to justify the impunged dismissal, and
4. To what relief is the employee entitled.
10. Point No. I.-It is true that the Central Government by Order, dated 14th
December. 1961. at first refused to refer this dispute fnr adjudication by an Indus-
trial Tribunal on the ground that it did not consider it fit for making a reference
then. But there is nothing in the Industrial Dispu+:s Act which prevents the
State Government or Central Government from m&rg a reference of an Indus-
trial diwute, the factual existence of which could r,ot be in dispute, on grounds
of expediency even though it did not deem fit to refer the same at an earller
stage. In Panipat Woollen and General Mills Co. Ltd., Vs. Industrial Tribunal,
Punjab and Others [I932 (I) LLJ. 5551 the question arose whether a dispute
whrch the Government had earlirr r ~ f u s e dto refer, cou?d be referred for adjudl-
ration subsequently. and it was held by th- Puniab High Court that the order
of reference under Section lO(11 n an adm~nistrativeact of the Government and
that if there is an industrial dispute, the factual existence of which could not
teallv "be in disputo. a fresh determination by the Governmat of the question. of
exnediency of making a reference does not amount t o a review of a questlon
judicialiv determined previously and therefore a pricr order of the Government
does not affect the jurisdiction of the Government t r exerrise the statutorv
mwer under Section 10(1) of the Industrial D i m u t e Act. The Madras High
Court had also in an earlier case [I956 (1) LLJ 4983 laid down that the issue .of
a reference under Section 30(l)(c) of the Industrial Disputes Act u an. arlmin?s-
trative act wrformed by the Government and that rf there was an lndustrlal
d i s ~ u t e ,a determination afresh by the Government of the nuestion of the
expediencv of, referrinc such a dispute for adjudication under Section 10(l)(c)
of the Act did not amount to a review of any quesfis? judicially determined
previously and hence a prior order of the Government under Section 12(5) ~ h j c h
refused t o refer for adjudication a given dispute could not affect the ~ u r ~ s d ~ c t l o n
of the Government to exercise the statutory power conferred upon it bv Section
10(l) (c'l of the Act on any subsequent occasion. Thus it can be seen that in view
of the dec!sions quoted above the point raised by the management on the validity
of the reference is not sustainable.
11. Point No. 2.-As the contentions .of the paces on this. point revolve round
the power of an Industrial Tribunal to Interfere wlth the rleclslon of the Manage-
ment follo~-ingan enquiry bv it. it i5 necessarv to refer to the ~rincqpleslaid down
bv the Supreme Court in some of the decided cases on this r ~ h i e c t ,before I deal
with the facts regarding the enquir~; conducted bv the Management. The
Sunreme Cwxt bas in Indian Iron and Steel Company Ltd., Vs. Their Workmen
[I958 (1) U3 2601 held:
"undoubtedlv. the management of a concern has Dower to r!i~ectits own inter-
nal administration and discipline: but the power is not unlimited and when a dis-
~ u t earises, industrial tribunals have been grven the powcr to see whether the
terminatioc of service of a workman is justnfied and to Dve appropriate relief.
M, 3(ii)J T H E GAZETTE OF 1NDIA:MARCH 26, 1963/CHNTRA, 2, 1885 921.
- - - -- - -

In c a s of dismissal on mixondud, the tribunal does not, however, act as a court

of ap a1 and substitute its own judgment for that of the management. It will
(i) When there is want of good faith,
(ii) When there is victimisation or unfair labour practice,
(iii) When the management has been guilty of a basic error or violation of
a principle of natural justice, and
(iv) When on the materials the finding is ccjmpletely baseless or perverse."
191. The Supreme Court in Mc Kenzie and Co., Vs. its workmen and others
l1919 (1) LW.2851, while reiterating the above principles, oaserved that when
there is an infraction of the accepted rules of natural justice or violation o: the
principles set out in the case cited above, the Management's position becomes
untenable. Again in Ritz Theatre Vs. its workmen [I962 (ii) LW 4981 the
Supreme Court elucidated the above principles in these terms: "It is well settled
that if an employer serves the relevant charge or charges on his employee and
holds a proper and fair enquiry, it would be spen to him to act upon the report
submitted to him by the enquiry officer and to dismiss the employee concerned..
It has also been held that if it appears that the departmental enquiry held by
ihe employer is not fair h the sense that proper charge had not been sorved on
the employee or proper or full opportunity had not been given to the employe?
bo meet the-charge or the enquiry has been affected by other grave irregularities
vitiating it, then the position would be that Zhe tribunal would be entitled to deal
with the merits of the dispute as to the dismissal of the employee for itself. The
same result follows if no enquiry has been held at all. In other words,. where
the tribunal is s a t a e d that no enquiry has been held or the enquiry whlch has
been held is not proper or fair or that the findings recorded by the enquiry officer
are perverse, the whoIe issue is at large before the tribunal. This position is also
well settled." The Supreme Court said further, "In regard to cases falling under
this last category of cases, it is however open to the employer to adduce addi-
tional evidence and satisfy the tribunal that the dismissal of the employee con-
eemed is justified. And in such a case, the tribunal would give opportunity to
the employer to lead such evidence, would give an opportunity to the employee
b meet that evidence, and deal with the dispute between the parties @ the light
of the whole of the evidence thus adduced before lt. There can be little doubt
even about this position."
13. Let us now turn to the facts of this case and examine whether there has
been infraction of any of the principles enunciated above in order to justify this
Tribunal in interfering with the findings and the decision arrived at by the
Management. The main ground urged on behalf of the Union was that the man-
agement prmeeded with the enquiry in violation of the provisions c0ntain.d in
the standing orders in regard to disciplinary proceed~ngsagainst its employws,
tihereby denying the concerned employee all qppor.tunities provided therein to
meet the c h a ~ e slevelled against hlm. These v~olatlons,acmrding to the Union,
consist of
(1) not giving the employee three clear days notice of the intention of the
management to conduct the enquiry.
(2) not furnishing thk employee with copy of the report of preliminary
enquiry lreceived by the management against the employee.
(3) not serving the employee with a list of the witnesses proposed to be
examined a t the enquiry, and
(4) refusing him the assistance of another member of staff of his owq
choice at the enquiry,
as enjoined under standing Order 20 of the Standing Orders for staff.
14. The Management would, on the other hand, contend that the enquiry was
conducted in accordance with standing Order No. 20, that he was given three
days notice of the enquiry as contemplated by the Standing Order, that the
employee was served with Ext. M1 memo which contains the result of the preli-
minary enquiry, t l ~ a tthe persons examined at the enquiry were mentioned in
M. M4 charge sheet served on the employee, .and that the employee was allow-
ed to bnng a co-worker of h s choice to asslst him. at the enquiry, who after
consultation with the concerned employee withdrew wlthout rendering any assist-
ance to him at the enquiry. The Management would further contend. that in any
d e w it is not open to the employee to r a s e the plea that he had been prejudiced
b the non-complianae with the standing order m so far as he fully participated in
tKe enquiry without protest and had not pleaded want of sufficient time. It is
yLL u r i k - h A 1 i. WF YIYUlft M~ ~2, I N
: MAKLH 23. Y Y J ~ / L H A [ p e t 11-
also urged on bd'udf of the management that rules of pm&-, whether e . o -
died in the standing order or not, are only h a d maids of jmtice and i r r e g h i -
ties, if any, in this.matter will justify interference if only the e ~ p l o y e econcern-
ed has-been materially prejudiced thereby.
15. Standing Order 20 of the Standing Orders for Staff ( ~ x t ~. 1 provides )
that "before Penalty is imposed, the staff ~ e r n b xconcerned sb11 be infomed in
u ~ i t i n gof any alleged misconduct and given an o p p " , . l ~ t ~ -of exp1a;:line the
c ~ ~ c m s t a n c towards
es the misconduct alleged. If the management is not s a t k f i d
+-th the explanation given by the emplo5t,7e an enquir). sh3ll be conducted by
the management after giving three dear days not~ceto tke said employee and
he shall be furnished with a charge-sheet setting forth th-.dleged misconduct,
the copy of the report .received by the management agabs: the said employee,
the a - @ n : r proposed to be examined by the management etc.. . . . ." It provides
further .that "the staff member concerned shall be allowed to tring in another
member of the staff of his own choice to assist him at the errqiry.'' There cannot
k .any ldoubt that the above procedure in regard to -~linnry actiofi taken
against staff:members'has been laid down in the standkng order for its strict
observance with a view to guard against and thus avoid zny possible abuse of the
powers vesteti in the management in this regard and to give all opport~qitiesto
the concerned employee to meet the charges level!ed ag-,kst him in as eff:cti<e
a manner as possible. Further the standiqg order embodies in substance, all the
principles of natural justice to be followed in disciglinary actions.
16. Now, it can be seen from the evidence in this case th-t the management
has violatrd almost all the above provisions in the Starding Orders and thereby
denied to the employee all opportunities provided therein fr: nreeting the charges
levelled against him.. Admittedly the enquiry was cs~,rf.~:ted without giving
three clear days notice to the employee. The notice of the enquiry was given by
Ext. M 4 chsrge sheet, dated 27th September, 1961 and as seen from h14, the m e
was served on the employee at 4-45 P.M.on 27th September, 1961. It is statedin
Ext. M4 that an enquiry will be conducted by the Managing Director at his Office
a t 9-30 A.rz on 30th September, 1961 and the enquiry %-as conducted as notified
at 9-30 A.M. acd closed by 1-30 P.M. on 30th September, 1961 itself Thus the
management did not give him three clear days nctice as ~ ; . . v . A e din the standing
order. According to the employee he requested the Managmg Director to adjourn
the enquiry to another date as he was not given three d e a r days notice which
was resented to by the enquiry officer and the enquiry was proceeded with in
spite of his protest. He has deposed that he raised this objection after consulting
the Union on receipt of Ext. M4 charge sheet and as advised by ther-y that on the
management refusing to grant his request, he demanded that t h e same should be
recorded in the proceedings and that he did not sign the enar: ry proceedings as
request for postponement of the enquiry was not recorde4 tn it. His version
as to what actually took place at the cornrnfncement of the enquiry was not chal-
lenged in cross-eiamination. The Management has also not offered any explana-
tion u~hatroeverfor conducting the enquiry without givkg him three clear days
notice. . - ..._ ,_. -.-.
17. Coming to the second objection rai?ed above, the case of the Management
is that disciplinary action was started aganst he employee on receipt of a report
after preliminary enquiry conducted by the Secretary of the concern into the dis-
crepancies noted in the issue of glue from the stores and the c o m p t i o n of glue
at the plant and the corrections made in the requisition slips. The Managing
Director has deposed that the disciplinary p r o c e n g s wers started against Sri
Ramasv;ami Pillai on the basis of the report recelved after preliminary enquiry
conducted by the Secretary. Admjttedl the copy of thrs repcrt was not s:rved
on the employee at any time; nor has t e same been prodxsed in this case. The
standing order specifically provides that the c o w of the report received by the
managemept shall l g furnished to the employee proceeded agarnst. The explana-
tion oIfered by the Management is that the employee w e served with Ext. MI
memo detailing the charges for which he vrould be called upon to answer and
that since Ex*. Ml was based on the r ~ p o r t of the Secretary, service d
Ext. M1 mem-o on the employee is as good as service of the report.
Ext. MI, ~t must be noted, is show cause notice. informing. the employee of the
charges to which he was called upon to offer h ~ sexplanatLon. The show cause
notice can ne\*er be a substitute for the report on the basis of w-hich Ext. PlEl
notice was issued. Thus there has been a clear violation of the prosTkion in the
Standing order regarding furnishing of cowv cf the report received by the Manage-
ment agahst the employe?. So also the Management hzs not furnished him with
the list of the witnesses proposed tn be examined at the enquiry. The ~ana,-
Director as EW2 would state that the names of the witnesses were mentioned in
the charge sheet. On perusal of the c'-arge sheet it can be easily seen that this is
,not correct. What the charge sheet contains is only the names of the requlsittop
. ~ u p e ~ i s o rfive
s , in n u m e r against the number and date of the several requsl-
tion slips in which correct~onsare alleged to have k n made and ~t IS no where
.stated ig the charge sheet that they were the witnesses; proposed, to be e x m i n e d
a t the enquiry. It could not also be that the charge sheet furmshed the names
-of the witnesses to k examined at the enquiry as the production manager whose
-name is not mentiolied inathe charge sheet, has been exarmned as the fourth wit-.
ness in the enqulry. Thus there camot be any doubt that the employee was not.
given any notice of the witnesses proposed to be exarmned at the enquiry and
that they were flung on him as a surprlse at the tune of the e n q w : It must be
.noted that the charge levelled against the employee is Yalsificatlon of .stor&
records knowing the alterations lo be false ,and with deliberate intent~onof'
defrauding the Company' and we cannot conceive of a more serlous charge to be
brought against the employee of a concern who is also the custodian of stores
-worth lakhs of rupees, The alleged falsification is in respect of as many as 13
requisition sllps coverlng a period of over three months and these are s a d ~ X P
have been brought to light on scrutiny of the requisition slips, the issue aad
consumptlon of raw materials etc. during the months of J m e , July and August,
1961. And yet the employee charged against was made to face-the production.
manager and three supervisors all on a sudden without any previous notice and
the whole enquiry was closed before noon the same day.
18. Regarding the alleged refusal of the assistance of a co-employee at the
<enquiry,the case of Sri Ramaswad Pillai is as follows. He requested tht Manag-
ing Director t ~ ~ one
a t Sri Kesava Iyer a co-employee should be permitted to
.assist him at the enquiry which was acceded to but that when Sri Kesava lyer
objected to the presence of the Production Manager at the time of the examina-
-tion of the witnesses, the M,anaging Director resented and warqed him that
he should realiso his position in the Company. When such a warning was issued
to him, naturally he withdrew from the ball as a protest against the attitude of
the enquiry officer. In Ext. M5 proceedings it IS recorded thus "Before com-
mencement of the proceedings the accused made a request that he requires t h e
,assistance of anvther employee of his choice, Sri Kesava Iyer, Stenographer, to
assist him in the enquiry. This was allowed. Sri Kesava Iym was not however
.willing to ~lssisthim" It is also recorded later in the proceedings itself that
:Sri Ramaswami Plllai said that "he did not want any one to represent him and
the enquiry was commenced." The Managing D~rectorhas deposed that a t the
request of the concerned empIoyee he was permitted to bring Sri Kesava I y e
from the Office, that he came along with Ran?aswa+ Pillai into the room where
the enquiry w ~ conducted
s and that after discussing s o m e t h g between thtm-
selves, Kesava Iyer left the room saying that he dld not want to asslst him. Be
would also deny the version of the employee that Desava Iyer left the place on the
Managing Director refusing to accede to his request that the Production Manages
should not be present during the enquiry. The parties are in agreement up to a
certain point viz. the ushering in of Sri Kesava Iyer to the scene r u t they are a t
variance regarding the reason for his rather unceremonious exit and I do not
want to express any opinion as to which of the two versions is correct for want
of any corroborative evidence. But it has to be noted that Kesava I y a would
not. have come to the enquiry room a t all, if he was not willing to assist @
Ramaswaml Plllai and since the Manag~ngDirector has no case that he wanted
Xesava Iyer or any other employee to assist Ramaswarni Pillai it has naturally
to Ise presumed that Kesava Iyer came there for the puxpose of assisting his co-
,employee and not for expressing his unwillingness to assist him. It is also note-
worthy that when the Production Manager (EW1) was asked aboub this, his
'answer was that he did not know the reason why Kesava Iyer did not take p&
in the enquiry. I do not think that I should make further comment on this point
19. From the discussion above, it is clear that the Management has denied to
the employee almost all the facilities provided under the Standing Order fa
.meeting the charges levelled against him and that the enquiry was pushed throu&
In gros:, vlolatlon of all the prmclples of natural justice embodid in the Stan-
'Orders. It has also to be noted in this connection that the contention that the
ernquiry was conducted against the specific provisions in the standing
corders was raised by the Union at the earliest opportunity, as early as 5th oc.-
Hberl g 6 1 9 (Vide COPY of letter NO. TPLU/Com.P-1861 dated 5th October, 1961,
lfrorn the General Secretary, Titanium Products Labour Union to the Managing
In the letter quoted above the Union had informed the Managemat
that Sri R a r m s ~ a m iP i h i has complained to the Union .that the enquiry condude&
On the 30th was not in accordance with the procedure contemplated under the
Standfng Orders for Staff and that a fresh enquiry should be conducted afted
lafforFng the all facilities Prescribed under the Standing Orders to p~
' defence. The enq$y this Case having been conducted in violation
.. <.
-ub w1iu.l ~ f iwr I A W U: MARCH 23, lW/CHAITRA 2, 1883 [P.MT U[-
the principles of natural justice, any finding entered into or any decision arrived a t
en the basis of that enquiry could not be sustained and we have to proceed as
if no enquiry a t all bas been conducted. It was held by the Supreme Court in
the case dted earlier 11962 (11) LLJ 4981 that where the tribsmal is dealing with
a dispute relating to the dismissal of an industrial employee, if it is satisfied that
no enquiry has been held or the enquiry which has btteo held is not proper or fair
or that the findings recorded by the enquiry officer are perverse, the whole issue
is at large before :he tribunal and that in such cases the tribund would deal with
the dispute between the parties in the light of the evidence adduced before it.
This takes us to a consideration of the charges levelled against the employee and
the evidecce adduced by both parties on these charges which f o r m the subject-
matter of point No. 3 above. Ext. M4 is the charge sheet contaking the charges.
l; shall reprodue2 here the charges mentioned in Ext. M4.
"You are charged with having committed the following offences:
L In the Baw Material Stores Requisitions (Particulars given below) the
third copies retained in the Requisition Book show the quantity of
glue supplied by you as 1 bag of 93 lbs., but it is noted that you have
altered the figure "1" to "2" Bags or 186 lbs. in the first and second
copies thereof, by overwriting, there-by showing a fa!se issue of 1
extra bag of 93 Ibs. of Glue without actually issuing to the Requi-
sitioning Sention of the Plant.

Mo. & dare of Entry in 3rd copy Entry in 1st and 2nd Requisitioning Super-
requisition copies visor

. I Bag-186 lbs. I Bag corrected to
bags-re6 fbs.
2 Shri T. I. Chcriyan.

. . I Bag-40. 3 blank (i.e.,
Q-santity supplied has
I Bag corrected to 2
bags-In column 3
Shri M. A. Jose
not been filled up). is shown 186 Ibs.
7734 . . Sarneasabwe . Same as above . ShriT.S.Nair
*I . . I -
kg CO. 3 shorn 93 "I" corrected to "2" Do
11-7-1961 . Ibs. In Carbon. Bags. 93 Ibs. cor-
rected to 186 Lbs.
in both copies.
. . I Bag-Co. 3 shorn 93 The figure "I" B y
Ibs. written in carbon, has been corrected m
bu! 1st and 2nd copies pencil and carbon.
(2nd copy in carbon)
cortain the figure 186
lbs. withour erasure or
'F93I . I Bag in 3rd copy. No
entry in Co. 3 for this
"I" bag corrected to
"2" Bag and the figure
item oaly. 186 lbs. interpolated
in col. 3 ;same in the
Out of the total of 7 zndcopy.
items in I equisition.
11. In the fol'vawiag requisitions, there are suspicious overwritin@, tke $,m"I" against
"Bag of Ghie" has been altered to "2".
No. & date of Qmntity originally en- Quantity as corrected RequisitJoning Super-
tequisition tesed nsor
(1) (2) (3) (4)

- . I Bag. 2 Bags
Sri R. V. George

n37 . . Do. Do. Sri T.S. Naiz

ssc0 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF IStrlA : hlAKCH 23, ISGS/CEIAITRA, 2, 18% 92s
- --
. - --
(I) (2) (3) (4)

7750 . . I Bag 2 Bags Sri M.A. Augusty

7337 . DO. Do. , Sri T. S. Nair
7358 . . Do. Do. - ' Sri R.V. George
7386 . . Do. Do. Sri T. S. Nair

111. In requisition No. 7339 dated 3rd August 1961 issued by Sri R. V. George,
you have interpolated an entry relating to 1 bag of Gluc without
actually issuing the material.
Yo11 have thus falsely manipulated the Stores Records knowing the altere-
tions to be false and with deliberate intention of defrauding the
&nipany. \

Your action amounts to misconduct under Clause 20(4) of the Standing

Orders for Staff. You are directed to appear before the undersigned
a t his Office at 9-30 A.M. on the 30th of September 1961 for the enquiry.
You will be permitted to bring witnesses and to examine them in your
defence at the enquiry and given full opportunity for cross-exami-

20. Ext. M4 is dated 27th September 1961 but before this on 23rd Skptember
1961 the Management had served on the employee Ext. MI show cause notice
mentioning the self same charges and calling upon him to explain why he should
not be proceeded against for the misconduct alleged therein. To this notice the
employee gave Ext. M3 explanation in which he has attempted to clarify hig
positiop,so far as the corrections and alterations in the requisition slips are con-
cerned. According to him the omission to enter the quantity supplied in the third
copy in some of the requisition slips e.g. No. 7176 was only a clerical omissfon
and the corrections and overwritings might have been done as per verbal irstruc-
tions to enhance the supply of the item through the person reporting to talre
delivery by the requisition authority. He would also state that he had at everp
instance requested the authority to correct the copy and initial the same. He would
further contend that the charge laid against him that he falsely manipulated the
stores records with the intention of defrauding the company would on no account
lie as the corrections were made with the best of infenti- and bonafides according
to instructions and on demand for enhanced quantity.
21. At the stage of the enquiry itself charge No. I11 viz., interpolating an entry
in requisition No. 7339, relating to 1 bag of glue without actually issuing the
material, was given up according to the management "by inadvertance". So also
the item relating to requisition No. 7176 in charge No. I was not pressed at the
enquiry. The Management was not also adduced any evidence before this tribunal
regarding the 3rd charge and the item left out at the enquiry.
22. The Management has led the evidence of the Production Manager and h
Managing Director and marked ESrts. M1 to M25 with reference to the miscondu&
alleged against the employee and his consequent dismissal. The Union on its side
has examined seven witnesses including the concerned employee. Of these throe
witnesses are the supervisors examined by the Management at the enquiry. The
Union has also proved Exts. W1 to W26 on its side.
23. New. the misconduct alleged against Sri Ramaswami Pillai is that he has
falsely manipulated the Stores records with the deliberate intention of defrauding
the Company. This, according to the Management, is a misconduct coming under
20(4) of the Standing Orders. Standing Order 20(4) is in these terms:
"Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the Company's business or
property and/or wilful damage to or loss of Company's property or
wilful neglect of safety precautlons."
-- --
24. Tkus the charge in question comes under the first part of the Standing Order
q u o t d above. The gravamen of the charge according to the Management is fraud
or diskonesty in connection with the Company's property. There are admittedly
certain corrections in some of the requisition slips retained in the store for which
the emp:oyee offers kris own explanation. But tke misconduct levelled against the
employee is that he made the corrections with the deliberate intention of defraud-
isg the Company. The term 'with intent to defraud' means and presupposes either
an intention to deceive and by m e a s of the deceipt to obtain an advantage to the
deceiver cr an intention that injury shouId befall some other person or persons.
So to sustain an action for fraud connected with fdse entries in records of books
of accounts, it is necessary to show not merely false entries in the books of accounts
or other records, but that such false entries were made with intent to Cefraud.
Now the case of the Management, as already stated. is that the employee made
corrections or overwritings in the requisition slips sent from the ~ l a n to
t make out
that he issued more bags of glue from the Store than =-hat was bdented for and
actually issued by him and that this was done with the deiberate intention of
defrauding the Company. There is r:5solutely M, evidence, not even a faint sug-
gestion that the employee stood to gain or any loss or injzry was caused to the
Company by making the entries or corrections detailxi in the charge. There is-
also no evidence, much less a suggesti~neven as to how or in what manner the
employee could perpetrate any fraud agaimt the Compazy in respect of the materials
stocked in the stores. As seen from the requisition slips several items of materials
such as Sodium Sulphide, Caustic Soda, Amonium Sul;Bate, Potassium Sulphate,
Antimony Oxide, Amonium Phosphate besides glue are issued from the stores
&ost every day from the stores. Some of these materials including glue were
being supplied to the Company by local merchants. The r a t e r i s k are received
at the Time Office, weighed and entered in registers k e ~ tfor the purpose and
then sent to the Stores. The Management has no case ::at Sri Eamaswami Pillai
as sore Keeper has any necessity or occasion to come in+?contact with the suppliers.
Glue is supplied in tons or hundredweights in the time ofFce from where it is
removed to the stores by the Stores department. It is t h e Eied in bags of 93 lbs.
each an*stocl:ed in the stores. The Management has also co case that it is possible
for the Store Keeper or any bodjr connected with the s t ~ r e sto remove glue or
the other rcaterials stocked there without the knowledge of the Management. All
these would eliminate even the possibility of committing a? fraud in respect of
m&eriais k q t in the Stores by those who are in charge of it. Hence the charge
of falsificatior- of records for the purpose of defrauding the Ckr~panyhas no legs
to stand cn.
2.5. Let us now examine whether the case of falsification of stores records,
apart from the question of defrauding the Company, has beer. made out in this
case. According to the Management difference between issu? and consumption
of g!ue &ring the months of June, July and August 1961 was noted by the Prg-
du&on Manager at the time of the preparation of the ron$urrplion statement of
the raw material for each month and on investigation b~ :he Production Manager
h e found several suspicious overwritings in the quantities of glue noted in the
requisitions. especially in the carbon copig of requisitions tom off from the
requisitiorl book by the stores, but not in the triplicate CODY kept in the plant.
This. according to the Management, led t o further inve&atio~ by the General
Superintenlent. on the basis of whose report the charges were lei& against the
employee The plea set up by the employee, as already stated. is that he has
made the corrections as per instructions is-ued by the reqeriqitioning authority
either on the phone or through the person .eporting to take 6 e E ~ e r yto enhance
the ssppiy and that he had actually issued the corrected quantity from the stores
to th2 plant. and that in all cases where such corrections were made by him he.
had requested the requisitioning authority to make the necemarp corrections in
t h e third co3y and initial the same. He would add +hat ?he overwriting become
suspicious only when it is viewed like that but in the light of the practice and
actual happenings, the overwritings were made with utmos'. honesty.
26. Before I proceed with the evidence adduced by the 3fmagement regarding
the issue and consumption of glue during the period in quesYon an3 the corrections
referred to in the charge sheet. it is necessary to refer to the practice obtaining
in the Compzny in the matter of issue of materials from the stores 2nd the records
maictained in the Company regarding the issue and consum~tinnof raw materials
as c?iscios~dfrom the evidence in this case. Travancore Ti4aniuin Products Ltd..
is engazed in the production of Titanium Dioxide and the raw materials for its
prodccEon such as glue antimony oxide. Sodium sulphide. zmo?ium sulphate,
potassium sulphate etc. are kept in the stores and issued from the stores as per
requisiti~nmade by the supervisors in the plant where the processing is carried:
--- ---
Szc. qii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 196J/LHAITKA, 2, 1885
-- - - --.--
on. The requisitions are in book form with triplicate sheets. The quantity of

each item required for processing in the plant will be noted d o s n in the first
column of the requisitions by the Supervisor concerned and sent to ;he Stores
througn messenger who takes delivery, of the materials issued. The person in
charge of the stores will note down the quantity of each item issued in the third
column, tear off the first two copies of the requisitions and retain them in the
stores. The third copypf the requisition which could3not be removed from the
book will be sent back to the plant along with the materials issued. The requisi-
tion memos retained in the Stores are forwarded the very next day by t h e Store
Keeper to the Stores department with a covering letter (the book containing the
carbon copies of the covering letters is marked Ext. M18) in which the number
of requisitions will' be noted. In the stores separate Bin cards are maintained
relating to each material stored tl~ere. In these Bin cards thc receipt of each
material, its issue and the bnlanc,. raxaiaing in the stores will Le r.oted down
date-war. Besides these, wcekl) .~atements of the stock position as on the first
of e i ~ i j week
; will be sen? from the Stores to the'production Manager and the
Production Manager has deposed that he would persue the weekly statements .so
sent to ascertain the stock position as on the first of every week. It is also in
evidence 01 the Producbon Manager that there are log-sheets maintained in the
piant, to note down the consumption of each material in the plant issued"f1om the
stores, that the quantity of glue consumed each day in the plant could be ascertain-
ed from the log-sheets or the statement prepared by the clerk on the basis of the
I-A N,,
sheets and that over and above these, there is a register regarding the ronsump-
%an of glue each day. He has also stated that one bag of glue goes into the plant
for the production of one batch of Titanium Dioxide. The Production Manager
has to give to the accounts department and the Managing Director a consumption
statement of the raw materials for each month on the basis of the records and
statements sent from the stores and maintained in the plant. The cost accountant
(WW2) 01 the accounts department has stated that a statement of plant consump-
tion wiil usually be received in his department before the 10th of every month
signed by the Production Manager and that from this statement the consumption
of each raw material during the previous month could be understood.

27. Now the whole charge against the employee is based on the alleged dis-
crepancies found in the issue and consumption of glue during the months of June.
July and August 1961 and the corrections noticed in some of the requisitions
relating to glue during this period. The case of the employee is that the quantity
a s per the correction in each requisition was supplied by him, that the corrections
were made on the basis of instructions for issue of more glue conveyed, through
r;l?s!enger or on the phone and that this was the practice prevailing fr0.n the very
&ginning of the fuqctioning of the factory. In'the nature of the plea set up by
the employee the' Management has to prove that only the quantity originally
indented for and not the quantity as corrected was supplied to Icing home the
charge to the employee. The evidence of the Management on this aspect mainly
consists of the oral evidence of the Production Manager and Ext. M23 statement.
The Production Manager has deposed that the actual balance of glue in the plant
a t the end oi June was only one bag, whereas from the total issues from the stores
as per the requisitions (corrected) there should have been a balance of 4$ bags
after consumption. He has filed a sta_tement, Ext. M23 showing the alleged con-
sumption of glue at the plant &iring the months of June, July, August and Septem-
ber, 1961 with issues from stores during these months. according to which there
should have been a balance of 0.579 tons of glue (corresponding to 134 bags) a t
the plant at the end of August whereas the actual surplus quantity at the plant
was nil. The Production Manager has produced this statement for the first time
just a few minutes before his examination long after both sides had ploduced
the documents which they relied to prove their respective cases and he has admitted
that it was prepared solely for the purpose OFthis case. He does not even state
from which record or records he has prepared this statement, or how he struck
the opening ba1anc.e at the beginning of each month and the actual stock at plant
at the end of each month. In cross examination he would state that 0.0477 ton
was the actual balance a t the plant on 1st June 1961 and that after that for ;July
and August the figures mentioned as opening balances in Ext. M23 are only
calculated balances. As for the actual stock at plant at the end of June shown
as 1 bag in Ext. M23 he would say that he got this from the r e p ~ r t ~ othe
f Super-
visor then in charge. That report is not produced; also there is no record toashow
that the opening balance as on 1st June 1961 was 0.0477 as stated in Ext. M23. I
have referred earlier to the records in the ~ossesssionof .the management to show
the consumption of each raw material in the plant on each day. The log-sheets,
the statement prepared on the basis of the log-sheets and the register regarding
928 THE GAZETTE OF IN?)LA: MARCH 23, 196S/CHAITRA 2, 1885 pm u-

the consumption of the glue maintained at the plant, all admitted by the Produo
tion Malager, could easily have been produced by the Management, ii as a matter
of fact there was any difference between issue and oonsumptlon of @ue durinf
this period, as alleged by the Management. So also the management could e a r n
pro&-ice the requisitions for the months of June, July and August pertaining to
glue and satisfy this Tribunal about the position as regards the actual issue and
cocsumption ol: glue during this period. The Management having kept. away
the best evidence easily available with it regarding the issue and consumption of
glue in the months of June, July and August, no value could be attached to M.
M23 self serving statement filed at the fag end of the enqurry. The evidence of
EWl being based solely on Ext. M23 statement also could not be accepted as
throwing any light on the issue and consumption of glue durfng the period in
28. Refiance was placed on the evidence of the Supen-isors at the plant who were
examined on the side of the Union and from whom statements were taken at the
enquiry and mzrked as exhibits in this case, to show that the glue as corrected in
the requisitions was not actually received at the plant. These Supervisors while
stating that they had received only the materials originally indented for, would
admit that they check the materials when received from the stores and satisfy
themselves that the quantity entered in the third copy as having been su~plied,is
correct. It is an admitted fact that the third copy of the requisition will be sent
back to the requisitioning authority along with the materials, Exts. M 8 (b), MB
(b), MI2 (b), Mi9 (b) are some of the triplicate copies sent back to the plant
along with the materials. The quantity shown as supplied from the stores in these
third copies is the double of what was originally indented for. Thus there is no
meaning in the assertion made by these witnesses that they have received only
the quantity indented before correction, if we are to go by their own evidence that
they invariably check up the quantity supplied with the 3rd copy. Two of the
Supervisors (WW3 and WW4) examined in this case have stated in their state-
ments Euts. M5(a) and M5(b) before the enquiry officer that on some days they
would be requisitioning two bags of glue for consumption in the plant and that if
there are overwritings in the requisition so made that would be attested by them.
The raw materials in Requisition No. 7818 was admittedly requisitioned by WW4
and when he was asked at the enquiry by Ramaswami Pillai, why did he not attest
the correction. relating to antimony oxide and sodium d p h a * , his answer was
that he had attest& the correction in the third copy but he could nut attest the
corredicns in the first two copies as his hands were fqll of plup and soiled and
that he had sent word through the carrier that he would attest the first two copies
on retun1 of the books. The third copy of Requisition No. 7810 has been marked
as Ext. M21. A perusal of Ext. M21 would show that the explanation offered is
too flimsy to be accepted. Further the attestation is made ic inlr and a perusal of
it will show that it was made with a clean hand. The requisition being made in
triplicate copies, w-ith carbon in between the sheets, the attestation has to be wade
in the first copy with carbon pencil and not in the third copy as we find in Ext.
M21. The first two copies which have been marked as Ext. M24, however, do not
bear any attestation in the corrections of quantities requisitioned. WW3 and WW4
-were probatloners at the time they were examined 2t the enquiry and in the case
of WW3 he was admittedly found wanting in the discharge of his duties as Supervi-
sor during the probationery period of 6 months and he, at the t h e of his examina-
tim, was under a further extended period of probation. Even otherwise, the issue
a d consumption of raw materials being borne out by documentary evidence in
the possession of the management it is too much to expect the court to rely on
the oral evidence of witnesses who admittedly are interested in the management.
29. Thus the management has failed to prove that there is any difference bet-
ween the issue and consumption of glue covered by the requisitions mentioned in
Ext. M4 charge-sheet.
30. Of course there are certain corrections and overwritings in some of the
requisitions under reference and the corrections remain unattested by any body.
Tn some of the third copies marked among the disputed items, there are no entries
regarding materids supplied or the entries made are not found legible. It must
he noted that the first two copies of requisitions are sent from the stores to the
stores deparhent with a forwarding letter as seen in Ext. MI8 the very next day
of the issue and the third copy sent to the plant along with the material. The
first two copies are sent throuch the Stores Engineer who is in overall charge of
the store and the materials stocked there and it must necessarily be from the entries
h the third copy that the consumption flgures of all materials consumed every day
are to be entered in the register maintained in the plant for the purpose. And
S c qii)] TILE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1 9 6 3 / C m I T M , 2. 18% #929
yet none of the a u t h o r i u ~in the various sections Or departments through
hands these corrections and overwritings have had occasion to Pass, has taken it
into his head to cafi for any explanation from the Store Keeper for the corrections
or overwritlngs found therein or to insist that the corrections to be accepted must
at least be initialled. ~t is in evidence and not challenged that after the enquiry
relating to this charge was instituted the management had issued a circular that
the corrections in the requisition sllps should be attested by fie Persons make
the corrections. That shows sat corrections and overwritings in requisitions with-
out attestation was a common feature in the Company. The Union has called
the production of requisitions issued in April, May and August 1961 during the
prior to and immediately after the period of the charge under reference and
they have been marked as Ext. W24 series. Among these there is hardly one
requisition in which the quantity required in the flrst column relati:% to One or
other of the materials requisitioned has not been corrected Or overwritten and fur-
ther we find no attestation by any body in any of these requisitions. Thus from
fie evidence, it is apparent, that so far as issue of requisitions from the plant and
supply of materials from the Stores were concerned, they were going on in tbe
most informal manner possible and this, it must be noted, fits in squarely with the
explanation offered by the employee that the practice prevailing in the stores in
the matter of issue of raw materials was to supply not only matcriais'ncted in the
first columll but to send up additional quantities on instruct~ons issued through
messengers or on the phone and for the store ke per to make the necersa3y correc-
tions according to additional material supplied m the first two copies, leaving the
third copy to be corrected by the requisitioning authority at the plant. From the
evidence and circumstances pointed out above it can be seen that there is consider-
able force in the statement made in the explanation (M3) filed by Sri Ramaswami
Pillai, i m d a t e l y after Ext. M1 show cause notice was served on him, that "the
overwritings are done as per instructions from the 'authority' of the requisitions
and on the definite understanding that the third copy shall be corrected and initial-
led by the authority and that the overwritings become "suspiciws" when it is
unfortunately viewed Like that, but in the light of the practice and actual hilppen-
ings the overwritings were made with utmost honesty." Thus it is evident that the
correctiolls in some of the requisitions and the omissions in some of the third copies
of the requisitions can only be accounted for by the loose manner in which b ~ s i n e s s
was allowed to be transacted in the stores, so to say, with the full kncwledge and
concurrence of the authorities concerned and it will be going off the treck, In view
ef the evidence and circumstance po~ntedout above, to draw the inf2rence that
the alleged corrections were false or manipdated knowing them to be false.
31. I may also in this connection point out that the whole action against the
employee can be seen to be lacking in bonafides from the evidence of the Produc-
tion Manager himself, wka has been chosen to be the spokesman of the Inanage-
ment. As EW1 he would say that he noticed a discrepancy with regard to glue
when he completed the c O ~ S U ~ Pstatement
~ ~ O ~ for June 1961 and that on further
investigation he detected the dicerences in the issue and consumption cf glue and
the corrections made in the requisitions. He does not specify the discrepancy that
he noticed when he Was preparing the consumption statement, and d e n he was
asked in cross examination whether he could state B e date approximately when he
Prepared the consumption Statement for June 1961, his answer was he could not
say off hand. To further vital questions touching upon the preliminary investiga-
tions be conducted, his answers were as evasive as anything. He could llot say
hand when the statements for July and August were prepared; nor was he sure
whether the statements for June, July and August were submitted 3imultaneiously
or separately to the management. He would also state that he might have reported
to the General nJanager about the discrepancies on 15th September 1961, but that
too he could not be definite. The report to the Managing Director, according to him.
was oral and not written. This is the evidence of the person who is said to have
investigated into a matter relating to the alleged commission of a very
offence, such as the falsification of stores records with the deliberate intention of
defraudhg the Company. The evidence which he has furnished as .above, too can
be seen to be c consistent with his own admission earlier in his cross examination
that his suspicion about the falsification of accounts was aroused from the be,-
ning of June 1961. If this statement of the Production Manager that he susmctea
falsification of accounts as early as the beginning of June 1961 is true. it is not
explained how he kept mum over the said falsification which, according to the
manaqement. was going on all the three months from June to & g u s t and
found it convenient for him to wXrt to the Managing D i m o r and that too, orally
on the 15th Sptember 1961, three and a half months after the perpetration of the
alleged crime. I find it diiflcult to reconcile m~1s how the production
930 THE GAZETTE OF 1 N D I A : U R C H 24, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885 [PART11-
-- . -.-
Manager who is primarily responsible to the management to submit monthly state-
ments regxding consumption of raw materials and production of Titanium Dio-
xide, couid remain quiet without taking adequate measures, at least to cheok and
put a stop to the process of falsification of accounts tkat was g;:?.~" on, if as a rnat-
ter of fact the corrections in the requisitions were, to his knowledge and belief,
false. Again, it is hard to believe the case of the management that the charges
were earned against the employee on the basis of further investigation and report
cbtained thereof, as alleged by them, in view of the highly conflicting and contra-
dictory pvidence on this aspect of the matter. The M a n m m e n t in its counter state-
ment ~ . ~ > ustate
l d that a preliminary investigation was conducted by the General
Superi~tendentat the instance of the Production Manager. The Production hfana-
ger as EWI contradicts this by deposing that it was the Secretary of the Ccmpany
that conducted the preliminary a q u i r y through the General Superintendent but
that he muid not say what type of preliminary enquiry was conducted as he w a s
not p e r s ~ c a 2 ypresent. The Managing Director, on the other hand, is positive that
it was the Secretary who conducted the enquiry and submitted the report. Who-
eyer be the person who made the investigation, there i s cctiling before me on
record to evidence the fact of the said preliminary inve-sti:stion. It is noteworthy-
that the report which, according t o the management, om. 1 the basis of the charge,
was not served on the employee concerned as enjoined ux :er the Standing Orders;
nor has it been produced beiore this Tribuna!, to prove that a serious attempt at-
least wa.5 made by the management to get at the iruth. Af:these facts and circum-
stances will drive any one to the irresistible concIusion that the action taken aghinst
Sri Ramswami Pillai was an after thought and is absohtely :acBing in bcnafides.
33. T h ~ viewed
s from any perspective there is absolcfe:~no evidence i? connect
the empl3yec with the misconduct alleged against him ~ rI v:ould j eveti state that
the evidencl in this case points the other way in substart;r;Sicn of the plea set u p
by him. It must therefore be held that the management 7 2 s r?rtjustified in dismis-
sing the em2loyee from service. The employee has to his -re& 12 years of unble-
mished senice under the management and the Productirn X ~ n a g e rhimself has
stated that before June 1961 he had no occasion to suspect h b in regard to t h e
e x e c u t i ~ nof the work entrusted to him as Store Keeper. It is also in evidence
that during the months of June, July and August 1961, Sri Ramaswami Pillai by
Ext. W32 inter office memo was allotted the addit:'onal work of doring a ~ keeping
in safe cwiody the expansion stores materials that the for the purpose of verifying
the mater.als and taking charge of them he was asked to eec-ate his afternoon hours
from 1 5 0 to 5:OQ for this work. He has thereby proved by cenduct to be one of
the trustcd employees of the concern. Hence I think the proper relief to be granted
to this enployee would be to direct the management to put him back in service and
since the dismissal has been wrongful he should be paid his back wages in full
from the date of dismissal till he is reinstated in service. Ln the circumstances of
this case there will be no direction as to costs. Award passed as above.

(Sd.) K. NAIR,
Trivandrum, Industrial Tribunal.
Dated the 2nd March, 1963.

List of Exhibits marked on behalf of the Managcrext

Em M I S5ow m s e notice dated 23-9-1961 issued to Sri Ramammi P&i.
Ext. M z Afi inter office memo dated 26-9-1961 issued to Sri R a m a s v ~ Pillai
Ext. M 3 h letter daied 26-9-1961 from Sri Ramsswami Piilai [to the Secretw, Travanceru
Titanium Products, Ltd.
Ext. M 4 Charge Sheet dated 27-9-1961 's;ued to Ramaswami P&i.
Ext. M 5 -3- of the enquiry proceedings dated 30-9-1961.
Ext. M 5 (a) Statzment (copy) of Sri Sukumaran Nair at the enquiry.
( b ) The copy of the statement given by Ssi R. Y. George, zr the enquiry.
Ext. h.I 6 A copy of letter from Sri A. L FIanda, Under Secretary to Gorernmcnt of Indiits
TO the Managining Director and to the Union.
Ext. M 7 A Blmk form relating to the Stock position of Travanc~reTitanium Product. Ltd,
KG)] GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23. 1963/- 2, l#f~ 93E.i
._--- .
B?rk M 8 Requisition Slip No.7176
8 (a) Do. dupliaate.
8 (b) Do. triplicate.
Em. M g Requisition Slip No. 771s
Do. duplicate.
.. do. triplicate.
Ext. MIO Requisisition Slip No. 7730
10 (a) do. duplicate.
10 (b) do. triplicate.
Ext. M I I Requisition Slip No. 7735
11 (a) do. duplicate.
11 (b) do. triplicate.
Ext. M12 Requisition Slip No. 7737
12 :(a) do. duplicate.
12 (b) do. tripljcate.
Ext. M13 Requisition Slip No. 7781.
13 ( a ) do. duplicate.
Ext. MI^ Requisition No. 7796'
14 (a) do. luplicate.
14 (6) do, triplicate.
Ext. MIS Requisition Slip No. 7331
15 (a) do. duplicare.
15 (6) do. triplicate.
Ext. M16 Requisition Slip No. 7337
16 (a) do. duplicate.
16 (b) Do. triplicate.
Ext. M17 Requisition Slip No. 7339
17 (a) do. duplicate.
17 (b) do. triplicate.
Ext. M18 Raw material requisition memo dated 12-5-1961 (Bodr.9
Ext. MI^ Requisition Slip No. 7358
19 (a) do. duplicate
19 (b) do. triplicate.
Ext. M2o Requisition Slip No. 7386
20 (a) do. duplicate.
20 (b) , do. triplicate.
EM. M21 Requisition Tripiicate No. 7818 .
Ext. M22 Inter office memo dated 22-1-1962 frcm P.T. Cheriyan to the Production manager:
Ext. Mza (a) A report from Sri Ramachandra h i o r to the Maraging Director dated
Ext. M23 Statement of consumption of glue at the plant during the months of June, July,.'
August and September, 1961, with issues from stores during these months.
Ext. M24 s i n Card for Augmt, 1961.
Ext. M25 Requisition Slip No. $26.

List of Exhibits marked on behaifof the woqktne~

Ext: W I Standing Orders of Trava~coreTitanium Products Ctd.,
Ext. W 2 A copy of inter officememo dated 5-9-1961 from the General Superintendent to.
Cri N. Ramaswani Pillai.
Ext. W 3 Reply to Ext. W2 memo dated 16-9-1961 (copy).
Em. W 4 EA copy of inter office memo dated 26-9-1961 from the Secretary to Ramaswami
Ext. W 5 A copy of letter dated 23-9-1961 to Ramaswami Pillai containing offences.
Ext. W 6 A copy of explanation submitted by Sri Ramaswami PiUai dated 26-9-1961 to the
Ext. W 7 A copy of the chsrge sheet isssued to Ramaswami Pillai dated 27-9-1961..
Ext. W 8 An office order regard$g the suspension of Ramaswami Pillai. t

Ext. W 9 A copy of the ploceedings of the Managiing Director dated 3-10-1961 dismissing:
Ramasviami Pillai from service,
W A copy of the minutes of the discussion between the management and the Unim
dated 13-10-1961. h
WII A copy of the order by the Central Government L a b Court, Delhi dated
W12 A copy of a Imer dated 4-10-1961 from Ramaswami Pillai to the Managing Director.
W I ~A copy of a letter dated 7-10-1961 forwardmg the promdings of the enquiry to m a - -
swami Pillai.
R'rq A copy of a letter from Ramaswad P i a i to the Managing Director dated ro-10-61.
WIS A copy of the letter from the Secretary T.T. P. to Sri Ramaswami Pillai dated
Wr6 A copJ of a letter dated 10-2-1962 from Ramaswami Pi36 to the management regarding
the annexures.
'Ext. W17 A copy of letters dated 13-2-rg6i from thc GentrPl Superintendent to Ramaawan i
Ext. Wr8 A copy of the statement given by Ramaswmi P W at the enquiry dated 30-9-1961.
Ext. Wrg A. copy of order from the Chief Engineer to Stores Engineer dated 21-6-1961 regar-
the appointments of Sri T. Y. Devasia.
Ext. Wto A copy of r letter Prom the General Secretary to the hhagiog Dircctor dated 13-1-1962.
Ext. W2r Extract of office order dated 16-12-1960 from the Managing Director.
;kt. W22 A copy of inter office memo dsted 13-6-1951 from the S=crctarr to the Store-Keeper.
k t . TJF23 Requisition No. 7510
a t . W24 Requisition Slip No. 6581 origind & duphte.
Do. 7107
Do. 7x29
Do. 7130
DO. 7133
Do. 7136
Do. 7141
Do. 7509
Do. 7534
Do. 7818
Ext. W25 Bin cards for 1961, January, P e b m q , Much, April, May, June, July, Augast, Scp-
tember, October, November and Decunber.
Ext. W26 An adjustment slip of Travancore Titanium Prodactr Ltd, dated 2p-prg61.
Witmses emmined on the manugements ridc:
BWI Sri S. RamachandraVarier.
EW2 Sri A. S. Menon.
Witnesses examined on thu workmen & :
WWr N. Ramaswami Piai
WW2 S. Krishnan
-3 T. Sukumaran Nair
WWq R. V. George
WWS N. Anantharaman
-6 T. I. Cberiyan
WW7 Issac Mathews.
(Sd.) Illegible,
Triuandrum, P k d i i Officer.
Dated 2-3-1963. Industrial Tribunal.
[NO. 23/54/61-LRIL]
New Delhi, the 18th March 1963
S.O. 851.-In pursuance of section 17 of the I n d M a l Disputes Act, 194?
(14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby publisha the following award of
the Industrial Tribunnl, Dhanbad, in the industrial dispute between the emplojers
in relztion to the ELhas Bhurangiya Colliery, P.O. Nudkhurkee (Dhanbad) and
a e i r workmen.
W 933.
In the matter of a Reference under Section 10(l) (d) of the Industrial Disputes-
'& 1947 (XITT of 1947).

lEmployers in relation to the Khas Bhurangiya Colliery, Post Of3ce-

Nudkhurkee (Dhmbad) .
A m
Their Workmen.
Shri Raj Kbhore Prasad, M.A., B.L., Presiding OfRcu:.

For the Emplqler84Sri Dharam Chanda Arya.
F9.r. the workmen4ri Jagir Singh, Secretary, ind dust an Khan Mazoor 'Sanglb*
BIhar. Coal..
Dhanbad, dated the 11th Febmry 1968

This is e reference made by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour &
Employment, by its Order No. Z/132/60-LRII, dated the 21st March, 1961, under
Section 10(l) (d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, to this Tribunal for adjudi-
tio on of the following industrial &spute:-
"Whether the discharge from service of -36 w o r k ~ e nlisted below ia justill--
ed, and if not, to what rehef are they entitled?"
(1) Sri Sukho Mahato, Fitter Mazdoor.
(2) Sri Baith Nath, Gosain, Attendance Clerk.
(3) Sri Samuridin Mia.
(4) Sri Shambhu Mahato,. Mining Sirdar.
15) Sri Kurban Mia', M a g Sirdar.
(6). Sri Juman Mia, Mining Sirdar.
(7) Sri Bishnu Mahato, Night Guard.
(8) Sri Kamaludin Mia, Prop Mazdoor.
(9) Sri Asiruddin Mia, Prop Mistry.
(10) Sri Sikandar Mia, Prop Mistry.
(11) Sri Sahabali Mia, Prop Mazdoor.
(12) Sri Suresh Dubey, Prop Mazdoor.
(13) Sri Paran Mahato, Prop Mazdoor.
(14) Sri Nizam Mia, Prop Mazdoor.
(15) Sri Khairat Mia, Prop Mazdoor.
(16) -Sri Khedu Mahato, Prop Mazdoor.
(17) Sri Alijan Mia, Bsling Mazdoor.
(18) Sri Banu Goswarm.
(19) Sri Chutulal Singh.
(20) Sri Katilal Singh.
(21) Sri Lalu Singh.
(22) Sri Babumani Singh.
(23) Sri Galu Singh.
(24) Sri Gangu Rai.
(25) Sri Charku Rai.
(2.6) Sri Khedan Goswami.
(27) Sri Kishan Goswami.
(28) Sri Gobardhan Goswami.
(29) Sri Bhusan Goswami.
(30) Sri Rarnu Mahato.
(31) Sri Chutx Mahato.
(32) Sri Lakhan Mahato.
(33) SriNogu Goswami. ' .
(34) Sri Fidu MRQah'ato.
(35) Sri Satan Rai.
(36) Sri Bidyadhar Pandey.
2. The Hindusthan Khan Mazdoor Sangh, through i't General Secretary,
-Sri X V. Achariar filed a written statement, on behalf of these thirty-six concern-
ed workmen, on 20th May 1961. The management also, through its Partner,
.Shri DhaPam Chandra Arya, med a written statement on 23rd May 1982.
3. On 25th May 1962, which was the date fixed, a joint petition signed by
.Shri Dhararn Chandra Arya, on behalf of the management and Sri S. V. Achariar,
an behalf of these thirty-six concerned workmen. was filed before this Tribund
stating that both the parties to the present dispute hari agreed to refer the matter
to the ~ b i t r a t i o nof Sri C. D. Thakkar, Chlef Personnkl OOffica of Messrs. Kalyanji
'Mavji and Company and to abide by his award, and, tk~refore,both the
prayed for an adjournment in order to enable S h n Th2Xkar to give his award.
4. Today, the said award dated 11th December 1962 signed by Shri Dharam
Chand . b a , Proprietor, Khas Bhurangiya Colliery, &IoLoda; Sri S. V. Achariar,
General Secretary, Hindusthan K i a n Mazdoor Sangh, >Zurul;dih Colliery, Mohoda;
and, Sri C. D. Thakkar, Arbitrator has been filed and dong with it a joint petition
by both the parties has also been filed t
o the effect W. t h s a x w d of the Arbitrator
may be incorporated in the award of this Tribunal, by answering the reference
in term of the Arbitrator's award.
5. Before this Tribunal today, the management is mpresmted by Sri Dharam
Chand Arya a d the workers are represented by Sri Jagir Singh, Secretary,
Hindusthan Khan .Mazdoor Sangh. On behalf of eighteen of +he workmen. con-
cerned, out of thlrty-SIX concerned workmen, a petiti~nhas been filed s~gned
by the eighteen workmen concerned and also by Shri Jagir Singh, Secretary of
the Union, asking this Tribunal to give its otvn award and not to act on the
.award filed by the Arbitrator although appointed on tke joint application of both
the parties, because the award is .not justified aod the term of the award are
8contrary to the interest of the workmen concerned.
6. I have heard Sri Jagir Singh and after hearing him and perusing the ward
filed by the Arbitrator, I am not satisfied that the grievance of these eighteen
workmen concerned, out of the thirty-six concerned workmen, is at .all justified
It mag be noted that Sri Acharya, who represented t h e e h t y - s l x wor+en
.concern+ throughout the proceeding from "he very b e g i m g and who has signed
the arbitration award, has not appeared today himself on the ground that hr
was indisposed. Sri Jagir Singh has been put forward as representing t h w
.eighteen workmrn. on behalf of the Union to object to the acceptance of the
:award In the objection petition filed today by these eighteen workmen ni
specific objection has been taken as to how and ?here? s d why the award k
. not fevourable to the ,workmen, concerned. objecQon is mentioned iz
para 2 of their petition which is to the following effect:-
%at the petitioners strongly feel that the terms and conditions enunciate
by Sri C. D. Thacker are unjustified and contrary to the interest o
r- the workmen."
T h i s objection is entirely vague, and, therefore, on such a vague objection it i
impossibie to say that th.e award is nlot a proper oce eT7e3though made by a]
Arbitrator chosen voluntarily by both.the parties themselves and both the partie
.agreed to abide by his decision and tlJl before today s o grievance was made b
.any of these concerned workmen that, the said Arbl-tor was not f a r to then
7. In these circumstances, I do not find any sufficient ground has been mad
out for rejecting the award. I, therefore, a m p t the a ~ of dthe Arbitrata
and dispose of the reference in terms of the s ~ award,
d w b c h is marked Annexlu
'A' m d made a part of this award of the Tribunal.
8. This is my award which I make and submit to the Central Gavernmer
under .Section 15 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.


T h e 11th F $ b r n ~1983.
Presiding Officer,

. -,
Central Government Industrial Tribunal
-- . Dhanbad,
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GABTI'E OF Ii'lUP.4: M A K L H ~ s ,
--- -- , ,

~ P L I C A T I O N NO. 14 OF 1961.

Xmployers in relation td the Khas Bhurungiya colliery P.O. Mohuda,
(and not Nudkhurkee), Dhanbad.

Their workmen.
By an order of the Honourable Tribunal. on 25th May 1962 on the prayer of
Both the parties jointly, I have been appokfed to arbitrate in the above case a d
to submit my findings and the award.
The Union had on the same day handed over their papers to me but the
Owners submitted.their papers on the 7th July 1962. .

After going through the respective contentions of the parties concerned, as per
their statements filed before the Honourable Tribunal, I obtained explanations fwm,
the owner and verified the Company's statements from the relevant Pay Sheets,
Attendance Registers, as also the papers connected with the procedure of punish-
.The reference is in the following tams:
"Whether the discharge from service of 36
workmen listed below is justified
an3 if not to what relief are they enatled?
"(1) Sri Sukko Mahato, Fitter Mazdoor.
42) Shri' Baith Nath Gosain. Attendance' Cleff.
(3) Sri Samuridin Mia.
44) Sri Shambhu ~ a h a t o ,m n i n g S-irdar.
45) Sri KurE%'Mia, Mining SiiYh. .
(6) Sri Juman Mia, Mifiing Sirdar. ,
(7) Sri Bishnu Mahato, Night Guard. ,
48) Sri Kamaludin Mia, Prop Mazdoor.
*(9) Sri Asiruddin Mia, Prop Mistry.
-(lo) Sri. S i k a n d a ~Mia, Prop Mistry.
(11) Srl Sahaball Mia, Prop Mazdoor. '
412) Sri Suresh Dubey, Prop Mazdoor.
*13) Sri Paran Mahato, Prop. Mazdoor. 1
(14) Sri Nizam Mia, Prop Mazdoor. :
(15) Sri Khairat Mia, Prop Mazdoor.
(16) Sri Khedu Mahato, Prop Mazdoor.
(17) Sri Alijan Mia, Bailing Mazdoor.
(18) Sri Banu Goswami. 1.

(19) Sri Chutulal Singh.

(20) Sri Katilal Singh.
(21) E:i Ea!u Singh.
(22) Sri Babumani Singh.
(23) Sri Galu Singh.
(24) Sri Gangu Rai.
(25) Sri Charku Rai.
(26) Sri Khedan Goswami.
'(27) Sri Kishan Goswami.
128) Sri Gobardhan Goswami.
((29) Sri Bhusan Goswami.
130) Sri Ramu Mahato. s .

(31) Sri Chutu Mahato.

(32) Sri Lakhan Mahato.
(33) Sri Nogu Goswami.
(34) S r i Fidu Mahato.
(35) Srl Satan Rai.
(36) Sri Bidyadhar Pander
936 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAl?aA 2, 1889 [PARTII-

It is not denied by the Owners that they had to stop raising operations of the
Colliery for a few weeks on and from the 13th November 1958 on account of a
subsidence in the Mine (Para 4 of the employers' written s t a b e n t ) .
It has been found from the records of the Company that No. 20, Sri Katilal
Singh 22-Shri Babumani Singh 28-Sri Gobardhan Goswami 33Shri Nogu Goswami
and 35-Shri Bidyadhar Pandey, were never in employment with the company. The
Union cou:d not substantiate by any record that the contrary was true.
As for the statement of the Employers that No.3Sri Samuridin Mia, 14-Srl
Nizan: Ilia, 15-Sri Khairat Mia, 17-Sri Alijan Mia, 1SShri Chutulal Singh 21Shri
Lalu Singh. 27Shri Kishan Goswarni, and 34-Shri Fid-u Xahato are still working";
it was corroborated by the Pay sheets of the company. and in view of such t e d -
mow, the mere allegation of the Union should fail.
As for the contention of the workmen that T o . 23Shri Galu Singh,
24-Sh:i Gangu Rai, 26-Shri Khedan Goswami, 29-Sri Bhusan Goswarm and 36-Shri
Satan h i , were the workmen concerned in the dispute", I have searched through
the records of the Company and have found that none sf them was working at the
Colliery on the day the subsidence occurred, and at least No. 244311-iGangu Rai
had expired some time in the year 1960. In absence of proof of the workers' state-
ment, there is very little by way of relief that could be granted t3 '4s "-'3 four

As for the allegation of the Union about wrongful termination of s e r v i c e t h e

workers referred to in the Reference Numbering "9Sri Asiruddin Mia, 10415
Sikandar Mia, 11-Sri Sahabali Mia, l S r i Suresh Dubey, 13-Sx-i Paran Mahato-
18313 Banu Goswami, 25Sri Charku Rai, 3 M r i Tizamu Bahato, 31-Sri Chutu
Mahato, and 32315 Lakhan Mahato" have been found to have actually reported for
work on different dates after the Agreement dated 8th J a n u a y 1959 but have sub-
sequently left employment. The technicalities of termination h m e been challenged
by the Union but in absence of any written record of the protest a;n;rlst the alleged
termination-the question of relief by way of the present Reference seems to be
an attempt at a late date.
As far as I am concerned, I regret to entertairi the relief.
As for Shri Khedu Mahato, Prop Mazdoor No. 16 of the Reference my finding
is that he has worked till 16th November 1958 and then voluntarily left the employ-
As for Shri Shambhu Mahato, Shri Kurban ma,and ShX Tuman Mia, the
Mining Sirdars, Numbering 4, 5 and 6 of the Reference, t k & C n F n i n its written
statement in Paras 13 to 22 has tried to make out a case of wrongful dismissal by
the Management on various grounds, but on actual perusal of the papers concern-
ing the punishment, none is substantiated and in absence of such proof, relief is
not justified.
Regarding Shri Sukho Mahato, the Fitter Mazdoor, Xmbering 1 of the Re-
ference, from actual records, I have-concluded that the worker concerned war
absenting xith effect from 18th May 1998, and in spite t h e 3 l ~ a g e m e n t ' si?yi+a-
tion to join work as per thelr letter of 6th June 1958, ha absence is only explained
by his intention to keep away. The Udon's prayer for relief by way of reference
after a long period of 2 years does not in any way subtantiate the allegations of
wrongfu; termination no relief is justified.
As for Shri Bishnu Mahato, a Night Guard No. 7 of the Reference, it in patent
on the records that he was on transfer to the Owners' West Bansjora Colliery and
his not joining there for any apparent reason cannot subseqciently in default of the
Owners' action against him, entitle him to relief.
Regarding Shri Mamaludin Mia, Prop Mazdoor, No. 8 of the Reference, simply
because the Owner had not taken any action against th? absenting workman
not entitle the workman in absence of any protest for a l o x w i o d of 2 years to
any relief.
Regarding Shri Baith Nath Gosain, Attendame C?erk. No. 2 of the Reference,
the workman does not seem to have cared for his job as is evident from his failure
to reply to the charge sheet dated 4th October 1958 of t'..e Management. If there
is any lapse on the part of the Management to follow t.-o ~ r o e d u r elaid down in
t h e Standing Orders as also Industrial Dispute Act, the norkmen as well are to be
blamed for the lapse on theii part to follow up by way of protest against the in-
fringement of their Rights under the above Provisions.
SEC. 3(ii)] T H E GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/CHMTR=l 2. 1885 937
I have refrained from entering into the disputed regions of strict technicalities
of the Labour Laws, but have tried to see the entire Regerence from the point of
view of an experienced Administrator and Impartial Judge of the affairs and have
come to the conclusion that there is not much in the allegations of the Union that
there was victimisation or violation of the Principles of Natural Justice. None of
the workers referred to in the Reference could lay his claim rightfully but diving
through the past history of some of the disputes concerning som? of the workmen
(1) Shri Baith Nath Gosain, No. 2 of the Reference, it is a matter on the
record that the Management had forwarded a cheque of Rs. 238182 nP
which till today does not seem to have been enchashed.
(2) One Shri Sukho Mahato; Fitter Mazdoor No. 1 of the Reference was at
the intervention of Labour Inspector(Centra1) awarded Rs. 561- which
was not accepted by the workman concerned.
I cannot refrain from mentioning here the very cordial spirit and co-operation
manifested both by the Labour and the Management, without which the work would
have been almost impossible.
Signed this the 11th day of December, One thousand nine hundred sixty-two.
: Sd.1- C H A T R A ~D.J THACICER,
Arbitrator, 11-12-1962.
I Sd./- DHARAM CHAND,Proprietor,
Khas Bhurangia Colliery Mohoda;
S d l - S. V. ACHARIAR,
General Secretary,
Hindusthan Khan Mazdoor Sangh,
Murulidih Colliery Mohoda.
Both the parties have signed in my presence on the above date at my office.
Arbitrator, 11-12-1962.
I [NO. 2/132/60-LRII.]
S.O. 852.-In exercise of the ,powers conferred by section 7 of the Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby constitutes a Labour
Court with headquarters at Patna, and appoints Shri Ali Hassan, as the Presiding
Officer of that Court.
[NO. 8/142/62-LRII. J

New Delhi, the 12th March 1963
S.O. 853.-Whereas, the Central Government is of opinion that an Industrial
dispute exists or is apprehended between the employers in relation to the Kamptee
Colliery and their workmen in respect of the matters specified in the Schedule
hereto annexed;
And, whereas, the Central ~ 0 3 e r n m e n tconsiders it desirable to refer the said
dispute'for adjudication;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) of sub-sec-
tion (1) of section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 19'47 (14 of 1947), the Central
Government hereby refers the said dispute for adjudication to the Industrial
Tribunal, Dhanbad, constituted under section 7A of the said Act,

(1) Whether the management of the Kamptee Colliery was justified in denying
underground allowance to the underground workers for festival holidays since
the 25th March, 1959?
(2) If not, to what relief are the workmen entitled?

S.O. 854.-Whereas, the Central Government is of opinion that an industrial

dispute exists between the employers in relation to the Damodar Valley Corpora-
tion Bermo Colliery and their workmen in respect of the matters specified in the
Schedule hereto annexed;
And, whereas, the Central Government considers it desirable to refer the said
dispute for adjudication;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) of sub-sec-
tion (1) of section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central
Government hereby refers the said dispute for adjudication to the Industrial
Tribunal, Dhanbad, constituted under section 7A of the said Act.
Whether the workers of the Damodar Valley Corporation Bermo Colliery
employed under S h r ~N. P. Singh, Coal Raising Contractor should be paid wages
for the strike period from the 29th September, 1962 to the 28th October, 1962 by
the Darnodar Valley Corporation? If so, at what rate? If not, to what other
relief are the workmen entitled?
WO. 1/30/62-LRII.]
New Delhi, tke 16th March 1963
S.O. 855.-Whereas, the Central Government is of opinion that an industrial
dispute exists betureen the employers in relation to the Gupta Lime Works. Katni
(Madhya Pradesh) and their workmen employed in Barari Lime Stone Quarry in
respect of the matters specified in the Schedule hereto annexed;
And, whereas, the Central Government considers it desirable t o refer the said
dispute for adjudication;
Now. therefore, m exercise of the powers conferred by clause ( d l of sub-section
(1) of sect-on 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Gov-
ernment hereby refers the said dispute for adjudication to the Industrial Tribunal,
Bombay constituted under section 7A of .the said Act.
Whether the management of Barari Lime Stone Quarry of XIessrs Gupta Lime
Works. Katni were justified in asking Sarvashri Pardeshi, Lime Stone Checker and
Prahlad Bhagat Tripathi, quarry Munshi, to work as truck Conductor and Store
Keeper respectively? If not, what relief are the workmen entitled to.
[Xo. 22/40/62-LRII.]

S.O. 856.-Whereas an industrial dispute exists between the employers in

relation to the Parbelia Colliery of Messrs Bengal Coal Company Limit& and their
workmen represented by the Colliery Mazdoor Sangh, ParbeLia Colliery Branch
(hereinafter refer& to as the Union);
And whereas the said employers and the Union have, uMer sub-section
(I) of section lOA of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947- (14 of 1947), referred the
dispute to arbitration by an arbitration agreement and- copy cd that agreement
has been forwarded to the Central Government and was received by the Central
Government on the 13th Mar& 1963:
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/C~h11'RA 2, 1885 939
- -
Now, therefore, in pursuance of sub-section (3) .of section. l0A of the said
Act, the Central Government hereby publishes the s a d arbltrat~onagreement.

(See Rule 6);

(Under section 10A of the Industrial Disputes Act)
Representing Employers :
Parbelia Colliery of M/s Bengal Coal Co.,
Ltd., reyrkented 6y Mr. W. J. Jameson,
Labour Adviser.
Representing the
workmen :
Colliery Mazdoor Sangh (I.N.T.U.C. 1, Par-
belia Colliery ' Branch represented by
1. Mr. L. P. Tripathy,
2. Mr. R, K. Ojha.
It is hereby agreed between the parties' to refer to following industrial dispute
to the arbitration of Mr. R. H. Wright of M/s Andrew Xule & Co., Ltd. 8, Clive
Row, Calcutta and Mr. Kanti Mehta of Indian National Mine Workers' Federation,
9, Elgin Road, Calcutta.
Specific matters in dispute:
The Arbitrators should give decision regarding following dispute: "Industrial
dispute in Parbelia Colliery over disqualification of the workers20 earn bonus,
wages, leave, sick wage, return trainfare ani'continua35n of services for the. pur-
poses of qualifying leave for 1963 etc. due to a strike. at the colliery
- -- from 20th July
1962 to, 26th August 1962". 4

Details of the parties to the dispute including namEs and addresses:

(1) The management of Parbelia Collierx, P.O. Diserga~h,Dt. Burdwan of RIK8
Bengal Coal Co., Ltd., Managing Agents M/s Andrew Yule & Co., Lta., Registered
Office at 8, Clive ROWCalcutta.
(2) The Parbelia Colliery Branch of the Colliery Mazdoor Sangh (I.N.T.U.C.).
Name of the Union:
Colliery Mazdoor Sangh, Parbelia Colliery Branch.
Total No. of workmen employed in the undertaking
. affected. .. 2348
EMimated number of workmen affected or
likely to be affected by the dispute , ... . 1800 Appr~x.
W.e further agree that the decision of the Arbitrators shall be binding on us.
Witnesses: Signature of the Parties.

1. Sd/- JAMES
(Representing employers)
1. Sd/- L. P. TRIPATHY,
2. Sd/- R. K. OJAA.
(Representing workers)
[NO. 8/46/&!-T,RTT 1
New Delhi, the 18th March 1963
S.O. 85?.--Whereas, the Central Government is of opinion that an industrial
dis ute exlsts between the employers in relation to the Jaipur Udyog Limited
( ~ L l o d iQuarries). Sawaimadhopur, Rajasthan and their workmen in respect of
the matters specrfied in the Schedule hereto annexed;
And, whereas, the Central Government considers it desirable to refer the said
dispute for adjudication;
Now: therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7A and clause
(d) of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of
1947), the Central Government hereby constitutes an Industrial Tribunal with
Shri Mohd. Abdul Razzaque, B.Sc., LL.B., (Retired Judge of LIadhya Pradesh High
Court) as the Presiding Officer, with headquarters at Kew Noti Bungalow, 46,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Indore City and refers the said dispute for adjudication
to the said Industrial Tribunal.

Whether Shri N. D. Rahi, working as Steno-typist in the Phalodi Quarries

of Messrs. Jaipur Udyog Limited, Sawaimadhopur, is entitled to the
former grade of Steno-typist of Rs. 123-5-200 in the Cement factory,
Sawaimadhopur of the aforesaid Concern from the date he has been
performing the duties of a Steno-typist? If not, to what relief is he
[N 0. 22/1/63-W1.I
A. L. HANDA, Under Secy.

New Delhi, the 13th March 1963

S.0.858.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 73-F of the Emp!oyees.' State In-'
surance A n , 1948 (34 1948), the Central Government hereby exempts the factory s~tuateID the area
in the State of Gujarat mentioned in the Schedule appended to this n d c a t i o n , from the pament
of employer's special colltribution leviable under Chapter V-A of che s
rf A a till the enforcement of
tht provisions of Chapter V of that Act in that area.

NO. Xame of the District Name of area Name oi factory

. Anklesh~var Workshop of Oil and N a n d

G=ss Conunission.

[No. F.6(40)/62-HI.)

S.O. 859.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 73-F of the Employees' State Insu-
rance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948),the Central Government hereby exempts the factories situate in the
areas in thz State of Bihar mentioned in Scheduleappended to this nafification, from payment of
employer's, special contribution leviable under Chapter V-A of the said Act till the enforcement 0 f
the provisions of Chapter V of that Act in these areas.

S1. Kame of Name of the Name of the facrsry

KO. District area
3 4
-I 2

I Champaran . Bariorpur . Rama Engineering Works.

Bettia . . . Shri Kanta Saw Mills.
Narkatiaganj New S~vadeshiSugar Mills Ltd., Distillerg
2 Dhanbad . Jamadoba . . Damodar Headworks Pumping
and Filtration Plant.
Patherdih . . I. Sindri Iron Foundry.
2. Kedar Industries.

3 Hazaribagh . Chandrapura Mechanical Workshop, Chan

ma1 Power Station, D.V.C.
Dugda . . Dugda Coal Washery.
4 Monghyr . Barauni . I. Hind Engineering Co.
2. Patel' Engineering Co.
Ltd., Maintenanc
and Repair Workshop.
3. Mohan Singh Sambhiah & Co.
5 Muzaffarpur . Bairagania . Shri Mahabir Rice, Oil & Dal Mills.
6 Palamau . Redma
P.O. Dak.ongmg.
Bharat Glass Works.

7 Patna . Biharsarif . Bihar State Small Industries Corporation

Ltd., Wood Working Centre.
8 Ranchi . Hordog . Prasad Stone Works.
Mechlaskjegailj . Harish Tara Refractories.
9 Santhal Parganas. Madhupur
Pakur . . .. Bihar ~ndkstrial Corporation.
I. Black Stone Products Ltd.,
2. Granite Quarries (P) Ltd.,

ro Singhbhum . Narsanda Thakur Pd. Sao Asl;estos Factory.

P.O. Chaibasa
Mosabani . I32 K. V. Grid sub-station, D.V.C.

[No. F. 6(8oj/63-HI.]
, .

S.O. 860.-In exerciseof the powers conferred by section 73-Fof the Employees' State Insu -
rance Act, 1948 (3 of 1948), the Central Government hereby exempts the factories situate in the
areas in the State of Andhra Pradesh mentioned in the schedule appended to this notification,
from the payment of the employer's special contribution leviable undei Chapter V-A of the said
Act till the enforcement of the provisions of Chapter V of that Act in these areas.

sl. Name of Name of the

NO. District area Name of the factory

I Adilabad . Bellampally . MIS. Syed .Abdul Hameed Saw Mill,

Collieries Area).?
2 Anantapur . Dharmavaram . MIS. Srikanyaka Parameswari Oil and Rice
Hindupur . Mills.
MIS.Andhra Starch Manufacturing Co.
3 Chittoor . Tirupathis . . MIS. R. G. Balakrishna Mudaliar Aluminium
4 Cuddapah . . Chilankur MIS. V. Konda Reddy & C. Venkata Reddy
(Yerraguntla) & Go.
Takkalacheruvu . Mls. Ranea Oil Mills.
Proddutur . I. 'MIS. E:!?. 'irenkatasubbaiah Chetty Pak-
iraiah Chetty Groundnut Oil Mills.
2. MIS. Ravi Oil Mills.
. Karasaraopet . MIS. Venkateswara Swamy Gmundnut Oil
Sattenapatli . MIS. Iodqkendala. Venkasswara Flour and
Oil Mill.
Tadopalli . I. MIS. Mysore Insecticide Co.
2. MIS. East Coast Food Products Ltd.
. Navandgi I. MIS. Pingle Stone Marketing Co.
(Tandur Tk). 2. MIS. M. Manik Rao & Bros.
3 MIS. Tandur Stone Polishing Co.
Moulali . MIS. Hyderabad Roller & Flour Mills Co.
Ltd .
Tandur . M/s. H. B. Partani Oil Mills P. 0. Tandur

7 Karimnagar . Humabad . MIS. Bbarat Rice & Oil Mills.

Za&kunra . MIS. P. Rama Rao Rice & Oil Mills.
Metpalli . MIS. Hyderabad Khadi Samithi and Khadi

8 Khammameth . Khamrnammeth . I.
Mls. Arum Manure Works (Regd.)
MIS. Y. N. Press, Trunk Raad.

g Krishna Gunadala . Mls. Sirdar Carbonic Gas Co. Ltd.

&vt. Electric Department.
J a wyapeta . MIS. Sri Venkateswara Band Co.
Narasannapalam M/s. Sri Sitharama Rice Mill.

10 Kurnool . Giddalur . MIS. Laxmi Janardhana Shelling Factory.

11 Uedak . Medak . MIS. Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd.

12 Mahbubnagar . Jadcherla
.. MIS. Nirmal Cottage Match Works.
MIS. Jagdish Oil Mill.
Suryapet . M/s. Sri Rarna Krishna Rice and Groundnut
Oil Mills.
Vijayapuri (North) MIS. Central Workshops, Nagarjunasagar
, Sullurpet . MIS. Super Fertilizers & Co.
. Nizamabad . I. MIS. Swastic Industries Gurba-abadi
2. Mjs. Electricity Deptt. (Central Diesel
Nizamsagar . M/s. Hydro Electric Power House, Head
Amadalvalasa . MIS. Sri Maha Laxmi Rice and Groundnut
Oil Mills.
Kotabommali . MIS. Tankala Rayanna Rice and Oil h4ills.

17 West Wmi
. Bkimavamm
. MIS. R.T.D. Bus Depot.
MIS. Sri Venkateswara Rice and Oil Mills.
Kowuru . MIS. R. T. D. Bus Depot.
Nidadavelu . MIS. R.T.D. Bus Depot.
Tadepallogudem . M/s: R. T. D. Bus Depot.
U~~+U~LX . MIS. Shri Dhmlarmi Rice & Oil Mills.

[No. F.6 (78)j533II.J

SEC, g(ii)]
S.O. 861.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 73-F of the Employees' State In-
surance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948)~the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment
in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment NO.
S.0.2665, dated the and November, 1961, namely:-
In the said notification, for schedule 111, the following schedule shall be substituted namely:-

S1. Name of State Name of District Name of the area Name of the factory

I Andhra Pradesh Adilabad . Adilabad . . Omkarmal Ram Bilas Ginning

& Oil Mill. .
Bellampally . . Hyderabad Chemicals and
Fertilizers Ltd.
Kaddam . . G.N.C. Project Workshop,
P.O. Peddur, Kaddam.
Nirmal , Ramachandra Mirzamull Oi
Mill, Nirmal.
2 DO. Anantapur . Anantapur +
f . . I. Sri Durgaprasad Oil Mills
2. M. Rarnayya Chetty &
Subbaiah Chetty Rice &
oil. Mill.
3. The Electric Power House.
4. Sri Lalita Prasad Rice &
Oil Mills.
Gooty . . I. Sri Laxmi Decorticating
and Oil Mill Factory,
Gooty R.S.
-2. Sri Venkataramanaswamy
011 Mills, Gotty Railway
Hndupur 3 . I. Brahamappa Tavanappa-
navar Oil Mills.
I 2. K.R. Krishniah & Srinivas
Rice & Groundnut Oil
3. Rayalaseema Passenger & ,
Good Transport Ltd.
I<a!!uru . I. Sri Venkateswar Industries
Trading Co., Contractors
of Kasamsetty Radha-
krishna, Setty Oil Mills,
2. Sri Venkateswara Indus-
tries & Trading Co. Sri
Radhakrishna Vegetable Oil
Products, Kalluru.
3. Sri Laxminarayana Thread
& Oil Mills.
4. Vemula Puttiah & Seshaiah
Oil Mill Kalluru R.S.
'1)'Julapuram . The Abdul Salam's Obula'
puram Bone Crushicg
?:takunta . . Bhunusthali Sisal
Industry & Plantation.
144 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2 , 1885 [PART 11-

Andhra Pradesh Anantapur Rayadrug . .

The Jayanti Ramachan-
drappa Setty M i s Ltd.
2. Srinivasa Silk Twisting
3. Sri Venkateswaraswamy
Twisting Factory, Varalax-
mi Road, Rayadrug.
4. Sri Neelakanteswara Swamy
Silk Twisting Factory.
j. Abhayakumar Silk Twisting
The Mineral Mining (P) Ltd.,
I. Vijaya Oil Mills.
2. The Hindustan Mineral

Products Co.
2. Sri Laxmi Narasimha
Oil CO.
A. Sri Laxmi Ginning and
~ecorticatin~ ~actory. -
Anantapur Yadki , Laxmi Visu7eswara Oil
3 Do. . Chittoor . JanakarpaE. . B.V.m. Reddy & Sons Rice
Madanapdi . Madanapalli
Thermal Sta-
Pakala . . N.Groundnut
Sarasirnha Reddy and Co.
Oil Mills,
Pulicherla . B.V. Reddy & Sons.
Puttoor . Srinivasa Engineering In-
Tirupathi . . I. T i a l a i Tirupathi De-
vasthanam Press.
2. Tirumalai Tirupathi De-
vasthanam Motor Trans-
port Garage Workshop.
4 Do. Cuddapah . GangaipalIi . - Sri Laxmi Saraswathi Rice
& Oil Mills, Gangaipalli.
Kamalapurarn . I. Sri Saibaba Oil Mills.
2. Sri Sai Satyanarayana Oil
Mills Kamalapuram.
Kondapuram . Aditya Mineral Traders,
Komtapuram R.S.
Masapet . . Sri Sanswathi Laxrninaraya-
na Factory, Masapet.
Pandilapalli . Sri Rama 01 Mills.
Proddutur - . I. Seetharama Oil and Ginxi-
ing Factory,
2. Juntur China Veeriah Ch-
etty Factory.
3. Somichetty Subbiah Chctty
& Co., Decortication and
Oil Factory.
4. E. Chinna Venkatasubbaiah
Ramaiah Oil Company,
Cempalli . . R Malla Reddy Decorticat-
ing & Oil Factory.
Yerraguntla . . I. M. Nagaiah Chetti & T.
.-- Chetti & Co. M i s .
2. V. Chenna Reddi & B.B.,
Munaiah Chetty & Co., Oil
3. N. Veeriah & M. VecW
Oil Factory.
4 KS. Chenchi Reddy ,Y.C
Chtnna Reddy & Co.
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDJA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITR4% 2, I885
- -

I 2 3 4 5

5 Andhra Praksh East Godavari . Bommuru . . Bommuru

' Hydro E l e c t c
Sub-station, Bummuru.
Chhda . . Sri Rama Cottage Industries,
Dwarapudi . . I. Victory Tile Works.
2. Sri Laxm Ti1 Works,
3. Sri Vijaygopal Tile Works,
4. Indo-National Tile Works.
5. Sri Nageswara Tile Works,
GoUaprolu . . Shri Rarnachandra Ginning
& Oil Mill Gollaproiu.
Jaggampeta . . Sri Gopal Tile Works, Jagga-
Kadiam . . The India Fruits Ltd., Ka-
Pandalpaka . . I. Sri Suryanarayana Spinning
and Weaving Mills,
2. S d Ramachandra Spinning
and Weaving Mills, Pan-
Peddapuram . I. Sri Rama Silk Factory,
2. B. China Kamraiu & Co.

tori, Pedapuram.
3. Sri Subrahmanya Silk
Factory, Peddapuram.
4. Sri Adilaxmi Silk Factory,
5. Sri Krishna Silk Factory,
Ragampeta . . I. Sri V.V. Satyanarayana
Tiles Co., Ragampeta.
2. Laxminarayana Tile Fac-
tory, Ragampeta.

E. Godavari Samalkota . . I. Sri Anjaneya Tiles Co.,

2. The Deccan Tile Works
, ,.
3. The Southern India Manure
and Tanning Works, No.
2 (Bone Mill), Samalkota
4. E.T.I.C. Bone and Manun
5. Sri Jayalaxmi Tile Co
6. Jaibharat Tile Works. .
7. Universal Tile Works.
South Annavaram
. Swatantra Tile Works.
Sri Subramanyeswara Rice 8
Oil Mill, Tapeswaram.
Talluru . . Rajeswari Tile Works.
. .. .
Jaihind Tile Works.
I. Sri Jayalaxmi Siik Factory
Vetlapalam. '

2. Shri Laxmi Sago Manufac

turing Co. Vetlapalam.
3. B. Maruthi Silk Manvfac
turing Co. Vetlapalam.
946 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/~HnITRL42, 1885 [PARTn-
- -
L 2 3 4 5 -
Andhra Pradesh Guntur . . Addanki . . Radhakrishna Groundnut &
Oil Mills.
. .

Amaravathi Sri Venugopal Groundnu

Oil Mill, Amaravathi.
Bapatla . . Tractor Workshop.
Chilakaluripet . Sri Krishna Oil Mills.
Chirala . . . The Bharat Manure Develop-
ment Co. Chirala.
Duggirala I. Dhanalaxmi Rice and
Turmeric Mill.
2. Sri Laxmi Turmeric &
Rice Mill, Duggirala.
3. Joshi Khineswar Dhullabji
& CO. Duggirala.
4. Sri Laxmi Satyanarayana
5. Shri Mahalaxmi Turmeric
& Rice Mill.
6. Vijyalaxmi Turmeric &
Rice Mill.
Ktosur . . SriandSatyanarayana Ginning
Oil Mill, Krosur.
Macherla . . T hCements),
e K.C.P. Ltd., (Ramakrishna
Narasaraooet . I. b i Ginning & Oil
2. P. Showraiah & Bros.
3. Sri Sankaranarayana Gin-
ning and Oil Factory.
4. V.V. Chalapathi Rao &
Sons Ginning & Oil Fac-
5. M. Venkates.cvarlu Ginning
Oil Factory, Narasarao-
6. V.V. Ratnam & Sons,
Eng. & Oil Factory.
7. Sri Satyanarayana Swamy
Ginning & Oil Mill.
8. Sastry Oil Mills.
Piduguralla . . I. Sri Shankara Ginning &
Oil Mill.
2. Chema Kesava Ground-
nzlt & Oil Alill.
Rentachintala . Varalaxmi Industries.
Santamagalur . Nagarjnna Manure Works.
Santaravur . . Sri Satyanarayana Rice and
Oil Mill.
Sattenapalli . . I. Sri Gowri Gangadham
V i k Ginning and Ground-
nat Oil Mills, Sattenapalli.
2. NO. I. Gimkgand Ground-
nat factory, Sattena-
Siripuram . . Bherubagas Surajkaran Oil
Tadepalli . . I. The East India Distilleries
and Sugar Factory.
2. Andhra Provincial Pot-
teries Ltd.
ollt~ Y nr. w i a o r r b OF kWDM :MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885

-I 2 3 4 5 '

Andhra Pradesh Guntur Tenali . I.

' 2.
Joti Press, Tenali.
The Orient Power, Press
& Publishing Co.(Tenali.
3. Sambasiva Saw Mill.
Morrispet, Tenali.
4. Prasad Pen Works, Gandhi
Chowk, Tenali.
5. National Printing Press
Uppuguntur . Momspet, Tenali.
A.P. Krishna Murthy & Co.
Uppu Guntur.
7 Do. Hyderabad Navaridgi . . M. Stone
Somasankar Oil Mill &
Polishing Factory.
f Do. . Karimnagar . Karirnnagar . . SriMill.Gopal Rice & Oil

2. Tulsiram Lahoti Decor-

. . . ticating & Rice Mill.
. .
. . .
Sri Venkateswara Oil Mill-
B.B. Zarda & Co.
Pingle Pratap Reddy and .
3' ,
Oil Mills, Parkal.
Peddapalli . I. Sugamchand
Challani &
2. Afzal Rice & Oil Mill.
Zamrnikunta . . I. Kondur Buchirajalingam
Oil Mill, Zammikun a.
2. Hyderabad Oil Industries.
3. Waiangal Industries.
4. Saraswathi Oil Mill.
9 Do. . Kharnrnammeth Khammammeth . I.
Bhikaji Daddabhay & Co.
Sridhar Ranga Rao Rice
& Oil Mill.
3. Sri Satyanarayana Swamy
Oil Mill.
4. ~njane;&wami Rice and
Oil Mill.
5. Sri Venlcatesh & Co.,
Radha Krishna Rice and
Oil Mill.
6. Gunti Malleswaram Rice
& Oil Mill Khamma-
. Kothagudem . I. Ramachandra Rice Mill.
2. Kalisingh Saw Mills, Ko-
3. K. Radha Krishna Murthy
. . .
Madira '
Saw Mills.
Pingle Industries, Madira .
10 Do. Krishna . Angalur . . SriMill.Jayalaxmi Rice and Oil

Bapulapadu . Sri Sithamahalami Ground-

, nut Oil Co. Bapulapadu.
Enikepadu . . Sri Swarna Industrial En
gineering Co.
Gampalagudem Sri Dhanalaxrni Vilas Rice
Groundnut Mill Co.
, Sri Prasanna Anjaneya Rice
Turmeric Bone Mill Co.,
I Gosala.
. , . .
THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: hfARCH 23, 1 9 6 3 / C H A l l U 2 , lerar,
.- -
LrnhY - -

I 2 3 4 5

Andhra Pradejh Krisha Gowaravaram . Sri Kanyakaparameswari Gin-

ning & Groundnut Oil Mill
Contractors Co., Gowaravaram
Gudivah . . I.
Mahalaxmi Rice & Oil Mill.
Bayyasubbarao & Co., Oil
Factory, Gudivada.
3. N. Satyamrayan Rao Jag-
athapu Rao Dharmarajulu
& Co., Gudivada.

Jaggayyapeta . I, Sri Sitharamanjaneya

Groundnut Factory No. 2.
2. Venkataramana Rice Mill.
3, Sitharaghavanjaneya Rice
Groundnut OiJ Ginning
Factory, Jaggayyapeta.
4. Sit&ar.amanjaneya Rice
Glnn~ng Groundnut Oil
Mill, Contractors Co.,
Kondapdi . . I. Sri Govardhana Rice & Oil
2. Sri Laxmi Satyanarayana
Rice & Oil Mill.
Mudentpa@ . . Sri Satyanarayana Rice and
Groundnut Oil Mill.
Mylayapm . . Sri Sitharamanjaneya Rice Sc
Groundnut Oil Mill Con4
tractors, Mylayayam.
Nandigama . . I. Radhakrishna Rice Ginning
& Groundnut Factory.
2. Kanyakaparameswari Gin-
ning and Groundnut Fac-
tory Rice & Oil Wll.
Nuzvid . . Ellore
Groundnut Cake & Oil

Penuganchiprolu . R a n k r i b a n Rice, Ginning &:

Groundnut Factory.
Penugoknu . . Sri Gopalakrishna Rice & Oil
Perikidu . . Sri Satyanarayana Rice &
Groundnut Oil Mill Con-
tractor Co., Perikidu.
Poyakani . . Vasantha Soap Works, Ltd.
Rarnavarappadu . The Indian Hume Pipe Co.
2. Kowtha Steel Products,
Tirmru . . Sri Vijayalaxmi Vilas Rice
Groundnut & Oil Mill, Con-
tractors Co., Tiruvuru.
Vumr . . I. K.C.P.
Ltd., Confec-
2. Krishna Industrial Co a
ration ~ t c t , CO. 2
3. K.C.P. Distillery.
SEC. S(ii)J THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, 1885 9443'
I a 3 4 . 5
- - - - - - -*-
- I - - -
- r r Andhra Pradesh Kurnool . Allagadda . . I. Sri Laxmi Narasimha Gin-
ning& Shelling & Oil Mills.
Sri Rama Ginning Shelling
& Oil Mills.
3. Sri Kanyakaparameswari
Ginning & Oil Mills, ALla-
. , gadda.
Bethamcherla . I. The South India Mining
Co. Bethamcherla.
2. Sri Satyanarayana Oil
3. South India Minning Co.
4. Betha Oil Mills.
Chagal&ri . . I. Vasavi Shelling & Oil Fac-
2. Shri Kanyakaparameswari

. .
Oil Mill.
Cumbam I. SriRamalingeswara Ginning
Shelling & Oil Mills.
2. Raju Bros., Rice & Oil Mill,
Park Street, Cumbarn.
Dronachalam , I. Sri Venkataramana Swamy
Ginning Shelling & Oil
2. Sri Venkateswara Oil1 Mills,
3. Sri Krishna Oil Mills.
4. Sri Laxm~ Venkateswara-
swamy Oil Mills Co.,
5. Sri Venkateswara Swamy
Oil Mill Ginning Shelling
6. Sri Pathala Nageswaraswamy
Shelling & Oil Mills,
Kosgi . . Elluru Seshayya Shetty,
K. Nagappa & Co.
. Nandikotkur . . I. Medam Seshanna C4etty
Co., Ginning, Groundnut &
Oil Mill,Nandikotkur.
2. Sri Venkateswara Sri Dtvi
Ginning Shelling & OiP
3. Sri Laqinarayana inni in^
Shelllng& Oil Mills.
Nandyala . . I.
Sri Krishna Oil Mills.
Sri Visweswara Ginning
Shelling& Oil Mill.
3. Sri Ramallngeswara Gin-
ning Shelllng & Oil Mills.
4. Sri Sudhakar Oil Mill.
5. Sri Vivekananda Shelling
& Oil Mills.
6. Batchu Baliah Shelling. &
Oil Mills.
. Panyam Cement & Minerar
Industries, Panyam.
Pathikonda Vijayalaxmi Oil Mills.
Ulinda Konda . Sri Mallikharjuna Ginning
Shelling & Oil Mills.
X 2 3 4 5
Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Veldurthi . . I. Sri Vehkateswaraswr;my
Ginning Shelling & Oil Mill
2. Ramakrishna Ginning &
Oil Mill.
3. Sri Sitharamanjanepa Gir
ning factory & Oil MiU!
12 Do. Mahbubnagar . Gadwal Jadcherla . L. Kesav Rec'dy & Brcs. Oi
Mill, Parashvediswer Swam!
Oil Mill.
13 Do. Medak , Lingampalli . . Hyderatcd h'atiora~ I* <us
. . t r h
Hanumanbut; Sri Harjkisher
IZlce & 011 Mill, Sadasivpet,
q4 Do. Nalgonda . Bhongir . . I. Narsinji Rice 8i Oil
2. Sri Ram Bhagwandas
Mill, Bhongir.
Chilakurthi . Nagarjunasagar Left Ban1
Canal Workshop.
Miryalguda . . Sri yenkateswara Rice & Oi
Suryapet . . I. Siri Ramalingeswara Swmy
Oii Mill.
2. Sri Venugopalaswamy Oil
3. Venkateswarasn-zmy Rice
& Oil Mill.
4. Kanyakaparameswari Ricc,
Groundnut & Oil Mill.
75 Do. Nellore . Gudur . . I. Government Cerrrr,.c Fac-
2. The Government Block
Glass Works.
3. The Mlcanite & Mica Pro-
Kodarlur . . ducts Ltd., Gudur.
The Andhra Bone Meal &
Fertilizers 8r Glue Manufac-
Kowur . . turers.
Nellore T h e m 1 Station.
Rayavararn . . P. C . Venkata Subbiah Ma-
16 Do.. Nizamabad Bodhan . . chine Slate Factory.
I. Power Alcohol, Factory
2. Hyderabad Chemical &

Kamareddv- - . . Fertilizers Ltd.

Sri V~enkatestvara Rice &

.. ..
Oil Mill.
Moosra B. Sayareddy& CO.Moosra.
Nizamabad I. Shiv Narayan Ladhu Ram
Rice & Oil Mill.
2. Sri Krishna Rice 8: Oil Mill,
3. Shah Govardhanlal Gokul-
das Rice& Oil Mill.
4 , Indian HurnePipcCo.
5. Shah Pranlal Shantiral Dal
6. D.B. Laxrninarayan hiurli-
Dhar Oil Mill, Nizamabad.
7. M.Bansilal& Co.,Rice and
Turmeric Polishing Co.
r6 Do. D0. Tskrail
.. .. Government AIcohol Factory.
F. J. Italia & Co., Bikaji Dada-
bhai Rice & Oil Mill.
E 3 ) THE. GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 196bICHAITRA, 2, 1855 951

x 2 3 O 4 5

17 Andhra Pradesh Srikakulam . Amadalvalasa . I.2. Jamal Miiis.

Sri Venkata ~axrninaravana
Rice Mill, ~madalavalasi.
3. Sri Suryanarayana Rice
Groundnut & Oil Mill.
Donkinavalasa . Satyanarayara Maheswari,
Lessee of Radhakirshna Rice
& Groundnut Oil Mill.
~obbili . . Bobbili Oil Mills.
Chilakapalem . Mahalsxmi Vilas .Rite 8r
'Groundnut Oil Mill.
Chipurapalli . I. Asraf Rice & Groucdnut Oil
Mill, Chipurupalli.
2. .ChipurupalliRice& Ground-
nut Oil Mill. .
Donikinivalasa . I. Mangaram Agarwalz,
Lessees of Sri Sitharama
Groundnut & Oil Mill,
2. Gowrisankara Groundnut
& Oil Mill.
KOtalommali I. Sri Ramohana Rice 8;
Groundnut Oil Mill.
2. Sri Krishna Bhagvan Rice
& Groundnut & Oil Mill.
3. Sri Kanyakaparameswari
Rice & Groundnut 6r Oil
Kottapeta . . Sri Somesmara United Traders .
Lessee of Sri Krishna Rlce,
4 Groundnut & Oil Mill,
Naupada . I. Satyanarayava Salt Crush-
ing & Rice Hulling M111,
2. R. Prasad and P.K. Raja
Salt Crushing Mill, Naupada
Parvathipuram . I. Sri Laksbjnarayana Rice
L and Groundnut & Oil Mill.
2. Victory Rice & Groundnut
I Oil Mill.
Pondur . . I. Sri Jayalakzmi Flcur,
Groundnut & Oil Mill,
2. Satyanarayna Rice ' &
Groundnut Mill, Pondur.
3. Sri Krish \I 11,
4. Jamal Mills.
5. Mahabir Oil Mills,

Pondur , . Pondur.
6. Trinatha Oil Mill.
7. Bhaskara Rice and Oil Mills,
. 1
8. Sri Mahabir Oil M
Salur 1. Laxmi Flour & Groundnut
ExperUer Oil Mill, SaIur.
2. Kanyakaparameswari Rice
& Groundnut Oil Mill,
Salur. ;I
Sigadam ., o m a n & Co., Lessees oEShri
Gurappa Oil Mills, Siead~m
-- --
I 2 3 4 5

18 Andh ra pradesh Visakhapatnam Achuthapuram Sri Shivsankara Groundnut &

Oil Mill, Achuthapuram.
Anakapalli . . I. Vasavi Rice & Oil Mills,
2. Kanyaknparameswari Rice4
& Oil Mill, Anakapalli.
3. V.P.V. Ramarayya & Sons
Oil Mill, Anakapalli.
4. Sarvakamadamba Rice &
Groundnut Oil Mill,
5. Sri Durga Rice & Oil Mil,
6. Venkatasatyanarayana Rice
& Oil Mill, Anakapalli.
7. The Anakaqalli Match Co,.
Anakapalll - .
Anandapuram . I. Rythu & Co. Lessees of 4
Sri Kanyakapameswari &
Co., Decoticating Mill,
2. Sitharamanjeneya R i a &
Groundnut Oil Mill, Anand- 4
a m .
Bhimlipatnam , Bhimlipatnam Kalingapatnam
Jute Railing Co. Ltd.,
Komatijdi ..
East India Manure & Bone Mills.
Prodme Commercial Syndi
a t e Lessees of Sri s i t h a r d
Groundnut & Oil h4111,
KothavaJasa . . I. Sri Laxminarasimha R i e &
Oil Mill, Lankavanipalem.
z Varabalaxmi Narasimha
Rice groundnut and Flour
Mill No. 2, Kothavalasa.
3. Mahalaxmi Narasimha
Automatic Rice Groundnut
Expeller Oii Mill, Kothava-
q. Andhra T i e & Clay Works.
5. Rajendra Tile Works.
Kumpaicm . I. Sri Venkateswara Groundnut
Oil Mill, Kummariapalem.
LankavaripaM . Sri Laxminarasimha Rice & Oil
Mill, Lankavaripalern.
Pendurthi . . .
I. Sri Rama Rice & Oil Mill,
2. Title Production-cum-
Training Centre, Pendurthi.
. . Vempadu . . Sri Sitharama Title Works,
Warangal . Kazipet . .. T h e Indian Hume Pipe Co.
I. Peddy Narayana Rice & Oit
2. Jigdam Rajalingaiah Rice &
Oil h a l , Jangaon.
3. Nallanki Asareddy & Co.
Contractors of Sri Venkates-
war Rice & Oil Mill, Jangaon,
4. N. Narayana Oil
& Rice Mlll.
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITRA 2, is% 953
--- --

I 2 3 4 5

West Godavari Bhimadole . I. Dwarka Pottery Works,

2. Cornandal Ceramic CO.
3. Venkateswarao Ceramic
Factory, Bhimadole.
Bhimavaram National Cement Pipe Ltd.
Duggalur . . Sri Ganeswara Silk Fac tory,
Sri Laxmi Nageswara Rice Mill,
The Indian Hume Pipe Co.
Ltd., Kovvuru.
I. Sri Veera B' adr VI
Foundry, Nidadavolu.
2. Sri R adhakrishna Reinfor-
ced Cement Pipes & Eerro
Concrete Works,Nidadavolu.
3. Jayabharathi Spun Pipes,
4. M/s. Chemicals & CO.
Palkol I. The Bharat Spindle ape
Works, Palkol.
2. Manikyam Knittings.
3. Vasundhara Spindle Works.
Penugondi . I. Sri Pardhasaradhi Rice & Oil
Mill, Penugondia.
2. Sri Jayabharathi Cement
Works, Penugonda.
3. Sri Visweswara Industrid &
Engineering Works, Penu-
gonda . -
F?.llki .. Sir Laxmi Venketa Satya-
narayan Raw Boiled Rice &
Oil Mill. Pulla.
Tadepalligudern . I. ~avithruice Mill.
2. Sri Pardhasaradhi Rice 8r
Oil Mills, Tadepalligudem.
3. Sri Ramakrishna Light
Metal Corporation Ltd.,
4. General Purpose Engineer-
ing Workshop, Tadepallig u-
Ullamparri . Sri Mahalaxmi Boiled & Raw
Rice & Laxmi Oil Mill Uila-
Velpur Sri Ramalingeswara Ricc Mill,

[No. HI-61 141.~591

New Delhi, the 15th March 1963

S.O. 862.-In pursuance of section 16 of t h e Employees' State Insurance Act,

1948 (34 of 1948), t h e Central Government extends the t e r m of appointment of
Shri S. K, Chhibber, I.A.S., as Insurance Commissioner in the Employees, State
Insurance Corporation till t h e 7th January, 1963.
2. Shri S. K. Chhibber relinquished charge of the Office of the Insurance
Commissioner in:t h e Employees' State Insurance Corporation on the afternoon of
the 7th January, 1963.
954 T H E GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 23, 1963,'CHAn'RA 2, 1885 [PARTII-
-- ----
- --- - --
New Delhi, the 19th March 1963
S.O. 863.-In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (3) of sec-
tion 1 of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of i948), the Central
Government hereby appoints the 31st March, 1963, as the date on which the
provisions of Chapter IV (except sections 44 and 45 which have already been
brought into force), and Chapters V and VI [except subsection (1) of section
76 and sections 77, 78, 79 and 81 which have already been brought into force]
of the said Act shall come inta force in the following areas of the State of
Madras, namely: - I
I. The areas within the limits of revenue villages of:-
(a) Cheruvanki; (e) Chadukkarai;
(b) G u d i y a t h h ; (f) mEorapet;
(c) Pichanur: (g) Udayendram.
(d) Kendasamudram;
in Guidyatham bluk, North Anzot District.
11. The areas within the limits of the revenue villages of:-
(a) Kottaipatti;
(b) Allampatti; and
(c) K o o r a i h d u
in Virudhunagar Sub-Taluk, in Rarnanathapuram District.
m. The areas comprised within the revenue village of Soolaikarai in Arup-
p~&ottai taluk, in Ramanathapuram Dissjct.

S.O. 864.-In exercise of the powers conferred. by- sub-section (3) of sec-
tion 1 of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 19481, the Central
Government hereby appoints the 31st March, 1963, as the date on which the
provisions of Chapter IV (except sections 44 and 45 which have already been
brought into force), and Chapters V and VI [except sub-section (1) of section
76 hnd sections 77, 78, 79 and 81 which have already been brought into force]
of tke said Act shall come into force in the following areas of Gaya, Muzaffarpur
and Nokameh, in the State of Bihar, namely:-
I. Gaya: The areas .within the Municipal Limits of Gaya and the follow-
ing revenue vdages: -
Name of revenue Name of revenue No. of revenue
village thana thana
(a) Pihani Mofussil Gaya 251
(b) Abgilla Mofussil Gaya 314
(c) Gero Mofussil Gaya 252
11. Muzaffarpur: The areas within the Municipal limits of Muzaffarpur.
ITI. ,%fokameh: The areas within the limits of Mokameh Notified Area
Committee and the following revenue villages of:-
Kame of revenue Name of revenue KO. of revenue
village thana thana
(a) Murarpur Mokameh 24
(b) Dariapur Mokameh 23
(c) Dharampur Mokameh 22
(d) Hathid.Cn Mokameh 21
[NO. F. 13(21)/63-HL]
' . 0.P. TALWAB, Under Secy.
New Delhi, the 15th March 1963
S.O. 865.-Whereas the employers in relation to the Bombay Port -Trust
Bombay, and th'e Bombay Port Trust General Workers Union have jointly applied
to the Central Government for reference of an industrial dispute between them
to a Tribunal in respect of the matter set forth in the said application and reprlo-
duced- in the Schedule hereto annexed;
And whereas the Central Government is satisfied that the said Bombay Port
Tmst General Workers' Union represents a majority. of the workmen;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, (14 of 1947), the Central Govern-
ment hereby refers the said dispute for adjudication to the Industrial Tribunal,
Bombay constituted under section 7A of the said Act.

Whereas an industrial dispute exists between the Bombay Port Trust and its
workmen represented by the B.P.T. General Workers' Union and it is expedient
that the dispute specified in the enclosed statement should be referred for
adjudication by a Tribunal an application is hereby made under Section 10(2)
of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, that the said dispute should be referred to
a Tribunal. k
A statement giving the particulars required under rule 3 of the Industrial
Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957, is attached.
Dated. the 14th February, 1963
Signature of , Signature of the
Principal Officer
of the Corporation
Ptesident of the Aade
Union. ,
~ e c r e i a r Bombay
~, Port Trust. !. Sd./- '
General Secretary of
I I the Trade Union.
Statement required under rule 3 of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules
1957, to accompany the form of application prescribed under sub-section (2) o$
Section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947:-
(a) Parties to the dispute including the name and address of the establish-
ment or undertaking mvolved. I I

(1) The Trustees of the Port of sodbay, ' Port R u s t ~drninistrative

Offices, Ballard Road, Bombay-1. j
42) The Bombay Port Trust General Workers' Union, Kavarana ~ u i l d -
ing, 1st Floor, 26, Frere Road, Bombay-9.
((b) Specific matters in dispute-
Whether the non-scheduled staff of theiOil Pipe Line Section employed
at. ,the Marine Oil Terminal at Butcher Island and at the Trombay
Manifold should have joint seniority or separate seniority and, if
the former, whether they should beI rotated between Butcher Island
and Trombag Manifold. < ,I

Qc) Total number of workmen employediin the undertaking affected-

bout 26,000. i ]
f II

(d) Estimated number of worklnzn affected or likely to be affected

the disput*
About 200.
936 THE GAZETTE OF IXDI.4 : MARCH 23, 1963/CH-4ITRA 2, 1885 [PARTa-

(e) Efforts made by the parties themselves to adjust the dispute-

The parties have held discussions but have been unable to reach

President of the Trade Uniom.

Sd J-
Principal Officer of the Corporation General Secretary of the Trade
Secretary, Bombay Port Trust. Unioa
[No. 28/5/63/LRIV.l
New Delhi, the 16th March 1963
8.0. 866.-Whereas, the Central Government is %f opinion that an industrial
dikpute exists between the employers in relation to Messrs Jal C. Jamshedji and
Company, Bombay and their workmen in respect of the matter specified in t h e
Schedule hereto annexed;
And, whereas, the Central Government considers it desirable to r e f x the said
dispute for adjudication;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) of sub-section
( I ) of section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, lf-17 (14 of 1947). the Central
Government hereby refers the said dispute for adjudication to the Industria3
Tribunal, Bombay, constituted under section 7A of the said Act.

Whether the demand of workmen for payment of bonus for the accounting
years 1957-58, 1958-59, 1959-60 and 1960-61 is justified and if so, what
should be the quantum of bonus for each year?

New Delhi, the 18th March 1363

S.0. 867.-Wherzas, the Central Government is of opinion that an industrial

dispute exists between the employers in relation to the Hercules Insurance Com-
pany Limited, Madras and their workmen in respect of the matters specified in
the Sch2dule hereto annexed;
And, whereas. the Central Government considers it desirable to refer the said
dispute for adjudication;
No%-, therefore, in exercise of the owers conferred by section 7A and clause
(d) of sub-section (1) of Section 10 of t e Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947),
the Central Government hereby constitutes an Indua-trial Tribunal of which Shri
P. N. Iiarnaswami, shall be the Presiding Officer, . e t h headquarters at First LGe
Beach, Madras and refers the said dispute for adjudication to the said Industrial

(1) How far the demand of the workmen for revision of scales of pay and
rates of dearness allowance IS justified?
( 2 ) How . f a r the d m a n d of the workmen for Ilkralisation of the leave
facilities is justified?
( 3 ) How far the demand of the workmen for Lberalisation of the medical;
facilities is justified?
[NO. 70 ( 1)f 63-LR1V.f
New Delhi,the 16th March 1963
S.O. 868,The following draft of a Scheme further to amend the Calcutta
Unregistered Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Scheme, 1957, which the
Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-
section (1) of section 4 of the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act,
1948 (9 of 1948), is published as required by the said sub-section for the informa-
tion of all persons likely to be Sffected thereby, and notice is hereby given that
the said draft will be taken into consideration on or after the 20th April 1963.
Any objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with
m p e c t to the said draft before the date so specified will be taken into considera-
c on by the Central Government.
Draft Scheme
1. This Scheme may 6e called the Calcutta Unregistered Dock Workers Regu-
lation of Employment) Amendment Scheme, 1963. .
2. In the Calcutta Unregistered Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment)
.Scheme, 1957, in sub-clause (2) of clause 1 after item (c), the following item shall
be inserted, namely-
"(d) engaged in any class or description of dock work carried out in rela-
tion to any ship of the Indian Wavy."
[No. 529/26/63-Fac.]

New Delhi, the 113th March 1963

'S.O. 869.-The following draft of a Scheme further to amend the Bombay
Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Scheme, 1956, which the Central
Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section
(4) of section 4 of the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1948 (9
of 1948), is published as required by the said sub-section, for the information of
all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the
said draft will be taken into consideration on or after the 20th April, 1963.
2 Any objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with
respect to the said draft before the date so specified will be taken into consi-
deration by the Central Government.
DraTt Scheme
1. This Scheme may b? called the Bombay Doc& Workers (Regulation of
Employment) Amendment Scheme, 1963.
2. In the Bombay Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Scheme, 1956,
in clause 35, for the figure 'll', the figure '13' shall be substituted.

[No. 520/4/62-~ac.1
K., D. HAJELA, Under Secy.


Mew Delhi, the 13th March, 1963.
S.O. $70.-In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (2) of article 77 of
the Constitution, the President hereby , makes the following rules further to
amend the Authentication (Orders and other Instruments). Rules, 1958 (published
with the notification of the Government of India in the Mlnistry of Home Maws,
No. S.O. 2297, dated the 3rd November, 1958), namely:-
1. These rules may be called the Authentication (Orders and other Instru-
ments) Third Amendment Rules, 1963.
958 T H E GAZETTE OF INDIA. MARCH 23, 1963/CH.UTR.4 2, 1895 PA^ m-
- -- -- - -- -
2. In rule 2 of the Authentication (Orders and other instruments) Rules,
(1) for clause (i), the following clause shall be substiti-~ted,namely:-
"(i) in the case of Cer'tificates of .Competency issued [by the Ministry of
Transport and Communications (Department of Transport) J under
section 79(2) and section 449 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958,
by the Director General of Shipping, Bombal-; or";
(ii) ir clause (p), for the words 'Qepartment of Economic Afiairs", the
words "Department of Revenue" shaU be substituted.
:'Na F. 3/2/63-Pub. I.]
New DeEhi, the 16th March 1963
S.O. 871.-The Central Goyernment is pleased to notify that Nawabzada
Airriaduddin, second son of the ruler of Loharu has been nominated by the said
Ruler for the purpose of entry 2(b) of Schedule I annexed to the Ministry of Home
Affairs notification No. 15/13/59(V)-PIV., dated the 1.- J u a 1962 [GSR No. 991,
published in the Gazette of India, Part 11, section 3, Subsection Cii), dated the
28th July 19621.

K. CHAT'JXRJEE, Under Smy,

New Delhi, the 18th March 1963
S.O. 872.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-szction (1) of section 4
of the Inter-State Corporations Act, 1057 (38 of 1957), the Central Government
after consult~ng the Governments of the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra
approves with certain modifications the scheme forwarded by the Government d
Maharashtra relating to the reorganisation of the Adminktmtor General, Bombay
a Corporation established under the Administrator General's Act, 1913 ( 3 of 1913)
and functioning in parts of the States of Gujarat ar?d Ms-harashtra, and for tht
purpose of giving effect to the scheme so approved, the Central Governmen1
hereby makes the following Order, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.-(1) This Order may be called tht
Administrator General, Bombay (Reorganisation) Order, 1963.
(2) It shall come into force on 1st day of April 1963.
2. Definitions.-In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) "Act" means the Administrator General's Act, 1913 (3 of 1913),
(b) "Appointed day" means the date of commencement of this Order,
( c ) "existing Corporation" means the Administrator General, Bombay, r
Corporation sole, constituted under the Act and functioning am
operating immediately before the appointed day in the States o
Maharashtra and Gujarat,
(d) "new Corporation" means the Corporation constituted in respect of thr
State of Gujarat.
3. Reorganisation of the existing Corporation and Consti@tion of a new C o r p
ration.-As from the appointed day, the exlsting (3orporatlon.shall function u
respect of the Maharashtra State by the name W e Admmstrator General
Maharashtra State", and there shall be constituted by t h ~Government of Gujarat
a new Corporation in respect of the State of Gujarat by the name "the
Administrator General, Gujarat State".
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GA7.E'TTE OF INDIA :MARCH 23, IS~~S/CHAITRA2, :8S5 '-- 959
- -- .-
4. Transfer of administration of estates.-(1) The administration of all' estates
under the charge of the existing Corporation shall as from the appointed day-
(a) If the (state or a major portion 'of the jmmoveable properties therrof
is wholly situated in the State of Gujarat, be transferred to the ncMi
Corporation, and
(b) in any d h e r case, continue to be with the existing Corporation as
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-paragraph (I), the Central
Government may, on an application made within three years from the appointed
day by the Administrator General, Maharashtra State or, as the case may be, the
Administrator General, Gujarat State, or by any person beneficially interested
in any estate administered by either of the Corporations by virtue of sub-para-
graph (I), and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the persons interest-
ed in the estate to which the application relates, including the Admiriistrator
General who is administering the estate on the date of the application, direct
that the administration of the estate or any assets thereof shall be transferred
to the other Corporation and thereupon the other Corporation shall administer
such estate or assets as fully and effectually for the purposes of the Act, as if it
had been originally under its administration under the Act;
Provided that no such directions shall be issued unless the consent of tke
Corporation to which the Administration is to, be transferred, is obtained.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in ' sub-paragraph (I), each Corpom-
tion shall, at any tlme within three years fromithe appointed day allow the other
Corporation or a person authoris-d by it in writing in this behah to inspect any
record relating to an estate vesting in the former under this order and take such
extracts or copies therefrom as it deems fit.

5. Transfer of proceedings under sections 31 and 32 of the Act p e n d i i befork

the existing Corporation.-(1) All proceedings under sections 31 and 32 of the
Act pending before the existing Corporation immediately before the appointed
day shall, as from that day,-

(a) if they relate to assets situated in the State of Gujarat, stand t*ans-
ferred to the new Corporation,
(b) if they relate to assets situated in the state of Maharashtra, stand trans-
ferred to the Administrator General, Mahar~shtraState,
and the new Corporation or, as the case may be, the Administrator ~ e n e r d ,
Maharashtra State, shall deal with such proceedings according to law.
(2) Where any proceeding referred to in sub-paragraph (1) relates to assets
situated partly in the State of Maharashtra and partly in the State of Gujarat,
the Administrator General, Maharashtra State, shall deal with that part of the
proceeding which relates to the assets situated in the State of Maharashtra and
transfer that part of the proceeding which relates to the assets situated in the
State of Gujarat, to the new Corporation for disposal.

6. Division of Fees collected and expenditure incurred from 1st May, 1960 tSU
the appointed day.-The fees collected and the expenditure (including rental of
the office premises, stationery, printing charges, salaries, allowances, pension contril
butions, gratuities, etc.) incurred during the period Tetween 1st May, 1960 and
the appointed day, shall be divided between the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat
according t o the population ratio as defined in the Bombay Reorganisation Act,
1960 (11 of 1960).

7. Recovery of outstanding fees and dues.-The right to recover fees and other
dues recoverable under the Act immediately before the appointed day in respect
of any estate or asset which is vested in the new Corporation by paragraph 4
which is the subject matter of any proceeding transferred to the new Corporation
by or under paragraph 5, shall, if such fees and other dues are not recovered
before the said day, belong to the new Corporation. The right to recover the rest
Of the fees and dues recoverable under the act before: the said day shall belong .to
the Administrator General, Maharashtra State.
960 -1 HE G.IEETTE OF ISDIA :MARCH 23. 1953/CIIAITR;Z 2, 1885 [PART U-
- --- -- - - -
8. Division of assets and liabilities not relatable to any specific estate.-The
benefit cr burden of any cash balance, assets or liabilities of the existing Corpora-
tion immediately before the appointed day not specifically relatable exclusively to
an estate shall be divided between the Administrator General, Maharashtra State
and the Administrator General Gujarat State in the ratio of 66.31 to 33.69.
9. Other assets and liabilities.-The benefit or burden of any assets or 1iabiIities
of the existing Crrporation not dealt with in the foregoing provisions shall,-
(i) if they relate to any estate vested in the new Corporation by this order,
pass to the new Corporation.
( 5 ) in any other case, pass to the Administrator General, Maharashtra State.
10. 'Division of eerfain moneys held by the existing Corporation.-Where any
assets specified in sectlon 52 of the Act have been held by the existing Corporation
a t any time after the 30th of April, 1960, and immediately before the appointed
day, and are accordingly transferable to the account and credit of the Government
they shall be divided between the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat according
to the population ratio as defined in the Bombay Reorganisation Act, 1960 (11 d
Provided that if any amount in lieu of any part thereof is or becomes payable
to a claimant in accordance with section 53 of the Act the States of Moharashtra
and Gujarat shall c0ntribut.e towards the payment of "ihe amount in the same ratio.
11. Special Audit of accounts.-The accounts of the existing Corporation shall
be audited upto the day immediately preceding the appointed day by the person
and in the manner by whom and in which they could have been required to be
audited under section 44 of the Act, had this order not been made. The statement,
report and certificate relating to the audit shall be forwarded by the auditor to
each of the Government of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
12. Benefit of Insurance by Government.-Where the revenues of the Govern-
ment have before the appointed day, been insured as provided in sub-section (2)
of section 42 of the Act, the benefit of any such insurance shall be available to the
State concerned with the estate or assets in respect of whch the liability covered
by the insurance arises and if the liability is not relatable to any such estate or
assets the benefit shall be available to the State of Maharashtra.
13. Legal proceedings.-(1) Where immediately before the appointed day, t@e
existing Corporation is or is deemed. to be a pafty to any legal p r ~ e e d ~ n g?n s
respect of any estate, rights or l i a b ~ l ~ t ~
es m the new Corporat~onby thm
order, the new Corporation shall, as from that day, be deemed to be substituted
as a party to those proceedings or added as party thereto, as the case may require,
and the proceedlngs may cont~nueaccordingly.
(2) Where immediately before the appointed day, the existing Corporation is
or is deemed to be a party to any legal proceedlngs in respect of any properties,
rights or liabilities other than those referred to in sub-paragraph (I), the
Administrator General, Maharashtra State, shall, as from that day, deemed to
h substituted for the existing Corporation as a party to those procedngs or added
'as a party thereto, and the proceedings may continue accordmgly.
14. Provisions relating to the employees of the existing Corporation.-(1) All
officers and servants of the existing corporation holding office immediately before
the appointed day shall, as from that date, be d e ~ m e dto have been aLlotted to
serve under the Administrator General, Maharashtra State, on the same terms ari?i
conditions which were applicable to them immediately before that date. until
,they are duly varied by a competent authority under the Act.
15. Contracts.-Where before the appointed .day, the existing corporation has
made any contract whlch on that date is subsisting, that contract shall be deemed
to have been made:-
( a ) if the purposes of the cont.ract are as from the appointed day exclusively
relatable to the Administrator General, Gujarat State, by that
Administrator General, and
s any other case, by the Administrator General, Maharashtra State,
and accordingly, all Qghts and liabilities which have accrued or may
accrue under any such contract shall to the extent to which they
would have*been the rights and Lizbilities of the existing Corporation,
be the rights and liabilities of the Administrator General, Gujarat
State, or as the case may be, the Admrmtrator General, Maharashtra
3ec. 3(ii)] THE GrZZETTE 01: Ih'DIA :MARCH 23, lSGS/CHAITRA, 2, 1685 961
- --
16. Adaptations and modifications of the Act.-As from the appointed day, the
.act shall, until altered, repealed or amended by the competent Ieglslature have
effect subject to the allaptations and modifications specified in the Schedule hereto

(See paragraph 16)

The Administrator General's Act, 1913 (3 of 1913)

In sub-section (%I of section 3, in clause (d), for the words "Madras o r
Bombay", the words "Madras or Maharashtra" shall be substituted.
After section 59B, the following section shall be inserted, namely:-
"59C. Transitional Provisions about power of State Government to appoint
officers and servants under an Administrator General constituted on
account of reorganisation of a State-Where a separate Administrator
General is constituted for a State on account of the reorganisation
effected by the Bombay Reorganisation Act, 1960 (11 of f960), the
Government of that State may appoint officers and servants of
the Administrator General on such terms and conditions as it deems
fit until they are duly varied by a competent authority under this
Act." I

S.O. 873.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4

of the Inter-State Corporations Act, 1957 (38 of 19571, the Central Government,
after consulting the Governments of the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra, approves
with certaln modifications the scheme forwarded by the Government of Maharashtra
relating to the reorganisation of the Official Trustee. Bombay, a corporation estab-
lished under the Official Trustees Act 1913 (2 of 1913) and functioning in parts
.of the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra and for the purpose of giving effect
to the scheme so approved, the Central Government hereby makes the following
'Order, namely,-
1. Short title and commencement.-(1) This Order may be called the Official
Trustee, Bombay (Reorganisation) Order, 1963.
(2) It shall come into force on the 1st day of April 1963.
2. Definitions.-In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires,--
(a) "Act" means the Official Trustees Act, 1913 (2 of 1913);
(b) "appointed day" means the date of commencement of this Order.
'(c) "existing corporation" means the Official Trustee, Bombay, a corporation
sole, constituted under the Act and functioning and operating im-
mediately before the appointed day in the States of Maharashtra and
(d) "New corporation" means the corporation constituted in respect of t h e
State of Gujarat.
(e) "schedule" means a scheduie appended to this Order.

3. Reorganisation of the existing corporation and constitution of a new corpo-

ration for the Gnjarat State-As from the appointed day, the existing corporation
shall function in respect of the State of Maharashtra by the name "the Official
Trustee, Maharashtra State", and there shall be constituted by the Government
of Gujarat a new corporation in respect of the State of Gujarat by the name
"the Official Trustee. Gujarat State".
4. Vesting of Trust Properties.-(1) From and out of the properties vested in
the existing corporation immediately before the appointed day, the properties
subject to the trusts specified in Schedule I shall. as from the appointed day, vest
in the new corporation. The remaining properties shall continue to vest in the
existing corporation.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-paragraph (1) the Central Gov--

ernmer;t may, on an application made witinin a period of three years, by the Official.
Trustce, Xaharashtra State, or, as the case may be, the Official Trustee, Gujarat.
State, or by any person beneficially interested in any property vested in either
of the said corporations by sub-paragraph ( 1 ) or by any person in charge of the
management of such property, and after giving an opportunity of being heard to
the persons interested in the property to which the application relates including
the Official Trustee in whom the property vests on the date of application, direct
that the whole or any part of such property shall teas? to be vested in the
corporation in which it is vested by sub-paragraph (1) and be vested in the other
corporation; and thereupon it shall vest in that other corporation as fully and
effectuallv for the purposes of the Act. as if it had been originally vested in ir
under the Act:
Provided that no such directions, shall be issued unless the consent 02 the
corporation in which the property is to be vested is obtained.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-paragraph ( I ) , each ccrporation
shall, at any time within three years from the appointed day, allow the other
corporation or a person authorized by it in writing in this behalf to inspect a .
record relating to a trust vesting in the former under this order and to take such
extracts or copies therefrom as it deems fit.
5. Division of Fees collected and expenditure incurred from 1st May, 1960 tin
the appointed day.-The fees collected and the expenditure (including rental of
the office prernkes, stationery, printing charges, salaries, allowances, pension contri-
butions, gratuities, etc.) incurred during the period between 1st Mag, 1960 and
the appointed day, shall be divided between the States of Maharashtra and Gujarat
according to the population ratio as defined in the Bombay Reorgauisation Act,
1960 (11 of 1960).

6.. Recovery of outstanding fees and dues.--(1) The right to recover fees and
other dues recoverable under the Act immediateIy before the appointed day in
respect of any of the trusts and properties specified in Schedule I hereto annexed,
shall belong to the new corporation, and the right to recover all other fees and
dues recoverable under the Act immediately before the said day shall belong t@
the O,%cial Trustee, Maharashtra State.

(2) Where any property is vested in the new corporation or, as the case may
be, the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph
4. tho right to recover fees and other dues recoverable under the Act, in respect
of such property shall, as from the date of vesting, belong to the new corporation
or, as the case may be, the O a c ~ a lTrustee, Maharashtra State.
7. Division of assets and liabilities not relatable to any specific trust.--The
benefit or burden of any cash balance, assets or liabilities of the existing corpo-
ration immediately before the appointed day not specifically relatable exclusively
to a trust shall be divided between the Official Trustee. Maharashtra State and
the Official Trustee, Gujarat State, in the ratio of 66-31 to 33-69.
8. Dirision of certain moneys held by the existing corporation-Where any,
moneys specified in section 23 of the Act have been held by the existing corporation
at any 'lime after the 30th of April. 1960, and immediately before the appointed
day, and accorrfingly transferable to the account and credit of the Government,
they shall be divided between the States of Maharashtra ana Gujarat in the ratio
of 66.31 to 33.69:
Provided that if any amount thereof is or becomes payable to a claimant in
accordance with .section 24 of the Act, the States of MaharasfLfra and Gujarat
shall contribute towards the payment of the amount in the same ratio.
9. Other assets and liabilities.--The benefit or burden of any assets or liabilities
of the existing corporation not dealt with in the foregoing provisions shall-
(i) if they relate to any trust specified in Schedule I, pass t o the new
(ii) in any other case, pass tb the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State.
.SEC. 3(ii)j THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MARCH 23, lYby/Lnnli- L, roo2 Y 03.
-..-- - - - -
10. Special audit of accounts.-The accounts of the existing corporation shall
be audited upto the day immediakly preceding the appointed day by the person
and in the manner by whom and in which they could have been required to be.
audited under section 19 of the Act, had this Order not been made. The statement,
report and certificate relating to the audit shall be forwarded by the auditor tob
each of the Governments of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

11. Benefit of Insurance by Government.-Where the revenues of the Govern-.

ment have been insured as provided in sub-section (2) of section 17 of the A d ,
the b~nefitof any such insurance shall be available to the State concern* with.:
the trust in respect of which the liability covered by the insurance arises and if
the liability is not relatable to any trust the benefit shall be available to the State-
of Maharashtra.

12. Provisions relating to employees of existing corporation.-All officers and4

servants of the existing corporation holding office immediately before the appointed,
day shall, as from that date, be deemed to have been allotted to serve under the.
OWial Trustee, Maharashtra State, on the same terms and conditions which were
applicable to them immediately before that date, until they are duly varied by:
a campetent authority under the Act.

13. Legal proceedings.-(I) Where immediately before the appointed day t h e

existing corporation is or is deemed to be a party to any legal proceedings in:
respect of any properties, rights or liabilities vested in the new corporatibn by-
this scheme, the new corporation shall, as from that day, be deemed to be substi-
tuted for the existing corporation as a party to those proceedings or added as a.
,party thereto, as the case may require, and the proceedings may continue. accord-.

(2) Where immediately before the appointed day, the existing corporatibn i$ or.
is deemed to be a party to any legal proceedings in respect of any properties, rights:
or liabilities other than those referred to in sub-paragraph (I), the OEcial Trustee,
Maharashtra State, shall, as from that day, be deemed to be substituted for t h e
existing corporation as a party to those proceedings or added as a party thereto,
as the case may require, and the proceedings may continue accordingly:

Provided that where, after the appointed day, any property is vested in the
new corporation or, as the case may be, the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State,
under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 4, the new Corporation or; as the case
may be. the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, in whom the property is so
vested shall, as from the date of vesting, be deemed to be substituted as a partg
to any legal proceeding in respect of such property or added as a party thereto,
as the case may require, and the proceedings may continue accordibgly.

14. Contracts.-Where
before the appointed day, the existing corporation has
made any contract which on that date is subsisting, that contract shall be deemed4
to h?ve been made:-
(a) if the purposes of the contract are as from the appointed day exclusively.
relatable to the Official Trustee, Gujarat State, by that Official Trustee;
(b) in any other case, by the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, and
accordingly all rights and liabilities'which have accrued, or may accrue u ~ d e ra n y
such contract shall, to the extent to which they would have Been the rights and
liabilities of thp existing corporation, be the rights and liabilities of the OfFicie
Trustee, Gujarat State, o r as the case may be, the Official Trustee,' Maharashtra

15. Adaptations and modifications of the Act.-As from the appointed day,
the Act shall, until altered repealed or amended by the competent leffislaturer
have effect subject to the adaptations and modifications specified in Schedule 11.
,964 THE G-XZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 23, 1963/CHAXTRA 2, 1885 [PART11-

Face value
per share/
Name of tlx Trust List of shares and securities. Fac value
of securities
I 2 3

(I) Petlad Education Trust . . 3% Con. Loan 1946 . 10,200
31% Loan 1896-97 64,500
Post Office 12 Years ~ a t i o & lPI&I
Savings Certificates . . 20,000
Post Office 12 Years hiatioml Sa-
vings Certificates . . . 5>Oo0

(2) Bai Premkore Karsondas Lax-

midas Accounts I and 11
3% Conversion Loan 1946 . . 20,200
3% Conversion Loan 1946 . 24,000

.{3) Ghelabhai Cherities . 150 Ordinary shares Imperial Toba-

cco Company of India Limited . 10
25 Pref. shares Indian Iron and Steel
Company Limited . 100
28 Pref. shares Jonson xi&!&
(India) Ltd. 100
20 Ordinary shares ~ n i b n &id;
India Limited . . 10
20 Pref. shares standard Vaetlum
Refinery Co. India Limited
(ESSO) . . . . 100

.(3A) Ghelani Chsritabfe Trust Ac- 8 Ordinary shares Union Carbide

a u n t Reserve Fuad India Limited . . .
(4) Khushal Maneckchand Charities 3% Conversion Loan 1946 .
6 ) Lilabai Ratanwy .%ghji Cha- 3% Conversion Loan 1946 . .
4% Bombay Port Trust Lo= .
44% Industrial Finance Comw
. of India 1967 . . .
(6) Ramabai aliaJ Kesatrai, widow 3% Conversion Loan 1946
of T. K. Haridatas . . 4% Bombay Government loan 1% .
4% Bombay Government L m 1967
4% Loan1972 . , .
(7) Vallabdas Ookerdas . . 3% Conversion Loan 1946 .
18) N a t h a n Home, S m t I Main 4% Bombay Port Trust Loan . .
4% Bombay Govt. Loan 1967 .
4v0 Bombay Municipal Loan .
3f % Bombay Municipal Loan 1977 .
- Surat Borough Municipal Loan
1977 - . . - .
3% Conversion Loan 1946
3% Loan 1963-65 .
4% Bombay Government Loan 1964 .
34% National Plan Bonds 1965 ( s c a d
Issue) . . .
4% Loan I972
. . .
40 Associated Cement Companies Limi-
ted . . . .
8 Shares Asspciared Cement Compa-
nies Limited fully paid Bonus .
SEC. 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDL.\:MARCH 23, 1 9 6 3 / C H A Y l ~ Z, JW3 gt)~
- -
I 2 3

3 Shares Bombay Burma Trading
Corporation Limited Party paid . 125
14 Shares Buckingham and Carnatic
Company Limited Ordinary fully
paid . .. 100.
14 Shares Buckingham and Carnatic
Company Limited Ordinary 'fully
pald . . . 100.
I Central India Spg. and Mfg. Com-
pany Limited Ordinary 100.
10 Central India Spg. & Mfg. Company
Limited Ordinary Prof. . 50@
33 Coimbatore Spg. & Mfg. Co. Limi-
ted 100.
66 Coimbatore Spg. ~ f ~ o~. ' ~ :i r n i :
ted 50.
10 Nukumchand Jute Mills Ltd., ;. 100-
10 Karachi Elec. S. Corpn. Ltd. * . 100.
zoo Madras Elec. Tramways (1904) Ltd. E
Pref. I
Rs .
Mc. Dowell & Co. Ltd., Pref.
20 . 100
5 New Great Eastern Spg. & Wg.
Co. Ld., Pref. . 200.
I Premier Construction Co. Ltd., Pref IOQ
15 Tata Chemicals Ltd., Ordinary 10
10 Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., 1st Pref. 150
5 Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd., m d Pref. 100
10' Union Bank of India Ltd. 5
(9) Nariman Home Surat A/C 11 4% 1 Bombqy Municipal Debentures 1974 500
Sinking Fund. 4% Bombay Municipal Debentures 1g14/
I974 500.
4% Loan 1980 . 1,600
31% Loan 1966-68 1,700
31% Conversion Loan 1946 ' 10,600
3 0/ National Plan Bonds 1965 . 1,700
3 i { National Plan Loan 1964 . 1,200
4f % Bombay State Loan 1969 . 1,000
4&% Bombay State Loan 1971 . 1,400
41% BombayStateLoan1972 . 1,000
(10) Haridas Vasonji . 3% Conversion Loan 1946 . . 5,300
4% Bombay Govt. Loan 1964 700
(I I ) Karosoridas Nanji Charities . i3y/o Conversion Loan 1946 . .
(12) R. K. Nariman A/C Charity . 4 % Loan 1980
!341% Conversion Loan 1946
. . ' . .
3% Loan 1896-97
j3&% Ten Year Treasury Deposit Cert.
I 41% Bombay State Dev. Loan 1967 .
32% Loan I974
4'% Loan 1972 .
41% Bombay I970
44 % Bombay 1971 . .
44% Bombay Government Loan 1969 .
491% West Bengal Govt. Loan 1974 .
4 Andhra Valley Power S. Co. Lt. Ordy.
2 Andhra Valley Power S. Co. Ltd.,
New Issue . 1,000.
IOO Bank of Montreal -Do.- . $ IO-
--- -. --- ----A-
-- -- -- -

33 Parry's Confectionery Ltd. (Mlott-
75 Parry's co~fectioniryLtd. .
. .. I
ce,fullypaid . . . .
50 Canadian Imperial Bank of Cormer-
IOO Champaran Sugar Co. Ltd., fully
paid 10
10 Central ~ a n kof' 1nka ~ ; d . '
100 The East India Distilleries and Su-
gar Factories Ltd., Pref.
75 The Esst India Distillrries & Su-
gar Factories Ltd. ' B' Shares .
18 The East India Distilleries & Sugar
Factories Ltd. Ordinary
100 Hattikhira Tea Co. Ltd., fully paid
40 Hattlhira Tea CO.Ltd., New .
100 Vulcan Insurance Co. L:d.,
20 Tata Oil Mills Ltd., 43 Prcf.
loo Indian Steel Rolling Mills Ltd.,
Pref. . - I0
4 Harinagar Sugar kiilis ~ t d . Ordy.
, ' I00
117 National Provincial Bank Ltd. . E.
16 -(Allotted)fullypaid . . . I
roo Mysore Paper Mills Ltd. . . I0
zoo Sutna Stone & Lime CO. Ltd.
Ordinary .
360 Sutna Stone & ~ i m ;CO.~ t d '.
20 Associafed Cement Co. Ltd.,
Ordlnary .
4 Associated Cement Cos. Ltd.
3 South ~rcot'~1ect;icitv
CO. Ltd., E uity
Union ~ a n k India ~ t d . ~ q k t y
Tata Iron & Steel CO.Ltd. 1st Pief. .
Tata Power CO. Ltd., Ordinary -
Tata Power CO.Ltd. New Issue .
Dunloo Rubber Co. (India) Ltd.
5% Debr. . . .
Royal Bank of Canada Ltd. .
4 Calcurta ~lectricSupply Corporation
Ltd., 5% Debr. .
IOO New Savan Sugar & Gur Refining CO.
Ltd., fully pald .
15 Tata Locomotive & Engineering
Co. Ltd., 51% Debentures
255 The Chartered Bank Ltd.,
Ordinary . I
25 The Chartered Bank ~ t d(~liottedj
. I

5 Indian Cements Ltd. Cum. Pref. . 100
zoo Legal & General Assurance Society
Ltd., (Life Policy) 5
25 Parry's Confectionary Ltd.
(Allotted) . . . . I

n3. R. K.' Nariman A/C. 11 . 50 Air Services of India Ltd., (In volun-
rary Liquidation) N. Ordy. Rs. 10
5 ,Andhra Valley Power Supply Co.,
Ltd.: Original Ordinary Rs. I,W
2 Do. New Ordinary . Ks. It-
39 Associated Cement Cays. Ltd.,
Ordinary . . . Rs. la)
8 Do. Bonus Ordy. Rs. 100
83 Balanoer Tea & Rubber CO. Ltd.
Preference . . . . Rs.
33 Do. Ordinary
I7 Do. Ordinary (Bonus)
10 Bank of India Ltd . . . . Rs.
2 Do. <A' .
100 Bank of Montreal
.. .
. .
. Rs.
Rs. 10
100 Bokaro & Ramgur Ltd. Rs. 8
I Bombay Cotton Mfg. Co. Ltd. . Rs. 500
I Do. New Issue . .Rs. 500
25 Bombay Industrial Mill Co. ~ ; d . Rs. 5
3 Bombay Uganda CO.Ltd. Rs. 100
40 Bombay Dyeing& Mg. Co. Ltd. . R
134 Britania,Engineering CO.Ltd. . Rs. 10
30 Buckin.gham and Carnatic Co. Ltd. . Rs. 100
150 Canadlan Bank of Commerce Rs. ' 10
25 Carew & Co. Ltd. Rs. 10
16 Central India Spg. Wvg. & Mfg.
5% Pref. . Rs. 500,
265 Chmparun Sugar Co. Ltd. Ordy. . Rs. 10
140 Deccan Suyar and Abkhari Co. Ltd.
New Shares . . . . Rs. 5
too EastIndia Distilleries & Sugar Fac-
torles Ltd. . . Sh. 16
302 DO. 'B' shares E. I
. 297 Do. New 'B' Shares .
149 DO. Ordinary
15 Harinagar Sugar Mills CO.Ltd.,
Ordinary . Rs. ICO
IOO India Steel Rolling Mills Ltd.,
Ordinary . Rs. 10
5 Indore Malwa United ~ i i l ~s t d . .' Rs. 100
4 Kohinoor Mills Ltd. Rs. IOO
4 DO. New .
300 Legal& General Assurance Society
. Rs. ,100

Ltd., Sh. 5
90 Marshall & sons ~ t d drdy.
. ' Rs. 2
50 Masseys (1930) & Sons Ltd.
(In Liquidation) Pref. Rs. 10
100 Mettur Chemical Industrial Corpo-
ration. Ordinary . Rs. I0
250 Do. Preference Ps. I00
5 Model Mills Nagpur . Rs. 250
250 Mysore Chemical & ~erklisers
100 Mysore rape; ~ i i l Co.
s Ltd.
. .. Rs. I0
Rs. 10
20 Mysore Sugar Co. Ltd. Rs. I0
75 Nathsing Oil Co. Ltd., Rs. I0
I4 New Victoria Mills Co. Ltd. Pref. . Rs. 5
50 New Victoria Mills Co. Ltd. Defd. Rs. I
14 DO. Pref.
50 Royal Bank of Canada
. .# . Rs. 218
10 R~yalBankofCanada New . Rs; I 10
Rs. 10,
968 ' T H E GAZETTE OF INDL4 :MARCH 23, 1963/CHAITR.A 2, 1885 [PARTXI-

5 Indian Hume Pine Co. Ltd.

" 5% Cum Pref. r . Rs. IOO
191 South Madras aectricik supply '
Corpqrtion Ltd. 1st Pref. Rs. 101

150 -no. Ordinary Rs. TO.

1SO DO. 2nd Pref. RS 10.
100 Seaguli Tea Co. Ltd. Rs. I*

50 Messeqs (1930) and Sons Ltd. (In

Liquidation) Ordy. Rs. re
I Standard Vaccum Refinining CO.df
IndiaLtd. 5% Debentures . Rs. 5900s.
10 South India Leather CO. Ltd., Ordy. Rs. ro.
~ z oTata Mills Ltd. Ordy. . Rs. ro
8 Do s?& Debentures . Rs. 1,000
12 Tata Oil Mills Ltd. Ordv. Rs. 25
25 Do. Pref. . . Rs. IW.
92 Tropical Plantatim Ltd. Rs. 25:
403 United Premier Oil and Coke C0.
Ltd.. Pref. . . . Sh. 5
Sh. 5-
240 0rdy. . Sh. 5
32 Tata Chemicals Ltf. Rs. 10.
Belapur Co. Ltd. Rs. 50,
Calcutta Electric Supply ~ o i p o r a t k
51% Re. Djb. Stwk (1930) . Rs. 1,000~
7 South Arcot Electricity CO. b d . ,
Equity Rs. 50
26 Tata Iron & steci Co. ~ t d '
1st Pref. Rs. r5o
12 Do. Ordy. Rs. 75
2 Do. Ordy. Rs. 75
2 Tata Power Co. Ltd. New Ordy. . Rs. 1,m.
599 Parrys Confectionary Ltd.
Ordy. Full paid . Re. I
16 Balanoor Tea and Rubber Co. ~ t d '.
Ordy. Fully Paid Rs. ~o
466 Parry's Confectionary Ltd.
(Allotted) . . Re. I

Sterlitzg S s d i e s
3)P/o Govenrment of Commonwealth of
Australia 1965-69 . . . 44m
Rupees Securities
3% Loan 1896-97 . Rs.
4% Bombay ~ u n i c p a~l o a n Rs.
34% DO. 1979 - . Rs.
3% Loan 1970-75 . , Ks.
3% Con. Loan 1946 . . Rs.
4 % Bombay State Dev. Loan 1967 . Rs.
34% Loan 1974 , Rs.
4% Loan 1972 . Rs.
4$% Loan 1969 (~ornba;) . . Rs.
4f% Bombay Loan 1971 . Rs.
4f% Maharashtra 1972 . Rs.
14. Viji Madanji Charities . 4% Loan xg80 . Rs. 11,900
(A/c A. B.C.D.) 4% Loan 1980 . - . Rs. 900
4% Loan 1980 . Rs. 6,goo
4% Loan 1980 . . Rs. 400
IS. Dhanji Vithaldas , . . 3% Conversion Loan 1946 . Rs. 200
3% Loan 1966-68 . - Rs. 20,900
I 2 3

16. Daulatram Jivanram . 4% Ten Year Treasury Savings

Deposit. Cerrificates . 12,000
17. Erach Framroz Shroff 3% C. M. .Loan 1946
18. Khatijabai Y.A. Khumri A/c. 3% Conversion Loan 1946
19. Khatijabai Y.A. Khumri A/c. 3% Conversion Loan I946
20. Ldshnnkar Ambslal Mshta . 3% Cmversion Loan 1946 .
21. Limbajirao Dattajirao Gaikwad 30 The Tata Hydro Electric Power
Supply Co. Ltd. Pref. .
25 The Tata Iron and Steel Co. ~ t d . , '
1st Pref. .
25 The Tata Iron and steel CO.' ~ t d . ;
and Pref. . .
, I The Tata Power Co. ~ t d . ,~re'f. .*
2 The Tata Power Co. Ltd. Ordy. .
39% National Plan Bonds 1965
(2nd series) .
P.O. 12 year National ~avingsicerti-
22. Motiram Sakalchand 3% Conversion Loan ;946 '
10 Bombay Burmah Trading Corpora-
tion Ltd. fully paid .
' 23. Maganlal Dayaram . . 3% Conversion Loan 1946
24.' Mongibai ~ h a ~ w a n d a sA/c. 3% Loan 1970-75 ., .
No. I 4% Loan 1972 .
25. Mangibai Bhagwandas ] 3% Loan 1963-65
A/c. I1 3% Loan 1970-75
26. Mary and Jerbanoo K. Nariman 150 Air Services of India Ltd.-Ordy. .
24 Ahhedabad Advance Mills Limited.
5 Ahmedabad ~ d v a n c eM ~ L&itei
6 Amco ~ i m i t i d . P;ef. '
97 Ahmedabad Electric Co. ~ & i t e d '

g Andhra vallky pdwer suppiy Cd.
Limited. Ordy.
I Andhra Valley Power S U ~CO.' ~ ] ~
Ltd., New Ordy. .
10 Amratanjan Co. Ltd.
28 Associated Cement Cos. ~ i m i t e d
I Baroda steel; ~ t d : Pref. '
5 Bank of India Ltd.-Ordy. A. .
I Bank of India Ltd. Ordy.
133 Bareilly E. Supply Co. Ltd.--Ordy. .
50 Bareilly E. Supply Co. Ltd., 44%
Mortgage Deb. - .
10 Bombay Burmah ~ r a d i h gCorpora-
tion Ltd., Fully Paid
80 Bombay Dyeingand Mfg. Co. Ltd.
20 Bradbury Mills Ltd. Pref. .
I Burmah Shell ~ e f & e r i e
. ..
37 Buckingham and Carnatic Co. Ltd.,
Debentures .

400 Camnpur Textiles Ltd. ,-Ordy. .

150 Central Bank of India Limited-
30 Central ~ a n k ' o 1f n h i 8 - i or&. ;
6 Central India Spinning Wcaving and
manufacturing Co. L r d , -Pref
30 Central Provinces Rly. Co. Ltd.,-kd
zoo Champara Sugar Co. Ltd.--0rdy. .
30 Cochin Malabar Eaazes Ltd.-Pref.
1395 Cochin Malabar Estates Ltd.-
Ordinary '
44 Colaba Land & Mills k t d . ,
5 Calcutta E.S. ~ o r p o n t i mGI. ~ t d :
2265 Deccan Sugar & ' ~ k b k i
- 4 r d y . fully paid . Cd.. .
150 East India DjsrilIerin and Sugar
Factories Ltd.-A shuares ., 16
227 Do. B S h s . . El
56 Do. BShts . . E1
20 Harinagar Sugar Mills Co. Ltd.-
Ordy. .
30 Hukumchand ~ u t~ei l l s ' C o ~td.-'
1000 Jeram Kuntm ~ k a y ia~ . - b r d i .

397 Indian Iron and Steel Co. Ltd-

. . . .
. ..
1[ 2
DO.-S% cum Pref.
British India Corporation Ltd.
Pref. . . -
Indian standard Wagon Co.~td.:

Pref. . . . .
Indian Wood ~ r o d u c t s ' ~ oLtd.-
Ordy. . . . . I0
100 India Paper Pulp CO. Ltd.--0rdy.. I0
goo Indian Copper Corporation L t d
. .
. Sh. 2
Rs. 100
15 India Cements Ltd.-Prtf.
40 Investment Corporation of India
Ltd.-Ordy. . . . .
30 Model Mills, Nagpur-4rdy.
160 Myeore Stone Water and
Potteries Ltd. . . . .
zo N-w Great Eastern Spinning rmd
W:aving Co. Ltd.-Ordy. . .
135 New India Assurance CO. Ltd. .
45 New India Assurance Co. Ltd-
Ordy. A . .
256 New Victoria Mills Co. i d - - b r d y :
86 Do. PreL
36 Phenix Mills Limited . . .
60 Port Canning & Laxd I m p m e n t
Col. Ltd. . . . . .
102 .
Rnllies (Ihdia) Ltd.-6% cum P r d
2x1 Ryam Sugar CO.Ltd.-Prtf
420 Scindia Steam NavigationCo. Ltd.,
-0rdy. . .
12 Shahdara (Dtlhi) Shararipur ~ i g h ;
Railway Co. Ltd. . . .
Spencer & Co., Ltd.-84% B.

Swadeshi ~ i l l s &.,
. . .
S(ii)] THE GAZET):E OF IEID1A:MARCH 23, l S B / C n A m 2, Im 971

I 2 3

go Tata Chemicals-Pref. 100
44 Do. . Ordy. . . . 10
5 Do. Deb. 1,-
28 Tata Iron & Steel Co. ~td-0rdy: 75
1st Pref.
2nd Pref . .. . 150
6 Tata Power Co. Ltd.-Pref . I ,m
8 Do. -0rdy. . . I,m
-7 Do. Deb
14 Tata Locomotive Engineering CO.
. . .
Limited-5% Deb. . . 1,OOo
10 Tata Mills Ltd.-5 % Deb. . f,m
120 Do. Ordy. 25
15 Triton Insurance Co. Ltd. . 100
6 Titaghar Paper Mills Co. Ltd., Pref.
-0rdy. .
1210 Union Bank of ~ n d i al t d .
. 100
42 Brown and Co. Ltd-Ordy. 8
4 Associated Bearing Co. ~ l m i t c d
. . . 100
3% Loan Securities 1896-97 . 10,000
34% National Plan Bonds 1965 . . 3,500
3) % Loan 1974 (Stock) . 2,500
4% Bombay Govt. Loan 1967 (Stock)
3% Conversion Loan 1946 (Stock)
3 % National Plan Loan, 1964 (Stock) .
3 % Bombay Municipal Debentures 1977
4% Bombay Port Trust Loan (Stock) ..
4 ,

4 % Bombay Municipal Debentures 5,m

34% Ten year Treasury Savings Deposit
Certificate .
. . . 500
4% Bombay Government Loan 1970 .. 2,700
49% West Bengal Loan 1974
5 % Chinese Government Loan 1912
. . 6,900
(Sterling) . . . . L400
s7. Nanabhai Nagindm . . 3% Conversion Loan 1946 . . . 25,000
28. Prabodhchandra, J. Shah . 3% Conversion Loan 1946 . . . ' 23,200
4% Loan 1980 . . . 24,300
29. Palany CharitableTrust .. 4% Loan 1980 . . . . . 58,800
30. Palany Charitable Trust A/c . 3% Conversion Loan 1946 . . . 33,900
. . . .
Post Office 12-year National Savings
Certificates 930
3 I. Syed Mohamed Gapasuddin . 4% Bombay Port Trust Debenture 1905
No. go2 . . . . .
. . . .
4%Loan1gSo. 7,500
- ---

(See paragraph 15)
The Official Tnrstec~Act, 1913 (2 of 1913)
In sub-section (2) of Section 4, in clause (d), the words " Madras or Bombay", the words
'"Madras or Maharashtra" shall be substtituted.
[No. F.8/1o/61-SR(R).]
P.N: KAUL, Dy. Secy.

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