2013.03.11 Ssi2000 2010 HD

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Industrial Ring Road Bangkok, 2008

VSL a worldwide network established to address local needs while spans and cable lengths calls for faster
From concept to site works, the VSL network of ensuring a high common standard throughout erection cycles and increases the dynamic
locally operating units adds value throughout the company network. demands on the stay cables. VSLs lightweight
all stages of a project by providing fully- erection equipment, compact strand bundle
customised solutions, developed and VSL recognises that its employees are the key solutions and its highly-efficient and reliable
implemented by highly-trained and experienced to competitiveness, efficiency and safe working damping systems lead the way in meeting
staff working in close partnership with clients. practices. The company is committed to todays needs.
Customers have access to a local partner, Safety First and strives for Zero Accident
while benefiting from global resources, know- by motivating and empowering its employees Its vast experience led VSL to launch the
how and expertise as well as VSLs continuing to act responsibly in order to achieve these goals. SSI 2000 system, which has been installed
development of specialist construction very successfully on more than 100 projects in
techniques. VSL a specialist recent years. VSLs latest developments extend
stay cable contractor the SSI 2000 range to provide even greater
VSL a commitment to quality, As leader in stay cable technology, VSL offers flexibility for a multitude of applications, while
safety and sustainable development the solutions to tackle todays challenges in maintaining the systems proven outstanding
VSL pursues a strong quality, safety and cable-stayed construction and develops the performance. VSLs portfolio is now well over
sustainable development policy in keeping with next-generation systems in close collaboration 150 cable-stayed bridges.
its leading position as a specialist contractor. with its clients. The recent boom in cable-
Proactive management systems have been stayed bridges with considerably increased

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Designed to last
VSL Stay cables have a design life of 100 years even in the most
aggressive environments. Elements are fully replaceable without
requiring modifications to the structure. All the materials used have
been carefully selected and all components have been detailed to meet
the highest durability criteria. In addition, the modular nature of the
VSL SSI 2000 Stay cable system helps reduce the environmental impact
of maintenance operations by minimising the amount of waste generated
when parts have to be replaced during the structures life cycle.

New VSL developments Modern engineering to

in stay cable technology stringent standards
SSI Saddle, a patented design facilitating Designers, owners and authorities are
simplified pylon layouts resulting in enhanced demanding:
bridge aesthetics and increased structural Increased long-term performance of stay
efficiency cables, tensile members and anchorages;
SSI 2000-C, a compact stay cable system with leak-tightness of the anchorage assembly;
reduced cable diameter and therefore reduced easy inspection and maintenance; the
wind drag capability to replace cables with minimal
interruption to bridge traffic; and reliable
SSI 2000-D, a stay cable protected against control of cable vibrations
corrosion by dehumidification techniques - a Minimal wind drag for long spans
patented solution offering the smallest cable
diameters available in strand technology and Outstanding static and fatigue behaviour,
minimising wind drag while fully maintaining the validated by performance testing
advantages of strand-by-strand replacement Incorporation of damping systems at the time
of installation or as part of dynamic retrofitting
A choice of two damping systems to control
cable vibrations efficiently, adapted to the Improved aesthetics by using compact
characteristics of the structure anchorages, saddles and coloured cables
Uddevalla Bridge Sweden, 1998
First VSL Friction damper
Main contractors seek:
Simple interfaces between deck erection and
Masang Xi Bridge
China, 2001
stay cable installation with a reduced number
First application of the of activities on the critical path
VSL SSI 2000 system Lightweight installation equipment,
facilitating a flexible erection schedule that
separates deck and pylon construction from
the stay cable erection works and minimises
the crane time required

Owners benefit from:

La Unidad Bridge Mexico, 2003 Enhanced durability
Full scope of bridge construction.
Substantial savings on maintenance

The VSL SSI 2000 Stay cable system is designed

to meet the requirements and applicable
specifications issued by fib (International
Federation for Structural Concrete), PTI (Post-
Tensioning Institute) and CIP (Commission
Interministrielle de la Prcontrainte).

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Compact anchorage Several complementary barriers
Fully prefabricated including its
For complete water tightness of the anchorage
corrosion protection in controlled factory

d) anchorage
Adjustable (or fixed en

Anchorage protection cap

with flexible gel filler Replaceable strand system
Strands encapsulated by a in a durable stay pipe Individual encapsulation
polymerised and bonded filler, Sheathed, greased or waxed strands with and deviation
achieving reliable corrosion protection optional galvanization, protected in an Each strand is individually protected
while allowing access for inspection if HDPE pipe with proven ageing performance. with a multi-layer barrier system inside
necessary Each strand can be individually monitored, a leak-tight anchorage assembly and
inspected and replaced is separately guided to filter bending
High fatigue resistance stresses at the anchorage entrance
Demonstrated in fatigue tests in accordance
with fib and PTI requirements under
combined tensile and bending action

The SSI 2000 Stay cable system is based on VSLs proven strand technologies
The SSI 2000 wedge anchorages and its tensile anchorage from the cable axis. A tension ring within the protective outer stay pipe. The protection
members as well as its protective system meet or a guide deviator can be used to bundle the is maintained in the anchorage assembly by a
the most stringent requirements for durability, strands at the exit of the guide pipe. flexible gel filler injection, which has passed the
tensile capacity and fatigue performance. Its stringent leak-tightness tests specified by PTI and fib.
strand-by-strand technology ensures maximum Durability and multi-barrier protection
flexibility and full capability for replacement. All SSI 2000 stay cables are engineered for a Cable installation with lightweight
design life of 100 years in the most aggressive equipment and minimum impact on
High fatigue performance environments. other erection activities
The anchorage assembly is designed to control The unique feature of individual encapsulation The compact nature of the anchorages and the
the deviation of individual strands and to filter of each strand within the anchorage assembly strand-by-strand installation with lightweight
cable vibrations outside the wedge anchorage eliminates the risk of corrosion migration equipment frees tower crane time and does not
zone. Its outstanding fatigue performance has between strands. require any heavy deck equipment. Therefore,
been demonstrated in fatigue tests as The multi-barrier protection system is achieved in the stay installation does not impair the key
specified in the latest recommendations by PTI the free length by individually sheathed, greased activities in a typical deck and pylon
and fib with imposed angular deviation of the or waxed strands with optional galvanization construction cycle.

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GY Low drag coefficient and

aeroelastic stability
External helical ribs tested in wind tunnel for
efficient control of rain-wind induced
Free tension ring Anti-vandalism protection vibrations. Two options for even lower wind
Located inside the stay pipe. Can be replaced Designed to protect the stay cable above drag SSI 2000-C and SSI 2000-D
by a guide deviator, depending on the deck level and to accommodate an optional with reduced stay pipe diameters
geometry at the exit of the guide pipe damping system

Three systems are

available to meet
PWS* SSI 2000-D SSI 2000-C SSI 2000 The standard SSI 2000 system with an
optimised stay pipe to control rain-wind
induced vibration and minimise wind drag
The stay pipe is fitted with a continuous helical
rib, effectively suppressing rain and wind induced
vibrations and reducing the wind drag on the
Comparison of equivalent drag diameter of different types cable. Extensive wind tunnel testing at speeds of
of stays up to 70m/s has been carried out for validation.
Equivalent Drag Diameter = O.D. Stay Pipe x Drag Coefficient Cd
Cd = 0.6 for SSI 2000 has been determined in wind tunnel
testing SSI 2000-C: the VSL compact system
Cd = 0.8 for PWS is based on typical project specification for long cables
* PWS = typical parallel wire system Reduced stay pipe diameters result in lower wind
drag on the stay cable and hence in a reduction
of wind loads on the structure. This can be an
important parameter in the design of long-span
bridges. The SSI 2000-C compact stay cable
Cable replacement strand by strand SSI Saddle with fully range offers significantly reduced stay pipe
with minimum traffic disruption replaceable strands diameters for the same permissible cable load.
Strands can be individually monitored, For extradosed bridges and cable-stayed bridges While this is the system of choice for
exceptionally long cables, special tools are
inspected and replaced: entire cables can be with compact pylon arrangements, VSL offers a
required for its installation.
replaced strand by strand. The use of patented saddle solution compatible with the
lightweight equipment minimises the impact SSI 2000 system. The compact saddle design SSI 2000-D: the VSL dehumidified system
for even lower wind drag
on vehicular traffic and cable replacement can allows for strand-by-strand installation and
The system maintains all the proven features of
be achieved under single lane closures. replacement and achieves a safe and reliable the standard anchorage system, while reducing
anchorage for unbalanced cable loads. Extensive further the cross section of the ducted strand
VSL Dampers fatigue testing has been carried out in bundle by eliminating the sheathing of the
strands and providing equivalent corrosion
The stay cable can be designed with two types accordance with fib requirements to demonstrate protection through permanent dehumidification
of dampers, the VSL Friction damper or the that there is equivalent performance between of the cable. The result is the most compact
VSL Gensui damper, or provision can be made saddle and standard anchorages. parallel strand stay cable on the market a
system with fully replaceable individual strands
for later installation. and unrivalled low wind drag.

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Deck connection with Pylon connection with
anti-vandalism pipe expansion sleeve Tension ring

Tension ring

Fixed anchorage Free length


Guide deviators

Fixed Free length Adjustable anchorage



100% GUTS 50% GUTS 60% GUTS
 kN  kN  kN  mm  mm  mm  mm mm  mm/mm mm mm mm mm
6-12 12 3,348 1,674 2,009 125/4.9 95/5.0 80/5.0 185 260 177.8/4.5 150 190 35 205
6-19 19 5,301 2,651 3,181 140/5.4 110/5.0 95/5.0 230 335 219.1/6.3 190 233 50 220
6-22 22 6,138 3,069 3,683 160/5.0 120/5.0 105/5.0 250 355 219.1/6.3 205 233 50 220
6-31 31 8,649 4,325 5,189 160/5.0 140/6.0 120/6.0 280 415 244.5/6.3 230 260 60 245
6-37 37 10,323 5,162 6,194 180/5.6 150/6.0 130/6.0 300 455 273/6,3 255 286 70 270
6-43 43 11,997 5,999 7,198 200/6.2 165/6.0 145/6.0 340 505 323.9/7.1 285 337 75 275
6-55 55 15,345 7,673 9,207 200/6.2 180/6.0 155/6.0 380 550 323.9/7.1 310 337 75 295
6-61 61 17,019 8,510 10,211 225/7.0 190/6.0 165/6.0 380 585 355.6/8 330 370 85 310
6-73 73 20,367 10,184 12,220 250/7.8 210/6.6 175/6.0 430 650 406.4/8.8 370 420 95 330
6-85 85 23,715 11,858 14,229 250/7.8 225/6.9 190/6.0 430 685 406.4/8.8 370 420 110 360
6-91 91 25,389 12,695 15,233 280/8.7 230/7.2 200/6.2 480 730 457/10 420 470 110 370
6-109 109 30,411 15,206 18,247 315/9.8 250/7.7 215/6.7 495 775 457/10 420 470 120 380
6-127 127 35,433 17,717 21,260 315/9.8 270/8.4 235/7.3 550 845 508/11 475 525 130 430
6-139 139 38,781 19,391 23,269 315/9.8 -
570 900 520/12 480 540 135 440
6-151 151 42,129 21,065 25,277 355/11.1 -
590 920 559/12.5 490 550 140 460
6-169 169 47,151 23,576 28,291 355/11.1 -
630 970 585/14 510 580 150 480
6-1878 187 52,173 26,087 31,304 400/12.3 -
660 1,000 600/15 550 620 160 490

 Based on strand specification as per EN 10138 (150mm2, 1860MPa); reduction required for ASTM A416 or BS 5896; GUTS = Guaranteed Ultimate Tensile Strength of strand
 Recommended max. service stress for stay cables as per fib bulletin No. 30 and CIP
 Recommended max. service stress for extradosed cables as per CIP
 Galvanized and sheathed strand with a minimum sheathing thickness of 1.5mm

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Required clearances
In case of facing adjustable anchorages, it is
recommended to provide two times the minimum
clearance. If reduced clearances are required,
please contact VSL.


X min
Adjustable anchorage



Required jack clearances

UNIT mm mm mm mm
Optional anchorage cap Optional anti-vandalism pipe 6-12 to 6-19 490 1,000 1,000 1,500
6-22 to 6-43 620 1,050 1,100 1,500
for adjustable anchorage in severe for future provision of damper 6-55 to 6-73 780 1,100 1,200 1,500
6-85 to 6-91 780 1,150 1,300 1,500
environments class C5-M and -I as 6-109 to 6-127 970 1,200 1,500 1,800
per ISO 12944 6-139 to 6-187 -
1,250 -


A2 B2 C2 D2/thk E2 G2 H2 mini L1 L2 LT1 LT1 LT2 LT2 HORIZONTAL F4 K4 M4 MINI
mm mm mm  mm/mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN mm mm mm
190 230 290 219.1/6.3 196 30 320 1,100 1,500 500 500 1,000 1,000 50 430 240 380
235 285 355 267/6.3 241 35 345 1,370 1,770 500 500 1,000 1,000 80 450 300 400
255 310 385 298.5/7.1 261 40 355 1,550 1,950 500 500 1,000 1,000 92 470 320 410
285 350 440 323.9/7.1 291 45 405 1,740 2,140 500 900 1,000 1,200 130 505 360 460
310 380 485 355.6/8 316 50 435 1,920 2,320 500 900 1,000 1,200 155 545 390 490
350 425 540 406.4/8.8 356 55 450 2,170 2,570 500 900 1,000 1,200 180 585 440 510
385 470 585 419/10 391 60 490 2,290 2,690 500 1,100 1,000 1,400 230 610 490 550
385 470 600 419/10 391 65 525 2,490 2,900 500 1,100 1,000 1,400 255 630 490 580
440 530 680 508/11 446 75 525 2,710 3,120 500 1,100 1,000 1,400 306 650 550 580
440 540 710 508/11 446 80 585 2,830 3,240 500 1,300 1,000 1,600 356 680 560 640
490 590 760 559/12.5 496 80 580 3,080 3,490 500 1,300 1,000 1,600 381 700 610 640
505 610 795 559/12.5 511 90 615 3,230 3,640 500 1,300 1,000 1,600 456 730 630 670
560 670 865 610/12.5 566 95 665 3,630 4,030 500 2,000 1,000 2,000 531 740 690 700
580 700 910 630/15 590 100 685 3,680 4,090 500 2,000 1,000 2,000 582 -

590 720 940 640/15 600 100 695 3,770 4,170 500 2,000 1,000 2,000 632 -

630 760 1,000 685/15 640 110 730 4,180 4,580 500 2,200 1,000 2,500 707 -

660 800 1,050 720/15 670 120 770 4,190 4,590 500 2,200 1,000 2,500 783 -

 Galvanized strand in accordance with NF A 35-035

Dimensions available on request
 Square bearing plate based on concrete strength of 45MPa cube (36MPa cylinder); dimensions can be adjusted for other concrete strength or steel structures SLS Level
Can be reduced if required; please contact VSL Fixed or adjustable anchorages are interchangeable between pylon and deck,
 Larger units available on request see dimensions L1 and L2

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Durability and fatigue resistance are of utmost importance for stay cables,
together with accessibility of components and monitoring of the structure.

maintenance schedule for each project and With a focus on durability throughout all
can assist clients in the implementation. phases, VSL has developed specialist methods
and procedures to ensure that the required
Leak-tightness testing for anchorages installation quality is achieved and that any
The anchorage is the most vulnerable part damage that might occur to the components
of a modern stay cable in terms of durability. during transportation, handling or installation
In order to achieve a continuously protected is detected and rectified prior to project
transition from the free length of the cable into delivery. The modular nature of the system
the anchorage zone, it is important to prevent allows for simple replacement of any damaged
water ingress through the component parts without critical delay to the installation
interfaces, particularly at the lower deck schedule.
VSL has equipped its anchorages with a
redundant multi-layer sealing system, which
has passed the leak-tightness tests as defined
by PTI and fib.

Accelerated ageing tests

for coloured stay pipes
Correct material selection and manufacturing
Wind tunnel testing control is important to avoid variations in the
characteristics of the HDPE components used
Designed to last for the outer protection layers of the free
VSL Stay cables have a design life of 100 years length. Ageing effects, UV radiation and/or
in the most aggressive environments, as pollution can deteriorate the condition of the
defined by the C4 and C5 categories of the stay pipe over time.
ISO 12944 standard. All elements are fully The evolution of the mechanical and
replaceable without requiring modifications to colorimetric properties is verified by performing
the structure. All the materials used have been accelerated ageing tests. Tensile test on an HDPE stay pipe sample
carefully selected and all components detailed after accelerated ageing

to meet the highest durability criteria.

The SSI 2000 performance even exceeds the
stringent durability requirements provided in
the relevant recommendations from PTI and
CIP. All non-accessible components are
supplied with a factory-applied protection
system ensuring a 100 year design life without
maintenance. The accessible and replaceable
elements are designed for a 25 year
maintenance interval. The main tensile
element of the cable, consisting of VSL-
specified strands, is designed with a multi-layer
protection system to match the performance of Fatigue test through 2 million cycles Inspection of a 6-37 anchorage after a leak-tightness test. While being subjected to
mechanical and environmental stresses, the anchorage is immersed in a dye
the anchorages. VSL provides a detailed solution with a pressure head of 3m.

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Fatigue testing
The fatigue performance of the VSL Stay cable
system has been demonstrated in many
fatigue tests in accordance with PTI and fib
recommendations with stress ranges of
200MPa at 45% GUTS upper stress over two
million cycles and a 10mrad deviation at the

Proven technology
for protecting the SSI 2000-D
With the SSI 2000-D system, VSL introduces
proven dehumidification technology to stay
cables, defining a new standard for the industry
(see page 10). The D system maintains the Red color stay pipes White color stay pipes Gold color stay pipes
highest standards of durability while (Sucharskiego Bridge, Poland) (Neva Bridge, Russia) (Industrial Ring Road, Bangkok)
eliminating the need for individual sheathing
of the strands and hence allowing a significant VSL Loadcell
VSL Saddle testing
reduction in cable diameters (see page 10).

Equivalent durability using an injected

saddle with replaceable strands
The SSI Saddle is the first saddle in the market
with injected but replaceable strands. The PE
sheathing is removed from the strand at the
saddle location. Each strand is individually
guided through the saddle and injected with a
bonded, flexible gel filler, effectively preventing
any oxygen or corrosive agents from reaching
the strand. Full-scale fatigue tests have
demonstrated that the saddle fulfils the same
fatigue criteria as the standard anchorages
and that no fretting corrosion occurs.
Enhanced durability by systematically VSL structural monitoring solutions
Durability requirements controlling vibrations VSL also offers structural monitoring
VSL offers two types of dampers for effective packages. Sensor solutions for permanent or
for stay cables control of the cable vibration: the VSL Friction temporary load and deformation measurements
The fib stay cable recommendations specify a damper and the VSL Gensui damper. Both on cables can be combined with
design life of 100 years for stay systems
installed in bridge structures and emphasise dampers can either be installed during instrumentation of the structure. This allows
the need for adequate maintenance. construction or retrofitted on existing collection of all the necessary data to optimise
The CIP stay cable recommendations propose a structures. The dampers are designed for maintenance, validate design assumptions,
design life of 50 years for replaceable systems maximum durability by minimising the number diagnose mechanisms of deterioration and
and 100 years for non-replaceable systems of moveable parts and selecting the most detect damage at an early stage.
and require defined maintenance intervals
durable materials.

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The worlds most compact stay cable strand protected by dry air

Protection cap with

Reduced cost for any
inspection window
Not injected hence allowing
cable replacement
permanent visual inspection of Non-sheathed strands
the anchorages condition without
the need for dismantling.

Standard guide pipe

internally protected by the
dry air system

for permanent monitoring of
corrosion-critical parameters
temperature The dehumidifier unit
humidity placed within the pylon
air pressure supplies dry air to the
pylon anchorages.

Dry air
A compact bundle of unsheathed The galvanised, unsheathed strands are supply pipe
strands protected by dry air placed inside an air-tight enclosure, where
With the SSI 2000-D system, VSL offers the optional dampers can also be accommodated.
Stay cable
most compact parallel strand stay cable in the A dehumidifier unit, typically placed inside the
market. The resulting wind drag is lower than pylon, provides a constant supply of dry air at
that of parallel wire cables with equivalent the pylon anchorages, while maintaining a
capacity, while the system maintains all the permanent pressure differential between the
typical SSI 2000 benefits when it comes to inside and the outside of the cable. This
installation, inspection and replacement. prevents any ingress of moisture or other
corrosive agents from the outside. All
structural elements of the stay cable are
* patent pending

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Co-extruded or full-coloured
HDPE stay pipe
Outer protective barrier with helical ribs

Air-tight seal protected

by anti-vandalism pipe
against UV radiations
Reduced cable
Strand cable with the
lowest outer diameter for
smallest wind drag


VSL Friction or 90

Corrosion Rate
Gensui damper
fully protected by dry
air where installed 60

Redundancy and equivalent corrosion
The principle of multi-barrier protection remains
unchanged even though the SSI 2000-D does
30 40 60 80 100
not make use of individually sheathed strands: Relative Humidity
- the stay pipe provides an airtight enclosure, Iron Corrosion Rate at different Relative Humidities (%RH)
protecting the tensile element against
environmental effects
protected within this controlled environment - a protective environment of dry air around humidity inside the cable together with the air
where the humidity is maintained below the the strands prevents moisture and corrosive pressure. In addition, the protective caps at
threshold that would trigger corrosion. agents from reaching the strands the anchorages can be fitted with transparent
- continuous galvanisation of the bare strand windows allowing a simple visual inspection of
The applied pressure differential ensures that provides a final barrier against corrosion in the anchorage condition. This significantly
a leak in the system will only result in an case of scheduled removal or accidental loss reduces the time and cost involved in periodic
increased air demand and will not jeopardise of the other two barriers. inspections of the anchorage components.
the protective mechanism.
Permanent monitoring of the Combining cable and deck protection
Dry air a reliable and proven solution corrosion protection Where the SSI 2000-D is used with steel bridge
The concept of dehumidification systems to The integrity of the corrosion protection system decks or pylons with closed cross section, the
protect steel bridge decks and suspension can be monitored permanently through dehumidification can protect both the stay
cables was introduced in the 1970s and is continuous measurement of the corrosion- cables and the structural steel elements by
today a well understood and highly reliable critical parameters of temperature and suitable sizing of the dehumidification units.
solution, applied to some of the most
prestigious bridges around the world.

With the SSI 2000-D system, VSL has applied

this proven technology to stay cables to offer a
state-of-the-art corrosion protection solution.

Use of the latest dehumidification equipment

keeps operational and maintenance costs
extremely low. Running cost estimates can be
provided on request. The dry air combined protection

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VSL has developed a new generation of stay cable saddles combining the
advantages of injected saddles with full strand-by-strand installation and
strand-by-strand replacement.

Saddles are the solution of choice for many The V-effect: maximum friction 30

bridges when it comes to compact and slender using wedge action

pylon designs or for extradosed structures. The SSI Saddle is a steel box filled with Ductal F F

Replacing a pair of pylon anchorages with a ultra-high-performance concrete and featuring

single saddle simplifies the detailing and V-shaped guide voids for each individual
eliminates the need to anchor large splitting strand. This patented geometry provides an
forces in the pylon. efficient wedge action, continuously gripping
the strand by friction along the deviated length, F

The benefits of saddles are widely accepted but while minimising fretting under cyclic loading.
SSI Saddle section, with the V shaped strand hole
their general use had been prevented in the past The entire saddle is detailed such that the compared to circular guide void
by the issues of reduced fatigue performance deviation occurs entirely in the strand-to-
compared to anchorage, the risk of fretting Ductal interface with no intermediate layers
corrosion and the inability to replace single that could deteriorate over time. Seamless integration
strands. with the SSI System
Independently guided and The VSL Saddle uses the same strand as the
VSL responded to these challenges with the replaceable strands standard SSI 2000 System, with no additional
SSI Saddle. Individual guiding and encapsulation The VSL Saddle allows unrivalled single strand treatment required. The removal of the tightly
of the strands allows strand-by-strand installation, installation, inspection and replacement. extruded PE-coating on the deviated length
inspection and replacement. Injecting the guide Strands can be individually stressed and inside the saddle is performed on site.
tubes with a special, polymerised and bonded de-stressed. In the same way that larger
flexible gel filler prevents any ingress of oxygen, anchorage units can have spare strand Continuous multi-barrier
hence eliminating the risk of fretting corrosion. positions, the saddle can also incorporate corrosion protection
The result is a saddle with fully replaceable additional guide voids to give the option for The PE-coating of the strands is removed inside
strands that achieves the same fatigue a future increase in cable capacity. the deviated length of the saddle to achieve
performance as standard SSI 2000 Anchorages. strand-to-Ductal contact. As with the other
SSI components, multi-barrier protection has
been incorporated:
- An outer casing consisting of a steel box and
Ductal gives protection against ingress of
water and corrosive agents
- Injection of the guide voids with a
polymerised, bonded, flexible gel filler gives
a reliable seal against moisture and oxygen
- Galvanisation of the strand provides
protection during the installation period prior
to the injection

Transfer of high differential cable

forces into the pylon
Unbalanced loading between bridge spans
results in a need to transfer differential cable
forces to the pylon, which is achieved by high
friction in the V-shaped guide voids in the
VSL Saddle design with saddle. Consistent friction coefficients in excess
cable connection
of 0.4 are attained in tests.

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Proven fatigue performance

VSL has carried out extensive fatigue testing
with the SSI 2000 Saddle in accordance with fib
recommendations, including a full scale test
using a 6-55 unit.
Fatigue testing of the VSL Saddle at the
Technical University in Berlin, Germany
Controlled filtering of angular 2,000,000 cycles successfully completed
deviations at the saddle exit
Stay cable anchorages and saddles can be
subjected to significant angular deviations at
their exits as a result of installation tolerances,
vibrations and variations in cable forces. This
could cause gradual deterioration of the
protective layers of the strand or result in
premature fatigue damage. The SSI Saddle
avoids this by incorporating a well detailed exit
where each strand is individually deviated with
the same characteristics as in a standard
anchorage, without introducing undesirable
stress into the pylon surface.

Main dimensions (using VSL SSI 2000)

kN MPa mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

6 - 12 12 3,348 9 1,160 250 193.7 / 4.5 125 / 4.9 320 200 185 300
6 - 19 19 5,301 11 1,760 250 244.5 / 5 140 / 5.4 370 235 230 300
6 - 22 22 6,138 13 1,900 500 244.5 / 5 160 / 6.2 370 235 230 300
6 - 31 31 8,649 13 2,220 500 273 / 5 160 / 6.2 400 275 300 300
6 - 37 37 10,323 15 2,580 500 323.9 / 5.6 180 / 5.6 450 310 310 300
6 - 43 43 11,997 14 2,540 500 355.6 / 5.6 200 / 6.2 500 310 375 300
6 - 55 55 15,345 18 2,880 800 368 / 6 200 / 6.2 510 350 380 300
6 - 61 61 17,019 20 3,240 800 406 / 6.3 225 / 7 550 395 410 300
6 - 73 73 20,367 20 3,470 800 430 / 8 250 / 7.8 570 395 470 300
6 - 85 85 23,715 23 3,590 800 450 / 8 250 / 7.8 590 430 480 300
6 - 91 91 25,389 23 4,010 800 480 / 8 280 / 8.7 620 470 520 300
6 - 109 109 30,411 24 4,120 800 500 / 8 315 / 9.8 640 470 580 300
6 - 127 127 35,433 26 4,700 800 560 / 8 315 / 9.8 700 545 580 300

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VSL provides expertise to assist owners and designers in analysing the risks
of cable vibrations and proposes appropriate mitigation measures.

The mechanisms of dynamic excitation of stay Two different types of dampers

cables are complex and can only be partially VSL offers two damping solutions for stay VSL Friction damper
addressed in the various general cables: the VSL Friction damper and the VSL high performance for
recommendations for cable-stayed structures. Gensui damper. Both are highly efficient as
VSL applies various stability criteria to well as extremely durable and require little
critical cases
estimate the risks of unacceptable cable maintenance. The outstanding long-term High efficiency: Several comparative tests on
vibration in order to determine the structural performance is based on minimising the full-scale cables fitted with dampers have
demonstrated the exceptional efficiency of the
and additional damping requirements. VSL Friction damper. The performance has
The VSL Stay cable system offers a modular repeatedly exceeded the specified requirements.
approach for mitigating the risks of cable
Outstanding durability: The friction damper
vibrations. achieves an excellent long-term performance by
being designed to work only when needed. It comes
Helical ribs into action once the displacement reaches a level
The outer stay pipe is fabricated with double that is considered critical for the cables
helical ribs, which have been optimised in performance. Once activated, the damper achieves
its maximum damping effect immediately.
wind tunnel tests for maximum efficiency and
minimum drag against vibrations induced by Aesthetic solution: The installation of damping
systems on stay cables has to be carried out
rain and wind.
with minimum impact on the visual appearance
of the structure. The addition of external damper
supports is often undesirable and the compact
nature of the friction damper allows it to be fully
integrated into the anti-vandalism pipe of the
VSL Friction damper SSI 2000 System.
Other benefits of the VSL Friction damper:
Easy access for simplified inspection and
Tuning of the damping performance by
adjustment of the friction force without the
need to dismantle the damper
Retrofitting on any existing stay cable (strand
or parallel wire) on structures where unexpected
cable vibrations have been observed
All components can be replaced on site
Damping characteristics independent of
temperature variations or vibration frequencies

number of movable parts, which reduces the

wear and tear. This approach makes VSL
Dampers significantly more robust than other
damping systems.

The VSL Friction damper is a highly efficient

and durable damper for more critical
applications, such as long cables or structures
with an increased risk of vibration.

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Connection detail for subsequent installation

of a VSL damping system
VSL Gensui damper - The flange welded at the end of the guide pipe
Tailor-made efficiency for and the increased diameter of the anti-
vandalism pipe are designed to allow for later
short and medium stay installation of a VSL damping system,
should cable vibrations need to be
cables rectified. While there is no damper Cable equipped with the VSL Friction damper
High-damping rubber: The VSL Gensui damper is installed the cable is equipped In the event of unexpected cable vibrations,
composed of several special rubber pads and the with a guide deviator or a choice of VSL damping systems -
cables dynamic energy is dissipated by shear with a tension ring. Friction damper or Gensui damper -
can be installed without
deformation. The damper pads are made of a
modification to the cable
high-damping rubber developed and
manufactured by Sumitomo Rubber Group.

Great simplicity: The damper is modular, with

the number of pads required depending on the
dynamic characteristics of the cable. The simple
and versatile system can be easily adapted to
any cable size whether as a new installation or
as part of a retrofitting solution.

Excellent durability: The high-damping rubber

pads have a long design life and a high fatigue
resistance. They require only minimal
maintenance, which allows dampers to be
installed even at the pylon where maintenance
access is difficult to provide.

Tailor-made performance: The damper Provision of stabilising cross-ties Tried and tested
performance depends purely on the damping
While VSL recommends the use of dampers for VSL Dampers have demonstrated their
characteristics of the rubber pads and can be
adjusted by varying the number and type of pads efficient vibration control, the SSI 2000 System outstanding performance in a series of
used. The damper performs at its best on short allows also for installation of cross-ties if comparative tests on full-scale samples
to medium length cables. Its performance can be requested. Cross-ties help to increase the conducted by organisations such as
further enhanced by increasing the distance critical wind speed for aeroelastic instability by Shanghais Tongji University, Hong Kong
between the damper and anchorage or by
increasing the natural frequency of the cable. Highways Department and the Korea
installing a second damper at the pylon. Its
performance is independent of the vibration They are however only efficient in the cable Expressway Corporation, as well as on site.
mode and is not particularly sensitive to plane and their Low maintenance has been
temperature variations and frequency. installation and confirmed for dampers
maintenance can installed since the
Compact aesthetics: The Gensui damper can be
constitute a mid 1990s.
fully integrated into the SSI 2000 anti-vandalism
pipe with minimum impact on the cable significant
aesthetics. Solutions for retrofitting include additional
simple neoprene boots or compact mounting cost.
frames in the case of external dampers.

The VSL Gensui damper is a simple and robust

damper optimised for short to medium length
stay cables with moderate damping
requirements and for extradosed cables. Both
dampers are incorporated into the SSI 2000
System as internal dampers, fully protected
inside the anti-vandalism pipe. The dampers
can either be installed together with the cable
or retrofitted. VSL Gensui damper

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All SSI 2000 cables are installed strand-by-
strand using extremely compact equipment and
The strand-by-strand installation methods can be inspected and replaced if necessary in

developed by VSL offer maximum flexibility the same manner.

and can be adapted to specific needs. An optimised solution to streamline

complex bridge erection cycles
The equipment can be handled manually at the
anchorage location inside or outside the pylons,
whatever their shapes. The strand reels are
light and compact compared with prefabricated
cables and can be easily lifted, transported and
handled. This renders the cable installation
largely independent of the logistics of deck and
pylon construction. As a significant part of the
installation can be carried out off the critical
path, tower crane usage is reduced, resulting in
cost and programme savings.

The preferred option for cable

inspection or replacement under
The compact equipment allows for inspection
and replacement of the entire stay cable with
minimum impact on the bridge traffic, as a
single lane closure is typically sufficient to
provide a safe working space. In addition, the
strand-by-strand replacement makes the loss
of cable force during the works negligible,
allowing unrestricted vehicle movements.

Replacement of a 300m cable

In May 2002, VSL replaced a 298m-long cable on the Ching
Chau Min Jiang Bridge, which had been damaged when a
barge crane collided with the bridge during a typhoon. Site
conditions did not allow access for a mobile crane and so all
the equipment had to be handled manually. The cable was
replaced strand by strand with VSLs lightweight equipment.
This operation demonstrated that even long cables can be
replaced with minimum disruption to bridge operations.

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The main advantages
of the VSL strand-by-
strand system installation
Absolute flexibility to adjust the cable length
during construction to address variations in
the bridge geometry or late changes to the
deck erection methodology VSL Automatic Monostrand Stressing (AMS) system
The AMS system provides fully-automatic control and
No requirement for provision of off-site recording of the stressing operation and management of all
prefabrication facilities Specialist equipment and procedures relevant stressing data. The system allows absolute
flexibility in defining the stressing parameters to achieve
No significant additional construction loads on The continuous stay pipe is welded on site from either a required cable force or cable elongation
the partially-completed structure as light and elements of standard length. The strands are
compact equipment is used.
delivered to site in compact coils and are
Fast erection cycle with partial and staged
installation of cables for light composite deck installed one by one using a small winch
assembly system. They are individually stressed by a
No additional requirement on the projects lightweight monostrand jack from either the
critical path for the use of tower and deck deck or the pylon end. The VSL AMS system
cranes during cable erection, thus reducing
provides fully automatic control, recording and
the risk of delay
data management for the stressing operation
Lightweight shop prefabricated anchorages
can be pre-installed during deck and pylon on site. Specialist procedures are implemented
construction to ensure an equal final force in all strands
Easy second stage stressing with monostrand and safe anchoring of low cable forces at
jacks, providing greater flexibility to designers intermediate stressing stages. The system
and contractors by avoiding the relocation of
heavy stressing and access equipment
provides absolute freedom to engineers to
specify stressing either to a cable force or cable
Improved site safety due to reduced component
weights and simplified access arrangements length, depending on the characteristics of the
Full strand-by-strand replacement structure. It is even possible to change the
cable length during construction if required. Flexible erection cycles
Fully compatible with the VSL Saddle Lightweight equipment with independence from heavy craneage allows
Final tuning of the completed cables can be
simultaneous working and a reduced number of activities on the critical path.
carried out either by monostrand jack or by The cable installation activities can be easily adapted to match the
A matching saddle compact multistrand jacks. A ring nut is requirements of the deck construction cycle.

The SSI Saddle has been specifically designed provided on the stressing anchorage to allow a
to allow application of the same strand-by- reduction in the cable force if necessary
strand principles for installation, inspection without re-gripping the strand.
and replacement of the stay cables. All strands
are individually encapsulated and guided
within the saddle assembly, which combines
the advantages of a saddle solution with the
benefits of a strand system.

VSL lifting winch

V S L S S I 2 0 0 0 S T AY C A B L E S Y S T E M 17
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Puente La Unidad Bridge, Mexico (2003)

In a 50/50 JV, VSL provided project
management, complete technical and
method support and part of the production
management. VSL Mexico also supplied
and installed the post-tensioning, and the
SSI 2000 Stay cable system

Badajoz Bridge, Spain (1994)

Cables equipped with friction dampers

Ponte Europa Bridge, Portugal (2002)

186m main span length - 91 strand cables

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Batam Tonton Bridge, Indonesia (1997)

Design, supply and installation of stay cables, deck form-travellers and pylon formwork.
Construction engineering for the superstructure construction

Lazarevsky bridge, Saint Petersburg, Russia (2008)

Stays ranging from 6-55 to 6-73

Taipei Ring road Bridge, Taiwan (2009)

13 pairs of stays on each side of the pylon

Papendorpse Bridge, Netherlands (2002) Sungai Johor Bridge, Malaysia (2008)

120 strand cables 85 strand cables with lengths of up to 275m

V S L S S I 2 0 0 0 S T AY C A B L E S Y S T E M 19
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Centenario Bridge, Spain (1991)

552m bridge length, with 264m for the main span

Sucharskiego Bridge, Poland (2001)

Supply and installation of stay cables,
with VSL Friction dampers

20 V S L S S I 2 0 0 0 S T AY C A B L E S Y S T E M
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Wadi Abdoun Bridge, Jordan (2006)

Curved deck with inclined pylon

Yichong Yiling Bridge, China (2001)

Supply of stay cable system, erection equipment, stay cable
engineering, site management and site supervision

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Neva 1 Bridge, Russia (2002)

All cables equipped with VSL Friction dampers

Fred Hartmann Bridge, USA (1995)

Supply of stay cables and supervision at installation

Koshiki Daimyojin Bridge, Japan (1993)

Technical consultation and supply of the prefabricated stay cables

22 V S L S S I 2 0 0 0 S T AY C A B L E S Y S T E M
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Merida Arch Bridge, Spain (1991)

Supply and installation of the stay cables

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, USA (1986)

Supply of post-tensioning and stay cables. Cables anchored to the pylon
by saddles and equipped with hydraulic dampers

Neva 2 Bridge, Russia (2007)

Supply and installation of stay cables with VSL Friction dampers

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Jose Cartellone Construct

Pastaza Bridge, Ecuador (2005)
Supply and installation of the stay cables
Zizkova Footbridge, Czech Republic (2007)
Installation of stays and post-tensioning

Rads-la-Goulette Bridge, Tunisia (2007)

Extensive equipment and services

Kien Hai Phong Bridge, Vietnam (2003)

Supply and installation of bearings and stay cables

Keppel Bay Bridge, Singapore (2006)

Supply and operation of casting cells, erection of bridge deck, pylon construction, supply and installation of stay cables

24 V S L S S I 2 0 0 0 S T AY C A B L E S Y S T E M
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Woonam Bridge, South Korea (2008)

VSL Saddle designed to allow cable replacement

Safti Bridge, Singapore (1995)

An inclined pylon is stabilised by back-stay cables

Peldar Bridge, Columbia (2002)

VSL Saddle and monitoring services

Liz Bridge, Portugal (2004)

18 stay cables installed in one week

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Wind speed
measured in 3 directions
expressed in m/s

Temperature of cables, concrete

Relevant information is sent expressed in C
straight back to the users desk.
The system works with any IT Humidity
and measurement solution. expressed in %

Rain intensity
VSL expressed in mm

Sun intensity
expressed in W/m2
Remote server
expressed in km/h, veh./h, t, type...

Air quality
expressed in CO, NOX, O3, SO2...

Cable force
expressed in kN

Structural vibration
acceleration expressed in g
vibration modes expressed in Hz
co m
w w w. v s l - m o n i
Angular movement
two directions expressed in


Stress and deformation
MY expressed in m/m and in mm
BRIDGE The Consultant

Material ageing
expressed in Cl-, mV

Inspection and investigation

paper and multimedia reports
The Owner laboratory or in situ tests

DeMon system allows wireless connection from the clients office to any type of sensors on site through internet and wireless devices.


Shenzhen Western Corridor - Hong Kong Stonecutters Bridge - Hong Kong VSL Dampers

26 V S L S S I 2 0 0 0 S T AY C A B L E S Y S T E M
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& Piles


West Tsing Yi - Hong Kong Slab on grade




Heavy lifting

Figueira Da Foz Bridge repair -
VSL SSI Saddle for a compact and
Portugal slender pylon design
36.25 Structural
3178.25 diagnostics
& Monitoring



Protection &


Preloaded seismic bearing
Post-tensioning strand systems
Bars & post-tensioning bar systems
Stay cable systems
Damping systems (stays & buildings)
Ductal UHP concrete

Bearings & Joints

Pot bearing


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Middle East /
VSL Middle East LLC
EGYPT Phone: +971 4 885 7225
Matrix Engineering Company
Fax: +971 4 885 7226
Phone: +20 2 344 19 00
Fax: +20 2 346 04 57
Americas / Asia /
Tsala-RMS Construction Solutions BRUNEI
ARGENTINA (Pty) Ltd Headquarters
VSL Sistemas Especiales de VSL Systems (B) Sdn. Bhd.
Construccin Argentina SA VSL International Ltd. BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
Phone: +27 11 878 6820
BUENOS AIRES Phone: +673 2 380 153 / 381 827
Fax: +27 11 878 6821 Scheibenstrasse 70
Phone: +54 11 4326 06 09 Fax: +673 2 381 954
Fax: +54 11 4326 26 50 CH-3014 Bern
BOLIVIA Europe / Phone: +41 58 456 30 00
VSL (China) Engineering VSL Philippines Inc.
Postensados de Bolivia Corp., Ltd. PASIG CITY
SAN MIGUEL, LA PAZ AUSTRIA Fax: +41 58 456 30 95 HEFEI Phone/Fax: +632 672 13 95
Phone: +591 2 27 70 338 Grund-Pfahl- und Sonderbau Phone: +86 551 382 29 18
Fax: +591 2 27 96 183 GmbH Fax: +86 551 382 28 78 SINGAPORE
HIMBERG VSL Singapore Pte. Ltd.
VSL Sistemas Especiales de Fax: +43 2235 86 561 VSL Sistemas Portugal VSL Hong Kong Ltd. Phone: +65 6559 12 22
Construccin S.A. Pre-Esforo, Equipamento CHAI WAN Fax: +65 6257 77 51
SANTIAGO CROATIA e Montagens S.A. Phone:+852 2590 22 88
Phone: +56 2 571 67 00
Tehnicki projekt d.o.o. PAO DE ARCOS Fax: +852 2590 02 90 TAIWAN
Fax: +56 2 571 67 01 ZAGREB Phone: +351 21 445 83 10 VSL Taiwan Ltd.
Phone: +385 1 4664 586 Fax: +351 21 444 63 77 Intrafor Hong Kong Ltd. TAIPEI
COLOMBIA Fax: +385 1 4664 549 CHAI WAN Phone: +886 2 2759 6819
VSL GEO Phone:+852 2836 31 12 Fax: +886 2 2759 6821
Sistemas Especiales de
Sistemas de Aplicao Fax: +852 2591 61 39
Construccin S.A.S CZECH REPUBLIC em Geotecnia SA THAILAND
BOGOTA VSL Systems (CZ) Ltd.
PAO DE ARCOS FT Laboratories Ltd. VSL (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
Phone: +57 1 226 62 30 PRAGUE
Phone: + 351 21 445 83 10 PING CHE BANGKOK
Fax: +57 1 271 50 65 Phone: +420 2 51 09 16 80
Fax: + 351 21 445 83 28 Phone: +852 2758 48 61 Phone: +66 2 679 76 15 - 19
Fax: +420 2 51 09 16 99
Fax: +852 2758 89 62 Fax: +66 2 679 76 45
VSL Corporation Mexico S.A de C.V FRANCE VIETNAM
CTT Stronghold INDIA
BARCELONA VSL India PVT Ltd. VSL Vietnam Ltd.
Phone: +52 55 55 11 20 36 LABGE
Phone: +34 93 289 23 30 CHENNAI HANOI
Fax: +52 55 55 11 40 03 Phone: +33 05 61 00 96 59
Fax: +34 93 289 23 31 Phone: +91 44 4225 11 11 Phone: +84 4 3976 5088
Fax: +33 05 61 00 96 62
Fax: +91 44 4225 10 10 Fax: +84 4 3976 5089
Sistemas Especiales de Construccin GERMANY BARCELONA HO CHI MINH CITY
Peru S.A. VSL Systems GmbH INDONESIA
Phone: +34 93 846 70 07 PT VSL Indonesia Phone: +84 8 810 6817
LIMA BERLIN Fax: +34 93 846 51 97 Fax: +84 8 810 6818
Phone: +49 30 530 28 06-0 JAKARTA
Phone: +51 1 349 38 38
Fax: +51 1 348 28 78 Fax: +49 30 530 28 06-99 SWEDEN Phone: +62 21 570 07 86
Internordisk Spnnarmering AB Fax: +62 21 573 75 57
VStructural LLC VSL Systems (UK) Ltd. Phone: +46 10 448 74 29 JAPAN
BEDFORDSHIRE Fax: +46 8 753 49 73 VSL Japan Corporation
TOKYO VSL Australia Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +1 410 850 7000 Phone: +41 58 456 30 30 NEW SOUTH WALES
Fax: +1 410 850 4111 Fax: +41 58 456 30 35 SWITZERLAND Phone: +81 3 3346 8913
Phone: +61 2 9484 5944
VSL (Switzerland) Ltd. Fax: +81 3 3345 9153
Fax: +61 2 9875 3894
Gestin de Obras
Heijmans Beton en Waterbouw B.V. Phone: +41 58 456 30 30 KOREA QUEENSLAND
ROSMALEN Fax: +41 58 456 30 35 VSL Korea Co. Ltd. Phone: +61 7 3265 64 00
y Construcciones C.A.
Phone: +31 73 543 66 02 SEOUL Fax: +61 7 3265 75 34
Fax: +31 73 543 66 11 VSL (Suisse) SA Phone: +82 2 553 8200
Phone/Fax: +58 212 941 86 75 VICTORIA
SAINT LEGIER Fax: +82 2 553 8255
NORWAY Phone: +41 58 456 30 00 Phone: +61 3 979 503 66
Spennarmering Norge AS Fax: +41 58 456 30 95 MALAYSIA Fax: +61 3 979 505 47
RUD VSL Engineers (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Phone: +47 98 21 02 66 TURKEY SOUTH AUSTRALIA
Fax: +47 67 17 30 01 Mega Yapi Construction & Phone: +61 8 8354 4884
Phone: +603 7981 47 42
Trade Co. Ltd Fax: +61 8 8354 4883
Fax: +603 7981 84 22
Phone: +90 312 490 90 66 Phone: +61 3 6225 3567
Fax: +90 312 490 90 55 Fax: +61 3 6225 2226
Phone/Fax: +61 8 9523 4686

Copyright 2010, VSL International Ltd.

Printed in France patented.

The information set forth in this brochure including technical and engineering data is presented for
general information only. While every effort has been made to insure its accuracy, this information should
not be used or relied upon for any specific application without independent professional examination
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