Kew 1018

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# DANGER is reserved for conditions and actions that

INSTRUCTION MANUAL are likely to cause serious or fatal injury.

3. Specification
Measuring ranges and accuracy

Temperature & Humidity range(guaranteed accuracy):
235 Relative humidity: less than 75%
# WARNING is reserved for conditions and actions (235 , under the 45%75%RH) Operating Temperature & Humidity range:
that can cause serious or fatal injury.
# CAUTION is reserved for conditions and actions that DCV Function(5 Autoranging) :Input impedance approx. 10M 0+40 Relative humidity: less than 80%
can cause injury or instrument damage. Range Measuring range Accuracy Storage Temperature & Humidity range:
400mV -20+60 Relative humidity: less than 70%
# DANGER 4V Insulation Resistance:
Never make measurement on the circuit in which electrical 0.8%rdg5dgt
40V 0600V It should be more than 10M/DC1000V between
potential to ground over 300V AC/DC exists. 400V
Do not attempt to make measurement in the presence of electrical circuit and enclosures.
600V 1.0%rdg5dgt Withstand Voltage :
flammable gasses. Otherwise, the use of the instrument
may cause sparking, which can lead to an explosion. ACV Function(4 Autoranging): Input impedance approx. 10M It should be more than AC3700V/ for one minute
Be sure to keep your fingers behind the Finger barrier Range Measuring range Accuracy between electrical circuit and enclosures.
part of test lead. 4V 1.3%rdg5dgt (50 / 60Hz) Overload Protection :
Never attempt to use the instrument if its surface or
your hand is wet. 40V
1.7%rdg5dgt (400Hz) Voltage function : 720V(RMS.) 10seconds
Do not open the instrument case when making 400V 1.6%rdg5dgt (50 / 60Hz) Resistance function : 250V(RMS.) 10seconds
measurement. 600V 2.0%rdg5dgt (400Hz) Diode / Continuity : 250V(RMS.) 10seconds
Resistance Function(6 Autoranging) Capacity function : 250V(RMS.) 10seconds
# WARNING Frequency function : 250V(RMS.) 10seconds
Never attempt to make any measurement if any Range Measuring range Accuracy
abnormal conditions are noted, such as broken case, 400 Dimensions : approx. 107(L) x 54(W) x 10(D) mm
cracked test leads and exposed metal parts. 4k Weight : approx. 70g(including batteries)
Do not turn the function selector switch with test 40k
1.0%rdg5dgt Power source : Two LR44(SR44)1.5V or equivalent
leads connected to the instrument. 400k Accessories : Two LR44 (SR44) batteries
Do not install substitute parts or make any 4M Portable holder
modification to the instrument. 40M 2.5%rdg5dgt
Instruction manual
Do not try to replace the batteries if the surface of the
instrument is wet. Diode check/Continuity check Function
Make sure to disconnect test leads from the device Function Measuring range # CAUTION
CARD TYPE AUTO RANGE DIGITAL MULTIMETER under test when opening the case for battery Diode check Test current approx. 0.4mA The voltage shown above is the overload protection
replacement. Continuity check Buzzer beeps below about 120 (overvoltage protection) for the instrument.

KEW 1018
Use of our Protective Cap offers different lengths of the Make sure not to exceed the value of voltage shown
exposed metal part suitable for the test environments. Capacity Function (6 Autoranging)
Please attach the Cap onto the metal part under CAT. Range Measuring range Accuracy
III or higher test environments. 4nF 5.5%rdg10dgt
40nF 3.5%rdg10dgt
# CAUTION 400nF 4. Instrument Layout
Always make sure to check Function switch is setting 4uF
to the appropriate range before starting measurement. 40uF
Do not expose the instrument to the direct sun, high 200uF 4.5%rdg5dgt
temperature and humidity or dewfall.
1. Safety Warnings When the instrument will note be in use for a long Frequency (4 Autoranging)/ DUTY Function
period, place it in storage after removing the batteries.
This instrument has been designed, manufactured and Use a cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent for Range Measuring range Accuracy
tested according to the following standards. cleaning the instrument. Do not use abrasives or solvents. 10Hz
IEC 61010-1 Measurement CAT 300V Pollution degree 2 The Cap should be firmly attached to the Probes. 100Hz
Input sensitivity: 0.1%rdg5dgt
IEC 61010-031 1000Hz
Please refer to following explanation of the symbols more than 1.5V(RMS)
IEC 61326 10kHz
This instruction manual contains warnings and safety marked on the instrument or in the manual.
Symbols 0.199.9%
DUTY 2.5%rdg5dgt
rules which must be observed by the user to ensure (Pulse width / Pulse period)
Ground ACDC
safe operation of the instrument and retain it in safe Note:
AC and DC Resistance
condition. Therefore, read through these operating *At Voltage function, the Auto-ranging function is released
instructions before using the instrument. Diode Buzzer
by pressing the SELECT key. To measure a voltage again,
Capacitor Hz Frequency
turn the Function switch to the "OFF" position once. Then
# WARNING Double or reinforced insulation set it to the Voltage function again.
Read through and understand instructions contained Measurement Standards :
in this manual before starting using the instrument. CATPrimary electrical circuit of equipment with
power cord for connection to outlet. IEC61010-1 Measurement CAT 300V, pollution degree 2
Save and keep the manual handy to enable quick IEC61010-031
CATP r i m a r y e l e c t r i c a l c i r c u i t o f t h e
reference whenever necessary. equipment, which is supplied power from capped condition for CAT.III 300V
This instrument should only be used by suitably a distribution board, and cable run from a uncapped condition for CAT.II 300V
trained person and be sure to follow measurement distribution board to an outlet. IEC61326
procedures described in the manual. Kyoritsu Function Selector Switch DATA HOLD Key
Method of operation : method Display Test Leads
assumes no responsibility for damage and injury 2. Features Indication:
caused by misuse or not following instructions in the This is a Digital Multi Meter providing most portability SELECT Key
LCD maximum value 3999 (ACV, DCV, , F)
manual. by means of stowing the instrument body together with units, symbols
Be sure to understand and follow all safety probe in the notebook-size cover.
Designed to international safety standards. Over range display :
instructions contained in the manual. IEC 61010-1 Measurement CAT. 300V "OL" symbol is displayed on the LCD.
Be sure to observe the above instructions. Pollution degree 2 In case that the value is beyond effective measuring 5. Preparation
Failure to follow the above instructions may cause IEC 61010-031 (probe assemblies) range at the position of function range and manual 5-1 Checking Battery Voltage
injury, instrument damage and/or damage to equipment REL function to check the difference of measured range. Set the Function Selector Switch to other positions
under test. values Auto-ranging : except the OFF position.
Auto power off function to save battery consumption Range shifts to upper range when indicated value is Battery Voltage is enough if indication is clear and
The symbol # indicated on the instrument means that Data hold function more than 3999. Range shifts to lower range when
Diode and Continuity check function BT symbol is not indicated in this bout.
the user must refer to related parts in the manual for safe Auto-ranging function indicated value is less than 360. If BT symbol is indicated or no indication on the
operation of the instrument. Frequency measurement function Sampling rate : approx. 400ms display, follow to the Battery Replacement procedures
Be sure to carefully read the instructions following # each DUTY measurement function Operating Environmental conditions shown in item9 in this document and replace with new
symbol in the manual. ( E x p r e s s P u l s e w i d t h / P u l s e p e r i o d a s a indoor use batteries.
percentage) altitude up to 2000m

6. Measurements (3) Connect the test leads to both ends of the resistance 6-5 Frequency Measurement 8. Auto Power Off
under test. Auto power off function operates when about 15minutes
6-1 Voltage Measurement (DCV, ACV)
Measured value is indicated on the display. The # DANGER passed after power on this instrument. When Auto
buzzer beeps below about 120. To avoid the danger of getting electrical shocks, power off function operates and the instrument powered
Note) Even if short the test lead tips, indicated value may never make measurement on a circuit over 300V off, the power-off statue returns to normal by pressing
To avoid the danger of getting electrical shock, AC/DC. (electrical potential to ground 300V AC/DC)
not be "0". But this is because of the resistance of any key.
never make measurement on a circuit over 600V Do not operate Function Selector Switch during
test leads and not a failure.
AC/DC. (electrical potential to ground 300V AC/DC) measurement.
6-3-2 Diode Check
Do not operate Function Selector Switch during (1) Set the Function Selector Switch to " / " position. Do not make measurement when opening the 9. Battery Replacement
measurement. (Then, " " and "" symbols are indicated on the instrument case.
Do not make measurement when opening the
display.) Frequency can be measured at ACV functions by # DANGER
instrument case.
(2) Press the SELECT Key twice and set the instrument pressing "Hz/DUTY" Switch. Concerning with the Never open the instrument case when making
to Diode Check mode. (Then, " " and "V" symbols direction for use of "Hz/ DUTY" Switch, please measurement.
6-1-1 DC Voltage Measurement (DCV)
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to " " position. are indicated on the display.) Make sure that the reference to the item7-1 Hz/DUTY in this document. To avoid getting electrical shock, be sure to remove
(Then, "AUTO"," "and"mV" symbols are indicated "OL" symbol is indicated on the display at this Note) The minimum input can be measured is approx. 1.5V. test leads from the instrument when opening the
bout, then short the test lead tips and check "0" is To measure a frequency, measure the voltage on the instrument case in order to replace batteries.
on the display.)
indicated on the display. electrical circuit in advance. Then press the "Hz/
(2) Connect the black test lead to the negative side of
(3) Connect the black test lead to the cathode side of DUTY" Key to enter into frequency measurement. (1) Remove the Portable holder from the instrument.
the circuit under the test and the red test lead to the
the Diode and the red test lead to the anode side of R e a d i n g s o f f r e q u e n c y m a y f l u c t u a t e o r b e (2) Loosen one screw on the bottom of the instrument
positive side of the circuit, then the measured value
the Diode. influenced under noisy environment. and open the battery cover, then replace batteries.
is indicated on the display. If you connect the test 7. How to use Function Switches
Forward voltage of Diode is indicated on the display. Battery : Two LR44(SR44)1.5V or equivalent
leads the other way, "-" symbol is indicated on the 7-1 SELECT, Hz/DUTY Key
(4) Connect the black test lead to the anode side of the
display. At each function, the actions of SELECT, Hz/DUTY key
Diode and the red test lead to the cathode side of
6-1-2 AC Voltage Measurement (ACV) are different so please refer to following items and make
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to " " position. the Diode.Normally, "OL" symbol is indicated on the
display. active use of them.
(Then, "AUTO", " ", and "V" symbols are indicated ACV function
Conclusion : Diode is OK if the instrument complies with
on the display.) (Above two keys act as Hz/DUTY switch key.)
above items(3) and (4).
(2) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test. Capable of selecting the Voltage, Frequency or
Note) Open-circuit voltage between measuring terminals is
Measured value is indicated on the display. DUTY measurement mode.
approx.1.5V.(measuring current approx. 0.4mA)
Note) Even if short-circuit the input line at the range of At the initial condition, Voltage measurement has
AC4V, 25dgt may remain indicated. 6-4 Capacitance Measurement been selected for the ACV function.
6-2 Resistance Measurement By pressing "Hz/DUTY" key, measuring mode
# DANGER changes.
To avoid the danger of getting electrical shock, "Voltage" "Frequency" "DUTY"
never make measurement of the circuit in which *At Voltage function, the Auto-ranging function is
To avoid the danger of getting electrical shock,
electric potential exists. released by pressing the SELECT key. To measure a
never make measurement of the circuit in which
Do not make measurement when opening the voltage again, turn the Function switch to the "OFF"
electric potential exists.
instrument case. position once. Then set it to the Voltage function again.
Do not make measurement when opening the
Make sure to discharge the capacitor before making
instrument case. DCV, and Capacitance measurement
(Above two keys act as REL key.) 10. Maintenance
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "" position. Indicate the difference between measured values. Use a cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent for
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to " " position.
(Then, "AUTO" and "M" symbols are indicated When any function ("DCV", "" and "Capacitance") cleaning the instrument. Do not use abrasives or
(Then, "AUTO" and "nF" symbols are indicated on
on the display.) Make sure that the "OL" symbol selected, the measured value can be stored by solvents.
the display.) pressing SELECT key and after that, the difference
is indicated on the display at this bout, then short
(2) Press the SELECT key and "0" shall be indicated. between stored value and measuring value is
the test lead tips and check "0" is indicated on the
(Then, "" symbol is indicated on the display.) indicated on the display DISTRIBUTOR
(3) Connect the test leads to both ends of the resistance (mark is keep lighting on the display while a value
(2) Connect the test leads to both ends of the resistance
under test. is stored)
under test.
Measured value is indicated on the display. The stored value can be released by pressing
Measured value is indicated on the display.
Measuring unit "nF" / "uF" is automatically chosen "SELECT" key again.
Note) Even if short the test lead tips, indicated value may
and indicated due to the measured value. "Release" "Memory"
not be "0". But this is because of the resistance of
Note) It may take some time according to the measuring
test leads and not a failure. Continuity check /Diode check function
6-3 Continuity Check/ Diode Check (Change between Continuity check and Diode check)
Measuring capacitance < 4uF Measuring time is
At the initial condition, "Continuity check" mode has
about 2seconds
# DANGER Measuring capacitance < 40uF Measuring time is been selected for the Continuity check / Diode check Kyoritsu reserves the rights to change specifications
To avoid the danger of getting electrical shock, function. or Designs described in this manual without notice
about 7seconds
never make measurement of the circuit in which By pressing "SELECT" key, measuring mode and without obligations.
Measuring capacitance < 100uF Measuring time is
electric potential exists. changes.
about 15seconds
Do not make measurement when opening the "Continuity check" "Diode check"
instrument case. The relative measurement is allowed in the following
6-3-1 Continuity Check *Measuring range = Full scale value at a range
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to " / " position. initial value
(Then, " " and symbols are indicated on the 7-2 DATA HOLD Key
display.) The measured value can be hold at all functions.
(2) Make sure that the "OL" symbol is indicated on the By pressing "DATA HOLD" key, "DH" symbol indicated
display at this bout, then short the test lead tips and on the display and the indicated value can be held.
check "0" is indicated on the display and check if the By pressing "DATA HOLD" key again, "DH" symbol
buzzer beeps. disappears from the display and held data is released.

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