Social Exchange
Social Exchange
Social Exchange
Social exchange
the voluntary actions of
individuals that are motivated
Social by the returns they are
expected to bring and typically
Social exchange
Social exchange Microstructures, Regulatory Rules of:
Face-to-face interactions (microstructures)
economic systems, political institutions Dominance
Larger structures are composed of Power
microstructures. Legitimate control
Interactions are shaped by a reciprocal
exchange of rewards: Task division
1. Social actors engage in activities as a means of
obtaining desired goals;
2. All social activities entais some cost to the actor
time, energy, resouces;
3. Social actors seek to economize their activities as
much as possible, by keepeng costs below rewards.
Murdvee, 2009-14
Social exchange. Compiled by M. Murdvee
Murdvee, 2009-14
Social exchange. Compiled by M. Murdvee
Key principles of reciprocity The value of the benefit and the debt
The value of the benefit and the debt is in proportion to and varies,
Once it has been established as a norm depending on:
governing the relationship between two the intensity of the recipient's need at the time the benefit was
bestowed ("a friend in need . . ."),
individuals, reciprocity requires the individuals the resources of the donor ("he gave although he could ill afford it"),
the motives imputed to the donor ("without thought of gain"), and
to abide by two key principles: the nature of the constraints which are perceived to exist or to be
absent ("he gave of his own free will . . .").
First, individuals must assist those who have The obligations imposed by the norm of reciprocity may vary with
the status of the participants within a society.
previously given them assistance. The norm of reciprocity functions differently in some degree in
Second, individuals should not do anything different cultures (friendship, kinship, and neighborly etc relations).
The norm of reciprocity cannot apply with full force in relations with
that might harm those who have previously children, old people or with those who are mentally or physically
given them assistance.
Gouldner, 1960 Gouldner, 1960
Murdvee, 2009-14
Social exchange. Compiled by M. Murdvee
(Gibb, 1999)
Diekmann et al (2014) Reputation Formation and the Evolution of Cooperation in
Anonymous Online Markets
Murdvee, 2009-14
Social exchange. Compiled by M. Murdvee
Murdvee, 2009-14
Social exchange. Compiled by M. Murdvee
Murdvee, 2009-14