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What Is Demonetization ?

Demonetisation is a process by which a series of currency will not be

legal tender. The series of currency will not acceptable as valid
currency. The same thing happens with the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 note

What are the causes of Demonetization?

There can be many causes of Demonetisation in any economy some of
them are : Introduction of New Currency ,Black Marketing, Currency
Storage, Corruption and others.

There will be excess fake currency in the economy is main reason of


What Happened on Demonetization?

On 8th November 2016, Government of India had announced that from

today onward rupees 500 and 1000 rupee note will not be a legal

This means that 500 and 1000 rupee note will be accepted by anyone
except the organisation declared by government.

They can change the currency from the banks and post offices till 30th
December 2016.

Demonetization History and Background In

India ?
This is not The First time When Indian Currency is Demonetised In India

The first instance was in 1946 and the second in 1978 when an
ordinance was promulgated to phase out notes with denomination of
Rs 1,000, Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000.

The highest denomination note ever printed by the Reserve Bank of

India was the Rs 10,000 note in 1938 and again in 1954. But these
notes were demonetized in January 1946 and again in January 1978,
according to RBI data.
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Rs 1,000 and Rs 10,000 bank notes were in circulation prior to January

1946. Higher denomination banknotes of Rs 1,000, Rs 5,000 and Rs
10,000 were reintroduced in 1954 and all of them were demonetized in
January 1978.
The Rs 1,000 note made a comeback in November 2000. Rs 500 note
came into circulation in October 1987. The move was then justified as
attempt to contain the volume of banknotes in circulation due to


Important Facts
About Indian However, this is the first time that Rs 2,000 currency
Currency and note is being introduced.
Bank notes in Ashoka Pillar watermark series in
Rs 10 denomination were issued between 1967 and
1992, Rs 20 in 1972 and 1975, Rs 50 in 1975 and
1981 and Rs 100 between 1967-1979.

The banknotes issued during this period contained

the symbols representing science and technology,
progress and orientation to Indian art forms.

In the year 1980, the legend Satyameva Jayate

truth alone shall prevail was incorporated
under the national emblem for the first time.

In October 1987, Rs 500 banknote was introduced

with the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi and Ashoka
Pillar watermark. Mahatma Gandhi (MG) series
banknotes 1996 were issued in the denominations
of Rs 5, (introduced in November 2001), Rs 10 (June
1996), Rs 20 (August 2001), Rs 50 (March 1997), Rs
100 (June 1996), Rs 500 (October 1997) and Rs
1,000 (November 2000).

The Mahatma Gandhi Series 2005 bank notes

were issued in the denomination of Rs 10, Rs 20, Rs
50, Rs 100, Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 and contained some
additional/new security features as compared to the

1996 MG series.

The Rs 50 and Rs 100 banknotes were issued in

August 2005, followed by Rs 500 and Rs 1,000
denominations in October 2005 and Rs 10 and Rs 20
in April 2006 and August 2006, respectively.

What is Impact of Demonetisation? What are Pros

and cons of demonetization in India in 2016?
There is huge impact of Demonetization of Indian Economy .
These 500 And 1000 Notes Contribute more than 84 % of Money
Circulation .

This Decision Has A direct impact on Money Circulation .

Pros And Cons Of Demonetization-essay on demonetise

in india
Demonetization Pdf Pros and Cons of Demonetization Rs 500,1000

Pros Details

Attack On People who possess huge amounts of black money in

Black Money hard cash are at a complete loss now .
Their black money in hard cash is now a pile of trash.

Now If a Black money holder Want to Deposit Money

Pros Details

in Bank Account Than he/she Has to Show ID .

There Will Be 200 % Penalty On Income tax

Amount .

Most of the fake currencies used to be be in the

Death Knell denominations of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 .
To Fake
By banning Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes, Modiji has
Currency busted all these unethical rackets completely .
Now There Will be no use These Money

Huge sums of money especially in hard cash in the

denominations of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 was used to
fund Islamic terrorists , Naxalites and other non-state

End Of Now , these Organizations will suffer from shortage of

Terrorist funds .
Most of These terrorist ,Maoist Organization Used
These Funds For Buying Arms and Weapons

Buying arms is an extremely difficult task now after

this ban .

Online transaction = More transparency = Financial

Intelligence Unit Will tack All Online transactions
Now there Will be More Transparency In Real Estate
Pros Details

Huge amounts of donation that is taken in the private

education and healthcare sectors would be stopped .

Schools, engineering and medical colleges and

hospitals ( private ones) used to take huge amounts of
money as donations especially in the form of hard
End of Huge cash in the denominations of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000
Donations .StudyDhaba.Com

These money-minded people running these

institutions wont be able to make any easy money
now .

Same applies to the real estate sector.

While it is practically impossible to have a 100%

cashless economy , the proportion of hard cash in the
economy will decrease and our economy will get more
digitized .

This will result in greater transparency .

Towards A
Now government has put Some limitation for Cash
Economy Withdraw from bank Accounts. People Will go for
online payments ,They Will Use PayTM Or other
Online payment Companies For Buying goods or
Making payments.

More Use of Debit and Credit Card

Hawala Most Hawala transactions used to be carried out in

Transactions the denominations of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 .
With this ban , Modiji has delivered a fatal blow to the
unethical Hawala traders as they cant trade anymore
Pros Details

using denominations of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 .

Cons of Demonetization Here Is the List of Cons

of Demonetization
Demonetization Pdf Pros and Cons of Demonetization Rs 500,1000 Here
We are providing you All important points Related to Positive impact of
Demonetization on Indian Economy or We can Pros of Demonetization .

Cons Details

Banks will be extremely over-crowded by people .

Rush At Banks People will forget everything else and throng to the
places where the banned notes are being officially
exchanged leading to a tremendous chaos .

Shortage of
Money To There Will be Shortage of Money For Common
Common people .

Due to currency being sucked out of the market

coupled with Trumps victory, the mood at the stock
market was completely bearish .
Stock Market
Sensex lost 1600 points at open . This can adversely
have a negative effect on trade in general .
Cons Details

Many Indian housewives store money secretly so that

they could be of help during times of financial crisis in
their households .
Problem For
House Wives The accumulated money of our respected Indian
housewives is of no use now until they exchange in the
banks and post-offices .

Due to shortage of money in the market , a short-term

cost push inflation will occur .
Short Term
The price of gold has already become sky high .
Prices of vegetables and fruits have also soared
burdening the common man .

Difficult For Those Families those have Weddings.

Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy

Demonetization Pdf Pros and Cons of Demonetization Rs 500,1000 Here
we are Sharing Impact of Demonetization on Various Sectors of India .

Both Long term and Short term impact of Demonetization ,Positive

and Negative impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy .
Section Details

The removal of these 500 and 1000 notes and

replacement of the same with new 500 and 2000 Rupee
Notes is expected to remove black money from the
economy as they will be blocked since the owners will
Effects on not be in a position to deposit the same in the banks
Economy Temporarily stall the circulation of large volume of
counterfeit currency

It would curb the funding for anti-social elements like

smuggling, terrorism, espionage, etc.

With the older 500 and 1000 Rupees notes being

scrapped, until the new 500 and 2000 Rupees notes get
widely circulated in the market, money supply is
expected to reduce in the short run.

Effects on To the extent that black money (which is not

Money counterfeit) does not re-enter the system, reserve
Supply money and hence money supply will decrease

However gradually as the new notes get circulated in

the market and the mismatch gets corrected, money
supply will pick up.

The overall demand is expected to be affected to an extent. The

Effects On demand in following areas is to be impacted particularly:
1. Consumer goods

2. Real Estate and Property

3. Gold and luxury goods

4. Automobiles (only to a certain limit)

Section Details

All these mentioned sectors are expected to face certain

moderation in demand from the consumer side, owing
to the significant amount of cash transactions involved
in these sectors.

Price level is expected to be lowered due to moderation from

demand side. This demand driven fall in prices could be
understood as follows:

Consumer goods: Prices are expected to fall only

marginally due to moderation in demand as use of
cards and cheques would compensate for some
Effect on
Real Estate and Property: Prices in this sector are
largely expected to fall, especially for sales of
properties where major part of the transaction is cash
based, rather than based on banks transfer or cheque

The GDP formation could be impacted by this measure,

with reduction in the consumption demand.

However with the recent rise in festival demand is

Effect on expected to offset this fall in overall impact.
Moreover, this expected impact on GDP may not be
significant as some of this demand will only be
deferred and re-enter the stream once the cash situation
becomes normal.

Effect on With cash transactions facing a reduction, alternative

Online forms of payment will see a surge in demand.
Section Details

Digital transaction systems, E wallets and apps, online

transactions using E banking, usage of Plastic money
and (Debit and Credit Cards), etc. will definitely see
substantial increase in demand
modes of This Will Bring More transparency In System And You
payment : can Easily track Online Money
Transactions.Demonetization Pdf Pros and Cons of
Demonetization Rs 500,1000

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