Fovp Constitution

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1 Name
The name of the group shall be The Friends of Victoria Park hereinafter
referred to as the Association.

2 Objects
The objects of the Association shall be to advance the education and
promote the welfare of the public by supporting, and assisting, in
furthering the charitable activities of Victoria Park, and in furtherance
thereof but not otherwise the Association shall seek:

a) to stimulate public interest in and care for the beauty, history, wildlife,
character and environment of Victoria Park and its surroundings;

b) to seek, by lawful and democratic means, to protect the green space

and biodiversity of the Park, for its environmental, social, educational and
health benefits;

c) to encourage the preservation of features of general public amenity or

historic interest,

d) to promote high standards of planning, design, maintenance and

management affecting Victoria Park,

e) to preserve and protect public access to all areas of Victoria Park.

3 Powers
In furtherance of the above objects, the Association may:

a) employ and pay any person or persons to supervise, organise and carry
on the work of the Association;

b) engage and pay fees to professionals and technical advisors and/or

consultants to assist in the work of the Association;

c) work in liaison with representatives of voluntary organisations,

Government departments, local and other statutory authorities and

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d) take out membership of such organisations as are considered to be in
the interest of and compatible with the objects of the Association;

e) promote and carry out or assist in promoting research survey

investigation and make results available to their members and publish if
appropriate, as decided by the Management Committee.

f) arrange and provide for or join in arranging activities/events as

determined by the management that would achieve our objects as outlined
in Article 2;

g) collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the objects

and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects
whether in this country or overseas;

h) cause to be written and printed and stored on electronic/digital systems

or otherwise, reproduced and circulated (including by social media) such
papers, books, periodicals or other documents as shall further the objects;

i) subject to such consents as may be required by law, borrow or raise

money for the objects and accept gifts in such terms and on such
securities as shall be deemed to be necessary;

j) raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person or
persons provided that the Association does not undertake to undertake
permanent trading activities in raising funds for the said object;

k) invest the monies of the Association not immediately required for the
said objects in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be
thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) as may for the
time being be imposed or required by law;

l) do all other lawful things as necessary for the attainments of the


4 Membership and Subscriptions

a) Membership of the Association shall be open to all interested persons
on completion of a registration form in such form as the Management
Committee may require and on payment of any subscription which may be
determined from time to time at a General Meeting.

b) Societies and other Associations interested in the objects and activities

may affiliate on such payment as may be determined by a General
Meeting. Such organisations shall have one vote.

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c) The Management Committee shall have the right for good and sufficient
reason to terminate the membership of any individual or organisation
provided the individual concerned or the individual representing such
organisation shall have the right to appeal to the Management Committee
before a final decision is made.

d) No member of the Association shall become an employee of the


5 Management

a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Management

Committee consisting of Convener, Vice-Convener, Secretary, Treasurer,
and up to five members.

b) The Convener, Vice-Convener, Secretary and Treasurer shall be

elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and the term of office
shall not exceed five consecutive years.

c) The Management Committee members shall be elected for a period

limited to five years.

d) The Management Committee shall have powers to co-opt members to

serve on the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting but there
shall, at no time be more than two co-opted members.

e) The quorum for meetings of the Management Committee shall be three

members of the committee present in person.

f) Every member of the committee shall have one vote which (whether on
a show of hands or on a secret ballot) must be given personally.

g) In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a

ballot, the chairperson of the meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote in
addition to any other vote he/she may have.

6 Meetings of the Association

a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held between
March and June each year and at least 4 weeks notice of such meeting
shall be given by the Secretary who shall send copies of the agenda to full
members. The business to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting
shall include consideration of the Annual Report to be submitted by the
Convener, the Treasurers Annual Account and the election of Office
Bearers and Committee Members. Additional items for consideration may
be raised by any full member giving not less than one week of written
notice or at the Conveners discretion at the meeting itself.
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b) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned at the request of
any 10 full members. Notice of such a meeting shall be sent by the
Secretary to all full members not less than 4 weeks before the date of the

c) The quorum for General Meetings shall be ten percent of full members
present in person.

d) Every full member shall have one vote which (whether on a show of
hands or on a secret ballot) must be given personally.

e) In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a

ballot, the chairperson of the meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote in
addition to any other vote he/she may have.

7 Finance
a) The funds of the Association shall be managed as the Management
Committee direct.

b) The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the


c) A Bank Account shall be opened in the name of the Association with

such Bank as the Management Committee shall decide. The Management
Committee shall authorise named members of the Management Committee
(one of whom shall be the Treasurer) to sign cheques on behalf of the
Association. All cheques must be signed by not less than two out of four
authorised signatories.

d) The annual accounts shall be subject to an internal audit in advance of

being presented at the Annual General Meeting.

e) All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be applied to

further the objects of the Association and for no other purpose.

8 Property
The title to all property, heritable and moveable which may be acquired by
or on behalf of the Association shall be vested in the names of the
Convener, the Secretary and the Treasurer for the time being ex officio.

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9 Amendment of Constitution

This Constitution may be approved or amended at an Annual General

Meeting or at any Extraordinary General Meeting specifically called for
that purpose, with the support of two-thirds of the full members present
and voting provided 3 weeks notice has been given to the Secretary of the
proposed amendment. The notice of such meeting shall state the terms of
the proposed amendment to the Constitution. Members will be notified
within 1 week of proposed changes to the Constitution - 2 weeks prior to
the AGM. The quorum for such a meeting will be ten percent of the full
membership. No alteration shall be made which would have the effect of
causing the Association to cease to be recognised by the Inland Revenue.

10 Application of Funds
a) Membership or affiliation will not entitle any person, Society or group to
any share in the income or assets of the Association which shall be
expended only on the objects set out in Article 2 of the Constitution.

b) If the Association is wound up any funds remaining after liabilities have

been met shall be given or transferred to such other charitable
organisations or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the
Association as the Management Committee may determine.

This Constitution was agreed and accepted on 30 April 2014

Signed by Convener

Richard East

Secretary Michael Herrigan

Treasurer Dr Stephen Biagi
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