Tubulars and Tubular Services Catalog: Drilco

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Tubulars and Tubular Services Catalog

DRILCO Products and Services
Superior tubular solutions
DRILCO has a long heritage of providing industry leading tubular products and
services to the drilling industry.

For over 60 years, the DRILCO brand has been synonymous with excellence
and innovation in tubular products and services. From the invention of
Hevi-Wate* transition drillpipe, to the first use of continuous-line heat treating
for drill collars, to the pioneering of field inspection services and mobile field
hardbanding units, DRILCO has been an industry leader. The OK DRILCO
stencil is recognized as a symbol of quality throughout the oilfield.

DRILCO manufactured products include drill collars, Hevi-Wate transitional

drillpipe, kellys, rotary substitutes (subs), accessories, and other BHA tools.
Surface equipment such as the Ezy-Torq* hydraulic cathead, Tru-Torque*
automatic torque control system, Mud-Chek AP* mud saver valve, and other
equipment is available to assist the drilling crew in the proper operation and
use of the BHA and drillstring components. DRILCO also offers specialized
services such as field inspection, machine shop, field hardbanding, and other
tubular management services to provide expert maintenance for essential
BHA tools and equipment.

Setting the industry standard with technical training

At DRILCO technical training is a requirement, not an afterthought. Considered
by many to be the best in the industry, DRILCO personnel undergo an extensive
training and qualification program on the job. The classroom technical training
programs are in accordance with API, ISO, ASNT, and other customer-

Global reach
DRILCO has the worldwide infrastructure to support your operations no matter
where you drill. With inventory and machine shop facilities strategically
located around the globe, fast and dependable response is available 24/7.

Call your DRILCO representative today for superior tubular products and
services you can trust.

Table of Contents
Drill CollarsStandard and Spiral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hevi-Wate Transition DrillpipeStandard and Spiral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Kelly, Rotary DriveHex and Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mud-Chek AP Mud-Saver Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Premium Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SSDS High-Torque Drillpipe Premium Connection
ATDS Advanced-Torque Double-Shouldered Drillpipe Premium Connection
Thread ProtectorsPressed Steel and Cast Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Rotary Substitutes (Subs)Various Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Rig Equipment
Ezy-Torq Hydraulic Cathead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tru-Torque Automatic Torque Control System (ATCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Rig Floor and Drilling Packages .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Tubular Services
Machine Shop Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Inspection Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mobile Hardbanding Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Tubular Management Services .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
DRILCO Tubulars
Drill CollarsStandard and Spiral
The DRILCO drill collar is not only the most all downhole tools where fatigue can occur
common member in the BHA, it is also the most as a result of bending. These features
essential to its overall performance. The care remove unengaged threads in the highly
taken in materials specification, heat treat, stressed areas of the drill collar connection
machining, and inspection are only a few of so that bending occurs in the connection
the reasons DRILCO drill collars out perform all in areas with smooth surfaces free of
others. By helping operators select the optimum stress concentrations. Consequently, the
connections and the right optional features, connection is less likely to crack because of
DRILCO combines the right product with the best fatigue.
advice for trouble-free BHA performance. Note: Stress relief features are not
commonly utilized for connections on sizes
Features NC 38 and smaller.
Materials can be specified for conformance
to standard industry requirements such as
Spiral drill collars reduce the area of contact
API Specification 71, as well as NS1, and between the drill collar and the borehole
individual customer specifications. wall. This feature is advantageous where
differential sticking is a problem.
Rolled, milled or machined surface finishes
are available.
Drill collar hardbanding is the most effective
means of retarding the wear of the collar
The critical threaded section has a hardness OD that occurs during normal openhole
range of 285 to 341 BHN and a Charpy drilling. Standard hardbanding material
impact value of 40 ft.lbf at room temperature consists of granular tungsten carbide that is
guaranteed 1-in below thesurface. added to the molten weld puddle to obtain
New drill collar connections are uniform distribution of the tungsten carbide
manufactured to the specifications contained particles. The resulting deposit is flush to 132
in the API Specification 71. in beyond the collar OD. Hardbanding should
Connections are phosphate-coated to protect not be applied to the box end unless the drill
them from the elements after machining and collar has been equipped with a slip recess
to help prevent galling upon initial makeup. because hardbanding will cover the normal
Thread roots are cold rolled on API and H-90 slip area.
connections; (excluding the 238-, 278-in Reg Note: The 4-in OD drill collar is the
and Slim-Line H-90.) Cold rolling compresses smallest diameter that can be hardbanded.
the fibers in the thread root making this area Applications
of the connection more fatigue-resistant. Drilling weight is the primary application of
Pressed steel thread protectors are supplied drill collars. The buoyed weight of a typical
for all drill collars that are equipped with drill collar string is approximately 15%
standard connections. more than the maximum WOB required for
All drill collars are undergo rigorous quality optimum bit performance, ensuring that
assurance checks during manufacture, enough drill collars are run in compression
including ultrasonic testing of drill collar bars to maintain the neutral point within the drill
after heat-treating. collar string.
Proper drill collar sizing results in improved
Optional features borehole integrity, enabling the desired
Slip and elevator recesses reduce drill casing size to be run to bottom. The drill
collar handling time by eliminating lift subs collar limits the lateral movement of the
and safety clamps. Extreme care is taken drill bit in the absence of larger diameter
to machine smooth radii free of tool marks. drillingtools.
Cold rolling the radii at the upper shoulder of
each recess extends the fatigue life of the
Drill collar stiffness is important for drilling
drill collar. Slip and elevator recesses may be and maintaining a straight wellbore. The
provided together or separately. first 90 ft of BHA above the bit have the
greatest impact on hole straightness and drill
An API stress-relief groove on the pin and an collar stiffness should be optimized in this
API bore back box are available on request, section. Please refer to the DRILCO Drilling
and are recommended for drill collars and Assembly Handbook for moreinformation. Standard drill collar, left, and spiraled drill collar, right.

1 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Drill CollarsStandard and Spiral

Smooth surface free of tool marks increases flexibility and permits bending without cracking

20 in
API Bore Back Box

Radius cold-worked API Stress-Relief Groove Pin

16 in
Last scratch of box thread covered by pin Large radii reduce stress concentrations

3 in
Stress-relief option.

Radius cold-worked 18 in

Slip and elevator recess option. Note: Slip and

elevator recesses may be used together or separately.

Drill Collar Specifications

Drill collar connection Minimum OD, in Bore, in Length, ft Bending strength ratio Drill collar weight, lbm
size and type, in
NC 26 (238 IF) 312 112 30 2.42:1 801
NC 31 (278 IF) 418 2 30 2.43:1 1,041
NC 38 (312 IF) 434 214 31 1.85:1 1,451
NC 38 (312 IF) 5 214 31 2.38:1 1,652
NC 44 6 214 31 2.49:1 2,561
NC 44 6 21316 31 2.84:1 2,353
NC 44 614 214 31 2.91:1 2,806
NC 46 (4 IF) 614 21316 31 2.63:1 2,598
NC 46 (4 IF) 612 214 31 2.76:1 3,085
NC 46 (4 IF) 612 21316 31 3.05:1 2,877
NC 46 (4 IF) 634 214 31 3.18:1 3,364
NC 50 (412 IF) 7 214 31 2.54:1 3,643
NC 50 (412 IF) 7 21316 31 2.73:1 3,434
NC 50 (412 IF) 714 21316 31 3.12:1 3,714
NC 56 8 21316 31 3.02:1 4,675
658 Reg 8 21316 31 2.60:1 4,675
658 Reg 814 21316 31 2.93:1 5,016
758 Reg 912 3 31 2.81:1 6,727
758 Reg 934 3 31 3.09:1 7,130
858 Reg 11 3 30 2.78:1 8,970
Ratio of box-to-pin section modulus. See API RP7G for explanation. Ordering instructions, please specify:
Low torque face Drill collar OD
Notes: Other sizes and connections are available. Optional features available upon request. The 4 34-in OD drill Drill collar bore ID
collar is the smallest diameter that can be hardbanded. The weight of a round drill collar will be reduced by Length of drill collar
approximately four percent by spiral conversion. Size, type and location of connections (e.g. NC 50 box up NC 50 pin down)
Cast or pressed steel thread protectors
Hardbandingrefer to the hardbanding section in this catalog for available options

Tubulars and Tubular Services 2

Hevi-Wate Transition DrillpipeStandard and Spiral
DRILCO Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe is the industry standard for an Tapered Drillstrings
intermediate-weight drillstem member and is available in standard, Hevi-Wate drillpipe is recommended for use in the crossover area of

spiral, and nonmagnetic designs, making it useful in a number of a drillstring when the bending strength ratio (ratio of I/C or section
applications. It is designed and built with drillpipe dimensions for easier modulus) between the drill collars and the drillpipe exceeds 5.5. It
handling by the rig crew, and uses a unique center upset wear pad or will provide a gradual transition in stiffness between the drill collars
spiral to increase tube life while reducing hole drag and differential and drillpipe, reducing fatigue damage to the drillpipe. Refer to the
sticking problems. table Bending Strength Ratios to find the maximum drill collar
size that can be run directly below Hevi-Wate drillpipe, and to the
Features DRILCO Drilling Assembly Handbook for additional information.
Materials can be specified for conformance to standard industry
requirements, such as NS1 and individual customer specifications. Remedial Operations
Hevi-Wate drillpipe provides the weight required in milling,
Long tool joints provide ample space to recut connections, reduce
OD wear rate, and extend service life. underreaming, and hole-opening operations.
A unique center upset or wear pad protects the tube from OD wear Jar Placement
and increases tube life by keeping it away from the borehole wall It is well suited for jar placement. Use a sufficient number of joints

while reducing hole drag and the risk of differential sticking. below the jar to ensure that the jar is not in the transition zone, and
The API bore back box is standard for the box connection on 4-in 20% of the recommended jar overpull as hammer weight above
Hevi-Wate drillpipe and larger, helping to extend the service life of the jar in areas where differential sticking is a problem. Consult a
connections. DRILCO representative for additional information and placement
Cold rolling the thread roots on all Hevi-Wate drillpipe connections recommendations.
increases the connections ability to resist fatigue cracking. Hydraulic Improvements
Hevi-Wate drillpipe can be picked up with the drillpipe elevators for Hevi-Wate drillpipe can reduce drillstring pressure losses when it

fast, efficient handling on the rig floor. replaces part of the drill collar string in hole sizes ranging from 6 to
8 in, where drill collar bore size is relatively small.
Optional features
Hardbanding placed on the tool joints and center wear pad will Standard Hardbanding
increase abrasion resistance and extend service life. A variety of abrasion-resistant materials are available for application.
An API stress-relief groove can be placed on the pin connections for Contact a DRILCO representative for more information. Standard
4-in joints and larger. hardbanding consists of several applications:
Pin5 in of hardmetal applied flush with the OD at the pin end
Directional Drilling
Box4 in of hardmetal applied flush with the OD and 1 in on the taper
Hevi-Wate drillpipe can serve as an effective weight-on-bit member
at the box end
in extended-reach, horizontal, and conventional directional wells. Center upsetTwo 3-in bands applied to each end at upset OD.
It improves directional control because of reduced torque and drag. See the Machine Shop Services section of this catalog for details.
The center upset also helps reduce the risk of differential sticking.
Nonmagnetic Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe
Vertical Drilling Nonmagnetic Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe enables MWD tools
When drilling vertical wells, Hevi-Wate drillpipe can serve as an to be isolated from the undesirable effects of drillstring magnetic
active WOB member in place of a portion of the drill collar string to interference. This intermediate-weight drillstring member is
reduce torque and shorten trip time. manufactured with stringent material specifications to ensure the low
It can provide a portion of the anticipated drilling weight when using magnetic permeability required for nonmagnetic downhole drilling
soft-formation PDC bits. tools. It has corresponding drillpipe dimensions and can be picked up
with the drillpipe elevators for fast, efficient handling on the rig floor.
Note: Hevi-Wate drillpipe should not be used to provide weight-on- Nonmagnetic Hevi-Wate drillpipe is a special-order product to meet
bit in vertical holes larger than those listed in the accompanying specific requirements. Please consult your local DRILCO representative
table. for further details.

Transition Zone
By running 18 to 21 joints of Hevi-Wate drillpipe above drill collars,

the risk of drillpipe fatigue failure is reduced.

3 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Hevi-Wate Transition DrillpipeStandard and Spiral

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe SpecificationsStandard and Spiral

Nominal Tube Mechanical Properties Tool joint
Size, in Tube Section
Nominal Tube Dimensions Center Elevator Tensile Torsional Connection OD,in ID, in Tensile Yield,
ID, in Wall Thickness, Area, Upset Upset Yield, lbm Yield, Size and Type lbm
in in2 OD, in OD, in ft.lbm

312 214 0.625 5.645 4 358 310,475 18,460 NC 38 (312 IF) 434 238 675,045
4 2916 0.719 7.410 412 418 407,550 27,635 NC 40 (4 FH) 514 21116 711,475
412 234 0.875 9.965 5 458 548,075 40,715 NC 46 (4 IF) 614 278 1,024,500
5 3 1.000 12.566 512 518 691,185 56,495 NC 50 (412 IF) 658 3116 1,266,000
512 338 1.063 14.812 6 558 814,660 74,140 512 FH 7 312 1,349,365
658 412 1.063 18.567 718 634 1,021,185 118,845 658 FH 8 458 1,490,495

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe SpecificationsStandard and Spiral (Continued)

Nominal Size, in Tool Joint Approximate Overall
Torsional Makeup Approximate Overall Length, ft
Yield, Torque, Length of Pin/Box, in
ft.lbm ft. lbm
312 17,575 10,000 30/27 31
4 23,525 13,300 30/27 31
412 38,800 21,800 30/27 31
5 51,375 29,200 30/27 31
512 53,080 32,800 30/27 31
658 73,215 45,800 30/27 31

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe Bending Strength Ratios

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe Size, in Maximum Drill Collar Size, in Bending Strength Ratios
3 2
534 214 18.2/3.5 = 5.2:1
4 612 214 26.5/5.2 = 5.1:1
4 2
712 21316 36.5/7.7 = 4.7:1
5 814 21316 54.3/10.7 = 5.1:1
512 9 21316 70.8/14 = 5.1:1
658 1012 3 113/22.4 = 5.0:1
Indicates the largest size drill collar to be run directly below the Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe. If drill collars larger than the maximum size shown
are to be used, run at least three collars of the maximum size shown between the large drill collar and the Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe.

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe Weight and Center Upset Specifications

Nominal Spiral Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe Standard Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe
Size, in Approximate Weight, Including Center Approximate Weight, Including Center
Tube and Joints, lbm Upset Tube and Joints, lbm Upset
lbm.ft lbm.Jt 31 ft Length, lbm.ft lbm.Jt 31 ft Length,
ft in
312 27.5 849 18.5 23.4 721 24
4 34.3 1,057 18.5 29.9 920 24
412 46.5 1,431 18.5 41.1 1,265 24
5 55.4 1,706 18.5 50.1 1,543 24
512 63.8 1,962 18.5 57.6 1,770 24
658 77.7 2,389 18.5 71.3 2,193 24

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe vs. Maximum Hole Size

Hevi-Wate Transition Drillpipe Size, in Maximum Hole Size, in
312 7
4 818
412 9116
5 10116
512 11 Standard Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe, left, and
658 1312 spiraled Hevi-Wate transition drillpipe, right.

Tubulars and Tubular Services 4

Kelly, Rotary DriveHex and Square
Rotary kellys transmit torsional energy from the rotary table to the
drillstring and ultimately to the bottom of the hole. The mechanical C C
properties of the steel and the specifications used by DRILCO to
manufacture kellys protect and extend this capability.
16 in 16 in
Each DRILCO rotary kelly is heat-treated along its entire length for
uniform toughness and durability. A hardness range of 285 to 341 BHN Top upset with
and a Charpy V-notch impact value of 40 ft.lbf are guaranteed one inch left-handedconnection
below the surface at room temperature. Each rotary kelly conforms to
the mechanical properties listed in API Specification 71 and, can be A A
stamped with the API monogram. (less (less
3 ft) 3 ft)
Machined flats and upsets ensure tight tolerances and a high-quality
drive section. These features retard wear on the kelly and prolong the
service life of its drive-bushing rollers. F
Kellys can have a square or hexagonal cross section and are available E
in two standard lengths: E

40 ft [12.2 m] with a 37-ft [11.3-m] working space

46 ft [14.0 m] with a 43-ft [13.1-m] working space

Other sizes may be available through special order.

Bottom upset with
right-handed connection

20 in
20 in


Square kelly, left, and hexagonal kelly, right.

Hexagonal Kelly Specifications

Nominal Available Top Upset Bottom Upset Bore, in Drive Section Weight of 40-ft
Size, in Lengths, ft API Box Lefthand OD, in Righthand OD, in (E) Across Corners, Across Flats, Length, lbm
(A) Connection (C) Connection (D) in (F) in (G)
3.5 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 31 (278 IF) 418 2 3.937 312 1,300
3.5 40, 46 412 Reg 534 NC 31 (278 IF) 418 2 3.937 312 1,200
4.25 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 38 (312 IF) 434 214 4.781 414 1,740
5.25 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 46 (4 IF) 6638 21316 5.900 514 2,550
5.25 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 50 (412 IF) 618638 3 5.900 514 2,550
Not an API standard

Square Kelly Specifications

Nominal Available Top Upset Bottom Upset Bore, in Drive Section Weight of 40-ft
Size, in Lengths, ft API Box Lefthand OD, in Righthand OD, in (E) Across Corners, Across Flats, Length, lbm
(A) Connection (C) Connection (D) in (F) in (G)
3 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 31 (278 IF) 418 2 3.875 3 1,080
3 40, 46 412 Reg 534 NC 31 (278 IF) 418 2 3.875 3 980
3.5 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 38 (312 IF) 434 214 4.437 312 1,320
3.5 40, 46 412 Reg 534 NC 38 (312 IF) 434 214 4.437 312 1,320
4.25 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 46 (4 IF) 6638 21316 5.500 414 1,820
4.25 40, 46 658 Reg 734 NC 50 (412 IF) 618638 21316 5.500 414 1,820
Not an API standard

5 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Mud-Chek AP Mud-Saver Valve
The DRILCO Mud-Chek AP* kelly mud-saver valve reduces or Superior durability and reliability
eliminates the undesirable loss of fluid when making a connection while The geometry is optimized using fluid flow analysis to reduce erosion
drilling. Placed on the end of the kelly, it opens as a result of pressure in critical areas.
when the rig pumps are engaged, enabling circulation down the A solid tungsten carbide seat reduces wear and improves reliability.
drillstring. When circulation is stopped the valve closes immediately,
trapping the drilling fluid inside the kelly, making drillstring trips drier,
The rugged design extends tool life, eliminating the need to make
faster, and safer for the rig crew and the environment. No manual and break connections to replace the mud-saver valve during a job.
intervention is required. A backflow feature permits pressure equalization in the kelly,
allowing normal drillpipe readings at the standpipe. The compact,
Benefits easy-to-use valve measures 36 in shoulder to shoulder.
Reduces waste by eliminating mud loss during connections
Eliminates rig time lost waiting on kelly to drain Reduced risk for wireline operations
With the Mud-Chek AP valve, there is no need to use an overshot and
Reduces risk of accidents by helping to keep rig floor dry
deal with the complexities of shearing pins and retrieving a spear
Saves rig time by improving crew efficiency when racking assembly. An easy to use sinker bar breaks a plastic cap for wireline
backtubulars operations through the valve.
Helps protect rig crew from contact with hazardous drilling fluids
Low crack pressure and pressure drop
Helps control contamination of rigsite by drilling fluid Valve cracks open at 150 psi, allowing the kelly to hold at least 100 ft of
Lowers costs by doubling as a kelly saver sub, extending life of 18 lbm/galUS mud. Maximum pressure drop through the valve is 100 psi.
Increased safety for higher productivity
Reduces rigsite cleanup costs Eliminates mud loss during connections
Able to withstand extreme drilling conditions Eliminates rig time spent waiting for the kelly to drain
850-galUS/min mud flow rate Dry rig floor reduces the risk of rig crew slipping
4,500-psi drillstring pressure Improves crew efficiency when racking back tubulars
18-lbm/galUS mud density
30% solids content

Mud-Chek AP Mud Saver Valve Specifications

434 in 514 in 612 in
Minimum flow area in open position, in2 4.75 4.75 3.98
Length (shoulder to shoulder), no protector, in 34 34 36
Length (shoulder to shoulder), protector, in N/A N/A 40
Connections (API) NC 38, 312 IF NC 40 NC 46, 4 IF, NC 50, 412 IF
Tool Sub OD, in 434 514 612
Tool Sub ID, in 214 214 21316
Tool sub weight (no rubber protector groove), lbm 105 140 212
Valve weight, lbm 18 18 36
Valve crack pressure, psi 200 200 150
Maximum pressure drop (after valve opens), psi 100 100 100
Max Operating Limits
Flow rate, galUS/min 400 400 850
Drill string pressure, psi 4,500 4,500 4,500
Mud density, lbm/galUS 18 18 18
Solids content, % 30 30 30
Sinker bar for wireline, in 11116 11116 134
Sinker bar length for wireline, ft 8 8 3
Impact strength of knock out cap, ft.lbf 875 875 144
Clear opening with knock out cap ruptured by 134 134 2
sinker bar, in

Mud-Chek AP advanced performance mud-saver

valve in closed position, left, and open position, right.

Tubulars and Tubular Services 6

Premium ConnectionsSSDS
DRILCO offers two premium connections with superior torque capacity.
Rig handling procedures and makeup speed are similar to a standard
API connection.

SSDS premium high-torque connection

The DRILCO SSDS* high-torque connection improves drilling
performance by providing 30% to 40% greater torque capacity than
standard API connections, making it ideal for aggressive drilling
programs. Improved flow rates can be obtained by using a larger than
standard bore in the tool joint. The SSDS connections have a greater
resistance to tool joint wear, which reduces costs by extending

The connections double-shoulder design incorporates a primary

external shoulder that serves as the connection sealing surface
and a secondary internal shoulder that serves as a mechanical stop
The SSDS provides 30% to 40% greater torque capacity than standard
and friction surface to provide additional resistance to torque. The APIconnections.
design uses the same thread form and taper as an equivalent size
API connection. An extended profile helps to balance contact forces
between the two shoulders, providing additional torsional strength for
high-torque applications.

Consult your DRILCO representative for guidance on connection


Drilling torque exceeds the limits of standard API connections
Tool joint ID needs to be larger, for reduced pressure loss and
improved hydraulic efficiency
Tool joint and connection sizes need to be smaller than standard API
without compromising torsional strength or hydraulics

Improves drilling performance in aggressive drilling programs
Increases hydraulic efficiency by accommodating a larger ID
tool joint
Greater resistance to tool joint wear extends drillpipe service life

Torsional strength 30% to 40% greater than equivalent
Optional tool joint ID larger than standard ID
Double-shoulder design improves torsional and
Rig handling procedures and makeup speed similar to

7 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Premium Connections SSDS

SSDS38 Connection Specifications SSDS50 Connection Specifications

Tool Joint Makeup Torque, Torsional Yield, Pin Tensile Tool Joint Makeup Torque, Torsional Yield, Pin Tensile
ft.lbf ft.lb Yield, lb ft.lbf ft.lb Yield, lb
OD, in ID, in OD, in ID, in
2716 18,066 30,110 708,063 314 46,427 77,378 1,268,963
434 2916 17,170 28,617 649,158 638 312 39,245 65,409 1,109,920
21116 15,543 25,905 587,308 334 31,480 52,467 939,096
2716 19,795 32,992 708,063 314 46,427 77,378 1,268,963
478 2916 17,726 29,543 649,158 612 312 39,245 65,409 1,109,920
21116 15,543 25,905 587,308 334 31,480 52,467 939,096
2716 19,795 32,992 708,063 314 46,427 77,378 1,268,963
5 2 16
17,726 29,543 649,158 6 8
3 2
39,245 65,409 1,109,920
21116 15,543 25,905 587,308 334 31,480 52,467 939,096

SSDS40 Connection Specifications SSDS55 Connection Specifications

Tool Joint Makeup Torque, Torsional Yield, Pin Tensile Tool Joint Makeup Torque, Torsional Yield, Pin Tensile
ft.lbf ft.lb Yield, lb ft.lbf ft.lb Yield, lb
OD, in ID, in OD, in ID, in
2916 23,108 38,513 819,050 334 54,522 90,870 1,448,407
514 21116 20,821 34,702 757,200 7 378 50,823 84,705 1,358,577
21316 18,415 30,692 692,405 4 46,199 76,998 1,265,801
2916 23,108 38,513 819,050 334 55,287 92,145 1,448,407
5 8
2 16
20,821 34,702 757,200 718 378 50,823 84,705 1,358,577
21316 18,415 30,692 692,405 4 46,199 76,998 1,265,801
2916 23,108 38,513 819,050 334 55,287 92,145 1,448,407
512 21116 20,821 34,702 757,200 714 378 50,823 84,705 1,358,577
21316 18,415 30,692 692,405 4 46,199 76,998 1,265,801

Tables contain connection data for common tool joint sizes. Contact DRILCO for data on sizes not listed.

Performance properties based on 120,000 psi yield strength tool joint material, and thread compound with 1.0
SSDS46 Connection Specifications
API friction factor. Torsional yield values shown in bold type indicate the connection is box weak in torsion.
Tool Joint Makeup Torque, Torsional Yield, Pin Tensile Makeup torque is based on 72,000 psi stress level.
ft.lbf ft.lb Yield, lb
OD, in ID, in
3 34,382 57,303 1,048,427
6 318 31,370 52,284 976,268
314 28,224 47,040 901,164
3 34,382 57,303 1,048,427
618 318 31,370 52,284 976,268
3 4
28,224 47,040 901,164
3 34,382 57,303 1,048,427
614 318 31,370 52,284 976,268
314 28,224 47,040 901,164

Tubulars and Tubular Services 8

Premium ConnectionsATDS

ATDS advanced-torque double-shouldered connection

The DRILCO ATDS* advanced-torque double-shouldered connection Double shoulder
substantially increases drilling performance with small-diameter
tubulars by providing a torque capacity that is 50% to 55% greater than
standard API connections for comparable size tubulars.

Designed for small diameter tubulars, the superior torsional strength

makes ATDS connection ideal for aggressive drilling programs and
fishing operations. Improved flow rates can be obtained by using a
larger than standard bore in the tool joint.

The double-shouldered design enables the primary external shoulder to

serve as the sealing surface, while the secondary shoulder serves as a
mechanical stop for the connection. The ATDS pin and box sections are
engineered to distribute the makeup forces between the two shoulders,
providing additional torsional strength for high-torque applications. The double shoulder of the ATDS connection provides greater torque capacity
than standard API connections.
Repairs to the ATDS connections must be performed by licensed
machine shops with CNC machine capabilities. DRILCO machine shop
repair facilities are conveniently located in a number of oilfield service
centers around the world for repair services.

Drilling torque exceeds the limits of standard API connection
Tool joint and connection size needs to be smaller than standard API
without compromising torsional strength or hydraulics

Improves drilling performance in aggressive drilling programs
Increases hydraulic efficiency by accommodating larger ID tool joint
Greater resistance to tool joint wear extends drillpipe service life

Torsional strength approximately 50% to 55% greater than equivalent
API connection
Double-shoulder design improves torsional and hydraulic
Rig handling procedures and makeup speed similar to
API connection

ATDS Connection Specifications

Connection Tool Joint Makeup Torsional Pin Tensile
Size and Style Torque, ft.lb Yield, ft.lb Yield, lb
Box OD, Pin ID,
in in
ATDS 24 PAC 318 112 5,420 9,035 273,000
3 8
112 7,520 12,530 360,400
3 2
112 7,590 12,650 360,400

9 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Thread ProtectorsPressed Steel and Cast Steel
Thread protectors are recommended to protect the pin and box
connections when drillstring components are being shipped or stored at
the warehouse or wellsite.

Three types of thread protectors are available:

Cast-steel thread protectors, with lifting bail, are made from steel
castings that meet ASTM specification A 27 Grade 6030
(60,000 psi tensile30,000 psi yield). They are equipped with heavy-
duty bails to enable drill collars to be picked up and set down with
a catline. Cast-steel thread protectors threads and shoulders are Certified cast-steel protector Box
precision machined.
Pressed steel, light-duty protectors are used when drillstem
components require shipping and storing protection.
Plastic light-duty protectors are used when threaded drillstem
components need to be protected against shipping or storage.

Certified cast-steel thread protector

Certified cast-steel thread protectors (CCSTP) with lifting bails offer
the ultimate thread protection and have certified lifting capacities Cast-steel thread protector Box
to ensure safe handling of tubular products during manufacture,
shipping, or at the rig site.
Each lifting bail is tested to 300% of the maximum anticipated load
and NDT-inspected for cracks after pull testing.
It is capable of picking up one drill collar within the recommended
diameter for the type and size of connection on the CCSTP.
Pressed steel thread protector Box
Threads and shoulders are precision machined to ensure proper
makeup on the protected connection. DRILCO offers three types of steel thread protectors: Certified cast-steel, cast-steel,
A unique serial number is permanently affixed to each protector and pressed steel.
for complete traceability of test date, applied load vs. time, and
inspection results.
Because drill collars are often handled roughly, DRILCO recommends
frequent inspection to ensure that the bail is not cracked and that
proper makeup to connections is possible.

Note: Cast-steel thread protectors are only intended to assist with pick
up or lay down of one drill collar at a time.

Thread protectors are recommended when storing or transporting tubulars.

Tubulars and Tubular Services 10

Rotary Substitutes (Subs)
Rotary substitutes or subs have two primary A kelly saver sub provides a less expensive
applications. They can be used to cross over connection between the pin end of a
from one connection size to another, or as kelly and the box end of another drillstem
the disposable component to extend the component. This interposing arrangement
connection life of a more expensive extends the life of a kelly by allowing
drillstring member. the saver sub to absorb the repeated
connection wear a kelly would otherwise
DRILCO subs are heat-treated to meet or have to endure during makeup to other 18 in
exceed API specifications for drillpipe tool joint drillstem components. The saver sub can be
mechanical properties. They are available with equipped with a rubber protector to reduce
box pin, box box, or pin pin connections. BOP equipment and casing wear resulting 36 in
The sub connections are protected by a from contact damage with the lower kelly
phosphate surface coating that minimizes connection.
galling on initial makeup. Precision-machined
API connections are standard; proprietary Bit sub
connections machined by licensed vendors DRILCO manufactures a complete line of bit
are also available. When subs are ordered to subs, made from materials that are heat-
conform to API Specification 71, DRILCO is treated to drill collar specifications. Sizes
authorized to apply the API monogram. range from 318-in to 11-in OD and 36-in to
48-in length.
The following rotary subs are available:
A straight-OD sub connects drillstring Lift sub
members that have a similar OD. The drill A lift sub enables the safe and efficient Lift Sub.
bit, downhole tools, Hevi-Wate drillpipe, and handling of straight-OD tubulars such as
drillpipe can be crossed over using this sub. drill collars, shock tools, jars, and directional
A reduced-section sub connects drillstring equipment with the drillpipe elevators.
members with different diameters that
warrant the cross-sectional change
necessary to accommodate different
connections. This sub would be used to
cross over large OD drilling tools or a
tapered drill collar string.

Straight OD Subs Reduced Section Subs Saver Subs

36 in 36 in 36 in 36 in
48 in 48 in
12 in

Box x box Box x pin Pin x pin Box x box Pin x box Box x box Box x pin Pin x pin Box x pin Box x pin

11 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Rotary Substitutes (Subs)

Top drive sub

Top drive subs are positioned between the drillstring and top drive
to protect their threads from repeated makeup wear, which could
lead to expensive maintenance and replacement costs of top drive
components. Alternately, a top drive sub can be repaired or replaced
easily and at much less expense if its lower pin threads become galled
or damaged. They are manufactured from selected bars of alloy steel
and heat treated to provide the strength required to carry the entire
weight of the drillstring.

Heat-treated to meet or exceed API specifications for drillpipe tool
joint mechanical properties
Precision machined API connections standard, with proprietary
connections available machined by licensed vendors
Serialized for complete material traceability Top Drive Sub.

Top Drive Sub Specifications

OD, in ID, in Upper Pin Connection Lower Pin Connection Lower Pin Connection
Size, in Size, in Tensile Yield, lbm Torsional Yield, ft.lbm
8 58 4 758 Reg 6 58 FH 2,296,000 118,000
8 58 3 12 758 Reg 5 12 FH 1,619,000 72,000
8 58 3 758 Reg NC 50 1,416,000 57,000
8 58 2 12 758 Reg NC 46 1,307,000 49,000
8 58 2 14 758 Reg NC 38 790,000 24,000
S tandard sizes shown above. Additional sizes available upon request, including box up design.
Mechanical properties based on 120,000 psi material yield strength.
Ordering instructions, please specify:
Use (e.g. kelly sub, cross over drillpipe to drill collar, drill collar to drill collar or bit sub)
Overall length shoulder to shoulder
Largest diameter
Bore ID
Size and type of upper and lower connections, indicating pin or box
Cast or pressed steel thread protectors
Reduced-section subs, add diameter of reduced section and length of reduced section: 8-, 12-, 18-, or 24-in
Bit subs, add float bore size and type, if desired
Kelly saver subs with protectors, add casing OD and weight to properly size the casing protector
Lift subs, specify tapered or square shoulder and drillpipe OD

Tubulars and Tubular Services 12

Rig Equipment
Ezy-Torq Hydraulic Cathead

Hydraulic power increases torque arc smoothly Advantages

The Ezy-Torq hydraulic cathead delivers smooth and even torque Precise pressure control enables correct makeup
to makeup loads ranging from 40,000 to 150,000 ft.lb for making up Positive-displacement, tandem pump provides efficient,
large-diameter BHA components with either premium or standard steady hydraulic energy
connections. When the system is used for rotary shouldered Control module enables remote pressure regulation and
connections requiring less than 40,000 ft.lbf of makeup torque, the unit
cylinder operation
should be set up with a regularly calibrated load cell.
Hydraulic operation of remote control module eliminates
Application of smooth and consistent line pull to the rig tongs ensures electrical hazards
proper makeup of all rotary shouldered connections. Maintaining Simple hydraulic circuit ensures trouble-free performance
proper connection torque helps reduce wear on drillstring connections,
decrease maintenance costs, and reduce potential connection failures.
Unitized construction enhances durability
Note: In all applications, the torque rating of the rig tongs should never
be exceeded.

Three Ezy-Torq system options provide flexibility

Ezy-Torq systems are available to fit individual rig requirements and 45
operation parameters. The Ezy-Torq Hydraulic cathead is available
in three power systems to suit individual rig requirements. Available
systems can be self-contained, powered by the rig, or use an
independent power source. System components rated for operations
in high-temperature (>131 degF [55 degC]) environments are available Snub line
e Pressure port
upon request. er st (power stroke)
Type I: Self-contained system
The Type I Ezy-Torq is a fully self-contained system. It incorporates
a hydraulic power source and control console to operate the units
hydraulic cylinder assembly, which includes a specially rated wireline
for easy connection to rig tongs. The entire unit can be temporarily
Pressure port
or permanently installed on the rig floor as a self-contained system
(return stroke)
featuring a hydraulic power unit, a remote control module, five 25-ft
[7,620-mm] remote control module hoses, and two 25-ft cylinder hoses.

Accurate and remote hydraulic pressure control

The unit is powered by its positive-displacement, tandem pump with
a typical high-low pump circuit. It produces low power consumption,
high-speed cylinder movement at low force-to-work-loading and a
slow, steady pull at high force-to-full-loading. When a work load causes
system pressure to rise, the high-volume pump stage automatically
discharges into the reservoir, while the low-volume stage continues to Ezy-Torq Type I Power
supply high force for connection makeup. Unit System

The power unit can be controlled from a convenient location on the

rig with a remote control module, which features a lever-actuated
control valve, pressure gauge, and a pilot relief valve to enable pressure
operation and regulation.

The Type I system is a self-contained system with three main components: power
source, control console, and hydraulic cylinder.

13 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Ezy-Torq Hydraulic Cathead

Type II: Connects to existing rig hydraulic system Note: The hydraulic auxiliary control unit is designed with a closed center valve for
The Type II Ezy-Torq system provides the same reliable performance connection to a hydraulic system utilizing accumulators. A conversion kit may be
required depending on the rigs hydraulic power source, such as when powered by
as the Type I system, but it has a smaller footprint: It operates with a positive displacement pump.
hydraulic components that connect to an existing rig hydraulic power
source, such as the accumulator portion of a BOP system. The Type II Type III: For rigs with positive-displacement hydraulic systems
consists of the main control unit, a remote control module, six 50-ft The Type III Ezy-Torq system (Type II system with conversion kit)
[15.24-m] remote control module hoses, and two 25-ft [7.62 m] cylinder offers the same advantages as the Type I and Type II systems but is
hoses. Conversion hydraulic fittings to existing rig components are designed to connect to a rig hydraulic power source that uses positive-
supplied by the customer. displacement pumps to supply hydraulic pressure. This system is not
intended for use with a hydraulic system that uses an accumulator (see
Pressure control with a minimized footprint Type II system instead).
The remote control module is operated by air and hydraulics, eliminating
the hazards associated with electrical circuits. It features an adjustable The hydraulic supplies on many rigs use continuously running pumps
relief valve and a high-pressure gauge for setting the required fluid such as positive-displacement gear pumps. If flow is blocked, fluid
pressure. The pilot relief valve operates a pressure-reducing valve on pressure builds up and the hydraulic supply motor can overload or a
the main control unit that governs the maximum pressure developed on rupture may occur. The Type III Ezy-Torq system uses a pilot-operated
the blind end of the cylinder (makeup stroke). An additional preset relief relief valve to bypass flow to the reservoir return line at low pressure
valve limits maximum pressure on the rod side of the cylinder (retraction when the remote control lever is released. This capability helps prevent
stroke). A lever-actuated air valve mounted on the remote control the damage that may be caused by a blockage in the hydraulic system.
module can extend, retract, or stop cylinder movement.
Rig hydraulic supplies that contain relief valves capable of bypassing
Advantages fluid to the reservoir may possibly be used with a Type II system. Oil
Uses existing rig hydraulic equipment, minimizing unit heating may become a problem, however, if fluid flows continuously
space requirements across the relief valve for long periods of time at high pressures.
Air and hydraulic operation eliminates electrical hazards CAUTION: The Type III conversion kit must not be used if the Ezy-Torq
Remotely controlled hydraulic cathead is to be connected to an accumulator system.
Adjustable relief valve and high pressure gauge sets required

Ezy-Torq Cathead Recommended Spare Parts Kits for Shipping Weight Data
12 Months Operation Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly, lbm Power Unit Assembly, lbf Auxiliary Power Unit Assembly,
Description Part Number lbf
Type I Model E Power Unit Spare Parts Kit 07257001 850 900 400
Type II Auxiliary Unit Spare Parts Kit 03677801 All weights are approximate
Type III Auxiliary Unit Spare Parts Kit 03677801

Contains remote control module with hoses

Contains wireline assembly
Cylinder Assembly Spare Parts Kit 03677701
(includes wireline assembly)

System Power Design Data

Motor Design Cycle Frequency, hz Amperage, amp Cylinder Time, s
230 v 460 v 220 v 380 v Power Stroke Return Stroke
10 hp1,750 rpm 60 25.4 12.7 N/A N/A 10 5
7 hp1,450 rpm 50 N/A N/A 23.4 11.7 11 6

Cylinder Assembly
Minimum Flow Rate Maximum Flow Rate Maximum Test Maximum Working Stroke Length Line Pull Torque Range
Pressure Pressure
4 galUS/min 35 galUS/min 3,000 psi 2,500 psi 22.5 in 32,900 lbf 40,000150,000 ft.lbf
18.9 l/min 132.5 lpm 20.68 Mpa 17.2 Mpa 571.5 mm 146,000 N 54,240203,400 N.m
Ordering instructions, please specify: Rig Pump Systems
Ezy-Torq Type I System (standard) Hertz (Hz) of power source: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Ezy-Torq Type II System for rig accumulator utilization. Motor VoltageThe following are available:
Ezy-Torq Type III System for positive displacement 60 Hz230V, 460V, 1750 RPM, 10HP
50 Hz220V or 380V, 1450 RPM, 712 HP
Other voltages are available upon special order
Motor Temperature Rating
104 degF [40 degC] ambient operating temperature standard.
131 degF [55 degC] ambient operating temperature optional.

Tubulars and Tubular Services 14

Tru-Torque Automatic Torque Control System (ATCS)

DRILCOs Tru-Torque* automatic torque has been certified to operate in a Class 1, Minimizes washouts and twistoffs due to
control system ensures the recommended Division 2 environment. The Tru-Torque system improperly torque connections
torque is accurately applied to each can be used on any rig with manual tong arms Controls torque on rigs with manual
connection during makeup on the rig floor. The that are controlled by pneumatic, or air over tongs and air or hydraulic activated
system will also cache the amount of breakout hydraulics. DRILCO will install the system and cathead clutches.
torque used during pipe pulling operations to provide the driller with real-time monitoring
prevent improper torque from being applied, and torque control. Tru-Torque system is vital Features
resulting in swelled boxes, stretched pins, and to maintaining production levels and avoiding Controls and settings are menu-driven,
galled threads and shoulders. costly torque-related damage to the drillstring. easy to learn, user-friendly, and within easy
And, its rugged design enables operation in reach of the driller
Run on a Windows 7 platform, the Tru-Torque the harshest conditions. Direct sunlight readable LCD
system can detect, record, and control the
torque values of connections to enable the Benefits Adjustable for any tong arm length up to
proper makeup of each drillstring component. Promotes safety by allowing the driller to 99 in
This extremely accurate and precise control focus on rig floor activities Torque and over torque audible alarm
unit automatically terminates makeup when Reduces costs by minimizing drillstring Digital load cell: 0 to 30,000 lbf with 4:1
the correct amount of torque needed for a service and repairs necessitated by safety factor
connection is reached. insufficient makeup torque Onboard data storage for easy retrieval
The Tru-Torque system includes an Reduces trip time by improving pipe Embedded Windows 7 operating system
intrinsically safe load cell, explosion-proof air handling efficiency through uniform
controllers, and an industrial computer that connection makeup time

15 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Tru-Torque Automatic Torque Control System (ATCS)

Hardware Tru-Torque Automatic Torque Control System Specifications

NEMA 4x certified stainless steel controller System
housing and rugged electronics Line Pull 030,000 lbf load cell range with 4:1 safety factor
Power supply automatically switches to Accuracy 2% from 2,500 to 30,000 lbf
correct voltage: 110/220 V AC 3% from 1,000 to 2,500 lbf
Weather-proof, stainless steel enclosure Torque 0150,000 ft.lbf with 60-in tong arm length
Line Pull Settings 10-ft.lbf increments
Sunshield and yoke mount
Torque Settings 10-ft.lbf increments
Waterproof speakers Tong Arm Settings 1-in increments from 0 to 99 in
On-board, self-diagnostic testing Indicator 6-digit readout
NEMA 4x enclosure rating enables Electrical Power 94265 V, AC auto switching, 4763 Hz, with line AC filter, 0.4 A
controller to prevent water jetting Connecting voltage Load Cell:14 V, DC through intrinsically safe barriers
Air Controllers: 2319 V, DC by cable with grounding and locking plug
Environmental Network 802.11n via SMA CONN, 802.3 via MIL-SPEC CONN
Operating temperatures -40 degC [32 degF] Cold weather compensated Internal heater control and 40 W heater
to 50 degC [122 degF] Operating system Windows 7
Storage temperatures -60 degC [140 degF] Hard drive 16 GB, SSD
to 85 degC [185 degF] RAM 4 GB
Shock and vibration Shock: 20 G for 6 ms, Vibration: 2 G, 10500 Hz, 3 axes
Operational 50500 Hz vibrations
MTBF 30,000 hours
FCC Class B EMC emissions
Load Cell
FCC Class B EMC immunity Calibration 0.2% at 30,000 lbf with 0.05% NIST traceable line pull
FM or equivalent, C1D2 approvals Calibration Sheet Furnished upon request
Construction Manufactured from stainless steel and sealed for rugged use
Accurate, consistent torque control in Safety Factor 4:1 at 30,000 lbf line pull
four easy steps
Tru-Torque systems are installed at the
wellsite by qualified DRILCO personnel. Once
installed, the system can be used with a simple
four-step process:

1. The operator selects and presets the

torque required to properly makeup the
connections. The torque-trip point can be
reset incrementally to the desired value.
2. The load cell electronically measures
pull on the tong arm, using temperature-
compensated strain gauges set in sturdy,
high-grade stainless steel housing.
3. The torque controller receives the signal
from the load cell and converts it to a
torque reading, which is compared to the
pre-established torque-trip point.
4. When actual torque equals the trip-point
value, the system controller sends a signal
to the air controllers, which exhaust air to
the cathead clutch, immediately stopping
the connection makeup. And an audible
alarm sounds to inform the rig crew
that makeup is complete. The system
automatically resets the air controllers after
each makeup.

Tubulars and Tubular Services 16

Rig Floor and Drilling Packages
Modern drilling rigs and programs require a comprehensive list of tools
and equipment. With a history of setting industry standards for over 60
years, DRILCO supplies drilling and rig equipment packages that will
help ensure a successful start or addition to your drilling operation.
Complete packages eliminate the problems associated with acquiring
equipment from multiple sources: incompatible components, varying
states of wear, poorly maintained equipment, and inventories with
incomplete or duplicate equipment.

Contact your local DRILCO representative for more information on

complete rig floor and drilling packages, or individual components to
meet your drilling requirements.

Rig Floor and Drilling Packages

Equipment Floor package Drilling package
Top Drive Subs
Reduced Section Subs
Straight OD Subs
Lifting Subs
Thread Protectors
Ezy-Torq Systems
Tru-Torque Systems
Drill Collars
DRILCO Hevi-Wate Drillpipe
Mud-Chek AP Mud Saver Valves
Hexagonal Kellys
Slips Complete packages eliminate the problems associated with acquiring
Junk Baskets equipment from multiple sources.
Cement Mills
Junk Subs
Impression Blocks
Casing Scrapers
Reamaster-XTU/DTU Hole Openers
Open and Sealed Roller Reamers
DOG Subs
Integral Blade Stabilizers

17 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Tubular Services
Machine Shop Services
Highly trained and experienced DRILCO machinists provide a variety Repeated reworking of
of services to keep drilling tools operating at peak performance, connections has left the tool too
performing work to API or customer proprietary specifications as short for use
well as meeting industry leading DRILCO standards. Located in most Tool OD wear has reduced the
major oilfield operating areas worldwide, DRILCO service centers offer bending and torsional strength of
consistent and high quality drillstring repair. Each of these facilities the box connection
performs work to API, proprietary operator specifications, and Bore erosion has affected the
DRILCO requirements.
bending, torsional, and tensile
DRILCO machine shops provide a number of routine services: strength of the pin connection

Machining rotary substitutes (subs) DRILCO specializes in a cost-

DRILCO machine shops can fulfill all rotary sub requirements effective restoration technique:
double-pin or double-box crossovers, bit subs, lift subs, top drive Stub welding new material to the
subs, custom subs, or any sub listed in the Rotary Subs section of this ends of worn tools returns their
catalog. Whether routine or urgent, all orders are manufactured to physical dimensions to acceptable
exacting specifications. values, thereby prolonging tool life. Highly trained and experienced
DRILCO machinists provide a variety
Machining and repairing rotary shouldered connections Stub welding repair extends the of services.
New and used rotary shouldered connections are machined and working life of various drilling
repaired to API and DRILCO standards. Services include providing API tools, including drill collars, Hevi-Wate drillpipe, heavy-wall drillpipe,
stress-relief groove pins and bore back boxes, cold rolling thread roots, stabilizers, roller reamers, hole openers, and rotary kellys. The life of
and phosphate coating to help prevent galling. shortened nonmagnetic tools including NMDCs, MWD collars, and
other expensive components can also be extended with proprietary
stubbing processes and materials available at select facilities.

Repairing rotary kellys

The rotary kelly is the drive link between the surface power of the rig
and the drill bit. When kelly wear becomes advanced, selected DRILCO
facilities can remedy the following conditions:
Connection damage: The upsets at each end of the kelly are
manufactured with sufficient length to allow the connections to be
recut a number of times.
Crooked: In most cases a bent kelly can be straightened with
a hydraulic straightener. The kelly should be closely inspected
for indications of fatigue damage prior to straightening and its
subsequent return to service.
Rounded drive corners: This condition can be remedied in two ways:
Tubular connection repair services include providing API stress-relief groove pins
and bore back boxes, cold rolling thread roots, and phosphate coating to help
The first and easiest method is to reverse the ends, enabling the
prevent galling. unworn corners to be placed into service. The second method is to
re-machine the drive flats to a smaller, non-API size. This process
Tool joint buildup may require special milling equipment not available in most field
Tool joint buildup is an industry-accepted procedure for extending service centers. Moreover, when this procedure is selected, special
the service life of standard and Hevi-Wate drillpipe. Tool joints that drive rollers must be purchased for use with the modified kelly,
meet minimum recommended length and diameter criteria can be which will also have a reduced load capacity.
professionally restored to their original OD at selected DRILCO facilities. Kelly life can be significantly extended by several methods:
A properly rebuilt tool joint will provide a connection with the same Using a saver sub to reduce thread wear and damage on the lower
OD, seal-face area, and bevel diameter as a new tool joint can add
years to the life of existing tubular inventory. A DRILCO representative
can evaluate downgraded tubulars to help determine which joints are Using a scabbard when transporting the kelly
repairable and the costs involved. Lubricating the drive surfaces of the kelly, allowing it to slide freely
through the drive bushing
Stub welding (stubbing) ends on drill collars and specialty tools
Drillstring members can be returned to service with a process called
Frequent inspection for indications of fatigue damage and changing
stub welding or stubbing under certain conditions: wear patterns on the kelly flats

18 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Machine Shop Services
DRILCO is well known for its quality application of hardbanding
products to protect drill collars, heavy-wall drillpipe, standard drillpipe,
and other drilling tools against OD wear. Either conventional tungsten
carbide hardbanding or premium casing-friendly products can be
4 in 4 in
applied as required.

For Hevi-Wate drillpipe, hardbanding is recommended for the pin and 1 in 1 in

box tool joints and the center upset wear pad. Spiral Hevi-Wate drillpipe
requires only tool joint hardbanding.
1 in
As indicated in the Drill Collar Hardbanding Options reference, three
standard optionsTypes A, B, and Care available. Drill collars with
3 in
ODs smaller than 4 in cannot be hardbanded because of the thin body
walls of smaller size collars.
3 in
Drillpipe, drill collars, Hevi-Wate drillpipe, and rotary kellys can be
1 in
straightened at most DRILCO facilities. A certified DRILCO inspector
automatically checks for straightness during the standard inspection
process. Bent tubular products and drilling tools can cause premature 1 in 1 in
wear and subsequent failure of BOP equipment, and drillstring and
BHA members. The most common causes of bent drillpipe are improper
5 in 5 in
makeup and breakout procedures, dropping the drillstring, and
mishandling during transportation.

Makeup and breakout services

These services help improve rig economics by enabling drillpipe to be
shipped in preassembled double lengths, reducing the rig time spent
on making up or breaking out connections. In addition to makeup and
breakout of drillpipe, qualified operators use calibrated equipment to Hevi-Wate drillpipe hardbandingstandard, right, and spiraled, left.
break in rotary shouldered connections in a controlled environment,
ensuring reliable onsite performance.

Other services
Other services are available:
Drill collar spiraling
Drill collar OD turning
Stabilizer redress and repair 1 in
4 in
Custom repairs

1 in

10 in

1 in

30-in minimum 10 in 1 in
10 in

Type A Type B Box End with Zip Lift Type C

Pin End (Elevator and Slip Recess) (Slip Recess Only)

Drill collar hardbanding options.

Tubulars and Tubular Services 19

Inspection Services
Periodic inspection is an important step in
preventing drillstring failure. DRILCO offers
quality, API-approved inspection services for
drill collars, drillpipe, Hevi-Wate drillpipe, and
other downhole tools. A worldwide network of
service centers and locations offering tubular
repair and inspection has been established to
ensure global coverage.

Extensive training for reliable

inspection results
DRILCO inspectors are ASNT Level II certified
in the principles and techniques of oilfield
inspection. Extensive training combined
with experience means that when a tool is
inspected and marked with the OK DRILCO
stencil, it is ready for service.

Equipment can be inspected for adherence to

any of the following specifications: API-RP7G,
Spec 7, RP 5A5, 5CT; DS-1; NS-2; third-party
DRILCO inspectors are ASNT Level II certified in the principles and techniques of oilfield inspection.
standards; or customer-defined requirements.

Field inspection customer facilities or remote locations: In-shop inspection

DRILCO mobile units are completely self- Service centers offering tubular repair and
contained and easily transported to remote
API/RSC thread inspection (API-TI)
inspection have been established in most
land or offshore locations. Minor thread and Dimensional inspection (DT) major drilling centers worldwide.
shoulder blemishes can be repaired on site. Visual inspection (VT)
Field repair and salvage helps return drilling Most service centers are equipped with the
Magnetic particle inspection (MT)
tools to service quickly and reduces tubular latest, automated, electromagnetic induction
maintenance costs by eliminating unnecessary
Liquid-dye penetrant inspection (PT) and ultrasonic inspection equipment for fast,
trucking and tool rental. Electromagnetic tubular inspections efficient, high-quality inspection. In addition
(ET-MFL) to the field inspection services listed, these
DRILCO inspectors use several nondestructive centers offer
Ultrasonic inspection of rotary shouldered
testing methods to check high-stress areas
connections (UT-RSC) full-length, dual-function EMI
such as connections, slip areas, upsets,

welds, radius changes, and tubes. Any of the Ultrasonic inspection of high-stress areas full-length ultrasonic inspection (FLUT)
following inspections can be conducted at and tube upsets (UTEA) available at select locations.

DRILCO-log EMI tubular inspection improves

reliability through a number of capabilities:
Digital data acquisition and display
Dual-function defect detectionflaws and
wall loss
Recorded data easily viewed on
most computers
Fast and accurate system calibration
Double the standard inspection rate
Automatic detection of defects and
their locations

DRILCO mobile units are completely self-contained and easily transported to remote land or offshore locations.

20 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Mobile Hardbanding Services

Premium mobile hardbanding offers a superior solution for

extending the life of expensive tubulars
DRILCO is well-known for the quality application of premium
hardbanding that provides OD wear protection on drillpipe, drill collars,
Hevi-Wate drillpipe, and other drilling tools. High-quality hardbanding
services are also available through a portable system that can be
set up and operated at the rig or operators facility, eliminating the
significant freight costs associated with transporting tubulars to and
from a machine shop. Maintenance time is minimized and use of
tubular inventory is maximized, resulting in a higher return on drillstring
investment. The fully automated unit ensures consistent, quality
hardband application everytime.

Mobile hardbanding advantages

Fully-trained and qualified personnel ensure high quality,
consistent results.
Superior abrasion and wear protection extends the life of
drilling tubulars.
Standard tungsten carbide and multiple premium hardbanding
materials and casing-friendly products offer a wide range of
protection options.
Mobile hardbanding is now available from many of DRILCOs 24-hour
service centers worldwide.

Application process
The DRILCO standard hardbanding uses an automatic, metal-arc,
inert-gas-shielded, consumable electrode process that closely controls
preheat and post-heat conditions. When some types of hardbanding
are replaced, it may be necessary to remove the old material before
applying new material. Consult with the DRILCO hardband applicator
prior to application for more information.

Hardbanding materials
DRILCO offers hardbanding solutions that work well for openhole drilling
and specialty casing-friendly hardbanding that performs best in cased DRILCO offers premium hardbanding materials and
casing-friendly products for a wide range of
hole drilling applications. A selection of casing-friendly, non-tungsten- protection options.
carbide hardbanding from industry-approved suppliers is also available.

Hardbanding standards
Drillpipe: Both tungsten carbide and casing-friendly types of
hardband are available upon request.
Drill collars: Hardbanding is the most effective way to reduce the
OD wear that occurs on a drill collar under normal, openhole drilling
conditions. Standard hardbanding material consists of granular
tungsten carbide that is fed into the molten weld puddle to obtain
uniform distribution of the tungsten carbide particles.
Hevi-Wate drillpipe: Hardbanding placed on the tool joints and center
wear pads will increase abrasion resistance and extend service life.
Spiral Hevi-Wate drillpipe requires only tool joint hardbanding.
Other applications are available. Consult your DRILCO representative
for more information.
Normal application is flush to 132 in above the drill collar OD or tool
joint (unless otherwise specified).

Tubulars and Tubular Services 21

Tubular Management Services
DRILCO tubular management services (TMS)
provide a comprehensive range of inventory
inspection, maintenance, repair and storage
solutions for drilling tubulars and accessories.
The DRILCO TMS program provides inventory
visibility, timely maintenance, and reduced
repair costs through centralized maintenance,
repair, and storage locations.

DRILCO service and reliability

Tubular reliability is always a major priority
in drilling operations. Offshore, deepwater,
extended-reach, and even standard drilling
operations require tubulars that undergo the
best maintenance processes and repairs. Fully
equipped DRILCO service and support facilities
offer several quality assurance capabilities:
State of the art inventory control
Advanced maintenance equipment and
quality control processes
Premium connection repairs
Grant Prideco, VAM, and Tenaris
licenses available in selection locations
24-Hour service centers
Support for inclement weather operations
Single-source responsibility for all
inspection, maintenance, and repairs
Load out and delivery of products

Global network of service centers

DRILCO has a worldwide infrastructure
to support drilling operations regardless TMS provides a range of tubular services at either customer or DRILCO facilities.
of geographic location. With strategically
located inventory locations and machine shop
facilities, fast and dependable response is
available around the world, 24/7. Contact your
DRILCO representative for details.

22 Tubulars and Tubular Services

Tubulars and Tubular Services Catalog


*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties
of their respective owners.
Copyright 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-DT-0077

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