Building Gender Sensitive Resilience Through Women's Economic Empowerment: Lessons Learned From Pastoralist Women in Ethiopia

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2 Oxfam America

Oxfam America 1
On March 23-24, 2015, representatives from Oxfam affiliates and partners
assembled on the Simmons College campus in Boston, Massachusetts. In a rare
opportunity, gender experts and development practitioners donned their student
hats to deep-dive into the topic of Intersectionality, an area of academic thought
and feminist theory that is evolving into an ever-growing body of development
discourse. The event was co-sponsored by Oxfam America, Oxfam Novib, and
Oxfam Intermon, in close partnership with the Center for Gender in Organizations
at the Simmons School of Management.

Not just a learning space, the Symposium was also a conduit for the generation
of knowledge. The centerpiece of discussions was a series of practice papers,
authored by Oxfam staff and partners, which explore the issue of Gender and
Intersectionality within the broader context of international development work.
The intention is to share Oxfams experience in Gender and Intersectionality with
a wide audience in hopes of fostering thoughtful debate and discussion.

Oxfam America extends special thanks to all staff and partners who participated
in the Symposium and who shared their expertise through these practice papers.
We acknowledge the contribution of the advisory and planning committees,
particularly of Sandra Sotelo Reyes (Intermon), Carmen Reinoso (Novib),
Muthoni Muriu (Oxfam America), Patricia Deyton (CGO), Alivelu Ramisetty
(Oxfam America), Maria Ezpeleta (Oxfam America), Eloisa Devietti (Oxfam
America) and Lauren Walleser (CGO). We also recognize the support of
Caroline Sweetman and Liz Cooke (Oxfam Great Britain) who made possible the
publication of a special virtual issue of Gender & Development, Intersecting
Inequalities, (
Finally, we thank Irene Munoz (Oxfam International) and Aileen Charleston
(Oxfam America) for their collaboration on communications.

2 Oxfam America
Intersectionality is a feminist theory and analytical tool for
understanding and responding to the ways in which gender
intersects with other identities The experiences of
marginalization and privilege are not only defined by gender,
but by other identity factors, such as race, class, and sexual
orientation, to name a few all of which are determined,
shaped by, and imbedded in social systems of power.


Active Citizenship of Women and Youth in Nicaragua, Damarius Ruiz
and Carolina Egio Artal (Oxfam Intermon)
Building Gender-Sensitive Resilience through Womens Economic
Empowerment: Lessons learned from pastoralist women in Ethiopia,
Imma Guixe (Oxfam Intermon)
Re-politicizing Intersectionality: How an intersectional perspective can
help INGOs be better allies to womens rights movements, Jenny
Enarsson (Oxfam Great Britain)
Womens Economic Empowerment and Domestic Violence: Links and
lessons for Practitioners working with intersectional approaches, Mara
Bolis (Oxfam America), Christine Hughes (Oxfam Canada), Rebecca
Fries (Value for Women), and Stephanie Finigan (Prosperity Catalyst)
Your struggle is my struggle: Integrating intersectionality in work with
lesbian women, bisexual women and trans-women in Zimbabwe, Sian
Maseko (Oxfam Zimbabwe) and Sammantha Ndlovu (Sexual Rights

All papers are available as downloadable PDFs on our websites, http://policy- and, and may be
distributed and cited with proper attribution.

Oxfam America 3
In addition to ethnicity, age, or disability, gender in the Somali region of Ethiopia
strongly intersects with pastoralism, a predominant livelihood in East Africa and
the Horn. Pastoralist and agro-pastoralist women and men, although making up
nearly 15% of Ethiopia's total population, are among the poorest and most
vulnerable rural people in the country and remain at the margins of national
economic, social and political life.

In order to improve the above situation, Oxfam Intermn and its local partner,
Pastoralist Concern, have been working on improving the socio-economic
conditions of Somali women and their families in Liben and Afdher zones of
Somali region since 1999. Many lessons can be learned from those pastoralist
women who have become social and economic leaders in their own
communities. While they reveal individual determination and innovation, they also
show that the structural causes of pastoralist womens marginalization can be
addressed even in adverse environments and complex contexts such as the
Somali region. Two main learned lessons from the project are: a) the relevant
and significant contribution of womens economic empowerment to resilience
building, taking the example of 2011 drought, and b) how to use a variety of
approaches that do not contravene the law to address rights-related issues when
regulatory frameworks are not supportive.

The paper will explore how the overlap of a double marginalized identity
produces particular disadvantages for pastoralist women in Ethiopia, and how the
Oxfam intervention in the Somali region is addressing the connection between
these disadvantages and poverty and power.

4 Oxfam America
Brief about the context: pastoralist women in Ethiopia

In addition to ethnicity, age, or disability, gender in the Somali region of Ethiopia

strongly intersects with pastoralism, a predominant livelihood in East Africa and
the Horn. Ethiopia has the largest pastoralist population in the region, found
predominantly in the Somali and Afar Regions as well as in Borana Zone of
Oromia Region and in South Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities
and Peoples Region. Although pastoralist men and women make up nearly 15%
of Ethiopia's total population, use 63% of its land, and contribute about 40% of
the agricultural gross domestic product, pastoralists are among the poorest and
most vulnerable rural population in the country and remain at the margins of
national economic, social, and political life. 1

The double marginalization of pastoralist women is apparent when one compares

gender-disaggregated national and regional data on access to basic services.
These data show that pastoralist women suffer from the lowest national rates in
access to education (68% of Somali women have no education); access to
healthcare (44% suffer anemia, 82% have never heard of AIDS, and only 8.4% of
births are delivered by a skilled health provider); and gender based violence
(97% suffer from female genital mutilation (FGM)), among others.2 Despite the
numerous key tasks women fulfill in a pastoralist society, they are less able than
pastoralist men to participate in the decisions that affect their lives and
livelihoods. In addition, pastoralist communities live in an arid and semi-arid
environment characterized by major external risks such as recurrent droughts
and recently, flooding, which differently affect pastoralist men and women.

Data from the Humanitarian Policy Group Synthesis Paper, 2009.
Data from the Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey, 2011
Oxfam America 5
Empowering pastoralist women: change happens with the support from
Oxfam and Pastoralist Concern

Since 1999, Oxfam Intermn and its local partner Pastoralist Concern have
worked on improving the socio-economic conditions of more than 2500 Somali
women and their families in Liben and Afdher zones of the Somali region through
the focus on four main interrelated and interdependent areas of intervention:
income generation, social basic services (education and health), harmful
traditional practices (HTP), and capacity building for local stakeholders
(government, partner and others). As a result of the project, the beneficiary
women have started contributing to and playing social and economic roles in
their communities, improving their decision-making capacities both at household
and community levels, and are now in better possession of assets. In addition, as
women and men raised in different group discussions, social perceptions have
slowly started to change. For instance, before getting involved in this program,
nobody was willing to give credit for the women to run their own business
activities. But nowadays, pastoralist women themselves have become one of the
reliable creditors in the area.

Although the project initially targeted pastoralist and agro-pastoralist women to

assist the most vulnerable, taking special care to reach out to those who faced
multiple and often compounding vulnerabilities, gradually, the project has been
evolving from a basic needs approach towards a rights-based approach, in spite
of the limitations of the Civil Society Law (or CSO law) from 2008 that restricts
non-governmental organizations (NGO) work on human rights and gender

Many lessons can be learned from those pastoralist women who have become
economic but also social leaders and models in their own communities, since
economic power of women translated to get recognition at household and
community levels. While they reveal individual determination and innovation, they
also show that the structural causes of pastoralist womens marginalization can
be addressed even in adverse environments and complex contexts such as the
Somali region.

6 Oxfam America
Capacity building at the center for womens empowerment

Oxfam Intermn and Pastoralist Concern combined hard skills training (for
instance, on financial management, business planning, and operations) for
women collectives, with efforts to build their technical skills, capacities, and
competitiveness in the market and to address gender-specific barriers.

Additionally, the Adult Functional Literacy (AFL) training contributed to nurture

womens confidence and leadership capacity as well as boosting assertiveness
of women collective members. AFL training helped women to raise their voices
and speak in front of groups and in public places, which gave them more visibility
and better status in their communities. In this regard, two of the most significant
achievements of the AFL were: a) the creation of womens parliaments in some
towns like Dolo Ado to discuss and pass decisions on issues specific to women,
and b) the increasing participation of pastoralist women in already existing
decision making spaces and institutions at zonal and woreda levels3. Education
also challenged cultural barriers, and for instance, men and women were sitting
together to attend the ALF sessions.

Building pastoral womens resilience through economic empowerment

One of the main lessons learned from the project is that womens economic
empowerment is a relevant strategy for resilience building. In 2011, one the worst
droughts in over 60 years, affecting around 10 million in the Horn of Africa,
seriously hit the Somali region. As evidence from different countries shows,
pastoralist men and women had different exposure and were affected by drought
in different ways, while their capabilities to manage and cope with this drought
also differed.

The project made more visible the need to challenge inequality (for instance,
regarding access to information, assets, and financial services) that exposes
poor pastoralist women to far more risks than men, since one of the few groups
who did not need humanitarian aid during 2011 drought were those women and
their families benefitting from the project. Using the traditional system of

Ethiopia is administratively divided into regional states and chartered cities,
zones, woreda (districts) and kebele (wards).
Oxfam America 7
shirkas,4 the project organized women into saving and credit cooperatives and
supported them in the start-up of different businesses with the double aim of
diversifying and increasing their income. Member women used credit and saving
for investment in their business and for livelihoods consumption. The financial
services enabled women to decrease their economic vulnerability and
dependence significantly. Saving and credit cooperatives also provided a forum
for women to exchange information and learn from one another. Economic
empowerment also enhanced wellbeing and enabled women to be more active in
their communities, thereby enhancing social and political empowerment because
of decreased restrictions on their movements, increased decision-making and
contacts with men, greater organizational skills and network contacts. As a result,
their capacities to cope with drought significantly increased, as shown during the
2011 drought and following shocks suffered in the region.

Much has been discussed on resilience within the Oxfam family and other
institutions; however, the project shows that much more emphasis should be
given to the relevance of womens economic empowerment as a critical strategy
to build womens resilience and allow them to cope with, and ultimately thrive,
against shocks, stresses and uncertainty, such as one of the biggest droughts
suffered in the region.

Working on rights by using a different and localized approach that meets

the legal framework

Another important lesson learned from the project is that it is possible to address
rights even when CSO regulation prevents foreign funding being used to support
some rights-based activities by using different approaches that do not contravene
the law.

As already mentioned, there is exceptionally low status of women in the project

areas. This low status of women is the product of certain traditional and culturally
sanctioned practices that compromise the social welfare of pastoralist and agro-
pastoralist women. The most pressing problems are FGM and denial of women's
rights to inherit assets and resources. Another one of the most important cultural
practices reflecting, and contributing to the low social status of women is early
Traditional self-help structures in the Somali region

8 Oxfam America
and unbalanced marriage age. Other marriage practices negatively affecting
womens status include exchange and other forms of forced marriage common in
the area. In addition, domestic violence against women within marriage is widely
accepted in the community. According to the tradition, a husband can beat his
wife if she creates problems, such as going out from house without his
knowledge, arguing, or refusing sex. The low value placed on womens education
and unequal participation in public affairs adversely affects womens positions at
households and community levels.

The project has shown considerable ingenuity in devising strategies to interact

effectively with government and with society as well as to influence policy and
public opinion in support of pastoralist women. Although the 2008 CSO law has
limited the opportunities to introduce a rights-based approach, it has also
challenged NGOs to look for other ways to work on rights-related issues at a
local level, for instance through promoting community dialogues and forums,
passing declarations, raising awareness and education, or engaging traditional
and other duty-bearers, as it will be shown in the next section.

Our unique strategies to tackle Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP)

In particular, the Oxfam intervention in the Somali region has addressed the
connection between pastoralist womens disadvantages and poverty and power
through four main strategies, based on the assumption that the advancement on
womens rights would be a logical step after achieving a better economic and
social position and condition in Somali communities. These strategies have been:
a) Raising awareness, building capacities, and educating women and girls; b)
Mobilizing and organizing pastoralist women; c) Engaging new key stakeholders
(traditional and religious leaders, youth, etc. in womens issues; and d) Providing
sustainable and effective livelihoods alternatives (for instance, for those
practicing HTP).

Although not all these strategies are new, they showed to be highly effective
when implemented simultaneously since they complemented and reinforced
each other. The project approached women, husbands, and community and
religious leaders and gained their support by understanding that FGM and HTPs
do not have a religious ground. Those women performing FGM were given
Oxfam America 9
training for starting an alternative and more profitable livelihood activity. This
demotivated them from practicing FGM and some of them, due to the social
pressure and raised awareness, became the best anti-FGM campaigners in their
own communities.

With FGM and other HTP practices so firmly established in the entire Somali
society, stopping this practice is not an easy task and involves radical cultural
and social change. Such change requires long-term support; however, the
project shows that a comprehensive intervention, involving education and
information, mobilization and organization, engagement from different
stakeholders as well as local legal reforms (declarations) and programs that
empower women can be a first step to deal with FGM and HTP issues.

10 Oxfam America
In conclusion, this paper tried to explore how the overlap of a double
marginalized identity produces particular disadvantages for pastoralist women in
Ethiopia, and how the Oxfam intervention in the Somali region is addressing the
connection between these disadvantages and poverty and power. Oxfam
believes that gender inequality is one of the greatest barriers to poverty
eradication and sustainable development, and in all our work, we promote
policies and practices that challenge and redress unequal power relations
between women and men. However, working on gender equality can be
challenging in particular contexts like Ethiopia where NGOs have limitations to
promote a rights-based approach, being necessary a gear shift to look for more
creative and innovative ways to address rights. Within this context, our
intervention in the Somali region reveals that womens economic empowerment
is a key strategy to significantly contribute to promote womens rights, build
resilience, and alleviate poverty.

However, new and different challenges are approaching. The future of

pastoralism in the region is under question. Some studies suggest an annual
drop-out rate of 10% from pure pastoralism in Ethiopia. This trend is expected to
continue and even increase given different reasons related to conflict, climate
change, and lack of political support. It is expected that as education and waged
employment grows and men migrate to towns for work, women will likely assume
an even greater role in pastoral economies and communities during this
transition to new alternative livelihoods in per-urban and urban towns. Our
intervention will clearly need to be adjusted to this new context and changing
gender roles to ensure that pastoralist women and men enjoy their right to
sustainable livelihoods.

Oxfam America 11
Oxfam America November 2015

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acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that all such use be registered with
them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, or for
re-use in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, permission must be secured
and a fee may be charged. E-mail [email protected].

The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press.

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