Popular Electronics 1982 08

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Loran-e for Boat Navigating

Math Software for Elf Co(11puters

The State of Stereo TV Sound
Home Energy-Saving ApplicationS_./

li'f:tilif'llii'iiiiiITfm lf- ._ _ _ ___::_~ Testedjn This Issue: M r . ~

os ~ Toshiba 1"200-4 Microcomputer rv~v1A/
Harman-Kardon PM650 Stereo Amplifier (};~~
GEJ 9PC3708W 19" Color lV Receiver
&>meday, in re comfort of ywr rome, yw'll tB able to srop ard
bank electronically, read instantly updated newswires, analyze
re performance of a stcck rot interests yw,
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play Bridge with three strangers in LA,
Chicago and Dallas.

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lntroducinga direct line

to a 60 MHz Tektronix scope
built for your bench!
From the world's most lesser-name scopes. 2 mV/div to 10 mV/div) . ance , positive attachment ,
respected name in oscil- The 2213's practical de- Sweep speeds: Sweeps 10-14 pF and 60 MHz at the
loscopes: a new scope, sign includes 65% fewer from 0.5 s to 50 ns (to 5 probe tip.
plus a new direct order mechanical parts , fewer ns/div with X10 mag). The price: Just $1100
number, that finally circuit boards, electrical complete*. Order direct
Sensitivity: Scale factors
makes it practical to put connectors and cabling. from 100 V/div (10X probe) from Tektronix National
Tektronix quality on your Result: a lower price for you to 2 mV/div (1X probe). Ac- Marketing Center. Phones
bench ... at work or home. plus far greater reliability curate to 3%. Ac or de are staffed by technical
Among professional en- Yet performance is pure coupling. people to answer your
gineers and technicians Tektronix: there's 60 MHz Delayed sweep meas- questions about the 2213.
there is no substitute for the bandwidth ior digital and urements: Standard Your direct order includes a
performance and reliability high-speed analog circuits. sweep , intensified after 15-day return policy and full
of Tektronix oscilloscopes. The sensitivity for low signal delay, and delayed. Tektronix warranty
Now, for the first time , measurements . The sweep (Need dual time-base Now it's easier than
Tektronix is offering an ad- speeds for fast logic families. performance and timing ever to get your hands on
vanced scope at an un- A complete trigger system accuracy to 1.5%? Ask aTekscope!
precedented low price - for digital , analog or video about our 2215 priced at ORDER TOLL-FREE
and has a direct order line waveforms. And new high- $1400.)
that lets you get your order performance Tektronix
probes are included!
Complete trigger system: 800-547-1845
processed today' Modes include TV field , Ask for Dept. A0228
The scope: the 2213. 2213 PERFORMANCE normal, vertical mode , and (In Oregon , Alaska and
Its radical new design DATA automatic ; internal , exter- Hawaii 1-503-627-5402
brings you Tektronix Bandwidth: Two channels , nal , and line sources ; vari- collect.) Lines are open
quality for well below dc - 60 MHz from 10 V/div able holdoff. from 8 am EST to 5 pm PST
what you would pay for to 20 mV/div (50 MHz from Probes: High perform -

'Price FO. B . Beaverton. OR.


Copyright 1982 Tekt ronix. Inc. All rights reserved. 121


J\lmlar Electronics
MILITARY Special Focus on Home Energy Savings-----
New "Vacation" Thermostat, Set to Just Above Freezing,

EXPERIENCE Saves Heating Costs/Tom F o x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Triac Motor Control for Warm-Air Systems Reduces Fuel
Use and Eliminates Cool Spots/ Anthony Caristi _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __

EXTRA INCOME Power Motor Keeps Tails of How Much
Electricity an Appliance Uses/Cass Lewart 53
If you have experience in any How to Use Solar Energy to Recharge Your Batteries/Ed Karns:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 54
branch ofthe Armed Forces, you have
the chance to earn good extra income
while you hold one of the most impor Feature Articles ............................~
tantjobs in America. In an Army LORANC-A MARINE LONG RANGE NAVIGATION TOOL/ Ken Englert- - -- - - -- - 40
National Guard unit close to home. Measures precision of coordinates by one-tenth of a mile.
Take income. In the Army National A 16-BIT MATH PACKAGE FOR ELF COMPUTERS/A. Scott Fitzgerald--- - -- - - - 60
Guard, the work you've put into military Operates on a minimum configuration of 256 bytes.
service can really go to work for you.
For instance, if you left as an E-4 with
three years experience, you can earn Construction Articles..........................
overS 1500 a year. As an E-5 with 6 PROGRAMMING EPROM's WITH A SMALL COMPUTER/J. Doolittle and S. Tkalcevic 67
years experience, overS 1700. And, if Part 2: Construction plans and software information for the EPROM programmer.
you have a critical skill you may also
qualify for a cash bonus. To see exactly Equipment Reviews........................~
how far your rank and experience can HARMANKARDON MODEL PM650 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ 20
take you, check out the chart below. GENERAL ELECTRIC MODEL 19PC3708W 19" COLOR TV _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 22
PER YEAR flncluding)
Annual training TOSHIBA MODEL T2004 COMPUTER SYSTEM - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - 30
2+years 51375.68 TRIPLETI MODEL 7000 UNIVERSAL COUNTER - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - 71
3+years 1427.34
3+years 1519.92 Columns ..................................~
4+ years 1630. 17 ENTERTAINMENT ELECTRONICS/ Len Feldman, _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 14
E-5 with Stereo TV is Coming Soon.
4+years 1687.11 COMPUTER BITS/Car/ Warren - - - - - -- - - - - -- - --,--- ----- 34
6+ years 1789.80 Accessories and Software.
Plus, a parttimejob in the Army COMPUTER SOURCES/ Leslie Solomon 73
National Guard fits in well with your SOLID-STATE DEVELOPMENTS/ Forrest M. Mims 76
current lifestyle. Because all it takes is PIGs: Photonic Integrated Circuits.
two days a month of your time, along
with 15 days annual training. And, in EXPERIMENTER'S CORNER/ Forrest M. Mims ------------------------- 80
the Guard, you're serving close to home, Experimenting with Piezoelectric Devices.
helping the people in your community Part 2. Piezo-Aierters and Crystal Oscillators.
and state when natural disasters or PROGRAMMER'S NOTEBOOK/ Jim Keogh 84
emergencies occur. Drawing Bar Graphs.
Extra income that's important to 90
you, in a job that's important to your PROJECT OF THE MONTH/Forrest M. Mims - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -
A Tunable Notch Filter.
community. It's just one reason to Guard
your military experience in the Army Departments.................................
National Guard.
To learn about other reasons- from EDITORIAL/ Art Salsberg _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ 6
benefits to new skills-contact your local Free Energy.
Guard recruiter, or call toll-free LETIERS _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 8
*In Hawaii: 737-5255; Puerto Rico: 723-44 50; Virgin NEW PRODUCTS 10
Islands (St. Croix}: 773-6438; Maryland: 728-3388; in
Alaska, consult local phone directory. OPERATION ASSIST 86
The Guard is

COPYRIGHT c 1982 BY ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY. All rights reserved. Popular Electronics (ISSN 0032-4485) August 1982,
Volume 20, Number 8 . Published monthly by Ziff Davis Publishing Co., at One Park Ave., New York, NY 10016. Richard P. Friese, President;
Selwyn Taubman, Treasurer; Bertram A. Abrams, Secretary. One year subscription rate for U.S. and Possessions, $15.97; Canada, $20.97;
all other countries, $23.97 (cash orders only, payable in U.S. currency). Second Class Postage Paid at New York, N.Y. 10016 and at addi-

NATIONAL tional mailing offices. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, Canada, and for payment of postage in cash.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS including ELECTRONICS WORLD, Trade Mark Registered. Indexed in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Litera-
ture. Ziff-Davis also publishes Boating, Car and Driver, Cycle, Flying, Popu_lar Photography, Skiing, Stereo Review, Electronic Experiment-

er's Handbook, and Tape Recording & Buying Guide. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to POPULAR ELECTRONICS. Circulation
Dept. P.O. Box 2774, Boulder, CO 80302. Please allow at least eight weeks for change of address, enclosing, if possible, an address label
from a recent issue. Permissions. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Requests for permis-
sion should be directed to John Babcock, Rights and Permissions, Ziff-Dayis Publishing Co., One Park Ave., New York, NY 10016.


If you're familiar with Maxell UD-XL tapes you probably find it hard to believe that any
tape could give you higher performance.
But heanng is believing. And while we can't play our newest tape for you right here on
this_page, we can replay the comments of Audio Video Magazine.
"Those who thought it was impossible to improve on Maxells UD-XL II were mistaken.
The 1981 tape of the year award goes to Maxell XL II-S." _
How does high bias XL II-S and our normal bias equivalent XL 1-S give you such high
performance? By engineering smaller and more uniformly shaped epitaxial oxide parti-
des we were able to pack more into a given area of tape. Resulting in a higher maximum
output level, improved signal-to-noise ratio and better frequency response.
To keep the particles from rubbing off on your recording heads Maxell XL-S also has
an improved binder system. And to eliminate tape deforma-
tion, XL-S comes with our unique Quin-Lok Cl~p/Hub
Assembly to hold the leader firmly in place.
Of course, Maxell XL II-Sand XL I-S carry a little higher
price tag than lesser cassettes. -
We think you'll find it a small price to pay for higher
performance. J
Moxell Corporation of America, 60 Oxford Drive, M oonachie, N 07074
Introducing the
Sinclair ZX81.
If you're ever
THE$99.95 Multi-dimensional
string and numerical arrays
Mathematical and scien-

going to buy a personal tific functions accurate to
computer, now is the time 8 decimal places
to do it. Unique one-touch entry
The Sinclair ZX81 of key words like PRINT,
is the most powerful, yet RUN and LIST
easy-to-use computer Automatic syntax error
ever offered for any- detection and easy editing
where near the price: Randomize function
only $99.95* completely assembled. useful for both games and serious applications
Don't let the price fool you . The ZX81 has 1K of memory expandable to 16K
just about everything you could ask for in a per- A comprehensive programming guide and
sonal computer. operating manual
A breakthrough in personal computers. The ZX81 is also very convenient to use. It
The ZX81 is a major advance over the origi- hooks up to any television set to produce a clear
nal Sinclair ZX80-the first personal computer to 32-column by 24-line display. It comes with a
break the price barrier at $200. comprehensive programming guide and oper-
In fact, the ZX81 's 8K extended BASIC offers ating manual designed for both beginners and
f eatures found only on computers costing two or experienced computer users. And you can use
three times as much. a regular cassette recorder to store and
Just look at what you get: recall prograr:ns by name.
Continuous display, including moving graphics
Sinclair technology is also available in Timex/Sinclair computers
under a license from Sinclair Research Ltd.
Order at no risk.**
We'll give you 10 days to try out the ZX81.1f These numbers are for orders only. If you just
you're not completely satisfied, just return it to want information, please write: Sinclair Research
Sinclair Research and we'll give you a full refund. Ltd., 2 Sinclair Plaza, Nashua, NH 03061.
And if you have a problem with your ZX81, *Plus shipping and handling. Price includes connectors for TV and cassette, AC adaptor, and
FREE manual
send it to Sinclair Research within 90 days and "Does not apply to ZX81 kits.

we'll repair or replace it at no charge.

Introducing the ZX81 kit.
If you really want to save m'Jney, and you
enjoy building electronic kits, you can order the
ZX81 in kit form for the incredible price of just.
$79.95.* It's the same, full-featured computer,
only you put it together yourself. We'll send com-
plete, easy-to-follow instructions on how you can
assemble your ZX81 in just a few hours. All you
have to supply is the soldering iron.
A leader in microelectronics. NEW SOFTWARE: Sinclair has 16K MEMORY MODULE: Like
published pre-recorded pro- any powerful, full fledged com-
The ZX81 represents the latest technology in grams on cassettes for your puter, the ZX81 is expandable.
microelectronics. More than 10,000 are sold ZX81. We're constantly coming Sinclair's 16K memory module
every week. In fact, the ZX81 is the fastest selling out with new programs, so we'll plugs right onto the back of
personal computer in the world. send you our latest software your ZX81. Cost is $49.95, plus
catalog with your computer. shipping and handling.
We urge you to place your order for the
ZX81 today.
To order.
To order, simply call toll
. free. Or use the coupon below.
Remember, you can try it for To order call toll free: 800-543-3000
10 days at no risk.** The sooner
you order, the sooner you can
start enjoying your own
\ Ad Code
08PEOS \ / Price*
Qty Amount

Call toll free 800-543-3000. ZX81 Kit 79.95

Ask for operator #509. 16K Memory Module 49.95
In Ohio call: 800-582-1364; Shipping and Handling 4.95 $4.95
in Canada call: 513-729-4300. TOTAL
Ask for operator #509. Phones MAIL TO: Sinclair Research Ltd.,
open 24 hours a day, 7 days One Sinclair Plaza, Nashua, NH 03061.
a week. Have your MasterCard Name_____________________________________________
or VISA ready.
Address. ___________________________________.,--_______

- - - - - - - - - - Zip _____
Free Energy
Many people point to the sun as a But it is subsidized by our taxes. thermostat that can be set well below the
source of free energy. It really isn't, of Feasibility studies are being made for traditional 55oF minimum of standard
course, just as hydro power and wind an attractive, science-fiction-like possi- thermostats. Also in this home energy-
power aren't free. Converting these ener- bility for solar power generation from saving focus are an inexpensive electric
gy sources requires the expenditure of large satellites. These satellites would be power meter that tells you quickly how
much money, which in many instances is exposed to continuous sunlight, collect- mucl;l electricity any appliance consumes
not as economical as employing fossil fu- ing solar energy and transmitting it and ways to use photovoltaic cells to re-
els and their accompanying converters. through microwaves to collection points charge batteries using the sun as the pow-
We' re all fascinated by the sun, natu- on earth. It is said, however, that such an er source.
rally, and anticipate that at some distant undertaking would be the costliest tech- Should you want to explore solar pow-
time there will be an economic crossover nological venture ever attempted. er further, a recent book, the "Photovol-
point where it would pay to make more At present, the greatest saving in ener- taic Product Directory and Buyers
use of it. However, solar power is indeed gy appears to be through conservation in Guide," will give you a good working
being used today for a variety of pur- one form or another. This route is repre- knowledge on the subject for use in a
poses, though it still represents a very mi- sented by using less energy through buy- home. (Order #DE81030186, $13.50,
nor source of energy. ing automobiles with better gas mileage, from National Technical Information
As you know, there are tax breaks eliminating unnecessary automobile Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Spring-
available to sweeten the cost of voluntary trips, raising air conditioning thermo- field, VA 22161.)
use of solar power for home space heat- stats in the summer and lowering heating
ing and for hot-water heating. The basic thermostats in the winter, buying appli-
reason for this incentive is to diminish ances that consume less energy, and by
the use of o il, a significant portion of automatic energy management.
which is imported at high cost. Given The latter approach is explored in this
such an allowance, it is claimed that the issue by a few interesting, innovative arti-
system saves money for energy use after a cles. One reduces fuel use through a more
moderate period of time for amortization efficient heat-system blower-motor con-
of new equipment and installation costs. trol. Another presents plans for a novel

Editorial and Executive Offices

&_loolar Electronics One Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016
Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
Richard P. Friese
Albert S. Traina
P resident, Consumer
212 725-3500
JOE MESICS Magazine Division
Publisher Furman Hebb Executive Vice President
ARTHUR P. SALSBERG Joe E. Mesics Phillip T. H effernan
Editorial Director
Senior Vice Presidents
212 725-3568 Sidney Holtz
DONALD MENNIE Edward D. Muhlfeld
Executive Editor New York Office
Advertising Director: Philip Sine
Technical Director Richard Govatski 212 725-7460 Robert Bavier Vice Presidents
JOHN R. RIGGS Paul Chook
Managing Editor Sales: Baird Davis
EDWARD I. BUXBAUM Tom Ballou 212 725-3578
Art Dir,ecror Ken Lipka 21 2 725-3580 George Morrissey
Selwyn Taubman Treasurer
Technical Editor Midwestern Office Bertram A. Abrams Secretary
STANLEY VEIT Suite 1400, 180 N. Michigan Ave.,
Computer Editor Chicago, IL 60601 312 346-2600 Editorial correspondence: POPULAR ELECTRON
DAVID M. WEBER Sales: Ted Welch ICS, I Park Ave., New York, NY 10016. Editorial contri
Features Editor butions must be accompanied by return postage and will
ANDRE DUZANT Western Representative be handled with reasonable care; however, publisher as-
sumes no responsibility for return or safety of manu-
Technical Illustrator Norman S. Schindler & Associates, Inc. scripts, art work, or models submitted.
CARMEN ROBLES 7050 Owensmouth Ave., #209
Production Editor Canoga Park, CA 91303 213 999-1414
JEFF NEWMAN Sales: Norm Schindler The publisher has no knowledge of any proprietary
Editorial Assistant
rights which will be violated by the making or using of any
items disclosed in this issue.

Contributing Editors: Representation in Japan
Walter Buchsbaum, J .S. Yagi
Len Feldman, Glenn Hauser, Julian Hirsch Iwai Trading Co., Ltd.
Jim Keogh, Forrest Mlms 603 Ginza Sky Heights Bldg.
18-13, G inza 7-Chome
Member A u d i t Bureau
MARIE MAESTRI Tokyo, Japan 104 of Circ ulat i o.u
Executive Assistant

Explore the excellence of your ZX81 with a
5=_!- 5555 iji -~~i~

--- ----
---- -- -- -=== =
~ ~-=~
-- --
-- - ---- - -- -
=~~ ~~==

-- ---- -- - - - - - - -
-- - ----
-- -----
- ---

L'lEL'lOPBH 6411 memory extension for $179.95

Give your diminishing memory more byte.
MEMOPAK 64K RAM $179.95 MEMOPAK 16K RAM $59.95 Try MEMOPAK with no obligation
The Sinclair ZX81 has revolutionized With the addition of MEMOPAK 16K, You can use our MEMOPAK in your
home computing. The MEMOPAK 64K your ZX81 will have a full 16K of Di- home without obligation. After 10 days
RAM extends the memory of ZX81 by a rectly Addressable RAM . It is neither if you are not completely satisfied ,
further 56K to a full 64K. It is neither switched nor paged and enables you to simply return it for a full refund .
switched nor paged and is Directly execute longer and more sophisticated
Addressable. The unit is user trans- programs and to hold an extended data Coming soon .. . ..
parent and accepts such basic com- base. A complete range of ZX81 plug-in
mands as 10 DIM A (9000) . It plugs peripherals:
directly into the back of ZX81 and does The 16K and 64K Memopaks come in
attractive, custom-designed and engi- MEMOTECH Hi-Res Graphics
not intiibit the use of the printer or other MEMOTECH Digitising Tablets
add-on units. There is no need for an neered cases which fit snugly on to the
back of the ZX81 giving a firm connec- RS232 Interface
additional power supply or leads. Centronic Interface and
Software Drivers
Description of memory
0-BK . .. Sinclair ROM Free service on your MEMOPAK
Within the first six months, should any- All these products are designed to fit
8-16K This section of memory " piggy-back " fashion on to each other
switches in or out in 4K blocks to leave thing go wrong with your MEMOPAK,
return it to us and we will repair or and use the ZX81 power supply.
space for memory mapping, holds its
contents during cassette loads, allows replace it free of charge.
Further information forthcoming .
communication between programs, and
can be used to run assembly language
routines . ~mote;- Corp.--;,50W~le Ave. Suit;-220Denve'2" Colo. 0022?1
16-32K .. . This area can be used for
basic programs and assembly language
I 1 Price
can return it in 10 days for a full refund. Qty. Amount
Yes! I would like to try the Memopak. I understand that if I'm not complete satisfied,

32-64K 32K of RAM memory for I D Check Memopak 64k RAM $ 179 .95
basic variables and large arrays. With
the MEMOPAK 64K extension the ZX81 I D Visa Memopak 16k RAM $ 59.95

is transformed into a powerful com-

puter, suitable for business, leisure and I D MC Shipping and Handling $ 4 .95 $ 4 .95

educational use, at a fraction of the cost Total

of comparable systems.
I Act. No. I l Exp.l I t U . S. Dollars
~iiJ~L!!JU i ~,;~ IName _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Memory Extention Specialists
I Street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___
Memotech Corporation
7550 West Yale Ave., Suite 200
Denver , Colorado 80227
ICity ________________________~S~t~a~t~e~------------~Z~i~p~----------
Ph.(303) 986-1516 _PE~


How to put the
big board on a LE:TIE:RS
small screen. Computer Comparisons
I liked the article "Computers-
Which One Is for You" in the May issue.
I particularly enjoyed the fact that you
compared the user features of the com-
To take stock of the situation, an investor puters rather than covering the technical
and hardware features only. It was the
could use the IBM Personal Computer. best comparison of computers I have
With our Dow Jones Reporter,* a device
" seen.-T. Sunday, Klamath Falls, OK.
called a modemt and a telephone, you can access
Macro-EditorI Assembler Availability
Wall Street and the world. I enjoyed the excellent review of the
Tap the Dow Jones TRS-80 Model III computer in your May
News /Retrieval Servicet for issue, but I believe there was an error
with regard to availability of software.
historical and current stock Radio Shack does not carry a Macro-
quotes-day or night. Editor/ Assembler for the Model III at
(Use our Dow Jones this time. However, a Macro-Editor/
Assembler, called M-ZAL, that is com-
Reporter not only for easy patible with the Model III, is available
access, but to save money from our company.-D. C. Willen, Presi-
on connect time.) dent, Computer Applications Unlimited,
Box 214, Rye, NY 10580.
Pull lOK extracts of
over 6,000 companies. Wrong Flip-Flop Answer?
Get industry news. In "Learning Quizes for Electronics"
(May 1982), the Flip-Flop Quiz seems to
Even enjoy sports news contain an error. In question 3, since the
when you've had your J input received the last pulse and a clock
fill of business. pulse occurred too, shouldn''t the flip-
flop's Q output have been a 1 instead of a
To better manage your , 0.-R.A. Finnegan, Merrick, NY.
portfolio, visit an authorized It seems that your view of the starting
IBM Personal Computer dealer. And time ofthe input pulses was different from
what the author intended. He started the
learn how a small IBM investment can give timing with zero at the left. You obviously
you a high yield in quality, power and interpreted it to be on the right. It would
performance. = __ " have been clearer if we had included a
- -- ---
time scale.-Ed.

Likes Program Development Board

I recently finished building the CPU
module and Program Development
Board from the series "Designing with
the 8080 Microprocessor" by Randy
Carlstrom. I have programmed big ma-
chines (such as the IBM 3089) and I was
interested in learning about microcom-
puters. The material in the articles was
well presented and the features available
on the PDB left little to be desired. Keep
up the good work and let's see more of
this type of article.-Robert Cox, Jack-
sonville, FL.

In "Enhance TV Sound with Stereo"
(May 1982), the resistance for R24 and
The IBM Personal Computer R25 in the Parts List should have been
390 ohms, as it was on the schematic.
Atool for modern times In "Learning Quizes for Electronics"
(June, p 70), in the Digital Counter Quiz,
the note reading "FF 1 is initially turned
on" should have been with part 2 of the
quiz not part 1.

For a store near you (or for information from IBM about quantity purchases) call (800) 447-4700. In Illinois,
(800) 322-4400. In Alaska or Hawaii, (800) 447-0890. *Dow Jones is a trademark of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. POPULAR ELECTRONICS
tNot suppliec by IBM.
Why use their flexible discs:
BASF, Control Data, Dysan, IBM, Kybe, Maxell,
Nashua, Scotch, Syncom, Verbatim or Wabash
when you could be using

high quality error free discs?
CE quant.
100 price
Product Description Part# per disc($)
8" SSSD IBM Compatible (128 B/S, 26 Sectors) 3062 2.09
8" SSSD Shugart Compatible, 32 Hard Sector 3015 2.09
8" SSSD CPT 8000 Compatible, Soft Sector 3045 2.99
8" SSDD IBM Compatible (128 B/S, 26 Sectors) 3090 2.74
8" DSDD Soft Sector (Unformatted) 3102 3.34
8" DSDD Soft Sector (128 B/S, 26 Sectors) 3115 3.34
8" DSDD Soft Sector (256 B/S, 26 Sectors) 3103 3.34
8" DSDD Soft Sector (512 B/S, 15 Sectors) 3114 3.34
8" .DSDD Soft Sector (1 024 B/S, 8 Sectors) 3104 3.34
5%" SSDD Soft Sector w/Hub Ring 3481 2.34
5%" SSDD 10 Hard Sector w/Hub Ring 3483 2.34
5%" SSDD 16 Hard Sector w/Hub Ring 3485 2.34
5%" DSDD Soft Sector w/Hub Ring 3491 3.09
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5%" DSDD 16 Hard Sector w/Hub Ring 3495 3.09
5%" SSDD Soft Sector w/Hub Ring (96 TPI) 3504 2.99
5114'' DSDD Soft Sector w/Hub Ring (96 TPI) 3501 3.99
SSSD = Single Sided Single Density; SSDD
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protection systems:. a current-sensitive cir-
cuit for the tweeters and a thermal overload
circuit for the woofer. If the circuits detect
an energy level high enough to cause dam-
age, they absorb the excess power without
interrupting the music. The drivers consist
of one 10" woofer and two 3" tweeters (in-
ward and outward "firing" ). Nominal im-
pedance is 8 ohms; crossover transition fre-
quencies are 1.5 kHz and 2.5 kHz; power
Additional information on new products rating is 20 W min., 100 W max. Cabinet is
covered in this section is available from the , presence and size of a record. A smoked walnut-grain vinyl veneer and dimensions
manufacturers. Either circle the item s code acrylic dust cover is provided. Control pads are24"H X 14W'W X 14W'D.$680perpair.
number on the Free Information Card include a REPEAT button. Wow and flutter is CIRCLE NO. 92 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD
or write to the manufacturer at the rated at 0.012% ; rumble at- 78 dB. Dimen-
address given. sions are 17.9"W X 5.l"H X 16.7"D. $525.
Circle No. 90 on Free Information Card
AID System for Apple
DEC Personal Computer
Applied Engineering announces availability
of a memory-buffered analog/digital system
for all versions of the Apple computer.
Called the AID Board, this peripheral con-
sists of an eight-bit successive-approxima-
tion AID converter, an eight-channel multi-
plexer, and an 8 X 8 RAM. AID con-
version takes place on a continuous
channel-sequencing basis, and data is auto-
matically transferred to an on-board memo-
ry at the end of each conversion. The con-
verter has a speed rated at 0.078
The Rainbow 100, Digital Equipment ms/channel, a full-scale voltage range from
Corp.'s entry in the personal computer field, 5 to 15 V de and an operating tempera-
is designed to run both 8- and 16-bit applica- ture from Oo to 70C. Accuracy is given as
tion software from a wide variety of indepen- 0.3%. Applications include monitoring am-
dent suppliers. These include the Select In- bient weather conditions, light intensity,
formation Systems Word Processor, Micro- pressure, rpm, etc. $129.
soft's Multiplan Spred Sheet Calculator, and
the Mark Williams Co. " C" Compiler. The
Rainbow I 00 will run a hybrid version of the The Iso-Tip 7470 Micro Soldering Station is
CP/M-80 and CP/M-86 and can use other reported to eliminate continuous switching PC Board Holder
operating systems such as Microsoft's MS- (and the voltage spikes that can damage
DOS, the same as IBM and others. DEC has electrical equipment) by maintaining an
also provided an advanced communications even tip temperature. The unit is totally
package to enable the Rainbow 100 to trans- grounded and can be adjusted to any tem-
mit from a CP/M file to a host computer and perature between 500 and 700F. It cc.mes
vice versa. It uses Z80 and 8088 micro- with a sponge holder, tip-wiping sponge, sol-
processors and has a' maximum of 256K dering iron, and stand (which takes up 12 sq.
bytes of memory. The mass data storage is in. of bench space).
800K bytes in 5\4" double-density , dual CIRCLE NO. 91 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD
drives. This can be expanded to 1.6M bytes
of floppy-disk storage or 5M bytes of Win-
chester disk storage. The CRT display is a
12" monochrome of 24 lines by 80 or 132 Bose Speakers
characters. Options include a 5\4 ", 5M-byte The PCBH-50 from OK Machine and Tool
external hard disk, a color video monitor Co. is designed for use as a printed circuit
and character cell graphics. Language sup- board holder and solder station. The. unit is
port includes MBASIC and the C Compiler. spring-loaded for easy board removal and a
$3495. self-locking end support adjusts to different
Circle No. 89 on Free Information Card board widths (up to 10" X 12"). A board
can be rotated 360 and locked at any angle.
Also included is a soldering iron holder and
Microprocessor- a cleaning tip sponge. The PCBH-50 can be
either free-standing or mounted on a
Equipped Turntable workbench.
The Denon DP-52F turntable uses a
microprocessor to control arm motion , mo-
tor speed, record sensing, and ON/OFF
functions. A servo mechanism is reported to
Rechargeable Video
The 501 Series III Direct/Reflecting loud-
continuously adjust tracking force and anti- speakers from Bose are floor-standing units Battery Pack
skating pressure for optimum stylus-disc with a dual-frequency crossover network.
contact, correcting for warps and resonance. According to Bose, woofers and tweeters are Cinema IV's Porta-Power II battery pack is
The DP-52F has an ac servo-motor direct- allowed to operate simultaneously over reported to permit the simultaneous use of a
drive platter with magnetic-pulse speed more than a full octave, thereby avoiding the video camera, VCR, and halogen spotlight.
monitoring, and automatic sensing of the effects of phase shift. There are two separate A built-in voltmeter determines the remain-

THE PROBLEM: .,~ -----

Panic Button

We have security consultants available to review your Photoelectric Infrared Motion
Smoke Detector/ Detector/
needs right over the telephone. Our toll free numbers are Transmitter Transmitter
listed below. Our new Guardex 4300 professional security
system can be tailored for almost every requirement. The
Guardex 4300 can monitor for burglary plus your choice of
hold-up, medical emergency or fire.
_._ _
. J
Guardex 4300
Control Panel


The Guardex 4300 system is built around the 4300 SIMPLE INSTALLATION - SIMPLE TO OPERATE
microprocessor-communicator control panel. To the 4300 The biggest cost of most central monitored security
control panel you add wireless sensors for doors and systems is all the labor to completely wire the building .
windows, infrared motion detectors, photoelectric smoke With the wireless Guardex 4300 system you can install the
detectors and emergency panic buttons. All the complete system in less than an hour with only a
sensor/transmitters operate up to a year on a 9 volt radio screwdriver. (If you ' re not the handyman type, installations
battery and require no wiring to the control panel. are available in many areas.)
HOW DOES A CENTRAL STATION ALARM WORK? Guardex 4300 Control Panel - $499.95
When a burglary, fire or medical sensor is tripped, a signal Includes backup battery and power supply.
is sent to the control panel up to 200 feet away. The Door/Window Transmitters, Magnetic Switch - $43.45 ea.
control panel starts a siren screaming and starts an Infrared Motion Detector/Transmitter - $179.95
electronic telephone dialer programmed to call our central Photoelectric Smoke Detector/Transmitter - $89.95
monitoring station. The receiver at our central station Emergency Medical/Hold-up Panic Button - $39.95
decodes the telephone message and displays the type of Siren with 50 Feet of Wire - $39.95
emergency to the operator. Stored in the computer is all DEALERS NEEDED
the information required to dispatch for each emergency. Make money installing our alarms in your area. If you have
Within seconds, your local Police Department, Fire a general knowledge of electronic equipment and take
Department or Paramedics have been notified. pride in your work, call us to see if your area is still
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weekends call and ask for Field Installation Department.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee - 1 Year Warranty


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It's like a 26% discount on your system!

Call during California business hours for your no
The central station is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week I obligation consultation.
with trained personnel to quickly dispatch emergency services.
We can monitor your home or business anywhere in the
continental United States over toll free WATS lines.
I Outside CA Toll Free (800) 423-5499
Inside CA Collect (213) 889-1414
31117 W. Via Colinas, PEWestlake Village, CA 91362
_______new product.ms._________
ONE OF THESE ing running time; and the charger recharges II ($645) is the latest in a low-cost line of ter-
minals, featuring editing capabilities, char-
the 12-V /11.3-A battery in 12 to 16 hours.
I MONEY-MAKING In addition, the unit has a circuit breaker acter insert/ delete, and local print. It is buff-
ered and can display the full 128-chara.cter
built-in and can be used with an auto charge
CAREERS! cord (optional) to charge the battery from an ASCII code.
ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN automobile cigarette lighter socket. Dimen- Circle No. 96 on Free Information Card
COMPUTER PROGRAMMER sions are 7\6" X 8" X 2\6"; weight is 9 lb.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS INSTALLER $200. Address: Cinema IV, P.O. Box 1045,
Compact Audio System

. Read what 2 outstanding

graduates say:
" Thank you for your aid in finding this
position. I am working in industrial elec-
tronics including design, layout and maintaining
the machinery which makes capacitors. Shure Brothers has announced a new direct
Any help I can offer future graduates of plug-in phono cartridge especially designed
N.l. T. , please call." for use with linear-tracking turntables. Des-
JOEL R. KALWAT The new Sansui P-Compo CP-5 converts ignated Model M96L T, it has a telescoped
" I'm working for G.E. Medical Systems. I readily from a mini-component system to a shank structure and a lightweight magnet
have a company car, an expense account, portable. Components can be stacked or reported to give a frequency response flat
and made $27,000 this year. Not bad for an placed side-by-side, with the speakers imme- from 20 to 20,000 Hz. The cartridge has a hi-
N.l. T. student. I'm presently a field engineer diately adjacent or widely separated. A top radial elliptical diamond stylus that tracks
support CT/T (or CAT) Scanners. It's a great handle facilitates carrying. The system con- at 1.25 g. $80.
job." sistscof the Model CP-RS tuner/amplifier, CIRCLE NO. 97 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD
STEVE BLAZE the CP-F7 cassette deck, and 4" bass reflex
speakers. The tuner/amp offers four-band
radio reception (AM, FM, SW1, SW2), TV Satellite Receiver
THE ART TRAINING EQUIPMENT. quartz-synthesizer tuning, and 13 W /ch
output. The amplifier section features a
bridged output circuit with direct coupling.
The deck has IC logic controls, automatic
program search, record mute, and Dolby
noise reduction. In addition, there are S-
LED level indicators, a timer/standby
mechanism, a tape counter, a three-position
Hitachi Oscilloscopes . ..
a stable , reli able display to tape selector, and a self-contained design
rugged and reliable. test the circuits you build that permits listening to the deck on its own.
Issued to all EET students. in N.I.T. labs .
Wow and flutter is rated at 0.05%, and S/N
SEND FOR FREE FACTS at 54 dB with metal tape without Dolby. A new satellite receiver, the System 7, has
$490. been announced by Lowrance Electronics. It

NO cost or obligation!
CIRCLE NO. 95 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD provides detent tuning, in conjunction with
automatic frequency control tuning, for
nalionallnslilula quick channel selection. If fine tuning is
needed, states the manufacturer, it typically
ofTi:H:::hnology.M Two New Terminals spans only one transponder to prevent chan-
r - - - MAIL COUPON TODAY!- - - - 1 from Hazeltine nel crosstalk. An optional remote control is
also available. The audio section has
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF selectable tuning. for 6.2 and 6.8 MHz and
TECHNOLOG~ DEPT. MPC82 can receive stereo broadcasts, as well as the
1701 West Euless Blvd. Suite 320,
Euless, TX 76039 usual mono. The System 7 also has a signal
D I am interested in your brochure of l~~Jf]~.~~T strength meter, direct audio and video out-
puts with a video invert switch, and a built-
career courses in electronic engineer- ~
:: ~

ing technology in modulator selectable for channels 3 or. 4.

/ - 1-f frequency is 70 MHz, with a 30-MHz
D I am interested in care.er information bandwidth. $1325.
on computer programming .


ADDRESS Cassette Deck Cleaner

Hazeltine has introduced two new computer Allsop's new Ultraline Cassette Deck clean-
LAST GRADE COMPLETED terminals-the Executive 10 and the Esprit ing system (Model 71300) features car-
II. The former ($1195) features eight pro- tridge-mounted independent cleaning felts
VETERAN grammable function keys, a split-screen dis- that can individually clean heads, capstans,
play, and a business graphics character set. and pinch rollers . A gear-driven wiper ann,
I TELEPHONE NO. It also has a programmable 25th status line upon which the head-cleaning felt is mount-
L ______________ _ and a full set of editing features. The Esprit ed, is said to increase the versatility of the
_____________ew producta.-____________

cleaner by assuring uniform cleaning of all Designed to drain away static electricity be-
types of cassette decks, including those with Computer Static Mat fore it can cause any damage to voltage-
three-motor drives and takeup-reel sensors. sensitivie IC chips, the Stati-Ex mat from
Equipped with two sets of capstan pinch Spirig Enterprises is intended for use with
roller felts, the Ultraline is also suitable for microcomputer installations consisting of a
auto-reverse decks. The cassette cleaner in- terminal, disc drives, and a printer. Made of
cludes a 1;2 -oz bottle of Allsop cleaning solu- electrically conductive rubber, the one-mil-
tion. $10. limeter thick mat is also reported to be in-
CIRCLE NO. 99 ON FREE INFORMATION CAR9 sensitive to heat; if you use it as a work sur-
face, a hot ball of solder will not burn
through. Dimensions are 100 em X 50 em.
Floppy Drive Tester $20. Address: S.A.T. South End Bridge Cir-
cle, Agawam, MA 01001.


Book Understanding
Electronic Control
of Energy Systems

TEACO'S CD2-3 is said to offer the user of

floppy drives three levels of testing: isolation
three $6.95

of the drive from computer problems; a

check of the chasis components and their
mechanical operation; and troubleshooting
of the component level on the circuit board.
The unit's capabilities include: testing of sin-
gle- or dual-sided drives, testing of all tracks
is free.
Buy any two books
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ing, dynamic indication of index pulse rate,
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cation. $275. Address: The Computer Cen- and get a third NEW
ter, Div. of TEACO INC., P.O. Box E,
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Important books. Important subjects. Learn quickly and easily how
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Equalizer control systems.
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Texas Instruments All books $6.95.
P.O. Box 3640, MIS 84 Check your choices below.
The A-XSO stereo integrated amplifier from Dallas, Texas 75285
JVC is equipped with a five-band SEA
graphic equalizer rather than the customary D Learning Center Library Catalog- CMJJOK (Free) D Understanding Microprocessors-LCB4023
bass/treble tone controls, with each control D Understanding Electronic Control of Energy Sys- D Understanding Calcu.lator Math-LCB3321
adjusting narrow-frequency bands centered tems -LCB6642 D Understanding Communications Systems-
at 63,250, 1000, and 16,000-Hz. A peak indi- D Understanding Automotive Electronics - LCB5771 LCB4521 .
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center frequencies of the equalizer and to D Understanding Digital Electronics-LCB3311 D Understanding Optronics-LCB4572
show each response on a fluorescent display.
Also shown are right and left total response Enclose check or money order with sales tax (except AK, DE, NH, OR). Foreign orders must be in U.S. dollars
and the aggregate response for both chan- and include shipping charges. No phone orders, please.
nels. Other features include a selector for Name _____________________________________________________________
MM or MC phono cartridges, a touch vol-
ume up-down control, and a muting switch.
Its "Super-A" circuit design is said to pro- Address----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
vide the advantages of class-A operation at
higher efficiency. T he amplifier has a rated City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zip - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTE: Offer expires 11/1/82
output power of 65 W / ch into 8 ohms from
20 to 20,000 H z with a THD of 0.007 %.
Intermodulation distortion is given 0.005 %
Prices subject to change
without notice
at rated output. $430. 1982 Texas Instruments 360116PE

AUGUST1982 13
age does not decrease below that of video
coverage, broadcasters will not object.
To achieve this result, one of several pro-
posed companding noise-reduction sys-
tems may be used as part of the broadcast
standard .

Three Systems for TV Stereo. All

three proposed stereo TV systems
By Len Feldman achieve mono compatibility because the
sum of the left and right channel signals
is used to frequency-modulate the main
audio carrier, just as the mono signal
modulates that carrier now. A difference
Stereo TV Is Coming Soon signal (left-minus-right) is used to modu-
late a subcarrier the way a difference sig-
nal (L-R) is now used to modulate the
double-sideband suppressed AM 38-kHz
subcarrier in stereo FM broadcasting.
The major differences among the three
I N Japan, TV viewers have been able
to listen to many programs in stereo
mitted to the Federal Communications
systems, however, are in the nature and
frequency of this subcarrier.
for nearly four years. When feature films Whenever any new broadcast service is A similarity between the three systems
made in other countries are shown on to be authorized, one of the chief con- is in the addition of a second, frequency-
Japanese TV, the viewer has the option of cerns of the FCC is that it be compatible modulated subcarrier located at a base-
listening to a dubbed, Japanese sound with existing service and with existing band frequency of78 .67 kHz-five times
track or to the original. In Germany, equipment. This is especially true in the the horizontal TV line rate. This addi-
with its wide-bandwidth (7 MHz per case of multi-channel TV audio, since tional subcarrier is intended for other au-
channel) PAL system, room was found there is hardly a home in the U.S. that dio service in the future.
for a second audio r-f carrier; and stereo does not have at least one TV set. The
TV was initiated in September of last majority of receivers are color sets, and The EIAJ System. The Electronic In-
year. Yet, in the United States, the only represent an investment that should not dustries Association of Japan has pro-
way you can enjoy over-the-air stereo TV have to be replaced when stereo or bilin- posed a multi-channel stereo TV system
is by combining a stereo FM receiver gual audio begins. The "mono" set must for use in the U .S. that is very similar, but
with your set when simulcasts of con- be able to receive a mono equivalent (left- not identical, to the one that has been in
certs are offered through the cooperative plus-right) of the stereo program or, in operation in Japan for several years. As
efforts of a TV channel and an FM the case of bilingual broadcasts, the pri- illustrated in the baseband diagram of
station. mary language in which the program is Fig. 1, this system employs an FM
But all that is likely to change very transmitted. subcarrier with a frequency of 31.4 7
soon. At a recently conducted Midwest Other matters of concern to the FCC kHz, or twice the horizontal line fre-
Acoustics Conference held in Chicago, are possible interference problems that quency (FH = 15 .734 kHz) .
entitled "Audio Technology for Video," may arise from the new transmissions as As in all the proposed systems, the
Mr. E.M . Tingley provided an update on well as degradation in signal quality and main audio carrier is modulated to a
the work of the Multichannel TV Sound possible excessive use of spectrum space. maximum of 25 kHz by a "sum"
Committee. It is this committee, operat- Broadcasters, on the other hand, are con- (L + R) signal. The stereo difference
ing under the aegis of the Electronic In- cerned with coverage and do not want to subchannel is frequency-modulated by
dustries Association (of which Mr. Ting- lose viewers if signal-to-noise perfor- the difference signal (L - R) with maxi-
ley is a Staff Vice President of Engineer- mance is degraded by the new service. As mum deviation of the center frequency of
ing) that has been studying and testing Mr. Tingley explained, all of the three the subchannel reaching 10kHz. When
three basic systems for the transmission proposed systems do in fact cause a loss stereo is broadcast, this first sub~hannel
of multi-channel TV audio for more than of audio signal-to-noise ratio (much as modulates the main r-f carrier by 20
three years. Now, all of the data regard- stereo FM offers poorer signal-to-noise kHz (this is indicated by the height of the
ing the three proposed systems has been performance at great distances from the block in Fig. 1). But if this first
sifted down to a comprehensive report, station compared with mono FM) . subcarrier is used for bilingual (second
and by late fall of this year, that report, However, since picture signal coverage language) transmission, it deviates the
along with a recommendation for a spe- has always been poorer than audio cover- main carrier by only 15 kHz.
cific industry-endorsed system for ste- age in TV broadcasting, Mr. Tingley Audio frequency response for both
reo/bilingual TV standards, will be sub- pointed out that as long as audio cover- main and subchannels is flat from 50 Hz
to 15 kHz, and the pre-emphasis used for
main and subchannels is the same as that
N 75 Fig. 1. Baseband diagram of the signal currently used (75 f.LS). The control tone
; used in the Electronic Industries of Japan system. shown at 3.5FH provides the data to auto-
z matically switch receivers from the ste-
2 reo mode to the bilingual mode.
"'0 Odd-Multiple Subcarrier. Telesonics,
0:: a small Midwest company, was formed
"'0: PRIMARY for the sole purpose of promoting its
~ 25 t--"M;;.;A;.;;IN'--'I FM SUBCARRIER
stereo/bilingual TV broadcast system.
The baseband frequency distribution is
0 illustrated in Fig. 2. In this system, a
:::> double-sideband suppressed AM subcar-
rier is used to modulate the main carrier
0 with stereo difference or bilingual infor-
BASEBAND FREQUENCY mation. The system is very similar to the
N 75 Grade B service areas (the end of the ser-
~ vice area deemed to be " protected" by
FCC regulations for TV), the best possi-
2 LOWER AND UPPER ble audio signal-to-noise ratio works out
~50 to be around 65 dB. Subtracting 15 dB
w from this (under the best conditions fo r
w the EIAJ system), brings the figure down
to a barely acceptable signal-to-noise ra-
~ 25 PILOT OR tio of only 50 dB. For the other systems,
"- SIGNAL BILINGUAL S/N ratio is even poorer.
0 LANGUAGE Companding Considered. For these
reasons, the committee has been consid-
0 3FH 4FH 5FH 6FH ering the possible use of companding or
noise-reduction systems as part of a stan-
BASEBAND FREQUENCY dard system for stereo or bilingual TV
audio broadcasting. Interested parties
Fig. 2. Complete signal used in Telesonics TV audio system. were invited to submit their proposals.
Those who responded included Dolby
now-familiar stereo PM broadcast sys- the 19-kHz stereo pilot used in PM, co- (which offered its newest consumer noise
tem used throughout the world. invented by Zenith), the TV horizontal reduction system, Dolby C); dbx, Inc.
What makes the system unique, how- line scan rate itself is used. The center (which offered a modified version of its
ever, is Telesonics' choice of a primary frequency of the suppressed carrier is well-known noise reduction/ dynamic
subcarrier frequency that has been set, therefore set at exactly twice the horizon- expansion system); and CBS, Inc. (which
not at a multiple of the horizontal TV talline rate (2FH). As shown in the dia- proposed the use of its ex system now
line rate, but at 2.5 times that rate, or gram of Fig. 3, the additional PM being used as a disc companding system.
39.939 kHz. The system requires a pilot subcarrier is again located at 5 PH, as it is In addition to the basic tests and evalu-
signal that at one half the subcarrier fre- in the other two systems. ations involving transmissions, the com-
quency, happens to fall very near the 19 mittee undertook a program of listening
kHz pilot frequency used in stereo PM; Signal-to-Noise Degradation. When tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the
specifically, at 19.668 kHz. Mr. Tingley presented his progress re- three companding systems by simulating
Because the use of an AM subcarrier port concerning stereo/bilingual TV in conditions that would prevail with AM
inherently results in a poorer signal-to- Chicago, he was not prepared to disclose and PM subcarriers in Grade A (close-
in) and Grade B TV reception areas. One
N 75 requirement insisted upon by the com-
~ Fig. 3. Baseband diagram of signal in the mittee was that the companding systems
z Zenith stereo bilingual TV audio system. offer both stereo and mono compatibility
;:: (to protect the investment of the owners
~50 of old mono sets as well as new, stereo TV
w sets not equipped with companding cir-
w cuitry). This requirement apparently re-
iii duced the effectiveness of the proposed
~ 25 -1-,:::M;::AI::.:.N--. noise reduction systems so that there was
no "clear winner."
Q The Committee is now considering al-
tering the requirement to mono compati-
bility only. This would mean that all fu-
0 2FH 3FH 4FH ture sets built with stereo decoding
would also have to include the noise-re-
duction circuitry that is eventually cho-
noise ratio, Telesonics has elected to let all the results of the laboratory and field sen as the industry standard. In this way,
the subcarrier modulate the main carrier tests. He did, however, tell us that the more effective companding circuits
by a full 50 kHz. The result is a mono- EIAJ system exhibited the least signal- would be applied to the noisier ste-
to-stereo signal-to-noise degradation to-noise degradation compared with reo/ bilingual subcarrier, but the main
that is only marginally worse than that mono TV audio; about 15 dB. Next came carrier containing the mono information
encountered with the all-FM EIAJ the Telesonics system, with a decrease in would not be affected. These newer
system. S/N of about 16 dB. The greatest degra- companding considerations are not,
In addition, Telesonics claims certain dation of signal-to-noise was experienced however, expected to delay the Commit-
advantages in its ability to reject specific with the Zenith system, with a decrease tee's work.
noise impulses caused by interaction be- in S/N ratio of around 20 dB. If the present timetable is maintained,
tween the video and audio carriers. They Readers who are familiar with the 23 the FCC should be presented with an in-
also claim lower overall distortion than is or so dB of signal-to-noise degradation dustry report and system recommenda-
possible with an PM subcarrier, because experienced when switching from mono tion in October or November 1982. As-
the latter, when operated with a limited PM to stereo PM may be surprised by suming that the FCC acts quickly, we
bandwidth, tends to "lop off' sidebands these figures, but when you consider the could have an approved stereo TV broad-
needed to accurately transmit and repro- fact that TV audio (even in mono) starts cast system as early as mid-1983 . Of
duce complex audio waveforms. out with a 10-dB disadvantage compared course, if the FCC once again insists
with PM audio, the figures don't look all upon issuing another " marketplace" de-
Scan-Rate Synch. The Zenith Stereo that good. The 10-dB disadvantage arises cision, (see "The AM Stereo Situation"
TV system also uses an amplitude-modu- because maximum deviation of the PM in the July "Entertainment Electronics"
lated suppressed double-sideband sub- carrier in mono PM is 75kHz, whereas column) we could also end up with three
carrier for transmission of the stereo dif- the audio carrier in TV is only modulated totally incompatible stereo TV systems.
ference or second-language audio sig- to a maximum of 25 kHz, or one third Furthermore, if the FCC leaves the
nals. Instead of using a pilot carrier for as much. choice of companding systems up to the
receiver synchronization and reconstitu- Calculations made by the Multichan- "marketplace" we'll have nine possible
tion of the suppressed carrier, (such as nel TV Sound Committee showed that in system permutations. 0

AUGUST1982 15
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Harman -Kardon PM650 Inte-grated Amplifier
T HE Model PM650 is one of
Harman-Kardon's new high-cur-
140,000 Hz +01- 3 dB, with a 2-J.t-S rise
time and an 80- VI J-1-S slew rate.
Laboratory Measurements. Follow-
ing a one-hour preconditioning period
rent-capability integrated amplifiers. It Except for its large VOLUME knob, all with both channels driving 8-ohm loads
has an instantaneous current output ca- the control knobs of the H-K PM650 are at 1000 Hz with one-third of rated pow-
pability of 40 A, which enables it to <;lrive of iden~i a1 si::e (34 "). Its other front- er, and five minutes of full-power operat-
very low load impedances (such as those panel controls _,re "push on, push off' ing, the output of the Model PM650
presented by some loudspeakers at cer- buttons cf diff.~<:nt sizes and shapes, ac- clipped at 68 W per channel with both
tain frequencies and parallel pairs oflow- cording tc the;: function--except that channels operating, giving a Clipping
impedance speakers) without distortion the three FL'NC1ION (input selector) but- Headroom rating of 1.34 dB. As claimed
or damage to the amplifier. The absence tons are mechanically interlocked. A by the manufacturer, the PM650 delivers
of the usual current-limiting circuits in narrow tinted-glass window across the progressively higher output power as the
the output stages also eliminates this as a top of the panel conceals identifier words load impedance is reduced. Into 4 ohms,
potential source of distortion. that light to show the selected program it developed 102 W per channel; and into
The H-K PM650 has a rated output of source, and whether one or both of the 2 ohms its output was an impressive 141
50 W per channel into 8 ohms from 20 to two TAPE circuits has been selected, as W. This limit was set by the tripping of
20,000 Hz with less than 0.03% total well as an ON indicator next to the POW- the amplifier's internal protective circuit
harmonic distortion. It has a complete ER switch button. The separation of the breaker; and actual waveform clipping
array of control functions, including program and tape recorder selection was not observed with 2-ohm operation.
selectable terminating capacitance for functions makes it possible to listen to When we drove the amplifier with the
the phono cartridge, yet presents a neat one program source while dubbing or pulsed Dynamic Headroom test signal,
aud uncluttered appearance. making tapes from another. the maximum power output was 79 W
The overall dimensions of the H-K The three input sources are AUX, TUN- into 8 ohms, giving the amplifer a Dy-
PM650 are 17 3 / 8 " W X 16"D X 5 1 / 8 " ER, and PHONO. A small button gives an namic Headroom rating of2 dB. We also
H. It weighs 26 lb. Suggested retail price additional choice of MM (moving mag- performed the Dynamic Headroom test
of the amplifier is $369.95. net) or MC (moving coil) cartridge inputs at two lower load impedances, obtaining
through separate sets of input jacks and 139 W into 4 ohms and 208 W into 2
General Description. Harman-Kardon preamplifier stages. The MM input also ohms. The 1000-Hz distortion of the
has been a proponent of wide-band cir- has a small front-panel knob that termi- PM650 was between 0.016% and 0.02%
cuitry for many years, and the Model 650 nates a cartridge in a capacitance of ei- for all output powers up to 50 W, and
continues that tradition. Its low-level fre- ther 100, 150, 200, or 300 pF, in addition only 0.05% at 65 W. When driving 4-
quency response is specified as 4 to to 47-kilohm input resistance. ohm loads, the distortion varied from

~ 0.5 2 o.5
~Do.2 i=
z 0
~ 0 .1 1- 0.1
I.o 5
.. .. ... .
1- - w
0.05 ...
--... I T6

1- lr
z w 1- 1- f4 1(
.- -r--
.... ---i-
.. . ...- -- ~- - - . .. . ..... V- II..
~ ~1
20 50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

Distortion at 1000 Hz for power outputs between 1 and 100 W. Percent harmonic distortion vs. frequency into 8 ohms.

0.023% to 0.2% for power outputs be- sponse curves that are hinged at about 3 would be expected from its fine measured
tween 1 and 100 W. The distortion with a kHz. The loudness compensation boost- performance, it also managed to sound
2-ohm load could not be measured be- ed both low and high frequencies as the like a much more powerful amplifier
cause the circuit breaker tended to trip volume setting was reduced, but the than its ratings would suggest. In fact,
quickly at fairly high power outputs. amount of boost was moderate and did the more current we drew from the am-
Across the full20-to-20,000- Hz frequen- not cause any unpleasant alteration in plifier, the more impressive it became
cy range and at power levels from 5 to 50 sound quality. The SUBSONIC filter re- (especially when we paralleled several
W, the distortion was between 0.016% sponse was down 2.5 dB at 20Hz, which pairs of speakers to form a very low-im-
and 0.035%. was our lower measurement limit, and pedance load). This is hardly a normal
The amplifier's sensitivity for a refer- the HIGH CUT filter response was down 3 condition-many amplifiers rebel at this
enceoutputof1 Wwas 18mV(Aux)and dB at 6 kHz. It appeared to roll off the sort of treatment, yet the PM650 takes it
0.09 m V (PHONO MM), with an A-weight- output at 12 dB per octave above the au- in stride.
ed S/N ratio for either input of 79.5 dB dio range, but we could not determine While we do not necessarily subscribe
referred to 1 W. The amplifier was stable the ultimate slope of the SUBSONIC filter to the theory that sonic performance is
with reactive. loads, and its slew factor response. improved when the amplifier bandwidth
exceeded our measurement limit of 25. The amplifier's RIAA phono equaliza- is far in excess of the audible frequency
The intermodulation (IM) distortion was tion was accurate within 0.5 dB from range, it seems unarguable that a high-
measured with equal amplitude input 20 to 20,000 Hz. It was affected only current output capability, low distortion
signals of 19 and 20kHz, having a com- slightly by the inductance of a typical and noise level, and complete sta-
bined peak amplitude equal to that of a phono cartridge connected to the input bility-regardless of load-result in an
50-W sine-wave signal. This level served (the total change was only about 1 dB amplifier with a very fine sound.
as the 0-dB reference. A spectrum analy- from 1 to 20 kHz). The PHONO (MM) in- We also appreciate the PM650's lack
sis of the amplifier output (driving 8-ohm put impedance was 55 kilohms in parallel of switching transients or other disturb-
loads) showed a - 82-dB second-order with capacitance values of 175, 225, 275, ing sounds, and overall smooth opera-
IM product at 1000 Hz, and a - 83-dB or 375 pF-depending on the setting of tion. Even the delayed connection of the
third-order product at 18kHz. The fifth- the front-panel switch. The MC input had speakers that allows the amplifier cir-
order intermodulation distortion at 17 a 400-ohm resistance. The MM input cuits to stabilize is done in a graceful fade
kHz was measured as - 88 dB. overloaded at a very good 240 m V at (instead of the usual abrupt "click"). In
The amplifier's tone controls had con- 1000 Hz and at slightly higher levels at short, this is a fine product, well-suited
ventional characteristics- the bass con- 20 and 20,000 Hz. for situations where one might ordinarily
trol moves the low-end turnover frequen- expect that far more powerful amplifiers
cy between 150 and 300 Hz, and the User Comment. Not only did the H-K are required. - Julian H irsch
treble control positions high-end re- PM650 sound as sweet and clean as CIRCLE NO. 101 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD


FRONT PANEL: LOUDNESS: Inserts Fletcher-Munson compensation into volume

Knobs: control circuit.
BASS and TREBLE: Tone controls. CARTRIDGE: Selects moving magnet (MM) or moving coil
BALANCE: Control to center stereo image. (MC) phono cartridge input.
MODE: Selects REVERSE, STEREO, and MONO modes. TAPE MONITOR 1 and 2: Connects playback outputs of eithe r external
TAPE ouT: Controls the signal delivered to external tape de ck to the amplifier's circuits for play-
tape decks. Positions marked SOURCE, TUNER, OFF, ing tape or monitoring recordings. TAPE 1 has
and coPY (twice). The two copy settings are for dubbing priority.
tape deck 2 to deck 1 and vice versa. FUNCTION: Mechanically interlocked buttons for
VOLUME selecting program sources: Aux. TUNER, and PHONO.
CAP. TRIM: Selects phono (MM) input capacitance of Display: Illuminated words and nume rals show selected
NORMAL, + 50 pF, + 100 pF, + 200 pF. program source and TAPE MONITOR settings, as we ll as
Push buttons: power oN.
POWER: Large rectangular button at left.
SPEAKERS 1, SPEAKERS 2: Activates two pairs Of speaker REAR PANEL:
outputs independently of each other. Jacks: Standard phono jacks for all signal inputs and outputs.
TONE DEFEAT: Bypasses tone control circuits. Speaker System: Insulated binding posts for two pairs
suBSONIC: Inse rts high-pass filter at app. 15 Hz. of speakers. Inse rt stripped ends of wires and
HIGHcuT: Inserts low-pass fi lter at app. 6 kHz. clamp firmly.

AUGUST1982 21

Popular Electronics Tests

General Electric Modell9PCJ70SW

19!'Color TV
T HE General Electric Model
19PC3708W 19" color TV receiver
General Description. Channel selec-
tion is accomplished by a separate rotary
lating and matnxmg functions . The
three-color output amplifiers are mount-
features the company's new "PC" unit- switch, with concentric, push-in, fine ed on a separate pc board at the base of
ized printed-circuit board, replacing tuning for vhf and uhf channels, and a the three-gun, in-line color picture tube,
some oflast year's EC chassis models. Its separate, illuminated indication next to and receive theY or brightness signal on
design promises easier servicing and each switch. The receiver's i-f section their emitters. Direct-current coupling,
higher reliability owing to a slide-out ser- uses a SAW (S1,1rface Acoustic Wave) fil- together with diode de-level control, pro-
vicing provision and fewer connectors ter and separate adjustments for the vides excellent de restoration.
and components, as well as 27% less 41.25-MHz audio trap, and the 45 .75- The outstanding technical feature of
weight. MHz trap for adjacent channel interfer- the Model 19PC3708W, however, is the
This is a direct or manual-tuning re- ence. A single IC performs the amplifica- VIR II Broadcast Controlled Color Sys-
ceiver with separate vhf and uhf mechan- tion, video and audio detection, noise tem, introduced in 1980. The VIR board
ical tuners. A VIR (Vertical Interval filtering, automatic fine tuning (aft) and contains a special, 24-pin DIP IC
Reference) pc board plugs into the main automatic gain control (age) functions, (Matsushita AN5330) and six transis-
chassis's unitized board. The solid-state and also includes a preamplifier for the tors. It connects to the main chassis, and
design makes use of five integrated cir- video and the audio i-f(4.5 MHz). to the VIR on-off switch and the VIR
cuits for sweep oscillator; audio; chroma- The vertical and horizontal sync and LED indicator.
video; VIR; and i-f, age, and detector the deflection sections use standard cir- The special VIR IC performs all of the
sections-thereby reducing the set's cuits. However, in an effort to reduce VIR functions in a compact space. When
parts count. weight and in the interest of energy-effi- a broadcast station uses a VIR signal (not
The front panel employs two concen- ciency, all de voltages except one are ob- all stations do), the receiver can lock in
tric channel selectors, one for vhf and the tained from the high-voltage flyback sec- the same tint and chroma levels being
other for uhf; an on-off volume control; tion. The ac power supply provides only transmitted. The line-recognizer section
on-offVIR switch; and thumbwheel con- one voltage, the well-regulated 116 V de, uses the composite sync signal, together
trols for adjusting color, tint, brightness, to operate the horizontal oscillator and with the horizontal blanking pulse, to
and picture. A room-light sensor auto- flyback driver. A separate current-sens- find the vertical sync pulse and to count
matically adjusts color picture quality in ing and regulator circuit controls the down to the 19th line. Outputs from the
accordance with room lighting condi- high voltage (HV), which, if excessive recognizer section are sensed by the VIR
tions. At the rear of the chassis are con- current is drawn, will automatically dis- circuitry. When the VIR signal is detect-
trols for focus , vertical hold, sharpness, able the 116 V de regulator. Thus, service ed, a LED indicator lights up.
and horizontal hold adjustments. technicians should keep in mind that a A tint-controller section receives the R
The cabinet, which consists of simulat- HV defect can cause loss of the 116 V de minus Y (R- Y) signal, which is then
ed walnut on high-impact plastic, mea- as well. compared against the color signal ob-
sures 17" H X 19" D X 24" . W, and A single IC also performs all of the col- tained from the VIR reference. Manual
weighs 47 lb. Estimated future retail or sync, automatic color control (ace), tint-control voltage and the tint-prefer-
price for this color TV receiver is $480. color i-f amp, color killer, and demodu- ence control voltage (from the ace cir-

l .

The .





Parameter Measurement

Sensitivity, vhf (Ch. 3): -55dBm

Sensitivity, uhf (Ch. 20): -52dBm
Noise figure, vhf (Ch. 3): 8 dB
Noise figure, uhf (Ch. 20): 15 dB
Video bandwidth to CRT ( -6 dB) : 3.85 MHz
R-f oscillator frequency stability: 0.085 MHz
(Ch. 3, 105 to 130 V ac, 2 hr)
R-f oscillator frequency error: 0.0615 MHz
(Ch. 3)
Age dynamic range: 65 dB
De restoration: 95%
Horizontal linearity: 100% left, 95% right
Vertical linearity: 98% top, 95% bottom
Convergence: 95% at worst area
De voltage regulation, B + : 98%
(105 to 130 V ac)
High-voltage regulation: 93%
(105 to 130 V ac)
Power rating: 75W Rear of chassis, which pulls out for serviceability.

cuit) are compared with the VIR infor- feet on a normal picture is barely notice-
mation. The resulting output then goes to able, but on a weak signal it seems to
the color-sync circuit in the main chassis. sharpen the edges of displayed images.
The color controller section operates in a R-f oscillator frequency stability and
similar manner, but its input is the com- accuracy were measured with the aft op-
bination of the B-Y and the Y signal. erating. Considering that this is not an
The Y signal is also clamped to the prop- electronically tuned or a crystal-con-
er black level in the Y amp. trolled system, stability and accuracy are
The mechanical layout of the new GE quite acceptable. The remaining parame-
chassis is intended for easy servicing. The ters are affected by the VIR performance
main pc board can be withdrawn from and were measured with the VIR system
the cabinet and locked into a stable ser- in operation. They indicate very good de
vicing position, with the cabinet resting restoration, excellent linearity and con- Fig. 1. Color-bar video at i-f input
on its side. This permits access from both vergence, and no noticeable pincushion shows almost perfect sine wave.
sides. Also, the pc board layout supplied effect.
with the service manual certainly makes Applying a color-bar pattern on chan- peared crisp and sharp, with a bright and
it easy to find individual parts and test nel3 proved to produce good color fideli- steady picture.
points. ty, even though the VIR system was not The VIR color control system was a
We found that the letters and numerals operating (a VIR signal must originate at boon in maintaining correct colors as we
on the main pc board and on the CRT a transmitter). Figure 1 shows a scope switched channels- provided the TV
socket pc board were not very legible, but photo of the composite video signal as it station was transmitting the VIR signal.
that may have been due to the printing on entered the color i-f section. At an ampli- Since many cable TV and educational TV
our particular set. We also noted that tude of about 0.5 V and with the 3.58- stations do not transmit the VIR signal,
some of the test points are located be- MHz sine-wave burst perfectly repro- it provides no automatic assistance in
tween larger components, making it diffi- duced, this photo quantifies the observed these instances. Moreover, it was annoy-
cult to reach them with a standard scope picture quality. The results of applying a ing to switch from a perfectly tuned VIR
probe. gray scale (staircase) signal were equally channel to one that required adjustments
Test results summarized in the accom- good. Apparently, the factory adjust- because the signal was not used. Further-
panying table indicate that the GE Mod- ment for frequency response, gray scale, more, the fine-tuning adjustment had to
el 19PC3708W has good vhf sensitivity linearity, convergence, and pincushion be precisely adjusted to activate the VIR
and noise figure . Measuring -55 dBm at effect were precise. circuitry.
300 ohms corresponds to about 8 11- V in- According to GE's service manual the The mechanical tuners worked very
put, for a noise-free picture. The uhf sen- 116 V de (from which the other de volt- well. In the interest of long-term reliabil-
sitivity of- 52 dBm corresponds to dou- ages are derived) should be adjusted to ity, however, which appears to be boost-
ble, or 16 11-V, which also promises good within 0.5 V, but the regulation of that ed in this set with the new main pc board,
fringe-area performance. Unfortunately, voltage only covered 98%. Assuming the we prefer electronic tuning. In addition,
the relatively higher noise figure for the 2% difference to be equally distributed, mid-band and super-band cable stations
uhf tuner limits the effectiveness of the this means that the 116 V de could are not available with them. (One can
VIR system to relatively noise-free change by 1.16 V. However, we noticed view these stations when subscribing to a
signals. no degradation of performance, even cable service, however, with a supplied
The video bandwidth of 3.85 MHz was with changes in line voltage from 105 to cable channel selector.) Using mechani-
measured with the sharpness control set 130 V ac. The stated range of regulation cal tuners contributes to a lower price,
at its midpoint. We also observed that for the high voltage is from 26 to 28.5 kV, though.
this control reduced the video response which is abotit 10%, and the measured In summary, we liked the overall per-
curve to 3.80 MHz at its soft setting and values were better than that. formance of the Modell9PC3708W, and
caused a +3-dB peak at 3.75 MHz at the particularly appreciate the easy service-
sharp setting. Since the sharpness control User Comments. Performance of this ability of the receiver as compared to ear-
is located at the rear of the set, the owner 19" color TV receiver was especially fine lier GE models. - Walter Buchsbaum
does not ordinarily worry about it. Its ef- in terms of picture quality. Colors ap- CIRCLE NO. 103 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD
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AUGUST1982 29

liJshiba T200-4 Computer System

T OSHIBA'S new T200/T250 Com-
puter System is an integrated
black. The keyboard is controlled by an
8279 keyboard controller chip and the
ing and the weight of the power supply
make the T200-4 computer a very solid
desktop business computer that includes keyswitches haveN-key rollover. unit. The table-top computer weighs 66
a dot-matrix printer and a software pack- lb, and the associated keyboard unit
age. Software accompanying the system Implementation. The T200-4 is imple- weighs 4.4 lb. The computer unit mea-
consists of word processing, CP/M, mented as a single-board computer with sures 21%" W X 13" H X 17" D. The
Microsoft BASIC-80, and CBASIC 2. the disk controller and the 1/0 circuits keyboard unit is 17%" W X 31/ 8 "
More business-application software is on separate boards. The microprocessor H X 81/ 2 " D.
available as an option. is a Toshiba 8085 operating at 5 MHz. Power requirements for the computer
The only difference between the T200 The RAM memory consists of 64K bytes are 115-V ac, at 60 Hz. Without the
computer and the T250 computer is the of dynamic RAM controlled by an 8257 printer, the computer uses under 2.2 A.
data-storage capacity. Whereas the T250 programmable DMA (Direct Memory The dot-matrix printer supplied with
has drives with a storage capacity of 1M Access) controller IC. the system has a full 15-in. carriage, per-
bytes/drive, the T200 is equipped with The disk controller subassembly cir- mitting a full-sized 132-column printout.
5 1/ 4 ", double-sided, double-density cuit board is mounted over the main sys- It prints 125 characters per second
drives with a capacity of 180K bytes/ tem board. It uses an NEC 765 controller bidirectionally. The character set is de-
drive. There are single- and dual-drive chip and phase-locked-loop circuits to rived from a 9-by-7 dot matrix with a
models available for both the T250 and control up to four disk drives. The drives spacing of 10 characters per inch, and a
theT200. themselves are quiet and reliable. line spacing of 6lines per inch. The print
This test review covers the T200-4 The 12-in., green-phosphor CRT has a mechanism is a full-stroke unit, which
computer, which has two 51/ 4 " drives. wide bandwidth (22 MHz) and displays means that the print head is mounted on
Suggested retail price for this system is an SO-character, 25-line format in a high- a helical cam that causes the head to
$5750, including the software package resolution 8-by-8-character matrix. The move the full132 columns on each pass.
and the printer. CRT is not used at its rated capa- However, the operation is fairly quietfor
The T200-4 computer is mounted in a bility-an example of Toshiba's conser- a dot-matrix printer. A pin-feed roller
desktop cabinet made of reinforced fiber- vative design philosophy. handles paper flow, and a plastic window
glass and metal. It has two vertically The 1/0 circuit board is located at the is provided to observe printing. All the
mounted disk drives and a 12-in. CRT. A rear of the machine and is connected to controls are on the front panel. The
detached keyboard is connected to the the main board by a shielded cable. The printer weighs 31.0 lb and measures 22"
housing by cable. T200-4 comes with a parallel input port W X 7Y2" H X 141/2"D. It operates on
The typewriter-style keyboard has 85 for the keyboard, an 8-bit parallel port 115-V, 60-Hz ac power and uses less than
keys, including 10 programmable func- configured for a Centronics printer, and 1 A of current.
tion keys and a numeric keypad. The an RS-232C serial port. This printer is designed for data pro-
keys are mounted at a 15-degree typing The T200-4 is completely shielded. All cessing, and is not intended for word-
angle, for greater visibility, and the typ- RFI and EMI sources are covered with a processing applications. However, a
ing keys are white, while control keys are ventilated aluminum cover. This shield- high-density dot-matrix printer (such as

a C. Itoh Model 8510) can be connected three minutes-with verification. package manuals. Very little information
in place of the system printer to provide As good as the surface functions are, is provided about the machine operation,
better print quality. Toshiba's implementation of CP/M still and virtually no in-depth technical detail
leaves something to be desired. For ex- is currently available.
Software. The system software consists ample, all the ports except the RS-232C Toshiba has employed the services of a
of Digital Research's CP/M operating port are initialized on power-up. A sepa- California-based documentation compa-
system. However, the software is not of rate diskette is needed to use the serial ny, called The Writery, to improve the
the same quality as the hardware. The port, and yet another diskette is required T200-4's documentation.
implementation of CP/M is still under- to set baud rates, parity, and direction.
going change. (The CP/M version 1.2 we Unfortunately the serial drivers aren't Evaluation. The T200-4 is a data-pro-
tested does offer improvements in terms implemented in the Basic Input Output cessing tool that is as functional as any of
of handling the CRT.) System (BIOS) of CP/M, nor is there the other high-end microcomputer sys-
We particularly liked the T200-4's room to do so. But Toshiba claims that tems currently available. And it's a
booting. The screen tells you to insert the an updated version of CP/M that han- breeze to set up. All we did was remove it
diskette, then the rest of the booting pro- dles all the 1/0 correctly is being readied. from the box, plug in the printer system,
cess is automatic. Toshiba offers a full range of applica- and attach the keyboard.
Making backup diskettes or data tions packages for the T200-4, including Each. of the interface cables is tied in
diskettes is equally simple. First, enter business, word processing, and commu- directly to the machine and requires no
FORMAT. This will cause the Toshiba for- nications. For this review, we used plug-in. Electrical cables are designed to
mat program to load and tell you that the Wordstar 3.0, Microplan (an electronic be plugged into the back of the system.
The 1!0 cables are multi-wire, heavily
shielded types. Unfortunately, the key-
board cable is extremely stiff and a little
too short, so moving the detached key-
board around to a comfortable position
can be difficult.
The keyboard uses a design similar to
Wang, in that the essential function keys
are located on the top row, including the
CONTROL key. After a couple hours of
use, this layout proved more of an asset
than a detriment. We also liked the key-
board's ability to re-boot the system-
simply depress the CONTROL key and IPL
key. The PRINT key allows you to auto-
matically send output to the printer with
a single keystroke. Want to lock the key-
board? Just depress the KEY-LOCK key.
Below the first disk drive is a CRT in-
tensity control so the operator can easily
set the screen intensity to fit the room
lighting. The CRT also employs an
etched screen to reduce glare and eye-
strain-a real help in an office
During our testing for RFI/EMI, we
were unable to detect any measurable ra-
diation, even with the machine's cover
Using a well-shielded modular design, the T200-4 permits removed. Apparently, good internal
ease of maintenance and is virtually RFI and EM/ free. shielding, several wide ground paths, and
shielded and grounded cables have elimi-
nated potential RFI/EMI difficulties.
source is on the A drive and the destina- spread sheet), and Whiz (a communica- Our basic speed test of 10 GOSUB 10,
tion on the B drive. Then the program tions package). Wordstar is priced at using BASIC-80, yieldect-" an average
asks you if you're ready. Formatting with $495, Microplan runs $495, and WHlZ time-to-error of 0.29 seconds-revealing
verification of tracks is quick (less than a can be had for $150. an excellent handling of memory pro-
minute for the full'operation), and errors All of the applications software pac~ cessing. Using a 14,000-character Word-
are detected, giving track and sector. ages are preinstalled and ready to run on star file, we found that average screen up-
A system diskette is made using the the computer. However, this fact is' not dates took only 14 seconds, from
system-generating program called mentioned in Toshiba's documentation. top-of-file to end-of-file. In addition, to
TOSGEN. Unlike other CP/M-based sys- This may cause the user to try and install load 24K bytes of BASIC-80 required
tems, there is no need to run the MOVCPM the packages according to instructions in only 5 seconds, and loading W ordstar
program to generate a memory image of the software manuals. If this is done, the took just 5.2 seconds, with the first over-
the system size. In fact, this utility user will find that there is no mention of lay coming after a scant 1.2 seconds.
doesn't exist on the supplied system the Toshiba computers in the menus dis- Printing the file took approximately 3
diskette, nor is it really needed. When played by the INSTALL programs. minutes-slightly longer using Word-
used, TOSGEN lets you choose (a) just the Toshiba says that they are aware of the star's spooler.
system tracks, (b) the entire diskette to be problem, and efforts are underway to Using our disk test. which is a BASIC
copied, or (c) to quit the operation. correct the documentation. program that writes an entire disk with
Like formatting a diskette, creating a Even though the basic T200-4 is an ex- the letter "A'' and then retrieves it. took
new system diskette is quick. (It takes cellent machine, and Toshiba is making an average of 27 seconds. Using Digital
under a minute for the system tracks and efforts to improve the software interface, Research's PL/I Chess program to de-
about two minutes for the entire diskette documentation is not particularly good. velop a maximum processing speed, we
to be copied.) As a test, we copied the en- The documents provided include a re- found that it took an average of 1.83 sec-
tire diskette, using the Peripheral Inter- print of Digital Research's CP/M man- onds to compile and load the program;
change Program (PIP). This took just uals and reprints of all the application this is benchmarked against an Altos 4-

AUGUST 1982 31
MUSIC MHz Z80 hard-disk system of 3 minutes.
LIVES All in all, the T200-4 is a very fast
ONTDK To test the application capability of
the T200-4 we used Chang Laboratories'
Microplan Electronic Worksheet. This
Music sets the tone in
your life. Creates a package requires the use of CRUN2 as a
world of enjoyment all host run-time package, and employs full
your own. If you want screen attributes of the T200-4, including
inverse video.
nothing to interfere, Although we are normally biased
chooseTDK. against application packages that require
TDK cassettes make host languages, Microplan proved the ex-
music live. With a per- ception for several reasons. First, it pro-
formance as full and vided easily understood screen help mes-
vibrant as the original. sages and always displays its menu to the
In its special way TDK right of the worksheet. Second, the docu-
does more than record. mentation is good and can be understood
It recreates. Music is by a first-time computer user. Also, the
system is quick. This speed is partly a
magic. Don't lose any of function of the hardware, but it shows
it, now that you know that the code has been optimized for pro-
where it lives. cessing speed.
4 ~;~~5'9oJ=: User Comments. The T200-4 was de-
signed as a general-purpose system, with
the primary use being word processing
and the secondary use data processing.
Consequently, some license was taken by
the designers in presenting the software
applications packages.
We would have prefered that pro-
grams such as Microplan and W ordstar
be implemented to take full advantage of
the extremely flexible keyboard.
1982 TDK Electronics Corp
CIRCLE NO. 43 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD In the case of the Whiz communica-
tions package, we would prefer its imple-
mentation as a background operation.
This would allow the user to trap out of
Commodore VIC-20 an application, capture data on another
machine, and then re-enter the applica-
Computer Electric Power
tion. (We understand this aproach to be a
very distinct future possibility.)
Spikes, Regarding the keyboard cable, we

$209 sale price

& Lightning
have suggested to Toshiba that they re-
design the interface to permit the use of a
coiled telephone-type cord rather than
the stiff cable now being used . But re-
MicroComputers, VTR, HiFi, Lasers, gardless of the problems, we generally
(When you buy 6 tape programs) Spectrometers are often damaged or dis- liked the T200-4. It proved very
rupted due to Power Pollution. reliable-even when operated in our
High Tech components may interact! loop hot box, and under heavy smoke
You get this full sized extra featured Our patented ISOLATORS eliminate conditions.
computer with color, sound, music, equipment interaction, curb damaging Even though the T200-4 is being mar-
Power Line Spikes, Tame Lightning bursts keted as a data-processing system, we
66 key expanded typewriter key- & clean up interference. think Toshiba should drop the current
board and extended level 11 basic Isolated 3-prong sockets; integral Spike/ printer and offer either the C. ltoh 8510
for only $209 (list price $299) when Lightning Suppressor. 125 V, 15 A, 1875 W as the replacement or the Epson MX-
Total, 1 KW per socket. 100. (The Epson MX-100 is needed if a
you buy 6 tape programs' We stock IS0-1 ISOLATOR. 3 Isolated Sockets; full carriage is required) . The current
more programs and accessories than Quality Spike Suppression; Basic printer isn't flexible enough.
anyonet IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENT Protection . . ...... .. . .. . $69.95 In addition, we think that a full techni-
IS0-3 SUPER-ISOLATOR. 3 DUAL Iso- cal manual should be made available, as
WARRANTY' 2 to 7 days deliveryt lated Sockets; Suppressor; Com- well as a quick-reference card for basic
Order Now! mercial Protection . . .. .. $104.95 system use.
An important attribute, we found in
Isolated Skts; Suppressor; Labora- our discovery sessions, was that the
15 DAY FREE TRIAL tory Grade Protection . .. . $181 .95 Toshiba system is designed for upward
Master-Charge, Visa, American Express growth. Its architecture suggests the ca-
TOLL FREE ORDER DESK 1--80().225-4876 pability of adding a 16-bit co-processor
(except AK, HI, MA, PR & Canada) and perhaps networking capability.
Protecto Enterprizes SATISFACTION GUARANTEED' Should business data processing be what
Box 550 Barrington, IL 60010 you're buying the system for, the T200-4
Phone Orders (312) 382-5244 Electronic Specialists, Inc. could fit nicely into your plans.
171 South Mam Street. Natrck. MA 01760
Write for Free Catalog
Technocal & Non 600 1 617 655 1532 CIRCLE NO. 102 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD


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printer port for making hard copy of all inco ming data, and optional provisions for block and
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~~~~~~~ ~~~;'ai_l~i~~fi~.~a~~e ~~hut~~~!:;~~::{~~ 0 FASTERM 64 TERMINAL KIT - Featurmg a 56 key
which you can input and output your prQRrams. as well as ASCII Keyboard . 128 character set upper and lower case.
c_haracters per line or 16 by 40 characters per l_ ine , it offers on-screen editing with paQe-at-a- control exterior swih :hes. mlays. lights. etc a cassette 75 o~m output. 8 baud ra tes. ISO to 19.200 (swtlch SPiect
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~euvre~~~~~d~00d0en,;;-~~~ b~eonn~:~~ea~ds~~~~~- ~~~e yours+'Vpi~~~~~ :::~~li;ttgr ~~~~i;~~~~t~~~r line formats. complele wtth ------~
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Pow" Supply $199.95
Delu xe Steel Cabmet and

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More good news: All the components in 0ur terminals are available separately (see monilor) . 58.95 postpaid.
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ASCII characters (u pper & lower case) ... 8 baud rates: 150. 300. 600. 1200. 2400 4800 , 9600. s:::i~j~r/:~s~~~w~ if you don't have them. see our Explorer/55 $49.95 plus $3
19, 200, (switch sel.) ... LINE OUTPUT: RS232/C or 20 ma current loop .. VIDEO OUTPUT : 1V 0 Level A computer kit (Terminal Version) $129.95
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NEED A POWER SUPPLY? c.. nsider our AP-1 . It can
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Address - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - : : - : - - - - - - -
City State Zip ~NETRONICS Research& Development Ltd .
~~~~~.H!~~.f!~!~.~-'!~~; -~~~-M!!~'!~~~ ~!. ~??.~ ...... :
The Master Plotter. If you have an ex-
tra $1550 and want a sophisticated plot-
ting system, then the HP 7470 is exactly

COMPUTE:R what you are looking for. This unit takes

advantage of a new low-cost plotting
technique and has a res~lution (step size)

or 25 fLm (1!1000 in.), a repeatability of
100 fLm, pen acceleration of 2 Gs, and
pen-down and pen-up velocities of35 and
50 cm/s, respectively. It uses either 8'/2 "
or 11" paper.
By Les Solomon One of the special features of the plot-
ter is the way it senses, picks and replaces
Accessories and Software its pens. It is aware at all times of which
pen to use, where to find it, and where to
I SUPPOSE many of you, as I do, keep
an eye out for new products that will
the Ramdisk for just the Atari 800. This
gives you 128K of memory that acts as a
return it. It can be programmed to select
from either of two pen groups at appro-
make your system more powerful or easi- high-speed disk drive. priate moments during a plot. The sys-
er to use. The SK8088 cpu board from If you are interested in communica- tem automatically caps and uncaps the
SKI Electronics is a good example. This tions, Axlon also has a personal commu- pens to keep the ink from drying out.
is a $329 dual-mode, 16-bit, S-100-bus, nication terminal. Measuring 15/ 8 " The 7470 uses Hewlett-Packard's mi-
board that plugs directly into your X 39/ 16 " X 63/ 4 " and weighing 11 oz., cro-grip drive system developed last year
present S-100 system and works in con- the handheld unit has a tactile keyboard for large-format printers. It avoids heavy
junction with your 8-bit cpu card. with 43 functional keys to provide 64 up- moving arms and paper transport drums
The 8-bit processor board acts as the per-case ASCII characters. The display and belts.The technique involves moving
bus controller. However, when 16-bit is a 16-character fluorescent indicator the paper in one direction (x axis) and the
software is loaded into the computer, and has a 220-character receive memory pen in the other (y axis). In this way, the
control passes to the SK8088. To avoid that permits scrolling. The terminal, inertia is minimized to include only the
taking away 8-bit software compatibility, called the Hotline, has a "cool" price of mass of the drawing medium and the pen.
the SKI board permits switching back to $400. The microgrip drive consists of two ro-
the 8-bit board when necessary. This is a You have probably noticed the in- tating metal grip wheels, which hold
technique of master/slave operation creased interest in semicmi.ductor non ro- each edge of the paper firmly against a
whereby a system of bus arbitration and tating memory ("semidisks"). They in- hard-rubber pinch wheel.
semiphores (flags) is used to switch cpu crease your system operational through- The microscopic points created in the
masters between cycles. put without impacting its operational paper by the wheels are used by the plot-
To take advantage of the full power of aspects. For example, the Magnolia In- ter for realigning and maintaining regis-
the system arrangement permitted on the visible Disk that I discussed last month is tration to ensure repeatability. This is
IEEE 696 (S-100 bus), the board imple- used in my Zenith 89 laboratory not found on similar plotters.
ments the full 24-bit addressing for a system-especially when performing The plotter uses an MC6802 micro-
16M-byte address range. It comes in a 5- some system or software tests. We load processor, has 8K bytes of ROM for stor-
MHz standard version, with an 8-MHz the software into this very high-speed ing all the plotting programs (including
upgrade available. You don't have to disk and reduce our overall access time. irregular-shape tables) and interfaces ei-
worry about getting rid of your 8-bit You do have to be careful, however, with ther through the HP-IB bus (IEEE-488)
memory either. The SK8088 works well, some software that expects everything to or RS-231 C, thus making it universal to
but slower, with 8-bit memory. However, be on the lowest defined system diskette, virtually any microcomputer currently
it takes two bus cycles for a 16-bit rather than the logged-in disk. Also you available.
transfer. have to be certain that your power supply I haven't had time yet to use the plotter
If you decide to get this board, be is solid, since a power drop-out will cause extensively, so a report on how well it
aware that it may not work with all so- you to loose valuable data on the works will have to wait till later.
called S-100 systems. The problem is in semi disk.
the implementation of the bus. In older Speaking of Software. With an in-
versions (Altair, Imsai) the bus is defined creasing emphasis on computer commu-
a great deal differently than in IEEE 696 nications, it is not surprising that soft-
conventions. In addition, these older ma- ware companies are rapidly getting on
chines have ground planes and power the communications bandwagon with
rails. So be sure you understand what many products. Many of them we have
you have before you buy a board. covered in the past. Recently, though, we
came across some interesting packages
Using RAM Storage. I recently ran developed by IE systems, Inc. to permit
across a company doing something I micros to speak to mainframes. All the
really considered significant with high- software works with standard protocols
speed RAM-using it for storage. The and greatly upgrades the state of the mi-
company, Axlon Inc., offers some very crocomputer communications art.
unique memory products, including One of these packages is the Bisync-80
Ramdisk, which is for the Apple or IBM group-designed to support synchro-
PC and has 320K bytes of 200-ns memo- nous communications between CP/M
ry and battery backup. The memory systems and IBM or similar hosts (any
functions like two 35-track floppy-disk system with bisync protocols). Features
drives and is compatible with the neces- include a user configuration module,
sary operating systems. The company hardware diagnostics, line trace, error
says the price is about the same as a dual checking, carriage control decoding and
floppy drive. flexible EBCDIC/ ASCII translation.
Axlon offers similar products for the Another package, the 80/3780, pro-
Atari, but the memory products are de- vides full IBM 2780/3780 emulation on
signed to plug into an available cartridge 8080, 8085 and Z80-based systems. This
slot. You have the choice of a Ramcram Parts breakdown of Hewlett-Packard's software costs $990. Note that you'll
to boost your Atari 400 or 800 to 48K or 7470 plotter shows simplicity of design. only need this package if you plan to op-
erate in the IBM environment as a Re-
mote Job Entry (RJE) terminal. Typical-
ly, this implies short-haul (under 20 FOR MORE INFORMATION
miles) communication over dedicated For additional information on the products
metal or fiber-optic lines at speeds of mentioned here, contact the manufactur-
9600 baud and above. er directly:
More practical from the standpoint of
the microcomputer user, are asynchro- Axlon Inc.,
nous (character) communications. IE 170 N. Wolfe Rd.
supports 8080/8085, Z80 or 8088/8086 Sunnyvale, CA 94086
systems with at least 16:{( of RAM, one 408-730-0216
floppy CP/M or MSDOS and an asyn- Equipment Product Marketing
chronous serial port (Z80-SIO), 8251, 20705 Valleyu Green Dr.
8250,8274, NEC 7201, TMS 5501, or Cupertino, CA 95014
PMMI-103) for $495. 408-448-6111
Asynchronous communications is Hewlett-Packard Corp.
normally established over ordinary 3000 Hanover St.
phone lines using modems that transfer Palo Alto, CA 94304
data at rates of 110 to 1200 bps. Be aware 415-857-1501
though that, on dedicated short-haul Zenith ZT-1 communication terminal. IE Systems Inc.
lines, 19.2K baud is possible. Box 359, 98 Main St.
All of the IE's software is available on cursor, and special function keys. Like Newmarket, NH 03857
diskette preconfigured to yol.\r require- the Scanset, the ZT-1 is Bell-103 compat- 603-659-5891
ments. If you own a host computer such ible. It has a 300-baud modem, plugs into SKI Electronics
as a VAX, PDP-11 or DEClO or 20, IE any standard RJ-llC, 12C, or 13C jack, 3134 Woods Way
can support your communications needs supports pulse dialing, has NTSC com- San Jose, CA 95148'
for these mainframes also at prices from posite video (RS-170 compatible) and 408-274-3131
$1940 to $5940. provides a serial I/0 from 110 to 2400 Zenith Data Systems
Interestingly, many of the functions baud. In addition, it has an 8-bit 1000 Milwaukee Ave.
that take place in asynchronous commu- Centronics parallel port for printer Glenview, IL 60025
nications can be likened to a disk system. support. 312-391-8181
If you think of your communications set- Zenith has gone to a great deal of trou-
up as being like a diskette, with each de- ble in the firmware to provide single-key
vice scattered around the tracks (inter- dialing, sign-on, and all the necessary letters, financial records, travel infor-
leaved), you can get an idea of the communication functions. The user can mation-anything you can find out
functions of software that uses polling change the terminal's communication about your ancestors. The program uses
techniques. Incidentally, this is the tech- parameters, including word size, parity, this data to generate a pedigree chart,
nique used in networking software to al- and stop bits. Numbers can be added to and draws relationships between individ-
locate resources to the network and basi- the 26-slot directory. uals, how families intertwine, and traces
cally avoid collisiqf1S- all the vital statistics.
More Than a Game. Computer games Roots/ M is one of the best data-base
Communication Terminals. Because aren't always games in the truest sense. management systerns we have seen, and
low-cost communication is becoming in- Two that we recently ran across are it is very easy to use. The authors have
creasingly important; two companies are Roots/M from Commsoft (665 Maybell provided numerous well-planned help
offering specialized terminals. Tyro- Ave., Palo Alto, C::A 94306. Tel. 415-493- messages, and tips on finding out who
share, through Equipment Products 2184) for $124.95, and Unit Conversion you really are.
Marketing, has the Scanset Models 410 Master from Mako Data Products (1441- The Mako Data Unit conversion Mas-
at $495 and Model415 for $649. The first B N. Red Gum', Anaheim, CA 92806. ter is primarily designed to work with the
requires an external modem but provides . Tel. 714-632-8583) for $19.95. Both are Heath H-89 system, and uses its screen
automatic log-in, the second includes a written to operate under CP/M and can attributes to good advantage. What
built-in modem, automatic dialer, and be used with virtually any terminal. makes this package exciting is that you
automatic log-in. The Roots-M package is a unique pro- can enter length, volume, acceleration,
Both models take up one square foot of gram designed to help you trace your mass, etc. in whatever units your origin!
desk space, have a 9" diagonal screen family tree. It comes with an extremely data is given and then determine the cor-
with 24 lines by 40 or 80 characters, and well-written manual with illustrations rect conversion to the units of any other
have limited graphics capability. The ter- that not only explains the software but system (including cgs). Over 18,000 pos-
minals were built by the French firm describes genealogy in general. sible conversions are at your fingertips.
Matra and they use Cermatek modems The software works by using a series of The package is not really a game, and it
and filters. fill-in screens for entering pertinent strips away uncertainty when dealing
Each terminal has six multi-function data-marital and blood relationships, with unfamiliar units or unwieldy data. <>
keys and permits up to 12 user-defined
tasks to be assigned to the programmable
keys. The autodialer feature allows dial-
ing up to 36 numbers stored in the termi-
nal's battery-supplied CMOS memory. The Ax/on Ramdisk
User menus guide the process and a built- offers 200-ns
in speal<.er lets you know the line status. access and 320K
Unfortunately, Matra uses a small key- bytes of storage
board with flat button keys, making the for Apples
system almost unusable as a true data-en- and/BMPCs.
try terminal.
Offering similar capability but with a
full-size keyboard and modular ap-
proach is the Zenith Data Systems ZT -1
communication terminal. Priced at $695,
the ZT -1 is housed in a keyboard with 63
fqnctions-26 alphabetic, 10 numeric, 4

AUGUST1982 35
Computer power, printer speed, Winchester Disk System
hard disk storage- all in one system. The 67 Disk System features one hard disk and one
The three elements you need for smooth, rapid data handling 8-inch , soft-sectored floppy for total on-line storage of
are together now in one Heath / Zenith system. For word 10.782 megabytes (formatted) . That's a huge data base .
processing, business and financial applications, or custom The floppy is double-sided, double-density and can also
programming- this is the performance standard evolving in operate in single-sided or single-density modes, compatible
computer technology. It's what you expect from a strong with standard IBM 3740 format.
partner. The 67 features write-protect switches for both drives to
prevent accidental erasure of information. The average
All-ln-One Computer access time of the hard disk drive is 70 milliseconds.
The heart of the system is the Heath /Zenith 89 Computer,
a complete, stand-alone unit with professional keyboard, High-speed printer
smart video terminal and 5%-inch disk drive.lt's easy to use The Heath /Zenith 25 Printer is a heavy-duty, high-speed,
for people having little or no experience- yet it can also dot matrix printer that gives you sharp, clear printouts. It
run extended languages like BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN prints over 150 characters per second with whisper-quiet
and Pascal. smoothness.
The 89 comes with 48K bytes RAM , expandable to 64K. The entire 95-character ASCII set prints in uppercase and
It has two Z80 microprocessors, one for computer functions, lower case with descenders, in a 9 x 9 matrix. Also, 33 block
one for terminal functions. And three serial I/ O ports for graphic characters let you create graphs and charts. All
interface with printers and modem . functions and timing are microprocessor-controlled.
The video display features a 12-inch diagonal, high- It uses standard edge-punched papers and features a
resolution CRT that's easy on the eyes . It displays up to convenient cartridge ribbon for easy, no-mess replacement.
2,000 characters at a time, 241ines (plus 25th status line)
by 80 characters, with full cursor control. Also 33 block
graphic characters for charts and graphs.
The heavy-duty keyboard follows standard typewriter format
for easy operator training. All terminal functions are pro-
grammable from keyboard or 1/0 ports.
The 5%-inch floppy diskette stores 100K bytes of infor-
mation and interfaces on line with the Heath /Zenith 67
Hard Disk System.
Versatile software and accessories Visit Your Heathkit Electronic Center*
The Heath/Zenith System offers you a choice of operating where Heath /Zenith Products are displayed, sold and serviced.
systems, including popular CP/M . PHOENIX, AZ INDIANAPOLIS, IN CINCINNATI. OH
2727 W Indian School Rd. 2112 E. 62nd St. 10133 Springfield Pike.
There are programs for word processing, business appli- 602-279-624 7 . 317-257-4321 Woodlawn
cations, and versatile utility functions. And the Heath User's TUCSON , AZ MISSION, KS 513-771-8850
Group offers a library of over 500 low-cost programs for 7109 E. Broadway 5960 Lamar Ave. CLEVELAND, OH
602-885-6773 913-362-4486 28100 Chagrin Blvd .
home, work or play. ANAHEIM, CA LOUISVILLE, KY 216-292-7553
330 E. Ball Rd . 12401 Shelbyville Rd . COLUMBUS, OH
For your custom programs, Microsoft languages are avail- 714-776-9420 502-245-7811 2500 Morse Rd .
able in BASIC (compiler and interpreter), FORTRAN and CAMPBELL, CA KENNER, LA 614-4 75-7200
COBOL. Or learn to write and run your own programs with 2350 S Bascom Ave. 1900 Veterans TOLEDO, OH
408-377-8920 Memorial Hwy. 48 S. Byrne Rd .
special self-study programming courses for Assembly, El CERRITO , CA 504-467-6321 419-537-1887
415-236-8870 1713 E. Joppa Rd . 2727 Northwesl
LA MESA, CA 301-661-4446 Expressway
Free demonstration awaits you at . 8363 Center Dr ROCKVILLE, MD 405-848-7593
714-461-0110 5542 Nicholson Lane FRAZER, PA
your Heathkit Electronic Center LOS ANGELES, CA 30l-88l-S420 630 lancaster Pike
2309 S. Flower St. PEABODY, MA (Rt.30)
Pick the store nearest you from the-list at right. And stop 213-749-0261 242 Andover St 215-647-5555
in today for a demonstration of a Heath/Zenith system. POMONA , CA 617-531-9330 PHILADELPHIA , PA
If you can't get to a st<;>re, send for our new, FREE Heath/ 1555 N. Orange Grove Ave WELLESLEY, MA 6318 Roosevelt Blvd.
714-623-3543 165 Worcester Ave. 215-288-0180
Zenith Computer Catalog -with the latest, most advanced REDWOOD CITY, CA 617-237-1510 PITTSBURGH, PA
hardware and software available . Write to Heath Co., 2001 Middlefield Rd . DETROIT, Ml 3482 Wm . Penn Hwy
415-365-8155 18645 W. Eight Mile Rd . 412-824-3564
Dept. 010-924, Benton Harbor, Ml49022.
1860 Fulton Ave . E. DETROIT, Ml 558 Greenwich Ave
916-486-1575 18149 E. Eight Mile Rd 401-738-5150
22504 Ventura Blvd. HOPKINS, MN 2715 Ross Ave .
213-883-0531 101 Shady Oak Rd . 214-826-4053
DENVER , CO 612-938-6371 FORT WORTH , TX
5940 W. 38th Ave. ST. PAUL, MN 6825-A Green Oaks Rd.
303-422-3408 1645 White Bear Ave 817-737-8822
AVON, CT 612-778-1211 HOUSTON, TX
395 W. Main St. (Rt. 44) BRIDGETON, MO 1704 W. Loop N.
203-678-0323 3794 McKelvey Rd .
7173 W. Broward Blvd. OMAHA, NE 7111 Blanco Road
Plantation 512-341-8876
305-791-7300 9207 Maple St. MIDVALE, UT
58 East 7200 South
HIALEAH, Fl ASBURY PARK, NJ 801-566-4626
4705 W 16th Ave . 1013 State Hwy. 35
305-823-2280 201-775-1231 ALEXANDRIA, VA
6201 Richmond Hwy.
8262 Arlington Expwy. 35 _07 Broadway (Rt. 4)
904 ' 725 ' 4554 201-791-6935 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA
1055 Independen ce Blvd
TAMPA, Fl AMHERST, NY 804-460-0997
4019 W. Hillsborough Ave . 3476 Sheridan Dr.
813-886-2541 716-835-3090 SEATTLE , WA
ATLANTA, GA 505 8th Ave. N.
5285 Roswell Rd . JERICHO , l.L NY 206-682-2172
404-252-4341 15 Jericho Turnpike TUKWILA,WA
HONOLULU, HI 516-334-8181 15439 53rd Ave . S.
98-1254 Kaahumanu St., ROCHESTER , NY 206-246-5358
Pearl City 937 Jefferson Rd . MILWAUKEE, WI
808-487-0029 716-424-2560 5215 W Fond du Lac
CHICAGO , Il N. WHITE PLAINS, NY 414-873-8250
3462-66 W. Devon Ave. 7 Reservoir Rd . Units of Veritechnology
312-583-3920 914-761-7690 Electronics Corporation in
the U.S Prices , specifica
DOWNERS GROVE, ll GREENSBORO , NC tions and product availability
224 Ogden Ave . 4620-C W Market St sub1ect to change without
312-852-1304 919-299-5390 notice

Your strong partner

A Marine Long Range
Navigation Tool
by Ken Englert
Microprocessor technology lowers prices 20-fold and reduces
equipment size. Here's how Loran-e pinpoints locations many hundreds
of miles from a coast line, plus an equipment buyer's guide.

M IX the serious boating enthusi-
ast's need for accurate navigation
~hen out of sight of a coastline with to-
day's electronics, and you get a minor
miracle called Loran-e (Long Range Aid
to Navigation). And with equipment
prices down from $20,000 to under
$1000, you don't have to be a wealthy
yachtsman to enjoy its benefits.

What is Loran? Loran is a radio naviga-

tion system using land-based transmit-
ters and shipboard receivers to enable
anyone within reception range to easily
determine his position at any time, in any
weather. Loran C (other forms of Loran
have been phased out) provides a posi-
tioning accuracy of at least one-tenth of a
The Navidyne ESZ-7000 shows all navigation and
nautical mile. In addition, it offers a "re-
routing information simultaneously on a CRT display.
peatability" (measuring how precisely
you can return to a given set of coordi- ' of Loran transmitters works together in receiver gives us a reading of 13370.0. Al-
nates) that's theoretically accurate to an area and transmits signals that are in though there are many points on our
within 50 feet. exact synchronization. The master sta- chart that will correspond to the same
Loran tranmsitter stations now blan- tion of the group transmits nine pulses . 133 70.0-microsecond time difference,
ket virtually the entire North American Simultaneously, the ;;econdary stations they will all be plotted along one line.
coastline, parts of the North Atlantic and (there may be two to :our secondary sta- This line of position is similar to a line of
Europe (including most of the Mediter- tions in any Sonn chai n) transmit eight longitude or latitude. It differs in that it
ranean), the North Pacific, and the Ca- pulses at a <:li gh t interval after the master is not perfectly straight,. but hyperbolic
ribbean . Daytime range of a Loran-C signal, wit!, each seccndary station trans- in shape. Also, it is located somewhere
transmitter is about 1200 miles, while mitting in seq t.encr. The on-board re- between the two stations and, of course,
nighttime coverage extends to an esti- ceiver is sman enough to recognize the is restricted to the reception range of the
mated 2000 miles. master and secondary signals and differ- Loran signals.
Loran's usefulness is not restricted to entiate between them (as well as those Now, we still have not pinpointed our
boating. It can prove invaluable for res- Loran signals received from other parts exact location. All we have done is place
cue work in the mountains or desert or of the world) by unique frequency and ourselves somewhere along a line on a
for recreation in remote areas-any- pulse characteristics. chart. This is like saying we are some-
place, in short, that involves the ques- The Loran-C receiving unit is broken where on Main Street. To be precise, we
tion: "Where am I?" down into two sections: the actual receiv- need a cross-street reference. To find it,
er, whose job it is to pull the signals out of we measure the time difference between
How Loran-e works. Loran operates the air and amplify them to a useful level, the master station and another secondary
on the basis of a specific amount of time it and the computing section, whose func- station in the same Loran chain. This
takes for a radio signal to travel between tion is to extract the data that tell the user time-difference reading places us on an-
any two geographical points. Although exactly where he is. The computing side other line (Fig. 2). Next, we observe
travelling at the speed of light, radio very precisely measures the arrival time where the two LOPs intersect on our
waves still require a finite and measure- of each of the received signals (in micro- chart. If our boat were to move in any di-
able time to traverse the distance be- seconds) from the master and secondary rection, the TD readings on the Loran
tween a given transmitter and a receiver. station transmitters. It is the difference in would chronicle our journey at any given
To effect this, the Coast Guard maintains the arrival times between the master and moment.
a series of land-based transmitters that secondary signals that is used to calcu-
broadcast Loran signals (at a frequency late your position in reference to those The Loran Signal. A pulse-coded low
of approximately 100 kHz). When transmitters. frequency (LF) signal is used in the Lo-
picked up by an on-board Loran receiver, This time difference (called TD) corre- ran-e system . Loran operates between
these signals can be processed into very sponds to a hyperbolic line that describes the frequencies of90 and 110kHz, with a
precise positional information. a specific unit of time lying between each carrier frequency of 100kHz. A low-fre-
The key to accuracy with Loran-C is station. Different times will correspond quency band was chosen to take advan-
precise signal timing. A group or "chain" to a different hyperbolic line. Each time-
difference line can be used by the Loran
operator as a navigation line of position
Here's how it works: Let's assume a
master station at point M and a second-
ary station at point W, as in Fig. 1. Our
on-board receiver picks up both signals
and displays a digital readout of the dif-
ferential time interval of the signals . We
take this number, called a TD, and plot a
LOP corresponding to that value on a
Fig. 1. A line of position (LOP) plotted chart with Loran time difference lines Fig. 2. A second reading referred to
between two Loran-G stations. overlayed on it. Let's say that our Loran a third station gives a cross reference.

AUGUST 1982 41

- -

1 2 e-21/65: tIN MICROSECONDS

tio sbj
v ~ v vv v vv
~ v
7 lJ

Fig. 3. Composition of
a single Loran-G pulse.
(Courtesy Texas Instruments)

tage of its stable and predictable propa- signal, designated "X," are not transmit- er recognizes, tracks and processes that
gation characteristics and relatively long ted until the master pulse group has com- signal, using Texas Instrument's TI-9000
range (typically, 800 to 1200 nautical pleted its transmission. Similar time de- as a representative model.
miles). lays place the second (Y) and third (Z) Figure 6 is a block diagram of the TI-
Each station in the Loran chain trans- secondary signals in their respective po- 9000 receiver. An accompanying flow
mits a series of pulses of specific number sitions in the GRI sequence. At that chart shows the sequence of what is tak-
and duration (a single Loran pulse is point, the master station begins to re- ing place inside the receiver.
shown in Fig. 3). The master and second- broadcast its signal and the sequence is The first thing that happens when you
ary stations in any Loran chain transmit repeated. The spacing between the pulse switch the set on is that you trigger a sys-
groups of these pulses and form a com- groups varies according to the Loran re- tem self-check and a processing routine
bined Loran chain signal at a specific ceiver's location within a given Loran called RESET. The RESET function has
GRI (Group Repetition Interval). The chain. four tasks to perform: (1) checking the
master station signal requires 10,000 J-LS Figure 5 shows many lines of position ROMs; (2) checking the RAMs; (3) ini-
for transmission, while each secondary formed by plotting points where the TDs tializing the RAMs for Broadband
requires 8000 J-LS. The master station of the received signals ofM and X are the Search; and (4) waiting for you to enter
pulse group is made up of 8 pulses with a same. By plotting a series of LOPs be- the GRI for the Loran chain in your area
1000-J-LS spacing between them, followed tween the master and each of its second- via the receiver's front panel keyboard.
by a ninth pulse with a 2000-J-LS spacing aries, we create a grid-like overlay on a At the end of the initial RESET se-
from the eighth pulse. Secondary station chart for the area of interest. This is the quence, and before you enter your GRI
pulse groups can be recognized by eight actual Loran chart. (an interval of approximately two sec-
pulses spaced 1000 J-LS apart. onds), the receiver's display will show all
Figure 4 shows a typical Loran GRI How a Loran Receiver Works. Now "8s," showing it is ready for operation.
made up of one master and three second- that we have a good idea of how a Loran After the GRI has been entered, the set
ary transmitter signals. Notice that the system works and what the signal looks immediately goes into Broadband Search
pulses forming the first secondary station like, let's discuss how an on-board receiv- and starts to look for signals from the




~ ~
1\ 1\
I \ I \

Ill Ill II I 11111111 '11111111' I LI I I I I I I I I I I I II I


1000 JJSEC

Fig. 4. The received Loran-G signal Group Repetition Interval. (Courtesy Texas Instruments)

master and secondary stations from your
selected GRI. The input into the anten-
na's preamplifier consists of a 100-kHz r-
f pulse train. The r-f power supply board
takes the 100-kHz signal, processes it
through a narrowband filter, and pro-
duces a digital output consisting of r-f
Out and Envelope (ENV) Out signals. (As
its name implies, the power-supply sec-
tion of the r-f!Power Supply Board also
takes the 11-to-16-V de input and creates

Datamarine's CD/ remote steering indicator allows the

user to put his boat on course and then indicates
Fig. 5. The actual Loran chart is a deviation from a straight line path.
grid-like overlay of LOPs. ed, a broadband search identifies the sec- sent to the Display/Control Board,
ondary signals. If the secondary signals where decoding takes place. The end
are not found in the broadband search, product-the Loran time-difference
the regulated + 5, + 15, -15, and + 180 the process will be automatically repeat- reading-is shown on the receiver's front
V de output voltages which are required ed by starting over and looking for the panel digital display.
in other parts of the receiver.) The r-fsig- master. This process is called Back-
nals are fed to a sampling register on the ground Search and is performed auto- Using a Loran-e Receiver. Operating
Processor Board. The Timing and matically if the secondary signals are a Loran-C set is simple. For an illustra-
Strobing Board controls the sampling missed. tion, let's again look at the Texas Instru-
register and serially shifts the output The microprocessor is controlled by a ments Model Tl-9000. It features a key-
data to the Communications Register stored instruction program built into its board for entering data and selecting
Unit (CRU), which is a part of the ROMs, and by the keyboard instructions navigational information. Once you un-
microprocessor. it gets from the operator. RAMs are used derstand it you can enter and recall navi-
The microprocessor then processes the by the microprocessor for data storage gational information effortlessly.
data and identifies the master and sec- and retrieval. The microprocessor also The keyboard consists of 20 keys di-
ondary signals. (It is mandatory that the cues the Timing and Strobing Board in vided into four functional groups (see
master signal be found and used as the the generation of system-timing pulses. Table 1).
starting point.) After the master is isolat- After processing, the data output is
Increasing Accuracy. Given a choice

- of more than two TDs (up to four, de-

pending on the Loran chain), the opera-
tor can increase his accuracy by selecting
those that assure the best possible posi-
tion determination. Three factors deter-
mine TD accuracy: the distance from the
transmitting stations, baseline exten-
sions, and TD crossing angles.
The distance from the stations is im-
portant because stations more than about
1200 miles away tend to be subject to
noise and the possibility of an added time
delay from sky-wave interference. (Re-
member, we are relying on the stability
and predictability of ground-wave recep-
tion for Loran-C accuracy.)
SRD's CLX-BSM gives digital reading The baseline for a TD is a straight line
of distance to first waypoint, connecting the master and the secondary
bearing, distance off course, stations. The baseline extension is
and cruising speed. formed by extending this line beyond

AUGUST1982 43


(Texas Instruments Model Tl-9000}

Data Entry Keys

0-9 Digit Keys
Enters numbers 0 through 9
+I- Change Sign Key
Makes it possible to enter a negative as well as a
positive number. MOOED
CLR Clear Key
Clears or erases numbers in the display.
ENTR Enter Key
Instructs unit to enter the number seen on the display
into the internal computer's memory.

Primary Operating Keys

GRI Group Repetition Interval Key
Allows operator to choose which Loran chain or group
of Loran transmitters they wish to receive signals
from. A four digit code is used to select the proper
stations to "listen" for.
AUTO Automatic Key
Provides automatic display of up to 4 selected TDs.
(As this model can only display one TD reading at a
time, several TDs are displayed sequentially for 5
seconds at a time.)
TD Time Difference Key
Can be used to "freeze" a particular time difference
reading for continuous display. This key is also
used to store and recall selected TDs.

Secondary Function Keys

MON Monitor Key MODEl
Allows operator to select one of two codes in monitoring
Loran transmitting station performance.
MON-1-Indicates Signal-to-Noise ratio of the
received signal. A reading of 999 is the
highest and best. Readings below approximately
670 indicate a poor signal. MODE 2 .
MON-2-0scillator offset frequency. The number
displayed indicates the number of cycles (out of a million
cycles) that the receiver's internal oscillator is off fre- KEYBOARD ENTRIES
quency. A number greater than plus or minus 30 indicates AND CONTROL
your set will have to be adjusted.
MODE Mode Key
Displays the 6-stage signal processing sequence of your MODE 3
receiver and aids in acquiring a usable signal.

Special Function Keys

TRK Allow the operator to override the signal selection
11TD process under certain adverse conditions to make an
otherwise unusable signal usable.

Fig. 6. At right is a flow chart showing

the sequence of events taking place
inside a receiver. A block diagram of AUTO TRK MANUAL TRK
the Texas Instruments T/-9000 receiver
is shown on the opposite page.

both stations. The significance of this Selecting a Loran Receiver. Variety is jective and should be considered with
line is that the use ofTD LOPs on or near an understatement when describing all your particular needs in mind.
the baseline extension will adversely af- the new models of Loran-C receivers Since you need two TD readings to de-
fect your accuracy since a relatively large available today. Here are some guidelines termine your position, a Loran that has a
distance will produce a relatively small to help you make an intelligent selection. dual readout is easiest to use. Less-expen-
change in a displayed TD. For good precision, your Loran should sive models employ a single TD read-
TD crossing angles (formed when two read-out in at least six digits. The dis- out- alternating readings every couple
TO LOPs cross on a chart) also affect ac- plays themselves come in several basic of seconds. Other single-readout models
curacy. Your reading will be most accu- types including incandescent, fluores- display the last few digits of two TD
rate when the angle is 90, and less accu- cent, gas discharge, LED, LCD, and readouts (since the first few digits will
rate the further you get from 90. even a CRT. That choice is mostly sub- 'hot change in a given area anyway).





I +5 V DC
I +180 VDC

L _ _ _ _ _ =._j
11 - 16 VDC INPUT

Notch filters are important-the more chases, as the notch filters may not have the most welcome and useful feat that
fil ters, the better. In Loran, electrical been set for the interfering noise frequen- some top-of-the-line equipment can ac-
noise interference is your mortal enemy. cies in your area. This can mean all the complish. This feature is particularly
A notch filter "notches out," or reduces difference between having a set you can helpful in fringe ares where Loran lines
noise to a manageable level. While all Lo- use and one you can't. If you are plan- have not been fully plotted, or if a full set
ran-C systems have internal notch filters, ning long-distance cruising, you should of charts with Loran-CLOP overlays are
others have the additional flexibility of consider getting adjustable front-panel not on-hand.
external units on the control panel. The notch filters. The additional external fil- Other new tricks that the more sophis-
latter are operator adjustable. The fixed ters complement the noise suppression of ticated models can perform include:
filters are set specifically for the predom- the internal filters and give you some Calculating the speed and course
inant interfering noise frequency in your control over local noise conditions. from your last position or waypoint.
region. The adjustable filters are to help A remote or second station is not usu- Estimating the time at a given speed
compensate for noise interference when ally necessary on most boats, but models to your next waypoint.
cruising in other areas. A note of warning are available that will drive a remote dis- Registering the amount of error
when buying a model that features inter- play if you have the desire or need. (called cross-track error) in distance and
nal or fixed notch filters: Shy away from Direct readout conversion from TDs direction while traveling between two
mail-order or other out-of-the-area pur- to latitude and longitude heads the list as waypoints.

AUGUST 1982 45
Manufacturer Price No. ofTD Display Lat./Long. No. of Ext. Steer Inter- Computes
and ($) (LOP) type readout waypoints notch R/L faces naviga-
Model Displays In memory filt. Ind. with tional
auto- data

Datamarine 2795 2 Gas X 8 X X X X

Navigator 4000 discharge
Digital Marine
Northstar 6000 3995 2 LED X 1 X X X X
Northstar 7000* 5390 2 LCD X 120 X X X
Epsco C-NAV SX 2995 2 Gas X 8 X X X X
Furuno 1795 2 LED 0 X
LC-200 MK-11
LC-70 2795 2 LCD X 32 X X X X
Micrologic ML-2000N 1795 1 LCD X 10 X X X
ML-3000 2695 2 LCD X 200 X X X X
Mieco C-Master IV* 1895 2 LCD 10 X X X
Morrow Eagle
LCS-4000 1095 2 LED 8 X X
LLC-4000 1995 2 LED X 5 X X X
Navidyne ESZ-7000 4950 2 CRT X 25 X X X X
Nelco Autofix 9000 1695 2 Fluores 30 X X X X
Racai-Decca 1024 1295 2 Fluores- 5 X X X X
Ray-Jefferson 260 795 2 Fluores- 0
Ray Nav3000 1195 2 LED 0
Ray Nav6000 3995 2 LED X 1 X. X X X
Ray Nav 750 2195 2 LCD X 50 X X X
Seatron 2000 895 3 Fluores 0
Simrad TL-838*** 1495 2 LED X
TL-856 2495 2 LED X 10 X X X X
SiTex 717 2995 2 LCD X 58 X X X
757C 1995 2 LCD X 8 X X X
SAD Labs CLX-85 1995 2 LED X 9 X X X
CLX-95 2795 2 LED X 100 X X X
Texas Instruments
TI-9000A 1295 1 Gas 0 opt.
Tl-90005 1495 1 Gas 1 opt. X
Tl-9900 2495 2 Gas X 10 opt. X X X
Trimble 5A 2995 1 LCD X 1 X
50A 3695 1 LCD X 100 X X X

*Displays up to 200 plain English messages.

**Latitude/longitude converter optional.
***Latitude/longitude connector w/nav. computer optional.

Datamarine International, Inc. Morrow Seatron Marine Electronics
53 Portside Dr. 4740 Ridge Dr. N.E. 4312 Main St.
Pocasset, MA 02559 P.O. Box 7078 Philadelphia, PA 191 27
Digital Marine Electronics Corp. Salem, OR 97303 Simrad, Inc.
(Northstar) Navidyne Corp. 2215 N.W. Market St.
30 Sudbury Rd. 11824 Fishing Point Dr. Seattle, WA 98107
Acton, MA 01720 Newport News, VA 23606 SiTex
Epsco Marine Nautical Electronics Co. (Nelco) St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport
411 Providence Highway 7095 Milford Industrial Rd. P.O. Box 6700
Westwood, MA 02090 Baltimore, MD 21208 Clearwater, FL 33518
Furuno USA Racal Decca SRD Labs
271 Harbor Way P.O. BoxG 381 McCiincey Ln.
So. San Francisco, CA 94080 # 1 Commerce Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008
Micrologic Palm Coast, FL 32037 Texas Instruments
20801 Dearborn St. Ray-Jefferson . P.O. Box 405, MS3438
Chatsworth, CA 91311 Main & Cotton Streets 2501 S. Highway 121
Mleco Philadelphia, PA 191 27 Lewisville, TX 75067
109 Beaver Ct. Raytheon Company Trimble Navigation
Cockeysville, MD 21030 676 Island Pond Rd. 1077 Independence Ave.
Manchester, NH 03103 Mountain View, CA 94043



. . . . . .]![]
Station I D Data Display

8 OllliOllll
Minus Cycle Low T rack Blink Decimal
Sign 10 SNR Only F ilter Point
12 East Delaware
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Status Indicators 800-621-8042
Photo at top shows location of controls and indicators on the. CIRCLE NO. 24 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD
T/-9000. The diagram below explains the various digital readouts.
Put Professional Knowledge and a

Automatically plotting Great Circle

waypoints (navigators often prefer a
boat down a pre-drawn line on a marine
chart. Other manufacturers use a CRT
in your Electronics Career through
Great Circle route on long trips). display instead of chart paper to produce
Automatic sequencing of several dif-
ferent waypoints.
an electronic video plotter. Data output
from any Loran model can be used to
Keeping an "eye" on your boat when
you are anchored and sounding an alarm
turn your receiver into an electronic
First Mate that can issue commands to
if your boat drifts from its anchor. your auto-pilot.
Keeping time on a precision 24-hour If the idea of your pilot "talking" to
chronometer. your auto-pilot makes you feel left out, be
Indicating elapsed time. not jealous, 0 Brave Mariner. Texas In-
External acessories can extend the use- struments has an option to lend vocal
fulness of many Loran receivers, and the cords to its Model TI-9900. Using a
list of options seems to be limited only by
the imagination. For example, a remote
speech synthesizer, the Tl-9930 audibly
reports your position periodically, your
analog steer-right/steer-left meter is elapsed time from system turn-on, the No commuting to class . Study at your
available on some models. One compa- speed, range and bearing to your next own pace, while continuing your present
ny's remote-course deviation indicator waypoint, the time to go to next job. Learn from easy-to-understand les-
not only indicates whether or not you are waypoint, cross-track error, the signal- sons , with help from your home-stud y
on course, but will also trigger an audible processing status of the Loran, what instructors whenever you need it.
signal or light when you get within 0.5 waypoints have been stored in its memo- In the Grantham electronics program,
nautical mile of your destination. Data- ry, and any Loran transmitter problems. you first earn your A .S .E.T. degree, and
marine's small Course Deviation Indica- It will also caution you about marginal then your B.S.E.T . These degrees a re ac-
tor is designed into a round, waterproof, signal reception, and warn you when
prompt action must be taken. credited by the Accrediting Commission
bulkhead-mounted case that permits use
where it may be subjected to sea spray Finally, the Northstar 7000 Loran, of the National Home Study Council.
and waves. from Digital Marine Electronics~ sports a Our fr ee bulletin gives full details of
One of the most interesting in the list real sense 'of humor in its memory bank . the home-stud y progra m, the degrees
of Loran-C add-ons is a chart recorder. It Instead of diplomatically calling to the awarded, and the requirements for each
uses output data from some Loran re- attention of the operator that he or she degree. Write for Bulletin ET-82 .
ceivers to drive a plotter that charts a has made an error, the 7000 display reads
permanent record of where you have out "Baloney" or "No Way Jose." You, Grantham College of Engineering
been sailing. Its real value becomes obvi- of course, can make the receiver walk the 2500 So. LaCienega Blvd.
ous when you use it to literally steer your plank. () Los Angeles, California 90034
AUGUST1982 47
Special Focus
. on
Home Energy.Saving

New vacation'' Thertnostat, to lower your thermostat further, to

just above freezing, and perhaps save
twice as much on your energy bill as
Set to .Just Above Freezing, compared to the 54'F setting. (See the
Table at the end of this article for com-
Saves Heating Costs parative savings.)

by Tom Fox A True Energy-Saving Thermostat.

A new temperature-sensing reed switch
is the basis for design of the energy-sav-
H AVE you ever planned to take a
winter vacation or a weekend ski
cause your waterpipe to burst. So you
set your thermostat to its lowest point,
ing thermostat. It can be reliably preset
to a temperature between 35' and 40'F
trip and wondered what to do about the typically 54'F, as any energy-conscious and requires only the simplest type of
wasted heat in your home while it is va- person would. But you still waste ener- support circuitry. Moreover, no cali-
cant? Obviously, you cannot shut off gy since water doesn't freeze until the bration whatsoever is needed.
your furnace because a freeze might temperature reaches 32'F. Here's how The first step in wiring the energy-

Fig. 1. Wiring of thermostat circuit when it is

less than 375 mA (A) and more than 375 mA (B).

PAR"''S LIST (Fig. 1)

K1-24.V ac (75 ol'lms or mole) relay, 2-A Misc.--Thermostat wire, solder, labels, and rc) at $6.25 each, postpaid,
en Contacts (Potter & screws.~. via first class mall. Also
KA5AY-24VAC or Gtiamian available are the TS-5819A (trip
131 G-4C-24VAe . Note: The foHolfllng Is available
point 3B'F rF), TS-58 19L (trip
Pl*-12-W (or ITI()I'e) re$1$1 text) firom Magicltlttd Electronics, 4380
point 35"F 2F), and T5-6B19H
S't-8pst.swit'eh (df.ldffot Swih:rneattng S. GordOn, FremoiJt, 11149412: MCI
1:0ntr ext) (trip point 42"F 2F) at $9.85
TS-6B19 .freeze sensor (trip point
82-Fre I TS-58.'19) each, postpaid.
% qusrsnteed by MCI to be between 1"

saving thermostat into your heating ture-sensing reed switch are required to gy-saving thermostat to a furnace that
system is to find out how much current make a complete energy-saving system. requires less than 375 rnA of control
flows through your present thermostat . Now measure the resistance of your current. Be sure to use # 18 thermostat
You can look up this information, but thermostat's heat anticipator. With the wire when making connections. Locate
it's preferable to take measurements. wires to the thermostat disconnected, switch SJ near your present thermostat
To measure the current, you will set the thermostat as high as It will go, and label it N ORMA L when it is closed
need an ac milliammeter that can read making sure the contacts close. Con- and E N E R G Y-S A VING when open. The
to 1000 rnA. Disconnect the two wires nect an ohmmeter across the thermo- temperature-sensing reed swi tch, S2,
from your thermostat and connect the stat's terminals and make a note of the can be mounted either riext to the old
meter's leads to these wires. Make a measured resistance. This resistance we thermostat or in an area of the house
note of the current. If it is less than 375 will call Rl. where freezing could be especially dam-
rnA, only a spst switch and a tempera- Figure lA shows how to add an ener- aging while you're away.


Most, but not all, oil and gas furnaces use ponents of the furnace are not shown.) causes a spark and the oil ignites. Not
low-voltage (24 V ac) thermostat control The operation of a typical oil-fired fur- mentioned are the many safety-related
systems. Figure A shows a simplified wir- . nace is simple. When the temperature of circuits such as flame detector, oil-over-
ing diagram of a typical oil-fired furnace. the thermostat drops below its setting, the flow detector, overheat controls, etc.
T1 is a 24-V transformer and TH1 is a low- contacts close and 24 V ac is applied to A grossly oversimplified wiring diagram
voltage thermostat with an adjustable K1's coil. With its coil energized, Kt pulls that is typical of either a gas or oil furnace
heat anticipator (resistance R1) . Relay K1 its contacts closed and line voltage is ap- is shown in Fig. B. Here L 1 is either a 24-V
has normally open contacts and a 24-V ac plied to the motor and T2. The motor Mt relay or control-valve operator. T1 and
coil. The oil-pump motor and ignition then starts pumping oil, while T2 steps up TH1 are exactly the same as before. (For
transformer T21ead to the spark gap. (Nu- the voltage to between 10,000 and 12,000 simplicity, the furnaces's other electrical
merous safety-related circuits and com- V. The high voltage from T2's secondary parts are not shown.)

AUGUST1982 49
The operation of the device is simple. thermostat, it is best to have S2 control probably not needed in most systems
When S1 is closed, the circuit operates a relay instead of controlling L1 direct- and its use is optional. To be on the con-
exactly as it did originally-52 is by- ly. This insures a long life for S2 . The servative side, however, it it recom-
passed and only thermostat TH1 con- relay will then control L1. Figure 1B mended that R *be placed in series with
trols the valve operator L1. When S1 is shows a suitable circuit for this. LJ.)
in the ENERGY-SAVING position, 52 In addition to relay K1, Fig. 1B When connecting K 1 to the furnace's
controls L1 because TH l's contacts shows optional resistor R *.This is a 12- circuit, make sure you use #18 thermo-
will always be closed in the temperature W or larger unit whose resistance is stat wire. Mount K 1 in the same general
range of interest, which is 35 to 40F. equal to that of the thermostat's heat area as the furnace's other electrical
If you find that more than 375 rnA anticipator R1. (R *limits Ll's current parts. As before, label S1 NORMAL
normally flows through your present to the same value it was originally. R *is when closed and ENERGY-SAVING
when open. Relay K 1 can be any type
having a 24-V ac coil that draws less
than 375 rnA and has normally open
contacts with a 2-A or higher rating.
r-----l)l Now, with S1 in the NORMAL posi-

! l'~-~ !
tion, only TH 1 controls K 1. The reason
is that S2's contacts are only closed

when the temperature approaches

,.,11+ ~l :.;-.~;;;,--J
freezing-which we assume never hap-
pens when S1 is in the NORMAL posi-
~ tion (except for a power outage or fur-
ENERGY Fig. 2. Wiring for a three-wire nace failure). With S1 in the E NERGY-
sAviNG thermostat system when current SAVING position, TH 1 is disconnected
is less than 375 mA. from the circuit and only S2 controls
1- .!'c K 1. When K 1 's coil is energized, its
contacts are pulled closed, 24 V is ap-
plied to L1 and the furnace starts up.
The wiring diagrams shown in Fig. 1
pertain to 2-wire heating thermostat
circuits as well as most newer types of
heating/cooling thermostat circuits
with 3, 4 or 5 wires. However, if you
have a 3-wire, 24-V ac heating thermo-
stat (rare today) that controls less than
375 rnA, you can't use either circuit.
Fig. 3. Freeze-proof But, don' t despair! You can easily con-
electric heater control. struct an energy-saving thermostat. See
Fig. 2. The only significant change
from Fig. lA is that a dpdt switch is
used instead of the spst type.
The best place to mount the tempera-
K1--6-V ac (12 ohms or more) relay, 5-A 52-Freeze sensor (MCI TS-5B19. See ture-sensing reed switch is close to your
normally open contacts (Potter & Parts List for Fig. 1) present thermostat. In addition to
Brumfield KA5A Y-6VAC or T1-6.3-V ac transformer
equivalent) Misc.-Electric heater (see text),
economizing on wire, this location will
K2-120-V ac power relay, 15-A contacts electric plug, # 14 wire, solder probably save the most energy since it is
(Potter & Brumfield PRD1AY0-120VAC screws, etc. usually centrally located. Be careful,
or equivalent) though! While the furnace will keep the
area in the vicinity of the sensor well
above freezing, some critical regions,
usually located near an outside wall,
may fall below freezing on a bitter cold
To be on the safe side, locate S2 in a
c critical area. A good place would be
Sl Fig. 4. Circuit for an audible near a water pipe that has caused trou-
frost-alert system. ble in the past. AcTually, you can place
as many sensors around the house as
you like. By doing this, the circuit will
PARTS LI$T {Fig. 4) continually monitor all areas that can
be damaged by freezing. The furnace
A1-9-V solid-state mini-buzzer S1-Spst switch (optional) will go on whenever one sensor gets
(Sonalert) 52-Freeze sensor (MCI TS-5B19L. See cold enough. (When wiring additional
B 1-9-V battery Parts List for Fig. 1) sensors into the circuit, be sure to con-
nect them in parallel.)



A temperature-sensing reed switch con- The freeze sensor we are particularly in- peratures below 125c (257.F).
sists of a rhodium-contact reed switch terested in is the TS-5B19 manufactured Though the switches are used primarily
hermetically sealed in glass, two perma- by Midwest Components, Inc. (Muskegon, as freeze sensors here, the ferrite materi
nent magnets that surround the glass, and Ml). It is a temperature-sensing reed al can have a wide range of Curie tem-
a ferrite ring sandwiched between the peratures from -1 oc to 25oc.
magnets (Fig. A). The switch depends on
the interaction of the magnets and the fer- Characteristics of the TS-5819. Most
rite for its operation. factory-run TS-5B19's have a trip point
The ferrite ring is the temperature-sens- near 39F. MCI guarantees that all TS-
ing component of the device. It is magnet- 5B 19's will close their contacts before the
ic below its Curie temperature but non- temperature drops to 1c (33.8F) and will
magnetic above it. (The Curie temper- not close before 7"C (44.6.F). Note that all
ature of a ferrite material is the temper- trip points assume falling temperatures.
ature above which the ferrite's ability to The rising temperature trip point is several
conduct flux is severely reduced.) To get degrees hig~er.
some idea of how temperature affects the The TS-5B19 series of sensors have
sensor, refer to Fig. B. Here the tempera- contacts rated at 10 W or 12 VA maxi-
ture is below the ferrite's Curie tempera- mum. Maximum voltage is 100 V de or 120
ture and thus the ferrite is magnetic. No- Temperature-sensing reed switches. V ac. The contacts can carry up to 1 A but
tice how the magnetic flux lines travel have only a Y2-A "make" rating. The maxi-
easily through the ferrite. Since the ferrite mum recommended operating tempera-
is magnetic, the magnetic field in the area ture is 257"F.
of the contacts is sufficient in strength to All temperature-sensing reed switches
keep them closed. are magnetic in nature. Because of this.
Now assume the sensor is heated so some precaution should be taken when
that the ferrite exceeds its Curie tempera- locating most kinds, including the freeze
ture (Fig. C). The warmed-up ferrite is now sensor. The switches should be kept at
nonmagnetic and its reluctance increases least Va" from any iron or steel and at least
dramatically. Because of its high reluc- 4" from any magnetic-field producing de
tance, the ferrite cannot easily conduct vice (i.e. magnet, transformer, motor. so-
lines of flux. This results in a reduction in lenoid, similar sensors, etc.). It is also rec-
magnetic field strength near the reed ommended that the leads not be cut.
switch's contacts. Since the magnetic Metal-packaged freeze sensor. However, bending is okay. If these pre-
force holding the contacts closed has now cautions aren't followed, the trip point will
weakened substantially, the contacts switch with ferrite material that has a Curie be changed.
open. (Note that since the ferrite is now temperature of approximately 39F. These The sensors are completely water-
nonmagnetic, it is eliminated from the sensors come in metal or plastic pack- proof. Additionally, gasoline, motor oil,
drawing.) When the ferrite cools to below ages. The metal-packaged sensor can calcium chloride, or Freon has no effect
its Curie temperature, it becomes magnet- withstand temperatures as high as 4ooc on them. However, alcohol, strong sulfuric
ic again. The magnetic field increases, so (750'F), while the less-expensive plastic- acid, and some other chemicals will de-
the contacts close once again. packaged model is limited to use with tern- stroy plastic-packaged models.

A Freeze-Proof Room. Some people the area is sufficiently insulated and rel- able from surplus electronics stores.
have a small storage building or small atively small, it can be kept freeze-proof Relay Kl has normally open contacts
room in an unheated garage that is un- quite economically by using a 120-V, rated at 5 A and its coil is rated at 6 V,
suitable for storing items that must be U.L. electric heater in conjunction with 500 rnA ac (or less). Relay K2 can be
kept from freezing. Also, some utility a control like the one shown in Fig. 3. any 120-V ac power relay that has con-
rooms or even half-baths are left un- This control is also suitable for keeping tacts rated at 15 A or more. Be sure to
heated to economize. On a bitter cold a small greenhouse frost-free. use# 14 U.L. wire in this circuit. This
night, this can lead to frozen and In Fig. 3, Tl is an inexpensive 6.3-V type of circuit, with some modifications
cracked pipes and other problems. If ac filament transformer typically avail- (such as replacing K2 with a heavy-

AUGUST1982 51
duty relay that has dpst contacts), can tor control and continuous air circula-
be used to control a 240-V ac electric tion to your warm-air heating system.
AROUND THE COUNTRY Circuit Operation. The heart of the
A Simple, Reliable Frost Alarm. Of- revised blower-motor control is a triac.
Average Average Average
ten, one would simply like to be alerted A triac is a three-electrode semicon-
heating wintertime wintertime
degree heating heating to the fact that the temperature has ductor device that is triggered into con-
days savings by savings by dropped close to freezing. A typical ap- duction in response to a gate signal. The
using 38'F using 38'F plication would be a frost alert for a action of a triac is similar to that of a sil-
Instead Instead of garden. The temperature-sensing reed icon-controlled recti'fier (SCR), except
o154'F 68'F switch can be placed in the garden to that it can conduct current in both di-
NORTHEAST sound an alarm when frost threatens. rections, as required in an ac circuit. As
Boston 6000 40-45% 80-90% The simplicity of the circuit is shown shown in the schematic (Fig. 1), a sig-
Cleveland 6154 40-45% 8().90%
in Fig. 4. In addition to the sensor, a 9- nal is applied to the gate of the triac
New York 5000 45-50% 85-95%
V battery and a solid-sta'te buzzer are through a thermister and diac D2. (A
Chicago 6300 40-45% 60-85% all that are required. Switch Sl is op- diac is a solid-state trigger device that
Detroit '6325 40-45% 80-85% tional. Locate the sensor as close as has a breakdown voltage similar to that
Minneapolis 6310 35-40% 60-85% possible to the plants you want to pro- of a zener diode, except that it works in
MIDSOUTH tect. The sensor can simply be set on the either direction.)
louisville 4640 4550% 85-95% ground, if desired. An RC time constant composed of
St.louis 4750 45-50% 90-95% Another possible use of this circuit is thermistor TCRJ and capacitor C4 pre-
Washington, DC 4211 45-55% 9095% as a freeze detector for unheated base- vents the triac from delivering power to
ments or in some simple solar hot-water the motor for part of each half cycle of
Atlanta 3095 50-100% 90-100%
Dallas 2290 55100% 90100%
systems. Since current only flows in the the 117-V ac waveform. When plenum
Memphis 3227 4595% 90-95% circuit when a freeze threatens, battery temperature is low, TCRJ has a high re-
WEST life should exceed one year. sistance. This lengthens the time re-
Albuquerque 4292 45-50% 90-95% The table at left shows how much quired for the voltage to increase suffi-
Anchorage 10,911 30-35% 50-80% you might expect to save in heating bills ciently to trigger the triac into
Salt lake City 5983 40-45% 80-90% by using the methods described here. It conduction through D2. When plenum
Seattle 5185 45-100% 85100% depends, of course, on where you live temperature is high, the triac is trig-
Spokane 6835 40-45% 80-85% and how far down you set your gered into conduction earlier in the cy-
thermostat . 0 cle, resulting in more power being de-
livered to the motor and higher
operating speed.
A second trigger circuit, composed
Triac Motor Control of R2, C3, and diacDJ, is used to en's ure
that the motor operates at a minimum
for Warm-Air speed regardless of the temperature
(and resistance) of the thermistor. A
Systems Reduces minimum blower speed is necessary
since the furnace cannot operate with a

Fuel Use and blower turning too slow or not at all.

For heating and cooling systems, an
optional switch has been included in
Eliminates Cool the circuit so that the proportional mo-
tor control can be overridden during
Spots the cooling season. The switch provides
sufficient gate signal to the triac to en-
sure maximum blower-motor speed.
by Anthony Carlstl Components Rl, CJ, C2, and Ll are
included in the circuit to smooth the
steep wavefronts generated by the triac
D OES the blower motor of your
warm-air heating system have
has no inertia, you may feel a chill when
the blower stops even though the room
and help reduce radio-frequency inter-
ference, which is inherently produced
just one speed? If so, your furnace is not temperature is high enough to trip the in switching circuits such as this.
operating at optimum efficiency. In a thermostat and turn the burner off.
warm-air heating system, the air should Nowadays, warm-air systems are de- Construction. The circuit can be con-
move through the heat exchanger of the signed with a "continuous air circula- structed on a small printed-circuit
furnace at a velocity that continuously tion" feature. This means that the board measuring about 3" by 3". The
varies with the temperature of the burner cycles on and off frequently, only external components are the
plenum. keeping the plenum warm enough to thermistor and optional switch SJ . Fig-
Another shortcoming of your warm- maintain continuous blower operation. ure 2 shows a full-size foil pattern, and
air heating system as it is designed With the enexpensive and easy-to- Fig. 3 shows the parts layout.
might be that the blower motor shuts build circuit described here, you can Since this circuit is powered directly
off at times. Since a warm-air system add both a variable-speed blower-mo- from the ac power line, all capacitors
to the printed circuit board with a #4
machine screw and nut. Use heat sink
compound between the mounting tab of
the triac and the heat sink for best heat
e2n s/E 1s conduction. Be sure to keep the heat
TEXT. sink completely insulated from any

SCI42B metal part of the furnace when install-
ing the pc board. .
T RIAC s Inductor Ll can be easily con struct-

~~ ?:
ed by winding about 15 turns of #20
enamel wire on a wood or plastic 3/ 8" -
1 2G NOT
diameter form . The inductance of LJ is
POLARIZED not critical, but do not use wire of
smaller gauge since Ll must be able to
carry the full load current of the blower
motor without overheating. The same
Fig. 1. The blower-motor control circuit is based on the use of a triac. caution applies to the foil pattern which
is shown in Fig. 2. Be sure to keep the
conductive paths to the triac wide (as
ill us trated).
F, 200-V tvbula.r capacitor S1..llt.Spst'switch The pc board can be mounted inside
F, 200-V ttibular capacitor TCRt-200-kilohm at 250C thermistor the furnace where the other electrical
C3,V4--u..J"'J>Iit', 200-V tubular or disc ~KeystGne Part Nm,RL 1004-104550- controls are located. The schematic di-
capacitor '155D1. ot efil!4lvalent) agram and printed-circuit layout are
01.,02~ 58 mao Of equivalent T.Fia<rSC142S &r similar marked with the letters AC, B, S, and
U-1 0 5-A cboke J$ee text) Not#:' TI:Je following are available from T, which will help you identify connec-
1'11---82-ohm. 'lf4;W. 1G<yOcoornpositi.on sfl, 69 White Pond tions to the external parts of the circuit.
resistof Cl(, Nil 07U3: pc bOard Run a pair of wires for the thermistor
R2...._500-~lohm, pC-MOLIRtpotentiom~ter at$3.50; dlacs at
A$-4.7kilohm, Y+'.N, iO% composition ~rm~tor at $5.110.
from the "T" terminals on the pc board
.resistor e $0.58 (pr poetage. up to a convenient place on the plen11m
where the thermistor can readily sertse
temperature changes. Drill a small hole
in the plenum sheet metal to insert the
thermistor so that the air flow will pass
over it. Be sure to insulate the thermis-
tor and its connections so that no possi-
ble short-circuit to the metal parts of
the furnace can occur.
If this should happen, the pc board or
its components could be destroyed. Do
not cover the head of the thermistor
with insulation, since this will tend to
make the component less sensitive to
the changing temperature of the

Fig. 2. Actual-size foil pattern Checkout and Adjustment. Before

for the printed circuit board. applying power to the furnace, check
all connections to make sure the wiring
is correct. To set the minimum blower
speed, temporarily turn on the furn ace
by manually adjusting the plenum tem-
perature switch or connecting a jumper
across the switch to complete the cir-
cuit. (This must be done while the ple-
num is cool. If necessary, run the blow-
er with the gas or oil burner off until the
plenum is cool to the touch.) Then ad-
must have at least a 200-V rating. Do ommended that a small heat sink be just R2 for the minimum desired blower
not use low-voltage types designed for used to help keep the triac from over- speed.
solid-state circuits. heating. A simple heatsink can be con- Now reset the plenum switch back to
The blower motor will draw several structed by bending a 1" by 3" piece of its original position (which should be
amperes through the triac during oper- sheet aluminum into a U shape. Drill a somewhere between 90o and 110 F), or
ation, which will result in some power hole through the center of the alumi- remove the temporary jumper. Set the
being dissipated in the device. It is rec- num and mount the triac and heatsink room thermostat so that it calls for

AUGUST 1982 53
cuit components from overloads.
The meter is calibrated directly in
BLOWER watts, assuming 117 V on the power
line and a basically resistive load. If the
appliance being tested consists of a mo-
tor with a light inductive load, divide
the readings by 1.1. To obtain current
Fig. 3. Use this guide to assemble in amperes, divide the reading by 117.
the components on the pc board.
Construction. The unit can fit com-
fortably in a 5" x 3" x 6" plastic cabinet.
(Do not use a metal cabinet for safety
reasons.) Cut a 1 Ys" round hole in the
front of the cabinet for the panel meter,
using the template provided with the
meter. (An easy way to cut this hole is
with a nibbler tool.) Then cut another
heat. Now, as the furnace hears up and Ideally, the blower will continue to hole in the front for switch Sl and three
the blower comes on, the blower speed operate at minimum speed until the holes in the back of the cabinet for sock-
will automatically increase as the ple- thermostat turns the burner on again. ets SOl, S02, and the ac power cable.
num temperature rises. Conversely, This continuous air circulation will Put a rubber grommet into the hole to
when the thermostat shuts the burner greatly enhance the comfort level of protect the cable insulation. Then in-
off, the blower speed will decrease as your home, and will help you conserve stall two tie-down terminal strips. Keep
the plenum cools. heating fuel too. <> all resistors away from cabinet walls as
the resistors may get hot.
The next step is to pry off t)le front
cover of the panel meter and replace the
dial. Remove the two Phillips screws
and dial, being careful not to damage
the pointer. Cut the new dial from .Fig.
1 and glue it over the old dial. Then re-
assemble the panel meter. Wire the re-
Power Meter Keeps sistors and zener diodes as shown in
Fig. 2.
Tabs of How Much Setup and Use. Plug the Power Meter

Electricity an into an outlet. There should not be any

reading. If you know the approximate

Appliance Uses power rating (wattage) of the appliance

you are going to test, plug it in the ap-
propriate socket, SOl or S02. If you
don't know the approximate power rat-
byCassLewart ing of the appliance, always start with
SOl (250-1100 W) .
W ITH electrical and electronic
products abounding in homes
Circuit Operation. The current in the
appliance under test passes through re-
If you get a low (or no) reading, plug
the appliance into S02 (60-250 W). If
and electric power costs so high, it sistors Rl and R5, R6 and R 7, or Rl you still get a low (or no) reading, de-
would be interesting and valuable to through R5, depending on which of press Sl for the most sensitive range
know how much power each on:: con- three ranges is selected. A voltage drop (15-60 W). Failure to follow these in-
sumes. The inexpensive power meter 6fup to 2 V ac across the resistors oper- structions can result in damage to the
described here enables you to accurate- ates panel meter M 1. (The meter has a Power Meter.
ly determine ac electric consumption built-in rectifier.) Two zener diodes, Dl After you take the reading, remove
for appliances rated between 15 and and D2, and resistors R8 and R9 pro- the Power Meter from the circuit and
1100 watts. It can also be used for diag- tect the meter from overload. Optional plug the appliance directly into the out-
nostic work when repairing appliances. fuses Fl and F2 further protect the cir- let. Remember, the range of the meter is
approximately 15 to 1100 W. It should
not be used with appliances such as air
conditioners, large electric stoves, or
dryers that draw more than the maxi-
Fig. 1. Cut out this dial and mum current.
glue i( on the old meter.
Estimating Electricity Cost. You
can estimate how much it costs to run a
particular appliance like a tube-type
color TV set by using the following
Basic Power. The circuit shown in
Fig. 1 was used to charge a nominal 9.6-
volt battery to power a radio-controlled
Rl R5
(RC) transmitter. The "rule-of-thumb"
o.sn. o.sn.
is that the number of solar cells to use is
Re equal to the required battery voltage di-
vided by 0.4. (The typical voltage that
Fig. 2. The range of the meter most solar cells generate in sunlight is
is determined by which socket 0.45 V, with 0.4 chosen here to provide
is used and whether 51 is open a design cushion.) The current require-
or closed. the zener diodes ment of the cells should be sufficient to
and RB and R9 protect the meter.
charge the battery. Thus, in this appli-
cation, 24 cells were used (9.6/0.4).
When the voltage across the solar ar-
ray shown is greater than the battery
voltage, diode Dl is forward-biased, al-
lowing current to flow to the battery.
However, if the battery voltage is high-
er than that of the solar array (due to a
01,02-4-V zener diode R8,R9-270-ohm, 'Y2-W resistor passing cloud, etc.), diode DJ is re-
F1 - 5-A fuse (optional) R10-150-ohm, 'Y2-W resistor verse-biased and acts as an open switch
F2-15-A fuse (optional) S1-Spst normally closed, pushbutton to protect the array. Since the voltage
M1-VU meter (Calectro 01-930 or switch, 3-A rating or better drop across Dl is 0.7 V (typical for a sil-
equivalent, see text) S01,S02-117-V jack
R1,R5,R6,R7-D.5-ohm, 1O-W resistor
icon diode), it is less than 10% of the to-
Misc.- Hardware, plastic cabinet, wire
R2.R3,R4-10-otlm, V2-W resistor solder, etc. tal voltage and its effect can be ignored.
The current capacity of a solar array
is determined by the required load cur-
rent, the amount of time the load is
used, and the length oftime the array is
method. First determine how much estimate the time of operation. If the set exposed to light.
electricity the TV set uses with the were used for six hours each day, the Since a solar cell delivers its maxi-
Power Meter (approximately 350' W). cost of electricity could be calculated as mum power in bright sunlight, the ef-
Next, check the cost of electricity in shown here. fects of cloudy or hazy days must be
your area (in a typical residential area 350 W X 6 hr/day compensated for. Since the charging
like northern New Jersey, cost is cur- X 30 days/mo X $0.09/1000 W-hr rate for the battery used in Fig. I was
rently $0.09 per kilowatt-hour). Then = $5 .67/mo. <> about 90 rnA, the solar array was de-
signed to deliver more current to ac-
count for the dark intervals. This is why
the author elected to use 150-mA solar
Depending on the brightness of the
sunlight, the solar array can deliver 12
or more volts (at reduced current).
Since a NiCd battery "likes" to be
charged to at least 1.35 V per cell, and
there are eight cells in the 9.6-volt bat-
tery used, the total voltage applied to
the battery should be limited to 10.8
volts (1.35 X 8). Zener dieJde DJ was
selected to keep the supplied voltage to
11 volts (the closest zener to 10.8 volts).
The voltage drop across silicon diode
Dl is the same as that across D2, so that
by Ed Karns the voltage drop across DJ is equal to
the maximum voltage across the bat-
tery. Since the load may not always be
plugged into the solar array, zener DJ
T HE prices of photovoltaic cells,
commonly called solar cells, are
powered battery chargers are easy to
make. You can get started quickly in
should be capable of dissipating all the
array power without destructing. This
dropping to the point where experi- this energy-related area with the four is why a 5-watt zener is used in this 1-
menters can start exploring solar-pow- simple designs presented here. Al- watt circuit.
er applications. though some of the designs illustrated The circuit shown in Fig. 2 was de-
Since solar cells generate power only were developed for use with radio-con- signed so that the array could be
when illuminated, they are popularly trolled model airplanes, they can be mounted inside the wings of an RC air-
used to charge batteries. Such solar- used .for many other solar chargers. plane, with a "transparent" covering.

AUG UST 1982 55

by 5-volt regulator /CJ. Always include
a blocking diode (like Dl) to prevent
discharge when the solar cells are in the
dark. The charger is placed on the
workbench close to a window, and re-
ceives about two hours of sunlight per
day, about four days per week in
The solar cells were laminated di-
rectly to the metal case of the instru-
A ment and the cell arrays were made
using an oven-soldering technique (de-
Fig. 1. A solar charger for a scribed later). Care should be taken
~ multi-channel radio control with the smaller cell arrays as they are
~ transmitter is shown above. quite fragile until after the supporting
', Its output in full sunlight plastic resin has hardened. This setup
~ at sea level is at left.
has been in operation for quite a while
without resorting to a line-powered
25 ~~ charger.
The circuit shown in Fig. 4 uses 600-
9 10 II
12 mA solar cells and was designed for a
small (28-foot) sailboat that spends its
winter moored in the bay and thus re-
quires marker lights. This charger pro-
PARTS L.IST (Fig. 1) vides enough power to operate the
lights and a small electrical bilge pump.
F1-9.6-V rechargeable battery Departure Co., 339 Myrtle Ave.,
The boat goes for weeks before the aux-
01, 02-IN4001 diode (or similar) Cotati, CA 94928: complete kit of
03-11-V, 5-W zener diode (SK3392 or parts Including solar cells, diodes, iliary engine is required to fully charge
similar) hookup wire, solder, etc. (No. tso- the battery.
J1-Miniature connector 10} at $65. Also available separately Diode Dl and fuse Fl prevent the de-
P1-Miniature plug are indlvldualt50-mA solar cells struction of LEDJ and the solar array
SC1 -SC24-150-mA, edge-cut solar cell (No. 15o-1} at $2. 10 each. California in the event of accidental polarity re-
Note: The following is available from residents, add 6% sales tax. For UPS versal (as in the case of"jump-starting"
shipment In US, add $3. the engine or other odd circumstances).
When all is correct, LEDJ will glow
steadily, going out only when the bat-
To maintain balance, the array was di- solar cells (4.8/0.4), to compensate for tery is under a heavy load or in the
vided in half, with one half in each the Dl drop, 14 cells (5.6 volts) were event of a short in the boat's electrical
wing. The battery had to handle the RC used, seven on each side. Note that the system.
receiver and the servos used to control array voltage can exceed 7 volts de- The solar cells should be laminated
the airplane. pending on light level and loading. Ze- to marine plywood, making the charger
In this particular application, the ner diode D5 coupled with diodes D2, corrosion-resistant and quite strong
load (receiver and servos) was about 50 D3, and D4 limit the array voltage to a mechanically. Scratches are repaired
rnA when the servos are idle (about maximum of 6.4 V (4.3 + 0.7 by painting on a little plastic resin. Ex-
80% of the time), reaching about 300 + 0. 7 + 0. 7). When the D 1 drop is ac- tra solar cells (36, instead of 30 or 32)
rnA when two or three servos are oper- counted for, 5.7 V reaches the battery. are used because the charger was in-
ating. We estimated an average drain of LED1, connected across the three sili- tended to be mounted flat on the cabin
about 120 rnA from the battery. When con diodes is optional, and indicates roof instead of tilted up into the sun, to
this amount is added to the losses due to when the arrays are delivering their rat- insure sufficient output even on partly
the "transparent" array covering (esti- ed power. The voltage drop across D2, cloudy days and in the winter. No
mated at 20 rnA), and the misorienta- D3, and D4 (all silicon diodes) is 2.1 V, maintenance is required except periodi-
tion of the arrays with the sun (estimat- enough to operate the LED. cally washing off the salt deposits and
ed at 20 rnA), the total becomes about adding distilled water to the battery.
160 rnA. Since there is always the possi- Regulated Power. The circuit in Fig. PSI is a weatherproofphotoswitch that
bility of extensive cloud cover, coupled 3 shows the ability of a low-power (50- applies power to marker lamps LJ' and
with the fact that we do not like to crash rnA cells) solar charger to do a large L2 when it gets dark.
an expensive RC plane due to lack of job. The load was a digital meter having An excellent trickle charger for auto-
control, we elected to overspecify the a 750-mA current requirement. Since motive 12-V batteries can be made by
solar array by 100%, with the closest the device is used only about once every using thirty 150-mA solar cells with a
cells having a 300-mA capacity. other day (at most), and then for less voltage-regulator circuit such as that
Note that blocking diode Dl's volt- than five minutes, the 50-rnA solar ar- shown in Fig. 4. The entire solar array
age drop of 0. 7-volt is almost 20% of ray is adequate. can be made into a square about 8" on a
the 4.8-volt battery voltage and must be Note the absence of a zener diode. side and about% " thick, using % " ply-
compensated for in the voltage portion The battery is allowed to float up to wood,# 16 (or heavier) leads, and large
of the array. Since 4.8 volts requires 12 about 14.5 V since the load is protected alligator clips (paint the positive one

--~ ~ Fig. 2. Schematic of a solar charger

~ 150 '' for an airborne radio-control

model plane with its output in
full sunlight at left. The a"ay is
divided in two to balance the
load on the wings of the plane.
4 5 6


81-4.8-V rechargeable battery SC1 -SC14-300-mA solar cells

D1-04-IN4001 diode (or similar) Note: A complete kit of parts, including
05--4.3-V, 5-W zener diode (SK3380 or solar cells, diodes, LED, etc., Is avail
similar) able (No. 300-5) for $85. Also avail
J1, J2- Miniature connector able separately Is the 30D-mA solar
LE01- 20-mA red light emitting diode cell (No. 30D-1) at $5.80 each. See
Pt,P2-Miniature plug' Fig. 1 for ordering Information.

red). A fully charged lead-acid battery anti-reflective coating and will generate present some difficulties. Try to avoid
will survive - 50 F without freezing. power even when the sun is close to the reheating a grid line more than two or
T his is an important consideration for horizon (high incidence angle). three times as the exotic metals- in the
vehicles left outdoors and unused for Examine the grid pattern on the sen- grid can flow into the solder and away
long periods during the winter. sitive surface of the cells, and look for a from the cell. Perform all soldering op-
T he trickle charger will bring a low lot of small grid lines that radiate out erations on a piece of white paper as the
auto battery up to a full charge with from a common point or common bus. hot cells can pick up dirt that might not
about eight hours of full sun and will The less efficient cells have only three come off after cooling.
not interfere with automotive voltage- or four thick grid lines. Some solar cells lend themselves
regulation circuits. Avoid cells without a solder plating nicely to the oven soldering technique.
on the rear. Broken solar cells can be re- The 50-, 100-, and 150-mA cells are ide-
Acquiring Solar Cells. A great many paired, but it requires patience and a al for this. Deposit a small drop of sol-
mail-order houses have solar cells in steady hand. der at the point of contact on the back
their catalogs. Some of these cells are side, and a small solder trail on the
factory-fresh, others are edge cuts left Construction Hints. Solar cells are main grid line on the front. Arrange a
over when square cells are cut from manufactured in high-temperature ov- group of 6, 8, or 10 cells in the bottom
round silicon wafers, and still others ens, so they are not bothered by solder- of a Pyrex cake dish so they overlap at
are rejects that do not deliver 100% of ing-iron temperatures. Use irons of 25 the points of contact. Then put the dish
their rated power. Real bargains are to 60 W, and don't press down on the in a household kitchen oven (not a mi-
available, but it is a good idea to always delicate cells. Soldering on the back crowave), set at 500 to 550F, and allow
test every cell. A 100-W light bulb, (positive contact) is usually only a mat- it to " bake" for about 20 minutes.
placed 6 to 8 inches above a cell, should ter of applying enough heat to make a The solder will reflow and make a
generate 0.45 tb 0.52 V and at least shiny solder puddle, not a dull, gray very good electrical and mechanical
25% of the cell's rated current. blob. Solder time is usually about 10 connection. Let the dish and solar array
Unless you intend to provide a solid seconds, although reheating is no cool down befo~e removal from the
mount for your cell arrays, try to avoid problem. oven in case the solder is still liquid. If
. cells that are mechanically weak. Also, Soldering on the grid pattern of the the cell array sticks to the dish, use a lit-
stick to blue/ gray cells, as these have an active side (negative contact) can tle alcohol or acetone to dissolve the

AUGUST 1982 57
... 40
e Fig. 3. Using a /ow-power solar charger
l'130 OUTPUT WITH 50% SUNLIGHT On a digifaf meter having a 750-fnA
...z current requirement. The device is seldom
0: used so the 50-mA output is adequate.
0 .7 3 6 9 12 15


81-12-V rechargeable battery ICh-7805 5-V regulator available (No. oso-12) for $37.50.
C1-10-J.A.F, 25-V electrolytic 51-5pst switch Also available separately Is the so-
C2.:.....1-J.A.F, 10-V electrolytic 5C1-5C30-50-mA, edge-cut solar cell mA solar cell (No. oso-1) at $1. 10
C3-0.1J.A.F, disc capacitor Note: A complete kit of parts, Including each. See Fig. 1 for ordering
D1-IN4001 diode (or similar) solar cells, diodes, capacitors, etc., Is Information.

rosin. This method eliminates a lot of

step-by-step wiring and is often used by
solar-charger manufacturers.

Testing Solar Arrays. The test circuit

shown in Fig. 5 can be used with groups
AS REQUIRED of five to 500 cells, and current outputs
+ of 10 rnA to 1 A. LEDJ will glow when
12V- F\c
n _ _ _ _.,.\ SERVICES
Fig. 4. solar any group of five or more cells are posi-
charger for a tioned 6" to 8" from a 100-W light bulb.
small sailboat. The diodes bypass everything over
about 2.1 V so LED1 is properly biased.
The solar cell arrays are inherently
short-circuit protected, so the only lim-
iting factor is the ability of the diodes to
pass current. For cell arrays with out-
puts up to 3 A, use 1Nl056 or 1N1226
diodes, or similar.

81-12-V deep-cycle marine battery 51-Spst switch Mounting Solar Cells. Cells should be
D1-D5-IN4005 diode (or similar) 5C1-SC36-600-mA solar cells positioned by laminating the groups of
06-12-V, 50-W zener diode (ECG5254 Note: A complete kit of parts, Including tested cells to anything relatively rigid,
or similar) solar cells, diode, LED, etc., is avail- such as 3/8" plywood or 3/64" alumi-
F1,F2-1.5-to-3-A fuse able (No. 600-12111) at $385. Also
LED1-20-mf>. red light emitting diode num sheet. Give the surface a couple of
available separately Is the 60o-mA
PS1-Weatherproof photo switch for 12- solar cell (No. 60o-1) at $10.60 each. thick coats of clear plastic resin (clear
Vsystem See Fig. 1 for ordering Information. fiberglass resin is available at hobby,
boat, or auto-body shops), and allow to
Then add a third coat. While it is still
wet, fit the assembled and tested solar
cell array in place. Finally, paint on
three or more coats of plastic resin to
_ ........--1......................._..::... g~~~~~~~nELL completely encapsulate the cells, hook-
IN STR ING up wire, diodes, and LED. This makes
the entire package corrosion-resistant.
If you are mounting onto metal, the
plastic will insulate the cells.
Fig. 5. Test circuit can be used with groups There are many companies that
of five to 500 cells and outputs of 10 mA to 1A. make available silicon photovoltaic
cells for solar-power use, including Ra-
PARTS LIST (Fig. 5) dio Shack and Edmund Scientific (Bar-
rington, NJ). Also, the parts list in-
D1-D4-IN4001 diode (or similar) LED1-20-mA red light emitting diode cludes a supply source for parts used in
the projects presented here. 0
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------------------- 59
A 16-BT
Software provides all basic mathematic functions
and operations on a minimum 1802-cpu configuration


W HILE there are many cassette-

based programs for the Elf mi-
on the stack in a 256-byte Elf (probably
more than you'll ever need), and ample
ing at the next available byte on the
stack. Thus, the value in the stack point-
crocomputer based on the 1802 cpu, there space for some type of monitor in low er will be one less than the address of the
are few that run on its minimum configu- memory. Of course, if your Elf (or any most-significant byte of the number on
ration of256 bytes. This article describes other 1802-based microcomputer has the top-of-stack (TOS). Each ofthe func-
a 16-bit mathematics package that will in- more than 256 bytes of memory, tions is terminated with a SEP R 3 instruc-
deed operate in a minimum system. The "MATH 16" can be moved around to tion to return to the calling routine. If
package includes operators and func- suit your needs. If you intend to do this, your driver routine uses some other reg-
tions for addition, subtraction, multipli- remember to modify the addresses in ister than R 3 as the program counter,
cation, division, negation, and absolute your calling routines and the jump ad- these SEP instructions must be changed
values. All of these are implemented in a dresses within "MATH 16." to reflect this.
package using only 134 bytes. The stack can exist any place in memo- Table II lists the entry point addresses
Since this package, which we call ry that is convenient, the only restriction for the various "MATH 16" subroutines.
"MATH 16," depends upon the use of being that the stack pointer (Rx) must be The functions are executed by perform-
the stack operations, it would be best to R 2 All of the subroutines leave RX point- ing a subroutine call to the address corre-
review them before discussing operation
of the package. The stack is a variable-
sized data-storage area that can be locat-
ed in any convenient memory area. It is
addressed by a pointer called the stack
pointer (SP). The stack grows in size as
the SP moves upward (lower memory ad-
dresses), much like a stack of dishes in a 70 60 72 BF 72 60 F5 73 9F 75 73 D3 60 72 BF 72 60
spring-loaded dish compartment. Also 80 F4 73 9F 74 73 D3 60 FO 73 FE CF D3 C4 60 60 Fa
like a stack of dishes, it shrinks as the 90 00 F7 73 F8 00 77 73 D3 60 72 BF FO AF F7 FE 73
bytes are removed. Stack operations are AO 52 F8 11 AE F8 04 AD FO 76 52 60 2D 8D 3A A? 22
defined in "Stack Operations-A Re- BO 22 22 2E 8E C6 D3 C4 22 38 A4 12 SF F4 73 9F 74
view," accompanying this article. co 52 30 A4 60 72 BF FO AF F7 FE 73 52 F8 11 AE 60
The object code representation of DO 60 60 FB 04 AD FO 7E 73 2D 8D 3A D5 60 60 2E BE
"MATH 16" appears in Table I. The EO C6 D3 C4 SF F5 73 9F 75 52 33 CF 60 SF F4 73 9F
program is assembled starting at location FO 74 52 FC 00 30 CF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
70 hex. This allows room for 5 operands

math package
sponding to the function desired. F or ex-
ample, the recommended calling pro-
STACK OPERATION-A REVIEW cedure for the multiply function is shown
Shown here are some pictorial repre- NOS An acronym for Next On in Table III.
sentations of various stack operations Stack. This refers to the sec- At this point, it will be instructive to
such as PUSH, POP, and all of the opera- ond data item on the stack. refer again to "Stack Operations- A Re-
tions performed by " MATH 16." Each box Stack view." The illustrations show what hap-
on the stacks in the drawing represents Pointer The register that is used as a pens when the various arithmetic opera-
one data item or two bytes. Remember pointer to reference data
that the stack pointer is left pointing at the items on the stack. Denoted
tions are performed. As you can see,
next available byte on the stack. For refer- AX in the 1802. some of the functions operate on only one
ence purposes, here are the terms PUSH To PUSH an item on the stack number (ABS, and NEG), while others op-
involved. means to add another item to erate on two numbers. Both types will be
the stack and adjust the stack discussed.
Term Meaning pointer so that it is pointing at The one-operand functions take their
LIFO The computer analogy to a the next available byte. A operand from TOS, perform the selected
Stack pile of dishes. The last item PUSH causes the stack to operation on that number, and return the
(plate) to be placed on the "grow" toward address 0000. result to TOS. With these functions, the
stack (pile) will be the first one STXD (73) is used in the 1802
to PUSH data.
stack neither grows nor shrinks.
removed, hence the name
Last In First Out Stack. Most POP The opposite of PUSH. The The function NEG replaces TOS with
often, the LIFO is omitted. lAX (60), LDXA (72) instruc- the negativ\! of itself. As an example,
TOS An acronym for Top Of Stack. tion sequence is used to im- 0001 becomes FFFF ( -1 in two's com-
This name refers to the data plement this function. plement notation). ABS will return the
item that has been most re- absolute value of TOS. If the TOS con-
cently placed on the stack. tains FFFE (- 2) before the call to ABS is
OPERATION STACK BEFORE STACK AFTER made, the value after ABS has been called
will be 0002.

PUSH A The two-operand functions take both
of their operands from the stack and re-
SP-t:j ~ turn the result to the old NOS. The stack
pointer is then adjusted so that the old
next on-stack (NOS) becomes the new

SP~ \---rl
POP TOS (that is, the stack shrinks by 2
bytes). Care must be taken if some inter-
TOS t=::t=j SP--b=:j mediate result on the stack needs to be
saved for a later operation since the stack
pointer is modified and NOS is overwrit-

ASS ten by the new TOS. A good place to save
r these intermediate results is in RC be-
~ TOS ABS( A) cause it is not modified by any of the
"MATH 16" operations. Actually, the
only registers that "MATH 16" deals

NEG with are: R2, R 3 , R4, RD, RE, and RF.
As the name implies, ADD will sum
~~ TOS and NOS. As with all of the two-op-
erand functions, the stack pointer will
end up pointing two bytes higher than
when it started out (SP = SP + 2).

The func tion SUB will subtract TOS
TOS P.A SP A from NOS. If you are really short on
NOS B TOS B+A . memory space, the SUB routine can be de-
leted. This same function can be achieved
by a call to NEG, then to ADD. This saves

SP~? ~?
SUB 11 bytes.
The subroutine MUL computes the
TOS A SP A product of the unsigned numbers at T OS
NOS B TOS B-A and NOS. The fact that unsigned num-
bers are used means that a result ofFFFF

does not indicate a result of - 1 as might
MUL be expected. Rather, it indicates a result
of 65535.
TOS A S P - A*B ( HIGH) As with the multiply subroutine, DIY
NOS B TOS A* B (LO W) operates on unsigned numbers. In this
case, the operand at NOS is divided by

the operand at TOS. Since all of the sub-
routines operate on integers, no fractions
can be obtained with DIY. T he division
TOS A SP- 2 *rem
routine does not check for division by
zero. This condition must be avoided for
DIY to produce meaningful results.
(Continued on page 6 6)
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Here's math package________________________________

why we're
Number Name Function Call Address

When it comes to logic
probes, more people buy ABS Absolute Value 86
Global Specialties. Because NEG Negation 8D
no one can match us for value.
Our four logically-priced
probes-including our
remarkable new 150 M Hz
ECL-deliver more speed,
accuracy, flexibility and
reliability than others costing
considerably more! So why
compromise? Discover Address Contents Mnemonic Comments
for yourself why we're N F898 LDI A(MUL) .SET UP SUBROUTINE
the number-one N+2 A4 PLO R4 .PROGRAM COUNTER
logical choice! N+3 04 SEP R4 .CALL MULTIPLY FUNCTION

It is interesting to note that the multi- two numbers. using "MATH 16." Note
ply and divide subroutines have some that the least-significant byte of a 16-bit
nice features which have not yet been number is stored at address X, while the
mentioned. The multiply routine actual- most-significant byte is stored at address
ly performs a 32-bit multiplication, but x-1. This convention is used
the stack pointer is adjusted, upon exit, throughout.
to point at the least-significant 16 bits of After this routine is executed, the new
the product. If you desire a 32-bit prod- TOS will contain 2710, which is 10000 in
uct, simply decrement the stack pointer decimal notation.
twice by including two DEC R 2 instruc- "MATH 16" does have some limita-
tions in your driver routine after the call tions, such as error checking and integer-
to MUL. only arithmetic. But it can still provide
The divide subroutine, on the other one with a powerful tool for the 1802
hand, only operates on 16-bit numbers. system. 0
However, if the stack pointer is decre-
mented by 2 after the division operation,
the number on the TOS is two times the SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY
remainder of the previous division. The
true remainder can be obtained either by The following are available from the
Standard LP-1, $50.00~ with memory Softek Co., Box 4232, Santa Fe, NM
-captures pulses to 50 nsec, shifting this number right one bit or by
87501 : A documented source listing of
10 MHz, guaranteed. pushing a word of 0002 on the stack and "MATH 16" plus several sample applica-
Economy LP-2, $32 .00', to 50 nsec, calling the divide subroutine again. tions of the package for $2.50 (item MATH
1.5 MHz.
High-speed LP-3, $7700~ with 16S), and a quick-reference guide for the
memory, guaranteed to 10 nsec Applied Example. The program seg- 1802 cpu 's instructions and respective
(6 nsec, typical), 50 MHz! ment in Table IV shows how to multiply opcodes for $1 (item 18020).
New ECL LP-4, $150 .00*, the new
industry standard-with memory,
guaranteed to 4 nsec (2 nsec, typical),
150 MHzl

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Part 2

I N Part 1 of this article, we discussed

how EPROMs can be put to good
panel. Access to the board's edge con-
nector is made through a notch in the
should not be connected for use with
the TRS-80.
use in expanding your digital design rear panel.
work. We then presented a circuit that With all components soldered in Software. To accommodate up to 4K
can be used as an interface with a small place, switchable voltage regulators by 8-bit EPROMs, two 4K-byte buffers
computer such as the TRS-80 to pro- IC7 and IC8 should be adjusted (R8 should be reserved in the TRS-80 mem-
gram EPROMs. We are ready to pro- and Rl2) to develop 25.5 V and 5.0 V, ory. The first is a listing buffer which is
ceed now with constructing the circuit. respectively, before connecting the used by the List, Verify, Copy, and Era-
EPROM Programmer to the computer. sure verification routines to store data
Construction. The EPROM Program- The personality module socket is a con- read in from an EPROM. The second is
mer is designed so that all components venient test point for the constant - 5-V a programming buffer which contains
except for the ac power supply are (pin 1) and 12-V (pin 4) supplies as well data to be programmed into an
mounted on a double-sided printed cir- as for the switchable 5-V (pin 2) and EPROM. While the same memory
cuit board such as that shown in Fig. .7. 25.5-V (pin 3) supplies. The constant 5- space could be used for each task at dif-
The four lines from the transformer V supply can be measured at pin 24 of ferent times, it is easiest to use separate
secondary (color-coded blue, yellow, the EPROM socket. buffers.
red, and green) are soldered to the cor- To use the EPROM Programmer The software driver for the EPROM
responding points on the printed circuit with computers other than the TRS-80 Programmer could be written in BA-
board marked B, Y, R, and G. Connec- Model I, a simple adapter card can be SIC where the port-addressed 1/0 is
tion to the computer is done through a designed to interconnect the appropri- handled by INP and OUT statements.
40-pin card-edge connector that is com- ate data, address, and control lines. Using a BASIC program for such a
patible with the expansion bus of the Since ribbon cables terminated by iden- large task would require a large amount
TRS-80 CPU or Expansion Interface tical connectors have the property of of memory and would operate slowly
unit. All components are mounted on interchanging the lines top to bottom because of interpreter overhead. A bet-
the bottom side of the board-except (but not right to left), care must be used ter approach is to write the driver in as-
the zero insertion force EPROM sock- to see that the routing is correct. In sembly language. (The software driver
et, the personality module socket, and some applications, additional logic may written by the authors easily fits into
the indicator LEDs. These parts mount be necessary to meet the 1/0 require- 4K bytes of memory space.) See the
on top of the board. The printed circuit ments of the host computer. If so, 5 V Parts List in Part 1 of this article for in-
can be neatly mounted in a 7" by 6" by can be made available at the card edge formation on ordering the software.
3" aluminum enclosure using \4 -inch to power external logic by simply in- Sequential EPROM addresses are
spacers and allowing the topside com- serting a jumper at point "J" on the generated in software simply by incre-
ponents to protrude through the top printed circuit. Of course,. this jumper menting a 12-bit counter and output-

AUGUST 1982 67

11ooo o

oooooooooo cll':;;r;:=:=:ri:,:;o;;o;;o~ll0Jllbo tr 0 00000 ~ '


"'0"0w 0

0 0 0 DS
12V B Y R G
0 0






o -s:-
s c; *


Fig. 7. Foil patterns for the
double-sided pc board are .shown

on opposite page, while
component layout is
above and at right.

ting the low-order eight-bits to the

8255A's port A while the remaining
high-order four-bits determine whether
the port C bits (PCO-PC3) are set or re-
Photo shows internal layout set. Address pointers to the corre-
of the author's prototype.
sponding buffer locations in the com-
puter memory can be determined by
adding the buffer starting address to
the counter value. Table II shows the
appropriate control bytes which must
be sent to the 8255A's control port to
set or reset the various lines of port C.
Also shown in Table II are the control
bytes which configure the 8255A for
Read or Program modes.
Table III shows how to program and
read data for a single location of a 2716
EPROM using Z80 assembly language.
(The CPU 1/ 0 port addresses and con-
trol bytes used are those listed in Tables

AUGUST 1982 69


Assuming tha t EPROM address 537H conta i ns FF program it
to OE9H
LD A,82H ;control byte for PROGRAM mod e
OUT (OFBH) ,A ;output it t o 8255 CONTROL port
Set EPROM address 537H:
LD A;37H ;output 8 LSBs of EPROM address
OUT (OF8H),A ;to 8255 Port A
; Set 4 MSBs of address by setting proper 8255 I/O lines
.... .. .. "'...........
., ., ~.,- " ' " " . - ~

- .....' ' ..
' n '
~ ~
'~ ~
.... ..... . .
~ ~-

---.~~~.. _~
; In this example 4 MSBs = o'101 (5 from EPROM address)
LD A,OlH ;set EPROM address A8
NEW HP-87... . $1889 OUT
;by setting 8255 I/O line PCO
;reset EPROM address A9
5Y."DUAL MASTER DISK DRIVE ..... . $1595 OUT (OFBH),A ;by r eseting 8255 I/O line PC!
HP-7470 PLOTTER ... . ........ . . . ..... $1245 LD A,05H ;set EPROM address AlO
5 MEG. WINCHESTER HARD DISK ... . $3599 ;by setting 8255 I/O line PC2
5 MEG. WIN. w/5Y."DD.SD FLOPPY .. .. $4399
LD A,06H ;reset EPROM address All
APPLE II PLUS 48K. . .............. . .. CALL OUT (OFBH) ,A ;by r eseting 8255 I/O line PC3
APPLE Ill 128K .. . . .. . . . ............. CALL
NEC PC8001A 32K. . . .................. $849 Switch relay into PROGRAM mode
NEC PC8031 DUAL DISK.... .. ..... . . . . $849 LD A,OCH ;reset 8255 I/O line PC6 t o
SHARP PC1500 POCKET COMPUTER ... $249 OUT (OFBH),A ;switch relay to PROGRAM mode
SHARP CE150 FOUR COLOR PRinter. ... $215
Enable EPROM programming
Tl CALCULATORS- Tl-5511 ........ . . . . $36 LD A,09H ; set 8255 I/O l i ne PC4 to
TIP BUSINESS ANALYSIS II .. .. .. . ..... $36 OUT (OFBH) ,A ;turn on switcha ble 25 . 5V
TIP.SSC ........ .. . .. ..... .. ....... ... . $79
TIP-59................................ $169 Output byte (e. g . E9H) of programming data to EPROM
TIP-100C . . ........................... $149 LD A,OE9H ;data output to 8255 Port B
w / Five times
$237 HP-41C
$189 Apply 5V programming pulse of 50 msec duration
more memory List. ~325 LD A,OBH ; se t 8255 I /O line PC5 to
HP-41CV PRINTER ... ..... . .. .. .. .. . . . $289 OUT (OFBH),A ;turn on switchable 5V
HP-41CV OPTIC.AL WAND ..... . ...... . $99
HP-41CV CARD READER. ... ...... .... $165 Enter 50 msec delay loop (not s hown here) and turn off
HP-821060A HPIL MODULE .. ... . ... . .. $99 programming pulse a f ter loop fa lls thru
HP-82161A DIGITAL CASSETTE DRIVE, $419 LD A,OAH ;reset 8255 I /O line PC5 t o
HP-82162A IL PRINTER ............ , .. $375
HP-41C/CV EXT. FUNC. MEM. MOD. . $62.75 OUT (OFBH),A ;turn off switchable 5V
HP TIME MODULE.... . ........ . .. .. $62.75 Disable EPROM programming mode
HP-11C . . ....... . ................. $107.95 LD A,08H ;reset 8255 I/O line PC4 to
HP-12C .... ........... . . ..... . .... $119.95 OUT (OFBH) , A ;turn off switchable 25.5V

ATARIBOO Switc h relay to READ mode

LD A,ODH ; set 8255 I/O l ine PC6 t o
OUT (OFBH),A ;return relay to READ mode

Set up 8255 for READ operat ion
LD A,80H ;contro l byt e fo r READ mode
OUT (OFBH),A ;output i t to 8255 CONTROL port
Se t EPROM address as s h own a bove

Read data from that EPROM address into regi ster A:

lll~~~~:-;-Lj_;OWW pRICE IN A,(OF9H) ;read data from 82 55 Por t B

ATARI16K MEMORY MODULE ...... $75.00

$319 I and II.) This example shows exactly will be a binary file generated by an as-
ATARI623 80 COL. IMPACT PRNTR.... $566
ATARI410 PROGRAM. RECORDER ..... $79 how the 8255A is configured for Read sembler, where care has been used to
ATARI810 DISK DRIVE ............. .'. $419 and Program operations and how to assure that the origin address corre-
-APPLE OWNERS- specify a particular EPROM address. sponds to the starting address of the
APPLE II CP/MConversion Special In the Program mode the relay and programming buffer. A more direct, al-
Included MicroSoft Softcard,(a boardwithZ-80, switchable voltage regulators are acti- though laborious, loading method is to
with MicroSoft BASIC and CP fM~ 'included). vated by the software. The program- type data from the keyboard into pro-
MicroSoft' s buffered 16K RAM board, theVIDEX
VIDEOTERM 80 Column board, with a soft video ming pulse is held on for the required gramming buffer locations using sys-
switch and inverse video. programming time using a software de- tem software such as the TRS-80
All for only, $599. ,!Limited time only) ' lay loop. The programming sequence
for other EPROM types is similar (ex-
TBUG (cassette systems) or DEBUG
(disk systems).
Lowest prices on CCS &SSM cept for the delay loop period). And in Next, verify that the EPROM is com-
APPlE Interlace Boards I some cases, the 5~V and 25.5-V switch- pletely erased (check that every bit lo-
Specialprices on VisiCs~ able supplies exchange roles as sources cation is initially in the 1 state), and
and oth8l' VisiCOtJJ Softw11T8 for the programming enable signal and then program the contents of the pro-

I Formerly Personal Software I
the programming pulse. gramming buffer into the EP.ROM.
ersonal 1~151 47~6800 With the hardware assembly com- The programmed EPROM can be veri-

. Csystemsutnotce
plete and the software driver written, fied against the original programming
omputersu'::::c;~~~~:~_ge check-out of the EPROM Programmer buffer contents. If no errors are found,
can proceed by first loading the pro- your EPROM Programmer is checked
609 Butternut St. gramming buffer with data destined to out and ready for its next programming
Prices do ~ot P. 0 . Box 1073 reside in the EPROM. Often this data assignment. 0
include shippmg : Syracuse,N .Y.13201


_________________________testequip~ent ________________________

PoP-Ular Electronics Tests

The Triplett Model 7000
Universal Counter

T he Triplett Model 7000 Universal

Counter is a microprocessor-based
PUT connector, and a RESET switch that
sets the display to zero when using the
the display is kHz or microseconds re-
spectively; and the M/n annunciator
5-Hz to 80-MHz autoranging counter TIMER or EVENTS function. This latter that, when used in the AUTO FREQ mode,
having six-digit resolution. It also has control has no effect on other functions. indicates that the display is in MHz, and
two accumulating-type functions- The display consists of six digits of when in the PERIOD mode, indicates that
EVENTS, which can total to one-billion at 0.43" -high, red, seven-segment LEDs, the. display is in nanoseconds. The M/n
rates to 80 MHz, and TIMER, which can and three red LED function annuncia- annunciator is also used as an overflow
display elapsed time in hours, minutes, tors. These annunciators include Hz/ms, indicator in the Hz mode (indicating that
and seconds for 100 hours with up to 100 used for the AUTO FREQ and PERIOD the frequency is higher than 1 MHz).
ftS resolution. A built-in TEST function functions to indicate that the display is When operating in the EVENTS mode, the
verifies proper operation. Hz or milliseconds repectively; the K/ft M indicator shows that the total number
Provisions are made for full external annunciator (also used in AUTO FREQ of events accumulated is the displayed
control The six functions-HZ, AUTO and PERIOD functions), indicating that number multiplied by one-million.
FREQ, PERIOD, EVENTs, TIMER and The counter's rear apron supports the
TEST-are selected by a single rotary EXTernal INPUT that requires a contact
switch while LED annunciators indicate closure to ground or a TTL logical zero
the function. Suggested retail is $300. CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION to stop the count accumulation in the
General Description. The "heart" of cogru.
affect the other functions. A time-base
the instrument is a 2650A 8-bit NMOS - :;:~:~~~ucmc.o.a. INT/EXT selector switch on the apron al-
microprocessor that receives its operat- lows either the internal time base or an
ing instructions from a 2616 2K by 8 stat- 111t~...._ .................... c:a~QQ~edlllilllt-wortltttllUiktdr;wllldlaR external 10-MHz time base to be em-
ic MOS ROM, with temporary data bdtbrlllot-fld-.n.~......--\ltllbll6-f-10NdlllllfJthcreqoaire
_ _ ,_boMJL-ST'tH6$42. ployed. If used, the external time base is
stored within a 6810 128 by 8 MOS static coupled via a BNC connector.
RAM. Physically, the instrument is 8'/2 " W
Other than the function selector rotary by 9% 2"D by 3 7/ 16 "H, and weighs 4'/2
switch, the front panel contains the POW- pounds. Four rubber feet make the Mod-
ER on/off switch, an ATTENuator switch el 7000 skidproof when resting on a flat
that can select either X1 or X10 attenua- bench, and a variable-position tilt
tion ofthe selected input signal, a BNC IN- stand/carrying handle enables position-

AUGUST1982 71
--------------~--~----testequip~ent ________________________

ing the display as required. A small pair

of rubber feet are used to skidproof the
counter when it is used in the tilted posi-,
tion. Complete electrical specifications MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS
are shown in the Table.
Comments. The Triplett Model 7000 Input Characteristics Display: less than one-million
Universal Counter was checked by the Impedance: 1 megohm shunted by 20 pF events-whole number with leading
Instrumentation Measurement Labora- Connector: BNC zero blanking; greater than one-
tories of Lockheed Electronics Corpora- Coupling: ac million events-six most-significant
tion (Plainfield, NJ) against standards Sine-wave Sensitivity: 30 mV rms from 5 digits with automatically positioned
traceable to the National Bureau of Stan- Hz to 40 MHz, 50 rTiV rms max. at 80 decimal point. M annunciator indicates
dards. After the tests, Lockheed issued a MHz a multiplier of one million (XI,OOO,OOO).
certificate that the Model 7000 met or ex- Maximum Input: 200 V (peak ac + de) to Overrange (greater than one billion
ceeded its published specification in all 500 Hz, derate linearly to 100 V (peak events) is shown by series of dashes.
respects- in fact, it did better than ac + de) at 1 kHz, 100 V (peak Gate Control : rear-panel connector with
advertised. ac + de) from 1 kHz to 5 MHz, derate TTL or contact closure compatibility
In the three weeks that we had the op- linearly to 30 V (peak ac + de) at 80 TIMER Position:
portunity to use the Model _7000, _we MHz Range: 100 p..s to 100 h (99:59:59)
found it to be very handy. Besides bemg Attenuator: X1 or X1 0, switch selectable Accuracy: time base accuracy
an excellent 80-MHz frequency counter Characteristics of the Six Counter 1 LSD
with great readability and accuracy, we Functions Reset: front-panel RESET pushbutton,
very much like the Hz function because it Hz Position: rear-panel connector
allowed us to make accurate measure- Range: 5 Hz to 80 MHz Display: six most-significant digits indi-
ments to 1 MHz 'w ith a resolution of 1 Accuracy: time base accuracy cating hours, minutes, seconds, and
Hz. The frequency is displayed as a 1 count fractional seconds in floating format
whole number with leading-zero blank- Resolution: 1 Hz with automatically positioned colons
ing. Overrange is indicated by the M an- Gate Time: 1 second and decimal point. Overflow is dis-
nunciator (red LED) glowing. In the Display: Frequency displayed as a whole played as a dashed line.
AUTO FREQ mode, the range is from 5 Hz Gate Control: rear-panel connector with
number with leading zero blanking
to 80 MHz, with the six most significant Overrange: M annunciator glows when in- TTL or contact closure compatibility
figures and automatically posit!oned put exceeds 1 MHz TEST Position:
decimal point displayed. The umts of AUTO FREQ Position: Microcomputer board circuitry is tested
measurement (kilohertz or megahertz) Range: 5 Hz to 80 MHz . to give the operator assurance that the
are indicated by the appropriate LED an- Accuracy: time base accuracy control and display sections of the
nunciators. In this mode, the display up- 1 LSD trigger error counter are functioning properly.
date ranges from 200 ms to 1.1 seconds Resolution: to 1 ppm Internal Time-Base Characteristics
(dependent on the input frequency.) Gate Time: 1 second for frequencies Type: crystal oscillator
The PERIOD mode is used to make very greater than 1 MHz. (Frequencies less Frequency: 10 MHz
accurate measurements (it is a recipro- than 1 MHz measured by period aver- Setability: 0.1 ppm ( 1 Hz)
cal) with the range from 12.5 ns (80 aging with numbers automatically Line-Voltage Stability: less than 1 ppm
MHz) to 200 ms (5Hz). The resolution is selected such that gate time is for 10% line-voltage variation
1 part/million. Again, the units of n:ea- between 0.1 and 1 second. Internal Temperature Stability: less than 10 ppm
surement are indicated by appropnate frequency counted is 10 MHz.) ( -0.001 %) from ooc to 40C ambient
LED annunciators. Display: six most-significant digits, auto- Maximum Aging Rate: 10 ppm/year
We really had no use for the EVENTS matically positioned decimal point; ( 1 ppm/month)
mode. However, if you do have a need for units of measurement automatically External Input: TTL level 50-ohm, 2.5-V
this function, the Model 7000 can annunciated peak-to-peak, switch selectable
"count" to 999,999,000 events. When Display Update: 200 ms to 1.1 s depen- TCXOOption
less than a million counts are registered, dent on input frequency Frequency: 10 MHz
leading zeroes are blanked. A front-panel PERIOD Position: Temperature Stability: less than 1 ppm
RESET pushbutton allows resetting to
Range: 12.5 ns to 200 ms (5 Hz to 80 ( 0.0001 %) from ooc to 40C ambient
zero. MHz) Maximum Aging Rate: 1 ppm/year
The TIMER mode was used to confirm Accuracy: time base accuracy Warm-Up Time: none
the operation, and in several cases, en- 1 LSD trigger error External Output: 10 MHz, TTL level from
abled us to accurately recalibrate several Resolution: to 1 ppm TCXO available at rear-panel BNC
mechanical, clockwork, and electronic Gate Time: periods less than 1 p..s Display Characteristics
timer circuits. Its range is from 100 /LS to (1 MHz) uses 1-s gate; periods greater Visual: six digits (high-efficiency LED)
100 hours, so most timers can be directly than 1 p..s are averaged, with the aver- 0.43" high, with decimal points and
calibrated and checked. The rear-apron aged number sufficient for a gate time colons; three LED annunciators
gate control enabled us to check out TT~ of 0.1 to 1 second. Internal frequency Test: exercises the electronics and dis-
timers. (The manual spells out how this counted is 10 MHz. plays to verify correct operation (one of
can be done.) In the TIMER mode, the dis- Display: six most significant digits with six counter functions)
play uses the six digits for hours, automatically positioned decimal point; General
minutes,seconds, and fractional seconds units automatically annunciated Power: 105 to 130 V or 210 to 260 V,
with automatically positioned colons and Display Update: 200 ms to 1.1 s depen- 50-60Hz
decimal point. dent on period Fuse: 1I 4 A 3AG slo-blo for 120-V
We have used many frequ~ncy count- No Input: series of dashes are displayed operation; 1 /8 A 3AG slo-blo for 240-V
ers over the years, and the Model 7000 EVENTS Position: operation
rates very high on our list. This is an ex- Range: 5Hz to 80 MHz Power Cord: detachable three-wire
cellent general-purpose instrument that Capacity: 0 to 999.999 megaevents Handle: variable position and tilt stand
will find wide favor with the hobbyist, (999,999,000) Lead Assemblies: coax cable, BNC at
technician, or engineer. With its broad Reset: front-panel RESET pushbutton, one end, alligator clips at the other, 36
range of uses, it would be a great apdition rear-panel connector in. long
to any test bench. - Les Solomon

of bi-directional data bus buffers. The
board connects to the Sinclair via gold-
plated fingers. Bare board is $33 (Cali-
fornia residents please add $1.95 tax).
Kit is $60 less voltage regulator.
Address: Computer Continuum, 301
16th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94118
(Tel: 415-752-6294).

Cable Helper. The Match-Box Pro-

grammable Computer Cable System is a
By Leslie Solomon two-component cable system that can be
Technical Director used to fulfill up to 10,000 cable needs.
Component A is a connector with a one-
foot section of cable and Match Box at-
Hardware 240 vertical pixels. Graphics BASIC tached, while Component B has a com-
adds eleven new commands to program plementary Match Box that can be
lines, circles, arcs, and ellipses, "paint" attached to a cable 100 feet long. The
TRS-80 Graphics. The Model II selected screen areas, rotate, animate, composite is programmed by moving
Graphics Option (26-4104) organizes the store, and retrieve screen graphics. Since pins within the Match Box to the correct
Model II display into 640 horizontal by it adds an additional 32K character of in- sockets. For example, you can mate an
dependent memory, graphics can overlay RS232 with a 6-pin connector, or what-
text in the video memory. Automatic text ever. Depending on the number of con-
reversal is provided when needed. $499. ductors in the cable, prices range from
Address: Radio Shack Computer Centers $19 to $53. Address: ICO-Rally Corp.,
and stores. 2578 East Bayshore Rd., Palo Alto, CA
94303 (Tel: 415-856-9900).
Sinclair Expansion. Designed for the
ZX80/ZX81!MicroAce, the Expansion Software Switching. The ASCI switch
Board is a "motherboard" that provides allows software controllable switching
four 44-pin card connectors, room for between any two peripherals using a sin-
Wire Wrap, gold-plated "fingers", volt- gle computer port, or allows two com-
age regulator for 5-volts at 3 amperes, puters to share the same peripheral by
while the ZX 16K RAM responds to its software switching. 128 user-selectable
presence via RAM CS signals. Eight ASCII codes can be used and the switch
chips .are needed, five for buffers, and is controlled from DTE or DCE without
three for decoding to determine direction the need for a null modem. Model AIO

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switches 10 lines, and Model A25 switch- Acoustic Modem. The Phone Link 86 is used. Address: Sante Clara Systems,
es 24lines of the RS232 interface. A 10 is Acoustic Modem is a low profile 300- 560 Division St., Campbell, CA 95008
$295, A25 is $345. Address: Advanced baud instrument that operates in both (Tel: 408-374-6972).
Systems Concepts, lp.c., POB Q, Altade- the answer and originate mode. It inter-
na, CA 91001 (Tel: 213-684-5461 or 794-

Apple to IBM. The 88CARD features a

8088 CPU and 64K-bytes of RAM, and
when plugged into an Apple slot, makes School Utility. The Grading Systems
the Apple "look" like an IBM Personal Program accommodates a variety of dif-
Computer. It is fully compatible with all ferent grade calculations for schools and
Apple peripherals and allows selection colleges to maintain grade and credit in-
between Apple and IBM operation. The formation. It allows preparation of re-
coprocessor 88CARD uses the operating port cards, file . folder labels, synoptic
system designed for the IBM and this is records, grade labels, class rosters, and
included on the board. No external sup- honor rolls. It comes with a light pen for
plies or connections are required. $899. easy entry by para-professionals. Re-
Address: Coprocessors Inc., 50 West faces to the host computer via a conven- quires an Apple II with 48K, single disk
Brokaw Rd., Suite 64, San Jose, CA tional RS-232 port. LEDs are provided drive, and 80-column printer. $299.95.
95110 (Tel: 408-947-4616). for receive/send data, power on, carrier Address: Chas. Mann and Associates,
detect, and self test. $129. Address: U.S. Micro~omputer Div., 55722 Santa Fe
Data Encryption. DATALOK for the Robotics Inc., 203 N. Wabash, Suite Trail, Yucca Valley, CA 92284 (Tel: 714-
Apple II uses the powerful WD200 1 1718, Chicago, IL 60601 (Tel: 312-346- 365-9718).
DES (Data Encryption Standard) chip 5650).
that uses a 56-bit key to create 72 qua- Apple Display. Apple Flasher locates
drillion codes. No programming skill is IBM PC Hard Disks. The SCS Mini- and displays Apple hi-res graphic files
required, just answering a couple of on- Mega offers 5 and 10 megabyte configu- from DOS 3.3 disks, as pictures in about
screen questions. Even an entire diskette rations on a 5\4" disk subsystem with an 1.5 seconds each. Display modes include
can be protected, and unbootable. It re- optional one-megabyte 5\4" floppy for single-key selection of any file on disk,
quires an Apple II, 48K, one disk drive, backup. The SCS Sabrina Series is a re- continuous scan of all files on disk with
DOS 3.2/3.3, and Applesoft BASIC. The movable Winchester that offers 10 new picture on screen each 1. 5 seconds,
Model ACS-1A costs $349. Address: At- megabytes on an 8" removable Winches- carousel projector simulation to display
lantis Computers, 31-14 Broadway, ter cartridge along with a fixed disk ca- screens from one or two drives with in-
Astoria, NY 11106 (Tel: 212-728-6700). pacity from 10 to 40 megabytes. CP/M- stant access to both next and previous,

Parallel, TTL Input 1/0 "Selectric"

The manufacturer put em into storage to
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sr_stems. these fan tastic machines have
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add'/ 'repeat' circuitry) or as fl. KSR J/ 0
printer or both. Requires 115. 60Hz for type -
w riter motor. 5 VO C for TTL and 24 VD C for solenoids. ''Table Top" style case. Each
"Sele c tric \~ 1/0 machine is complete and in 2_perational condition ! Includes schema tics,
These filters protect any sensitive electronic
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and continuous display of all screens on Apple Graphics. The GPS (graphics
one or two drives (30 pictures) with indi-
vidual control of timing. Unlabelled
processing system) for the Apple com-
puter creates, manipulates, and edits YOU BY
disks may be searched for presence and
names of hi-res screen files. Requires Ap-
ple II with ROM or Language Card, one
graphics similar to a word processor with
text. It features a grid that allows work to THE HAND!
You'll learn all about computers: how
or two drives, and DOS 3.3. $34.50 plus to build, program, service, even play TV
$1 handling. Address: Crow Ridge Asso- games-without knowing the first thing
ciates, P.O. Box 90, New Scotland, NY
12127 (Tel: 518-765-3620). about it!

ZX81 Utility. The Cassette 1/0 for

ZX81 is a set of utility programs to selec-
tively read or write strings,and arrays to a
cassette from the ZX81. The routines oc-
cupy approximately 500 bytes and re-
quire at least a 2K RAM. $20. A memory
modification to increase ZX81 memory
to 2K bytes is also available for $20. be done to scale, and dimensions altered
Address: Cosmonics, Box 10358, San in proportion. It has six primary colors
Jose, CA 95157. which can be mixed, two zoom features,

Crosswords. The Crossword Puzzle

2D rotation to 360, text capabilities,
overlays which can be printed in differ- The New ELF II
Maker for the Apple II uses hi-res graph- ent colors and graphics editing capabili-
ics and automatically connects words, ty. It will work with paddles, joysticks, "Beginners" Package
prints hard copy, is menu driven, stores graphics tablets, and light pens. It will Your own expandable micro-computer
40 puzzles, and is very easy to use. Words also access a 16K RAM card and is com- kit, 5 diagnostic analyzers plus circuit,
can be supplied on any subject and the patible with hi-res graphics. $99.95 for
program will interconnect them (or save professional, and $59.95 for standard programming, diagnostic manuals, even
them if they cannot fit for the moment). version. Address: Stoneware, Inc., SO games you can play on TV. All only
Clues can be inserted as desired. Creates Belvedere St., San Francisco, CA 94901 $139.95.
puzzles to 20 X 20 boxes. Requires Ap- (Tel: 41 5-454-6500). Even if you don't know bits from bytes. now it's easy and
inexpensive to build your own micro-computer. learn how it
ple II, 48K, DOS 3.3 and can use any of works. program iL service it- even play games with it o n your
24 available printers for hard copy. Sinclair Disassembler. The ZX80 1K TV! It"s here in the New ELF II .. Beginners.. Package. only
$49.95. Address: L&S Computerware, Disassembler for the 4K ROM ZX80, from Netronics. Only $139.95. Here's the package: l. your
own micro-computer. the famous ELF II (featuring the RCA
1589 Fraser Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 and the ZX81 and 8K ROM ZX80, re- 1802 CMOS microprocessor) in kit fonn with step-by-step
(Tel: 408-738-3416). quire 1K of RAM and also includes a instructions on how to build it. Diagnostic Analysers including
RAM memory test where the addresses 2. your own Logic Probe. 3. Pulse Catcher. 4. 8 bit Test
IBM Word Processor. WORD-II for of the failed bytes are displayed on the Register. 5. Logic Analyzer. 6. Gate Arrays. 7. Non-Technical
Manuals on how to use analyzers. how to get into the guts of the
the IBM Personal Computer accepts screen. $9.95. Address: Lamo-Lem Lab- computer. what makes it tick. how to service it. 8. Sample
lines of text interspersed with lines of for- oratories, Box 2382, La Jolla, CA 92038. Programs that teach you machine language programming plus
mat control information and formats the how to correct or "debug" any programming mistakes. 9. TV
games you can play. If your TV set has no video input. an
text into a document. It also contains TRS-80 Reference. Printed on 80-lb optional converter ( RF Modulator). is available. Then. once
file/merge, auto insertion of date and Beckett cover stock featuring eight folds you've got this "Beginners" Package under your belt. keep on
user-specified constants, repeat printing and 16 panels, these handy 8 1/ 2 " by 3%" ex panding your ELF II with additions like the Typewriter Key
Board. added RAM. Full Basic Interpreter. E lectric Mouth
compatability with all DOS commands, pocket reference cards cover memory Talking Board. Color/ Music. A/D-D/ A Boards [or Robot
and can send control characters to the map, eyeball graphics, math instruc- Controls and much. much more. We'll take you by the hand
printer. Requires IBM DOS, single disk tions, BASIC commands/functions/ with the New ELF II "Beginners" Package. Only $139.95.
drive, and printer. $88. Address: Micro statements/special characters, move in- Mail or phone in your order today and begin.
Specifications: ELF II Beginners" Package
Architect Inc., 96 Dothan St., Arlington, structions, special keys, exchange in- The computer features an RC A CMOS 1802 8 bit microprocessor addressable to
64K bytes with DMA. interrupt. 18 Registers. ALU. 256 byte RAM elpandable to
MA 02174 (Tel: 617-643-4713). structions, BASIC and assembler mes- 64K bytes. Professionai-Hu keyboard. fully decoded sothere'sno need to waste
sages and codes, branch instructions, memory with keyboard scanning circuits. built-in power regulator. 5 slot plug-m
elpansion BUS (less connectors). Stable c rystal clock for timing purposes and a
Adventure Game. Available for the data alteration, reserved words, 1/0, double-sided. plated through PC Board plus RCA 186 1 video IC to display any
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Heath/Zenith, Osborne, and other ROM routines, complete character chart circuit ry you need to learn every one ofthe RCA 1802's capabilities. The diagnostic
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CP/M machines, this expanded version with graphics and space-compression computer and microprocessor products.

of the original adventure game explores codes, hex-dec chart, control code cross Continental U.S.A Credit Card Buyers Outside Connecticut
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works, 14478 Glorietta Drive, Sherman TRS-80 and color BASIC. Upcoming 333 Litchfield Road, N ew Milford, CT 06776
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CP/M and the Zenith Z89 and Z90 cre- POB 24344, Speedway, IN 46224 (Tel: : Plus$3.00 [or postage, handling and insurance
317 -244-4078). ( $6.00 Canada)
ates an application program in CBASIC
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master file. It is menu driven, and the Chess, Trek, etc., a Sinclair ZX81 BA- Acct. No. - - - - - - - - -- -- - -
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date _ __
output can be modified at the source code SIC Course, plus a number of program-
level. Comes on both 4\4 " and 8" ming and machine language guides are Name _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
diskettes. $650. Address: Zenith Data now available. Address: Softsync, Inc., Address - -- - - -- --------
Systems, 1000 Milwaukee Ave., Glen- POB 480, Murray Hill Stn, New York, City
view, IL 60025 (Tel: 312-391-8181). NY 10156 (Tel: 212-685-2080). 1 State Zip - - - - - - - -

AUGUST1982 L--------------------------J
Hire a
thinker. PICs: Photonic Integrated Circuits
By Forrest M. Mims


optics are traditional terms for
tonic circuits on semiconductor chips.
' Though integrated photonic circuits
those areas of electronics that involve the are in an early stage of development
emission and detection of light. Recent- when compared to integrated electronic
ly, the term photonics has emerged. Just circuits, several important advances have
as electronics is derived from electron, been made in new and exotic semicon-
photonics is derived from photon. ductor light sources and detectors, thin
Photonics actually had its origin in the film waveguides and optical components,
final quarter of the last century with the and various kinds of light-wave switches
invention in 1873 of the selenium light and deflectors. The ultimate goal of pho-
detector. By 1880, Alexander Graham tonic researchers is to combine devices
Bell and Sumner Tainter had used seleni- such as these to provide circuits that pro-
um cells of their own design and con- cess photons much like conventional cir-
struction to become the first people to cuits process electrons. In this column
send their voices over a modulated beam we'll refer to such circuits as photonic in-
oflight. In 1907, the light-emitting prop- tegrated circuits or simply PICs.
erties of silicon carbide were discovered
by Captain H .J . Round. Light Sources for Photonic IC's. Vari-
Optocouplers and optoisolators made ous kinds of miniature modules contain-
by mounting an LED chip and photode- ing an LED or diode laser together with
tector within a common package have appropriate drive circuitry have been
been available for nearly twenty years. In available for more than a decade. Like
the early 1960's, Texas Instruments in- optoisolators, they are hybrid photonic
troduced an optically coupled amplifier circuits wherein the light source and the
consisting of an LED mounted atop a sil- driver chip are attached separately to a
icon chip that included an integrated common substrate. ,
photodiode and amplifier. Several kinds of laser and LED chips
Photonics today has received enor- with on-chip driver circuits have been de-
mous stimulus from advances in optical- veloped in recent years. However, mono-
fiber communications, video-data stor- lithic integration of a source and its drive
5 MHz CPU Card age and retrieval, and the prospect of circuits on the same chip is not nearly so
computers that depend on photons rath- far along as the development of chips
Intel 8085A-2 m icro processor Hardware er than electrons for their operation. that contain both detectors and
floating point Performs calculations six times These and other applications for pho- amplifiers.
faster than other CPUs On-board m onito r in tonics have generated considerable inter- Probably the most important PIC light
PROM lK RAM scratch pad Keyboard or est in the fabrication of miniature pho- sources are injection lasers that do notre-
RS232C terminal Variable clock frequency

PRICE- $450
(California residents add 6% sales tax)

CaU or write Artec for details.

Fig. 1. Two kinds of semiconductor lasers suitable for photonic integrated circuits.

FIB ER / Fig. 2. Single-
chip laser
and detector.


605 Old County Rd., San Carlos, CA 94070
Telephone (415) 592-2740

solid-state developments
quire the two end mirrors of convention-
al lasers. Normally the end mirrors are
produced by cleaving the semiconductor
from which the laser is made along its
crystalline planes to produce perfectly
flat and parallel reflecting facets. This YOUR
procedure is not always possible when at-
tempting to integrate a laser onto a chip
along with other components.
One solution is a laser whose junction
region curves back toward one side of the

Fig. 3. TRW-Optron single-chip receivers.

chip to form a semi-circle. Cleaving a sin-

gle side of the chip allows each end of the
curved junction to share the same reflec-
tor. Although some light can be extract-
ed from the central portion of this
strange laser, most exits through the sin-
gle end mirror and is unavailable for use
inside the chip.
A better solution is to eliminate the
end mirrors entirely and obtain the opti-
cal feedback necessary to sustain laser
action by means of periodic grooves
transverse to the plane of the junction.
The corrugated grooves are formed by
chemical etching or ion milling prior to
the deposition of the crystal layers that
complete the laser. At this stage, the laser
chip resembles a microscopic old-fash-
ioned washboard when viewed from
This light emitter, which is shown in VIDEO
ATARIVic:leocame r~ ?f.OO
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' 139.95
' 224.9 5
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(DFB) laser. In operation, each groove ANY BRAND l SOO IEXCt>PI HGI
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also shown in Fig. I. In this laser the cor- '2.95
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3.1-1. ~I::h. ~~r!.
Fig. 4. Hybrid receiver made by Meret, Inc.
AUGUST1982 77
QUALITY parts at solid-state developments ___________
A remarkable example of the integra- well developed. Figure 3, for example,
X B.S. R. ~L CI36R/C/3
tion of multiple DFB lasers onto the
same substrate is the six-laser multiplex-
shows a low-cost light-wave receiver that
includes an on-chip detector, preamplifi-
< PLAYS 33/~5/78 RECORDS er PIC shown in Fig. 2. Developed by sci- er, Schmitt trigger and output buffer.
~ MINI SIZE : 8 1/411 X 12"
entists at Hitachi Laboratories in Japan, Figure 4 shows a sophisticated light re-
this PIC pairs six lasers with six wave- ceiver employing hybrid construction.
TH FRa-.IT CUT OUT TO FIT guides that merge into a common exit Since silicon is a very inefficient mate-
STEREO UNIT (NOT INCLUDED) . port for coupling into an optical fiber. rial for light-emitting diodes, it is not
All lasers and their matching waveguides possible to integrate effective light
are formed from gallium arsenide sources and sensors on a silicon sub-
(GaAs) and gallium aluminum arsenide strate. However, materials like GaAs,
(GaAlAs) layers deposited over a com- GaAlAs, indium phosphide (InP) and in-
5 .6 VOLTS at750 MA mon GaAs substrate. dium gallium arsenide phosphide
6 VOLTS at150 mA
12 V.C .T. at 500mA
The frequency of the lightwaves emit- (lnGaAsP) can be formed into diodes
18.5 v. at 3 AMPS ted by a DFB laser is a function of the that both emit and detect light. Further-
18 VOLTS at 350 MA distance between grooves in the corruga- more, conventional electronic circuits
18 VOLTS at 1 AMP
18 V.C.T. at 2 AMP tions along the junction region. There- can be integrated upon such semiconduc-
25.2 VCT at 2.8 AMP
35 v.c:r. at1 AMP
fore, by altering slightly the dimensions tors together with emitters and detectors.
42 V.CT. at 1.2 AMP between the corrugations of the individ- Figure 5 is a dual-junction dete.c tor
65 V.CT. at 2 AMP uallasers, it was possible for the Hitachi made from InP and InGaAsP that can si-
scientists to precisely tune the lasers to multaneously detect radiation at two sep-
six separate wavelengths between about arate wavelengths. Also shown in Fig. 5
891 and 905 nanometers. is a pair of spectral response curves for
Other kinds of multiple wavelength this diode showing peaks at 1.08 and 1.17
sources suitable for PIC's have also been micrometers.
developed. Bell Labs, for example, has The diode in Fig. 5, which was devel-
devised a multi-layered chip that simul- oped at Bell Labs, can be used to detect
taneously emits from its four stacked two data channels being simultaneously
junctions radiation at 828, 853, 879 and transmitted through an optical fiber at
903 nanometers. Unlike the Hitachi laser two wavelengths. Similar diodes having
multiplexer PIC, all the junctions in the multiple junctions or miniature diffrac-
Bell Labs device are driven by the same tion grating filters that resemble the cor-
signal. A more complex chip design, rugations in DFB and DBR lasers may
however, should permit the individual allow three or more wavelengths to be
junctions to be driven independently of detected simultaneously.
one another.
Dual-Function Lasers and Detec-
Photonic Light-Detection Circuits. tors. A decade ago comparatively few
Since silicon can be used to detect light scientists and engineers recognized that a
(from about 350 to 1000 nanometers) single semiconductor junction could
and to make electronic circuits, single- double as an efficient light source and de-
chip monolithic photonic receivers are tector. In a formal review prompted by

. :~~ v, Fig. 5. Dual-

* w
>I- I
1.63" TO 2 . 93 11 ; WlDlH ;~
.,,_ I
I demultiplexing
CAPACITORS 6 . 85"; DEPlH 8". BUILT- 1---~--------------~--\ -'::> I photodiode.
170 MFD 330 VOLT IN STAND OFFS FOR P . C. ~0 /

1 1/2 11 X 7/811 PANELS NOT INCLUDED
2 FOR $1.50 .9 1.0 1. 1 1. 2 1.3
600 MFD 380 VOLT
3 3/ 4" HIGH X 1" OIA .
$1. 00 EA. 10 FOR $9 . 00
750 MFD 330 VOLT USiir.ll!l~~$ 2 =METAL



Fig. 6. Single-chip
laser and


solid-state developments
an invention suggestion I had submitted
in 1973, scientists and patent attorneys at
Bell Labs concluded such devices "usual-
ly cannot be designed" and it is "ex-
tremely unlikely that systems consider-
ations would permit a single device to
operate as both source and detector."
Several years ago Bell Labs took an-
other look at this technology, reversed its You get this NEW APF IM-1 full size, extra featured computer:
earlier conclusions and began applying it Includes a powerful 6800 motorola microprocessor, 14 thou-
in experimental photonic systems. They . sand bytes ROM with a simplified LEVEL II BASIC built in, 9
have since made remarkable progress in thousand bytes user RAM, Color, Sound, Full 53 professional
developing dual-function photonic keyboard, two 10 key numeric pads, two controllers, high speed
One example is the single-chip laser built in cassette that operates at 1200 baud, loads and reads 4
and detector in Fig. 6. The most unique times faster than other computers, has built in speaker with
aspect of this device is the chemically volume control, microphone jack, and 3 digit counter, high
etched groove that physically separates resolution graphics 256 x 192 (LIKE APPLE). Text display is 16
the upper portion of the chip into two
separate regions. lines, 32 characters. It has 8 colors. Will accept TAPE-DISK OR
The etching process causes the walls of PLUG IN CART~IDGES. Includes owners manual and BASIC
the groove to be very smooth and flat. language book. 90 days parts and Jabor warranty, UL listed, FCC
Since the external faces of the chip are approved. All this in a beautiful black and white CONSOLE
cleaved, each side has the potential abili- CASE. ~eighs 20 pounds, list price $599.95.
ty to operate as a laser. Bell Labs has in-
stead used one side as a laser and the oth- 15 DAY FREE TRIAL. Return within 15 days complete and
er as a detector that monitors the output
from the grooved face of the laser. undamaged for refund of purchase price.
Another example is a 4-layer LED that DON'T MISS THIS FANTASTIC SALE!! Phone 312-382-5244 to
functions as a single-chip optical repeat-
er or regenerator. A weak incoming pulse order and get delivery in 7 days, or send a certified check,
of light switches on the LED and causes money order or personal check to: Protecto Enterprises, Box 550,
it to emit a much stronger pulse. Though Barrington, Ill. 60010. WE HONOR VISA AND MASTER CHARGE,
Bell Labs scientists devised and patented ship C.O.D. Add $15.00 for shipping, handling and insurance.
a 4-layer diode for this application, stan- Illinois residents ad 6% tax.
dard 4-layer LEDs made by Sharp Cor-
poration of Japan since 1974 will also op- CIRCLE NO. 39 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD
erate as optical repeaters.

Other Photonic Devices. The eventual

integration of sources, detectors, wave-
guides and electronic circuits onto single
chips will require micro-miniature opti-
cal components. Already, several labora-
tories have made two-dimensional lenses
and prisms in the form of specially
shaped layers and films deposited on a
substrate using integrated circuit tech- STEREO CATALOG
nology. These tiny optical components
can readily focus and bend ultra-thin and FM DIRECTORY
beams of light.
Get all the newest and latest information on the new
Also required will be optical switches, Mcintosh stereo equipment in the Mcintosh catalog . In
shutters; modulators, polarizers, and addition you will receive an FM station directory that
other devices and components that can covers all of North America.
modify or switch an existing beam of
light or deflect it from one fiber to anoth-
er. Many experimental devices capable of
performing these functions have already
been developed. Some use piezoelectric . - .

I~~~~~ I
materials to deflect beams of light. Sur-
face acoustic waves on a piezoelectric
substrate can even act as a tunable dif-
fraction grating that selectively reflects,
and hence filters, incoming wavelengths.
You can find out much more about r--------------,
PIC devices by spending a few hours at a I Mcintosh Laboratory, Inc .
East Side Staion P.O. Box 96
good library. You might begin with a
three-part series on the subject that ap-
peared in the Bell Labs Record (Dec.
1980, Jan. 1981, and Feb. 1981). For a
Binghamton, N.Y . 13904-0096

I NAME - - - - - - - -- - - - - - I
more detailed treatment, see "Compo-
nents for Optical Communications Sys-
tems: A Review," Proceedings of the
IEEE (June 1980). For a complete over-
STATE __ ZIP _ _ __ I
view, see "Future Looks Bright for Guid-
ed Wave Optics," High Technology
If you are in a hurry for your catalog please send the coupon to Mcintosh.
(Nov./Dec. 1981).. <> For non rush service send the Reader Service Card to the magazine .


--- ~- - - - ~- - - - - - - - -- -- ---

caNE:R By Forrest M. Mims

Experimenting with Piezoelectric Devices

Part 2. Piezo-Aierters and Crystal Oscillators

W E experime~ted with piezoelectric spark generators, mi-
crophones, and filters in Part 1 of this two-part series on
disc. The center mount permits the outer rim of the disc to vi-
brate, while the edge mount permits the entire disc to vibrate.
piezoelectric devices. This month, we'll discuss using piezoelec- Both of these methods permit the disc to vibrate across a range
tric alerters and quartz-crystal oscillators. of audio frequencies.
The nodal mount, also shown in Fig. 2, is best for a very-loud,
Piezoelectric Alerters. Crystal microphones and speakers single-frequency tone. The node of a piezo-alerter disc is a con-
are designed to operate across a wide band of audio frequencies. centric ring around the center of the disc at which vibration at a
Piezoelectric alerters, however, are generally designed to oper- fixed frequency is at a minimum (or even non-existent). Ideally,
ate at a fixed or relatively narrow audio-frequency band. They the diameter of the nodal ring is 0.55 times the diameter of the
are true solid-state sound sources. metal disc. The actual diameter, however, varies from the pre-
As far as I know, the first commercial piezo-alerter was the dicted value due to the presence of the piezoceramic disc and
Mallory Sonalert. Sonalerts are available in various kinds of nonuniformities in the metal disc.
housings having a range of audio outputs. Most include self- One way to find the actual location of the nodal ring is to
contained drive circuitry. sprinkle fine sand or powder on a piezo-alerter disc being driv-
I first purchased a Sonalert in 1966 and a few years later used en at a desired frequency by a suitable oscillator. The powder
it to measure the velocity of a model rocket in flight. The particles will gradually bounce into the nodal region and form a
Sonalert, a Model SC628 emitting a tone of 2.9 kHz, was in- thin, circular ring around the center of the disc.
stalled in the base of a model rocket. The rocket's engines were
installed in pods attached to its center tube. The sound from the Piezo-Aierter Driver Circuits. A piezo-alerter can be driven
Sonalert was tape recorded from the ground during the rocket's directly by a variable-frequency signal generator. Even alerters
flight. By measuring the doppler shift, it was possible to deter- having nodal-mounted discs can be operated across the audio
mine the rocket's velocity. spectrum, although edge- and center-mounted discs work best
across a wide band of audio frequencies.
Alerter Construction and Operation. Thanks to their minia- Figure 3 shows a simple, single~transistor driver for a piezo-
ture size, low current consumption, and penetrating sound, pi- alerter having a feedback terminal such as the model PKM11-
ezoelectric alerters are commonly used in digital watches, 6AO from muRata Corporation of America (1148 Franklin
clocks, smoke alarms, pagers, appliances, calculators and Rd., SE, Mariette, GA 30067). This alerter is also available
games. A typical alerter is a metal disc from 25 to 40 mm in di- from Radio Shack (catalog number 273-064).
ameter upon which is bonded a smaller disc of piezoceramic The PKM 11-6AO can be operated over a specified range of 3
material. A conductive film is deposited over the ceramic layer, to 15 V (mine_works pown to 1 V) and has a current consump-
and electrodes are attached to it and the metal disc. tion over this range of 2 to 12 rnA. Its output sound-pressure
Often alerter discs include a feedback electrode made by iso- level ranges from more than 80 dB at 3 V to more than 90 dB at
lating a small section of the metal film on the back of the 15 V. Its resonant frequency is within 700Hz of 6.5 kHz. It has
piezoceramic material. The feedback electrode, which is shown an operating temperature range of- 20o to + 60o C and weighs
in Fig. 1, simplifies the design of driver circuits and stabilizes only 1.5 grams.
the alerter's oscillation frequency . Piezo-alerter discs can be A test version of the circuit in Fig. 3 drove the alerter at a
purchased alone or installed in plastic holders complete with frequency of 6772Hz when Vcc was 3 V. This frequency is con-
connection leads. Versions with self-contained driver circuits trolled by the dimensions of the feedback tab on the alerter disc
much like the Mallory Sonalert are now available from several and not the components of the oscillator. For example, chang-
companies. ing Rl over a range of 100 to 330 kilohms altered the shape of
It is essential to properly mount an alerter disk for maximum the waveform but not the frequency. The frequency is nearly in-
sound outpUt. If the vibrating portion of the disk is cemented or dependent of changes in V cc
otherwise attached to a mount, severe attenuation of the de- Figure 4 shows a simple, single-chip, CMOS oscillator suit-
vice's sound output will occur. able for driving a piezo-alerter. This circuit is adapted from one
Figure 2 shows three acceptable ways to mount an alerter in a Gulton Industries application note. Notice how the 4049
+3 TO -1'/SI/

PI"Z0 ~LERrl!~t
(MUM Til PKN111-6RO)
'\l --- - - - --- :IZ
i~--- --~=-~
Fil-M fJ
/ -BLRCI<.
4-,RE.D .,t
3-84UE ~ I
Fig. 2. Three mounting arrangements
Fig. 1. Piezoelectric alerter elements. for piezoelectric alerter elements. Fig. 3. Piezoelectric alerter driver circuit.

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RJ;D~~VE Fig. 6. Using a piezoelectric alerter

3 &ACJ( P18ZO
IIU.I!RTI!( as a signal filter.

Fig. 5. Adjustable-frequency driver circuit.

Fig. 4. An IC alerter driver circuit.

gates are connected in parallel to permit higher drive current. Keep in mind that there is no electrical connection between
The circuit in Fig. 4 has the advantage of having an adjust- the feedback electrode and the main electrode on the piezoelec-
able frequency . A breadboard version I built operated over a tric ceramic disk. The voltage at the feedback terminal is true
range of about 185 Hz to 7 kHz . The frequency change, howev- piezoelectricity. It is generated in response to the pressure wave
er, was not gradual but occurred in steps. When the piezo- that appears in the piezoelectric ceramic disk. (The pressure
alerter reached its resonant frequency of around 7 kHz, chang- wave is generated in response to the drive signal.) The LED
ing R2's resistance had no effect. demonstration shows how a piezoelectric device can function as
The circuit in Fig. 5 will drive piezo-alerters with and with- a solid-state transformer or isolator.
out feedback terminals at a variable frequency. Unlike the cir-
cuit in Fig. 4, this circuit provides a gradual~ nonstepped output Using an Alerter as a Filter. Figure 6 shows how to demon-
tone. A slow pock . .. pock . .. pock sequence can be produced strate the use of a piezo-alerter as a ceramic filter. The model
by using a 0.47-J.LF capacitor for CJ . PKM11-6AO exhibited frequency-response peaks at 2.3 kHz,
The operation of a piezo-alerter's feedback electrode can be 7.0 kHz, 18kHz, 27kHz and 45kHz. While a scope is helpful,
graphically demonstrated by connecting the anode of a red it's possible to monitor the filter's operation by simply listening
LED to the blue lead of the alerter in Fig. 5. Connect the LED's to the change in amplitude of the filter's sound output as the
cathode to ground . The output from the blue lead easily exceeds signal generator's frequency is varied. Of course this method
a few volts, more than enough to forward-bias the LED and only works at audio frequencies .
cause it to emit a dim glow. Incidentally, I attempted to measure the delay introduced by

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experinnenter~corner _____________________________________________________
the piezoelectric ceramic with the help of a dual-trace 100- tion of the board. If the alerter is mounted on a cantilevered
MHz oscilloscope. The speed of sound in the ceramic is around portion of a circuit board, it may set up vibrations in the board,
5000 m/s according to Reference Data for Radio Engineers substantially reducing its sound output.
(ITT, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1975, p. 4-44). Since the gap be- Finally, a precaution I've not seen in the data sheets concerns
tween the main and feedback electrodes on the piezo-alerter the shrill sound which can be produced by some alerters. I've
disc is 0.5 mm, the expected delay is 100 nanoseconds. found that the sound can easily produce a piercing headache.
Though the driver circuit for the test, the 555 oscillator in While experimenting with the circuits described above, I even-
Fig. 5, provided clean leading- and trailing-pulse edges, the sig- tually resorted to covering the aperture of the alerter with clay
nal elicited from the feedback terminaLhad too much ringing or tape to muffle the sound output.
for an accurate measurement of the delay. While I think I moni-
tored a 100-ns delay, I cannot be certain due to the sloppy ap- Quartz-Crystal Oscillators. The final piezoelectric device we
pearance of the feedback pulse. Perhaps you will have better will consider is the quartz-crystal oscillator. Precision-cut wa-
results. fers of quartz are used to make piezoelectric resonators having
exceptional frequency stability. Figure 7 shows an ultra-simple,
Other Alerter Ideas. The very narrow audio spectrum pro- crystal-controlled, unijunction-transistor oscillator that uses
duced by piezo-alerters makes them ideal for use in experiments only four components. The quartz crystal replaces a capacitor
with sound. With the help of a microphone and an oscilloscope, normally used in this circuit. The oscillation frequency can be
you can easily demonstrate constructive and destructive inter- tuned from about 50 kHz to exactly 1 MHz when the crystal has
ference of sound waves. Try pointing the microphone at the a resonant frequency of 1 MHz. Tuning is accomplished by al-
alerter while moving the microphone back and fourth. Or point tering the resistance of R I .
both the alerter and the microphone at a flat metal or plastic If you monitor the output of the oscillator in Fig. 7 with an
panel which you can move back and forth. The proper arrange- oscilloscope, you will notice that the oscillation frequency
ment will reveal a periodic amplitude fluctuation in the re- tends to change in jumps as Rl is adjusted. This is a result of the
ceived signal, which you can view on the scope. crystal's oscillating at various harmonics of its 1-MHz resonant
Note that, in an enclosed room, the sound of an alerter can frequency . Near 1 MHz, the oscillator quickly locks onto the
vary dramatically in intensity. This is a result o.fthe way the sin- crystal's resonant frequency.
gle-frequency acoustical waves from the alerter form complex The circuit in Fig. 7 is useful for understanding the operation
interference patterns. Negative interference causes the forma- of a simple quartz-crystal-controlled oscillator. It can also be
tion of dead spots where the sound is virtually imperceptible. used to supply a marker frequency to calibrate oscilloscopes,
Constructive interference forms regions where the sound is un- signal generators, and shortwave receivers.
comfortably shrill. Figure 8 shows a very useful crystal-controlled, clock-pulse
Sounds from radios, televisions, phonographs and people generator. The circuit is designed around Intersil's ICM7209, a
span a wide range of audio frequencies. Therefore, the effects of CMOS general-purpose timer chip. The crystal can be any
interference are not nearly as noticeable. quartz crystal having a resonant frequency of 10 kHz to 10
The effects of the acoustical interference caused by the pure MHz. The circuit consumes only about 11 rnA when powered
tone emitted by an alerter may or may not be desirable. It is cer- by a 5-V supply and requires only four external components.<>

Drake'$ New
Digital Multimeter
with Advanced
Auto Ranging

Fig. 7. UJT oscillator. Fig. B. Clock-pulse generator.

tainly attention getting to walk by an alerter and notice the

changes in sound intensity. But it can also be confusing, partic-
ularly if you are trying to find the source of the sound in an en-
closed room having many flat, hard reflecting surfaces! There-
sultant interference problems can be avoided by using multiple Simple and easy to operate. The Drake DM235D Digital Multimeter automatically
or swept tone alerters. measures your selected functions in up to 5 ranges. at the touch of a button.
If you enjoy experimenting, try using a piezo-alerter as ami- Drake's Digital Multi meter will not overload circuits and DC accuracy is 0.8% of
crophone. You'll find that alerters with nodal mounting func- reading D.2% of full scale. A continuity test sounds a signal when circuit
tion as frequency selective sound detectors. Also, try adding a resistance is less than 2D ohms. The liquid crystal display and three step
tube or reflector to an alerter to form a directional sound protection feature with auto-zeroing. polarity indication and over-range
source. You can try operation at resonant ultrasonic frequen- warning signal make it ideal for servicemen or hobbyists.
The Drake Digital Multi meter is sold complete with batteries (battery life is
cies. You can even develop various kinds of sonic radar circuits greater than 300 hrs.]. probes. 20 amp current shunt. spare fuse. and soft
or try operating an alerter under water. carrying case for only $95.95.
Add $2.50 shipping and handling per order. Send check with order and
Alerter Precautions. Data sheets for piezo-alerters note that provide street address for UPS shipment. Ohio residents add Sales Tax.
mechanical shock can cause them to generate high-voltage In Ohio, or for Credit-Card buyers
spikes that can damage their drive circuit and perhaps other as-
sociated circuits. This problem can be alleviated by installing L.C::::{~~~~J:JIIII~]Ijjf~!.J,.;4.,1iil
--- - .
information call :
may call toll free
an appropriately rated protection diode directly across the
alerter. R. L. DRAKE COMPANY -~ ri~
540 Richard Street, Miamisburg , Ohio 45342 L::"'_j i .1') _j)
Another precaution concerns the placement of an alerter on a
circuit board. Be sure to mount the alerter on a rigid, fixed por-

AUGUST 1982 83
By Jim Keogh

Drawing Bar Graphs

0 NE of the more common methods of

showing data in graph form on a
video monitor is by extending bars from a
predetermined base line to a plotted data
Let's take a close look at how such a
bar-graph routine can be incorporated in
a program. We will give programs for the
TRS-80 and the Apple II, but they can be
modified to run with almost any BASIC
in a machine having memory-mapped
video or a terminal having cursor
To modify these programs, compare
the functions of each portion of the pro-
gram which are defined in the REM
statements with similar functions found
in your BASIC. For example, consider a
bar-graph program that "draws" a bar
graph from left to right on the screen
(Table I) . Throughout this program, the
REM statements will explain what is tak- Horizontal bar graph drawn with program in Table I.


40 INPUT " FOUR VALUES"; A, B, C, 0 200 NEXT AS 80 AA = A/F
41 REM CLEAR THE SCREEN 210 FOR BS = 15808 TO 90 BB = B/F
42 CLS (15808 + BW%) 100 CC = C/F
50 REM ADD THE FOUR DATA POINTS 220 POKE BS, 191 11000 = 0/F
90 BB = B/F 270 FOR OS = 16064 TO 130 AW = INT (AA * 30)
100 CC = C/F (16064 + OW%) 140 BW = INT (BB * 30)
110 DO = 0/F 280 POKE OS, 191 150 CW = INT (CC * 30)
SCREEN. 180 HUN 0, (AW) AT 10
130 AW% = AA * (15742 - 15680) APPLE II 190 HUNO,(BW)AT15
140 BW% = BB * (15780 - 15728) 200 HUN 0, (CW) AT 20
150 CW% = CC * (15998 - 15936) 10 REM CLEAR THE SCREEN 210 HUN 0, (OW) AT 25
160 OW% = DO* (16126 - 16064) 20 CALL -936 300 REM THE NEXT STATEMENT PRE-

~Jar Electronics
20 CLS VENTS THE COMPUTER FROM DIS- 2 Aaron Gavin ...................... 89
30 REM ASK FOR FOUR DATA POINTS PLAYING THE WORD 'READY'. 3 All Electronics Corp ..... .. ......... 78
40 INPUT "FOUR VALUES"; A, B, C, D 310 GOTO 310 4 AP Products ............... . ...... 86
41 REM CLEAR THE SCREEN 5 Army National Guard ............ , ... 2
6 Arlee Ele-ctronics ........... . ...... 76
42 CLS 7 Audio-Technica U.S., Inc .... . ...... 89
60 F= A + B+ C+ D APPLE II
70 REM DETERMINE THE DECIMAL C & D Electronics .. . . . ............ . 88
8 Chaney Electronics ................ 96
EACH DATA POINT IS OF THE 10 REM CLEAR THE SCREEN Classified Advertising ...... 96,1 00-1 05
TOTAL 20 CALL - 936 Cleveland Institute of
80 AA = A/F 30 REM ASK FOR FOUR DATA POINTS Electronics, Inc .............. 26-29
90 BB = B/F 40 INPUT "FOUR VALUES"; A, B, C, D 1 Communications Electronics ..... . ... 9
9 CompuServe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cv 2
100 CC = C/F 41 REM CLEAR THE SCREEN 10 Computers, Peripherals, Unlimited .. 74
11000 = 0/F 42 CALL- 936
OFF PORTION OF THE BAR GRAPH 60 F. = A + B + C + D 13 Digi-Com . ............... . ........ 88
14 Digi-Key Corp .. . . .... . . . .. .. . ..... 91
TO BE DISPLAYED. THE NUMBER IN 70 REM DETERMINE THE DECIMAL 11 Discwasher ..... .. ....... , . . . . . . Cv 4
THE BRACKETS REPRESENTS THE EACH DATA POINT IS OF THE R.L. Drake ..... .. . .. . . . .. , ..... 74,83
130 AW% = AA * (16336 - 15663) 15 Electronic Specialists ....... , .... . . 32
90 BB = B/F 16 Epsom America ......... .. .. .. .... 82
140 BW% = BB * (16346 - 15673) 100 CC = C/F
150 CW% = CC ' (16356 - 15683) 11000 = 0/F
160 OW% = DO* (16366- 15693) 120 REM DETERMINE THE ROUNDED 17 Firestik ..................... . ..... 89
170 REM THIS DRAWS THE BAR GRAPH. OFF PORTION OF THE BAR GRAPH 18 Focus ..... . . . ... .. . .. . . . ... . ..... 73
POSITION AND STOP AT THE FIRST 35 REPRESENTS THE VALUE OF 19 Gladstone Electronics ............. 89
POKE POSITION MINUS THE PER- 100% OF THE BAR GRAPH . 20 Global Specialities ................. 66
CENTAGE VALUE OF THE DATA 130 AW = INT(AA* 35) Grantham College of Engineering ... 47
21 Guardian Electronics .............. 11
POINT. 140 BW = INT (BB * 35)
180 FOR AS = 16336 TO 150 CW = INT (CC * 35)
(16336 - AW%) STEP- 64 160 OW = INT (DO* 35) 22 Heath Co ........ . .. . .......... 36-39
200 NEXT AS TION AND DRAW RED BARS. 23 IBM ............. .. ... .... . ... ..... 8
210 FOR BS = 16346 TO 162 GR: COLOR = 1 24 Illinois Audio ..... , .. . ....... . . .... 47
(16346 - BW%) STEP- 64 170 REM DRAW THE BAR GRAPH.
220 POKE BS, 191 180 VLIN (AW), 35 AT 10
230 NEXT BS 26 Jameco Electronics .... . ........ 94, 95
190 VLIN(BW),35AT15 27 JDR Microdevices .............. 92-93
240 FOR CS = 16356 TO 200 VLIN (CW), 35 AT 20 28 J & R Music World ...... . .......... 77
(16356 - CW%) STEP- 64 210 VLIN (OW), 35 AT 25
260 NEXTCS VENTS THE COMPUTER FROM DIS- 29 Mcintosh Laboratory, Inc ... .. . .... . 79
30 MFJ Enterprises ................... 88
270 FOR OS = 16366 TO PLAYING THE WORD 'READY'. 31 Maxell Corp. of America. . . . . . ...... 3
(16366 - OW%) STEP- 64 310 GOTO 310 32 Menotech ......................... 7
33 Micro Management Systems ........ 88

ing place at that particular point in the value. This establishes what percentage 34 National institute of Technology ..... 12
National Technical Schools ..... . 62-65
program . To get things started, the com- each data point represents of the total. Netronics, R & D Ltd ........... . 33, 75
puter will request that you INPUT four Finally, the computer illuminates that 35 Nippon Electric Co., Ltd . . . . . . . . . Cv 3
values representing the data points to be portion of the bar graph which represents NRI Schools ................... 16-19
plotted . Once the last piece of data is the percentage the data point is of the to-
keyed in, the video display will "draw" tal. The computer is able to represent all 36 OK Machine & Tool Corp... . ..... 23
four bar graphs, each bar representing the data in a neatly prepared bar graph
one piece of data. since the program operates on a percent-
You can easily expand the number of age basis and not directly with the actual 37 PAIA Electronics, Inc .............. 73
data points as required. However, before value of each data point. 38 Personal Computer Systems ........ 70
39,40 Protecto Enterprises ............ 32,79
you begin to make any modifications, The second program (Table II) exam-
you should understand the programming ple is very similar, except that the bar
approach . graphs are "drawn" from bottom to top, 41 Quest Electronics ..... , ........... 96
The program starts by causing the rather than from left to right on the
computer to set aside a certain area on screen. (Table II). As before, the pro- Radio Shack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
the screen for each bar graph. This is gram calls for four data points.
done without knowing the values of the These bar-graph programs can be used
data points. The computer "assumes" as a subroutine (with appropriate line- 42 Shure Brothers, Inc ...... . , . . . . . . 77
Simple Simon Kits .. . .......... 87
that the amount of space set aside is equal number changes) in your own software. Sinclair Research .... 4, 5, 25
to a bar graph of maximum amplitude For example, the results of an analysis
(100%). can be displayed in several ways, such as
When the final INPUT data point is EN- in a table or a bar graph . The routines il- 44 Tab Books. . .. 59
lustrated in this column use data points 45 TAMS, Inc. . .. 73
TERed, the computer adds the values of 43 TDK .. .. .. .. .. 32
the data points, with the numeric sum of INPUT from the main program and dis- Tektronix . . .... 1
all data points becoming the "100%" play them as a bar graph. <> Texas Instruments, Inc ........ . .... 13

AUGUST 1982 85

Monsanto Model 114A frequency counter. Need sche- Hallicrafters Model TW1 OOOA receiver. Need schematic
matic and service manual. Robert D. Bollinger, 623 Belve- and knobs. C. C. Hutchison, 11303 Featherstar, Houston,
dere St., Carlisle, PA 17013. TX 77067.

Hammarlund H0-140-XA shortwave receiver. Need in- Gonset Model 3133 Communicator Ill transmitter. Need
struction book and schematic. Ed Diemer, 3852 Arc Way, schematic and manual. Charles Melillo, 51 Summit Ave-
Lawrenceville, GA 30245. nue, North Plainfield, NJ 07060.

Bro admoor Model 1464 AM/FM stereo receiver. Need Eic o Model 360 sweep genera.tor. Need owner's manual
schematic or service manuaL David Zirpoli, 45 George St., and schematic. Bill Kennedy, 184 Street, Hesperia, Ml
Green Island, NY 12183. 49421.

Victor Model 1400 calculator. Need schematic diagram. National Radio Institute Model 600 color TV receiver.
Joseph A. Spana, 1781 Rose St., Lower Burrell, PA 15068. Need convergence circuit board EC-1 9 and parts L601,
602,603 and T601. H. Sierra, 217 E. 64th St., Los Angeles,
Eico Model 232 VTVM. Need service manual, schematic, Hallicrafters Model SW-500 receiver. Need schematic CA 90003.
and techn ical information. T.L. Crosley, 7506 N. Oamen and alignment manual. James Kersey. 12426 Kingsley Dr.,
Ave., Chicago, II 60645. Louisville, KY 40229. RCA Institute, Inc. 3" oscilloscope. Need schematic and
operating manual. A.B. Gerwin, 1045 Stone St., Rahway,
NJ 07065.

Knight Star Roamer receiver kit. Need manual, schemat-

ic and any other information. Rob Sobkoviak, 22 19 N.
Meadowbrook Dr., Plainfield, IL60544.

Hallicrafte rs Model SX28 super skyrider. Need alignment

PROBE-IT information and procedures. C. Lee, 311-96th St., Marmet,

W. VA 253 15.

It's got a nose for trouble.- Graym ark Model 529R burglar alarm kit. Need assembly
instructions. Frederick T. Passo, 133 Vanderbilt Ave.,
Woodbu ry Hts., NJ 08097.

EMC Model 501 signal generator. Need schematic and

parts list. Gerald Brindlay, 3705 Lipscomb. Ft. Worth, TX

Hallicrafters Model CRX-1 receiver. Need schematic and

operating manual. Robert Coulter, Box 60, Ellsworth, PA

Pio neer Model SX9000 receiver. Need schematic and

manual. Kenny Mitchell, 1328 Linden Ave., Zanesville, OH

Eico Model 221 VTVM and Weste rn Electric Model KS-

16610 amplifier. Need schematics, owner's manuals and
operating instructions. Mike Melton, 3504 Pageant Dr.,
Sacramento, CA 95826.

Kenwoo d Model KR6600 AM/FM receiver. Need sche-

matic diagram and instruction manual. Luis Lorenzo Lopez
Tejada, Condominia Luperon, Apt. B-26, Herrera Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Hallicrafters R649AIU R radio receiving set. Need sche-

matic. Jack Higgins, 788 Columbus Ave., Apt. 1-0, New
York, NY 10025.

Barrington AM/FM portable radio. Need dial co rd string-

ing instructions. Bender Electronics, Box Q, Limon, CO

Hallicrafters Model S108 receiver. Need dial glass. Wal-

P eas1er
rob~lt-the faster and ter J. Mitchell, 20 1-Five Cities Dr., SP. 41, Pismo Beach,

way to test compo-

New... from CA 93449.

nent leads. Just press the cap to APPRODUCTS Co nar Model 255 oscilloscope. Need manual and sche-
extend the hook contact, place matic. Walter Ray, 929 F!'irview, Shreveport, LA 71104.
on the lead or wire and release Sank en Model Sl-1050G hybrid audio amp chip. Need
for hands-free troubleshooting. schematic, pin-out and power derating chart. Mark Tarbell ,
Probe-It is available in four 906 S. Lantana Ave., Brea, CA 92621.
sizes. MICRO Probe-It for testing
high density boards, MINI Probe- Eicoc raft Model EC-500 tremolo kit for guitar amplifier.
Brian Garlock, 79 Dayton Rd., W. Redding, CT 06896.
It for general purpose testing,
STANDARD Probe-It for higher Minshall Model K electronic organ. Need copies of sche-
power circuits and MAXI Probe-It matics, service manuals and instruction manuals. James
which has an extra long tip for R. Warn er, 103 Des Plaines Ave., Forest Park, IL 60 130.
especially hard to reach leads.
Mercury Model 400 VOM capacity meter. Need schemat-
Micro and Mini Probe-Its avail- ic. Sam Schatz, 2233 E. Catal ina 12, Santa Ana, CA
able in six colors. Standard 92701.
and Maxi Probe-Its available in
red or black. Soroc ModeiiQ 120 term inal with 100051 logic board and
All Probe-It models can be 100032-5 keyboard. Need schematics and service man-

ual. Larry J. Kopiasz, 4545 Walnut, Omaha, NB 68106.
soldered to ordinary stranded
hook-up wire to make any Conar Model 255 5" oscilloscope. Need schematic, parts
lengtn test lead required.
A P~D~'5
9 4 50 '~~MOEO
Pineneedle Drive
list and any other information available. Clifford Mal seed,
331 Penny St., McKeesport, PA 15132.
Call TOLL FREE, 800-3219668, P.O. Box 6 03
for the name of the distributor Mentor. Ohio 4 40 60 Rob erts Model 420X tape recorder. Need playback head.
nearest you. (In Ohio, call (216] 3 54-2101 Rev. Paul R. B.eining, S.J., University of Scranton, Scran-
TWX: 8 10 -425-2250
collect: (216) 354-2101.) ton, PA 18510.
In Europe, contact A P PRODUCTS GmbH
Baeumlesweg 21 D-7031 Vlleil 1 W. Ger many Hammarlund Model H0-180A vhf, 160-2 meter receiver
and Johnson Vik ing ultraamplifier linear. Need manuals,
schematics, alignment data and any other literature avail-
Model UES-A56F

Freq. Range UHF470 - 889MHz
Antenna Input 75 ohms
Channels 14-83 Outl"t Channel 3

VTI-SW Varactor UHF Tuner,
CBI-SW Printed Circuit Board, Pre-Drilled
TP7-SW P.C.B. Potentiometers, 1-20K, 1-1 K. and
5-lOK ohms, 7-pieces
FR35-SW Resistor Kit. 1/. Watt. 5% Carbon Film. 32-pieces
PTI-SW Power Transformer, PRI- 117VAC, SEC-24VAC.
250ma 6.95
PP2-SW Panel Mount Potentiometers and Knobs, 1-1KBT Now you can eliminate ... the drudgery of disconnecting and ,
and I-SKAT w/ Switch 5.95
reconnecting your video equipment each time you use it ...
SSI4-SW IC's 7-pcs, Diodes 4-pcs, Regulators 2-pcs
Heat Sink 1-piece 29.95 the tangled mess of cables which are impossible to trace
CES-SW Electrolytic Capacitor Kit. 9-pieces . 5.95 out ... not being able to use more than one function
CC33-SW Ceramic Disk Capacitor Kit, 50 W.V., 33-pieces . 7.95 at a time.
10 CT-SW Varible Ceramic TrimmerCapacitor Kit,
5-65pfd, 6-pieces. 5.95 Bambi lets you enjoy using your video equipment the
II l4-SW Coil Kit, 18mhs 2-pieces .. 22,uhs 1-piece (prewound way it should be ... electronically and on line at the
inductors) and 1 T37-12 ferrite Torroid push of a button.
Core with 3 h. of #26 wire. 5.00
12 ICS-SW l.C. Sockets. Tin inlay, S-pin 5-pieces
and 14-pin 2-pieces 1.95 Model
13 SR-SW Speaker, 4x6" Oval and Prepunched BEVS-1 Wired
Wood Enclosure
14 MISC-SW Misc. Parts Kit Includes Hardware, (6/ 32, 8/ 32
Nuts, & Bolts), Hookup Wire, Ant. Terms, DPDT
Ant Switch, Fuse, Fuseholder, etc.
Whan Ordering All Items, (1 thru 14), Total Price .

Bambi's Specifications:
Input/Output Impedance 75 ohm
S1gnal loss 3dB l dB
Noise 4dB ldB
Input Return loss 12dB m1n.
Isolation 65dB min.
Power Req 117VAC 60Hz. 2W
Dimensions lOY. W x 6~ D x 3Ye H
e 1 .9-2.5 GHz e 38%" LENGTH

COMMERCIAL GRADE lized on cabl e TV systems to re-
move the KHz"s signal from a

MAE-1 32 Element VAGI Antenna

distorted video (channel 3 in/
out) and also pass thru the
7+11 PWD
normal undistorted/detected
audio signa l. Rocker switch
selects operating mode to remove KHz's
distortion from the video or pass all other c han -
nels normal ly. Si mple to assemble-less than 30
minutes. Pre- tuned. Input/ou tput Channel 3. Impedance
Varactor UHF Tuner, Model UES-A56F
Printed Circuit Board, Pre-drilled .
MODEL ALL l SWD-1 Video Converter Kit . . . . $69.95
3TPII -PWO PCB Potentiometers 4-20K, 1-.5K, 2-lOK, 2-5K,
50 MHz - 900 MHz
VTR ACCESSORIES 1-1K, and 1- 50k. (11 pieces) 8.95
[iJ 12 dB GAIN o.sdB 4fR-31 -PWO Resistor Kit. %W, 5% 29-pcs, Y2 W 2-pcs 4.95
5PTI -PWO Power Transformer, PRI- 117VAC, SEC-24VAC
Simpl e Simon Video Stabilizer, at 500ma. 9.95
A Revolutionary New M o del VS- 1 25, eliminates the ver 6PP2-PWO Panel Mount Potentiometers and Knobs. 1-1KBT
One Stage HYBRID tical roll and jitter from " copy guard""
and 1-5KAT with switch .. 5.95
video tapes when playing through
IC Broadband Amplifier JSSI7-PWO IC's 7-pcs, Diodes 4-pcs, Regulators 2-pcs
large screen projectors or on an-
This unit is not available anywhere else in the world. One unit serves many pur- Transistors 2-pcs, Heat Sinks 2-pcs . 29.95
oth er VTR. Simple to use, just adju st
poses and is available in Kit or Assembled form. \deal for outdoor or indooruse. l/0 BCEt4-PWO Electrolytic Capacitor Kit, 14-pieces. 6.95
I picture. Once the control is set, the tape
impedance is 75 ohms. Amplifier includes separate co-ax feed power supply. Easily
will play all t h e way through without furth er adjustments . Inc ludes 9CC20-PWD Ceramic Disk Capacitor Kit, 50 WV, 20-pcs. . 7.95
assembled in 25 minutes. No coils. capacitors etc. to tune or adjust.
ALL- 1 Complete Kit with pow er supply . $24.95 1 2 V power supply. t o IOCT5-PWO Varible Ceramic Trimmer Capacitor.
ALL- 1 Wired and Tested w ith power supply. . $34.95 VS-125 Video Stabilizer. wired ............. $54.95 5-65pfd. 5-pieces 4.95
11 11L5-PWO Coil Kit, 18mhs 3-pcs, .22,u.hs 1-piece (prewound
SIMPLE SIMON VIDEO SWITCHING BOX inductors) and 2 T37- 12 Ferrite Toroid cores
Our New STVA 14.5 dB GAIN, with6h. # 26wire . 6.00


Control Center
12 121CS-PWO IC Sockets, Tin inlay, 8 pin 4-pcs, 14 pin 1-pc
and 16 pin 2- pcs . . .. 2.95
YAGI ANTENNA Excellent in isolation and no loss
13 13SR-PWO Enclosure with PM Speaker and Pre-drilled
Backpanel for mounting PCB and Ant. Terms . 14.95
routing system. Simple Simon s VSB
14 14MISC-PWO Misc. Parts Kit, Includes Hardware, (6/ 32, 8/32
300 Video Switching Box enables
o bring a variety of video components
Nuts & Bolts}. Hookup Wire, Solder, Ant. Terms
together for easy viewing/dubbing. A lso you gain t he ability to record DPDT Ant. Switch, Fuse, Fuseholder, etc. . 9.95
STVA-3 YagiAntenna, o ne c hannel whil e view ing another. Unit includes two Ftype q uick 15 15MC16-PWD Mylar Capacitors, 14-pcs and Silver
14.5 dB, 75 ohm, Chan. 60-68 $16.95 connector ended cables. Mica Capacitors 2-pieces . 7.95
SlVA-4 YagiAntenna, VSB-300 V ideo Switching Box, wired . . $19.95 When Ordering All Items, (1 -15}. Total Price .......... .... 159.95
14.5 dB, 75 ohm, Chan. 44-52 . . $t6.95
Ava ilable by M ail Order Only

~Antenna, 11 .5dB. 75ohm. Chan. 42-54 . . . $9.95

3871 S. Valley View , Suite 12, Dept. P, Las V egas, NV 89103
TM Inc. Send Check * or M o ney Order. Minimum
Order: $16.95. Add 10% Shipping and
H an dling o n orde r s under $40.00. For
RG-59/ U 75 ohm low loss Coax Cable . .t2 p/ ft In Nevada Ca ll 702-871-2892 orders over $ 40.00, add 5%. M inimum
Shipping and Handling $2.00. Cat. $1 .00
Coaxial Connectors, ea.
Special UHF 75-300 ohm Matching Transfonner, ea.
t .45 Outside N evada Call 1-800-782-3716 - V ISA and Mastercard Acceptable -
*Check orders will be held 30 days before shipping

AUGUST 1982 87
operation assist
able. Donald R. Fonville, 1025 Valleydale Dr., Burlington, Micronta Model22-012 tube tester. Need schematic. R.A. ceiver. Cicil F. Allen, 976 Bluebonnet Dr. Sunnyvale, CA
NC 27215. Balcerzak, 3153 So. 26th St. Milwaukee, W153215. 94086.

Acrosound Model 120 stereo ultralinear amplifier. Need lncoterm Corporation 055-13-02-70 keyboard assem- Supreme Model 599 set tester. Need schematic, opera-
original owners manual. Steven Be nder, Box 28360, bly. Need schematic or any information available. Graham tions manual, tube list and any other information. Erick
Queens Village, NY 11428. Molt, 2 London Bridge, London SE1 9RB, England. Gulbrand, 1500 Woodland T err<1ee, Lake Oswego, OR
Galaxie Ill SSB amateur transceiver. Need circuit diagram. Currier Smith Model 10478-G01-001 telephone answer-
John DeVine, 127 Los Angeles Ave., Stratford, CT 06497. er. Need schematic and service literature. Ffank B. Pear ce Simpson Bimini 50 marine radio. Need schematic
McCorrison, 72 Antwerp St., Brighton, MA 02135. and service manual. Ken Novicki, 237 Exchange St., New
Pioneer Model SX-600T AM/FM stereo receiver. Need Haven, CT 06513.
schematic, parts list and layout. Torsten Isaacson, 65 Stark Model 9-11 tube tester. Need instruction manual
Dellbrook Ct., Ofallon, MO 63366. and tube charts. Jack Marsden, 25 Springbrook Rd., Hallicrafters Model SX25 communications receiver.
Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4HB. Need schematic, parts list and service manual. John Eroh,
Dumont Modei304 / 304-H scope. Need power transform- 1728-C Fir Court, Ft. Gordon, GA 30905.
er. John P. Coleman, Box 174, Albany, GA 31702. Barker & Williamson Model 41 0 distortion meter. Need
service manual, schematic and operating instructions. Wil- Collins Model R390 receiver. Need technical manual L 11-
Heathkit Model HG 1OB vfo. Need schematic and service liam Bruhn, 5107 Throne Rd., Marengo, IL 60152. 856. P. Spanu, 20 Dickinson Rd., Darien, CT 06820.
manual. Robert Quade, 11 354 Martin Rd., North East, PA
16428. Clarion Model JC-20 1E CB radio. Need 23 channel trans- Hallicralters Model S-38 receiver. Need instruction and

DESCRAMBLERS DISCRETE 70 MHz Pll - Replaces NE564 video demodulator with - Covers 300 KHz - 30 MHz.
Largest Selection out the need for an ECL d1v1der . (70 MHz LF.). Guaranteed trackmg
to 85 MHz. W1de bandw1dth. lower C/N, reduced 'teanng.' May be For SWL, BCL, VLF DXers.
remotely tuned
of Equipment A vail able Kit ( M81-0IOK) . . . $114.95 Rivals long~
A & T ( M82-0IOTI . . . $159.95
$Buy Warehouse Direct & Save$ TUNEABlf AUDIO DEMODULATOR - Tunes from 5.4 to 8.2 MHz.

Sw1tchable 5 KHz LP filter for Canad1an b1rds. Tumng d1odes In
eluded. Two of these and a couple op-amps requ1red for stereo
36 channel Bare Board (M81 -020B) . . $24.95 shipping)
Two Board s (M81 -021B) . . . 39.95.
converter CANADIA~ AUDIO DESCRAMBLER - Tune m those 'ch~rpmg' sub MFJ-1020 NEW INDOOR ACTIVE ANTENNA
ea rners and hear what you've been m1ssmg. sits on your desk ready to listen to the world. Rivals,
$4595 Bare Board ( R82-0lOB) .. .. . . ... ..... ............ $24.95
can often exceed, reception of outside long wire. Un-
Kit (R81 -010K). . .. . .. . $59.95
A & I (R81-0101) .. . . $94.95 ique Tuned Active Antenna minimizes intermod,
LO- OHMS ADAPTOR - Adapts normal VOMor DVM to measure from provides RF selectivity, reduces noise outside tuned
36 channel 00 1 ohm to 5 ohms usmg smgle 9-volt battery. Super s1mple cali- band. Also use as preselector for external antenna.
wired remote Kit (M82-!00K) . . . . 39.95
Covers 300 KHz to 30 MHz in 5 bands. Adjustable
converter Kit (M82-100KI . . . $39.95 telescoping antenna. Controls: Tune, Band Selector,
A & T (M8 2-10011 . .. . . $59.95 Gain, On-Off/Bypass. LED. FET, bipolar circuitry.
only MODEM - Belll03 {300 bps) compa hble Answer/ Ongmate modem Phono jack for external ant. 6x2x6 in. 9-12 VDC or 9
No acoust1c coupler requ1red . RS-232 senal 1/ 0. V battery for portable use. 110 VAG with optional
$8895 Bare Board (R81 -100B) . . . . $14.95
AC adapter, MFJ-1312, $9.95. _
Kit (R81 -100K). . . . $69.95
A & T (R81 -1001) . . . $99.95 Order from MFJ and try It If not delighted,
Send $2 f or complete catalog Al l price s include complete and comprehensive documentation. return it within 30 days for refund (less shipping).
postage ~nd handling. C.O.D. orders accepted . Call or write for One year unconditional gaarantee.
of converters and unscramblers catalog. Dealer inquiries invited. Order today. Call TOLL FREE 1100-M7-1800.
Qua nt it y Di'i(OlJnl'i Vi .;;a Mai\er Charge Charge VISA, MC. Or mail check, money order.
Add SOJo .;;hirping - Mk h . re'iidcnt <; add 407o .,a]e<; tax DIGICOM ENGINEERING, INC. Write for free catalog.
P. 0 . Box 1656. KODIAK. ALASKA 99615
CALL TOLL FREE . . . 8006471800
C&D Electronics, Inc. 907-486- 5 11 8 907-486-6 2 15 601-323-5869 m MS, outside continental USA.
P.O. Box 21, Jenison, Ml4942.8
(616) 669-2440
MFJ FN~b~~&:lf~o5 '
921 Louisville Road . Starkville, MS 39759


FREE 1- 800-841-0860 WE CARRY THE FULL
TRS-80 Model II. __. . __From '3098 *WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG*
TRS-80 Model 16. __. . _From '4158
TRS-80 Color Computer. From '309 MICRO MANAGEMENT
TRS-80 Model IlL . ____ . From '609
Centronics 739-1 . . _.. _____ . _'499 SYSTEMS, INC.
Smith Corona TP-1
Daisy Wheel Printer... 69 5 Thousands of Satisfied 2803 Thomasville Rood East
VIC-20 Computer .... '249 Customers Since 1978 Coiro , Georgia 31728
TM Tandy Cor poration
GA. & INFO 912-377-7120
service manuals. D.R. Wilson, 15075 Aster , Allen Park, Ml and manual. John Leary, 100 Dorman Rd. , O xford , CT matic and repair manuals. D.N. Burks, 195 1 W. 9th Ave. ,
48101. 06483. Apache Jet. , AZ 85220.

Hickok Model 670 oscilloscope. Need schematic and in- Compu-Time clock cal culator card for th e S-1 00 micro- Hallicr afters SX 62 receiver. Need new dial scale. Carro l
struction manual. Gayne Jones, 10071 N.E. South Beach computer bus. Need schemati c an d manual. Mark Harri s, F. Harri s, 5225 Rambler Way, Sacram ento, CA 9584 1.
Dr., Bainbridge Island , WA 98110. 4524 Alta Vista , Dallas, TX 75229.
Thorens Model T D- 124 turntable. Need outer aluminum
LFE Model 832 oscillator and sweeper. Need schematic Olivetti Model P602 / P603 computer . Need board sc he- pl atter. Joe Tenaglia, Box 146 1, Boston, MA 02 104. 0


/(its FROM



mplifiers AM/FM AUTO RADIO



Choose ILP MOSFET pow er amps when you need the ut
'FirestiK' D
most in performance without spending big money. They GOLDEN SERIES
provide the fastest possible slew rate, low distortion at
high frequencies, + better the rmal stability. MOSFET
power amps work with complex loads without difficulty
and without crossover distortion. Three models are
available, with integral heatsink to mount on your own LED METERS PRICES "NO TOOLS NEEDED"
chassis (optional rack mount cabinet availab le). Con
nection is simple - via 5 pins. MOSFETs can be com-
~ ... ........,., $48. to $219. HIGH PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS
bined with other ILP modules to create almost any audio
system, whatever your age or experience.
Ultra-fi specifications: Slew rate 20Vus. Rise time 3 us. ALSO ANTENNAS FOR
SIN ratio 100 db. Frequency response (3 db) 15Hz - 100 AUniQUe MIXER for OJ's - Studio 's- Broadcaster's CORDLESS TELEPHONES
kHz. THO (Typical at 1kHz) < 0.005% . IMD (50Hz/7kHz T- MICI"'IUIS E._nBandSt....a
4:1) <0.006% . ~::!'!~~ct':~~ EQUALIZER MONITOR SCANNERS
MOS12060W/4-8n(requires 45V) $79.95 3Turn!-~t
MOS200 120W/4-8n (requires 55V) $129.95
MOS400 240W/4n(requires 55V) $199.95 Dealer & Distributor Inquiries Invited
MIXERS POWER SUPPLY UNITS cABINETS - - -:;1;.;1;-;:n;.;n;;;-o;;--- l
2614 East Adams/Phoenix, AZ. 85034 I
Name ___________________________
Street ------------------------------
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ I
Call or write for full product Information, and pricing to: I
123 South McClay Street, Unit F,
Santa Ana , CA 92701 , (71 4) 957 -87 10


OF THE: MaffH By Forrest M. Mims

A Tunable Notch Filter

SOMETIMES signals within a nar-

row frequency range interfere with
Fig. 2 can be easily tuned across much
of the audio spectrum. According to
mum results, Cl , C2 and C3 should
have exactly equal values. Likewise, the
the operation of an electronic circuit. various texts about filters (e.g. H . Ber- resistance of R3 should be exactly six
The best known of these interfering-sig- lin's "The Design of Active Filters," times the resistance of Rl + R2.
nals is 60-Hz line noise. Shortwave ra- E&L Instruments, 1977), the notch fre- The attenuation at higher frequen-
dio listeners often find that a broadcast quency is given by cies is not as sharp. At 10kHz, for ex-
they are attempting to monitor is par- ample, the amplitude at the notch fre-
tially masked by an annoying tone. Fnotch = 1!2TTCV3RJR2 quency was 13.4 dB below the out-of-
Figure 1 shows a passive filter that notch frequencies.
can be tuned to reject or block a narrow However, inserting the values for the Incidentally, I connected the circuit
band of audio frequencies. Such a cir- circuit in Fig. 2 when Rl = R2 = 50 in Fig. 2 between my shortwave receiv-
cuit is called a band-rejection filter, kilohms gives a predicted notch fre- er and an external power amplifier in an
band-stop filter, or notch filter. The par- quency of 1838Hz. Recall from above effort to tune out annoying interference
ticular filter in Fig. 1 is called a bridged that the actual notch frequency I mea- tones. If the frequency of the interfering
differentiator tunable notch filter. It is sured was 1431 Hz. tone was steady, the filter did indeed
easier to adjust than the better known Similarly, when Rl is 10 kilohms and greatly reduce its amplitude. I also
twin-tee (or twin-T) notch filter. R2 is 90 kilohms, the equation predicts found that the filter is ideal for attenu-
The filter in Fig. 1 uniformly attenu- a notch frequency of 3063 Hz. Howev- ating the shrill tone from a piezoelectric
ates frequencies outside its band-stop er, I measured an actual notch frequen- alerter being operated in a room moni-
region by about 4.1 dB (i.e about 48% cy of2334 Hz. tored by an intercom. This permits the
of a non-band-stop frequency is These discrepancies are likely due to intercom to be comfortably monitored
blocked). This loss can be virtually tolerance variations in all three capaci- without the annoyance of the alerter's
eliminated by following the filter with tors, and R3 in the test circuit. For opti- tone. 0
an op amp to form an active notch filter
as shown in Fig. 2. This circuit has a v= t: s ro :t t8
uniform attenuation outside its stop C/3CZ,.::~C.3 = ,t:JOI,.UI='
band of only 0.4 dB (i.e. about 5% IN
NOTGH ~liN'=: /.SkJ.Iz. -
attenuation). 0
~r---][1---- 5~u~L\r
I measured this attenuation with the IN
help of a signal generator, oscilloscope,
and a breadboard version of the active CJ
filter. When potentiometer R 1, R2 was C3
adjusted so that Rl = R2 = 50 kil-
ohms, then the notch frequency was CJ:::tC;t.=C3
1(,3~6 (liU+Ii!.2-)
1431 Hz. The signal from the filter at
points outside the stop band had an am-
plitude of 2.75 V. At the bottom of the
notch the signal's amplitude was 0.15
V. This represents an attenuation of Fig. 1. A passive bridged, Fig. 2. Circuit for an active
0.15/2.75 or 94.5%. differentia tor tunable notch filter. tunable notch filter.
Many engineers prefer to express
such relationships in terms of decibels. 4r-----------r-----------.-----------.----------.
In this case, the attenuation in decibels
is 20log(V out/Yin). Therefore, the at-
tenuation is 20log(0.055) or -25.27
Figure 3 is a plot of the frequency re-
~ 3b-------------o------o~
~. '
sponse of the circuit in Fig. 2 when it
has been adjusted for a stop-band cen-
tered at 1431 Hz. Note that the slope of
the notch is much sharper on the low-
\ /
0/0 --- ' (StNl
frequency side. Also note that the am-
\ / ..S/6-NHL IN:::: ..t. . 'f V p-,-
plitude axis of the graph has a linear
scale. Often such frequency-response
curves are plotted on a logarithmic
71/1 =z qv


The notch frequency of the circuit in Fig. 3. A plot of the notch for circuit shown in Fig. 2.

Panasoruc LS Series
Mmdtur., Alum num EI.,Ltroly!G C rpd( tor~

Uf n
D.t. ! !0
n / 6.3 18 ~.~ '"

:~ !:
lJ / 6.3 20 1.68 14 . ~ 9.ii
41 / 6.3 .21 L14 U.48
100 16.3 n U3 15.22
.. ..
:no /6.3 .28 2.34 1~.53

20.48 1.92 15.95
?3.15 1.97 16.34
~ . 00
42.75 '~ 25.62


6800 16.3
10000 / 6.3
L~ 13. 17
1.54 13.13
.. SJ.IO

.II I.S4
21 1.14
14.41 "" ~

""" '"
47 110 .21 1.77 14.18 1.19
100 /10 .24 2.00 IUS 1.]9
:no 110 29 2.46
m m :~:g~ 'lO.U
30.97 " '"'
.~ 1.91
m: ng ,:;: ~~:;~
6800 110

. ..
10000/10 Lff 17.00 141.63

~ m :~ l:l
.II LS4 12.83
.21 1.14 lUI
.21 1.11 14.77

.24 2.00 16.65
" L18

"" '"'

:n m .so
1000 /1 6
41.4S .~

2100/16 .92 1.8S U.39 7.46
lNI1l)loOYI'IOOooWI.- 3300116 1.16 9.91
lNIIl< I01YI'IOOmWit,...!I N>Il - l 8?.62 1.17 10.01
4700 /1 6 1.5713.40 IILM 1.51 13.43
lN\1JII OI Y \ ' , - I . . . , . I l " " l " - '
1.9917.00 141.63
IN\1li>IIIYI'IOOmWit.,..llln"' ...... l
_l .18 1.~ 12.13 - -
u m " '" '" 11.83
12.13 "" ~ O.M

n m """" '" " ..

l N\ IJ.. O IY\,soo-t ..... l l - - 1
l N\,.(lllOYI'o\OOooWI-Illt90ll-l
l NI1<"1l Y \ ' , , _ l _ l l ... 611l-l
/ 2S
IUS " " '" 1.15

".." '"
l NI)"I llYI'oiOOooWI_ii ... Oll-1

l N\l'llllY\',IO(looWI-11 ... 6<1_,.1 2.34 19.53 1.13
l N\) U IIHj',\O(looW/- 1.78 ?3.1 5
I N\ ) 4 \ I I \ Y I ' , - I ..... II NOO\I-1 PS 31 .24 3.4?
1.!6 9.91 IH2
l.b1 13.77 114.11

'" 17.00 141.63

- -
m ""... '" 12.13

'" "...
'" :Ht "

135 1.11 14.78 Lt9

'" "
/JS 16.65 O.M
'" "
19.53 1.11

..10 1.79
"" us
'~ ~ 3 . 2
... ~ ::~~ .M
'"" '"
1.61 14.17
.:1'2 2.01
21 t.n '"
ii t.ii
....... ~ g~ "" '" "" OM

. :::;:;::E !:E "..." '"


'" " O.M

" '" ...n"" ........

.. Ja
.. 38
...... 41

" '"
'~ .""" ....
2.~5 :.::: ,, . .'. "fr'~r
....... Ja U2
..." 3.18
'~ 000 '
000 1.99 16.53

I~ I
.. 1.41 13.18 us
:.-: ::U"

10.71 1.31" '"'

000 "

2.68 22.27
6.1 2
9.% "" '" ..

"" us
116 7.74
" '"
... """ "" 30.65

i~ Jl ~:~!. .
1.71 1.25 000

""u '"
.at. '-74 1.34 33.45

.. UJ 10 .17 36.93
.1 6.66
2.71 "" ,..,
16.19 41.13

... 74 6.66 5.35 44.52
" "
3.12 2.24 11.60

4.51 5.82 48.50
" 4.76 ~
26 .5
35.27 7.32 80.97

I .. -
"" "" '" 71.99

... ...
6.61 55.02
~: g~
7.17 65.32 73.70

I. OS ~ Ul 70.19 73.70
.. 23 2.01 13.99 \4_11 118.03 95.85
2.61 :1'2.31 11.5-0 95.85
.::~! ~:~
... : -~~ r~ n" '"
" ,..,
'" !:I
:m:~~ - .31 3.17

~J.o .JI!
".n '" ~~n:~~
.:::: :!i l:~i ..
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2114L-4 1024 X 4 8117.95 4.0 Mhz 8250 14.95
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2147 4096 X 1 9.95 8251 4.75 6845
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Z-6132 4096 X 8 (Qstat) (300ns) 34.95 8279-5 10.00 1797
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74LS04 16 pin ST .17 4006 .95 4075 .30
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74LS13 .45 74LS113 .45 74LS193 .95 74LS373 1.75 LM377 2.29 BIFET ST =
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74LS14 1.00 74LS114 8 pin WW .59 .95 4098 2.49
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74LS15 .35 74LS122 4015 .95 4099 1.95
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cNJ .. . :g~ 1.59 74C240 2.25
CN) ... 5.75
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~it:~~J~~~~~~~~ : :: : : : : :::::::U~
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SPECIAL FUNCTION TLOnCP 1.39 LM341P-5 .75 L M723N .69
g~:: ~g~ ~::~ ~~::; !~~il :::::::.:~:~~
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LM336Z 1.75 NE5SOA 1.30 LM4SOOA 3.25
74565 LM337T 1.95 NESSSV .39 IC L8938B 4.95
74S74 L M 337MP 1.15 LM556N .99 L M13080N 1.29
74586 LM338K 6.95 NE564N 3.95 LM13600N 1.49
74Sll2 1.25
LM566CN 1.95
75138N 1.95
1-24 75450N .89
74Sll4 25-49 50-100 1.35 LMS67V 1.25 75451CN .39
8 pin L P .17 . 16 . IS N E570N 4.95
3.75 14 pin LP .20 . 19 . 18 14 Pin ST
16 p in ST .30
C A3080H
16 pin L P
IS p in L P ".29 .21
18 pin 5T .35
C A30111N
20 pin LP
22 pin LP
24 Pin L P
28 pin L P
. 38
24 Pin
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36 p in
40 Pin
10 pf
1-9 10-99 100+
.08 .06
V alue
1-9 1D-99 100+
.OCll~tF .08 .06 .05
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C D4000 .39 C D4098 2.49
36 pin L P .60 .59 .58 ~ ~~ :gg :~ :~ :8: :~ :~
~~ ~~ :~ :~ :~~ :8~ :~
. 39
.62 .61
(GOLD) LEVEL lt3 470 pf
.08 .06 .OS . 1~F
.15 .12 .10
1.19 CD4041 1.49 CD4508 >95 1-24 25-49 50-100
C D4009 .49
C D4042
C D4043
CD4510 1.39 STANDARD 8pJnWW .59 .54 .49 .OOlmf .12 .10 .07 .022mf .13 .11 .OS
C04010 .49 C D4044 .89
CD4511 1.29
1-24 50.100
lOplnWW .69 .63 .58 .0022mf
.0047m f
. 10
. 10
. 17
. 13
CD4512 1.49 14 pin WW .79 .73
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1.49 20pinWW 1.19 1.08
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C D4519 ...
1.79 18 pin
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. 15/ JSV
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:ii :~ :~
.29 2.2/lSV
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1. 38
1.79 1.0/ JSV
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.19 .69 .55
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. 25
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t------''--'-'-"---_:._;;;;_=.,:...=:..:....:_:;:_:;:_:_:_=.:..=..=_-1 30001 Natlo~=~~~:6:~~~o::::~~~ -~-~-~~~~-~~ -~ '-~~~- ....... t6.9&
JE610 ASCII 30002
1640 pages) 74C, C04000, and A/D Converters
National Interface Data Book . . ................. . ..... $6.95
1704 pages) OP, DSEKlOO, 053600, 0575000, etc.
Encoded Keyboard Kit 30003 National Linear Data Book . ......................... $11.96
The JE610 ASCII Keyboard Kit can be Interfaced Into most any computer 11376 pages) LM, LF, ADC, OAC, LH Series
30004 National SerleBO- Board Level Computer 1224 pages) .. M.95
system. The kit comes complete w1H1 lnduslrlal grade keyboard switch
assembly(62-keys),IC's,sockets,connector,electronlccomponentsanda 30005 ~~4tl;;;~r;'4M,t~.~~~s~~~~ DMOOOO s~;;~ .ta.ss
double-sided printed wiring board. The keyboard assembly requires + SV@
I SOmA and -12V@ lOrnA lor operation. Features: 60 keys generate the 30006 Above (3) 30001.3.5 as set $24.95/lot
126characters, upper and lowercase ASCII set. Fully buffered. Two user
de!lnekeysprovlded!orcus!Qmaopllcatlons.caoslockforupper-caseonly 010400 Intel Component Date Catelog . . 14.95
alpha characters. Utilizes a 2376 (40pin) encoder read-only memory chip. Outputs directly compatible with TTL/DTl or MOS logic Full date sheets for Intel's products incl. memory devices,
microproc., peripherals & indust./mil. products 11328 pages)
arrays. Easylnter1aclng with a 16-pln dip or t8pin edge connector. Size: 3'h ..H x 14'h"Wx8tfoD. 205610 Intel Peripheral Design Handbook . , ................... t9.95
Full data sheets, appl. notes for Intel peripheral device
JE61 0/DTEAK (After assembly as pictured above) .......... $124.95 components 1644 pages!

JE610 Klt62-Key Keyboard, PC Board & Components (no case) ...... $ 79.95
K62 62-Key Keyboard (Keyboard only) ............ . ....... $ 34.95 AC and DC Wall Transformers
Part No.
DTEAK(caseonly-3'1"Hx11"Wx8'4"D) .... _.......... $ 49.95
JE212 - Negatlve12VDC Adapter Board Kit lor JE610 ASCII KEYBOARD KIT
Provides -12VDC from Incoming 5VDC . . . . . . . . . . . ........ $9.95
2%" Square - 16 Ohm
.25 Watt (4 mount. holes) JE600 Hexadecimal Encoder Kit
Large Ceramic Magnet
Size: 2%" X 2%" X 3/ . " FULL 8-BIT LATCHED OUTPUT
Part No. Price Part No. Price
A0201 . . .. $1.25or2/1.98 SF-25016 .$1.39or2/2.98

0 AM/FM Stereo Push Button

(with minor adjustments, can be used in any automobile)
DB25P 0-Subminiature Plug .. , . . $2.96
DB25S 0-Subminlature Socket , . . . . $3.50
&:::.11 ::'2.. ::.~ ' .-~-=~~~~~~3~~~~H~x~8~~-"W~x~8'4~"D~)~-~-~-~-~~-~~~~~~~_;~~~~ g~~~~~: Screw Lock Hdwr. (2) DB25S/P 2/$.99
Cover for DB25P/S , , $1.75
C1rd Connection.
~.~~~.~~~'~' """'""" SPST swttohlog 22_0, Edgo 22/44SE
P.C. Edge (22/44 Pin) . . $2.95
BNC Plug ............. $1.79
~~~~~~~~~~rt~No~-~K=B2~6~-~~~~~~~~--~-~--~-~-S=2~.9=5~oa=c~h=or~2~/=$4~.9=5~ ~~~~~~u BNC Jack . . . . . . . . . . $3.79
UHF Adapter , $ .49
Includes bezel trim and everything pictured. Two MICRO SWITCH 69-KEY KEYBOARD 50239 UHF Panel Recp . . . . , . . . . $1.29
DltJ Entry Keyb01rd, Encodtd Output: 8-bH Plrallel ESC DIC. SwltchlnR: Hill Efflct, 24-pln Edge P L258 UHF Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60
each 4x6 speakers and grille (1 Yo deep). All cables Clrd Connection. Complltl wJth Pin Connection. PL259 UHF Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60
~nd leads for hook-up. Includes all rnstructlon
Part No. K869SD122 UG260/U BNC . . . . . . . . . $1.79
Manuals for easy Installation. Cutout dimensions:
7"W X 13/ .. H X 6Ya .. l . DATANETICS 74-KEY KEYBOARD
ASCII Encoded KeybNrd, Output: Even l'lrtty ASCII, Supply voltage +5, 12 volt. Swltclllnlj:
Model 5VW3901 .......... $49.95 Mecllnlcll SPST- 50-pln Connection. Complete with Pin Connactlan.
Part No. KB354 .
om Entry klybNrd. SwHcllln11: Hill Efllct, 13-pln Edge C1rd ConniCtlon. Melli frame, dirk brown
Part No. 85SD181. . ... ...... $29.95mh
Dati Entry KeybNrd usedln1DIIblo1640Tirmln~l. SupptyVoltlgl: +5,12. Switching: Hill
Elflct-10-pinEdgiCirdConntctlon.SclllmtlcincludiHI. Mostek DC/DC Converter
EftiUS 2708, 2718, 2732, 2784, 2518, 2532, 2564. Ert~s.. up tc. 8 chips ~rt No. 88SD22 . .. ..... $69.95 oath +5VOLTST0-9VOLTS
within 51 minutes (1 chip In 37 minutes). M1lnt1lns const1nt exposure . . . ln~ut: +5V. Output: 9V (regulated)@ 30mA.

distance of one Inch. Special conductive tom liner ellmlnta stetlc Pnnted circuit mounting.
bulldup. Bulltln sfety lock to prevent UV exposure. Compact- only DC10 ....... $2.95 ea. or 2/$4.95
t.oo~ x 3.7o x 2.80. Complete with holding trey for 8 chips.

UVS..11EL Replacement Bulb ...... '16.95 Sorensen Regulated Power Supplies

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JOYSTICKS 11111. Adjultlbll cumnt limit. Voll1111 ldjustmtnt c.ntrol. T1mpmtu

compenlllld circuitry. Optlanel 0V1rvoltl111 protiCIIon. All scll1matlu 1nd
spiCiflcltlonsuppllldwHhunH. S1rle1A, 8, C,Ehlve3mountlngsurtcn(Sirils
F, bottom mounting

5'14'' Mini-Floppy Disc Drive
FOR TRs-80 MODEll, Ill (Industry Standard)
~~~!e}:~ngi~fe~ 0 ~~Mded'~~6ieRed~~~l~:
~~Qgr:t :~:-to12s"vl o.J ~~~~l ~a~. trgfts asm~~c:
~~r~:ti 1 ~e~1~ {d~;~o! lng!t;as~0 g~wr;c~~g~~
~.J.'.9~s 3% poun9s. Size: 5 1/o"W x 8"0 x
Part No. Limited Quantity! Price 36cfm free air delivery
FD200 ................ $179.95 3.125" sq. x 1.665" depth
Single-sided, 40 tracks, 250K bytes capacity 10 yrs. cont. duty at 20oc
115V 50/60Hz
FD250 ................ $199.95 For Apple users
Double-sided, 35 tracks, 438K bytes capacily
PWS2107Uf;::1~u~ .... $ 9.95ea.
PWS21Q7F - . .$14.95ea.
General Description: The JE215 is a Dual Power
Supply with independent adjustable positive and nega- Muffin Fan
tive output voltages. A separate adjustment for each 105cfm free air delivery
4.68" SQ. X 1.50" depth.
of the supplies provides the user unlimited applications 10 yrs. cont. duty at 20oc
for IC current voltage requirements. The supply can Impedance protected,
also be used as a general all-purpose variable power ambients to 70 oc
SUpply. FEATURES: 115V 50/60Hz 14W WI.
Adjustable regulated power supplies, MU2A1U f;:!::('u:adl.
pos. and neg. 1.2VDC to 15VOC. MU2A1N Nw ..
Power Output (each supply):
SVOC@ SOOmA, 10VDC@ 750mA,
12V DC@ SCOmA, and
15VDC@ 175mA.
T wo, 3-terminal adj. IC regulators
with thermal overload protection.
Heat sink regulator cooling
LEO "on'' indicator
Printed Board Con1truction
120VAC input
Size; 3 -112"w x 5-1/16"L x 2"H

8/82 PHONE ORDERS - (4151 5928097

AUGUST 1982 95
Class Adv Contd from Page 105
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neers and Technicians. Free Details! AVI, Box 264-PES, Buf- RECORDS- TAPES! Discounts to 73% All labels; no pur-
falo, NY 14215. chase obligations; newsletter; discount dividend certificates.
JOBS OVERSEAS - Big money fast. $20,000 to $50,000 plus 100% guarantees. Free details. Discount Music Club, 650
per year. Call 716-842-6000, ext. 324. Main St. , PO Box 2000, Dept. 5-0882, New Rochelle, NY
"CAREERS"- Opportunities in electronics, list of 500 top
firms, addresses, $8.95. Morris Electronics, Box 95, Pequan-
nock, NJ 07444. HOBBIES
1983 CATALOG, 200 PAGES. Thousands of chemicals,
DO-IT-YOURSELF glassware, science/hobby equipment. Send $2.00. Merrell
Scientific, 1665 Buffalo Road, Rochester, New York 14624.
FREE YOUR DAMAGED TAPES? Cassette, 8 Track Tape
Repair Kits. $4.95 each. Guaranteed. Visa, Mastercard. KITS,
Box 127, Sumner, WA 98390. MISCELLANEOUS

11~aer~~b~;i~~;h~ir;:~!;b~uss~~:rf1~~~ii~~ ~~~u~~d1i~~f~~~~:~~rn~~::
TRACK THE SUN-Newly designed solar tracking control fpr
parabolic collectors, photovoltaics. Detailed plans, $4.95.
Lane Solar, SC7, Box 303, Nipomo, CA 93444.
MPG INCREASED! Bypass Pollution Devices easily. RE-
VERSIBLY!! Free details- Pasco GEES, LaGrangeville, NY
ing notes. Make " robot" sounds, space ..
war computer effects, etc. One of the
most unusual kits. Circuit features 3 CORVAIR PARTS- All new 1982 giant discount catalog:
IC's and 12 trimmer resistors. Complete REAL ESTATE $4.00: Clark's Corvair Parts, Inc., Shelburne, MA 01370.
with all parts, PC board and instructions.
Size of board : 2.8" x 4". Operates from
9V battery (not included). C4722 $11.95 FREE CATALOG! Top real estate values coast to coast! FREE PROMOTIONAL ALBUMS, concert tickets,
Please specify types, property and location desired. UNITED


Realistic action slot machine features sound effects, digital read FARM AGENCY, 612-EP West 47th, Kansas City, MO 64112.
stereos, etc. Information: BARRY PUBLICATIONS,
outs and flashing LED. Has 3 different symbols that "roll" 477 82nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209.
"come up" one at a time. When all

symbols are the same a special win-
ner note sounds. Circuit uses 7 IC's and
12 transistors. Kit comes complete with NEW 1982 EDITION
all parts, PC board and instructions. Size
of board : 5.5" x 7". Operates from 9V
battery (not i ncluded). C4723 $29.95 looking for electronics writers to do just that. Obtain our
Stereo Review's
electronics needs list, or send your own Ideas, by writing TAPE RECORDING
Liz Akers, Acquisitions Editor, TAB BOOKS Inc., Blue
Ridge Summit, PA 17214, (717) 794-2191. & BUYING GUIDE
Handy product listings compare
features. specificatiOns . and
RUBBER STAMPS prices for nearly every new cas-
RUBBER STAMPS, BUSINESS CARDS. Free catalog 1-800- ~~~fct;~dca~~:~e r~:~o1rde~ . ~.~~~ o~,;iaiCoRP~~~
851-4945, Jackson's, E-100, Brownsville Rd., Mt. Vernon, Ill. stereo ... m icrop hone ... head- & IUYtMI IUIDI
62864. phone .. . mixer .. . signal processor PO. Box 3-40

.. . blank tape ana accessories. Broomall, PA 19CXE
REPAIRS & SERVICES ~~~;et~~uJe~t'c~~~ ~~ ~~~~nJet~
ter recordings. how noise-reduc- Enclose $3.95 ($2.95'
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tion systems can help you. and plus $1.00 posloge
303 781 ~7~0 Please mctude $1 50 for postage (UPS) D&A EQUIPMENT REPAIRED: Virginia Sabala, D&A's head
VISA MC accepted technician 15 years, is now operating a parts and repair ser- shopping for a video cassette and handling}. Outsde
Phone orders are welcome recoraer. U.S.A. $5.00.
vice. Communications Unlimited, 1217 AveC, Scottsbluff, NE 'Res;dents of CA, CO, DC, Fl, ll, MA, Ml, MO, NJ, NY Slole, OH,
Send for our free catalog of umque 1tems
69361. Phone: (308) 635-7365. SC, TN and VT add applicable soles tax .


Santa Clara, CA 95054
VENTURE is a single RAM , Votrax voice synthe-
Will calls: 2322 Walsh Ave. board computer that is an sizer, sound generator,
(408) 988-1640 adventure for the hobbyist. EPROM; Full Basic, disas-
It is a learning training sembler, editor, assemtJier;
Same day shipment. First line parts only. Factory tested. Guaranteed computer as well as just metal cabinet. additional
money back. Quality IC's and other components at factory prices. plain fun for anyone who power supply, ASCII
wants to get into a state- keyboard real time clock
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Phone orders only (800) 538-8196 of-the-art computer at rea- calendar.
74LSOON 25 RAM 1702A 450 6502 695 Saldi!Tin law Profile
MAN72 74 CACA 300 75 VENTURE comes in kit c, EPROM Pro-
74LS02 N 25 2101 1 195 2532 1750 6502A 950 PIN 1UP PIN 1UP OL704 cc 300125
74LS04N 25 21021 85 2708 295 6504 695 8 13 22 30 OL7070L707R CA 300100 form or fully assembled , light pen , uni-
74LSOSN 25 2102Al-4 125 2716TI 850 6522 875 14
14 24
16 28
30 OL727728
40 Ol747750
CA.CC 500190 and tested. You can get it in i oroaratmrnat,le music , sound board
74LS08N 35 2102AN2L 165 27165Volt 550 6530 950 CACC 600 I 49
74LS10N 25 2104A4 495 827165 Vol13900 6532 1495 18 20 36 58 FN0359 cc 357 70 figuration for as little as $1 it all i pixel mapped
74LS1 3N
21078 4
2111 -1
7 49
20 29 40 49 FN0500507
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CCCA 500 99
CCC A 500 90
the way to floppy disks and voice. It can be board , General Instrument Bus.
74LS 20N 25 21122 299 8741A 3995 6802 1195 PIN PIN FN 0800 807 CCCA 800220 expanded as a kit or fully assembled , at your Minimum VENTURE System $195.00
74LS22N 25 2114 224 87 48 3995 6820 495 93 IO drgrtd rsptay own pace and choice .
74LS2 8N
2114L 450ns
4116200ns 250
237 8755A
87 488
3 95
55 24
57 28 1 00 7520Ciarrex photocelts
67 40 159 T1L311Hex
MAN4610 CA 40
'" VENTURE is a 16" by 20 " main board with
Kit includes CPU and control with 4K of RAM,
1K of scratchpad , 2K monitor, 1861 video
2~1 14PJn ww 20 separate ASCII and HEX keyboards.lt runs fast ,
:g ~~~g~~r'd ~~~~em!"~~~~~;::~~. s:gg;:~; ~~~
74LS38N 35 84116200ns1540 N82S123 395 280A 600 MAN4640
74LS74N 45 MM5280 300 N82S126 5 75 8212 185 CRYSTALS MAN4710 ~~ 1 ~~ almost 4 MHz and has the capability of putting
74LS75N 50 MM5321 995 N82S129 4 75 8214 3 75 1 MHz 4 50 MAN4740 cc 40 120
74LS90N 60 MM5330 5 94 N825131 4 95 8216 1 80 2 MHZ 3 95 MAN6640 cc 56 99 almost 1 megabyte of RAM and ROM on the output . Power supply is included along with 2
74LS93N 65 P5101L 895 N82S137 875 8224 2 50 4 MHz 3 95 MAN6710 CA 60 99 board along with a variety of inexpensive
74LS95N 85 4200A 11 50 OM8577 2 90 8228 4 95 5 MHZ ~ :; MAN67 40 cc 60 99 game cassettes. The main board is 16" x 20 "
74LS107N 40 9368 350 8223 350 8251 4 75 10 MHZ options. and includes space for all of the previously
74LStt 2N 45 4100 1000 8253 6 95 18 MHz 390
74LS11 3N 45 416 250 INURFACE 8255 4 75 20 MHz 390 OKWIREWRAPTOOLSinatoct On Board Options discussed on-board options . Full on-board ex-
390 Compt e1e lrne oi APProduc1s 1ns1ock
74LS 132N
~ : t~m ~
12 95
8096 g~ :~~; ~ ;~ ~~7~~~~ <00 16 channel A to D; 5 slot 60 pin bus , 2 serial pansion can be completed for under $1000.00.
<;0 ports, parallel ports; 3 video options , 48K
m~m~ H ES1s8o:s :~~~
1802CE plas
1802f plas
13 95
17 95
1 8432 MHz
3 5795 MHZ 120 KUBOAROS
56 key ASCII hyboard ~11 $7495
Call for further details, option prices etc.
74LS1 62N 95 ~~O ~ ~~ m~
1 25 1861P 595 2 0100 MHz
~~ RE~~s:e~~~P~ wat~r ~ ~~i~ ~~Hz 5 "'
395 Fully assembled
395 Enclosure Pias\lc
1995 RCA Cosmac 1802 Super Elf Computer Kit $106.95
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Metal Enclosure
1 4 95 100 per type o1s ~ ~m ~~; 395
The Super Elf is a tremendous value as it com- eluding a series of lessons to help get you
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70~ IOOb~PIII-nrl
The Super Elf expansion capability is virtually
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use it for training and R&D. A monthly news-
complete lines in stock. 81"
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Send for catalog. S359 .0D.Spm hiC $79.95
interface, additional memory, color video , Ba- ware for the Super Elf and there are many soft-
sic. ASCII keyboard , printer, floppy, S-100 bus , ware books available at low cost.
RS232 . etc . Free 14 Page Brochure
Modem Kit $60.00 The Super Elf comes complete with power sup- Send or call for a free brochure on all details
State of the art, orig., answer. No tuning neces- ply and detailed 127 page instruction manual and pricing of the Super Elf and its expansion.
sary. 103 compatible 300 baud. Inexpensive which includes over 40 pages of software , in- We will get it right out to you!
acoustic coupler plans included. Bd. Only
$17.00. Article in June Radio Electronics.
Z80 Microcomputer
16 bit 1/0, 2 MHz clock. 2K RAM , ROM Bread-
board space. Excellent for control. Bare Board
$2B.50. Full Kit $99.00. Momtor $20.00. Power
Supply Kit $35.00. Tiny Basic $30.00

TERMS: $5.00 min. order U.S. Funds. Calif. residents add 6% tax. Prices FREE s d 1 1 N 82
$10.00 min. VISA and MasterCard accepted. $1.00 insurance optionaL subject - en or your copy o our EW 19
Shipping: Add 5%; orders under $25.00-10%. to change QUEST CATALOG. Include 88 stamp.
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Pkg. of 2 5.5 MHz IFs). Just the thing for converting CBs
and communications receivers to receive Can be chassis-mounted . Optional hood allows use
NBFM! 10-24VDC. 276-1759 ..... ....... 1.79 of non-ribbon type multiconductor cables when less
High "Q" -300 or More!
LM565 PLL. For FM SCA (background music) than 25 conductors are required .
5-60 pF. PC mountable, with mini screwdriver and RTTY decoders. modems, infrared com- [8] Male. 276-1547 .................... 2.99
slot adjustment. For IF and low-level RF peak- municators, frequency synthesizers and [] Female. 276-1548 .............. . .... 3.99
ing. 2721340 . . . ... Pkg. of 2/1.59 more. 141-pin. 276-1720 ............. 1.69 IQJ Hood. 276-1549 .. ..... ............ 2.19
SPST DIP Switch 120-Volt Neons Whip Antenna
149 79
Pkg. of 2 299 /NEW!f
Dual " brute-force"
Fits 8-Pin
11'iiiiiPiiioi L-C sections greatly DIP Socket High brightness NE-2's Universal replacement with 5 sections ,
reduce automobile prewired to dropping re- extends from 73/," to 30'h". Mounting
igniton/alternator Perfect for on-board low-current sistors for 120-volt AC/DC flange. Red plastic tip for safety.
noise in CBs, switching. 275-1304 ......... 1.49 use . 272-1100 ..... 2/79 270-1401 ..... 2.99
boosters, tape
players. 10 amps.
270-051 .. 17.95. Our Best-Ever Analog Multimeter SPST Toggle Switch
With LED Indicator
Autosound Faders
[8] And Selector 4995 {NEW!j 299
Great for dashboards and
Big 5-lnch Color-Coded Scale
[] proj&cts. LED glows when
Built-In "Beep" Continuity Tester "on." Rated SA. 12VDC use
Fused and Overload Protected only. 71"" mounting hole.
275-680 2.99
"Pro" features and durability at a rock-
bottom price! 21 ranges. 30,000 ohms-
per-volt DC sensitivity, easy access to bat- Engineer's Notebook II
tery and fuse compartment. Timesaving
IAJTape/Radio Selector. audible continuity test Measures to 1000 By Forrest Mims Ill
270-045 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.99 volts AC and DC in 12 ranges. DC current
Iill Selector With Stereo Fader. to 10 amps in five ranges. RYsistance to
270-046 " " . . " " .. 5. 99 10 megs in four ranges and dB in five
(C) High-Power Fader. Handles 50 ranges. With manual, probes. Requires 9V
walls. 270-048 . . .. 6.99 and "C" batteries. 22210 . . .... 49.95 "Idea Book "
Of Practical
IC Circuits
Charging System Knobs For 1/4" Shafts RF Chokes And Data
Analyzer Cut 24/o
Zln!5 249
1.69 79 L.o:~'fi'lcE!
Pkg. of 2 Revised to in-
10 [.lH. 1.5 amps. (Was 89~ in 1982 clude more circuits, tips
Catalog) . 273-101 ......... 79 and data. Easy-to-read "graph paper"
100 [.lH . 2.0 amps . (Was $1.09 ir format. Useful for beginners and
1982 Catalog) . 273-102 ..... . !19 "pros" alike! 276-5002 .... 2.49

1tad1o lhaeK
Retail prices may vary at individual stores and dealers

AUGUST 1982 99
RATE: Ads are 2" by 3". 1 insertion: $550.00. 6 insertions: $525.00 ea. 12 insertions, $500.00 ea. Closing

Computer Mart date: 1st of the 2nd mo. preceding cover date. Send order and remittance to Computer Mart, POPULAR ELECTRONICS,
1 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10016. Direct inquiries to (212) 725-4216.

Reads / programs 2704 , 2708, 2758, 2508, 2516 , 2716
DISCOUNT (single supply) , 2532 . 2732 , INTEL'S 2732A and
the 8755A ( INTEL / NEC) with no personai17Yiii'odules
r.eqU'he'JTAll power is d~rived from the S-lOO bus , all
COMPUTERS s1gnals are S-100 compatible. Port mapping occupies
NO memory space.
An on -board wait -state generator allows use with bus
CALL US clock rates exceeding 6mhz. , with no los s in perform-
LAST tor All software is 8080/ 8085 / 280 compatible and IS fully
COOS and CP j Mcompatible. Software include s "m enu "
the LOWEST command. ' 'Intelligent'' EPROM read /write and dru;k I ul to the computer
f. __
... _.~. ~ ~;. 1/ 0 commands , and functions usually found only in
"We monitored lh~n"::.:ter and tound abso:.
price! ''monitors'' and'' de buggers''
with a specially bu houl the tape
UNIPROM board (A & T) with extensive documenta lutely no dropouts throulrace Papadopoulos
tion, including source listings- $199.00.
UNIPROM disk-based software with source on disk Beaverton, OR

and listing (specify 5.25" or 8" COOS or Ca~l resoden:s add e"o sales Ia~
CP/M, or NORTHSTAR 5.25" CP/M) - 1 DDZ. 2 DDZ. Shoppong 1 doz $2. 2 doz $3 50
$38.00. ITE.
3 doz $A 50 Each itdd<toonat doz
UNIPROM EPROMbased software (2532) $55.00. C05 0 ISO 0 tJSO sso
it will be worth the call!
s... u
COOS is a registered trademark of CAOMECO, INC.
fJ6~ is a registered trademark of DIGITAL RESEARCH ,
0 800 0 1440
Q IOOO 0 1800

NORTHSTAR is a registered trademark of NORTHSTAR Hard Box u
'" ""
SoltBo 0 200 0 340

C.ll: 213n10-1430
118 S. MILL ST. PRYOR, OK. 74Jb1
YORH 10 Computerware
24573 K1tl11dqe Sr P I Canoga Park CA 91307


ATARI 800 .. . 675 DISK DRIVES
TI 99 4/A .... 360 MODEMS
VIC 20 ...... 255 PRINTERS
MODEL Ill 16K 1825 MODEL 400 16K 1329
11148K 11,999 Model800 48K 1779 SOFTWARE
Price -'- We have the best price. Check HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT KINDS
the others. but call us. MANY MAJOR MANUFACTURERS
AP101 Apple II with Single Disk Drive. $109
Selection - ATARI APPLE TRS-80

AP1 02
Apple II with Double Disk Drives .
Apple II, 9 inch Monitor & Double Drives
AP104 Apple///, two additional Drives & Silentype 139
Service - Most items in stock for ~ASH, CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER,
AP1 05 12 inch monitor plus accessories . 99 immediate shipment. Call or write for Free
RS201 TRS-80 Model I. Expansion Unit & Dri.-es 109 ~0 C.O.D.'s. TENN. RESIDENTS ADC
RS202 TRS-80 Monitor or TV set . 84 40 page catalog of over 600 items.
R$204 TR$-80 Model Ill . 129 ~%% TAX. NO CHARGE FOR
15 Marshall Hill Road
RS205 Radio Shack Color Computer 89
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P401 Paper Tiger 440 445 460 . 99
Centronics 730 737 Line Printer II IV
Epson MX70 or MX80 .
89 Discount 07480-2198
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- - - - - - - 201-728-8080 NASHVILLE, TENN. 37211
5650 INDIAN MO~~~&Uc~~~M(B~~e0~~~~~3ni141 BBB-9464 -~ CALL TOLL FREE: 615-834-1404


YES you can save up to 90% on a
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s, Clubs etc .. Assemble as many as you
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ons. CP/M 2.2 and 1K EPROM manito
$200.00 buys a Full Function
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all CP/M Software. Sp'ecifications: ZBO
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color I Video Controller (80X25), 8K EPROM, If you get our
computer 4K oH\.~oo RAM, Clock Calendar chip, Printer FREE BROCHURE
Keyboard Port, over 64 Parellell/0 lines, TODAY
s310 regulators. Expansion area and Ex-
sian Interface connector. The one board DIGATEK CORPORATION
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call TOLL FREE 18G0-:S4:S8124 DATA WORLD INCORPORATED 2723 West Butler Drive
COfnnl.. . . 245A Great Road 8061 Watson Road Phoenix AZ 85021
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Write tor your US' 617 486 3193 (31 96.1-2229 ROLL-YOUR-OWN TECHNOLOGY
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A superb learning tool for Data Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . $CALL
students, instructors, hobbyists. Scotch 744-0RH Box of 1o
Complete experimenter's manual. easy
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THE CONNECTION bread-boarding and prototyping. Buy 2 Epson, Zenith, MI. Computer,
tor on ly $279.g5. Money back guarantee. UMI, NEG. Sony, Games
Connect your IBM Selectric R, 2KB BASIC available, $19.00 - -
IBM Electronic, or Olivetti
typewriter to any Microcomputer. 5600 PLUS-FREE GIFT: ~ P. 0. Box 4380-PE, Torrance, CA 90510
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ESCON Products, Inc. textb.ook FREE when you order within " twx'910 349-6211 AGENFTRA TRNC
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12919 Alcosta Blvd.
San Ramon, Ca. 94583
Dept PE082
.e'~~- 14803 NE 40th
t.) Retail: OMC
20695 S. Western Ave. # 124
( 800) liii
Redmond, WA 98052
Torrance, CA 90501
(415) 820-1256
227-2148 g~LL TOLL-FREE 1-800-426-1 044 (213) 328-1760

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TA ..DON Model TM 1Q0.1 $219.95':.a.
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following microprocessors
Floppy Drive Power Connector Kit .... ...... . $2.00*
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Two-pass assembly, w/forward references
12'' Green Phospher Zenith Monitor . . $119.95"
Manufacturer's complete instruction set
We also stock TM100-2's, the TM 602S, 603S , MULTIFILE Data Storage System. A versatile multi-purpo se t 1t.
Long error messages, free-format input mg s_ystem l~r 16K ZX81 . Menu-driven. The number . s1ze and
and the 603E Winchester Drives. head_':lg of l1les are user-dellnable. Files may be created .
Written in 1966 ANSI standard FORTRAN IV
CALL NOW - TOLL FREE " Industrial" Macroassemblers also feature macros, conditional :~1~it~dio~i~'Q~~~~tat~d Z~e~~~~:~isa~~ov~~~fr~\j~~~~~~l
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800-824-7888 all states except CA. ~~~~~!d a~~t~a~;t~n~7v!n d~rua~~~tt~r7'~~~~~i;t~~~a~~~~~::
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Ask tor Operator #99. Machlne(s)) MACRO ASSEMBLERS ZXAS Machine COde Assembler (16K) $9.95
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ZX CHESS!_~our choice of 7 levels ot play . white or black . set
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"Plus shipping. 1 K PROGRAM PACK. 8 compact , entertaining programs $9.95
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For info call: 316-683-9225 ual, shipping {USA) , and program support. All programs shipped 10 EXCITING ZX81 PROGRAMS $14.95
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(213) 641-?101 (800) 421-2418


Highest quality available
Reduces power consumption
Reduces heat 2708 2.60 7805 .75
2716 4.00 7812 .75
48K Board 14oo1 $240 27161(350ns)
TMS 2716
A2-1 LOGIC ANALYZER plugs into the APPLE 2 2732 12.00 7912 .85
32K Board (4001'8oo) $100 COMPUTER. It has 60 wirewrap socket probes. 32 2532 12.00 7915 .85
input displayed as columns of 1'sand O's on Apple
INTEC screen. 16 user programmable outputs, clock RAMS MICROPROCESSORS
PERIPHERALS lead, 11 ground le?ds. BASIC, Pascal, and assem- 411 6(200ns) B/13.00 ZBOACPU 5.50
bly routines supplied in source form for sample 4116(150ns) B/16.00 BOBOA 3.00
CoRP mode, trissermode, setting outputs. Also user pro- 2114(200ns) 8/18.00 BOBSA 7.00
906 E. Highland Ave. grammable. A2-1 card with probe leads, manual, 2
San Bernardino. CA 92404 diskettes-$400.00. Send for free information. TERMS: Check, Visa, Mastercard. C~ ll for C.O.D.
(714) 881-1533 Kanel Corporation U.S. Funds only. California Residents adq 6% Sales Tax.
Box 539 SHIPPING: Add $2.00 lor Ground $5.00 lor Air
ATARI. 400,800 are Trademarks of ATARI, Inc . New York 13790 ALL PARTS 100% GUARANTEED


TOTAL Error-Free 5lf4-inch Diskettes (MD-
RAM 5) single-sided, soft sector, single or
double density, reinforced hub.
For the '89 Item Qty 10 Qty 50
3 MP/M IICompatible Banks MD-5 $25.00 $110.00
"Invisible Disk" CP/M.,. C-10 $ 7.50 $ 32.50
Software Included C-20 9.00 39.00
C-60 11.50 50.00 ~ oxE:-;spp:Efii:s E
Only C-90 15.00 70.00 directly into any vacant
allow you to transfer data
to EPROMs. No additional power supplies are


In Continental USA
CA Customers add taxes
required. All timing & control sequences are
handled by the programmer. Each unit in-
cludes internal DC to DC switching regulator,
MICRO SYSTEMS ZIF socket and 4 ft. ribbon cable terminated
2264 - 15thAVE.W SEATILE, W/ A98119 MICROSETTE ~:~~ ~~~~J~up,0 ~r~%aa'T's";~;~ ~~e3 ~~s~ilable
(206]285-7266 (800]426-2841
475 Ellis St., Mt. View, Oliver Advanced Engineering, Inc.
676 W. Wilson Ave., Glendale, CA 91203
CP/ M & MP/ M II"' are r egistered trademarks of
D1gital Research, Pacific Gr ove, CA. CA 94043 (415) 968-1604 (213) 2400080 or Telex 194773

1 7 8 up 50 u p
2716 (SV, 450nS) $3.95 $3 .55 CALL
2732 (SV. 450nS) 7.85 6 .95 CALL ~
2532 (SV. 450n S) I I .20 9.25 CALL Model II 64k...... ...$3288
Model Ill l~k..... ........... $825
STATIC RAM Modellll48k 2 Drives RS232... .....$2069
6116P3 I I SOnS) 7 .50 7.20 CALL Color Computer 4k Levell..... .. ....$308
2114L2 (200n S) 2. 10 I .70 CALL Color Computer 16k Extended Basic .............. $459


4164 (200nS) 7 .90 7.49 CALL All printers and accessories in stock.

MISC Discount Prices

CPU ZBOA . on full line of Radio Shack & TCS Custom
$5.29 ea. Computers and Accessories. Call for catalog
CDP 185 4ACE (UART) $4.80 ea.
16K RAM Expansion Kit
fo r T RS -80 M od Ill $ 12 .95/ 8 Texas Computer Systems
~ SUNTRON/CS CO., INC. P.O. Box 1327 Arlington. Texas 76004-1327
TOLL FREE 800-433-5184
~ STORE HOURS l\1un f ,. lQ.,.nt< 630u,-S~t 10d~' Sum
Texas Residents 817-274-5625
PAYMENT: Money order, cashier's check or
(213} 644-1149 1-800-421-5775 certified check. Prices reflect 3% cash discount.
M m Ord er $ 10 P/ H $ 2. A ccept V! SA . M as terc ard. Check or M 0 Call for VISA and Mastercard prices. \

2K 4K HOM EPROM (2516) EPROMs are not suppli ed.
~6 I 0 lines-- parallel series handshake
( 6 mdepcndent port s)
Ali CPU corHrol lm cs are avai lable at the connec tors.
This cllrd is us eful for the va st ma joriry of corHrol
application s.
3" X 2"
Pn cc: 5149. 00 ( assembled and tested)
2K ROM EPROM (25l6 '27l6)EP R0Ms are not suppl
22 I 0 lines -varalle! serie s handshake
( J independent ports) in your shop and make big
.\fosr C PU control lines are availa"'e at the connec tors.
Thi s card is ve ry useful for small control applicarion s.
PICTURE YOUR AD HERE! profits on every copy_ We
Price : $11 9. 00 (ass embled and restedJ all shipping and give you
a~ovc boards have a CRYSTAL time l>a se, an
. 256 byte s of RAM , I limer , and a power-on FREE display rack. Minimum
ator light. Data and in ternal t-us control lin es are not
access ible. The toards are supported by complete and order 8 copies/issue.
extensive manuals. Acc ess connectors are dout-le row
pm header style. There arc solder masks and legends on
top quality p.c. boards . FOR DETAILS,
6020 Don zphlln Drwe
El Paso, Texas 79932
(91j ) j8! 6697
AUGUST 1 (212) 7257518
Electronics Classified
CLASSIFIED RATES: Per Word, 15 Word Minimum. COMMERCIAL: $3.50. PERSONAL: $2.00, EXPAND-AD: $5.25. Ads set in all bold type @ 20% premium. Ads
set with background screen @ 25% premium. DISPLAY: 1" x 2 v.", $425.00. 2" x 2'14'', $850.00. 3" x 2v.", $1 ,275.00. GENERAL INFORMATION: Frequency rates and
prepayment discounts available. Payment must accompany order except credit card- Am. Ex., Diners, MC, VISA (include exp. date)- or accredited ad agency
insertions. Copy subject to publisher's approval; must be typewritten or printed. First word set in caps. Advertisers using P.O. Boxes MUST supply permanent address
and telephone number. Orders not acknowledged. They will appear in next available issue after receipt. Closing date: 1st of the 2nd month preceding cover date (e.g.,
Mar. issue closes Jan. 1). Send order & remittance to: Classified Advertising, Popular Electronics Magazine, 1 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016. Direct inquiries to
Rose Lynch, (212) 725-7686.
SOUND SYNTHESIZER KITS-Surf $19.95, Wind $19.95,
FOR SALE Wind Chimes $24.95, Musical Accessories, many more.
Catalog free. PAIA Electronics, Box J14359, Oklahoma City,
OK 73114.
GOVERNMENT and industrial surplus receivers, transmitters,
snooperscopes, electronic parts, Picture Catalog 25 cents. RESISTORS, V.W, Y2W5%C.F. 3eea., 1% Metal films. NO
Meshna, Nahant, Mass. 01908. MINIMUMS, Cabinet Assortments, Quantity Discounts. De-
tails from: JR INDUSTRIES, 5834-E, Swancreek, Toledo, OH
ELECTRONIC PARTS, semiconductors, kits. FREE FLYER. 43614.
Large catalog $1 .00 deposit. BIGELOW ELECTRONICS,
Bluffton, Ohio 45817.
SAVE UP TO 50% on name brand test equipment. Free cata-
log and price list. Salen Electronics, Box 82, Skokie, IL 60077.
TELETYPE EQUIPMENT: Copy Military, Press, Weather,
Amateur, Commercial Transmissions. Catalog $1 .00.
WEATHER-MAP RECORDERS: Copy Satellite Photographs, GET SMART,
National-Local Weather Maps. Learn How! $1.00. Atlantic It's vital you read our up-
Sales, 3730 Nautilus Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11224. Phone: (212) dated 94 page technical
372-0349. information manual used
by the office of Consury~er
ELECTRONICS. Video Recorders, Color Cameras, advanced recommended by NASA. DECODE Morse, RTIY, and ASCII signals from air-
Telephone Projects. BROADCAST Electronics. 50 page color Complete, easy to under-
catalog of unusual electronic projects AIR MAILED $3.00; stand, beautifully detailed.
waves with new CODESTAR. LED readout or con-
with 3 hour audio cassette dramatization of our catalog $5.00. -only $7.95 today! nect your computer/printer. Keyboard, other items
Don Britton Enterprises, PO Drawer G, Waikiki, Hawaii
CALL 24-hrs. C.O.D. HoUine (305) 339-7600 also available. Kits or assembled. MICROCRAFT,
Box 513PE, Thiensville, WI 53092. (414) 241-8144.
POLICE/FIRE SCANNERS, crystals, antennas, CBs, Radar
Detectors. HPR, Box 19224, Denver, CO 80219.
PRINTED CIRCUIT supplies, chemicals, tools, artwork, plat- Box 442-A, Altamonte FL 32701
ing solutions. Major credit cards. Catalog $2.00, refundable.
and medical channels. Also telephone recording
CIRCOLEX, Box 198, Marcy, NY 13403. RF POWER TRANSISTOR - TUBE CATALOG FREE . adaptor. Same day service. Satisfaction guaran-
MRF453/MRF455A/SK1451 - $14.00; MRF454/SRF2072/ teed. Don Nobles Electronics, Inc. Route 7, Box
RECONDITIONED TEST EQUIPMENT $1 .00 for catalog. MRF2769 - $1 7.00; MRF245/MRF247 - $27.00; 2N4048 -
WALTEA'S TEST EQUIPMENT, 2697 Nickel, San Pablo, CA $6.20; Exclusive Repair Center for PALOMAR PRIDE, etc. 257-A, Hot Springs, AR 71901. (501) 623-6027.
94806, (415) 758-1050. Westcom, 1320 Grand, San Marcos, CA 92069. (714) 744-
NEW ELECTRONIC PARTS. Continuously stocked. Stamp
COMPUTERS CCTV. Also monitors, cameras, kits. FREE
brings catalog. Daytapro Electronics, 3029 N. Wilshire Ln., Ar-
VIDEO CATALOG. Phone (402) 987-3n1 . Dealers Wel-
lington Hts., IL 60004.
ELECTRONIC CATALOG. Over 4,500 items. Parts, & compo-
Precision 25" Parabolic Antenna
comed. ATV RESEARCH, 13-P Broadway, Dakota City, NE
68731 .
nents. Everything needed by the hobbyist or technician. $2.00 e Prebuilt Converter and Preamp
e Assembled Power Supply BUYER BEWARE- Consumer guide to SATELLITE TELEVI-
postage & handling (United States Only), refundable with e Lowloss Coaxial Cables SION - $3. GhosUighters, Route 2, Box 136B, Stevensville,
first $15.00 order. T & M Electronics, 472 East Main St. , e One Year Warranty
e Montana 59870.
Patchogue, NY 11772. (516) 289-2520. Completely Buih and Tested
PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS, your artwork. Quick delivery.
3110 Evelyn Street CABLE TV CONVERTERS & EQUIPMENT. Plans and
Reasonable. Atlas Circuits, Box 892, Lincolnton, NC 28092.
(704) 735-3943. ~?i-~~~~9~~ 55113 ~ parts. Build or buy. For more information send
$2.00: C& D ELECTRONICS INC., P.O. Box 21, Jeni-
son, Ml 49428.
Send &De For Big Bargain Catalog MICROWAVE TV DOWNCONVERTERS, Downconverter
board, power supply board, Antenna Cookbook, with detailed
plans, $20.00. Downconverter parts $15.00, power supply
parts $15.00. Micro Engineering, P.O. Box 17231 , Minneapo-
lis, MN 5541 7.

SUBSCRIPTION TV. Sync pulse suppressed systems. The-

ory/circuits. Educational manual, $9.95. WORKSHOP, Box
393-PE1D, Bethpage, NY 11714.


your Earth Station. Satellite "(elevision, RD 3, Oxford, NY

FREE CATALOG 99 cent kits. Parts. Bargains Galore! ALL-

KIT, 434 West 4th St., West Islip, New York 11 795.
FREE KIT CATALOG contains test equipment. Phone 415-
Livermore, CA 94550.
subscription to catalog and newsletter. ROBOT MART, 19 .
West 34th St., New York, NY 10001 . SATELLITE TV MICROWAVE TV ANTENNAS 2Ghz. Best in the West! Com-
SATELLITE TELEVISION ... HOWARD/COLEMAN boards FANTASTIC 80 Iii CHANNELS plete with cable, accessories, warranty. $125.00. Dealers
to build your own receiver. For more information write . Wanted! GALAXY ELECTRONICS, 6007 N. 61st Ave., Glen-
New antenna construction plans plus big 8 x 11
ROBERT COLEMAN, Rt. 3, Box 58-APE, Travelers Rest, book loaded with aiming info. kits, LNAs and re- dale, Arizona 85301 . (602) 247-1151.
S.C. 29690. ceivers at wholesale prices. Far better than cable FREE FLYER! IC's, resistors, capacitors, jacks, etc., plus
TV' Enjoy crystal clear reception. Send $9.95 to-
UHF GATED PULSE SUPPRESSED KIT $39.00. UHF day. Add $200 for 1st class (air mail) or call our SSM music synthesizer/audio IC"s, power amp modules, ana-
SINEWAVE SUPPRESSED KIT, $37.00. Both include parts, 24 hr. COD order line (305)862-5068 Now. log delay IC"s, computer books, and more. Also plans for ana-
manual, and Etc hed Board. Manual only $4.60. Catalog Global TV Electromcs. P.O. Box 219-E. Maitland. FL 32751 log delay/chorus unit! PGS Electronics, P.O. Box 749-A, Terre
$2.00. J&W Electronics, P.O. Box 61 , Cumbertand, Rl 02864. Haute, IN 47808.
MICROWAVE TELEVISION "DOWNCONVERTERS." Intro- PC BOARDS: and Components Plus Tools. Quantity: 100 1M APPLESOFT ROM SETS- Original Apple parts, 6 ROMS,
ducing powertul new 5-page design. Easily Assembled. Cata- Sq inch $.082 $.072 $350. Ea. hole .005 .0045 min. Ea. Au includes Applesoft Basic and Autostart Monitor. Converts
logue: $2.00 (refundable). NOS, Box 12652-E, Dallas, Texas finger .036 .031. Ess Plus. 800-3231554, IL: 312-456-4709. your Apple II to an Apple II+. Brand new, tested, guaranteed,
75225. installation instructions, and insured UPS included $99. Elec-
trovalue Industrial Inc., Box 157-P, Morris Plains, NJ 07950.

~10 FREE LED's

Phone 201-267-1117.
prices plus service and quality. Call TOLL FREE t-800-458-
6053. In Pennsylvania (814) 837-6820. MCNISA honored. APPLE BUILDERS- Send stamp for your flyer of Apple
B&D ENTEPRISES, Box 305, Kane, PA 16735. ;: Introductory offer: Ten prime T-1 or parts. Keyboards, IC sets, ROM sets, connectors, Shugart
:::: T-1 3/4 red LED's. $2.00value. Include SA-400 disk drives with Apple modification kits etc. Electro-
$1 to help cover postage & handling. value Industrial Inc., Box 157-P, Morris Plains, NJ 07950.

CABLE TV ~u( ~!~~0~~-~~-=~ PE082

IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER and 8088 boards and plug-ins
in kit form. Build it yourself and save. Free information. Com-
CONVERTERS patible Computer Corp., Dept. PE3, Box 51102, Seattle, WA
ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT & STOCK from a sound and or-
AND EQUIPMENT gan repair business. Only as entire package. Call 607 729- BOND CALCULATIONS for TRS-80 Pocket Computer. Price,
BUY DIRECT & SAVE 3814. yield and interest for most securities. Send $50.00 for pro-
FANTASY GAME PLAYER? Build this electronic super dice. grams or $2.00 for details to: Downum, 1117 Flanders, Gar-
40 CHANNEL Absolutely random . Select any even roll from 2-30 aan 100. ner, NC 27529.
CONVERTER Big digital display. Compact. $19.95 + $1.00 postage. Other
$38 Regular $69 inexpensive kits. Super prices. Super quality. H Co., Box 455, POWER SUPPLIES FOR FLOPPY and hard discs, mini and
Sandy, UT 84070. Micro Computers aod many others. Extreme isolation Trans-
AMATEUR MICROWAVE former, for ridding your computer of troublesome line noise.
ANTENNA AMAZING ELECTRONIC DICE GAME - LED display, com- Send for free catalog: XENTEK, 0. Drawer 1209, San Mar-
plete kit $12.95- D A DESIGN, P.O. Box 401382, Garland, cos, California 82609. (714) 744-3346.
Microwave Parabolic Antenna
Texas 75040.
26 DB Gain
Advanced Down Converter TEST EQUIPMENT, tools, parts, aids. Save. Free catalogue.
Power Supply Included Color-tech Electronics, P.O. Box 12916, Rochester, NY COMPUTER SOFTWARE
Low-Loss Coaxial Cables MATH/SCIENCE SOFTWARE for TRS-80, PET, Apple II .
Complete-Ready to Install SUBSCRIPTION TELEVISION Microwave Downcon- Write for free catalogue: MICRO-LEARNINGWARE, Box
$119 Elsewhere $289 2134, N. Mankato, Minnesota 56001 , 507-625-2205.
Send $2 for Complete Catalog
verters; UHF Sinewave Systems using Advanced
Quantity Discount VISA COD
Circuitry and Technology. External TV connections.
Fifty other complete Kits available. Send $1.00 for AMATEUR RADIO
PO BOX 19462 COUNTS, DISCOUNTSI Prompt Shipping. Madison Electron-
2081-G, 3rd Street, Riverside, CA 92507. ics, 1508 McKinney, Houston, TX 77010. Daytime:1-713658-
LOUISVILLE, KY 40219 0268.
For Orders Only 800-626-5533 ACOUSTIC TEST SET for adjusting equalizers, speakers;
$449.00. Free brochure. HALL ENGINEERING, Dept. Z2,
For lltformation 502-969-1810
P.O. Box 506, Martinsville, N.J. 08836.
ULES. Gated Pulse or Sine Wave. Latest design. Plans, kits, GET MORE CB CHANNELS AND RANGE! Frequency Ex-
HOME MICROWAVE RECEIVER- Write: "Dealers Want- panders, speech processors, secret FM converters, how-to-
factory built. Revealing information, price lists $2.00 refund-
ed", t 739 Douglass Rd., SuiteD, Anaheim, CA 92806. (714) books, plans, modifications. Catalog $2. CB CITY, Box
able. LEE-TRONIX, Box 253, Taylor, Ml 48180.
937-0483. 31500PE, Phoenix, AZ 85046.
CUSTOM TV SCHEDULES for individual channels: HBO,
pensive to build. Plans only $4.00. Box 30636, Tucson, AZ BEARCAT Scanners: Sales, Service, Trades (Bearcat only),
SHOWTIME, MOVIE CHANNEL. $18.00 per year, or send for
85751 . Save. CRYSTALS: $2.75. RADIOSALES, 3462 Oakland,
sample. Box 947-PE, Gresham, OR 97030.
Oshkosh, WI 54901.
STOP! DON'T PAY EXTRA! Buy our high-gain 2 to 2.5
V CARBON RESISTORS 2 ea. Any variety. Quantity dis-
GHz Microwave Television Down Converter kit with tem-
counts. Cl Electronics, P.O. Box 3034, Camarillo, CA 93011 .
perature stabilization and power supply (less transform-
er) for $45. Down Converter board and parts, only $29.95.
NEW, UNCUT MOVIES FREEl Receive up to 60 satellite
channels on your home receiver. Sporting events, religious GUARANTEED! Send payment to : HOPTRONIX, Box
programs, other TV stations and more. Catalog $3. MDS Spe- 401382, Garland, TX 75040.
cialist, Box 67, Southaven, MS 38671.
CIRCUIT BOARDS, make your own, professional resist pro-
cess $17.95 .kit. JESKEN ENTERPRISES, 6400 Sycamore,
SHORTWAVE LISTENERS! Free catalog. High quality SWL Coloma, Ml 49038.
equipment! RADIO WEST, 3417 Purer Rd., Escondido, CA
92025. (714) 741 -2891 . The Only all SWL store in the Known SATELLITE TELEVISION! Super discount prices! Most
World. equipment lines available. Don't delay-call today! COMMUNI-

DISCOVER THE BROOK ... Hear the soothing, peaceful

sound of this UNIQUE SYNTHESIZER. Complete plans are
T11e First Low Distortion Car s,..ken. now available. Incredibly refreshing, thoroughly relaxing.
Good news travels fast and sounds great MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! Send $4.95 to: Synthesys- 36 CHANNEL CABLE COIWERTER
when it's from Speakerlab-now with new tems, Box 11843, Albuq., NM 87192.
speaker systems handmade for your car and LATEST FORMERLY TOP SECRET circuits for pay TV sys-

$29?~more 24.9~
featuring polypropylene woofers, custom tems. Education Manual $4.95. Commutec, P.O. Box 7200,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
you and m
have quality .lf
car audio . . 4 ' f :. ! TRANSFORMERS, 1OV-4A $6.95, 14VCT-3A $7.50, 36VCT-
electronics DON'T 1.2A $7. 75. All primaries 120V. $2.50 Shipping. CA residents Call for free catalog 800-523-0721
WASTE MONEY 6% tax. J. Macswan, Box 4697, Downey, CA 90241. Spectrum Electronics, 5932 Market St., Phila., PA 19139
on poor speakers. - . MICROWAVE TV DOWNCONVERTER, assembled and test-
Write for our FREE ed $44.95, Kit $29.95, Power Supply Kit $29.95. Detailed in-
Speaker Catalog. . -- struction manual included. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Check, PLANS AND KITS
M.O., COD. XANDI, Box 25647, Dept. 31 , Tempe, AZ 85282.

s~eal<erlaS PINBALL MACHINE Electronics Module, includes display,

PRINTED CIRCUIT Bqards from sketch or artwork.
audio output, schematic, $24.95. J-TRONIX, Box 1018, Cape Kit projects. Free details. DANOCINTHS Inc., Dept.
Dept. CPE28, 735 N. Northlake Way Canaveral, Florida 32920. PE, Box 261, Westland, Ml 48185.
Seattle, Washington 981 03 UHF CONVERTERS - DELUXE Sine Wave UHF Converter. GIANT SC REEN TV projection system converts any televi-
Sound out of TV like normal with only antenna connection to sion into 7-foot picture. Lens & instructions $14.95. (Dealers
TV or VCR. Kits $1 75. 312/267-3455. LSR ENGINEERING, welcome). Bell Video, 4616 Belair Rd., Baltimore, MD 21206.
Box 6075, Chicago, IL 60680.
OVER 200 PROJECTS and kits, send stamp for list. MATCO FM ST EREO TRANSMITTER KIT. Range up to '!, mile,
ELECTRONICS, Box 316P, Cadillac, Ml 49601 . broadcast quality, 30 db separation, 300 mv audio input sensi-
COMPUTER EQUIPMENT tivity. Tunes 88-108 Mhz, highly stable, 50 ohm out. Requires
+ -15V. Complete kit 89.95. Commercial quality AM TRANS-
SAVE 90% Build Your own Minicomputer. Free Details. Diga- MinERS also available. Free info. STELLATRON, 4942
339-PEt, Middlesex, North Carolina 27557,919-235-3161 .
tek, 2723 West Butler Dr., Suite 20C, Phoenix, AZ 85021. Whrtsett-205, N. Hollywood, CA 91607. 213/506-0415.
LCD Pen Watches, Credit Card Calculators, Stick- USED COMPUTER TER~INALS. Printers, ~ems, Surplus PROFESSIONAL LIMITER-COMPRESSOR-EXPANDER
on Clocks, $8.00 each. Two, $15.00. $1.50 postage. Electronic Parts. Catalog $1 .00. SPECIAL: Daisy Wl)eel Print KITS. Pro specs and features, balanced input, adjustable
er $400.00, Xerox 820 CPU Board $150.00. RONDURE threshold, slope (1 :1 to 100:1). attack and release. Models
A&R TRENDS, 41 Summerfield Drive, lake Grove, COMPANY, THE COMPUTER ROOM, 2522PE, Butler St., from $79 and up. Rack mounting available. Free Info. STEL-
NY 11755. Dallas, TX 75235. (214) 630-4621 . LATRON, 4942, Whitsett-205, N. Hollywood, CA 91607.
WILL BUY ELECTRONIC DEVICES, original designs or com-
MINI FM MIC pleted. Send description only. All replies acknowledged. CIR-
CUIT WORKS, 1118 7th Ave., Neptune, NJ 07753.
Compact s1ze. only 2 x 1 x 3 Transm1t
to FM rad10 88 -108 MHz ExceptiOnal
Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates, for the accom-
aud10 qual1ty Transm1ts stable S1gnal up CASH for your Old Calculator' We want to buy Pre-1974 Elec- plished individual. State-authorized , inexpensive,
to 900 It Complete k1t 1ncl case battery tronic Calculators, particularly early Sharp, Sony, Victor, Tl, efficient. Richard L. Crews, M.D. , President
& mstruc t1ons Only $1 3 95 Assembled Busicom, etc. Reply to: Calculator, P.O. Box 4098, Grand
$18 95 Add $1 55 S& H ea Send 18 Central Station , N.Y., NY 10163, specify model.
stamp for brochure
150 Shoreline, Suite 3008 Mill Valley, CA 94941
Call Toll Free USA: 800-227-1617, ext. 480
S.E. Corp., Box 16969-P
California Only: 800-772-3545, ext. 480
Temple Terrace, Fl 33687 TUBES


TUBES : "Oldies", Latest. Supplies, components, schematics. Schools, 11 months. All work on certified aircraft. Aero Techni-
SINEWAVE SYSTEMS; 2300 MHZ MICROWAVE Catalog Free (stamp appreciated). Steinmetz, 7519-PE Ma- cians, Box 7PE, Rexburg, ID 83440. (208) 356-4446.
plewood, Hammond , Ind. 46324.
DOWNCONVERTER. Best systems available; no in-
ternal connections to JVI Plans $10.00 each; both TUBES-RECEIVING, Industrial and Semiconductors Factory
Boxed. Free price sheet including TV, Radio and audio parts existing credits and Job Experience. Fast, inex-
$15.00. PARTS, KITS AVAILABLE; MC/VISA accepted list. Transleteronic, Inc., 1365 39th St., Brooklyn, New York
pensive. Call (614) 863-1791. Or write: EVALUA-
on parts purchases. Send SASE for parts pricing 11218. Telephone: (212) 633-2800. Toll free: 800-221-5802.
TION, Box 13151-AS, Columbus, Ohio 43213.
and more information on these and other unique HUGE INVENTORY! Thousands of types. Wholesale prices.
plans. COLLINS ELECTRONICS, Box 6424, San Ber- ing Benefits. Free Details, Write: ProMusic, Box 86K, Brook-
burgh, NY 12901.
nadino, CA 92412. field, CT 06804-0086.
FREE CATALOG OF LOW - cost electronic kits. Sirens,
Strobes, Color-Organs, Combination Locks, etc. PPG ELEC- GOVERNMENT SURPLUS
TRONICS, 791 Redrock Road, St. George, Utah 84770. Call
TESLA COIL- 40' SPARKS' Plans $7.50. Information 75 sell for under $200. Call: 312-742-1143, Ext. 4649, for infor-
mation on how to purchase. INVENTIONS WANTED
cents. Huntington Electronics, Box 2009-P, Huntington , Conn.
" GOVERNMENT SURPLUS" Electronics, Jeeps $30.00! 01sclosure reg1Sirat10n Potent1al cash or royalt1es lrom manulacture rs seek1ng ne1~
ATARI-Make your own games, Asteroids rapid fire , Lefthand 800,000 Items! Complete Information Your Area. Largest OF- 1deas For free mtormat10n on how to regiSter your 1deas call or wnte
joystick. Plans $4.00 each. SSC, Box 170272, Arlington, TX FICIAL Directory. $3.00. SURPLUS (A176), 4620 Wisconsin
76003. Northwest, Washington , DC 20016. AMERICAN INVENTORS CORP.
59 Interstate Dr Dept PE
CONVERTERS: $35.00. Commercial free " ALL MOVIE, West Springfreld . MA 01089 (4 13) 737-5376
SPORTS" television adapter. Works in all areas, any televi- PERSONALS A Fee Based Marketmg Company
sion; $150.00. Satellite Television Handbook; with buyers
guide and plans to build your own satellite antenna: $9.95. IDEAS, inventions, new products wanted! Call toll free 1-800-
Dealership opportunities. Order COD #714-885-8244. Cata- MAKE FRIENDS WORLDWIDE through international corre- 528-6050. In Arizona, 1-800-352-0458. Extension 831.
log of equipment and semiconductors ; $1.00 refundable. spondence, illustrated brochure free. Hermes-Verlag, Box
J.D.'s Electronics, Box 2726, San Bernardino, CA 92406. 110660/Z, D-1000 Berlin 11 , W. Germany.

Games. Top money makers. Copyrighted from designer .. MALAYSIA. Free information . AAWS-(PE), Box 2777, Orcutt, FREE CATALOGS. Repair air conditioning, refrigeration .
Send $9.95 for plans, parts manual and price list. Gold Coast, California 93455-0777.
Tools, supplies, full instructions. Doolin, 2016 Canton, Dallas,
Box 155, Brooklyn, NY 11236. Texas 75201.
PENFRIENDS- ENGLAND - USA, through correspon-
CONVERT YOUR TV INTO A GIANT SCREEN PROJEC- dence. Send age, interests. Free reply. Harmony, Box 89PE, MECHANICALLY INCLINED individuals desiring ownership
TOR! Free details! Big TV, Box 2595-P, La Habra, California Brooklyn, New York, 11235. of Small Electronics Manufacturing Business - without in-
90631. vestment. Write: BUSINESSES, 92-K8 Brighton 11th, Brook-
CORRESPONDENCE for friendship! Mexico, Philippines, Eu-
rope, USA. Free information. International , Box 1716-EL,
Complete theory and circuits $9.95. Parts and kits available. Chula Vista, CA 92012. ERASE DEBTS with little-known law-create wealth!! Details
D & S Enterprises, P.O. Box 110901 PE, Nashville, Tennes- FREE- Blueprints, No. EE8, LaGrangeville, NY 12540.
see 37211. UNIVERSITY DEGREES BY MAIL! Bachelors, Mas- MAILORDER OPPORTUNITY! Start profitable home busi-
TELEVISION to oscilloscope conversion. No modifications to ters, Ph.D.'s ... Free revealing details, Counseling, ness without experience or capital. Information free. Mail Or~
TV. Plans and PC board $8.50. MICROGRID, Box 613B, Itha-
ca, NY 14850. Box 317-EP8, Tustin, California 92680. der Associates, Dept 770, Montvale, NJ 07645.
ONE MAN CRT FACTORY. T.V.'s, Business machines, Moni-
CONVERT YOUR $2,000.00 oscilloscope into a $69.99 T.V. UNIVERSITY DEGREES BY SPECIAL EVALUATION of tors, Scopes, VDT's. $3.00 rebuilding nets $100-$500 each
monitor. Complete plans $2.95. Random Access , Box
41770P, Phoenix, Arizona 85080. existing credits and Job experience. Fast, inex- tube. Higher profits overseas. New/used. FACTORY, 1909
Louise, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. (815) 459-0666.
pensive. Call (614) 863-1791. Or write: EVALUA-
LCD WATCH $2.50, Pen watch $3.60. Catalogue $1.00: RE-
ALARMS TION, Box 13151-AS, Columbus, Ohio 43213. LIANT ENGINEERING COMPANY, Box 33610, Sheungwan
Post Office, Hong Kong.
Burglar Fire Pro'lec'lion INSTRUCTION $25,000- INTEREST FREE Ill Keep indefinitely! FREE report.
Write: American , 1601 Main Street, Plainfield, Indiana 46168.
Protect Your Life, Home, Business, Auto, etc.
PICTURE TUBE REBUILDING equipment new and used.
Our catalog shows how . Install your own UNIVERSITY DEGREES BY MAIL! Bachelors, Mas- ATOLL TELEVISION, 6425 Irving Park, Chicago, Illinois
alarm systems and devices and save BU. We
offer FREE write -in engineering service. ters, Ph.D.'s. Free revealing details. Counseling, 60634. (312) 545-6667.

F!(EE CATALOG '~.:;:~:;;,!:';~;:.7:~....,;,. Box 317-PE08, Tustin , California 92680. MAKE MONEY SELLING ELECTRONICS. Wholesale dealer
catalog $5. (redeemable). ETCO, Dept. 532, Box 840, Cham-
Burdex Security Co. Box 82802- PE lincoln, Ne. 68501 strange catalog free! Autosuggestion, Box 24-ZD, Olympia,
plain, NY 12919.
Washington 98507. BORROW $30,000 without interest! All eligible. Repay any-
BURGLAR, FIRE, CAR! Finest equipment! Save! Free Cata-
time. Free details. lnfohouse, Box 1004-PE8, New York, NY
log. AAS, 186A Oxmoor Road , B'ham, AL 35209. LEARN ELECTRONIC ORGAN SERVICING at home. Com- 10003.
pletely revised course covers latest models including digital ,
HIGH FIDELITY 20153, Sacramento, CA 95820. Become a distributer. Investment of only $536 includes TEX-
TOP QUALITY SPEAKERS AND KITS. Send $3.00. Speaker AS INSTRUMENTS home computer. Start building your busi-
Warehouse, 801 North Route 441, Hollywood, FL 33021. ness now! FREE details. Send S.A.S.E.: COMPUTER-PE,
24431 Los Serranos, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677.
COUNT PRICES for SHURE, PICKERING, STANTON, EM- 1,104.00 MONTHLY, immediate cash profits, paid dailyll!
PIRE, GRADO, AUDIO TECHNICA, ORTOFON , ACUTEX, Guaranteed. Scott Sauer, Box 661 , Dept. X, Schoolcraft, Ml
Earn up to $600 a Week & MOrel 49087.
ADC and SONUS. Send S.A.S.E. free catalog. LYLE CAR- No costly school - The Original FCC Tests
TRIDGES. Dept. P., Box 69, Brooklyn, NY 11218. For fast
COD service Toll Free 800-221-0906. N.Y. State (212) 871-
~~~~~~r :c~G.~!~a~~.~~~:.r:;~!~~u~~~s!~ - - ---=------ FREE BOOK " 2042 Unique Proven Enterprises. " Fabulous
Newty revised multiple-choice exams cover all '~ ~--~ ,._JJ-14. ''unknowns," second inflation income. Haylings-M. Carlsbad,
3303. 9AM - 8PM except Sunday. areas t'e sted on the actual FCC Govt exam! CornrndnDA CA 92008.
No previous experience required. $12.95 post PRODUCTIOftS'
b~~~opeybP.Q~u8~~1 26348, San Francisco, CA 9~1~
GOLD, Silver, Platinum, Mercury, Tantalum wanted. Highest MEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY , home study.
prices paid by refinery. Ores assayed. Free circular. Mercury Troubleshoot medical instruments. WTI, P.O. Box 3124, Fres- ELECTRONICS/AVIONICS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI-
Terminal, Box 191, Norwood, MA 02062. no, CA 93650-3124. TIES. Report on jobs now open. Details FREE. Aviation Em-
ployment Information Service, Box 240E, Northport, New
ELECTRONIC STORE NEEDS UNUSUAL games, gadgets, YOUR OWN RADIO STATION! AM, FM, cable, licensed, unli- York 11768.
and gizmos to sell. SUPPLIERS contact: Dick Day, 402-379- censed, low cost transmitters! Free information. Broadcast-
1440, P.O. Box 1187, Nortolk, Nebraska 68701. ing, Box 130-A8, Paradise, CA 95969. Classified Adv Contd on Page 96
~OR.L I.
Personal Electronics News
HANDHELD ELECTRONIC GAMES have been forced to become more innovative in order to
compete with the proliferation of arcade video games. According to Nick Underhill of Entex
Industries, a ma,jor manufacturer of handheld games, pla;yers are becoming increasingly
sophisticated and are now o:tten quicker than the computer. Although the cost for a given level
of game complexity has fallen with the cost of the chips that make the game work, the pla;yers
are demanding more advanced games, which pushes the price back up. Entex's response has
been a 'relatively low-priced system called AdventureVision, whose 6000 pixel dot-matrix
display resembles a TV screen, and is said to be able to reproduce any graphics "from space
mutants to the Mona Lisa." Pla;yers select from among Entex's game cartridges and control the
action with a joystick in one- or two-pla;yer modes.

A ROBOTICS CENTER is being established at the University of Rhode Island. An outgrowth of a

project supported by the National Science Foundation and more than 30 industrial firms, it is
intended to be an experiment in university-industry cooperation. A four-year NSF grant to URI
of $700,400 will be matched in the f"lrst year by contributions from the firms now involved in
the project, with other firms expected to join later. The center should be totally supported by
industry a:tter four years.


cording to Mitsubishi Electric, by using
Mitsubishi's portable GL-500 base mat.
The unit incorporates four sensors and a
micro-computer to compute data about
how you have hit the ball on the mat. Upon
taking a swing, such parameters as head
speed, face angle, hitting area, club-head
swing, carry, ball driving direction, etc.,
are digitally displa;yed-letting you quan-
tifY your errors. All clubs, from driver to
putter, can be used. The GL-500 is now on
sale in Japan, with U.S. sales expected
soon, either under the Mitsubishi name, or
by OEM agreement. Perhaps the next de-
velopment we can expect is a robot caddy,
or maybe an android golf1ng partner who
will give us tips on the stock market-
electronically, of course.

"SMART CARDS", developed by Intelmatique of France, ma;y soon replace Food Stamps, ac-
cording to Richard Sprague of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. The cards, with microcircuits
printed on them, can be interfaced to a central computer via a terminal at the point of
purchase, which then records the transaction on the card itself. The Reagan administration is
said to be interested in issuing "Smart Cards" to welfare recipients in order to eliminate
paperwork and reduce fraud.

CUBAN RADIO INTERFERENCE was again the subject of testimony given before the House
Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications. John B. Summers, Executive Vice President
and General Manager of the National Association of Broadcasters, explained that the Reagan
Administration's proposal to broadcast to Cuba on the 1040 AM frequency via Radio Marti
might provoke Cuban "counter programming" on the same frequency and power level ( 500
kW), causing interference to stations throughout the U.S. operating on that channel. An
alternative, according to Summers, would be to operate Radio Marti at 1610 or 530kHz since
Cuban AM receivers could pick up the broadcasts readily and no U.S. commercial stations
currently operate on those frequencies. Of course, said Summers, the Cubans can interfere with
whatever frequencies they choose to simply by turning a dial. That's why a diplomatic solution
is said to be imperative.
Protect Your
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and Maintain
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The D4TM Record Care System
The highly active D4 fluid and unique di-
rectionally fibered pad removes harmful
microdust and debris that can cause
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The SC-2,M
Stylus Care
SC-2 fluid with the
exclusive nylon fibered
brush effectively loosens
and wipes away stylus contamination,
a major contributor to record wear.

The Discwasher
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and the Discwasher SC-2
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