Endobiosis or Blood Parasitism - The Teaching of Prof. G. Enderlein
Endobiosis or Blood Parasitism - The Teaching of Prof. G. Enderlein
Endobiosis or Blood Parasitism - The Teaching of Prof. G. Enderlein
A modern historian has said it, and at no time was this phrase more applicable than for the current situation
in our medicine.
After 60 years of impeccable research work, Prof. G. Enderlein has brought forth proof for the CAUSAL
origin of all our chronic diseases, including cancer, as well as their successful counteraction.
Prof. Enderlein was a biologist, zoologist, and chief curator of the Zoological Museum in Berlin. He was
born 1872 in Leipzig as the son of a family of teachers. He studied the NaturalSciences, especially
zoology, and concluded his studies with Promotion ?Summa cum laude.? He was the production manager
of the firm SANUM, and founded his own biological Institute where he developed unique preparations out
of mould fungi. He died 1968 in Hamburg, at the age of 96, bodily weakened but in full possession of his
mental faculties.
Before we enter upon a deeper study of Prof. Enderlein?s teaching, we must first provide a brief, historic,
overview, in order to make a correct understanding possible. In all of medical history, there has never been
a more vigorous and passionate scientific controversy than the one between two French scientists:
BECHAMP (chemist-biologist and Prof. of Pharmacy-1816/1908) claimed that all animal and plant cells
contained tiny granules (he called them ?Microzymas?), which do not perish at the death of the organism,
which are the cause of fermentation, and from which also other microorganisms would arise. These
?Microzymas?, he said, were in each living body, human, animal, and plants; they are nonperishing and
indestructible, and they form the transition between non-living and living matter. Under specific, or
pathogenic influences, he said, the ?Microzymas? could develop themselves into bacteria with putre
factive and fermentative properties. Thus, he said, the diseases had their origin from WITHIN the body.
With this, pleomorphism had been discovered and the foundation was laid from which additional research
would have developed, if PASTEUR (microbiologist - 1822/1895) had not interrupted this important work.
He claimed that all microbes, regardless of their type and species, are unchangeable; that each type would
produce only one specific disease; that bacteria and fungi would never arise from spontaneous generation;
and that blood and tissues are sterile in healthy conditions. Diseases, he said, have their origin from bacteria
that attack the body from the OUTSIDE, and stem from preexisting bacteria.
CLAUDE BERNARD (physiologist - 1813/1878) corrected: ?No, Gentlemen, the microbe is nothing. The
milieu is everything.?
As is known, PASTEUR was very eloquent and effective. Thus he succeeded in convincing the scientific
community that he had, indeed, supplied the essential experiments and examination results. Although at that
time there were many authors who concerned themselves with the controversy of these two scientists,
even accusing Pasteur of using BECHAMP ?S research in his own works without giving proper credit, the
name of PASTEUR is known all over the world, and that of BECHAMP is hardly remembered.
Although PASTEUR is quoted to have said on his deathbed: ?Bernard was correct. The microbe is no-
thing, the milieu is everything?, thus giving indirectly acknowledgement of BECHAMP - it was too late ...
Medical thinking had already further developed on the basis of Pasteur?s, oversimplification of micro-
biology, and our current knowledge is based on those partial truths.
Prof. ENDERLEIN entered deeply into BECHAMP?S earlier work and developed it further.
When PASTEUR was 73 and BECHAMP 79, ENDERLEIN was 23. In BECHAMP?S year of death
(1908), he was 36 years old; thus he was his contemporary for many long years.
ENDERLEIN?S discovery occured in the year 1916. On the occasion of his work on typhus, he observed
in the blood-darkfield tiniest moving beings, which entered into union with higher organized bacteria. Their
copulations product became instantly invisi
ble. He surmised sexual processes, through which came about, not higher forms (as in embryonal de-
velopment), but lower forms that were invisible to the eye in the light microscope. These vigorously moving
elements had flagella. He named them SPERMITS. Moreover, he had already recognized that in the blood
of mammals there was always found a symbiont of plant origin. This organism occurred in diverse forms
which, among other things, provided essential functions (thrombocytes) in cases of blood coagulation. Thus,
all life corresponded to a ?gigantic primary symbiosis?, because without the possibility of blood
coagulation, there could be no vertebrates.
Healthy life would have to be an Eusymbiosis; correspondingly, diseases would correspond to a disturbed
symbiosis. The discovery of the ?Spermits?, naturally, could not solve all problems, but once the
foundation of living forms had been touched, the cycle of microbes in its manifold forms became very
quickly describable by Enderlein. He wrote and published over 500 works, most of them about pleo-
morphism and symbiosis. He spent many years with precise research, examining living blood with a dark-
field microscope. This made it possible for him to publish his chief work, BAKTERIEN-CYCLOGENIE
(Publisher W. de Gruyter & Co. Berlin, 1925). In it he presented arguments and proofs for pleomorphism,
which have to this date remained undefeated.
ENDERLEIN shows in this work that in the ?Struggle for Survival?, all species strive after balance
among themselves; that, by no means, the goal is the elimination of other species through unlimited
multiplication, rather the contrary is the case: killing and eating is limited to the unavoidable measure for the
maintenance of the species. We allow ENDERLEIN to express himself directly:
?In 1914, after the First World War began, the medical department of the II.A.K. Allgemeine Kranken-
haus (General Hospital) in Stettin, was unable to find a bacteriologist. Therefore, I personally offered my
services as a volunteer, in the interest of the soldiers .... Yes, they were very favorably disposed toward
me by giving me the rank and income of a staff-doctor although I was in the category of a ?general bio-
logist.? Well, I immediately used these means for the installation of another laboratory in my private house
hold, besides the laboratory in the administrative district of the II.A.K, which was located southwest of
Stettin. Then I tried to work at home late at night in order to continue and establish my studies. From my
home in northeastern Stettin I rode my bicycle to work in the south western part of Stettin right through
town very early in the morning. In this way, I had finished a complete revision of the developmental
processes within the bacteria, along with 330
illustrations, within the span of two years. Because the W. de Gruyter Co. Publishers in Berlin had no in-
tention of printing it during the war, I - seeing its immense significance - began publishing it August 19,
1916, in the ?Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft na turforschender Freunde, Berlin, Year 1915 ? in the
form of a comprehensive abstract with the totality of terms. The identical article became reprinted in the
book ?AKMON?, ?Bausteine zur Vollgesundheit and Akmosophie,? Booklet I, 1955 (pps. 68-70). Then
also the main work appeared. In that were also large portions of the cycles of the primary symbiont: ?Mu-
cor racemosus Fresen? described and illustrated in the ?Bakterie n-Cyclogenie?.
As early as 1915, I had isolated the endobiont (in the form of the bacterial phases occurring in the blood)
out of the blood, and named its pure culture by the valid name ?Mucor racemosus Fresen?, not calling it
by the long antiquated name of ?Leptotrichia buccalis? (Robin 1879). On the basis of this pure culture,
which I cultivated further for decades, (which I had introduced as early as 1915 to an assembly of doctors
near Stettin, as well as to the Director, Dr. med. Gehrcke) - the entire series of the development stages
had already been laid down in the illustrations prepared for the ?Bakterien-Cyclogenie? whereby, for the
first time, a document absolutely contrary to the general opinion regarding the ?sterility? of the blood, has
been brought forth and fixated ...?
Thus, ENDERLEIN in: ?Folia isopathica,? Vol. I, 1961. Preface by President of the Senat, Dr. jur. Ed-
mund Hegel, Berlin.
And further. In ?Immunobiologica? Vol. I, pamphlet ?, 1950: ?On the Disease Complex of
Endobiosis?: ?In contrast to the manifold occasional illnesses of man, which are caused by specific
pathogens, such as e.g. Micrococcus catarrhalis, Bacillus influenza, Treponema syphiliticum,
Pneumococcus, etc. man has two parasitic microbes, which must be understood as the steady companions
of his species. More than that, these two parasites stand in a determined relationship to each other; they
complement and replace each other mutually. First we want to name the Tubercle Bacillus, which has
undergone a series of developmental stages within the human body, on which one or the other of the tuber-
culous diseases are based upon. In its primitive stage - protit and chondrit - it is already transferred
diaplacentally into the embryo ... ?
...?In a biologically and funtionally inseparable relationship to Koch?s bacillus, there is an even more
dangerous parasite in the human species, which I have named the ENDOBIONT. For millions of years
past, the entire mammal family became infected with a fungus - ?Mucor racemosus Fresen?. ... Thus,
the Endobiont is constantly present in the animal body and neither can, nor should it ever be removed; BUT
all stages of its total development within the body and can attack all tissues and organs, more or less.
Exactly this fact is what makes the Endobiont so dangerous for the human being, and precisely this
circumstance has the consequence of the entirely unusual manifoldness of the focal attack. According to
statements of A. Leschke, already the ovum and sperm are attacked, in contrast to Tuberculosis, where an
infection has to occur...?
?... The Endobiont usually occurs as carcinoma, and the Koch Bacillus as lung tuberculosis. But both pa-
rasites may also occur in most of the other diseases, especially in their chondrit stage. Therefore, the
treatment must take this into account, because the diagnostic delineation of the attack is not possible,
particularly in the primitive stage. Thus, a combination treatment is a necessity from the beginning. The
hydrogen-ion-concentration (pH) of the blood gets shifted through the Endobiont, whereby it must be
especially emphasized that the Endobiont expressly devours protein. It is understandable that these facts
create ever enlarging preconditions for the endlessly ongoing development of the Endobiont.
A. LESCHKE made a significant discovery, and proved, that the ferments of the turtle -bacillus (Sclerothrix
antituberculosis Enderlein = Utilin ?S?, was further developed into todays remedy out of Mycobacterium
phlei) are able to absorb and, thereby, neutralize the ferments of the Endobiont. Thereby, the shifted pH
gets restored. This fact forms the unavoidable precondition for every successful treatment, both
antiendobiontically as also specifically.?
In summary, we can say that the researches of Prof. Enderlein have revealed:
1. The cell is not the smallest living unit, but the colloid is
(Colloids are particles of a size under 0,2 pm, which means, they remain below visibility under the light-
microscope, but they lie distinctly above the moleculary measurements of low-moleculary substances. In
image-comparison: 100.000 of them laid side-by-side measure 1 mm). cf: ?Das Ende der Herrschaft der
Zelle als letzte biologische Einheit.? (G. Enderlein, in: Archiv fur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bakterien.
Vol.l, pamphlet 2, July 1933 Pg. 171179. 5 Illustrations).
This understanding has been seriously opposed by the teaching opinion of his day, however, barely 20 years
later it became confirmed (Harmsen) through the development of the phase-contrast and the electron
3. Proof of the sexual propagation of bacteria Enderlein clearly differentiates in all microbes be tween
sexual and nonsexual propagation; between the formation of larger microbal forms (increase in valence) of
the PROBAENOGENY, and pure in crease by numbers of AUXANOGENY. The nonsexual propagation
occurs by sprouting and splitting, the sexual is connected with a copulation or nucleic fusion. The sexual
propagation has been confirmed by the researches of Nobel-Price recipient J. LEDERBERG and EL-
TAUMG, USA, and Prof. W. Hayes, Edingburg - 40 years later! - although, without mentioning the
research of ENDERLEIN.
This teaching reveals that a certain type of microbes can occur in diverse forms and developmental stages
under precisely established conditions, beginning from the smallest grades of ultramicroscopic magnitudes
up to the large, multinucleic, highly-developed stages of bacteria and fungi. Enderlein started from the
observation that, the further one goes back in the development - from the highly developed and complicated
to the simple - the more plastic and changeful get the life substances and the faster do the life forms merge
into each other, due to the changes in the living conditions.
Enderlein was able to proof this after long and tedious research works. The result of his labor is the work
titled ?Bakterien-Cyclogenie? (from the greek ?kyklos? = circle and ?genos? = birth, orgin). It shows
the developmental course of bacteria from the tiniest virus stage of the protein-like tiny lump, up to the sta-
ge of bacilli, and from here, to the microscopic fungal stage.
All this has been confirmed through research done in more recent years, especially by the Tuberculosis-
Research-Institute in Borstel, by KOLBEL, G. DOMAGK, UYEDA, H. HARMSEN and G. MEI-
NECKE. As usual, many of these reports failed to refer to ENDERLEIN.
Enderlein says that in the serum of all people and warm-blooded animals there are living microorganisms.
He called them ENDOBIONTS (from the Greek ?endon? = internal and ?bios? = life). 40 years later,
other authors named them ?Microsomes? or ?Chondriosomes? without consideration of ENDER-
LEIN?s priority, and they claimed that they are endogenous elements of the blood. But, the research by
ENDERLEIN revealed that there is a developmental form of the Endobiont which is of a plant nature. He
called it THECIT, and recognized them to be entirely identical with the Thrombocytes. That occurred
already in 1939 (cf. Microbiological Congress, USA) and afterwards came the news from the USA that
the ferments of the Thrombocytes have been found to be entirely different from those of human cells. In
most recent times, it has also become confirmed that English researchers have certified plant enzymes on
Thrombocytes, although - again - without mentioning ENDERLEIN?s research.
The human being lives in symbiosis with a plant microorganism, the ENDOBIONT.
There is no human being who has not diaplacentally acquired this Endobiont and has not hosted, at the
least, its primitive stages in his own cells and body fluids his whole life long. They are even in the sperm
and the ovum.
Within the developmental series of the Endobiont, the lower phases (Protitit, Protit, and Chondrit) are
apathogenic and are therapeutically usable. All other higher forms can facilitate or produce diseases,
whereby they penetrate, not only the blood cells, but also-beginning from various stages-the cells of tissues
to influence them degeneratively.
In their multiplication, the primary tiny lumps begin to differentiate themselves and they appear in
unimaginable numbers of diverse forms. Of these, certain ones - especially those getting abundant supplies
of animal protein - increase in size, get a small spherical form, with a nucleus residing at the cellwall.
Through division it becomes the source of a micrococcus with two nuclei. From them, bacteria with 4 - 8
nuclei develop, and finally a bacillus with 16 and more nuclei. Here, we have the progenitors of the masses
of bacteria and bacilli, which we develop in ourselves, according to Enderlein.
During further development, there suddenly arises in the midst of this assembly a formation, in which the
nuclei are grouped in an irregular fashion, either across or obliquely to the length-axis, or else parallel to it.
It will later on become the ancestrels ?Mother? of the large group of microscopic fungi, in which a
central canal with solid walls forms inside the body. There masses of primary nuclei gather, in order to
become expelled as primitive forms for the purpose of propagation. Thereby, the large cycle the Cyclogeny
- from the primary stage of the tiny protein lump, via the bacterial and bacilli stages, up to the fungal stage
with its enormous productivity of primitive forms, is ended. But what is it that makes these tiny primary
clumps of protein into such rabid beasts that makes them turn against the cells of its hosting organism (the
human being or mammal)? Our civilization causes or facilitates the upward development through artificial
fertilizers, preservatives, coloring substances, air pollution, etc., but in the very first place stands our false
nutrition, which literally ?fattens? the Endobiont by its high-content in protein and sugar.
So ENDERLEIN says: ... ?As soon as the balance of the blood serum between mineral salts (bases, al-
kali) and acids has become disturbed toward the acidic side through long-continued, antibiological nutrition,
a limitless proliferation of this Endobiont begins, and simultaneously, the rise of these tiny primary lumps
which now become parasites, via an extensive, developmental series. The higher this Endobiont rises within
its developmental series, the more its harmfulness increases, and the higher rises the over-acidification of
the blood; both standing in a mutually aggravating interrelation.?
According to ENDERLEIN, all chronic diseases are based on this development into higher forms of the
Endobiont. The higher valenced forms are parasites. They will then develop their own metabolism that
poisons the human bodyfluid (predominantly by high-grade rise in lactic acid production). He says:
?Basically, there is not a multitude of diseases, but only one constitutional disease, namely the constant
over-acidification of the blood, which disturbs the central regulation of the human body, disorienting it, all of
which is mainly the result of an inverted way of living and eating?... ?It is chiefly the current, civilized
food with its abundance of animal protein, especially meat, fish, and eggs, which causes this over-aci-
dification, on the one hand, and masts the parasites, on the other hand. Therefore, a lacto-vegetarian food
is the biologically and nutritional-physiologically correct nutrition, because it lowers the over-acidification by
its abundance of bases and alkaline salts. If it is used from childhood on, or better yet, used by the mother
before the marriage - it can prevent and heal all diseases.?
By the upward development of the endobiont, a decrease of the regulatory equilibrium in the interchanging
relationship with the vegetative centers in the diencephalon occurs, which leads to a failure in its shape and
forming function.
6. Disease means symbiotic disturbance Whether by simple expansion or increase in numbers, the
Endobiont spreads in the body of man and warm-blooded animals and its higher developmental forms
congest the circulatory sys tem (prethrombosis, thrombus of the capillaries, etc.)
8. Symbiotic balance
The healing of diseases is possible only when the body regains the lost regulators. That is, the primitive-
apathogenic developmental forms (Chondrits) which metabolize the higher, parasitary developmental forms
through copulation with them, so that they subsequently leave the body through the organs of elimination
(kidney, intestine, lung, skin).
The mutually positive performances of the two associates in the primary symbiosis: MAN and ENDO-
1. Formation of DIOEKOTHECITS for the establishment of regulators in two directions, both with
extreme mobility.
1.1. SPERMITS for the degradation of its own higher and pathogenic developmental phases.
1.2. Formation of MICROSYMPROTITS for the de gradation of higher and pathogenic phases.
2.1. Extremely mobile MICROSYMPROTITS for the degradation of higher and pathogenic phases.
3. Formation of THROMBOCYTES.
3.1. For the production of SPERMITS acc. to Enderlein, 1916; valid name, with priority over: BAK-
TERIOPHAGES, a synonymous term that has been brought in by d?Herelle in 1917, which is invalid and
fundamentally wrong. Both relate to the characteristic memory within the identical microbe.
3.1.1. Through formation from outside by their tie-offs 3.1.2. Through symplastism (agglutination) of the
same into larger, and up to very large, heaps, which subsequently expell their entire contents inwardly,
along with the micromych (primary nuclei), from which subsequently SPERMITS will arise;
3.2. for the quickly required closing up of wounds. 4. Through the start of SYSTATOGENY of
degradation products by COLLOIDS, which stand ready for the building of PSEUDOCRYSTALS, in case
of over nutrition, especially with meat and fish.These living colloids from sputum and also from the blood
travel - on the slide-smears - within a few minutes, toward the outside parameter of the slide (up to about 5
cm distance) and gradually construct themselves into the forms of limitless pseudocrystals right before your
eyes. This process can very easily be observed.
5.1. Directly to
II. THE HUMAN BEING, HOMO SAPIENS...! What else but a constant decline could be expected
as the consequence to centuries of disrespecting the natural biological laws (by a diet that masts the
Endobionts, by breakfast decadence, preservatives - culture, and so on). Instinct and Intuition have been
lost. Moreover, due to Mercury-Silver amalgam fillings, the chances for a cancerous disease have
increased dramatically.
6. All the phantasies built up around MUTATION or even ATAVISM and PROGONISM - such as
the one by Max Westenhofer (1907) and Friedrich Faber, ?Cancer, Its Law and Its Secret? (E. Wancura
Publishers, Vienna/Stuttgart 1954) are without any biological basis and thus, eliminate themselves simply by
the fact that we are here not dealing with protozoa in the endobiont, but that it presents a distinct
BACTERIUM-FUNGUS-ORGANISM. It is grotesque to ascribe to the vertebrates an Atavism back to
primitive plants! Such things are nowadays covered by the term ?SCIENCE?!
7. LIVER and GALLBLADDER DAMAGES are the sure consequence of mercury or other heavy
metals only occasionally caused by cancer, although mercury often enough can lead to cancer in the end.
8. The CAUSAL ORIGIN for the FIRST MANIFESTATION has not yet become known, due to
the extreme smallness of LIVING COLLOID (or better, the PROTITIT PHASE), with a diameter of 0.01
pm (= 1/100000 mm).
9. Friedrich FABER, ?Cancer and Its Law? (E. Wancura Publishers, Vienna/Stuttgart, 1984) says
on page 297: ?Humanity will be relieved of cancer only when the pioneering, decisive world-changes from
the mechanocentric to the BIOCENTRIC AGE will actually come about.? Well, the ?BAKTERIEN-
CYCLOGENIE? has been pioneered and AKMON I and II actually already present the solution for the
As clearly presented above, the ENDOBIONT has applied itself CONSCIOUSLY for hundreds of milli-
ons of years to services in favour of the mutual symbiotic association. They were exclusively subordinated
to the goal of maximally eliminating the formation of higher and highest - and simultaneously also,
pathogenic up to highest pathogenic - phases in most diversified directions. Yet, the mutual associate in the
primary symbiosis, the ?HUMAN BEING?, is to this very day without the smallest inkling of this
Aside from constantly supplying nourishment, the side of the service from THE HUMAN BEING RE-
MAINS A HUGE ZERO, corresponding to such an exorbitant anaphysm toward the laws of nature. All
that is left is his pocketing the final bill from biological natural laws!
Already Pythagoras (582-507, B.C.) has uttered: ?that the gods are innocent concerning the sufferings,
and that all diseases and pains of the body are the products of extravagances.?
According to: Jamblichos from Chalkis (3rd Cent A.C. in ?The Life of Pythagoras.?
In conclusion, I wish to call attention to the following. The ISOTHERAPY, its remedies being manufactu-
red and marketed by the firm SANUM-KEHLBECK, is based on the discovery of Prof. ENDERLEIN
that certain organisms existing in the blood can be developed retrograde, that is, they can be changed back
into primitive forms through identical microorganisms. When we apply this biological phenomenon, it is
possible to reduce the aggressive activities of the microorganism in the human body, yes, even to make it
harmless for the tissue. In other words: We are dealing with the CHANGE OF PATHOGENIC
in parasitism and leave the body through the epithelia, the intestines, the kidney or the bronchial tract.
These remedies are those produced by SANUMKEHLBECK of Germany in consistent continuation of the
teaching and direct inheritance from Prof. ENDERLEIN.
Darkfield Seminar
The bacterial stages, however, occurring in between the two extreme phases, are universal and natural for
most bacteria and fungi.
Fundamentally, the microbal forms consist in their primitive stages of a homogenous, unorganized, un-
moving, yet living protein in colloidal form, which neither includes lipoids nor nucleic acid derivatives as
reserves, nor does it deposit them around itself. These purely colloidal proteins have a trillion (that is a 1
with 18 zeros) diversities, which are capable of combining themselves with all elements, even with heavy
metals, as well as with nearly all other chemical compounds, right in the human body. From this result huge
astronomical numbers of colloidal compounds, which we can grasp at first only in summarized groups.
The most primitive developmental form of every microbe is the PROTIT, the primary biological unit which
is pure colloid, with a diameter of 0.01 gm. This is the primary living form in general, on no account a cell
(see: ?Das Ende der Herrschaft der Zelle als letzte biologische Einheit?: G. Enderlein, im Archiv fur
Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bakterien. Vol. I H. 2, July 1933, pps. 171-179, 5 DRAWINGS).
1. A one-dimensional arrangement. This results in a shorter or longer thread, the FILUM; its
diameter is that of the protit, namely 0.01 Im. However, it can constantly increase in thickness, after its
2. A two-dimensional arrangement of the protits, like in the spermit-heads (= one protit/one filum).
3. A three-dimensional arrangement, namely into more or less tiny granules, the SYMPROTIT.
Endobiont Chondrit-Stadium in Blut. Erythrocyt, auf dem der Chondritflocken fuf3t. Da viel Symprotite,
sehr stark beweglich.
Endobiont chrondrit-stage in blood erythrocyte with chrondit - flake being based on it. Since many
Symprotits, very mobile.
In the new formation of filum and symprotit, atomicphysical and quantum-biological factors play a decisive
role. That is visible from the sudden occurrences by the leap of these new formations (?Quanten-
biologische and quantenphysikalische Funktionen der kolloidalen Eiweif3elemente der Primitivstadien der
Mikroben (Protit and Chondrit)? in ?IMMUNOBIOLOGICA? Vol. I, ? July 1950). The formational
process of a filum with a head, the SYMPROTIT, oc curs within the smallest fraction of a second, which is
therefore not observable by the eye looking through the microscope; the new developmental forms simply
are suddenly there. A special technique for recognizing these developmental processes is to be used.
These were the growth forms of the primitive phases. Each higher developmental step represents the
nationalization of these growth forms just described. In this way, the sympr otit uses the protit, namely a
colloid, for its advancement, depositing it at first in large numbers right on its surface as nutritional re-
serves. This reserved living, protein colloid grows ever larger, surrounding the symprotit sphere more and
more. By this process, the first cell has come to be, which is a spherical primary cell, the bacterial cell, the
MYCHIT. By this process, the symprotit became the primary nucleus, the MYCH, and from the reserve
material collection of living colloids came the CELLPLASMA of the primary cell, the Mychit.
Further development of the primary cell consists of the increase of valence of the nucleus into a larger,
multi-valenced nucleus, that is the cell, the CYSTIT, which has the valence of two or more nuclei.
The THECIT, which is also spherical, comes about from the splitting of the nucleus into two or several
nuclei. Actually, the THECIT represents the primary form of the bacterial cell, in whic h the natural
primary type of the sphere has not yet evolved into a bacte rial rod through the stretching factor. It can
grow into a very large sphere, whereby the nuclei can form themselves smaller or larger. However, they
also occur in tiniest forms, near the size of the colloid, and as such, they fill the THECIT in large masses
within the primary cell plasma.
The fission of the primary cell underlies the identical quantum-biological factors as the processes in the
development of the primitive phases. The FILUM is suddenly projected in the identical way. In the small
space of the spherical primary cell, it is confronted with a considerable space problem so that only a very
short thread results (the FILLELUM). The new symprotit is formed by the tiny button growing at its end.
It swells up to the same size as the mothermych.
With this, the spherical bacterial cell begins to stretch and it gradually ties itself up in the middle, whereby
the FILLELUM gets absorbed. Subsequently, the fission of the tied-up two-nucleic cell into two bacterial
spheres with one nucleus, each, occurs. An additional construction phase of two my chits into a short rod is
the bacterial form of doublerods, then fourfold-rods, then eightfold rods, the sixteenfold-rods and then
thirtytwofold-rods. The final product of this developmental sequence is the BACTERIAL TUBE, the
ASCIT. In all these developmental forms, the mych (primary nuclei) lie one behind the other (catatact),
while they are usually arranged in an irregular way towa rds the sides (synascits) in more progressed
The primary nuclei (mych) of the bacteria remain in the majority of the bacteria placed at the wall, the
mych usually protrudes only minimally from the bacterial contour, rarely noticeably far. Only in the syna-
scits, which are the very thick bacterial forms in which the primary nuclei (mych) are present also in the
interior, and even more, in the mycelia of fungi, they are not placed at the wall.
Reserve substances, which form a more or less thick layer, may be deposited around the primary nucleus.
These mych with their covering of reserve substances completely correspond physiologically to the fatty
substances in higher organisms. To the very largest percentage of cases, these reserve materials consist of
LIPOIDS and also of NUCLEIC ACID DERIVATIVES. Both of them have a strong capacity for taking
on coloring agents, in contrast to the extremely low capacity of the bacterial nucleus to be colored
The mych (nucleus) is only visible in the spherical bacterium (mychit) when it occurs without reserve
materials (atrophic), which usually happens only in strongly parasitary varieties, as with for example
CHOLERA BACILLI or MEMINGOCOCCI, which require no nutritional reserves.
Among the growth forms of bacteria belong also the partial formations, which get tied off at the end of a
bacterial thread; they may also be spherical propagation forms, that is mychit which are named GONIDIA
in this function, or also parts of double- rods or fourfold rods for reproductive and spreading purposes. The
permanent spores (SPORITS) also belong into this group, in which a portion of the nucleic protein gets
stored in dry form. These dry forms of sporits can tolerate temperatures up to 310 degrees celsius
(according to Prof. Zettnow, Robert Koch Institute), or higher yet (according to Dr. Spengler), without
their germinating capacity being damaged. While there is a sharply-comparative morphologic cut between
the primitive phases and the bacterial phases, there is no such occurrence between synascits of bacteria
and synascits of fungi; they smoothly merge into one another.
The spore formation of fungi is of a manifold nature. One portion is a combination of an inner germ out of
the spore, in the form of a fungal thread which GERMINATES IN NEUTRAL AND ACIDIC MILIEU,
and also of primitive phases distributed over the surface, which germinate in ALKALINE MILIEU. This
signifies nothing other than a securing of progeny under all possible conditions of nature.
Our blood preparations show the just described formations and reformations in abundance. When we take
a closer look at the individual sections of the slides in the diverse microscopes, and compare their forms
with one another, it should become quite clear to us that there is a constant microbiological process taking
place in our body fluids, the action of which must be immensely important for the condition of the human
Now we are facing the developmental processes in these microbes which are so decisive for the human
health. They may occur singly, or also in manifold ways.
The multiplying development represents that development, which is commonly known and recognized. A
bacterial sphere (mychit), a short rod (dymichit), or a long rod grows to its double size and then splits into
two individuals of half the size. This process of development, however, is possible only WHEN THE
the very old demand in microbiology to work only with entirely fresh cultures.
It is based on the quantum-biological sudden leaps. Each microorganism forms from within itself ferments
in each of its developmental phases, namely the SPECIFIC ORGANIC ACIDS, which prepare for this
advancing development. The dependency of probaenogeny upon the pH of the nutritive medium or the
milieu is a FUNDAMENTAL LAW (Enderlein calls it ?Anartatic Fundamental Law?). The changes of
the hydrogen-ion-concentration, from the strongly alkaline high of the pH-value towards the ever
decreasing pH-value of the acid side, constitute the
fundamentals of this law for giving the ever higher advancing microorganism the capacity for use of all its
lower developmental forms to serve its advancement into ever newly developing organic form. That is, it
demonstrates the summary of the ASCENDING developmental tendency with the ever more DES-
CENDING pH-value. The fact that this is due to internal valences, is proven in that ONE CAN NEVER
FORCE AN ADVANCEMENT through increasing the acidity of the culture medium, even by supplying
that specific acid which has been found out to be the one formed by the organism itself for this advance. In
contrast, a DESCENDING DEVELOPMENTAL TENDENCY to the lowest forms of the total cycle can
be reached extremely easily. By adding a little bacterial material or parts of fungal mycelia to a hanging
drop of 5 % sodium carbonate, that is, a strongly alkaline medium with a high pH-value, one can
immediately observe the formation of the primitive stages, namely in the CHONDRIT STAGE. That is,
one can easily verify the advancing steps ?PRIMITIVE PHASE - BACTERIA - FUNGI?. For this, it is
all the same whether one uses mycelia from a mould fungus or from a yellow boletus in the forest.
Now to continue with the developmental stages. All microorganisms have two forms of growth which
continuously alternate.The primary stage, the PROTIT, represents the ongoing changes between the
primary granule (PROTIT) and the double -granule (DIPROTIT). Thereupon follows the primitive stage
FILIT, the ongoing change between the FILUM and a filum-piece of double its length. For instance, the
FILIT occurs in the genesis of the fibrin. Enderlein counts this in with the cycle of the endobiont.
chondrit-stage in blood serum Enlargement 10 000 : 1.
Chrondrit-stage in blood serum. Erythrocyte on which the chondrit flake is based, since many
symprotits, very strong & mobile.
Fig. 1 = basit stage, fig. 2 = phytit stage, fig. 3 = rhabdit stage, fig. 4 = linit stage, fig. 5 = catatact ascit
stage, fig. 6 = synascit stage (terminating into ascit on the top).
The primitive stage CHONDRIT can be seen most frequently, the constant change between FILUM and
PRIMITIVE GRANULE (Symprotit). Depending upon the size of this tiny primitive granule (between 0.02
pm and 1 pm), very diverse valences may occur at this stage, all of which can present diversified needs
and properties.
The BASIT-stage consists of an ongoing change between individual sphere and a very short twofoldrod.
Among these are the cocci forms of bacteria, which already present primary cells. Subsequently, the
stages conclude with PHYTIT, RHABDIT, LINIT, ASCIT AND MICASCIT, depending on the change
between twofold, fourfold, eightfold, sixteenfold, thirtytwofold or longer rods. Because of their mani-
foldness, all these stages are collectively named SYNASCIT, which is their collective-stage name.
Leptotrichia buccalis (Robin 1879), formation of syntact ascits (= synascits), Enlargement 20 000 :1.
Sclerotrix tuberculosis Koch 1882, Mychomitosis inside Mychit. Nonacid-fast form, Enlargement 10 000 :
Sclerotrix tuberculosis Koch 1882, copulation of 2 mychits in basit-stage, nonacid-fast form, enlargement
10 000 : 1
The PATHOGENITY of each microbial parasite lies nearly always in ONE developmental stage, the VI-
RUS STAGE, rarely in two or even more stages. This VIRUS STAGE may occur at any place within the
pathogenity rises with the level of the developmental stages and their dynamovalences.
the CHONDRITS which are of lowest valences. They are entirely nonvirulent and they play a REGULA-
TORY role toward the higher and pathogenic stages by decomposing these through copulatory processes.
In that sense, these stages are termed REGULATORS.
Let it be added, that beside each of these numerous developmental possibilities, also additional stages may
simultaneously occur, especially all low stages. EACH OF THESE STAGES IS CAPABLE OF PRO-
DUCING THE CHRONDRIT-STAGE OUT OF ITSELF. But, the microorganism is also capable of
presenting the higher stages by leaps, in conformity with the quantum-biological and atom-physical nature
of the primitive processes of these lowest of living organisms.
It also needs not always run parallel to the other developmental processes. For example, consider the
change between acidproof and non-acidproof qualities of the tubercle bacillus.
Examples: In higher organisms, the changes between the individual developmental stages are connected
with more or less penetratingly big differences in the necessities for life. A variety of the bark-beetle, living
in a decomposing tree, has identical necessities for life of the egg, the four larval stages, the pupa and the
bug himself. This is entirely different for a mosquito: the egg, the larva and the pupa live in water, the
mosquito in the air, and it is blood-sucking. These identical differences occur in the microorganisms in very
much manifold numbers. There are bacteria, such as e.g. the diphteria bacillus which occurs both in the
pure culture and also on the tonsil, simultaneously as spheres, short rods, long rods, club rods, cystit, thecit,
yes, even in yeast form.
All these developmental stages have, therefore, the identical necessities of life; they are ISOBIOTIC.
However, most bacteria are biologically oriented in a HETEROBIOTIC way, that is, the individual, cyclic,
developmental stages may have diverse ne cessities. Their rise or descent will break down when these
necessities find no satisfaction. This very frequently insurmountable appearing blocking (MOCHLOSIS),
hindering the further development, has been one of the most important foundations for a monomorphism.
A MOCHLOLYSIS (or UNBLOCKING), that is the resolution of obstructions, can be reached through
the effect of influences which favorably change the pH of the culture medium. Another aspect are the in-
ternal influences of the bacteria itself, namely the FERMENTS. We are here also partly dealing with
spontaneous, quantumbiological changes. These factors are e.g. light, electricity, removal of oxygen,
presence of special gases, toxins, salts in various concentrations, parasitism, chemicals, thermic changes,
Particularly for our endobiont, the main factors which threaten our health are: cancerogenic substances,
purely mechanical stresses, the lifestyle and the diet, which are CONDITIONAL factors for its rising
development. The CAUSATIVE FACTOR IS THE ENDOBIONT HIMSELF. Together, these are the
factors which bring about the consequences, namely, that the human being - as the host of this primary
enemy - is attacked in increasing degree by rheumatism, circulatory disturbances, dropsy, stroke, diabetes,
stomach ulcers, and finally also cancer.
Enderlein calls the summit of the microbal development THE CULMINATION. If the CULMINATION
lies in the BASIT STAGE, then there are involved the species of micrococci, streptococci, diplococci, etc.
If it lies in the CHONDRIT STAGE, then the microbe is the cause of a so-called VIRAL disease. Most of
the CULMINATIONS exist in the fungal form, especially in the mould fungus forms as well as in the
yeasts can present the CULMINATION, such as e.g. in diphtheria. For our primary enemy, the
culmination is the fungus MUCOR RACEMOSUS FRESEN, with its bacterial phase LEPTOTRICHIA
BUCCALIS (Robin 1879) (according to modern classification = PROPIONIBACTERIUM ACNES),
which can always be found between the teeth and on the gums of human beings.
The spermits of the microbes are tiny swarmers that consist of a tiny symprotit head and a filum flagella,
which enables it to copulate with all symprotits or mych of all the bacterial and fungal forms within the
same cycle. The consequence of such propagation of bacterial and fungal-nucleic apparatus (mych) is
naturally that the bacteria and fungi immediately become dissolved and they degrade. However, this is on
no account identical to the damaging or destruction of the bacteria, as the bacterial researchers had
assumed. They had believed that the bacteria were simply eaten up. Rather, we are dealing with THE
IMMEDIATELY LEAVE THE HUMAN BODY. This elimination of the primary enemies in a peaceful,
living manner from the body occurs by way of the epithelia, the bladder, the intestines, and the bronchies.
If one observes the comparative-morphologic blood condition of a patient who has the FELTY syndrome
(a special form of PCP with tumor of the spleen, leucopenia, anemia, and brownish pigmentation on un-
covered body surfaces) - even if he still walks about in apparent health, one is amazed and fascinated over
the manifoldness of the biological occurrences in his blood. One can see how numerous erythrocytes
helpfully approach leucocytes and lymphocytes that are seriously attacked by symprotits of the endobiont;
they crowd around diseased white blood cells.
One can observe how the parasitic symprotits are transferred onto the erythrocytes and how they fill them
very densely. Additionally one can observe how, in those erythrocytes that have removed themselves from
this place of stress, the symprotits enlarge more and more, assuming the cellular form of thecits and
frequently having three to six primary nuclei (mych) then being moved to the surface by the erythrocyte
and expelled from the lumen. When we observe these exiting thecits precisely, we note with amazement:
they resemble the thrombocytes, like one egg looks like the other, and they blend into the blood situation
fully in this role . Frequently, they are expelled in the form of chains, but also in distinct forms of rods that
belong to the bacterial form of the endobiont, namely, the LEPTOTRICHIA BUCCALIS.
It is especially remarkable that the leucocytes and lymphocytes also digest all bacteria and cocci, after
eating them. But the endobiont has succeeded through vast realms of time (since its primary impact) in
overcoming this digestibility and - although the effectiveness of destruction of the parasites is there -
however no longer for the endobiont. These indigestible organisms are passed on to the erythrocytes,
which take them over, expelling the parasite in the form of a thecit, and thus they return into the
bloodserum in the form of thrombocytes. Thus leucocytes and lymphocytes can be freed of the parasites.
This process is often observable with the Felty-syndrome. However, in cancer cases this detoxifying action
occurs very rarely with such force, so that the erythrocytes do not succeed in liberating the leucocytes or
lymphocytes from the parasites.
If we, however, observe the identical course in the blood of a cancer patient and a Hodgkin patient, one
can likely detect in them quite similar processes. Only, in these cases, the leucocytes and lymphocytes are
so massively invaded by parasitary symprotits that the help and force of the onrushing erythrocytes cannot
match them. They are so massively stuffed full, and the symprotits enlarge themselves in the erythrocytes
to very thick, nearly dry protein ?SPOROID SYMPROTITS?, so that a further development of the
symprotit into thrombocytes within the erythrocyte is entirely impossible. Also, in cancer patients, through
the diminished defensive capacity of the erythrocytes, there is nearly always no expulsion in the form of
thrombocytes. The catastrophic condition of the leucocytes and lymphocytes corresponds with this, in that
their plasma is in most cases fully or nearly completely degraded. In such blood, there are frequently only
nuclei of these white blood cells remaining, which moreover host masses of parasites. They frequently
enough fall apart themselves into symprotits of the parasite, which often immediately develop themselves
further into thrombocytes. This further debilitates the lowered defensive capacity and absorptiv e capacity
of the erythrocytes.
3000 :1.
The CHONDRIT FORMS swarm very often freely around in any blood as ?swarmers ?, consisting of a
symprotit head and a filum flagella. If they are found swimming freely in the blood serum, arranged in tiny
trees, then we are dealing with a beginning endobiotic disease, especially rheumatism. However, the
seriousness of the illness is visible from the valence, that is from the relative size of the symprotits. The
significance of the dynamovalence of the symprotits can be seen from the following illustrations.
0 0
From the marginally situated symprotits on the erythrocytes - also - bacterial rods may form when there
are higher dynamovalences, among which is cancer. The possibility for building other forms of the
developmental cycle is, generally speaking, actually entirely unlimited.
The causes for stroke lie in the area of congestive processes in the developmental stages of the congestive
agent (endobiont). Another possibility is the ?SYMPLASTISM?, the drive toward symplast formation,
which is inherent in all developmental phases of the bacteria within a certain physiological condition which,
undoubtedly, arises from a tendency to
wards a stronger alkalinity. In this symplast, all developmental forms get densely packed together and
degrade in a massive copulation of the MYCH amongst each other, and they frequently end in a total
agglutination of chondrits and protits.
An additional, fundamentally significant factor is the process of erythrocytic parasitism and the further
development of the endobiont in this element of blood !!!
0 0
Erythrocyte with Enlarged isolated 2 Colloid-thecits very
symprotits + thecits thecit. strongly light
situated at the end refracting (like glass
of the respective filum.
When we observe the blood of a patient with anemia, we note that the endobiont can develop itself further
in the forms of: symprotits and their splitting dumb-bells, thecits, thrombocytes and bacterial rods, with
more or fewer primary nuclei, depending on the formation of their size.
A very important point must be taken into account. The copulation processes in the chondrits brought into
the human body are, in no case, singular occurrences. Rather, they continue to copulate ongoingly. That
means, when congestions occur involving these degradation products and their deficient elimination, these
metabolic products also copulate again and again, also amongst each other.
Therefore, if these metabolic products are not properly eliminated from the body, the valence of pa-
thogenity continues to rise the longer this ongoing copulation continues. From this, it must be decisively
seen that no lengthy pause may be allowed between a chondrit injection (e.g. MUCOKEHL) and the anti-
chondritin injection (e.g. MUCOKEHL EXCRETION PRODUCT) except in cases with free ways of
elimination of all degradation products. A correct combination of all these possibilities is, therefore, the
basis for success for a good doctor.
Of special importance is the comment that the socalled dysbacteria of the intestines in cancer, Hodgkin and
other diseases from the endobiont complex are in no way degenerative coli-bacteria, as is often stated, but
those degradation products of the endobiont in their chondrit-stage which are moving along through the
intestines are reconstructing themselves into the short rods of the Leptotrichia buccalis. Because this
repeated infestation by highly pathogenic forms causes serious intestinal disturbances, especially
obstipation, which represents a serious stress during the cancerous process - it is urgently advised to take
care, AND immediately to take orally - best time, in the evening - one endobiont-chondritin-tablet
(MUCOKEHL D5), or better a capsule (MUCOKEHL D4), which will cause a repeated de gradation
within a short time. Only after freeing the intestines from such dysbacteria would it make any sense at all
to ingest again a full-value coli-bacterial strain in place of the one ruined through the dysbacteria in the
First of all, importance must be placed on the level of the developmental stage of the parasite. It is in-
creasingly recognized that certain disease types are not produced just by one and the same parasite, but
much more frequently by a whole series of agents, but in a very definite developmental stage of the
known that rheumatism is caused by the chondrit stage of several different organisms, thus, normally, the
endobiontic rheumatism by the endobiont; but also by the tubercle bacillus in its chondrit stage, the so-called
Poncet?s rheumatism; then, additionally, also the chondrit stage of the lues pathogen, of the gonococcus
and a whole series of streptococci and micrococci. THAT IS TO SAY, THE STAGE OF THE
The blood of every human being also contains in the condition of total health numerous elements of the
developmental cycle of the endobiont; this constant infestation exists partly free in the serum, to a large
part in the erythrocytes, and especially in the lymphocytes. Add to these the fibrin and, especially, the
thrombocytes, the blood platelets, both of which have proven themselves to be elements of the cycle of this
Parallel to the disease symptoms, different forms in the cyclic process of the endobiont go through all three
chief phases, which are present in all tissues and organs. Every single one of the multitude of endobiosis
diseases is chronic, general illness of the entire human body. Among all these tissues, blood tissue is the
most accessible to a critical examination.
The endobiont is a pronounced ROBBER OF PROTEIN. The only non-plant protein which can be taken in
larger amounts, is the protein of the milk, and that in its acid form, such as cottage cheese and other forms
of cheese. These lactic proteins have developed a special accomplishment in the course of endless time,
namely the capacity for producing a specific protein synthesis, which does not give the endobiont an
opportunity to feed on.
The one side of this bipolar construction acts alone through the FAULTY OPERATION of all physiologic
processes and factors. This is the aggressive me thod of the tuberculosis-bacillus and of the paratu-
berculosis agent in its primitive stages. The other side is represented by the CONGESTIVE METHOD of
the endobiont. The endobiont has a congestive influence simply by its presence in every case, and this, in
three diverse ways, namely, to begin with, by its primitive phases, later through its bacterial phases, and
finally through its fungal phases. Thus, parallel to the rise in valences and the developmental phases, this
also raises the pathogenity, simply by increase in its mere size.
The many appearances of the chronic disease complex are due to the unlimited hundreds of developmental
phases of their microbal agents. Not only do they attack all tissues and each individual cell, but they also
express their extensive, primary appearance in every fully healthy human being, even in all body fluids of
the entire organism.
While the developmental form represents the ONTOGENY in all plants and animals, the organizational
capacities within the primary organisms have potentized themselves into a fourfold possibility:
b) two-dimensinal, into finest, skin-like surfaces, which are found e.g. in the spermit (bacteriophage) as
Both the filum and the symprotit alone are already able to unite themselves, namely, the first into the
FILIT, a constant change of fila sizes x:2x, the latter into the stage SYMPROTIT, a constant change of
symprotits in spatial sizes of x:2x.
For all remaining developmental phases, only these quoted building blocks are used for the higher and
highest nationalizations. That is, they are not only used for the construction of the bacterial phases but for
all phases of the fungal forms.
2.ONTOGENY This means, the developmental form of all plants and animals which, however, here in the
primary organisms, depends on the ANARTATIC PRINCIPLE (Enderlein). This means: for the
nationalization of comparative-mor phologic units into higher and highest developmental phases, the specific
acids PRODUCED by each individual microorganism are the CAUSAL reason for the changes of the
milieu in the pH, and that is tending to the ACIDIC side. In other words: the RISING steps of the total
cyclogeny are accompanied by and dependent on the PROPORTINATELY DESCENDING pH. (This
has been incorrectly assessed as ?pollution? by bacteriologists.)
This is not a stage but an extremely diversified form of conglomeration. Developmental forms of every
type within the total cycle have the tendency of agglutinating into more or less formless spheres (SYM-
PLASTISM). In this process, all individual phases fall apart into the primitive phase CHONDRIT, the con-
stant change between filum and symprotit. Thus, THE SYMPLAST IS AN EXTREMELY PRIMITIVE
When they occur in concentrated form, the last units of living substance (the colloids, directly connecting
with the atoms, are capable of structuring themselves through an inherent drive towards arrange ment.
Even through minor impacts are they driven into the so-called SCAREFORMS, which represent forms of
dry protein, looking like crystals and being highly reflective. In this form, they survive temperatures of over
310 degrees celsius without loss of germinating capacity. These pseudo-crystals are often found in the
blood of chronically ill patients. They need not necessarily come from the same provenance because
colloids of different species can unite with one another. They mostly stem from the endobiont, of which we
know from experience that it feels obliged in all cases of infectious diseases and epidemics to spread itself
especially broadly so as to intensify the pathogenity of the infectious disease into its worst form.
The presence of a veil drawn over the entire visual field indicates the tendency to freely release the final
units (colloids) in masses and, correspondingly, a very hiah alkalinity, a very hiah pH. When the native
preparation shows this condition, then it is useless to supply injections into such a phase because they must
remain ineffective. No formation of spermits will occur in this condition, and already present spermits qet
immediatelyd -graded into colloids through the injection material. Therefore, all too strongly alkaline blood-
conditions must be optimally adjusted toward the normal degree for the spermit. For this reason, a
preceeding application of FORMIC ACID D6 (D5/D4) or L(+)lactic acid potency accord (SANUVIS),
BEFORE the chondritin injection, has been practiced for years. THE OPTIMUM PH FOR THE
Blood elements: Collection directly after blood-vital examination fig. 1 erythrocyte, fig. 2-9 8 examples of
dioekothecit of the size of ery?s til the size of a thrombocyte; with thick & hairlike fila which are extra-
ordinarily short and equal and extend longitudinally. fig. 10 A thrombocyte for comparison. fig. 11-16 6
colloid-thecits from the same blood in different sizes.
A few blood-elements, approximately 4 hours after blood was obtainerL fig. 17 and 18 degrading
dioekothecits. fig. 19 and 20 erythrocytes with 1 chondrit thread each with larger symprotits and very short
fila parts. fig. 21 and 22 two erythrocytes with catatact ascits. fig. 23 erythrocyte with synascite vital.
b) The DIOEKOTHECIT is similar. It is filled with the absolute tiniest primary nuclei, the
?micromych.? That enables it to release conspicuously densely protruding, very short and fine fila through
its extremely thin spherical enveloping membrane. Their size lies between the size of a thrombocyte up to
the size of an erythrocyte. We are dealing here with nothing other than a gigantic thrombocyte, which does
not contain the typical 3-7 mych but many hundreds of such mych. The final function of the DIOEKO-
THECITS is the formation of spermits, through the tearing of the extremely delicate enveloping membrane.
Both these formations are indicators of defensive capabilities. This DIOEKOTHECIT is not seldom found
in the blood, but generally only in +/small numbers. The genesis of these parasitic blood-elements of the
endobiont stems from the erythrocytes, that is, these giant thrombocyte-type developmental forms from the
cycle of the primary parasite are expelled out of the erythrocyte. Accordingly, the erythrocytes have a
lumpy, pseudocrystalline appearance because they have been damaged very much through the attack of
the primary parasite.
It can be observed only in the darkfield. It is the first of the primitive phases which occurs through the
change in fila according to the formula x:2x. Because the x shows very great differences in the lengths, the
filit-phase comprises very large numbers of individual phases.
One can tell by the diverse sizes of ?free symprotits which are present, whether one is dealing with a
pure developmental stage. Namely, in that case, the formula is also x:2x, which means the presence of
identical spheres plus other ones of twice their size. When several sphere-phases are found side-byside,
they will be indicated by a larger number of varieties in size, which is the more common condition.
These represent exceptionally large spheres of purely nucleic protein. They can be found free, or
connected with the filum, or in the elements of tissues and cells of the host. In connection with the filum,
the fila are, then, usually very mobile.
In the viewfield of the microscope, these appear as smaller or larger, luminous spheres, representing
symprotits that contain protein substance in dry condition. Also, these already have all properties of the
sclerotic developmental forms of the parasite and can survive heat of 310 degree C. They may occur
either in the erythrocytes, the leucocytes, or simply by themselves (free).
This phase develops out of the filum by growing of a symprotit-head on one of the two endings of the fi-
lum. We are here dealing with the integration of two different developmental phases, in which the filum
takes on a flagella function. The presence of spermits in the blood-sample is always a sign for defensive
capabilities against the higher, pathogenic phases of the endobiont. The spermit is nothing but a readyness
to meet an alarming situation.
The chondrit stage begins with that sphere of the developmental growth of the endobiont, in which only the
low-valenced phases have full apathogenicity and all higher phases reach pathogenicity to an ever rising
degree. Not only the enlargement of the symprotits (that means, their valence) of the fila causes the rising
lively mobility of fila but also the denser arrangement of even tiny symprotits along the length of the fila.
These are conglomerations of colloidAecits (cells without a nucleus). Only in the ongoing course of these
conglomerations do the symprotits, and also especially the sporoid symprotits arise within these symplasts.
They are a strong hindrance factor in proper blood circulation.
3 colloid symplasts with sporoid symprotits and beginning formation of chondrits inwards and outwards.
Added an erythrocyte. Patient = sarcoma upper jaw.
Large round vesicle, apparently formed out agglomerations of thrombocyte. Within the spherical envelope
short bacterial rods are tightly packed together.
Worm-like, big colloid-symplast with numerous bundles of the filitstage (6 erys for comparison).
Big edging colloid-thecit with filit bundles and 7 golden, glaring, sclerotic pseudocristals (which can be
The presence of reserve substances around the bacterial nucleus is of great importance for the mychits.
To the most part, they consist of lipoids and nucleic acid derivatives. According to the absence or presence
of these nutrients, the mychits can be classified: a) atrophic, b) miotrophic, and c) pliotrophic cells.
Bacterial forms of the endobionts. Development of a mychit (primary cell) out of symprotit, the latter
develops into a mych (primary nucleus).
Sclerotrix tuberculosis Koch 1882, primary cells (mychits) and transitions into free symprotit, nonacid-fast
form, enlargement 10 000 :1.
Fig. B Some bacterial forms with four dimychits (1), 8 didimychits (2+3) Sa. = synascit with 6 trophosoms
and 1 trophosomellum.
11. THROMBOCYTES, MICROTHROMBOCYTES All thrombocytes entirely belong into the cycle
of the primary parasite (endobiont) of the human being. They arrange themselves freely into the extremely
manifold areas of the THECITS. In lymphatic leukemia, Hodgkin, etc. the tendency may arise for all pa-
rasitic elements to degrade into the tiniest cells with uncommonly tiny nuclei, so that all cells, and parti-
cularly the leucocytes, get densely stuffed full with the tiniest microthrombocytes. The essential factor in
thrombocytes and microthrombocytes is THE NUMBER OF NUCLEI which is between THREE AND
EIGHT primary nuclei. All the larger ones are better classified among the thecits or - if they reach
bacterial form, which is frequently the case - among the catatact ascits and the synascits.
Erythrocyte with serial ejection of thrombocytes. One sporoid symprotit remaining in the erythrocyte.
(Hodgkin patient).
This very frequently occurring developmental form represents the primitive, primary form of all bacteria in
the original sphere-shape, having more or less primary nuclei. The mych (nuclei) may be developed in the
very tiniest form, up to extraordinarily large nuclei. From this form, all bacterial rods have emerged
phylogenetically through differentiation.
Erythrocyte with exiting fila, at their ends symprotits or more or less enlarged cystits.
Erythrocyte with end smyprotits which have already developed into thecits in the form of thrombocytes.
The presence of bacterial forms with catatact arrangement of primary nuclei in the blood-samples IS
then they are a sure documentation for either the presence of cancer, harmless or malignant tumors, or a
serious chronic disease. They usually develop in the blood from the so-called ?marginal corpuscles?
(symprotits) of erythrocytes. Reaching a certain length, they free themselves, whereby they flexibly search
around with their front ends (like ?tiny worms?). The diverse lengths of these rods indicate their
association with particular developmental stages (phytit, rhabdit, linit, ascit). (Figures and photos after no.
The formation of syntact rods (with their nuclei arranged in all directions is a sign of further, rising
development and therefore also documents rising pathogenicity.
Erythrocyte from a patient with stomachca. With 2 exuding bacterial rods of the endobiont. Enlargement:
3000 : 1.
Leptotrichia buccalis
Fig. 1 - 6 Bacterium broteus Hauser, fig. 1 = basit stage, fig. 2 = phytit stage, fig. 3 = rhabdit stage, fig. 4 =
linit stage, fig. 5 = catatact ascit stage, fig. 6 = synascit stage (terminating into ascit on the top)
Diversities in the size of erythrocytes due to the pathogenic effects of the endobiont.
a: not infested
This refers to the VOLUME-ENLARGEMENTS of each parasitic form which can be found in the
erythrocytes. (Figures and photos after no. 19).
Erythrocyte from
Eryhtrocytes with different valences: cancer case.
From patient with From patient with Live blood pic-
metabolic cancer. ture. Especially
disturbances and high valence
swelling of the liver. endobiont infesta-
This tree-shaped or rope-like shaped parasitic growth form belongs among the ?fibrin? which school-
medicine interpretes as blood coagulation. However, these processes BELONG TO THE RARITIES in
erythrocytes. Still, their presence is, likewise, a documentation of cancer, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE
Erythrocyte with chondrit-net (fibrin) in particularly fine net work; including 5 sporoide symprotits. The
rather exhausted erythrocyte also contains 3 sporoid symprotits. (patient with lung cancer)
These are special manifestations that are particularly found in erythrocytes. Thus, THE TOTAL CON-
TENT OF THE ERYTHROCYTE may degrade into a large number of sclerotic CHUNKY AND
Native blood examination. The four erythrocytes in the condition, that the dioekothecite leave them in ripe
condition. The condition of these erythrocytes is a little bit plaque-shaped.
2 erythrocytes from the same blood, live blood, apparently after the dioekothecits left, strongly cloddy-
22. INFESTATION OF THE LEUCOCYTE NUCLEI The parasitic infestation of leucocytes and
lymphocytes is of extremely diversified nature. Essentially, the valences of the symprotits rise constantly;
they can transform into a sporoid form, and finally reshape themselves into thrombocytes, which are able to
fill up the entire nucleus. The rises can be designated as: very weak, weak, moderately strong, strong, and
very strong. (Photos after no. 23)
23. INFESTATION OF THE LEUCOCYTE PLASMA The parasitic elements are found in the
celluar plasma as symprotits, sporoid symprotits, and as thrombocytes or microthrombocytes. All of these
are able to grow out of the cell on filum pedicles, or remain in the plasma itself in all these elemental forms.
In Hodgkin, and even more in lymphatic leukemia, a very large portion of all leucocytes or lymphocytes can
degrade into symprotits within their nucleus and plasma and these can further develop thems elves into
thrombocytes. They become fully filled up with these thrombocytes. Barely infested leucocytes may even
proof themselves to be a rarity. THE SEVERITY OF THESE CASES CAN BE DETERMINED BY
The formation of tiny chondrit trees (= fibrin) of the parasite, can grow into ever stronger little trees, which
grow far out of the cell and the nucleus. All this is valid for both leucocytes and lymphocytes. THE
Lymphocyte, completely destroyed by the endobiont. The nucleus is filled with chondrit forms and the
plasma is dissolved by the filum-system into a tree like fibrin-dendroid. The latter copulates with the
parasites which are enclosed in the nearby erythrocytes.
These come about by the fusion of thick ropes of fibrincords of the parasite so that more or less densely
arranged holes (vacuoles) remain only in the larger open areas. They may be smaller or larger in size.
Below, dark symplast formed by numerous symplasts of leucocyte nuclei of endobiontic nature. The
chondrit-dendroid stretches far over the slide and inlcudes in this illustration 18 erythrocytes.
26. SCLEROTIC PARASITIC FORMATIONS These are dry protein organizations based on the di-
rect fusion of living colloids (systatogeny), as with the endobiont and other parasites. They are always in
the human body and, especially, in the blood. An ongoing characteristic of all these sclerotic formations is
their capacity of tolerating a temperature of 310 degrees Celsius without the smallest damage to their
capacity for life. One can also see on them the appearance of tiny germinating foci on the inner angles of
these formations and on the outer corners, showing low-valenced chondrits, respective chondrit-trees in the
change between filum and symprotit. Described in brief, they are classified as follows: a) Sclerotic, usually
very long filum-threads (often
Aspergillus niger (van Tieghem), created from spores through addition of 5% soda solution, forms 2 fila
with symprotits and thecits, which show a fairly amount of mych (primary nuclei); Enlargement ap-
proximately 5 000:1.
c) Pseudocrystals:
In the form of needles or angled plaques (chondrits arising from the corners)
d) Sickle-shaped dry protein discs (drepanids). They arrange themselves most frequently in serie s,
one behind the other, so that most microscopists rate them to be scratches in the slide.
The same from venous blood. Including 5 erythrocytes, which are partly penetrated by these forms
(diabetes in 8 year old boy).
Sclerosystate-drepanites sedimented by normal saline solution from Aspergillus niger van Tieghem spores.
e) Fly-shaped dry protein formations (pteroharps). They are predominantly found in higher
Plumed systases under addition of 5% soda solution. The same originating from a colloid-thecit.
Aspergillus niger van Tieghem from spore material with normal saline solution. Moss-like sclero-systasis
Colloid masses concentrated in water (11/2 year old) through addition of 5% soda solution for lamella-like
sclerotic formation.
Lamella-like sclerotic formation, developing by gradual drying out of the plumes of the Mucor racemosus
Fresen colloids. This occured beneath the cover slip. To the right 4 flat sclerotic structures, of which the
lower most one at the left shows a pteroharp.
Bouillon culture of Aspergillus niger van Tiegem + ? part of soda solution 5 % systasis occours during the
process of drying out cross like arrangement of systases out of living colloids. In the 1. illustration, top to
the left one can recognize the clodlik systasis. In all the different 9 systases one sees the change from
pteroharp to these cross-like structures, systases occurs during the slow drying out.
Radial double sided sclerosymplast of the endobiont in heteroncyrasis with the systatogenetic influences of
the infectious agent of poliomyelitis.
A larger group of sclerotic formations. The derosynascit is a sclerotic formation that is more than double
the size of an erythrocyte (in lymphatic leukemia, Hodgkin, warts).
Two still connected derosynascits from Hodgkin blood. These are characteristic for lymphatic leukemia,
Hodgkin, can however be found occasionally in the secretion of hard verruca. Their building material
consists mainly of sclerotic elements of the endobiont.
These relate to the agglutination of all developmental phases of the ?Virusphase, bacterial phase, fungal
phase series.? It is NOT a developmental stage but a creation due to the urge for unification (sym-
plastism), which can be built up in the very shortest of times in a fraction of a second.
relates purely to the direct unification of living colloids amongst each other. It is pH-dependent. (Protit-veil,
colloid-thecits). These final living units (colloids), with a diameter of about 0.01 ~tm, are able to be formed
within the shortest time, a fraction of a second.
Because the pH -factors are of essential significance for the systatogenetic orchestration of nature, a few
examples of nature?s play are discussed from this perspective, on the basis of the following illustrations.
First of all, there is the phenomenon of the protit veil. This accumulation of colloids is entirely dependent on
the highest possible pH-value. They develop into more or less limited formations representing that form of
the developmental processes of microbes which are covered under the term COLLOID-THECIT. In the
GIEMSA dyeing process, they take on luminous blue coloring.Forms, 4 or 6 - radialyzed, are quite
frequent. In Fig. 12, nearly all developmental forms of the primitive phase and also of the THECIT, the
ASCIT and - in the widened area below, on the right - the SYNASCIT are represented. In the synascits
one can notice also numerous SPOROID SYMPROTITS that take over the role of the mych. At this point
I wish to remind you that every developmental phase is capable of producing all the other developmental
Patient with leukemia & Hodgkin. Outside the blood smear emigrated colloids, which arrange themselves
in a systatogenetic manner to a colloid thecit. The resulting fissures are arranged in a straight line or 90
degree angle.
Another view of the same sample, the fissures are curved and embracing.
Systatogenetic construction complex from smear on non-provided halos of the slide emigrating colloids.
The blood for this examination must be always drawn under the same conditions, best in the morning on an
empty stomach, to avoid a confusion with the food-chylemia. It is in principle indifferent from which part of
the body the blood is taken. It is only important that the blood appears spontaneously; it may not be
squeezed out because then superimpositions and distortions of the very sensitive erythrocytes take place
which forestall a perfect assessment respectively lead to false conclusions. A small drop of the patient?s
blood is put on the slide and protected with a cover-glass so that it spreads out up to the edge of the slide
without exerting any pressure on it.
Slide and cover-glass have to be free from dust and grease. Now and then they also have to be examined
on production inclusions because those can resemble endogenous depositions. The cover-glass should not
be too small, best is a size of 24 x 48 mm. This size has a sufficient weight to effect a well-proportioned
distribution of the blood on the slide. At the same time it leaves enough free space to be able to observe a
possible systatogeny. Moreover the immersion oil does not mix with the blood.
Advice: Take the drop of blood directly with the cover-glass and put this immediately on the slide. Take a
drop of blood with the cover-glass at least two times. The assessment is then more reliable and if one
smear gets lost due to awkwardness, you still have one smear in reserve. Moreover you can stain one
smear ?natively? to compare it with the unstained smear.
To get the safest results, examination should take place immediately because the sensitive endobionts can
change their form and valence very quickly by changes of the pH in the drop of blood, due to reasons of
If the preparation should be examined for a longer period, it is possible to seal it with liquid paraffin to avoid
a drying up.
As Mucokehl injections cause a degradation of higher stages of the endobiont into lower ones, the blood
appears slightly milky or cloudy after 24 hours. This cloudiness, the ?protit veil? consists of the smallest
developmental stages of the endobiont. The protit veil disappears after a few days by elimination, especially
by a good elimination therapy for example with homoeopathic remedies or with a diet or even better with
an injection of the Mucokehl excretion serum. For this reason a repetition of the Mucokehl injection should
be only effected after one week at the earliest.
1. protit-veil:
9. colloid-symplasts:
15. anisocytosis:
16. poeciloctosis + erythrocytic debris: 17. strength of erythrocytic infestation: 18. valence of
erythrocytic infestation: 19. vacuoles of erythrocytes:
28. symplasts:
30. valence of the endobiont: 31. evaluation of the endobiosis: 32. remarks:
In connection with the blood examination form I wish to point out the following:
according to Prof. Enderlein
1. The PARACOLI BACTERIUM is not a degenerated coli-bacterium, but the phytit-stage of the
3. H. DOSTAL has also proven the easy transferability of the tubercle bacillus into the sphere (basit-
stage) by GROWING it in a liquid broth.
4. FIBRIN is by no means the sediment of a protein coagulation, but it is the chondrit-dendroid of the
5. THROMBOCYTES are no blood organelles (platelets), but they are thecits of the endobiont.
6. MEGAKARIOCYTS (Metschnikow) are no normal cellular elements but they represent the lost
ability of cellular and nucleic division due to massive infestation of these cells by the primitive phases of the
endobiont. These cells have been forgotten over the eager attempts towards solving the focal problems in
the sanitization of the ?marrow of all bones. ?
7. The NUCLEIC CHAIN CELL has reference to the just quoted, only, in this situation, the nucleus
still has the capacity to divide, while the cell has lost it. 8. The MEGALOBLASTS of pernicious anemia do
not represent erythrocytes which contain nuclei, but erythrocytes that contain a colony of endobiont
chondrits, which get blown up to abnormal size by these (pseudo nucleus!).
9. NORMOBLASTS are erythrocytes stemming from the bone marrow do not have a nucleus but
only a pseudo-nucleus, consisting of a colony of endobiont chondrits.
11. MARGINAL GRANULES of the erythrocytes are no organelles (Schilling) but they are
symprotits of the endobiont.
12. MARGINAL RODS of the erythrocytes a re no organelles (Schilling), but they are bacterial rods
of the bacterial phase of the endobiont, which arose from the just quoted marginal granules. Later on, they
free themselves and crawl upon the erythrocytes and leucocytes like cater pillars (wherefore Sanitary
Counselor Dr. med. Otto Schmidt of Munich named them ?worms?).
13. Also the ROUND and SPINDLE CELL SARCOMA contain no round and spindle cells of the
host, but these are cross-sectioned (round) cells and obliquely cut (spindle) cells of mycelia of the
14. RETICULOCYTES (Heilmeyer) are no erythrocytes with special organelles but erythrocytes infested
with endobiont chrondrit trees in their interior.
17. STERILITY OF THE BLOOD SERUM is an illusive doctrin concerning the contents also of the
serum, which contains most diverse primitive phases of the endobiont.
18. DIAPEDESIS is the illusive doctrin concerning the process of a scrambling of all protein
substances within the human body by the endobiont and its formation into ?fibrin?, at the time of exitus
19. THE CULMINATION OF THE FUNGAL FORM (Mucor racemosus Fresen) of the endobiont
can easily be obtained through cultivation out of tumor cells. This has been proven as early as 1903 by Sa-
nitary Counselor Dr. med. Otto Schmidt (Munich), as also subsequently, by myself.
20. The CALCIUM SHELLS OF TUBERCULOUS FOCI in the lungs are not protective processes
by the host, but phenomena of calcinosis due to FAULTY REGULATION, set up by the endobiont for his
own protection against the defensive capacity of the human blood.
Professor Pierre Delore, of the medical faculty in Lyon, who was well aware of the consequences of the
ever increasingly catastrophic effects caused by disrespecting the natural laws and biology, summarizes his
conviction in the following words:
?Consecutio sine quo non?: The health concerns of human beings comprise two gigantic FACTORIAL
The one FACTORIAL AREA is the ATTACK FROM OUTSIDE through the environment in its largest
context, among them also the parasites of the most diversified varieties; they INTENSIFY INTO INFEC-
TIOUS DISEASES AND EPIDEMICS. In this area, surprisingly much has already been accomplished by
medicine through hygiene and according to Virchow, even without having the faintest idea of the
developmental microbiological processes. The reason for these processes lies in the biological fact that the
parasitic microbes are mostly present only in a single developmental stage of the totality of end less
varieties of developmental series.
The second FACTORIAL AREA, however, is a most internal matter of SYMBIOSIS between a
HUMAN BEING - along with all other vertebrates - and ENDOBIONTS (Mucor racemosus
Fresen/Aspergillus niger). In this symbiosis, existing over millions of years, especially the ENDOBIONT
Mucor racemosus has been exceedingly successful in breeding many hundreds of developmental phases
capable of nearly limitless manifoldness of pathogenicity, so that ONLY A COMPARATIVELY SMALL
PATHOGENICITY. Among these is, especially the last primary unit, the COLLOID (= PROTITIT
PHASE), as well as the subsequent, low-valenced CHONDRIT STAGE and the final culmination, the
spore-forming FUNGAL PHASE.
Before considering the isopathic foundation of treatments, I want to emphasize the following: In the RE-
COGNITION of the nature of this catastrophy, namely, the catastrophically RISING OPPOSITION of the
human being towards this primary symbiosis having lasted hundreds of millions of years within the totality
of all vertebrates - lies also the path for an aimed resolution of these processes. It is the isopathy. For this
purpose, isopathy uses LIVING COLLOIDS in a fully united and simple way, which must be brought to
the scene merely by the slightest modification of the pure mechanical differences of diverse disease
symptoms belonging to a unique DISEASE COMPLEX. This disease complex is simply the
ENDOBIOSIS, the addiction of CONGESTION.
The parasitic nature of the causative factor for all chronic diseases, including cancer, Hodgkin, etc., which
has infested all vertebrates in their total development so extensively that no one single cell has remained
untouched by this monster throughout the ages, is a unique occurrence, which is surpassed by yet another:
the PRIMARY SYMBIOSIS with the limitless abundance of its hosts.
Here, I want to bring into remembrance that the human blood is considered sterile to this very day! The
path of elimination for degradation products is in every healing process through the skin, the bladder, the
intestines and the bronchies. To these belong also the interior foreskin of men and the vagina of women,
that is, the epithelial organs and, in a form of apathogenic phases, with the SINGULAR EXCEPTION OF
THE INTESTINES, in which degenerative phases are able to reconstruct themselves into short rod forms,
which can have an extremely dangerous action of strong obstipation facilitating the further course of
cancer; they are, by no means, degenerated coli-bacteria. Dr. med. Harvey BLANK (1956) assigned the
name MONILIASIS for a new disease-complex that has become better known in more recent years and
which is based on apathogenic endobionts that have been stimulated into pathogenic action through
antibiotic drugs.
There is no doubt that what is termed an INFECTION is entirely out of the question in the unique oc-
currence of a primary symbiosis with a primary parasite in all chronic diseases including cancer. Of all the
many hundreds of forms that the chronic disease complex manifests, there is no one that has ever been
observed as caused by an infection. An infection with living material having the purely microbal nature of
these primary parasites (endobionts) would only result in the meager remnants of the apathogenic phases
(REGULATORS) attacking these foreign intruders; the extremely primitive phases of the spermits would
copulate with marginal primary nuclei (mych) of the primary parasite and dissolve these into the chondrit
stage of primitive valence.
Upon clear contemplation, not only the cancer problem but the entire pathology, as taught by school-
medicine, have become unsustainable. In any case, it is extremely revealing of the insight that Prof. Sau-
erbruch, in allowing a series of cancer patients to be treated isopathically in his hospital at the Charite and
who, subsequently, in the closing years of his life again and again had pointed out that: ?IF ENDERLEIN
expressed: ?THEN WE CAN PACK UP?
Now, we come to the burning question about infectious diseases. For these also, the identical basis of
complete ignorance concerning the entire biological developmental conditions and the developmental
construction of all microbes in the area of fungi, bacteria, and primitive phases exists. Because the VIRUS
STAGE predominantly involves but a single developmental stage, which can be located only in a particular
place of the total cyclic range of deve lopmental forms as PRIMITIVE PHASES (to which the so-called
virus belongs) - BACTERIAL PHASES - FUNGAL PHASES, a factor has slipped into the
monomorphistically oriented doctrin which ultimately serves the final outcome. (Success of sanitary
measures.) One exception here is e.g. the thyphus pathogen. Its bacterial form causes the main disease
symptoms in the intestines, but after its disappearance from the intestines, it leaves behind primitive forms
of colloidal or, at the least, ultramicroscopic remnants within the blood, through which the type of intestinal
infection can possibly be identified by means of agglutination tests, weeks or even months after the
However, in contrast to epidemics and infectious diseases, an entirely different situation prevails for the
complex of chronic diseases. The purely biological understanding that the primary infection of all the
vertebrates with the endobiont MUCOR RACEMOSUS FRESEN occured at a very early point of the
development of vertebrates, hundreds of millions of years ago - explains the unusual and gigantic deve-
lopment of the primary symbiosis. Simultaneously, with this genesis of a primary symbiosis, a shift of the
VIRUS STAGE onto most of the thousands of developmental phases in the endobiontic development has
Each of these innumerable series of pathogenic forms of the cycle of a singular microbial species has
succeeded not only in diverse valences or sizes and developmental levels, but also in an unimaginable
differentiation not only in the level of pathogenicity, but also into a nearly inconceivable differentiation into
thousands of chronic diseases with diversified disease symptoms, which give a distinctly different disease
appearance. Yet, all these diseases are able to blend into each other gradually, so that cancer makes itself
known as rheumatism 12 - 15 years earlier; a stomach-ulcer terminates into cancer; leukemia develops into
a case of Hodgkin and vice versa; and thousands of other unusual and surprising characteristics, can
All these biological, purely CAUSAL FACTORS stand in contrast to the CONDITIONAL FACTORS.
These cancerogenic and dietetic factors as contributory, conditional causes have become more and more
expanded so that their number nowadays exceeds one thousand, by far.
The nature of the dietary error consists in the fact that the primary parasite in the body, the endobiont is
fattened into higher and higher developmental phases through habitually eating too much protein from
animal and also plant sources, especially through the intake of meat, fish, and white flour products; the
higher stages simultaneously are connected with higher and highest pathogenicity. The preference for
COOKED FOODS also contributes to this. According to Enderlein, VEGETARIAN RAW FOODS alone
are the foundation for total health. (We may not forget that the endobiont is a colloid of PLANT ORIGIN.)
Numerous doctors everywhere confirm that cancer can be healed by Isopathy based on living colloids (=
protitit stage) of the causal factor. All this proves with absolute safety that only by the replacement of
COLLOIDS lost through the diets of civilized countries, the healing processes can be initiated and ac-
complished. This ?replacement? relates, in the case of cancer, to the just mentioned LOST COLLOIDS.
Thus, let it be first summarized that the healing possiblities of cancer rest singularly within the possibilities
of a primary symbiosis with a primary parasite, accomplished since primary times, and a purely
BIOLOGICAL replacement of regulatory parts of its cycles that have become lost through our pseudo-
culture. All this lies outside of - let us say - schoolmedicine?s therapy.
It is a most disquieting paradox that we fight diseases with medications, which simultaneously destroy the
defensive mechanisms of the body. We can even add to this that it is not merely a case of destroying the
defensive mechanisms, but even more, a case of overfeeding the worst hereditary enemy of humanity.
For this therapy, it is to be particularly pointed out that - just as Prof. Dr. med. Friedmann considered it a
requirement for patients healed through the turtle tubercle bacillus (today Mycobacterium phlei = UTILIN
?S?) to receive additional injections every 3 months for their health maintenance such follow-up, likewise,
remains necessary to a higher degree after the healing of all serious ENDOBIOTIC DISEASES, and
particularly those considered to be ?incurable?. Not only is a subcutaneous injection of endobiont-
chondritin (Mucokehl) urgently necessary every quarter of a year, but also the strictest raw food diet must
be maintained at least for several years. In all serious endobiotic diseases, such as cancer, Hodgkin,
leukemia, the danger lies in owing the genes of the dangerous phases, and with them also higher and
highest pathogenicity, the primary parasite constantly persists inside the human body. Thereby, the
increased tendency to create highly pathogenic forms always makes itself felt when the opportunity is
offered for overfeeding itself with protein.
This is entirely in contrast to all epidemic and infectious diseases. What helps here is only the regular
weakening over months, or better weeks, by absorbing through rubbing in of uncountable billions of ab-
solutely apathogenic colloids consisting of primitive phases or colloids, which have been cultivated outside
the human body and beyond the culmination. Even better is an injection every 3 months.