FM Unit1 3sem

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1. Introduction to fluid mechanics

The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the blood and other liquids that flow in our bodies
demonstrate the close dependence of our lives on various fluids. Not only must these fluids, as well as
many others, be present when we need them, it is important that they are present where we need them
with not only satisfactory quality; but also sufficient quantity.

Fluid mechanics deals with the study of all uids under static and dynamic situations. Fluid
mechanics is a branch of continuous mechanics which deals with a relationship between forces,
motions, and static conditions in a continuous material. This study area deals with many and diversied
problems such as surface tension, uid statics, and ow in enclose bodies, or ow round bodies (solid
or otherwise), ow stability, etc. In fact, almost any action a person is doing involves some kind of a
uid mechanics problem.

2. Solids, liquids and gases

In general matter can be distinguished by the physical forms known as solid, liquid, and gas. The
liquid and gaseous phases are usually combined and given a common name of fluid. Solids differ
from fluids on account of their molecular structure (spacing of molecules and ease with which they
can move). The intermolecular forces are large in a solid, smaller in a liquid and extremely small in
Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids at rest or in motion. It has traditionally been applied
in such area as the design of pumps, compressor, design of dam and canal, design of piping and
ducting in chemical plants, the aerodynamics of airplanes and automobiles. In recent years fluid
mechanics is truly a high-tech discipline and many exciting areas have been developed like
the aerodynamics of multi-storey buildings, fluid mechanics of atmosphere, sports, and micro

3. Fluids

A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the action of a shear force. A fluid may be
a liquid or a gas; it offers resistance to a change of shape and is capable of flowing. Liquid and
gas are distinguished as follows:
A gas completely fills the space in which it is contained; a liquid usually has a free
A gas is a fluid which can be compressed relatively easily and is often treated as such; a
liquid can be compressed only with difficulty.
For static fluids:

According to this definition, if we apply a shear force to a fluid it will deform and take up a
state in which no shear force exists. Therefore, we can say:

If a fluid is at rest there can be no shearing forces acting and therefore all forces
in the fluid must be perpendicular to the planes in which they act.

Note here that we specify that the fluid must be at rest. This is because, it is found experimentally
that fluids in motion can have slight resistance to shear force. This is the source of viscosity.
For fluids in motion:

Consider the fluid shown flowing along a fixed surface. At the surface there will be little
movement of the fluid (it will stick to the surface), whilst further away from the surface the fluid
flows faster (has greater velocity):

If one layer of is moving faster than another layer of fluid, there must be shear forces acting
between them. For example, if we have fluid in contact with a conveyor belt that is moving we
will get the behaviour shown:

Ideal fluid Real (Viscous) Fluid

When fluid is in motion, any difference in velocity between adjacent layers has the same effect
as the conveyor belt does .Therefore, to represent real fluids in motion we must consider the
action of shear forces.

4. System of units
The official international system of units (System International Units). Strong efforts are underway
for its universal adoption as the exclusive system for all engineering and science, but older systems,
particularly the cgs and fps engineering gravitational systems are still in use and probably will be
around for some time. The chemical engineer finds many physiochemical data given in cgs units;
that many calculations are most conveniently made in fps units; and that SI units are increasingly
encountered in science and engineering. Thus it becomes necessary to be expert in the use of all
three systems.
Dimension = A dimension is the measure by which a physical variable is expressed
Unit = A unit is a particular way of attaching a number to the quantitative dimension.
Thus length is a dimension associated with such variables as distance, displacement,
width, deflection, and height, while centimeters or meters are both numerical units for
expressing length.
5. Fluid as a continuum

Fluid mechanics is supposed to describe motion of fluids and related phenomena at macroscopic
scales, which assumes that a fluid can be regarded as a continuous medium. This means that any small
volume element in the fluid is always supposed so large that it still contains a very great number of
molecules. Accordingly, when we consider infinitely small elements of volume, we mean very small
compared with the volume of the body under consideration, but large compared with the distances
between the molecules. The expressions fluid particle and point in a fluid are to be understood in this

Matter is made up of atoms that are widely spaced in the gas phase. Yet it is very convenient to
disregard the atomic nature of a substance and view it as a continuous, homogeneous matter with no
holes, that is, a continuum. The continuum idealization allows us to treat properties as point functions
and to assume that the properties vary continually in space with no jump discontinuities. This
idealization is valid as long as the size of the system we deal with is large relative to the space between
the molecules. This is the case in practically all problems, except some specialized ones. The
continuum idealization is implicit in many statements we make, such as the density of water in a
glass is the same at any point.

That is, properties such as density, pressure, temperature, and velocity are taken to be well-defined
at infinitely small points. These properties are then assumed to vary continuously and smoothly from
one point to another. Consequently, the fact that the fluid is made up of discrete molecules is ignored.
If, for example, we deal with the displacement of some fluid particle, we do mean not the displacement
of an individual molecule, but that of a volume element containing many molecules, though still
regarded as a point in space. Thats why fluid mechanics is a branch of continuum mechanics, which
models matter from a macroscopic viewpoint without using the information that it is made out of

Limitations of Continuum hypothesis:

According to the continuous assumption, the physical quantities (like velocity, pressure and
density) are supposed to vary smoothly on macroscopic scales. However, this may not be the case
everywhere in the flow. Also, if we are interesting by scale invariant properties of fluid in some
particular cases, we need to keep in mind that there is a scale at which the equations of fluid mechanics
break up, which is the molecular scale characterized by the mean free path of molecules between

6. Specific properties:

Properties are considered to be either intensive or extensive. Intensive properties are those that are
independent of the mass of a system, such as temperature, pressure, and density. Extensive properties
are those whose values depend on the size or extent of the system. Total mass, total volume V and
total momentum are some examples of extensive properties. An easy way to determine whether a
property is intensive or extensive is to divide the system into two equal parts with an imaginary
partition. Each part will have the same value of intensive properties as the original system, but half
the value of the extensive properties.
Generally, uppercase letters are used to denote extensive properties (with mass m being a major
exception), and lowercase letters are used for intensive properties (with pressure P and temperature
T being the obvious exceptions). Extensive properties per unit mass are called specific properties.

I. Specific density

Specific density or specific mass or mass density is the mass per unit volume of the fluid.

With the increase in temperature volume of fluid increases and hence mass density decreases in
case of fluids as the pressure increases volume decreases and hence mass density increases.

The mass per unit volume of a substance, usually denoted as . Typical values are:

Water: 1000 kg/m3;

Mercury: 13546 kg/m3;
Air: 1.23 kg/m3;
Paraffin: 800 kg/m3.

II. Specific weight

Specific weight or weight density of a fluid is the weight per unit volume.

With increase in temperature volume increase and hence specific weight decreases. With increase in
pressure volume decreases and hence specific weight increases.

Therefore specific weight = specific density * acceleration due to gravity

III. Specific volume:

It is the volume per unit mass of the fluid. Unit is m3/kg.

IV. Specific gravity:

It is the ratio of density of the fluid to the density of a standard fluid.

Unit: It is a dimensionless quantity and has no unit.

In case of liquids water at 4oC is considered as standard liquid. water = 1000 kg/m3
7. Viscosity

When two solid bodies in contact move relative to each other, a friction force develops at the contact
surface in the direction opposite to motion. To move a table on the floor, for example, we have to apply a
force to the table in the horizontal direction large enough to overcome the friction force. The magnitude of
the force needed to move the table depends on the friction coefficient between the table and the floor. The
situation is similar when a fluid moves relative to a solid or when two fluids move relative to each other. We
move with relative ease in air, but not so in water. Moving in oil would be even more difficult, as can be
observed by the slower downward motion of a glass ball dropped in a tube filled with oil. It appears that there
is a property that represents the internal resistance of a fluid to motion or the fluidity, and that property is
the viscosity. The force a flowing fluid exerts on a body in the flow direction is called the drag force, and the
magnitude of this force depends, in part, on viscosity.
Viscosity is the property by virtue of which fluid offers resistance against the flow or shear
deformation. In other words, it is the reluctance of the fluid to flow. Viscous force is that force of resistance
offered by a layer of fluid for the motion of another layer over it.
In case of liquids, viscosity is due to cohesive force between the molecules of adjacent layers of
liquid. In case of gases, molecular activity between adjacent layers is the cause of viscosity.

I. Newtons law of viscosity

Let us consider a liquid between the fixed plate and the movable plate at a distance Y apart, A is
the contact area (Wetted area) of the movable plate, F is the force required to move the plate with a velocity
U According to Newtons law shear stress is proportional to shear strain.
( 1/y)
Therefore, du
= du
This equation is called Newtons law of viscosity.

is the constant of proportionality called Dynamic Viscosity or Absolute Viscosity or Coefficient of

Viscosity or Viscosity of the fluid.

Velocity gradient or rate of shear strain:

It is the difference in velocity per unit distance between any two layers. If the velocity profile is linear then
velocity gradient is given by U. If the velocity profile
Y is non linear then it is given by du /dy
II. Types of fluids
Type of fluid Description Equation Example
Ideal Fluid Fluids with zero viscosity =0
These follow Newtons law
= du
of viscosity, Dynamic Water,
Newtonian Fluid dy
viscosity does not change Kerosene, air
with deformation.
= (du) n
Non-Newtonian fluids (dy) slurries, mud
flows, polymer
Fluids which do not follow solutions, blood
linear relationship between Sugar solutions,
Dilatent Fluids shear stress and rate of n >1 butter, printing
deformation. ink
Paper pulp,
Psuedo plastic rubber
n <1
fluids suspension
Plastic Fluids
Sewage sludge,
This is a non-Newtonian = const + du
Ideal plastic or water
fluid which has an initial dy
Bingham fluid suspension of
yield stress is to be
clay and fly ash
exceeded to cause
= const + (du)n
Thixotropic continuous deformation,
(dy) Printers ink

IV. Effect of pressure on viscosity

Pressure has very little or no effect on the viscosity of fluids.

V. Effect of temperature on viscosity

1. Effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids: Viscosity of liquids is due to cohesive force

between the molecules of adjacent layers. As the temperature increases cohesive force decreases
and hence viscosity decreases.
2. Effect of temperature on viscosity of gases: Viscosity of gases is due to molecular
activity between adjacent layers. As the temperature increases molecular activity increases and
hence viscosity increases.
Gases: Liquids:

Where a,b,c are constants and t is the temperature

8. Surface tension
It is often observed that a drop of blood forms a hump on a horizontal glass; a drop of mercury forms
a near-perfect sphere and can be rolled just like a steel ball over a smooth surface; water droplets from rain
or dew hang from branches or leaves of trees; a liquid fuel injected into an engine forms amidst of spherical
droplets; water dripping from a leaky faucet falls as spherical droplets; a soap bubble released into the air
forms a spherical shape; and water beads up into small drops on flower petals. In these and other observances,
liquid droplets behave like small spherical balloons filled with the liquid, and the surface of the liquid acts
like a stretched elastic membrane under tension. The pulling force that causes this tension acts parallel to the
surface and is due to the attractive forces between the molecules of the liquid. The magnitude of this force
per unit length is called surface tension s and is usually expressed in the unit N/m. This effect is also called
surface energy. In this case, s represents the stretching work that needs to be done to increase the surface area
of the liquid by a unit amount.
Cohesive forces: are the forces that exist between molecules of one phase.
Adhesive forces: are the forces that exist between molecules of two different phases.

I. Pressure inside a water droplet, soap bubble and liquid jet

Consider a small spherical droplet of a liquid. On the entire surface of the droplet, the tensile force due to
surface tension will be acting
= the surface tension of the liquid
p = pressure intensity inside the droplet (in excess of the outside pressure intensity)
d = Diameter of the droplet

Let the droplet cut into two halves.

The forces acting on one half (say on left half) will be tensile force due to surface tension acting around the
circumference of the cut portion as shown in the below figure and this equal to: x circumference = .d N
Pressure force on the area = p.d2/4 N
These two forces will be equal and opposite and under equilibrium,

For general curved surface with radii of curvature r1 and r2 at a point of interest

Hollow bubbles such as soap bubbles have two surfaces on which surface tension can act. In such cases:

Interestingly, soap solution has a high value of which makes it possible for the soap bubble to be large in
diameter for small pressure of blowing.

Surface tension on Liquid jet:

Consider a liquid jet of diameter d and length L as shown in the figure:

Let p = Pressure intensity inside the jet above the outside pressure
= Surface tension of the liquid
L = length of the jet
Consider the equilibrium of the semi jet, we have
Force due to pressure = p x area = p.L.d
Force due to surface tension = . 2L
Equating the two forces, we have:
9. Capillarity

Another interesting consequence of surface tension is the capillary effect, which is the rise or fall of
a liquid in a small-diameter tube inserted into the liquid. Such narrow tubes or confined flow channels are
called capillaries. The rise of kerosene through a cotton wick inserted into the reservoir of a kerosene lamp
is due to this effect. The capillary effect is also partially responsible for the rise of water to the top of tall
trees. The curved free surface of a liquid in Capillary Tube is called the meniscus. It is commonly observed
that water in a glass container curves up slightly at the edges where it touches the glass surface; but the
opposite occurs for mercury: it curves down at the edges. This effect is usually expressed by saying that water
wets the glass (by sticking to it) while mercury does not.
The strength of the capillary effect is quantified by the contact (or wetting) angle f, defined as the
angle that the tangent to the liquid surface makes with the solid surface at the point of contact. The surface
tension force acts along this tangent line toward the solid surface. A liquid is said to wet the surface when f
+ 90 and not to wet the surface when f 90. In atmospheric air, the contact angle of water (and most other
organic liquids) with glass is nearly zero, of 0. Therefore, the surface tension force acts upward on water
in a glass tube along the circumference, tending to pull the water up.
To derive an expression for capillary rise of a liquid in a small tube dipped in it:
It can be observed that the capillary rise is inversely proportional to the diameter of the tube.
The same equation can be used to calculate capillary depression. In such cases will be obtuse h
works out to be ve.

10. Compressibility and bulk modulus

All materials, whether solids, liquids or gases, are compressible, i.e. the volume V of a given mass
will be reduced to V - V when a force is exerted uniformly all over its surface. If the force per unit area of
surface increases from p to p + p, the relationship between change of pressure and change of volume depends
on the bulk modulus of the material.

Bulk modulus (K) = (change in pressure) / (volumetric strain)

Volumetric strain is the change in volume divided by the original volume. Therefore,

(Change in volume) / (original volume) = (change in pressure) / (bulk modulus)

i.e., -V/V = p/K

Negative sign for V indicates the volume decreases as pressure increases.

The concept of the bulk modulus is mainly applied to liquids, since for gases the compressibility is so great
that the value of K is not a constant.

The relationship between pressure and mass density is more conveniently found from the characteristic
equation of gas.

For liquids, the changes in pressure occurring in many fluid mechanics problems are not sufficiently great to
cause appreciable changes in density. It is therefore usual to ignore such changes and consider liquids as

Gases may also be treated as incompressible if the pressure changes are very small, but usually
compressibility cannot be ignored. In general, compressibility becomes important when the velocity of the
fluid exceeds about one-fifth of the velocity of a pressure wave (velocity of sound) in the fluid.

Typical values of Bulk Modulus:

K = 2.05 x 109 N/m2 for water

K = 1.62 x 109 N/m2 for oil.

11. Vapour Pressure:

It is well-established that temperature and pressure are dependent properties for pure substances during
phase-change processes, and there is one-to-one correspondence between temperatures and pressures. At a
given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance changes phase is called the saturation temperature
T. Likewise, at a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance changes phase is called the
saturation pressure Psat . At an absolute pressure of 1 standard atmosphere (1 atm or 101.325 kPa), for
example, the saturation temperature of water is 100C. Conversely, at a temperature of 100C, the saturation
pressure of water is 1 atm. of a pure substance is defined as the pressure exerted by its vapour in phase
equilibrium with its liquid at a given temperature.

The vapour pressure P is a property of the pure substance, and turns out to be identical to the saturation
pressure Psat of the liquid (P). We must be careful not to confuse vapour pressure with partial pressure.
Partial pressure is defined as the pressure of a gas or vapour in a mixture with other gases. For example,
atmospheric air is a mixture of dry air and water vapour, and atmospheric pressure is the sum of the partial
pressure of dry air and the partial pressure of water vapour. The partial pressure of water vapour constitutes
a small fraction (usually under 3 percent) of the atmospheric pressure since air is mostly nitrogen and oxygen.
The partial pressure of a vapour must be less than or equal to the vapour pressure if there is no liquid present.
However, when both vapour and liquid are present and the system is in phase equilibrium, the partial pressure
of the vapour must equal the vapour pressure, and the system is said to be saturated. The rate of evaporation
from open water bodies such as P sat
1. Fluid mechanics, Cengel & Cimabala
2. Fluid mechanics, R K Rajput
3. A text book of fluid mechanics by R K Bansal
4. VTU notes by NS
5. Fluid mechanics by Dr. Collin Caprini
6. A first course in fluid mechanics by Buddhi.N. Hewakandamby
7. Surface tension in fluid mechanics By Lloyd Trefeth

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