Independent Progress Review of The CSH PPA Between Oxfam and DFID

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Oxfam GB

Independent Progress
Review (mid-term IPR) of
the CHASE Programme
Partnership Arrangement
(PPA) between Oxfam GB
and DFID

Final Report

October 10th 2012

Church & Court Barn, Church Lane

Tickenham, Bristol, BS21 6SD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1275 811 345
[email protected]


Acknowledgements VI


1.1 Purpose of the evaluation ix

1.2 Scope of the evaluation ix

1.3 Focus of the evaluation ix

1.4 Organisation context ix

1.5 Logic and assumptions (i.e. theory of change) supporting DFID PPA funded project
and/or programme activities x

1.6 Overview of PPA funded activities xi

1.6.1 The Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) 1.8m xi
1.6.2 Within and Without the State (WWS) 1.057m xi
1.6.3 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) 930,188 xii
1.6.4 Impact Measurement Guide (IMG) 320,000 xii

1.7 Relationship of DFID PPA funded activities to other programme activities xiii


2.1 Evaluation plan xiv

2.1.1 Evaluation questions xiv
2.1.2 Evaluation design (and rationale for design) xiv
2.1.3 Research methodology (and data collection strategy) xiv
2.1.4 Analytical framework xv
2.1.5 Approach to quality assurance of research xv

2.2 Research problems encountered xv

2.3 Strengths and weaknesses of selected evaluation design and research methods in
retrospect xv


3.1 Results 1
3.1.1 Performance assessment against logframe 2
3.1.2 Intended and unintended effects (positive and negative changes) on poor and
marginalised groups and civil society 19

3.2 Relevance 21
3.2.1 Representativeness 21
3.2.2 Targeting 24

3.3 Effectiveness 27

3.3.1 Learning 27
3.3.2 Innovation 29
3.3.3 Partnership working 30
3.3.4 Sustainability 31

3.4 Efficiency 35
3.4.1 Value for money assessment 38
3.4.2 Impact and value for money of PPA funding 39
3.4.3 Attributable impacts of PPA funding on results, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency 41
3.4.4 Value for money assessment of PPA funding 42


4.1 Summary of achievements against evaluation criteria 49

4.2 Summary of achievements against rationale for PPA funding 49

4.3 Summary of problems and issues encountered 49

4.4 Overall impact and value for money of PPA funded activities 49



6.1 Policy level 51

6.2 Sector level 51

6.3 PPA fund level 52

6.4 Organisational level management, design, implementation 52



A. Recommendations in detail
B. PPA IPR terms of reference
C. Evaluation research schedule and timescales
D. Data collection tools
E. List of people consulted
F. List of data sources
G. Bibliography
H. Sub-reports of country visits and case studies
I. Details of the evaluation team


ACCRA Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance

AI Amnesty International
AIM Accountability and Impact Measurement
ALNAP Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance
ALP Adaptation and Learning Programme (CARE)
ATT Arms Trade Treaty
AU African Union
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development
BOND British Overseas NGOs in Development
CA Control Arms Secretariat
CARICOM Caribbean Community
CB Capacity Building
CBO Community-based Organisation
CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CDKN Climate and Development Knowledge Network
CHASE Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department (DFID)
CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy (Ethiopia)
CRS Catholic Relief Services
CSO Civil Society Organisation
DFID Department for International Development (UK)
DFRMSS Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (Ethiopia)
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
EC European Commission
ECB Emergency Capacity Building Project
ECHO Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department of the European Commission
ELHRA Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EU European Union
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK)
GEG Good Enough Guide (ECB)
GPAF Global Poverty Action Fund
GPF Global Performance Framework (Oxfam)
HAP Humanitarian Accountability Partnership
HERR Humanitarian Emergency Response Review
HMG Her Majestys Government (UK)
HR Human Rights
IANSA International Action Network on Small Arms
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development (East Africa)
IHL International Humanitarian Law
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IMG Impact Measurement Guide
INGO International Non-Government Organisation

Acronyms in bold refer to the four project workstreams operated by OGB under CHASE PPA funding.

INGR National Institute for Disaster Management (Mozambique)
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPR Independent Progress Review
IRC International Rescue Committee
JCAS Joint Country Analysis and Strategy
LACF Local Adaptive Capacity Framework
LP Learning Partnership (DFID/PPA)
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
MICOA Ministry of Environmental Affairs (Mozambique)
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN)
ODI Overseas Development Institute
OECD-DAC Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development Development Assistance Committee
OGB Oxfam GB
OPAL Oxfams Programme Accountability and Learning system
OPTI Occupied Palestinian Territory/Israel
OWLRe Owl Research and Evaluation
PIF Pacific Islands Forum
PPA Programme Partnership Arrangement
PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme (Ethiopia)
QA Quality Assurance
SALW Small Arms and Light Weapons
SCIP Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (DFID)
SCUK Save the Children UK
SPHERE Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response
SPIF Strategic Programme and Investment Framework (Ethiopia)
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
SSI Semi-structured Interview
SSR Security Sector Reform
ToC Theory/ies of Change
ToR Terms of Reference
UEA University of East Anglia
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNGA United National General Assembly
US United States
VfM Value for Money
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WWS Within and Without the State

Our thanks are due to Oxfam GB for providing generous support to our review team. OGB has shown
commitment to transparency throughout the IPR process, including access to staff from across the
organisation including senior management, policy advocacy, international programmes, humanitarian policy
and programmes, campaigns, programme funding, and finance, as well as technical and managerial staff
assigned within the four specific CHASE PPA workstreams, and the country programmes and international
teams implementing those workstreams on the ground.
Our thanks are also due to Coffey for support in clarifying IPR process requirements and expectations on the
part of the donor.
We are grateful to the Oxfam Country Offices and consortium partners in: the Occupied Palestinian
Territories/Israel (OPTI), South Sudan and Afghanistan (Within and Without the State); Uganda, Ethiopia and
Mozambique (ACCRA); and we are grateful to OGB staff and partners engaged in often high-pressure work on
the Impact Measurement Guide and Arms Trade Treaty workstreams. Special mention should be made of the
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) team who arranged access to informants in the midst of a project-critical
international diplomatic conference. In all cases, we are grateful to national and local partners and beneficiary
groups for their openness and willingness to spend time with our team.


This Independent Progress Review report assesses four workstreams managed by Oxfam GB (OGB) under a
DFID/CHASE PPA grant (GBP4,679,004 from 2011-14). The four workstreams form a significant part of OGBs
humanitarian policy work, and include: the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA); the Within and
Without the State (WWS) project; the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); and the Impact Measurement Guide (IMG)

Results: Performance against results as set out in the grants global results framework are on or above target
across all four workstreams. Simple attribution of results to PPA funding is clear, largely due to OGBs decision
to channel funding into specific workstreams and related expenditure internally. Whilst this has value in
demonstrating the link between donor inputs and grant-holder performance, the wider value of unrestricted
grant vehicles in supporting recipients freedom to deploy resources with tactical as well as strategic flexibility
is as, if not more, important. More complex attribution of unique causal linkages between finance and
outcome or impact is more challenging.

In any case, numerical results do not in themselves convey a full picture of what OGB is doing across the
workstreams, with regard to formative or prospective impact which will be critical to developing an evidence
base for the final evaluation of the grant in 2014. Attention to developing that evidence base, for example
through the workstream-level monitoring frameworks (MELs), should be a key focus of the four projects. Three
prominent examples are given here:

First, workstreams are increasingly in a position to define not only areas in which they can expect to
have impact, but also areas in which they cannot. This is valuable in showing how OGB uses
knowledge in the process of intervention to refine theory of change, strategy and contribution
analysis when it comes to impact-level evaluation.

Second, given the strong emphasis across workstreams on developing new technical and
methodological knowledge and capacity, workstreams should and are already considering the
critical requirements of converting that knowledge and capacity into field-ready applications.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, much of the experience of the workstreams at this interim stage
is in the form of process. Yet important indicators of impact are often hidden in the quality and
content of process. Workstreams will need to look closely at developing metrics and measurement
methods to capture and quantify key aspects of process as part of the evidence base for impact.

Relevance: All workstreams fulfil the basic criterion of relevance. Together they offer further value showing
how humanitarian policy and action can take on more developmental characteristics, extending beyond the
short-term recovery model towards longer-term and more effectively preventive intervention approaches.

Effectiveness: There is sound performance across the sub-categories (Learning, Innovation, Partnership
Working, Sustainability). Workstreams offer particularly useful insights into the complex and challenging
process of working with local partners in fragile and conflict-affected settings, as well as the reality of
sustainability in such contexts.

Efficiency: OGB operates a sophisticated system of managerial and financial oversight, within which CHASE
PPA-funded workstreams have been well-run both internally within projects, and in collective grant oversight.
Work in fragile and conflict-affected countries raises useful discussions around the value for money agenda.

Additionality: Although funded under the rubric of humanitarian policy, the design and orientation of the four
workstreams offers collective value in addressing the perennial problem of the humanitarian-development
divide. They also offer insights into possible opportunities and threats related to OGBs wider strategic steer
towards a more intermediary role in the relationship between communities, civil society and state.

Conclusion: Performance against grant benchmarks and evaluation criteria is good. Key issues are: the extent
to which workstreams can develop more nuanced indicators and measures to build the evidence base for

impact; and the extent to which OGB as a whole is able to use collective workstream experience to feed
organisational thinking and strategy on enhancing developmental value in humanitarian approaches.

Evidence for conclusions: We drew our evidence for overall good performance from the data incorporated in
the global results framework which OGB agreed with DFID at the start of the grant, and which continues to be
a useful subject of dialogue and revision between donor and grant-holder as the CHASE PPA workstreams
advance through interim to final evaluation.

We substantiated these generally positive indicators with quantitative and qualitative data coming through
organisational, CHASE PPA, and workstream-specific documentation, including scoping, design, and descriptive
analysis of workstream processes, as well as financial data relating to distribution of expenditure broken down
by grant/year, between central and workstream-specific costs, and between human resource and other
(including sub-granting) expenditures.2

We complemented these data with largely qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with a range of
OGB staff at HQ and field office levels, including as a primary resource workstream team leaders and team
members at HQ and in field sites (Afghanistan, OPTI, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique, US/New
York), as well as senior staff directly involved in designing and/or managing and overseeing the grants use.
And we triangulated OGB qualitative judgements regarding grant and workstreams process and progress with
interview material from non-OGB partners involved, through consortia and network arrangements, in grant-
supported activities (see Annex D).

We draw our conclusion regarding the need or opportunity for more nuanced measures of progress within
each CHASE PPA-supported workstream from analysis of individual Project Logic and Monitoring, Evaluation
and Learning frameworks for ACCRA, IMG, ATT and WWS, backed by discussion with the MEL adviser and
technical advisers attached to workstreams. Our analysis suggests that, at the IPR stage, there are rich sets of
indicators set out for each workstream but that, according to updates supplied, these are not as yet being fully
populated with data, in ways which could be helpful in generating the kinds of facts and figures that will make
substantiating sequences of inputs, outputs and outcomes at the more strongly impact-focused evaluation

We draw our conclusion regarding the need or opportunity for OGB to learn at a more fundamental
organisational level from its CHASE PPA-funded workstreams from interviews with individual workstream leads
and team members, as well as with OGB senior staff, suggesting that there are different views of how the
workstreams relate to broader and more fundamental OGB organisational learning and consequent policy
thinking. Clearly, this is a judgement call, and can be disputed. However, our presentation of these analyses to
OGB at the preliminary findings stage suggested a degree of support for the view that OGB can explore ways to
maximise coherence in humanitarian policy learning from the CHASE PPA-funded work.

Email correspondence and documentation from: Vivian Walden and Laure Anquez (IMG), Anna Macdonald and Deep Basu
Ray (ATT), Saskia Daggett and Chris Anderson (ACCRA), Amanda Buttinger, Jo Rowlands and Louie Fooks (WWS), Annelise
Dennis, CHASE PPA MEL Adviser & Tim Stanbury, Business Manager, Campaigns and Policy, OGB [latest: 1 October 2012].


1.1 Purpose of the evaluation

This evaluation3 is conducted in completion of the Independent Progress Review (IPR) required by the
Department for International Development (DFID) as part of its PPA grant facility. It covers the first 18 months
(nominal) of the current grant timeframe, 2011-14.

1.2 Scope of the evaluation

The evaluation examines the performance of OGB in the allocation, use and effect of its DFID/ Conflict,
Humanitarian and Security (CHASE) Department PPA grant (GBP4,679,004 over three years) between March
2011 and October 2012.4 The evaluation incorporates assessment of OGBs PPA Annual Report (April 2011-
March 2012), and of its managerial response to feedback from DFID; and provides a broader assessment of
relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and results of DFID CHASE funded interventions, as well as the
additionality and impacts of DFID CHASE funding as a whole.5

1.3 Focus of the evaluation

The evaluation focuses on four global programmes (hereafter, workstreams) coordinated by OGB with
partners and beneficiaries, including in a number of country sites, worldwide. Two of the four workstreams
(the Impact Measurement Guide (IMG) and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)) operate primarily as centrally
coordinated programmes, with field activity related to methodological testing and international advocacy,
respectively. The other two (the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) and the Within and
Without the State (WWS) project) are supported centrally but with stronger implementation and management
oversight at field level in operational countries (respectively, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique; and OPTI, South
Sudan, Afghanistan).

The focus of the evaluation is on PPA-financed activities primarily, but also on the influence and impact those
activities have on wider organisational and extra-organisational learning, capability and practice.

1.4 Organisation context

OGB works with a diverse range of poor people, civil society organisations, businesses and governments in 51
countries worldwide, including 34 fragile and/or conflict-affected countries. It is an affiliate of the global
Oxfam federation of 17 organisations working in over 90 countries worldwide. OGBs work is divided into five
Aims Right to sustainable livelihoods (26%, 76.0m); Right to essential services (9%, 24.6m); Right to life
and security (40%, 116.3m); Right to be heard (6%, 16.7m); & Right to equity (9%, 26.5m).7

In 2010-11, OGBs total organizational income was 367.5m (with projected increase in income between 2011-
12 and 2013-14 to 394.5m). In 2009-10, 65% of Oxfams programme spend went towards supporting work in
the 34 fragile and conflict-affected countries noted above. In the same year, Oxfam spent 92 million

As noted below under Section 2 (2.1 Evaluation Methodology), we have approached the IPR predominantly as a review in
the review-evaluation spectrum recognised by OECD-DAC. This does not imply an abrogation of evaluative assessment, where
data and evidence make this feasible. Rather, it is the recognition that at the interim stage of a grant, much of what can usefully
be ascertained relates to process and progress, and less to quantifiably complete outcomes.
Noting that the review was conducted between June and September 2012.
See, OGB Tender Dossier, Midterm Evaluation of Oxfams DFID CHASE Programme Partnership Agreement (PPA), 30
March 2012; Coffey Guidelines on GPAF/PPA Evaluation, 2012.
Currently, OGB is finalising its eight organisational goals; these are expected to include resilience as a point of reference,
relevant to the discussions in this review report.
Bracketed figures are proportion and monetary total of OGB expenditure allocated to each Aim, as of year ending March

providing humanitarian aid to 4.8 million women and men, while increasing the resilience to shocks of 480,000
vulnerable people.8

1.5 Logic and assumptions (i.e. theory of change) supporting DFID PPA funded project and/or programme

OGBs CHASE PPA grant is aimed at four policy level outcomes.9 Collectively, the four corresponding
workstreams are designed to feed into substantive and measurable improvements to humanitarian and
security policy, with a view, at impact level, of reduc[ing] the impact of conflict, state fragility and disasters on
progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (particularly MDG 1).10

OGB is a rights-based organisation, focusing on empowerment, inclusion and accountability. Whilst the weight
of its overall spend in programming goes to practical field-based and humanitarian programming, OGB
commits significant resources and energy to research and policy work, to strengthen the evidence base on key
issues of vulnerability, and the capacity to convert that knowledge into better practice. Increasingly, OGB sees
its role as that of intermediary brokering a better, more rights-responsive relationship between
communities, civil society and government in countries where poverty, vulnerability and conflict undermine
humanitarian norms and development goals.

OGBs CHASE PPA work falls under, and ultimately is expected to feed into, two primary Aims the Right to
Life and Security, and the Right to be Heard. These, together, form what might be described as a nutcracker
approach to situations of acute and chronic humanitarian fragility and vulnerability combining interventions
in both the supply- and demand-side of humanitarian protection and broader governance.

This two-sided model reflects and is consistent with workstream-specific logic and theory of change, and wider
OGB strategy under the new 2012/13-2014/15 organisational steer. A common element across the four
workstreams is the emphasis on building productive, long-term relationships with and between government
decision-makers, civil society representatives, and beneficiary communities. At OGB level, the organisation as a
whole is now aiming to maximise impact through playing more of a convening, brokering role between states
and citizens via civil society.11

There is some indication that resilience (how to build it, how to sustain it) is emerging as a framing for the
collective concept of OGBs four CHASE PPA workstreams. However, as discussed in more detail under Results,
it is not clear at this stage whether resilience yet constitutes (or should be expected to constitute) a unifying
concept in this way.

OGB Annual Report, 2012.
OGB CHASE PPA Business Case.
OGB CHASE PPA Revised Logframe, 2011-14.
Oxfam Strategic Steer, 2012/13-2014/15.

1.6 Overview of PPA funded activities

The following section sets out, in brief detail, the four workstreams supported with CHASE PPA grant funding
under OGBs humanitarian policy work. The workstreams are presented in order of scale of investment (see
also Graph 1, below). Figures appended to each sub-head represent total allocation over 3 years.

1.6.1 The Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) 1.8m

A growing body of evidence shows how livelihoods based on agriculture and livestock across Sub-Saharan
Africa are threatened by unpredictable seasons, rising temperatures, and increases in the frequency and
severity of climate-related hazards.

Working through localised pilot sites in three SSA countries (Ethiopia, Uganda and Mozambique), ACCRA aims
to address three core issues:
Building the evidence base on effective interventions to promote climate change resilience.
Building commitment in the research, policy and practice of governments and other development
actors to strengthen integration across the fields of disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change
adaptation (CCA) and livelihoods support (including social protection and safety nets).
Building governments capacity to implement DRR and adaptation activities in ways that involve and
benefit the most vulnerable communities.

ACCRA is a consortium project between OGB, World Vision, Save the Children UK and CARE International, with
international research capacity and support provided by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). The
project is now in its second phase (starting in November 2011). Phase 1 supported the production of a Local
Adaptive Capacity framework (LAC). Phase 2 concentrates the projects focus on one of the five principal areas
identified in the LAC flexible and forward-thinking decision-making and governance (though the second
phase carries forward all five areas of work, with one identified as a particularly promising entry point for
action), and on building linkages between research, advocacy and practical capacity building with local
government counterparts.

1.6.2 Within and Without the State (WWS) 1.057m

After a period of intra-organisational reflection and review,12 OGB concluded that it needed to create a
significant change in its approach to working effectively in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Central to this
change is the idea of bringing together and combining effective practice from the field of humanitarian
intervention with more sustained models of long-term development work, to develop a new transitional
approach to programming with civil society in challenging environments.

With field sites in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel (OPTI), South Sudan and Afghanistan, WWS
aims to innovate models for enhancing the effectiveness of support to local civil society organisations (CSO) in
affected countries, by mapping and identifying networks as well as individual CSOs and developing responsive
packages of capacity building tailored to their respective organisational needs and operational goals.

The concept of capacity building includes both development of OGBs own country level capabilities (e.g.
conflict analysis, human resources management, procurement), and strengthening organisational capacity of
CSO partners (depending on self-reported demand, but including financial management, monitoring and
evaluation (M&E), fundraising as well as areas of organisational engagement and advocacy such as human
rights (OPTI), governance (South Sudan) and peacebuilding (Afghanistan)).

Including the production of a new set of Programme Policy Guidelines.

1.6.3 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) 930,188

OGB has maintained a long-standing interest in, engagement with, and recognized expertise on the Arms
Trade Treaty process for over a decade. The stated aim of the allocation of CHASE PPA grant funding to this
workstream is to continue and deepen [] policy and advocacy contributions to [Arms Trade Treaty]
negotiations. As such, this allocation of CHASE PPA funding should be assessed as a contribution within a
considerably wider global process.

Grant funding supports a core global team (working out of Oxford and New York) to generate policy-oriented
research, advocate directly with targeted governments, and support global coordination of civil society
organizations worldwide operating in and through the Control Arms coalition (and more recently Secretariat).
The purpose of these activities is to engage with policy-makers in key Member States, with parliamentarians
and legislators, with technical experts and others to build political will towards the agreement and signing of a
robust treaty supportive of humanitarian, human rights and development concerns. A major element of
OGBs distinctive offering with respect to the ATT process is the production of research and advocacy
emphasizing the linkages between an unregulated global arms trade, incidence of armed violence, and its
substantial negative impact on development goals and aid effectiveness.

OGBs vision of a robust treaty articulates a number of provisions, including:

Purpose: the treaty should emphasise protection and promotion of humanitarian, human rights and
development objectives;
Scope: the treaty should include all types of conventional weapons, including ammunition and
components/technology; the treaty should include all forms of transfers, including gifts, trading
agreements, and military cooperation;
Criteria: the treaty should include humanitarian, human rights and development criteria for
application of treaty conditions;

1.6.4 Impact Measurement Guide (IMG) 320,000

As a member of the Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) project, OGB works with other large international
NGOs on issues of effectiveness and efficiency in humanitarian intervention.13 Recognition by ECB consortium
members that impact measurement of humanitarian interventions in rapid-onset emergencies was not being
fully or adequately addressed, led OGB to design a project to develop and test a new impact measurement
methodology, and as a result to produce a published and publicly available guide.

The Impact Measurement Guide (IMG) is led by a collaboration between OGB and the University of East Anglia
(Development Studies Department), with the input of advisors associated with the ECB consortium.14 The
guide aims to strengthen in particular quantitative methods of measuring the impact of emergency
interventions by looking ex post at changes to the lives of beneficiaries (disaggregated to enable a stronger
understanding of equity issues). The concept of contribution to change (as opposed to impact) is central to
the value of the IMG.15 The methodology actively aims to encourage humanitarian agencies to collaborate in
intervention evaluations, and to focus on identifying their respective contributions within the data.

Originally financed by ECHO (phase 1, 2005-07), the current ECB (phase 2, 2008-13) is also supported by the Gates
Foundation, and includes in its consortium CARE International, Mercy Corps, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Catholic Relief
Services (CRS), International Rescue Committee (IRC) and World Vision, as well as numerous agencies in country-level
consortia. Phase 3 of the ECB is currently under design.
Though not necessarily the ECBs Accountability and Impact Measurement (AIM) advisors inclusively.
The determination of impact is, frequently, associated with the need for a counterfactual case (a control group); this is
ethically and practically problematic in rapid-onset emergencies. The focus on change allows for linear tracing of effects in the
lives of the intervention group, and the possibility of breaking this down to trace specific contributions related to change.

Graph 1: Proportional size of grant allocation across OGB CHASE PPA workstreams

1.7 Relationship of DFID PPA funded activities to other programme activities

The four CHASE PPA grant-supported workstreams were selected for support as exemplars of OGBs
humanitarian policy work. They can be viewed as four distinct showcases of humanitarian policy in four
discrete areas. However, there is some indication that, intentionally and perhaps to some extent organically,
the workstreams are feeding both into wider sectoral thinking and programme practice across OGB, and into
the organisations more fundamental strategic understanding of the needs of poor and vulnerable people, and
its own approaches to addressing them.

OGB, like other large multisector international NGOs (INGO) continues to wrestle with the conceptual and
practical disconnect between humanitarian imperatives and developmental aspirations. The struggle is
manifested, to a degree, in persistent institutional silos not only between humanitarian and developmental,
but also between the research/policy/advocacy sphere and the wider domain of practical programming.

OGBs CHASE PPA workstreams can be seen as an effort to showcase not only four individually relevant and
legitimate areas of humanitarian policy, but also to show how humanitarian research and policy can be
extended, through advocacy and pilot practice, into longer-term, more traditionally developmental areas. This
work is not complete, and there are signs of continuing challenges. However, the intention is clearly detectable
in the commonalities of approach across the four workstreams, and the degree to which potential to feed
wider organisational thinking and strategy is acknowledged.

The ACCRA workstream, for example, provides valuable evidence on how short- and long-term responses to
environmental shock can feed a broader policy and programming concept of resilience.16 The WWS
workstream is already feeding field insights into OGBs wider work on fragile states and programming in
conflict.17 The Impact Measurement Guide contributes to OGBs wider methodological capability in M&E. And
the ATT workstream links the field-based realities of armed violence with the multilateral advancement of
international humanitarian and human rights law.18

Interviews with ACCRA workstream global adviser and international coordinator, and with senior OGB staff.
Interview with members of the OGB Fragile States working group.
Workstreams can also extend influence outwards within the global Oxfam federation. For example, OGB work on ATT has
influenced Oxfam Australia, and through them AusAID, to support greater Pacific Islands regional representation in and
engagement with ATT, but also political will and capacity among relevant governments to adapt and adopt model small arms
and light weapons (SALW) legislation, critical to reducing incidence of violence and risk of conflict in the region. This will be
discussed in more detail in the Results section.


2.1 Evaluation plan

2.1.1 Evaluation questions

Evaluation questions follow the trajectory of the OECD-DAC and DFID criteria, viz. relevance of work funded;
efficiency of process in the delivery of work streams; discernible results (at this point); effectiveness of work in
itself, and in its influence on wider circuits of knowledge and practice; impacts of work (anticipated or actual);
considerations of value for money (both in economy/efficiency/effectiveness terms, and in terms of value to
the PPA grant-maker), and additionality (including the question of a counterfactual narrative for work that
would not have been achieved in the absence of the grant).

2.1.2 Evaluation design (and rationale for design)

Our evaluation design draws on first-line attribution and contribution analysis, on the grounds that
quantitative and second-line attribution analyses are less likely to be feasible at the interim stage of a grant.
We use contribution analysis as a methodology for assessing the relationship between what the grant-holder
has said they will achieve (outcomes) and the strategies they adopt (inputs, process). We use quantitative
information, as available, to assess the results chain in terms of inputs, outputs and outcomes; and we apply
logic and coherence analysis to documentary and narrative interview accounts of the expected or asserted
linkage between choice of interventions and expected effects (theories of change).19

2.1.3 Research methodology (and data collection strategy)

The review used a mixed-methods approach, including documentary review and quantitative data analysis (as
and where such data were available), complemented by semi-structured interviews (SSI) with OGB and non-
OGB staff, primary and secondary beneficiaries.20 IPR team members conducted field visits as part of the
review of WWS and ACCRA, since these workstreams rely substantively on field-based activity. For the ATT
review, an IPR team member included a visit to New York during the July 2012 diplomatic conference, as a key
insight into OGBs mode of operation. For the IMG, review was conducted through documentary analysis and

Evidence used in this report constitutes the combination of: quantitative data from the results framework and
from the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system in place globally within OGB, with MELs developed and
monitored for each workstream; quantitative and qualitative data from organisational, project-specific and
relevant contextual documentation; qualitative and quantitative information provided by informants during
interviews. It should be noted that a selection of informants was interviewed for each workstream (with
additional interviews at organisational level in OGB). Selection of informants was agreed between OGB and the
evaluation team at the start of the IPR process. The evaluation team structured interviews to generate
comparable responses on key review questions, and has attempted to present a balanced interpretation of
informant views.

See, e.g. Mayne, 2011; 2008.
For the purposes of this report, beneficiaries are divided into primary and secondary, where primary refers to individuals or
organisations in direct contact with workstream activities, and secondary refers, in the main, to the poor and vulnerable
communities to whom benefits consequent on improved functionality among primary beneficiaries are expected to flow.

2.1.4 Analytical framework

All data were collected and organised using a framework of criteria combining OECD-DAC standards
(relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, results, impact, sustainability), and DFID areas of interest (theories of
change, value for money, additionality; see Annex C). For SSIs, question fields were established and checked
for consistency against documentary and quantitative information, and modified according to category of

2.1.5 Approach to quality assurance of research

theIDLgroup comprises an in-house team of research consultants, consultants, senior and principal
consultants, with substantial experience of evaluation including extensive experience of DFID evaluation
methods and expectations, and a range of roles in evaluation QA beyond the PPA/IPR process. A senior or
principal consultant leads and supports the IPR team, providing substantive input as well as QA support. Our
approach to the IPR process is to maintain close consultative communication with the grant-holder, ensuring
open dialogue relating to matters of process orientation and quality. We use the QA Checklist included in the
Coffey GPAF/PPA Evaluation Guidelines, Annex 8, pp.11-12.

2.2 Research problems encountered

There were no significant research problems encountered, bar minor difficulties that arose during the field
work. In the WWS project the timing of the evaluation necessitated visiting over Ramadan and the beginning
of Eid. This holiday occurred in each of the 3 project countries preventing mitigation through selection of an
alternate country. The timing resulted in the evaluator being unable to meet with all of the proposed
interviewees and from visiting the originally proposed, more rural, areas.

For the two field-based workstreams (ACCRA and WWS), whilst primary beneficiaries (INGOs, national and
local government counterparts, civil society organisations, research partners) were interviewed, the evaluators
did not have access and time to interview secondary beneficiaries.21 The IPR team felt that there would have
been some additional value from meeting with these secondary groups, both with respect to the general
detection of perceived impact, and more grounded understanding, in the case of WWS, of how intended
community beneficiaries perceive and engage with the CSOs included in the workstreams programme of
partnership and capacity building). For the ATT and the IMG, as substantively global programmes, this was not
an issue.

2.3 Strengths and weaknesses of selected evaluation design and research methods in retrospect

A mixed-methods approach to this IPR supports access to a wide range of types of information, and some
degree of triangulation among them (in the absence of quantitatively-verifiable data). The analysis proceeds
from a review of the results framework (both globally and as it is reflected in workstream-specific
frameworks). But our evaluation design rests more substantively on qualitative and quantitative evidence
arising through documentary review and interviews, of the broader effects of workstream processes and the

It is important to note that the first full grant year of the ACCRA workstream funded under the current PPA CHASE grant
(ACCRA phase 2) runs from November/December 2011, given extension of a preceding grant. Hence, evaluation applies to a
relatively truncated first year period. An evaluation of the first phase was conducted in October 2011, resulting in the
recognised risk of fatigue amongst informants under the current IPR.

kinds of potential impact these point to. This emphasis on the forward-looking implications of interim results,
we hope, helps OGB to consider how it may widen its concept of effects, and how it may seek evidence to
demonstrate effects in the form of impact in the final evaluation phase of the grant.

Working from results, through estimations of effect, we were able to appraise in a systematic and cross-
comparable way the four workstreams, applying the OECD-DAC and additional DFID criteria, investigating
plausible linkages from OGBs theories of change, its chosen intervention approaches (relevance) through the
modes and sites of delivery (efficiency, effectiveness) to the evidence of outputs and outcomes (results,
impact). And we were able to contextualise this process through flexible interview templates employed at
both global HQ and country office levels, including OGB staff, partners, counterparts and beneficiaries, to
critically substantiate quantitative data with technical and organisational insights.

There were no major perceived weaknesses in the evaluation method design. A principal definitional issue is
the extent to which, at this stage in the grant implementation in individual workstreams and as a whole,
emphasis is placed on attribution. Attribution can be ascertained in the first-line sense of attaching specific
expenditures, activities and outputs (and in some degree outcomes) to the grant in question. But given that
the true value of investments is gauged against outcomes and impact, attribution at this interim stage of the
grants operationalisation is, arguably, premature. This does not imply that evidence of the effect of the grant
on the grant-holders action, or evidence of that action on circumstances in which implementation happens
cannot be discerned, but that causal attribution from one end of the causal chain to the other remains


3.1 Results

As the table below (Table 1) shows, results for all four workstreams for Year 1 are either at or above milestones. In terms of numbers set out in the global results
framework, all workstream results are on track or over-achieving. As we will suggest in further detail below, the more meaningful questions relating to results are not
whether the numerical results (outputs) are being achieved, but what those achievements mean in terms of effect and impact both outwards among primary and
(ultimately) secondary beneficiaries but also upwards within OGB institutionally. These aspects are addressed further under Results Discussion.

Table 1: Global Results for Oxfam GB CHASE PPA (Year 1 Milestones)

Wstream Total Outcome Outcome Indicator 2011-14 Output Output Indicator 2011-14 Year 1 Achieved

IMG 320,000 # countries where 0 0 10 # HIM guides 0 0 14,000 0 on track

HIM is used sold/ downloaded

ATT 930,188 # states refer to 10 20 25 200 officials/ 50 125 200 59 over-achieved

OGB work parliamentarians (est.)

WWS 1,057,960 # CSOs w/ increased 0 10 20 # CSOs supported 10 60 60 67 over-achieved


# case studies 0 0 3 min.

ACCRA 1,800,008 #/extent 3 (bl) 4 5 # comparative 3 designed 3 ongoing 3 complete 3 designed on track
governments studies (from baseline)
support adaptation

3.1.1 Performance assessment against logframe
In addition to the global results framework agreed between OGB and DFID at the start of the current CHASE
PPA grant, each of the four workstreams has developed a logic model and a Monitoring, Evaluation and
Learning (MEL) framework, structuring indicators for outputs and outcomes over the funded period. These are
used in quarterly monitoring reviews (alternating between light-touch and more in-depth process) led by the
CHASE PPA steering group. Given the unrestricted nature of the PPA grant, it was agreed that it should not be
obligatory to quantify workstream MEL indicators, but to use data from workstream-specific logframes to
amplify understanding of projects within the global performance framework.

The MEL frameworks have been used to extend analysis of the global results framework, and to amplify
interpretation of qualitative information derived from semi-structured interviews with OGB and non-OGB

The workstream-specific MEL frameworks appear to be well-structured and detailed in relation to their area of
intervention (for example, there are individual MELs for the country programmes in the Within and Without
the State workstream, as well as for its Global Knowledge and Learning component). If fully utilised, these
MELs could provide a significant level of reasonably robust evidence relating both to process and impact. A
preliminary observation is that identifying key indicators in the workstream MEL frameworks, and quantifying
them, may strengthen OGBs internal understanding of workstream process, and the progressive relationship
between outputs and impact, and in so doing strengthen OGBs ability to articulate this to external audiences,
not least the CHASE PPA final evaluation (this is discussed further below, under Results Discussion). ACCRA22

Phase 2 of ACCRA (funded under the current CHASE PPA grant) has only been implemented since December
2011, due to an extension on the previous funding arrangement. Time in which to achieve year 1 milestones
has, therefore, been somewhat compressed. However, year 1 outputs (scope and methodology defined in
each country) have been substantively met. Moreover, ongoing project activities indicate solid progress
towards outcomes and milestones for years 2 and 3.

Country-level research on forward-thinking planning capacity and practice is underway in all three countries.23
Results will be presented back to ACCRA in October/November this year and used to inform future working
with local government. A scoping assessment of capacity building needs was carried out between March and
May in the three focus countries looking at:
Current capacity building materials and activities by government and development partners including
gaps and opportunities where ACCRA can form linkages and add value;
Current capacity building materials produced by ACCRA teams at country level (with feedback on
these for further development); &
Current global capacity building practice on CCA (enabling identification of candidates to provide
international technical assistance to ACCRA and ready-to-use training materials or approaches).24

Assessment of and conclusions about the ACCRA workstream are drawn substantively from an original field visit to two of
the three project countries (Ethiopia, Uganda) with telephone follow-up with the third (Mozambique). The findings of this
assessment were formulated in a field report (see Annex G), which was subsequently amended and modified through a series
of discussions between the evaluation team and the OGB ACCRA team, including both the global adviser and the international
Led by ODI.
For a full report of the scoping study see the report: ACCRA. Capacity Building Scoping Study by Katinka Waagsaether and
Bettina Koelle, Indigo Development and Change, 2012.

Cross-country learning is underway, with a meeting for ACCRA partners in Mozambique in July to agree on
findings, discuss implications for agencies programmes and policies, develop and refine ACCRAs M&E
framework, and develop advocacy and communication strategies looking forward.

There is some evidence (from the field visit report) of strengthening relationships with national government in
all three countries, recognised as necessary in providing the contextual political, institutional and financial
support to allow scaling up of ACCRA across the local government sector and in a more fiscally sustainable
manner. However, progress here appears somewhat uneven among the three focus countries.25 Capacity
building activities are underway in Ethiopia, Uganda and Mozambique, including dissemination of ACCRA LACF
and related work in a World Food Programme pilot training with local government in the Afar region of
Ethiopia. WWS26

In numerical terms, the Within and Without the State workstream shows considerable over-achievement
against its year 1 output milestone (with a total of 67 CSOs receiving training and participating in learning
processes across the three focus countries compared with a year 1 target indicator of 10 CSOs).27 As a result,
OGB revised the global results framework to include a stable target of 60 CSOs for engagement over years 2
and 3 of the grant.

One response to this and one that DFID has raised in its feedback on the OGB CHASE PPA Annual Report is
that OGB should consider a more ambitious target for CSO contact/engagement (that is, above the target of 60
CSOs to which the target has now been modified). OGBs view is that it should maintain the target of 60 over
the lifetime of the grant as a reflection of the quality of its engagement with those organisations, rather than
attempting to scale up the quantity of partners.

Given that the rationale of the WWS project is the need for more sustained, deeper relations of support and
capacity building between international actors and civil society in fragile and conflict-affected environments,
its position vis vis CSO partner targets seems reasonable. The key to the effectiveness of this workstream is
not, in the view of the evaluation team, the simple number of CSO partners and partnerships forged, but the
content of those partnerships (in particular the specific forms capacity building takes under OGBs approach),
and the product of those partnerships (in terms both of internal capacity growth in partnered CSOs, and
external efficacy of those CSOs in advancing clearly stated goals relating to inclusive advocacy and concrete
outcomes). The quid pro quo of retaining current targets for the second half of the grant should, however, be
that the workstream focuses further energy on systematic and credible analysis of changes in partner CSOs as
a result of partnership and capacity building. This is consistent with DFIDs suggestion that the base indicator
(number of CSOs) could be amplified by additional indicators of process/effect in the application of capacity-

For more detail, please see the field report in Annex G.
Assessment of and conclusions about the WWS workstream are based primarily on a field visit to one of the three project
countries (Afghanistan), an informal visit to the second (OPTI), and telephone follow up interview with the third (South Sudan).
These were complemented by interviews with the global coordination team, including the global knowledge and learning
adviser, as well as review of project documents including the individual country-level WWS MEL frameworks.
25 organisations in Afghanistan, 30 in OPTI, and 12 in South Sudan though review of CSO contacts in South Sudan
suggests that the nature and focus of organisational relationships is in the process of being revised (23 August, 2012).

3 IMG28

The Impact Measurement Guide is on track relative to results set out in the logical framework. It should be
noted, though, that due to the nature of the workstream product (a published guide) output milestones for
years 1 and 2 are set at 0. This hockey-stick approach to results is understandable in the circumstances, but it
does raise the question of monitorable risks relating to process during the years intervening between project
launch and completion of the final product. Risks relating to process could, for example, include the degree to
which product audiences/users are clearly identified and engaged sufficiently to ensure buy-in to the utility of
the final product.29 The IMG workstreams MEL framework clearly sets out how it will attempt to capture
evidence of guide uptake and use (including download/purchase data, as well as comparative assessment of
emergency intervention evaluations using and not using the guide). However, it may be worthwhile
strengthening the focus on the process precursors that may be expected to affect uptake and use of the guide
that is, monitoring indicators for a defined user group which show their level of engagement with, attitude
towards, and intention to use or promote use as the guide moves towards publication.

That said, the IMG workstream appears to be on track with respect to progress against activities and
productivity at the level of what might be called sub-milestone indicators. A literature review has been
completed, assessing the current field of impact measurement in rapid-onset emergencies as a basis for
positioning the design of the IMG. A survey methodology which will form the basis of the guide has been
completed with the substantive input of UEA partners. The methodology has now been tested in three sites
(Bihar, India; Chimaltenango, Guatemala; Batticaloa, Sri Lanka). It is notable and encouraging from the points
of view both of learning and the asserted value of PPA grant flexibility that the selection of sites for piloting
the survey has been modified sequentially based on observations of barriers to application in each one.

A full IMG draft is expected in early 2013, for further field testing (through OGB selected sites and/or sites
accessible via the ECB consortium and consortium members country programmes). A plan for publication,
communication and dissemination has been completed. A very preliminary observation with respect to the key
determinants of IMG impact (that is, widespread uptake and use) is that, if the guides use value is predicated
on adoption and implementation by humanitarian agencies (including the big INGOs), it may be worthwhile
concentrating some energy on ensuring continuing engagement with ECB partners, both conceptually in guide
method and design, and practically through further field testing through partner offices.30 All ECB partners will
be involved in the guides editorial committee; the choice of additional field sites for testing the guide is,
naturally, limited by the incidence of appropriate rapid-onset emergency. ATT31

In terms of outputs (and, indeed, outcomes) this workstream is on track or over-achieving according to
plausible estimates of the number of officials/parliamentarians engaged by OGB in the ATT (year 1 output

Assessment of and conclusions about the IMG workstream are based on preliminary and follow-up interviews with core
project staff in OGB, supported by project design and oversight documentation, including the projects logic model and MEL
framework. Information from OGB was supplemented by interviews with a selection of non-OGB informants involved in the
workstream. It is recognised that the selection of informants was small relative to the community of humanitarian practitioners
whose views on the utility of the IMG will be instrumental in its level of uptake and hence impact.
This will be addressed further under 3.3.3 Partnership Working.
Naturally, an alternative view may be that the guide should primarily be directed towards a smaller audience of M&E
specialists at INGO head offices operating as independent evaluation experts, rather than at existing INGO field managers et al
(not least since it is the deficit in methodologically robust field capacity that, amongst other factors, constitutes the rationale for
this piece of work). Whichever is the case, it is incumbent on OGB to be as clear as possible about its strategic vision for
maximising IMG utilisation, and to show how it is working towards that.
Assessment of and conclusions about the ATT workstream are based in part on interviews with OGB and non-OGB
informants participating in the July 2012 Diplomatic Conference in New York, complemented by project and non-project
documentation relevant to the workstream and to the wider process of the ATTs development. Findings from these interviews
were subsequently discussed with the leadership of OGBs core team.

milestone: 50) and more objectively evidenced number of Member States citing or referring to OGB or its ATT-
related work32 (year 1 outcome milestone 10).33

There is, at this stage, strong prima facie evidence of effective coordination across a wide range of civil society
organizations engaged in ATT-related research and advocacy work. In part this is borne out by evidence of
effective lobbying at both national and multilateral levels, including building relations with a core group of
strategic states such as Nigeria, Switzerland, Norway, France, Netherlands, Mexico, South Africa, Trinidad and
Tobago, Australia, and the UK. Lobbying at regional level has shown signs of effectiveness, including work with
the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Pacific Islands Federation (PIF), and some innovative
approaches to Member States unsympathetic to the ATT, such as the engagement of African civil society
partners with the Peoples Republic of China. Media coverage around multilateral meetings has been positive,
with significant input from OGB, Oxfam affiliates and Oxfam International. Although work with multilateral
agencies was slower in developing, OGB supported the development and delivery of a joint statement by the
heads of UNDP, UNICEF, OCHA, UNHCR and UNHCHR.34 Overall, participating civil society organisations and
Member States recognise OGB as having played a seminal role in global coordination of advocacy in relation to
the ATT.

The relationship between results and impact, with respect to this workstream, is peculiarly complex. Outputs
and outcomes appear to have been set at relatively conservative levels (given what is already known at year 1
about achievements in both domains). And they are framed carefully to describe process and contributory
effects rather than direct final outcomes (such as the production of a treaty containing all of OGBs advocacy
goals). This is entirely understandable, given the range of geostrategic factors influencing the way the treaty is
(or may not be) finalised, which lie considerably outside the ambit of OGBs advocacy reach.35

However, this approach to results (as we have seen in other workstreams) raises the need for OGB to
demonstrate two things in some more detail: first, how ATT investments and activities may generate non-
treaty outcomes which have value in the broader domain of humanitarian policy;36 second, given continuing
uncertainty (at the point of the IPR) in process towards an agreed treaty and, critically, the degree to which the
content of such an agreed treaty is likely to contain the core advocacy requirements set out by OGB and
campaign partners, what strategies OGB has in place at this point to respond to possible treaty pathways.37
Providing more detail on ancillary effects of OGBs ATT work, and some clear strategic lines regarding what
may be taken to constitute success, partial success, or failure of the ATT process from OGBs advocacy
perspective, would be helpful in amplifying the relationship in this workstream between results and impact.

Oxfams own research is frequently cited in formal UN ATT meetings, including the Final Countdown Compendium: a historic
opportunity to deliver an Arms Trade Treaty that saves lives (July 2012). OGB was instrumental in securing a statement by
Liberias Head of State, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to the plenary of the 2012 Diplomatic Conference: Oxfams practical guide to
development and the ATT, entitled Applying Sustainable Development to Arms Transfer Decisions, has been used by some 60
member states to push for stronger development content in the ATT. Oxfams publication Africas Missing Billions; the
economic cost of armed violence achieved one of Oxfams highest ever media profiles, and was widely quoted by African
delegates during UNGA First Committee.
As noted earlier, given that OGB has been involved with the ATT for at least 12 years, and that it has been funded for
aspects of this work by CHASE and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) since at least 2008 and given that the
process and impact of this kind of advocacy work is often cumulative over years rather than months it is difficult to establish
with any precision exactly how much of the effect (at output or at outcome level) can be directly and uniquely ascribed to the
current CHASE PPA grant.
34 . Additionally, UNIDIR produced a paper on Development
Assistance and the Arms Trade Treaty in concert with OGB.
This is discussed further, below under Results Discussion.
For example, showing how ATT-related research and policy investments can or could be applied to policy and programming
in the wider field of armed violence and development.
Including: a fully OGB-positive treaty agreed under the aegis of the UN General Assembly in October; a treaty partially
responsive to OGB advocacy goals agreed in October; a treaty reflecting the text appended to the Chairs report at the end of
the July diplomatic conference, agreed in October; no treaty in October.

Results Discussion

The results framework above provides a useful weathervane in assessing, at a glance, the progress of projects
under CHASE PPA funding. This should be useful both for the donor and the grant-holder. However, its utility
as a demonstration of activities and effects should not be over-estimated.38 A number of issues, not captured
in the top-line results numbers39 emerge in the course of this IPR, which can provide valuable insight into
learning and impact resulting from process and progress in each of the workstreams, and within OGB at an
organisational level. Such issues are likely to be better evidenced through the individual workstream MEL
frameworks, which have been established since mid-2011, and are being used in quarterly review assessments
by the OGB CHASE PPA steering group. The MEL frameworks can be better used, as discussed in more detail
below. Three broad areas are touched on here: first, ways in which workstreams are able to define the
plausible limits of their capacity for impact; second, aspects of workstream process that should constitute
effect or even impact, but can get lost in the emphasis on end results; and third, recognising and working with
the trade off between better research and analytical capability, and its utility in field practice and

The limits of impact

Each of the workstreams (in different ways) is able to show learning not only about what can be achieved in its
area of intervention but what cannot be. Setting realistic boundaries to the impact INGOs like Oxfam aspire
to (or assert) is critical to clearer and more transparent relations between those who fund normative, complex
work, and those who propose to deliver it. This has a strong bearing on how organisations such as OGB apply
close analysis to the development of their theories of change (ToC) critical to the assumptions that underpin
the conversion of inputs to outputs, outputs to outcomes, and outcomes to impact.40

In the case of the Arms Trade Treaty, results in the form of outputs and outcomes are carefully worded to
focus on engagement with legislators and similar interlocutors and their citation of Oxfam or its work in their
formal treaty-related statements. This distinguishes the efficacy of OGBs advocacy with Member States from
the treaty as outcome.41 This is a sensible recognition that OGB could quite plausibly be extremely effective in
international research and advocacy and still see either no treaty or a treaty that fails to live up to the
standards their advocacy required. But it suggests that the ATT workstream should look carefully at how to
capture in evidence now non-treaty forms of impact.42

This should not be taken as a critique of Oxfam rather, it is a reflection on the way results and reporting frameworks are
used (well or poorly) as a means of communication between parties to a grant such as the PPA. OGB recognises the problem
of constraints in the logframe, when considering how to frame targets for relatively risky interventions; OGB continues to review
these targets and the indicators that bear them out, with a view to fleshing out, progressively, what is being sought and how it is
being achieved.
Though in some instances better reflected in the Annual Report and ancillary Additionality and Changing Lives annexes.
Further critical both to a detailed a priori assessment of value for money (VfM), and of realistic likelihood of sustainability.
That said, in the original proposal, OGB went somewhat further than the results framework itself suggests, stating that
Oxfams contribution will be assessed against the citation of our work during the ATT negotiation process, and how far our key
policy demands are realised in the final treaty. This more clearly articulates the results framework with a testable indicator of
impact viz. the extent of inclusion of OGB advocacy goals in any final and agreed treaty text.
Non-treaty forms of impact could, for example, include evidence of increased national capacity among CSO partners in
domestic lobbying and advocacy, or increased density of regional or global networking among CSOs working on hybrid
humanitarian, security and developmental approaches to weapons control and reduction; equally, they could include evidence
of significant change in the formal or public policy position of specific Member States or regional groupings on key issues
relating to weapons, violence and development, associated with OGBs advocacy and lobbying strategies. These could be
shown to be of wider value to extended humanitarian arms control concept and practice, even in the absence of a successful
treaty (gauged by OGBs stated expectations); finally, non-treaty impact could include evidence across donor, Member State,
multilateral agency and civil society, of advances in understanding of and attention to weapons and armed violence as a
development problem.

In the case of the Impact Measurement Guide, progressive field tests of the survey methodology have
identified specific conditions under which the survey is sub-optimal. Whilst on one hand this has led to
refinement in the selection of subsequent test sites, it also offers the possibility of identifying at a very early
stage of production, limits on the applicability of the guide in other words, identifying the types of rapid-
onset emergencies (and responsive interventions) where this kind of methodology is likely to work well, and
those where it may be less relevant. Again, this insight is potentially helpful in delineating where the
workstream outcome (the published guide) may have positive impact and where not.43

The Within and Without the State workstream is, much like other OGB CHASE PPA investments, experimental
and innovative in its approach to working with civil society in fragile contexts. It has chosen three quite distinct
country sites in which to pilot its CSO capacity building work.44 In keeping with the spirit of higher-risk
experimental models, one could reasonably expect to see variation across the three project sites over the
course of the grant period, including instances of verifiable success and others of equivocal impact or poor
project performance. That variation is key to learning about differential opportunities for work with civil
society (including civil society networks) in fragile and conflict-affected settings. The evidence for that variation
will not come substantively from the simple numbers of CSOs reported in the results framework, but rather
from more textured analysis of how CSOs engage with OGB through specific kinds of capacity building, and
how those specific forms of newly-acquired capacity correlate with changes (positive, negative or negligible) in
the composition and network dynamics of CSOs, and their advocacy performance against clearly defined
external (e.g. government policy, budgeting or legislative) goals.

The ACCRA workstream has focused a considerable proportion of its investment and effort at the local level of
pilot sites and the respective local level of government. However, it is recognised that the institutional location
of responsibility for climate change issues at national level is often fragmented or situated in technical
agencies that are removed from the mainstream of national politics and policy-making. This can limit the
degree to which climate change is given priority as a core area of national politics and policy. And that can limit
its ability to exercise a gravitational pull on national budgetary resources, potentially resulting in under-
financing to local government over the medium and longer term to operationalise the new planning capacities
delivered by ACCRA. It is important for the ACCRA workstream to continue developing national level advocacy
strategies in ways that reflect a clear understanding of and response to the realities of short- and long-term
dissonance in national political and policy priority-setting. The ACCRA workstream demonstrates awareness of
this, and is looking at ways to develop and measure national advocacy (distinct from capacity-building
interactions) with defined governmental-institutional targets.

The value of process

Partnership and capacity-building are central elements running through the four CHASE PPA workstreams.
These are often represented in numerical forms (volume of partnerships, numbers of capacity-building
events); yet the true significance of both lies much more in their content and process over time. Generating
evidence of change over time is key to demonstrating the differential value of an organisations use of these
popular and often generic intervention models.

As well as, perhaps, reflecting in potentially very interesting ways on different types of rapid-onset emergency and
appropriate intervention structure.
OPTI constitutes a long-standing and to a certain extent frozen conflict, with periodic reciprocal violence interspersing longer
periods of politico-military stand-off and sequestration of one party by the other. Afghanistan constitutes a complex interplay of
external political and military forces, and fragmentary internal constituencies, with an additional dynamic in the external draw-
down and handover to domestic government by 2014. South Sudan constitutes, in some respects, a relatively successful post-
conflict transition to independence, though it continues to be troubled by inter-ethnic and regional violence, tension on the
northern border with Sudan, and economic crisis consequent on recent disputes over oil.

In the case of the ATT, sponsoring southern civil society partners engaged in the ATT to attend treaty-related
multilateral meetings is assessed to be positive in ways that extend beyond the efficacy of collective and
coordinated advocacy. On one hand, organisations with limited experience of international negotiations are
provided with access and opportunities to develop new advocacy skills (as well as, often, being able to engage
with their own government delegates to build relationships of trust that can have positive knock on effects in
their domestic lobbying). On the other, CSOs from diverse countries and regions meet and work together
building south-south as well as south-north relationships with potential humanitarian and development
advocacy applications beyond the issue of weapons control.

OGBs work on public communication and media engagement is frequently measured by video footage and
column inches in national outlets. But it may equally be measured by the quality of journalists interest in
and understanding of the advocacy issue at hand (in this case the often esoteric world of diplomatic and
military policy and negotiation), and the way journalistic engagement itself can be shown to change for the
better over time. Long processes of often quiet engagement with individual Member States on specific
advocacy issues are a core part of OGBs work on the ATT, yet are hard to capture in the form of results.
Developing targeted methodologies for gathering evidence of process effects such as this would help in
demonstrating the true breadth and nature of impact with or without a treaty towards the end of the grant
(and beyond in similar international advocacy initiatives).45

In its second phase, the ACCRA workstream demonstrates a critical moment of learning through process the
limitations of research methods and research without attention to how new knowledge gets converted into
capacity and practice among those who require better planning (affected communities) and those mandated
to plan (local government). In the context of a project attempting to build cohesion between disaster
preparedness and response and long-term adaptation to climate change in other words, combining highly
applied skills in the immediate term with what are still construed politically and practically as somewhat
theoretical and very long-range phenomena insight into the challenges of getting research into policy and
practice is likely to be very valuable.

The Within and Without the State workstream is based on two key components identifying and working with
groups or networks of civil society organisations, and using capacity building to build their effectiveness in
reducing state fragility and mitigating the causes and consequences of conflict. In both components, process
aspects are critically linked to the relationship between results and impact.

Conventionally, international agencies (like INGOs) have developed working relationships with local NGO, CSO
or CBO partners based as much on the simple presence and visibility of those local actors (often scarce
especially in fragile and conflict-affected contexts). As a result, selection of partners according to clear and
robust criteria (relating to legal-organisational status, organisational purpose and track record, a level of
organisational capacity, and critically evidence of legitimate connection with and support from the
grassroots communities supposed to be the ultimate beneficiaries of their work and hence of external INGO
support) has often been somewhat circumscribed.46

External actors, frequently, find themselves working over repeating project cycles with the same group of
familiar local partners, the origin of whose selection as partners often lies more in their ability to maintain a
presence in the capital or other major urban centre, their fluency in English and the intricacies of the
multilateral and international aid systems, and their ability to demonstrate connections with or access to

This is discussed further under Results Metrics and Measurement.
Clearly there is a balance to be struck here, between selection criteria that enable inclusive partnership with reasonably
functional and genuinely representative organisations, and the ability to bring into partnership organisations whose primary
requirement is to increase their functionality.

government. These shortfalls in the process of partner selection can result in INGOs privileging national elite
NGO/CSO formations, with less clearly demonstrated legitimacy in working with or at the grassroots
reproducing the kinds of institutional inequity and exclusion of local voices that projects like WWS seek to

The net effect of this observation is that details of the identification and selection processes put in place by the
WWS workstream which appear to be comparatively thorough and in-depth should be an important and
explicit part of their results reporting; and, that due diligence on the representativeness of selected partners
should not happen just once as baseline political economy analysis and CSO mapping but on a repeating
basis throughout the life of the project, monitoring changes in composition and representation in and through
partner networks.

Capacity building (CB) constitutes a popular approach in international aid and development relationships.47 But
it incorporates a very wide range of interventions from short-burst education, awareness and training
sessions of a few hours or a few days, to sustained professional accompaniment and secondment between the
supplier and recipient organisations that can stretch over years. Clearly, different kinds of CB are likely to
produce different kinds of effects (in terms of sustained impact, changes to internal practice, changes to
external practice and effectiveness, and changes to organisational constituency).48 It is important, when citing
capacity building as conjoined output/outcome (that is, output: capacity building delivered; outcome: capacity
built) to define what kind of CB is involved, to define clearly the kinds of effects sought through CB, and to
show how the specific form of CB chosen is empirically or plausibly associated with those effects at the level of
outcome and impact.

It would be useful to see more clearly detailed reflection of these process aspects in the WWS workstream.
Although fully randomised controlled trials are difficult to implement in field environments with poor control
over spillover between groups, the WWS workstream could perhaps explore the possibility of developing a
quasi-experimental approach to M&E with selected groups of CSOs, analysing differential impacts of different
CB approaches on defined internal/organisational or external/advocacy capabilities and effects.

Advancing knowledge and supporting field practice

There is a clear emphasis across the majority of OGBs CHASE PPA-supported workstreams on advancing
research, data-gathering, analysis, and the generation of new learning. This is commendable and consistent
with the stated aims of PPA-style funding. But there is an inherent tension or trade-off in this emphasis,
between the imperative of advancing methodological and analytical sophistication, and ensuring (in keeping
with OGBs broader operational mandate) that new learning can be effectively translated into better field
practice, whether humanitarian intervention, policy advocacy, or institutional development.

The Impact Measurement Guide workstream is a good example of this tension. Lack of methodological rigour
at field level in assessing the impact (and potential sequelae) of humanitarian interventions was central to the
rationale of the guide. But strengthening the rigour of a new assessment methodology runs the risk of placing

Capacity building is taken to include education, awareness, training interventions (predominantly, though not necessarily,
lying outside the formal education system), as well as more sustained forms of institutional, organisation and professional
training, accompaniment and secondment support.
Indeed, capacity building on community representation and government advocacy can, where effective, have a twin impact,
raising demand-side expectations among households and raising supply-side delivery of better governance. If, however, the
demand- and supply-side effects of CB are out of kilter, the effect can be, on one hand overbearing state intrusion into
community lives or, on the other, rising community expectations and weak state response. In both cases, CB can have
unintended consequences in raising tensions and potential for antagonism between citizens and state which are associated
with increased risk of disorder, violence and conflict.

it beyond the use of existing field capacity.49 This tension is well-recognised by the IMG workstream. The initial
proposal described the guide as a simple, straightforward and practical set of tools that will enable
humanitarian practitioners to assess, modify and learn from humanitarian interventions. At the mid-point of
the grant, it is now felt that the guide should be aimed at a somewhat different audience, including M&E
specialists at INGO head offices and/or evaluation specialists operating independently of individual INGOs.50
However, the potential downsides of this audience shift are that the IMG workstream does not, in and of itself,
address the bottleneck of field staff evaluation capacity,51 and that the orientation of the IMG to independent
evaluations of multiple agencies (through independent evaluators) could undermine the accountability of
emergency intervention field managers with respect to the evaluation and understanding, in wider terms and
over the longer-term, of the consequences of their short-term actions. This is not to suggest that this tension is
a problem created by OGB, rather that as an inherent element of the process of learning and application, the
workstream may need to show, in the second phase of the grant, how it proposes to address the trade-off.

Following experience with problematic data and analysis in phase 1, ACCRA is relying more heavily on external
partners for oversight and management of field-based research in phase 2.52 This is understandable to a
degree, and ACCRA, with ODI, maintain strong work partnership with a number of national research/academic
individuals or bodies in-country. However a stronger emphasis on ensuring transfer of research skills to local
organisations or institutions might be helpful in extending the grounding and sustainability of the project in
terms of process as well as outcome. Similarly, there is some evidence that the concepts underpinning the
Within and Without the State workstream are well-developed at the central level, but are conceptually
complex and somewhat academic, with the potential for resulting bottlenecks in absorption both by field
managers (as well as by other divisions within OGB at head office).

It should be noted that the four workstreams are examples of globally-held programmes (which are relatively
rare in OGB). As such, the tension between centralised development of (quite high level) concepts and
methods and decentred delivery of practical activities is neither surprising nor, necessarily, negative. It is,
rather, a matter for consideration by workstreams and by PPA oversight at OGB headquarters in order to look
for and preventively mitigate downsides of that tension.

Results and additionality

The results, baldly stated in numbers and packaged according to workstream, do not reveal as much as they
might about how the four projects, collectively, may constitute aggregate forms of new knowledge which
could influence OGB at its central or cortical level. In fairness, the IPR process has thrown up a number of
views with regard to the collective significance of the CHASE PPA workstreams from those that see them as
quite distinct activities, to those who see (or hope to see) them as contributory elements in the wider
development of OGBs humanitarian policy thinking and organisational approach to OGBs humanitarian/
development cleavage.

Aid workers often lack the skills to collect good quality data or to analyse and use these data to inform better programming
(ALNAP 2009).
This latter target group all the more potentially relevant if the IMG methodology is intended to encourage multiple agencies to
collaborate in (and possibly therefore contract out) joint evaluations.
Though it should be recalled that the specific intention of this investment was to improve the rigour of available field data on
rapid-onset emergency responses and not, in a direct sense, to strengthen field capacity in impact measurement.
ODI. Relative merits of international and national/local research partners have been extensively explored. Practical limitations
relative to the required level of research quality favoured greater reliance on an external partner like ODI. However, working
relations with in-country research partners remain in place. Having a single external research body has the added benefit of
standardising (where relevant) research outputs across the country sites. At the same time, relationships with local academic
and research partners have been maintained as far as possible, recognising their value and drawing on their contribution as
and where possible.

Our assessment of the workstreams, supplemented by interviews with a range of personnel at OGBs head
office, as well as external partners and associated actors, suggests that there are two axes on which OGBs
CHASE PPA grant is producing or has the potential to produce wider organisational learning and
institutional understanding vis vis humanitarian policy and, in particular, the logic of strengthening the
interconnection between short-term humanitarian imperatives and longer-term developmental aspirations.
The first is cross-thematic, showing how the breadth of the four workstream interventions itself helps in
framing and understanding the complexity of humanitarian policy. The second is temporal, insofar as a
common characteristic shared across the four workstreams is their clear intention to extend humanitarian
intervention into a longer-timeframe arguably imbuing models of humanitarian intervention with more
developmental characteristics.

First, then, OGBs four CHASE PPA workstreams embody the range and complexity of objectives housed within
what is currently described as humanitarian and security policy, showing how, although at this stage not
entirely worked out, different forms of vulnerability (to violence, natural disaster, climate change) are linked to
one another empirically and should be more closely linked together in international, national and local policy
and intervention, combining action on acute and chronic (humanitarian and developmental) dimensions of
that vulnerability (see Illustration 1, A-C).

Illustration 1: Cross-thematic linkages and continuity in humanitarian policy

Moreover, although in different ways and with different emphases, all four workstreams focus instrumentally
on the roles of and relationships between communities, civil society, and state (see Illustration 1, D). This
common approach is consistent with, and arguably helps to elaborate in practice, OGBs organisational
strategic steer towards a more intermediary role (relative to its more traditional role in direct service delivery
to vulnerable populations, for example), brokering between communities and institutions of governance in
programming countries, on the unimpeachable premise that it is these constituencies and their relations that
will shape poverty, vulnerability, protection and growth over the sustained long-term.

Second, it may be argued that each workstream, in its own right, attempts to build more forward thinking
into humanitarian policy and action mitigating conflict and fragility through stronger civil society, and more
sustained engagement between civil society and state; extending and deepening understanding of long-term
opportunities in rapid-onset crises; linking the global control of weapons and weapon technologies to the
fulfilment of rights and the protection of development investments; linking disaster risk reduction with climate
change to foster more sustainable social as well as technical solutions to those short- and long-term threats
(see Illustration 2).

Illustration 2: Longer-term modelling for humanitarian policy and action

These, working together, offer some potential to illuminate in new ways the long-standing and perennially
problematic cleavage widely observed between the humanitarian and development sectors. Two questions
arise on the basis of this observation. First, do the workstreams collectively point to a way of reconciling the
schismatic communities in a single harmonious whole (either inside the organisation or in the external world)?
The answer is probably not. Tensions remain, and are likely to remain inherent in the different modes of
humanitarian and developmental world view.53 However, they may help OGB and other agencies in finding
ways to convert what have hitherto been negative tensions between humanitarian and development
institutions and actors, into positive ones.

Second, do the workstreams collectively amount to a shared concept of resilience? The answer here is, not
entirely. Clearly the idea of resilience has gained considerable policy traction amongst some donors (notably
DFID), and it is set to be a priority in Oxfam Internationals forthcoming Strategic Plan.54 But the evidence from
the workstreams suggests two things:

First, that resilience still requires some definition (for example, between the idea situated at the level of
individual communities55 and at the categorically different level of the nation state; or between the utility
of the concept in relation to natural disasters and environmental change, and attempts to apply it in the
complex man-made context of conflict and violence56).

Second, therefore, that resilience may work better as a dimension (of thinking, analysis, intervention and
measurement) applied within all policy and programming aiming to enhance the protection of vulnerable
people, rather than as a new paradigm or as an outcome that can be sought in its own right.

Reduction of critical harm and equitable expansion of benefit, respectively.
Pending executive confirmation as of 23 August, 2012. At the time of the IPR interviews, resilience was a change goal within
the draft OI strategic plan; one proposal, current at the time of submission of this report, is to incorporate resilience as an
element within other change goals [communication from Dr Steve Jennings, Head of Programme Policy, OGB].
Leaving aside the problematic definition of community.
Acknowledging that the idea of natural disaster can be challenged insofar as the general and differential effects of almost
any disaster are mediated by social structure and social, economic and political relations.

At the organisational level, there is a question about whether OGB has in place sufficient central focus on the
collective process of the workstreams to ensure that these possibilities for aggregate learning are captured.
The current, and conventional process within OGB is that learning flows from specific workstreams into
relevant wider organisational work (with ACCRA feeding broader OGB work on climate change, for example,
and WWS informing OGB work on fragile states).

Given that there are some broader lessons emerging from across the workstreams specifically relating to the
sector-wide and ongoing debate about how to integrate better along the humanitarian-development
spectrum, and within this, to the question of how resilience can and should be defined and deployed across
humanitarian and development programming there is an opportunity for OGB to create an organisational
space in which to draw together some of the insights from across the workstreams. In the immediate term,
this could be done as a one-off event, generating material that could feed into OGBs organisational
development, and that OGB could present within the wider aid community. This would constitute an efficient
way of harnessing lessons without the unnecessary creation of new organisational layers, leaving open the
option of developing a more permanent forum within OGB should appetite for such become apparent.

Results metrics and measurement

There are two areas of observation with regard to the way results are framed at a general level, and the way
individual workstreams articulate specific metrics to substantiate outputs or outcomes. The first is more
philosophical in nature, but is critically relevant to a proper understanding of the grant relationship; the
second is more practical and involves suggestions for alternate or complementary indicators that workstreams
may consider, in the context of existing MEL frameworks, with a view to strengthening their ability to
demonstrate impact towards the grant periods final evaluation.

The question of attribution of results backwards to investments, and of investments, via results, to impact
in the relationship between donor and grant-holder is increasingly posed, and somewhat fraught.57 DFIDs
feedback on OGBs Annual Report for CHASE PPA year 1 suggests that the grant-holder does not set out a
convincing argument for how attribution of results to PPA funding can be measured.58 From the IPR teams
perspective, the response to this is twofold:

First, in a simple sense, first-line attribution of results (at this stage, outputs) can absolutely be made to
CHASE PPA funding, inasmuch as the funding was earmarked within the organisation, and allocated to
specific budget lines within the four workstreams that lead directly to activities with defined outputs.

Second, however, it is likely that the donor is more interested in the impact of those outputs, and how
evidence at that level can be traced along an unbroken line back to PPA money. In this respect, second-
line attribution (that is, excluding non-party factors) is much more difficult especially where much of
what the workstreams do is based on the use of research, advocacy and capacity building to inculcate,
indirectly, change in relationships between communities, CSOs and governments which, themselves, are
expected in a timeframe probably considerably longer than the grant period to convert into changes in

The continuing attachment prompted as often as not by donors of the activities of international actors, such as INGOs, to
progress towards the Millennium Goals (MDG), remains somewhat spurious. Rarely are the scale effects achievable through
INGO interventions sufficiently large to incur a discernible shift in population-level markers. The collective action of a range of
international agencies may, at the aggregate level, effect modest change in MDG performance rates, but the question of
relative contribution becomes extremely complex, in addition to which secular factors lying outside that collective action can
confound (both in a positive and a negative direction) the attribution of MDG-level change to individual or collective
Page 1, Point 3. DFID feedback on CHASE PPA Annual Report, 2011/12, DFID, 11 July 2012.

the circumstances of poor and vulnerable communities. The chain of consequence is longer than the grant
period, and replete with external factors that could substitute for or confound the effects of workstreams.

It is likely that communication, transparency and mutual learning between donor and grant-holder would
benefit from a review of the issue of attribution (except in cases where experimental or quasi-experimental
trial designs are possible), with a view to focusing more on the grant-holders ability to demonstrate plausible
contribution to the changes expected as a result of its activities and outputs. The degree of evidence
supporting plausibility then becomes a key requirement in which the grant-holder needs to do two things:
first, to conduct a contribution analysis of its theory of change and intervention design; and second, to ensure
that the metrics it uses are meaningful in relation to impact (this is discussed further below).

There are a couple of perverse effects arising in the current emphasis on results. It can create an incentive for
grant-holders to game the system by being deliberately conservative in their targets.59 But, perhaps more
importantly, it can increase the incentive for grant-holders to focus on top-line numerical outputs,
concentrating on being able to show concrete, visible achievements, which can have the effect of suppressing
attention to longer-term, more complex and less easily demonstrable objectives, achievements and impacts
(as discussed in sections above). In this sense, the results agenda and emphasis may actively undermine
learning (and possibly transparency) insofar as there is a tendency to skew attention and hence reporting
towards interventions considered successful and to be rather quieter about unsuccessful approaches. Given
that unrestricted funding is, in part, designed to support more experimental, higher-risk ideas and approaches,
one may reasonably expect to see both successes and failures, and to see how failure as well as success is a
key element of the experimentation-learning cycle. An emphasis on results may generate an emphasis on the
positive and a suppression of the negative to the disadvantage of the learning organisation.

In individual workstreams, there may be opportunities to review and strengthen current results reporting and
metrics that will help in establishing an empirical basis for impact.

According to the ACCRA IPR field report, it is clear that ACCRA is having some very positive impacts but
attention is required to quantify and qualify these in the most appropriate way. The report notes the
workstreams recognition of the need to refine and further develop its monitoring and evaluation framework
(a planned process already completed). One area in which this could be extremely helpful from the point of
view of evidence for impact and sustainability is in gathering data on how national-level advocacy is (or is
not) flowing into changes in national priority setting and budgeting, leading to increased resources to support
the local government level in implementing ACCRA-trained planning. This is recognised by the ACCRA team,
and should be visible in the revised version of this workstreams MEL framework.60

At the moment, the major emphasis of results measurement in the WWS workstream at global level is on the
number of partner organisations (output), and their level of operational capacity (outcome, measured as mean
capacity score). There are two issues here. First, the outcome level measure is based on self-reporting by
partner CSOs (baseline and follow-up).61 There is an organisational-cultural problem in reliance on self-
reported capacity as the basis for designing and evaluating capacity building interventions. Organisations for
different reasons have a tendency to under-report or inflate their capacity, resulting in a weak baseline from
which to measure the effects of intervention.

This was reported in more than one workstream.
The evaluation team was not able to see this document prior to submission of the IPR report [as at 3 October 2012].
Although self-reporting can be triangulated by reference to other constituencies, there remain institutional and socialised
influences on the way assessments are made, suggesting that properly independent assessment remains a valuable additional
source of data on effectiveness in more robust outcome/impact analysis.

But perhaps as importantly, measuring the internal capacity of partner CSOs captures only one, largely
processual, element of what the project more broadly is trying to achieve (that is, more inclusion of
community voices in more effective advocacy to government). In this respect, additional attention could be
paid to other metrics for example, on one side evidence of stronger relations between CSOs and the
grassroots they claim to represent,62 and on the other, evidence of more effective advocacy with government
counterparts in relation to concrete changes in their understanding, policy, or practice. In all three areas of
CSO capacity assessment, it may be worthwhile complementing self-reporting with independent and more
quantitatively-oriented evaluation.63

The individual MEL frameworks for the WWS workstream show interesting and, on the face of it, very sensible
variation of approach reflecting different localised circumstances of conflict, fragility and civil society
space/opportunities.64 Each MEL framework sets out a large range of indicators, including numerical and
proportional (percentage) measures, as well as qualitative assessment. Populating an entire WWS MEL could
consume considerable resources. It may be worthwhile identifying a smaller number of priority outputs and
commensurate outcome indicators, and ensuring that they are measured robustly. So, for example, if greater
inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized people in the peacebuilding process in Afghanistan is an important
aspect of that strand of WWS work, collecting data (preferably through independent perception survey at sub-
provincial levels) to substantiate the medium-term outcome indicator % of people who say they believe the
PB process is moving in the right direction and that they are able to play an active role in it should be a major
focus of workstream-level data gathering.65

Equally, in the OPTI MEL, at the level of short-term outcomes, serious attempts are factored in to measure the
impact of capacity building on partner CSOs or CBOs (e.g. # of NGOs that demonstrate improved leadership,
enhanced culture of team work, more effective representation of beneficiaries and a good understanding of
rights-based approaches). But at the level of medium-term outcomes, the corollary indicator (PNGO, NGOs
and CBOs/local associations have wider representation and are more responsive and accountable towards
communities) is measured through case studies. The switch from quantitative survey approach with partner
organisations (potential shortfalls of self-reporting already commented on notwithstanding) to primarily
qualitative approach with partner organisations communities risks loss of analytical complementarity and
power. In such instances, a continuous quantitative element of measurement may be advisable.

In other WWS MELs, we see considerable focus on numbers of Community Action Plans, Community
Development Funds, Community Scorecards, and Community Mobilisers. These are well-recognised vehicles
for strengthening community approaches to collective action problems. But some outcomes remain somewhat
vague (for example use of scorecards by community members or community mobilisers to input in
development process). More material indicators of impact are, it may be argued, likely to be found in changes
to local government budget process, significant shift towards consensus in community and CBO priority-
setting, and significant change in public access to services. Applying scrutiny to local government budgets is
often extremely challenging as is noted in the West Bank MEL update for this IPR.66 Gaining access to local
government budget process is, itself, often a key indicator of positive change at that level of administration
and community responsiveness. Moreover, to assess some of these kinds of effects, we need to see not just

Which can be very difficult to assess directly in countries where compromised security limits access to rural areas beyond
major urban centres, and raises the question of how to achieve remote monitoring on quite complex qualitative effects.
Possibly including an academic partner with experience in quasi-experimental evaluation methods, see e.g. .
The distinct logic models for working in the West Bank and Gaza are particularly interesting, as is the refinement ongoing in
the identification of civil society partners in South Sudan.
Currently, this indicator, updated at the IPR, is annotated no data.
As a proxy, budget allocation information is being gathered at governorate level. This will not, necessarily, provide the level of
detail necessary to assess budget equity and inclusion at sub-governorate levels.

absolute numbers of participating individuals, groups or institutions but relative level of participation.
Improving cohesion among CSOs and CBOs, in the context of highly factionalised local societies, requires data
both on the number of organisations working across factional lines, and perhaps only in qualitative form on
the wider prevailing trends in factional behaviour among target communities and their representatives. In a
similar way, understanding the significance of changes in service provision or access among communities
targeted by WWS requires analysis of secular rates of change (or indeed no-change) to such services in non
target groups.

The primary output of the IMG workstream will be the published guide, its outcome measured by the volume
of hard-copy purchases or electronic downloads. The MEL framework expands on this, proposing to assess
pick up and use of the guide through a user survey, as well as at least one assessment of guide use, and at
least one comparative assessment of emergency intervention using the guide against other(s) not using the
guide. A user survey has potential limits, though. While it may provide data on individuals using the guide, it
may not, in a direct sense, show who is not using the guide (arguably an equally important data-set).67 A wider
sector-level survey approach might provide a more complete picture, unless the assumption is that all major
sectoral actors will use the guide from its publication. Moreover, whilst a user survey, backed up with case
studies and telephone interviews with relevant humanitarian practitioners, can provide useful information
about individual or case/country-specific use choices, it does not necessarily provide wider information on the
degree of guide uptake at organisational level. Since it may be argued that the real value of a methodological
advance of the sort offered by the IMG is its adoption as an industry standard, it seems important to collect
data to show how much and how comprehensively the guide is being adopted for universal use at the level of
institutional policy in the target group of organisations. As a corollary observation, it might be worthwhile
building additional indicator(s) into the IMG MEL that enumerate clearly the target group of organisations and
agencies, and assess their stated intention, as expressed for example in internal policy-level discussions, to
engage with and take up the guide.

Finally, given some of the complexities of process (in terms particularly of maintaining and building buy-in
among partner agencies such as those in the ECB, and the challenges of a possible disconnect between the
expected level of the methodology and the level of field capacity to put it into practice) it may be worthwhile
considering additional metrics on acquisition and utilisation. For example, an independent party within the
sector68 could be engaged (depending on resource availability) to provide an electronic platform onto which
INGOs and other humanitarian actors using the IMG could upload the results of their evaluations (raw data as
well as analysis for full transparency).

This would provide not only evidence of actual use rates for the guide, but it would also serve as a proxy index
of transparency and trust between INGOs (whose lack of willingness to collaborate in joint evaluation in the
past is identified by the workstream as one of the key problems to be overcome). It would also provide a
potentially valuable source of comparative data across a range of emergencies and corresponding
interventions. Encouraging the donor to support such a platform would demonstrate both a commitment to
sustainability on DFIDs part, as well as creating the basis for more formal endorsement of the methodology by
the donor, itself potentially encouraging wider and more systematic uptake among the donors grantees, thus
extending impact.

Moreover, the IMG workstream logic model is structured in such a way that all outcomes are consequent on the production
of the primary output (holistic, credible and field-focused guidelines). Outcomes relating to the process of building credibility
among clearly targeted users could have been more strongly built in on the left-hand (activities, outputs) side of the logic
The workstream is concentrating on possible candidates including, but not limited to, ALNAP [23 August 2012].

The ATT workstream presents particular challenges with regard to defining and assessing the relationship
between results and impact. Attributing impact (treaty signing, treaty content, treaty effect) to OGB is
difficult. That said, specific elements of research, argument, advocacy and influence can certainly be detected
from OGBs own work, or work supported by OGB, in positions publicly taken by Member States. In this
respect, OGB can claim substantial levels of direct impact within process up to and including a text tabled at
the New York conference. However, much of the orientation of Member States, individually and multilaterally,
is the result of national policy priorities and domestic political context, as well as a much wider set of
international relationships between Member States bilaterally or in groupings. Ultimately, OGB can claim
attributable input to Member States thinking and public statements indeed, verbatim reproduction of OGB
policy positions bears this out in a number of instances. However, it is harder to attribute final positions on
treaty signing and text composition solely and exclusively to those inputs. In that respect, just as OGB cannot
be said to have failed in its ATT work respecting the absence of signing at the end of the 2012 Conference, OGB
cannot be said to be the unique, or even primary cause of success with regard to the sustained growth of the
process so far, and the possibilities of renewed negotiation later in 2012 or into 2013.

OGB has clearly achieved very significant levels of success in relation to short-term outcome indicators as set
out in the workstreams MEL framework. Indeed, were it not for continuing challenges in getting a treaty,
including adequately strong incorporation of OGBs advocacy goals, signed, there is a great deal of evidence
that OGB has achieved very substantial success in its advocacy work as a whole.69 The problem, in a sense, is
pegging workstream outputs to the treaty as a unique outcome. It is here that there are key points in the logic
model which could be further broken down in terms of indicators. For example, it is possible to substantiate
the short-term outcome that [a] compelling technical and evidence base established to ensure sensitive
humanitarian and development issues are embedded in the ATT given the presence of these issues in the
treaty text. But there is arguably a need to define more clearly what is taken to be compelling, in particular in
conjunction with the key transition moment in the logic model, from advocacy into action, viz. increased
political will and institutional capacity of Member States. That there has been increased political will and
institutional capacity appears clear, and clearly related to OGBs work and leadership. That it did not reach a
collective level among Member States (at least to-date) to complete the treaty process is also currently clear.
The question, then, for the logic model and the MEL is whether there are other indicators than the treaty itself
that can be used to manifest the compelling nature of OGBs inputs, and the extent to which political will and
institutional capacity can be measured.

There were four effects that the workstream set out in its proposal:
Ensuring that the ongoing ATT negotiations achieve a tough, robust and comprehensive treaty,
engaging in technical discussions around potential treaty text;
Ensuring that parameters for decision-making include comprehensive criteria on socio-economic
Building a strong base of support amongst civil society, key stakeholders and the general public calling
on negotiators to deliver a tough, robust and comprehensive treaty;
Building support amongst the widest possible range of governments so that the ultimate Treaty has
wide adoption.

As of the end of July 2012, the workstream can reasonably claim to have been successful in relation to bullets
3 and 4. Success in the case of bullets 1 and 2 is in evidence, but slightly more mixed. With regard to bullet 1,
on one hand, a treaty text with clear articulation to international humanitarian law and human rights, as well
as reference to specific OGB advocacy targets including both the impact of unregulated weapons on socio-

Follow-up interview with OGBs ATT lead, Anna Macdonald 16 September 2012.

economic development, and on gender-based violence, was on the table by the end of the 2012 Diplomatic
Conference.70 On the other, the treaty was not agreed. This cannot be described as failure, since the
diplomatic process continues as this IPR is submitted, with possible First Committee resolutions at the October
General Assembly, and the option of a renewed conference in March 2013. It can be described as a
substantive degree of success, but not a complete degree. With regard to bullet 2, whilst reference to socio-
economic development was secured in the treaty text by the end of the July conference, it was framed as one
of a set of conditions to be taken into consideration in assessing arms transfers, rather than as a clearly
delineated and binding criterion determining transfer approvability. Again, it can be claimed that the reference
is, in itself, an indicator of successful advocacy. At the same time, however, it can also be suggested that the
relative weakness of the legal framing does not completely meet OGBs highest expectation.71

This points to the need to be able to capture, in more detail, some of the non-treaty effects that lie more
clearly within OGBs direct contributional capacity (as discussed earlier). The remarkable achievement of a
global civil society coalition has already been noted in relation to this workstream.72 The positive influence of
OGB and workstream partners on the thinking and policy positions of Member States can be more difficult to
measure and hence to demonstrate, not least where it is often, for obvious reasons, conducted in informal
settings and non-attributable discussions. One approach to measurement in this instance would be to take a
policy advocacy line from the workstreams coalition and apply it to one or more states with defined
oppositional views, to track and record each advocacy encounter with those states delegations, and to set a
later point in time to assess shift in those states public policy position on the advocacy line. Although this
relies on qualitative data, the collation of multiple points of such qualitative data (narrative synthesis) is an
accepted approach to improving the robustness of evidence in such processes.

Results forward strategic implications

Given the particular dynamics and trajectories of the four workstreams under CHASE PPA funding, the mid-
point of the grant provides a natural opportunity for OGB to review strategy in each. The IPR team is not in a
position to make specific recommendations regarding the way lessons and insights from the first period of the
grant (and foreseeable opportunities and threats in the coming period) may be used to determine allocation or
re-allocation of resources to maximise impact.

However we do note the exceptional flexibilities of the PPA grant (both with regard to movement of resources
between workstreams and across grant years) and encourage the PPA CHASE steering group to consider this in
forthcoming grant reviews.

The inclusion of gender-based violence (both in its own right, and as a preferred language to the more limited violence
against women) constitutes a significant advocacy win with a number of Member States diametrically shifting their position over
the course of negotiations.
The treaty as an outcome measure also raises a somewhat paradoxical situation with regard to donor and grant-holder. At
this point in time, formal and informal communications from HMG suggest that the UK considers the existing treaty text to be
satisfactory. Hence the donor should regard the grant-holders activities to have been entirely successful. OGB itself,
meanwhile, views the treaty text as capable of substantive improvements, and continues to work on that basis.
Related to this, the value and impact of a coherent global civil society engaging with Member States on the treaty needs to be
gauged not just against the degree of success of the resulting treaty (if such there be), but also against the potential negative
consequences of those civil society organisations, individually or collectively disengaging from advocacy with states a move
that could have (and still could) substantially damage trust relations built up between civil society organisations and parts of
government conventionally highly allergic to NGO engagement.

3.1.2 Intended and unintended effects (positive and negative changes) on poor and marginalised groups
and civil society

These workstreams are designed to generate new learning and new models of working. As such, their primary
beneficiaries are not poor and vulnerable populations in a direct sense. Tracking from the workstreams to
impact on secondary (or ultimate) beneficiaries is therefore less relevant to the IPR task. This is not to imply
that the workstreams are not intended, designed and operated with a view to improving the lives of poor and
vulnerable people. They are. It is, rather, to suggest that the means by which they propose to achieve such
impact is indirect, hence may be expected to materialise over a longer timeframe than the current IPR period
or, indeed, the 3-year PPA grant life and, as noted above, given the complexity of non-OGB factors co-
influencing outcomes, may be demonstrable as a matter of plausible contribution analysis rather than
absolute, singular line of causal attribution. That said, there are areas in which civil society, certainly, is
benefiting from workstreams, and some evidence beyond this of changes in government practice.

The Within and Without the State workstream has already identified and engaged with a number of CSOs in all
three project countries (though further refinement in identification and partners is anticipated in at least one
of these). In the case of Afghanistan, the project revives a formerly active civil society network, and is
achieving early results in enhanced participation in regional peace dialogues.

In the ACCRA workstream, there are some indications that local government and communities are already
benefiting from new opportunities established through the project, including:
The LAC framework being rolled out in government capacity-building support across 52 woredas in
Ethiopia, and the award of a DFID/SCIP grant for capacity development at woreda level;
Farmers calling the Meteorological Office in Kampala to inform them of unpredicted rainstorms;
Selection of Bungibugdya, Uganda as a National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)
implementation pilot site as a direct result of its activities with ACCRA;
Use of Gemechis woreda seedlings from the nursery set up by ACCRA for a watershed planting
programme of action being implemented by Government of Ethiopia.

The IMG and ATT workstreams, as fully global projects without a substantive field base (leaving aside the
survey pilot sites in IMG), are not able to demonstrate intentional impact on secondary beneficiaries.
However, the ATT workstream has clearly benefited a number of southern civil society organisations who
would, in the absence of sponsorship made possible by PPA funding, have been unable to attend multilateral
events and meetings. It is possible to assume that the IMG workstream may have had some positive impact on
local research-oriented bodies in the three survey pilot countries, though this is likely to have been relatively

Annual Report and DFID Feedback

Our analysis of OGBs year 1 Annual Report, feedback on this from DFID, and OGBs response to that feedback
can be fairly concise, given the broad degree of satisfaction on both sides relative to performance on the
results agenda.73 An overarching concern (expressed formally by DFID and discussed informally by both
parties) is the question of attribution. Our view, set out in more detail elsewhere in this report, is that simple
or first-line attribution is entirely feasible (largely due to OGBs decision to channel CHASE PPA funding to

DFID CHASE feedback on OGBs CHASE PPA Year 1 Annual Report, letter dated 11 July 2012.

specific areas of work within the organization74). Second-line attribution (providing quantified or statistical
confirmation of causal connection between incoming finance and impact of resourced interventions) is
extremely challenging in environments much less complex than the one in which OGB operates. Hence, we
conclude that, whilst randomization or quasi-experimental approaches may be viable in measuring specific
bounded interventions (with some degree of attribution to supportive funding), such approaches are not likely
to produce meaningful results at the broad level of the grant as a whole. Rather and following Coffey/DFID
guidance on the matter we support the more systematic use of contribution analysis.

In this respect, whilst we can validate the substance of the Annual Report, we would agree with DFID in
encouraging OGB to concentrate more on developing clearer and, where possible, quantitative metrics that
describe in more detail activities (such as capacity building) and measure more robustly their effect.

In the case of ACCRA, for example, it is positive that OGB is defining an advocacy strategy for national
government targets and it is all the more important therefore to acquire or develop concrete indicators by
which impact of advocacy can be materially assessed. The workstream has already acknowledged this need,
and has been reviewing indicators that could be used as part of that evaluative strengthening. In the case of
the Within and Without the State workstream, we encourage OGB to define specific forms of capacity building,
to define very clearly concrete outcomes both within partner CSOs and in the efficacy of those CSOs in their
engagement with communities on one hand, and government on the other, and to ensure quantitative as well
as qualitative measurement of impact of the former on the latter.

OGB and DFID are in continuing communication regarding the global and workstream-specific results
frameworks. OGB has agreed with DFID to amplify specific indicators (for example on capacity building in
both WWS and ACCRA, as well as qualitative data to reflect in more detail the impacts of the ATT workstream).
OGB has scheduled October review discussions to address Annual Report feedback from DFID and
recommendations made in this IPR report. In addition, they are exploring the possibility of revising the global
grant logframe again, based on findings from this IPR.

We note that there are areas in each of the workstreams where strategy and/or technical approach is being
modified to account for changes in the operating environment, or in the operational understanding of
workstream personnel gained in the process of implementation. These may require elaboration at the level of
the grant oversight steering group, as input to its review function. The role of external research partners and
the imperative of local skills development is one area recognized, for example, by the ACCRA workstream,
though also with relevance for IMG. The WWS workstream is in the process of restructuring its engagement
with civil society in South Sudan. As this IPR report is being drafted, the ATT workstream are engaged in
determining a viable strategy for the October General Assembly (following the failure of Member States to
agree a treaty in July).

Finally, although we appreciate the value of using one workstream to support comparison across the Changing
Lives case studies annex, interesting examples might also have been drawn from the WWS workstream. Given
the complexity of this workstream, the OGB CHASE PPA steering group agreed to draw on WWS material from
2013 on.

Noting that for reasons of wider organisational strategy, the general PPA was deployed as fully unrestricted finance within
OGB as a whole. This is covered in greater depth by the independent evaluation IPR of the general PPA, though we would note
in passing that we do not take channelling of grant money to specific investments, compared with fully unrestricted use, as
mutually exclusive strategies, but rather strategies that reflect different levels of purpose in the organisations perception of
each grant.
The production of contingency plans with key supportive states is mentioned in the 2011-12 Annual Report, and would be
useful to see documented.

3.2 Relevance

The choice of the four workstreams appears to have been made by combining attention to DFIDs stated
priority interests,76 and a form of strategic opportunism relative to OGBs wider and emerging organisational
priorities. That said, humanitarian crisis natural and man-made is increasingly recognised as part of wider
vulnerability comprising a broad understanding of poverty, including economic as well as non-economic
dimensions, and environmental phenomena including short-term shocks and longer-term systemic change.

In response to this, there is a growing perception that humanitarian policy (and the action it mandates) needs
to understand how to design and resource interventions which do more than repair damage and support
victims. The humanitarian proposition needs to become more effective through being preventive building
systemic protections (be they in the international architecture of humanitarian law or in the physical
infrastructure of villages) which mitigate the impact of sudden shocks (natural, economic, socio-conflictual)
and lay the groundwork for adaptation to longer-term environmental and climatic change. This necessarily
extends humanitarian thinking and action into the domain conventionally ascribed to development.

OGBs four CHASE PPA-funded workstreams deal with aspects of violence and conflict, natural disaster,
governance and state fragility, and the role of citizens in determining the policy choices affecting their lives. As
such, all four map easily onto central concerns and priorities in the international humanitarian and
development aid world.

3.2.1 Representativeness ACCRA

The 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report highlights the unequivocal
evidence that the worlds climate system is warming, and the profound impacts already being felt by poor
people. Clearly, climate change (CC) and the ability to adapt to its effects is an important issue for
governments and communities to understand and incorporate into daily decision-making and livelihood
development. In the three ACCRA countries, national government has increased commitment to addressing
climate change impacts over the last 2-3 years. Government representatives in each of the country projects
stated that climate change adaptation is an important focus for the relevant ministries.77 However, they are
still more focused on technical solutions (mitigation) to climate change, rather than social adaptation, which
makes the ACCRA approach all the more relevant. Regionally, in the Horn and East Africa, IGAD is developing a
more coordinated process for building the resilience of dryland communities in Member States. In this context,
ACCRAs research/evidence, experiences and lessons learned may be expected to find an enthusiastic
reception in the process of developing country programmes and approaches.78

The four workstreams map fairly closely onto DFID/CHASEs four areas of divisional focus.
Though, note that in many cases these are ministries and offices that have not had a great deal of power in the past, such as
the Meteorological Office in the Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda, and the Environment Protection Authority in
To date, ACCRAs case studies have been carried out predominantly in settled farming communities, though one study site in
phase 1 focused on pastoralist/dryland communities in Ander Kello in Ethiopia. There are likely to be differences between the
experiences of the programme in these communities and in those that are more mobile i.e. in pastoralist and dryland. Though it
can be more challenging to work with the latter, it will be important for ACCRA to do so, not least because there is some
evidence that such communities are more vulnerable to climate change, and that the impacts of climate change on their
communities can result in increased risk of intra-communal conflict and violence. ACCRA staff are aware of this, and some
planned case studies in Phase 2 will be focus on pastoral/dryland communities.

The more efficient combination of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction is a requirement for
policy and programming that is now broadly accepted across sectoral communities in addressing
vulnerabilities, poverty and food insecurity in developing countries. As such ACCRAs work remains important
and timely, in order to influence current thinking and future action. All of the agencies involved in the ACCRA
workstream are currently reviewing or drafting organisational policies and strategies relating to climate change
and resilience.79 One of ODIs key foci for the next three years is resilience; ACCRAs work will contribute to
this, complementing ODIs corporate priorities.

Climate change has become a priority for DFID,80 linked to the donors considerable concern to improve
progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.81 ACCRA is aligned with DFIDs Humanitarian
Emergencies Response Review (HERR) in relation to both resilience and anticipation; to DFIDs DRR policy;
and the findings of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.

A question remains about the relative priority assigned by governments, national and local, in affected
countries to the issues of natural disaster and climate change (as well as continuing uncertainty in some
instances of the causal relationship between the two). In terms of policy and the budget allocation that follows
policy, it is quite possible that the more urgent and politically sensitive needs of food and human security will
continue to dominate what are perceived to be more esoteric concerns for work on climate change. Indeed, in
terms of understanding the relative relevance of CC and DRR, it would be interesting to explore the extent to
which attention to climate change is moderated by the availability of external funding.

Across the three countries, new climate change units are being set up. However, the capacity of strengthened
and newly-established government bodies to address issues of climate change and adaptive capacity can be
limited. As such ACCRA is well-placed to assist them through research-based evidence on appropriate
approaches/ tools, and training based on these. In addition by working closely with government at local level
there are opportunities for sharing grounded, well-evidenced experience (albeit currently limited to a small
number of sites in each country).82 WWS

It is estimated that a third of the worlds poorest, most vulnerable and marginalised people live in countries
with governments that have the least capacity or will to deliver rights-related services and public goods. Fragile
states are also overwhelmingly those most affected by conflicts and their aftermath. Fragile and conflict-
affected countries are a priority for Oxfam in fulfilling its mandate to reduce poverty and suffering. Oxfam
works in 34 fragile and/or conflict-affected countries (out of a total of 51 countries where the UK affiliate has
programmes). In 2009-10, 65% of Oxfams programme spend went towards supporting work in those 34
countries. Fragile and conflict-affected states are also a clear institutional priority for HMG and DFID.

The functional capability of civil society to engage with government or, where necessary, to substitute for
state, is widely acknowledged to be key to improving the lives of vulnerable people living in communities
affected by conflict or in fragile contexts where development and welfare are stalled or degraded. A key
question, though, for organisations like OGB working with and to an extent through partner CSOs
(especially where the relationship with a group of partners is mediated by a network arrangement), is whether

Moreover, all the operational NGOs involved in the consortium are also members of the Emergency Capacity Building (ECB)
project, complementing work conducted under the IMG workstream. ACCRA is also strongly linked to the CARE Adaptation
and Learning Programme (ALP) both at international and country level.
See for example DFIDs Climate and Environment Departments Operational Plan 2011-2015.
In Ethiopia DFIDs commitment is reflected in-country where CC is one of six key priority areas for support.
ACCRAs focus on governance and capacity building tallies with recommendations from the Views from the Frontline report
(2011) and the independent evaluation of ACCRA in December 2011.

and to what extent those partners are representative of the poor and vulnerable communities who are
intended as the final beneficiaries of intervention.

In some fragile and conflict-affected contexts, where access to communities outside major cities is limited or
negligible, primary contact with local civil society happens at the level of the capital. In these instances,
ensuring that partner CSOs are legitimately representative of beneficiary communities, ensuring that whilst
they have good advocacy contacts with the state, they are sufficiently independent of government, and
ensuring that collectively the CSO partners represent a spread of sectoral or sub-sectoral expertise and
engagement reflective of the range of peacebuilding and governance measures required by the specific
dynamics of the countrys conflict and/or fragility, is key to building a representative relationship.

In fragile and conflict-affected contexts, international NGOs like OGB can experience limited access to ground-
level perspectives. In some instances, the formal and, often informal, intra-organisational dynamics within
local civil society and between local CSOs and government are hard for outsider agencies to fully understand.
Finally, external support agencies like OGB may find that they have limited capacity to directly monitor the
effects of capacity-building interventions on partner CSOs as they cascade down towards delivery of effective
advocacy, goods or services on behalf of final beneficiaries. The cumulative effect of these conditions is that
identifying and selecting the right mix of CSO partners is both vitally important, and often extremely difficult.
It was clear from field- and HQ-based interviews, as well as interviews with non-OGB informants, that Oxfam
has in place a range of measures to assess and understand the legitimacy and capacity of partner CSOs.
Evidence arising as a result of the use of those measures is sometimes less clearly available. The key action for
OGB, in this area, is to document in as much detail as possible the process through which partners are
identified and engaged, and the process by which partners impact on beneficiary communities is monitored
and analysed. IMG

Emphasis in assessing humanitarian interventions in rapid-onset emergencies has tended to focus on inputs
and outputs, and to a considerably lesser extent on outcomes and impact in the longer-term. This is
understandable. In emergency conditions, the immediate imperative of action frequently overrides a parallel
need to know whether and how action works. There are, moreover, ethical dimensions to attempting more
rigorous, case-controlled evaluations in situations where lives and livelihoods are at risk; and there are
operational and technical barriers to data collection for baselines against which to assess impact. Yet impact
both from the point of view of effectiveness and value for money, and from the point of view of an increasing
interest in accountability of implementing partners and donors in humanitarian crises is critical information
that has not, to date, been well addressed.

INGOs are increasingly cognisant of the fact that their habit of conducting individual agency evaluations in the
aftermath of an emergency does not produce the kind of data that can be used to understand collective effect
where multiple agencies are involved, and that this, and a relatively low level of methodological rigour, can
compromise the credibility of their claimed results. Moreover, the heavy emphasis on external intervention
capacity and protocols in emergency situations can limit the extent to which affected communities are
included in intervention design and implementation, as well as the extent to which differential benefit from
interventions can be analysed for different social groups (disaggregated, for example, by gender or age).
Finally, as donors come under increasing scrutiny and pressure to demonstrate the effective use of tax-funded
aid more so in high-visibility natural disasters captured on global media they will require not just evidence
of short-term relief to the homeless, displaced and vulnerable, but are likely increasingly to ask for evidence of
how emergency interventions can themselves help to reinforce the longer-term ability of populations affected
by repeating disasters to mitigate future risk and develop resilience.

23 ATT

Armed violence is recognised as a contravention of human rights and international humanitarian law. It is a
major barrier to development and it undermines aid effectiveness.83 OGBs support for an ATT is a further
expression by the international community of emerging norms in international humanitarian and human rights
law, consistent with and relevant to the Geneva Conventions, and more recent humanitarian weapons control
agreements such as the Anti-personnel Landmine Ban (the Ottawa Treaty, 1997), and the Convention on
Cluster Munition (2008).

Reducing, at source, a key vector for systematic and large-scale violence (the global trade in illicit weapons)
should result in reductions of harm to men and women, boys and girls in areas affected by conflict as well as
those affected by other forms of armed violence. Reduction in harm to civilians supports international
humanitarian law; reductions in death and injury support international human rights law and norms;
reductions in death, injury and the threat of violence strengthen community-level and wider flow of resources
into productive social spending, improvement in socio-economic stability and capacity for growth, and
reduction in systems of violence and enforcement that maintain and extend corrupt practice and social
inequity (themselves leading to further risk of violence and conflict).

OGBs distinctive contribution with respect to the ATT process has been to show, through research and multi-
sited advocacy with civil society partners from affected countries around the world, the impact of unregulated
arms transfers on social and economic development. In this sense, OGBs work has amplified the relevance of
the ATT to a much wider set of constituencies, linking humanitarian principles and development priorities, and
extending the understanding of arms control beyond its conventional technical and diplomatic channels to the
community of development actors both within Oxfam and beyond.

3.2.2 Targeting ACCRA

ACCRA is a complex workstream, working with many different actors, and at different levels, with an issue that
cuts across different disciplines. But it is centrally focused on strengthening capacity for planning at local
government level. In order to target project activities, a scoping study was completed to determine and affirm
local government capacity levels and needs. While a focus on government capacity can risk limiting the degree
to which benefits flow to ultimate beneficiaries, ACCRA has also developed work which focuses on building
awareness at community level, with the potential to directly empower the demand side in terms of local policy
and planning. Meanwhile, field assessment suggests that more awareness and technical capacity building work
could usefully be targeted at (and is currently planned for) staff within consortium partners themselves, to
ensure and maintain high levels of understanding and commitment across the partnership.85

ACCRA personnel demonstrate positive awareness of gender, age and other social stratifiers, and show
evidence of actively including representative groups from pilot communities.86 The IPR field analysis suggests,
however, that more could be done to raise awareness on particular needs of different social groups, such as

See, e.g. the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development (2006), and the Oslo Commitments on Armed
Violence (2010).
The principal risk with regard to targeting secondary beneficiaries is that government (for want of priority, political drive or
resources) will not follow processes through as advised, and thus benefits will be unlikely to trickle down to local communities.
See ACCRA field report, Annex G.
Field visit informant interviews.

women, in relation to climate change adaptation and building resilience. For example, it was felt that ACCRA
material could include a clearer focus on gender and vulnerable groups as part of more inclusive participatory
planning processes.

ACCRA is designed to work with a small number of trial sites. The upside of this is that research results are
relatively tightly focused. The potential downside, of course, is that although target sites are highly praised by
respective local government counterparts, scaling up will require greater attention to advocacy and policy shift
within central governments. At the national level, the spread of responsibility for climate change issues,
disaster preparedness and response, and wider social protection, among a range of ministries and
departments within the governments of the three ACCRA pilot countries makes institutional targeting
complex.87 It will be important to monitor, and where possible influence, the progress of institutional
responsibility for ACCRAs issues at national level in these three countries, to assess the extent to which that
responsibility becomes institutionally concentrated and mainstreamed within national policy-making, enabling
clear institutional targets for further DRR/CCA advocacy in the national domain.88 WWS

Like ACCRA, the WWS workstream follows a global concept, but is grounded in selected pilot countries OPTI,
South Sudan and Afghanistan. Like other workstreams, the principal primary beneficiaries are not, in a direct
sense, poor and vulnerable communities, but rather the civil society organisations (and networks of CSOs) that
purport to represent them. In this respect, there are two questions regarding targeting. First, is the selection of
countries reasonable and appropriate? Second, does the selection of CSOs/CSO networks reflect organisations
with genuine grassroots legitimacy (and hence plausible ability to deliver workstream benefits to the intended
secondary beneficiaries)?

The selection of countries is consistent with DFIDs priorities, and reflects a broad consensus on humanitarian
hot-spots. However, they represent quite distinct stages of conflict and quite different positions on the
spectrum of state fragility. Given these different contexts, it would be reasonable to expect that the types of
civil society available, the channels through which CSOs link with communities and engage with government,
and the types of advocacy plausible in the wider socio-political and economic context, will differ. Hence, with
regard to targeting, it would be reasonable to expect to see distinct strategies being applied through WWS in
each country.

The selection of CSO partners (and partner networks) will determine significantly the degree to which benefits
delivered through WWS convert into benefits for poor and marginalised populations especially remote
communities who are often the most disadvantaged and least supported in conditions of fragility and conflict.
It is suggested that considerable work has gone into analysis of the political economy in the workstreams
target countries, including mapping of civil society, in order to identify (either directly or through counterparts)
eligible organisations with which to partner. Documentary evidence of this, though, is less clearly available at
country level in some cases, and should be considered a critical part of the operational as well as the learning
process for the workstream (as noted earlier).

In Ethiopia, for example, there are several government departments with responsibilities for climate change issues the
DFRMSS, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), with other more sectoral ministries also
playing a role such as Ministry of Water Resources.
For example, it is likely that the EPA with a unit dedicated to the implementation of CRGE will take a much greater role in
Ethiopia. ACCRA is already developing a working relationship with EPA and has just received additional funding from DFID-
Ethiopias SCIP fund to further develop this.

25 IMG

Secondary beneficiaries of this workstream are or should be communities impacted by natural disaster.
Primary beneficiaries are or should be the agencies who manage interventions in rapid-onset emergencies,
and whose interventions should be improved as a result of the IMG.

With respect to secondary beneficiaries, the IMG offers real advantages in more clearly disaggregating the
effects of intervention between social groups.89 This should improve significantly the empirical understanding
of equity as a dimension of emergency intervention design and impact. Equally, by enabling agencies to trace
their individual contributions within a joint evaluation process, the IMG should help in sharpening the
composition of sectoral interventions.

The principal issue with regard to targeting primary beneficiaries is that there is still some work to be done to
define that audience. The workstream are aware of this need, and are in the process of doing so. However,
there are a couple of provisos. First, the workstream should be able to demonstrate that the primary
beneficiaries they identify are those most likely to be able most directly to put the IMG to use. Second, the
notion of audience can be misleading, since the most plausible route to getting the guide widely used is not
one-way communication and delivery of a finished product, but engagement and dialogue with intended
primary beneficiaries in the process of production. In other words, whilst the communication and
dissemination strategy is in place, it may be useful to develop some indicators of receptivity among proposed
users of the finished guide, which can be periodically gauged to assure OGB that prospects for uptake remain
positive. ATT

Of the two uniquely global workstreams funded under CHASE PPA (IMG and ATT), the Arms Trade Treaty has
least direct (or primary indirect) relevance with respect to targeting conceived as channelling impact to poor
and vulnerable people. Naturally, the humanitarian expectation of a positive treaty outcome would, in the long
term, be reduction in victims of conflict and violence. But that lies at the end of a long and relatively
unpredictable chain of intermediary outcomes (from treaty agreement, through ratification, to enforcement
and material change).

Targeting is, however, critical in other respects in the ATT workstream. In particular, for example, strategy
developed with respect to targeting Member States for advocacy engagement. There is considerable evidence
from the workstream that much thought has gone into that strategy in essence, to channel scarce resources
towards a central bloc of states who showed themselves not to be opposed to an ATT, but to be in one respect
or another sceptical (whilst maintaining relations with a core group of actively supportive states and, to some
degree, minimising expenditure of energy on states identified as implacably opposed and unlikely to change).
Regional targeting (CARICOM, PIF, work with the EU and AU, as examples) also appears to have been carefully
thought out.

Including age and gender. It is not clear whether other types of social stratifier, such as disability, are included.

3.3 Effectiveness

3.3.1 Learning

Learning is considered to be central across much of the work support under OGBs CHASE PPA, both in terms
of OGBs own capacity as an organisation, and in terms of its ability to understand the world in which it
operates. The Impact Measurement Guide is, explicitly, an attempt to improve ways of analysing the
effectiveness of humanitarian emergency responses, and to encourage intervening agencies to collaborate in
that analysis. The ACCRA workstream is a set of pilot sites, designed to generate new understanding of the
potential for joined-up and forward-thinking planning between local government and rural communities
affected by natural disasters and climate change. Within and Without the State responds to a perceived gap in
operational understanding of how to engage in fragile and conflict-affected states, testing out the premise that
strengthening civil society (through networks as much as through individual organisations) may support better
progress towards stability than the current emphasis on short-run humanitarian service delivery on one hand,
and heavy investment in governance supply-side (statebuilding) on the other. Each of these workstreams
proposes to generate knowledge to export, both with OGB and more widely in the sector.

The ATT has been seen as somewhat distinct when compared with IMG, ACCRA and WWS. It is worth noting,
though, that the ATT is the only workstream that provides an unprecedented level of engagement with, and
potential insight into, the multilateral environment, and to a negotiation in which humanitarian, human rights,
development and security principles and politics intersect. The ability of INGOs to navigate the multilateral
sphere will become increasingly important in the future. In this respect, learning from the ATT should not be

In the ACCCRA workstream, it has been suggested that, alongside the emphasis on supporting learning among
government counterparts, there is a need to ensure that learning on the interconnections between CC, CCA
and DRR among ACCRA staff and partners is maintained, and this learning is mainstreamed across partner
INGOs.90 ACCRA is taken very seriously within OGB more widely, and has been an important element of OGBs
participation in the general PPA Learning Partnerships (in particular in the Resilience Working Group), though
it is felt that more could be done to promote the lessons it offers at OGB level and through consortium
partners in the international community.91 There is evidence that the Local Adaptive Capacity Framework has
enjoyed wide attention and uptake among peer organisations and, whilst it is recognised that the LACF
constitutes a research framework, and hence does not in itself substitute for the focus in ACCRAs current
phase on translating research into planning, it is suggested that care is taken to ensure that the value accrued
through the production and dissemination of the framework is not allowed to dissipate.

The WWS workstream sees its input to wider learning as central to the value of the investment. This is
consistent with the degree to which OGB generally sees fragile and conflict-affected contexts as core business.
A Global Learning component was added to the project design, with inner and outer circles of country and
programmatic engagement. A learning and communication focal point works with the WWS team, developing
a plan for engaging audiences both within and beyond OGB. A Fragile States Steering Group convenes
periodically to share programmatic and funding information. It is clear that appetite for insights from WWS
and participation in mechanisms such as the FS steering group are still dependent on the differing perspectives
and information/evidence and learning requirement of different constituencies within OGB. The humanitarian-

A workshop on this is planned for November 2012.
Field visit interviews. ACCRA has been promoted through a number of passive and active means, including: an ODI-hosted
launch for Rethinking support for adaptive capacity to CC: the role of development interventions, January 2012; the ACCRA
website, part of the Eldis community (; and participation in the Sixth International Conference
on Community-Based Adaptation held in Vietnam in April 2012.

development, and the policy-action divisions remain fairly strong within the organisation, and effective
learning from the WWS workstream may require some more sophisticated strategy and packaging of insights
to maximise perceived utility and uptake among potential OGB departmental beneficiaries.92

Overall, a number of common learning opportunities and issues can be identified.

First, there is a balance to be struck between complex analysis and field-user-friendly learning (particularly
relevant in three of the four workstreams IMG, ACCRA, WWS). Related to this is a more practical
question about balancing the use of external consultants/research experts, and fostering local (if less
research-ready) organisations. The obvious implication of a balance tilted towards the use of external
capacity, is the limitation placed on workstreams ability to support learning and, especially, research skills
development on the ground.93

Second, although there is solid evidence of learning within workstreams and the transference of
workstream-specific learning into wider applications in the same field in OGB some learning may merit
broader organisational consideration, both from particular workstreams and from across them. The use of
a (pro bono) legal team by the ATT workstream, for example, should inspire thinking about how OGB may
extend its modus operandi to leverage legal arguments, not just in other comparable projects but more
strongly across the organisation altogether. At an aggregate level, as noted earlier the four workstreams
appear to point to important common lessons about making humanitarian policy (and resulting actions) fit
more closely to the longer-term development model without losing the distinct imperatives and
advantages of fundamental humanitarian principles and practice.

Third, the workstreams may provide useful insights as to how OGB should plan for practical, programmatic
consequences of its wider organisational strategic shift stepping back somewhat from the more
conventional INGO role of direct provision of goods and services, and emphasising its role as an
intermediary between communities, civil society and states. There are some probable consequences to
that kind of shift gaps in the wherewithal of local civil society in programming countries to step into the
space opened up by OGBs changed orientation that are liable to be left in the short to medium term.
Those gaps would likely include not just the obvious resource and capacity issues (finding substitute
funding to domestic CSOs, ensuring a measure of material capacity support remains in place in the long
term) but also gaps in political cover (especially in areas of advocacy to do with security and humanitarian
accountability) where OGBs more prominent presence may, in the past, have had a protective effect on
otherwise exposed domestic civil society.

Fourth, OGBs use of CHASE PPA funding to develop knowledge, research methods and analytical and
planning capacity should if the resulting products are genuinely new and better aspire to scaling up
globally. For this to happen, one would expect to see workstream products (such as the IMG) being
endorsed, adopted and used across peer agencies internationally. There is quite a bit of evidence of
workstreams engaging with those kinds of partners, but perhaps less evidence of systematic strategy
and indicators for achieving that level of endorsement, adoption and use.

Interestingly, in the absence of a CHASE PPA-specific learning partnership, OGB has plans to establish its own learning
group on the issue of working in fragile and conflict-affected settings. This reflects strong commitment to learning and
dissemination, but perhaps also runs the risk of creating unnecessarily parallel streams of learning and exchange.
It should be noted that the ACCRA workstreams decision to increase centralised management of the research component,
with stronger lead by their external partner, ODI, was driven by a concern for quality of research product; moreover, working
relationships with in-country researchers remain in place.
For example, the ACCRA workstream has strong global linkages through a range of organisations, including: CARE (ALP),
IIED, ODI, CDKN, UNFCCC and the East African Network for CCA (amongst others) and therefore its reach is wide. ODI state
that they had never such interest in one particular piece of research as has been shown in the LAC.

3.3.2 Innovation

ACCRA is innovative in four key respects breaking down the concept of adaptive capacity into a set of
component elements, and focusing on systemic change through strengthening local government planning
capacity; using participatory research to understand, at the grounded level of communities and local
government, the potential for more joined-up approaches to disaster risk reduction and climate change
adaptation;95 emphasising the social dimensions of these approaches as a necessary complement to
predominantly technical approaches preferred hitherto; and the emphasis on action research as a means of
engaging research findings directly strengthen local government capacity and planning practice.

The principal innovations in Within and Without the State also come in three parts the deliberate attempt to
shift (e.g. donor) concentration on financing state institutions as the centrepiece of statebuilding and
peacebuilding in fragile and conflict-affected countries, towards greater emphasis on the role of civil society in
creating demand for better governance performance; the decision to work with networks of civil society
organisations as well as the more conventional approach of identifying individual CSO partners; and the use of
action research to explore in more detail the working of CSOs internally, in networks and with state

The central innovation in the IMG workstream aside from improving the methodological quality of (in
particular) quantitative analysis of humanitarian intervention impact (which should be regarded as a much
needed evolution rather than something entirely new) is its emphasis on understanding change rather than
impact in the aftermath of rapid-onset emergency responses. Change creates a linear narrative within which
the differential experiences of social groups can be separated out, and through which the sustainability of
short-run intervention effects can be better gauged. By encouraging humanitarian agencies to collaborate in
evaluation, the contribution to change approach also offers a way of building inter-agency trust, something
that in past emergencies has been notably muted.

The ATT workstream has, perhaps, produced some of the most clearly innovative work, in the form of discrete
new techniques within a familiar multilateral process. Of these, three stand out. The first is the development
of a website96 featuring an interactive world map on which the dispositions of Member States to specific
aspects of the treaty and its negotiation can be highlighted. As a tool for disseminating information, it is
extremely efficient; as a tool with potential both to influence the position of states (using the leverage of
policy visibility) and to track and evaluate changes in those positions, the website appears to have
considerable potential.97

The second is the assembly of a corps of legal advisors providing real-time advice to civil society partners and
Member States on legal dimensions of ongoing treaty negotiation. Aside from the direct utility of this to those
seeking advice, the more general principal it embodies that the kinds of normative issues INGOs often
advocate can be fortified with legal underpinnings is something that is already used in other OGB sectors
(such as climate change), and one might expect to see infuse OGB at a fundamental organisational level.

The third area of innovation was the decision to export arms control thinking into OGBs economic justice
policy and advocacy work, and through this to secure a collective statement from some fairly large global
investment fund managers in favour of the ATT. These innovations, taken together, leverage political visibility,
legal responsibility, and financial profitability in a way that is impressive and should provide wider lessons for
OGB more generally.

Including the proposed development of funding to support local action as defined through community action planning.
Moreover, there is no reason why this web-based visualisation approach could not be used at very limited further cost, for a
variety of other international or multilateral advocacy initiatives.

3.3.3 Partnership working

Strong emphasis on partnership is a common characteristic across the four CHASE PPA-funded workstreams.
However, this incorporates a wide range of different types of partner and forms of relationship. ACCRA
constitutes a positive example of collaboration among a group of international NGOs, and with an external
research partner. The pre-existing Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) project partners formed the basis for this
at global level, while in-country, ACCRA/ECB partners were free to build wider consortium memberships.

Partnership with government in the three ACCRA countries has been somewhat uneven. In Uganda,
government and consortium partners work closely together, with government counterparts folded into ACCRA
working, whilst ownership of the project among the NGOs themselves has been somewhat weaker. In
Ethiopia, by contrast, partnership with government is less strong (although there are indications of positive
movement, for example placement of the ACCRA coordinator within the DRMFSS), but ownership of ACCRA
among consortium members is robust. This may relate in some degree to the different views taken of NGOs
and government-civil society working in Uganda and Ethiopia.98 One potential downside of ACCRAs emphasis
on partnership with government is that the effects of the workstream may be perceived as, and in reality be,
primarily top-down imposition. This may be mitigated to some extent by work directly with communities in
raising awareness, and encouragement of local government to make planning processes more participatory.

The WWS workstream relies almost entirely on the partnerships it is able to establish with CSO networks. In
the past, much of OGBs work with local civil society partners has been based on a sub-granting model, where
resources and support are provided to local CSOs to enable them to carry out specified projects. WWS takes a
somewhat different approach recognising that a degree of resource provision is likely to be a requirement in
almost all external-internal civil society partnerships, where local CSOs struggle to secure funding and to build
capacity from within the domestic resource landscape.

The key issue with respect to WWSs partnership approach, raised elsewhere in this report, is that of
identification, selection and recruitment. Given that the intention of the workstream is to amplify the ability of
CSOs to represent on behalf of poor and vulnerable communities, and to change government policy in their
favour, identification and selection must, critically, be able to demonstrate due diligence in ascertaining the
grassroots legitimacy of partner (including networked partners with the ancillary risks of gatekeeping), and the
verifiable credentials of partners in working with (but not being tied to) government counterparts in relevant
sectors. Part of this problem relates to the difficulty international organisations like OGB face in insecure
environments in accessing the local rural (especially remote) communities whose need for representation and
voice is often the greatest. In such circumstances, creative approaches to independent, third party and remote
monitoring may be required.

The IMG workstream emerges out of, but now distinguishes itself from, the preceding and ongoing Emergency
Capacity Building project. OGB has created a somewhat tighter partnership of selected individuals from within
the ECB, and research partners at the University of East Anglia, to carry forward the work. Methodological
design and field testing have been conducted with strong inputs from UEA and OGB itself, some substantive
inputs from ECB participants, but with little evidence, at this stage, of localised partnership with ECB
participant country programmes (which appear to offer quite a wide palate of possible survey test sites).99

It should be noted that the diffidence regarding ACCRA expressed in some government quarters at national level in Ethiopia
does not extend to the zonal and local levels of government, where counterparts appear pleased with and proud of their
association with the work.
Plans were in place to conduct tests, for example in Bolivia; absence of qualifying emergencies has imposed some drag on
the testing process.

A strategic separation of the IMG from the ECB100 is understandable to the extent that the latter projects
history shows a deficit in capacity or attention with respect to robust impact assessment methods. However,
there is a potential loss in the separation, where buy-in among ECB INGOs could be seen as an important part
of the critical mass of guide users to which the IMG aspires. The extent to which some ECB members feel
somewhat left out of the IMG process could influence the extent to which they are prepared, individually and
as gatekeepers within their institutions, to own and promote the IMG among their colleagues. These matters
have clearly been considered by OGB. We recognise that there are a variety of possible fora in which the guide
could be promoted and disseminated, including but not limited to ALNAP. However, it will be incumbent on
the IMG team to clarify why a negative effect of the kind described is unlikely to occur, or to have a significant
impact on IMG uptake, and to clarify also, in the absence of ECB as a key partnership, where strategically
uptake of the guide will be sought.101

Partnership among a very wide range of northern and southern NGOs and CSOs has been central to the
international and multilateral advocacy of the ATT workstream. The extent to which OGB has contributed to
maintaining a global coalition of this size and organisational diversity constitutes a remarkable achievement.
However, the discipline necessary to maintaining that scale of partnership carries with it downsides which are,
to a large degree, recognised among partners and by OGB.

All partners appreciated OGBs role in providing clear and timely resources and support, including research
materials (for example on the relationship between arms, armed violence and development), campaign
updates, and policy messages. Some partners felt that the flow of information was somewhat one-way, with a
heavy flow from north to south, and that more opportunities for dialogue within the partnership would be
beneficial. All partners in receipt of funding to support their attendance at multilateral meetings were
appreciative of the support (especially since this kind of funding is extremely difficult to secure elsewhere).
Some felt that the balance of funds to support partners at international conferences and funds to support
partners to develop advocacy in their home countries could be revisited with a view to shifting somewhat in
favour of the latter.102

The question of partnership can also be applied to the relationship, under the CHASE PPA grant, between OGB
and DFID. In one respect, that relationship appears extremely positive, with both formal and informal channels
of communication and opportunities for learning open and well-used. There is a view, expressed by a number
of informants in the IPR process, however, that the CHASE PPA grant has not, to any great extent, changed
that relationship; which raises an open question as to whether OGB and DFID are too close to one another,
and would benefit from some exploration of areas of difference.

3.3.4 Sustainability

In a sense, the ATT workstream is the one for which the issue of sustainability is least problematic. In the event
of a successful treaty,103 the workstream can point to the establishment of a permanent global public good.
Sustainability in the absence of major reform or reversal in the multilateral system is inherent in

Evidenced for example by the decision not to use the Good Enough brand for the IMG product.
The IPR team felt that there are sound reasons to pursue a more engaged relationship with ECB partners both because a
key instrument effect anticipated from the guide is closer collaboration among large international humanitarian agencies (into
which category all the ECB members fall), and because the ECB is now designing its third phase, which should provide an
opportunity for OGB to use its IMG experience to help shape what happens next.
It should be noted that eligibility criteria for funding to attend international events have included evidence of advocacy
activism in the domestic environment.
The precise parameters of which are in the process of being defined.

international law. The potential problems lie in getting a successful treaty, and determining a strategic path
forward in the case that one is not achieved. In that instance, there is considerable research and policy
advocacy capital already stored up in OGBs ATT investment that could be channelled into wider work on the
developmental causes and consequences of armed violence, and the implications this has for aid policy and
allocation. A plan outlining how that capital might be redeployed if circumstances demand would be helpful in
clarifying immediate and longer term strategy for the workstream.

There is some concern that, whilst the ACCRA work has generated a considerable amount of interest and
engagement, it has not necessarily achieved the level of a programme model (which could then be packaged
and made available for uptake by agencies interested in taking forward integrated work on CCA/DRR). The LAC
was only ever conceived as a research framework. Tools for application are an important element of phase 2.
OGB is currently considering options for sustaining ACCRA in the future and is negotiating new funds with
which work either in the current consortium form, or an alternate model, can be maintained.104 However, the
IPR field visit analysis suggests that the workstream should certainly continue to consider long-term strategy
with a view to installing the principles and/or practices of ACCRA in more permanent institutional arrangement
beyond the three pilot countries.

Clearly, to the extent that ACCRA works with government counterparts, the intention is to instil CCA/DRR
planning capabilities in them in a lasting form.105 However, scaling up and sustaining local capacity and
commitment to this area of work (with other pressing priorities and limited resources) depends to a large
extent on political will and continuing financial and technical support from the national level. Evidence
suggests that current plans to develop national advocacy are vital in securing real, potentially long-lasting
commitment from those parts of government which combine responsibility for CC, DRR and social protection,
with authority and budgetary influence to ensure mainstream attention to those issues.

The WWS workstream recognises the fundamental challenges to sustainability when working with local CSOs
in countries with an extremely limited domestic resource base, and donor policies that either under-value civil
society or drive grant-making towards short-term humanitarian timeframes. There is explicit recognition that
sustainability for partner CSO networks is unlikely to be achieved in the lifetime of the current CHASE PPA
grant, and that new funding will be required.106 There is some evidence of new funding (though at this stage
quite limited) being secured.

It is perfectly legitimate for local, especially grassroots, civil society and community-based organisations to
require external support (financial technical, in-kind or otherwise). If it is felt that such organisations have a
valid role to play in shaping the transition of countries from conflict and fragility to peace and stability, it is
legitimate to expect them to be funded. Sustainability in this sense requires a continuing supply of money. The
question really is, where should that money come from. There are two principal possibilities (in the absence of
funding from their own governments, which would, in fragile and conflict-affected situations, bring with it a
host of problems relating to influence and state control): one is international donors; the other is from the
people and communities whom the CSOs and CBOs claim to represent.107

Currently estimated at GBP150,000 from DFID/SCIP, and a grant under negotiation [as at 3 October 2012] for
GBP250,000 from CDKN.
Indeed, a central tenet of ACCRA to shift planning from short-term technical assistance to longer term, forward-thinking,
flexible planning that involves social changes as much as technical ones is in itself a defining characteristic of a sustainable
The CSO network partner in Afghanistan (ACSONP) was funded by GIZ for a period prior to OGBs involvement, but
became inactive after the GIZ funding came to an end.
Overseas remittances are a third possible source of finance, but are often quite heavily tied to specific social groups, and are
subject to considerable volatility.

International donors have for long been somewhat reticent to provide funds directly to local organisations in
aid-recipient countries. There is some evidence that this is changing, and that WWS may be able to leverage
benefit from that change.108 A strategy towards sustainability in this workstream might be to focus some
advocacy attention on the way donors do or do not appear willing to channel funds to the kinds of civil
society partners WWS has identified. The other funding source generating finance from a membership base
or directly from represented communities provides some opportunities, but raises a couple of red flags as
well. It is quite possible that those CSOs with the wealthiest constituencies would generate greater income,
and come to dominate the CSO market. Conversely, very poor communities often those hardest hit by
fragility and conflict would be the least able to buy in CSO representation. In both cases, domestic revenue
raising by CSOs runs the considerable risk of actively creating new forms of inequity.

The sustainability of the IMG rests on the degree to which it is adopted and institutionalised as a method and
practice among a wide range of humanitarian agencies, including the major INGOs. We have already discussed
the question of strategy to maximise buy-in and ownership under the Partnership section. Beyond the
question of institutional ownership, there is a question about how the IMG proposes to engage with the
problem of weak capacity, at the level of organisational field staff in humanitarian programmes, in measuring
the impact of their interventions. Directing the IMG towards a group of specialist evaluators runs the risk, in
effect, of by-passing that problem, and leaving it unaddressed. OGB should explore ways, in parallel with the
IMG workstream, of leveraging donor support for strengthening the M&E capacities of humanitarian indeed,
a significant proportion of all field staff (recognising that resources under the current grant are not sufficient
to cover capacity building of the form suggested).

At an organisational level, the OGB CHASE PPA steering group is, evidently, conscious of the need to map out
the way Oxfam will negotiate its exit from the current CHASE PPA. The graph below shows the lifetime
trajectory of the workstream budgets, as well a central cost. It is interesting that central costs rise over the
period, though much of that increase is the result of finance set aside for interim and final evaluations. It is
encouraging to note that a significant proportion of central costs in years 2 and 3 are allocated to monitoring
and evaluation, including IPR and final assessments. Although central staff costs are a small part of total grant
investment, it will be important for OGB to consider whether those cost requirements lapse at the end of the
grant (as the technical skills of PPA-salaried staff are socialised within OGBs core teams for example), or
whether they will need to be replaced with alternate core funding. We note, though, that CHASE PPA funding
covers only a small part of the costs of technical advisory staff at the central level.109 The primary capacity loss,
in the event of the current PPA funding coming to an end without follow-on finance, would occur at the level
of field coordination.

For example, OGB appears to have secured some, relatively modest funding commitments for further application in OPTI,
consequent on the WWS work there.
Estimated in the region of 10-15%.

Graph2: CHASE PPA expenditure by workstream, 2011-14

Clearly, by representing PPA income without follow-on funding leveraged against the workstreams,110 the
graph above can give a somewhat misleading impression of what happens, with respect to sustainability, as
the PPA grant period draws down. OGB have already further funding in a number of working areas. The second
graph (below) shows how, in the case of the ACCRA workstream (where new funding is under negotiation),
sustainability could be extended beyond the life of the current grant. OGB report having secured, or being in
the process of securing substantial additional funds for three of the four workstreams. The inclusion of these in
financials graphics may be expected to show a more robust picture of sustained work following the close of the
2011-14 CHASE PPA grant, should they extend into the post-grant period.111

Graph 3: CHASE PPA expenditure by workstream, 2011-14, with additional ACCRA funding modelled

Estimated at GBP2.3m (3 October, 2012).
Most recent data from OGB show additional leveraged funding for CHASE PPA workstreams at a total of GBP2,364,369.
We note, though, that much of this falls within 2012 or within the existing life of the current PPA grant (up to 2014). In the ATT
workstream, for example, of GBP1,042,451, almost two-thirds of the additional funding applies within 2012 (the exception
being GBP350,000 from the Government of Norway to support the Control Arms Secretariat). EC co-funding for WWS totalling
just over GBP1 million applies either within the current financial year (GBP353,058) or by 2014 (GBP705,117). Further
evidence of new funding leveraged to extend beyond 2014 will be helpful in analysing and mapping out the sustainability of
areas of work supported through the current CHASE PPA.

3.4 Efficiency

Overall, the CHASE PPA grant appears to be managed well, benefiting both from the wider institutional
systems OGB has in place112 as well as a four-person centralised CHASE PPA oversight steering group at
headquarters (including quarterly review meetings with input from relevant policy advisors, and a discrete
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Adviser113). There are strong individual leads in each of the four
workstreams.114 At the time of the IPR, a manager is being recruited for OGBs general PPA; a similar role is not
being sought for the CHASE work and, on the evidence available, would probably not be justified as an
additional cost from an efficiency perspective. That said, although mechanical aspects of the CHASE PPA grant,
and general oversight of the strategy and direction of each workstream, appear to be sound, it was felt by the
IPR team that some of the aggregate value of knowledge generated across the four projects could be more
efficiently captured and used at central level.115 This has already been touched on and is raised briefly again in
the Value for Money section.

The proportion of the PPA budget allocated to workstreams with a field base is higher relative to spending on
workstreams with a purely global footprint (see Graph 3, below). This reflects the higher cost of project
implementation across three countries for ACCRA and WWS, when compared to advocacy and tools
development (the ATT and IMG) managed centrally. However, the cost of the more expensive global footprint
workstream (ATT) is three times that of the other (IMG) and only marginally lower than the less expensive of
the two field-based workstreams (WWS). Whilst there are undoubtedly sound reasons for this (arguably to do
with the need in the ATT work to cover considerable travel costs both for the core team and for sponsored civil
society partners in what must be acknowledged as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity), this may be a point for
reflection on efficiency and expenditure allocations across the workstreams looking forward.

Graph 3: CHASE PPA expenditure by workstream commitment

Interview with Paul Clough, OGB International Director, Finance and Systems.
Annelise Dennis.
Though it should be noted that this virtue has a potential downside where strong OGB leadership and drive may have the
unintended consequence of diminishing inclusion and ownership among workstream partners, especially where consortium or
other form of multi-agency coalition is central to the model of the work. In terms of efficiency (expressed as meaningful input
across multiple agencies leveraged by one initiative) and sustainability(for example, expressed as the ability of an initiative to
be maintained or maintain itself in the absence of OBG financial support or brand identity), strong leadership needs to be
tempered by inclusive and consultative management.
Extending the mandate of the general PPA manager to support a more proactive centralised conduit within OGB for
channelling evidence and experience from across the CHASE-funded workstreams, could help to ensure cross-organisational
engagement with individual workstream insights, relevance of those insights for other OGB programmes, and utility of insights
in the broader formation of OGBs ability to lead knowledge and strategy at the intersection of humanitarian and development
policy and practice.

A proportion of the total grant spend goes on human resource costs at HQ but primarily at field level.116 In
view of the role PPA funding is designed to have in strengthened organisational capacity in innovative or
higher-risk areas of investment, there is an inherent need to balance field-based investments with global
capacity to guide and support technical and exploratory work, often in volatile and unpredictable localities.
The appointment of central technical support personnel is, broadly speaking, an efficient way of providing
comparable and continuous support to multiple field sites, particularly where such costs represent only a small
proportion of total HR cost, the remainder covered from other grant or organisational income. In the case of
the ATT, for example, financing for a global unit with other fairly heavy administrative and logistical duties
taken on by the Control Arms Secretariat,117 has enabled OGB to maintain a substantial presence in a number
of global regions simultaneously, with research, policy and campaign skills, consistent with the requirements of
complex multilateral policy and negotiation processes.

It would be instructive to see how OGB plans to institutionalise the knowledge and skills it purchased through
grant-financed technical workstream roles at head and field office levels, and hence to mitigate the need to
finance those positions after the grant term expires, or alternatively, how it plans to sustain those posts after
the PPA, on the grounds that they constitute a new capacity whose loss would damage OGBs operational

OGB demonstrates high levels of institutional attention to expenditure efficiency, and has in place strong
standard systems covering the CHASE PPA workstreams, including scheduled reporting agreements and
financial management. Grant management arrangements between OGB field-based workstreams are reported
by relevant field staff to be efficient and without any additional grant-specific administrative burdens.118 OGB
has in place strong financial mechanisms and procedures that enable regular periodic review of project costs
and cost drivers. The nature of PPA funding enables OGB to review spending across the workstreams and
improve allocative efficiency as necessary by adjusting the funding by workstream and across years. This is
supported by the strong oversight and visibility of each workstream, for example through the MEL system.

Recruitment in particular in new or emerging technical fields, and in fragile and conflict-affected contexts is
a characteristic bottleneck to the efficient delivery of projects in the humanitarian sector. This has a particular
bearing on the availability for recruitment of local candidates into roles requiring new or technically complex
skill-sets such as research, and into areas where pressure of insecurity can result in fast-turnaround or burn-
out, with commensurate loss of accrued programme capital.119

Although there was no evidence of systemic problems in recruitment and retention limiting efficiency in
project delivery, where there have been, or are continuing gaps in staffing, these are related to the wider
challenges of working overseas and in high pressured conflict and fragile settings. Both ACCRA and WWS note
scarcity of national staff with relevant skills and the difficulty contracting international staff over the long term.

The number of staff hired for workstreams with CHASE funding is as follows: WWS: Project Manager, Global Learning and
Communications Officer, Programme Manager (South Sudan) and Community Engagement Officer (South Sudan); ATT:
Policy Adviser x 2, Advocacy Officer, Campaigner; ACCRA: International Coordinator, National Coordinator (Ethiopia), Capacity
Building Officer (Ethiopia); IMG: Project Manager and Technical Advisor (part-funded positions), UEA consultancy contract over
three years, field-based research support; general, non-project specific management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
A 3-person team with funding from the Royal Government of Norway, itself leveraged by the technical credibility of OGBs
core ATT team.
In some instances, PPA recipients have reported relatively onerous grant administration and reporting requirements under
the current PPA, relative to other grants, and to the scale of finance on offer. This was not found to be the case with OGBs
CHASE PPA grant. That said, there is some evidence of inefficiency in the reporting systems currently in place in the ACCRA
workstream, where certain reporting elements flow through consortium partner HQs, rather than through the OGB coordinator,
which could be a more efficient system.
E.g. efficiencies related to applied technical experience, knowledge of the programmatic landscape, institutional familiarity

Both workstreams have also faced challenges finding technically appropriate research practitioners (in
particular national). With emphasis on the field-based workstreams, it may be worthwhile mapping out in
more detail foreseeable research needs for the remainder of the projects, to undertake a systematic analysis
of the capability available in order to prevent any delay in research activities.

The use of partnership models enhances the likelihood of efficiency across the four CHASE PPA workstreams.
The origins of the IMG in the ECB project and the strategic decision taken early on by OGB to associate the new
guide with the ECB process appears to offer efficiency gains in achieving widespread multi-agency uptake (a
critical indicator of impact). Current revision of this strategy may want to look at the trade-off between
production efficiency (the degree OGB can push through a guide of the required technical quality) and
application efficiency (the degree the IMG is owned and used). The strategy of the WWS to work through
existing CSO networks (rather than attempting to create new associations) is an efficient use of local
institutions though there is, as discussed elsewhere, the need to ensure that the efficiency of working with
existing partners is not compromised by the inefficiency of simply re-engaging old and unsustainable or
inequitable institutional structures. The global scale of civil society partnership under the ATT workstream has
already been discussed. Clearly there are major efficiencies to be gained from coordinating research
knowledge, policy analysis and advocacy messages across multiple Member States. However, there was a
question about the relative efficiency of using CHASE PPA grant funding to support partner CSOs to attend
multilateral events/meetings, compared with the efficiency of providing funding to them to carry out
intelligence and advocacy work with their own governments at the domestic level.120

There are indications of efficiency gains being made in each of the workstreams in learning and approach
modification through the implementation process. For example, evaluation from phase 1 of ACCRA suggested
that a focus on fewer pilot sites could improve the concentration of findings, and that research findings could
be more closely fitted to advocacy and capacity building. Both of these tactical shifts are evident in the second
phase of the workstream. The Within and Without the State workstream has shown efficiency gains in the
implementation process (from scoping through to current status) in mapping, testing and refining its selection
of CSOs (and/or CSO networks) with which to engage. The IMG workstream shows process gains in efficiency
through progressive refinement of sites for survey testing.

There are three further areas in which comment on efficiency can be made in relation to OGBs use of the
CHASE PPA grant and the design and management of the four workstreams.
First, in two of the four areas of work OGB offers a relatively high level of expertise (compared with other
actors in the sub-sector). INGOs in the ECB project recognise OGBs relative strengths in impact
measurement (compared with their own organisational capacities) and hence the efficiency of OGB taking
a leading role in the development of the IMG.121 OGBs substantial history of work in and leadership on
the ATT means that its role under the current grant is authoritative and supportive of efficient relations
among partner CSOs and with Member States. In the case of the ACCRA workstream, it is less clear that
OGB brings an outright comparative advantage in the technical fields of DRR and CCA (compared with
other large INGOs involved in the consortium), though it is arguable that OGB has been able to invest
more quickly and efficiently in generating funding for and coordination of pilot work, in the field, that
grounds the integration of disaster and climate change protection in evidence-based advocacy direct to
local government. In the WWS workstream, OGB does not have the sectoral experience that other

Not least since, in some multilateral negotiation meetings, Member State delegates attending are primarily middle-ranking
and technical representatives. In these instances, political and policy decisions continue to be made at capitals, suggesting that
there is value in ensuring adequate support to CSOs to engage with, understand and influence government in the domestic
environment. This does not suggest poorer efficiency returns to multilateral presence and engagement, but that the balance
between the two strategic pathways is worth continually revisiting.
Possible ownership downsides of that efficiency gain having already been stated.

agencies can claim in peacebuilding and conflict prevention/reduction (though conflict and fragility are the
operating context in a substantial proportion of its country programmes); in fact, OGBs core sectoral
expertise appears to lie in other areas such as WASH and economic justice which are legitimate areas for
intervention in fragile and conflict-affected settings and might, more efficiently, be areas in which OGB in
future channels its capacity building support to CSOs in such contexts.

Second, in two of the four workstreams, OGB has partnered with an external/international academic
partner (ODI in ACCRA, UEA in IMG). These kinds of partnerships can improve the quality of research
design and results, and they can have the added advantage of contributing to more neutral research
products, imbued with the imprimatur of academic independence rather than owned and branded as in-
house OGB products. In an environment in which large operational humanitarian agencies find it hard
sometimes to trust in and commit to one anothers work and expertise, that kind of neutral affirmation
can facilitate better shared acceptance of research findings and use of resulting knowledge. Whilst OGBs
global research footprint includes significant investment in in-country academic partners, there are cases
in which an international partner is considered the best option. It should be noted, though, that
contracting in external research capacity can, in some instances, reduce investment in local research
partnerships, rather than building local research capacity which should have a positive effect on in-country
efficiency in future interventions.

Third, and finally, OGBs ability to leverage interest, support and contribution from other Oxfam affiliates
around the world, including Oxfam International (OI), has produced considerable efficiency savings in, in
particular, the ATT workstream, where centralised media management, under the aegis of OI, harnessed
capacity for media statements across 15 affiliate countries.122

3.4.1 Value for money assessment

There is extensive evidence that OGB is fully engaged at the organisational level in institutionalising Value for
Money as a way of thinking about its work from strategy through design to monitoring and evaluation.123
Much of the progress OGB has made, and is making, on VfM is the consequence of the organisations wider
appreciation of the need to evidence a positive relationship between the money it receives and uses and the
effects it can claim to have, as well as on the wider relationship it has with DFID (including a range of historical
and current grants, and both the general and CHASE PPAs). In this sense, whilst it is possible to see that CHASE
PPA-funded workstreams are subject to, and benefit from VfM analyses and management systems, it would be
more difficult to argue that those workstreams in themselves have advanced OGBs organisational VfM
concept and practice.

At OGB headquarters, there are clear steps and workplans in place to support internal learning around VfM. In
conjunction, systems are being developed to monitor VfM across different regions and to promote intra-

Also benefiting from direct domestic advocacy among key OECD Member States by Oxfam affiliates.
Interview with Paul Clough, OGBs International Director for Finance and Systems, and VfM policy documentation produced
and disseminated by OGB. In the last couple of years, OGB has been able to demonstrate cost savings made through a series
of ongoing initiatives that include a reduction in controllable Head Office costs by 5% from 2011-12, and 1.2m of savings in the
13 countries using Helios logistics software applications.
That said, there are specific examples where CHASE PPA-funded workstreams have demonstrated clear strategic thinking.
Some costs in the ACCRA workstream have been borne by other agencies working within the consortium, reducing the costs
incurred by OGB against the value of the project as a whole. The IMG workstream negotiated with Practical Action to publish
the guide resulting from the CHASE PPA-funded project, with cost to OGB incurred in buying back an agreed number of

organisational transparency.125 OGB have focused on increasing the quality of information substantiating VfM
in a range of ways, including: ongoing random programme audits, selected cost-effectiveness studies (based
on a comparative methodology to show relative value achieved by programme investments); benchmarking
exercises for programme costs (including sector-specific comparative benchmarking on WASH with Wateraid);
and regular sector salary surveys, amongst others.126 Organisational policy and guidelines materials on VfM
have been produced and disseminated widely. However, it is notable that whilst VfM appears to be well
understood and embedded at OGBs central level, there is evidence of more uneven engagement with and
understanding of VfM within some country programmes. OGB shares briefing papers and concept notes on
VfM with programmes, including guidance on the implications of VfM for field projects. There may be space
for further dialogue with field staff on the basis of those documents.

While OGB has clearly taken on the precepts of VfM, its CHASE PPA-funded work in particular, perhaps, the
WWS workstream throws up some challenges to a narrow-gauge view of VfM, which may be expected to be
replicated among other agencies with significant humanitarian portfolio. The costs of access and equity in
fragile and conflict-affected countries are, for a range of empirically and intuitively evident reasons, high
relative to operating costs in more stable environments. The challenge with respect to VfM is for donors and
grant-holders to agree certain types of circumstances in which simple economy and efficiency considerations
will be subordinated to humanitarian principles of ensuring the extension of support to the most vulnerable
(an extended interpretation of effectiveness). It would be useful for OGB to work with others in the sector, to
develop a shared and robust view of the balance between value and money in circumstances in which they
would argue the value of action goes beyond a monetary equivalent. This would support donor understanding
of longer-term engagement and the risks of projectising interventions in complex and insecure situations. OGB
is already working on these issues, in dialogue with DFID, PPA agencies and others.

3.4.2 Impact and value for money of PPA funding Organisational performance

The IPR is in some respects too early a stage in the grant process to be able to discuss impact in relation to
PPA funding and the related evidence, therefrom, of its value for money. There are, however, some ideas
about impact or perhaps more accurately prospects for impact that can be derived from the analysis given
in this report and through our dialogue with OGB.

There is some indication that OGB is actively monitoring the CHASE PPA workstreams not simply in fulfilment
of its grant management responsibilities, but with a view to capturing innovative approaches to feed them into
its wider programming streams. The operational organisation is likely to benefit from this in ways that extend
beyond the nominal value of the original CHASE PPA grants and hence constitute clear additionality with
respect to impact and VfM. We would argue that there is a deeper level of additional value that can be
secured from scrutiny not simply of individual workstreams and innovations, but of the collective significance
of the workstreams understood in an integrated fashion, and the fundamental shifts in organisational thinking
that new approaches may imply.

A full list of forthcoming activities is outlined in OGBs (date NK), VfM Organisational Programme
The use of OGBs general PPA funding to invest in enhanced information systems for programme design and MEL,
including the Global Performance Framework and HELIOS procurement system are well-noted in the ITAD/IPSOS Mori
General PPA IPR [accessed 3 October 2012].

Following analysis and observations made earlier (Results Discussion), our review suggests that OGB stands
to gain organisationally from the CHASE PPA in two axes of its organisational approach to concept, form and
practice of humanitarian policy. First, there are some emerging thematic continuities between and among the
four workstreams which point to new thinking about conflict and peace on one hand (ATT and WWS) and
management of short- and long-run environmental change and the way communities can develop systems to
absorb related shocks in a more integrated manner, on the other (IMG and ACCRA).127 Second, there are
continuities in the models of intervention OGB is investing in moving beyond the INGO convention of
humanitarian service delivery substitution (whether for state, market or communitarian failure) and towards
an intermediary role brokering relations between people in their communities, their civil society
representatives, and the states that bear responsibility for their rights and related welfare. Third, there is a
single continuity across all four workstreams in the way they extend the conventional idea of the humanitarian
timeframe, fitting it more closely to the developmental model. Whilst this does not imply a reconciliation of
the two approaches to assistance in the international environment, it does offer OGB organisationally some
policy capital in the ongoing debate over how to bring them into better alignment. The counterfactual

In terms of the counterfactual for this CHASE PPA grant, OGB reports that some work would probably have
been financed in at least three of four workstreams (ACCRA, ATT and IMG), however it is less likely that the
WWS project would have been attempted, given its level of risk and complexity and the need consequently for
a reliable and adequately flexible quantum of money to support it from the outset.128 But equally, it is
estimated that OGBs ability to commit to quality across the workstreams would have been compromised in
specific respects.129

The ACCRA work, with strong roots in OGBs growing concern for long-term environmental matters, would
have remained a priority, but would likely have been conducted as a continuation of the first phase, and would
not necessarily have been implemented in the same countries or with the same consortium partners. It is
suggested that the Impact Measurement Guide would have gone ahead given the relatively small scale of
funding required, and the lead OGB already had in this field coming out of its work in and with the ECB. The
ATT work would have received support, but with considerably less substantial ability to invest in, for example,
the core global team, part of whose work has been to generate evidence and policy substantiating and
communicating the linkages between arms control and the impact of armed violence on socio-economic
development a critical element of OGBs distinctive offering to the ATT negotiation process, and a central
criterion of the results of its advocacy in a finalised treaty text.

If a key value of the PPA is its ability to fund new staff positions, buying in new technical and related
capabilities that extend the research, policy and advocacy of the organisation as a whole, loss of even small
amounts of the total grant would, it is estimated, have had a severe negative effect on the organisations
ability to commit to those positions. Whilst the scale of the CHASE PPA grant is by no means small as a single
quantum of money, once it is split between a number of departments/project streams, and within them

The four workstreams also combine to show how good research and evidence-based modelling should inform all
intervention design, and emphasising that complexity is not inimical to humanitarian intervention but rather a necessary
element of policy thinking. The challenge is how to convert understanding of complexity at the conceptual level into deliverable
operations in practice. OGB could provide useful insights into this question from its CHASE PPA-funded work.
Interviews with OGB senior staff, and feedback for IPR from the CHASE PPA MEL Adviser.
Moreover, something in the region of GBP2.3m would not have been added to OGBs commitment in the humanitarian
policy field, leveraged on the back of the CHASE PPA workstreams, and wider programme developments such as a EURO10m
bid to the Dutch government to support an 4-year peacebuilding programme in Somaliland/Ethiopia would have been less well-
supported with regard to credible field-based evidence of experience on the ground in WWS.

between recurrent and project capital costs, even small downward adjustments in the total amount available
translate into significant loss at the workstream-specific level. The special value of PPA funding

OGBs overall organisational revenue profile is shifting, with proportional losses to unrestricted or voluntary
income, and commensurate gain in the significance of institutional grants.130 In this basic sense, unrestricted
institutional money such as that offered under the current PPA mechanism, constitutes an increasingly
valuable resource within the organisation. It is recognised that, compared with financing humanitarian
emergency interventions, getting support to develop humanitarian policy is considerably more challenging. In
this respect, too, the CHASE PPA constitutes a particularly valuable form of money, considerably beyond its
nominal worth.

PPA-type grant funding is commonly prized on the grounds that a) it supports experimental pilot work that can
inform wider organisational growth and effectiveness; and b) that its flexibility allows grant-holders to mitigate
risks inherent in higher-risk implementation sites or models, and to respond to learning and opportunities
arising in and through the process of implementation itself. In the latter case, there is reasonable evidence
that OGB has shown ability and willingness to finance shifts in workstream trajectory, and that hence this
special value of PPA grant funding applies.131 In the former case, the evidence that OGB will manifest learning
from the CHASE PPA workstreams at an aggregate organisational level, not just in transferring innovative
practice from one project to another, but in changing the shape and manner of OGBs engagement with
humanitarian and development priorities in the future, remains to be seen. There is clearly an intention to do
this among those responsible for the CHASE PPA work, if the organisation demonstrates appetite for using that
learning at a truly strategic rather than the more customary tactical level.

It is interesting to note from interviews across OGB that there is widespread appreciation for the PPA style of
grant-making, both from the point of view of scale and flexibility. It is in the continuing imposition of relatively
short timeframes (in the current case at 3 years) that it was felt the grant mechanism falls below its true

3.4.3 Attributable impacts of PPA funding on results, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency

The channelling of CHASE PPA funding to specific expenditure lines within OGB, earmarking it for four specific
workstream investments, makes simple attribution of funded activities clear. It should be noted, though, that
the choice to restrict to some extent, once the finance is within the organisation, is balanced by the
considerable value ascribed to the freedom the grant allows in allocating and re-allocating more or less as the
organisation requires.

The results and some key elements of effectiveness noted above under Section 3 can be clearly attributed to
PPA funding though of course in some cases such as ACCRA it is difficult to disentangle OGB-specific from
consortium effects more generally. Relevance and efficiency are somewhat less clearly articulated with PPA
funding in a direct sense. One may expect, for example, that OGBs interests in, and prioritisation of,
humanitarian issues such as intervention in natural disasters, climate change and local adaptive capacity, and

Interviews with Dr Steve Jennings (Head of Programme Policy), Ben Heaven-Taylor (Funding Manager, DFID/UK donors) &
Tim Stanbury (Business Manager, Campaigns and Policy), OGB.
In addition, the decision to shift additional funding into strengthening M&E in relevant country programmes indicates a
positive appreciation and use of grant flexibility.

working better in fragile states would have continued to constitute core areas of organisational relevance with
or without a CHASE PPA grant just as they continue to constitute priorities for DFID and other international
humanitarian agencies. Efficiency, meanwhile, remains an organisational priority for OGB, reflected in a range
of management, control and evaluation procedures used to monitor the cost drivers of projects. That said,
additional emphasis on VfM coming through the CHASE PPA grant is liable, at the least, to have maintained a
modest pressure within the organisation to continue embedding VfM within OGB.

3.4.4 Value for money assessment of PPA funding

At this stage in the grant, it can be confirmed that OGB has allocated CHASE PPA funding to four highly
relevant fields of humanitarian policy work; that it has designed those workstreams with a view to efficiency of
process and quality of product; and that, according to the results framework agreed with DFID, it is on track to
deliver at least the milestones to which it committed at the grants outset. In these senses, OGBs work
represents sound value for money.132

At a general organisational level, OGB has used PPA finance to invest in enhanced systems of programme
design, monitoring, evaluation and learning (the Global Performance Framework, for example, as well as
OPAL), and in the HELIOS system for monitoring and controlling procurement costs. This has eventuated
increased economies and efficiencies.133 Sitting within this broader organisational system, we may assume
that CHASE PPA investments benefit from the development of these wider control systems focusing on
economy and efficiency.

We have referred, earlier, to the need to monitor recurrent costs (primarily staffing) within the CHASE PPA
grant. Workstream-specific financial data allow us to see how, overall, cost allocation has been channelled
towards non-salary costs. We can see, for example, patterns of expenditure in each of the four CHASE PPA-
funded workstreams that appear to favour externalisation of spending over allocation of expenditure to
internal staffing or HQ-level costs (consistent with earlier analysis and feedback from OGB senior staff
responsible for managing this grant) (see graphs 4-7).

Graphs 4-7: Workstream allocations by staff/other/sub-grant costs, by year

This assessment is supported by the conclusions of the ITAD/IPSOS Mori OGB General PPA IPR report.
ITAD/IPSOS Mori OGB General PPA IPR, p.47 [accessed 3 October, 2012].

The argument in relation to VfM is that the value of resources channelled to partners in resource-poor
environments increases relative to the value of the same quanta of finance applied at HQ level, or in relation
to staff costs that could, we may assume, be covered through other grant mechanisms. A more conventional
view of the allocation of aid-related finance is that it accrues value the closer it is spent to the ground, as it
were. Although there is debate on this issue, there is some evidence in micro-level studies of relative efficiency
of aid spending at site among communities where benefit is directly sought.134

We also see that, in terms of central-level cost allocation to OGB HQ from the CHASE PPA grant, a significant
and growing majority of that expenditure is allocated to monitoring, evaluation and learning functions, with a
very small fraction indeed allocated to management and financial oversight (see Graph 8). This is a differential
one would expect to see for a grant of an experimental type in a large and well-established organisation,
reflecting absorption of management and oversight costs into wider and pre-existing capacity, alongside
attention to ensuring proper M&E capacity attached to the specific funded workstreams.

Graph 8: OGB CHASE PPA grant allocations to central costs by management/oversight & MEL

Evidence from informant interviews at OGB HQ and among workstreams affirms the importance of
unrestricted and hence flexible finance such as the CHASE PPA in financing innovative or relatively untested
interventions in fast-changing contexts (including both those that focus on the combined effects of rapid
onset-emergencies and longer-term climate change, and those that focus on fragile and conflict-affected
states). Informants at workstream level (in particular WWS and ACCRA) suggest value accruing from such
funding stability, from the outset, in planning out intervention design and spending time assessing potential
partners. Informants from the ATT workstream identify value in flexible financing which supports OGBs ability
to modify strategy to respond to emerging opportunities and hazards in the multilateral environment and
among specific groups of Member States, as well as interventions hard to fund from conventional donors.

There are two areas in which OGB may be able to develop further analysis of VfM first, modelling the
counterfactual case, that is, what would or may have happened without PPA funding (effectiveness) and
second, developing a clearer analysis of cost drivers in soft intervention costs associated with activities such
as advocacy and capacity-building (economy/efficiency/effectiveness).

It is arguable that the full calculus of VfM depends on the emergence of hard data on outcomes (including
completed indicators on outcome with primary beneficiaries, and assessment of onward impact through e.g.
secondary beneficiary analyses). However, we can schematise a prospective analysis of value for money across
OGBs four CHASE PPA-funded workstreams, according to the four dimensions of economy, efficiency,
effectiveness and equity, in the following format:135

See, for example, Taylor and Rowson, 2009.
These are intended as examples of, rather than an exhaustive list of examples in each category. Shaded text indicates
areas where further development of VfM by workstream may be possible.

Table 2: Value for Money Analysis Schematic

Economy Efficiency Effectiveness Equity

Central Cost benchmarking exercises GPF and OPAL systems in place Effectiveness reviews conducted for Workstream projects draw on and reflect
established and/or extended across across OGB programming systems sample programmes/ projects (General) core OGB principles including attention
OGB (General);136 (General)138 to gender equity, and to distributional
Quarterly reviews (light-touch and in-
effects of project benefits across social
Organisational cost controls (e.g. depth) to assess progress in outputs and
stratifiers including gender, age,
HELIOS) and financial oversight outcomes as well as indicators for longer-
disability amongst others (General and
mechanisms (General)137 term impact, using workstream MEL
CHASE PPA-specific)141
indicators as and where relevant and
available (CHASE PPA-specific)140 The specific VfM of equity remains to be
fully fleshed out
Full analysis of effectiveness (outputs-
outcomes-impact) remains to be fully
evidenced, not least through workstream
MEL data

ACCRA Reduced start-up costs as CHASE PPA- Stability of CHASE PPA funding Focus on planning capacity of local Focus of workstream intervention on
funded activities build on CHASE- supporting planning process government as key entry point (from local government level, in areas often
funded phase 1142 LAC)148 characterised as marginal or
Additional dissemination and organic
Shared costs of workstream via partnership growth benefits of pre- Refinement of M&E framework for
consortium model and assumption of existing partner organisation workstream149 Clear evidence of focus on social equity
networks in 3 consortium determinants such as gender, though

Interview with Paul Clough, OGB Director of Finance and Systems.
ITAD/IPSOS Mori General PPA IPR report.
Interview with Paul Clough, OGB Director of Finance and Systems.
Annelise Dennis, MEL Adviser, OGB CHASE PPA.
OGB Strategic Steer; OGB Annual Report 2012.
Field report, Annex G.

certain costs by partners143 countries145 Feed-through of ACCRA findings into some space to strengthen this aspect of
websites, as well as DFID Learning analysis152
Quality of research product in phase
Partnership (resilience working group)150
2 based on re-alignment of research
partner structure146 Need to establish clear indicators for
national advocacy component of
Focus on smaller group of trial
workstream as basis for larger-scale and
longer-term impact

ATT Evidence of alternate models of Core team channelling research, Strong evidence of effect of advocacy Potential for massive equity effect,
expenditure and internal evaluation of policy and campaign products into activities (formal and informal) on Member across countries as well as between them
e.g. performance of sponsored CSO wider circuits of dissemination State ATT policy positions158
Inclusion of Gender-Based Violence as a
partners153 through low-cost regional and global
Strong evidence of monitoring media key criterion in negotiations for, and text
CSO coalition, as well as through
Selection of partner CSOs for activities and good evidence of monitoring of treaty160
voluntary participation of Oxfam
sponsorship to attend multilateral impact (e.g. media coverage, armscontrol
affiliates156 Opportunity to model disaggregated
negotiations related to CSO activity in website hits)159
development dividends of arms-control-
domestic lobbying, increasing total Extensive evidence of monitoring
Potential to gather further data on non- related socio-economic progress
value of sponsorship expenditure 154 achievement of planned outputs
treaty effects of workstream investments
relative to project inputs (e.g. CSO
Centralised (core) ATT team providing and activities
participation in formal process,
global leadership across
traditional and social media

Field report, Annex G; interviews with ACCRA staff (Chris Anderson and Saskia Daggett)
Interviews with ACCRA International Coordinator and Annelise Dennis, MEL Adviser.
Field report, see Annex G.
Informant interviews, ACCRA workstream.
Field report, see Annex G; follow-up interviews with global adviser and international coordinator.
Interviews with Chris Anderson and Saskia Daggett.
Field report, see Annex G.
Follow-up interview with Anna Macdonald, ATT OGB lead.

research/policy, media and campaign coverage, Member States use of OGB
coordination155 research, policy/ campaign

IMG Savings planned in for the publication Engagement of academic research Plan for dissemination and guide uptake Distinct focus of methodology on
of the IM Guide161 partner (UEA) in methodological monitoring165 disaggregated data for impact of
development process162 emergency/intervention on social groups
Potential to analyse relative cost Potential significant effectiveness increase
(potential to extend the typology of
implications of using hard/electronic Development of workstream focus in evaluation (hence design and cost
social groups?)166
publication on basis of gap analysis and prior allocations) of intervention in rapid onset
experience with ECB163 emergencies Inclusion of emergency-affected
communities in impact assessment
Selected steering group with
technical focus on impact assessment

Interview with Deep Basu Ray and Anna Macdonald, ATT core group.
ATT Global Results and MEL Framework.
Interview with Helena Whall, OGB and ATT MEL.
Interviews with OGB ATT sponsors; follow-up interviews with Anna Macdonald and Deep Basu Ray.
ATT Diplomatic Conference interviews and follow-up interview with Anna Macdonald.
Interviews with Diplomatic Conference sponsors, Oxfam International and OGB core team.
Interview with Vivien Walden and Laure Anquez.
Interviews with OGB and UEA counterparts.
Interviews with ECB counterparts.
IMG core team interviews.
Interviews with OGB core staff and non-OGB informants.

WWS Partner model keeps certain (e.g. Flexibility of CHASE PPA funding Global knowledge and learning structure Inclusion of conventionally marginalised
office/staff) costs down168 allows for process of CSO partner and capacity in place (3-country inner circle communities in conflict/fragility-
mapping and identification171 and outer circle of fragile and conflict- mitigating representation; opportunity to
Partnership working should offer cost-
affected states), as well as communications gather data showing change below
effective means of needs/impact Relative efficiency of working
and learning strategy, including OGB FCAS state/provincial level176
assessment of communities on the through CS networks as well as
steering group174
ground169 individual partners, though there is Evidence of relatively strong inclusion of
an opportunity to demonstrate Emerging evidence of increased capacity in women in civil society mechanisms for
Co-financing arrangement in at least
this172 partner CSOs/networks, opportunity to expressing priorities and engaging with
one of the WWS country sites (OPTI)170
develop quantitative evidence base for state; opportunity to gather data
Workstream logic model and sub-
impact on capacity and function of CSOs showing perception of improvement of
granting flow into CSOs with pre-
within network, and on CSOs constituent inclusiveness at local level (e.g. district,
existing or emerging capability in
communities175 community)177
selected advocacy areas (e.g. HR in
OPTI, peacebuilding in Afghanistan,
governance in South Sudan)173

Field report, see Annex G.
WWS core team interviews and field report.
WWS supporting documentation, OGB Annual Report.
WWS core team interviews.
Ibid. and WWS field report.
Interview with Amanda Buttinger, Jo Rowlands and Louie Fooks.
Field report and core team interviews.
WWS design documentation and PPA business case.
WWS field report, see Annex G.

In each of the workstreams, there are specific areas in which the balance of investments, relating to objectives
and hence value gained, could be revisited. In the ATT workstream, for example, strategy balances investment
in supporting civil society partners to attend (relatively expensive) multilateral conferences and related
meetings, with support to their advocacy activities in their home countries. Analysis of the relative gains in
domestic and international investments would help in framing future grant allocation (as well as showing how
and where other leveraged funding could produce the greatest additional impact). In the case of the IMG
workstream, even though the cost of production of hard copies of the guide is somewhat mitigated by OGBs
agreement with Practical Action, it would be helpful to see concrete analysis, using case studies, of the relative
gains in terms of global dissemination and uptake, of hard copy versus electronic publication.

In both the ACCRA and WWS workstreams, investment in capacity building and advocacy should be more
clearly articulated with efficiency and effectiveness gains expected as a result of such activities, both in terms
of advocacy target institutions and CB-receiving organisations themselves, and the communities they serve.
Estimating increased value in projects run by partner organisations following capacity building inputs would be
of use, possibly also including some simple cost-benefit analysis of different projects undertaken by partners,
compared with similar projects by other non-partner organisations. In the ACCRA workstream, advocacy at the
national level (already under planning by the workstream leads) should constitute a relatively low-cost or even
cost-neutral element of the project; as such, quantifying value accrued through clearly indexed and measured
advocacy gains would be helpful in demonstrating both additionality and VfM in this context.

We have raised in several places through this report the importance of due diligence in identifying and
engaging with local civil society partners a key element of much of OGBs work globally and in this CHASE
PPA. Gathering data on the resource implications, at workstream level, in obstacles to that process of
identification and engagement (as are reported to have been experienced in the South Sudan WWS project)
could provide valuable insight into the value of adequate investment in those processes of due diligence.

However, the true value for money of the grant will only properly begin to emerge as results turn into impact
in the second half of the grant period and, very likely, considerably beyond that. This, then, raises three issues
that one might expect to see in OGBs strategic review of CHASEs PPA grant following the IPR. First, as this
review has argued earlier, a considerable part of the value and impact of the four workstreams comes from
the processes they support and manage. In each case, workstream managers should consider how to capture
evidence of those processes as they happen, and as OGB learns about how to support them happening more
effectively. Second, consideration should be given, now, by workstream managers, to developing more
nuanced indicators by which impact may be measured and demonstrated as the grant moves towards its final
evaluation. Third, following the discussion of sustainability earlier in the report, where OGB workstream
managers recognise that true impact is only likely to emerge with sustained engagement beyond the life of the
CHASE PPA, they should continue to build the financial and organisational rationale and strategy for why and
how individual workstreams should be maintained as core organisational commitments over the long term,
and incorporate those rationales and strategies in upcoming internal grant strategy review.


4.1 Summary of achievements against evaluation criteria

OGB is on track to achieve the results set out in the global framework established at the outset of the grant.
Grant-funded workstreams are highly relevant to humanitarian and security policy individually, and collectively
offer additional insights into humanitarian and development integration.

Learning within workstreams and from them into relevant sector programmes in OGB is good, while
organisational learning from the workstreams collectively could be enhanced with one-off or more continuous
assessment, including participation of senior staff. There are some striking examples of technical and
methodological innovation in each of the workstreams. The utility of these can be extended to other similar
interventions undertaken by OGB and by humanitarian agencies more widely but also, in some cases, into
more fundamental thinking about what OGB does and how it does it. Some very positive partnerships have
been, or are being, cemented. Ensuring the validity of partners according to clear and demonstrably measured
criteria is important to ensuring effectiveness against shared aims. Sustainability continues to pose challenges
in some areas of OGBs CHASE PPA-funded work, but in ways that are well-recognised by the organisation.

OGB shows strong organisational systems for managerial and fiduciary oversight of projects, including
sustained and ongoing institutionalisation of VfM thinking. CHASE PPA-funded workstreams show a high and
consistent level of technical and managerial oversight and support.

4.2 Summary of achievements against rationale for PPA funding

OGB remains largely on track with respect to the rationale established for PPA funding across the four chosen
workstreams. One workstream (IMG) has re-assessed its target audience; rationale and strategy relating to this
are under consideration, and have been recommended as an outcome of this report. One workstream has
confronted a major environmental set-back (ATT),178 but had foreseen this as a significant risk in original
planning, and is in the process of refining strategy going forward. The WWS workstream is progressing well,
but may benefit from revisiting its objectives and seeing where further concrete measurable outcomes related
to those currently stated (CSOs with increased capacity) can be added in. The ACCRA workstream is
progressing well (though with some unevenness among the three pilot countries on issues such as
engagement with government at national level), and is fully consistent with its original rationale.

4.3 Summary of problems and issues encountered

No significant problems have been encountered in the process of conducting and completing this Independent
Progress Review.

4.4 Overall impact and value for money of PPA funded activities

In the view of the IPR team, results to date constitute value for money when estimated against the intentions
of the workstreams as set out in proposal and business case narratives. Estimated against impact, VfM is
difficult to ascertain. Key to progressive manifestation of the grants VfM are clearer indicators of process and
outcome impact that can be further developed in the second half of the grant period.

viz. failure of Member States to agree a treaty at the diplomatic conference in July 2012.


The evaluation team have worked with Oxfam to ensure that donor requirements of the review were met
whilst allowing OGB to present its workstreams, their logical and results frameworks, and the sectoral or
organisational theories of change that OGB believes underpin its results to date. Preliminary interviews with all
workstream leads and technical advisors, as well as briefings with country programme staff prior to field visits,
increased awareness and understanding of the IPR process. Post-field live feedback and country reports were
provided, where relevant, as tangible outputs for country and workstream staff to use in localised project
reviews. Debriefs, verbally and as presentation, enabled OGB staff to ask questions, challenge findings and
engage in discussion about the review process.

Following fieldwork, a preliminary presentation of findings was made to OGB in the UK.179 This facilitated
dialogue across workstream leads, senior OGB managers with responsibility for the CHASE PPA, as well as OGB
personnel and independent evaluators responsible for the general PPA IPR. It is expected that the level of
engagement that has been fostered, both from country teams, and staff in the UK, will increase the utility of
the report throughout OGB. The CHASE PPA evaluation team has maintained close and positive liaison with the
general PPA independent evaluation team, sharing methodological approaches, discussing aspects of process,
problem solving, and comparing notes on preliminary findings.

The report will be available within OGB as well as in the form of a public document. It is intended to be of use
in an internal as well as an outward-facing manner, including:

Supporting OGB in reviewing CHASE PPA workstreams strategies (individually and collectively) in the
second half of the grant period; in particular, supporting the development of additional and/or improved
metrics and approaches to the capture and measurement of results, with a view to substantiating impact
in the final grant evaluation, and in the wider dissemination of positive findings from the grant-aided

Providing substantive new insights into core areas of OGB policy and programming (see e.g. Lessons
Learned, below).

Creating a platform within OGB for analysis of collective implications of CHASE PPA workstreams for
organisation-level thinking, strategy and approach; in particular focusing on opportunities for building
development approaches into humanitarian interventions.

Contributing to wider discussion and sharing of experiences (both externally in sectoral workstreams and
internally in management of unrestricted partnership grant mechanisms) among PPA holders.

Contributing to DFIDs understanding of common and distinctive elements of grant-holders offerings

under the current CHASE PPA (and in comparison with experiences from the general PPA); in particular,
contributing to an open dialogue between donor and potential grant-seekers about future grant
mechanisms and the value of PPA characteristics.

23 August, 2012.


Collectively, the four corresponding workstreams are designed to feed into substantive and measurable
improvements to humanitarian and security policy. Lessons will be offered in the form of concise bullets,
covering principal issues in each of the areas required.

6.1 Policy level

Influencing and ultimately changing policy takes time both to achieve and to have discernible impact on
policy end-users (poor and vulnerable communities); grants to support policy-level work should be
structured to recognise this (in terms of timeframe, flexibility of grant use, and the understanding of

The corollary of that lesson, is that organisations using grant funding to influence policy should
concentrate more on developing indicators that demonstrate process-related impact (distinct from linear
outcomes), and on developing robust methodologies including quantifiable as well as narrative data to
capture those indicators.

In this respect, organisations engaging in policy advocacy in particular where this involves high-level
national (and international) dimensions should ensure clear theories of change to identify the areas in
which they can credibly expect to have demonstrable direct or indirect effect, but also to identify areas
that lie outside their ambit; this will improve the quality of contribution to change analysis.

Where research is the basis for advocacy, and advocacy focuses on using evidence to build capacity and
influence sectoral practices in particular in the case of government localising and grounding the
research focus is critical to credibility, but needs to be contextualised by a credible strategy for national
policy influence at the same time.

Fragile and conflict-affected contexts reflect break-down in the governance spectrum from legislation and
policy-making to budget support and service delivery, but by the same virtue can offer opportunities for
significant change; supporting civil society to leverage those opportunities in such contexts should be a
productive route for external organisations such as OGB, in keeping with its strategic steer towards an
intermediary rather than direct actor role; better evidence of materially demonstrable effect from
stronger civil society is required to substantiate this model.

6.2 Sector level

The conventional concept of a discrete humanitarian sector is no longer appropriate to the responses
required by poverty and vulnerability.

With attention to nexus issues (climate change and disasters, on one hand; security and development on
the other), there is now an opportunity for organisations such as OGB to explore areas in which
conventional humanitarian thinking and action can be fitted to longer-term development models,
designing interventions that deal in a more integrated manner with distal as well as proximal causes of

The concept of resilience is popular and widely used, but requires clearer definition before it can be fully
exploited; care will be needed to ensure that the concept is not over-used in contexts to which it does
not apply or in which it does not add value.

In order to work productively with both state and civil society partners and counterparts, intermediary
organisations (such as INGOs) need to develop and/or demonstrate more sophisticated and detailed

approaches to social and institutional analysis; sector-specific institutional and actor analysis and mapping
can be helpful in amplifying the concrete detail of such work.

6.3 PPA fund level

Some restriction of nominally unrestricted grants such as the PPA mechanism can be helpful in the case
that the donor (notwithstanding the grant-holders technical right to refuse to comply) requires evidence
of results and aspires to be able to demonstrate attributability of results to its financial input; the
decision to channel unrestricted funding to specific areas of investment and expenditure should be in the
hands of the grant-holder, and is subordinate to the wider value of flexibility in unrestricted funding.

The Value for Money framing has been helpful in giving some steer to grant-holders in embedding
thinking on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of its interventions across the organisational
management and intervention design cycles; for organisations with a significant focus on humanitarian
policy and action, VfM raises an as-yet unfinished discussion perhaps debate about where (in what
circumstances of vulnerability and need) the value of intervention supersedes the calculation of monetary

Sustainability in particular where working with civil society in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
remains a valid aspiration but too often an artificially abbreviated expectation; processes of social
formation and recovery take time plausibly requiring commitments from donors that extend
considerably beyond current grant vehicles.

6.4 Organisational level management, design, implementation

Like many INGOs and other international agencies, silos dividing humanitarian and development, and
research, policy and practice, remain in place in OGB; the CHASE PPA workstreams may offer ways to
attenuate those divisions.

OGB shows extremely strong organisational and management systems, with the potential to support at
senior levels further work to integrate conventional silo communities.

OGB shows considerable evidence of strong sectoral leadership in certain areas (including technical
expertise as well as brand recognition); care needs to be taken to ensure that benefits of multi-agency
collaboration are not forfeited to the instinct to lead; by the same merit, workstreams such as those
funded under the CHASE PPA may be best placed to achieve impact where they incorporate and build on
OGBs traditional sectoral strengths and comparative advantage.


The body of this report includes a number of smaller-scale recommendations specific to workstreams or to
more localised aspects of design and management. In conclusion, the following four larger-scale
recommendations are offered.

1. Grant and individual workstream leads should focus on further developing and refining indictors and
methods for monitoring and measurement to capture effects of their interventions not currently
reflected in the results framework, but in many cases already in or partially in the workstream-specific
MEL frameworks, specifically:

a. ATT: selected non-treaty indicators (e.g. global cohesion of civil society on humanitarian
disarmament and armed violence and development; individual and group shift in Member
States policy positions on humanitarian and developmental weapons control measures);
additionally, under the circumstances, the ATT workstream may need to refine existing, or
establish new indicators both to assess the outcome of the October General Assembly, and
to mark out treaty or non-treaty options for the second half of the grant period.

b. WWS: more detailed and publicly available documentation on due diligence processes of
identifying and recruiting CSOs into workstream partnership, as well as iterative analysis of
changes in, in particular, CSO networks (composition, bias, distribution of benefits etc); more
detailed indicators of capacity building impact (distinguishing specific types of CB, specific
groups of CSOs undergoing CB, and specific effects including, inter alia, changes in CSO/
network legitimacy among grassroots members and represented communities, changes in
internal functional capacity of CSOs, and changes in CSO advocacy efficacy measured against
specific policy or other external advocacy targets).

c. ACCRA: more detailed analysis, strategy and metrics of advocacy interventions at national
government level, with specific measurable outcomes.

d. IMG: documented analysis and strategy for IMG target audience, with analysis of uptake
rates and one or more indicators beyond volume of downloads/purchases.

Whilst top-line results at the global level are clear, and monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks
are in place for each workstream, more detailed quantitative and qualitative data on key indicators within
each workstream are not, at this stage, being collected or fully documented; evidence suggests that
mechanisms are in place that could support and strengthen more nuanced, workstream-level data-
gathering and analysis.

2. The CHASE PPA grant steering group should use this IPR as an opportunity to review overarching grant
strategy, continuing and prospective workstream contributions to strategy, and potential for
reallocation based on that review among and between workstreams as deemed necessary.

Conditions in several of the workstreams have changed significantly over the course of the first years
implementation (e.g. ATT, WWS, ACCRA); those changes justify a more in-depth review of OGB strategy in
the use of the grant, making use of the grants unusual degree of flexibility both laterally over project
investments and prospectively over time within the grant period.

3. The grant steering group and senior OGB staff should consider convening, the first instance, a one-off
evidence and discussion event focusing on whether and how OGB organisationally can use
workstream insights to advance understanding of humanitarianism with development characteristics.
This could be solely internal, but could also be used as the basis for organisational presentation to and
engagement with a wider group of actors in the sector.

There are linkages and areas of potentially significant additionality between the four workstreams; these
are not yet being fully exploited at the central level.

4. OGB should consider the use of insights from the CHASE PPA workstreams in its dialogue with other
PPA holders and, ultimately, with DFID, including:

a. The issue of attribution and options for methodological approaches that can satisfy both
grant-holder and donor expectations or requirements.

b. Ways of interpreting the value for money agenda in the emergency contexts of fragility,
conflict and natural disaster and the long-range context of policy advocacy and large-scale
(climatic, demographic) shifts.

c. The value of flexibility in grant mechanisms.


A. Recommendations in detail
B. PPA IPR terms of reference
C. Evaluation research schedule and timescales
D. Data collection tools
E. List of people consulted
F. List of data sources
G. Bibliography
H. Sub-reports of country visits and case studies
I. Details of the evaluation team

Annex A: Recommendations in Detail

1. The OGB CHASE PPA steering group, with the global MEL Adviser, should support individual workstream
leads in further developing and refining indictors and methods for monitoring and measurement to
capture effects of their interventions not currently reflected in the results framework, but in many cases
already in or partially in the workstream-specific MEL frameworks, specifically:

a. Use interim stage of grant as an opportunity to review workstream logic models, to ensure
robustness of OGB contribution to change, and strategy, in particular in short- and medium-term
outcomes. This may include further development of contribution to change analysis for each
workstream, both to confirm areas of expected effectiveness as well as defining areas beyond
plausible impact reach e.g.:

i. ATT: break down indicators showing increased political will and institutional capacity
among Member States; refinement of forward-looking strategy for OGB engagement
with ATT after October 2012 (e.g. vis a vis potential March 2013 conference);

ii. IMG: pre-publication indicator(s) of intention to take up IM Guide among targeted user
group(s); identification of potential areas of sub-optimal uptake in the field of major
humanitarian practitioners;

iii. ACCRA: role of national/governmental/institutional support in effectiveness of local

ACCRA interventions, with concrete policy advocacy targets and measurable indicators
of policy-level impact;

iv. ACCRA/WWS/IMG: review relative roles of external (international) and internal

(domestic) research constituencies in different CHASE PPA-funded research scenarios;
review the translational requirements of CHASE PPA-funded research and
methodological products to field use.

b. Select a sub-set of core MEL indicators (from within the larger data set in each workstream
framework) and invest in data-gathering to substantiate these, including quantitative and
qualitative data, programmatic (internal) and independent data sources and assessors, and
continuous quantitative data for short- and medium-term outcomes. Workstream-specific areas
for strengthening indicators may include:

i. ATT: selected non-treaty indicators, e.g.:

1. Global cohesion of civil society on humanitarian disarmament and armed

violence and development;

2. Individual and group shift in Member States policy positions on humanitarian

and developmental weapons control measures;

3. Additionally, under the circumstances, the ATT workstream may need to refine
existing, or establish new indicators both to assess the outcome of the October
General Assembly, and to mark out treaty or non-treaty options for the second
half of the grant period.

ii. WWS: Greater use and documentation of quantified targets and indicators of change in
CSO capacity and related localised advocacy impacts, e.g.:

1. More detailed indicators of due diligence in identifying and recruiting CSOs into
workstream partnership, as well as iterative analysis of changes in, in particular,
CSO networks (composition, bias, distribution of benefits etc);

2. More detailed indicators of capacity building impact (distinguishing specific

types of CB, specific groups of CSOs undergoing CB, and specific effects
including, inter alia, changes in CSO/ network legitimacy among grassroots
members and represented communities, changes in internal functional capacity
of CSOs, and changes in CSO advocacy efficacy measured against specific policy
or other external advocacy targets);

3. Greater emphasis on community-level perception surveys as data tool to

substantiate impact among secondary (ultimate) beneficiaries;

4. Greater emphasis on indicators tracking material change in local budget-making

and service delivery (e.g. through targeted CSO advocacy activities, scorecards
etc), potentially focusing more on core areas of OGB expertise (e.g. WASH,
economic justice etc.).

iii. ACCRA: more detailed analysis, strategy and metrics of advocacy interventions at
national government level, with specific measurable outcomes, e.g.:

1. Advocacy interventions with clear targets (individuals, government bodies,

institutions), and measurable/quantifiable outcomes in terms of, e.g. policy
shift, budget allocation (or re-allocation) and changes to official resource base
available to local government level on ACCRA-focused areas of performance.

iv. IMG: documented analysis and strategy for IMG target audience, with analysis of uptake
rates and one or more indicators beyond volume of downloads/purchases, e.g..

1. Development of a shared electronic platform for Guide users to upload raw and
processed data from intervention evaluations to create a comparable database
of samples of use;

2. Survey methods with user group extended to assess wider field of practitioners
using or not using the Guide;

3. Assessment of additional resource requirements (e.g. donor support) to build

methodological capacity of field-based Guide users (or potential users).

2. The CHASE PPA grant steering group should use this IPR as an opportunity to review overarching grant
strategy, continuing and prospective workstream contributions to strategy, and potential for reallocation
based on that review among and between workstreams as deemed necessary, including inter alia:

a. ATT: Review of prospective opportunities for ATT workstream, either in continued multilateral
negotiation or in alternate pathway, e.g. promotion of arms control in the context of the
development impact of armed violence; review re-uptake value of ATT innovations (in particular
the use of an independent legal advisory entity, and the dedicated multilateral advocacy website
tool) as models within OGB (beyond current comparable examples);

b. ACCRA/WWS: Review status of follow-on financing for the workstreams (post-2014) and related
planning for post-PPA sustained programming model;

i. The latter may include, in particular, detailed analysis of resource requirements for
follow-on work (including independently of OGB and other international support) among
partner CSOs and networks (WWS) and in among local government counterparts and
supporting national governance bodies (ACCRA).

c. IMG: Review scale of IMG uptake goal, with a view to assessing prospects and requirements for
Guide to become industry standard.

3. OGB should consider at senior level and in consultation with workstreams jointly, ways in which learning
from the CHASE PPA-funded projects can be presented for consideration of implications at organisation

a. The grant steering group and senior OGB staff should consider convening, the first instance, a
one-off evidence and discussion event focusing on whether and how OGB organisationally can
use workstream insights to advance understanding of humanitarianism with development
characteristics. This could be solely internal, but could also be used as the basis for organisational
presentation to and engagement with a wider group of actors in the sector.

i. Develop a one-off learning document for public consumption on the collective insights
from the four CHASE PPA workstreams into strengthening the humanitarian-
development nexus.

ii. This could for example focus on, or include as a central theme, developing
understanding of the meaning and utility of resilience in the environmental,
humanitarian, security and development contexts.

iii. Also review implications of CHASE PPA-funded workstreams to emerging OGB and
Oxfam global programming strategies and objectives.

4. OGB should consider the use of insights from the CHASE PPA workstreams in its dialogue with other PPA
holders and, ultimately, with DFID, including, e.g.:

a. The issue of attribution and options for methodological approaches that can satisfy both grant-
holder and donor expectations or requirements.

b. Ways of interpreting the value for money agenda in the emergency contexts of fragility, conflict
and natural disaster and the long-range context of policy advocacy and large-scale (climatic,
demographic) shifts.

i. This may include increased direct communication and consultation (dialogue) between
HQ and field programmes on VfM in differing humanitarian and developmental contexts;

ii. This could also include more detailed analysis of cost drivers of soft interventions such
as capacity building and advocacy;

iii. It should also include discrete analysis of OGBs view of VfM in relation to equity.

c. The value of flexibility in grant mechanisms, and prospects for similar vehicles for DFID funding

Annex B: PPA IPR terms of reference180

Oxfam - CHASE PPA Mid Term Evaluation, Programme Partnership Arrangement (PPA) Independent
Progress Review.


Oxfam is seeking an evaluation team to carry out an Independent Progress Review (IPR) of its Conflict,
Humanitarian and Security Department (CHASE) funded interventions, through the DFID Programme
Partnership Arrangement (PPA). The evaluation team will be referred to from now on, as the CHASE PPA
Independent Evaluator.

Oxfam receives support from the CHASE PPA to make substantive and measurable improvements to
humanitarian and security policy in the following key thematic areas: the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), resilience
to climate shocks, humanitarian assessment and civil society in fragile states.

The evaluation will seek to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and results of DFID CHASE funded
interventions, as well as the additionality and impacts of DFID CHASE funding as a whole. It will also verify
information captured through the annual progress report submitted to DFID, while reviewing the quality and
process of reporting in general.


DFID has provided support to CSOs through the PPA since 2000 in line with its overall strategy to alleviate
poverty and promote peace, stability and good governance. PPAs allow DFID to enter into high level strategic
partnerships with CSOs with whom DFID shares common goals and objectives. PPAs provide recipients such as
Oxfam with long-term, un-restricted and strategic funding in support of mutually agreed outcomes.

Un-restricted is taken here to mean that, although high-level outcomes and outputs are agreed and reported
against, PPA holders are not required to track funds through to the activity level. Providing funding in this way
has been understood to mean that partner CSOs were free to use funds flexibly to support improvements to
programme quality and to support innovation or work that involves higher levels of risk that might otherwise
be under-funded.

The present CHASE PPA is a three-year arrangement, which started in April 2011 and will run to April 2014.
Oxfam is one of four organisations receiving both general and CHASE PPA funding. Oxfam will evaluate each of
its PPAs separately. The successful CHASE PPA Independent Evaluator will need to liaise with the General PPA
Independent Evaluator, to ensure connections are made appropriately across the two separate IPRs.

The current political climate and results-based agenda demand a rigorous assessment of the effectiveness of
funds disbursed to ensure that they are managed to provide value for money.

One of the key tools in the performance assessments of PPA recipients is the IPR. Oxfams IPR is being
commissioned by Oxfam on the basis of this ToR to report on performance at the mid-term stage (18 months)
of funding. A further IPR will be commissioned at the end of the PPA funding period. In the interests of value
for money and consistency, Oxfam may, depending on performance offer a renewal of contract to the selected
mid-term IPR consultant to undertake the final evaluation.

The full ToR can be accessed at:


Oxfams CHASE PPA is worth 4.7m over three years. Oxfams approach to demonstrating change under the
CHASE PPA is to present high-level output and outcome data from four specific humanitarian and security
policy level interventions. Each of the four outcomes relates to an indicative intervention, selected as an
exemplar of Oxfams work in this area. The evaluation will focus on the following four thematic areas funded
by the CHASE PPA:

Resilience to climate shocks: Research, capacity building and evidence-based influencing work with
governments in Uganda, Ethiopia and Mozambique and, with development and humanitarian consortium
members. The aim is to develop and implement policies and interventions that improve poor people's
adaptive capacity, with a specific focus on climate related hazards, change and variability;

Civil society in fragile states: Capacity building of national civil society organisations to identify and respond to
specific challenges within the Occupied Palestinian Territories/Israel (OPT/I), South Sudan and Afghanistan;

The ATT: Advocacy, capacity building and popular mobilisation to influence national positions, strengthen
technical knowledge and the negotiation capacity of key Member States and to increase public awareness of
the problem of an unregulated arms trade and the urgent need for an ATT and;

Humanitarian assessment: The development and dissemination of a new methodology to measure the
contribution to change brought about by humanitarian interventions.


The purpose of the IPR is threefold:

1. To assess the extent to which comments provided to Oxfam as part of the Annual Review Process (ARP)
have been acted upon by Oxfam (provided feedback is received as scheduled);

2. To verify, and supplement where necessary, Oxfams reporting through the ARP, changing lives case study
and additionality report; and

3. To independently evaluate the impact that DFID CHASE funding has had on Oxfam and its interventions and
to assess the value for money of the funding.

An evaluation strategy has been developed by Coffey International Development (the DFID PPA Evaluation
Manager) and forms an integral part of this ToR.


The ARP is the process by which Oxfam is held accountable to DFID for the use of CHASE PPA funds by which
DFID ensure we are working towards stated objectives. In addition, it will facilitate increased learning and
reflection on progress towards objectives as well as approaches relevant to the wider NGO and humanitarian
sector. We will receive feedback from DFID and Coffey International Development on our first annual progress
report at the end of June 2012, which we will be expected to act upon.

The IPR will provide an independent assessment on the extent to which Oxfam has indeed acted upon this

Oxfam will be assessed by the DFID Evaluation Manager according to standard criteria based on the OECD DAC
criteria, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and results.

The IPR will contribute to this assessment by:

Verifying Oxfam reporting related to the assessment criteria; and

Providing an independent assessment of the organisation in relation to the assessment criteria.

Providing recommendations on how Oxfam can improve its interventions and outcomes, in relation
to the evaluation criteria, without compromising on cost-efficiency, quality and timeliness, and
are implementable within the remaining 18 months of funding.


The methods to be used in the IPR include amongst others:

Desk study and document review (this will include planning documents, reports, websites, advocacy
logs, monitoring data, funding related documents etc.).

Impact assessment is defined here as the net impact that an organisation or project intervention has
in terms of the additional benefits realised that are directly attributable to the activities delivered by
the organisation or project intervention.

Content analysis (this will include statements, campaign products and media reports).

Interviews with key stakeholders including management teams and those involved in the strategic
aspects / delivery of work.

Selected project visits and beneficiary interviews - selection of exact projects to be finalised based on
adequate security and accessibility considerations (it is estimated that up to 4 country visits will be

Interviews with partners looking at e.g. uptake of learning and innovation, partnerships built with civil
society, governmental and international organizations, building capacity of southern actors etc.

Additional interlocutors as appropriate.

All evaluation activities should be sensitive to gender and its bearing on design, implementation, performance
of interventions and the results achieved.


The outputs expected include:

An inception report within 3 weeks of commencing the assignment to include an evaluation plan
containing a detailed statement of evaluation methods

A presentation detailing initial evaluation findings, for face-to-face discussion with a group of key
Oxfam staff

A first draft report for consultation

A final evaluation report of no more than 40 pages of A4, of publishable quality.

The report should be written in Plain English and in such a way that it is accessible to non-specialists,
including UK tax-payers and Oxfam supporters. Report to include the following sections:

Executive summary no more than 4 pages, stand alone, communicable

Introductory section approx 4 pages, including an overview of methodology (with continuation in
annexure if necessary)

Results and impact section (ARP actions, verification of Oxfam reporting and impact assessment of
DFID CHASE funding) approx 30 pages (case studies to be drawn out in annexure)

Issues to be addressed approx 2 pages

Annexes (to include final agreed TORs, a list of people/organisations interviewed, a list of
documentation reviewed, a timeline of the evaluation process and case studies).

Oxfam may also wish to develop further products to communicate evaluation findings to various
audiences. These will be discussed at interview stage.


Oxfam is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy team or firm with a strong track record in
conducting evaluations of capacity building, advocacy and policy change projects. The consultancy team or
firm will have wide respect and credibility within the field, an excellent knowledge of monitoring and
evaluation in theory and practice, and a good overall understanding of advocacy, campaigning and policy work.
The consultancy team profile should include:


A lead consultant who is a policy advocacy specialist with comprehensive and significant experience
of independently evaluating advocacy and influencing work

Up to date knowledge of DFIDs priorities, operating environment and humanitarian and security

Experience with results-based monitoring and evaluation and familiarity with different methodologies
for evaluation, including a demonstrable understanding of quantitative approaches

Demonstrable experience of producing high-quality, credible evaluations

Good understanding of NGO finance management and audit processes and proven cost benefit
analysis capacity

Demonstrable experience of working with/evaluating civil society, capacity building and NGO work

Experience of working in the humanitarian policy sector and/or fragile states

Experience of managing evaluation teams, and the capability to handle necessary logistics and sub-
contracting with minimal support.

Ability to produce concise, readable and analytical reports

Excellent English written and verbal communications skills


Good knowledge of current debates and thinking around measuring value for money.

Familiarity with research work and participatory research.

An understanding of public communications.

Experience of working in, or assessing, consortia.

A sound understanding of one or more of the following thematic areas: arms control and
development issues, climate change adaptation, humanitarian response or programming in fragile

Annex C: Evaluation Research Schedule and Timescales Table

The following table sets out key tasks and the respective lead(s). Team members are indicated by their initials.
ST is Seb Taylor, JB is Joanna Buckley, FF is Fiona Flintan, AD is Annelise Dennis, SJ is Steve Jennings, TS is Tim
Stanbury and HB is Helen Bushell.


22 April Deadline for receipt of CSH Expressions of Interest Oxfam/ theIDLgroup

4 May Extended deadline for receipt of CSH Expressions of Interest Oxfam/ theIDLgroup
and short listing to second stage

8 May Candidates notified of decision, interview/presentation dates Oxfam GB

and the full tender requirements for the second stage

24 May Deadline for full tender submissions Oxfam GB/ theIDLgroup

8 & 11 June Interviews and presentations Oxfam GB, ST + JB

4 July General PPA Inception workshop and presentation on VfM General PPA team/AD/JB

5 July Receipt of draft CSH inception report ST + JB

6 July Contract finalised TS/AD/ theIDLgroup

9 July Presentation on methodology and inception report. ST + JB

10 July Receipt of final CHS inception report ST + JB

11 July Oxfam review of final CHS inception report Oxfam GB

22nd July- Field visit to Ethiopia and Uganda. Remote phone call with FF
30th Mozambique.

11 July Sign-off of final CHS inception report Oxfam GB

Aug 3rd- Field visit to Afghanistan and OPTI. Remote phone call with JB
16th South Sudan.

23 August Presentation of initial findings @ Oxfam House ST + JB

AD/SJ/ Project Leads/HB

th st
27 -31 Review of presentation discussions and drafting of first-cut ST + JB
August IPR report text

3 or 4 Sept. Telecon between IDL and Steve Jennings to discuss future ST + JB /SJ
strategies for work streams

3 or 4 Sept. One hour telecon/meetings with each of the 4 projects Oxfam GB, ST + JB

5-13 Sept. Inclusion of additional material from telecons and finalisation ST + JB /project leads

of first-cut draft report.

14 Sep. Receipt of draft IPR report from theIDLgroup Oxfam GB/ ST + JB

17-21 Sept. Review by Oxfam SJ/AD/HB and Project Leads

on specific points

24-28 Sept. Redrafting by theIDLgroup JB + ST

3 Oct. Receipt of final IPR report from the IDL Group Oxfam GB/ ST + JB

5 Oct. Sign-off of final IPR report Oxfam GB

12 Oct. Management response and final sign-off of DFID submission Oxfam GB

15 Oct. Submission to DFID Oxfam GB

Annex D: Data Collection Tools

Our approach to the IPR centres on a systematic application of the OECD and extended DFID criteria for
CHASE PPA review and evaluation, using the same analytical framework at global and national levels, to
ensure consistency and coherence in the final aggregate review product.

The global level review relied on desk-based documentary analysis, covering a full range of CHASE PPA-
relevant, organisation and strategic documents within Oxfam GB, as well as key informant interviews
with Oxfam GB and DFID. National office reviews were planned with reference to global indicators, Oxfam
GBs reporting through the APR, and more localised regional and country-level strategy and
implementation documents, as well as semi-structured interviews with Oxfam and external key
stakeholders and partners, including as relevant government and non-state actors, and focus group
discussions with beneficiary groups.

The interview template below shows the primary set of interview questions that were asked to PPA managers
at the country office and/ or headquarters level. Separate interview tools, that made use of the same
analytical framework as shown below, were developed for; local partners, other INGOs or cluster groups, DFID
and government (local and national).

Table 1: Core Questionnaire Template

Area of interest/ evaluation question

Name of Interviewee(es):




Broad Based Overarching Questions

How did you obtain the award of the PPA funding? (what is the back-story to them obtaining it)

Describe your overall country programme and situation PPA within this for us, how big is it, what is its relevance, does it
sit squarely with things you were going to do anyway or is it separate?

What (if any) staff have been hired due to the PPA CHASE funds? In what roles?

Relevance doing the right thing?

Are the chosen interventions designed to reach the poorest and most vulnerable? How?

How do you build on and reflect on the context of the countries in which you operate?

Has PPA funding enabled you to shift strategy and efforts to new areas of strategic importance?

What are the benefits to Oxfam GB of unrestricted funding?

Is PPA amplifying existing strategy either by sector or by country of choice? Or is it opening up a new country or sector?

Does Oxfam choice of country align with DFID's?

How do you track changes in national indicators overtime that inform the PPA?

Was there local demand for intervention in a particular area?

Are there any downsides to having PPA as part of your country programme?

Results and Evidence of change

Are the milestones over or under ambitious?

Are you on track to achieve all intended outcomes by the end of the PPA funding? If no what are the challenges?

What are the challenges in the project countries you work in?

How plausible are the links between outputs and the results at outcome and impact level?

What has been the largest most significant impact to date and why have you identified this example?

Where there are other actors undertaking the same work how do you evidence Oxfams contribution? How do you
measure attribution of results to PPA funding?

To what extent have results led to impact on the target population?

How do we know this change has occurred?

How do you plan to collect quantitative measurements?

What are the opportunities for the programme to increase its impact?

Did the AR reflect what you are doing at country level? Were there surprises, highlights or concerns?

What is meant by civil society/ What is meant be strengthening civil society?

What is the overall purpose of working with civil society?

What would a resilient civil society look like?

How do you disaggregate results by gender, age, disability and social group?

What is governments perception of civil society? How has this impacted on your work?

To what extent is CS engaged in dialogue with government?

How do you link what you are doing at the local and national levels?

ACCRA: is there any evidence to show that the network was the fundamental force in supporting reforms?

Could you show that issues raised by the network were subsequently taken up?

Can you show wording of documents from the network then appearing in the governmental reforms?

How is ACCRA enabling wider resilience agenda to be explored?


Can you describe the nature of your partnership with Oxfam GB in the UK?

Please describe the management, financial arrangements of the PPA programme in your country? How efficient are

What % of PPA funds are given to partners?

What % of PPA funds are spend on Oxfam salary costs?

What are you reporting systems? What is the burden compared to other funding agreements?

Has there been under spend in some projects?

How are local partners involved in the management of the programme, please state the areas in which they were

How do you support local partners in data collection and research? What are the challenges to this?

Are there aspects of PPA that make it more difficult to get the right people, are there ways the problem could be

Does Oxfam involve partners and communities in identifying which activities and outcomes have greatest value?

How is assessment of efficiency made when supporting international debate/ policy?


To what extent does DFID funding achieve additionality e.g. to what extent did PPA funding enable Oxfam to achieve
things they would have otherwise not been able to?

What specific activities would you not have done without PPA funding?

What are the benefits of PPA funding over other funding streams?

Has PPA funding enabled you to leverage further funding? Yes/ No. If yes from who?

If you have leveraged further funds what has this enabled?


How do you monitor and track VfM? What are the management practices?

Have you seen VfM documentation from HQ?

Has PPA allowed any new VfM processes?

How does Oxfam document evidence of organisational practice and efficiency around VfM?

What kinds of analytical skills and instruments does Oxfam deploy to ensure at organisational level a capacity to
constantly review costs relative to impact?

How is VfM understood?

Are more expensive outputs justified by there greater value?

Is there additional value construed from accessing the most poor and vulnerable? How would you demonstrate this?

Are the benefits of programming shared amongst all sections of the community, specifically reaching the most

Does cost per unit match comparators?

Are you meeting targets with the budget? Efficiency /Are country offices on track with allocated spending?

How do you monitor risks around achieving VfM and ensure outputs are delivered?

Are there areas you have reduced your unit cost or overall cost?

Are there other ways you could have done this work for less money?

Do you have any information on cost per beneficiary?

Has PPA expenditure enabled you to leverage further funds?


To what extent are the achieved outputs contributing to the achievement of the expected outcomes? Conversion of
outputs to outcomes

Does Oxfam show evidence of distinctive competence or added value compared to others who work on CS in FCAS/
Climate change and resilience / How does Oxfam add value to DFIDs portfolio? If you compare yourself to other NGO's
what is it you are doing differently?

Have you been particularly innovative because of the PPA? In which areas?

How are links developed between different levels of Oxfam operations?

How is Oxfam monitoring and systematically collecting data to inform management and evidence based decisions?

What is the system for reporting analysis from local level data? And where does this go?

Has your relationship with Oxfam helped improve your own learning?

Does the monitoring and evaluation system provide the right framework to measure results and support learning?

What strategy is in place for communicating lessons learnt?

Specific examples of learning improving organisational capacity?

How does OGB plan to share its own experience of managing and using strategic funding with others in the sector?

What cross-communication exists between you and other PPA partners?

Are you aware of the other PPA Oxfam country programmes? What communication exists?

Has there been any learning taken from the PPA to non PPA programmes?

Are you part of learning and cluster/ working groups? What is the benefit, what do you contribute?

Has PPA funded facilitated new relationships or improved existing ones? If yes with who?

Has having the PPA funding in your country office changed your relationship with DFID? Y/N. If you answered yes please
describe how?

What type of local partners do you work with? Is there opportunity to work with a wider community?

Has the PPA generated broader learning on how to work in FCAS?/How is workstream/programme enabling wider
resilience agenda to be explored?


To what extent is Oxfam able to generate, share and mainstream their learning?

To what extent is Oxfam setting up strategies that will ensure the sustainability of the respective outcomes post DFID
funding? Please describe your exit strategy.

What are the challenges to sustainability both in terms of accessing future funds and the country context? How are
risks to the programme being identified and managed?

To what extent is Oxfam benefiting the sector as a whole? If yes, how? If not what could be improved?

Have local partners, committees of government taken on, or are they planning to take on aspects of the programme/
project / policy?

Will the programme enable further leveraging of funding, what is the strategy?

Have communities been given the skills, experience and knowledge and networks to undertake activities that increase
resilience (relevance)

To what extent are you involved in multi actor forums or working clusters?

Annex E: Informants and Interviews List

Name Location
ACSONP general assembly members & ACSONP Steering Committee (6 Kabul, Afghanistan

ACSONP secretariat (15 interviewees) Kabul, Afghanistan

Alan Brouder (Team Manager Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK
Risk Reduction)

Amanda Buttinger, Global Programme Coordinator, Fragility and Conflict Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Anna MacDonald, Head of Arms Control New York, US

Anne Charlotte (ATT Alliance, US) New York, US

Annelise Dennis, Monitoring & Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Adviser Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK
Programme Policy & Campaigns

Anthony Wolimbwa, Research and Capacity Building Officer, Climate Kampala, Uganda
Action Network-Uganda, CAN-U

Azita Rafaat: Gender Senior Coordinator, Oxfam GB Kabul, Afghanistan

Babrak Osman (Governance and Accountability Coordinator) Kabul, Afghanistan

Baffour Amoa (ATT sponsor, West Africa) New York, US

Bamanya Deus, Principal Meteorologist and Head of Seasonal Forecasting Kampala, Uganda
and Processing, Ministry of Water and Environment

Baseer Salangi (Governor of Parwan) Parwan, Afghanistan

Ben Heaven-Taylor (Funding Manager, DFID/UK Donors) Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Ben Murphy (Oxfam Australia) New York, US

Beyenese Beko, DRMFSS & ACCRA Focal Person Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Borha Santos Porras, Consultant DRR to DRMFSS (seconded by WFP) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
DFRMSS Office,

Caroline Green (Oxfam, Gender Policy Adviser) Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Charlotte Stemmer, ACCRA Ethiopia Programme Coordinator, Oxfam GB, Kampala, Uganda

Chris Anderson (Global Adviser - Disaster Risk Reduction, Adaptation and Telephone Interview

Risk Reduction Team, Programme Policy)

Community Level Representative, AWSDC Parwan, Afghanistan

Daniel Mcavoy, Lecturer, Dev Stud., University of East Anglia Telephone Interview

Deep Basu Ray, Policy Advisor Armed Violence and Development New York, US

Dr. Latifa Majidi, WR/ Project Coordinator, ActionAid Kabul, Afghanistan

Duncan Barker (DFID policy lead for CHASE) Telephone Interview

Emma Williams, DFID, CC Advisor, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Eva Ludi, ODI & ACCRA Steering Committee London, UK

Fawzia Koofi (Chair of Civil Society/ Human Rights and Women Kabul, Afghanistan
Commission of Parliament)

Fiona Percy, Regional ALP Program Coordinator, CARE Via phone/skype

Fragility and Conflict Steering Group members (OGB) Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Francis Shanty Odokoroch, Programme Officer, Advocacy for Pastoralism Kampala, Uganda

Geoff Heyes (Country Director) Kabul, Afghanistan

Anthony Wolimbwa, Margaret Barihaihi, Bamanya Deus, Chebet Maikut, Kampala, Uganda
Principal CC Officer, Mitigation and Market Mechanisms/DNA Focal
Point, CC Unit, Ministry of Water and Environment, Raymond Kirungi,
Disaster Preparedness Officer, ACCRA Focal Person, Department of
Disaster Preparedness and Management, Office of the Prime Minister,
Enid Ocaya Kabainguzi, DRR and Community Resilience Manager, ACCRA
focal point, World Vision.

Mulu Tesfaye CASHE Project Manager, Oxfam GB Ethiopia, Alexander

Woollcombe, Policy and Communications Manager, Oxfam GB Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Nidhi Labh, Programmes Manager, Oxfam GB, Ethiopia, Lemessa Demie,
DRR Advisor, Oxfam GB Ethiopia, Akloweg Nigatu, REGLAP Manager,
Oxfam GB Ethiopia, Charlotte Stemmer, ACCRA Country Programme
Manager, Oxfam GB, Teshome Assefa, Emergency PM/ACCRA Focal
Person, Save the Children UK, Teriessa Jalleta, Livelihood Programme,
Save the Children UK, Gezagehene Beyene, Livelihood Programme, Save
the Children UK, Samuel Molla, Livelihoods PM/ ACCRA Focal Person,
CARE Ethiopia.

Gulsoom Satarzai, Executive Director, AWSE Kabul, Afghanistan

Gustavo Guidobono (ATT sponsor, Uruguay) New York, US

Hazem Ksouri (ATT sponsor, Tunisia) New York, US

Hector Guerra (ATT Alliance, Mexico) New York, US

Helena Whall (ATT Oxfam Core Team) New York, US

Jasmin Galace (ATT Alliance, Philippines) New York, US

Jo Rowlands, Senior Global Programme Adviser, Governance and Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK
Institutional Accountability

Jock Baker, Programme Quality & Accountability Coordinator, CARE Telephone Interview
Emergency Group

Johnson Byamukama, Oxfam GB, Deputy Country Director, South Sudan Telephone Interview

Katherine Bowen (Deputy Country Director- West Bank and Israel) Oxfam GB, OPTI

Ken Epps (ATT Alliance, Canada) New York, US

Kevin Savage, Research Coordinator, Humanitarian and Emergency Telephone Interview

Affairs, World Vision International

Laure Anquez, Emergency Capacity Building Project Manager Telephone Interview

Louie Fooks (Global Learning and Communications Officer, Fragility and Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Louis Belanger (Oxfam International) New York, US

Louise Hancock, Advocacy and Campaign Senior Advisor, Oxfam Kabul, Afghanistan

Margaret Barihaihi, ACCRA Uganda Country Programme Coordinator, Kampala, Uganda

World Vision Uganda

Mark Twimomugisha, Associate Director Integrated Ministry, World Kampala, Uganda

Vision Uganda

Marren Akatsa-Bukachi (sponsor, East Africa); New York, US

Martin Butcher (Oxfam Core Team) New York, US

Max Lawson (Head of Policy and Advocacy) Telephone Interview

Melaku Girma, LKM Officer and ACCRA Focal Person, CARE Ethiopia Asebe Teferi, West Haraghe

Melquisedec Gomes, ACCRA Mozambique Programme Manager, Via skype

Midori Natsuki (Oxfam Japan) New York, US

Mulu Tesfaye, CASHE (Commercialisation of Agriculture for Smallholders Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
in Ethiopia)

Nerina Cevra (ATT Alliance, UK) New York, US

Ochieng Adala (ATT sponsor, Kenya) New York, US

Oistein Thorsen (ATT Oxfam Core Team) New York, US

Paul Clough (International Director Finance and Systems ) Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Penny Lawrence (International Programmes Director) Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Provincial Peace Hearing (52 attendees) Parwan, Afghanistan

Saskia Daggett, International Coordinator, ACCRA Kampala, Uganda

Shahmahmood Miakhael , Country Director, United States Institute of Kabul, Afghanistan


Amb. Tarje Hauge, Norwegian Delegation to the ATT Conference, July New York, US

Dr Steve Jennings (Head of Programme Policy Team) Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Tarana Wafi, Deputy program Tawanmandi, DFID Kabul, Afghanistan

Tim Luccaro, Program Officer, United States Institute of Peace Kabul, Afghanistan

Tim Stanbury, Business Manager Campaigns and Policy Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK

Vivien Walden, Global Humanitarian MEL Adviser, Programme Telephone Interview

Performance and Accountability Team

Wondwossen Woldyes (Team Leader of Extension Zonal Agricultural Asebe Teferi, West Haraghe,
Office); Mohmmed Jemal (Agricultural Office, Gimechis Woreda); Tegene Ethiopia
Girma (NR Dept. Head, Agricultural Office, Gemechis woreda)

Zia Hanan, Donor and contract Accountant Finance department, Oxfam Kabul, Afghanistan

Annex F List of data sources

Oxfam GB (December 2011), ACSONP Memorandum of Understanding

Oxfam GB (December 2011) ACSONP Work Plan and Oxfam project

Oxfam GB (2011), CHASE PPA Business Case

Oxfam GB (2011), Country Selection Criteria

Oxfam GB (2011), CSH PPA Reporting Plan

Oxfam GB (2011), Knowledge and Learning and Project Logic Models

Oxfam GB (2011), Project Design Diagram

Oxfam GB (2011), Roadmap

Oxfam GB (2012), OPTI Assessment data

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Summary of Members Self Assessment

Oxfam GB (February 2012), Logic Model Afghanistan

Oxfam GB (February 2012), Summary of ACSONP Network Capacity Assessment

Oxfam GB (February 2012), Summary of ACSONP Steering Committee Capacity Assessment

Oxfam GB (June 1012), MEL plan for Afghanistan WWS

Oxfam GB (June 2012), MEL plan for Fragile Settings

Oxfam GB (June 2012), MEL plan for WWS

Oxfam GB (July 2012), Revised Logframe, Oxfam CSH PPA 2011-2014

Annex G: Bibliography

ACCRA (2011), What is ACCRA? ACCRA Briefs. Available at:

ACCRA (2011), The ACCRA Local Adaptive Capacity framework. ACCRA Briefs. Available at:

ACCRA (2011), Climate trends in Ethiopia: Summary of ACCRA research in three sites. ACCRA Briefs. Available

ACCRA (2011), Development interventions and adaptive capacity in rural Ethiopia. ACCRA Briefs. Available at:

ACCRA Country Steering Committee Meetings Minutes from January to July 2012 for Uganda.

ACCRA (2012), Financial reporting to Oxfam GB ACCRA Phase 2. Six monthly funds transfer process.
Unpublished document.

ACCRA Uganda (2011,) Enhancing Adaptive Capacity. CBA Training Embu. Uganda. Powerpoint presentation.

ACCRA (2011), ACCRA. Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance. Links between the components of ACCRA.
Powerpoint presentation.

Barihaihi (2010), Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA), Uganda. Country Level Literature Review.
Unpublished document.

CAFOD and WV UK (April 2012), PPA Learning Partnership Strategic Funding Survey. Produced by on behalf of
the Institutional Effectiveness Learning Group (IELG)

Coffey (February 2012), Evaluation Manager PPA and GPAF: Evaluation Strategy

Deepayan, Butcher & Murphy (2012). The Final Countdown Compendium: a historic opportunity to deliver an
Arms Trade Treaty that saves lives, Oxfam GB, July 6 2012.

DFID (11 July 2012), Oxfam Feedback on Annual Report

Environment Protection Authority (2011), Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE). A Strategic Framework.
Addis Ababa.

Hopkins N (2012). Arms trade treaty must include global sale of ammunition, urges Oxfam

Hopkins N (2012). Rift valley pastoralists pay for lack of arms treaty with their lives [Oxfam organised media

Hopkins N (2012). Syria imported weapons worth $168m in 2010, says Oxfam

Hughes (February 2012), Within and Without the State, Strengthening civil society in conflict-affected and
fragile settings. A summary of current thinking and implications for practice

Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) (2011). ICAIs Approach to Effectiveness and Value for Money,
Report 1, November 2011.

Jones, Ludi and Levine (2010), Towards a characterisation of adaptive capacity: a framework for analysing
adaptive capacity at the local level. Background Note. London: ODI.

Levine, Ludi and Jones (2011), Rethinking Support for Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change. The Role of
Development Interventions. Finding from Mozambique, Uganda and Ethiopia. London: ODI.

Lindsay, Ayorekire, Barihaihi, Kagoro, and Ruta (no date), Preparing for the future in Uganda: Understanding
the influence of development interventions on adaptive capacity at the local level. ACCRA Uganda Synthesis

Ludi, Getnet, Wilson, Tesfaye, Shimelis, Levine. and Jones (2011), Preparing for the future? Understanding the
influence of Development interventions on Adaptive Capacity at Local Level in Ethiopia. ACCRA Ethiopia
Synthesis Report.

Macaringue, (2010), Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) Mozambique. Country Level Literatures
Review. Unpublished report. Mozambique.

Maze, K (2011). International assistance and cooperation for an ATT: possibilities for a future treaty, UNIDIR
January 2011.

Mikre (2012), Summary report on building training of 2012. Unpublished report. Oxfam GB Addis Ababa.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (2011), Wereda Disaster Risk Reduction Planning. [Several
modules]. Powerpoint presentation.

Ministry of Water and Environment. Department of Meteorology (2012), Climate Outlook for June and August.
2012. Unpublished report.

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (2012), Bundibugyo District NAPA Quarterly (January-March 2012)
Report for Bundibugyo District. Unpublished report.

ONeil, Ericsson and Mugisha (December 2011), Independent Evaluation of the Africa Climate Change
Resilience Alliance Phase 1. Unpublished. Geneva.

Oosterom, Tadros, Webber and Wheeler (June 2011), Power in Transition: Entry points for strengthening
governance and citizen participation in transition countries, Institute of Development Studies

Oxfam GB (March 2012), Afghan Civil Society Organizations Network for Peace (ACSONP) Meeting minutes,
Steering Committee

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Afghanistan Round Table on Within and Without the State

Oxfam GB (2012), Annual Reports and Accounts, 2011/12

Oxfam GB (May 2012), CHASE, PPA Annual Review Form

Oxfam GB (May 2012), CHASE, PPA Annual Review Form, Part F Additionality Report

Oxfam GB (May 2012), CHASE, PPA Annual Review Form. Part G Changing Lives Case Study

Oxfam GB (July 2012), Conflict and Fragility Learning Group Update

Oxfam GB (2012) , Discussion Paper on Resilience

Oxfam GB (June 2012), Draft Strategic Plan

Oxfam GB (2012), Fragility and Conflict Steering Group ToR

Oxfam GB (April 2012),Oxfam Implementation schedule for publishing IATI compliant project information

Oxfam GB (April 2012), Meetings With Civil Society Stakeholders

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Minutes ACSONP Capacity Assessment and Power Analysis Workshop Afghanistan

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Minutes CSO Round Table South Sudan

Oxfam GB (May 2012), Minutes of the meeting with Patta for Action Research

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Minutes Partner Meeting Gaza

Oxfam GB (June 1012), OPTI Action Research WWS

Oxfam GB (Last updated April 2012), Oxfam in Afghanistan

Oxfam GB (Last updated April 2012),Oxfam in South Sudan

Oxfam GB (2010), OPTI, Profiles of CBOs in the Target Communities

Oxfam GB (2012), OPTI, Selection process Report

Oxfam GB (2011), PPA CS capacity in conflict contexts

Oxfam GB (July 2012), PPA partners meeting minutes, 17 July 2012

Oxfam GB (June 2011), Programming in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries: A Learning Companion

Oxfam GB (April 2011), Programming in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries, Programme Policy Guidelines

Oxfam GB (2011), Risk Analysis and Management Strategy

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Short briefing: Within and Without the State South Sudan Accountability and
Accompaniment Project

Oxfam GB (2011), South Sudan Civil Society Strengthening Project Full Proposal

Oxfam GB (2012), South Sudan Civil society Strengthening project Presentation

Oxfam GB (2012), South Sudan, CIVIL Society 3rd round Table Meeting Report

Oxfam GB (June 1012), South Sudan WWS

Oxfam GB (September 2011), South Sudan WWS Scoping Study

Oxfam GB (December 2011), Strategic Framework for the ACSONP

Oxfam GB (May 2012), ToR for Action Research facilitator

Oxfam GB (January 2012), Uniting Civil Society for Peace Building Peaceful Communities Afghanistan Conflict
and Fragility Project

Oxfam GB (May 2012), Update on Value for Money programme of work

Oxfam GB (Jan 2012), VfM Briefing Note

Oxfam GB (2012), VFM Organisational Programme

Oxfam GB (June 2012), VfM presentation

Oxfam GB (July 2012), Within and without the State, 2-pager

Oxfam GB (February 2012), Within and Without the State Steering Group South Sudan

Uganda CSOs (2012) Uganda CSOs Policy Proposals to the national climate change policy. Unpublished

Waagsaether, K. and B. Koelle (2012) ACCRA Capacity Building Scoping Study. Indigo Development and Change.

Wilson, K. and M. Getnet (2011) Investigating how development interventions increase community-level
adaptive capacity in Ethiopia. Unpublished. ACCRA, Addis Ababa.

Annex H: Sub-reports of country visits and case studies
After each country visit a country report was produced by the consultant outlining the key findings. Each of these is
shown below.

Oxfam GB DFID PPA Independent Progress Review Afghanistan Field Visit Report

1.0 Introduction

On August 13th to August 16th a member181 of the Oxfam Great Britain (OGB) Conflict, Humanitarian and
Security Department (CHASE), Programme Partnership Arrangement (PPA), Independent Progress Review (IPR)
evaluation team conducted a country visit to the OGB office in Afghanistan.

The objective of the trip was to provide an assessment of the progress and performance to date of the Within
and Without the State (WWS) project. The project is linked to outcome 4 of the CHASE PPA civil society in
fragile states. This outcome links to output 4 in the global logframe.

The country visit links to the overall objectives of the IPR which are to:

Provide an independent assessment on the progress and performance to date,

To measure and report on achievements and early signs of change and impact, and;

To identify the appropriate adjustments that need to be made to ensure the success of the
programme at the end of the PPA.

During the evaluation interviews and meetings were held with; OGB staff in Afghanistan and the United
Kingdom (UK), Oxfam Novib, Government officials at the national and regional level, the Department for
International Development (DFID), Action Aid, the United States Institute for Peace (USIP), the Afghan Civil
Society Organisations Network for Peace (ACSONP) steering committee, secretariat and general assembly
members, the Afghan Women Skill Development Center (AWSDC) community employees and the Afghan
Women Services and Education Organisation (AWSE) Director.

2.0 Background on the WWS Project

The WWS project seeks to strengthen civil society and encourage more accountable governments in conflict
and fragile contexts. In Afghanistan the project is attempting to strengthen civil society by supporting the
development of a national network of civil society organisations (the ACSONP). The main purpose of the
project is to strengthen the network and the alliance between its members and facilitate the network to be
able to draw on and leverage the work of its members in the field. The second aim is to support research and
advocacy, and outreach to more marginalised or untraditional actors in the peace dialogue. By supporting
the network, and wider civil society the project will support civil society to make links with power-holders and
engage in peacebuilding activities.

The project began work in October 2011 and will run until March 2014. The long-term outcomes envisaged

A strong and coordinated network that engages with a wide range of traditional and non-traditional
actors, influences dialogue on key issues pertaining to the peacebuilding process and influences
national policy;

Joanna Buckley, theIDLgroup

Communities, including women, children and youth, are given a place and a voice in the
peacebuilding dialogue and process at both the national and local level, and;

Government and donors provide through their actions a commitment to ensuring a peacebuilding
process that is inclusive, rights-based and people centred in line with new and improved laws and

A total of 275,094 is available from OGBs PPA CHASE funding over 3 years as follows: Year 1: 12,654; Year 2:
131,873; Year 3: 130,567.

3.0 Key Findings

3.1 Results

3.1.1 Performance assessment against logframe

More than 25 CSOs in Afghanistan have received training or participated in learning processes. This exceeds
the expected results set out in the global logframe. The WWS project is working through a pre-existing but
previously in-active network (ACSONP). The network currently has 42 active members. The identification and
revival of the network has quickly enabled OGB to identify CSOs for training purposes. The global milestone for
year 3 of the project was for 30 CSOs to have been supported to gain increased skills and capacity. By the time
of the Annual Review this figure has exceeded 60 with 25 of these CSOs based in Afghanistan.

In light of this the milestone for year 3 (which combines CSO training across all 3 WWS project countries) has
been revised upwards from 30 to 60 (this means that the indicator for the lifetime of the project has already
been met). OGB has decided not to increase this figure due to the on-going nature of the capacity building
provided to CSOs. Whilst it is recognised that it is important to continue to engage identified CSOs leaving this
figure unrevised will leave untrained members in the network. It will be important to review disparities that
exist between members of the network who have received training and those who have not, and to ensure
that new members who join the network are not crowded out, or prevented from joining, by an elite within
the network that have had access to the most valuable training. Making sure the analysis of the members
within the network is current, and using thorough power analysis will support this.

The Afghanistan project does not have a logframe but does employ a project logic model. It is suggested that
the list of activities to be undertaken in across 3 years are formatted to enable a country level logframe to be
produced. This would be beneficial, from an evaluation perspective, for the final project evaluation in 2014.
Having the targeted results broken down into milestones for each year will help to ensure that by the end of
year 3 clear progress can be clearly and succinctly demonstrated and mapped out. OPAL, an internal system,
and project logic model do not enable this to the same degree. The global logframe, which combines targets
across the 3 project countries, is sparse. It is suggested that there is reflection on the types of metrics OGB are
using and exactly what else can be constituted as results e.g. capacity building and its impact. This will help to
ensure that when the project is evaluated in year 3 results are clearly shown in detail to the evaluator.

Since the start of the WWS project in Afghanistan there have been a number of achievements. The growth of
civil society which is perceived as growing up has provided a more enabling environment for the project than
the one that existed immediately after the removal of the Taliban regime. This has supported the ability of the
project to achieve results. Demonstrating O GBs distinct contribution to overarching goals such as
peacebuilding is a challenge. Results are all the more complicated to demonstrate when you are working
through advocacy and partnership.

Spending was on track for year 1 with some under-spend for the period since April 2012. This is expected to be
removed with the website development and research activity beginning.

3.1.2 Intended and unintended effects (positive and negative changes) on poor and marginalised groups and
civil society

The WWS project in Kabul has regional focal points but operates through a network centred in Kabul. There is
a need to ensure, when looking at results, that community voices are heard at the national level and that the
vulnerable and marginalised are represented and able to engage in the peace process. The tendency to focus
on Kabul as the hub for the network coordination can mean that the project spends most of its time with CSOs
with close ties to donors and Government. This can actively or inadvertently compromise the projects
representativeness of grassroots communities. This is understood within OGB and the budget is currently
being revised to reallocate funding from national to provincial level activities.

There is also a need to ensure that the results are spread throughout the network and that new members have
access to training and networking opportunities. Without a regular review of the network it is anticipated that
a small number of CSOs could come to dominate the group. Some key results are listed below:

Networking and collaboration: The work facilitated through the project is supporting the engagement of civil
society with power-holders. During the review this was demonstrated by the presence of ACSONP members at
a provincial peace hearing in Parwan province. OGBs support is seen as having improved the quality of
interactions and the technical, financial and administrative capacity of members Before we did not value
these things but now we prioritise them as we will go on to share them with the network".

Participation of women and youth: Participation of women at national and provincial level appears
exceptionally strong, as evidenced by the level of participation at the provincial peace hearing in Parwan and
representation of women on the ACSONP steering committee. There is a need to ensure that that this kind of
participation is reflected at the community level where there are significant barriers to participation and civil
society formation. Gender and youth are rightly important components of the project but it is important not
to miss other stratifying factors including ethnicity and disability.

Use of baselines: The development of tools for monitoring members capacity supports necessary data
collection and the measurement of progress over time. Yet in establishing baselines through self assessment
the baseline is not a neutral or independent indicator. It is recognised that members tend to overstate their
ability in order to ensure that they are not perceived negatively within the group. It would therefore be
expected that members are not as capable and require more training than the baseline indicates. An artificially
high baseline may also lead to an artificially lower level of change over time. The next self assessment will take
place in January 2013 at which point triangulation through an independent assessment would strengthen

Network Capacity: OGB has enabled a network that was not operational to be resumed. CSOs remain at
different levels of capacity but are proving that they can gain recognition for the network and potentially
attract further funding. "Before the project the network only celebrated peace annually (on peace day). Now
we work to celebrate peace everyday". However, some members demonstrated greater capacity than others.
There remains a need for continued exposure and engagement to ensure equity within the network.

4.0 Relevance

Peacebuilding and the role of civil society in peacebuilding initiatives has become an area of increasing interest
to donors such as DFID. This is evidenced in the focus on voice and accountability and governance programmes
in fragile contexts such as Afghanistan. Interviews as part of this review with DFID confirmed that DFID see the
project as highly relevant to their governance programming. DFID demonstrated interest in providing

additional funding to the network and were keen to leverage the network to secure regional representation
for DFID.

There are a wide range of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) and donors in Afghanistan.
Key informant interviews with ActionAid and the USIP highlighted the projects relevance to other
organisations work. This finding was in parallel to the findings from interviews with Government officials at the
province and national level. Both of the latter felt that engaging civil society in the peacebuilding process was
relevant to their own work and of value to the process more broadly. In order to capitalise on growing interest
in this area OGB should be clear about their comparative advantage.

In addition to the relevance of the programme externally, the programme is regarded as relevant to the wider
Oxfam consortium (OGB, Oxfam International and Oxfam Novib), within and outside Afghanistan. This is
evidenced by the Strategic Steer for 2012/13- 2015/15 which outlines rights-based approaches to work and
the priority strategies under the aim Right to be Heard. This is particularly critical in fragile contexts where
vulnerable and marginalised communities tend to be less visible.

OGB has strong organisational expertise in long-term developmental work that seeks to tackle poverty
reduction and provide economic justice. These are some of the core roots of the conflict in Afghanistan.
Conversely a focus on peacebuilding and conflict transformation is a different and more recent stream of work
for OGB in-county. Whilst civil society is a central expertise to OGB and is used to frame the project, it would
be useful to consider further how OGB is expanding core organisational expertise through the project.

4.1 Representativeness

The project and its support for the network182 are highly relevant and representative. Afghanistan has gone
through an extended period of conflict and peace is not yet secured. The role of civil society in peacebuilding
and reconciliation is vital to ensure representation across society- particularly of marginalised groups. In
working towards building a strong and coordinated network, able to engage with traditional and non-
traditional actors, and made up of capable and diverse CSOs, the programme supports the ability of a group of
CSOs to engage in the peacebuilding process and become a harmonised CSO structure.

Traditional CSO actors are very much perceived by informants as being the old guard that are already in
existence and engaged with by Government and the international community. The non-traditional are
perceived to be new and emerging CSOs. When working with both of these types of actors it is important to
recognise that the traditional can often act as the gate keepers. There will be a need to constantly review the
network and identify what types of new members are joining and what they contribute and whether the
sectoral skills, power distribution and orientation of the network is expanding or changing.

4.2 Targeting

The intended impact of the programme is for the rights, needs and priorities of the Afghan population,
including the poor, women, children and youth, are kept at the heart of the peacebuilding and reconciliation
process, through a stronger, more influential and representative civil society and more transparent, inclusive
and rights-based government and donor strategies and policies.

ACSONP has 42 active members and is made up of CSOs working towards peace and prosperity in Afghanistan.
OGB are therefore targeting groups who are seen as having been previously under-represented in the

Oxfam GB supported the network to re-mobilise after a period of inactivity after the donor Gesellschaft fr Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) withdrew funding. The network is operational again and Oxfam GB have supported members to develop
a strategy, put in place a secretariat, and conduct mapping and baseline assessments of members capacity.

peacebuilding process. This includes women and youth. ACSONP is comprised of CSOs that are able to engage,
and who are comprised of, vulnerable groups. There are specific sub-groups that focus specifically on youth
and women. At the district and provincial level the programme works through members with a local presence.
This increases the presence of the network beyond Kabul. However, it is not clear to what degree these
organisations are able to represent communities on the ground, or how the Afghan population is given a place
and a voice in the peacebuilding dialogue that takes place at local and national level.

To date there has been a limited budget to conduct field work. It is recommended that the project increase its
attention to working at community level. This is a much more challenging and fragile area to work in due to
the security constraints and embedded traditionalist models of reconciliation and social structure. There are
likely to be strong differences between the ability of the community to engage with the project outcome
objectives at the district level in comparison to the regional or national level. It is recommended that there is
investment of project funds into further developing strong monitoring and evaluation systems at the
community level. As previously mentioned the revision in the budget seeks to address this.

5.0 Effectiveness

5.1 Learning

The WWS project in itself is experimental. It is expected to generate new understanding of how to programme
in conflict settings. At present, due to the early stage the project, the Afghanistan office could not demonstrate
clear learning outputs. However, the project is designed in such way as to ensure that there is an inner
(comprising of the 3 WWS project offices) and outer (country programmes working in conflict and fragile
contexts with an interest in the project) circle of learning. A workshop in November 2012 bringing together
staff from each of the 3 WWS projects is expected to support shared learning, cohesion and relationship
building between staff across the project areas.

There is evidence that systems for capturing knowledge and learning are being put into place and that
documented learning is being shared across OGB. This includes a Global Learning and Communications Officer
and fragility and conflict steering group that supports mainstreaming of learning, policy coherence and
operationalisation of Programme Policy Guidelines and the Learning Companion. A communications strategy
for the project has been produced and it is expected that such learning, as well as bringing benefits internally,
will support the leveraging of additional funding. The learning component of the programme is very much
embedded within the project and will remain central throughout the lifecycle of the project.


The research component of the project will result in a case study that provides qualitative evidence on how
OGB teams have improved skills and capacity to design and implement effective and high quality programmes
in fragile settings. This case study has yet to be carried out but will be completed before the end of the 3 year
funding period. It could be beneficial to compliment this qualitative approach with quantitative analysis.

5.2 Innovation

The WWS project is innovative in its partnership model and focus on research. The research component is in
itself innovative in that it seeks to use alternative methodologies such as action research in order to facilitate a
process of reflective practice and understanding of emergent change. Using research to inform practice and
programming faces challenges that are amplified by the operating context of the project. This activity is yet to
take place in Afghanistan and will need to be evaluated in year 3.

The network has undertaken, in partnership with OGB, provincial peace hearings that bring together wider
CSOs, government and interested parties. These are seen by participants as being innovative and a positive

way to engage with other stakeholders at the provincial level. There was demonstrated involvement by
members of the network and a large representation of women. In addition there was active critique of
government and partner actions by participants which can be rarely seen during public discussions. In order to
ensure that these events remain truly innovative there is a need to assess the impact of such hearings and
whether the outcomes from them lead to short and longer term impact.

5.3 Partnership working

The partnership model that underpins the project in Afghanistan has ensured that OGB is effectively working
with a structure that maintains a presence not only in Kabul but also at the regional and district level. This has
supported the ability to access voices of civil society outside of Kabul. The difference between Kabul and areas
outside of Kabul cannot be overlooked when reviewing the effectiveness of the project. Outside of Kabul the
context is regularly referred to by informants as fragile and there are increased barriers to ensuring project
effectiveness and representation. Although members of the network do have a presence at the regional level
(including one in Kandahar) civil society and peacebuilding activities are heavily restricted- largely due to
security considerations. When looking at partnership working and its link to effectiveness there is a need for
OGB to identify and evidence the ability of partners to work effectively in remote and insecure areas, which
are often the contexts in which social activism, civil society voice and peacebuilding are most needed. There is
ongoing discussion within OGB about the use of remote monitoring tools and a potential pilot of such tools in

5.4 Sustainability

The PPA CHASE funding is supporting a project that is being implemented with a view to making a longer term
impact. In placing the project within an existing structure (ACSONP) it is expected that the network will be
able to support itself beyond the life cycle of the PPA CHASE grant. Prior to funding from OGB, the network
was supported by GIZ. This work is largely described by informants as having been insubstantial and did not
focus on building the capacity of network members. Yet, it raises some questions around the ability of the
network to sustain itself at the end of the funding period.

Within the network there are naturally divergent interests. In order to build the cohesion and the added value
of the network there needs to be a focus on building unity of voice and action and an understanding of the
importance of teamwork and loyalty to their commitments. A unified and strong network will also act as a risk
mitigation strategy against any push back against civil society from the current or future Government. The
payment of a yearly membership fee is one method of ensuring CSOs do not join the group without a
considered commitment.

The sustainability of the network and its cohesion will become particularly important if additional funds are
attracted to the network. Informant interviews183 suggest that the network will be able to leverage additional
funding. This is both a cause for optimism and reflection. There is widespread focus on the phase out of troops
in 2014. A reduction in the availability of donor funding is anticipated which would mean the CSOs and
networks fully reliant on such funds would no longer be able to operate. At the same time it is widely
expressed that civil society has been an area of donor interest that has greatly expanded over the past few
years and a focus area that is very much supply driven. It is important to ensure that the network works
towards outcomes that bring impacts of value not only to donors. It was believed by some informants that
after 2011 the role of voluntary and social activism was crowded out by funding from the international

Conversations with DFID highlighted interest in the network and the interest in working with the network and availability of

community. To support sustainability there is a need to ensure that donor funds are not relied upon for low
cost activities that were once the realm of the voluntary sector.

The provision of training will support the development of a civil society network able to engage independently
of donors. It is expected that the network will take on the project after OGB funding stops. The capacity of the
CSOs in the network to sustain the network will be measured during the next self assessment. There is an
understanding within OGB that this is a continuous process that will happen throughout the life cycle of the

6.0 Efficiency

OGB Afghanistan staff were positive about the working relationship between OGB in the UK and Afghanistan.
There are clear reporting, financial and managerial systems in place that have supported the timely
disbursement of PPA CHASE funds and the ability of OGB in Afghanistan to provide reports.

The PPA CHASE funded project is viewed as in alignment with the existing work that falls under the pillar of
governance and accountability. The focus on using a rights based approach to work with poor and
marginalised groups is also in alignment. The project is also seen as complimentary to OGBs work globally. It is
expected there will be efficiency gains through the dissemination and facilitation of learning from the project
and subsequently improved understanding of programming approaches in fragile contexts.

Management structures:

Financial agreements between OGB in the UK and Afghanistan are seen as straightforward. There are
dedicated team members in the financial section and a phased budget. In was said that the financial burden of
this particular project is comparatively easy when compared to other OGB projects.

Financial arrangements between OGB in Afghanistan and AWSE (a member of ACSONP) are said to be less
effective and delays in OGB meeting invoices have led to delays in the network being able to implement
activities. This is a source of concern for the network that operates on limited funds.

AWSE collate reports from members of the network on a quarterly basis and send these to OGB for review.
This was perceived as beneficial for developing the reporting ability of members but time consuming for OGB

There have been ongoing challenges in securing staff to manage the project and there have been ongoing
challenges due to staff turnover. There are very limited funds in the project for staffing costs and it is
suggested that in order to ensure a dedicated staff member who can build their capacity in the programme
area a larger portion of the budget is given for a project manager. The nature of the project is viewed as
making it difficult to find the right staff.


The project is implemented through a partnership with the ACSONP. The network currently has 42 active
members and an estimated 58 additional members who are not currently active. This partnership has built
upon an existing civil society structure which has prevented replication and supported the identification of
CSOs for training and capacity development.

The nature of the project relies on the commitment of CSOs who are members of the ACSONP. The lead
organisation is also required to provide office space in order to host the secretariat. This form of organisational
partner working is seen as differentiating the project and supporting Afghan civil society to stand on its own.

There are criteria for partner selection and training is given to support partner efficiency. This approach seeks
to support long-term ownership and sustainability.

At the regional level staff from AWSDC (a member of the ACSONP) commented that they felt able to report
community views to the network in Parwan and believed these were effectively fed into the network in Kabul.
The interviewee believed the key challenges to peacebuilding and the participation of CS are poverty and
illiteracy. It was not felt the Provincial Peace Hearing was as effective as it might have been due to the lack of
dialogue on what the peace process should look like going forwards.


Templates have been provided to members of the network in support of data collection and reporting.
However, there are challenges with regards to remote monitoring and it was commented that the budget for
field visits is too small. Ensuring activities are being implemented at the community level, and assessing their
impact will be a key part of monitoring results and the gains that the partnership model brings. Field visits in
Afghanistan are costly, time consuming and often pose a security risk. In light of this it is recommended that
the secretariat and members continue to be used to capture information from the field. However, there
should be spot checks through telephone calls to beneficiaries, using quantitative data to capture
abnormalities in the data and random field visits to ensure this information is accurate.

Baselines of members capacity have been conducted. These have already been commented on. The baseline
should support an indicator against which progress of members can be made over time. If it is decided that
these are to continue to be done based on self assessment then it is recommended that spot checks by an
independent party are done in order to assess how accurate a self reported baseline is.

A power analysis workshop was held with the ACSONP. Documentation184 from OGB indicates that a fuller
version of a power analysis will be conducted in the future. It should be ensured that this is substantial and
looks at both members positioning within the group as well as placing the network within the wider civil
society community. This needs to be conducted on a continuing basis. If elites co-opt power in ways that are
inequitable it will work against the overall intended outcomes of the project.

6.1 Value for money assessment

OGB demonstrated organisational awareness and understanding of the VfM agenda at the country level and
had clear systems in place to support the disbursement and monitoring of the grant. Working through an
existing network has been good value for money. Whilst OGB funds 2 staff members for the Secretariat the
partnership model has kept costs down. Organisations provide staff time free of cost and office space is
provided in Kabul at no cost to OGB. Due to OGBs established country programme and connections to
national and international organisations, it is expected that there will be cost savings in supporting the
ACSONP to make links with wider civil society and power-holders.

Whilst the development of a strong and coordinated ACSONP network will support the members to engage in
peacebuilding and reconciliation activities beyond the lifecycle of the project, and may be demonstrated to
represent good VfM by year 3, the research component of the project has been questioned. The quantity of
research and policy papers on peace and justice and conflict related issues is felt to be disproportionately high
and it was not felt by informants that there were key areas missing from existing literature. Nor was it felt that
OGBs distinctive contribution in Afghanistan was an ability to conduct unique research that was specific to

Oxfam GB (25/12/12), Power and Stakeholder Analysis Roundtable.

In order to ensure VfM there is a need to reflect upon the relatively large costs of the research components of
the project, the need for the research as determined by a range of stakeholders, and the degree to which any
research produced will be taken up by the intended audience. In addition there is a need to ensure that
organisational initiative on VfM taking place in the UK- such as briefing papers and concept notes- are shared
with the country office. There was no evidence that these had been shared to date with staff in Afghanistan
and doing so will enable a shared and coordinated approach to VfM at the field and headquarter level.

In summary, the pre-existence of the OGB office in Afghanistan, utilisation of partners to drive the project
forwards and the limited amount of funding that has been used to move the project forwards to date point
towards economy. There is a minor delay in spending but this was on track for the duration of year one and
has not impacted on results. There is a demonstrated effectiveness when looking at results but there needs to
be further emphasis on understanding the results that can be demonstrated through research and capacity
building/ training activities. There was an understanding that cost drivers increase as more rural and
vulnerable populations are targeted and awareness that whilst such communities can be those most in need
there are also red lines that arise from escalating costs. Lastly, there was demonstrated transparency and
accountability including systems in place for documentation, reporting and funding disbursement and
openness to sharing information and project records.

7.1 Attributable impacts of PPA funding on results, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency

The results (case study and trained CSOs) provide clear results against which to link OGBs attribution. The
research component is yet to take place but the training of CSOs has exceeding the target for milestone 1. Due
to the pre-existence of the network and interaction with the EU funded Community Peacebuilding project the
baseline does not start from a point prior to engagement with other donors. However, it does provide an
indicator of the capacity of the network prior to OGBs engagement which will support the measurement of
attribution on results over time. Should the network leverage additional funding (as interviewees indicated
that it will) there will be an increased need to ensure that OGB is able to attribute results to OGBs
contribution. This will also be important when looking at the intended impact of the project. Demonstration
and attribution of results in projects that are not focused on service delivery are understandably more
complex. This is an area OGB should address before the final evaluation of the project.

As previously mentioned in the section of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, there is evidence that the
project is having an attributable impact. PPA CHASE funding is enabling a project relevant to donors, the wider
NGO community, the Afghan population, Government and OGB to be undertaken. The project is efficient in
that it supports cohesion and works with an existing structure. The network was not receiving funding before
PPA CHASE funds enabled OGB to engage, which means there has not been duplication. This supports VfM.
There has also been demonstration of effectiveness gains that can be attributed to OGB including improved
technical and reporting capacity within the ACSONP.

7.2 Value for money assessment of PPA funding

The unrestricted nature of PPA funding is expected to bring about a certain set of benefits stemming from
flexibility leading to innovation and the ability to access funding for less well funded programme regions
and/or areas. This was very much found to be the case by staff overseeing the WWS project in the UK. Benefits
included the flexibility and innovation of PPA CHASE funding. When PPA funding is being used globally there is
a need for necessary coordination by OGB in the UK. But, in taking this PPA funding and channelling it at the
central level dilutes some of the unique value at the country level. Flexibility was still mentioned and this is
being evidenced in the revision of the budget but there was less of an emphasis on the innovative aspects.

This is not a critique but an observation of the type of money that PPA funding represents and how its
perception varies at headquarter and country level.

Oxfam GB-DFID PPA Independent Progress Review: ACCRA Report
1.0 Introduction

In July-August 2012 a member of the Oxfam Great Britain (OGB) Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department
(CHASE), Programme Partnership Arrangement (PPA), Independent Progress Review (IPR) evaluation team conducted
a review of the ACCRA (Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance) programme. This included visits to and interviews
with key staff in Uganda and Ethiopia, interviews with the country programme manager in Mozambique, and other
interviews with key members of staff and partners in Oxford, London and Nairobi.

The overall objectives of the IPR were to:

1. To assess the extent to which comments provided to OGB as part of the Annual Review Process (ARP) have
been acted upon by OGB (provided feedback is received as scheduled).

2. To verify and supplement where necessary, OGBs reporting through the ARP, changing lives study and
additionality report; and

3. To independently evaluate the impact that DFID PPA funding has had on OGB and its interventions and to
assess the value for money of the funding.

2.0 Background on ACCRA

ACCRA aims to increase governments and development actors use of evidence in designing and implementing
interventions that increase communities capacity to adapt to climate hazards, variability and change. ACCRA is
a consortium made up of OGB, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Save the Children Alliance, CARE
International and World Vision International.

ACCRA has been operational since November 2009. Phase 2 commenced in December 2011 and runs until
March 2014. It should be noted that, given this, the timeframe for reporting results under Year 1 of the current
PPA grant is substantially abbreviated. Observations and analysis are provided, and should be read with this in

OGBs CHASE PPA funds are used to support a range of activities, including principally:

The implementation of local level (district, woreda) capacity building which aims to incorporate
adaptive capacity into local government planning, drawing on phase 1 research results and the Local
Adaptive Capacity Framework (LAC).

Action research aimed at exploring and understanding the question How do we incorporate adaptive
capacity into development planning? to inform policy recommendations, and to improve ACCRAs
ongoing capacity building activities.

The development and implementation of advocacy strategies designed to improve national

government policy and practice, drawing on ACCRA phase 1 research results, capacity building and
action research activities from phase 2 and the LAC.

Production of training materials, research outcomes and learning aimed at improving the policy and
practice of non-government and government agencies, and their regional and global networks.

The outcomes of the ACCRA workstream envisaged include:

A global evidence base on successful approaches to adaptation, used to inform advocacy for
improved policy and increased investment (expected by March 2014).

Consortium agencies adapting their programmes and investing more resources towards government
capacity-building in three countries (expected progress made by March 2014).

National governments, donors and development actors in Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia
adapting institutional structures, policies and budgets to join-up, invest more and effectively
implement climate change adaptation work (expected significant progress and uptake by March 2014
building on phase 2 achievement).185

A total of 1,880.006 funding is available from OGBs DFID CHASE PPA for 2.5 years as follows:

Year 1: 395,139; Year 2: 775.450; Year 3: 708,418.

3.0 Key Findings

3.1 Results

3.1.1 Performance assessment against logframe

In phase 1 (2009-11), ACCRA achieved significant progress (see OWLRes independent evaluation 2011). Since
the start of phase 2 of ACCRA in December 2011 the programme has made a number of key achievements
which lay a strong foundation for achieving proposed milestones by March 2014. These achievements

- Country-level research underway in all three countries on flexible and forward thinking decision-
making and governance lead by ODI. Reports are being commented upon and then will be edited for
a publication. These results will be presented back to ACCRA in October/November this year and used
to inform future working with local government. The second research visits will begin in October

- A New International Programme Coordinator is in place as are Ethiopia and Mozambique country
coordinators and in-country staff.

- A capacity building scoping assessment carried out between March-May in project countries focusing
on: i) The current capacity building materials and activities by government and development partners
including gaps and opportunities where ACCRA can form linkages and add value; ii) The current
capacity building materials produced by ACCRA teams at country level and feedback on how these can
be further developed; and iii) Current global capacity building practice on CCA (so that candidates can
provide international technical assistance to ACCRA and ready-to-use training materials or
approaches can be identified).186

- A meeting held in Mozambique in July 2012 for ACCRA staff and partners to agree on ACCRA findings,
discuss implications for agencies programmes and policies, develop an M&E matrix, advocacy and
communication strategies and plan how Phase 2 will move forward.

For more information see ACCRA Programme Memorandum, phase II. December 2011 to March 2014.
For a full report of the scoping study see the report: ACCRA. Capacity Building Scoping Study by Katinka Waagsaether and
Bettina Koelle, Indigo Development and Change, 2012.

- Relationships are building with national government in all three countries, allowing continuation of
involvement of ACCRA in policy and government implementation activities as started in phase 1, as
well as in new activities.

- Capacity building activities underway in Mozambique, Ethiopia and Uganda. These include the
incorporation of ACCRAs LAC in a WFP-supported pilot training with local government in Afar region,
Ethiopia which is being rolled out in 56 other woreda across the country.

Since its inception, ACCRA as a programme has steadily grown in influence, extended partners, and activities. It
is clear that ACCRA is having some very positive impacts but attention is required to quantify and qualify these
in the most appropriate way.187 Evaluation of ACCRA phase 1 indicated substantial levels of success in
achieving stated goals. Continuing progress in phase 2 especially where programmes like ACCRA are based
on knowledge networking and policy advocacy often involves organic growth in patterns and pathways of
influence, through unintended as well as intended channels. Given the programmes focus, involving long-
range science, competing national and local politics and priorities, and the periodic intervention of shorter-
term natural disasters, programmes like ACCRA also need to retain a significant degree of agility in responding
to changes in the implementing environment, and adjusting intervention parameters accordingly.

In both respects, maintaining clear, direct causally-attributable linkages between programme activities and
macro-level impacts in the form of substantially altered government policy and action, and improvement in
communities lives and livelihoods can be challenging.188 This does not preclude attribution of specific changes
and improvements in the local circuitry of government planning and community benefit more directly
associated with specific programme outputs. Moreover, the ACCRA team are aware of these issues, and have
in place both broad strategic planning and refined monitoring and evaluation systems. Where these set out
detailed theory of change, clearly delineated targets, and metrics oriented to outcome and impact, they
should mitigate to some extent the challenges of broader and longer-term attribution.

Informant interviews suggest that ACCRA has recognised the need for clearer, more robust and detailed
indicators in order to account for the achievement of milestones and attribution of outputs and outcomes to
ACCRA. The international coordinator has produced a new (or perhaps more accurately, further refined) M&E
matrix that will be adapted to each country/programme context in order to provide a more structured
framework for future review and monitoring/documentation of results.189 It is important to recognise that
ACCRA is evolving in three quite distinct national environments. As such, organic and context-dependent
pathways for that evolution should be anticipated and planned for in the way results and impact metrics are
framed. That said, where it is established as feasible, common metrics across the three countries will likely be
helpful in determining both shared experience and areas in which a replicable model appears to be emerging.

Research has been and remains a central element of the ACCRA programme from the start of phase 1, and
continuing in phase 2. Modifications to and strengthening within the research component, and its integration
with other programme components illustrates both challenges that have emerged, and programme responses
to address them.

Issues of quality in data and analysis from phase 1 prompted the ACCRA team to enhance the role of their
external research partner (the Overseas Development Institute) in phase 2. Following recommendations made
in the December 2011 evaluation of phase 1, ODI has taken a more direct role in the design and

This finding is based on internal as opposed to formal reporting on the programme.
Given the complex multifactorial landscape in which policy change and livelihood conditions occur.
Note that this matrix was revised due to a new person coming into the post, and was based on the outcomes of the initial
capacity development, research and advocacy work.

implementation of research activities, focusing research on a smaller set of sites in order to concentrate
findings. This raises the question of balance, common in knowledge-focused programmes like ACCRA, between
use of external and local partners for technically complex programme aspects such as research. Although
building local research capacity is not part of ACCRAs formal objectives framework, it is recognised as a
valuable instrument effect of such interventions. ODI continues to recruit and work with national researchers
in the programming countries, with three scoping studies described as of international standard led by
national research counterparts in 2012. ODI reports stronger, more direct research relationships in phase 2.190
Continuing to scan the horizon for opportunities to further strengthen local research counterparts could be
construed as a valuable area of additionality related to core programme activities.

In the nature of complex research combining climatic, environmental, social and institutional elements,
research products have, in some instances, been seen as somewhat academic in form or content. The key
issue here is not that complexity itself poses a problem, but rather that it can require translation, ensuring
that research products are, to the extent feasible without forfeiting necessary depth, tailored to consumption
and use by field staff and counterparts. In-country ACCRA teams report improvement in their understanding of
the research component under the current phase, with closer communication with the research lead, and
improved sense of decision-making responsibilities, for example in the selection of research sites.

An important feature of the ACCRA programme, prominently under phase 2, is to ensure a close fit between
the research component and other more practical elements of intervention such as local government capacity-
building. A variety of measures are in place to maintain and strengthen that fit, not least the removal of
administrative layers between research lead and in-country programme coordinators, but also the creation of
a strategic diagram setting out points of contact and integration between research and other programme
components. An experiential learning game has been designed and is being deployed to engage research and
decision-making stakeholders in a simulation where live, shared analysis of the decision-making process is
made possible. This appears to be a way of understanding, in a more real-time setting, how new knowledge
relates to new thinking, and to consequent changes in policy and decision-making behaviour among officials
responsible for local government planning in the areas of climate adaptation and disaster response.191

Two instances of conceptual and practical evolution relating to the research, knowledge generation, and
knowledge application elements of the programme are worth noting. First, on a theoretical level, ACCRA
partners revisited the concept of resilience, as a guiding idea in the programme. Identifying concerns with its
narrow (or varying) definition, it was agreed (including consultation with DFID) that the focus of the
programme, including the research, would be based on adaptive capacity to CC (as well as other hazards),
rather than resilience which, as a somewhat static terminology describing an end-state, did not fully capture
the dynamic nature of precautionary adaptation in the face of unpredictability.

Second, in a more practical sense, the ACCRA steering committee decided to concentrate the focus of phase 2
on one of the five principles established in the Local Adaptive Capacity Framework (LAC) produced in phase 1
(flexible and forward-thinking planning). The rationale for this was that emphasis on this principle provided a
simpler, more intelligible way of linking research with operational decision-making, rather than attempting to
channel all five principles into forms of capacity and practice at the same time, risking confusion over such a
large-scale set of conceptual and practical changes. That said, all five LAC principles remain integral to and
present in the overall ACCRA approach.

ACCRA coordinators in-country now have direct contact with ODI in a much more devolved structure which has facilitated a
smoother running of the first research visit in phase 2.
While government counterparts have been widely engaged in consultation with the ACCRA programme, including this
participatory game, the ACCRA team are sensible of the need to ensure that government itself is encouraged to see
communities as legitimate and indeed necessary participants in such programme activities as well.

Appreciation for the value of the LACF was common across interviewees in this assessment. Indeed, there is
evidence that the framework is achieving recognition and uptake internationally, and has the potential to
become a common international standard amongst climate adaptation research tools. However, though the
LAC is a highly appreciated starting point, it is only a starting point and requires application, adaptation and
development in order to consider its wider usefulness and relevance. The team have taken steps to address
this and the Coordination team have already used the LAC in designing capacity building work in country. The
Steering Committee have also had discussions about how the framework can be taken forward in phase 2.
There is, for example, a draft outline which maps out the next stages in the LACs evolution and starts to give
examples of what each aspect of adaptive capacity might be. It should be noted, though, that the LAC deals
with highly complex issues, with terms that can vary widely in their interpretation. A potential downside of
widescale and, as it were, unregulated uptake of the framework is that this could result in use that
compromises the instruments full potential, as we have seen with other popular development tools such as
participatory rural appraisal.

Mapping out, monitoring and setting indicators for the future development of the LAC framework, both within
and without the ACCRA programme may be a wise strategy both with regard to ensuring maximum utility of
the product in itself, and demonstrating additionality attached to ACCRA up to and beyond the end of the
current grant. As with attention to the potential for ACCRA to support local research capacity, attention to the
LAC is not, in a formal sense, necessarily central to the programmes phase 2 objectives. But it is a worthwhile,
closely related aspect of ongoing work, and one that appears to have the potential to illuminate pathways to
methodological and/or practical adoption among international partners of products which are directly related
to phase 2, and hence to shaping external relations and dissemination strategies.

3.1.2 Intended and unintended effects (positive and negative changes) on poor and marginalised groups and
civil society

ACCRA focuses on working at both government and community levels. That said, for various reasons including
availability of resources, strategic attention has been placed on work with government and in particular local
government counterparts. The primary flow of causation in the programmes strategy is to influence
government (process) to produce better policies and planning practice (output) resulting in greater support to
communities confronting climate change and other environmental hazards (outcome/impact). This is a sound
strategy based on a clear theory of change. There is the danger, however, that by supporting planning
processes within government, the programme could contribute to legitimising a top-down approach that is,
government being supported to include communities on its own terms, rather than building the capacity of
communities to lead their own development and change, and generating demand-side pressure on
government for support in order to do this. Ensuring a balance in the way programme constituencies and their
participation are framed remains a key area for ACCRA and one that is recognised by the team. A discrete
metric of state/non-state participation in programme activities, possibly derived from existing programme
data, could help in ensuring that this dimension of the work is evidenced.

It is important, in programmes like ACCRA, to distinguish between primary and secondary beneficiaries,
where primary refers often to intermediary organisations, institutions or entities whose capacity or function is
the principal focus of intervention, and whose better capacity or function is theorised to flow into better
conditions for secondary beneficiaries (communities of poor and vulnerable people). Because of the nature of
ACCRA, it may be some time before programme effects are detected by or detectable at local community
level. As such, it is difficult to gauge to what degree ACCRA is likely to achieve all its expected impacts and
outcomes i.e. whether the messages and activities will be fully taken on board by governments at different
levels, and whether vulnerable communities will benefit from these.

The key here is to ensure that outcome and impact metrics are sufficiently disaggregated along the causal
chain to ensure that where impact is being felt, it can be picked up in the data. Changes in local government
knowledge base or confidence with climate change concepts is an outcome in its own right. Translation of that
knowledge into better planning another impact (itself shaped by the degree to which impact can be detected
in national advocacy encouraging higher levels of government to provide the necessary political and financial
resources to their district colleagues). And the degree to which better planning supports communities in
actually mitigating the effects of deleterious natural and climatic events is another, often extremely complex,
linked impact.

Moreover, ACCRA is not operating in a vacuum. There are a number of other international and domestic NGOs,
UN agencies and government initiatives in the three ACCRA countries working towards the same or similar
environmental and disaster management goals. The team and Steering Committee are aware of this as a
potential risk to programme-specific impact attribution, and have developed a more sophisticated strategy
which outlines a new approach to achieving change and measuring the impact the programme aims to have.
This includes smart working objectives and greater analysis by the coordination team of how change happens
and how ACCRA can be more effective. 192

And, in reality, there are clear indications that local government and communities are already making the most
of new opportunities associated with ACCRAs work. These include:

- Farmers calling the Meteorological Office in Kampala to inform them of unpredicted rainstorms;

- Broadcast of the first national seasonal forecast in Uganda, using a range of languages and media
channels, and including information for communities on sources of support;

- Bundindibugyo, Uganda has been chosen as a NAPA implementation pilot site as a direct result of its
activities with ACCRA;

- Use of Gemechis woreda seedlings from nursery set up by ACCRA for watershed tree planting
programme of action being implemented by Government of Ethiopia.

4.0 Relevance

CCA and DRR are priorities for all four INGO partners as key issues in addressing vulnerabilities, poverty and
food insecurity in developing countries. There is a general consensus amongst the partners that CCA and
related issues are relevant. All of the agencies are currently reviewing or drafting corporate policies and
strategies relating to CC and resilience. In addition, agency country offices are committed to developing
evidence-based advocacy on these issues. One of ODIs key foci for the next three years is resilience: ACCRAs
work will contribute to this and complements ODIs corporate priorities.

World-wide there is increasing evidence that climates are changing (see, for example, the 2007 IPCC
Assessment Report), as a result of human activity/green house emissions. Though the full impacts of this have
yet to be ascertained, climate change adaptation is being promoted vigorously by many multilateral agencies,
international organisations, donor agencies and aid-recipient governments, as an important priority for

This includes the new ACCRA strategy document, following the mid-2012 meeting in Mozambique, and including SWOT
analysis and action plans under each of the two overarching objectives and in each of the three (research, advocacy,
communications) strategic workstreams.
This is despite the difficulty of working on resilience as a singular concept, as suggested by the ODI ACCRA focal person,
as above.

development and for governments and communities to understand and incorporate into daily decision-making
and livelihood development.

However, there is a question as to whether climate change adaptation is really a high-level priority for either
national governments or communities in developing countries, when set against arguably more urgent needs
of, for example, food and human security. It can be argued that the urgency of climate change adaptation is
being pressed more by outsiders (international or national) than from within affected countries and
communities. The availability of climate change funding also plays a role in the degree to which governments
take on board and support programmes and their activities. In other words, beyond the availability of financial
support, and the international political expediency of expressing commitment to climate change action,
questions remain about the extent to which government at central, national/federal level, in particular in low-
income country settings, is genuinely, institutionally engaging with the issue in ways that are likely to change
the governance environment to support better planning and community support at the local level.194 This is by
no means a one-dimension issue. Some governments, such as Ethiopia, show clear practical signs that
adaptation is genuinely a priority at the highest levels of government. The set up and roll out of the EPA and
the Climate Resilient Green Economy is evidence of this. ACCRAs experiences with government in Uganda and
Mozambique (though perhaps in different ways) also suggest significant levels of state engagement, at least
amongst institutions and agencies more directly mandated in the fields of CCA and DRR.

At a Horn/East Africa regional level IGAD is developing a more coordinated process to building resilience of
dryland communities in member states. Resilience to climate change is an important part of this, and ACCRA
(its research/evidence, experiences and lessons learned) can be a valuable input to the development of
country programmes, approaches, processes and activities.

Government policies and strategies in relation to CC in all three focal countries are being developed and
ACCRA is well-positioned to influence these. ACCRA in Uganda is having a clear influence on the development
of Ugandas CC Policy; and the implementation of the National Policy for Disaster Preparedness and
Management and Ugandas NAPA (National Adaptation Programme of Action). In Ethiopia ACCRA has strong
links, with the DFRMSS, which provides an opportunity to influence the development of the Disaster Risk
Management Strategic Programme and Investment Framework (SPIF); is on the technical advisory committee
for Climate Smart PSNP (Productive Safety Net Programme); and will be working with the EPA (Environment
Protection Authority) on implementing Ethiopias CRGE (Climate Resilient Green Economy) strategy. In
Mozambique ACCRA has opportunities to work with MICOA (Ministry of Environmental Affairs) and INGC
(National Institute of Disaster Management), and in particular in influencing the development of a revised
Masterplan for Disaster Management, and the implementation of Mozambiques NAPA.

Government representatives interviewed as part of this review recognised their mandate to address CCA as
important, though in many cases it should be remembered that these are ministries and offices that have not
had a great deal of power in the past such as the Meteorological Office in the Ministry of Water and
Environment, Uganda, or the Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector, Ethiopia. Additionally new
climate change units are being set up. It is likely that as long as there is funding for climate change activities
these offices, authorities and agencies will have power, though how effective they will be in mainstreaming

And the issue of weak incentives at local government levels to expend stretched resources on CCA is noted in, for example,
ODIs scoping study of Kotido District in Karamajo, Uganda [sourced 20 September, 2012].

concerns and interest in adapting to CC outside the main environmental-focused sectors, remains to be

Prudence suggests that programmes such as ACCRA should seek to engage with a range of government
partners, as well as at different levels. There is evidence of this happening for example, the EPA in Ethiopia,
where OGB have successfully developed a strong partnership. Through using a policy windows theory of
change the team maintained its established relationship with DRMFSS but also kept fully up to speed with
developments at the higher level with the EPA. The team has now secured funding to work more intensively
and formally with EPA which has significantly more power to bring about change across the entire Ethiopian
government, whilst still making the most of the programmes strong connection with the Agriculture Ministry.
This is supportive of risk mitigation should the government offices fail to achieve as much as originally
anticipated. The capacity of these strengthened and newly established government departments to address
issues of climate change and such as adaptive capacity, however, can be limited. As such ACCRA is well-placed
to assist them through research-based evidence on appropriate approaches/tools to address climate change,
and trainings based on these. In addition by working closely with government at local level there are
opportunities for experience sharing on a daily basis (albeit currently limited to a small number of sites in each
country). ACCRAs focus on governance and capacity building tallies with recommendations from the Views
from the Frontline report (2011) and the independent evaluation of ACCRA in December 2011.

Beyond engagement with targeted government ministries and departments, and the provision of support in
the form of research, evidence and capacity building, there is the wider issue of advocacy directed at formal
and informal governance actors and institutions that often gate-keep access to the higher levels of central
government political thinking, policy-making and related national budget and resource allocation decisions. It
is in these institutional environments that politically-motivated indifference, or alternate perceptions of often
shorter-term national priority, can obstruct uptake of messages such as those ACCRA seeks to generate and
instil. The ACCRA teams in-country, with the support of the International Coordinator who is a trained
advocacy specialist, are developing national advocacy strategies. These will be done with the full participation
of local NGOs to produce a broader adaptation advocacy plan which will be designed and implemented by
others beyond the ACCRA alliance. Workshops are designed to develop a concise, strategic national advocacy
plan, including analysis of both formal and informal constituencies supportive, neutral or actively antagonistic
to ACCRAs messaging, in order to support more proactive advocacy interventions, with specific concrete
targets, allowing the programme to develop a robust evidence base of effective impact in this important
programming area. This will be important in providing hard evidence of advocacy strategy, inputs and outputs,
and defined outcomes, in the final evaluation phase of the grant.

All the operational NGOs involved in the consortium are also members of the Emergency Capacity Building
Project, which aims to improve the speed, quality and effectiveness of the humanitarian community in saving
lives, improving welfare and protecting the rights of people in emergency situations. One of the three specific
ECB objectives relates to DRR. Uganda is one of the focus countries and the focal person for ACCRA and ECB is
the same in order to align activities. Research evidence and learning will be shared with other members of ECB
and with other countries in the HOA region. ACCRA is also strongly linked to CAREs Adaptation and Learning
Programme for Africa (ALP) both at international level and at country level (and in particular in Mozambique
where the two work very closely together).

There are indications that Ministries of Finance in both Uganda and Mozambique are taking greater interest in ACCRA-
related issues as international finance begins to flow in that direction [personal communication, ACCRA international
coordinator, 24 Sept, 2012].

Climate change has become a priority for DFID globally, and Ethiopia is one of the countries fast-tracking
resilience into DFIDs national programme (see for example DFIDs Climate and Environment Departments
Operational Plan 2011-2015). In particular this is linked to DFIDs efforts to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals. The programme is aligned with DFIDs HERR in relation to both resilience and
anticipation; to DFIDs DRR policy; and the findings of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.

In Ethiopia DFIDs commitment to CC is reflected in-country where CC is one of six key priority areas for
support. Here, in 2011 SCIP (Strategic Climate Institutions Programme), a 7million pound DFID funded project
was launched in order to build organisational and institutional capacity within Ethiopian Government, civil
society and the private sector to i) increase resilience to current climate variability, 2) adapt to future climate
change and 3) benefit from the opportunities for low carbon growth. ACCRA Ethiopia has just been informed
that they have received 155,000 funding for a programme on capacity building to implement mechanisms to
motivate, support and reward results in government institutions related to the implementation of Ethiopias
Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy. Although only taking up position in late 2011, the CC-
focused DFID representative interviewed in Addis Ababa confirmed that CC is a priority for DFID. She praised
ACCRAs approach and achievements.

The increased funding available for climate change focused work has meant an increasing number of agencies
working on related issues, with sometimes conflicting approaches and activities. This was highlighted in
Uganda in particular.

4.1 Representativeness

ACCRAs target constituencies are national and local government, members of ACCRA consortium, donor staff,
other development agency staff, and ultimately local communities. Up to this point, ACCRA consortium
membership has been confined to the five partner organisations, but this is being opened up on a country
basis to include more involvement of government and other NGOs. Growth of consortia within each
participating country is likely to be and is currently assessed as being to some extent organic in nature. This
can be construed as a positive indicator, inasmuch as organic institutional associations and attachments on
specific issues are often more sustainable than associations based on more defined periods of e.g. resource
opportunity. Some attention to the manner of organic growth may be important, in ascertaining what kinds of
mechanisms may be required to substantiate inclusion of new members and exit of others. But beyond this,
documentation of organic in-country growth of ACCRA consortia may provide signals as to how the
programme is likely to be best sustained beyond the period of central grant-supported management.

At the local level ACCRA is working in a small number of sites, deliberately pursued as strategy to concentrate
coverage. Though praised by local government in these sites, it is unlikely that as a result there will be any
significant and sustainable changes based on these limited interventions alone. The ability of ACCRA to work at
the national level in conjunction with this is supportive of linking the community and national areas of work.
This twin-track approach is noted above, and is recognised as critical to increasing the reach of ACCRA on the
ground and thus its representativeness.

To date, field-based case studies196 have been carried out in settled farming communities.197 There are likely to
be differences between the experiences of the programme in these communities and in those that are more
mobile i.e. in pastoralist and dryland communities. Though it can be more challenging to work with such

As part of government capacity building
Although one of the study sites in phase 1 (Ander Kello) in Ethiopia is predominantly pastoralist/ agro-pastoralist.

communities because of the nature of the environment, and their social/livelihood systems, it will be
important for ACCRA to do so, not least because there is a reasonable amount of evidence to suggest that such
communities are more vulnerable to climate change than others. ACCRA staff are aware of this, and some of
the phase 2 research case studies will be in pastoral/dryland communities.

ACCRA staff are aware of gender and other social divisions and when working at the local level are attempting
to include a representative group from the community. There were some indications of inclusion of youth too,
but it was not possible to clarify the degree of this. However more could be done to raise the awareness on
particular needs of different groups in societies (such as women) in relation to climate change adaptation and
building resilience. ACCRA material could include a clearer focus on gender and vulnerable groups as part of
more inclusive participatory planning processes.

4.2 Targeting

In the three countries, national governments have increased their commitment to addressing climate change
impacts in the last 2-3 years. However, they are still more focused on technical solutions (mitigation) to
climate change, rather than social adaptation. As such ACCRAs work remains important and timely, in order to
influence current thinking and future action.

The programme is complex with many different actors, working at different levels, and with an issue that cuts
across different disciplines. ACCRA aims to benefit the poor and vulnerable, by working through and with local
government offices piloting participatory planning processes that incorporate CCA. Though ACCRA is currently
working closely with local government, there is always the danger that government will not follow processes
through as advised. This is not peculiar to ACCRA, but rather a common feature of interventions aimed at
strengthening the governance supply-side. The risk of a change in government action could result in benefits
failing to trickle down to local communities. This is recognised by ACCRA, and efforts are being made, as noted
above, to ensure multiple points of contact with counterpart institutions.

Targeting the right government departments has proved challenging. For example, in Ethiopia there are
several government departments with responsibilities for climate change issues the DFRMSS, Ministry of
Agriculture and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), with other more sectoral ministries also playing a
role such as Ministry of Water Resources. This creates complications when planning and targeting institutional
advocacy. In future, however, analysis suggests that it is likely the EPA, with a unit dedicated to the
implementation of CRGE, will take a much greater role. ACCRA is already developing a working relationship
with EPA and has just received additional funding from DFID-Ethiopias SCIP fund to further develop this.

In any case, given that ACCRA activities also directly build the capacity and raise awareness of local
communities, even if government does not follow through with its commitments to more participatory
planning approaches, there is some scope to expect that local communities will be better placed to demand
inclusion in them.

5.0 Effectiveness

5.1 Learning

Learning through research and related participation and capacity activities has been directed at engaging local
government and communities in areas demonstrably affected by CC and natural disaster. In project case study
areas this has had clear positive results with government knowledge of and commitment to including CCA in
government planning processes improving.

However, a number of NGO partner staff commented that they felt it was important to get our own house in
order too. At the moment there are gaps in understanding and capacity amongst partner NGOs in relation to
CC/CCA/DRR. Though development of knowledge and technical capacity among own staff has not been a
priority under ACCRA in the past, the new international coordinator has plans to address this in order to build
the skills and capacity of ACCRA and partner staff on issues such as advocacy and lobbying, monitoring and
evaluation. She has already initiated a more strategic approach to such as communication, advocacy and
personnel development.

There is good sharing of information and learning related to ACCRA across consortium partners in-country.
However it is believed that this could be improved. Firstly, the information from the research case studies from
phase 1 and practical examples are not widely accessible and disseminated. One local government official said
that though the research and LAC had been translated into local languages, the document was still too long
and complex for local consumption. This highlights the challenge of creating a balance between the practical
and conceptual areas of work that ACCRA is involved in.

Outside the three programme countries, whilst the head offices of consortium partners are, clearly, engaged
with questions about climate change and resilience as they relate to wider operational work, the ACCRA team
recognise the need to ensure that INGO HQs are fully engaged on the specific experience and approaches
modelled by the ACCRA programme. Advocacy/influencing strategies have been developed in this regard.
Clearly, the extent to which international NGOs adopt ACCRA method and/or approach as standard across
their global programming strategy, may be taken as a robust, objectively verifiable marker of success, both
directly relating to phase 2s second overarching objective and, more broadly, to the scale impact ACCRA seeks
to achieve in institutionalising what it believes is a credible and effective approach to strengthening ways to
help communities absorb acute and chronic environmental shocks.

Two ACCRA steering committee members sit on DFIDs PPA learning group on resilience, where ACCRAs LAC
has influenced the groups work. However, more could be done in this regard. As a representative from OGB
suggested the approach and framework for CCA (and resilience-building) that ACCRA has produced is
applicable across OGBs programmes and projects and thus greater effort should be made to raise awareness
and share lessons learned on them.

ACCRA has also been promoted internationally through:

i) An ODI event launching the report Re-thinking support for adaptive capacity to CC: the role of
development interventions, held in January 2012.

ii) The ACCRA website, which is part of the wider Eldis community;

iii) Participation in the Sixth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation, held in Vietnam
in April 2012.

As the capacity building scoping study states: ACCRA is an exceptional undertaking to develop robust
adaptation capacity within governments in Africa. As such the initiative should rely strongly on the diverse
capacity and skills of its partners and engage in an interactive learning process. If the internal learning process
is vibrant and allows for creative and critical reflection, the capacity development component of Phase II could
go far beyond the three ACCRA pilot countries[and] inform capacity development and adaptation in Africa.
We thus recommend that ACCRA builds on the strengths within the consortium and focuses on an internal
learning process, drawing on resources outside ACCRA, but not outsourcing the learning process to consultants.
The rich experience from all three countries and the ACCRA staff and partners could thus be harnessed and
result in an internal capacity development process, strengthening ACCRA as a learning organisation
(Waagsaether and Koelle 2012).

5.2 Innovation

The ACCRA programme is innovative in its approach and activities. Working in a partnership is not an easy task
but offers greater room for the generation of new ideas, experimentation, learning, and sustainability, than an
organisation working on its own. There is a general feeling amongst staff that the programme is developing a
new approach and action to development planning, which is genuinely more participatory and inclusive. The
enthusiasm and energy of the recently employed international coordinator is likely to positively contribute to
the growth of the programme and the continuing commitment of the staff and partners.

Innovative activities include ideas for an action-research component (transforming quite academic aspects
such as theories on resiliency and change, to practical outputs); the strong emphasis on evidence-based action;
the development of an innovation fund to support local action as defined through community action planning;
and such as the proposed climate change adaptation game.

In Uganda one government representative stated that ACCRA gives a unified voice to the partner NGOs that
they are more likely to listen to: We get a lot of experience from this group such as new innovation and
challenges. They also question the information that you present, so it is a place of learning. ACCRA is seen to
have distinct government contribution in this regard compared to other NGOs/programmes.

5.3 Partnership working

In general, there is an increased willingness of international NGOs in particular to work together both
internationally and nationally. At an international level the partnership of OGB, CARE, Save the Children
Alliance and World Vision was defined along the lines of a pre-existing collaboration the Emergency Capacity
Building (ECB) project.198 This has the advantage of building on relationships of established trust, and reducing
transaction costs relating to new partnership set-up. Where new subject matter, with potential implications
for partners organisations more widely, comes into an existing consortium arrangement, it is worthwhile, as
noted earlier, maintaining a monitoring eye on senior levels within those partner organisations, to analyse
where there may be strengths or weaknesses in their commitment to their own organisational change. For
example, although ACCRAs steering committee meet and discuss on a regular basis, the working relationship
could be stronger, in order to provide a more united front advocating for the changes that ACCRA proposes.

In terms of partnership between ACCRA and government, programme experiences reflect the distinct (positive
and negative) orientations different governments have to working with civil society. In Uganda, in particular,
government is more supportive of working with NGOs than they were in the past, and sees itself as a part of
ACCRA. This is less the case in Ethiopia where, although working relations are positive, ACCRA is seen more as
an international NGO-led project/programme than a movement/entity of which the state is a part. In
Mozambique, the challenges of working with government were raised by the country manager here the
government is strong in planning and it can be difficult to redirect, unpack, and/or influence already well-
established processes to, for example, be more participatory. On the whole, ACCRA has good working relations
with the majority of partners it works with, including government.199

On their part, NGOs have realised the importance of working with government (even though challenging at
times) to ensure a greater sustainability and effectiveness of programmes and projects.

Within ACCRA countries, emphasis was placed initially on consortia built around a core of ECB members. However,
membership has opened up on a value-add basis.
The programme coordinator is formally seconded to and works out of the DRMFSS for 2 days per week.

The responsibilities of partner NGOs across the programme appear to have been decided upon more on
individual (organisational) interest than a strong strategic planning or decision-making process for ACCRA as a
programme with its own objectives. For example, it was suggested that World Vision showed a particular
interest in housing the country programme in Uganda so this is where it was placed. Case studies for the
research and activities also seem to have been decided upon opportunistically (i.e. where the host NGO
already had some similar work already occurring) rather than a wider set of criteria and more strategic
planning. It was felt that partnership among focal points in-country would benefit from further clarity in the
distribution of roles and responsibilities. This appears to have been a significant focus of attention and address
in the mid-2012 programme review meeting in Mozambique.

In addition, it was felt that head offices of the partner NGOs could provide greater strategic direction, push
and commitment to ACCRA in order to get a more even support for the programme across the partner NGOs
in-country and to improve mainstreaming of the ACCRA approach (local adaptive capacity building) within
their programmes in other countries (as noted above).

Financial and reporting structures were felt by some informants to be lengthy due to the different layers and
actors involved in the ACCRA programme, and laborious as partners can have different systems that do not
easily fit with those required by OGB (in particular smaller CSO partners e.g. in Uganda). If the country
organisation lead is not OGB, there is the danger that information/ reporting can take some time to get to the
ACCRA coordinator. For example the country lead in Uganda (World Vision) must make formal reports to
World Vision UK, who will then pass to OGB in Oxford, who will then pass to the ACCRA coordinator it would
be more efficient if the reporting could be made direct to the ACCRA coordinator. Having said this, there is
good direct and regular contact between the ACCRA coordinator and country programme leads it is the
formal reporting that can take time.

ACCRA has strong global linkages through such as CARE (ALP), IIED, ODI, CDKN, UNFCCC and the East African
Network for CCA (amongst others) and therefore its reach is wide. A representative from ODI for example
commented that they had never seen such interest in one particular piece of research as has been shown in
the LAC.

5.4 Sustainability

ACCRA works through government structures, which provides good opportunities for sustainability. In Uganda
in particular, ACCRA works with and through government champions (including from in the Prime Ministers
office) who have shown a particular interest and/or competency in CCA issues. Though this currently is proving
to be an advantage in getting ACCRAs messages to the highest of levels, such champions can move on (from
a particular government position) so challenging the long-term sustainability of the relationship.200 This is not
an area that can be fully mitigated against but is a risk that should be and is recognised. One contribution
to mitigation is to extend and expand prospective advocacy planning, including not only targeting of current
incumbents in key positions, but also identifying, to the extent possible, likely successors in the case of
personnel turnover.

It is generally believed that shared ownership of programming among a range of organisations or institutions is
associated with better chances of sustained commitment than ownership by or distinct dominance of a single
participating organisation. This is a somewhat simplified view of how programmes develop. However, ACCRA

Although, interestingly, it was suggested that in Uganda government personnel tend to stay longer in their positions than in
other countries.

shows an interesting dynamic in this regard, moving from a recognised OGB dominance in certain respects
during phase 1, to a more decentralised pattern of ownership and management in phase 2. Looking ahead, it
may be useful to construct pathways along which decentralisation of the programme may be expected to
evolve, since as noted earlier this could have a significant bearing on the form or forms ACCRA takes beyond
the current structural model.

It is clear that ACCRA has been designed with a view to sustainability, through its structure and ways of
working as a research, capacity development advocacy initiative. ACCRA is dealing with long-term changes in
social behaviour based on uncertain predictions of environmental change with relatively short-term funding.
As a result, although there is an acknowledged pressure to get things done, all ACCRA staff interviewed
appreciated the benefits of building a strong foundation for change, and were keen to do this rather than
speed ahead with activities and trying to produce tangible benefits that might be easier to monitor. It is well
recognised that changing habits, mind-sets and social behaviour are challenging and long-run propositions. But
this is what ACCRA has set out to do in for example their attempt to shift planning from short-term technical
assistance to longer-term, forward-thinking, flexible planning that involves social changes as much as technical
ones. It is believed that the flexibility of the PPA funding assists this approach but that a longer funding cycle
would be beneficial.201

6.0 Efficiency

The structure of ACCRA and its implementation provide opportunities for relative autonomy of country
programmes under the international coordinator. This has improved ownership of the programme by
organisational country leads, and provided space for country leads and partners to adapt the programme
(approach and activities) to national contexts. The fact that each country programme has clearly evolved in its
own way (each being relatively different in finer details of approach and activities) indicates there has still
been effective space for this.

In Uganda, emphasis has been placed on building relations with, and ownership by national and local
government. Feedback from these actors suggests that this has been substantially achieved. However,
ownership by other consortium member NGOs appears less strong. In Ethiopia, the reverse is the case with
stronger ownership among consortium partners, who relate easily to ACCRAs objectives as part of DRR work
in which they are already involved. Despite the secondment of the ACCRA coordinator to the DFRMSS two
days per week, ownership at national government level in Ethiopia appears less rooted; a national government
representative interviewed was very negative about the programme. It is difficult to know how to take the
views raised in this interview, which were negative and contrasted strongly with government at local level who
were highly supportive of ACCRA. There is a general and ingrained negative attitude to NGOs in Ethiopia, and
thus it is likely that this was a manifestation of this. However, it remains a challenge for ACCRA to address this
a starting point may be ensuring that national government are invited to be more centrally involved in day-
to-day meetings and activities of ACCRA, and are given an opportunity to learn more about what is happening
on the ground with local government and communities. At local level, zonal and district government appear
keener to openly support the programme and seem proud to associate themselves with it.

OGB itself shows competency and has much experience in advocacy and capacity building across the East
Africa region. Though OGB does not have a presence in Mozambique, ACCRA-Mozambique is still benefiting

At the concept stage of phase 1, funding was framed over 5 years. This was revised downwards subsequently, leading to a
strategic re-focusing more on the local/government/practical level in the 3 countries only whereas previously the aim had
been for broader, more regional and global policy and practice change.

from OGBs guidance in these matters through the ACCRA coordination unit. Both government and NGOs alike
appreciate OGBs competency in this regard.

Because ACCRA works through partners and their own networks the reach of the programme is long and wide
this proves to be highly efficient when messages need to be communicated. However, the role of ACCRA
focal persons (not the ACCRA coordinators) sitting in partner NGOs is not consistent or very clear, and perhaps
should be more readily agreed upon and defined.

As described above monitoring and documentation of results requires improvement, and each country
programme manager should be given guidance in this regard. The new ACCRA international coordinator has
already started this process with the refinement of an M&E matrix that will be adapted to each country

6.1 Value for money assessment

Working as a consortium has been good value for money. The coordination unit keeps costs down and
consortium members cover many of the costs of implementing ACCRA themselves (though other unexpected
costs are being picked up by ACCRA including temporary employment of a CARE staff member as ACCRA focal
person in Gemechis, Ethiopia). It has also improved the potential reach of the project working through
numerous networks and partnerships that were already established in the partner NGOs. As suggested above,
ACCRA has almost developed a life of its own as its influence reaches out in many directions.

A large component of ACCRA is capacity building, which has proved to improve the understanding of different
groups of actors. However, as suggested in the Independent Evaluation and the capacity building scoping
study, this could be improved in terms of technical input (e.g. a greater focus on explaining climate change
trends) and in making the training more practical and applied. Training of trainers will be carried out as part of
phase 2, and it will be important for ACCRA to ensure that a high standard of training is maintained throughout
the training programme.

The research component has also proved to be good value for money. ODIs input has provided a strong
foundation of better understanding of adaptive capacity for the programme to use and build on, and which
has already been incorporated by other NGOs/programmes e.g. CAREs ALP. On reflection some components
of the research might have been done differently such as investing in more highly qualified research staff in-
country who could have better managed the research on a daily basis.

There was a consensus amongst all interviewed that ACCRA was good value for money. It was also agreed that
activities and results could not have been achieved with less funding. The local government in Gemechis stated
that they believed that ACCRA was much better value for money than other NGOs they worked with, in terms
of achievements on the ground.

7.1 Attributable impacts of PPA funding on results, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency

As OGB is one member amongst five in the ACCRA consortium it is difficult to attribute the majority of results
directly to OGB, rather than to the consortium as a whole. In particular this is true in-country. However, this
should be seen as a positive situation as it shows the strength of the consortium as a whole. Further it is
difficult to separate ACCRAs activities in the second phase from processes started in the first i.e. to asses
performance attributed to PPA funding alone (the first phase was funded by a block grant rather than PPA).

Where one particular NGO partner is implementing on the ground there is the danger that activities will be
linked to that NGO, rather than to ACCRA as a broader constituency. It should therefore be seen as a positive
indication that in Ethiopia where questions were asked to clarify whether this was the case or not, local
government partners stressed that they saw the programme as an ACCRA programme rather than being
implemented by OGB (which leads implementation on the ground in this area).

Further, it can prove challenging to attribute results directly to ACCRA as a consortium. For example, across
the programme advocacy messages have been integrated into or linked to broader messages related to issues
such as disaster risk reduction (DRR), so one cannot easily separate ACCRAs influence from that of other
influencing programmes and actors. Though this makes assessing of performance challenging it is clear that
ACCRA has a strong position in wider processes/movements of change (including the promotion of longer-term
forward thinking development planning and implementation, and the move from technically-focused
interventions for DRR to those that are more concerned with strengthening decision-making processes and
governance at the local level). It is believed that if ACCRA had to try separating itself and its outputs and
outcomes from these larger processes of change in order to fully quantify its performance, it would
compromise a proper understanding of the programmes achievements.

As described above however, ACCRA is clearly having attributable impacts in terms of results, relevance,
effectiveness and efficiency. PPA funding has provided support for ACCRA to more rigorously identify the
needs of their beneficiaries government and communities. It has allowed ACCRA to work on many different
levels and with different actors. And it has provided space for growth as opportunities arise.

Having said this there is room for improvement in ACCRAs monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of PPA
funding on results, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency. The introduction of clearer indicators and country-
specific M&E matrices will provide a clearer framework for achieving this.

7.2 Value for money assessment of PPA funding

The ACCRA international coordinator described PPA funding as awesome it allows freedom, creativity,
breeds innovation, responsiveness and is exciting. The flexibility of PPA funding has allowed OGB and partners
to make the most of opportunities as they arise, such as developing partnerships with new or re-structured
government departments taking on responsibility for climate change; or re-tuning the focus of the research. It
has also allowed the programme to be more focused on the process of achieving outputs and outcomes,
rather than being driven to achieve the outputs and outcomes themselves.

Working as a consortium has allowed OGB and partners improve reach beyond their own organisation and
potential for scaling-up pilot activities. ACCRA has been replicated in similar design, in the Pacific region as
PACCRA with the same Australian-based partners as ACCRA OGB, Save the Children, CARE and World Vision.

There were limited start-up costs as OGB was already operational and ACCRA had already been receiving
CHASE funding for two years. Additional funding has been leveraged through the PPA, most recently about
GBP150,000 from DFIDs SCIP programme in Ethiopia.202 The stability of funding (albeit short-term) has
increased efficiency through allowing time for good design of the programme and clear targeting of

An additional GBP 250,000 is currently under negotiation with CDKN.

PPA funding has allowed a greater focus on areas that has been used for piloting and experimentation such as
the support given to local government planning. It has also allowed the development of more appropriate
M&E and learning frameworks, and improved advocacy strategies.

Annex I: Details of the Evaluation Team

The evaluation team was comprised of three consultants. The Team Leader (Seb Taylor) provided overall
substantive and process oversight at the global level and was supported by two thematic leads/ field
researchers (Fiona Flintan and Joanna Buckley). An overview of each consultant is given below.

Dr Sebastian Taylor

Seb Taylor (lead on ATT and humanitarian assessment) is a Senior Consultant in theIDLgroups Fragile and
Conflict Affected States (FCAS) portfolio and is the former Executive Director of Action on Armed Violence.
Seb has extensive experience in measuring and monitoring humanitarian and development interventions. He
has worked intensively in recent years on a range of multilateral arms control processes, including the ATT,
as well as the Mine Ban Treaty and the Cluster Munition Conventions, and the Programme of Action
on Small Arms and Light Weapons. His process skills include monitoring and evaluation of policy
processes, civil society coordination, coordinating security and development policy-making, as well as the
analysis and presentation of evidence-based policy to key decision-makers. He recently provided DFID
Somalia with technical advice on remote and third-party methods for design and monitoring of
programmes and projects in FCAS.

Seb will undertake the evaluation of two thematic areas (the ATT and humanitarian assessment). He will also
be responsible for overall management, methodological design, ensuring a technically robust report and

Fiona Flintan:

Fiona Flintan (lead on resilience to climate shocks) is an associate senior consultant with a strong track record
as a technical advisor, practitioner, researcher, writer, evaluator, facilitator and trainer. Fiona is adept at
using participatory approaches and action research in order to support good governance and
management of natural resources including building resilience and adaptation to climate change, drought
and spread of invasive species; securing access to and sustainably utilising land and resources; and reducing
human insecurities, vulnerabilities and inequities. Fiona managed IDRC-Canadas Action -
Research/Development Project on Gender and Pastoralism in Ethiopia from 2004-2008 and has worked as
a technical advisor for NRM, a US$10 million USAID- funded program working in pastoral areas of Ethiopia,
Somalia and Kenya during which she focused on addressing adaptation and vulnerability to climate change.
Fiona has extensive experience in Ethiopia and has carried out short term assignments for organisations
including ACDI/VOCA, Government of Kenya, Oxfam GB/REGLAP Kenya and Save the Children Ethiopia and
CARE Ethiopia.

Fiona will undertake the country visits to Ethiopia and Uganda. She will work with the team to produce the
final report.

Joanna Buckley:

Joanna Buckley (lead on Civil Society in Fragile States) is a staff Consultant specialising in fragile and conflict-
affected states (FCAS). Cross-cutting experience includes civil society and gender in FCAS, poverty analysis and
livelihoods. Joanna has strong project management and coordination experience and has experience
monitoring, and reporting on logical frameworks and results applicability to organisational policy objectives.
Joanna has strong qualitative and quantitative research design and implementation skills and has carried out
evaluations for AusAid, DFID, World Vision and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. Having worked in
the field, primarily in Afghanistan, and international programme office level, Joanna is adept at looking at
organisational capability through a broad lens and assessing programmatic learning. Joanna is HEAT certified.

Joanna will undertake the country visit to Afghanistan. She will also coordinate the teams reporting inputs, be
the focal point for liaison between Oxfam GB and theIDLgroup and support Seb in data analysis and report


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