Capacitance Estimation Method of Bulk Capacitors For BLDC

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J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(?

): 1921-718 ISSN(Print) 1975-0102 ISSN(Online) 2093-7423

Capacitance Estimation Method of DC-Link Capacitors for BLDC

Motor Drive Systems

Jong-Joo Moon*, Won-Sang Im**, June-Ho Park* and Jang-Mok Kim

Abstract This paper proposes a capacitance estimation method of the dc-link capacitor for brushless
DC motor (BLDCM) drive systems. In order to estimate the dc-link capacitance, the BLDCM is
operated in quadrant-II or -IV among four-quadrant operation. Quadrant-II and -IV are called reverse
braking and forward braking, respectively. During the braking operation of the BLDCM, the capacitor
is charged by the phase current and then the voltage is increased during the braking operation time.
The capacitor current and voltage can be obtained by using the phase current sensor of BLDCM and
the dc-link voltage sensor. The capacitance and be easily obtained by the voltage equation of the
capacitor. The proposed method guarantees the reliable and simple calculation of the dc-link
capacitance without additional hardware system except several the sensors already installed for the
motor control system. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through both the simulation
and experimental results.

Keywords: Capacitance estimation, Condition monitoring, BLDC motor drive system, Braking

1. Introduction derived a formula for ESR to be the ratio of the capacitor

voltage to the capacitor current. The state averaging
BLDCM (Brushless DC motor) is becoming widely used method is applied to a forward converter and a buck-boost
in various consumer and industrial drive systems [1-3]. In converter [6]. K. A. proposed a real-time predictive-
general, BLDCM drive system consists of a diode rectifier, maintenance strategy for aluminum electrolytic capacitors
dc-link capacitors, an inverter, phase current sensors, a dc- used in uninterrupted power supplies [7]. This method
link voltage sensor, a control board and BLDCM as shown detects the variations in the ESR and capacitance by using
in Fig. 1. the capacitor current and voltage ripples. However, it
Among components, the dc-link capacitor is one of the requires a prior experimental test for proper operation. Y.
most essential parts to ensure the life time of the motor M. Chen proposed a low-cost scheme to identify the
drive system. The dc-link capacitor is used to smooth the increment of the ESR in real time [8]. However, this
dc-link voltage, yet it is sensitive to temperature and the method requires an additional hardware to measure the
ripple frequency of the dc-link voltage. According to a capacitor voltage. The very small ESR value of MPPF
failure survey, about 60~70% of power supply failures capacitor makes the accurate estimation of ESR too
came from the capacitor breakdown [4-6]. Therefore, it is difficult. Therefore, it is impossible to apply those method
necessary to estimate the dc-link capacitance to maintain mentioned above to MPPF capacitor [6-8].
the motor drive system at normal condition. It will also The other methods utilize the ac voltage injection [9, 10]
improve the reliability and extend the durability of the total or ac current injection [11-13] to the dc-link. A condition
system [6-13]. monitoring method [9] is proposed to estimates the ESR
Several researches proposed different methods to and the capacitance of the DC-link capacitor of the general
estimate the dc-link capacitance. One is the estimation of drive system by applying short voltage pulses into a motor
ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of the dc-link capacitor when the motor is stopped. However, it is difficult to
to decide whether it has a suitable value or not. Usually the measure the exact current for the estimation of the
ESR of the capacitor steadily increased when the capacitor since the short voltage pulses cannot guarantee
performance of the capacitor deteriorates step by step [6-8]. the settling time of the current, dead-time of the switching
The state averaging method, proposed by K. Harada, devices and the conversion time of the ADC (analog-to-
Corresponding Author: Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pusan
digital converter). A. G. Abo-Khalil proposed the dc-link
National University, Korea. ([email protected]) capacitance estimation method for the AC/DC/AC PWM
* Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University, Korea. converters using the ac-voltage injection [10]. The injected
([email protected]) ac-voltage causes a ripple-voltage on the dc-link. The
** Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lehigh University,
Bethlehem, PA, USA. ([email protected]) capacitance can be estimated by using the variation of the
Received: June 26, 2015; Accepted: November 29, 2015 capacitor voltage and the dc-current. D.-C. Lee proposed

Copyright The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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Capacitance Estimation Method of DC-Link Capacitors for BLDC Motor Drive Systems

online capacitance estimation of DC-link electrolytic

capacitors for three-phase AC/DC/AC PWM converters
[11]. In this method, a regulated ac-current component is
injected into the q-axis input current component of the
AC/DC PWM converter. X.-S. Pu estimates the ESR of the
dc-link capacitor by using ac-current injection [12].
Although the author considers the effect of temperature on
the resistance, the implementation is similar with [11]. The
method proposed by T. H. Nguyen uses the regenerative
operation of the PMSM for the estimation of the dc-link
capacitor [13]. In the regenerative mode, the ac-current is
injected to the q-axis current. The implementation for the
estimation of the capacitance is similar with [11-12].
However, those methods [10-13] are complicated to (b)
implement the estimation operation due to the double Fig. 2. The current paths of the motoring operation: (a)
sampling on the on/off sequences of the PWM, band pass during the inverting period; (b) during the free-
filter, and the settling time of the dc-current. In addition, wheeling period
the reliability of such a monitoring system depends on the
accuracy of the sensors, the proper ground wiring layout, 2.1 Motoring operation of the BLDCM drive system
and the shielding, which removes noise interference.
Moreover, the accuracy of the estimated capacitance value During the motoring operation of the BLDCM, the
depends on the adjustable gain of the recursive least square current paths are shown in Fig. 2, where Irectifier is the
(RLS) method because this gain must be obtained by a trial output current of the diode rectifier, Icap is the capacitor
and error method. current, and Idc is the dc-link current of the inverter. Fig
In this paper, the proposed method only uses the phase 2(a) shows the current path during the normal inverting
currents and the dc-link voltage during the braking operation. In this period, the capacitor is discharged, and
operation of the BLDCM without any additional hardware dc-link current is the same with the phase current of
except the sensors used in the motor drive system. Unlike BLDCM. Fig. 2(b) shows the current path of the
the conventional methods, the proposed method can be freewheeling period. In this case, the dc-link current is zero,
easily implemented without the double sampling method, and the rectifier current Irectifier is the same as the capacitor
trial and error method, or any filter algorithm. A reliable current. The capacitor will be charged until its voltage is
result can be obtained by applying this method to normal the same as the output voltage of the diode rectifier.
BLDC motor drive system. The usefulness of the proposed Thereafter there is no flowing of the current through the
method is verified through the computer simulation and the diode rectifier and the capacitor in the steady state.
experimental results.
2.2 Braking operation of the BLDCM drive system

2. Control of Brushless DC Motor Fig. 3 shows the phase currents and back-EMFs of the
BLDC motor during the braking operation. In this
Fig. 1 shows a typical BLDC motor drive system. It operation, the power of the BLDC motor can be
consists of a diode rectifier, dc-link capacitor, a PWM transmitted from the motor to the dc-link capacitor. Thus,
inverter, dc-link voltage sensor, phase current sensors, the capacitor can be charged by this phase currents.
BLDCM and hall sensor. The operation of the BLDCM
drive system can be divided into motoring and the braking
operations. The proposed method of the capacitor
estimation is activated only during the braking operation.

Fig. 3. Back-EMF and phase current during the braking

Fig. 1. BLDC motor drive system operation of the BLDCM

710 J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(1): 709-718

Jong-Joo Moon, Won-Sang Im, June-Ho Park and Jang-Mok Kim

Fig. 4 and 5 show the current paths of the braking Irectifier Idc Iphase R L ea
operation during the freewheeling and the regenerating Icap D1 S3 S5 eb
periods, respectively. n

In the freewheeling period, D1 and S5 are conducting as R L


shown in Fig. 4(a). The voltage equation can be described S4 S6 D2

by (1). (a)

dis (t )
0 = Rs is (t ) 2 Ls + 2es (t ) (1)

where, is(t), es(t), Rs and Ls denote the phase current, the

phase back-EMF, the phase resistor and the phase
inductance, respectively. In this period, the rectifier and the
capacitor currents are zero, while the phase current is
freewheeling as shown in Fig. 4 (a). This means that the
dc-link capacitor cannot be estimated in this case.
When S2 is turned OFF, freewheeling diodes D1 and D2 (b)
are conducting as shown in Fig. 5(a). During this inverting Fig. 5. (a) The current paths of the regenerating period
period, the voltage equation is described by during the braking operation; (b) Dc-link, capacitor
and phase currents on the time domain
dis (t )
CVdc = 2 Rs is (t ) 2 Ls + 2es (t ) . (2)
3. Proposed Capacitance Estimation Method
Because the rectifier diodes are blocking the negative
current of the rectifier diode, the rectifier current (Irectifier) is 3.1 Algorithm for the proposed method
always zero. Thus, the inverse dc current only flows
through the dc-link capacitor as shown in Fig. 5 (a). Fig. 5 The main concept of the proposed capacitance
(b) shows the dc-link and the capacitor currents during the estimation method is to use the variation of the capacitor
regenerative operation. In this period, the capacitor voltage voltage and the mean value of the capacitor current during
can be increased by the capacitor current. The capacitor the braking operation of the BLDCM.
current can be easily obtained from the phase current Fig. 6 shows the capacitor voltage and the capacitor
because these two currents are the same as shown in Fig. current during the braking operation. The capacitor voltage
5(b). is increasing, and proportional to the charging capacitor
current. The capacitor current can be obtained through the
phase current sensors because the phase current is the same
Iphase R ea
Irectifier Idc L as the capacitor current during the braking operation as
Icap D1 S3 S5 eb mentioned before.

S4 S6 S2


Fig. 4. (a) Current paths of the freewheeling period during
the braking operation; (b) Dc-link, capacitor and Fig. 6. Dc-link voltage and the capacitor current during the
phase currents braking operation 711
Capacitance Estimation Method of DC-Link Capacitors for BLDC Motor Drive Systems

The dc-link capacitor can be easily calculated by using computation like the conventional algorithms as shown in
Icap and the variation of the capacitor voltage, Vcap. Fig. 7.

dvcap 3.2 Implementation of the proposed method

I cap = C (3)
The capacitor charging current, variation of the capacitor
I cap dt (4) voltage, duty ratio of PWM and braking time are measured
Vcap or calculated in order to implement the proposed method.
The variation of the dc-link capacitor can be obtained by
In the braking operation, the capacitors average current using the voltage sensor. The braking time and duty ratio
can be represented as (5). can be known from the micro-processor such as DSP. The
dc current can be obtained by the phase currents of the
n BLDC motor.
I cap = ic (n)?Duty ratio(n) (5) In this paper, the H-PWM-L-PWM [14] is used to easily
n =1
obtain the dc current in the braking operation. Fig. 8 (a)
shows one of the PWM pattern, phase current and dc
where, n is the sampling time. Therefore, the estimated
current during the motoring operation. In the motoring
capacitance can be derived as (6).
mode, the voltage reference has positive value. Thus, the
phase current and the dc current are positive. The sampling
I cap tbreaking
Cest = (6) timing of the AD converter is middle point (A) in the off-
vc (final)vc (initial) sequence as shown in Fig. 8 (a). At the sampling point (A),
the dc current cannot be known from the phase current
where, tbraking is the braking time of BLDC motor as shown sensors because the phase currents are freewheeling in the
in Fig. 6. BLDC motor winding. It has different value with the dc
Fig. 7 shows the control block diagram of the three- current.
phase BLDC motor drive system with the proposed Besides, Fig. 8 (b) shows the PWM pattern, phase
capacitance estimation method. When the rotor speed of current and dc current of the braking operation at same
the BLDC motor is decreased during the short time of the rotor position of Fig 8 (a). Since the voltage reference is
braking operation, the capacitance can be estimated by negative, the PWM pattern is different from Fig. 8 (a).
using the (5) and (6). The proposed control block diagram Thus, the phase current and dc current are negative. The
is very simple, and easily implemented without much sampling timing (B) is the middle point in the off-sequence.

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the proposed capacitance estimation method

712 J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(1): 709-718

Jong-Joo Moon, Won-Sang Im, June-Ho Park and Jang-Mok Kim

Table 1. Motor Specifications

Rated power 100 W Poles 10
Rated voltage 30 V Stator resistance 0.5
Rated torque 0.4 Nm Stator inductance 1.13 mH
Rated speed 2000 rpm Torque constant 0.083 Nm/A

(a) (b)
Fig. 8. PWM patterns, phase current, dc current and on/off-
sequences in (a) motoring operation and (b) braking

It is the same timing of the motoring operation. The dc

current can be easily obtained from the phase current
sensors because the phase current is flowed to the dc-link
capacitors during the off-sequence. Therefore, the H-
PWM-L-PWM techni-que is proper for the simple
implementation of the proposed method.
If the other PWM techniques are used such as H-PWM-
L-ON [15], H-ON-L-PWM [16-17], PWM-ON [18-19],
ON-PWM [20], PWM-ON-PWM [21], it is necessary to
consider the sampling timing for obtaining the dc current.
However, in these variety PWM techniques, the proposed
estimation method can be simply implemented.

4. Simulation Results
Fig. 9. Simulation results of the proposed capacitance
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, estimation method during the motoring and the
MATLAM simulations are carried out in the three-phase braking operation: (a) rotor speed; (b) phase
BLDCM drive system for the capacitance estimation currents; (c) capacitor current; (d) capacitor voltage;
method. The specifications of the system are listed in Table (e) estimated capacitance
1. The sampling time of the dc-link voltage and the phase
currents for the controllers is 100[sec] which corresponds from 0 to 0.06[sec]. The other is brake operation which is
to 10[kHz] switching frequency of the inverter. In this from 0.06 to 0.12[sec]. In the motoring operation, the rotor
simulation, the capacitance of the dc-link capacitor was set speed is increasing from 0 to 2,000[RPM] as shown in Fig.
to 3,280[F]. 9 (a). In this operation, the capacitor current is alternating
Fig. 9 shows the simulation results of the proposed by charging and discharging the capacitor voltage as shown
capacitance estimation method. Fig. 9 (a), (b), (c), (d) and in Fig. 9 (c). From 0.06 second, the braking operation is
(e) show the rotor speed, phase currents, capacitor current, started.
capacitor voltage and estimated capacitance of the dc-link The rotor speed is decreasing from 2,000[RPM] and the
capacitor, respectively. capacitor current is flowing to charging direction during
The operating range of Fig. 9 can be divided into two as the braking operation as shown in Fig. 9 (a) and (c). Thus,
mentioned earlier. One is the motoring operation which is the capacitor voltage is increasing as shown in Fig. 9 (d). 713
Capacitance Estimation Method of DC-Link Capacitors for BLDC Motor Drive Systems

Fig. 10. Enlargement of the waveform of the capacitor


Therefore, the capacitance can be estimated by using the

variation of the capacitor voltage and the capacitor current (a)
from t=0.06 to 0.08[sec] during the braking operation. It is
calculated at 0.08[sec] as shown in Fig. 9 (e).
Fig. 10 shows the enlarged waveform of the capacitor
current of the Fig. 9 (c) during the braking operation. The
capacitor current can be obtained easily by measuring the
phase currents because the capacitor current is the same as
the phase current in the braking operation mode. The
average value of the capacitor current can be easily
calculated by using (5).

5. Experimental Results
To verify the performance of the proposed capacitance
estimator, an experiment has been carried out. The
parameters of the BLDC motor used in the experiment are
listed in Table 1. The entire drive system is controlled by a
digital signal processor (DSP, TMS320C28346). The
sampling time of the current control loop is 100 [sec].
Four capacitors connected in parallel are used as a dc-link
capacitor for conducting various estimation experiments
where each capacitance is 820[F]. Accordingly, it is
possible to adjust the capacitance of the dc-link capacitor
from 820 to 3280[F] by using the switching connections
of four-parallel capacitors as shown in Fig. 11. The
capacitors are measured by using LCR meter (HIOKI (c)

Fig. 12. Rotor speed, dc current, capacitor voltage and
estimated capacitance at a standstill when the
measured dc-link capacitor is (a) 840 [F] (b)
Fig. 11. The experimental configuration 1680 [F] (c) 2504 [F] (d) 3274 [F]

714 J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(1): 709-718

Jong-Joo Moon, Won-Sang Im, June-Ho Park and Jang-Mok Kim

3532) for the comparison between the estimated value and Table 2. accuracy of the estimation value
the measured value. The measured values are 840, 1680, Circuit of the capacitors
2504, and 3274 [F] in the four cases. 1-parallel 2-parallel 3-parallel 4-parallel
Fig. 12 shows the estimated results obtained from the Real capacitance
840 1,608 2,504 3,274
proposed method. The BLDC motor speed is sopped from [F]
2,000 [RPM] by the braking operation. During this braking Estimated
capacitance 845 1,630 2,546 3,316
time, the capacitor voltage is increased because the [F]
capacitor current flow into the capacitor as shown in Fig. Accuracy [%] 99.4 98.6 98.3 98.7
12. The capacitors average current can be obtained by
using (5), and the capacitance can be calculated by using
(6). As shown from Fig. 12, the value of the estimated 6. Conclusions
capacitance is nearly identical to the real capacitance.
Fig. 13 shows another experimental result which is This paper proposed the capacitance estimation method
conducted under the deceleration operation of the BLDC for increasing the reliability of the BLDC motor drive
motor. The rotor speed is decreased from 2,000 to 1,400 systems. This method is very simple and easily implemented
[rpm] during the short time. The estimated capacitor is without any additional H/W except the control sensors of
reliable in this deceleration operation, also. the BLDC motor drive system. In addition, the capacitor
Through the several experiments, it is proved that the voltage variation and capacitor current in the proposed
proposed algorithm can be easily implemented and gives system is large compared to the conventional system.
very exact value which is comparable with the real value. Hence the proposed system is less affected by the
In addition, the estimation time is so short that it does not resolution effect of the A/D converter. This method is only
affect the total operation conditions of the BLDCM. Table activated during the short time of the braking operation of
2 shows the average value of the 100-test results for each the BLDC motor. The usefulness of the proposed method
of the four conditions which assure the reliability of the was verified through the computer simulation and the
proposed method. The accuracy of the capacitor estimation experimental results.
is more than 98[%] compared with real capacitance
measured by LCR meter (HIOKI 3235).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 13. Rotor speed, dc current, capacitor voltage and estimated capacitance for the deceleration operation of the BLDC
motor when the measured dc-link capacitor is (a) 840 [F] (b) 1680 [F] (c) 2504 [F] (d) 3274 [F] 715
Capacitance Estimation Method of DC-Link Capacitors for BLDC Motor Drive Systems

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Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea. (No. 2015 converters using recursive least squares method,
4030200670) IEEE Trans. Electric Power Applications, vol. 152,
no. 6, pp. 1503-1508, Nov. 2005.
[12] X. S. Pu, T. H. Nguyen, D. C. Lee, K. B. Lee and J.
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716 J Electr Eng Technol.2016; 11(1): 709-718

Jong-Joo Moon, Won-Sang Im, June-Ho Park and Jang-Mok Kim

Jong-Joo Moon He received the B.S.

degree from the Department of Elec-
tronics Engineering, Inje University,
Kimhea, Korea, in 2008 and the M.S.
degree from the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Pusan National
University, Busan, Korea, in 2011
where he is currently working toward
the Ph.D. degree. His research interests are electric
machine drives, multi-phase motor drives, fault diagnosis
and tolerance control.

Won-Sang Im He received B.S., M.S.,

Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Pusan National University, Busan,
Korea. He is currently a Postdoctoral
Researcher at Lehigh University, PA,
USA. His research interests are electric
machine drives, fault diagnosis and
tolerance control.

June-Ho Park He received the B.S.,

M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea in
1978, 1980, and 1987, respectively, all
in electrical engineering. He is cur-
rently a Professor at the School of
Electrical Engineering, Pusan National
University, Busan, Korea. His research
interests include intelligent systems applications to power
systems. Dr. Park has been a member of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society.

Jang-Mok Kim He received the B.S.

degree from Pusan National University
(PNU), Busan, Korea, in 1988 and the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea,
in 1991 and 1996, respectively. From
1997 to 2000, he was a Senior
Research Engineer with the Korea Electrical Power
Research Institute. Since 2001, he has been with the School
of Electrical Engineering, PNU, where he is currently a
Research Member with the Research Institute of Com-
puters, Information and Communication, a Faculty Member,
and the Head of the LG Electronics Smart Control Center.
As a Visiting Scholar, he was with the Center for Advanced
Power Systems, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL,
USA, in 2007. His current interests include control of
electric machines, electric vehicle propulsion, and power
quality. 717

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