Minutes of HSE Committee Meeting No.2 PH
Minutes of HSE Committee Meeting No.2 PH
Minutes of HSE Committee Meeting No.2 PH
List of Attendees
2.0 Minutes of HSE Committee Meeting dated 17th JUN 2016 was Info
confirmed correct and accepted by all attendees without
2.1 Target for this project is 500,000 man-hours worked without LTI Info
(Loss Time Injury)
3.1 NA informed that ERP in progress and target to establish by end NA Done
of May 2016.
3.2 To display Emergency Contact Number at several area at site NA/KZAK Done
and site office.
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3.3 To conduct relevant training to all ERT members. NA/KZAK 1st week of June
3.4 To conduct evacuation/emergency drill at site. ERT member Mid of June 2016
4.1.1 All sub-contractors to register and send their workers for safety All sub-con On going
induction conducted by PHSB Safety Personnel.
4.1.2 Penalty will be imposed to sub-con who fail to send their Info
workers for safety induction.
4.2.1 NA reminded that all workers and staff must have valid CIDB All sub-con On going
Green Card. However, HSE Dept. will organize the course at
site office depend on the request.
4.2.1 For 1st session target to be conducted by 1st week of May 2016. NA 1st week of May
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All sub-con On going
4.5.1 Permit to work (PTW) to be applied for high risk and hazardous PHSB Supervisor, On going
activities such hot work, working at height, crane operation, etc. safety personnel &
4.5.2 NA informed that PTW shall be displayed at work area at all Sub-con, PHSB On going
time and to be monitored by supervisor of work and safety supervisor and
personnel. safety personnel
4.6.2 NA informed that Sub-con must attend HIRARC Safety personnel, On going
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meeting/discussion conduct by PHSB Safety Personnel. sub-con
4.6.3 HSE Department will conduct HIRARC training for sub-con. NA On going
4.6.4 HIRARC shall be established at least one(1) day before any Info
trade of work or activities to be carried out at site.
4.7.1 To update legal and other requirement related to the activities at NA On going
4.8.1 NA reminded to all sub-contractors that electrical cable must be All sub-con At all time
always in hanging condition.
4.8.2 Any defective cables must be removed from site immediately. All sub-con Immediate
4.9 Ladder
4.11.1 To provide proper working platform and access for worker All Sub-cont and Immediate
performing work at high level. PHSB
4.11.2 Proper working platform consist of proper access, guard rail, Info
mid rail, toe board or netting and catwalk.
4.12.1 Gas cylinder must be always in cage or trolley, upright position, Info
and provided with flashback arrestor. Pressure regulator, gauges
and valve must be functioned.
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4.13.1 Scaffold must be erected by trained workers and inspected by Info
competent scaffolder.
4.13.2 Any defective scaffold components must be removed from site Info
4.14.2 NA reminded to all sub-contractors to improve their construction Sub-con At all time
material arrangement at site.
4.14.3 To make proper staking on construction materials and not place Sub-con At all time
at building edges and not block access way at all time.
4.14.4 Sub-con to provide adequate food waste bins at work area. Sub-con Immediate
4.14.5 PHSB to provide appropriate container at every block to transfer PHSB Immediate
rubbish or waste to the big bins provided at Gate 1 and Gate 2.
5.1 Sub-con supervisor to ensure proper erection of scaffolding as Sub-cont At all time
working platform for their workers.
5.2 Any protruding steel bars and dangerous rotating part of Info
machine shall be protected.
5.3 To carry out fogging and larvae-ciding at site once a week. PHSB On going
________________________ ________________________
Nazrin Amree Bin Shokeri Tang Kean Seng
Site Safety Supervisor Project Manager
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