Bomp! Magazine #16 (Vol.3 - No.7)

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Winter 76/77 $1.50/75

The Flowering of JACK NITZSCHE

BRIAN Tells All
in an exclusive
WILSON BOMP interview

& the History o f
Swedish Rock
in the 70s DWIGHT
Sounds of Will He?

BOSTON British Rock

Taco Rock
Mexico's te for your
Punk favorite
Special Added
A ttraction
Their new
The best rock debut
album of the year.
-Rolling Stone


(S )

SINCERELY, the long awaited first album from the DWIGHT TWILLEY BAND GRT TAPES






A unique in terview ................................................... 8

DWIGHT TWILLEY: Will He? by G reg S h a w ...............14
MONKEE-MANIA IN THE 70s, by K en B a rn e s ......... 16
J A Y KINNEY Ion leave]

PUNK ROCK OF MEXICO, by P h a s t P h re d d ie .......... 20

A n in-depth look, by B ru ce D ick in son ................... 22
CLEVELAND JACK NITZSCHE: The Arranger as Superman
A n exclu sive interview , by K en B a rn e s ................. 26
BRITISH AGENT B y G reg S h a w & L enn art P e rsso n ......................... 34
THE ABBA ABBA SOUND, by G reg S h a w ........39
59-A Oakley Sq.
London NW1 1NJ

Vote f o r y o u r fa v o rite p u n k ......................................40

Box 362,3001 Hadley Rd.
S. Plainfield, N.J. 07080

BOMP is published quarterly by Greg Shaw, P.O, Box
7112, Burbank, CA. 91510. Subscriptions are $8 for 8 issues
in the US. Canada and overseas are $10 (surface) or $2.50
THE BEAT [e d ito ria l ] by G reg S h a w ................................ 4
per issue (airmail). This is Vol. 3, No. 7, whole number 16,
pubished October 1976 for sale through January, 1977.
Entire contents are copyright1976 by Greg Shaw.

A g u est ed itorial, by G ene S c u la tti ............................5

Nothing may be reprinted w ithout express permission from
the Publisher. We assume no responsibility fo r unsolicited
manuscripts, and alf letters received are subject to publica
tion unless otherwise noted. When writing, please include
SASE if you wish a reply.
REVERBERATIONS, by K en B a rn e s ..............................6
SUBSCRIBERS: The number in the upper right cor
ner o f your address label is the last issue you are scheduled WHERE THE ACTION IS: The la te st p o o p on Eric
C arm en , D ictators, Flo & Eddie, N Y ro c k .............31
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missing an issue. If the number is incorrect, please notify

IN THE GROOVES [album revie w s ].............................42

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FANZINES......................................................................... 45
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Rates for larger display ads (page and partial pages) avail
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JUKEBOX JURY, Jr. [sin g les ]........................................ 46
BOOKS............................................................................... 47
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Cover design by Bill S to u t All uncredited material is by the Editor

BOMP logo design by Dean Torrence

television (though it seems many of the same
people who fear hype also live in morbid
dread of TV). But those who claim
abhorrence of hype fall victim to the more
subtle hype of anti-hype, echoing "far out,
man to every low-key FM come-on. And as
for nostalgia, I can't see how waiting for the
next Dylan or Buffalo Springfield is any
different from waiting for the next Beatles.
Except that these people think of themselves
as being hip. We think of them as being
To get more directly to the point. Most of
these people have no business writing about
rock & roll. Jon Landau said as much in his
last Rolling Stone column. He pointed out
that rock writers are hung up on words, place
undue emphasis on lyrics, when they are
after all only an incidental factor in the
greatest rock & roll recordings. These college
Something about this magazine seems to fans. What I'm wondering now is, what's the
grad intellectuals would be better off
make people want to express their innermost matter with everyone else? I can excuse the
reviewing films or books as in fact most of
feelings about rock & roll and what it means millions of kids still buying Deep Purple and
them would prefer doing anyway. I can think
in their lives. Nothing strange about it; BOMP Rick Wakeman; after all, they're at the mercy
is written by and for people who take the of whatever's pushed on them by record
music seriously and relate to it on a deeper, stores, radio stations and Rolling Stone. But
more emotional level than, say, your average what about these latter parties? Retail
Kraftwerk fan. What's strange is that we ignorance can be excused for obvious
seem to be a minority. If BOMP appears at reasons, and the problems with radio are too
times to be more concerned with events 10 deep-rooted to even begin investigating here.
years ago than with today, it's only because At the very least, though, one would expect
some of us remember a time when rock & roll - the press, that elite corps of trained
mattered to everybody (or at least everybody trend-spotters and the entrusted arbiters of
we knew). The music elicited such a strong our collective taste, to have a little more on
sense of involvement from its fans that it the ball.
became an integral part of our existence, and My contempt for most 'professional' rock
the involvement was only intensified by the writers is no secret. The majority of them are
thriving pop culture that surrounded rock & glorified male groupies, gossip queens and
roll in its better days. Small wonder that some cocktail leeches, whose lack of writing ability
of us have maintained that attitude and given is exceeded only by their lack of critical
our full support only to artists and trends judgment. They churn out reams of rehashed of no better explanation for the fact that so
capable of leading us back to that state of bios and blind reportage of things seen and many rock critics continue touting the same
grace. heard, without ever invoking the use of their tired old artists that were big 6 years ago, and
Anyway, our readers get pretty intense. brains. How they pass as 'critics' is beyond grovelling at the feet of any spinoff from the
They write us long unbelievably personal me. But let's overlook these people, because Woodstock Nation that happens to form a
missives, and bare their souls as if finding a it isn't really their fault the record industry new group. All the forces of the music
kindred spirit were some kind of minor encourages this sort of parasitism. industry may be behind such artists, but the
miracle. And in a sense I suppose it is. Five thrust of history has passed them by. They're
years ago, the tone of our mail was often yesterday's heroes. And anyone who can't
bitter or desperate; everyone wanted to relive distinguish yesterday from today from
the past, seeing no hope in the future. But tomorrow should not be writing about
lately, in the last year or so, all that has teenage music.
changed. Now the letter-writers are telling us Actually, this hasn't been that much of a
excitedly about new groups, new records and digression. The rock press is a vital element in
new scenesoften in their own home towns. pop culture, and the fact that it's reflecting
Defeat and apathy yielded to guarded yesterday's culture is as good a starting place
skepticism and then gave .way to unbridled as any to launch our ruminations on this
enthusiasm. It's pretty clear to everyone now sticky subject. It isn't only what they write
that the renaissance is at hand and we're all aboutreally, I see nothing wrong with their
gonna have a lot of fun. continued coverage of artists who are, after
I've found it particularly gratifying to We're still left with a good number of all, selling millions of records but the style in
observe this process in some of my friends. people whose intelligence and training makes which they write and the format in which
For instance Gene Sculatti, whose guest them qualified, respected rock critics/jour- they present their articles does have a
editorial appears on the opposite page. nalists, the ones you see most often in bearing.
Gene's one of my oldest friends; we started national publications. O f these, there are The point to be grasped here is that boring
writing for a lot of the same magazines in about a dozen who've -consistently shown subject matter naturally tends to be
1966, and since then have had frequent long any sensitivity to changing trends, who have presented in a boring format (Rolling Stone)
discussions about pop culture and rock embraced a large enough perspective to just as psychedelic writing used to appear in
history. If I was premature in predicting a pop evaluate events in any sort of historical rainbow-washed sheets of hand-drawn
revival back in 1972, Gene has only lately context. The others display a kind of newsprint. On the other hand, if the subject is
come to acknowledge it. Gene's editorial persistent blindness that I fear will bring exciting, it should be displayed in an exciting
makes a strong case for how much ridicule upon them when their time is over. fashion. 16 may be crude, but it gets the
improvement there's been in the records of In the main, they suffer from the same message across to its readers: there's a lot
this last year or so. What Gene doesn't malady they accuse us rock & roll addicts of: happening here. Hit Parader had the same
mention, and what I'd like to explore, is the becoming habituated by their tastes, taken in cheesy layouts in the mid-60s, and yet it was
state of pop culture, beyond what's on by hype, and limited by their own nostalgia. the most relevant and intelligently-edited
record. The difference is, they don't see it in magazine of its kind.
First, though, a slight digression. When I themselves. Of course we love hype; a really There's great excitement in the new rock &
speak of Gene being among the last to good, attention-grabbing, razzle-dazzle rollthe teeming clubs of New York and
recognize the fundamental change coming campaign is in the best tradition of rock & Boston with their stark, staring, leather-clad
over rock, naturally I mean of us hard-core roll, and is no more to be feared than groups and 'who wouldn't rather see a few


pages of Blondie clutching her thigh or

Time is on our Side

Richard Hell biting his guitar than a 4-page
color spread on Jethro Tull? Imagination,
even amateurishness, is more effective in
presenting this material than the staid
magazine layouts commonly employed.
That's why magazines like Back Door Man a guest editorial
and New York Rocker have more to do with
today's pop scene than anything else around.
Television has a bit of catching up to do, ByGENESCULATTI Blue Ash, Raspberries, Slade, early Alice
too. Midnight Special and Rock Concert are Cooper, the Sidewinders, Mott the Hoople, a
" / don't have to be here, you know. handful of Roy Wood and Nils Lofgren
mired in a worn-out concept of presenting
With my vast financial holdings, / could have tracks, Flo & Eddie, Big Star, Stories and
bands as if the viewer were at a mini-rock
festival. The camera is here, the stage is been basking in the sun in Florida.... This is various Chinnichap projectsyou see the
Just a hobby form e, you hear?!" 70s offers some substantial chapters in the
there, the audience is over there, and it's all
separate, all cleanly engineered and profes history of rock 'n' roll.
sionally filmed by the same union crews who Handsome Dick's protestations to the Things surely looked bleak at the outset of
do the Carol Burnett Show, so that any contrary, I suppose we're all here because the decade. BOMP and FLASH devoted most
rock 'n' roll is something more than a hobby of their space to retrospectives on '60s giants
sense of involvement is negated. The viewer
of Midnight Special is as detached as the for us, A Way of Life as the publisher says. and tipping readers to bargain-bin treasures.
reader of Rolling Stone; he's simply not part The very fact that BOMP was instigated, and The assumption was that hardcore rock fans
is maintained, points up how passionately a would have to band together to "ride out the
of any process of excitement that might
lot of us take the subject and how perturbed slump" which was expected to last another
otherwise be generated.
we become when we think the music is being 5-10 years. Happily, the perspective has
The exceptions come when a group makes
taken away from us or diluted in strength. changed a lot since we all spent summer
their own film under controlled conditions.
In the 70s specifically, there's been a lot of
The few I've seen (I must confess rarely
hand-wringing and agonizing over the state
tuning in these days), notably the Bay City
Rollers special have often approached the of modern pop and rock; too often it seemed
excitation level of Shindig or even the TAMI high-crafted pop and manic teenage rEtr was
Show. It's a lot easier to film rock & roll losing out to indulgent musicianship, pre
correctly than to re-educate studio engineers tense and sententious writer-singers. It's a
to record it properly. W hat's wrong is simply iine.l bought on several occasions. Moreover,
Greg Shaw's continuing efforts to convince
the concept of how the music is presented
us "It's All Coming Back" left me cold. How
they're still laboring under the delusion we
could anything worthwhile 'come back' in an
want to sit in our homes pretending to be at
the Fillmore, when we'd really rather be at era watched over by middle-aged 'progres
sive' musicians and fatuous dolts like John
CBGB. Still, it's improving. Some fine
Denver? Now, I'm not so sure pessimism is
video-taped concerts have been shown on
UHF in New York, capturing the scene in all
Yesterday was the 4th of July. Driving in
its kinetic splendor. Now if only they'd show
my car, I ha'd on some progressive L.A.
The Blank Generation on national TV.
AM/FM rock station. It being the Bicenten
Any discussion of pop culture must come
round eventually to fashion. It's all fashion, nial and all, these hipper-than-hip counter- A flo w e r-c h ild at W o od sto ck. Does the
cultural folk were taking a swipe at all the A m erican D ream include idiots too?
ultimately, but clothes are the most obvious
flag-waving going on around them. They
and yet the most subtle indication of
played a long spoken rap from the holed up with a copy of Loaded, convinced
changing modes of thought. I have no
Woodstock album, with some clod droning winter would last forever.
intention of competing with "Eleganza", but
on about "the beauty of half a million people The plethora of activity that seems to be
in recent months my travels to France,
getting together just to dig music and fun, taking place now hardly constitutes an
England and various cities of the USA have
man." They segued into some horrendous explosion. It's my opinion that what is
revealed, evervto these unobservant eyes, a
live jam, cut to some slow-talking gal d.j., beginning to take shape now from the
startling influx of new trends among the most
herbal hair spots and a newscast whose sole runaway development of nouveau-punk in
pop-conscious young people.
content was news about marijuana and it hit New York to a return of high-gloss radio
We're all aware of the death of hippie
me this is Old, this sounds dated. It's over pop has been a long time coming.
culture, even though the streets are still
for these fossils. Already, finally, late '60s
littered with its more stubborn trash. Long Whatever good hands the decade has
attitudes and music are relinquishing their
hair, beards, sloppy clothes, all that stuff is dealt, there have been bad ones. Hard rock
hold on tastemakers, audiences and, hope
definitely out. So's glitter. So, in fact, is the 'n ' roll, the backbone of '50s music and the
fake Art Deco chic of Bryan Ferry and his ilk. fully, the whole music industry.
To stop and think about the volume of high blinding white light of the '60s, has taken its
Everyone now is conscious of their clothes, lumps the last 6 years, it's been almost 10
quality rock 'n ' roll and pop that is even
and dressing I think more neatly. But at the years since the San Francisco bands and the
lunatic fringes of fashion, what do we find available in 1976 is to acknowledge a great
British virtuoso-blues purists showed up and
change taking place. Just the last few weeks
bu nouveau Mod! Yes, guys in early '60s almost singlehandedly introduced a lethal
have found albums such as the Ramones, the
dark suits, white shirts, even the dreaded dose of improvisatory technique and "m us
new Beach Boys, the new Modern Lovers,
narrow black ties\ A lot of the groups in New icianship" into the form. By and large, hard
Southside Johnny, Greg Kihn, Thin Lizzy and
York and London appear on stage and on the rock has barely recovered; the standard form
Agents o f Fortune* fighting for my turntable
street that way, with Beatles '65 haircuts. for bands today is indulgent performances
space. Springsteen, the 2-year old Dictators
Girls are growing bangs, letting their Betty masquerading as High Art.
LP and tapes of New York's fine new bands
Boop bobs grow out to Sandie Shaw cuts, Whereas the mid-'60s hard rockers worked
have yet to be filed away; the rotation is
donning black knee-length boots, and yes off tough, electric roots like Muddy Waters,
heavy and the volume loud.
you'll find the odd mini-skirt creeping in. Marvin gaye and Don Covay, the late '60s
This is not to say that because rock 'n' roll
This isn't '60s revival, though. In the '60s Brits were fanciers of Robert Johnson and
we wore that stuff because we had little is available, it's getting bought, listened to or
influencing young musicians (as we'd all Bill Broonzy. Amplified interpretatios of rural
choice. Now, with every choice, it's done to blues offered by Alvin Lee, Mayall, Clapton
hope). But it exists, and if you add the current
achieve an effect, and the effect fits well with and every other edition of Savoy Brown has
records to the decade's failed experiments
that of the music surrounding this scene, a been interminably lame and, served as the
music based just as casually on '60s Mod. four sides of New York Dolls, Raw Power,
godfather of that most tedious of subgenres,
In England, incidentally, the papers are full Boogie.
*l'm aware individual tastes will vary;
of reports of a Mod revival, in fact there was a By stripping hard rock to its primal blues
regardless, I think most of these records have
huge gathering of Mods held not long ago. roots, however, one interesting stylistic
more to do with R&R than the bulk of 'hit'
[continued on p. 12] product available today. [continued on p. 621


"Overnight Success," the best rocker yet
from this talented L.A. foursome. It's a
tribute of sorts to Sky Saxon, and much
more... Speaking of Sky, his new single
"Universal Star" sounds pretty good (wish I
could dig up a copy), and one of the rarest
Seeds 45's, "Shuckin' & Jivin'/You Took Me
By Surprise" has been pressed up by the
folks at International Artists (see ad this
issue); definitely worth having.
Fashion note; For all those appalled (as
was I) by the trendy modified Eno hairstyle I
sported on page 4 last issue, you'll be thrilled
to learn it's been replaced by a modish styling
created exclusively by Little Joe's Institute of
Trichology (the study of hair's foibles and

Welcome back to my corner of the he cut an EP called "Commodore Condello's

world's only semiannual quarterly. It's a Salt River Navy Band Makes a Comeback",
momentous occasion for Reverberations this on Blitz Cheap 006, Titles include "Gerald of
issue we graduate, I'm told, to larger print, Sunnybrook Farm", "The Time Machine,"
which means half the word length for me but and "Sonic Boom," but when you play the
you can put away the magnifying glass. first two they turn out to be near-letter-
Whether legibility will improve this column perfect musical copies of tw o songs from the
has yet to be determined. first Bee Gees album, with different, original
It's been ,a good summer for live rock, lyrics. "Sonic Boom" is a thunderous "Purple
with Dr. Feelgood, Fleetwood Mac (surpris Haze" carbon copy, with nifty new lyrics like
ingly rocking in person) and a Flamin' "Sonic boom all in my ears/Breaks my
Groovies/Ramones bill blowing into town, windows and chandeliers/Blasts my house, it
but the supreme moment is still Tommy shakes the ground/Who needs...jet planes
James performing "Crimson & Clover" at the faster than sound" and "G ot me scared so I
Troubadour. I ranted about Tommy's great can't sleep/ls it just practice or World War
act at great length in the August Phonograph III?"
Record, so I w on't run it into the ground here, To top it off there's a terribly paranoid
but don't miss him if he comes around. Don't tune called "Soggy Cereal" (more or less to Is this Ken's n ew haircut, or an old
miss PRM either (commercial break), be the tune of "Those Were the Days") which picture of Jon ath an Richman?
cause they've got Mark Shipper's Pipeline uncovers such a perfidious plot that it
back and it's still, as it was the first time deserves quoting in full; foiiicles) in Hollywood (they promised me a
around in 1973, the funniest rock writing sizable discount if I plugged them in print). A
around (and not just because it's practically Soggy cereal [three times] number (two) of famous rock writers
the only funny rock writing around, a You drop it in the b o w l/T h e m ilk goes on frequent the joint, and it's a great place for a
situation calling for skillful repair). The telephone rings and fo r a m om ent yo u're
gone haircut even if they don't succeed, they
Anyway, aside from Tommy, the top A n d w hen you get back yo ur tem per grow s hot give it the old Trichology try... Finally, the
For you've just discovered a C om m unist plot original subtitle for my Monkees piece this
60's act in recent months was that old reliable Commie cereal, soggy cereal
Paul Revere with his ever-changing Raiders Thev're one and the same/Oh w ho is to blame issue was "Colgems Time Again." Anyone
(minus Mark Lindsay, sadly; Mark's busy with It seems such a sh am e /lt's unA m erican guessing the complex and devious derivation
his solo career, cutting Tastee-Freez com W h a t w ill you d o /A b o u t all th a t goo of this title wins a free single, while they last.
Probably Fu M anchu is behind this too
mercials and singles for Greedy Records). Uncle Sam w ants yo u /B o hoo boo hoo
Entries to PO Box 7195, Burbank, CA 91510.
The Raiders had graduated from the Tippecanoe and Tyler too
amusement park circuit to the Playboy Club, It's an Am erican dream, includes Indians to o
I c a n 't go on...
which lost them their rabid subteen audience
(gaining a rabbit post-teen crowd instead)
but enabled Revere to tell a lot of dirty jokes, It's that last deft quotation from the collected
Venus & the
which he clearly enjoyed. They still ably
performed an amazing number of hits, and
works of Eric Burdon that cinches Condello's
status as unheralded genius for me. One of Razorblades?
even the Lindsay-less vocals sounded fine. the Tubes played with Condello on his album,
HOLLYW OOD "The Runaways are
Apparently Revere and his rotating Raiders and you can certainly see some form of
finished," says Kim Fowley, the man
will be able to go on forever. genesis on this record... who created them. There was a recent
Owing to spacial concerns I'll hold the falling-out between Kim and the girls,
Singles Spotlights to three. The Rogues' Dots & Pickups: Last column I was awaiting he has given up his contract and
"You Better Look N ow "/"Train Kept a with bated breath a Modern Lovers LP by washed his hands of all interest in the
Rolling" (Audition 6110) is the leading now there are two on Beserkley, and the Runaways. He's got something better.
obscure mid-60's rocker discovery, an en earlier one is as brilliant an album as I've "Venus & the Razorblades," he
thralling folk-rocker featuring an uncanny heard in years, both for the great crypto- enthuses, "are much better. There
Jim McGuinn imitation on the top side, and Velvets music and Jonathan Richman's have been all girl bands before, but
an ear-frying outing on the familiar B-side strikingly original sensibility. The new one is this is a m ix e d group Venus," he
rocker that some say outstrips the Yardbirds almost all sensibility, but it's still wonderful... confides, after cautioning us to tell no
(I'm inclined to agree). Sharon Tandy was a Tons of homegrown records spring up all one yet! is a g u y I And so what if the
South African emigre to England, where she over, too many to list addresses (see October Runaways are 16; the girl guitarist in
cut a number of records including the aston issue of Warner Bros. Waxpaper [or for that this band is 14!
ishing "Hold On" (Atlantic 584219 UK, matter this issue's Jukebox Jury Jr.
"T he Runaways are scared!" Kim
1967). The Fleur De Lys, a mildly legendary column Ed.] for details) and really too many
continues. "Joan and Cheri came
outfit, backed her up and consummated to list, but my recent favorites include the down and spied on our rehearsal last
manic marriage of psychedelia and hard- six-song EP from Sneakers (Chapel Hill, NC), weekend. They know their trip is
rocking R8-B, with a mad, searing, unforget Pere Ubu's "Final Solution" (Cleveland;, finished without me, and they also
table guitar solo. Classic time. "Call Me" by the Hounds (NY), and "Cry know I'll have to come up with
Finally, a record so bizarre I couldn't Uncle" by Amnesia (Tampa). All highly something better to prove they
leave it out. Mike Condello was a fairly well- recommended, as is an older Reddy Teddy weren't an accident. This is it."
known Arizona figure with an album on record (Boston) I just got, "Novelty Shoes , Further developments as they
Scepter in 1969. Some time before (I think) and especially the upcoming Droogs single, unfold.


When he was 15, Michael Brown wrote Walk
Away Renee and Pretty Ballerina for his
own band, The Left Banke.
Several years later he discovered and brought
together another group of musicians to form
the band that was known as Stories.
Only twice in ten years has he found
musicians with whom he wanted to record his
music. But now there are The Beckies and
Michael Brown is back.
Produced by Michael Brown and
Jlon Frangiapane

** * * * * * * * * *
Everyone loves Brian, but for an inter
viewer, he's not the easiest person to make
/? E X C
talk. Jim Pewter is one o f the few who Ve
been able to establish a genuine rapport
with Brian under interview conditions. One
o f the true pioneers in the field o f oldies'
broadcasting, Jim has interviewed Brian
several times, going back as early as 1966.
This interview, presented here for the
first time in any magazine, provides a
fascinating insight into the background, TELLS Z S A f All
musical influences and early working
methods o f Brian Wilson, while avoiding
the kind o f sensationalistic exploitation o f
his personal problems that most articles
have dwelt too heavily on. We feel this
material is a timely complement to the kinds of words. And all of a sudden JP: Do you get a shock when
renewed interest in the Beach Boys that we'd be in there writing words to that someone mentions "Be True to Your
has helped make 1976 a banner year for track. I mean, we'd have a feeling to School"? W hat kind of memory does
rock 8- roll fans. work with and sometimes that was all. that bring back?
JP: With the car songs like "Little BW: Oh that fries my brain! I mean,
JP: Brian, let's talk about your first Deuce Coupe" the lyrics were written that brings back some heavy
record; I believe that was in '62? by Roger Christian, and then there memories...
BW: Oh, I forgot we were doing an was a song that came out about a year JP: The lyric about the cheerleader...
interview! I was looking at the picture later which has really become a BW: Now that's one lyric that I wish
over there. classic: "Don't Worry Baby". everyone would pass on and just listen
JP: That's Groucho. BW: Roger and I spent so many to the music.
BW: Oh, hi Groucho. evenings sitting up.He was really kind JP: One of the tunes you picked out
JP: He's on a surfboard... of a guiding light for me. He'd get off as an all time favorite was one by the
BW: I've forgotten what they look at midnight, he did a night show from Crystals, a song called "Uptown."
like.... 9 to 12 on KRLA, then we'd go out That song was produced by Phil
JP: The first hit was "Surfin' ", back and get a hot fudge sundae and we'd Spector. You were an admirer of his
in '62. How did you decide to tie the sit there for hours talking, writing work, weren't you?
whole surfing scene up into a song, lyrics and all of a sudden it was like I'd BW: Of the works I remember; it's
how did that come about? written 15 songs! hard to remember them all, but that
BW: My brother Dennis came home JP: Did Bill Haley's "Rock Around the was one of my favorites, along with
from school one day and said Clock" affect you in any way? "Be My Baby" and most of the
something about how surfing looked BW: "Rock Around the Clock" Ronettes songs. One of my favorite
like it was going to become the next shocked me, I mean I was so Beach Boys records is "I Can Hear
big craze, and we should write a song electrified by that experience. Some Music" which was by the Ronettes
about it. You see at that time we were of my friends came over and said I had originally. That was Carl singing lead
writing songs for friends and school to hear this new record, so we went on that one, as a matter of fact he
assemblies. So it happened that we out and bought it and took it home produced it too.
wrote a song about surfing due to and put it on. We were screaming, JP: You recorded "Help Me Rhonda"
Dennis' suggestion. that song was really it. in '64 didn't you?
JP: I talked with you on the phone JP: Brian, besides writing and pro BW: Yes, in the middle part of that
about a month ago and asked you to ducing all these tunes you developed year. That's somewhat like a Phil
pick out some of your favorite hits a style of singing in a falsetto that has Spector approach and it has the
from the past for me to bring along to been your trademark through the harmonica part like that record
the interview, and you mentioned a years. How did you develop that style? "Fannie Mae."
record by the Cadets. Was that BW: There was a group called the JP: Who was playing harmonica on
"Stranded in the Jungle"? Four Freshmen, I used to listen to their that, do you remember?
BW: No, that's Kenny & the Cadets. I records all the time, I'd come home BW: I don't remember. I think it was
was Kenny and the other guys went from school and lock myself in my some musician we hired, not one of
by the name of the Cadets. This was room and listen to this group and I the guys. None of us could play
back in '61 and at that time we were practiced the high parts. I wanted to harmonica.
just getting going with a publisher and see if I could get as high as he could JP: Regarding your earlier sides, did
this guy had this great song, his name so I practiced until my range went up. you have a favorite studio that you
was Bruce Morgan, so my mother and So i trained my voice to the point liked to use, or did you experiment
I and a friend of mine did this demo... where it was easy for me to hit that with different studios around town?
hey, this could get to be a long story! falsetto. BW: We went to at least ten of the
JP: You were telling me earlier about JP: W hat instrument were you studios around town. I preferred
the way you write songs. How you get practicing with while you were Western Recorders at 5000 Sunset
down a pattern on the piano and lay developing this style? Blvd. It seemed to have the best echo
down some rhythm tracks. When you BW: An organ and piano, usually chamber for what we liked to do
went in to cut tunes like "Little Deuce those two, though actually I didn't use vocally. It had good balanced echo, a
Coupe", back in '63, was it all live or an instrument much at that time. I'd really fat echo. RCA had a good studio
did you lay down a rhythm track first? just sit there on a chair and sing along too, and Sunset Sound was great.
BW: Sometimes. It varied, depending with the high part... JP: When was the last time you were
on how lazy we were feeling. Like JP: You wrote the lyrics to "Surfin' on a Honda, Brian?
sometimes we had the music but no USA" didn't you? BW: Let's see, well, ah, a few years
words. Let's use "Little Deuce BW: Chuck Berry wrote that song. It ago when I crashed my Honda.
Coupe" as an example. We'd do the was called "Sweet Little Sixteen". JP: Did you have a helmet on?
background track for it in the chord When we first got going Mike was BW: Yeah, I didn't get hurt real bad. I
pattern and then when we'd listen to sort of a Chuck Berry fan, so we took ran into a palm tree and fell off the
it, we'd be listening and suddenly go Chuck's song and turned the lyrics bike. I haven't gone riding since.
Wow! I got an idea! I'm hearing these into a surfing song. JP: Where did you grow up?


BW: In Hawthorne, about three miles
Young Brian the songwriter. from the beach. It was a little town
and it didn't have any sidewalks until
after we grew up. It was really weird,
we'd mow the lawn and the lawn
would taper down into the street.
JP: You were a close family, weren't
BW: Yeah, I guess we were. You
know my father mixed all our early
surfing records, he was like our
producer in fact. Yeah, that's what he
was. He'd produce our records
though he really didn't get credit. He'd
tell us to tighten up a bit, offer us
discipline, and if we didn't do it he'd
get really mad. It was almost like a pep
talk: "Okay you guys, you're slacking
off now, tighten up a bit" and sure
enough we did.
JP: When the records started getting
played and becoming hits, did that
change your life in any way?
BW: The guys were in high school,
hadn't even graduated yet, and we
were on the national chart. Now that's
quite a change for a kid! So that
tightened things up for our family
quite a bit. W e realized that we now
had a chance to go places so we had
to tighten up. Our first record,
"Surfin' " made it, and when "Surfin'
USA" made it on the national charts
everybody was kind of in shock, so we
tightened up our attitude and just got
more serious about music.
JP: The Beach B oys P arty album was
really the first thing of its kind, wasn't
BW: Yeah, I guess it was. W e just got
everybody together and had some
fun. W e had no idea Capitol was
gonna put "Barbara Ann" out as a
single. W e thought they were crazy!
W e weren't even sure it was gonna be
an album. W e just invited everybody
over and turned on the tape machine.
Did you know that was Dean Torrence
singing that high part on "Barbara
Ann"? Yeah that was old Dean, we
invited him over and sat him down in a
chair and told him to sing, and he did.
And we had all these girls come by, it
was pretty hectic that night. And then
Capitol pulled "Barbara Ann" off the
album without telling us, completely
snuck that one past us.
JP: I bet that surprised you.
BW: It shocked me. It did very well,
and we didn't expect that to happen. I
think that was in November of '65
when they released that. W e had
potato chips and dip and other stuff
around for the atmosphere. Box
guitars, a standup bass, and drums.
JP: Brian, what kind of dip do you like,
do you like onion?
BW: I love onion. French dip, that's
the best. French onion dip or bleu
cheese. Do you like Fritos or that kind
of stuff?
JP: I don't like dip with Fritos as
much. I'd rather have a big potato
chip with onion dip on it.
BW: I love that, God I love that.,..


The Rediscoverers
of Rock nRoll.
They were school kids TUFF DARTS. THE SHIRTS.
in Australia when they hap MINK DeVILLE. THE MIAMIS.
pened upon this new music. THE LAUGHING DOGS. SUN.
And while it may not seem pos STUARTS HAMMER.
sible that a n y group in the
seventies can make it sound this The new underground.
fresh, and new, and young, From the breeding grounds of
AC/DC has done exactly that. punk rock, CBG Bs in New
York, heres the birth of rock n
roll, again.

SD 2-508 Produced by Craig Leon and Kim King.

On Atlantic Records and Tapes.

1976 Atlantic Recording Corp. A Warner Communications Co.

y > r M
Larry Parnes and Jack Good would be proud.
In fact it's exactly like what was happening in
1962. W hat's the difference between David
Essex and Adam Faith? The Glitter Band and
the Shadows? Alvin Stardust and Shane
So much of what we accept as rock/rock
culture is phony and dishonest. Is this the
same music that was founded on defiance
[continued from p. 45] and rejection of hypocrisy? At one time we all
knew what the enemy was, and that rock was
BIG BEAT # 1 3 (Boite Postale 23, 42270 Rockers are back too, they held a demonstra youth's best weapon against it. So we grew
Saint Priest en Jarez, France) Carl Perkins, tion recently, and at its extreme the British out hair long like the groups, spent all our
Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Harmonica Frank anti-hippie backlash has produced groups like money on their records and concerts, and
(all in French, good photos) the Sex Pistols whose growing legion of fans
LIQ UO RICE # 1 (7-34 Victoria Centre, called ourselves hip, because we knew what
sport rudely butchered short hair, deliber was real and most people didn't. Now
Nottingham, UK) John Martyn, Beefheart,
ately slashed and blood-stained working class everyone has long hair, nothing is real, and
Mike Heron, more.
clothes, and other things not so easily the rock stars have so much money they
IMOSTALGIA,Vol.2, # 2 (38, Bedford Sq,
described. identify more with Rockefeller than with the
Brighton, UK $ .50) Arthur Lee, Pretty
Things, Andy Fraser, Traffic, etc. Suits, ties, short hair, Mods & Rockers, kids who gave them credence. Somewhere
NEW K O M M O T IO N # 1 (3, Bowrons Ave, and a general sense of alienation and along the line, people stopped being
Wembley, Middx., UK, $1.25) New Publisher, protestthese are the real signs that concerned with what was real, and assumed
new format, same old factual articles on something big is brewing. Far more indicative they could just keep the long hair and still go
50s/60s rock: Buddy Knox, Fats Domino, Al than the records. Every year has had its good on calling themselves hip. What a joke!
Downing, Terry Noland, more. records, and if we've got more this year than This pseudo-hip/hippie culture, if you can
SH O U T # 1 0 7 (Box 226, London SW4, UK, we've had since 1967, it means little in itself. call it that (at one time it was; now it's
$1.50) Mammoth issue including Chuck Berry But the existence of an audience looking for a nothing more than a set of hackneyed
discog, Scepter singles listing, Arthur style and a stance of its own is the most cliches) is the major impediment to the
Alexander interview, much more.
crucial thing we've been missing these many spread of a '70s pop culture. Like the 'critics'
HOT BUTTERED SOUL # 4 4 (67 Albert
Terrace, Wolstanton, Newcastle-u-Lyne, years, and now we see it forming. who are aesthetically stuck in the period of
Staffs, UK, $1) Good coverage of black music It's no coincidence that the inspiration in Crosby, Stills & Nash's first album, we're
Funkadelic, Ric Tic, Chi-Lites, Shirley Good fashion, like the inspiration in music, has afflicted with FM djs who think it's hip to play
man, more. come from the mid-'60s. That was the last Moody Blues and Ten Years After (I'm not
STRAW BERRY FIELDS FOREVER # 1 6 ,1 7 great pop era, as no reader of BOMP needs to making this up, I actually hear it, day after
18,19 (310 Franklin #117, Boston, MA 02110, be told, and we must pick up from there in day, on both of LA's top FM stations). What
$1) The definitive Beatles fanzine. order to go forward. Only now it's not rock makes them think it's hip or happening in any
GULCHER # 2 , 3 (Box 635, Bloomington, IN theory, not my opinion or Ken's or Alan sense? Well, gosh, weren't these groups at
47401) nicely-done tabloid, # 3 has San Betrock's. These kids are doing it because it Woodstock? Didn't you see 'em in Rolling
Francisco special. feels right, and historically, it is right. Stone? Didn't their former members unveil
R O LU N 'R O C K #12,13,14(6918 Peach Ave, Where it goes from here is anybody's their new solo albums at Carnegie Hall? What
Van Nuys, CA 91406, $1.25) Rockabilly guess. This whole scene may yet fizzle out else do you want?
galore. before it can spread to the teenage masses. These people aren't aware of how foolish
O .REXTASY # 9 (Box 206, Brooklyn, NY It's very disturbing to see how readily they all they are, because they're not aware of
11223, $ 1) Wailers, reviews of new records. respond to the ersatz excitement of bands anything. Thankfully, the new generation is.
A TEM # 3 ,4 (1901 depot legal No. 3938,
tike Aerosmith and Starz and, even though I There are enough people supporting the
Nancy, France) a sort of French ZIGZAG;
like them, Kiss. The kids in England are 'street band' scene, and in England the
articles on Eno, Kaleidoscope, Jesse Colin
equally conditioned to accept the phony. 'nouveau punk' scene, that these scenes will
Young, Emmylou Harris, etc.
R ATW (1108 Boylston, Boston, MA 02215) Watching Supersonic (a British TV rock grow, and kids will have the choice between
well done tabloid, articles on current rock. show now being syndicated in the US) has something real and the phony crap that's all
CRAZY M U S IC # 7 (Box 1029, Canberra been an education. Week after week acts like around. It's hard for a mere teenager to reject
City, ACT 2601, Australia, $1) Blues: Freddie Gary Glitter, Alvin Stardust, David Essex, a whole culture, especially one that calls itself
King, Mickey Baker and Earl King interviews, Mud, etc., etc. appear with the most artificial 'hip', without an alternative. Now the
more. staging you could imagine, until they begin to alternative exists, and that simple fact is our
D E N IM D E L IN Q U E N T # 7 (PO Box 7078, seem interchangeable. best hope for the survival of rock & roll and
Sta. A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, $1) Always All I keep seeing is the manipulators the the vital new pop culture that's waiting, just
a favorite, this ish has Iggy, Springsteen, managers, agents, publishers, etc. perched waiting for its chance to explode.
Kinks, Pagliaro, and much madness. somewhere in the rafters, pulling the strings.
W HO LE LOTTA R O C K IN '#17(A sv. 8, 1400
Ski, Norway, $1) in Norwegian; '50s rock. [ A d v e r tis e m e n t]
G O LD M IN E # 1 1 Box 61, Fraser, Ml 48026, $
PITTSBURG H M U S IC # 1 (711 Penn Ave,
Ogh, PA, free) local Pittsburgh scene.
BLUE SKY REVIEW (1605 Jones, San
Francisco, CA 94109, $ .25) blues, jazz, folk,
C&W. Good.
B O O B O O R A W V O # 1 (1813 Osos, San Luis
Obispo, CA 93401) published by Boo Boo
record store, an ambitious arid interesting
first issue.
HOT W A C K S # 9 (16 Almondbank Terrace,
Edinburgh EHII ISS, UK, $1) Raspberries, T E E N T IT A N S - R O C K & R O L L M A G A Z IN E '
Terry Melcher, Dillard & Clark, more. The Midwest's newest and coolest rock 'zine
Austin, TX 78765) a c h a t w it h MICKY DOLENZ th e BOYS: B r itis h r o c k a t its A m e r ic a n b est
G URO CK NEW S (5466 Santa Monica, LA th e SCOTT McCARL in te r v ie w th e le g e n d a ry BLUE THINGS s to r y
90029) 1-pg first issue, free. CHESMANN SQUARE: K ansas C it y 's B e a tle s BOBBY SKY B u b b le g u m r o c k live s
S H A K IN 'S T R E E T GAZETTE (35 Knox, th e SHOOTING STARS - K .C .'s fin e s t and m o re . . .

Buffalo, NY 14216, $1) Not out yet, but a new Send $1.00 to: Teen Titans, P.O. Box 7010, Overland Park, Kansas 66207
issue is planned for December, so if you miss
the great SSG of yore, send your buck today


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Edgar Winter heard a tape that

Dan 1iarlnian wrote,produced,
engineered and played all the
..) ; ! k" , thing
Dan Hartman was inliu as the
Seigar Winter Group - n mister
album They Only Come Opt. Dan H
Night!featuring Ins tiuie
fee Ride and a successful
4-albiun stint playing,writing

id eo-producing with Edgar,
ow his sol . n 's ere. .
D an H
H a
i rtm an
Dan Hart mans charmeied all unages
his eiiergc and prodigious
talents as singer, writer, produce
and complete musician into a
tasty very musical amali am o|
rock and roll that is ail his.
images. Dan iartman s lirst
solo album. On Blue Sky


i m m m w 9
that they listened to favorite records;
piles of singles filled their rooms, things
like Gene Pitney, the Beach Boys, the
Chiffons, Roy Orbison, and of course
Lou Christie, who was such a profound
inspiration for "I'm On Fire."
Has there ever been a great rock & roll
band that didn't while away countless
hours of their formative years playing
their favorite records and dreaming of
someday surpassing them? For Dwight
and Phil, the isolation of being in Tulsa
was only intensified by the isolation they
felt from the mainstream of what was
called 'progressive rock' in the late '60's
and early '70s, forcing them all the more
to examine their roots and refine their
music to avoid the excesses they saw
being perpetrated on all sides.
Various stabs at taking their music
beyond their living rooms led nowhere.
With a group called Oister they played
small clubs in Tulsa. On a trip to
Nashville in 1969 they met producer Ray
Harris who was interested in them,
though nothing came of it. In '72, Phil
joined a band called El Roacho and
Dwight started a group with Bill Pitcock,
called 1950. Neither project went
anywhere, and the two ended up back
together again, in Los Angeles, where a
demo tape reached Shelter, whose
Denny Cordell promptly signed the
dented airplay, though it's been ages boys. Ironically, though Tulsa is Shel
By GREG SHAW since the hit and the group shows no ter's home base, they had never
inclination toward touring. seriously considered approaching the
How splendid it is to be entering a Who are these mysterious Twilleys Leon Russell-dominated label.
time when the real values of rock & roll who defy the system with such After "Fire" came out and began
are being reinstated in the commercial impunity, and seem to succeed despite burning up the charts, Cordell decided
mainstream. It's like everybody is all logic? The answer is as simple as their to send Twilley & Co. to England for
waking up, rubbing the sleep from their music: they're just a coupla guys who some more recording. They spent two
eyes and saying hey, what's been going know how to make records in a style months there, cutting an entire album
on here? Rock & roll used to be devoid of any but the purest influences, with producer Robin Cable. But Cordell
g re a t what's all this crap they're giving and who care about nothing except wasn't satisfied and only one song,
us? For years the hard-core fans have perfection. That they could achieve any "England", made it onto the final album.
echoed this cry in the wilderness; now at success with such an unrealistic attitude Another from those sessions, "Sharks"
last it's being picked up by the public at is all the more evidence that quality was scheduled as the follow-up single to
large, and a new wave of musicians. tends to seek its own level. "I'm On Fire", and though it was a
The Dwight Twilley Band is among I had the pleasure of meeting most of charming pop number with the same
the most important pioneers of this new the Dwight Twilley band recently, and hard-edged guitar sound that pushed
wave. When their first single, "I'm On discussing their music with them. "I'm On Fire" to the top, it was at length
Fire" came out last summer, its utter Dwight himself is the group's unques rejected for fear of association with the
simplicity and honest intensity cut tioned leader and spokesman; he writes exploitative "Mr. Jaws" trend that had
through the AM dross like a hot knife, all the songs, sings most of the leads, arisen since the song was recorded.
going straight to the top of the charts and plays guitar and keyboards. Besides So after months of indecision,
and proving that there was hope yet for Dwight, there is Phil Seymour, who "Shark" was scrapped and "You Were
all of us. sings, plays drums and bass. Between So Warm" released. And just as it was
From that point on, however, fans of the two of them, they work out the 'bubbling under' the charts, Shelter was
the group have been more perplexed songs and make the records. The rest of hit with a final round of the legal
than inspired by the course of events. the band consists of Johnny Johnson problems that had kept it in a sort of
After such a monstrous hit, there should and Bill Pitcock, who round out the business limbo for a year or more, and
have been an immediate follow-up, but sound. as a result they were unable to support
instead months went by with nothing. It all started around 1967, when the the record as it should have been. So it
Not even an album, though it was two of them met at a matinee of H ard was lost.
reported that at least two LPs' worth of D ay's N ig h t in their home town of Tulsa. But that was all '75, and now it's '76
material was in the can. When finally In true storybook fashion, they struck it and the album is out, it's great, and we
"You Were So Warm" came out, the off immediately and went to Dwight's can see much more clearly where things
few who heard it acclaimed it the house that day to start writing songs. are at with the Dwight Twilley Band. In
masterpiece single of the year. Yet it And for the next 8 years they did little the course of a dozen songs, ranging
failed to even enter the charts. Now, else. They built their own demo studio from hard rockers to breathy ballads, we
more than a year later, the album has and laid down literally hundreds of can discern a style that, while decep
appeared and is receiving unprece songs, and when they weren't doing tively simple, is also strikingly original.

Initial similarities with Beatles and other
mid-Sixties British groups quickly dis
appear. There's a lot of John Lennon in
"I'm On Fire" and the weird arrange
ment of "Sincerely", but really, the>
sound is so spare and polished that
comparisions just slide right off it.
"Everybody always said they heard
Searchers and Hollies and Zombies and
things like that," says Dwight, "but I get
none of that. No Searchers or Hollies
song ever influenced me to tie my shoe.
Some of their songs were okay, but if
anybody influenced us besides the
Beatles and Elvis, it was the Bee Gees."
Mainly, though, it seems to have been
Elvis. The album's biggest surprise, to
me, was "T.V", authentic rockabilly
thumper based largely on "King Cre
ole." After years of listening to hardly
anything but the Beatles, Johnny
Johnson turned Dwight and Phil onto
the early Elvis things.
"W e had never realized that he was
actually as good as all the records he
sold. For us, it was just like the Beatles
had just come out, because we'd never
heard any of that stuff before. He was as
good as the Beatles; it was the same
thing. There was no difference between
the snare drum on Elvis and Beatles
records. Elvis was the greatest singer, he
looked better than anybody, he danced
better than anybody, his songs were
better than anybody's, and it was the
same with the Beatles. Nothing else did
anything for me. And I think we learned
a lot from that."
The Elvis influence shows up in the
emotional strength of Dwight's singing,
in the simple bass-drumsone guitar
sound of the record as a whole, and
more specifically in songs like "T.V."
and "Losing You", with its "One Night"
guitar riff. Their ability to mix this with
the subtleties of Beatle production and
their own approach to echo, gentle
harmonies, and evocative 12-string
guitars, is what gives the group its style.
The more you play the album, the more
you grow to love the little touches that
enrich each song. You find yourself
asking, how can anything that sounds
so plain and uncomplicated mask such
The Dwight Twilley Band is one of the
healthiest things to happen to pop in the
'70s. They grew up with the highest
standards in rock & roll, and have
dreamed of nothing less than creating a
teenage sensation, pouring out waves of
hit singles, enlisting legions of scream
ing teenage girls, and becoming the next
"When you start thinking about it,"
reflects Dwight, "there's really only one
thing. It's the pop thing, the super-pop
thing as we call it; it's a romantic ideal,
but we're romantics, and going to the
limit is what rock & roll is all about.
We're gonna try and go all the way with


By Ken Barnes
I wrote a prototype version of this ences (a startling proportion 15 or convenient means to broadcast their
piece in 1973, at a time when admitting under) went wild over them. heretical views. But2'/2 years later, rock
you liked the Monkees was about as Listening to the Monkees' records music had become a youth religion,
cool as driving a Rambler with racing today, it's hard to remember what all the passionately espoused by a mob of
stripes. Definitely u n h ip -a fte r all, were controversy was about. It's bright, 17-24 predominantly-male fanatics,
they not the very epitome of manufac well-crafted pop music, slick enough, to spearheaded by an articulate (and rather
tured plasticity and the soulless Holly be sure, but the well- snobbish) rock press just getting
wood approach to musical mass krafted processed American individually started. For this massive bloc of the
marketing? But now, whilejudging -wrapped singles of, say, the Partridge rock-loving population, music was a
from the vast inattention paid to the Family (which I also tend to liketry progressive force, constantly evolving to
reformed group's singles and album and tell me Queen's "You're My Best newer, more mind-blowingly advanced
Monkees fever is not exactly wide Friend" isn't a Partridge Family record at states. The Beatles, the Stones, even
spread, it's become quite commonplace heart), the Monkees sound raw and those congenital surfer wimps the
to profess admiration for the Monkees, exciting. Mix "Last Train To Clarksville" Beach Boys were taking rock to new
even fashionable in certain radical pop in with a current Top 20 assortment and heights with every release; a few
revisionist circles. There are fanatic you'll marvel at how vibrantly it stands months later Cream and Hendrix would
collectors avidly tracking down every out. make their weighty presence known.
last manifestation of Monkees arcana But in Fall 1966, when the Monkees Music was becoming ever hipper, ever
(even unspeakable Davy Jones solo were launched, things looked different, more meaningful, ever more creative,
singles), the two-season run of TV and time and circumstances combined and just where did these media moguls
shows has been exhumed and put into to ignite an uproar. In 1964 there might get off.trying to work this Monkees
syndication, and when Mickey Dolenz have been a lot of people who felt the scam?
and Davy Jones joined with their former Beatles were a plastic phenomenon Everything about it was offensive,
head songwriters Tommy Boyce and rammed down the public's throats by from the original Variety ad soliciting
Bobby Hart to perform at amusement unscrupulous money-mad manipulators, four "crazy" personalities to star in a TV
parks in Summer 1975, capacity audi- but they had no constituency and no series about a rock group and make

,ms >
recordsno existing rock group would
do, of course; Hollywood had to
m an ufacture one. Naturally 437 strug
gling musicians and actors (Stephen
Stills among them, legend has it)
showed up. And when it came time to
pick the final foursome, did the moguls
consider musical talent? RightMicky
Dolenz, child star of Circus Boy, a
British shrimp named Davy Jones,
who'd starred in Oliver, plus two
Then Screen Gems took this mis
matched unmusical quartet and un
leashed a huge publicity buildup, tying
in the weekly TV series. "W e plan to
give them the same publicity treatment
as the Beatles in every respect,"
[P re-M on kees] 6-69 Greatest Hits - Colgems 115
trumpeted a spokesmen. "With 30,000,
MIKE NESMITH 10-69 The Monkees Present [Mickey,
000 people watching them regularly Just a Little Love/Curson Terr Edan 1001 David, Michaefi - Colgems 117
Monday night, they should be bigger MICKEY DOLENZ 5-70 Changes - Colgems 119
than the Beatles." Bigger than the (Played in a band called the Missing Links. No ?-70 Barrel-Ful o f Monkees -Colgems 1001
Beatles ? Hey, their TV show was a total known records. See also post-Monkees re 9-72 Re-Focus - Bell 6081
leases on Challenge) 7-76 Greatest Hits - Arista 4089
steal from H a rd D a y's N ig h t; their first [same as Re-Focus]
record, that "Clarksville" thing, was
Dream Girl/Take Me to Paradise Colpix 764
stolen from "Paperback Writer." And Further notes: In watching the syndicated
What are we Going to do?/This Bouquet
wouldn't you know it;,,!these dumb kids reruns of the TV series, several observers
Coipix 784 have noted the existence of high-quality,
went out and bought a million of it and The Girl From Chelsea/Theme For a New finished songs broadcast on the shows which
pushed it to # 1 . They bought millions Love-C olpix789 apparently never turned up on albums.
of their first album and kept it on the David Jones - Colpix CP 493 There's also a fabulous live concert on one
THE MONKEES show. If it's running in your neighborhood,
charts for 78 weeks, with the second LP &1I = = Last Train to Clarksville/Take a it's worth following with cassette recorder at
supplanting it in the top spot, 31 Giant Step (PS) - Colgems 1001 the ready-there may be enough new
consecutive weeks of Monkees at # 1. 12-66 I'm a Believer/il'm Not Your) Step material for an entire album...
Those albums you know the ping Stone (PS) - Colgems 1003
3-67 A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You/The [Post-Monkees]
Monkees didn't even WRITE THEIR Girl I Knew Somewhere* - Colgems 1004 DAVY JONES
OWN SONGS! The LP's were sanc 7-67 Pleasant Valley Sunday/Words (PS) You're a Lady/Who Was It?
tuaries for washed-up Brill Building Colgems 1007 MGM 14458
hacks and such look at 'em: Tommy 11-67 Daydream Believer/Goin' Down*(PS) ?-73 Rubberene/? MGM 14524
Colgems 1012 7- 71 Rainy Jane/? Bell 45,111
Boyce and Bobby Hart, Boyce writing
3-68 Valleri/Tapioca Tundra Colgems 1019 3-72 I'll Believe in You/The Road to Love
prehistoric Fats Domino hits, both of 6-68 D.W.Washburn*/lt's Nice to Be With
them making unsuccessful solo records You*(PS) - Colqems 1023 MICKEY DOLENZ Be" 45' 178
since the early 60's, teaming up to write 9-68 Porpoise Song/As We Go Along(PS)f ?-67 Don't Do It/Plastic Symphony III
Colgems 1031 Challenge 59353
the "Where The Action Is" theme for 2-69 Tear Drop City/A Man W ithout a 8- 67 Huff Puff/? Challenge 59372
Dick Clark and Freddy Cannon. Plus all Dream (PS) - Colgems 5000 Note: these came out during the Monkees
these relics of the pre-Beatles era like 5-69 Listen to the Band/Someday Man period, but probably date from much earlier)
Goffin and King, David Gates, Russ (PS) - Colgems 5004 10- 71 Easy on You/Oh Someone (co-arran-
9-69 Good Clean Fun/Mommy & Daddy ged by Peter Tork) - MGM 14309
Titelman, Jack Keller, Jeff Barry, the
(PS) - Colgems 5005 1-12 A Lover's Prayer/Unattended in the
Tokens, Neil Sedaka, and bubble- 5-70 Oh My My/I Love You Better (PS) Dungeon - MGM 14395
gummers like Neil Diamond. Colgems 5011 1-12 Daybreak/Love War ( Harry
8-76 Daydream Believer/Monkees' Theme Nilsson) - Romar710
Arista 0201 MIKE NESMITH
* = non-LP; t = A-side longer than on LP Many fine LPs & 45s with First National Band
and other aggregations. Nesmith has enjoyed
NOTES: Songs indicated as non-LP may a long and productive post-Monkees career,
have appeared on Colgems LPs 115 or 1001, which has no doubt been documented in full
which we haven't seen. There were count by one of those amazing British publications.
less foreign releases of different LP tracks, PETER TORK
most notable being the 1967 English smash Tork has recorded practically nothing since
"Alternate Title" (actually "Randy Scouse the breakup of the Monkees.
G it", but the Liverpudlian slang implications DOLENZ,JONES,BOYCE & HART
were too much for the BBC). We have an ?-75 I Remember the feehng/You & I
Italian release of "Monkees Theme" sung in Capitol 4180
Italian, and there may be other foreign- ?-76 I Love YOU (And I'm Glad That I Said
language records extant. In America there lt)/Savin' My Love For You - Capitol 4271
were several cereal box record releases, and ?-76 Dolenz, Jones, Boyce Ft Hart -
at least two jukebox EPs (CGLP-101, The Capitol LP
Monkees, and CGLP-102, same title, featur
ing six cuts each off their first two LPs.) Final note: Davy Jones was, for a short time,
given his own label, Davy Jones Presents,
10- 66 Meet the Monkees - Colgems 101 with his picture on it. He released nq records
1-67 More o f the Monkees - Colgems 102 of his own on the label, which was devoted to
Yes, you too 6-67 Headquarters - Colgems 103 other artists whom he was presumably
can leam to play 11- 67 Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones, presenting to his appreciative fans. Some
just like the Monkees Ltd. - Colgems 104 releases:
with this revolutionary new 5-68 The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees 6662 - Randy Johnson - Fly Superman Fly/
method... just hire - Colgems 109 Have You Been Dreaming
a bunch of studio musicians 12- 68 Head (soundtrack) - Colgems 5008 663 - Dickie Goodman - White House
to do it for you! 2-69 In s ta n t R eplay - Colgems 113 Happening/White House Rock


Then it got out that not only did the And they did it justice too. The they were more than ready. The new
Monkees not write their own songs instrumental backing is always crisp quartet lured Keith Allison away from
(well, except for Mike Nesmiths "Mary overlush on the drippy ballads which the fading Raiders to front a band, and
Mary and a few others), they didn't (like "Michelle" or "This Boy" for the they lined up gigs at amusement parks
even play on their own records. They Beatles) were always present, but across the country. They put on a
had some musical background Dolenz sparkling on the upbeat songs ("Clarks thoroughly entertaining show, mixing
had made a couple of amusing singles ville." "Pleasant Valley Sunday," or that sterling versions of "Pleasant Valley
and had been lead singer for a group guitar on "Vafieri"). Micky Dolenz Had Sunday" and "I'm A Believer," "Step-
called the Missing Links (as Mike an excellent pop voice, light and chirpy pin' Stone," "Clarksville," even Boyce
Swain ); Nesmith and Peter Tork had and vastly appealing. Nesmith sounded and Hart's delightful bubblegummer "I
folk backgrounds (Nesmith at least had good too, especially later on with Wonder What She's Doing Tonight"
recorded); and Davy Jones had even "Listen, To The Band" and similarly with broad comedy, and it all looked and
made the charts in 1965 with a hideous adventurous originals, and if Davy sounded great and was received with
bit of crypto-Cockney fluff called "W hat Jones was a perpetual weak link and tumultuous adulation.
Are We Going To Do. But Dolenz had incurable wimp, even he couldn't ruin About the same time, the TV series
never played drums, even in the circus, dynamite Neil Diamond ditties like "A went into syndication in various regions,
and though Nesmith and Tork were Little Bit Me A Little Bit You," "I'm A and it was a revelation! Not only did the
competent guitarists, no one could Believer", and "Look Out Here Comes music (one or two songs a show) sound
figure out what musical function Davy Tomorrow" (along with "Cherry terrific (including a tantalizingly large
Jones should serve, so he was relegated Cherry" and "Love To Love" his number of songs which didn't seem to
to tambourine-banging, winsome greatest works). The nine Monkees have ever been released on record, but
glances, and (unfortunately) singing. albums (excluding repackages) are full the comedy bits were often dazzling. No
Rather than eat up studio time of good songs (though the quality tends mere H ard D ay's N ig h t ripoff after all,
painstakingly pumping albums out of to drop near the end), and anyone who the Bob Rafelson-directed segments
this motley line-up, the corporate reinvestigates is sure to be pleasantly were dizzying in their complexity, full of
powers hired a btfnch of sharp session surprised. sharp lines (and clinkers as well, of
musicians. The Monkees' career was meteoric course) and amusing satireall in all the
Well, that sealed it. From that point 2&months or so at the top and an abrupt most bizarre comedy series since the
on everybody (except the millions of decline. While the TV series was on the truly surreal Burns & A llen.
obviously naive youngsters who adored air, they had six singles go Top 3 (three Conditions seemed ripe for a full-
and lavishly supported the group and # 1 'si, and five albums reaching 1, 1, 1, fledged Monkees revival. The new
somehow didn't know or care about the 1 and 3. When the series went off the air group (forced for legal reasons to adopt
authorship of the songs or the identity (June 1968), the next single, the dismal the unwieldy moniker Dolenz, Jones,
of the musicians) considered the "D.W. Washburn," barely made Top 20 Boyce & Hart) signed to Capitol, and the
Monkees terminally lam e, and the (probably meriting a lower showing in debut single, "I Remember the Feeling,"
stigma followed them throughout their terms of pure retail sales), and the was encouragingly good. But it was
career, even after they started to play on Monkees never reached the Top 30 discouragingly unsuccessful, as was an
their own records (from the third album, again on either singles or albums. They inferior follow-up, and the generally
H eadquarters, on), got sneaky-hip went on to make records through disappointing album didn't sell well
with songs like Nilsson's "Cuddly Toy mid 1970, some mediocre, some excel- either. Monkees revival fever is by no
(crammed with biker slang descriptive of loent; and they made a difficult surreal means a dead issueArista (where
a gang-bang), and made records that for film extenion of their TV series, the careers are launched) recently relaun
sheer artistry stood up with anyone's movie Head, which brought in less than ched a greatest hits package which is
(Goffin/Kings brilliant, brooding "Por a box-office bonanza, Tork left first in charting at a surprisingly high level as
poise Song," arranged by Jack late 1968, apparently tired of his this is written, with "Daydream
Nitzsche). perennial dork typecasting, and went off Believer" released as a single. But there
to live the free life, teaching guitar and are no signs of Beaties/Beach Boys-
Nowadays, when the hipness of a playing softball and generally keeping a styie furor in the air.
record is generally measured by its low profile. Nesmith dropped out in
lineup of sidemen, when it's known that 1969, going on to a pair of hit singles No matter, though. The Monkees are
a group as forbiddingly cool as the ("Joanne" and "Silver Moon ) and a now by and large free of the historical
Byrds didn't play on "M r. Tambourine number of low-key, critically-priased black marks which haunted them
Man" (except McGuinn), and when country-rock-folk album experiments. through the years. They proved that
considerable doubt has even been cast Dolenz and Jones made a last Monkees manufactured pop could be marketed
on the extent of Ringo's percussive role, album in 1970, a single or two (one as successfully on a truly massive level,
it's hard to get exercised over the Starship); Dolenz went on to cut a and that's been a lesson that for better
Monkees' peccadillos. Likewise, now number of zany TV commercials and or worse has not been lost on today's
that the status of the professional pleasant singles, and Jones cut a multi-media manipulators. But the
songwriter has been upgraded and the number of decidedly unpleasant singles. Monkees also proved that manufactured
dreary end-products of compulsive Finally, in mid-1975, Dolenz and pop could be as delightful as any form of
self-contained originality have been laid Jones decided to give it another shot. rock, that prepackaged plasticity was no
bare in album after mediocre album, the Nesmith was obviously uninterested and bar to genuine excitement, and that
Tin Pan Alley issue as regards the Tork was apparently unavailable ("N o even the crassest pop puppets could
Monkees can be put to rest as well. body asked me," he reportedly said aspire to brilliance (the Bay City Rollers'
Reviewers, radio stations, and record later), so Tommy Boyce and Bobby "Rock & Roll Love Letter" is the most
buyers today would drool over albums Hart, who'd capitalized on their Monk recent example). In the pop pantheon
full of songs by Goffin/King, Nilsson, ees successes ("Clarksville," "Valleri," the Monkees now shine like a beacon,
Sedaka, and Diamond; the Monkees, "I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone," with their own cold, calculated light, but
thanks to Don Kirsbner and his "Words) by teaming for four chart besides all that they were always a barrel
extensive publishing connections, singles and three albums, were enlisted. of fun, and at this point there's just no
always had nothing but the best for They had eventually split, and had excuse for not loving them.
material. enjoyed only sporadic success apart, so


able Orfeon label. According to Emanuel, A s i"11 was the biggest selling single in the
By Phast Phreddie "Juego" bombed in most of the markets in state of Chihuahua in 1966.12 There was a
Mexico, except the city of Oaxaca where it huge promotion campaign featuring the dis
My initiation into the collecting of Punk- received minor airplay. When a DJ in Mexico tribution of cardboard tortillas with photos of
Rock of Mexico (hereafter abbreviated City started playing the flip side, "Todos Los Rockin' Devils on them.3
PROM) came in a greasy restaurant in Carson Queremos a Lupe"4, the record shot up to A tour was set up which took the band
California. I had just bought a pile of records the top of Las Cartas5in early 1965 and Los to key Mexican cities such as Merida, Vera
at the local Salvation "Army and I had hardly Rockin' Devils became big stuff. Cruz, Pachuca, Monterey and reaching as far
put them down when Emanuel, the busboy, This hit was followed by a wild version of north as Maxicali. While in Mexicali, the
came by and dropped an additional 45 atop James Brown's "Soy Feliz"6 which bashed drummer (Jengibre Pastelero) crossed the
the other discs and said "Para Listed, Amigo its way up to "El Numero Uno" position on border into the USA where he was arrested
checked it out and saw that he had given me Las Cartas late that summer. As "Soy Feliz" as an illegal alien near San Clemente. Disillus
a copy of "Hey L u p e "2 by Los Rockin' descended Las Cartas, the long-awaited LP ioned, Los Rockin' Devils returned to Mexico
Dev ;s which turned out to be a much sought was released, to "mucho albanzo"7 by the City to find a nevv drummer.
afte' tern among PROM enthusiasts, at least fans, but "Los C riticos"8 hated it. And with Later in 1966, they recorded their second
as good as "W atcher of the Skies by good reason. Exitos A Go Go is awful, com LP. The new drummer, Alphonso Robles,
Genesis and twice as rare. prised for the most part of popular tunes from proved to be a gifted translater of songs into
the US charts, like "You Soy Enrique VIII", Spanish, and every BOMP reader should
From then on I've been making regular "Los Pajaros y Las abejas"9 and "Hey Lupe." recognize tunes like "Chichardos Dulces",
excursions into East LA and even Tijuana, to The main reason Los Criticos hated the LP "Caperucita Roja", "La Patita" and
find the records I so desperately need for my was because one song, "Todo El Dia y Toda "Regressas a M i."14
collection. Believe me, it's a lot cheaper to la N oche"10 was sung in English instead of The single pulled from the LP was
take the short drive across the Rio Grande Spanish. You must understand that Los "Gorda A Go G o "15 which flopped. The flip
than to sell your stereo, TV and car and go to Criticos of Mexico are devout purists and was "La Pequena Lupe L u " 19, a fine rocker
Europe, only to find all the Focus singles were would even object to eating at Taco Bell. which now fetches from 90 to 125 pesos from
already bought up by a guy from Japan. Nonetheless, Exitos A Go Go did quite the collectors who invade Tijuana every
The main PROM band is Los Rockin' well and another 45 was let loose. "Sigue
Devils. So far seven 45's, an EP and three LPs 11. "Go Ahead On", written by Chris Montez
have turned up in California. Their debut 12. According to Miguel Jimenez of Chico's Car
4. "Everybody Do the Sloopy." Wash in San Pedro.
single was "Juego de A m o r"3 on the formid- 5. The charts. 13. These items are quite rare now and fetch from
6. "I Got You." 45 to 80 pesos each.
7. Much praise. 14. "Sweet Pea", "Little Red Riding H ood","The
1. Translation: For you, friend. 8. The critics. Duck and "Together Again."
2. "Hang On Sloopy. 9. "I'm Henry the Eighth", "The Birds Et the Bees." 15. "It's Going to Rain."
3. "Game of Love" 10. "A ll Day and All of the Night." 16. "Little Latin Lupe Lu."


record season. Tu Am ore","Tratala Bien" and "Ven a M i." 21 knowledgeable rock fans; in the middle of
From 1967 until 1973, the band remained Also of note is a version of Travis this song they break into Jimi Hendrix' "Third
fairly inactive, except for a 1971 single done Wammack's "Scratchy" and a surf instru Stone From the Sun", strange voices and all.
by Robles, lead singer Jose Martinez and a mental called "M ary y Juana" now THAT's A second and third LP were released by
group of studio musicians in Tijuana. "Mujer punk. Los Ovnis, but both were relatively disap
de Honky Tonk" 17 was released late that The Los Hitters LP came out in 1966. In pointing, although still better than the vast
year as a Los Rockin' Devils 45. The percus 1967, they broke up due to an excessive majority of PROM. A fourth album is rumored
sion intro sounds like a monkey beating on amount of drug overdoses among the band to exist. The story on that is that by the time
stale taco shells and Joe's voice fails to members, as well as roadies, las sangui- Los Ovnis were in the recording studio for
match his earlier high standards. The gatos juelas22 and management. their third try, the ECO label decided to drop
estudios 18 failed to measure up to the former Chihuahua is the home of Los Apson. them, and the fourth LP was pressed only in
Devils sound. Of course it was a big hit Although they made 3 albums, only the small promotional quantities. Entitled
anyway, topping Las Cartas in Durengo, La second, Satisfaccion can be considered a Boracho, the LP received minor airplay on an
Paz, Toluca, Guadalajara and even the juke true PROM record. The outstanding feature Army base radio station in Fresnillo and never
box at Hombre Facil, a popular burrito palace of the first album was the fact that the key touched Las Cartas. Disillusioned, Los Ovnis
in East LA, known for its generous portions board player had no legs.23 and was pictured went their separate ways in 1968.
of Montezuma's Revenge. on the cover with a pair of synthetic legs, I hope to be writing more about the Punk
They went on to release another album sitting on a railroad track as the bass player Rock of Mexico as more data comes in all
featuring the vocals of Elena Palma, and and drummer help him up, while the two info is eagerly sought, naturally. Let the
several singles, the last-known being their guitarists mimic him by clowning with fake above serve as an introduction only, along
1974 "G ritos", a rocker in true Question Mark crutches. The second LP featured a great with the following incomplete yet eccentric
& Mysterians style, which had moderate fuzz-tone revamp of the Stones classic discography.
success throughout Mexico.19 "Satisfaccion." Somehow they screwed up
Another Mexico City band was Los X-5 the lyrics and lines like "Y o tengo solo cinco Thanks for material aid to Emanuel, Miguel
who had a more Anglo sound. On their album pesos yella quere se is"24 were added with Jimenez, Juan Llescas, Julio Bendejo, Ricardo
A l Compas de la Nueva Ola they perform 3 Ovideo, Jose Manon and Los Mermanos at Hombre
spectacular results. And on "Croscopio Facil.
Beatle songs, 3 Dave Clark Five songs, some B ikin i"25 they prove themselves to be as
originals sounding like Gerry & the Pace capable as Hermans Hermits.
makers on reds, and a sped-up version of But the real Standells of Mexico is Los
Ovnis. 1 don't know how they're set for
When Jengibre Pasterlero, Los Rockin' singles, but I've got three monster albums by LOS ROCKIN DEVILS
Orfeon 45's
Devils old drummer, got out of jail in San them. The first features "Muchacha", 1803 Juego de Amor/Todos Queremos a Lupe
Diego, he went straight to Tijuana where he "Repitelo Repitelo", and "U n Hombre 1807 Soy Feliz/Dime
formed Los Babys. Although Los Babys have Respetable" 26 , each having been a sizable 1876 Sigue Asi/Otro Amor
released many albums, the only one worth hit down home. Even the cover was a classic 1906 Gorda a Go Go/La Pequena Lupe Lu
???? Mujer de Honky Tonk/Azucar,Azucar
mentioning is Sabor Ritmo y Sentimeinto. It in the Punk Rock mold: a black & white 2038 Georgina/Chula lu (Sugar,Sugar)
has one killer song called "Esos Ojitos photo of the five Ovnis, each wearing a pin 2309 Estos Fueron Los Dias/Gitos
Negros", a psychedelic rave-up much like the striped long-sleeve shirt with buttoned collar Orfeon EP 843 - Estos Fueron Los Dias/Un Paso
al Amor/Gritos/Pilotos
third Chocolate Watchband LP run through and black vest. Orfeon LP 472 - Exitos a Go Go
hot sauce. Los Otfnis got a great sound out of their Dimsa LPs (subsidiary of Orfeon)
From Oaxaca came Los Freddys. Their obviously.Woolworths amplifiers and Emeny 1021 - Nuevos Exitos Con
1061 - Esos Fueron Las Dias
first LP is classic, but after that they sort of guitars, too. Their sense of humor is aptly Also o f note: Orfeon 2017 - Los Grande Anos de
gave up. Their three follow-up LPs consisted portrayed in their version of "Sacudiendo Rock 'n 'R o ll Vol. 1 (various artists) includes "Diablo
of Mexican folk-songs; no rock f roll. But T o d o "27, doing the German band The Lords con Vestido Azul 7 la Plaga"
that first one was boss. It contained a couple one better by singing the entire song in Other noteworthy PROM LPs:
Beatle songs, "Tengo un Corazon", "Dime Spanish. X-5 - A l Compas de la Nueva Ola (Kristal 2020)
Que Quieras"20and two Gary Lewis r The real gem is their odd rendition of Los Hitters - Hey Lucy (Primovox 030)
Playboys tunes all done up with a certain "Baby Please Don't Go" (here called "El THE ECO LABEL
ineptitude that, well, if you like the Ramones.. O vni"28). They must have been very The ECO label is the largest independent record
One of my favorite PROM bands is Los company in Mexico. They dealt with a variety of
Hitters who have a firecracker of an LP on the Mexican noises, therefore only the rock r roll LPs
21. "For Your Love", "Treat Her Right", "Stand by will receive mention.
Primvox label. The songs include "Por Me." 388 Los Aspen - Por Eso Estamos Como Estamos
22. The groupies. 400 Los Aspen - Satisfaccion
23. Take that.Moulty. 453 Los Ovnis
17. "H onky Tonk W omen." 24. "I only have five pesos and she wants six." 493 Los Ovnis - Somos Amantes
18. Studio cats. 25. "Dizzy Miss Lizzy." 522 Los-Freddys
19. According to Juan Llescas, "G ritos" was 26. "G irl", "Over and Over" and "A Well Respected 601 Los Babys - Sabor Ritmo Y Sentimento
number one in Peru for 18 months in a row in Man." 798 Los Aspen - El Compadre Vadilador
1974-75, selling a total of 523 copies. 27. "Shakin' All Over" 895 Los Freddys - Sin Tu A m or
20. "Heart Full of Soul", "M y Girl." 28. I don't know what the hell this means. 921 Los Babys - Carino





A t left, th e king o f Boston rock: W illie

records that have already been pressed. Jelly

records, in nearby Maynard, seems to exist
just for the purpose of giving local groups a
chance at a record. They've produced some
good singles already, including "Magic City"
by Radio King and his Court of Rhythm, an
r&b band, and "H ot For Teacher" by
suburban Natick's Thundertrain. An anth
ology and national distribution is being
planned. Most of the groups mentioned here,
however, have gone the route of doing
everything themselves on their own labels.
Publicity on the bands' various activities is
provided by word of mouth and the very
efficient Lorenzo Promo Service run by Al
"Lorenzo" Drake. Lorenzo continually
blankets the city with flyers and mini-fanzines
that provide readers with humor and intimate
details about their favorites. Lorenzo's
creations can be found in local record stores
By now, the existence of a new and taped to mailboxes and phone poles etc.
'underground' rock scene, street bands and W ithout Lorenzo's advertising, many of these
By BRUCE DICKINSON groups might not be going as strong as they
lo ft bands, CBGB and Club 82, is all old news.
Everyone has heard about Patti Smith, are today. As for local radio stations, only
Since the early sixties, the Boston- WBCN, (especially d.j. Maxanne Sartori) has
Television, M ilk Et Cookies, the Ramones, Cambridge area has always had a vital music
and the rest o f them. Most o f the better consistently exposed its listeners to the local
scene. Along with Greenwich Village in New talent. Columnist James Isaacs of The
bands have already been signed by major York, Boston was a center for folk music in
labels. So what's next? Boston Phoenix, one of Boston's tw o weekly
the hootenany days, a tradition that still newspapers has also given considerable
The next phase will find bands in other strongly continues. Later in the sixties, many
cities, encouraged by the success o f their coverage to many of the groups in this article.
fine rock groups appeared. Among these
New York counterparts, working to gain As a sidelight, it is interesting that a few
were The Lost, The Remains, and The
recognition by following the same pattern. country-oriented bands have also been able
Hallucinations. The full history of Boston's
Already, in recent months, the biggest to rise above the blooze-boogie syndrome
rock scene can be found in BOMP #14.
outbreak o f local action in years has been here in the past year or so. John Lincoln
In the wake of the Bosstown hype, there
seen in many cities including Los Angeles, W right and the Sour Mash boys have put out
was little happening in Boston in the early
San Francisco, Cleveland, Detroit, London, both an E.P. and a single. John Lincoln
seventies. There were two excellent rock
and Boston. W right, by the way, was once a member of
bands playing the clubs at that time (The
Of them all, Boston's scene is the two Boston rock bands: Eagle and the
Sidewinders and The Modern Lovers) but
healthiest. Bands from there have been Beacon Street Union. Wheatstraw has also
little else. Then and now, most of the club
received in New York like a breath o f fresh been active, having put out a good debut
bands preferred to churn out the same old
air. S o m e th in g about the Boston scene is album on Back Door Records. Both bands
blooze-funk riffs. It's what the people wanted
vital and positive in a way that New York are extremely popular.
and they packed Boston's many clubs. While
simply isnt. The bands, and there are a lo t o f this still goes on today, there are alternatives
them, are less derivative, less dependent on again. Within the past year, two area clubs, FOX PASS
posturing, and feature singers with more Boston's Rathskeller and Cambridge's The Of all the bands mentioned here. Fox Pass
genuine personality. Admitting the dangers Club began booking these bands as an may be the first to get some national action in
o f another "Bosstow n" hype out front, it experiment and met with success. The result 1976. They seem to have a knack for
seems likely that the city will be the next focal has been growing support of the rock 'n' roll promoting themselves. Their Paradise single,
point o f national attention. scene here and it promises to keep growing. an original by lead singer-rhythm guitarist
Here, then, is a report from on the scene. One healthy sign is the number of local Jon Macey called "I Believed" b/w "Prized



Alexander; above, L-R: th e A tlan tics, D M Z , th e Inflikto rs, and Fox Pass featuring Jon M acey. DUANA LEMAY

Possesion," is excellent. Both sides combine (guitar), Severin Grossman (bass), and Willie You.)" and "New Zit." Teenage Head alright.
the band's heavily Velvet Underground Alexander (vocals, piano).
influenced sound with catch pop melodies. Musically, the same words describe Willie's
They're great! In addition, Fox Pass creates songs as describe his unusual personality:
great riffs much like The Stones' better Infamous, Absurd, Askew, and even Ironic.
singles. Add their three-part harmonies plus a The Atlantics are quite different from most
For the most part, they're quite simple
of the bands mentioned here although they
good elegant well-dressed presence and you primitivo rock played with a throbbing
share much the same audience. Their brand
have a band with broad appeal. (boom-boom) rhythm. In many cases, the
of music is not at all punky. Instead, they play
Whereas some of these bands do a lot of song titles tell the story themselves:
covers. Fox Pass does none and refuses to do a rather sophisticated brand of music that is
"Garbage Man," "Rhythm Asshole Baby,"
any to please demanding booking agents. still very vital, exciting rock 'n roll. Lots of key
and the next single "(Roll Her Over) Hit 'er
(This can often be a problem on the club with de Axe." changes within songs and all that. They've
also cultivated a very professional image.
circuit.) All songs performed are written by Is America ready for this? Too bad if they
ain't! Yes, some of them even wear suits on stage.
Jon Macey alone or with the other three band
Lead guitar player Jeff Lock has had
members. Says Jon, "W e believe in DMZ
twelve years of classical training and it
hooklines, harmonies, uptempo rock, and
shows. The great thing is that there's nothing
tuned guitars." To quote one of their songs. "Wake Me When It's Time To Grow Up" is pretentious about The Atlantics, a trap a lot
"It's Rock. Disco Sucks!" one of this band's originals and the title pretty of bands with their kind of training fall into.
much says it all about these guys. DMZ is Their piledriver riffing places them squarely in
WILLIE ALEXANDER S LOCO BOOM wonderfully stuck in a 60's time-warp. They
the Hunter-Ronson school of rock with
quite openly aspire to be The Standells, (or is jazz-flavored guitar solos a la Peter Frampton.
it The Seeds?). In any event, both bands, Their whole sound is anchored by the
First of all, it is most important that you along with the MC5, Stooges, and The crushing rhythm section of an animal
know that this strange band is also known as Flamin' Groovies are major influences. drummer named Bobby Bear and bassist
The Boom Boom Band and Willie Alexander DMZ claims to have met somewhere in the Bruce Wilkenson. Bob Maron handles vocals
is known also as Willie Loco. Any one of Boston subway system but in reality four of and Tom Hauck provides a strong rhythm
these names on a marquee is likely to (well the five members are students at Boston guitar. Plans for a single of one of their
theoretically) bring the masses running, University. Louis and Val on bass and lead originals, the cabaret-sounding "A Smile Can
clutching their cover charges in their wet respectively are exiles from Cincinnati. Jay Turn the Other W ay," are in the works.
palms. (they prefer only first names) plays rhythm
Every rock scene needs a catalyst to get it guitar and David Robinson, late of The THE INFLIKTORS
going and draw attention to it. There's little Modern Lovers, plays drums. All these people
doubt that when Willie's record (on Garage back a young wild-eyed hyper singer named It would be hard not to like the Infliktors.
Records) "Kerouac"/"Mass. Ave." was Mono Mann, who someday may out-lggy There's a certain sensibility and profession
released last summer, people began to realize Iggy Pop. One of his idols is Roky Erikson of alism about them that quickly endears them
that there was more happening in Boston The Elevators. That ought to give you some to their audience. They come out confident
than just disco muzak. The record caused a idea of what he's about. Mono plays piano and smiling as they launch full-force into their
great deal of excitement and "Mass. Ave.," very well and has his Jerry Lee Lewis riffs infectious brand of r&b-tinged punk rock.
which Willie claims was conceived on a down pat but he rarely stays near enough to The Infliktors immediately remind one of the
barstool at one of Mass. Ave's. many it to play it for more than a few seconds. better British pub bands of recent years,
watering spots, has become somewhat of a Instead he'd rather grab at his two guitar particularly Dr. Feelgood and Ducks Deluxe.
theme song for the whole scene. players or grovel at the feet of a girl on the Their choice of songs is very similar to these
This whole band oozes with charisma and dance floor. His life ambition, says Mono, "is two groups; drawing from Huey "Piano"
star-quality right off the stage. Willie himself to play at Beaver Cleaver's house." He'll Smith, Eddie Cochran and Otis Redding, to
is a one-of-a-kind. I think he's the something never make it. They'll never let him in. name a few in the Infliktors' vast repertoire.
different we've all been looking for. He's DMZ is an extremely visual straight-out Also included are such latter-day influences
played in The Lost, The Bagatelle, and The rock and roll band who plan to make a series as the Stones, Dylan, Garland Jeffreys and
Velvet Underground; and one gets the of obscure singles. In addition to songs by especially the Kinks. These, together with an
feeling from watching him perform that it's all the bands mentioned above, they have impressive group of originals (my fave is a
been leading to this. Remember these names: several very good originals including: "Baby tune called "A ll the Alchemists") make them
David McLean (drums), Billy Loosigian Boom," "Pretty Girl (I Don't Want To Hate one of Boston's strongest contenders.
m - w m ^ m j
frustration. The success of that album and
the great reception of leader Jonathan
Richman's songs on the Beserkley Chart-
busters album have led Jonathan to form a
new Modern Lovers which should begin
appearing in the Boston area soon. A new
album has also been issued on Beserkley.
Jonathan's songs are very simple three
chord rock, but incredibly original. They're
almost like short stories set to music. "New
Teller" is simply a song about having a crush
on a bank teller and getting in her line no
matter how much longer it is than the others.
"Roadrunner," perhaps Jonathan's best-
known song, is the definitive highway
cruising song. In general, his songs capture
the feeling of what it's like to be teenage in


This, folks, is the band that received

national recognit.on over a year ago by
playing the White House for Susan Ford's
prom. How many bands have taken that
route? These guys have been a band for six
years now and still haven't gotten tired by
any means. They don't play the clubs they
Barry Tashian & the new Remains, '76 style. A good year for returning legends... used to pack much anymore. Instead, they've
toured all over the New England and
BARRY A N D T H P R E M A IN S It should be noted at this point, that The Mid-Atlantic states playing colleges and
Remains are not really part of the Boston club clubs in other cities like New York's CBGB's
The Remains should be no strangers to scene 3 t this time. Instead, they will be or Washington's Childe Harold. A very busy
Bomp readers. This legendary band is touring the area through this summer band, I'll bet they've played every college in
frequently referred to as Boston's best ever. opening for major acts that come into the New England. T 1ey've played 1000 nights in
It was The Remains who warmed up the area. In any event, no article on the current the last four yeai and developed a formidible
audience for the 1966 Beatles tour. Unfortu scene could be complete without mention of stage show and n .usical tightness.
nately, even with rave notices, the group them. Their music is very good-timey rock 'n roll
broke up a year later. Their one Epic album, Plans for the summer also include tinged at times with swing and country. An
which got little promotion, became an recording all new material at the new incredibly versatile band, they have over forty
expensive collector's item; frequently going Kasenatz-Katz 16-track studio on Long Island originals which are clearly influenced by
for $30.00 or more. For the next eight years, and hopefully landing a major deal. many different types of music. Therein lies
members of the band wandered about in the secret of their wide appeal.
other Boston bands like Kangaroo and MODERN LOVERS The Outer Space Band has three good
Swallow trying to get something going. Barry singers in John Moses, who also plays lead
himself was in the L.A. area playing with The legend of The Modern Lovers has guitar in a style somewhat reminiscent of an
International Submarine Band and The Flying grown over the past few months since the energetic Jerry Garcia; David Robinson, who
Burrito Brothers. His playing can be found on Beserkley release of The Modern Lovers plays rhythm guitar, clarinet and harmonica;
Gram Parsons' GPalbum. album. Boston rock fans had to wait four and Eliot Osborn who also plays guitar and
years for that album and now the rest of the writes most of the group's originals.
Now, after eight years, The Remains have country knows what the talk was about; four Rounding out the sound is John Koehler on
reformed and will attempt to re-capture that years after the album was recorded (most of bass, Kirk Kubicek on drums and Al Scheeren
legendary level of energy that made them so it with John Cale producing), and three years on trombone and fiddle.
great in the sixties. after the band gave up and broke up in

The picture at left is from the cover of

Thundertrain's second single, "H ot For
Teacher", and it reflects the imagination and
care this group puts into their music. They do
mostly originals and are one of the most
promising groups currently working in
Third Rail were one of the first groups in
the new wave, and their extremely active fan
club, by means of voluminous xeroxed news
letters, has been instrumental in exposing the
Boston scene to the rest of the country.

Reddy Teddy, as the name might imply,
is a pure rock & roll band in the Who/Aero-
smith vein. The lineup includes Bug W itt on
drums, Scott Barrenwald on bass, Matthew
McKenzie on guitar, and John Morse,vocals.
Their approach to music is also similar with
McKenzie being an excellent power chord
style player. He's also a good singer and
when he joins lead singer Morse, the band is
capable of generating some real excitement.
Reddy Teddy relies almost entirely on their
original harmony and hard rock material,


which often displays an above-average sense hasn't lost that endearing earnestness. If he
of humor. Their 1974 single, "Novelty had a real band behind him, like the Modern
Shoes"/"Goo Goo Eyes is a fine example of Lovers tried to be when they first started,
Those of you who were at last year's
humor in rock, and they pull it off without he'd be a monster force in today's rock
Beatle Convention in Boston may have seen
being cute like Sparks. An album entitled scene.
this band's tasteful delivery of their large
Reddy Teddy is being produced by Willie
repertoire of British Invasion songs. The band Reddy Teddy - "Goo Goo Eyes"/"Novelty
Loco, Maxanne and Matthew, and will be out
consists of the three Marshall brothers; Barry Shoes" - Flexible0001
soon on Spoonfed, another new Boston
(drums), Kenny (bass), and Kevin (rhythm
guitar), plus Eric Rosenfeld, late of the Not as heavy as the band has become in
Sidewinders, on. lead. It's generally conceded the 2 years since this was made, but
THE BOIZE/MARC THOR that it's Eric, a dazzling player in the great well-produced with nice vocals, and an
British Flash Guitarist tradition, who provides interesting sound. Box 128, Nonatum, MA.
The Boize are one of those bands that the band with its energy and makes it go; but 02195, $1.25
seem to float onto the stage in their own The Marshalls have quite a reputation for
beer. They even have a song about it called performing those British Invasion gems that Fox Pass - "Prized Possession"/"! Believed"
"Beer" which is based on Bo Diddley's no one else does; songs like "Listen People" -Paradise 1001
"Pills." Four working-class types from and "Lonesome Tears In My Eyes. They
Somerville, they are one of Boston's true have a knack for finding that song you An underproduced but basically very
punk bands. Led by an Eddie Cochran-Pete haven't even thought about for eight years. impressive debut, with strong power chords
Townsend style guitarist named Billy In addition to some Sidewinder's songs and and distinctive singing. 39 Kingston St.,
Connors, The Boize are always capable of fine pop-rock originals like "She's the One" Boston 02111, $1.25
delivering a good performance. Mostly, they and "In My Car," The Marshalls can always
do non-originals and they do them well. Their be counted on to do some Brian Wilson Marc Thor - "Boystown Boize"/"Holiday
choice of material is excellent. There's a songs; he also being a major influence on Fire" - Indy 141
high-powered version of Jerry Lee Lewis' their vocal styles.
The second-best Boston record so far, this
rocks along like vintage M ott the Hoople, and
THE PALEY BROTHERS has the additional advantage of being a
This is a name that w on't mean much to hometown anthem. Comes with picture
Boston audiences, because they're not a cover too. Box 128, Nonantum, MA. 02195,
regularly working group, but Andy and $1.25.
Jonathan Paley may be the next big thing out
of Boston. Andy comes from a group called Thundertrain - "Cindy is a Sleeper"/"I'm So
the Sidewinders who had one excellent LP Excited" - United National 7501
(produced by Lenny Kaye) on RCA about 4
years ago. He's young, blond, and very A good debut, in a sort of ultra-heavy vein.
California-conscious. He writes songs that Box 485, Lexington, MA. 02173, $1.25.
make you feel good the same way the Beach
Boys do, particularly "Rendezvous" and Thundertrain - "H o t For Teacher"/"Love the
"Ecstasy." Andy recently went on tour with W ay" - United National
the Patti Smith group as fill-in keyboard
player, just prior to going into the studio to This is really excellent. W ith proper
start work on the Paley Bros, album, which production, this band could sound as loud as
will be on Sire Records. A t last word, Del the Ramones, and as wild as .Slade.. Plus
Shannon was slated to produce. they've got catchy songs, lotsa hot riffs, a
pounding piano, and plenty more going for
them. Picture sleeve too! Box 524, Natick,
"It'll Be M e," "Secret Agent Man," and even MA. 01760, $1.25.
There are many other 'Boston groups' of
a credible version of "Louie Louie." Originals course, from Orchestra Luna to J. Geils, and
include "Green-Line Girl" about lust for a girl not forgetting the recently-emerged Boston Willie Alexander - "Kerouac"/"Mass Ave."
who rides the Green Line, one of Boston's namesake band. But this is the new wave of -Garage 5005
four subways. "I Want Sex" is a great punk stree1 rockers whose fresh approach to
This is the one that started it all, the first
raver much like "Gloria." "Boystown Boize," teenage music constitutes a new worldwide
really dynamic new record out of Boston, and
the band's single is a standard rocker with a trend a trend of which Boston is fast
still the best in my opinion. W illie is the grand
catchy chorus. It's written by Marc Thor and becoming the leader.
old man of Boston punk, and he's also a born
Nola Rezzo. Nola also produced both sides.
showman, a fine singer, and has a great
The other side of the single is "Holiday Fire,"
band. This record is a classic. Box 308,
written and sung by Marc Thor with The
Newtonville, MA 02160, $1.25.
Boize backing. "Holiday Fire" has a definite
anglo sound and, lyrically, uses the image of
Annotated Boston
There are many other locally-made records,
a fantasy Hollywood film premier to express a
"glamorous threat of desire." Thor's unusual
Discography from the boston area, such as the EP by the.
piano playing gives "Holiday Fire a unique Count reviewed in JBJ, but those listed
flavor that separates it from many other above represent the hard core of the current
Modern Lovers-Home of the Hits 1910. This Boston scene, and should all be obtained
records in the punk-rock genre. Hopefully, 1976 LP includes demos made by various
Thor and Ruzz. vill be able to produce more now, while the . price is right. Also, those
people before the Lovers got involved in their interested in the scene should try to get on
of the same. abortive Warner Bros, album, considered as the mailing list for some of the bizarre
demos, these tracks are remarkable. "Road- xeroxed fan publications that come out of
MICKEY CLEAN AND THE MEZZ runner" will one day be recognized as a there with names like Boston Groupie News,
classic. "Modern W orld" and "Astral Plane" Sleaze, and so on. Most of. the grtoups.also
I first saw this band at a block party a year are also great, as are the tracks on Beserk/ey
ago and remember marveling at the fact that publish their own fan letters. The best one to
Chartbusters, especially "New Teller". get hold of is New Age, abailable from 2505
such garage bands still exist. Hopefully, they
always will. This band is a throwback to the Modern Lovers-Jonathan Richman &- Circle Pine Ct., Greensboro, N.C. 27407.
bands that used to go home after school in Beserkley BZ-0048. To a lot of people, this We particularly recommend the outrage
1966 and play "M y Generation" and "I'm a new production came as a disappointment. ous Boston Groupie News (Miss Lyn, Box
Man" all afternoon; not to mention "Get Off The sound is no less primitive than on the 450, Cambridge, MA 02138), New Age (2505
My Cloud" or "Satisfaction. early demos, though a fully-equipped 24- Circle Pine Ct, Greensboro, N.C. 27407), and
True punks all, The Mezz do all originals in track studio was used. Some of the songs a new one, Roller, Babe! ).75 from Lynn
much the same vein as the songs above while (Amazing Grace , "Here Come the Martian Ciulla, same address as BGN) a professionally
searching for the perfect power chord. Their Martians") seemed unnecessary, though printed 16-page zine full of goodies on the
single "Bound For Pleasure" b/w "Kool "Back in the U.S.A." is a perfect vehicle for whole scene.
Kats" will be released soon on their own Richman. His imagery is still as stark and
label. wildly imaginative as ever, and his voice


Cue BKKBH 5 K Bs S1>P KW BIl

a Hit3sc^ean' ien> of Pop piston?

By Ken Barnes
Jack Nitzsche is one of the most crucial Spector, never noted for sharing the honors Show.
"back-room" figures in rock annals, as asserted that Nitzsche was merely a mus"ca Through it all he's remained unknown to
producer, arranger, and writer of over 50 hit secretary, taking down Spector's ideas, but :ne public at large, and has acquired a
records, many of them true classics. He's also Nitzsche's track record as a producer reputation for moodiness and inaccessibility.
one of the most mysterious personalities, arranger apart from Phil demonstrates nis On the occasion of this interview, Nitzsche,
infrequently interviewed, rarely stepping into mastery of that marvelous production style. accompanied by managerial reps (and
the spotlight, remaining (perhaps by choice) Here, according to Nitzsche (as told to noteworthy record biz figures in their own
a shadowy figure, seldom photographed, Crawdaddy, is how it works: rights) Denny Bruce and Dan Bourgoise,
occasionally visible hunched over a piano "Four guitars play 8th notes; four pianos proved charming, humorous, and frighten
backing Neil Young from time to time. hit it when he says roll; the drum is on 2 and 4 ingly knowledgeable (further interviews
Nitzsche's career is a microcosm of L.A. on tom-toms, no snare, two sticks heavy would doubtless shed light on vast areas of
rock & roll. Starting with Specialty Records sticks at least five percussionists." Now go rock history not covered here).
in the late 50's (A&R chief: Sonny Bono), he ahead and try it.
worked with Lee Hazelwood, Lou Adler, Nitzsche was also a gifted songwriter (the
Lester Sill, Terry Melcher, Nik Venet, and classic "Needles and Pins" is his), and over For the interview, I brought along as many
other pioneers of the West Coast record the years has worked with artists as varied as noteworthy Nitzsche records as I could die;
industry. Arranging nearly every Philles the Rolling Stones, Jackie DeShannon, Neil up, and recorded his comments. Here, then,
record, he translated Phil Spector's grandiose Young, the Turtles, Ringo Starr and the is the edited transcript, arranged and
concepts into thunderous musical monu Tubes. He scored several movies, including produced by Ken Barnes (egotism runnincj
ments, and a significant portion of the credit the memorable Performance soundtrack and rampant), with discographical assistance
for all those beloved Crystals, Ronettes, and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, not to from Greg Shaw, Dan Bourgoise, and Jack
Righteous Brothers records is due him. mention orchestrating the legendary Tami Nitzsche.


Frankie Laine, he was great. "M uletrain" THE "WHO IS PAT PO W D R ILL"
was one of my favorite records. When Terry M YS T E R Y R E M A IN S U N SO LVED
Melcher was hired as producer at Columbia,
there were certain acts he could do. That was 4-63 Pat Powdrill I Only Came to Dance With
a good record ("D on't Make.."). (The version You (wr.PJ Proby)/Fell by the Wayside (wr.
Joe SouthMReprise 20,166)(Arr.)
of "I'm Gonna Be Strong" by Laine preceded 8-63 Pat Powdrill Happy Anniversary (co-wr.
Gene Pitney's hit by a year; the A-side is an Ellie Greenwich)/! Forgot More Than You'll
Ever Know (Reprise 20,204)(Arr.)
(rougfjlp 1960 to earlp 1964) early Randy Newman song).
Bruce & Terry were on there ("Here I Oh this is awful stuff. I've got copies of
Stand"). There were also two guys who were all these. Everybody was just trying to imitate
THE B E G IN N IN G : F IN D IN G A NICHE early Christians, going to a seminary. Bruce & Phil Spector. It was good but no one did the
Terry sang on that record, they made it sound right thing in the booth, no one used Gold
the way it did. Star.
?-60 Kerri Lynn Summer Days/ I AuburnMArr.)
8-60 Preston Epps Bongo Bongo Bongo/ [ Was Gold Star the secret?1
(Original Sound 9)(Arr.) DA Y S W IT H D O R IS D A Y Oh, yeah. The echo chamber. There's no
?-60 Daniel A. Stone(title & label unkn.jArr.) echo chamber like that in town. I want to use
Doris DayMove Over Darling/ (Columbia)
1How did you start?} Kerri Lynn, the record ?-63 Doris Day Let the Little Girl Limbo (un- it. That chamber's still there.
was called "Summer Days" and it was on the releasedllArr.) I.Nietzsche's disclaimer notwithstanding,
Auburn label. That was the first string That was a legitimate session. We (Terry " Happy Anniversary" is a lovely little
arrangement I ever did...I960, 1961? You Melcher and Jack) made some good records Chiffons soundafike -almost uncannily so.
don't have that one, right? with Doris Day, but Marty Melcher thought So who WAS Pat Powdrill?}
I joined the union through Nik Venet, with they were bad for her image, so they never I don't know, somebody Jimmy Bowen
an artist called Albert Stone, whom Nik came out. "Let The Little Girl Limbo" was found. Token black at Reprise...
"nick-named" Daniel A. Stone, because of one, that never came out. W IL D C A T SESSIO NS!
Ben E. King. I got a union card from that one. (On the heels o f Blame It On The Bossa
Preston Epps wasn't union. That was when I Nova?"] 2-64 Wildcats W hat Are We Gonna Do in '64/
3625 Groovy Street (Reprise 0253)(co-prod)
was sweeping floors. Preston Epps was Yeah, it was. Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil
before that. wrote it, and I think it could've been a hit for
The first time I worked in records was her. Lee Hazelwood (writer, co-producer).
when Sonny Bono was A&R at Specialty (in That's the Blossoms. They were singing
the late 50's). I would play him songs that he behind Duane Eddy, and they figured if he
thought were almost but not quite there. He was having hits because of them, which was
let me hang around him...l started doing lead 2-63 Bobby Day Another Country Another kind of true on his comeback ("Boss Guitar,"
W orld/I Know It All (RCA 8133)IArr.) "Dance With The Guitar Man"), that they
sheets for him, Don & Dewey's lead sheets,
then he'd give me the chance to arrange I don't have a copy of this. "Another could have them on their own. That's all that
something. I did voices for Larry Williams, Country, Another W orld." I'd like to hear was. What are we going to do in '64? The
some horns... that. Crystals song, Phil Spector/Doc Pomus. same thing we did in '63 obviously.
That was a good record. Gracia (Nitzsche, [The Blossoms, by the way, were L.A.'s top
A M Y S T E R IO U S A PP E A R A N C E OF A Jack's wife) and the Blossoms singing. I session singers, and cut records on their own
B O M P SUPER HERO thought he was so good! I did about three from the late 50's through to the early 70's.
other records with him on RCA. Later I heard Personnel included Darlene Love, Fanita
Denny Bruce: There was another guy he went to Australia as the Hollywood James [also one o f Bob B. Soxx's Bluejeans,
hanging around at that time, from Salt Lake Flames, Bobby Day, and Bob & Earl. All three as was Darlene, who was also an occasional
City.... of them were the same thing in Australia! Crystalgets confusing, doesn't it], Jean
Sky Saxon! He was one that Sonny was Marty Cooper produced? Olympia. He's the King [who had a solo album on HBR Records
thinking of recording. A t that time he was voice on the Olympia Beer commercials. I in '65], and sometimes Gracia Nitzsche]
sounding like Dee Clark, "Just Keep It Up." used to do lead sheets for him. He never FOUR ON THE FE M M E SIDE
He was Richard Marsh then, that's right. The came up with anything worthwhile till the
next time I saw him he asked me if I'd play on Olympia Beer commercial. ?-62 Judy Hart That's Enough/Didn't He Ramble
the Seeds' sessions and produce. I told him I (Staccatto 101) (Prod)
REPRISE CO URSE 4-63 Toni Jones Dear (Here Comes My Baby)
didn't want to do that, and he ended up (wr.P. Spector)/Love is Strange
telling me he'd pay me just to come down (Smash 1814) (Arr.)(uncredited)
and be at the sessions. 4-63 Jimmy G riffin -W h a t Kind of Girl Are You/ ?-63 Ramona King Soul Mate/Oriental Garden
A Little Like Lovin' You (Reprise20,161)(A rr.) (Eden 3)(Arr.)
11-63 Jimmy G riffin -M a rie is Moving/Little Miss ?-63 Marry Clayton (sic) The Doorbell Rings
D A Y S W IT H TERRY D A Y (Teldisc 501) (Co-prod., arr.)
Cool (Reprise 20,221 )(Arr.)
4-64 Jimmy Griffin My Baby Made Me Cry 6-63 Merry Clayton It's In His Kiss/Magic of
6-62 Terry Day That's All I W ant/I Waited Too Romance (wr.Jeff BarryMCapitol 4984)(Arr.)
Long (Columbia 42427)(Arr.) (Reprise 0268) (Arr.)
1- 63 Terry Day Be a Soldier/I Love You Betty 9-63 Jimmy G riffinSummer Holiday LP
(Columbia 42678)(Arr. I (Reprise R9-6091 MArr. "Ooh, what a bad one!") That's obscure. Judy Hart is Judy
4-63 Frankie Laine Don't Make My Baby Blue/ 6-63 Soupy SalesHilly Billy Ding Dong.../ Henske. H.B. Barnum and I went into
(Columbia 42767)(Arr.) (Reprise 20,189) (Arr.)
6-63 Dorsey Burnette Invisible Chains/Pebbles business and both started labels. That's just a
10-63 Frankie LaineTake Her/I'm Gonna Be takeoff on the Gospel Harmonettes record.
Strong (Columbia 42884)(Arr.) (wr.David Gates)(Reprise20,177)1Arr.)
12-62 Eddie Hodges Seein' Is Believin'' 9-63 Dorsey Burnette Where's the Girl/One of Just a lyrical change, that's horrible.
(Columbia 42649)(Arr.) the Lonely (Reprise 20,208)(Arr) Toni Jones, produced by Steve Douglas,
2r63 Eddie Hodges Too Soon to Know/Would 3-64 Thurston HarrisDance on Little Girl
(Reprise 0255)(Arr. "Trying to remake his hit.") "Teenage" Steve. That was a pretty good
You Come Back (Columbia 42697)(Arr.)
6-63 Eddie HodgesHalfway/ (Columbia 4-64 Billy Ford My Girl/This is Worth Fighting record, that's one of the few I don't have.
62811K Arr.) For (Reprise 0265)(Arr.) "Puddin' Tain," thank you.
2- 63 Rip Chords Here I Stand/Karen (Columbia (A-side written by Nitzsche & Jackie DeShannon)
5-64 Lifeguards Swimtime USAlwr.Sloan- [Spector had nothing to do with this?]
42687)(Arr. I
Barri)/Swim Party (Reprise 0277)(Arr.) No, just the influence.
Terry Day was the alias employed by Terry That's a good one, this is (Ramona King).
[Nitzsche did a great deal o f arranging for Re
Me/cher o f Ripchords, Bruce & Terry, and There was a time when I shared an office
prise between 1963 and 1965, thanks to label
Doris Day kinship fame, during a two-single with Lee Hazelwood and we had a deal. This
production head Jimmy Bowen, who had a
recording stint with Columbia prior to was his first label Era distributed it. I like this
high respect for his services. Nitzsche on the one....
becoming a staff producer there]. whole is not presently enamored o f much o f
this work, though it generally sounds fine for [ Was this before she did ",It's In His Kiss?"]
The first Terry Day record was a guy the period.} This is before that. Did Ramona King do
named Al Hazan, who wrote these two that? I didn't do it, did I? No.
songs. He used to hang around Argyle, El "Hilly Billy Ding Dong Choo Choo." It was I don't even remember this one (Merry
Centro, all that record business area. His fun. My son was just a little boy, and he got Clayton). Russ Regan and Joe Saraceno
songs always sounded like hits but they never to come to the session, so it was worth it. It wrote it?
were. Ali Hassan was his name on the Philles was also fun to hear Soupy swear. Denny Bruce: Russ Regan was an artist, too,
record (103). After that Terry wanted Phil "Where's The Girl" I like. That was good. It as Davey Summers.
Spector (who produced "Be A Soldier") and was a Jerry Butler demo, it was really good. I like this. This was before "It's In His
he'd do anything. He told him he'd let him Leiber & Stoller (its writers) were so pissed Kiss."
score his mother's next movie.... off we made the record... INote: The Merry Clayton version o f It's In


Cripplegate is a rather fascinating neoclas Id just do all the arranging, wouldn't have to
sical orchestral LP} pay for an office, and if a record was a hit I'd
QTfie first time 3 met tt)e jfetones. EARLY-60 S W RAP-UP get so much percentage, but I wouldn't get
paid roi the arrangement, I'd just get the
it toas in 64 anb tijep toereni 4-63 Davey SummersCalling All Cars/(Vim 01 'ics. It was all right, I got to ride in Lee's
101 & Zen 107MArr.)
making it too toell. Prian/Jones 2-62 Gary C rosb y-T h at's Alright Baby/Who Cadillac and all that. Then Lester got an
(Gregmark HMAff.MA-side w r. by P, Spector) office right upstairs . 6515 Sunset I think, the
tolb me t)e bias reabp to leabe tlje Jamie H o rto n -O h Love/Go Shout It From first record building (in L.A.). One day Lester
a Mountain (Joy 269MArr.& Con.)
group if 3 coulb get i)tm on some Jamie H orton-G nty Forever/ (JoyHArr.) Sill called dow nhe and Lee were really
Brenda & Patrice?/? (EraHArr.) enemies by n o w -a n d said that Phil Spector
sessions as a professional , Castefls?/? (EraMArr.) wanted to talk to me, and that was that.
1- 63 MomentsW alk Right In/ (EraMArr.)
tjarmonica plaper... 3 fjab to Billy S to rm -! Can't Help It/Educated Fool "He's A Rebel" was the first, written by Gene
_ . (Infinity 023!(Arr.) Pitney.
talk them into boitig tfje 34413 GreensleevesLike Greensleeves/ Horse [Spector and Nitzsche rushed out their
, . Opera (Capelta 502MArr.) version, demolishing a competing rendition
>f)oto; tijep toere afraib to plap 2- 63 Joel H illI Ran/Secret Love (Monogram
by Vikki Carr on Liberty, and the partnership
^ 510)(Arr.)
in America! Dorothy B e rry -T h e Girl Who Stopped the was underway.,.. J
Duke o f Earl/I'm Determined (BNH 1)(Arr.)
1 i -("Richard Berry's w ife," recalls Jack. Rich- PLEASE MR. POSTMAN
. ard of course wrote "Louie Louie";
Ip Dorothy was a prilliant singer who made ex Philles 108 lsee above listing)
His Kiss was the first, months ahead o f both
cellent records with David Gates later) The Alley Cats...Lou Adler brought them
Ramona King's and Betty Everett's (the hit)}. Yolanda & the Castanets W hat About
Me/Meet Me After School (Tandem 7002)(Arr.) in, a guy named Brice Caulfield. Remember
FOR THE ROSES: BOBBY DARIN 10-62 Yolanda & Charmanes There Oughta be a an albn n called Music From LiF Brown by
Law/HodtshyCqotchy Girl (Smash 1777 (Arr;uncrJ Africa (Ode)? That was them. Brice Caufield
6-63 Bobby Darin18 Yellow Roses/Not for Me lust two entries probably same group]
(Capitol 4970)(Arr.| 12-63 -NinO'Tempo & April Stevens-W hispering Phil would spend 12 or 15 hours on vocals,
(Atco 6281)(A rr.) and so he had the Alley Cats in there all night
i 2-64 Nino Tempo & April S tevens-S tardust long recording, tike five in the morning, and
Bobby ea.led mo. My wife sang with the (Atco 6286)(Arr.)(uncreditedon both) Brice Caufield started complaining just a little
2-64 E scorts-N o City Folks AMowed/The Hurt
Blossoms,! and they worked some of his (RCA 8327)(A-side Arr.) bit. He was a mailman, he had to leave the
dates. He always appreciated that high- Bobby. CrawfordPtease Wake Up Joan/ session and go walk that beat... .
powered thing that Spector was doing, but . (?HAn.)
f he liked Oonny Kirshner better, he thought Gary Crosby, "W ho"? That was Lee PARTNERS
that was where it was at. He hired me for "18 Hazelwood, that was before T met. Phil
Yellow Roses" arid we bacame friends. Philles |J1 - C rystalst-diet's Dance) The Screw
Spector. Did he write that? ("That's Alright (withdrawn)
hj^W C ^D E - 2 r )N Baby"), I didn't even know that.
The Moments -the same as the Shackle Lester Sill and Harry Finfer were Phil's
2-64 Stevie W onderCastles in the Sand (Tamla
54090)1 Arr.) fords (Marty Cooper's longterm, generally partners in Philles Records. A nd-all of a
unsuccessful folk group), without Lee sudden Phil couldn't figure out why he
String overdubs. I really didn't have much Hazelwood and Marty Cooper. My wife needed /he/...They ended up with a contract
to do with that. iw im l Gracia, that was her, and Albert Stone, that saying they would have a piece of the next
I'd done stuff with Broncia Holloway before was all the same people on all those records. two Crystals records, and it was coo late to
she was Brenda Holloway, on EraBrenda The only singers in town...who would work stop "Then He Kissed M e." So they had a
and Patrice. Hal Davis did that, so when he without a contract! pieceof that, but the follow-up...they sent 50
yyent to Motown that was one of the first ' [Other wrap-up notes: the JoeI Hill is the copter :: each was just
" w i$nfns> he got to do something with, so he same guy who later joined Canned Heat and hancciaps and a bass, and every time they'd
gave it to me to do strings on. 1 '/./ t the Flying Burritos. it's conceivable that the stop. Phi s attorney would go "D o The
unknown Bobby Crawford {Johnny's bro Screw." That's what It was.
, M . -------- ther) record is the same Chip Taylor song
Little Eva cut in 1965 as "Wake Up J o h n ,"in
63 M a rk e tts O u t ,.,f L im its tW B 5391 tu rn , r I
which case it would definitely be one to seek
It credits Ray Pohlman. I came in and did out].
that arrangement-it was called "Outer
Limits' at that time, after the TV show -but
they wanted to add something to the record, REBEL-ROUSING WITH SPECTOR z w
so they took my chartist couldnt make the
next dateand gave it to Ray Pohlman and
(Nitzsche arranged the following Philips records
1962-1964 (early)
(approximately 1064-69)
he added a French horn or something, and 9-62 106 -C rystals-H e's a1Rebel*
they credited him for the record. I don't really 11- 62 107-B obB . Soxx & Blue JeansZip a Dee
give a shit, but t did at the time. 12- 62 108 - Alley C ats-P uddin N' Tain
12-62 109 - CrystalsHe's Sure the Boy I Love 5-33 Needles f t P instw r.: Nitzsche. Bung)"
THE LONELY S U R F E R -J A C K AS SOLO 2-63 110 - Bob B. S o x x -W h y Do Lovers Breas Jackie DeShannon (Liberty 55563)':.
ARTIST Each Others Beaits/Dr.Kaplan's Office .Also recorded b y the Searchers, ELimin-
3-63 111 - Dariene LoveThe Boy I'm Gonna ators, Bobby Vee, Dei Shannon, Gary Lewis, Little
7-63 The Lonely Surfer/Song fo r a Summer Night John & the Monks, Cher, Love & Tears, and
(Reprise 20,202) 4-63 112 - CrystalsDa Doo Ron Ron doubtless maSpfni i
11-63 Rumble/Theme for a Broken Heart (Reprise 5-63 113 - Bob B. Soxx Not Too Young to Get
20,225) Married
' ,ii. 4-65 Puerto Vailafte/Sertgrlta. from Detroit (Re- 7-63 114 - Darlene Love-"W ait 'Til My Bobby We (Sonny Bono St Nitzsche) were all
1, OTHERS? prise 0364), - 2 , Gets Home hanging out with her (Jackie DeShannon), I
c : 1-76 theme from One Flew Over the Cuckoos 8-63 115 - CrystalsThen He Kissed Me
/esf/The Last D^nce (Fantasy 760)
had that riff for a long time.
8-63 116 - Ronettes Be My Baby
,T 10-63 The Lonely Surfer (Renrise 6101) 10- 63 117 - Darlene LoveA Fine Fine Boy [ The riff, a true classic, was an early folk-rock
*8' Dance to the Hits o f the Beaties -Reprise 12-63 118 - Ronettes Baby I Love You*
?-66 Chopan '66 - %20 6115 precursor and doubtless 0 & . ^
12-63 119 - Darlene Love Christmas" the Byrds, as / ven. e say ]
?-73 St. Giles Cnpptegate (Reprise MS 2032) 1-64 119x - CrystalsLittle Boy
2-64 London 9852 (O K )-" C rysta ls-I Wonder Yeah? You think so? That isn't a 12-strirjjRS
K W M came"about because of all those 3-63 Philles LP 4001 Crystals -M rs a Rebel guitar either, it's a lot of guitars played in
"S'|b<kor..hits-and all that arranging. Jimmy ?-63 Philfes LP 4002 - S6b B. Soxx & Blue Jeans unison...Sonny always used to try to take
Bowen said, "you want to do an instru ...Zip-a D ec -D o o -D a h
credit for it. W e had to keep the tape recorder/;!
mental? I did a lot of stuff. It was fun. I ?-63 Philles LP 4003 - CrystalsSing the Great
est Hits running when we were recording that, and
was never thinking of making hit records ?-63 Philles LP 4004 - V.A. - Today's Hits one point Sonny says, "You taught me a
though, l was just playing with the 12-63- Philles LP 4005 - V .A .- A Christmas Gift
whole new way to write songs tonight." I
* =urrcredited
orchestras. I never had a chance to do that so want to crip that little piece out...
TafaTtr* (Nitzsche relates the circumstances o f his
[Nonetheless, "Lonely Surfer", with its novel meeting Phil Spector) BREAKING IT UP ON THE DeSHANNON
French-horn dominated arrangement, was Lester Sill and Lee Hazelwood were D IS C O G R A P H Y
the first easy-listening surfing hit, and partners, and I was working with them. Then [Nitzsche,vyrote "Should / C ry," "Be Good
"Rumble was an interesting orchestral Lee split from Sill and made a deal w ith me, Baby," and "/ Keep Wanting You" with
treatment o f the Link Wray classic. S t Giles and that was when Eden Records happened. Jackie, who recorded all o f them. He worked

PAGE 28 W ho put the bo m p

on the following Jackie DeShannon records;] W i f i IM 1N E N T D O M A IN OF BOB Stone, notorious LA managers/manipulators
5 63 Needles & Pins/Did He Call Today Mama . -W who masterminded: Sonny , Ef Cher, the
(Liberty 55563MArr.) 4-64 Round Robin Kick That Little Foot Sally froggs (in America), the Cake, and Buffalo
7-63 Little Yellow Roses/Oh Sweet Chariot Ann ovr.Sloan,''Rani! (Domain 1404}:A rr.} Springfield a t different times. The record was
' - , - * /',(Liberty 55602) {Arr.} ' Boii Krasnow's label. I never got paid for an awesome,, stately SpeetOrian renovation
11-63 When You Walk in the Room/Till You Say
You'll Be Mine (Liberty 55643)(Arr.) it. Every time I'd go in to get my check, he'd o f the Gus Kahn chestnut; the story behind it
,'2-64 Oh Boy (Liberty 55678)( .,uncredited) say, "Goddamn, those partners of mine ran is rather intriguing as well.,?]? !
6-64 Hold Your Head High/She Don't Under off with all the money. Those basta dsi They This [the York reissue as Date With
stand Him Uke ID o (Uberiy55705H Arr,uricr,) didn't pay you either?
10-64 He's Got tine Whole World in His Hands/It's Soul) is the third onS. There's one on Reprise
Love Baby (Liberty 55730)(Arr,) as Hale #tbeHusKitbyesand ope before that
2-68 I Keep Wanting You/Me About You (Imper- Ton another label [Apogee). That's an all-star
ial 66281 HProd., Arr.) 6-65 What t Anything for a Laugh/Baby
7-63 Jackie DeShannon (Liberty LRP 3320)(Arr.) Cant you Hear Me Calk Your Name (Cap- grout), that onethat's Brian Wilson singing
7-64 Breaking it Up on the Beatles Tour (Liberty itol 5449)(Arr.) falsetto, with Sonny & ' egferHaqd the
LRP 3390)(ArrJ(reissued as You W on't Forget Me' 12-65 DOnn* L o ren-C ali Mo (Capitol 5&48){Arr! Blossoms and Albeit Stone. The guy singing
{"The friendly Pepper-Upper")
ANOTHER REPRISE LP^ 8 64 TashiprisBaby,that's Me (Cameo 331. (co:'\ bass is someone who
rf * Honest to God, a black guy was
3-65 Peter James - -You W on't Forget Me (Re 9T65 Karen VerrosYou J u it Gotta Know My arid f went out there and saidy;T>o yotafcpg'
prise 0357) (Arr.) Mind/Karen's Theme o t 1678GHArfJ
4-65 Donnie Brooks If I Never Get to Love You 1/7-65 Karen verm s Little Boyri Can't Remember s ite ? " He said yeah,'and IjS^jfe'Come-ife
(Reprise 0363) (Arr.) / Evpr Loving You (Dot 16815|iArr j and sing it." That's Edna Wright singing lead,
6-65 Joni Lyman I Just D on't Know W hat to 5-66 Satisf actio ns-D ad dy You Gotta Let Him In singer of the Honey Cone. Darlene Love's
Do W ith Myself/Happy Birthday Blue (Re /Bring It All Down (Imperial 66f701rod7Afr)'
prise 0378)(Prod/Arr)("Oh God, learning 9 6/ Cake-
" ' Baby Thats Me (Decca 32179)' singing background. Jackie DeShannon's on
how to produce records,..") there. It was good.
8-65 Dino Desi & Billy Chimes of Freedom Steve Douglas. These [What Four] are That was also the session where I met
(Reprise 0401 HArr.H"Forget that!") four girls, right? Well, one of them was real the Rolling Stones. A n ilfiw * Oldham c'alled
11-65 Caesar &- Cfeo Love is Strange/Let the
Good Times Roll (Reprise 0419) (Arr.) pretty. What for the W hat Four? Well, one of me and asked if they could;come. All these
12-65 Regents When I Die Don't You Cry/She's them was: real pretty! people were in the studio recording, aA the
Got Her Own Way of Lovin'(Reprise 430) (prod,arr) Is that "Little Boy"? Stones walked in. W ow...but nobody cared.
4-66 Gas Company You're All Atone/You'll INo, it was the other Karen Verms record, a First Terry Melcher did this ["Yes Sir
Need Love (Reprise 0464MProd.)
9-66 Paris S is te rs -It's My Party/My Good Donovan song, but w as(lthht?ihe ,pdrhe with a guy named Little E a legendary Bay
Friend (Reprise0511)(Prod./Arr.) Crystals tune, add did it come out?) Area R&B frockpioneer noted for his "Candy
[ "Please don't remind me of them !"] Yeah, Qn,p,gt;Jt sounded exaptly like the Apple Red Irnpaja" in the early see the
9-66 Gas Company GeT Out of my Life/We
Need a Lot More of Jesus (Reprise 0512)(Prod/Arr) Crystals except for her. We did four tunes in BOMP Bay Area special in it-121 So we did
1-67 Paris SistersSome of your Lovin/(wr. one session, three hours. She was awful! this at Columbia but it never came out. I
King/Goffin-)/ (Reprise 0548)(Prod./Arr.) It (The Satisfactions1 wasn't done well. 'thought it was a good idea...Charlie and Brian
3-67 Judy HenskeDolphins in the Sea (Reprise This one's embarrassing because 1 should've didn't have any money, so we went to RCA
0567) (Arr.)
?-67 Judy HenskeRoad to Nowhere (Reprise) done this at Gold Star, . arid just recorded it, because we were so sure
6-67 Gail Martin After Loving You (Reprise "(Tie Cake. I don't; know a whole lot of of itand nobody got paid. Sold it to
0585)(Arr J stories about them. It w t just Cha ie and B Reprise. I got the people. Charlie and Brian
9 65 Dino Desi & BillyI'm a Fool (Reprise
R-6176)(Arr. some tracks) Brian (Greene B Stone] as far as I was just sat there and smiled. -13
8-67 Paris SistersSing Everything Under the concerned. I wrote it a long time ago. All I
Sun (Reprise R-6259)(Co-prod.) know about is the Lesley Gore and the Cake. I CAR TA LK WITH LOU C H R IS T IE THE
don't know the Fashions. Greene 6 Stone GYPSY TRIED
[The Jimmy Bowen connection continued at had.the demo. W e,were ,ail friendsall in 8 66 Lou Christie- If M y Car-Could Only ta lk /
Song o f Lita(W 6Mit3576) Prod A ir!
Reprise, and Nitzsche began to produce cestuous stuff. 10-66 Lou C h ris tie -W ild Life's in Season (MGM
records for the label as well, for which he [Note: Despite Nitzsche's demumis, the 13623)(Prod./Ariy),
seems to retain little affection] Satisfactions record is a highly enjoyable %
Crystals-meet-Shangri-Las motorpsycho [ ! intro'd " I f M y Car ak one o f m y personal
Donnie Brooks I bet tins must be honibie
extravaganza, and the Karen Verros record favorites...]
Oh God "Crocodile Rock!"
, The voc>:il cho rus lit hi:! a dead ring er fo r has a great instrumental track. The Donna Me too! The Gypsy Twyla \the middle-
E lto n 's opus A Loren reference above, which might seem a aged Romany type w h os been Christie's
Denny Biu.e: Elton probably lias it that's bit cryptic, alludes to her lucrative gig as the collaborator forever-today,too). I thought
where I im got the lick Dr. Pepper girl in mid-60's TV commercials.1 they were good. Lulu and Twyla. He was
really a pro at what he did.
No. It came from something else ' Little W H A T A M I G O N N A DO W IT H YO U
Dartin'..." I was with Bob Marcucci [Christie's
IHEY B A B Y )W IT H LESLEY GORE manager1. We were supposed to do a
[Or Cry Myself To Sleep" by Dei
Lesley Go o No Matter What You Do (Mercury production thing, and he wanted to rewrite
Shannon...] >/--
72513HArr.i La Boheme" and he used to say I was his
My God, I don't even know who they; (the Lesley Gore- Off and Running (Merc.72580i(Arr.l Puccini. Then I realized the whole office was
Regents) are! Can I hear that one? They Lesley Gore - You Sent Me Silver Bells (Mercury
72892)(Arr.l gay. I liked him though. "W ild Life's in
played at It's Boss (primordial Hollywood
Lesley Gore -My Town My Guv and Me (Mercury Season'' we did on the same date.
rock spot)? \ MG 21042)(Baby That's Me: A Girl in Love
Got it! :' U '-'C y .What Am I Gonna Do With YouMArr.) RETURN OF EDD IE HO DG ES
Denny Bruce: They played on The Dating
Game. too. I dont have this ["O ff and Running"\ 10-65 Eddie Hodges Love Minus Zero/TheWater
either. There was a better one on the date, is Over My Head (Aurora 156) (Arr. I
Thank you, Byrds Ilaughs at stereotyp that was on her album. I don't remember the
ical folk-rock riff m y]. I remember them now. song, it wasn't "Baby That's M e." Russ That's Crazy Horse singing behind him
Boy were they lame! They were terrible. No Titelmari and Gerry Goffin wrote it, and on record. I didn't even know them, I
one knew what to do. It was all those Jimmy was a pretty one... think they were the Rockets by then.
Bowen contacts with club owners, the owner I The song was What Am / Gonna Do With [Apparently early 60's child film star Eddie
of PJ's, etc... You (Hey Baby)," a moody masterpiece as was in pretty shaky shape by this time, and in
Caesar & Cleo. This one was recorded in done by the Chiffons, excellent by Lesley as truth little has been heard from him since.
'64 or '65. It was after "Baby Don't Go," well and covered rather ably by Skeeter Nice record though.]
really, in terms of recording. "Baby Don't Davis, too. "O ff and Running" is a stirring B R IA N W. M EETS PH IL S .-B IG
Go" was the same time as Hale & the Hush- Merseyish rocker, also done by the Mind- TRO UBLE f
abyes (see below]. benders, and one o f Lesley's better late Ronettes Don't Hurt My Little Sister (unrel.HArr.)
That was a good record [Judy Henske). I Blossoms-Things Are Changing (Equal Opportun
recordings. ! W M B B r - 1 1 r. ^ ity T-4LM-8172) (Art.)
liked the first one better. It was done at the
same session- "Road to Nowhere." l remember that. I bet Gracia was on
8-64 Hale & Hushabyes- Yes Sir That's My that. I think I did do it. That's great!
Baby/Jack's Theme (Reprise 0299) (Arr/Co-Prod.)
[Note: Mike McDonald o f the Regents later 7-67 Date With Soul Yes Sir That's My Baby/ [A t this point / am struck by the Blossoms
gained fame in Steely Dan and currently the Bee Side Soul (York 408) (Arr/Co-prod.) track's distinct resemblance to the Beach
Doobie Bros. Caesar & Cleo were o f course Boys' Today track "D on't Hurt M y Little
our old friends Sonny & Cher in Romani 1 1964 Nitzsche assembled an all-star cast in
the studio as a favor for his temporarily- Sister . Recalling a rumor 1sd heard, I ask if
Egyptian drag.) Brian Wilson had ever worked with Phil
destitute friends Charlie Greene & Brian
Spector. I
p r w p r ij r ip m * m * m * m
They didn't. I really thought they should. Stones albums, sometimes contributing
3 altoapg tol&JleilJfounstje gjfjoullj They had been on tour before, and they'd arrangements:
played a rodeo in San Antonio and no one 12x5; Rolling Stones Now: Out o f Our Heads; Dec
make aiolo recorbi. gs>ttUg bibnt toant liked them; Hollywood Palace, with Dean ember's Children; Afterm ath; Between the Buttons;
ktm to sing, ?|es got tftat funnp Martin, it was horrible. So they didn't feel like Flowers; Let I t Bleed; Sticky Fingers.
efjafej) tfjing in f)ts botce fje'li saj>. 3 coming back to America, at least very soon. Andrew [ Oldham] called me and said
Sato, flTJjats tf>e tijtng 3 tijinfe is When I went to England, I told Bill Sargent we've met Phil Spector and we want to meet
interesting! I thought they were going to be was you...I said I was doing a session if you want
pretty easy to see, don't you think? When I to bring everybody down. They walked in
asked them to do The TAMI Show, Mick looking so weird, putting everyone on, of
Yeah. He did a song that Phil was gonna said, 'W hat, and play for a bunch of fuckin' course. Hal Blaine had to take pictures, he
record with the Ronettes called "Please cows?" Anyway, I said they should close the didn't know who they were but they looked
Don't Hurt My Little Sister." Brian wrote the show. Bill Sargent said, "I can't, James so strange, and he put his light meter up, and
song and came to the session, and I thought Brown's going to close the show." Of course Charlie Watts leans over it like it was a
it was a real good session, but Phil never the Stones wanted to close the show, but microphone and says, "I like it very much in
released that one because he didn't...share in they'd never seen James Brown before. It America," and then he continued to tell me
it, the writing. During that date Leon Russell was one of the only times I've ever seen forever he thought it was a mike. Brian Jones
was playing piano and he got so drunk he Jagger crack. W e all stood at the side of the was the only one dressed up in a three-piece
couldn't play any more ... he was drinking gin stage watching James Brown do his act, and suit and tie. He told me he wanted to leave
and Pepsi Cola, and he stood up on the piano after it was over Mick said, "We'll go on first. the Stones 'cause he thought he could be a
and started preaching for real, and Phil had to Any place on the showwe can't follow professional harmonica player. "If I came to
ask him to stop playing piano, so Brian played that." But they did well. Everyone's standing LA, would you get me on a lot of dates?"
it. on their chairs screaming for James Brown, They weren't making it too well...
[Apparently some remnants o f the track were and the Stones come out and all the girls are I went in the studio with them and
salvaged to make the Blossoms' Equal crying it was a new reaction, I thought. played piano. Oldham wanted to be a genius,
Opportunity record.] Denny Bruce: It was a landmark show...the but I don't think he had that much to do with
Billy J. Kramers, though... anything. I arranged "Can't Always Get W hat
THE DOG REMEMBERS P.J. PROBY You W ant", "Standing in the Shadows",
there was another one. That was a funny
6-67 CascadesFlying on the Ground (Wr: Neil
5- 65
Walker Bros. Love Her/The Seventh Young)/Main Street (Smash 2101) (Arr.) time. That was when I decided I didn't want
Dawn (Smash 1976) (Arr.) to do this shit anymore. It was a whole new
6- 63 P.J. ProbySo Do l/l Can't Take it Like uh yeah, I never heard that record! Andy
You Can (Liberty 55588) (Arr.I way of approaching records. Instead of trying
Di Martino [noted San Diego area entrepen-
10-66 P.J. ProbyI Can't Make It A lone/lf I Ruled to get four records in a three-hour date, you'd
eur, later Captain Beefheart's manager!col
the World (Liberty55915) (Prod.) book the studio for two weeks for 24 hours
2-67 P.J. ProbyYou Make Me Feel Like Some laborator] was making the engineer crazy by
and do whatever you wanted to, and if you
one (on Enigma LP, Liberty LST7497) (Arr.) grabbing the dials. Is the other side "Out of
didn't get anything in those two weeks,
My Mind"? That was on the same date. I
I like that one [Walkers], It's a good screw it. Or if a tune didn't work one way try
think Neil even played guitar on this record.
song. Was it done in L.A.? Yeah. it as a tango, try it as this, try it as that. I just
(tNitzsche and Nik Venet cut the record, a took a lot of time after that!
1963 Everly Bros, single, with the Walkers CURIAL CAREER OF THE PHILISTINES
while they were still in Hollywood, appearing GOOD TIM ES M USIC
in beach movies and as residents on the 3- 67 Don & Goodtimes i Couid Be So Good to
There was going to be a group once, You (Epic 10145)(Prod, co-wrote)
Hollywood A-Go-Go TV show, ju st before mat Phil was gonna play guitar in, I was 4-67 Don & GoodtimesSo Good (Epic LN/BN
they emigrated to England and became stars. going to play piano, Sonny Bono I don't 24311/26311) (Prod,co-arr.)
Although their catalog is full o f brilliant know what he was gonna play, but we were
productions, you'd be hard-pressed to find a Don "Goodtime" Galluci. That's the Don
all gonna make a group and it was going to
better Walkers record than this majestic, who was the leader of the group who was
be called The Philistines.
heartbreaking disk.] fired before they did this record. That was
That [" / Can't Make I t " by P.J.] was THE ELUSIVE PRODUCER CREDIT awful, that thing. The record ['7 Could Be So
when he came back here from England. That W ITH BOB LIND Good"] I liked all right, but they just hated me
was a good song too. All by Bob Lind: from the top, and didn't like anything I was
[Had he worked with Proby earlier, before he 1-66 Elusive Butterfly/Cheryl's Goin' Home doing, till they heard it on the radio, I think
(World Pacific 77808)(Arr/Prod; uncred.) on KHJ. [This was the same DonGal/ucci,
emigrated to England and became a star?] 4-66 Remember the Rain/Truly Julie's Blues
Yeah, demos. When he thought he was (World Pacific77822) (Prod./Arr.) incidentally, who later produced Crabby
Johnny Cash. "(The Dog Remembers and) 7-66 I Just Let it Take Me/We've Never Spoken Appleton and the Stooges as an Elektra
So Do I..." He was always drunk, but he (World Pacific 77830) (Prod./Arr.) staffer.]
10-66 San Francisco Woman/Oh Babe Take Me
was...I've always liked him a lot. He deserved I tried to make a follow-up to this which
Home (World Pacific 77839)(Prod./Arr.)
to be a lot more than he was; ver talented. He 4-66 D on't Be Concerned (World Pacific WP they really hated. You know a Neil Young
could sing like anybody. Gene Pitney and 1841) (Prod./Arr.) song called "Whisky Boot Hill" [it turns out
Johnny Cash... "Elusive Butterfly" says 'Produced by to be the first segment o f Young's "Country
[Or, in the case o f " I Can't Make It Alone", Richard Bock' and he wasn't even on the G irl" suite on Deja Vu as well as the instru
like the Righteous's a masterful date! They just had him [Lind] down at mental prelude to Young's first solo album]! I
production ballad, great song, great perform Liberty. He's got some new material. I think made a real good record on them with that
ance, too...] he could be a funky John Denver again. His and they thought it was too far out. How
new stuffhe's grown a bit. Looking for a could they sing that when their album cover
FEAR AND TREMBLING: ON FOLLOW deal. I want to make a record with him again, ice cream truck? The Goodtimes.
ING JA M ES BROWN (THE TA M ! SHOW] at least one... They had a good time on stage, they couldn't
sing that stuff...
I put the band together for The TAMI NITZSCHE RATES THE GAS COMPANY Denny Bruce: They were always fond of
Show [the justly legendary 1964 film which 10-65 Gas Company Blow Your Mind/Your saying, "You know, up in the Northwest we
Time's Up (Mirwood 5501) (Prod.) blow Paul Revere & the Raiders off the
captured most o f the reigning rock royalty o f [See ANOTHER REPRISE section above for later stage!"
the time in memorable live performances], Nitzsche/Gas Co. collaborations]
did all the arrangements, tried to make it [The Goodtimes, who joined the Raiders as
sound like the records. I don't know if it did or It's awful, please don't play that. regulars on Where the Action Is in 1967, also
not. The Four Seasons were supposed to be [Greg Dempsey, the songwriter here, later served as a sort o f farm team for Revere
on that show. They asked for more money produced Kathi Dalton] whenever )as frequently happened) a backup
than anybody on the show (including the Yeah, that's them together on this Raider would get restless, Revere would grab
Beach Boys and Rolling Stones), so they record. a Goodtime to replace him.]
were cancelled. I think they asked for $45,000 Denny Bruce: He's co-writer of Leon
that's for being there two days, and then Russell's "Roll Away the Stone," I think. He
they wanted limos... so Bill Sargent gets about one a year, and she gets deals... DAYS
[producer] showed them... 10-67 Garry BonnerThe Heart of Juliet Jones/
Denny Bruce: The Stones insisted on closing STONES UNTURNED Me A bout You (Columbia 44306)1 Prod/Arr)
the show, which makes a good story... 8-67 Gary Lewis & PlayboysJill/ (Liberty
Nitzsche played on the following Rolling 55985) (Arr.)
[continued on p. 581
m m m m j
Erics new LP:
Its gonna be a rocker!
CLEVELAND Eric Carmen, who is getting
ready to record his second solo album for
Arista, is saying that anyone who expects
simply more of the same is in for a big
surprise. For starters, he's got a new band,
a new producer, and is recording in England.
Following the completion of their Spring
tour, the old Eric Carmen band broke up with
guitarist Dan Hrdlicka and bassist Stive Knill
departing. Hrdlicka was replaced by Robert the producer's job is to contribute objectiv
"Pete" Hewlitt, who was the lead vocalist for ity, and it's hard for Jimmy to do that after all
Windfall (Jim Bonfanti's late band, newly this time." Besides, he admits privately,
reformed with the addition of Craig & Bruce tenner's roots are in what Eric calls "the New
Balzer from the old Circus band), and will York sound" whereas Eric's influences have
now be playing lead guitar and singing always come from English rock.
harmonies. BOMP reSders will also remember Dudgeon apparently became excited
Hewlitt from his two excellent RCA singles a about the project after hearing demos of
couple years back, under the name Sweet some of Eric's new songs. The working title
Pete. There will be no new bass playerafter for the album is B o a ts A g a in s t th e C u rre n t
lengthy auditions, Eric decided that he. Rich and the projected release date is January,
Reising and Hewlitt could take turns filling in 1977. The big question among most
on bass. The band, then, will consist of Eric, Raspberries fans, of course, is what the new
Hewlitt, Rich Reising (keyboards and guitar), album will sound like. Many felt that the
"Don't shoot, I'm not just a piano player!'
George Sipl (keyboards), Don Krueger previous LP lacked 'balls', and that what rock
(drums) and Michael McBride (drums). producer. This will be the first time since his Et roll content it did have was overlooked by
The recording was originally scheduled days with Cyrus Erie that Eric Carmen has Arista in favor of ballads, in what seemed to
to begin in August, but was postponed to worked with any producer other than Jimmy be an effort to mold Eric into another Barry
October and November in order to allow time lenner. The change seems to be little more Manilow. Carmen, who has always reacted
for the new band to rehearse the material. than a desire for fresh input. "Jimmy and I strongly against these charges, claims the
The album is being recorded in England have worked together too long and become new album will reaffirm his rock Er roll roots.
with Gus Dudgeon (of Elton John fame) as too close personally," he explained. "Part of "Just wait 'til you hear it," he promises.


Three years o f silence, but now theyre back..
"I'm not a dictator," declares Adny Shernoff, guitarist,keyboardist, vocalist
and head songwriter for the band of the same name. Well, it all depends upon the
'case'... Shernoff recently rejoined the Dictators formally, bringing with him over
a dozen new songs and a businesslike, almost calculated attitude towards
success. Since being dropped by Epic, the Dictators' career has veered
awkwardly, w ith months of friction over musical direction, personnel and
management conflicts, reworking old concepts, scrapping some, altering others,
and weathering a storm of controversy in the aftermath of the still-in-litigation
Wayne County case. All that is behind them now, however; the Dictators have
just signed a major deal with Elektra/Asylum Records.
Some old-time followers of the band may be less than enthusiastic over the
absence of satiric humor this time around. Most of that direction has been
shelved, replaced by a hard-rock tenacity the equal of most of the top acts on the
current national R&R circuit. This should come as no great shock, for the
Dictators have always appreciated (if not emulated) bands like Kiss and
Aerosmith (not forgetting their intimate ties to Blue Oyster Cult, with whom they
share management and producers), and it seems that these are the footsteps
they're hoping to follow in.
Their new album will be recorded at New York's Record Plant in November,
under the production helm of Sandy Pearlman and Murray Krugman, aided by
engineer Shelly Yakus. Andy sees the LP as heavy metal punk, but with clear pop
overtones. "There'll be a few long cuts, over 5 minutes, and a couple of short
songs suited for AM airplay." Some titles that seem likely for inclusion are
"Steppin' O ut", "Disease", "H ow Does a Brain So Small Move Fingers So Fast",
"D ogs", "Sleeping W ith a TV On", "Heartache" and "Science Gone Too Far",
the probable title cut.
Obviously this band has tired of its cult status, preferring the attraction of
mass adulation and mucho moolah. "W e could never be as bland as Peter
Frampton in order to sell 10 million albums, but maybe as bland as Aerosmith and
sell 2 million." Adny's talking a bit tongue in cheek, because he doesn't really feel
that he's "sold o u t" or gone bland.
"The humor thing was fun the first time around, but nobody (at least on a
consumer level) really got the joke. This band is so much better, and so is the
material... The thing is, we're still somewhat off the wall, occasionally meta
physical, and compared with most other bands, we're still pretty original."



From the Street to the Studio


The big news in New York this Fall is

that a lot of the bands are either in the studio
or have just had major signings. New York's
days as an underground scene are definitely
over, and the big question now is who will be
the next (or the first, depending on how you
look at it. W ith industry awareness and the
media focussed heavily on New York, scene-
spotters are now looking to Boston or
London or Los Angeles or Cleveland for the
new 'underground' bands. But it's still New
B lo n d ie w ith Cherry Vanilla: can y o u tell
York that will have to carry the weight of
w hich one brushed w ith Ultra-Brite??
breaking the charts, and it will be one of
these bands that does it . '
s , Tuff Darts. The Darts (although word of their
demise is ever-present) received the best
PATTI S M IT H notices, especially for their "A ll For the Love
of Rock 'n' Roll," which many are already
The Patti Smith Band have completed calling a classic killer. Atlantic has picked up
their second LP, under the aegis of producer the rights for this album, so it should be
Jack Douglas. Consequently the eight-song available shortly in your local record store. A
LP, entitled- Radio Ethiopia, has a harder, second LP is being recorded at this moment,
more rock 'n' roll edge to it. Songs include featuring Planets and Marbles, along with
"Pissin' in the River", "A in 't it Strange", many others. Distribution arrangements are
"Poppies", "Rock 'n' Roll Nigger", "Ask the still to be finalized.
Angels", and the title cut, which of late has And not to be outdone, Max's Kansas
become the big live improvisational piece. City has jumped into the vinyl jungle. First
Patti S m ith w ith Tom Verlaine: "W e're
There were no "guest stars" playing on the came Wayne County's masterful single (see
ju st good friends, really."
LP, as had earlier been rumored, and there review on next page) in September, and
seems to be more of a chance for singles why don't you all write to Private Stock and October sees the release of a single LP
success this time around. A t least that's let them know what you think! We all want featuring Wayne, Cherry Vanilla, Pere Ubu,
what Arista and a lot of others are hoping. this album!! Incidentally, Craig Leon (who Suicide, John Collins Band, Harry Toledo,
produced the Ramones first album and was and the Fast (the excellent "Boys Will Be
TELEVISIO N responsible for the marvelous neo-Spector Boys.") Already there are plans for a second
sound on the Blondie single "X Offender") Max's LP, and a Wayne County solo LP is
The recording of their debut album for has been asked to produced the second also in the works.
Elektra/Asylum has been delayed, as it has album by the Runaways, on the latter group's Terry Ork, who was responsible for
been decided to sidestep the Xmas superstar return from their English tour. And who Television's debut single "Little Johnny
releases and offer their first platter up in knows what else the combination of Craig je w e l", is rejuvenating ORK Records, and
January 1977. A t present, the deal seems to Leon and Kim Fowley may result in? A new has been in the studio with Richard Hell
be a one-LP affair, with Tom Verlaine granted wave of garage records, no doubt... (ex-Heartbreakers & Television) and may also
producing reins, as long as an "experienced" be working with Marbles and some other
engineer handles the technical end of things. bands.
A t present, 9 cuts are planned, with "See No CBGB has privately pressed a double-LP The Dictators have been steadily improv
Evil and "Venus De M ilo" the most of local bands, including Mink De Ville and ing since their critically acclaimed first album,
definitethe cover, photos by Robert
Mapplethorpe, has already been completed.
W a y n e s Big S e v e n
Here at last is the vinyl debut of Wayne
A second album is being recorded in County, New York's favorite rock & roll
New York during October following their legend. It's 3 years since Wayne was
return from a series of West Coast club 'discovered' by MainMan and the beginnings
engagements. The LP will probably contain of an album were recorded with Mick Ronson
songs written at the same time as the first LP,
producing. It was never finished. Then ESP
although there are likely to be some new
signed him to cut an LP, which they
tunes too. Meanwhile a new single is being
rushed out (the first, "Blitzkrieg Bop" having proceeded to refuse because it was 'too
failed miserably), "I Want to Be Your Boy commercial'!
friend" backed with "California Sun , a live Wayne has always been plagued by
recording from the Roxy. Congrats boys, for type-casting. Just because he dresses like
giving fans more than album cuts for B-sides. Mae West in drag and writes songs with titles
like "Are You Man Enough to Be a Woman?"
NY sound, dropping the names of all the
BLONDIE nobody expects his music to be good rock t
scene regulars from the Heartbreakers to the
roll, as if that were a superfluous considera
New York's blonde sweetheart has been Poppees, from Cherry Vanilla to Sabel Starr.
tion. It's not, and Wayne's music is.
toiling in the studio with producer Richard It's a classic all the way, and the picture cover
This record is titled "M ax's Kansas City
Gottehrer on a possible LP for Private Stock. (with Wayne gazing at himself) is not to be
'76" and features Wayne's excellent heavy missed.
A t the time of this writing, no definite punk band the Back Street Boys, with Wayne
decision has been made as to its release, so [The record is available from BOMP for
doing a Lou Reedish takeoff on the standard
only $2.00\
future for the band once looked on as mere Dan Loggins (head of A&R for British CBS),
nostalgistsalthough as far as that goes, a in a last-ditch move, brought Flo & Eddie
lot of other NY bands including the Heart- over to London to help make some demos
breakers now sport early '60s British style that would decide the group's future.
suits as introduced by the Poppees. "CBS went to no expense," quips Mark,
Meanwhile the much-anticipated second although the cost of the sessions ran around
Poppees single, "Jealousy" (produced by $20,000. The results: sheer pop brilliance,
Cyril Jordan of the Flamin' Grooviesl is set super-charged Byrds ala BOC's "Reaper" but
for release on BOMP Records very shortly. full of life and surging joy. Of the 3 songs,
Advance pressings have already caused Saturday" is the kind of throbbing anthem
some excitement in Australia, where it was the Bay City Rollers could use, "Can't Help
aired by Flo & Eddie on their recent tour, and But Love Her" a buoyant 12-string celebra
in Los Angeles where it was debuted on tion perfect for the AM charts, and "Song on
Rodney Bingenheimer's weekly show on the Radio", just released in the UK as a
KROQ. single, a solidly commercial effort.

Around the World Altogether it's an impressive advance for

Starry Eyed, though they were a bit hesitant
at first about someone else taking control of
Johnny Thunders and Wayne County,
trying to put on the same jacket.
with Flo & Eddie their music. But it was one of those ideal pop
marriages, and hopefully the sides will be
Anyone who's driven down the Sunset released here. "W e hope to be able to go
Strip lately has boggled at the lavish, back to London and finish the album," says
and though dropped by.Columbia, they have
flourescent, neon-lit billboard advertising Flo Howard, and the chances look good.
just signed a new deal with Elektra and
& Eddie's Moving Targets. In the record Recording time was extremely limited
should be going into the studio soon. Sandy
industry, a billboard on the Strip is the true because of a mid-July tour of Australia,
Pearlman and Murray Krugman are still
sign that you've Arrived, and for Flo & Eddie where Flo & Eddie were feted and treated like
working with them, and a tour with ZZ Top is
it may be a reality as last. superstars (their last album went gold there).
in the offing.
Moving Targets is the most serious Since returning to LA, the two have
With other bands moving up in the
album they've ever done, and it was a wise maintained their usual eclectic schedule.
scene fast, plans for other local 45's, Amos
Poe's rock cinema verite, and the NY Rocker move following Illegal, Immoral and Fatten
all coming on strong, this should certainly be ing, which captured the satiric humor of their
the year of New York rock & roll, live show as well as any record could hope to.
tEditor's note: Alan, modest as ever, fails Although it was not a big seller, and got little
to mention his own role as editor and guiding airplay due to its X-rated content, it did
light o f New York Rocker, the most lively and establish Flo Et Eddie as pop parodists
relevant magazine devoted to any local scene nonpareil even among those who were
since the demise o f Mersey Beat. It's a must unfamiliar with their fine previous albums,
for every BOMP reader and can be obtained and their work in radio, print and film over the
from 888 8th Ave, NY, NY 10019.} past few years. Having proven their ability to
do all these things, the only thing left was to
prove that they could make a real first-rate
progressive rock LP with tongues out of
The album is not exactly what I
expected. I knew they were doing an album
of real songs, but I interpreted that to mean
songs in the previously-established vein of
"Days", "Afterglow" and "Let Me Make
Love To You", the kind of traditional pop Flo & Eddie recording their new album:
they're so good at. There's a taste of that on starry-eyed but w ithout the laughing.
"Best Friends", "The Love You Gave Away"
and of course the remake of "Elenore", but They worked with Alan Sacks on a pilot for a
the real intent of this album is to win over the new CBScomedy show, directed by Jerry
underground audience, which they've ac
Poppees Wax Nostalgic complished solidly with "Keep It W arm " and
Paris of "Happy Days" fame, and plans for
their own TV show are in the works. David
"M am a, Open Up", both heavy FM favorites. Bowie has asked them to write the script for
BOMP Records recording artistes The While you could never accuse these two his next movie, which they say will be a sort
Poppees have recorded an LP of Beetle of taking themselves too seriously, they are of black comedy with David travelling by train
songs, but it's not for BOMP Records. Laurie for the first time dealing with serious sub through Eastern Europe, having a series of
Records, of all people, asked the group to do jectsgun control, the election, old age, weird experiences. W hy the unlikely choice
the LP, which is to be sold through TV ads to marital infidelity, and the vagaries of the of Flo & Eddie?
capitalize on Beatlemania. They agreed, but music business. They're pleased with the "I don't think Bowie can see himself
only on the condition their name not be used. album's reception, and ecstatic over the from a humorous standpoint, which may be
The LP, to be released under the name the billboard ("I go down and stand in front of it why he came to us."
Liverpool Five, supposedly comes so close to every night," Howard assures me) but they While waiting for the word to come
the sound of the original Beatle records that a don't plan to do any more touring, despite a down on these varied projects, Flo & Eddie
lot of people can't tell them apart. "W e did it rapturously-received showcase in LA last have kept busy MC'ing Kiss/Aerosmith
for the money," admits guitarist Bob month. "W e don't want to open for REO in concerts ("W e walk out in front of 55,000
Waxman. Des Moines," they state emphatically. people and they cheer just as if they knew
Those who have seen the .group lately "W e've done that too many times already. who we were!") and watching their album
report a tremendous improvement in their When there's a real demand for what we're climb the charts. After failing in every con
stage show and their music, which has pro doing, we'll go." ceivable area of the entertainment business-
gressed from pure Liverpool '62 to a style Meanwhile, they haven't been totally records, radio, film, print, production, video,
more attuned to the contemporary New York idle. They were in London during July, etc. any kind of success is welcome.
scene, although their ability as songwriters producing 3 songs for Starry Eyed and "W e are not distracted by failure," they
sets them above the majority. Their first Laughing, now shortened to just Starry Eyed. claim in unison. "W e can fail in any medium.
weekend booking at Max's was a huge The group was about to be dropped by CBS, W e want the charice to fail at everything...
success, and many are predicting a bright and would have broken up completely^ but just pay us, that's all we ask."
towns Part Four:
Our survey of Dutch rock (BOMP 14) the British beat groups. Some Swedish
By Greg Shaw & Lennart Persson

scene. The biggest and most successful

brought out the fact that many countries bands (Gonks, Steampacket) even borrowed groups were the Hep Stars, Tages, Ola & the
besides the US and England spawned prolific names from English groups. Such was the Janglers, and Shanes. The second division
local music scenes during the beat era demand for beat music that many British consisted of Mascots, Lee Kings, Hounds,
(1964-67). Having got past the initial impulse groups, including the Deejays, Red Squares, Jackpots, Lucas, Slamcreepers, Shakers,
to write these scenes off as unimportant, Renegades and others, moved to Sweden Gonks, Namelosers, Maniacs, Annabee-Nox,
with the exception of what few worldwide and became much bigger stars than they Caretakers, Fabulous Four, Merrymen,
hits they produced, one soon realizes that could have back home. Instruments, amps Shamrocks, etc., etc.
quite a few countries managed to come up and PA's were still smallthe Beatles played
with groups the equal of many now sch o o ls in Sweden in 1963 with 30 watt
worshipped by collectors, and occasional amps!and anybody with small hips, a THE BEST OF SWEDISH BEAT
classic records that belong in the front ranks passable voice or a three-chord knowledge of
of international pop greatness. While we rave electric guitar could be a real pop star. At By GREG SH A W Er LENNART PERSSON
about the Pretty Things, Creation, Move, least in your own school or on your own
etc., equally superb groups such as the block.... Most of the groups mentioned above, like
Motions and Q65 in Holland, the Rokes in The centres of activity were Stockholm the best punk and beat groups of any
Italy, Masters Apprentices in Australia, and (the capitol, population about one million), country, made some excellent records,
many others, languish unrecognized. Goteborg (Sweden's second largest city, although it was a rare exception when any of
Sweden, one of the greatest pop hotbeds of about >2 million) and Malmo (third largest). them showed the strength or imagination of
the '60s, produced groups such as the Tages, There were hundreds and hundreds of pop the British groups who were their inspiration.
Ola & the Janglers, the Lee Kings, the clubs with live entertainment scattered all But there are enough such exceptions to
Shanes, and the Lee Riders, whose work I over the country. The groups played for torment the serious fan with curiosity as to
would consider essential to any collection of peanuts all the money went into the what treasures may yet remain undiscovered.
'60s rock. Recently, the success of Abba has pockets of managers and agents. Nearly And by the same token, what collector
served to remind us that something of every English group also played these places. doesn't derive a slight thrill from hearing
worldwide importance can arise from one of Stones, Who, Small Faces, Pretty Things, some group who never got beyond a high
these forgotten national scenes. Troggs, Them, Hollies, Moody Blues, school in Goteborg doing a primitive version
With the help of Lennart Persson, one of Searchers, Swinging Blue Jeans, etc. of one of his favorite Who or Kinks songs,
Sweden's top pop journalists/Historians, we A lot of groups made records, but very few hearing them mispronounce the lyrics, and
have put together an introductory survey of of them sold more than to the group's gazing at the strangely evocative picture
Swedish rock in the '60s. As with our similar families and friends. You didn't sell records covers, wondering what it all must have been
Dutch survey (BOMP 14), this article reveals by having your pic in B ildjourna/en, the most like?
only the tip of a vast iceberg; its purpose is important magazine. The most crucial step Herewith, then, a guide to the major
not to be a definitive history, only an overdue on the way towards success was "Tio i groups, and some of the more exciting
acknowledgement of a scene that produced topp", a weekly radio program that went on records that came out of Sweden in the '60s.
an impressive amount of fine music. the air live every Saturday afternoon. It wqs a
program where 200 teenagers voted for the
BACKGROUND NOTES ten most popular single records. The program
was sent from a different place in Sweden
By LENNARTPERSSON each week and many groups made "coups"
to get their record on the list. The Shanes
It happened in the years 1963-68; as in once drove to the town the program was
America and England, the golden years were being sent from and handed out pictures of
1964-66. Before that, the Swedish rock scene themselves in the town square to all the
consisted of very bad copies of English and town's teenagers and encouraged them to
American hit records. Some of the big names vote for their recordwhich they did. The
were Rock-Ragge, Little Gerhard, and Jerry Lee Kings played for free at a school dance
Williams. Williams (real name Erik Fernstrom) the night before the program was broadcast
was the only one with any kind of talent, from the same town.
voice and originality, and when he got decent There were lots of incidents like these and
material his records were worth listening to. they all added a bit of fun to the proceedings,
He made quite a few, with and without the but there were nevertheless few Swedish
Violents, right through the '60s. records in the Top Ten and correspondingly
In Sweden, as in many other countries, the not many were sold. The man behind "Tio i
appearance of the Beatles in 1964 brought a topp and all of Swedish radio's pop
reaction against the stagnant music scene of coverage at that time was Klas Burling, a SPOTNICKS
previous years. Literally thousands of pop young guy who had toured with the Beatles
groups appeared from nowhere. The inspir in England before "Love Me Do" and had The Spotnicks predated the Beat era, and
ation in music and appearance was clearly seen the light. He was very important in the were in fact a Swedish response to the


Shadows era of British rock. Before Joe 65 I Don't W ant Your Love/New Orleans - Colum
Meek and the Tornadoes, the Spotnicks bia 7601 (E)
unveiled a weird, 'spacey' sound, augmented 65 Crazy Country Hop/My New Yorker - DS 2271
65 Skinny M innie/lt's All Right Baby - DS 2278
with their use of space-suits as stage 65 People Don't Like Me
costumes, and their invention of remote- 65 Blue Feeling - DS 2295
controlled stereo guitars and other techno 66 I Don't Care Babe/I Like to Know - DS 2302
66 Hi Lili Hi Lo/Leavin' - DS 2319
logical breakthroughs. They were undoubt 66 Can I Trust You/Like Before - DS 2327
edly ahead of their time, thanks mainly to Bo 67 Chris Craft # 9/Time - DS 2339
67 Chris Craft # 9/Time - Capitol 5963 (A)
Wimberg, an electronics genius and leader of 67 Drip Drop/One Way to Love - DS 2346
the group. Other members were Bob Lander, 67 Cara Mia - DS 2355
Bjorn Thalin, and Ove Johansson (two of 67 No Nox/Extra Kick Theme Gulf I (promo)
68 Save the Last Dance For Me - DS 2359
whom were replaced by Englishmen in 1963, 68 Friday Kind of Monday/Bound for Nowhere - DS
after their decline had begun). They exploited 2397
the space image to the; one of their early EPs: Shanes & MoonlightersLive! - Columbia
138: Marshall Clayton/Roadrunner
hits was called "Rocket Man". Most of their Columbia 147: Let Me Tell Yah/You Gotta
material was instrumental, and during the Tell Me/Too Much For Me/I Wanna Go
height of the instrumental boom they toured
England a couple of times, and had several
hits. (with whom they had an LP released in
Canada) and finally broke up. They did have
Even after falling off in England, the
Spotnicks remained popular elsewhere, one particularly odd record, a version of Curt THE EXTRA KICK THEME
Boettcher's "M usty Dusty" produced by
doing a world tour that took them to Japan,
Steve Clark and released on an obscure L.A.
& 0-0!
Hong Kong, Mexico, Turkey and most of
Europe. On this tour, they took along new label. They also had their own label, Hep
member Jimmy Nicol, former replacement House, releasing records by many Swedish
drummer for the Beatles. By 1970, Winberg groups. But their chief claim to historical
was the only original member left, though the fame is having produced Benny Andersson,
group was (and is) still going strong. To date, who began writing songs with Bjorn Ulvaeus
they have released over 22 albums. while still in the Hep Stars, then left to start
Abba. The Hep Stars made one LP without
(all on Karusell label) him, then disbanded.
340 The Old Spinning Wheel/Riders in the Sky 65 Kana Kapila/i Got a Woman - Olga 03
347 Orange Blossom Special/Spotnicks Theme 65 Tribute to Buddy Holly/Bird Dog - Olga 04
362 Rocket Man/Galloping Guitars ('62) 65 Summertime Blues/lf You Need Me - Olga 05
369 Old Clock at Home/Endless Walk 65 Farmer John/Donna - Olga 06
384 Ol' Man River/My Old Kentucky Home 65 Cadillac/Mashed Potatoes-Olga 09
405 Hey, Good Lookin'/W hat'd I Say 65 Bald Headed Woman/Lonesome Town - Olga 11
424 Highflying Scotsman/Thundernest 65 No Response/Rented Tuxedo - Olga 12
464 Have Nagila/Johnny Guitar LPs: The Shanes- Columbia SGLP 528
66 Young and Beautiful/So Mystifying - Olga 13 Let Us Show You - Columbia SSX 1011
465 M t Bobbie/Midnight Special 66 Should l/l'tl Never Get Over You - Olga 17
498 Amapola/I'm Going Home The Shane Gang - Columbia SSX 1020
66 Sunny Girl/Hawaii - Olga 21 Shanes Again - Columbia SSX 1022
510 Just Listen to my Heart/Pony Express ('63) 66 Sunny Girl/When Mt Blue Moon Turns to Gold
LKPs: 1012 - O u t-a Space Sssshanes! Explosive - Columbia SSX
1014 - In Paris ,. Again - Olga 25 1026
67 I Natt Jag Dromde/Jag Vet - Olga 29 Shanes VI - Columbia SSX 1030
123 - Live in Jap an 67 Don't/Consolation - Olga 33
125 In Stockholm 67 Malaika/lt's Nice to be Back - Olga 38
M l - In W in terlan d 67 Mot okant Mal/Nagonting Har Bant - Olga 49
136 - In Berlin 68 Like You Used to Do/She Will Love You - Olga TAGES
137 - In Acapulco
133 - Hey Hey, Here is the Spotnicks 68 Let it Be Me/Groovy Summertime- Olga64 50
155 - Psst, Baby Spotnicks are Calling 68 Tanda Pa Varann/Sagans Land - Olga 72 Widely regarded by such American
157 - By Request 69 Spelman/Precis Som Alta Andra - Olga 87 connoisseurs as Alan Betrock as the premier
33 - A t Home in Gothenburg 69 Little Band of Goid/Another Day - Olga 93
69 Musty Dusty/lt's Been a Long Long Time Swedish group, the Tages began by imitating
38 - in Tokyo '
42 - A round the World the Beatles, and in fact were voted "the
69 Musty Dusty/lt's Now Winter's DayUPCban- Beatles of the west coast" in 1963. They
(many releases on various Dutch & British labels) 69 Speedy Gonzales maker 414 (A)
LPs: Hep Stars On Stage - Olga LPO 02 dressed sharp and mod, and guitarist Tommy
HEP STARS The Hep Stars - Olga LPO 04 Blom was a veritable teen idol. Besides
Golden Hits - Olga LPO 05 Liverpudlian harmonies and bouncy songs ("I
Songs We Sang - Olga LPO 07
Lennart is puzzled by the attention given H ow It AH Started - Efel 003 Should Be Glad", "The One For You"), the
the Hep Stars by American fans. "Most of California Maiden - Philips 6316 013 early Tages also had their raunch sound, as
their records are trash, and not even good "Bloodhound" proves. By their second
trash," he says, "and worse yet, they had no SHANES album, they were writing sophisticated,
style whatsoever. They were ugly, fat old melodic rock ballads of the type found on
rockers who had let their hair grow, and they The Shanes, on the other hand, were Rubber Soul, in addition to the more
had no taste in clothes. Their audience consistently good throughout their long straight-ahead rockers, and songs like
consisted of girls in their pre-teens and the career, in 1965, they were a good imitation of "Guess w h o" combined with the best of both
lead singer was even a cripple!" True, all true. the Pretty Things, with a raw R&B sound. approached in a way that ranks w ith the best
But the Hep Stars were the first Swedish "Roadrunner" "I Don't Care Babe" and of the early Kinks. The Kinks were also a big
group i discovered, some 5 years ago, and 1 "People Don't Like M e" are among the influence on the raving "I'm Mad." Then
thought their live album was just amazingly wildest Swedish recordings. By '67 they had again, "Understanding" on their third album
good. I was impressed that any Swedish become more polished, and "Chris Craft # 9 " is a great tribute to the early Small Faces, and
group could do a live LP full of songs like became a hit throughout Europe, with a their cover of "Friday On My Mind" on the /.
"Bald Headed Woman", "If You Need Me", sound reminiscent of the Hollies and same LP is super
"Surfin' Bird", "So Mystifying" and "Farmer Herman's Hermits at their best. They Their 1966 hit "Crazy Bout My Baby", a
John", to name only a few of the highlights. developed strong harmonies and continued brisk, double-timed R&B harmony number,
There ts a tremendous live atmosphere on the recording in a pop vein. In 1968 they had their made some noise in England, and from then
album, one of the best ever captured on wax. last hit with "Cara M ia" and then faded on their best records were on a par with the
Unfortunately, the remainder of their work -gif J t i k j f 3,/wyjL. best British groups, as the Tages came to be
fails to match this pinnacle. Most of the regarded as an impending sensation. "I'm
64 Gunfight Saloon/The Ripper - Odeon SD 5939 Going O ut", "Every Raindrop Means A Lot"
songs on the live album were among their 64 Pistoleros/Oh, Wow - SD 5950
early hits, but the studio versions were 64 Gun Rider/Banzai - SD 5961 and the sublime "Treat Her Like A Lady"
exceedingly lame. Best is their "Tribute to 64 Keep a Knockin'/Come on Sally - SD 5968 stand as timeless pop production classics,
64 Let Me Show You Who I Am/Say You Want Me
Buddy Holly", which hardly compares to - SD 5969 and they even excelled at Angiotd psyche
: Mike Berry's original, Their hit period ran thru 65 Georgia's Back in Town/My Lover Baby delia, as witness "Fuzzy Patterns.
'66, after which they made progressive cc i n ,, . a. x/ Columbia DS 2256 They experimented, got heavy, had more
65 I Don t Want Your Love/Sweet Little Rock &
records, laid-back records, added a girl singer Roller - DS 2264 hits, wrote more great songs, and lived up


more than ever to their reputation as "On My W ay" takes its inspiration from "M y
Sweden's own Beatles (every country had to Generation" and "Anyway Anyhow Any
have one...). Their version of the Herd's where" but moves ahead with stunning
"Halcyon Days", produced in England, was originality to carve its own niche in the
feven released in America, sounding a bit like rave-up/distortion hall of fame. I can't even
"Penny Lane." Then, for whatever reason, begin to do this record justice; it's simply
they broke up. Two of them immediately devasting.
resurfaced as a group called Blond, whose Of their two albums, the one on Sonet
only LP was released here on Fontana, and is contains predictable covers of "Like a Rolling
a fine example of late '60s European pop. Stone" and other familiar songs, but the one
Today, Blom is a Scientology priest in on RCA is one of the best all-round LPs by
Stockholm, and Goran Lagerberg is still any Swedish group. There's a strong Byrds
playing until recently, with a group called influence, 12-strings and harmonies, with
Kebnekaise. "It's Not Right" and "Smile For Me" being
special standouts. "W hy Why W hy" even
reminds me of the Monkees. What higher
praise could there be?
66 L .O .D ./lt's Rainin' - Gazell 173
66 S top the M usic - Gazell
OLA &THE JANGLERS S ticks and Stones - Ju keb o x EP 5548
A lw ays & Ever - Ju kebox EP 5559
On M y W ay
Led by Claes of Geijerstam, this group was Concrete and C lay/O utside - RCA 755
among the most professional in Sweden, but 67 Smile fo r M e/Take a Message to Mary - RCA
were never as influential as the Shanes or 67 H ot D ogs/C om e on Home - RCA 788
Tages because of their reliance on British LPs: B ingo - RCA 10106
S to p the M u s ic - S onet GP 9911
songs. Most of their early records were B eat H its 6 5 /6 6 - S onet GP 9907: Like a
covers of things by the Stones, Kinks, Who, Rolling Stone
and Zombies. They recorded for Sonet, and
most of their records9 albums, plus two
solo LPs by Ola Hakansson are still in print.
They did creditable versions of "Leave Me
Be", "Surprise, Surprise", "W e Got a Good
Thing Goin"', and "She's Not There".
64 Donna/Forget Him - Platina 101 Though most of their hits were in '65 and '66,
64 Sleep Little Girl/Tell Me You're Mine - Platina as late as 1969 they made the American
65 I Should Be Glad/l Cry - Platina 103 charts with "Let's Dance", prompting the
65 Don't Turn Your Back/Hound Dog - Platina 104 release of a generally worthless album on
65 The One For You/I Got My Mojo W orking - Pla these shores. Ola now leads a ballroom band,
tina 105
65 Bloodhound/Whatcha Gonna Do About It while Claes recently toured America with his
Platina 109 group Rocket, and is a successful producer
66 So Many Girls/Im Mad - Platina 115
66 I ll Be Doggone/Hitch Hike - Platina 121 (Svenne & Lotta, etc.).
66 In My Dreams/Leaving Here - Platina 122
66 Crazy Bout My Baby/Go - Platina 125 65 No No No
66 Miss Mac Baren/Get Up an Get Goin - Platina 65 She's Not There
130 65 Land of 1,000 Oances/Thinking of You - Gazell
67 Secret Room/Friday on My Mind - Platina 131 167
67 Gone Too Far/Understanding - Platina 134 65 Surprise, Surprise/lt's All Right - Gazell 172
67 One Red, One Yellow, One Blue/True Fine 66 Love Was On Your M ind/Stop Your Sobbing -
Gazell 175 MASCOTS
Woman - Platina 139
67 Dancing in the Streets/Those Rumors - Platina 66 Donna Donna/Come and Stay W ith Me - Gazell
141 180
66 La La La/Can't You Feel - Gazell 183
The Mascots are also special favorites of
67 Mohair Sam/Ride Your Pony - Platina 145
67 Dr. Feelgood/Dimples - Platina 149 66 Poetry in Motion/W e've Got a Groovy Thing mine, primarily due to "W ords Enough to Tell
67 Every Raindrop Means a Lot/Look What You Goin' - Gazell 186 You", which I find as essential to life itself as
Get - Parlophone SD 6004 66 Alex is the Man/Now I Like Her - Gazell 190
67 Bird's Eye View of You/No One Knows What my very favorite Hollies records such as "Yes
67 I'm Going Out/Fuzzy Patterns - SD 6005
67 Shes Having a Baby Now/Sister's Got a Boy Happens - Gazell 191 I Will", in the same vein. It's a classic of
friend - SD 6009 67 Strolling Along/Story of Glory - Gazell 197 Liverpool-style pop, with beautiful harmonies
67 Treat Her Like a Lady/Wanting - SD 6011 67 Runaway/Teardrops - Gazell 200
67 Juliet/This Ring - Gazell 202 and even authentic-sounding scouse
68 There's an Old Man Playing Fiddle in the Street/
Like a Woman - SD 6024 68 I Can Wait/Eeny Meeny Miny Moe - Gazell 204 accents. Most of their records were a little
68 Fantasy Island/ Be Free - SD 6036 68 I Can W ait - London 20034 (A)
68 Julia/Desertoren - Gazell 206 rougher, more in the Swingin' Blue Jeans
68 I Read You Like an Open Book/Halycon Days -
SD 6054/Verve 10626 (A) 68 What 1 Heard Today/Under the Ground - Gazell style, such as "Baby Baby" and "Stones
EPs. Platina 2001: Don't Turn Your Back/For- 208 Fell". I'm particularly fond of "The Girl That
get Him/Donna/Hound Dog 68 W hat a Way to Die/Oh W hat a Lovely Day -
Gazell 212 You Are , a driving, insistent rocker whose
Hits Vol 1 - Platina 2005: Sleep Little Girl/
I Should Be Glad/ 68 Tracks of my Tears/Farewell My Love - Gazell picture caver depicts the group standing on
Don't Turn Your Back/ 68 Let's Dance/Hear Me - Gazell 220 their amps with nooses around their necks,
The One For You 69 Let's Dance - GNP 423 (A)
Hits Vo/ 2 - Platina 2006: In My Dreams/
Swedish picture covers, incidentally, are
69 California Sun - GNP 432
Bloodhound/So Many Girls/ LPs: Surprise, Surprise - Sonet GP 9928 among the best-designed of any I've seen,
I'll Be Doggone 12 Big Hits - Sonet GP 9939 and a large part of the pleasure in collecting
Hits Voi 3 - Platina 2007: Miss Mac Baren/ Discotheque Number One - Sonet GP 9949
Crazy Bout My Baby/Secret Room/ Patterns - Sonet GMG 1204 these records. Getting back to the Mascots,
Gone Too Far Limelight - Sonet GMG 1205 the one album by them I've found doesn't
LPs: Tages - Platina 3001 Pictures Er Sounds - Sonet GMG 1208 seem to have any of their singles on it,
Tages2- Platina 3002 Underground - Sonet GMG 1211
Extra Extra - Platina 3003 Let's Dance - Sonet GMG 1214/GNP 2050 although it does contain some marvelous
Be$t o f Tages - Platina 3005 (A) material.
Forget Him - Platina 3007 Happily Together- Sonet GMG 1217
Contrast - Parlophone 313 (Claes of Geijerstam)
Studio - Parlophone 316 LP: Out of My Hair - Sonet SLP 2518 65 A Sad Boy - Decca
Good Old Tages - Odeon 577 (Parlophone 65 Baby, Baby/Call M e Y our Love - Decca 44420
material) 65 Stones Fell/From M y Love - Decca 44442
66 W o m a n /M e e t Me - Decca 44512
(as BLOND) LEE KINGS 66 I W a n t to L ive /D ifte re n t M ind - Decca 44518
66 Things are Turning O ut/The Girl That You Are -
Decca 44521
68 I Wake Up and Call/The Girl I Once Had - Fon
tana 271 281 The Lee Kings, also known as Lenne & the 66 W ords Enough to Tell You - Decca
63 The Lilac Years/Six W hite Horses - Fontana 271 Lee Kings, had a large hit with the pulsing 67 if I Had a ship/E veryone Know s fo r Sure - Poly-
282 dor 59748
"L.O .D.", released two very interesting 69 Y ou're Never Gonna Find M e /A Life Like That -
LP: The Lilac Years - Fontana 881 015/Fontana
67607(A) albums, and also made (in my opinion) the Parlophone 6064
LP: Elpee - Decca SK L 4806
hands-down greatest Swedish record ever.


M usiken ur filmen
Not much is known about this group, but Dom kallar oss mods
from the evidence of the 3 singles I've found,
they must have been Sweden's weirdest Lea R id ers G ro u p
bunch of maniacs, their country's own The Forgotten G eneration
Mothers or Deviants. Their earliest record, (H a w k e y ) >
"G ot No W oman!" is a garage-primitive R&B A r r : R o lfE k e lu n d
tune. Next time out they had "A in 't It
Strange?", for which they take composer Dom kallar os^ mods
credit, although it's identical to a rather sickly (Riders L ea-H aw ke y)
demented record called "History Repeats T e k n ik e r Bam pe Karlsson j
Itself", done by Buddy Starcher on the
The Forgotten G eneration S; :m
Boone label in April of '66. The idea of the
(Text och musik: Hawkey Franzen) - ^ J
song is to catalogue the similarities in the
circumstances of the assassinations of They call us the forgotten generation. . . (3 tim es}.
They live their lifes they 'have no own to five |
Lincoln and Kennedy. I find this perfectly their dreams are lies they know they're bound
to give ini
straight rendition, by a Swedish mod group, How high you are you moon where men s h a fe fg ji
just slightly inexplicable. Ill die too soon to see or understand -
to hell with space to hell with all the gear
The capper, though is "Dorn Kallar Oss the only thing f care for is my beer!
Mods". The B-side of "The Forgotten Anyhow there's nothing interests me ' jd
except the man who gets rpe high and free* T
Generation" (whose lyrics are printed in They talk their phrases without thinking 0
English on the sleeve), it's from a film of the young people they are bad they're sinking
low - o low - o low - o ;.... _ 4
same title that must have been the mod They call us the forgotten generation .
classic of Sweden. Although I called "I'm On they call us the forgotten generation -
they call us the forgotten generation
My W ay" by the Lee Kings the best Swedish oh - o oh - o oh - o
record, this must certainly be the most I just don't care - got time to Spare
I've got my wine - I'm feeling* fine
advanced. I'd say honestly it's the most At thirty odd - I need no nod
put me to sleep - I'll sleep too deep
successful record by Anyone, anywhere, The Earth my bed - 'cos I'll be dea
trying to capture the sensation of being the Earth my bed - 'cos I'll be dead!
M r. Nod farew ell - Im a mod in hell
drugged and psychedelicized. It's nothing like (3 tim es)
Pink Floyd or the Strawberry Alarm Clock or They talk the ir phrases w ithout thinkin,
I ju st d on 't care - got time to sp
anything obvious like that; I really don't know Ive got my wine - I'm feeling fine
how to describe it. It's a long record, over 4 (and so on)
M r. Nod farew ell - I'm a mod
minutes, and one of the most intense They call us the forgotten generatio
recording I've ever heard. The lyrics, about (and so on - fade up - out)

being a confused, dope-addled teenage

failure, are right up there with the best of Foto (framsida) Ove Forsberg (bakeida) bild
Townshend, and the delivery is inspired
demented, yet completely controlled. I get Freaking out on the Fjords: The protest generation in Sweden had problems Sonnv & Cher
dizzy just listening to it. Never in any never dreamed of!
Hollywood exploitation movie was a bad trip
so graphically or successfully dramatized. It's The Shamrocks, for instance, were as good Searchers style. "I Could Hear Her Cry" by
an astonishingly vivid record by a group (and as the early Shanes, in fact as good as any the Flippers reminds me of the Kinks doing
from a film) that really ought to have been English Marquee Club group. Their "M id "Long Tall Shorty." "She Lied to M e" by
exposed outside Sweden. night Train" raves out like Cyril Davies' Jean Lundens could have been by any one of
66 Got No W om anl/But I Am, and Who Cares? - "Country Line Special", one of the alltime your favorite English groups a polished
Philips 350 297 primo R&B sizzlers, or anything by the early sound. "Hard to Forget" by the Moderations
66 Ain t It Strange/Beloved Baby - Philips 350 313 Yardbirds. Or how about the Namelosers,
67 The Forgotten Generation/Dom Kallar Oss Mods is an intriguing record that sounds like Peter
-Philips 350 334 whose "D o-ao" is a high voltage masterpiece Noone backed by the McCoys, with the Larks
in the same vein. Their other stuff, especially on backing vocals.
"N ight of a Thousand Dances" is equally raw And we mustn't forget Tom & Mick & the
and exciting. Maniacs, who had all kinds of hit records
together and separately, and were apparently
the Paul & Barry Ryan of Sweden. Their
I have yet to hear more than a sampling of
"Instant Sorrow" and "Pandemonium"
the more obscure Swedish groups, so
should not be missed.
without trying to be comprehensive, I'll just
Some groups arouse interest with their
mention a few of my favorites. The
names alone, or the names of their songs. It's
Renegades weren't obscure, of course,
a well-known fact that some pretty deviated
having scored one of the biggest domestic
stuff tends to develop in the musical
hits with "Cadillac", that old warhorse of a
backwaters. What would you expect, for
tune that was done by just about every
instance, from a group called the Slam
Scandinavian group. Their other records
Creepers doing "Mister Personality M an"/
weren't nearly as good. Similarly, the
"Cash Box Ladies Behavious"? Or how about
Jackpots were quite popular in Sweden, and
a group with a name like the He-Goats? Only
even had records released in the U ,S., but
in Sweden!
although they sported gorgeous falsetto
harmonies (and were even produced at one
We realize, naturally, that unless you have
time by Perry Ford of the Ivy League), the
a friend in Sweden, few of the records
same fans who gobble up groups like
discussed in this article are ever likely to
Harmony Grass seem unaware of how
come your way. But fortunately, there is an
delightful the Jackpots were. They covered The Shivers did a fine cover of the album entitled Swedish Graffutu containing
material by the 4 Seasons, Beach Boys, the Sorrows' "N o No No No". "Take Her Any 32 representative hits by almost everyone
Tokens, the Shirelles and others, and their Time" by Steampacket is a nicely-fuzzed mentioned here. Not in every case the songs I
LPs, which can occasionally be found, are rocker. "Mister Mystified" by the Evil Eyes is would have chosen, but a solid introduction
well worth the investment. another Who cop, somewhere between "M y along the lines of Hard-Up Heroes, with great
A lot of groups never recorded much, yet Generation" and "Happy Jack". "Ann- liner notes (in Swedish, unfortunately), lots
had one or two outstanding songs. One Louise" by the Nashmen is a charming of photos, etc. It's put out by Sonet, who
wonders why some made it and others didn't. (though low-keyed) effort in the early also keep most of their old material in print,


and might send you a catalog if you write to more "serious , more concerned with its 65 Little Bad B o y /D o n 't M a tte r W h a t You Do -
Sonet Records, Hornsbruksgaten 3A, 117 34 lyrics and jazz influences. The progressive 66 Birthday Party - Ju kebox EP 5535 Karusel1603
scene has grown in Sweden and is today 66 W ords A in 't E nough/W ho Cares A b o u t Me -
Stockholm, Sweden. Polydor 59711
quite strong with groups like Hoola Bandoola 67 Naked W hen You C om e/Little Cat Lost - Poly
THE BEAT BOOM ENDS Band selling more records than the Tages dor 59724
ever dreamed of. Only one of these groups, 67 A n o th er G irl/Y ou D o n 't Have to Go - Polydor
Sometime around 1969 there was a 59730
Nationalteatern, is much good, and none of 67 I C an't Live W ith o u t Y o u r Lovin g /S w in g and
change. By that time all the groups had them can compete with Abbawhose Sw ay - Polydor 59737
folded or badly compromised in their music, by the way, they all loathe and call Sussy M oore/ Love - Fontana 271 603
musicwitness for example the Hep Stars' reactionary crap. The real curse of Swedish EP: Karusell 3322: Lo ipops Boogie/Speedy Gon
"Speleman", which by the way was one of zalez Birthday P a rty/A ll M y Loving
rock today is the incorporation of influences
the first Bjorn/Benny collaborations. The from Swedish folk music, rather than from
Tages was the one example among the big British and American rock and R&B, an
groups who didn't try to change their music approach which, brought out the best in
to appeal to the kind of middle-aged audience Swedish musicians during the golden years
the Hep Stars were after. we've been discussing.
A new kind of group began appearing as
part of the worldwide reaction to the
Beatles-inspired pop wave. Yes, the nemisis SWEDISH ROCK DISCOGRAPHY
we know as "progressive rock" had raised its (all Swedish releases unless otherw ise noted)
boring head. The heroes changed from
Hollies and Kinks to Zappa and John ANNABEE-NOX
McLaughlin, as groups got more political. 66 Jump Right Down/The Kids Are Alright -
Columbia DS 2304
67 A in't Gonna Let You Be/Silverspoon - Columbia
DS 2348
For a less biased view of modern Swedish 67 Playboy on the Run/Corinna, Corrina - Columbia
rock, we present the following short survey DS 2367
by a man who actually listens to progressive CARETAKERS
rock(l): 66 The End of the W orld/Whitsand Bay - SweDisc
66 Lost Someone/Hey - SweDisc 1169 MANIACS
PROGRESSIVE MUSIC IN SWEDEN 66 Unchained Melody/Ail You Got To Do -
SweDisc 1178 66 Don't Worry Baby/Someone to Care - Columbia
Lenhovda City - Juke Box EP 5559 Dear Mr. Jones DS 2329
By TOM LONG Secret Love - Jukebox EP 5562 (Tom & Mick Maniacs)
LP: Have a Ball With - SweDisc 51 67 Somebody's Taken Maria Away/I Got the
Feelin' - DS 2361
Since the late '60s progressive rock has DEEJAYS 67 Can I Get to Know You Better/Free - DS 2368
been knocking on the doors of almost every 65 Long Tall Shorty/I Can Tell - Polydor 10980 68 KWho Have Nothing) - DS 2376
65 Farmer John/I Just Cant Go to Sleep - Polydor 68 24 Hours From Tulsa/Koko Joe - Sonet 7731
country on the glove. Sweden, in particular, LPs: Tom & Mick Maniacs - Columbia SSX
boasts one of the most progressive scenes 65 Blackeyed Woman - Polydor 1029
around. Many fine groups are now plugging 65 Coming on Strong/Dimples - Polydor 56034 (E) Someone's Taken Maria Away - Sonet GP
Dum Dum/Picture of You - Hep House 01 9968
their way through Scandinavia playing jazz Somewhere, My Love/lt's Gonna Work Out Fine NAMELOSERS
rock or redoing traditional folk songs of -Hep House 06 65 New Orleans/What'd I Say - Columbia DS 2255
Swedish origin. I'll Never Get Over You/Baby Talk - Hep House 65 The Dog/But I'm So Blue - DS 2261
07 65 Night of 1,000 Dances/Suzie Q - DS 2286
Groups like Kebnaijse and Flasket Brinner Working Out Fine/Love Me - Hep House 26 EP: Viking label: New Orleans/Bama Lama
whose roots go back to such mid-and LP: The Deejays - Polydor LPHM 46254 Bama Loo/W hat'd I Say/Around and
late-'60s groups as Blond and the Mecki Mark FABULOUS FOUR
Men are typical of where Swedish progres Anita Change Your M ind/Sitting in the Grass - NEW GENERATION
Hep House 19 68 Two Faces Have I - Gazell
sive rock is at today: Bo Hansson (late of Brown Eyed Girl/Life is Fab - Hep House 27 69 Peaches and Cream - Jukebox EP 5589
Hansson and Carlson group), Janne Schaffet 66 Puff the Magic Dragon - Hep House Candy/Just Give it to Me - Sonet 7728
(who records with Abba), George Wadenuis 67 Don't Go Out Into the Rain
67 Island in the Sun
(late o f Made In Sweden and BS&T) were all 67 Rhythm of the Rain RENEGADES
members of some of Sweden's short-lived Quello Con Gli Occhiali (Get out of My Life 65 Cadillac/Every Minute of the Day - Polydor
W oman)/Fatti il Segno Della Croce - Fontana TF 56508(E)
'60s bands. Some of these artists are turning 268013 (It.) (sung in Italian) 65 Cadillac/Matelot - Congress 241 (A)
out some of the best music in the western GONKS Thirteen W omen/Walking Down the Street -
world, and deserve to be better known. Keep Your Big Mouth Shut/I Believe in Your Polar/President 106 (E)
Love - Nashville 846 Take a Heart - Polar
For those that have never heard o f this Take a Message/Second Thoughts-Parlophone
66 Words - on sampler LP Package o f Sound - PRO
stuff, here is a short discography of current 5001 LP: Cadillac - Scandia 600 5592 (E)
Swedish groups: 67 Loppan/No Doubt - Tommo TPS 2 (rumored to be 3 LPs in Finland)
Things I Give to You/Happy Crowd - TPS 4
Kebnekaijse - Resa m o t o kan t mat We're Still Happy/Four or Five Times - TPS 8 SHAMROCKS
Kebnaiaijse 2 Happy Crowd/St. Louis Blues - TPS 13 65 Cadillac/Easy Rider - Karusell 608
Kebnekaijse 3 Georgia on my Mind/W ork Song - GP GPS 1003 66 Smokerings/I'm on the Outside Looking In -
Flasket Brinner - Flasket Dbl. LP In a Persian Market/Going Round - GP GPS Karusell 691
Flasket Brinner 66 Travellin' Man/Gypsy Lullabye - Karusell 727
Janne S chaffer - Janne Schaffer HOUNDS 1005
67 Short Days, Long Nights - Jukebox EP 5566 66 Crossbow/Midnight Train - Hansa 19186 (Gr)
A n d ra LP
Pop W o rksh op V o l 1 & V ol 2 67 The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Gazell
EP: Polydor Inti. 60 124(Fr): Don't Say/Days/Smoke
Bo Hansson - Sogan om Ringer 67 Exodus
67 A Summer Song Rings/How the Flies
U rtrollkarlens H at EP: Polydor Inti. 60 122(Fr): Cadillac/Easy Rider/
Mellanvasen 67 Sealed W ith a Kiss
68 The Gypsy Cried Thing W ill Turn Out Right TOmorrow/Balla Balia
Nature - Nature
Earth M over Can't Grow Peaches on a Cherry Tree/
The Office Girl - CSL 102(A)
Nature # 3
Novem ber - En Ny Tid an Har 63 Diggiti Doggety - Columbia
LP: / he Lion Sleeps T o n ig h t-Sonet GP 9941 63 Sakkijarven Polka
6:E N ovem ber Beat Hits 66/67 - Sonet GP'9914: Barbara
2:a N ovem ber 64 Mule Skinner Blues
Ann/Sloop John B/Til the End of the Day
Sage - Saga 65 Rockin' Robin
Here are som e shops w h o sell these and many oth e r JACKPOTS Get It
LPs b y m ail order: 66 Younger Girl 68 For Dig Jag Kanner Just Ingenting - Columbia
67 Funny How Love Can Be - Jukebox EP 5566 2357
M usikens M a kt 67 Walk Like a Man
Sam D istribution 67 Tiny Goddess SUZIE(Married to Lee Kings bassist Mike Watson)
Pack 18500 68 Back to the City 63 Johnny Loves Me - Sonet
Varhoim , Sweden Jack in the Box/Henbanes Sacrifice - Sire 4113 Don't Let It Happen Again - Jukebox EP 5548
(A) 70 Walking Back to Happiness
N ick S trom LPs: Tic Tac Toe - Sonet SLP 57
Oiivedalsgaten 27 Jackin the Box - Sonet SLP 68 SVENNE & LOTTA
413 10 G oteberg, Sweden LOLLIPOPS Bang-a-Boomerang
Words A in't Enough/Who Cares About Me - Vault D ance-M GM 14779 (A)
Lars Ake Hjort 926(A) LPs: Oldies B ut Goodies - Polar 251
Lundbergsgatan 5 Svenne & Lotta/2 - Polar 258
217 51 M alm o, Sw eden
Do You Know/There Was a Time - Karusell 573
Lollinons Shake/Look at the Boy - Karusell 581
[continued on p. 57]


1 1 jip

BY GREG SHAW shared these same influences) molding a new style of variations on ABBA songs.
rock & roll pop for the '70s, taking advantage of ad
"A B B A is the most exciting pop phenomenon vances in recording and production techniques.
of the '70s," claims their bio, and for once it's no I'd been a fan since Bjorn & Benny days and
hype. My admiration for this group knows few before, of course, and "Rock 'n Roll Band" was one BJORN & BENNY/ABBA DISCOGRAPHY
bounds. Here's a group who can create pop songs as of my favorite records of 1973. When "W aterloo"
super-charged and overpowering as anything this came out I was just floored; finally someone had
side of the Philies label, making everybody else from done it, remarried that long-estranged couple, rock Tank om jorden vore ung/Traskofolket Polar 1140
Peter Frampton to the Runaways look incredibly & roll and pop. Excitement mounted with every re 72 People Need Love/Merry-go-round Polar 1156
lame in comparison, in addition to which they pro lease, which in those days as now had to be tracked Playboy 50014(A)
duce their own records with a sound so pure and down in Swedish and British pressings months 73 Rock 'n Roll Band/Another Town,Another Train
dynamic and uniquely their own that they should before they came out here. "Ring Ring" was brilliant: Playboy 50025(A)
long since have been acknowledged as among the such energy, what sound. The louder you played 73 Ring.Ring/She's My Kind of Girl Polar 1172
world's most brilliant producers. these records the better they got. "Honey Honey" LP: Ring Ring - Polar 242
ABBA's story goes back to the beginnings of was also sensational, with its "Sugar Sugar" conno ABBA
Swedish rock, to 1965 when Benny Andersson was tations and the absurdity of those pristine voices 74 Waterloo/Honey Honey [in Swedisn[-Po\ar 1186
in the Hep Stars. He met Bjorn Ulvaeus in 1966, they cooing of carnal delights. 74 W aterloo/Watch Out - Polar 1187/Atlantic 3035
began writing together, and eventually both joined The supreme triumph came with "S o Long." 74 Ring Ring/Rock 'n Roll Band - Epic 2452(E)
the Hootenanny singers, breaking away in 1971 as a When my copy arrived from England and I rushed to 74 So Long/I've Been Waiting for You - Epic 2848
duo called Bjorn & Benny. Soon their wives, put it on, it was like the first time I'd heard "Da Doo 75 I Do,I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do/Rock Me - Epic 3229
Agnetha and Annifred began appearing on the Ron Ron" or "I Wanna Hold Your Hand." Anything 75 Mamma Mia/Tropical Loveland - Epic 3790
records as backup singers, and by 1973 it had revolutionary in rock & roll is a matter of sound above 75 Honey Honey/Dance Atlantic3209
become ABBA, with the girls out front and equal all, and this was the biggest, hottest, most over 75 Ring Ring/Hasta Manana Atlantic3240
billing for all. whelming sound that had hit me in ages. 75 S.O.S./Man in the Middle Atlantic3265
Once the format was settled, it was one of those Unfortunately, my fantasies failed to take 76 I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do/Bang-a-Boomerang
showbiz success stories. ABBA won Eurovision with shape. "S o Long" was a relatively small hit and for -A tlantic 3310
"W aterloo" and began raking in countless gold the next 45 they released "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do" 76 Mamma Mia/ Atlantic3315
records and every other conceivable kind of award. a rather syru py ballad of the type they had been wont 76 Fernando/Hey Hey Helen - Atlantic 3346
All over Europe and the world they scored hit after to use as album tracks. It became a smash hit, influ 76 Dancing Queen/That's Me Epic 4499
monster hit. The only thing they haven't won is true encing the group's future recordings in a direction 74 LP: Waterloo - Epic 80179/Atlantic 18101
critical recognition. very different from that in which they'd been leading. 75 LP: ABBA - Epic 80835/Polar 262/Atlantic
One problem they've faced in gaining "Mamma M ia" and "Fernando", though they had an 76 LP: Greatest Hits - Epic 69218/Atlantic 18189
acceptance from progressive-minded fans is their atmospheric quality I found quite appealing, were RELATED
overtly pop orientation. And to be honest, I miss non rockers, as is "Dancing Queen", their latest in 74 Agnetha Faltskog - Golliwog - Cupol 299
rock & roll foundation that's been diminishing since Europe and an outright disco n u m b e r-th o not 75 Agnetha Faltskog - LP: Eiva Kvinnor / Ett Hus
the early records. The songs that won me over w ithout the usual ABBA touch of class. Cupol 351
"Rock 'n Roll Band", "Ring Ring", "S .O .S .", I hope this proves to be only a temporary phase, 74 Ted - Gonna Make You My Angel/Cant Stop the
"W aterloo", and the monumental "S o Long" because ABBA has the potential to create real Train - Epic 3126 [prod. b yB E tB ]
featured a wall of sound no hard rock fan could fail to classics that will live for years, and they shouldn't be 75 Annifrid Lyngstad - LP: Frida Ensam - Polar 265
be shaken by. I was enormously excited at what I satisfied with mere pop hits. Meanwhile fans of the 73 Svenne Et Lotta - Oldies B ut Goodies - Polar 251
surmised they were up to, namely taking their ABBA sound should try to find the Swedish solo LPs 75 Svenne & Lotta - L P :2 - Polar 358 (prod by B&B)
influences ('50s rock, early '60s girl groups, west by Agnetha and Annifried, and the 2 Svenne & Lotta
coast harmonies) and, not unlike Roy Wood (who All Polar releases Swedish, all Epic releases British,
LPs on, all on Polar, with many unusual oldies and all Atlantic releases American. Cupol is Swedish.
w m w
In a matter of just a few months, 'punk' showed themselves to be among the most
has become the most overused word in the exceptional individuals of our time.
pop vocabulary. Like 'acid-rock' it has become The ideal punk is not hard to envision;you
a convenient catch-all for the new generation need only watch Happy Days every Tuesday
of street bands (who almost unanimously night. Now here's someone you can respect.
reject the word, preferring to think of their The Fonz is cool, he's hip, he knows good
music as straignt-ahead, no-frills rock & roll) from bad, cool from uncool, happening from
and it seems to be taking root despite not happening, as naturally as a bird knows
everyone's protests. where to fly. He's got an inborn sense of
In New York, the Daily News recently style, of how to achieve an effect and what
devoted a cover story in the Sunday magazine can be done with image but only if pulled off
section to the 'punk' scene, attributing its completely and convincingly. Whether play
spread to Punk Magazine and talking about ing a dandy or a hood, the true punk has a
the historical reasons for the resurgence of sort of unconscious grace, a punk elegance
simplistic, teenage rock at the present time. In that sets him apart from ordinary people. And
England, the word was unknown a year ago he knows what uncool people don't: that if
except to habitues of Rock On Records, you want to look far-out, you've got to BE far-
collectors of Standells albums who under out or it doesn't work for long.
stood the original meaning of 'punk rock' as The Fonz is only a fictional ideal, of
describing the mid-60s suburban Ameripan course. Nobody has ever been as cool, at
groups who adapted the early Stones/British every moment, as the Fonz. But a lot of people
Invasion sound, as anthologized on Nuggets. have embodied some or all of his attributes in
Eddie & the Hot Rods were playing to 20 greater or lesser degree, and these are the
people at the Kensington Pub, and thought it ones I think of when the word 'punk' comes
was the greatest compliment ever when I said up. I think of Chuck Berry, knowing his music
they reminded me of the Chocolate Watch- was heavier than anything else around, being
band. Now all that has changed. To read the as outrageous as he could despite every form
British weeklies, you'd think Punk Rock was of racism and culture shock hurled against
the biggest thing since the Beatles. Caroline him. I think of Spector, whose abhorrence of
Coon in Melody Maker has devoted reams to mediocrity led to a large percentage of rock's
the Sex Pistols and the recent Punk Rock all-too-few moments of brilliance, and whose
festivals in France and London. Jonh Ingham nonconformity and impatience with fools
has done the same in Sounds, while NME resulted in him being driven from the record
recently put the Hot Rods on their cover. business. I think of Brian Epstein and the
So in two major cultural centers, at least, Beatles, who conceived and put across to the
Punk Rock seems to be a genuine (if media- entire world the biggest cultural phenomenon
perpetuated) phenomenon. The British critics in history. I think of Dylan, who stood before
at least have tried to make some distinction thousands of booing people because he knew
between this music and the original Punk his idea of combining protest and poetry with
Rock, because the similarities are only super rock & roll was right, and he didn't have to
ficial. The new wave of punks has invented its take shit from any nerds who couldn't see it.
own styles, fashions, attitudes and heroes, These are admittedly high standards. I
and like its music, the emphasis is on can't think of anyone in today's rock scene
rigorously-maintained simplicity, rejection of with the audicity and strength of character to
late-60s 'hip' culture and all its pretentions, even meet the basic qualifications. Peter
and a studied mutation of the look and style of Frampton? Steve Tyler? The Runaways? The
the Mod era. Ramones? Bruce Springsteen? What a laugh.
In today's punk scene, any ignorant sod It may be that the generation of punk heroes is
can become an idol merely by donning black past, that our culture has reached the point
leather and drooling a lot. The standards were where to be a rebel is an outmoded concept,
very different in the '50s and '60s. Everything an irrelevant goal. Meanwhile 'punk' is a
that youth wanted to do, it was doing for the vague enough term to include all the losers
first time, and that involved a lot of rule and misfits who are causing most of the
breaking, trailblazing, risk-taking. The people current fuss,and anyone who doesn't want to
today's punks derive all their inspiration from be confused with them had better find
were a different breed than we've seen in a something else to call themselves.
long time. Because they had to defy society to If today's punks are a watered-down
live the way they instinctively knew was right, version of the ideal, at least they've got the
they became rebels, they took a lot of abuse, right idea. And maybe the kids who grew up
and some of them cracked under it. But others with the Fonz will raise the standard someday.


Pictured on these pages are a few of our choices for
all-time Punk Hero. There are, of course, a lot more to
choose from. Wed like you to help us out by listing your
five favorite punks, from our list if you like, or your own
nominations. Well tabulate the results and announce
the All Time Top Ten Punk Hall of Fame in an upcoming
issue [and let's try to keep it fairly serious you bozos!
Votes for Wildman Fischer will not be counted!!]
Nominations for All-Time Punk Awards:
Elvis Presley Andrew Loog Oldham
Jerry Lee Lewis Mick Jagger
Little Richard Brian Jones James Williamson
Chuck Berry Keith Richard Mitch Ryder
Bo Diddley Brian Epstein Jim Morrison
James Brown John Lennon Jimi Hendrix
Gene Vincent Bob Dylan Lou Reed
Eddie Cochran Rob Tyner Patti Smith
Phil Spector Iggy Pop [The Fonz is not eligible]
Dear BOMP:
My choices for Top Five punks are as follows:
2. _________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________
4 ____________________________
5 ________________________________
Entered by:
Optional question: Can you think of a better term for
todays new music than "Punk Rock? If so, tell us! With
any luck, maybe itll catch on....


GET IT mistaking lead singer Bon Scott's Alex
DAVE E D M U N D S Harvey-like leer. Whoever's responsible, this
Swan Song (forthcoming) is an impressive LP, full of the kind of teen-
trendy songs you'd expect to find an an
I was fortunate to hear the tapes of this album by some new Kim Fowley discovery,
album a couple of months before release, and and sounding every bit as hot and raw as it
have been excited ever since. This is by,far looks.
Dave's best album, a rocked-out classic from The best songs are "It's a Long Way to
start to finish. Now that he's working with the Top" and "Rock 'n' Roll Singer", a back
Nick Lowe, a partnership that seems to have to back commentary on the pop hit machine,
paid off handsomely, Edmunds no longer "Live W ire", which could be a lesson to Bad
spends 9 months in the studio giving birth to Company in what brag-rock should be, and
each track. This album was written and the terse "She's Got Balls." There's also a
recorded in an atmosphere of spontaneity new version of "Can I Sit Next to You Girl ,
that is reflected in the music, and evidently redone to include Bon's vocals, and though
Edmunds' ability to use the studio to create its still a great song, it lacks something of the
highly polished, first-rate rock & roll has not original's majesty.
suffered from these conditions. Though their approach seems even more
Featured on the LP are "Here Comes the geared to the British schoolgirl mentality than
Weekend", his recent single and a constant the Rollers, AC/DC could easily sweep the
turntable companion of mine, these past 2 States for just that reason. And to their
months, and "Ju Ju Man" a bright, joyous credit, they co-wrote every song on this
rocker that I first heard at Rockfield a year album. As teenage rampages to, they're
ago. It would've been my choice for the among the best. Get ready.
single, but Swan Song will probably go with
"Where or W hen" or the other ballad on the
LP, for reasons which may be valid in com T---------
\ w . O< u \ a ^
mercial terms, though a disappointment to *--------
MONDO l)l-C<)
hard core Edmunds fans. You all remember
"Where or W hen" from Dion Etthe Belmonts
of course (never mind earlier versions); other
cover songs include Gene Vincent's "G it It",
Bob Seger's "G et Out of Denver" and
Graham Parker's "Back to Schooldays."
At latest report, Edmunds was headed
back to the studio to start a second Swan
Song album already. He claims he'd rather
record than do any performing, and though
I can hardly say that's our loss, there's no
doubt that another album of this caliber
would be our gain.

Mercury 1114

Few albums have been as much awaited

at the BOMP offices as this one. Drummer
Danny Benair is one of our most loyal
subscribers, and the group would've been
recording for Bomp Records if Mercury
hadn't picked them up, which they did as
soon as the Runaway s, Kim Fowley's
previous discovery, began to pay off. To start
with what's good about the Quick, the cover
is hot and attractive, the guys in the group
write strong, impressively pop oriented
songs, they're young, and they look pretty
HIGH VOLTAGE good. Not bad for starters.
A C / DC Apparently realizing that a poorly
Atco SD 36-142 produced album, as the Runaways was, can
destroy an otherwise brilliant hype, Kim
You may remember about 2 years ago brought in Earle Mankey (ex-Sparks) to
I reviewed a single called "Can I Sit Next to produce the Quick. Unfortunately, Mankey
You Girl" on the Albert label from Australia, seems to have brought out all the worst
calling it a tremendous, energy-charged tour- pseudo-Sparks tendencies in the group (who
de-force (or words to that effect) by the whem I first saw them had more in common
prolific Vanda & Young, formerly of the with Queen, but even more the late '60s pop
Easybeats, and in recent years the writers/ groups like Johns Children and the Idle
producers of countless fine pop hits, most Race). And the production still isn't that
recently "Yesterday's Hero." A t the time, good. It sounds bare, thin, lacking in the kind
AC/DC was obviously just a front for V&Y's of impact good pop must have. "Rag Doll" is
studio band, but now it seems they've a case in pointwhere are the harmonies,
assembled a group of aggressively naughty the echoing walls of guitar noise that the Jeff
mid-teenagers to wear the name, and with 2 Beck-influenced Steve Hufsteter (who also
LPs out down under and a rave tour of Britain wrote all the songsa budding talent) is well
under their belts, it seems we have a nascent capable of creating?
Teenage Sensation on our hands. I'm disappointed. Some of the songs
Their appeal seems to be some "H ilary", "D o n 't You Want It", "N o No Girl",
combination of rough trade imagery and "A nybody" and the anthemic "M y Purgatory
untra-kinetic pop music. Whether they Years" approach classic pop, but fall sadly
actually play on this record I don't know, and short in execution. This group, like the
have some doubts, although there's no Runaways, could be very big indeed if they
ever find someone to produce their records.


Arista AL 4093

While there can be no doubt the Rollers

are a legitimate Teen Phenomenon, have a
valid sound and play pretty well, in fact are
almost as fit to be Teen Idols as the Monkees
were in their time, there's something missing.
And this album points it up conclusively.
This is a crucial LP for the Rollers, their
first since being truly accepted in America as
a significant force, and the one their staying
power will be judged by. And unfortunately,
though i* is in many respects their best, it also
accentuates everything that's been wrong
about them from the start.
For everything else they've got going for
them, the main problem with the Rollers is
that they are too openly manipulated, too
plainly the puppets of someone else.
Nowhere is this more obvious than in their
records. From the beginning they were the
tools of veteran pros from Phil Wainman to
Martin & Coulter, who've churned out hits
for so many studio groups that the Rollers
were merely another vehicle for their proven Roller-mania in Philadelphiaw hat else have these kids got to do? CHUCK PULIN
formulae. They were givpn old songs, or new
put their foot down when a producer shoves underground legends Earth Quake, and he's
ones written by the producers, and the
them in the background, not only with stayed up to date by picking up songs from
records came out sounding no different from
material that doesn't do them justice, but Suzi Quatro and Gary Glitter. It's an album
countless other (and often better) discs by
with productions that often overshadow the that not only demands our attention, but
the Rubettes.the Glitter Band,Slik.Jook,Hello group. In the past, lenner has never been
Mud, Showaddywaddy, and all the other rewards it as well.
known for imposing his own ideas on the The textured Tommy James sound of old
trendily disposable British bubble groups of
groups he produces, but then again they've has given way to a new, very English-sound
the past 3 years.
all been big stars with ideas of their own ing approach, crisp and clean and hot.
it may have been to break this pattern
about how they should sound. The Rollers "Tighter, Tighter", the remake of that classic
that/Jimmy lenner was brought in. He who
are pretty big now too, big enough to hit by Alive Et Kickin' which Tommy wrote
had produced hits for everyone from Light
demand, and receive, more control over their and produced a few years back, reflects the
house to the Raspberries, Grand Funk to 3
music. And they'd better do it soon, if they difference well. It sounds less like the Ohio
Dog Night, would surely be able to
really don't want to be yesterday's heroes.... Express than Elton John, only you can't help
emphasize what was unique in the Rollers'
sound, and make them even more acceptable thinking that if Elton only had material like
to the still-skeptical American press and this he'd be a lot easier to like. "Devil Gate
progressive diehards. Drive is at least as good as Suzi's version,
Good idea, but it didn't work. Once while his renditions of "(Do You Wanna)
again, this is a producer's album all the way. Touch M e and "I Love You Love Me Love"
You can just picture lenner walking in with a leave Gary Glitter in the shade.
pile of demos under his arm saying 'O kay The other songs are all James originals,
boys, here are the songs we're gonna do." with the exception of "Treat Me Nice", the
Two of them, "M y Lisa" and "Let's Pretend" Elvis chestnut, which is my pick for the
are from lenner's own publishing company (a English single, and "Don't W ant To Fall
third, "Do the Sheep" was dropped at the Away From You" written by the mysterious
last minute). None of them are right for the Keith Green, a big departure from Green's
1965 Gary Usher-produced style, yet oddly
Rollers. "M y Lisa" would've been better for
the most traditionally Tommy James-sound
Barry Manilow, and while any version of
ing track here.
"Let's Pretend" is worth hearing, they fail to
make it theirs, Of the originals, "One Track Mind" is
slightly reminiscent of "Draggin' the Line",
"Don't Worry Baby" is by now an
"Calico" has a bit of that "Crimson Et
overdone classic. If they wanted a Beach
Clover" feel, and "The Magician" is a rather
Boys song, God only knows how many lesser
pleasant, slow ballad.
-known gems could be found. Russ Ballard's IN TOUCH Tommy James is alive, fresh, and ready to
silly "Are You Cuckoo" is a complete waste, T O M M Y JA M ES go. This record is as good as anything by
unworthy of inclusion on an album by the Fantasy 9509 Mud, the Arrows, or any Chinnichap stars to
most popular group in the world.
date with the possible exception of Sweet.
On the other hand, "I Only Want to Be In one of my recent columns, I wondered Tommy's live shows are incredibly thrilling.
With You" works perfectly, is beautifully what all the fuss about Springsteen was, See him, hear him, love him. He's one of the
produced, and may be the best Rollers single when artists like Tommy James were going best we've got.
yet. "Dedication", originally out on Epic by a unrecognized. It's still a good question.
group called Rogue, is a nice song that they Here's a man responsible for more than 30 OLD W AX & NEW WAVES
do well, though Slik could have done it better chart hits, including classics of punk, JA N & DEAN
I suspect. bubblegum, and progressive pop. A man Wizardo 348 [bootleg]
"Yesterday's Hero" is another superb whose voice alone has left an indelible mark
song choice. The blend of Rollermania on the minds of two generations of It's rather mind-boggling to think that
screams gives it an aura of energy and teenagers. The man who gave us "Hanky somebody would make a commercial bootleg
excitement that should have been the goal of Panky", "I Think We're Alone Now", "Do of Jan & Dean, just as though they were Led
every cut on this album by a group bent on Something to M e" and the ineffable Zeppelin or Davie Bowie. But surprisingly, it's
convincing the world they're the next Beatles. "Crimson and Clover." Shouldn't anything quite well done obviously some anonymous
Personally, I was hoping they'd be doing this man chooses to do be headline news in collector had a hand in it. Included are most
more of their own material by now. The 3 the world of rock & roll? of the Jan Berry solo releases, even the ones
originals here are excellent, and the group Tommy James is no oldie. He's as young on Warner Bros. Some of the late Jan Et
should be encouraged to write more if they as Elton or Bowie, and his music is at least as Dean releases, such as "California Lullabye",
expect to attain real acceptance and fresh. On this, his first album since leaving "Summertime, Summertime", and "Fiddle
longevity. They should also be in a position to Roulette, he's backed by the respected Around" are also included, as are various

album is considerably better than anything

Improve they've done in years. Their previous LP, on

Pye, had its good moments, especially
"Summertime", but it sounded somehow flat
and unalive to me. But this is more like the
real thing.

Yoar [continued from p. 43]

things from the Dore and Arwin days, such as
"Baggy Pants", "I Love Linda" and "Gee",
plus Jan Berry's 1961 solo single, "M id
The titles and the lyrics are a big
improvement. "Get You Tonight", "After the
Rain", "W e Rode Through the Night"...are
these classic Trogg titles or what? And the

songs don't disappoint. I love the line in "Get
summer Night's Dream".
You Tonight" that goes "like sugar, sugar
One. could quibble with some of the
you're so sweet". "W e Rode Through the
inclusions, since most of the Dore and Liberty
singles are readily available, and most Night" is also choice. "She took me home to
hard-core collectors have the Ode singles meet her mom & dad, I never met a girl who
If you collect records, you know how hard with the exception of "Sing Sang a Song", was such a drag..."
it is to find the really good thingsforeign EPs, the only one n o t included. And it might have "Down South to Georgia" features one of
early English and surfing records, picture been nice to have one of their Coke those intense trogglodyte beats, as does
covers, limited-edition radio station LPs, "Supergirl". The soft, breathy Troggs sound
commercials stuck in. Also, there should
promo copies, etc. Or the ephemeral stuff: of "You Can Cry If You W ant To" is
posters, magazines, books, buttons, stickers, have been liner notes explaining the origin of
the various tracks. They shouldn't take it for employed to good effect in "After the Rain".
decals, press kits and the like. "Rock 'N ' Roll Lady" is a sharp-edged rocker,
You send for dozens of different auction granted we know things like that "Smile Just
Smile", a 1959 W B single by the Nortones, is nice.
lists and get back list after list full of the same
old junk; bargain bin albums at ridiculously reputed to feature Dean on vocals (though he Two of the album's highlights are "Walkin'
inflated prices, singles from 6 months ago with denies it). If they're aiming at collectors, they the Dog", the obligatory R&-B remake, drawn
minimum bids of $3!! It makes you begin to should include some documentation. out here to more than 4 minutes of barking
feel that collecting is a waste of time and However, it's still an odd and valuable and snarling from Reg Presley, and the
money. collection, and the sound quality isn't bad equally obligatory early Troggs song re
considering the stuff was mastered from old vamped, this time being "Gonna Make You."
records. Though not as overwhelming as the original,
WELTI. W I S E U P ! ! it has a weird reptilian charm all its own, and
MY FRIEND JACK after 5 minutes you're reluctant to hear it end.
Here at BOMP, we know what you're THE SMOKE Mind you, the Troggs can do much better.
looking for. If you're just starting your col Gull 25 224-OB [German] There's nothing here with the impact of
lection, we have all the best '60s rock at low "Feels Like a W oman", their highest mark in
set prices, and a large amount of '70s collect recent years. And a couple of the tracks are
This album makes available again the
ibles and current albums for less than you'd definite fillers. Producer Larry Page can do
pay in a budget bin. For hard-core collectors, best of a group whose original records are
frightfully rare, amazingly good, and only better as well; the album design, which
we offer the greatest selection of rare and simulates a tape box, is unconsciously
obscure English, punk, surf, psychedelic, girl recently uncovered by collectors. The Smoke
were a British band who also recorded as revealing these tapes could use some
groups, and lots of '50s and 70s rarities too.
Chords 5, and mined the same stylistic vein remixing. But the Troggs themselves are
Our ephemera selection is the largest
anywhere. We also carry hundreds of original as Creation, during the years 1966-68. In beginning to sound more alive, and the new
English pressings, going back to the '50s, as other words, highly kinetic pop-rock in the members are playing and writing now as if
well as classic recordings from Holland, Mod/distortion style of the early Who. they'd been Troggs all their lives. They
Germany, Australia, Sweden, Italy, etc.Records Their first single was "M y Friend Jack", should move to NY, play at CBGB, and
you won't find anywhere elsegreat records a big hit in Germany and many other get Craig Leon to produce their next album.
nobody ever heard of (reading our lists is an countries, though surprisingly not in England. Then maybe the world would realize they're
easy way to get an education in rare records). the king punks of 'en all.
It was an absolutely breathtaking mindblitz,
Unique treasures that will make your collection
with marvelous period lyrics about a ALSO RECEIVED:
truly special. R o c k a n d R o ll a t the
mysterious fellow from the West Coast with a C a p ito l T o w e r (French Capitol) was compiled
BOMP auction/sale lists come out at least
pocket full of odd sugar cubes. An by Georges Collange of the Gene Vincent
10 times a year. If you're not getting it, you
undeniable classic. It was such a hit in Memorial Society, and it's packed with great
don't know what you're missing! Just fill out
the handy coupon below and send it in Germany than an entire LP was released rockers by Tommy Sands, Jerry Reed,
today w e'll add you to our mailing list there. Today, it commands more than $50 in Wanda Jackson, Jack Scott, Johnny Burn
immediately. (Overseas please include 2 IRCs) the Fatherland and is never even seen on ette, Gene Vincent, and various others. A
these shores. This LP appears to be a pretty strong 2 record set; if you can't find it, write

DO straight reissue of it, since it includes both

sides of the Smoke's two Columbia singles,
but none of the later material from Island,
George at BP 16, 69580 Sathonay, France...
Fans of Detroit rock will have heard of
Lightnin', one of the last surviving vestiges of

IT Polydor or Jayboy. Nor does it include

anything by the group that resurfaced in 1972
calling itself the Smoke, and releasing at least
the Rainbow People generation. They've
finally put out an LP, or actually a 12-inch EP
with the same 4 songs on each side. A bit

(Parenthetical note: If you ever need to get
3 singles in England featuring Geoff Gill and
perhaps others of the original band.
So much for history and sources. This
album is worth its price for "M y Friend
funky for high energy tastes, but a curiosity
many collectors will want to own. Write to
Delphi Productions, Box 2212, Southfield, Ml
48076... If you like light, countryish pop,
rid of your records, perish the thought, we buy Jack" alone, but you'll find it also contains Vincent Contreas has turned out an excellent
collections too.) several other fine examples of late '60s homemade album ( W ild S tra w b e rrie s,
distorto-rock, notably "You Can't Catch Audem 1004) that you can order from 21
M e", "High in a Room , "W e Can Take It", Jacob Way, Reading, M A. He's a good song
"It's Just Your W ay of Loving" and "I writer and a BOMP reader too so give him a
BO M P, Box 7112,Burbank,CA Wanna Make It With You." When they break... Frankie Ford has put out his first
I 91510 weren't raving after the fashion of Creation, album since Sea Cruise (1959). It's not a rock
they sounded quite a bit like the Troggs. All in .& roll album in any sense, but a good intro
Sirs: Please send me your record all, the Smoke were a group whose almost duction to Frankie's current style with songs
lists. total obscurity this album thankfully alleviates like "Bridge Over Troubled W ater" and "Ode
get it while you can. to Billy Joe." You've got to admire the
quality of his singing, arrangements and
Name ___________ A g e --------- production he's easily competitive with any
Street__________________ Z ip -------- THE TROGG TAPES
THE TROGGS of the bozos you see on the Merv Griffin
City____________________ State__ | Show singing this stuff. It's what he's chosen
Private Stock PS 2008
to do, and he's good enough to succeed with
|j| [W e s p e c ia liz e in o v e r s e a s orders] j j j | Although they still, and will always, sound it. The LP can be ordered from Briarmeade
exactly like the Troggs always have, jh is Records, Box 5180, St. Louis, MO 63139,


what was once the liveliest oldies mag

F - A - NZ I
around. Some nice things this time, esp. a
story on early '60s R&B radio in Chicago, and
a lot of auctions. Good luck, Lenny.

COW ABUNGA # 5 ,6 (John Koenig, Box

1023, Midland, Ml 48640, $ .50) Devoted to
YEAH? W ELL, M Y NEW fanzines and rock fandom more than records,
this zine is a refreshing change and the
fr o m l o u n e e p 's
P /tig Y A N P A '
in-depth fanzine reviews are much needed.
-P A T E W IT H TH g Send for it, and find out there's more to
C rIS M O S " C O N T E S T / fandom than collecting.

NUGGETS # 1 (67, Wentworth Rd, Har-

borne, Birmingham 17, UK) Good first issue,
featuring Ronstadt, Be-Bop, Dr. Hook, Janis

O M A H A RAINBOW #6,7,8,9 & Poco

Special (Pete O'Brien, 10 Lesley Court,
Harcourt Rd, Wellington, Surrey SM 6 8AZ,
[AH fanzines for review should be sent to P. 0 AYLESBURY ROXETTE # 1 (7 Rectory UK) Originally inspired by John Stewart, this
Box 7112, Burbank, CA. 91510] Close, Slapton, Beds, UK) Pete Frame, Kris zine has become thick and regular, with
Needs & the ZIGZAG gang all have a hand in coverage of all the British faves of obscure
AW ARE/ROCK IT, Voj.2 # 1 (Steve this excellent local British magazine, lotsa American country-rock. Doors, Burritos,
Kolanjian, Box 242, Gravesend Sta, Brooklyn, article Et photos on midlands bands. Lightfoot, Country Gazette, Parsons, Chris
NY 11223, $1.25) Along withBOMP, this is Bell, Emmyiou, Billy Swan, etc. The Poco
the most thorough source of discographies SMG, Vol.5,#1,2 (23, Holmewood Rd Special is a lavish treatment in the grand
and collector's infprmation. In this issue, Rainworth, Mansfield, Notts, UK) 2 more fine ZIGZAG tradition. A dollar should cover it.
complete Animals fisting, Deram Records, issues: Dion, Johnny Kidd, HM V listings,
Lesley Gore, Crickets, much more.
Chuck Berry, Deep Purple, Isley Bros, more. ALSO RECEIVED
# 4 ,5 (Baanderherenweg 43, Boxtel, Hol RECORD EXCHANGER # 2 2 (Box 2144,
(-ET IT ROCK # 1 ,2 (Wendy Blume, 764 land.) All in Dutch, but worth getting for Anaheim, CA 92804, $1) Dells, Louis Jordan,
Scotland Rd # 3 5 , S. Orange, N.J. 07079 Motown.
discographies of Gerry & Pacemakers,
$6/yr) This is the fanzine of W endys Rolling Mojos, etc. Gerry Marsden interview high SOUNDS FINE #5,6,7,8,9,10 (Box 292,
Stones fan club, Dead Flowers. It's packed lights # 4 . Riverdale, MD 20840. 6 /$ l)
with info, news, ads, etc., and is a must for YESTERDAY'S MEMORIES # 5 Box 1825
Stones fans. Factual and fannish. PAUL'S RECORD MAGAZINE #8,9,10,11 FDR Sta, NY, NY 10022, $1) Red Caps!
(Paul Bezanker, Box 14241, Hartford, CT Kodaks, Hollywood Flames, Dean Barlow.
BAM BALAM # 3 ,4 (Brian Hogg, Flat I, 06114, $1) Now bi-monthly, PRM still REVIEWSIT (61414 N. Oneida St. Appleton,
Castellau, Dunbar, E. Lothian, Scotland, $1) provides great discographies, label listing, W l 54911) reviews of obscurities.
Featuring British punk and Merseybeat, these etc. of '50s and '60s rock. This issue includes DARK STAR 1 (64, Atbara Rd, Teddington,
2 issues have great articles on Creation, Bobby Rydell, Fonzie, King Records, Conway Middlesex, UK, $1) West coast psychedelia,
Byrds, Misunderstood, Move, Sonics, and Twitty, Paul Peterson, Jo-Ann Campbell, news of SF bands, etc. Well done.
more. # 3 is devoted completely to the High School USA, much more. RUMBLE Vol.2 #2 ,3) (23, Holmwood Rd,
Kinksgreat! Rainworth, Mansfield, Notts, UK, $1.25) fine
BACK DOOR M AN # 6 ,7 (Box 6726, mag devoted to instrumental rock: John
ROCK NEWS #1,2,3,4,5,6 (Michel Esteban, Torrance, CA 90504, $ .75) Raving on as Barry, Johnny & Hurricanes, Chantays,
12, rue des Halles, 75001 Paris, France, $1.25) Booker T, Duane Eddy, Wailers, more.
alway, this hard-core magazine has features
Even though it's in French, this is the best, on Ted Nugent, Patti Smith, BOC, and Fast [continued on p. 12]
most essential magazine of '70s street punk Freddie's great "Suck My Disc" column.
music. Issues 2 and 5 are, respectively,
specials on New York and the Rolling Stones, NEW YORK ROCKER # 2 ) (238 Eighth Ave,
and the other feature Iggy, Lou Reed, the Suite 3, NY, NY, $1) NYR keeps up the high
Modern Lovers, Ramones, MC5, punk groups level set in # 1 , with articles on Dolls,
of England, plenty more. Incredible photos, Ramones, Talking Heads, a great piece on
superb printing. the Poppees by Wayne County, Heart-
breakers, Blondie pinups. Marbles, Ivan Krai,
FOXTROT # 1 ,2 (1300 Elmwood Ave, and plenty more.
Buffalo, NY 14222) No mere college
magazine, this features the editorial & writing TROUSER PRESS #12,13,14 (Box 2434,
skills of such fanzine regulars as Gary Grand Central Sta, NY, NY 10017, $1) Three
Sperrazza, Bernard Kugel, and Cary Baker. A more solid issues, featuring Kinks, Prettys,
full-scale tabloid with lots of photos and Groovies, Keith Moon, Genesis, Roxy Music,
articles on all aspects of current rock, reggae and more.
to Ramones.
CAN'T BUY A THRILL # 2 (Russell
TEENAGE NEWS # 1 ,2 (6855 23rd Ave Desmond, 1967 Tulip, Baton Rouge, LA
Rosemont, Montreal HIT 3N4, Quebec, $1) 70806, $ .50) Even more demented than # 1 ,
Crude, xeroxed, but incredibly intense this issue includes Oscar Wilde on the
magazine devoted to NY punk, Groovies, bicentennial, Kiss, Bowie, TV reviews and
Feelgood, Iggy etc. Raiders.

ROCK N ROLL STAR # 1 (26 Dorchester BALLROOM BLITZ #6,7,8,9,10,11,12 (jjm

Rd., Lk. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, $ 1 ) Well Heddle, 1031 Morningside Dr, Ann Arbor, Ml
printed first issue, articles on Sweet, Wayne 48103, $ .20) Great and always getting better.
County, Bowie disco, more. Still aimed at the history of Michigan rock,
also features stuff on Raspberries, Runa
W ho says fanzines
TBZB # 4 (Brian Stibal, 1614B, 700 Common ways, local bands, but best is the detailed
don't contribute
wealth Ave, Boston, M A 02215, $1) bios of various Michigan radio stations. anything to
dedicated to Bob Dylan, has many learned serious journalism? Where
analyses of various of various Dylan songs, STORMY WEATHER # 1 0 L e n n y Goldberg, else could you find
news, letters, ads, etc. Box 218, Florence, OR 97439, $ .50) Every a magazine that
year or two, Lenny puts out another issue of shows you Iggy in a jockstrap?
Vee (if that makes any sense). And "Ubangi
Stom p" by Memphis Bend (UA/Rockfield
36132) is a decent remake of the Sun classic,
a good follow-up to the group's 1973 release,
"Right String Baby" (UA 35571).
Aside from the Rockfield deal, UA has
been turning out some great pop sounds.
"Let's Go to the Disco" by the Disco Bros.
(36057), despite the title, is Dave Edmunds
and Nick Lowe in a delightful sendup. Of
course it isn't remotely disco; more Bo
Diddley rockabilly with Brinsley Schwarz
vocals. A collectors item for sure. "D o the
Hand Jive" by Muff (36952) is pure pop
energy, like the Glitter Band doing "Shake a
Tail Feather." Don't know who Muff is, but I
love this record. I'm also hot for Jeff Phillips,
whose follow-up to "Yesterday's Hero" (his
version was by far the best...) is another
Vanda-Young song, "Superman." It's a
powerful, electrifying production, with
first & only record has an endearing kind of driving drone beat. Any more records & info
rough energy, with sloppy drumming, on Phillips are eagerly sought...
clanging guitar chords, and a kind of My favorite new UA record is "Summer
punk/soul melody, somewhat like "I Can Heartbreak" by Patti 9 the Patettes (UA
Only Give You Everything". It's also got a 36077). this song, written by Daniel Boone,
spoken part, like in "Gloria". Interesting, must rank with the 100 greatest girl group
promising, and I hope they had more in the sounds of all time. It's like a classic 1963
can that will be coming out one of these Dimension Records track, with brilliant
days. nouveau-Spector drums and castanet
LABEL STARS effects, tons of echo, the whole works.
Patti's voice has that shrill, heart-rending
One of the more encouraging trends of late innocence we loved in Lesley Gore. Absol
has been that of labels, especially the smaller utely marvelous.
ones and independents, taking on a musical
identity and becoming associated with STIFF RECORDS
prolific pop producers. Creative label man
agement is as important as good music, This new label has been stirring up a lot
because a good record on the wrong label of interest in the UK. It's run by a bunch of
doesn't have a chance. So from time to time guys loosely connected with Dr. Feelgood,
we'll be reviewing labels of particular merit. Ducks Deluxe, Edmunds & Lowe and the rest
EDDIE & THE HOT RODS - Writing on the of that crowd, and they're determined to
Wall/Cmisin' in the Lincoln - Island! E) This time there are two.
In England, United Artists has always have fun and break all the rules as they go.
EDDIE & THE HOT RODS - Wooly Bully/
Horseplay - Island! E) Of their first 3 releases, "S o It Goes" by Nick
been a respected, innovative label. They were
EDDIE & THE HOT RODS - Live at the first to recognize pub-rock, the first to put out Lowe sounds like Steely Dan with balls, tho I
Marquee - Island ERIE) prefer the flip, an Eddie & Hotrods type
limited-edition budget albums, the first to use
rocker with a Ramones chord progression.
Rockfield studios on a regular basis, and the
"Between the Lines" by Pink Fairies is the
These two English singles, also available in company that believed in artists like Man and
first thing by this group I've liked. You'll
French pressings with picture sleeves, Dr. Feelgood enough to stick with them until
never believe it's them they sound like the
establish the Hotrods as Europe's premiere they made it. Now UA is moving into the pop
NY Dolls! The only letdown is the Tlya
teen band. "W riting on the W all" is a arena, spurred perhaps by their acquisition of
Gang's version of "Styrofoam " which, even
pounding punk rocker in the strongest the Rockfield label's distribution, of which
at the "brain damage volume" recommended
Iggy/Flamin' Groovies tradition. They're hot the first 4 releases are extremely interesting.
on the label, is no match for the Loose Gravel
and tight, with no frills, and in the few "Jenny (UA/Rockfield 36087) is the
original. Ducks Deluxe fans will enjoy the flip,
months since I first saw them in a pub, British debut of Shakane, a Bristol group who
though, with its classic Ducks sound. Best of
they've become a headline attraction in for years have had hits in Germany, Sweden,
Holland, everywhere but their homeland. I luck to a promising new label.
France and at the Marquee Club, where I
caught them again last month, a packed have a Dutch single, "Love Machine , a
beautifully produced pop harmony record BARON RECORDS
house raved to the sounds of "The Kids Are
A lright", "G et Out of Denver", "G loria" and with shades of the Tremeloes and Roy Wood.
Baron is run by a young man named
the group's many powerful originals. If they This one, written by Mike Smith and Mike
Ron Bartolucci who loves vintage rock,
keep improving, this band is gonna be a D'Abo, is one of those Greenaway/Cooke
rockabilly and R&B, and has dedicated his
sensation. I wish they had chosen a different type formula pop songs, with an early '60s
label to meritorious new recordings in these
song than "W ooly Bully" for their follow-up girl group sound, castanets and lotsa echo.
classic styles, along with unavailable masters
however. It's good, but not as good as some The flip is an entrancing rocker, very similar
from the early '50s. It's hard to tell the
of their other stuff. Still, both records are to the Flamin' Groovies' "Married W oman."
originals from the new stuff, it's all that good,
essential to any collection of 70s rock. "Ray of Sunshine" is another Smith/
and I recommend all ten releases to date. Ron
D'Abo composition, performed by former
Now an EP has been issued from the also has a Smiley Lewis LP coming out, and
Gypsy guitarist Ray Martinez (UA/Rockfield
Marquee recording, and while I don't think it lots of other plans. What he's doing is
36088), with a warm, infectious sound
was a good idea to use all non-originals ("96 important, so write him at 11 Dell Ave,
reminiscent of the Eagles but with a typically
Tears", "Satisfaction", "Get Out of Denver", Melrose, MA 02176.
English interpretation and distinctive Rock
"G loria"!, they're wise not to push their own
field production. Bryan Yemm turns in a good LOCAL ACTION
songs until they have enough that can stand
Welsh rendition of "Wasted Days and
up. The excitement level of this record is very
Wasted Nights" (UA/Rockfield 36071), with More than ever, local, home-made records
high, though nothing like the actual
an interesting flip, sort of heavy metal Bobby are accounting for a significant share of the
atmosphere at the Marquee. If this band ever
gets to America, watch out... most interesting releases. A healthy sign, that
Note: N ow you can purchase some o f the would be even healthier if more local radio
THE 101'ers - Keys to Your Heart/Five better and more difficult to obtain records stations would play them. A lot of the New
Star Rock 'n' Roll Petrol - Chiswick S-3 reviewed in this column through our mail York groups have bypassed this stage and
order service. If enough people show interest, gone straight to major labels, but in Boston,
This band, since broken up, was one of we'll expand this service with future issues. San Francisco, and scattered points all over,
London's highest rated pub rock outfits, See ad on page 58 for a list o f what's they're coming out hard and heavy.
straight out of the D. Feelgood mold. Their available. San Francisco in particular has become a


real hotbed. In the last month or two there've
been at least 4, all with picture covers, and all
of some value. Loose Gravel, fronted by the
brilliant Mike Wilhelm (formerly of the
Charlatans) has been together about 7 years
now, playing bars and waiting for something
to happen. Now they've done their own
record, "Frisco Band", with a lot of the early
(pre-psychedelic) San Francisco feel. There
were very few of these made and I suggest
you get one now while you can. Another
Frisco band, the Hot Knives, has issued their
own record, on the K.O. label. Included in the
Knives are two former Flamin' Groovies: Tim
Lynch and Danny Mihm. It's not a punk
band, however. The singer is a young lady
with a voice reminiscent of Signe Anderson,
the original singer of the Airplane, and
"Lovin' You" has the feel of "Come Up the
Years" or "Blues From an Airplane". Both
these records represent the real, original spirit
of San Francisco, and are a welcome sign
that the city is recovering from its doldrums. The 45 RPM HANDBOOK OF OLDIES price for this 224 page book is $7.95; see the
Moving across the country, we come to Record Rack ad elsewhere in this issue for information on
Chapel Hill, N.C. where a group called how to order it.
Sneakers has a 5-song EP with a great cover Theoretically, you can walk into any record
that looks like a parody of the Ramones. A ELTON JOHN DISCOGRAPHY
store in the country, order just about any old Paul Sobieski
couple of the songs are good amateur punk, hit, and get it on a 45, just like any new (privately published)
and they sound a lot like Big Star a lot of the record. All the major labels maintain an
time. My favorite is "Love's Like a Cuban extensive 'golden hits' type series, and labels
Crisis", which is similar to BOC's "D o n 't Fear Now, in addition to all the Beatles
like Trip, Eric, Flashback, Goldies, and Lost discographies flooding the market, we have
the Reaper" on a garage level. Nite have obtained rights to most records one on Elton. Like most of the Beatle ones
Rock writers are notorious for secretly that have been hits on minor labels. I say (including one by Paul which sells for $9) this
desiring to be rock stars, and now the disease theoretically, because your average record is lovingly compiled and almost complete.
has infiltrated fanzine writers. Only in the store clerk has no idea how many of these Currently in its 5th edition, it lists every EJ
case of the Gizmo's it's produced a record records can actually be obtained, or whence record in the UK and America, with every
that's better than anybody's delusions of to order them.
conceivable scrap of information (weekly
grandeur. The Gizmos' 8 members include In fact, there are more than 14,000 past hits chart positions, label variations, cassette &
fanzine regulars Eddie Flowers, Ken Highland currently available, and now there's a catalog 8-track releases, yearly standings, and lots
and Scott Duhamel, while R. Meltzer that lists them all in a clear, cross-referenced more). It's missing some early B-sides, but
contributes liner notes. If you ever liked the format, by artist and by title. Records you the supplementary data more than makes up
Dolls, Doors, Stooges, Ramones, Dictators, never dreamed would be in print, some that for it. There are also listings for every EJ
any of that stuff, this is more of the same, you've hardly even heard of, are here in black appearance on budget album, reissued LP or
only more. There's nothing serious about the & white. And they even list both sides. single, etc., and a mostly complete Rocket
Gizmos, they satirize and pay tribute to their This book was the brain-child of Sid discography, including Japanese, Canadian,
influences at the same time, and in Talmadge, who operates Record Rack, the Mexican and other foreign listings, bootleg
imagination and flashes of absurd brilliance largest wholesale record operation in Los listings, and other ephemera. Write to 2111
they've got more going than anyone. Angeles. After 30 years in the business, he's Possum Creek Rd, Houston, TX 77017.
"Mean Screen" is "Cars and Girls" watched every one of these records come
mutated through "Search and Destory". and go, and knew from first-hand experience PRESLEY NATION
"Chicken Queen" is amazing, like Lou Reed how badly needed a book like this is to Spencer Leigh
recorded in Iggy's toilet, with a demented remind the industry of its debt to the past, Raven Books, Liverpool
middle part with the Doors' "The killer awoke and to make America's thousands of retail
before dawn" segment translated into barn outlets aware of what's available to them. There've been many books on Elvis, but
yard metaphors, punctuated with tortured Hard-core collectors might point out that this is the first one on Elvis fandom. BOMP
chicken-pluck guitar. "M u ff Divin' " is most of the records listed here can be contributor Leigh has attended meetings of
X-rated Velvets, no make that Primitives it's obtained on original labels through auction the Liverpool chapter of Elvis' fan club and
a new dance craze, only instead of burying lists at prices comparable to today's $1.29 gathered priceless quote.s and reminiscences
your head in the sand, you stick it in your retail tag. But the average fan just wants to from some of the people who have devoted
baby's pants. Just like the Pony, there are hear the song and can't be bothered ordering their lives to Elvis, spending all their money
many variations, and the Gizmos mention records through the mail. If this book were on on chartered flights to Vegas, cherishing the
them all. The EP closes with "That's Cool", a the counter of every record store, the public sweat-drenched scarves he throws from
modern romantic story of a horny guy who would inevitably develop a greater knowl stage, etc. W ith the addition of a complete
respects his girl's chastity too much to give edge and respect for rock history. And I think Elvis movie guide and lots of photos, this is a
her a hard time. This is what nouveau-punk even the serious collector will find the unique and revealing documentary that says
should be aspiring to, it's got all the stupidity information here completely fascinating, if more about Elvis than some of the
of the NY groups and the humor they all lack. only to see where the rights to some of the biographies I've seen. Order from Raven
I predict superstardom for the Gizmos... more obscure oldies have ended up. The Books, 5 Cases St, Liverpool I, UK.
Another home-made EP, with elaborate
color cover, comes from the Slickee Boys, you liked the Up, you should love 'em. Also "Baby Hold On" by Stars in the Sky (SITS
who describe themselves as Korean-lndian- check out the flip, "Younger Point of View"
American punk band. Entitled "H o t and 101). Sounds like an American Dave
for its nifty generation gap lyrics.
Cooil", it includes versions of "Brand New Edmundslayers of hard-edge guitar, echoed
A pretty good blues record, "Big Fat
vocals, and a wild break, with a kind of drone
Cadillac , the Yardbirds' obscure "Psycho W oman" by Blues Outlet, is available for beat and an overall simplicity that's just
Daisies", an original called "Manganese $1.50 from Mark Camara, 23 Peach Hill Ave, irresistible. The group consists of Dan & David
Android Puppies" and two others. It's N. Providence, Rl 02911. Also worth hearing Kessel, who seem to be Barney Kessel's
dedicated to the memory of Keith Relf, and is an EP "On Way to Alpha" by Terry Reed & offspring. The flip is a nice, melodic rocker.
while not nearly as raw as their idols, they're the Whispering Mushroom Men, if you like
a good band with a nice sound. weird space rock on a punk level. Comes with I'm really excited about a group called the
The Dogs are a Detroit band trans booklet and picture cover. A very good Boys, from Lincoln, Nebraska. Their single,
planted in LA, currently causing controversy version of "Fun Fun Fun" hs been done by "She's All M in e "/"l'm Not Satisfied" has a
with their right-on revival of early MC5 rock/ Adam Surf & the Pebble Beach Band on the powerful mid-60s sound, English in the
politics. Their first record is called "John Paladin label in England (when the British Swinging Blue Jeans vein, with the flip very
Rock" (Dynamic 110) and you can guess who pick up on California music they never give Who-influenced. You can get it from BOMP
it's dedicated to. They're loud and raw and if up!). An absolutely fascinating record is [continued on p. 62]


This is th e la te s t installm ent of a continuing series aim ed a t chron
3-76 Tribute to Buddy Holly/Dial My Number Polydor 205876
7-76 Take a Heart Polydor
icling th e history of M ersey beat English rock. For th e period concerned, EP: It's Time For Mike Berry - HMV 7eg 8793(E)
roughly 1962-66, w e've attem pted to compile com plete inform ation on every EP: Buddy Holly Tribute - HMV 7eg 8808
rock record m ade in England or by artists from other non-Am erican coun 1976 LP: Rocks in My Head - sire 7522 (A)
tries linked to the British Invasion, including data on the groups and details Tribute to Buddy Holly/Peggy Sue/Hey Baby/That'll Be the Day/Fools
as to both English and Am erican releases. W e've also included a lot of pre- Gold/I'm in Love Again/Baby I Don't Care/Rave On/For Me and For You
1962 listings, although w e don't claim equal comprehensiveness fo r these. In /Everybody/lts All Over/I'm Gonna Love You Too/Think It Over/Don't
the case of artists w h o began their career in the mid-'60s, w e've follow ed it Be Cruel
through to th e present, except w here some major break occurred (ie Small
Faces becom ing Faces, or groups reform ing under new names w h en the JON BEST:
progressive era came in. W hen in doubt, w e try to err on the side of pre 2-65 Young Boy Blues/Living Without Love DeccaF 12077 NR
senting too much data, rather than leaving any out. Track listings for EPs PETE BEST: After leaving the Beatles, Best spent years trying to capitalize on
and LPs are included only w h en they are judged to be suitably obscure, his former association with them. He recorded in Canada as Best
space not perm itting such listings for every artist. Our rough cu toff point is of the Beatles, Pete Best Combo, Pete Best All Stars, and Pete Best Four. The
1966; records m ade after th a t are not included unless they w ere in some Combo included Tony Waddington and Wayne Bickerton, of Rubbettes and
w ay throw backs to the Beat era. Flirtations fame; Waddington wrote most of the songs. None of Best's records
British release numbers appear in the first colum n, Am erican in the had much musical value, but all have become high-priced collectors items
second. Any dates refer to British release unless a separate Am erican date regardless. Recently Best returned to the news briefly upon receiving a five year
is given. In m ost cases, US releases w ere about a m onth behind UK. cocaine sentence.
The follow ing codes and abbreviations are used. NR = N ot R eleased. 7-64 I'm Gonna Knock on Your Door/Why Did I Fall in Love With You
(P S ) = R eco rd c a m e w ith p ic tu re s le e v e in th e US. R eleases in o th e r DeccaF 11929 NR
countries are listed w hen no English or US equivalent exists, or is known. If You Can't Get Her/The Way I Feel About You Happening 1118
These are indicated thus (Grl German (Fr) French (Sw) Swedish, etc. (I'll Try) Anyway/I Wanna Be There Orig.Beatles Drummer 800
I Can't Do Without You Now/Keys to My Heart Mr. Maestro 711
I'm Blue/Casting My Spell Mr. Maestro 712
I- 66 Bovs/Kansas City Cameo 391
Carousel of Love/Want You Capitol P 2092
BETTER DAYS: Great record, like Kinks/Pretty Things/Yardbirds
?-65 Don't Want That/Here'Tis Polydor 56024 NR
JOHNNY BEV: Early '60s singer
II- 65 When the World Goes Away/The House Columbia 7767
PART TWO 5-64 Shame/I Wouldn't Know Decca F 11890
MIKE BERRY: Popular vocalist of the early '60s, sounded like Buddy Holly BIG THREE:(Liverpool) One of the original Liverpool groups. Adrian Barber,
and had his biggest hit with "Tribute to Buddy Holly", easily the Johnny Gustafson, Johnny Hutchinson. Gustafsen joined the Mer-
best record of its type (produced by Joe Meek). His backing groups included the seybeats in early '64, then Quatermass; he's done extensive session work & pro
Admirals, the Innocents and the Outlaws. An active producer in the '60s and duction since, and often plays bass with Roxy Music. Adrian Barber left in late
70s, he still records. "Tribute" was Top 5 in much of Europe in late 1975. '63, later produced Vanilla Fudge. Now in NY where he managed the New York
I- 61 Will You Love Me Tomorrow/My Baby Doll DeccaF11314 NR Rock Et Roll Ensemble, owns his own music publishing firm, and works part time
10- 61 Tribute to Buddy Holly/What's the Matter HMV 979 NR as a DJ. By 1964 the lineup was Hutchinson (dr)j, Paul Pilnick (gtr) and Faron
4-62 Little Boy Blue/Just a Matter of Time HMV 979 NR (from Faron's Flamingos) on second guitar. By 1965 Howie Casey had replaced
II- 62 Tribute to Buddy Holly/Every Little Kiss NR Coral62341 Faron. Hutchinson joined Hardstuff (Purple Records) and Pilnick was later in
1- 63 Don't You Think it's Time/Loneliness HMV 1105 Coral 62357 Stealers Wheel. Though the Big Three were regarded by hometown fans as the
4- 63 My Little Baby/You'll Do It, You'll Fall in Love HMV 1142 NR top group (possibly excepting the Beatles) their records failed to put them
9-63 It Really Doesn't Matter/Try a Little Bit Harder HMV 1194 NR across to the national audience. A 1973 reunion LP was even more disappoint
2- 64 This Little Girl/On My Mind HMV 1257 NR ing than their original material.
5- 64 Lovesick HMV 1284 NR 3-63 Some Other Guy/Let True Love Begin DeccaF11614 NR
7-64 Who Will It Be/Talk HMV 1314 NR 7-63 Cavern Stomp/By the Way DeccaF 11689 NR
11- 64 Two Lovers/Don't Try to Stand in My Way HMV1362 NR 10-63 I'm With You/Peanut Butter Decca F 11752 NR
7-65 That's All I Ever Want From You/She Didn't Care HMV 1449 NR 6-64 If You Ever Change Your Mind/You've Gotta Keep Her Under Your Hand
11-65 It Comes and Goes/Gonna Fall in Love HMV 1494 Coral 62483 DeccaF 11927 NR
5-66 Warm Baby/Just Thought I'd Phone HMV 1530 NR 1963 EP: At the Cavern - Decca dfe 8552(E): What'd I Say/Don't Start Running
7-67 Raining in My Heart/Eyes Polydor 56182 NR Away/Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah/Reelin' and Rockin'
Can't You Hear My Heartbeat Metronome (Gr.) NR 3-73 EP: Polydor 2058343: Some Other Guy/Let it Rock/lf You Gotta Make a
3- 72 Going Down to Virginia/Lover Her York SYK 616 NR Fool of Somebody
7-73 Now That I'm Without You/509 York SYK 563 NR 1964 LP: At the Cavern - Decca 4597(E): Bring It On Home to Me
2-75 Don't Be Cruel/lt's All Over Rak198 MCA 40432 1964 LP: Thank Your Lucky Stars, Vol. 2 - Decca LK 4554(E): By the Way


'973 Resurrection - Polydor 2383-199IE)
1974 LP: Mersey Beat at Liverpool - Deoca DS 32040/1 (Gr.): I'm With You
1974 LP: Hard-Up Heroes - Decca DPA 3009/10(E): Soma Other Guy
BIRDS: Originally the Thunderbirds. Included Ron Wood (Faces, Stones), Kim
Gardner (Creation, Ashton Gardner & Dyke), Alistair McKenzie, Tony
Monroe, Pete McDaniels. When the Byrds came to England in 1965, they were
sued for their name by this group, which until Ron Wood's subsequent success
was their chief claim to fame. In fact, they were an exceptional, ahead-of-their-
time heavy rock band, anticipating groups like Creation (which Wood and
Gardner joined in 1966). "No Good Without You Baby" is one of the finest
records of the period. The group also appeared in a film. The Deadly Bees,
performing a song called "That's All That I Need You For."
10-64 You're On My Mind/You Don't Love Me Decca F 12031 NR
4-65 Leaving Here/Next in Line Decca F 12140 NR
10-65 No Good Without You Baby/How Can It Be Decca F 12257 NR
[as Birds Birds]
9-66 Say Those Magic Words/Daddy, Daddy Reaction 591005 NR
9-65 I Should Have Known/On the Other Hand Decca F 12238 NR
Epstein; real name Priscilla
White. Had only one Top 30 hit in the States ("You're My
World") but maintained lengthy string of British charters, and has been a pop
ular TV personality for many years. Most of her records have been MOR ballads,
11-63 Love of the Loved/Shy of Love Parlophone R 5065 NR
2- Anyone 64 Who Had a Heart/Justfor You R ???? NR
5- You're64My World/Suffer Now I Must R 5133 Capitol 5196
8-64 It's For You/He Won't Ask Me R ???? Capitol 5258
I- You've 65Lost That Lovin' Feelin'/ls It Love R ???? NR
3- 65
Is It Love/One Little Voice NR Capitol 5373 The Bo Street runners, receiving their award as winners in
4-65 I've Been Wrong Before/I Don't Want to Know R 5269 NR the Ready Steady Go Beat Group competition: good luck, boys
4-65 I've Been Wrong Before/My Love Come Home NR Capitol 5414
1-66 Love's Just a Broken Heart/Yesterday R 5395 Capitol 5595
3-66 Alfie/Night Time is Here 5-66 Some Kind of Lovin'/I Know a Boy Pye 7n 17111
R 5463 Capitol 5674 7-66 Tell Her/Good Lovin' Never Hurt Pye 7n 17155
8-66 Don't Answer Me/Right One is Left R 5463(?) Capitol 5763
10-66 A Fool Am l/For No One R 5514 Capitol 5782 BLUE RONDOS: Produced by Joe Meek.
6- What 67 Good Am /Over My Head R 5608 NR 11- 64 Little Baby/Baby I Go For You Pye 15734 Parkway 937
II- If I Thought
67 You'd Ever Change Your Mind/lt Feels So Good 4-65 Don't Want Your Loving No More/What Can I Do Pye 7n 15888 NR
R 5820 ,. NR
3-68 Step Inside Love/I Couldn't Take My Eyes Off You R 5674 Bell 726 BLUE STARS: (Canock) Fine R&B/rock band
6-68 Where is Tomorrow/Work is a Four Letter Word R 5706 NR
?-68 You're My World/You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' NR Cap.Starline 6067
12-65 Please Be a Little Kind/I Can Take It Decca F 12303 NR
LP: Brum Beat - Decca LK 4598(E): School Day/I Saw You Yester-
2-69 Surround Yourself With Sorrow/London BridgeR 5759 NR
2-69 Surround Yourself With Sorrow/lt'll Never Happen Again NR DJM 70,012 day/Yours Forever
LP: Mersey Beat at Liverpool - Decca DS 32040 (Fr): Yours Forever
11-68 What the World Needs Now is Love/Only Forever Will Do
? DJM 70,012 BLUE ORCHIDS: see ORCHIDS (name changed for US release due
L DJM 70,007 to Orchids on Columbia)
1- Without 69 Him/lt'll Never Happen Again ? DJM 70,011 3-64 Love Hit Me/Don't Make Me Mad
6- 69 London 9637
Conversations/Liverpool Lullabye R 5785 NR
7- 69
Conversations/London Bridge NR DJM 70,014 PAMELA BLUE: Produced by Joe Meek
11- 6! If I Thought You'd Ever Change Your Mind/lt Feels So Good ?-63 My Friend Bobby/Hey There Stranger DeccaF11761 NR
R 5820 DJM 70,015
11- Conversations/lf
69 You Should Change Your Mind NR DJM 70,016 BLUEBEATERS:
2- Across 70the Universe/? 7 DJM 70,018 ?-64 Little/Ain't Got a Care Piccadilly
12- Child of 70Mine/That's Why I Love You R 5879 NR
11-71 Something Tells Me/La La La Lu R5924 NR BLUEBERRIES: Great Rod Stewart-like REtB
2- World72 I Wish For You/Down in the Citya R 5938 NR ?-66 It's Gonna Work Out Fine/Please Don't Let Me Know Mercury 5092
I- 74 Baby We Can't Go Wrong/Someone EMI 2107 NR
5-74 I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song/Never Run Out of You BLUES BY FIVE:
EMI 2169 NR 10- 64 Boom Boom/I Cried Decca F 12029 NR
II- He Was 74a Writer/Anything That You Might Say EMI 2227 EMI 4003
3- 75
Alfie Darling/A Little Bit of Understanding EMI 2278 NR BLUES COUNCIL:
7-75 I'll Take a Tango/To Know Him is to Love Him EMI 2328 Private Stock 040 4-65 Baby Don't Look Down/What Will I Do Parlophone R 5259 NR
3-76 It Makes Me Feel So Good/? EMI 3097
5-76 Fantasy/? EMI Private Stock 077 BLUESOLOGY: Elton John's first group
1964 EP: Anyone Who Had a Heart - Parlophone 8901 7-65 Come Back Baby/Time's Getting Tougher Fontana TF 594 NR
1964 EP: It's For You - Parlophone 8916 2-66 Mr. Frantic/Everyday I Have the Blues Fontana TF 668 NR
LP: Cilia - Parlophone 1243(E) [as Stu Brown B Bluesology] (Brown was later i Cochise)
LP: Sings a Rainbow - Parlophone 7004(E) 9-67 Since I Found You Baby/Just a Little Bit Polydor 56195 NR
LP: Sher-00 - Parlophone 7041 (E)
LP: Best of - Parlophone 7065(E)
LP: Surroung Yourself With Cilia - Parlophone 7079(E) BO & PEEP: Studio record by Mick Jagger Et Andrew Oldham, Kim
LP: Is It Love - Capitol 2308(A) Fowley
LP: The Big Hits From England B the USA - Capitol 2125(A): 9-64 Young Love/The Rise of the Brighton Surf Decca F 11968 NR
You're My World, Suffer Now I Must
BO STREET RUNNERS: Mick Fleetwood (ex-Cheynes), Mike Patto, Ollie
^ACK KNIGHTS: (Liverpool) Appeared in film Ferry Cross the Mersey Halsali. Won "Ready Steady Go" contest, appeared
I- 65 I Gotta Woman/Angel of Love Columbia DB 7443 NR on Ready Steady Win LP (Decca LK 4634). Eventually became Timebox
LP: Ferry Cross the Mersey - UA 3387(A): I Gotta Woman (Deram) and then Patto on Vertigo & Island.
9-64 Bo Street Runner/Tell Me Decca F 11986 NR
BLACKJACKS: 2-65 Tell Me What You're Gonna Do/And I Do Just What I Want
II- 63 The Red Dragon/Woo Hoo Pye 7n 15586 NR Columbia DB 7488 NR
7-65 Baby Never Say Goodbye/Get Out of My Way Columbia DB 7640 NR
RITCHIE BLACKMORE: Of Deep Purple/Blackmore's Rainbow fame. 5-66 Drive My Car/So Very Woman Columbia DB 7901 NR
Also played with Neil Christian's Crusaders in the early '60s Aladdin/? (same group?) kr 104
4- 65 Getaway/Little Brown Jug Oriole CB 314 NR MARC BOLAN :Solo records before T. Rex
11- 65 The Wizard/Beyond the Rising Sun Decca F 12288 NR
BLACKWELLS: (Liverpool! A 4-piece group. Wore black 6-66 The 3rd Degree/San Francisco Poet Decca F 12413 NR
suits and had white hair. Appeared in Ferry Cross the Mersey. 11-66 Hippy Gumbo/Misfit Parlophone R 5539 NR
1-65 Why Don't You Love Me/AI I Want is Your Love Columbia DB 7442 NR
LP: Ferry Cross the Mersey - UA 3387(A): Why Don't You Love Me GRAHAM BOND ORGANISATION: Bond began as an alto saxo
phonist in the Don Rendell Quintett in
BABBITY BLUE: Real name Barbara Chalk 1961. His Organisation became one of the big live draw bands in the formative
I- 65 Don't Make Me/I Remembered How toCry NR. Press 9729 years of the British club blues scene, 1963-6. Ca. 1964 the lineup was Bond (or
5- 65 Don't Hurt Me/Question Decca F 12149 NR gan), Dick Heckstall-Smith (sax), Jack Bruce (bass), Ginger Baker (dr) and John
McLaughlin (gtr.;. Bond later had a band with Pete Brown (who wrote lyrics for
BLUE ACES: Cream), called Bond & Brown. Appeared in film Gonks Go Beat (1965). Bond
II- 65 All I Want/Tell Me What You're Gonna Do Columbia DB 7755 made solo records in the late '60s, died in a train accident in 1973.
8-66 That's All Right/Talk About My Baby Columbia DB 7954 6- 64 Long Tall Shorty/Long Legged Baby Decca F 11909 NR
1-65 Tammy/Wade in the Water Columbia DB 7471 NR
BLUE CHIPS: 4-65 Tell Me/Love Come Shining Through Columbia DB 7528 NR
10-65 I'm on the Right Side/You're Good to Me Pye 7n 15970 7- 65 Lease on Love/My Heart's in Little Pieces Columbia DB 7647 NR


L-R: Joe Brown, a young Boz (he didn't look like such bad company in those days..,) and the Big Three
2- 66 St. James Infirmary/Soul Tango Columbia DB 7838 NR BOSTON DEXTERS:
3- 66 St. James Infirmary/Wade in the Water NR Ascot 2211 3-65 I've Got Something to Tell You/I Believe to My Soul
2- 67 You've Gotta Have Love Baby/I Love You Page One 014 NR Columbia DB 7498 NR
1964 EP: Decca (E): Hi-Heel Sneakers/Hoochie Coochie Man/Little Girl/Strut 7-65 Try Hard/No More Tears Columbia DB 7641 NR
LP: The Sound o f '65- Columbia 1711(E) Around
LP: There's a Bond Between Us - Columbia 33SX 1750 BOW BELLS:
LP: Rock Generation Vol. 4 - BYG 529.704(Fr) 11-65 Not to be Taken/ Polydor NR
LP: Rock Generation Vol. 3 - BYG 529.7;3(Fr) 11-66 Belinda/When You're In Parlophone R 5520 NR
1974 LP: Hard-Up Heroes - Decca DPA 3009/10IE): Long Tail Shorty
1964 EP: Rhythm St Blues - Decca 4616(E): Hi Heel Sneakers/Hoochie Coochie
Man/Little Girl/Long Legged Baby/Strut Around
3- 66 Tell Him to Go Aw ay/D on't W orry'B ou t Me Strike 30I NR
11-66 He Say/? Strike NR
4- 66 The World is Watching Us/I Said Goodbye to the Blues
Polydor 56061 NR
10-66 Anything You Do is Alright/ Polydor NR

GRAHAM BONNET: (of Marbles) Possible solo records

GRAHAM BONNEY: Ex-Riot Squad. "S upergirl" was a minor hit in
England, a big one in Germany where Bonney was more
11-65 My Little World is All Blue/Why Can't We Be Friends
Columbia DB 7773 NR
2-66 Supergirl/Hill of Lovin' DB7843 Capitol 5624
7-66 Baby's Gone/Later Tonight DB7934 Mike 4009
9- 66 No One Knows/Mixed-Up Baby Girl Columbia DB 8005 NR
1- 67 Thank You, Baby/Briony Columbia DB 8111 NR
2- 67 Happy Together/That Bad Day Columbia DB 8142 NR
10- 67 Papa Joe/M y Jenny Columbia DB 8283 NR
6-68 I'll Be Your Baby Tonight/Back From Baltimore
9-68 Frenzy/Something I've Got to Tell You
1-69 Fly Me High Lorelei/Get Ready
6-69 Leander Angeline/Mixing the Wine
1-70 Sign on the Dotted Line/Words We Said
Capitol 2221
Columbia DB 8464
Columbia DB 8531
Columbia DB 8592
Columbia DB 8648
6-70 When Evelyn Was Mine/Sunny Has Gone
6-73 Trying to Say Goodbye/Castles in the Air
1-75 Supergirl/Hill of Lovin'
LP: Super Girl - Columbia 33SX 6052(E)
Columbia DB 8687
RCA 2380
EMI 2250

BONZO DOG DOO-DAH BAND: Not really merseybeat, but they did
start recording earlier than is gen
erally realized. This listing includes 45s only.
4-66 My Brother Makes the Noises for the Talkies/I'm Gonna Bring a Water
melon to My Gal Tonight Parlophone R 5430 NR
9-66 Alley Oop/Button Up Your Overcoat Parlophone R 5499 NR
11-67 Equestrian Statue/lntro & Outro Liberty 15040 NR DAVID BOWIE & LOWER THIRD: After the King Bees, Davie Jones
11-68 Urban Spaceman/Canyons of Your Mind Liberty15144 Imperial 66345 changed his name to Bowie and
?-68 Mr. Apollo/Ready-Mades Liberty 15201 NR started this group, which included Dennis Taylor (gtr), Graham Rivens (bass)
?-69 I W ant to Be W ith You/W e Were Wrong Liberty 15273 NR and Phil Lancaster (drums). The group name was dropped after the first 45.
?-69 You Don My Brain In/Mr. Slater's Parrot Liberty 15314 NR
9-72 Slush/King of Scurf UA UA 50943 1-66 Can't Help Thinking About M e/And I Say to Myself Pye17021 WB5815
4-66 Do Anything You Say/Good Morning Girl Pye 7n 17079 NR
BOOMERANGS: (Manchester) 8-66 I Dig Everything/I'm Not Losing Sleep Pye 7n 17157 NR
Don't Let Her Be Your Baby/ Fontana NR 12-66Rubber Band/The London Boys Deram 107 Deram 85009
2-66 Dream W orld/Upgraded Pye7n 17049 NR 4-67 Laughing Gnome/Gospel According to Tony Day Deram i23London20079
7-67 Love You Till Tuesday/Did You Ever Have a Dream
BOSTON CRABS: Deram 135 Deram 85016
2-65 Down in Mexico/Who? Col. DB 7586 Capitol 5493 1-67 Rubber Band/There Is a Happy Land Deram 85009
9-65 As Long as l Have You/Alley Oop Columbia DB 7679 NR LP: David Bowie - Deram 1007(E)/Deram 18003(A)
2-66 Gin House/You Didn't Have to Be So Nice DB 7830 Tower 368 LP: Hitmakers Vol. 4 - Pye 18144(E): Cant Help Thinking Bout Me


A L A N BOWN SET: (Liverpool) Bown, who'd played w ith John Barry, BROOK BROTHERS: Everly-styled duo whose cover of Barry Mann's "W ar
formed the Alan Bown Set in 1965, featuring a horn Paint was Top 10 in 1961, followed by "A in 't Gonna
section. Personnel through the years included Jess Roden, currently a solo star, W ash." Appeared in film It's Trad Dad (1962).
and Robert Palmer, of Vinegar Joe and solo repute. 7- 60 Please Help Me I'm Falling Pye
9-65 Can't Let Her Go/I'm the One Pye7n 15934 NR 11-60 Say the Word/Everything But Love Pye
4-66 Baby Don't Push Me/Everything's Gonna Be Alright Pye 17148 NR I- 61 Little Bitty Heart/Tell Her Pye
7-66 Headline News/Mr. Pleasure Pye 7n 17148 NR 3-61 War Paint/Sometimes
3-67 Gonna Fix You Good/I Really ReallyCare Pye 7n 17256 NR Pye 15333 London 1987
8- 61 A in't Gonna Wash For a Week/One Last KissPye 15369 London 10501
10-67 Toyland/Technicolour Dream MGM 1355 Music Factory 402 I I - 61 Married/I Love Girls Pye 15387
1-68 Story Book/Little Lesley MGM 1387 Music Factory 406 3-62 Old Enough to Know Better/Win or Lose
7-68 We Can Help You/Magic Handkerchief Pye 15409
Music Factory 1 MGM 13998 6-62 Tell Tale/Too Scared
6-60 Still as Stone/Wrong Idea Deram 259 Deram 85047 Pye London 10515
10-62 Town Girl/ Pye 15463
11- 69 Gypsy Girl/AII I Can Deram 278 Deram 85055 1-63 Trouble is My Middle Name/
12- 70 Pyramid/Crash Landing Pye 15498
Island 6019 NR 6-63 Im Not Jimmy/
6-75 Moanin'/Time to Change Pye 15527
CBS 3366 NR 5-64 [as Brooks] Poor Poor Plan/Once in a While
10-75 Rockford Files/I Don't Know CBS 3721 NR London 9668
EP: Bye Bye Birdie - Pye nep 24141(E): One Last Kiss-
10-66 Emergency 999/Settle Down Pye 7n 17192 NR EP: Pye nep 24155(E): Trolley Song/Look for a Star/Half as Much/Love
1968 LP: Outward Bown - Music Factory 1 (E)
1970 LP: The Alan Bown - Deram 1049 (E) My Life Away
LP: The Alan Bown - Music Factory 12,000(A) ELKIE BROOKS: Until recently with Vinegar Joe, solo again since '75.
8-64 Hello Stranger/Something's Got a Hold On Me Decca F 11928 NR
- Verve Forecast FTS 3062 10-64 Nothing Left to do but Cry/Strange tho it Seems Decca 11983Parrot 9699
1-65 The Way You do the Things You Do/Blue Tonite Decca 12061 NR
6- 65 He's Gotta Love Me/When You Appear HMV 1431 NR
10- 65 All of My Life/Can't Stop Thinking of You HMV 1480 NR
2-66 Baby Let Me Love You/Stop the Music HMV 1512 NR
4-69 Come September/ NEMS NR
2-74 Rescue Me/Sweet Nothin's Island 6187
12-75 Where Do We Go From Here/Roll Me Over AEtM
A & M 7204 A & M 1781
2-76 He's a Rebel/Try a Little Love A&M 7212
1976 LP: Rich Man's Woman - A B M 4554\A\


1-66 I A in't Blamin' You/Nobody w aved GoodDye Decca F 12328 NR
RAY BROOKS: Ballad singer
?-66 Run Around/Everybody's Got a Secret 20th Century Fox 596
9-65 Lost Love/Make It or Break It* Decca F 12224 NR
11- 65 A Man Needs Love/Looky Looky Mercury 72512
*also released under the name Barry Et Tony, same
7- 66 W on't You Stay Awhile/Walking in the Sand Decca F 12448
6-65 Honey Love/Linda Lane Blues Parlophone R 5293 NR
T h e Boook Brothers: w o tta coupla dream boats!
FRIDAY BROWNIEL (Manchester) "G ettin' Nowhere" written by Graham
BRENDAN BOWYER: Led beat-oriented Irish showband Gouldman; same song as "I'm 28" recorded by PJ Proby
3-65 I Ran All the W ay Home/Hucklebuck 65 Tower132 and Toni Basil. "A sk Any W om an" also produced by Gouldman.
BOYS: Backed Sandra Brown, as the Boyfriends, then became the Boys, and 1-66 Gettin'Nowhere/And Parlophone R 5396 NR
subsequently Action. 8- 66 32nd Love A ffair/Born a Woman Fontana NR
12-64 It A in 't Fair/I W ant You Pye 7n 15726 NR 9- 67 Ask Any Woman/The Outdoor Seminar Fontana RCA 9505
1-69 Stand By Your Man/ Fontana 996 NR
BOYS BLUE: Produced by Miki Dallon. Original versions of 2 songs later cut
by the Sorrows.
6-65 Take a Heart/You Got What I W ant HMV 1427 ABC 10658

BOZ: Enduring pop figure, later in King Crimson and now Bad Company.
Surname Burrell.
2-66 Isn't That So/You're Just the Kind of Girl I W ant DB 7832 NR
4-66 Meeting Time/No (ah) Boby Knows Blues Columbia DB 7889 NR
6-66 Pinocchio/Stay as You Are Columbia DB 7941 NR
8-66 Baby Song/Carry On Screaming Columbia DB 7972 NR
11-66 Pinocchio/Baby Song NR Epic 10097
5-68 I Shall Be Released/Down in the Flood Columbia DB 8406 NR
8-68 Light My Fire/ Columbia DB 8468 NR
1-65 Hear 'em Talking/Zulu Stomp Piccadilly 7n 35216 NR
I'm a Lover Not a Fighter Piccadilly NR

BR EAD C R U M BS:R ecorded for Polydor. Later the Sean Buckley Set.

BREAKAWAYS:AII girl vocal group, a spinoff from Vernons Girls. Did much
session work, and appeared in the film Just For Fun
(1963). ''H e Doesn't Love Me" in particular is one of the best British attempts to
capture the girl-group sound.
?-62 He's a Rebel
11-63 That Boy of Mine/Here She Comes
Pye 7n 15471
Pye 15585 London 10526
6- 64 That's How It Goes/He Doesn't Love Me Cameo 323
11-65 Danny Boy/Your Kind of Love
7- 67 Sacred Love/Don't Be a Baby
Pye7n 15973
CBS 2833
5-68 Santo Domingo/So In Love Are We MCA 1018 NR
:): That Boy of Mine JOE BROWN & BRUW ERS: Spiky-haired Cckney guitarist/singer was
a longtime fixture on the scene despite
BRITT: (Swedish) song written by Carter-Lewis) only three Top 10 hits. Much of his material was novelty or music-hall oriented,
10-65 You Really Have Started Something/ Piccadilly 35273 NR but occasionally (as on "Darktown Strutters Ball") his arrangements were in
teresting. Made a contemporary comeback in 1967 with " A Little Help From My
BUDDY BRITTEN & REGENTS: Friends", faded again, and formed Brown's Home Brew in 1974 to little com
?-62 My Pride My Joy Piccadilly 35075 NR mercial effect. Appeared in films What a Crazy World, Just For Fun (1963)
6-65 She's About a Mover/ Piccadilly 35241 NR Three Hats for Lisa (1968).
8-65 Right Now/ Piccadilly 35257 NR
I Guess I'm on My Way/Zip a Dee Doo Dah ?-59 People Gotta Talk/Comes Today Decca
Oriole NR
1963 ?-60 Darktown Strutters Ball/Swagger Decca F 11207
You Gotta Make a Fool of
7-60 Jellied Eels/Dinah Decca F 11246
Somebody; I'll Cry No More
7-61 The Switch/Shine Pye 15322 NR
BRODIE BROTHERS: 7-61 Stick Around/Crazy Mixed-Up Kid Piccadilly 35000 NR
?-66 If You Only Loved Me/Strange 3-62 Popcorn/What a Crazy World Piccadilly London 10507
Columbia DB 8105 NR 9-62 The Other Side of Town/Your Tender Look Piccadilly 35058 London
TONY BROOK a- THE BREAKERS: (good record) 10522
6-64 Ooh Poo Pah Doo/Meanie Genie Columbia DB 7279 NR 12-62 It Only Took a Minute/AII Things Bright & Beautiful Piccadilly Cameo 241
6-62 A Picture of You/Layabout's Lament Piccadilly London 10517

2-63 That's W hat Love Will Do/Hava Nagila Piccadilly 35106 Dot 16508
HT3 : Stellar 1504
6-63 Nature's Time for Love/The Spanish Bit Piccadilly 35129 NR
8-63 S^ify Ann/There's Only One of You Piccadilly 35138 NR
12-63Heiiciiles Unchained/Little Ukelele Piccadilly NR
4-64 Yoy p o Things to Me/Everybody Calls Me Joe Piccadilly 35163 NR
3- Teardrops65 in the Rain/Lonely Circus Pye Jamie 1298
6- Sicilian 65Tarantella/Thinkin'That I Loves You Pye15888 NR
8-65 Little Ukelele/Sally Ann NR Hickory 1329
11-65Charlie Girl/ Pye 15983 NR
4- ^ea.bf66Heartbreak/Mrs. O's Theme Pye 17074. NR
7- 66
LitflelRay of Sunshine/Your Loving Touch Pye 17135 NR
11-66A ^qtisfied Mind/Stay a Little While Pye NR
7-67 A lliittle Help From my Friends/Show Me Around Pye 17339 WB 7055
7- Katerine68 MCA NR
1-70 Adieu Monsieur Le Professeur/Diamonds of Dew MGA Kapp 2068
8- Hey Mama/73 Bell 45364
10-75Alyvays Laughing/We Never Were That Kind DeccaF13610 NR
1963 EPji J usf For Fun (with Mark W ynterl - Pye nep 24167(E): W hat's the
l Name of the Game; Let Her Go
1963 LP: Joe Brown Ft Mark Wynter - Pye Glden Guinea 179(E)
1962 LPi /4 Picture o f You - Pye Golden Guinea 146(E)
Live - Pye
Best o f - Pye
Golden Hour - Py GH 583
SAN D R A BROWN & HER BOYFRIENDS; Boyfriends later became
the Boys.
By, Hook or By Crook Columbia

JACK BR(JCE: Played with countless groups before Cream. One early solo 45.
4- 66 Im Gettin Tired/R ootin'Tootin' Polydor 56036 NR

TOMMY BRUCE & BRUISERS; 'A in 't Misbehavin' a big hit in 1960
?-60 A in't Misbehavin'/Got the Water Boilin' Columbia 4453Capitol 4403
I'rp Dn Fire/ Columbia
11- 62 Bgqons and Bgws/The London Boys Columbia 4927
5- 63 Left's Do It Let's Fall in Love/ Columbia 7025
5-64 Let It Be Me/No More Columbia 7241
12-64 Suzanne/lt's Driving Me W ild Columbia Capitol 5354
?-64 ;Ndt|:pdy But You/One More Try Comet 2167
BRUISERS: Backing group for Tommy Bruce i t Peter Lee Stirling
?-63 side G irl/Don't Cry Parlophone R 5042 NR
?-63 Yoifr Turn to Cry/Give It to Me Parlophone R 5092 NR
'BRUMBEATS: (Birmingham) While Smokeys cult of admirers grows, I
12-63 I Ju^t Don't Remember Decca11834 NR
urge you to pick up on these singles as soon as
BEAU BRUMMELL ESQUIRE: (Real name Mike Bush) possible, due to the fact that only limited
1- 65 I Know, Know.Know/Shoppih' Around Columbia DB 7447 NR quantities are pressed. And once you do, theyll
4-65 Nexjt Kiss/Come and Get Me Columbia DB 7538 NR leave you begging for more.
9-65 Better Man Than l/Teardrops Columbia DB 7675 NR
4- 66 jTake Me Like I Am/You Dont Know W hat You've Got DB 7878 NR Phast Phreddie, B a c k D o o r M a n

BRYAN & BRUNELLES: excellent record (see review in BOMP 14) Send $1.75 per disc to:
2- 65 Jboqueline/Louie Louie H M V 1394 NR S & M Records
t[for more detail on group see Pete Frame's letter in BOMP 15] 6777 Hollywood Blvd
9th Floor
JOHN BRYANT: (Beatles song) ' , Hollywood, CA 90028
11-65 Teil Me W hat You See/ Fontana NR 3 different 45 s available
5- 65 Underneath My Piljow/Just One Girl Pye 15875 Blue Cat 120

BUCKINGHAMSUIslington) "Gonna Say" is an excellent record

6- 64 Gonna Say Goodbye/Many Times Laurie 3258
5-65 I'if Never Hurt You No More/ Pye 15848 NR
9-65 ptb.Be or Not to Be/ Pye 15921 NR
SEAN BUCKLEY & BREADCRUMBS: Also Sean Buckley Set; formerly featuring:
Breadcrumbs (see separate listing)
5-65 ItHurts Me When I Cry/ Stateside 421 W AYNE C O U N TY
8-66 Go Hme Baby/At the Station Parlophone R 5494 NR CHERRY VANILLA
3 66 Ja^Da/Thumper! Decca F 12350
4-63 The Boy I Used to Know/Unimportant Things Oriole HARRY TO LEDO PERE UBU
BUZZ: fgcotland) Joe Meek production
4- 66 You're Holding Me Down/I've Gotta Buzz Col. DB 7887 Coral 62492
BYSTANDERS: Became Man in 1969. Included Deke Leonard (Id gtr), $ 6 9 8
if f Clive John (organ), MickJones (gtr) post paid from:
?-65 T ^a f's the End/This Time Pylot501 NR
7- 66 You're Gonna Hurt Yourself/Have I Offended the Girl Piccadilly 35330 NR
11-66 My Love-Come Home/lf You Walk Away
1- 67 98.6/Stubborn Kind of Fellow
Piccadilly 35351
Piccadilly 35363
2- 67. :RoVial Blue Sunshine SUmmer Day/Make Up Your Mind
NR maxs
kansas city
! fo Piccadilly 35382 Chess 2007
8- 67 Pattern People/Green Grass
2-68 When Jezamine Goes/Care of Clear Light
Piccadilly 35399
Pye 17476
5- 68 This World is My World/Painting tlie Time Pye 17540 NR 213 Park Ave. South New York, N.Y.10003
1967 LP: Petal Pushers - Chess 1520(A): Royal Blue Summer Sunshine Day;
Make Up Your Mind; Pattern People



*Fo r E v e ry C o lle cto r

*Fo r E v e ry T riv ia Fan
*Fo r E v e ry o n e W ho L ik e s O ld ie s
*ln Fact, For Everyonel


1962 Watch Your Step/Twist It Columbia DB 4746
1962 Cutty Sark/Lost Patrol Columbia DB 4806
1962 James Bond Teme/Blacksmith Blues Columbia DB 4898
1962 The Lolly Theme/March of the Mandarins Columbia DB 4941
( A d d itio n s to p re v io u s in s ta llm e n ts ) 1963 The Human Jungle/Onward Christian Spacemen DB7003
1963 Kinky/Fancy Dance Ember178
1963 From Russia with Love/007 Ember181
12-65 Nobody Ever Told Sandy/Tears Come HM V 1499
1964 Elizabeth Theme/The London Theme Ember183
JONI A DAM S 1964 Zulu Stomp/Monkey Feathers Ember185
I - 65 Love at Last You Have Found Me/People Say 1964 Theme From 'The Man in the Middle'/Barney's Blues
ADLIBS Columbia DB 7457 Stateside 296
Neighbour Neighbour/Lovely Ladies Fontana TF 584 1964 Seven Faces/24 Hours Ago Columbia DB 7414
BOBBY ALLEN & THE COMMANCHES The Big Beat - Parlophone gep 8737
?-63 Half as Much as You/So in Love with You The John Barry Sound - Columbia seg 8069
BOBBY ANGELO & THE TUXEDOS John Barry THeme Successes - Columbia seg 8255
?-61 Baby Sittin'/Skinny Lizzie HM V 892 Loneliness o f Autumn - Ember emb 4544
BARBARA ANN From Russia with Love - UA uep 1011
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling/Till the Summer Time
Beat Girl - Columbia 33SX 1225 (soundtrack)
Piccadilly 7n 35221
ANSWERS Stringbeat - Columbia SCX 3401
7-66 That's W hat You're Doing to M e/G ot a Letter From My From Russia With Love - United Artists ULP 1052 (soundtrack)
Baby Columbia DB 7953 TONY BARRY
RICHARD ANTHONY 6-66 When You're in Love With a Girl/Oh My Love Decca 12431
II- 64 World of My Own/Every Hour and Everywhere
Columbia DB 7383
5- 66 Baby-O/Something's Wrong WB 5651
11-66 They're a Weird Mob/Big Country Columbia DB 8047 DAVID BALLANTYNE
1- 66 I Can't Express It/Ginger Eyes Columbia DB 7807
?-59 Seven Little Gifls/Alone at Night Columbia DB 4363 JON BATES
?-61 Rubber Ball/Cool and Cosy Columbia DB 4569 10- 65 Where were You Last N ight/lf Anything Goes Wrong
CBS 201018
_ B 6- 66 Haywire/Stitch in Time Parlophone R 5458
PETER B'S LOONERS (also known as Peter Bees) Members included
Peter Bardens, Mick Fleetwood, and Peter Green BEAT-CHICS
3-66 If You Wanna Be Happy/Judrell Blues Columbia DB 7862 11- 64 Skinny Minnie/Now I Know Decca F 12016
3-76 Yesterday/I Should Have Known Better Parlophone R 6013
6-67 Marta/Oh How I Miss You London 20027(US)
Love is All London 20063IUS)
3- 66 Left Right Left/You'd Better Get a Hold On Decca F 12352
Punky's Dilemma/lt's a Beautiful Day London 20051 (US)
Personnel in their CBS period was Ron Smith (gtr), Ed Campbell
My Heart Sings/This Love Decca F 23002
(organ), Alan Mair (bass), David Lennox (voc), Jeff Allen (dr).
?-75 Roxie/Cigarettes,Whiskey & Wild Wild Women Philips 6006448
LP: Under & Over - London PS 6II (US) GARY BELL
Leave It To Me/Anyway That You W ant Me CBS 2646
?-64 Words Written on W ater/He's No Good Cameo 324 (US)
5-66 How Do You Say I Don't Love You Anymore/lf You're Gonna
JOHN BALDRY Go Polydor BM 56067
5-72 Iko Iko/You Can't Judge a Book By the Cover WB75971US) MADELINE BELL
11- 64 EP: UA uep 1013: My Babe/Dimples/Hoochie Coochie Man + 1 10- 63 I Love For Your Love/Because You Didn't Care
W B 7098 also released in UK as Pye 17396 HMV 1215 Ascot 2180 (US)
12- 64 LP: Long John's Blues - UA ULP 1081 (UK) You Don't Love Me No More/Don't Cross Over to My Side of
3-70 LP: John Baldry - Marble Arch 1205 (UK) (Pye material) The Street Columbia DB 7257
?-72 LP: Rock Generation Vol. 5 - BYG 529.705 (Fr.): Bright Lights, Daytime/Don't Cry My Heart Columbia DB 7512
BANSHEES Big City 4- 68 I'm Gonna Make You Love Me/Beat the Clock
I Got a Woman/I W ant a Love I Can See - Columbia DB 7361 Philips 1656
Doin' Things Together with You/Finding You, Loving You
Cornin' Home Baby/Peanut Butter Columbia DB 7188 ?-68 Thinkin'/Don't Give Your Love Away Philips 1688
7-71 LP: Songs From Their Show - Tavern 1001 (UK) Step Inside Love/We're So Much in Love Philips 1799
BARRY & BOBBY & REGAL SHO W BAND ?-73 All That Love W ent to W aste/A Touch of Class
True True Lpve/I Hurt Too Much to Die Emerald M D 1031
?-73 I'm So Glad/Another Girl RCA 2440
?-76 I Always Seem to Wind Up Loving You/Your Smile
10-65 Lost Love/Make It Or Break It Decca F 12224
Secret Police/Gloria's Dream Island 3007 Loma2051(US)
JOHN BARRY S E VE N : This complete listing, which cuts off at the (as Freaks of Nature)
point Barry stopped doing rock altogether, is used with thanks to People Let's Freak Out/Portland Town Island 3017
Rumble magazine. All listings are British releases.
GEORGE BELLAMY (1963 guitarist with the Tornados)
1957 Zip Zip/Three Little Fishes Parlophone R 4363
5- 65 Where I'm Bound/How Could I Ever Parlophone R 5282
1958 Every Which W ay/You've Got a W ay Parlophone R 4394
1958 Big Guitar/Rodeo Parlophone R 4418 RALF BENDIX
1958 Pancho/Hideaway Parlophone R 4453 12- 65 Babysittin' Boogie/Sag Mir Deine Sorgen Columbia DB 7774
1958 Farrago/Bee's Knees Parlophone R 4488 CLIFF BENNETT
1959 Long John/Snap'n'W histle Parlophone R 4530 4-65 Running W ater/lf Only You'd Reply Parlophone R 5259
1959 Little John/For Pete's Sake Parlophone R 4560 6-66 Hold On I'm Coming/Eyes For You Parlophone R 5466
1959 Twelfth Street Rag/Christella Parlophone R 4582 House of a Thousand Dolls/Take Your Time Parlophone R 5666
1960 Hit and Miss/Rockin'Already Columbia DB 4414 Poor Joe/Hurtin' Inside Parlophone R 4895
1960 Beat for Beatnicks/Big Fella Columbia DB 4446 ?-64 EP: Try it Baby - Parlophone gep 8936
1960 Blueberry Hill/Never Let Go Columbia DB 4480 ?-65 EP: Cliff Bennett & the Rebel Rousers - Parlophone gep 8923
1960 Walk Don't Run/I'm Movin'On Columbia DB 4505
1960 Black Stockings/Get Lost Jack Frost Columbia DB 4554
1961 The Magnificent Seven/Skid Row Columbia DB 4598
11- 66 Memories/Night Flight to Tokyo Polydor BM 56724
1961 The Menace/Rodeo Columbia DB 4659 GARY BENSON
1961 Starfire/A Matter of W ho Columbia DB 4699 2- 66 This Man's Got No Luck/I'm So Tired Pye 7n 17032
r ^ j
As for the New Colony Six, the national charts do
not reflect their hometown impact either. "I
Confess and "I Love You So Much were
monsters, making # 3 and it 2 respectively, and
many of their other 45's did reasonably well.
Mike Callahan
Falls Church, VA


I've been collecting records since 1959, when I
was turned onto it by my then-best friend, Lenny
Kaye. Our earliest Flatbush Brooklyn singing group
consisted of Lenny, myself and one Harvey Citrin,
who was later the lead singer/guitarist for the Rick
Brand (ex-Left Banke) managed group, Life. We did
killer versions of the Passions' "T Only Want You
and the Visions' "Teenager's Life."
A t any rate, in 1965 the aforementioned Harvey
Citrin and myself were pushing a demo we had
made called "The Mouse to cash in on the
popularity of Soupy Sales and the mouse dance
that he did. In our travels up and down Broadway
we met one slick agent named Ron Schubert.
To sum up Ron in one sentence, he was the first
person I know that used a hot comb. He took
interest in our song and tried to push it for us. Quite
naturally, he would tell us about other acts he was
working w ith. One of these acts was a female group
that used to do demos for the songs subsequently
recorded by the Shangri-Las. I believe this group
was the Bon Bons mentioned as Snangs
sound-alikes in the last BOMP.
Stephen Bennett
Brooklyn, NY

Knight lead singer Jim Sohns said recently that About the Shangri-Las: remember an Ellie
cumulative sales are over a million and a quarter. Greenwich quote concerning the death of the girls?
The list of Dunwich productions are not all Traut Is this true? Also, I vaguely recall seeing the Shangs
efforts. Jim Golden produced Keith Everett, Ken at one time having 3 girls in the backup rather than
Nordine and the New World Congregation. Bob the classic 2. Any idea?
Monaco produced Crow. Also, Traut is not Tim Doherty
producing Natalie Cole as reported. Pacific Palisades, CA
I caught the Shadows of Knight twice recently,
and they were great. Fans might like to know that [A t one time, there were indeed4 Shangri-Las. but /
they do a 30-minute version of "G loria" with riffs don't know the exact story. / have heard though
stolen from everyone from Dick Dale to Lenny Kaye that Ellie Greenwich is putting together or writing
(Sohns loves Patti Smith's version of the song). songs for a "ne w group o f Shangs, and that
Apparently Mike Thom wasn't aware that the Shadow Morton is somehow involved. Further
Ides of March and the Cryan Shames were merged reports as they come in....]
for a short while last year as the Ides-Shames
Union. Peterik's Shy Rhythm Section has an album
in the can for Epic, and the Shames have reunited WELL YOU HEARD ABO UT
sans Fairs and Guillory. THE BOSTON...
Cary Baker
Wilmette, III. I'm writing concerning the Boston/New England
article in BOMP #14. There were tw o important
FAVE RAVES areas which the article didn't touch. The first was
AAA Recording Studios, located just outside the
The new issue of BOMP is a stunner! I was Combat Zone (Boston's adult entertainment
JUST A KISS A W AY particularly enchanted with Greg Shaw's Flamin' district). In the following discography of Boston
Groovies review. Obviously, the LP is brilliant, but singles, some are listed as being recorded at AAA,
Does the word "Entm oot mean anything to and the rest seem to follow a pattern of matrix
you? That question and others of the same variety the review is just as strong in its own right. The
passages on adapting past songs, and the final numbers:
have been going through my mind for some time paragraph on what separates good from great Tallyemen - "Little By Little'VYou Don't Care About
now. I mean, names like Jay Kinney. Tom Dupree, songs, are incredible. Robert Christgau should be M e-Tally 200,688/9
Lenny Kaye, and of course Paul Williams keep forced to read the review until he finally Head Et the Hares - "I W on't Come Back'VOne
popping up in the rock press and it finally registered: understands what rock & roll is about. Against the W orld" - H&H 200,891/2
science fiction fandom grew up and became rock Et Stephen Neill Twin Della - "N ancy"/"Love Em and Leave Em -
roll fandom! Carson, CA Twin-Dells Records 201,022/3
I suppose I first started suspecting things when I No Mads - "Breaking Free"/"Liverpool Lover" -
saw words like fanzine and fandom in Rolling Stone CHICAGO II Battle of the Bands 201 353/4
and being aghast at the fact that my secret Chain Reactions - "W hat Am I Supposed to
organization was suddenly common knowledge... I have a few comments on the Chicago survey. D o "/"L ife " - Francais 201,436/7
Great Ghul! Fanzine reviews and a lettercol to boot, The Dunwich story brings up an interesting point Violets of Dawn - "Violets of D aw n"/"W ind is
in a rock & roll magazine y e t!! that bears further examination: censorship. Clark W ind" - Vecchia 201 449/50
At one point in my life, sci-fi fandom was all I Weber, as program director of WLS, was reluctant The Collage - "Best Friend"/"Girl Don't Tell Me" -
lived for. But something happened. I started a band to put anything even remotely off-color on the air. Coliseum 201 468/9
and my ego was being satiated far more than it had The "Gloria thing was a setup, where he played Whirlwinds - "Let Her K n o w "/"A n y Old Tim e" -
ever been. Since that time ('69 or 70) I've been in the record, deplored the 'suggestive' lyrics, and Parsay 2002
this band, and I've gotten to see the world and all asked for opinions from listeners. WLS censored
the rest of that, but I always did miss the fanzines. many records during this period, including Also possibly connected are these already listed in
And you've done it Shaw: managed to combine the "Rhapsody in the Rain' by Lou Christie, which they your article:
best of tw o worlds. flatly refused to play. Meanwhile, CFL was playing it Minets - "Secret of Love"/"Together" - Rock It
Some suggestions: how about a piece on the to death. When "Hold On" by the Mauds came out 200, 054/5
Music Macnine (the influence of those leather in the spring of '67, WLS refused to play it due to Cobras - "Come On Back/Summertime - Feature
? loves had much to do with Kiss, as did their "Talk,
alk") and one on the Easybeats too, please!!
the lyrics "Hold on, I'm coming..." The group had
to provide WLS with a special version where they Also, no mention of Minuteman Records except
I don't herald the coming of the Runaways (as I sang "Hold on. don't you w orry". Incidentally, for Improper Bostonians releases. I have 3 earlier
do that of the Silver Surfer, for instance) but I do about that time van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl'* releases, and it appears Chip Taylor and Al Gorgoni
think their existence is essential to all future girl was also censored, with the line "M akin' love in the were involved in all 3:
bands. A respectable first step, say I. If you don't green grass behind the stadium" altered to 200 - Don Thomas - "Turn Her A rou nd"/"D o You
like their record, you can always hang out Laughin' and a-runnin' behind the stadium" and Wanna Know"
backstage and try to make it with them something this version actually showed up on the mono 203 - Just Us - "I Can't Grow P eaches"/"l Can Save
I intend on doing, purely as a religious experience, version of the album. It all seems silly now, doesn't You"
you understand...... it? 205 - The Doorway Through - "S pringtim e"/"K eep
Gene Simmons The Baker-Lind story states the Shadows of Talking River"
c/o Rock Steady Management Knight's "W illie Jean" was a hit. which it wasn't,
New York, NY making an anemic #26 on CFL s top 30 for one Don Thomas played guitar on Just Us LP on Kapp.
week only. Also, you might note that "Oh Yeah" on Just Us were of course Gorgoni and Taylor,
the first Shadows LP is not the same version of "Oh "Peaches" was a big hit in Jan '66 and picked up
[Thanks for your letter Gene. We haven't written nationally by Colpix (803). hitting #55 in Cashbox
about your group yet, but in another 5 years the Yeah" released on the single. The 45 version is in
true stereo on the Nuggets album. 4/16/66. The Doorway Through had a girl singer,
history o f blitzkrieg rock in the m id '70s w ill make a both sides are quiet folk rock.
great story. It's a real surprise to find a fellow former Unfortunately, it seems the people doing the
stories on the New Colony Six and the Cryan Ed Bangs
SF fan in such an unlikely place, but I'm glad you Charlestown, MA
can appreciate some o f BOM P's more subtle Shames had only the W hitburn book of national
aspects. By the way we've got an interview with charts to go on. Actually these tw o groups were
Vanda & Young and a complete Easybeats history much more successful in Chicago than is reflected WHATEVER HAPPENED TO FESTIVALS?
coming up very shortlyEd. ] in the Billboard Top 100.
Mike Thom's story on the Cryan Shames Regarding the Pop Festival of 6-3-63 at Hayes
contains one glaring goof: "Georgia" was hardly "a mentioned under Ray Anton in your British
CHICAGO fairly obscure single' since the flip was actually the Encylopedia, I was there and still have the
New issue was great, your best yet. The Chicago A side: "M r. Unreliable" was a top 10 record in programme! You may like to know the order in
section turned out quite well. Allow me, however, Chicago, in April '67. "I Wanna Meet You", which which the acts appeared: Blue Diamonds; Ray
to correct a few things. Bill Traut of Dunwich claims Thom notes failed to burn up the charts, peaking Anton; Mickie Most; the Golli Golli Boys; Jimmy
that "Gloria sold only 750,000, while Shadows of at # 85" was also top 10 locallv. Crawford & the Raven; Johnny, Mike Et the

^ ^ ^ PAGE 55
I was really pleased to read, in BOMP 15, priase
I HEAR YOU K N O C K IN \ for some of the stuff Mike Hart recorded for
Dandelion. It's most frustrating to work on records
you believe to have some real merit only to see them
UNUESS YOURE W E A R IN ' A ignored by the folks lining up for the newie from
B O /V tP T -S H lR T .T Purple or the Zeps. Mike Hart Bleeds sold, I think,
about 800 copies, and the single fared even worse.
I wonder if any of your corps of loony readers
Shades; Jackie Lynton tr the leenbeats; the ever managed to get into Stack Waddy (or
Cresters; Robb Storme & the Whispers; Del Stackwaddywe were never sure which) who
Shannon; Cherry Rolland; Cliff bennett &the Rebel made two tempestuous LPs for us?
Rousers; Screaming Lord Sutch & His Savages; I am, I'm afraid, an irregular reader of
Billy J. Kramer & the Dakotas; Tony Holland & the BOMPnot because there is anything wrong with
Packabeats; Vince Taylor & the Playboys; Freddie & it, but because reading it makes me fretful,
the Dreamers; Brian Poole & the Tremeloes; Eden over-anxious and envious. How can there be so
Kane. Each act played from ten minutes to a half many fine records which have contrived over the
hour. Mickie;Most had just returned from S. Africa years to avoid my acquisitive clutches?
after II # 1s of Buddy Holly covers. He was pretty Finally, can anyone help me find a record by an
bad. Oklahoma band, Dann Uankee Er the Carpet
Dave Germardi baggers? I used to work with them a lot in the
Middlesex, UK mid-'60s when I was John Ravencroft and working
for . They only made one single and I can't
remember what label it was on. Titles were "Roll
Over Beethoven" and "If You Gotta Go, Go Now."
John Peel
London, England
(,Appreciate the comments, John, and i f it's any
consolation, we don't have all the records written
about in BOMP either; not by any means. Nobody
ever will, I'm afraid. As for the Carpetbaggers, that's
one I never heard, b u t rest assured the second copy
that comes my way w ill be instantly forwarded to
youI I'm sure many o f our readers are familiar with
Stackwaddy, but for any who aren't, their two
British-only LPs are a must. They were like a heavy
metal, punk version o f Dr. Feelgood, 5 years ago.
Their songs included "You Really Got M e",
"R osatyn, "it's A ll Over now ". "I'm a Lover N ot a
Fighter", Long Tall S horty", ''Bring i t to Jerome",
"M ystic Eyes"and "The Girl From Ipanema"..,.]


MAIL TO: It was great seeing an article on Lesley Gore. I'd
BOMP, PO Box 7112, Burbank, CA 91510 like to make a few comments; According to an
IN M EMORY OF KEITH RELF interview Lesley did a couple years ago, she did not
Please send me BOMP T-shirts at $3.50 ea. "sing at her best friend's 16th birthday party. " At
Remember the Yardbirdsall of them. In my area that time she was into jazz. She had a cousin who
Size: D S m DM ed D Lg -lg. it takes a long time to confirm outside obscurities played drums and was in a group. One day she was
and the death of Keith Relf seems to be just that, present when the group's vocalist called and told
All shirts high quality white with blue trim just as his career was obscured by circumstance. the cousin she couldn t make it to some Italian
Besides giving one of the new rock poets the wedding they were supposed to do in Queens. Her
[A dd postage: .35 lUS&Can.]/.80loverseas] opportunity to say something typically (in) cousin asked Lesley to come and join them, and this
appropriate, the article that gave me the was the first time she sang publicly.
pre-mortem opinions made much mention of She worked with the group awhile and one night
guitarists. While the Big 3 are all fine technicians Quincy Jones heard them. That was the beginning

Join the and Jeff Beck has gone beyond the limitations of
rock & blues progressions, it's about time Relf got
some credit, at least in his own obituary.
in 1964, when everybody from over there hit over
of "It's My Party." Lesley mentioned that she heard
the birthday party" story before and believes it
was some kind of Mercury promotion gimmick. The
fact was that Quincy and she sat down and listened

fabulous here, they all came on like Junior Jr. Parkers. Keith
Yardbird had like most British bruiser-bluesers vocal
limitations; not much range, power, etc. But he
came up with a style totally unique. A master of
to about 200 demos after they had already decided
to record. "It's My Party" was among the songs
they decided to cut.
Also, as a point of interest, two of her biggest hits

FLAMIN off-key intonation, incredibly strange phrasing, a

nasal-slur, with just a hint of Slim Harpo and equally
creative harp playing.
Along with Phil May, he was the main prototype
were written by a fellow who has recently become
quite famous: Marvin Hamlisch, He co-wrote
Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" and "Calif
ornia Nights."

GROOVIES for American punk-rock. Count 5's singer wins the

all-time Relf-resemblance-riff for the howl between
the 1st and 2nd verses of "Teeny Bopper, Teeny
Suzanne Dreyfus
Bronx, NY

Fan Club!
When fame came to the guitar alumni, 'Kent' Relf
was written off with other misspelled band
members (who could ever forget S. Smith-
McCartney and good ole Ereja/Drega) as "picking
up the odds & ends in the background".
Membership card In the ayes of many he was Mr, Zero . In Sept.
Newsletters 7 1 ,1and a few friends asked 74 college students if w S ' t j ,rh th <iayR j for
Special book they knew who he was. 3 did. Perhaps he himself ter a JT t u be>yfrienr JohalU ral,:
didn't conceive his better side, and while t ^ * 0 n e ? h il n o f e ' U
*2-eolor lapel button, large Renaissance is lovely, Armageddon was just that
Press k it w ith photo, bio, etc. after a wait of half a decade. r ad 'e ft t L but m y best
For Keith Relf, his present fame may lie in being a finally e /, 1
Send $7 to P.O.Box 7112, Burbank, CA 91510 kind of king of those shooting stars of the '60s the \uter, th e v 'e becl< ah hoii " ,u"
public has forgotten, never known or understood. Judy wo y 'vere h o ld : Ur and i
Roky Erickson, Tommy Hall, Syd Barrett, Arthur
Lee, Sean Bonniwell, Mayo Thompson, Sky Saxon Upset I iu " erln h k r h j l e?da
and on into the deep. Thank you for reminding us of
a/' 'ends Cn'ed
eyes out , !a down J ?' ! Wf
our roots, as deep as some of them go.
th a t e ll
Brent Hosier hat i Vsf0 h*h t h in j^ l J w ,


Richmond, VA
be ai'e crv <f l J a n f ntd ?
r 'H H .'
io n, y n a ry
1 ho
and b<

m i0 Wh0
In case you haven't turned it up yet, Cynthia
Weil's early solo record was "The Toddle"/ Miss
Prim's Theme" by Miss Prim & the Classroom Kids, b(f L e slie
on Amy 872. Both sides Mann-Weil-Mike Anthony,
produced by Barry Mann. Good novelty disceven I wasr, y n * er tand how v
has a few token "bomps" thrown in for good then, a , P rPer /,. felt, (>u
David Gnerre
Fontana, CA
Su<*ts u r e h L make sure n e a l h <'
HELPANYONE? you w in b Ok a f)00r/ t, ,Q> her
an d h o t l e l /'^ 'h e a rte d a h ' 1 hope
Seeing that 1966 hit list for WBZ Radio reminded y o u r s i r % ; oorne between ^ 1
me of my desire to locate old surveys from stations
in LA where I grew up. Can you help me locate * " * '* # .
MILK & COOKIES FAN CLUB these? I need KHJ lists from # 1 (mid-1965, I think)
through 1969, and KRLA from as far back as 1963,
729 Arbuckle to its discontinuation in the early 70s. Ann Coders.
Woodmere, NY 11598 Michael Devich
Box 659, Lake Isabella, CA
m m m m m
- EP: Shanes Et Moonlighters

SWEDISH ROCK Live - Columbia 138: Shot of

R&B/I Can't Stand It
- LP: Pop Nonstop - Sonet 9904
(continued from p. 39 NASHMEN - Ann-Louise/Carol - SweDisc 1063
NORTHERN LITES - (called Hootenanny Singers in
Sweden; Included Bjorn Ulvaeus)
TROUBLEMAKERS LP: Gabrielle - UA Inti. 14507 (A)
PANTHERS - EP: Polydor Inti. 60 118(Fr): Baby/
66 Funny Man/Blow the Horn - Hep House 12 I Just Wanna Make Love to You/I'll Be Pleased/Hey
66 A Lay-About's Lament/Sally - Hep House 22 Woman
67 Always Something There to Remind
Anyhow - Tommo 5 - Don't You Know Why/Halfway to
68 Rock Around the Clock/Mary Ann with the Paradise - Sunset 6
Shaky Hands - Tommo 9 - LP: Beat Hits 66/67- Sonet GP 9914:
68 Juliette/You'll Be Fine - Tommo 10 PLOMMONS - Are You Sure Very Last Day
68 In the Mood/Waiting for Recording Engineer POPSIDERS - Somewhere/Dancing in the Street -
Stan-Tommo II Sunset 9 (66)
ST. MICHAELS SECT - And Most of All/I Cant See
The Wanderer/Runaround Sue - Laurie 3339(A) SECRETS - Michelle - Jukebox EP 5548
SHELT0NE3 - A Little Bit Me, a Little Bit You -
LPs: Live a t the Star Club - Sonet GP 9913 Jukebox EP 5562
THE BON BONSand did you over too such four Feelin'Blue - Sonet GP 9919 - Stewball - Jukebox EP 5562
living, breathing, singing, dancing DOUS. Alpen Ros - Sonet GP 9926 SHAKERS - Tracks Remain/I've Been Loving You
Com on, Baby, their first recording on the Rock i t Roll Time - Sonet GP 9938 Too Long - Fontana 271275
String Time - Sonet SLP 34 - All I Want it My Baby/The Sun is
Coral label, skyrocketed them to overnight Mr. Dynamite - Sonet SLP 35 Shining - Odeon 5985 (66)
fame. You'll be hearing lots about those teens. More Dynamite - Sonet SLP 40 - Too Much Monkey Business -
Action - Sonet SLP 55 Columbia
Power o f S oul- Sonet SLP 61
THE REAL BON BONS! Dr. Williams i t Mr. Dynamite - Sonet SLP
Concerning the Shangri-Las/Bon Bons rumor, Leader o f the Pack - Sonei SLP 2511 2502
this photo appeared in the Aug. '64 issue of Teen L iv e !- Sonet GP 10010
Life. A bogus group of Shangri-Las recently played FABULOUS SOUNDS PROM SOUTHERN SWEDEN
a nearby club doing disco versions of the hits. A few
years ago, the real group (.Mary at least) looked and THE BEATCKERS
sounded great at a Murray the K tribute show.
Aside ffom being on 2 of his live albums, they also
appear on a Gus Gossert album which includes the
lines: "Is he picking you up after the show tonight?"
"No, he's dead."
Billy Miller
Carle Place, NY

SHIVERS - 1Don't Mind/No No No No - Gazed 194
I recently tried ordering the book All Together - LP: Zingo Toppem 2511: Baby It's Too
Now fronr) a book store, and was told I had to write Late
directly to the publisher. I did so, and received a - LP: Beat Hits 66/67-Sonet GP 9914:
note saying they were completely sold out and Just Like a Woman
wouldn't have more copies for at least 5 weeks. But RED SQUARES - Sherry - Columbia DS 2328 (67)
if anyone else is interested in obtaining the book - Turning Around - DS 2341 (67)
[with its nearly complete Beetle recording data, as - Lollipop - DS 2358 (68)
reviewed in BOMP # 15], they should write to Mew Orleans Whald I may SLAMCREEPERS - Cross a Million Mountains/I've
Pierian Press, 5000 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, Ml Bama lama hama lee Around and around a Way of My Own - Bid 110
48104. It costs $14.95, cloth bound. - Mr. Personality Man/Cash Box
-Mike Schaalma Ladies Behavious - Bill 126
Fond du Lac, Wl - It's Saturday (68)
SLEEPSTONES - My Little Girl (65)
BEATCHERS - EP (same as Namelosers) - Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
PICKY PICKY BEST - LP: Beat Hits 65/66 - Sonet GP 9907: Get ( 66 )

Off My Cloud/Hang On Sloopy SPREADERS - LP: Beat Hits 66/67- Sonet GP 9914:
While admiring the efforts in assembling a With a Girl Like You
complete' Encyclopedia of British Rbcka pains CADS - Don't Know My Tomorrow/Get out of my
taking work for which yob are to be congratulated Life Woman - Sweden 4505 (68)
it must be said that some of the information in CHICKS - Christmas Present/My Song and You -
your listings is sadly inaccurate. SweDisc 1006
EVIL EYES - Mister Mystified/Moving Around -
The assumption, for instance, that Irish-born Decca 44524
B.P. (Bernard Patrock) Fallon was in any way
involved in the Anglos 45 from 1965 is fanciful, as he FEW - Hum-a-Zoo/Ohce I Had a Dream - Mercury
didn't come to England until 1966to work in a 131400
bakery. No, the record was arranged, conducted, - They Won't Go/Seeing is Believing (67)
co-written and produced by one Larry Fallon. - Time and Tide/So Long (68)
Though I know nothing else about the gent in FLIPPERS - The Children/I Could Hear Her Cry -
question, he did crop up on former Uglys singer Karusell 621
Steve Gibbons' solo LP Short Stories (Wizard 19711 "14" - lm Krankhaus/Meet Mr. Edgar - Olga 39
playhing brass & flutes on one track. FRIENDS - He'S in Town/Joe McCartney - Karusell
Another peculiarity was in attributing the 666
Graham Bell single on Polydor to his namesake GIANTS - LP: Live
in Skip Bifterty. I can understand the mixup as the HI-BALLS - Cause I Want to Know/Look at Me -
record was made in '66 and Bifferty wasn't formed Karusell 658
until a year later, but the fact is it's another G.B. - LP: Beat Hits 66/67 - Sonet GP 9914:
Pontusvon Tell I'm a Boy/Hi Lili, Hi-lo
Sweden ICECREAM - Mohair Sam/I've Been Lovin' You -
[Thanks for the corrections. We don't claim to Platina 182
be perfect, but with the help of trivioiogists like INSIDE LOOKING OUT - Make Love/Love Potion -
yourself we should be able to plug most ofthe gaps Polydor 2053013
eventually.] JOKERS - Broken Engagement/I W ont Untie You - STEAMPACKET - Take Her Any Time/Only in Her
, Arvu SweDisc 1147 Home Town - Polydor 59725 (66)
TEEN TONES THEORY DEBUNKED LADY KATE 6 . LP: Beat Hits 65/66 - Sonet GP - Baby, You've Got It/She's Down
9907:Eve of Destruction/Midnight Hour -Knappupp 4600
In the Fall '75 issue you asked if the Rivieras LORDS - There's No Other/Walkin' Talkin' - Record - Viva L'Amour (67)
had anything to do with "Fortune Teller" by the 2002 STRANGERS - Trust Me (65)
Teen Tones. Well I remember the Teen Tones and I LUCAS - Certain Girl (66)
also talked to Bill Dobslaw's wife who said she JEAN LUNDENS - She Lied to Me/She Has Gone - You Can't Sit Down (66)
didn't think there was any connection. By the way, Away - Gazed 169 SUNSPOTS -Sonet LP 9911: To Feel and
Dobslaw now writes a 'conservative' column for a MERRYMEN - Walking Down Lonesome Road/ Hold/Romance/She Said That She
local paper, and sings in a barbershop harmony Spider - Karusell 617 Loves Me
group! -In Vain (65) - LP: Beat Hits 65/66 - Sonet GP 9907:
Ron Trowbridge MICHAEL & PLAYMATES- LP: Beat Hits 65/66 - My Generation
South Bend, IND op 9907: Yesterday Man/lt's My Life TEENAGERS - Girl on a Swing/I Never Found You -
MODERATIONS - Hard to Forget/Shake - G&P Columbia DS 2335 (67)
[Thanks to everyone else who wrote; sorry we 1009 TRONICS - Burn That Candle (65)
MODS INC - First Woman/Yes I Want - Carnival VAT 66 The Birds in the Sky/The Square of the
couldnt squeeze in all your letters, but dont let that
discourage you from commenting on every issue. 101 Won Fights - Olga 34
We read them all carefully and are greatly interested MOONLIGHTERS' - Today is the Day/Cave of Gold - - Lady Lady/I'll Better Be Alone - Olga 41
Interdisc 1187 WIZARDS Well All Right/That She Does -
in what you have to say. Send all letters to P. 0. Box - Hi Lili, Hi-Lo (66) Scan-Disc 1019
7112, Burbank, CA. 91570.]


E V E R Y C O U N TRY A T LO W PRICES, as si?p<SKmaR
Wayne County - Max's Kansas City (PC) $2 Del Shannon - Tell Her No/Restless $2.50 [continued from P. 30]
Thundertrain - Hot for Teacher (great PC) $2 Del Shannon - Cry Baby Cxy[co-wr. J e ff Lynne]/
Sneakers EP: 5 songs (great PC) $2.50 In My Arms Again $2.50 11-67 Gary Lewis & PlayboysHas She Got the
Loose Gravel - Frisco Band (PC) (lim. ed.) $2.50 [ These 2 Island singles w ill never be on an Nicest Eyes/Happiness (Liberty 560111(Arr.)
Wildman Fisher - Go to Rhino Records 10-67 Zal YanovskyAs Long as You're Here
LP and are already rare!]
[ his most recen t; weird] $2 (Buddah 12) (Prod/Arr.)
Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop [British import] $1.50 6-67 TurtlesShe'd Rather Be W ith Me (White
New Legion Rock Spectacular - Second Flamin' Groovies - EP: Shake Some Action + 2 Whale 249) (Arr. horns)
Cousin/Wild One (torrid 2-sider!) $2 [British import] $2 8-67 Petula ClarkCat in the Window/Fancy
Jan Berry [o f JA N & DEAN] - Sing Sang a Legendary Masked Surfers [Jan,Dean,Brian, Dancin' Man (Warner Bros 7073) (Arr.)
Song [his fast, not released to public] $3.50 Rog. Christian, Leon, BruceEt Terry,others]
Creme Soda - Keep it Heavy [Tommy James Gonna Hustle You/Summertime $2
[Jackie DeShannon's previously cited " i
style bubble-punk] $2 Seeds - Shuckin' and Jiving [private re-pressing Keep Wanting You" falls into this period as
Creme Soda -Chewin Gurr\[wi/drockapunk] $2 o f their rarest record] $3 well.]
Boyz - Laughs on Me - Kiderian (Chicago Kenny & Cadets - Barbie [private re-pressing [Charles Koppelman and Don Rubin super
_ folk-rock/punk) $2 o f the first Beach Boys disc) $3
The Boys - She's All Mine - Outrave [great vised a talented stable o f writers and
Spades - You're Gonna Miss Me - Zero [private
Anglo-punk from Nebraska] $2.50 re-pressing o f original version o f 13th producers)Artie Kornfieid and Steve Duboff,
The Count - EP: 4 great songs [like Velvets, Floor Elevators hit, featuring Roky Erickson Joe Wissert, and ex-Magicians Alan Gordon
Mod. Lovers, etc. many p ix & inserts] $3.50 A wild punk rocker $3 and Garry Bonner among them), and had hits
Slickee Boys- EP: Manganese Android Puppies, Eddie & Hot Rods - Live at Marquee EP $3.25 like " i f I Were a Carpenter" with Bobby Darin
Psycho Daisies + 2, full color cover $3
Vince Taylor - Do You Wanna Rock & Roll and "Happy Together" with the Turtles.
Rockhouse [Dutch import] $1.75 SIRE BOOKS - Greg-Shaw-edited series, full of Nitzsche worked with -R for a time, and
rare pix, complete discographies, a must for
Blondie - X-Offender - [Spector-sty/e] $2.25
every fan. Only $4.95 each. Titles include Beach apparently did not relish the experience,
Gizmos - EP: 4 songs [fabulouslike Iggy,Dolls, except for working with Garry Bonner...]
Boys (Ken Barnes), Elton (Greg Shaw), Carole
Reed,Dictators; see review] (PC) $3.50
King, Rod Stewart, Allman Bros. These are
Primitives - EP: Sneaky Pete, Cycle Annie + 2
substantial, 9x12'll love 'em! The best. The best white soul singer
[Lou Reed,John dale pre-Velvets. Private
re-pressing o f rare tracks,with PC] $3.25 ever. I did a record with him called Juliet
Dave Edmunds - Here Comes the Weekend ALSO TRY US FOR THE LATEST UNDER Jones." That was really good, I think, that
[British import, rocks like crazy!] $2.50 GROUND RECORDS AS THEY COME OUT one holds up. Garry Bonner, the White
Beatles - Live at Shea '64 - 2 EPs [privately WE CARRY THE BEST AT LOWEST PRICES. Tornado. The best. I did a record with Bobby
pressed, Dutch import. Taken from the (Add postage .25 first record, .05 each extra)
Hatfield called "I'm Free," which was a really
original '64 EP, every rare] Both records $15 [C anada & overseas: .2 5 & . 10]
good record, but they never released it,
'cause he couldn't sing it. The reason he
couldn't sing it was he came in and he wasn't
making it on the vocals, so Garry Bonner
ORDER FROM P.O. BOX 7112, BURBANK CALIF. 91510 USA came up to the microphone and said, "Let
(Overseas orders welcome) me sing it one time for you," and he sang it.
Hatfield walked out and said, "W hy don't
you do it, / can't do that!" W hat a singer!
Rod) IttorykTiMa-MMfeoi kry-MtAKiOMl DockHew
9-69 Tony RayHere Comes School Again/
Lonely Weekends (Dot 17301) (Arr.)
?-70 ThemLonely Weekends/I Am Waiting
(Jagger/RichardXHappy Tiger 525)(Arr.)
Oh my God. Well, I didn't do that one
[Tony Ray], Oh my God! Is it the same
track ["Lonely Weekends"]! Has to be. "I
Am Waiting." I don't remember doing that.
Sometimes they put the name on both sides
of the record, but that doesn't mean I did it. I
was asleep during these. I was chewing
tobacco and spitting into a can. Ray Ruff.

BACK ISSUES Weird! I wondered what he was doing in the

studio. Yeah, it's probably mine. I don't
remember that one at all.
[Ray Ruff, a Buddy Holly-ish rocker in the
early 60's and producer o f the Blue Things,
#10-11: British Invasion. Special double issue, articles & pix on scores of groups... apparently wigged out a b it in the later 60's
#12: Punk Rock. Seeds,Standells.Brummels,San Francisco punk,
when he was a staff producer for Dot and
#lff: Flam in Groovies, Detroit, Beatle novelties, Rockabilly; Cameo, H wood Stars
Happy Tiger, and recently he surfaced with a
#14: Surf roots, Dutch rock, Beatle songs, Boston, British rock encyclopedia, more
ridiculously grandiose rock opera telling the
#15: G irl groups (Runaways, Lesley Gore, Jackie DeShannon, Shangri-Las), Dave
story o f the Bible called Truth of Truths )Oak
Edmunds, Liverpool, Chicago, British Rock encyclopedia, more
Records) and in 1976 with a no-less-modest
Bicentennial rock tribute album Happy
Birthday USA on 20th Century [featuring
Paul Revere Et the Raiders on one cut].
B O M P Back Issue Dept. PO Box 7112, Burbank, CA
Actually, the near-identical arrangements o f
"Lonely Weekends" are both good rockers
Dear sirs:
and Tony Ray's A-side is a nifty Eddie
Please send me the following back issues, for $1.50
Cochran adaptation. The Them in question is
each [ U S & C a n a d a ; o v e r s e a s a d d 5 0 c e n t s p e r issue]
a highly dubious post-Van Morrison
#10-11 D#12 U#13 U#14 U#15
Total amount enclosed:
Name _________________________________________ [Nitzsche arranged these latter-day Philles
Address_____________________________________ _ records]
S ta te ___________________________ Z ip ___________ 3- 64 120 - RonettesBreakin' Up
4- 64 121 - RonettesD o'l Love You
Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. 5- 64 122 - CrystalsAll Grown Up
9-64 123 - Darlene LoveStumble Et Fall/Quiet
Guy [withdrawn]


10-6-' - MID-60'S W RAP-UP
Does it Feel asxez me p a . piano. Did you really see
12-64 IQS E tainie LoweChristmas/Winter 7-64 ConcordsShould I Cry (Epic 9697)<Co-wr)
Wonderland 3-65 Jerry ColeEvery W indow in the City/ that tour [a fairly legendary series o f warm-up
1-6c "26 - ..r:. : Be , ogether Come on Over to My Place (Capitol 5394)(Arr.) gigs at small California junior colleges, my
3-65 " 27 Riiigii-tsous BrosJust Once in my Life 4-64 Righteous B ro s -T ry to Find Another Man/ occasion being a brilliant show at Palomar JC
c-6c '26 = is Tnis What I Get I Still LoveYou (Moonglow231)(Arr; pre-Spector)
6i: 29 : r--.5c-s BrosHung On You 9-65 Bobby V e e -R u n Like the Devil/Take a 30 miles north o f San DiegoYO That was a
*-6 '3C - - sr:ecus Bros I Love You For Sen Look Around Me (Liberty 55828)(Arr.) good tour, that one. The last one [ca. 1974]
timental Reasons ?-65 Explosions?/? (Liberty) (Arr.) was horrible.
4-86 131 - Ike & Tina Turner - River Deep ?-65 Gene McDaniels?/? (Liberty) (Arr.) From there they wanted to make an
Mountain High ?-67 Suzi Jane H okom -S am e Old Songs (LHI
9-66 133 - RonettesWhen I Saw You [uncr.] 19) (Arr.) album of their own. Elliott Roberts became
5-67 135 - Ike & Tina Turner Never Need 9-65 Palace G u a rd -A ll Night Long/Playgirl my manager and Neil's, and they said if I
More Than This (Orange Empire 331 n A rr.)["F o rg e tit"] produced it [Crazy Horse] and became part of
?-67 136 - Ike & Tina TurnerA Love Like Yours 3-66 MFQIMod.Folk Q ua rtet)-N ight Time Girl/
?-64 Phil Spector 1 - Veronica So Young Lifetime (Dunhill 4025) (Prod./Arr.) the group, that it would work, and Idid that,
?-64 Phil Spector 2 - VeronicaWhy Don't They 1-67 Gentle SoulTell Me Love (Columbia for one album... They're not really musicians
Let Us Fall in Love 43952)(Arr.)(Prod. T. Melcher) they'll give anyone the faith to become
8-76 Warner-Spector 0409 - Ronnie Spector 9- 68 .MonkeesPorpoise Song (Colgems 1031)
Paradise (Arr.) [ " / love that one!"] musicians. That album was okay. I don't like
12-64 Philles LP4006 - Presenting the Fabulous 10- 66 Tim Buckley- T im Buckley (Elektra EKL- any of the Nils Lofgren stuff on the album.
Ronettes 4004) (Arr. strings) He's another of them that wants to be a star
6-69 A&M SP 4178 - Ike & Tina Turner-Wver so bad...
Deep Mountain High (some tracks) I don't remember that one [Jerry Cole], I
do remember he came into a session with a
land the following newly-released Philles submachine gun once. He's really into guns. FINAGLING W ITH THE TUBES
vault tracks] Done on the same session with the ?-71 Ron NagleSad Rice (WB 1902)(Prod.)
Darlene LoveRun Run Run Runaway; Strange Explosions and Gene McDaniels, all on one 6-76 TubesD on't Touch Me There (A&M 1826)
Love; Long Way to Be Happy (Arr.)
RonettesSoldier Baby; Girls Can Tell; Woman in date [Bobby Vee], All Joe Saraceno hits.
Love; Here I Sit; Keep On Dancing; Everything Hiked that one [MFQ], sort of. I don't like Ron Nable that's the best undis
Under the Sun/Wish I Never Saw the Sunshine that mix I didn't do that mix, Lou Adler did. covered talent around [an opinion shared by
April StevensWhy Can't a Boy and Girl Just Stay a number o f rock writers]. He's super. He's
In Love Don't have this one [Gentle Soul] either.
CrystalsHeartbreaker I don't even remember it. Ry Cooder played real good at making records.
Bob B. SoxxBut You Don't Love Me on a lot of these. I was on that. The Nagle brought me in [on the Tubes
Modern Folk QuartetThis Could Be the Night Beatles Baroque. session; Nagle having written the song, a
satirical girl-group number]. They did miss
l We were talking about the Bonnie & the the point on that record. It's just an imitation,
Treasures record "Home o f the Brave," and a bad one. Not just the singing [ as off), but
its credited producer, Jerry Biopelle...] the whole thing. They wanted that sound as a
Phil really took him [Biopelle\ under his put-on, but they didn't understand it at all.
wing. He was gonna be his new writer. It It'd be a lot funnier if they were more serious.
came to the point where was all his
conception, those records, but as soon as he MODERN TIM ES W RAP-UP
got a press agent he would say that he wrote
'em, arranged them, produced them, and told jHobern tmeii*123 5-69 Marianne FaithfullSister Morphine/Some-
thing Better (London 1022) (Arr.)
the singers how to sing them. Everybody 9-70 Randy NewmanGone Dead Train (Reprise
started to feel a little funny about th a tand YOUNG UPSIDE DOWN 0945) (Prod/co-wrote)
4-70 Randy Newman 12 Songs (Reprise 6373)
then Jeff [Barry] and Ellie [ Greenwich] went 1-67 Buffalo Springfield Expecting to FlylA tco (Co-prod "Let's Burn Down the Cornfield")
and recorded "Chapel of Love" with the . 6545) (Co-prod; co-arr.) ?-72 Buffy Ste. Marie She Useta Wanna Be a
Dixie Cups and it had been recorded with 1-69 Neil YoungNell Young (Reprise 6317) Ballerina (Vanguard VSD 79311) (Co-prod)
both the Crystals and the Ronettes before (Wr;arr. "S tring Quartet From Whiskey Boot Hill", 4-74 Mac DavisStop & Smell the Roses (Col
worked on some other tracks) umbia 10018) (Arr.)
and none of 'em came out, so they went and 2-72 Neil YoungHarvest (Reprise MS 2032) 8-74 Mac DavisRock & Roll (Columbia 10070)
did that. I went to New York one time, my (Prod/Arr.'A Man Needs a Maid','There's a W orld') 4-75 Mac DavisIf You Add All the Love in the
wife and I, and I ran into Jeff Barry and he World (Columbia 10111) (Arr.l
I met Neil through Charlie f t Brian. 9-73 Ringo StarrPhotograph (Apple 1865)(Arr)
invited me over. So I told Phil, I'm going to
[Was "Expecting to F ly " intended as a Neil Nitzsche also did the music (produced and
dinner at Jeff Barry's and he said [growls]
Young solo single?] arranged) for Performance and One Flew
"W hat are you gonna do, listen to the Dixie
Yeah, I was the evil one in that. Stephen Over the Cuckoo's Next, and worked on the
Cups record?" He said, "I really wish you
never wanted Neil to sing and I thought Neil music for many other films including Candy,
wouldn't do that," and I said, "W hy, we're
could do it by himself. Stephen would say, Greaser's Palace, Sticks and Bones, and The
still friends." He said, "I'd like to create the
"He's got that funny shaky thing in his Exorcist.
illusion there are 'separate camps'."
voice." I said, "That's the thing I think is [In recent years Nitzsche has been involved in
After all these writers were saying one
after another that he's taking all the credit, interesting." a number o f varied projects, many o f which
then he started working with people like Jerry I loved that record [ Young's first and in he has not enjoyedhe had little to say about
some ways best solo LP], working with Mac Davis, for example, and
Riopelle. Bonnie & the Treasures...Ronnie
sang on that. I set that up with Warners for him to did not seem especially enthusiastic about
be a solo singer. He asked Denny [Bruce] Cuckoo's Nest.
THE PHILLES EPITAPH once when I was going to do the record and [His future plans seem unsettled...]
Denny said I had the name down in my book, I don't have any. There's a movie that I
Philles 135 [see listing above] and he said, "I'm not a name in a book. I'm think is going to be real good. Bob Downey's
[Although it's commonly accepted that Phil Neil Young!" Neil wanted to be a star. new movie called Jive.
Spector, mortally offended by American CRAZY HORSE [Nitzsche has scored that film. He would also
rejection o f "River Deep Mountain H igh," like to work with Ronnie Spector again, and
4-71 Downtown/ (Reprise 1007) (Co-prod.)
immediately quit the record business, in truth 7-71 Dance Dance Dance/ (Reprise 1025)(co-or.) at press time there seems to be at least a
the Philles label lasted for five more issues, 9-71 Dirty Dirty/Beggar's Day (Reprise 1046) slight hope that it could happen. Jack
not to mention limited pressings o f the Ike i t 3-71 Crazy Horse (Reprise RS 6438) (Co-prod) Nitzsche is obviously an independent type,
Tina Turner album and a Lenny Bruce LP. [Nitzsche played in Neil Young's back-up one who had and probably will again have
The last record was a track from the Ike B band Crazy Horse in early 1970, and was trouble fitting smoothly into the banal
Tina LP, "A Love Like Yours," but the real prevailed upon to join the group when they everyday record biz routine and its prevailing
last hurrah was an all-stops-out Ike B Tina got a solo deal with Reprise. Their first album attitudes. The unimaginative souls who
single recorded after the album, Spector's ( 1971), with any number o f brilliant Danny account [in more ways than oneJ for a large
one last irresistible stab at grabbing the gold Whitten songs, guest Nils Lofgren's chilling proportion o f the industry today have trouble
ring again;'TII Never Need More than This".] "Beggar's D ay," and two remarkable songs pigeonholing Nitzsche, which in part explains
That was after "River Deep." I never by Nitzsche and Russ Tite/man ["Gone Dead his rather patternless track record o f the past
heard that. That was the last attempt, I think Train," a distrubing rocker earlier cut by few years. But looking over the record o f his
that was the last one he and I ever did Randy Newman for the Performance sound accomplishments from 1960 to 1976, it's im
together. This is going to be sad. I think that track, and a delightful girl-group-styled ditty possible not to be awed, and it seems a
song would be fun to do again. It's so good. I called "Carotay" which is ripe for recutting), certainty that this supremely gifted man will
can see why it wasn't a hit, though. A little holds up extremely well today and is one o f continue to create musical monuments in the
too 'pop'-oriented [presumably in the sense the best rock B roll albums o f the fallow early future.]
o f MOR-pop], isn't it? 70's.


"Consolation Prize" issued in limited quantities to
fan club members
LP: Love Me By Name - A & M 1464
Note: on Greatest Hits several songs are different
versions than on the 45's
Doug Brown - Swingin' Sue/Blue Night - Checker


Bad Apple/You Satisfy Me - Pilgrimage - Mercury
Light Bulb - The Five Kings - Columbia 43060
A in't Gonna Eat Out my Heart Anymore - NY Public
Library - Columbia 7684(E)
Lori Burton - Yeh Yeh Yeh/W ho Are You? -

Bob Moline - Beatle Stomp - Charger 100

LP: Blue Beats - The Beatle Beat - A.A. 133
LP: Mersey Boys - 15 Beatle Songs - Vee Jay 1101
(as Jackie Dee)
8-58 Buddy/Strolypso Dance Liberty 55148
How W rong Was / Be True Gone 5008
(as Jackie Shannon & the Cajuns)
?-59 Just Another Lie/Cajun Blues Sage 290
You can expect a lot of changes in 1977, Cryan Shames - Up on the Roof/The Sailing Ship - Dot 15928, Fraternity 836
Columbia 44457 ?-59 Trouble/Lies Sand 330,Dot 15980
as far as BOMP is concerned. The appear (as Jackie DeShannon)
Flock - Mermaid/Crabfoot - Columbia 45295
ance and quality will continue to improve, of Ides of March - Nobody Loves Me/Strawberry Sun 9- 72 Sweet Sixteen/Speak Out to MeAtlantic 2919
course, and we also hope to be able to day- Kapp992 12-73 You're Still Gonna Be My Star/Your Baby is
Ides of March - Hot Water/Heavy on the Country - a Lady - Atlantic 2994
announce national distribution and a much LP: Songs o f Jackie DeShannon, Jim m y Holiday Et
RCA 0052
more frequent schedulebi-monthly if pos Mauds - Hold On/C'mon and Move - Merc. 72694 Eddie Reeves - UAMG 108 (publishers demo)
sible. There will also be big news in the Mauds - You Must Believe Me/He Will Break Your 6-75 LP: Very Best o f - United Artists UA-LA-434
Heart - Mercury 72760 (possible Jackie DeShannon records)
coming months from BOMP Records, and Sharon Lee - No Deposit,No Return/Kissing Game
plenty of surprises. So, stay tuned, and tell Mauds - You Made Me Feel Bad - Merc. 72720
Mauds - Only Love Can Save You/Sgt. Sunshine Rendezvous 401
your friends: this is where it's happening. New Colony Six - People & Me/Ride the Wicked Sherry Lee Myers - releases on Glenn, Marvel
(songs written by Jackie DeShannon)
As you can tell, we're still experiment Wind - Mercury 73063
Too Far Out - also done by the Impac - CBS (E)
ing heavily with the format. Although BOMP Oscar & Majesties - Top Eliminator - Score 1005
Ronnie Rice - I Know/W ho's the New Girl - (with Jimmy Page)
will always be concerned with rock history, MGM 13153 In My Time of Sorrow/I Know You're Missing Her
there is less historical trivia and more cover Seeds of Reason - I'm Your True Love/Somewhere - Gay Shingleton - Reprise 0385
__ There's a Girl - Lakeside 1982 (with Sharon Sheeley)
age of current events. My policy has been Dream of the Year -.Jim m y Elledge - RCA 8355
Turfits - Losin' One/lf It's Love You W ant - Capitol
that we would never write about anything 2018 Don't Put Your Heart in His Hand - Ral Donner -
new unless it was as good as the old records LESLEY GORE _ Reprise 20,176
Immortality/Give it to Me Sweet Thing - A&M 1510 Carrying a Torch - Wynona Carr - Reprise 20,201
we all love, and I couldn't be more delighted Jimmy Baby: I Shook the World - Bob B. Soxx &
Sometimes/Give it to Me,Sweet Thing - A&M 1829
that music of that caliber is once again being That's the Way Boys Are/That's the Way the Ball Blue Jeans - Philles LP 4002
made. If there is indeed to be a worldwide Bounces - Mercury 72259 1continued on p. 62]
resurgence of the rock & roll spirit, I'd like
BOMP to serve as its focal point. So keep
sending those letters, let us know what's

Are You Getting It

going on in your part of the world, share
those local records with us, and of course we
always welcome your suggestions.

Get BOMP delivered to your door for BOMP RECORDS
three years at a price off the regular The BOMP label has several releases
rate, a bigger saving than ever before. No which will be of interest to all rock & roll
UKATA 6 more wondering if you've already sent
your cash, no more pestering your local
fans and collectors:
outlet to see if they've got the new issue 101 Flamin' Groovies - You Tore Me
A b l A yet As a subscriber, you get it faster,
cheaper, and more reliably.
Down/Him or Me
102 Wackers - Tonite/Captain Nemo
BOMP subscribers also receive many 103 Poppees - If She Cries/Love of the
fringe benefits. You'll receive, absolutely Loved
CHICAGO ROCK free, our regular auction & set sale lists 104 EP: The Choir - rare unreleased
DUNWICH PRODUCTIONS for rare records, you'll have access to our 105 EP: John Mendelsohn's The Pits
Shadows of Knight - My Fire Dept. Needs a Fireman mail-order service which provides a
/Taurus - Super K 8 complete spectrum of products for the BOMP 45's are $2 each. EP's are $3 each,
LP: Blackwood Apology - House o f Leather -
Fontana 67591
rock fan, and you'll get the special and they come with heavy picture covers
Dunwich 164 - Knaves - Inside Outside/Your Stuff mailings that go out to our subscribers
DESTINATION RECORDS from time to time.
607 - Kane & Abel
611 - Sweet Nothings - Cry Baby Cry/Baby Please
618 - Valiants - Tell Me Tell Me
627 - Boyz - Hard Times All Over BO M P, P.O. Box 7112, Burbank, CA. 91510 ^
106 - Ronnie Rice & Gents - La-Do-Da-Da/Warm
113 - Ralph Marterie - Masquerade Baby I like your offer and have checked the appropriate box:
713 - Frankie Gem - Crystal Rock 8-issue subscription - $8 ($10 Canada & overseas)
890 - Trafalgar Square - Til the End of the Day/lt's Send record lists. I ll subscribe later.
a Shame Girl Send Bomp records (listed on separate sheet)
901 - Affluents - Get Ready/Tom's Song
I enclose___________ total.
6904 - Dick Biondi - Knock Knock/Pizza Song
n P IO - R n n n iQ A w /x r

Name__ __ A g e .
Angelo's Angels - Spring Cleaning/Tomorrow -
Ermine 55 (local top 20 hit) Address . . Z I P __
Blue Angels - Shake a Tail Feather/Dance W ith Me i
,. Lynda - Cap 077 C ity ------ . State_
Buckinghams - LP: Portraits - Col. CS 9598
Cave Dwellers - Run Around/You Know W hy -
Jim-Ko 41085


satisfied! Arena Magazine Co, Box 61-B, Fraser, Original British beat 45s, EPs, obscurities galore.
Mich. 48026. Many at under $1. Plus 50s REtR etc. ClJ&qk out our
famous .50 and .35 specials. Thousandd|!|o! choose
METAL RECORDS: Prices include airmailing. from. Largest selection of mint discs. Lowest prices.
Shakin' Stevens Er Sunsets EP Sexy Ways $4 Send 2 Inti. Reply Coupons for current (ists and see
Shakin' Stevens45 "Rockabilly Earthquake" $4 what you're missing. Star Records, 280 Neasham
Sean Tyler & his Gang 45 "Amsterdam Dog" $4 Rd, Darlington, Co. Durham, England.
Count Biships 45 "It A in 't Easy" $4 __
Eddie Er Hotrods 45 "W ooly Bully" $3 BUDDY HOLLY: His Life and Music. '[Thorough,
Eddie Er Hotrods 45 "W riting on the W all" $3 fascinating portrait" S.F. Chronicle, "[jifie definit
Beatles Live at Shea 2-EP set (rare) $15 ive biography" New Musical ''This is
Many Shocking Blue, Tee Set & other Dutch group REAL, don't miss it!" Record Exchanger. Com
releases at $8 a copy. Accept cash (registered) or plete discography, photos. $3.95 paperback, $9.95
U j L Inti. Postal Cheques only (no IMO unless you add $3 hardback, autographed. John Goldfbisen, 26
extgra). Bartlett St, Apt. 6, Brockton, Mass. 02401.
METAL RECORDS, PO Box 10.032,Utrecht,Holland
FOR SALE: The Japanese Rolling Stones LP
[Classified ads are available at the rate o f 25 cents Elton John Discography. Printed. 5th edition. 30 entitled Early HitsOldies But Goodids,; London
per word, not including address. Send ad with pay pages. Information on over 500 listings Er records. label, with words to the songs. $8.00. V^rite for free
ment to PO Box 712, Burbank, CA. 91510. The Covers 1966 to 1976. American, British & foreign listing of imported Stones discs for i?gle. Steve
publisher makes no guarantee as to the reliability o f releases, label variations, related artists, Rocket Johnson, Box 2373-A, Milwaukee, Wis<b.j:53212.
any advertiser. Use your discretion.] Records, American chart action, illustrations, song
writing career, more. Very complete. $5.00 Auctions: Rock, rhythm reissues. Send y lu f wants,
FOR SALE: The Beach Boys 7-inch, 33% Capitol postpaid. Goodbye Productions, Paul Sobieski, auctions. Jim Clarke, 1570134 Cornuta, Bellflower,
jukebox EP, entitled Best o f the Beach Boys. 2111 Possum Creek Rd, Houston, TX 77017. CA 90706. t
Contains "Surfin U SA", "W endy", "Surfer Girl",
"Fun Fun Fun", "Catch a W ave" and "In My Free Catalog: Thousands of early rare oddities from Wanted: Your name, so I can send you my 60s
Room." This disc is playable on any phonograph. the 50s, 60s & 70s. Rock & roll, novelty, rockabilly, auction list. No minimumsno ripoffs. Specializing
Mint condition. $5.00 each. Steve Johnson, PO Box blues, instrumentals, popular - 45s, 78s t LPs. Mike in weird, obscure. W. Patrick Ernst, 4#85 SW 43
2372-A, Milwaukee, Wise. 53212. Valle, Box 538-W, Springfield, VA 22150. Terrace, Ft. Lauderdale, FLA. 33314 !; [ '

AUCTION: Yardbirds, Keith West, Creation, Beau LIVE TAPES: For sale, trade. 60s, 70s TV, FM TIRED OF COLLECTING? Or just need cash? Before
Brummels, Mighty Baby, many British groups and concerts, interviews. Also Firesign Theatre. Credi you sell your collection to the junkman or donate it
others. Many rare items. Send Inti. Reply Coupon bility Gap radio shows '71. Send stamp for lists to the Goodwill, let us make an offer. As the world's
for lists. Heinz Kogel, Lange Str. 44, 2880 Brake, W. (cassette only). Brian Izen, 1931 Washington Ave, largest dealer of 60s and 70s rarities (we also handle
Germany. Santa Monica, CA 90403. good 50s rock) BOMP can give you the best price
---------- ----------- ---- jr;------------------------------- for your collection. So before you sell, send us a list
Mint albums for sale: Beck.Bogert & Appice -Live Free auction list: Punk, surf, rockabilly, rock Ef b and we'll make you a good offer. BOMP, Box 7112,
in Japan (2-LPs) -$30; Flamin' Groovies - Teenage John Jackson, Box 724, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Burbank, CA 91510.
Head -$8, Flamingo -$7; Lori Burton - Breakout -$6;
Longbranch Pennywhistle - $8; Ivy League - Tossing GREAT SOUNDS OF THE SIXTIES: High Quality VKOZA OKHQ JZLNB! Auction/sale/tr&de: 60's,
& Turning - $7; ? & Mysterians - 96 Tears -$6, Reproductions. 001 KENNY Et THE CADETS some other, 45's, LPs, stuff. Obscurities and
Action -$6. Add .60 postage. Gary Rosenowitz, 902 "B arbie'V 'W hat is a Young Girl Made O f" (Randy) cheeze. Free list. Michael Churchman, 227 W. Cook
East 56 St, Brooklyn, NY 11234. - very rare,first BEACH BOYS disc. 002 SPADES St, Santa Maria, a 93454. j
"You're Gonna Miss M e "/"W e Sell Soul" (Zero) -
FREE! Auction Er Set Sale lists to serious collectors. pre-13th Floor Elevators ROKY ERICKSON great Live 60's tapes/backstage photos! Beach Boys,
Truly high-quality material. Some of the rarest & punk-rocker! 003 SEEDS "Shuckin' & J iv in g "/" Raiders, Byrds, Monkees, Simon-Garfunkel, Elvis,,
best. Foreign issues, rockabilly, etc. Craig Moerer, "You Took Me By Surprise" (Productions Unlimit Spoonful, Doors, Who, Airplane, Rock specials,
ed) - very obscure Et mysterious release, probably Hullabaloo, etc. Send 50 cents cash/,stamps for
Box 13247-W, Portland, OR 97213. from '68, great record!! TO ORDER: US and Canada details: RJL, 7047 Franklin #204, LA,. CA 90028.
send $3.00 per item, plus 40 cents postage.
Nazz; Nazz Nazz; Nazz III. Excellent condition. $25 Overseas, send one IRC for details. Dealer inquiries
each. Wayne Gately, 2116 Third Ave, Sacramento, invited. INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS, P.O. BOX RARE RECORDINGS: Beatles, Beach BoySs, Elton,
CA 95818. 38176, Hollywood, CA 90038. Springsteen, British Invasion, CSNY, T|V rock,
Spector interview, much more. Specify your
W ANT D: Info on SRC, Personal interest, not deal UNDERGROUND LPS: Rare unreleased live Et interests. Send SASE or 25 cents in stamps or coin.
er. Mom,2705 Lancashire # 7,Cleveland,OH 44106. studio recordings: Patti Smith, Roxy, Stones, 'Cassettes only. Leaf, 1546 S. Saltair Ave # 7, West
Beatles, Queen, Dylan, Springsteen, etc. Largest LA, CA 90025. ' ji
Large record sale to be held in 3 parts. 1000's of selection anywhere. Original movie posters 1930's
present, rock collectibles, etc. Catalog 50 cents. Hard-to-find soundtracks, disco and rockj Sbme set
items from the '50s to 70s. 45s, picture sleeves, 45
Comix-Records Store, Box 2037-A, Springfield, VA price. Periodic auctions. Send $1.00 for auction list.
and 33% EPs. Albums and lots of Elvis,Beatles, 22152. The Vinyl Junkie, Box 3598, LA, CA 90028.
Beach Boys, Stones and much much more. Artists
fromA-Z. Rock, soul Et country. If interested send
SASE to Steve Bates, Box 13608, Portland, OR

WANTED: "W ho Do You Love" and "You're Tuff

Enough" by The Misunderstood on UK Fontana. New York right now is the worlds #1 hotbed of rock & roll, and now theres a maga
Top dollar paid! Dave Gnerre, 17111 Seville, zine devoted to chronicling this exciting scene in its most fascinating detail. N ew . ;
Fontana, CA 92335. Y o r k R o c k e r takes you where i t s all happeningM a x s Kansas City, CBGB, the 82
Cluband makes you a part of it all. Find out who was at the parties, see exclusive
For sale: Elvis records, covers, promos, movie items, photos of all the groups and the fabulous people that make the whole scene happen;
etc. Send your wants Er SASE. Also interested in
buying Elvis items. Anna Labbate, Box 1233, NY Read all the latest gossip, enjoy the many contests and fan-
10008. features, stay up-to-date on the new music thats becoming
the rock & roll of tomorrow! I t s all here!!
WANTED: In good condition - will pay reasonable N e w Y o r k R o c k e r is put together by the
prices. Albums: Baby D on't Go and In Case You're
In Love - Sonny & Cher; Beach Blanket Bingo - cream of N Y s scene-makers. Editor
soundtrack; any Shangri-Las albums. 45s: "Tender" Alan Betrock is a BOMB con
Diane Renay, "You've Got to be Loved" Montanas tributing editor and former editor
Also any pictures or articles on Sha Na Na. Carol
Williams, 2119 E. Cedar St, Allentown, PA 18103 of J a m z and R o c k M a r k e tp la c e . N Y
R o c k e r is equally destined to become
WANTED: Rare, live recordings, particularly West a collectors item, as the scene grows
Coast and country rock; CSNY (& solo), Steely and becomes part of rock history.
Dan, Eagles, Byrds, Gram Parsons, Jackson Get in on the ground floor now
Browne, Runaways, etc... I have many to exchange
or sell. Send lists. I'm also interested in auction/set be a part of history in the making.
sale record lists. Dave Farrell, 53 Lumley Rd,
Redcar, Cleveland County, T510 2AZ, England.
N E W Y O R K RO CKER, 888 8th Ave; N Y
If you like record collecting, you'll love Goldmine,
the Record Collector's Marketplace. Articles/fea- 10019
tures on all phases of music; R&B,rockabilly,punk,
surf,Elvis,Beatles. Regular columnists include Steve
Propes, Ronny Weiser, Mitch McGeary, Pete
Please send me the next 6 issues of '.
R o c k e r for $6. [o v e r s e a s $8]
Grendysa, more! And more record collectors ad
vertise in Goldmine than in any other publication.
Our last issue had over 10,000 records offered by Nam e___________________
more than 100 collectors! It's all assembled in a Address_________________
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Sample copy $1.00 (first class). Subscription: $2 for
4 issues. $3 for 6. Your money back if you're not i - J


cendent pop like "D o n 't Let the Sun Go the demo tapes that are going around. Most
1Time is on our Side Down on Me." Even bad-ass Grand Funk
proved they could go pop with the superb
of them are crap of course, but occasionally I
hear things that have great potential, only the
[continued from p. 5] "Bad Time." artist/songwriter has no idea how to get his
stream was discovered and, for about 18, The overall increase in quality pop and rock material heard. A case in point is George
months, worked energetically: Heavy Metal. & roll is getting hard to ignore. For every Baurle, whose "For You" is a fine pop rocker
Regardless of its often inhuman decibel level, bombastic Neil Diamond single and every that someone like Johnny Rivers could have
disco hit, there are two good records being an easy hitwith.You can reach George at 117
Metal, as practiced by Zep. early Alice
cut by new acts or acts you may have given Granite St., Westerly, R.l. 02891. In future
Cooper, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and
issues, if the response warrants it, I'll review
Grand Funk, had its moments. (As a up on. The fact that good records are
briefly other tapes sent by aspiring song
subgenre, its proximity to minimal punkrock becoming available again means that they'll
writers or singers or whatever. If you've got a
can't be overestimated, ie. Stooges, MC5, eventually shoulder themselves onto radio, band, don't be. afraid to get in touch with
Shadows of Knight and any number of into the hearts of audiences. No matter how these people directly. And if you, or anyone
Velvets-Doors-Standells-influenced groups.) disparate, all these sidesfrom Springsteen you know, has put out a record indepen
Metals bright flame burned out quicky, to the Modern Lovers, from "Mama M ia" to dently, please do send us a copy and if it's
however, leaving the blues-based outfits to the dozen home-made singles that have any good we guarantee national exposure.
complete the torturous task of grinding Hard come out of New York and Boston the last 6
into Heavy. The proliferation of thick guitar monthsare restoring a focus to rock & roll;
groups fronted by husky, 35-year-old singers
(Bad Co., Nazareth) has brought hard rock 'n'
a focus both in terms of musical structure,
and in terms of working closely off of sturdy
roll to its knees in the nid-'70s, a condition roots, particularly those which have gone MAJMN & WEIL
untapped or have been buried under a BARRY MANN RECORDINGS
ripe for improvement. The antidotes will
7-76 The Princess and the Punk - Arista 0194
almost surely be administered in the coming decade of senseless indulgence and high CYNTHIA WEIL RECORDINGS
months by bands like Television, the Planets, artifice. (as Miss Prim & the Classroom Kids)
the Ramones, perhaps Talking Heads or a It may not be "all coming back," but a 1-63 The Toddle/Miss Prim's Theme - Amy 872
reformed Heartbreakers, or solid, Velvets- statement like "Rock's best years are yet to MANN COMPOSITIONS WITHOUT WEIL
with-vision acts like Boston's Marc Thor and come" is beginning to look like a valid, 1-60 In the Fall - Brooks Arthur - Carlton 526
accurate rejoinder to "It'll never be as good ?-61 Movie Star [Mann Hunter) Donnie Dean
Fox Pass. It's already getting dark out and the Apt 25082
streets should soot} be alive. as it was." 1964 will never come again but ? I Play the Part of a Fool [Mann-Hunter]
Likely to be a factor in a rock resurgence is neither will 1971 or 1976 and, with any luck at Rocky Hart - GLO 5216
m a n n -w eil SONGS - additional cover versions
radio. Now for the most part the sole all, we'll never have to listen to "W oodstock" 7-62 Before I Loved Her - Johnny Maestro-UA 474
broadcast domain of hard, heavy rock, FM O r "Love to Love You Baby" ever again. Soul & Inspiration - Pigeons - Wand LP 687
radio was originally designed as an alternative ?-65 She's Sure the Girl I Love - Fortunes - Decca
LP 4597(E)
to constricted Top 40 formats. In defining its ?-66 Looking Through the Eyes of Love - Fortunes
scope over some 8 years, however, FM has - Press LP 83002
10-67 Where Have You Been - Villagers - Atco 6517
continued to address itself to an increasingly ?-70 Feelings - Fortunes - WP-LP 21904
limited audiencebasically 18-26 year-old ?-76 We're Over - Sheri Jarrell - Private Stock 048
males, the ones who buy Kiss and Zep, but
also Wakeman and Gentle Giant and Royal Aircoach - Wondering Why/Web of Love -
"progressive country. In doing so, FM has _ Flying Machine Records 8868
tightened up as much as the AM it sought to Trans-Atlantic Subway - Servant of the People/
J U N I O R ________
Winter Snow - Lightfoot 100,333/4
counter. Conservative, possessed of the Rogues - Next Guy/Faves on the Wall - Waverly 108
power to break acts and mired in a fading Lost Legend - Love Flight/Yes I'm Ready -Onyx6901
[continued from p. 471
'counterculture' viewpoint, FM is beginning Children of the Night - World of Tears/Don't Cry
Little Girl - Bella 101 (Saybrook, CT)
to look like the format with limited vision. at $2.50 a shot; you w on't be disappointed. The 5: PM - Auburn Red/How Many Days - Ace 179
In the' meantime, AM, long-criticized but One not to be misxsed is an EP by Joe Alan Burns & the Ushers - Whirlpool/Lion in Love
_ - Tuesday 11/12
actually the grandparent of rock radio, is Viglione, which comes with an elaborate Psychopaths - Till the Stroke of Dawn/See the
emerging as the dynamic force. Intent on sleeve, liner notes, photos and more. "The Girl - David Lloyd Presents 201,438/9
satisfying a wider audience than FM (a Morn of the Confrontation is like Question Ascots - I Need You/Knock on Wood - Super 105
Mark & the Mysterians meets the Seeds, with LP: Swallow - Out of the Nest - WB 2606 (Vern
particularly acute problem for AM now is the Miller of the Remains)
loss of teens), Top 30 is beginning to take protest lyrics and Jefferson Airplane har
monies. "Whiskey Mama" is the Leaves MISCELLANEOUS
more shots, move faster. AM is hot, popular; SEEDS
it's given us Abba, the Bay City Rollers, a crossed with H.P. Lovecraft and a bit of the Little Ritchie Marsh - Goodby/Crying Inside My
Shadows of Knight. "The Salt Water H eart-A va 122 ('62?)
rejuvenated Bee Gees and a ready-to-rock INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS
Summers" could be Jonathan Richman on 105 - Kathy Clarke - My Summer Prayer/Little Girl
Beach Boys, Henry Gross, Thin Lizzy, good the beach at Malibu. The Weakest cut is Called Sad
sides by the Carpenters, the Four Seasons, "J o d i", which sounds like one of those Nico JUKEBOX JURY JR.
the Hollies, the Eagles and Elton. songs on the first Velvets album. This EP Bob & Sheri (first Brian Wilson record) B-side is
Unlike rock 'n' roll (which in its purest form "H um pty Dum pty", not "Young Girl" as listed
costs $1.50 from 39 Beverly Rd., Arlington, DUTCH ROCK
is more impulsive), pop music has cherished Mass 02174 and is well worth it. Motions - It's Gone - Congress 237 (A)
certain values for a long tine. Perhaps A few New York items worth mentioning.
because commercial pressure is greater, pop [Thanks to J e ff Lem/ich,Chris Peake,Lee Wood,Jim
The Hounds is a band featuring rock critic Duffey,Steve Bennett,Ed Bangs,Bernie,Dave Ger-
has maintained its standards, adhered to a Steve Simels on guitar. "On the Road" is a m ardfM ark Ddick,Bruce Edeison,Brian Hogg,Doug
handful of virtues for upwards of 20 years: pretty good imitation of Dave Edmunds doing Hinman,Danny Benair,Gary Tibbs,Brent Hosier,
Crescenzo Capece,Gary Reese,David She!by,Paul
the emphasis is on melody, brevity of Chuck Berry. "Qall Me", the A-side, is Bezanker,Wolfgang Weissbrodt,Kevin Walsh,Nick
statement and conciseness of arrangement. excellent New York punk pop. Order some Duruta,Jack Fitzpatrick,Bob Westfall,Doug Kibble,
If an artist expects big success and longevity, copies from Steve c/o Stereo Review, 1 Park George Praetzmann, George Maier]
he'd best be prepared to play the hit single Ave, NY 10016.
game. As time goes on, there are fewer and Someone has gathered 4 ot the early
fewer acts who can sustain a career without things Lou Reed and John Cale did before
paying attention to that game's rules. joining the Velvets in groups with names
All of which means that, no matter how like the Primitives and the Roughnecks. It's
'far out' or tangential a pose an artist really marvelous to hear the familiar
succeeds with initially, sooner or la te r- smacked-out voice and guitar singing about
surfing in Pasadena, or doing a dance called
through natural growth or artificial means
the Ostrich which involves burying your head P H O N O G R A P H R E C O R D S E R V IC E a n d L IB R A R Y
(coupling himself with hot singles material 1160 N. H ig hlan d Ava., HoOywood, C a. 9 00 9
in the dirt. To get the originals of these would 465-0465 / 272-1651
and a wily producer) he's going to gravitate cost a fortune, but you can get the EP, with
toward the pop aesthetic. Elton's early, picture cover and liner notes, from BOMP Write for information and request cards
long-winded poetics have given way to dont send requests now.
at $3.25.
delightful disposables like "Island Girl" and No one's done this before, but this might The most complete service for out-of-print
Don't Go Breaking My Heart" and trans not be a bad time to start reviewing some of and obscure sound recordings.


How much
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If the questions youve been asking yourself and friends are still unanswered; get into this comprehensive new series of
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Carole King by Mitchell S. Cohen. Though Carole Kings music has been a part of us all since the late fifties, few know
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