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International Journal of Obesity (2003) 27, 875888

& 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0307-0565/03 $25.00

Integrative physiology of human adipose tissue
1 1 1 2 3
KN Frayn *, F Karpe , BA Fielding , IA Macdonald and SW Coppack

1 2
Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology
and Metabolism, University of Oxford, UK; University of Nottingham Medical
School, Nottingham, UK; and St Bartholomews and the Royal London School of Medicine, London, UK

Adipose tissue is now recognised as a highly active metabolic and endocrine organ. Great strides have been made in
uncovering the multiple functions of the adipocyte in cellular and molecular detail, but it is essential to remember that adipose
tissue normally operates as a structured whole. Its functions are regulated by multiple external influences such as autonomic
nervous system activity, the rate of blood flow and the delivery of a complex mix of substrates and hormones in the plasma.
Attempting to understand how all these factors converge and regulate adipose tissue function is a prime example of
integrative physiology. Adipose tissue metabolism is extremely dynamic, and the supply of and removal of substrates in the
blood is acutely regulated according to the nutritional state. Adipose tissue possesses the ability to a very large extent to
modulate its own metabolic activities, including differentiation of new adipocytes and production of blood vessels as necessary
to accommodate increasing fat stores. At the same time, adipocytes signal to other tissues to regulate their energy
metabolism in accordance with the bodys nutritional state. Ultimately adipocyte fat stores have to match the bodys overall
surplus or deficit of energy. This implies the existence of one (or more) signal(s) to the adipose tissue that reflects the bodys
energy status, and points once again to the need for an integrative view of adipose tissue function.
International Journal of Obesity (2003) 27, 875888. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802326

Keywords: adipose tissue; integrative physiology; fat balance; blood flow; autonomic innervation; secretory activity

the multitude of factors that integrate to regulate adipocyte

Introduction metabolism in vivo. Trying to understand the regulation of adipose
Over the past decade, remarkable strides have been made in tissue function is therefore a prime example of integrative physiology.
recognising the complex nature of the adipocyte as a secretory cell as
well as a site of the regulation of energy storage. Many informative In this review we have attempted to illustrate the complex-ity of
studies have been performed with cultured adipocytes. However, adipose tissue function, with an emphasis on the dynamic nature of
there are some aspects of adipose tissue function that require a more this tissue. Our aim is not to duplicate the many excellent reviews that
integrative approach to their study. The regulation of adipose tissue have been written recently about adipocytes, but rather to bring
metabolism in vivo, for instance, must involve the activity of the together those aspects of adipose tissue function that must interact in
autonomic nervous system, the delivery of a complex mixture of vivo for it to fulfil its biological functions. Thus, we will cover some
substrates and hormones to adipose tissue in the plasma, feedback aspects of the regulation of fat storage and mobilisation; the
from autocrine and paracrine effectors secreted by adipocytes and regulation of adipose tissue blood flow and the role of adipose tissue
also blood flow through adipose tissue. All of these influences are innervation; some aspects of the secretory functions of adipose tissue
likely to change with time and nutritional state. In addition, factors as they relate to regulation of fat balance; and finally, to demonstrate
such as leptin secreted by adipocytes may feed back to other bodily the integrative nature of adipose tissue function, possible oscillatory
systems to regulate energy balance. It seems unlikely that cellular or behaviour of the adipose tissue mass. Our review builds upon our
molecular studies of adipocytes will ever be able to elucidate joint experiences of studying human adipose tissue function in vivo.

*Correspondence: Dr KN Frayn, Oxford Lipid Metabolism Group, Oxford

Centre for Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism, Churchill Hospital, Old Regulation of fat stores
Road, Oxford OX3 7LJ, UK.
E-mail: [email protected] The regulation of whole-body fat stores illustrates the complex nature
Received 1 November 2002; revised 5 March 2003; of adipose tissue integrative physiology.
accepted 9 March 2003

Integrative physiology of human adipose tissue KN Frayn et al

International Journal of Obesity
Glycogen stores are small in relation to energy throughput, and
adipose tissue triacylglycerol (TG) is therefore the long-term
repository for excess energy. The amount of TG stored within
adipocytes must be an accurate reflection of the imbalance
between energy intake and energy expenditure, integrated over a
long period. The TG store of adipocytes in turn reflects the net
balance between fat deposition and fat mobilisation. The
pathways of fat storage and mobilisation in adipocytes are
therefore regulated in accordance with whole-body energy
balance. Recent studies demonstrate that this is indeed the case,
and give insights into the mechan-isms of this regulation.

The individual pathways of TG deposition and TG

mobilisation and their regulation have been reviewed in detail
elsewhere. In human adipose tissue, the capacity for de novo
lipogenesis (DNL) appears to be low, and the contribution of
DNL generally to metabolism appears not to be significant
except perhaps under conditions of over-feeding with a high-
carbohydrate diet. There is one report that considerable whole-
body DNL during carbohydrate overfeeding did not occur in the
liver, suggesting adipose tissue as a likely site. However, during
normal, eucaloric conditions it seems that most of the TG
deposited in adipose tissue arises from the pathway mediated by
lipoprotein lipase (LPL)Fhydrolysis of circulating lipoprotein-
TG, followed by uptake of the fatty acids, and esterification to
glycerol 3-phosphate. Both the activities of adipose tissue LPL
and the pathway of esterification are stimulated by insulin,
leading to a very energy-efficient pathway for storage of dietary
TG in the postprandial period. Increased adipose tissue blood
flow (ATBF) in the postprandial period may also be involved,
and is discussed below. Net fat storage must also be regulated on
a site-specific basis by steroid hormones (glucocorticoids and sex
steroids), reviewed below. Recently, a novel stimulator of the
pathway of fat deposition has been identified, the 76-amino-acid
peptide, acylation-stimulating protein (ASP). ASP was initially
recognised as an activity in plasma that stimulated fatty acid
esterification in adipose tissue. Later it was found to be
identical to the peptide C3a-desarg, a known product of the
interaction of components B, C 3 and D of the alternative
complement pathway. Component D had already been identified
as a major protein expressed in adipocytes, initially called
adipsin, and it had been recognised that all these three
components were produced by adipocytes. The production of
ASP in vitro is stimulated by the presence of chylomicrons, and
its production by adipose tissue in vivo increases in the
postprandial period, giving ASP a potential role in coordination
of postprandial fat storage. However, physio-logical importance
in humans remains unclear at present.

The pathway of fat mobilisation is exquisitely sensitive to

suppression by insulin. The half-maximal insulin concentra-tion
for suppression of fat mobilisation in humans is around 90
pmol/l, whereas that for glucose production is around 200
pmol/l. When insulin is infused to moderately high
physiological concentrations, there is therefore complete
normal fat mass, but this is achieved by upregulation of de novo
fatty acid synthesis. Diacylglcyerol acyltransferase (DGAT) is
suppression of nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) release from subcutaneous the terminal enzyme in TG deposition whatever the source of the
18 fatty acids. There are two isoforms of DGAT, DGAT1 and
adipose tissue. This is brought about by a dual action, inhibition of
DGAT2, both expressed in white adipose tissue. Adipose tissue
hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) by dephosphorylation, and stimulation of
the re-esterification of fatty acids by the pathway described earlier. fat storage is reduced but not absent in mice deficient in
Stimulation of fat mobilisation requires activation of HSL by DGAT1. Energy balance in these mice is attained, despite an
3 increase in energy intake, by an increase in energy
phosphoryla-tion, and involves increased gene transcription in the longer
19 28,29
term. Phosphorylation of HSL by protein kinase A is accompanied by expenditure. Murine adipocytes lacking HSL are enlarged.
translocation of HSL from the adipocyte cytosol to the surface of the lipid They display normal basal lipolytic activity, suggesting that other
droplet and also by phosphorylation of perilipin, a protein that appears lipases may play
to coat the lipid droplet and to move away upon stimulation, to allow HSL
access. Acute activation of lipolysis, via perilipin and HSL
phosphorylation, may be brought about by catecholamines acting through a role, but catecholamine stimulation of lipolysis is severely
b-adrenergic receptors, although in the situation of overnight fasting, reduced. Mice lacking perilipin are lean, but their
when lipolysis increases steadily, b-adrenergic stimulation appears not to adipocytes display elevated basal lipolysis and, again, impaired
21 32
be involved; progressive removal of insulin inhibition may be more catecholamine stimulation. These findings ac-cord with the
important. Overnight secretion of growth hormone and the morning rise view that phosphorylation of both HSL and perilipin is important
23 for catecholamine stimulated lipolysis. Neutral lipases present in
in cortisol play additional modula-tory roles. Atrial natriuretic peptide
24 the cell may take over the role of HSL in basal lipolysis, and may
has been suggested as an activator of HSL, but its physiological
even to some extent be stimulated by catecholamines because
importance remains uncertain.
access to the fat droplet will be allowed when phosphorylated
perilipin moves away.

The aim of this brief description of the pathways of fat

These pathways have been further elucidated recently using data from
deposition and mobilisation, summarised in Figure 1, is not to be
human genetics and from genetic manip-ulations in animals. Clearly, fat
comprehensive, but rather to show that a multiplicity of hormonal
deposition can still occur in the absence of LPL, because it has long been
known that patients with complete LPL deficiency have relatively normal and neural influences may be involved. The adipocyte regulates
25,26 how much fat it will store, partly
adipocytes. Mice lacking LPL specifically in adipose tissue have
released from adipocyte lipolysis. Production of ASP (an adipocyte-
derived stimulator of fat storage) represents one way in which the
adipocyte may regulate how much fat it takes up. The opposing pathway,
lipolysis of adipocyte TG, is again a function of the adipocyte. In order to
regulate how much fat to store and mobilise, the adipocyte must respond
to signalling mechanisms. If fat storage is impaired, for instance in the
situation of DGAT deficiency, then other pathways come into play to
maintain energy balance (in that case, increased energy expenditure
including an increase in physical activity ). The integrative nature of
adipose tissue physiology is apparent.

While individual adipocytes may expand or contract by the pathways

described in this section, at some point in the process of fat storage there
is a need for more adipocytes. The differentiation of new adipocytes is
regulated by many factors in common with the pathway of fat deposition.

Figure 1 Multiple influences on net fat storage in adipocytes. In general

insulin stimulates net fat deposition. Other influences may be site-specific, for Adipocyte differentiation
example, cortisol probably has net anabolic effects in some adipose depots
and net catabolic in others, or dependent upon other factors such as receptor Preadipocytes, fibroblast-like cells present in the stromal-vascular fraction
expression or concentration, for example, catecholamines may stimulate fat of adipose tissue, can differentiate to form mature adipocytes and this
mobilisation via b-adrenoceptors or inhibit via a-adrenoceptors. Lipolysis is 34
capacity is present throughout life. The topic of fat cell differentiation
activated via phosphorylation of both HSL and perilipin, which coats the fat 3537
droplet. ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide, FA, fatty acids; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; has been covered in detail elsewhere, but one important point will be
TG, triacylglycerol; TRL, TG-rich lipoproteins. emphasised here. The signal for differentiation of new adipocytes is
related to nutritional state. Important stimuli

through its own gene products. LPL in the adipose tissue

capillaries, itself a product of adipocyte gene expression,
generates a surplus of fatty acids, and the adipocyte takes up and
esterifies a proportion of these: the remainder mix with NEFAs
Integrative physiology of human adipose tissue adipocytes, there is now considerable evidence that apopto-sis is
KN Frayn et al 48,49
also involved in the turnover of adipocytes. The
877 subject of adipocyte apoptosis has been reviewed previously in
for differentiation include insulin and fatty acids. Fatty this journal and we will not cover it in more detail here.
acids act through members of the peroxisome
proliferator-acti-vated receptor (PPAR) family, PPARd
(also known as fatty acid-activated receptor, FAAR )
and particularly PPARg. The natural ligand for PPARg is
Adipose tissue blood flow
probably a fatty acid derivative.
In addition, Adipose tissue blood flow after an overnight fast is typically
differentiation is regulated by a pathway involving the around 3 ml blood per 100 g tissue per minute, whereas in resting
sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c, skeletal muscle the value is more like 1.5 ml blood per 100 g
also known as adipocyte determination and tissue per minute. Skeletal muscle blood flow can increase
differentiation factor-1, ADD-1), a pathway that in many-fold (perhaps 20-fold) during exercise. Adi-pose tissue
40,41 blood flow is also very labile. In some lean, healthy subjects
adipo-cytes is regulated by insulin. Given that
individual subcutaneous abdominal blood flow
adipocytes can also expand over a very large range as increases several-fold (up to four-fold) in response to a meal
they store more TG, the net effect is that the capacity to (Figure 2). There are similar increases in thigh and
store fat can increase seemingly without limit. forearm adipose tissue blood flow in response to feed-ing.
Expansion of fat stores, especially if differentiation of 60,61
Adipose tissue blood flow also increases during exercise,
new adipocytes is involved, requires new blood vessels.
although the increase is not particularly marked except during
Angio-genesis in adipose tissue appears also to be
very prolonged exercise. Adipose tissue blood flow increases
regulated in part by factors produced within the tissue.
42,43 steadily during the night, presumably reflecting increasing
Leptin has angiogenic properties, and adipocytes 62
duration of fasting. Extending an overnight fast (14 h) fast to
secrete matrix metaloprotei-nases that may be involved 63
44 22 h causes no significant change in flow, but more prolonged
in vascular remodelling. Expression of genes involved
(72 h) fasting increases blood flow further (approximately 1.5-
in angiogenesis is upregulated during weight gain in 64
45,46 fold). Thus, it appears that there is some minimum value for
animals, and inhibition of angiogenesis reduces fat
47 adipose tissue blood flow at rest in a late postprandial state:
deposition in various obesity models in mice. blood flow increases as fasting continues, or when a meal is
eaten, or during exercise. In all these states, the increase in
Situations of negative energy balance involve loss of adipose tissue blood flow may be related to the
adipocyte TG stores. While this involves shrinkage of

International Journal of Obesity

Integrative physiology of human adipose tissue
KN Frayn et al

Figure 3 Parallel increases in adipose

tissue blood flow (open circles, dotted
line) and in TG extraction across adipose
tissue (solid points, solid line) during
Figure 2 Increase in adipose tissue blood 1 1
flow after 75 g oral glucose in five healthy infusion of adrenaline at 25 ng kg min .
subjects. These data represent the five 65
Data are from six healthy subjects.
greatest responders out of 15 subjects
57 57
studied (Reproduced from Karpe et al
with permission).

(reviewed by Frayn and

Macdonald ). In
humans, adrenergic
metabolic activity of the
influences are
tissue. During fasting or predominant, with b-
during exercise, adipose mediated
tissue releases NEFA, and 67
vasodilatation and a2-
requires a supply of plasma mediated vasoconstric-
albumin for transport of 68
tion. These influences
these NEFA into the
may explain the
circulation. After feeding,
increased blood flow
there is a need to increase during fasting or
substrate delivery for TG exercise. Studies in
clearance. When adipose patients with spinal cord
tissue blood flow was lesions suggest that
increased by infusion of circulating
adrenaline, TG extraction catecholamines are more
increased exactly in parallel important in the
65 exercise-induced
with increased blood flow
increase in adipose tissue
(Figure 3), implying that TG blood flow than
extraction is normally limited sympathetic nerve
by substrate delivery. It must 69
activity. The increase
be pointed out that the peak in blood flow following
in adipose tissue blood flow feeding has not been
after eating is early, and does fully explained. Its time
not correspond closely to the course parallels that of
later peak in plasma TG plasma insulin
concentration, so there may 54
be some role for the although insulin itself is
increased postprandial blood not the local signal
flow that we do not yet 56
responsible. The blood
understand. For instance, it flow response to feeding
might serve to deliver a is blocked by
signal, such as insulin, to 58
propranolol infusion
initiate the postprandial (completely in some
increase in LPL activity. depots, partially in
others) suggesting that it
Regulation of adipose is dependent upon
tissue blood flow has been sympathetic activation
studied extensively induced by postprandial
hy-perinsulinaemia. Again,
therefore, the need for an
integrated approach to and secrete angiotensinogen and
studying adipose tissue angiotensin-II, which may relate
function is evident. The to vasomotor control.
global regulation of blood
flow is probably modulated
by locally produced factors Innervation of white
including unbound NEFA, adipose tissue
adeno-sine, nitric oxide and One obvious signalling pathway
prostaglandins. Adipocytes relevant to regulation of net fat
also express deposition would be via the
autonomic nervous system. Both
sympathetic (adrenergic)
(Figure 4) and parasympa-thetic
International Journal of Obesity (cholinergic) activation affect
adipose tissue lipolysis.
There has been little
histological work on the
innervation of human adipose
tissue, so the following
information is based mainly on
work in rats and hamsters. The
similar effects of catecholamines
and adrenoceptor agonists and
antagonists on human and animal
adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo
provide a reasonable indication
that the patterns of innervation
seen in experimental animals also
occur in human white adipose

It has been known for many

years that white adipose tissue is
innervated by the sympathetic
nervous system (SNS).

Figure 4 Stimulation of NEFA release

from adipose tissue during adrenaline
1 1
infusion at 25 ng kg min . Data are
from six healthy subjects.
adipocytes. It has been suggested
that there might be two pools of
adipocytes, only one of which is
However, there has been some innervated, and electron microscopy
controversy as to whether these suggests that only approximately 3%
nerves only terminate on the of adipocytes receive direct
73 75
blood vessels or whether they innervation. If this were the case, it
also synapse with the would not be surprising that some
authors failed to observe innervation
of adipocytes. However, some
preliminary data show more While receptor numbers are
extensive cellular innervation,
probably regulated over periods of
with marked regional differ-
days and weeks, changing local
ences. Histofluorescence and sympathetic activity is a more acute
confocal microscopy were used regulator of adipose tissue activity.
to demonstrate catecholamine- Local noradrenaline spillover from a
containing nerves in direct subcutaneous adipose tissue bed does
contact with adipocytes, taken not change significantly between the
from epididymal, perirenal, over-night fasted state (14 h fast) and
mesenteric and inguinal regions 81
of the rat. The highest level of 22 h fast. In contrast, there is
innervation was observed in the increased noradrenaline spillover
mesenteric depot, and the lowest from adipose tissue
in the inguinal. Further evidence associated with (and possibly
of direct innervation of causing) increased local blood flow
adipocytes was provided by 60120 min after eating and after 72
injection of fluorescent tracers h fasting.
into the sympathetic chain of In addition to acute effects on
hamsters, with the observation of adipose tissue function, the SNS
rings of fluorescence around fat innervation appears to affect cell
cells in both epididymal and numbers. Denervation of
inguinal regions.
The same retroperitoneal adipose tissue in rats
authors showed that some of the increases fat pad weight. Within 1
innervation of these two regions week of denervation there was
arose from different parts of the prolifera-tion of preadipocytes and
sympathetic chain, provid-ing the after 1 month there was an increase in
structural basis for selective the numbers of mature adipocytes.
activation of adipose tissue.
77 Denervation
This possibility was confirmed
by the demonstra-tion of higher
rates of noradrenaline turnover in
epididymal compared to inguinal
fat pads of hamsters acutely
exposed to a reduced day length.

The SNS innervation of white

adipose tissue leads to the release
of the neurotransmitter
noradrenaline, and drugs that
stimulate or antagonise
adrenoceptors have the poten-tial
for directly affecting adipose
tissue function. In addition, such
drugs and the catecholamines,
adrenaline and nora-drenaline,
have the potential to influence
the blood flow through adipose
tissue and other parts of the
cardiovascular system and could
thus indirectly affect adipose
tissue function. Adrenergic
receptors expressed within
adipose tissue have been
extensively studied. Obesity
is asso-ciated with changes in
adrenoceptor numbers and sub-
types. This suggests that the
autonomic signals to adipose
tissue are modulated in response
to energy stores and adipocyte
Integrative physiology of human less important than
adipose tissue sympathetic innerva-tion
KN Frayn et al (reviewed in Frayn and
879 Macdonald ). More recently
did not affect glucose this view has changed.
metabolism, nor LPL Cholinergic stimuli affect
and HSL expression and lipolysis in vivo as
activity. Denervation determined by microdialysis:
also increased fat pad nicotinic receptor stimulation
weight in the hamster, increases and muscarinic
receptor stimulation
even in conditions of
decreases lipolysis in
reduced food intake 72
produced by exposing humans. Newer studies in
the animals to a short the rat show clearly
84 parasympathetic innervation,
day length. Specific
which can be traced to
removal of the 88
parasympathetic origins in the brain stem.
innerva-tion has the When this vagal innervation
opposite effects (see was severed, fat pad anabolic
below). processes (glucose and fatty
acid uptake) were impaired
and HSL activity
As well as its effects 88
increased. The implication
on adipose tissue
is of a dual innervation, the
function, the
sympathetic controlling
sympathetic innervation
catabolic processes and the
of white adipose tissue 89
appears to have an para-sympathetic anabolic.
afferent component,
which presumably sends
signals to either the It is clear, therefore, that
spinal cord or the brain. the autonomic innervation of
Injection of small white adipose tissue is of
amounts of leptin into major importance in the
perirenal adipose tissue regulation of tissue mass and
in rats was associated function. It is less clear how
with increased renal this relates to the autonomic
sympathetic efferent control of other
activity without altering physiological processes, or
plasma leptin
the extent to which acute
concentration. Studies activation or suppression of
on hamsters and rats adipose tissue by the
have demonstrated autonomic nervous system
direct neural affects metabolic processes
connections between such as insulin sensitivity,
white adipose tissue and
peptide secretion or even
several different brain
regions involved in the
SNS regulation of the
cardiovascular and other
systems. There was
little differ-ence
between the species, and
Site-specific properties of
the areas of the brain adipose tissue depots
involved were similar to Adipose tissue, like skeletal
those previously shown muscle, is distributed
to be neurally connected through the body in discrete
to the adrenal medulla.
87 depots. Although the
different depots may assume
different importance in
Considerably less various species,
attention has been paid nevertheless there are
to parasympa-thetic homologous depots in all
innervation of adipose mammals. Some of these are
tissue, which historically small (eg the popliteal) and
was considered to be seem to have some primary
function other than as a concentrate on the
reserve of fat, others are similarities among adipose
larger and contribute tissue depots rather than their
more to fat storage and
mobilisa-tion. We have
chosen in this review to International Journal of Obesity
Integrative physiology of human rates of lipolysis when
adipose tissue stimulated with a b-
KN Frayn et al adreno-ceptor agonist,
880 and lipolysis is least
differences. For instance, susceptible to suppres-
NEFA release from one sion by insulin. Thus, it
particular, relatively large could be simplistically
depot, the subcutaneous argued that upper-body
anterior abdominal depot, adipocytes discharge
correlates strongly with fatty acids at a high rate,
systemic plasma NEFA and interfere with
concentrations, arguing for insulin-sensitive glucose
common control of lipolysis metabolism. Lower-
in all large depots. Similarly, body fat depots may be
when blood flow has been efficient at removing fat
studied in various depots, from the circulation and
there are qualitative they are relatively
similarities in the responses resistant to loss during
to nutrient ingestion. weight loss.
predominance in women
Nevertheless, since the may imply that these are
early clinical observations of
93,94 long-term fat reserves to
Vague that upper-body cover eventualities such
obesity was associated with a
as child-bearing and
much greater incidence of
nurturing if food supply
adverse consequences
runs short.
(largely related to insulin
resistance and
dyslipidaemia) than was
lower-body obesity, much
attention has been directed However, this view is
towards trying to understand necessarily simplistic.
the physiological differences To make one obvious
between these sites. Much of point, continued high
this work has been carried rates of lipolysis would
out lead to disappearance of
the fat depot unless they
by preparing isolated
adipocytes from biopsies were matched at some
from the various sites other time by high rates
removed at surgery.
In of fat deposition. Fat
view of the complex deposition is much less
integration of adipose tissue easily studied in vitro.
metabolism in vivo, stressed Measure-
in this review, results from ments of LPL activity in
such in vitro observations intra-abdominal adipose
must be interpreted with tissue show no
consistent pattern
some caution. The general relative to subcutaneous
picture that emerges is, tissue,
however, consistent: intra- and measurements of
abdominal visceral fatty acid incorporation
adipocytes have the highest into TG in isolated
metabolic activity followed adipocytes show a lower
by upper-body subcutaneous rate of TG synthesis in
adipocytes, and lowest omental than
response in lower-body subcutaneous tissue.
adipocytes. Metabolic Such studies as have
activity here refers mainly to been performed in vivo
lipolysis: intra-abdominal lend general support to
adipocytes have the highest the picture. When
subjects were given
isotopically labelled fatty
acids, and biopsies of
upper-body fat depots. Jensen
different depots were taken
and co-workers have studied lean
at abdominal surgery 24 h
102 people, and people with upper
later, accumulation of and lower-body obesity using
label was most marked (per depot-specific catheterisations
g TG) in the omental and and labelled fatty acid tracers.
retroperitoneal depots. This
The contribution of the visceral
is in agreement with a high
fat depot was assessed by hepatic
rate of lipid turnover.
venous catheterisation. It was
Microdialysis measurements
concluded that the upper-body
show considerably greater
subcutaneous adipose tissue
lipolysis during exercise in
provides the major proportion of
subcutaneous abdominal fat
than in gluteal (lower- the systemic NEFA, whereas the
21 lower-body fat only provides a
body). 107,108
small proportion. The
visceral adipose tissue depot
provides little NEFA to the
Whole-body physiological
systemic circulation and even in
studies of fat mobilisation
provide a clearer picture of women with upper-body obesity,
the relative roles of lower the specific contribution to NEFA
and delivery to the liver from the
visceral depot was small relative
International Journal of Obesity to upper-body subcutaneous

Another view is that the

relative importance of the
different depots with regard to
adverse effects may reflect
differential expression of
secreted peptides. There has been
a large literature on this topic and
we will refer to it in the
appropriate section below. It
should be noted, however, that
for the one adipose tissue-derived
peptide clearly shown to have
physiological relevance in man,
leptin, secretion is

considerably greater from

subcutaneous than from visceral
fat depots.

Adipose tissue and

peptide secretion
Adipose tissue was first
suggested to have endocrine
func-tions by Siiteri, who
pointed to the tissues ability to
interconvert steroid hormones.
More recently interest has moved
to adipose tissue production and
secretion of a wide range of
proteins. Many of these are
classical cytokines and others,
including leptin, are structurally
related to cytokines. This has led
to the introduction of the term of their development, for
adipocytokines to describe this wide example, preadipocytes
range of proteins produced by adipose producing less tumour necrosis
tissue. The use of the term factor (TNF) than mature cells.
adipocytokine also highlights that
several proteins produced by
adipocytes may act locally as
autocrine and paracrine factors rather
than remote-acting endocrine factors. Adipocytokines
Adipose tissues endocrine
function is now well established
for some protein hormones, most
Before discussing adipose tissue
notably leptin. The identification
production of adipocyto-kines and of leptin as an adipostatic
other endocrine factors, it is worth 112
hormone trans-formed views
reiterating that adipose tissue
of the tissue and of obesity. To
characteristics often differ between
summarise, leptin is a hormone
species, between depots within an
that arises predominantly (495%)
individual and even between cells in from adipose tissue (especially
different parts of a depot. In addition, subcutaneous depots), and its
adipocytokine production may differ secretion is under regulation by
between adipocytes at different stages the size of the whole-body
leptin-receptor mutations) causes
delayed sexual maturity and
The recognition of leptins
adipose tissue mass. There are
important roles stimulated the search
also short-term regulators of
for other proteins secreted by adipose
leptin concentration: these are
tissue and/or adipocytes. It appears
mostly influences of food and
that a large proportion of the genetic
energy balance. Food, food
material expressed within adipose
composition, ambient tempera-
tissue encodes secretory proteins, but
ture, exercise, sleep pattern and
at present there is some uncertainty as
recent net energy balance
to whether all the proteins secreted by
have all been shown to regulate adipose tissue or
plasma leptin concentra-
tion. These influences adipocytes in vitro are released into
appear to be mediated mostly 125
by insulin, by glucose entry rates the systemic circula-tion.
into adipocytes and by
63,113 Several proteins have been
sympathetic regulators. The
demonstrated to be secreted into the
clear regulation of leptin
circulation by human subcutaneous
secretion by these factors that
abdominal tissue in vivo. This group
reflect whole-body energy status
includes interleukin-6 (IL-6) and
suggests that adipose tissue is 126,127
capable of determining short- and soluble receptors for TNFa. IL-
long-term energy status and 6, which is structurally related to
chan-ging its endocrine activity leptin, appears to act as a hormone.
accordingly. Leptins actions are For each of these secreted
adipocytokines, it appears from
mostly beyond the scope of the whole-body extrapolations that obese
article and the reader is referred subjects release more protein from
to other reviews of this their expanded adipose tissue mass
topic. In summary, into the general circula-tion.
leptin clearly has major effects However, in regard to acute
reducing food intake in both regulation, there is little evidence that
rodents and man. In rodents (but IL-6 and soluble receptors for TNFa
possibly not in man) it stimulates are regulated by food intake.
the SNS to increase energy
expenditure and it may Several other proteins are secreted
increase fatty acid oxidation in
by adipose tissue in vitro. This group
muscle. Leptin is required for includes TNFa, plasminogen activator
fertility; leptin deficiency (as inhibitor-1 and components of the
seen in under-nutrition or 71,129
reninangiotensin sys-tem. It
anorexia nervosa, or in people
remains to be established which of
with leptin or these are
secreted into the systemic Integrative physiology of human
circulation by adipose tissue. For adipose tissue
example, although adipocytes KN Frayn et al
secrete TNFa, and this cyto- 881
kine can induce insulin fasting-induced adipose
resistance, it may act more as
a paracrine than as an endocrine factor (FIAF) and resistin:
TNFa produc- each appears to reach the
tion is increased in obesity and systemic circulation from
does respond to insulin and other adipose tissue.
energy-balance signals and has
several effects on adipocytes Adiponectin, secreted
48 solely by adipose tissue, is
including inducing apoptosis,
suggesting that it is one means by the gene product of the most
which adipocytokines respond to abundant gene transcript-1
limit further adiposity. (apM1), which is abundantly
expressed in white adipose
Recently, several additional tissue. The protein has
proteins have been described that structural homology with
are secreted by adipose tissue in collagen VIII, collagen X,
vitro, adiponectin, complement C1q as well as
with TNFa. mRNA
expression of adiponectin
increases as preadipocytes
differ-entiate and is reduced
by TNF. Adiponectin
protein is abundant in human
plasma, typically accounting
for 0.01% of total plasma
protein and circulating
adiponectin concen-trations
are reduced in obesity.
These concentrations are
further reduced in diabetes
mellitus and/or in insulin
resistance, and in
coronary artery disease
including myocardial
infarction. Furthermore,
administration of
recombinant adiponectin
reverses insulin resistance of
glucose metabolism in
part by increasing fatty acid
oxidation and energy
dissipation in skeletal muscle
and in part by inhibiting
hepatic glucose output. The
diurnal profiles of
adiponectin are relatively
flat, which suggest that
adiponectin acts as an
adipostat sensing either
adipose tissue mass or the
resulting insulin resistance.
Adiponectin signalling from
adipose tissue appears to
preserve fat utilisation in
muscle and promotes
glucose utilisation. These
two events may provide
unified dysregula-tion of the
metabolic abnormalities in
the insulin resistance
brown) adipose tissue. Other
tissues, such as liver and
lungs, appear to express the
Adiponectin may
have a protective role in mRNA for this protein to a
the vascular wall.
137,138 much lower extent than does
It can accumulate within adipose tissue. As its name
injured vascular implies, FIAF is strongly
walls and can induced by fasting. The
suppress TNFa-induced protein is a member of the
expression of adhesion fibrinogen/angio-poietin-like
molecules in vascular
137 proteins. It is suggested that
endothelial cells. This
it is a sort of anti-leptin
action is on the
postreceptor part of TNF being stimulated by
signalling, although the undernutrition and
adiponectin receptor responsible for orchestrating
has not yet been the metabolic adaptation to
identified. Other 141,142
actions of adiponectin
include suppression of
macrophage to foam-cell Resistin mRNA is found
transformation in in white but not in brown
131,137 143
vitro, and adipose tissues, and is
inhibition of found in high concentrations
endothelial signalling in the adipocyte cytoplasm.
through cAMP. In Resistin mRNA content
addition to its effects on varies from depot to depot,
the endothelium and but, as the gene is PPARg-
vascular wall, regulated, it is reduced by
adiponectin thiazolidinediones.

can downregulate Circulating resistin con-

haematopoeisis and the centrations increase with fat
140 feeding and in obese
immune sys-tem.
animals. Antiresistin
FIAF is another factor antibodies improve insulin
that has recently been resistance both
identified as a secreted
product of white (and
International Journal of Obesity
Integrative physiology of human intestine. The receptor/s
adipose tissue for resistin and RELMs
KN Frayn et al
is/are not yet
882 understood. There is no
143 consensus yet as to
in vitro and in vivo.
However, it should be noted whether resistin
that there is no universal secretion by adipose
agreement with this story. tissue is acutely
Others have not confirmed
144 regulated by food.
this in rodents and it
seems that resistin
expression in mature human
adipocytes or adipose tissue As reviewed earlier,
is very low or absent, some important proteins
although one report suggests involved in local lipid
it is higher in abdominal than metabolism are secreted
in lower-body adipose in vivo, notably adipsin
tissue. and ASP (reviewed
It was initially suggested 15
above ), and
that resistin is secreted 149,150
LPL. These
specifi-cally by rodent proteins, which are not
adipocytes. However, the usually considered
structurally related protein adipocytokines,
RELMa is secreted by the probably function
heart, liver and tongue, as mostly within the
well as adipose tissue and adipose tissue to
breast. RELMa is not found regulate lipid
metabolism. Again, it
in preadipocytes. mRNA for
appears from whole-
RELMa is found only in the body extrapola-tions that
obese subjects release more
of these proteins from their
expanded adipose tissue
mass into the general circula- presumably by means of local
release of cytokines including
tion. In regard to acute 153,154
TNFa and IL-6, which may
regulation, release of both increase the sensitivity of
149 15
LPL and ASP increases lipolysis to noradrenaline.
postprandially. In addition, Adipose tissue surrounding
both leptin and matrix lymph nodes may therefore
metalloproteinases (also provide fatty acids locally as a
secreted from adipocytes )
44 nutritive fuel for immune
may be involved with cells, and may by this means
angiogenesis, as reviewed also suppress lymphocyte
earlier. proliferation.

Finally when discussing

adipocytokines, it is Other endocrine functions
important to recall that Recent studies have confirmed
adipose tissue is not purely that human adipose tissue in vivo
adipocytes, and some of the does produce sex-steroids and
nonadipocyte cells within the glucocorticoids from precursors
tissue may be critical players (eg androgens to oestrogens,
in both the secretion of cortisone to corti-sol).
adipocytokines and in the However, whole-body
tissue response to extrapolations from indivi-dual
adipocytokines and other depots suggest that while the sex-
signals. Of especial interest steroid conversion by adipose
in this respect is the tissue is quantitatively important
(1020% of whole-body
observation by Pond and co-
production), net glucocorticoid
workers that the 156
conversion is minor. The
behaviour of adipocytes conversion of sex steroids is
depends upon their increased by obesity and acutely
proximity to lymph nodes. 157
regulated by insulin.
Larger and
Table 1 summarises some of
many smaller lymph nodes the endocrine activities of
are embedded in adipose
It appears both adipose tissue although this is a
rapidly expanding area and the
that adipocytes affect the reader is referred to reviews of
activity of the lymph node 125,158,159
they surround, and that the this topic. For
lymph node affects the several of these secreted
151 products, the factors regulating
surrounding adipocytes.
Activa-tion of lymph nodes the secretion have not been fully
increases local adipocyte established, and their full role in
lipolysis, the integrated physiology of
adipose tissue remains to be
Table 1 Adipose tissue secreted
products regulated by energy
Summarising what is known
about adipose tissues endo-crine
functions, it appears that the
secretion of adipocyto-kines and
other proteins by adipose tissue
depends upon several factors: (1)
the size of the TG stores, (2)
recent whole-body energy
balance and insulin/glucose
signals, and (3) other
descending influences from the
SNS and other endocrine systems
such as hypothalamo-pituitary
axis and growth hormone axis.
Thus, the endocrine functions are
another clear example of the
integrative physiology of adipose
tissue. Pulsatility
There is growing evidence for
pulsatility in several aspects of
adipose tissue function. Leptin
secretion may have an

TNF-soluble receptors

This is not an exhaustive list of factors secreted by adipose tissue, but reflects those
whose expression/secretion is regulated by energy balance. IL, interleukin; LPL,
lipoprotein lipase; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; TNF, tumour necrosis

International Journal of Obesity

pathways of fat deposition and fat
mobilisation can be regulated in
accordance with the integrated
ultradian pattern
and show imbalance between whole-body
pulsatility with a periodi-city of energy intake and energy expenditure.
162 The multiplicity of factors affecting
less than 1 h. For such leptin
pulsation, it has been suggested adipose tissue metabo-lism, some
that growth hormone pulsation is generated in adipose tissue, seem to
the pace-maker,
but this offer many opportunities for
remains to be proven. Systemic modulation of energy utilisation in
plasma NEFA and glycerol other organs (for instance,
concentrations show adiponectin and resistin signalling to
164 the liver and skeletal muscle). Effects
pulsatility, as does lipolysis in
omental adipose tissue in dogs, on overall fat stores are less
arguing for coordinated action of convincing in humans: possibly leptin
adipose tissue throughout the becomes ineffec-tive once a certain
body. Some of these apparent level of obesity is reached,
pulsations have a periodicity of confirming that leptin is essentially a
165 starvation hormone rather than one
only a few minutes, which
would suggest a neural of abundance. Ultimately, it would
pacemaker mechanism. This has seem that there must be some
recently been confirmed in dogs; controlling signal originating outside
b3-adrenoceptor blockade adipose tissue that regulates net
removes the oscillatory adipose tissue TG deposition. A role
component with little effect on
for the SNS in regulation of net fat
basal plasma NEFA
164 stores would seem to be likely,
concentrations. The existence
especially with current understanding
of pulsatile behaviour emphasises
the com-plexity of the integrative that the sympathetic system is not a
physiology within adipose tissue. coherent whole but different efferent
Further studies in this area are branches can be activated
needed. 166,167
independently. Such a system
would have to involve the brain in
sensing energy balance independently
of the leptin system, which basically
responds to TG storage although with
Integration of adipose fine tuning by insulin. It is not
tissue fat stores in immediately clear how this would
relation to energy operate. Alternatively insulin itself
might be the signal. An excess of
We can now summarise our energy intake over energy
understanding of how the
expenditure will generally lead to Integrative physiology of human
an increase in glycogen stores, adipose tissue
small elevation of (fasting) KN Frayn et al
plasma glucose concentration and 883
a rise in insulin. Insulin, as noted
several times above, has a strong
effect in stimulating net fat
storage in adipocytes. This
hypothesis does not, however,
explain how fat accumulation
would occur if someone were to
over eat solely fat. This is clearly
an unphysiological situation, but
if it is mimicked acutely by
intravenous infusion of a TG
emulsion, producing no
detectable increase in plasma
insulin, there is a marked Figure 5 Overview of the integrative
physiology of adipose tissue.

imply that there is some

decrease in NEFA release from signal that responds to
adipose tissue, reflecting a increased nutrient
suppression of HSL
168,169 availability to regulate net fat
activity. This experiment
storage indepen-dently of
seems to
insulin, and in this case
presumably also indepen-
dently of the SNS.

In conclusion, adipose
tissue function can only be
truly understood when
studied in an integrated way
(Figure 5). There is much to
be learned still about the
regulation of TG storage in
adipose tissue. Key questions
for the future are (1) whether
there is a single or multiple,
signals from outside the
tissue that regulate adipocyte
fat storage pathways appro-
priately and, if so, what the
nature of such a signal might
be; and (2) whether indeed
adipose tissue, through
secretion of peptides and
metabolites, regulates
metabolic processes in other
tissues to help to achieve
appropriate fat balance. As
our understanding of the
integrative physiology of
adipose tissue increases, we
hope that these, and many
other aspects of adipose
tissue function, will be
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Laurell H, Contreras JA.
Trust for support of our Molecular mechanisms
studies on the regulating hormone-sensitive
integrative physiology lipase and lipolysis. Ann Rev
of human adipose tissue. Nutr 2000; 20: 365393.
4 Shrago E, Spennetta T,
Gordon E. Fatty acid
synthesis in human adipose
tissue. J Biol Chem 1969;
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