Mandela Effect - CERN Reality Changes, Time-Travel, Parallel Worlds & Black Magick

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Mandela Effect

CERN Reality Changes, Time-Travel, Parallel Worlds & Black Magick

First Edition PDF Version

Edward "Maggador" Alexander

AlternaNews Conspiracies, Paranormal & Spirituality

ISBN: 978-1-365-79418-6

Copyright (C) 2017 Edward Alexander

All Rights Reserved

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The Mandela Effect An introduction

The term "Mandela Effect" was first used by Fiona Broome in 2010 when she
noticed a large amount of people remembering Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the
1980's. People all over the world, thousands in numbers, remembering the same
details about his death, news coverage, funeral, etc.

As she looked more into this, it becamse clear that hundreds of thousands of
people if not millions around the world shares collective and identical memories of
historical events and other things that never was the way they all remember it.

Such memories includes a huge amount of different topics, from famous

celebrities either dying, or suddenly being alive again after they remember them
dying, to changes in famous brand marks, logos, names of famous people, movie
lines, music lyrics, and many other subjects.

The interesting thing is that thousands upon thousands of people remember

such things very clearly and vivid, and in great details, and there is little to no
discrepancy between all these peoples memories. However, yet these things never
happened or never were that way in reality. At least not in THIS reality.

So what does this mean? The most common belief is that there is some sort of
effect caused by parallel worlds, where large amount of people for some reason have
"shifted" over to a very similar but slightly different version of a parallel world, or
"timeline" wich goes into the other popular theory, time travel where changes have
been done in the past history and for some reason many people now remember those
changes, while others does not and for those who does not remember history has
always been the way it currently is and nothing has changed.

I will go more into the details of the theories to this effect, or global
phenomena which it really is later on, along with my own discoveries and ideas of
what it is all about.

For now, I will start with showing some of the Mandela Effect examples, so
you can get a greater understanding of what it is, and perhaps you yourself will notice
you too are a "victim" of the Mandela Effect and remembers some of these examples
of changes to always have been like other people claim they always have been, but
history now says it never has.

It is quite an interesting and incredible phenomena to look into, considering

how many people around the world this affect, yet also creepy and scary since we
seem to have no control in the matter.
Mandela Effect Examples

Here I will simply share some of the more common Mandela Effect examples
of collective alternative memories of how things always were but apparently never
was that way in "this" reality.

General Examples:

First of all, remember (pun intended) that SOME of you will remember things always
having been the way that now seems to have changed (you are the "visitors", the
group that have come from a parallel world/timeline), others of you will remember
things always having been the other way like history NOW says (you are the
"natives", the group that has always been in THIS world/timeline).

1. Star Wars Darth Vader saying what?

This classical and very famous line is something millions remember. People tend to
remember it as "Luke, I am your father!" - But, the actual line was in "this" reality:
"No, I am your father!". Many of you will clearly remember first example, and some
of you ("natives" of THIS world/timeline) remembering the other example.

Interesting thing to notice here is that the actor who played Darth Vader, James Earl
Jones, HIMSELF remembers saying "Luke, I am your father" which is confirmed in
many interviews with him quoting his own line. If you got the movie, check it out
and confirm yourself.

How do you remember this line?

2. Star Wars Legs of C-3PO

Another Star Wars example, this time we have a look at C-3PO, "the golden robot".
Many people remembering being completely gold colored. However, in "this"
world/timeline he always had one silver leg.

What color do you remember his legs being?

3. The Berenste(a)in Bears How was it spelled?

Many remember the children books, tv series & computer games, some from their
own childhood, and others for their own kids. But, how is it spelled? Masses of
people clearly remembers it as BerenstEin, with an E However, in "this"
world/timeline it has always been BerenstAin, with an A.

Which name do you know them by?

4. Curious George What the buttocks?

Curious George have become a well-known character around the world and
most of us have seen the furry guy around, whether on TV, in books, or as toys.

But did something happen to his tail? Or did he ever even have a tail? People all over
the globe clearly remembers him with a tail. Do you?

5. The Flin(t)stones "We are the..." How did that go?

I guess most people in the world know this classical cartoon with cavemen and pet
dinosaurs. But how do you remember them being named? Some swear it was
Flinstone, without the T after "Flin", while others says for them it always was
"Flintstones", with the T.

What were they called for you?

6. Forrest Gump "Life (?) like a box of chocolates". Fill in the (?).

Few people have not seen or heard of Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks. And one line
he said during the movie has stuck to many peoples mind and become a famous
global quote.

But how DID that line really go? Life .... a box of chocolates? Well, many people
remembers it clear as a day as being "Life is like a box of chocolates", but now in
"this" world/timeline, it has always been "Life WAS like a box of chocolates."

Did you remember it being "is", or "was" ?

7. Apollo 13 Problems for Houston!

Another Tom Hanks movie, Apollo 13. "Houston, we've had a problem" or
"Houston, we have a problem" ? This one is interesting as I will reveal later.
8. Ford Logo Now how was that?

Many people who have a Ford and droven it for years can swear there never was a
curl/pigstail on the F above the O. While others insists it was always there. In "this"
world/timeline, it has apparently always been there. Did you ever notice?

9. Fruit/Froot Loops What's it really called?

Kellog's famous cerals are known all over the world. Millions and millions eat them
every day. One would think people would notice what they eat daily is actually
called. Many people around the world are sure it is "Fruit Loops".

But, again, in "this" reality those are wrong, since it and has always been "Froot
Loops" here.

Which of the two have you been eating your whole life?
10. Human Anatomy Now where are those body organs?

Did you ever have to pledge on your heart with your hand? Then where did you put
it? Most would say they held their hand on their left chest, because that is where the
heart is. And that is how it always was for many of us and how we always learned it.
But, "here" in this world/timeline, the heart has always been placed directly in the
middle center of the chest.

And are you one of those thinking "What the hell is the stomach doing all the way up
there in the chest beneath my left nipple?? And the liver so huge, and placed next to it
on the right??" Well, apparently again this is all how it always have been "here in this
11. "Interview with __ vampire" What's the full title?

Another classic movie, starring Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. But what was the name of
this vampire movie? Does "Interview with A Vampire" sound correct, or does it ring a
better bell with "Interview with The Vampire" ?

Well, in "this" world/timeline it has always been "Interview with THE Vampire"
though countless people are sure it was always "A Vampire".

12. Kit-Kat / KitKat Dash or not?

The crispy chocolat wafers from Nestle that people all over the World have been
enjoying for decades. But how is it spelled? Huge amounts of people say it always
had a dash, Kit-Kat but yet in "this" world/timeline it has always been just KitKat.

Which of the two have you been eating?

13. Looney Toons/Tunes Which is it?

Most of us has grown up with this, and many of us now got own kids watching it. But
how do you remember it being spelled? Amazingly many of us will say it was always
"Toons" at the end, but the answer "here" in this world/timeline is that it's always
been "Tunes".

14. Snow White & The Mirror on the Wall

How did that famous saying go from Snow White with the evil Queen speaking to the
Mirror? Most of us can easily recite it without even thinking. But is it right? "Mirror,
Mirror, on the wall" is what most would say but "here" in this world/timeline it has
always been "Magic mirror on the wall."

How did she say it for you?

15. Mona Lisa The Smirky Smile

Mona Lisa, the world-famous painting by Leonardo Da'Vinci. Lots of people

remember her being almost emotionless in her expression, and that even scientists
were trying to examine whether she was smiling or not. But now, in "this"
world/timeline, she got a very clear strong smile beyond doubt.

Did she ever seem that happy to you?

16. The Monopoly Man What about his eyes?

Do you remember the classical Monopoly Man with his iconic monocle? Many
people sure does. However, in "this" world/timeline he never had any form of eye

What did you see him like?

16. Oscar Mayer/Meyer Now how was that?

Who hasn't eaten some good ol' Oscar's hotdogs or ham? But how was that last name
spelled? "Oscar Meyer" sounds familiar to quite a lot of hot dog eating and bologna
loving people. Nevertheless, here in "this" world/timeline, it is and have always been
"Oscar Mayer".

How was it spelled last time you bought some hotdogs?

17. Moses Devilishly handsome!

There you got the ocean breaker, Moses himself. But wait, that does not look
anything like I or thousands of others in the world have ever seen him! Yet, in "this"
world/timeline he apparently always had horns and is depicted that way in countless
of ancient art and statues. These are actually pictures taken from within churches and

Did you ever see such a horny Moses, or was he always that way for you?
18. North Pole Did Santa move??

How do you remember the North Pole on any globe or map you've seen? Most people
I know, including myself, and thousands of others around the world, have always
seen the North Pole covered in a huge ice continent on maps and globes. In "this"
world/timeline however, globes and maps show a huge ocean, the "arctic ocean", with
no ice continent at all. Above are two examples, and basically coming from the North
Pole (Norway) myself and being very well aware of how maps always had a huge
ice-mass covering the top, this got me frozen.

The white icey landmass you see there to the left is Greenland, but the North Pole is
gone for me and many others!

Were the globes and maps always this way for you?

19. Queen We are the champions..

Do you remember the classic ending of the song We Are the Champions by Queen? I
clearly remember it always ended with "Of the World!" Well, here he doesn't end it
that way, he doesn't quit the song with the old classical "We are the champions, of the
world!", here he simply ends it right with "We are the champion!".

Having several of their albums, and being a Queen fan myself, I know their songs,
and sing along all the time. Suddenly singing along to this song got awkward, since
the ending is now awkward. How do you remember this tune ending?

20. VW Volkswagen Logo

Above are two examples. How do you remember the VW logo? Personally it has
alsways been the one to the right for me, never saw any with a line splitting it in the
middle. But, here in this timeline/world it has apparently always been the left version
with the split for most historical time. I know mechanics and even a guy working at
VW that got shocked when noticing this!

21. Volvo logo

While on the topic of car logos, here is another one. How do you remember the Volvo
logo? For me its always been the left one, a circle with the word Volvo in the middle,
plain and simple. However here in this world/timeline, it suddenly got an arrow
pointing up to the right!

Never saw it like that myself before, but apparently "here" it's been like that all the
time, and notice that the symbol is also same as the astrological symbol for Mars, the
God of War, and male gender more on this a bit later.
For now, the above examples will have to serve. You can always find more by going
online and go to Google and write in "mandela effect", or do the same in YouTube.

There are so many examples books on those alone could fill a book, and millions of
people around the world are experiencing these Mandela Effects now and starting to
notice them in their life.

Do notice one thing though, some or all of the examples given here may or may not
still be valid when this book is out and you are reading it!

This is due to something I will explain in the next chapter, when a change returns
back to its "original"! Or to something else entirely for that matter!
Flip-Flops, Change-backs & Reversals

To make the mystery regarding the Mandela Effect even deeper, there is something
even weirder going on here that needs to be explained.

That is another effect, usually referred to as Flip-Flops, Change-backs or Reversals.

What that means, is that sometimes one of the things that have changed in your
reality suddenly changes BACK to the way you always rememberd it being in the

Now I have witnessed that myself a few time now and it is quite freaky, first time I
could barely even sleep at night after.

Because, this confirms beyond any doubt that these changes are happening and taking
place, and it is not just "bad memory" or other more logical explanations such as
"collective misremembering" etc.

In my own case, the first Flip-Flop I experienced, was with the Apollo 13 movie
mentioned above with Tom Hanks. I was sitting checking out the whole Mandela
Effect phenomena and researching it, and one of the examples I came over was the
one from Apollo 13.

At the moment, there were tons of videos and discussions about how the line had
changed from "Houston, we have a problem" to Houston, we've HAD a problem".

Thousands upon thousands of people were discussing this, posting videos about it,
writing forum threads, posting on facebook, etc.

I was sitting watching through this, and it interested me a lot since I knew that line
very well having always been a fan of both space programs, the movie Apollo 13, and
Tom Hanks. And I KNEW that it always used to be "Houston, we have a problem".

So it baffled me to see that, apparently, it had always been "Houston, we've HAD a
problem". At the moment however, I was slightly open for the possibility of a bad
memory, and logically it could be explained that way.

HOWEVER, just a couple DAYS after having looked into all this, and started to
really get involved with everything about the Mandela Effect, and having had seen
the specific movie quote dozens of times in tons of diferent Mandela Effect videos
etc, including also watching the original and official trailer where its stated,
something happened.
I got up in the morning, and went online and happened to check out some of the
Mandela Effect threads and posts I was following. Shockingly, I saw a post in Reddit
stating that the Apollo 13 quote had changed BACK to its original form!

IMMEDIATELY I checked the official video clip that I already had saved, and
indeed, it was BACK to "Houston, we have a problem!". That blew me away, since I
had just been sitting and watching all these videos about this just 2 days before, and
now SUDDENLY, it was BACK to its ORIGINAL!

NOT only that! It goes even further and more crazy! ALL the videos that existed 2
days earlier, that I had been watching, using that Apollo 13 quote as an example for
the Mandela Effect were GONE! Every single post, thread, publication and so on
about it were also GONE! NONE of the original discussions anywhere on the internet
that I had just been reading and going through in details for hours and hours 2 days
earlier where there anymore!

NOW, the only thing left was people having videos posted about how this quote had
changed BACK, and all original videos about the first change were GONE! Same
with discussions and posts in forums, reddit, other blogs etc, all posts now were about
this, how it had changed BACK to ORIGINAL, and now ALL previous discussions
and videos about the first change were now GONE!

That was one powerful and mindblowing experience! But it goes even wilder!
Apparently these Flip-Flops do NOT happen at the same time for all people.. Now
that is really crazy, because I noticed the dates on some of the videos and posts about
this change going as far back as HALF A YEAR! Even though I had been sitting
seeing and hearing that changed movie quote and studied it in details just 2 DAYS

Other people also notice this, and mentioned how for THEM, the change had
happened just a week ago, or a couple months, and so on. Later on, a week or so, I
noticed people telling that for THEM the Flip-Flop had just happened NOW, or a day
or 2 before etc!

Now that is really some mindbending and brainshaking stuff!

If you search the net for "mandela effect flip-flops" you will find many such crazy
examples and tons and tons of people who have experienced them.

So this is also one of the problems when trying to document and give examples, as
things that change, may suddenly change BACK, and all evidence to the first change
is totally ERASED from the World. I am curious to see if this will affect this book!
The Evidence & Information On Those Responsible For The Mandela Effect

Now I will give you an understanding of WHO are responsible for this so called
Mandela Effect and the changes in our reality, WHY, and also evidence on HOW I

I will simply start with the EVIDENCE first, to make it clear, CERN is indeed
responsible for this.

Now if you don't know what CERN is, it is basically the largest particle physics
laboratory in the world, and is the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

They are also deeply into computer science, and the World Wide Web originates from

Their site is massive, and they have structures stretching over 27 kilometers, such as
LCH The Large Hadron Collider. LHC is used to do various experiments, mainly
colliding particles at tremendous speeds and power.

CERN is involved with faster-than-light experiments and projects, and much more.

Insiders and whistle-blowers are also claiming that CERN are experimenting with
teleportation, time travel and gateways to parallel worlds and other dimensions. And
that is what connects them with the Mandela Effect.

But now to the Evidence first of all. Here I will present you with the real smoking
gun leaving beyond any doubt the fact that CERN are responsible for the Mandela
Effect. They are basically mocking us and throwing it right in our face!
Notice the happy lad above. Now that is one of the scientists at CERN. He is holding
up a note saying "We are HAPPY @ CERN!". I bet they are. But what the heck is up
with those cardboard signs he is wearing?

Now, there is the first part of the evidence itself, the main proof. One sign says "Bond
#1" and the other one "Mandela". Now the last one alone kinda says its all. But if you
figure out what "Bond #1" refers to, there is no doubt. It refers to the first James
Bond movie. The actor playing Bond was called Barry Nelson.

So, it says it right out there, Nelson Mandela, and there is absolutely NO other logical
explanation for this scientist to wear signs saying right out Nelson Mandela if he is
not referring to the Mandela Effect! What on Earth else would Nelson Mandela have
to do with anything at CERN?

But it does not stop there, they like to do some jokes with their little reality changes
too. This scientist is actually called JEREMY BERNSTEIN!

Now ain't that funny? One of the biggest and most discussed Mandela Effects are the
Berenstein/Berenstain Bears. And this guy just HAPPENS to be named
BERNSTEIN? While at the same time basically admitting their connection to the
Mandela Effect with those signs he is wearing?

No, that is beyond any conceivable coincidence, this is truly the evidence that CERN
is behind and responsible for the changes in reality known as the Mandela Effect!

Now to some more evidence. This time the story of John Titor the CERN time-

John Titor appeared in an online forum in 2001 and started telling his story.

In his online postings, Titor claimed to be an American soldier from 2036, based in
Tampa, Florida. He was assigned to a governmental time-travel project, and sent back
to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer which he said was needed to debug
various legacy computer programs in 2036; a possible reference to the UNIX year
2038 problem. The IBM 5100 runs the APL and BASIC programming languages.

Titor had been selected for this mission specifically, given that his paternal
grandfather was directly involved with the assembly and programming of the 5100.
Titor claimed to be on a stopover in the year 2000 for "personal reasons," to collect
pictures lost in the (future) civil war and to visit his family, of whom he spoke often.

An interesting detail regarding the IBM 5100 is that John Titor told about a specific
secret feature to someone that this computer had. One of the scientists that actually
created this very specific computer was interviewed and totally confused on how
anyone could know about that, as it was only himself and a handful of other scientists
from that time that knew about it.

This in turn gives great credit to his claims, specially that his grandfather was one of
those scientists building this computer, and he could have learned this secret directly
from him.

Titor described his time machine on several occasions. In an early post, he described
it as a "stationary mass, temporal displacement unit powered by two top-spin, dual
positive singularities", producing a "standard off-set Tipler sinusoid".

The earliest post was more explicit, saying it contained the following:

Two magnetic housing units for the dual micro singularities

An electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of the micro singularities
A cooling and X-ray venting system
Gravity sensors, or a variable gravity lock
Four main cesium clocks
Three main computer units

Titor shared several scans of the manual of a "C204 Time Displacement Unit" with
diagrams and schematics, and posted some photographs of the device installed in the

Titor claimed that the "EverettWheeler model of quantum physics," better known as
the many-worlds interpretation, was correct. The model posits that every possible
outcome of a quantum decision occurs in a separate "universe." Titor stated that this
was the reason the grandfather paradox would not happen; following the logic of the
argument, Titor would be killing a different John Titor's grandfather in a timeline
other than his own.

John Titor quote:

"...The grandfather paradox is impossible.

In fact, all paradox is impossible. The EverettWheelerGraham or multiple world

theory is correct.

All possible quantum states, events, possibilities, and outcomes are real, eventual,
and occurring.

The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse are

Here are some photos he posted of the instruction manual for the time travel device,
schematics and the device itself as well as how the gravitational field it creates will
bend a laser light by its force.

1. Schematics of time travel device and components.

2. Page from the user manual with a photo of the device.

3. Page from user manual explaining the Tipler Sinusoid Field

4. The device installed in his car

5. Page from user manual with more schematics and components

6. Page from usesr manual with more schematics and components

7. Device in background, and other equipment

8. Laser being bent by gravitational field during operation of device

Above you have some fairly complex and scientific schematics and devices, it would
be extremely hard for some hoaxer to come up with all that. And take in mind he
spoke of things regarding the IBM computer that was barely known by anyone, but
confirmed by one of the scientists that had been on the team creating that computer,
his story comes out quite legitimate to me.

Now though, how is he connected to CERN?

Well, he claimed that it would be CERN that would discover and invent time travel
and the time travel equipment he used from the future.

And he spoke about that in 2000. Long time before CERN even created their LHC
which is the main component, the 27 kilometer big structure, that is capable of
creating such effects. LHC was built by CERN and first activated in 2008.

John Titor himself disappeared a few months after coming, and was never heard from

I personally always found the story about John Titor greatly interesting, and have
been studying it and time travel on and off basically since that time, long before I
discovered the Mandela Effect.

As the final piece on John Titor, the above is a scan of the logo used by his military &
time travel group.
CERN: What Are They Trying to Achieve With The Mandela Effect?

The conclusion I have come to on my own after researching this in great depths,
experiencing it myself, contemplating on it, meditating and using my logic as well as
listening to my intuition, is as follows.

First of all have a look at the image above. It is a photo of a big Shiva statue within a
portal, that stands by the entrance to CERN. Why would a bunch of scientists put
such a religious symbol there? In particular when they are based in Europe which has
nothing to do with that sort of religious history or connections.

Let me explain you a bit about Shiva, that will make things give a bit more sense.
Actually, the Shiva being present, is itself another evidence that CERN is behind the
Mandela Effect, and that they have developed time traveling technology. I will get to

Shiva is known as "The Transformer". Also as the Destroyer of the Old to create
New. Moreover, Shiva has two other forms: Kala "Time", and Mahakala "Great
Time". Shiva, as Kala, is also known as the Supreme Lord of Time.

Now I guess you get an idea why the decided to put a Shiva statue there, knowing
what it represents, exactly the things they are experimenting with and doing there.

So, as I have no doubt about, CERN have developed technology to travel in time,
teleportation as well as open wormholes or gateways to other dimensions and parallel

Basically, travelling in time it technically more like teleporting to a parallel or

alternate world, where the timeline currently is at a different point in time compared
to our world, yet in other ways virtually identically to our own world, but it may be a
world that compared to our world is at a timeline where we were 100 years ago, or
more, or less.

This in turn means that history of the past, in any world, whether our own or
elsewhere, always will remain as it is for those living there, and not be changeable.

For example, if you go back in time, and kill Hitler, what you really do is travel to a
parallel world where the current timeline is at the time of Hitler, and you will only
kill him there in that parallel world, and no changes will happen here in our world
and the people you left here. For everyone here, the only change is that you
disappeared, past history will not suddenly just change.

That also makes it a bit of a problem to get back to your own original timeline, or
world. How they can manage to calculate such, is far beyond me, but somehow they
have managed to figure out how to travel through the different parallel worlds, or
other timelines, and get back to the original world/timeline or at least one that is as
close as possible so barely no changes can be noticed.

And that is also where their problem is. They WANT to change the past history, and
thus the present, to suit their agendas and plans.

So what they have done, is developed a huge and extremely powerful technology,
where they seem to be able to send the whole world, or probably more at least all the
inhabitants of the world, to other alternate dimensions and parallel worlds.

This way, they CAN change the past in a sense, as they can go and make some
changes in a parallel world to change the history there to be the way they want it, and
move all of us over there.

And it seems to be exactly this that is happening with the Mandela Effect. They got a
problem they did not manage to solve yet. And that is the memory of people and how
to "overwrite" our memory with changes they do in such a parallel world before
sending us over there.

Memory seems to be spirit-bound, or part of the soul, beyond physical matter,

something they are still not masters to control.

Thus, the Mandela Effect, and the reason we only see small changes here and there,
such as a change in a logo, new dialogue in a movie, changed song lyrics, etc, is
because they are experimenting.

They are making minor changes, to observe the population and see if we notice and
how we react, as they try to figure out how to control our memories as well.

So, they change a little thing here and there, sometimes back and forth, things small
enough for the general population to blame it on things such as bad memory etc.

It seems they are also experimenting with groups of people, and not all at once, since
some people do remember the "alternate" version of things always having been that
way, while others know for a fact it changed.

Whether this is something they do on purpose, or some side effect, whether we now
are a mix of people from different timelines or not, is hard to say and will still have to
be somewhat of a theory.

But what is clear to me though is that they most certainly are doing these
experiments, they have the technology to send us all through time and space to other
parallel worlds, and make changes etc in history, but as of yet they are unable to
make greater changes since people will notice and remember it.

Follow on to next chapter for a couple more examples of cases involving time-travel
and teleportation to parallel worlds with evidence strongly indicating them to be true!
Examples On Time-Travellers & Parallel Worlds Jumpers

1. Rudolph Fentz

In 1950, a man with mutton chop sideburns and Victorian-era duds popped up in
Times Square. Witnesses said he looked startled, and then a minute later, he was hit
by a car and killed.

The officials at the morgue searched his body and found the following items in his

A copper token for a beer worth 5 cents, bearing the name of a saloon, which
was unknown, even to older residents of the area.

A bill for the care of a horse and the washing of a carriage, drawn by a livery
stable on Lexington Avenue that was not listed in any address book

About 70 dollars in old banknotes

Business cards with the name Rudolph Fentz and an address on Fifth Avenue

A letter sent to this address, in June 1876 from Philadelphia

None of these objects showed any signs of aging.

Captain Hubert V. Rihm of the Missing Persons Department of NYPD tried using this
information to identify the man.

He found that the address on Fifth Avenue was part of a business; its current owner
did not know Rudolph Fentz.

Fentzs name was not listed in the address book, his fingerprints were not recorded
anywhere, and no one had reported him missing.

Rihm continued the investigation and finally found a Rudolph Fentz Jr. in a telephone
book of 1939.

Rihm spoke to the residents of the apartment building at the listed address who
remembered Fentz and described him as a man about 60 years who had worked

After his retirement, he moved to an unknown location in 1940.

Contacting the bank, Rihm was told that Fentz died five years before, but his widow
was still alive but lived in Florida.

Rihm contacted her and learned that her husbands father had disappeared in 1876
aged 29.

He had left the house for an evening walk and never returned.

Folklore researcher Chris Aubeck investigated the description to check the veracity.
His research led to the conclusion that the people and events of the story invented all
were fictional, although he could not find the original source.

Pastor George Murphy claimed in 2002 that the original source was from either a
1952 Robert Heinlein science fiction anthology, entitled Tomorrow, The Stars or the
Colliers magazine from 15 September 1951

In 2007 a researcher working for the then Berlin News Archive, found a newspaper
story in the archives from April 1951 reporting the story almost as it reported today.

This newspaper archive was printed some 5 months before the short story sourced as
the origin. Whats even odder, a number of researchers have claimed to have found
evidence of the real Rudolph Fentz, and proof of his disappearance aged 29 in 1876.

Thus it seems the later "science fiction" stories relating to the story, was inspired by
an actual earlier news reportage of a real event.
2. The Man from Taured

This took place in 1954 in Tokyo, at Haneda Airport were business was as usual. That
is, of course, until one unknown date when a routine European inbound plane
dropped off its passengers.

As the crowd made its way through customs, a neatly-dressed middle-aged Caucasian
man stepped up and told officials this was just a normal business trip for him, one of
three so far this year to Japan.

His primary language was French, yet he spoke Japanese and several other languages.
In his wallet was a variety of currencies from various European countries, as if to
verify his frequent flyer tendencies.

When they asked him for his country of origin, things became strange. He casually
stated that he was from Taured, on the border between France and Spain. The
officials told him that Taured didnt exist, but he presented them with his passport
issued by the nonexistent country of Tauredwhich also showed visa stamps
corroborating his previous business travels to Japan and other countries.

Yet when they called the company he said he was having a meeting with, they had
never heard of him or his company ever before that moment. The hotel he had
reserved a room at had no reservation for such a person, and the bank listed on his
checkbook appeared not to exist.
The bearded man scoffed; surely, this was some elaborate practical joke for his
benefit. Customs officials showed him a world map and pointed to the tiny country of

Perhaps that was his real country of origin and somehow he was either mistaken or
having his own little joke? The man became irate, saying that Andorra didnt exist but
it was right where Taured should be.

His proud country had existed for a thousand years. Still in shock over his misplaced
homeland, the mystery man was detained by customs and given a room at a nearby
hotel for the night while officials tried to figure out what was going on.

The following morning, the mystery deepened. Taureds one and only known resident
completely vanished from his hotel room which had been guarded by immigration
officials all night long.

And to make matters worse, all of his personal documentsincluding his passport
and drivers license issued by the mystery countryvanished from the airports
security room. Police and airport officials searched in vain for the mysterious man. It
was as if the whole encounter had never actually happened.
3. The Man from Laxaria

In 1851 a certain Joseph Vorin came to the attention of the German authorities; he
said he was from Laxaria, in a country called Sakria.

This alleged true story appeared in numerous European and American publications in
the spring of 1851.

It is reminiscent of the more famous tales of Princess Caraboo and Psalmanazar.

Below is the original story quoted from a newspaper of the time:

German speculators have got hold of a new subject. It is neither more nor less than a
new man. The storyas we find it related in the Correspondenz of Berlinattests
that a stranger was picked up at the end of last year in a small village in the district
of Lebas, near Frankfort-on-the-Oder, whither he had wandered, no one could tell

Such a circumstance could hardly have piqued curiosity in another country; but to a
people fond of speculation, and situated far away from the great highways of the
world, there was something strange and startling in the fact, that the stranger spoke
German imperfectly, and had all the marks of a Caucasian origin.

Whether the man was a common impostor, and tricked the village authorities, or
whether those worthies began in their usual way to construct a history for him out
of the depths of their moral consciousness is uncertain; at all events they looked on
him as a great prize, and carried him off to Frankfort.

Interdimensional travel
On being questioned by the burgomaster of that enlightened city, the stranger said
his name was Jophar Vorin. and that he came from a country called Laxaria, situated
in the portion of the world called Sakria.

He understands, it is affirmed, none of the European languages (except, we must

suppose the broken German,) but reads and writes what he calls the Laxarian and
Abramian tongues. The latter he declares to be the written language of the clerical
order in Laxaria, and the other the common language of his people.

He says that his religion is Christian in form and doctrine, and that it is called
Ispatian. Laxaria he represents to be many hundred miles from Europe, and
separated vast oceans from it.

His purpose in coming to Europe, he alleges, was to seek a long-lost brother; but he
suffered shipwreck on the voyagewhere he does not knownor can he trace his
route on shore on any map or globe. He claims for his unknown race a considerable
share of geographical knowledge.

The five great compartments of the earth he calls Sakria, Aflar, Astar, Auslar, and
Euplar. The sages of Frankfort-on-the-Oder, after much examination of the tale and
its bearer, have come to the conclusion that it is true. Some men believe things
because they are incredible.

However, Jophar Vorin has been carefully despatched to Berlin, and is now the
subject of much scientific and curious gossip in the Prussian capital. What
mystification hides under the story time will probably show.

Whatever happened to Jophar Vorin after, is still unknown. Below a scan of the
newspaper story:
Other Time-Travel & Teleportation Experiments

In this chapter I will present a few other non-CERN experiments with

teleportation and time travel by Governments through the last almost 80 years.

By time technology obviously improved, and most certainly several of the

same scientists and their previous work were implemented and improved into later
work, resulting in the now greatest manipulator of Time & Space of today, CERN.

1. The Philadelphia Experiment

On August 12, 1943 (or October 28, 1943 - accounts differ) the US Navy conducted a
test of some sort on the USS Eldridge (DE [Destroyer Escort] 173) at the
Philadelphia Navy Yard. The exact nature of this test is open to speculation. Possible
tests include experiments in magnetic invisibility, radar invisibility, optical
invisibility or degaussing (rendering the ship immune to magnetic mines). The test
(or tests) were conducted, only to produce undesirable results. Afterwards, the project
(supposedly called 'Project Rainbow') was canceled.

According to certain accounts, the actual results of the experiment involve

occurrences far stranger than anyone could possibly imagine. The tests being
conducted were an attempt to render a ship invisible to enemy radar. This was to be
accomplished by wrapping an electromagnetic 'bottle' around the ship in question,
absorbing or deflecting radar waves. The bottle was created by two (or four -
accounts differ) massive Tesla coils which acted as electromagnetic generators; one
was mounted forward and one was mounted aft. Other accounts state that a series of
magnetic generators, called degaussers, were used. When activated, the
electromagnetic field would extend out from the ship and divert radar waves around
the ship, making the Eldridge invisible to radar receivers.

Famous and highly intelligent master-mind scientists that have been claimed by
insiders and whistle-blowers to have been part of the Philadelpia Experiment includes
such men as Albert Einstein, Nikolas Tesla and J. Robert Oppenheimer. All great
experts in these fields.

When the actual test was put into motion, a number of unexpected and bizarre side
effects occurred. As the electromagnetic field increased in strength, it began to extend
as far as 100 yards out from the ship in all directions, forming a large sphere. Within
this field, the ship became fuzzy and indistinct, and a greenish haze formed around
the vessel, obscuring it from view. Eventually, the only visible object was the outline
of the hull of the Eldridge where it entered the water. Then, to the amazement of
onlookers, the entire ship vanished from view.

It was at this point (the vanishing of the Eldridge) that the true power of the
electromagnetic field that had been created was revealed. The Eldridge had not only
vanished from the view of observers in Philadelphia, it had vanished from
Philadelphia all together! The ship had been instantly transported several hundred
miles - from Philadelphia to Norfolk, Virginia. After a few minutes, the ship once
again vanished, to return to Philadelphia.

To the Navy, the test had succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Not only had they
rendered a ship invisible to radar, they had made it optically invisible as well, not to
mention causing the vessel to teleport hundreds of miles in a matter of minutes. For
the crew, however, the trip had been a nightmare.

The test had managed to render the entire ship 'out of phase' with the surrounding
universe, which is why it was able to travel from Philadelphia to Norfolk instantly.
This phasing effect had drastic effects on the crew members. During the experiment,
crew members found they could walk through solid objects, and when the field was
shut off, men were found embedded in the bulkheads, decks and railings of the ship.
The results were gruesome enough that some men went mad. Afterwards, several
crew members simply vanished. A few disappeared into thin air; one, eating dinner
with his family, rose, walked through a wall and was never seen again. Some men
entered into what was called the 'Freeze'. This is where a man faded from view;
unable to move, speak or otherwise affect his surroundings. Initially, the Freeze effect
lasted only a few minutes to a few hours. Interestingly enough, invisible crewmen
were still visible to other sailors who had survived the original experiment. After a
while, the Freeze effect lasted for days or months, and became known as the 'Deep
Freeze' (other terms include 'Caught in the Flow', 'Caught in the Push', 'Get Stuck',
'Go Blank', 'Hell Incorporated' or 'Stuck in Molasses'). The Deep Freeze could drive a
man insane in very short order, and was only able to be counteracted if other
crewmen performed a 'Laying on of Hands' technique to give the victim strength and
allow him to recover from his affliction. Unfortunately, two men burst into flames
while Laying on of Hands, burning for 18 days despite all attempts to quench the fire.

Seeing the horrible after effects of the experiment, the Navy discontinued all further
research into radar and optical invisibility. The surviving crewmen were discharged
as mentally unfit for duty and many were placed in insane asylums. However, science
was not quite done conducting research on electromagnetic fields or radar and its
affects on the human mind.

Surviving members, such as Al Bielek, have told about these experiments and
confirmed how they were able to not only teleport, but also travel in time. He claims
he ended up trapped living 2 years in the far future.

Al Bielek discusses what he remembers from his 6 weeks spent in the year 2137 and
2 years he spent in 2749. One thing that I should stress is that many of the events he
described as having happened, is happening now in our present time. The New World
Order takeover and devastating climate change to name a few.

Al describes what he remembers after he jumped off the U.S.S. Eldridge on August
13th 1943 Date of the Philadelphia Experiment.

He found himself with his brother, Duncan Cameron, in a hospital of the future for 6
weeks, recovering from radiation injuries.

The medical system of that future used vibrational and light treatments.
The TV programs were educational and news programs.

Thats where he noticed that earth changes caused a lot of geographical changes that
began in beginning of 21st century until 2025.

The coastlines and interior of the U.S. and Europe were drastically different from the
way they are now.

The water level had risen and Florida was reduced to the panhandle only. Atlanta,
GA was only 3 miles from the ocean.The Mississippi became an inland waterway.
The Great Lakes became one large lake.

The U.S. Infrastructure had collapsed. The U.S. and Canada were no longer refered
to as nations.

A loose form of local martial law existed 2137.

Central government was gone.

The magnetic poles of the earth started to shift but in that time line an artificial pole
structure was created to prevent the collapse and reversal of the magnetic poles. As a
result, the poles did not flip.

The worldwide population was reduced to 300 million. The U.S. population was
around 50 million.

He claims that between 1954-2000 our government worked with the aliens acquiring
technology, back and forward engineering all their technologies.

The problems began between 2003-2005. The new world order was taking over the
planet but then a war developed. At some point a war broke out between the
Russians/Chinese vs U.S/Europe. A number of U.S. cities were destroyed. The new
world order collapsed.

The government has the technology to reduce radiation damage and nuclear waste
within a few days, even now but refuses to use it for political reasons. In the future,
the technology is used to clean up the radiation left from WW3.

He then found himself, inexplicably, in the year 2749 for nearly two years. He talks
about what he learned while he was there. Then he was taken back to 2137 to pick
up Duncan, after which they were both taken to 1983.

There were ground based and floating cities. The floating cities could be moved to
different parts of the earth.

The Synthetic Intelligence Computer System was a computer system that ran
everything. There was no government. It was a huge crystalline floating structure.
It interviewed them telepathically.

The structure of society was completely socialistic. The basic needs for survival were
taken care of for everyone.
2. The Montauk Project

The Montauk Project was a mix of different governmental projects and experiments,
including studies into psychic abilities and other paranormal phenomenas. But for
this book, the main interest will be the time-travel, teleportation and inter-
dimensional experiments performed.

This was in a sense a continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment, but also involved
things such as mind control and the MK-Ultra program. It took place during the 60s
to early 80s when the base was shut down and destroyed.

Several people part of the Montauk Project have come forth and told the story of
what was going on there, some of it quite terrifying, and apparently very few of the
test-subjects and others part of the program survived.

What they managed to do there was to create a much more stable and powerful
technology for teleportation, time-travel and inter-dimensional travel than ever

Among other things, they had portals going to other planets, such as Mars, teleporting
people instantly from Earth to Mars, and back. At the time, they started to also co-
operate with the inhabitants of Mars, or rather the Governments of Mars, and work
together with them, exchanging technology and information etc.

This of course also sped up everything as far as the technology is concerned, and
greater improvements and discoveries were made.

They were now also starting to use psychic powers in combination with technology.
Among other things, they were using a type of chair, that one would sit down in and
connect with, to greatly increase and improve the psychic powers through Tesla-
based technology.

With this they could create more stable worm-holes, or portals, to travel through time,
teleport, and even travel inter-dimensionally.

Apparently the great black magician and occultis Aleister Crowley was involved as
well, as he too had learned to manipulate time through magick and occult arts. Thus,
at Montauk, not only did they communicate with, meet and bring to Earth physical
alien beings, but also other more non-physical demonic entities through the inter-
dimensional travelling abilities.

I will get more into the involvement with the occult, esoteric and black magick within
the Governments and their projects later on in this book, including its connection to
CERN, Mandela, many famous scientis, and more.

For now, further on, having in their posession both great technology, as well as great
mental and psychic understanding obtained from related projects, such as previously
mentioned MK-Ultra, and the Stargate Project which I also will go into more details
about later, along with also magick, the esoteric and spiritual, they obtained
tremendous powers and control in their hands.

And this is when things really started getting dark, as governments now were able to
communicate and learn directly from both their satanic and demonic masters, as well
as their evil alien colleagues and masters. For thousands of years the rulers of the
world have been involved with the occult, esoteric, magic etc, but mainly
communicated through psychic means, astral projection, and other esoteric and
magickal methods.

Now they were in direct contact, and could even bring these beings and entities over
here to our world, from both other parallel worlds, other planets, and to manifest
them out from other dimensions.

Below is a quote from Al Bielek's site about one of the Montauk Operators:
"Larry James (not his real name), claims to have been in charge of the operations of
the Time Control program at Montauk from the early 1970's until 1985.

For the first time, Larry has agreed to share his experience. However, he only agreed
to do so if we would not publicly identify him. He asked that no pictures be taken of
him and no reference his real name be made.

Larry leads a normal life and wants to keep it that way. He isn't interested in getting
caught up in much of the hype that surrounds the Montauk project. We had no choice
but to honor his request.

Larry wanted to get out of the program in 1985. The way he got out was to transfer
his "soul" into another body. He did the procedure for several other people, why not
for himself?

According to Larry, the Montauk time travel equipment was generally operational in
the early 1980's. Their group performed several time travel experiments.
Apparently, they were able to alter the outcome of the American Civil war, try out
different scenarios with World War II, and go all the way back to the Roman Empire
to test different outcomes.

After they experimented with the past, they would evaluate if their current state
(1980's) was better or worse. If better, they let the revised scenario exist - if worse,
they changed the scenario back.

While performing these experiments, they quickly learned about the dangers
associated with these experiments. If too many trips to the past occurred causing too
much change, that time line had the potential to fracture and "blink" out of existence.

The gift of time travel can be equated to the gift of nuclear fission. Depending how it
is used, great benefits can be derived - or great destruction can occur. That's why the
program remains secret and will probably always remain secret."

So, as this Time-Travel operator at the Montauk Project confirms, they are trying to
change our history with such technology. And this is causing the Mandela Effect, as
mentioned earlier, since the technology have advanced so much they do not only need
to travel one by one or in smaller groups anymore, they can make the whole World
and all its inhabitants travel all together at CERN.

It is possible this form of travel is what he calls "soul transfer" above, since physical
changes are observed as we move through these parallel worlds, yet, we do not end
up there double over. Meaning, we do not end up with another version of ourselves in
the same World.
3. CIA's "Stargate Project" Remote Viewing

In 1978 CIA started up their Stargate Project. The information about this has been
partially declassified, and recently even more documents on their remote viewing
experiments were declassified.

Remote viewing is a form of astral projection, or out of body experience, where a

person is able to perceive, see and sense what is happening at a remote location far
away, whether in the present, past or future.

In other words, it is a psychic ability, which the Governments spent some million
dollars on until it was shut down (at least "officially) in 1995. Obviously to me, they
never shut down but just wanted to keep going in secret and make the public believe

Released documents, as well as statements and interviews by several of the military

and civil personell involved, concludes that they also used Remote Viewing for time

They could go back in the past to find out what had really happened at various
historical events, or into the future to make possible changes in the present.

In addition, they used it to travel to other planets, such as Mars, and even did a time
travel back to the past there and discovered alien beings and structures and many
interesting things.

Search up "CIA Mars Exploration" for more. Another interesting one is "Psychic
Probe of the Planet Jupiter".
These documents and reports can be found online on CIA's own website, and you can
use the search feature there to read through declassified documents by search terms.

The link to the CIA's search engine is:

You can type in words or phrases there, I suggest you try the ones mentioned above
first to read those documents (they are in PDF format so you can download them

Other interesting search suggestions are words and phrases like "psychic",
"parapsychology", "mind control", "supernatural", "extraterrestrial", "remote viewing
session". Note, most remote viewing sessions are not titled regarding what the topic
is about, so you will have to manually open each one and check through. Some of the
material they got there is quite mindblowing and fascinating and it's interesting they
have actually published so much of previously classified documents on these topics
to the public!

I urge you to go through their tremendously large database of declassified files (they
just recently published 13 MILLION more declassified documents so its quite a lot!).

Maybe you will find some secret stuff there no one else have before that you can
share with the rest of us.

Nevertheless, you will have hours and hours of interesting reading and research there
directly from CIA's own website and files.

If you want to know more about remote viewing, and read some very interesting
remote viewing sessions that are more recent, I recommend you checking out which consists of remote viewers that are highly professional,
several of whom have been part of governmental projects previously.

There you can also learn remote viewing yourself for free through an online course
they have, which you find here:
CERN 666, Occultism, Governments & Black Magick

As I mentioned earlier, there is a lot of esoteric, occult, spiritual and magickal

practices and beliefs within the Governmens, the Elite, those in Power, and their
diffferent Groups and Factions, Institutions, Organizations, etc.

Just the very logo of CERN itself is satanic by its design, incorporating 666 entangled
together. It also hints to parallel worlds with the interconnected circles.

There is also some collaboration work between NASA and CERN, and several
scientists have worked in both places. And that leads us further down the dark road of
satanism & the occult magickal involvement of NASA, CERN and Mandela himself.

First of all, it is a fairly well known fact that many of the scientists at NASA (and
certainly at CERN too) are Freemasons. Now there are many types of Freemasons,
and different groups, and what is called rites. But to make it short, there are basically
2 kinds of Freemasons. One is the "bad guys", other is the "good guys".

Now, the "bad guys" Freemasons are the ones active here within these agencies.
Meaning the ones that are corrupt, got their own agenda, lust for control and power,
involved with dark arts and black magick, and basically wants to dominate all.

A second group of scientists and people part of NASA and CERN are Nazis, in fact it
is well documented how high level Nazi scientists were shipped over to work for
NASA after the word, and NASA advanced greatly due to the kind assisting hands of
their Nazi colleagues. That was called Operation Paperclip and is well documnted,
you can look it up in Wikipedia or anywhere. They brought over around 2000 Nazi
scientists to the USA after the war.

The Nazis themselves were deeply involved with the occult and esoteric and had
some very interesting ideas and ideology, which you also can look up by searching
for "occult nazis" or so on internet as there is too much information on that topic
alone for me to get further into it here.

Another group part of NASA and CERN are Thelemists, that is to say followers of
previously mentioned Aleister Crowley, from the black magick order Ordo Templi

In fact, NASA was largely built up by one of their greatest and most important
scientists, called Jack Parsons. In fact JPL was founded by him, and is based on his
name as well "Jack Parsons Laboratory", even though the official name for JPL is "Jet
Propulsion Laboratory".

But he was one naughty fellow and did some very disturbing experiments together
with his great friend and leader Aleister Crowley.

Jack Parsons:

Aleister Crowley:
These guys were also involved with L. Ron Hubbard the Founder of Scientology. In
fact, Jack Parsons was together with a woman called Sara Hollister, herself a major
figurine in the Ordo Templi Orientis, and she later married L. Ron Hubbard.

Now these guys were some fairly sick guys, deeply into the darkest and blackest of
magick, traveling out in the desert to perform enormous black magick work and
participate in sex rituals which were part of their dark work.

Interestingly, another woman who was part of their group and activities was a woman
called Pauline Pierce. She ended up pregnant, and gave birth to another famous
woman, Barbara Bush, and Aleister Crowley was most likely the father.
In either case, inspired by Crowley's novel Moonchild (1917), Parsons and Hubbard
aimed to magically fertilize a "magical child" through immaculate conception, which
when born to a woman somewhere on Earth nine months following the working's
completion would become the Thelemic messiah embodying Babalon.

To quote Metzger, the purpose of the Babalon Working was "a daring attempt to
shatter the boundaries of space and time" facilitating, according to Parsons, the
emergence of Thelema's on of Horus.

In December 1945 Parsons began a series of rituals based on Enochian magic during
which he masturbated onto magical tablets, accompanied by Sergei Prokofiev's
Second Violin Concerto. Describing this magical operation as the Babalon Working,
he hoped to bring about the incarnation of Thelemite goddess Babalon onto Earth. He
allowed Hubbard to take part as his "scribe", believing that he was particularly
sensitive to detecting magical phenomena.

As described by Richard Metzger, "Parsons jerked off in the name of spiritual

advancement" while Hubbard "scanned the astral plane for signs and visions."

Their final ritual took place in the Mojave Desert in late February 1946, during which
Parsons abruptly decided that his undertaking was complete. On returning to the
Parsonage he discovered that a woman named Marjorie Cameronan unemployed
illustrator and former Navy WAVEhad come to visit. Believing her to be the
"elemental" woman and manifestation of Babalon that he had invoked, in early
March Parsons began performing sex magic rituals with Cameron, who acted as his
"Scarlet Woman", while Hubbard continued to participate as the amanuensis. Unlike
the rest of the household, Cameron knew nothing at first of Parsons' magical
intentions: "I didn't know anything about the O.T.O., I didn't know that they had
invoked me, I didn't know anything, but the whole house knew it. Everybody was
watching to see what was going on." Despite this ignorance and her skepticism about
Parsons' magic, Cameron reported her sighting of a UFO to Parsons, who secretly
recorded the sighting as a materialization of Babalon.

Believing the Babalon Working was accomplished, Parsons sold the Parsonage to
developers for $25,000 under the condition that he and Cameron could continue to
live in the coach house, and he appointed Roy Leffingwell to head the Agape Lodge,
which would now have to meet elsewhere for its rituals.

And that is the main important part about these guys and their perverted black magick
they did continue with a lot after, and it is well known that Scientology has a very
huge amount of members, and so does OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). Many of them
famous celebrities, scientists, politicians, and other people in power.
Is it not nice to know that these kind of people are some of the highest leaders in our
World, some of our brightest and foremost scientists and pioneers, people of great
importance in society etc?

So there you got some bits of information on the occult powers and black magick
involved here and how they mix it with their science and technological expertise.

Notice the quote above "Babalon Working was "a daring attempt to shatter the
boundaries of space and time". Sounds pretty much just like CERN, does it not?

Seems they already managed to complete this Babalon Workin, and have now
shattered the boundaries of space and time, and brought us all along for a crazy and
dark occult ride whether we want to or not.

It is crucial to understand how important black magick, satanism, the occult and
esoteric arts are for not only the leading scientists of these projects here, but for the
leaders of the Worlds, and our Governments in general.

Virtually EVERYTHING in our world is based upon esoteric principles, and

everything attuned in accordance with their sinister plans. I could write much more
on that topic alone, and I will, and I also have so you can check my previous book
"Earth: A Spiritual Trap & Practical Exercises to Ascend" for something directed
towards that topic, it is available at

I will however stay a bit more on this topic, but it will be the next chapter on its own,
since it is about Dark Knight Nelson Mandela himself and HIS involvement with the
occult & satanic.
Dark Knight Nelson Mandela

So, interestingly the phenomena called the Mandela Effect links to Nelson
Mandela in other ways than just the fact it was named after him because of people
remembering different times of his death, but also as he himself was deeply involved
with the occult, black magick, and such dark arts as mentioned previously.

Nelson Mandela was a Knight of Malta. The Rainbow Nation concept foisted
on every South African, very cleverly hid the Masonic New Age agenda to lead South
Africa into the New World Order. Nelson Mandela was a pawn of the New World
Order and the Freemasons, to usher South Africa into the godless Lucifer-worshiping
New Age of Aquarius.

The Knights of Malta are simply one of the Masonic Degrees and therefore
Nelson Mandela was a Freemason. Without going into the details about Freemasonry
here, it suffices to say that the corrupted form of Masonry is the antithesis of
Christianity as are all mystery religions that seek to subvert the teachings of the
Bible. But the Knights or Malta is also a Catholic Order which serves the Vatican

The Vatican itself is highly satanic and involved with a lot of dark arts and
black magick. It is filled with esoteric symbolism everywhere, and I just call the
Vatican for the Left Hand of Satan on Earth. The Devil disguised as God. It is too
much for me to go into great details about here, but do search "satanic vatican",
"occult vatican" and similar for more information and evidence on this.
Nelson Mandela was a front man and one of the most influencial spreaders of
the philosophy of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a form of spiritual humanism that is part of the
global plan to establish a one world religion (or rather a new global spirituality or
spiritual oneness) that excludes Jesus Christ. At the heart of this new religion is the
worship of man. Behind this hidden agenda are the new age global elite occultists
who worship Lucifer the Light Bearer.

The term Ubuntu roughly translates to human kindness that embraces the
concept of being humane towards others. It is used in a philosophical sense that
means the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. In South
Africa it refers to a kind of humanistic philosophy, ethic or ideology. It is can be
described as a kind of social humanism.

Ubuntu asserts that society, not a transcendent being, gives human beings their
humanity. In other words, humanity comes from conforming to or being part of the
tribe. But when we apply this logic to (for example), Hitler and the Third Reich, we
see that the concept does not work in isolation.

This is because it implies that humans are inherently good rather than evil,
whereas the Bible teaches the opposite. There are countless examples throughout
history that prove that critical mass (which we will call society) provides no
guarantee of peace, well being and prosperity. Because man is in a spiritually fallen
state, collectively humanity is just as evil by nature as we are individually. Ubuntu is
based on the lie that man can save himself.

Nelson Mandela, the Knights of Malta and the 46664 campaign. This 46664
campaign was branded as a global campaign for change. And that is precisely what
it is a global campaign for change; a transition into the new world order and the age
of a new form of spirituality that is based on secular humanism and the adulation of

Why the number 46664? Well, this was Mandela's prison number, but one must
be a true ignorant fool to really believe his prison number just coincidentally happens
to have 666 blatantly displayed and projected upon us all.

And when taking into his background and involvement with the corrupted
Freemasons, Knights of Malta, the Vatican, and their dark arts, satanism and black
magick, it is obviously all on purpose.

One can wonder if he even ever actually went to prison at all, or if it was just
an elaborate scam all together.

It is quite apparent by now, that Nelson Mandela is also somehow connected

with the work of CERN, already evidenced by their "salute" to him by Mr. Bernstein
at CERN as shown earlier, wearing the signs of his name.

They are all connected with making changes in the World and History, they are
involved with the same occult work and secret orders, they even both throw 666 right
in our faces with their logos, etc.

Exactly what role Nelson Mandela had here in relation with CERN is still
somewhat unclear to me though, and it will just have to be speculations and theories.
There are many possibilities.

It is highly likely in my opinion though that he was connected with CERN and
those other connected to it through different members of these secret orders, occult
groups and governmental agencies etc. After all, it would be a perfect way to make
the changes in the World he was working for.

Perhaps he got involved, and decided to be directly part of the experiments,

and let himself be "sacrificed" and "die in prison" in one timeline, and live on to die
at normal old age in another timeline, as one of the first experiments to observe and
watch peoples reactions and if they would notice the transition between these two

I do not really know the answer to that, but from everything I have presented
here so far, I would say it is fairly clear everything is inter-connected and related to
each other, and I hope this little book have brought a bit more understanding and
insights to you regarding the Mandela Effect, as well as all the other secret aspects
involving everything from CERN, parallel worlds, other dimensions, time travel, the
esoteric, occult and magickal practices, secret governmental projects, alien beings
and demonic entities, and how there is a shared line running throughout it all.
Conclusions, Ideas & Theories

The idea of this book has been to introduce you, the reader, to the Mandela
Effect, and how it clearly is connected to a lot of seemingly unrelated people,
agencies, institutions, practices, experiments, groups, events and programs, from
those part of Governments, to Science, and to the Occult and Esoteric.

My goal has been to briefly introduce you to these different topics, and make it
clear how they all are connected. I have not intended or tried to be very extensive and
go into great depths on each topic, since there already exist plenty of material on
these topics on their own in other books, on the internet, documentaries etc.

However, I believe I am the first to clearly link all these together and present it
all in a fairly easy to understand way, so you can see how it all relates and plays a
part together.

For the final chapter of this book, I will present some of my own conclusions,
ideas, theories and beliefs, as well as some of my own discoveries and observations,
all based on my own extensive research and investigation into all topics part of this
book, and the fact I also have a personal and direct background and involvement with
many of these, such as being a member of several secret orders, practiced and studied
esoteric and spiritual paths most my life, been involved with governmental factions
and people of different institutions, agencies, and other groups.
1. The Goal of Those Behind the Mandela Effect

The way that I perceive it from my own experience, investigation and research,
which in total on these topics spreads over more than 20 years now, is that there is a
group of people, we can call them the Elite.

The Elite are the ones in Power in the World. And they want to maintain that
power, and also extend it and gain more control than they currently have. These
people are extremely hellbent on Power and Control, and will do anything to get
things their way.

For thousands and thousands of years the world has been largely controlled and
dominated by in a sense the same group, the same Elite. They themselves seem to be
controlled from what I can only call a "Higher Power", that extends beyond the
physical World itself.

And that is where all the esoteric, occult and spiritual comes into place. The
Elite, and their Secret Orders & Societies, have been working with spiritual entities
for ancient times. There seem to also be an alien influence and contact, with other
physical extraterrestrial beings, and not only spiritual beings. But means of
communication seems to have been mainly spiritual or psychic in nature for most of
the time.

More recently they have come into deeper and more physical contact, as I
explained a bit earlier. Now they can open up portals, travel through dimensions, to
other planets, and through time.
Of course this is a golden ticket for the Elite to gain even more power and
control, and also to more easily manipulate not only people themselves, but History.

And this is where we are now, at the moment where the combination between
their vast magickal and esoteric knowledge, combined with their vast technological
knowledge, together with collaboration with alien beings and inter-dimensional
entities, they are able to affect the World and the Population incredibly far.

With their CERN-Magick-Technology they are now in the process of trying to

change History, our past, to make changes in our present. They want to create a
present that is exactly the way that fits their agendas and desires.

And that is what they are doing, experimenting with changes in History, but
for now on a smaller level, since we have the issue of the Mandela Effect. They are
still unable to make changes in History without people remembering the original past.

They must be working hard on fine-tuning this technology, and the amount of
experiments seems very large. This can be seen reflected in the huge amounts of
people experiencing all kinds of Mandela Effect related changes in their realities.

My theory is that they will have to "transfer" us to an alternate or parallel

world, where they have done changes in History, since it is not possible to make
changes in the Past of an already existing Timeline's history.

This goes in hand with quantum mechanics and the Many Worlds theory,
multiverse, etc. Also it fits with what John Titor spoke about on timelines.

If they can ever manage to "fix" the Mandela Effect issue, I do not know.
Hopefully not, as if they do, they are basically free to do whatever they want with us,
and create whichever type of History and Past, Present and Future they wish.

Ultimately, one can only hope CERN will blow themselves up in some
accident, or that it somehow else will be brought down, so the World can our
Timeline can be stabilized again.
2. Time Travel

When it comes to Time Travel, I do have some direct experience and

involvement with that as well.

I have travelled in time both physically and non-physically (astral projection),

and also know people who have been directly involved with the governments
working on such experiments.

For my own experiences, I have one physical experience with time travel, and
countless through astral projection and remote viewing.

My so far only physical time travel experience was completely by accident and
not planned at all. What happened was that me and a friend was up on a hill to do
some research. The hill caught our interest when we were far up in the mountains and
deep in the woods on a cabin vacation.

We found the hill to seem quite curious, as it was basically constucted by a

bunch of seemingly loose stones and rocks. It had some indications of being
artificially created, or built by some ancient people.

Among other things, we found what looked like stairways leading to a

collapsed part, where it seemed it had been an entrance once, but now the side had
caved in and also indicating the structure had a hollow inside.

The shape of this hill itself was also interesting, as it was fairly pyramid
shaped, but seemed like a very ancient and partially collapsed pyramid, now mostly
left in a huge pile of rubbles.
Following on, we decided to ascend the hill to its top to see if we could find
anything else of interest. It was quite tall, and hard to climb up, I estimate it took us
around 30 minutes to reach the top.

During the time we were getting our way up, the climate changed drastically.
As we reached the top, we were completely surrounded by thick fog and clouds, and
our vision was rather limited to a few meters in any direction.

Thus we just quickly looked around, as it was fairly humid and "electric" in the
air and being on a tall top like that is not the best place to be if it starts lightning. So
we took some pictures, and started to go back down.

At the time, we did not notice anything particularly unusual except for the
heavy fog and "static air". So we headed back to our cabin where other family
members and friends were waiting.

When we arrived, we were confused to hear our friends and family saying they
were just about to send out a search and rescue party, since they thought we had
gotten lost or ended up in problems. They told us we had been gone more than 8
hours. This shocked us, as the walk from the cabin to that hill and back would
normally take less than 2 hours.

So, somehow around 6 hours were "missing", and my theory is that somehow
we were sent 6 hours into the future. Most likely due to the place being on some kind
of very strong natural (or perhaps artificial) power-spot of some kind, like ley-lines
and Earth-vortices etc are said to be.

As a sidenote, many ancient structures as well as current, specially by

governments, are placed on such "power spots".

In either case, we could not properly explain the missing 6 hours in any other
rational way, and there were more evidence to support something of very strong
energies involved had taken place.

And that was the photos we shot when up there. It was shot by a film-roll
camera, and we had to go get them developed. Once we got the photos back, they
were very strange to say the least. There were a lot of bright lights and flashes, as
well as types of orbs, seen out through all the photos taken.

Even stranger is that photos taken in other locations at other times on the same
film roll were distorted and weird, and in some cases some photos seemed to have
"melted together", were we could see ourselves partially in one place, and in a
different place, at the same time, and also in some we were transparent.
We found this to be so odd we had the photos sent to Kodak for analysis, and
they told us they did not know what could have caused this phenomena, the only
thing they could think of that could cause such effects would be very strong
electromagnetic forces or similar.

Unfortunately, that is more than a decade ago, and I do not have those photos
anymore, and my friend who had the originals moved out of country and so did I
and we have lost contact.

I strongly suspect the Elite, and those in Power running CERN etc, have placed
their structures, buildings and scientific equipment on similar spots, to gain some
extra energy, as these are also used to strengthen for example occult, psychic and
magickal work.

When it comes to my remote viewing and astral projection experiences with

time-travel, I have had countless. I have travelled back to many different times in
History, including investigating my own past lives.

This has been very insightful and interesting, and I have made some really deep
and complex discoveries about time, space, existence, our parallel worlds and other
dimensions etc through these techniques.

Once I went into a parallel world's future, or an alternate timeline, and

somehow managed to enter the body of my alternate self there and be in control of
that body. I managed to stay there for 3 days in a row before I was no longer able to
keep myself in that body and felt as if I was being sucked out, and I returned "here"
in this world and my "normal" body.

As I mentioned earlier, this is also one of the techniques used by the

governments and other groups to travel in both time and through other parallel worlds
and other higher spiritual or non-physical dimensions.

Also it is probably the most easy way of time travel possible, since all you need
is yourself and no fancy technology or time travel machines or do complicated
magical rituals or such.

Physical time travel have also been around a while as I gave some examples on
earlier, and I have a couple friends who have been directly involved with
governmental projects and part of such experiments.

One of my first contacts revealing secrets about time travel to me was a NSA
insider, he worked as a scientist for them on teleportation and time travel projects.
He was part of building some type of portal that allowed them to go back and
forth in time and space, as well as teleport to different locations.

They were also building space-crafts that also were supposed to be used for
time-travel, teleportation and very long distance travels. He showed me some
schematics of one of those crafts that he was part of constructing.

This all took place in the mid 1990s, we stayed in contact on and off for more
than a decade, but I lost contact with him and have never manage to get in touch with
him again the last several years now.

Time Travel technology is available in many different forms, and many

different governments, countries, secret groups, agencies etc are in posession of such.

Several countries work together, which just makes sense since its the same
Elite that runs the whole World in either case, and CERN is the result of collaboration
of a massive 22 different countries. No wonder they got so far, imagine the thousands
of scientists and brightest minds of that many countries all working together,
implementing and sharing all the secret knowledge and experience they had from
before within the individual countries on their own.

There are many movies, tv-shows, comics and such these days with time travel
based stories, several of them are quite good and based on a lot of truth. One of my
own favorite shows that covers most, from time travel, to parallel worlds, to aliens,
astral realms, secret governmental technology and projects, space travel and so on, is
the old Tv series Stargate-SG 1, which actually got things quite right.

Whoever wrote the stories for that series certainly had some real inside
knowledge and experience since it really exposes a lot of real secret projects and
3. Parallel Worlds

Parallel worlds and alternate universes are all around us, as we are part of what
I can only call a "Multiverse".

Again this relates to the "Many Worlds" theory of quantum mechanics.

Personally I have confirmed this to be a fact, as mentioned earlier, through astral
projection travels to such other parallel worlds.

This is also of great interest to the Elite and those with Power over the World,
as they can travel to different "versions"of the World and see how it would be in
different situations and with different historical timelines and events taking place.

Thus they can use that information to mold, manipulate and form our current
World and present-future History.

It might be a complex idea to wrap your head around, but one can say that any
possible version of the World one can imagine exists somewhere, every choice that
we do, we have done differently elsewhere.

Exactly why, or how, these seemingly unlimited parallel worlds and universes
exists, I have no specific idea or theory about. For me it simply is what it is and I
have to accept that.

The good thing is that we too can take advantage of this, by visiting and seeing
ourselves in parallel worlds living different lives, and investigate parallel selves that
lives in a situation we would like to live, to try make same choices here to get into
such a situation.
4. Other Dimensions

With "other dimensions" I speak of what can be called non-physical, etheric or

astral realms. Basically the spirit worlds so to speak.

That also includes what one could call "alien worlds" that are beyond our
physical perception and reach, inhabitated by "extraterrestrial inter-dimensional"

Beings from these other dimensions are at times able to manifest themselves in
physical form, or "possess" physical beings such as humans, but newer technology
also allows them to move from their world and frequency, into our physical world
and frequency.

As mentioned earlier, the Elite and other groups have been in contact with
these beings for centuries and centuries, to thousands of years. But it has mainly been
in "psychic" ways such as "channeling", "telepathic" contact, astral projection, etc.

The Elite, the corrupt ones in Power, are mainly in contact with what one can
call "lower dimensional" beings, such as what would be "demons" and other
malevolent entities.

Some of these people in higher places in society and within various magickal
orders and secret societies etc, are in fact such entities in human bodies.

It is largely thanks to such entities that the Elite maintains their power and
control over the human race, due to their massive knowledge, experience and
5. Remote Viewing & Astral Projection

Remote viewing & Astral Projecetion are related to each other, but the
practices are very different, even though both are used to see what happens in remote
places, visit other planets, travel in time, communicate with spirits and entities, etc.

Remote Viewing:
During Remote Viewing, the person performing the remote
viewing will be fully conscious during the process, and able to write notes, make
sketches etc, of what he perceives and sees. Usually in remote viewing sesssion, there
is a Monitor, a person that will be monitoring the process, and asking the remote
viewer different questions, or tell him where to go and such. Normally a remote
viewer will not know the target beforehand, but only be given a random number that
is connected to the target. This could be something as simple as having a photograph
of the moon with the same number written on it, and a short description of where or
what to look for on the moon and this would of course be stored in either a sealed
envelope that the remote viewer is not allowed to open during the session, or it could
be stored in a different room etc.

Then the Remote Viewer will have to try "connect" with the
number he is given, and sense and see what he can using his psychic remote viewing
abilities, while the Monitor takes notes of what the Remote Viewer is telling, and the
Remote Viewer himself can make notes, sketches, drawings etc of what he perceives
of the target location.

This is a highly useful method, since the remote viewer can

not mix in any pre-existing belief regarding the target, as he do not know the target.
Astral Projection:
During Astral Projection, the person performing it will
normally lie down, or sit in a comfortable reclined position, and perform a type of
meditation and technique that literally will make him float out of his own body.

He will feel himself completely separated from his physical

body, as if he is being a "ghost" or in his "soul form", while the body will seem to be

However, even though the body itself is sleeping, the astral

projectioner is completely lucid, conscious and aware, and freely able to go basically
anywhere he wants in time, space and dimensions.

In an astral projection, also often called Out Of Body

Experience, one can simply think of a target destination and one will find oneself
immediately transferred there, as a sort of teleportation.

One can meet other entities, beings, even contact other

physical people with a high psyhic ability, and communicate and meet with other
astral projectioners. Often the latter is done with various people in Power, the Elite,
and other Secret Groups, to communicate and stay in contact with each other in a
completely secret and invisible way that can not be monitored or observed in any way
by outsiders and people in the physical world.

There is virtually no limit to where one can travel, whether

it is to other planets, different dimensions, back or forth in time, explore ones owns
past lives, investigate the mysteries of existence and the Universe, etc.

Normally, there is a limited time one will be able to stay out

before automatically being "sucked" back to the body. It is usually hard to stay out
more than a couple of hours though time is relative there and one may have an
experience of several days in the astral worlds, even if only and hour goes past in this
physical World.

When returning, memories may at times be somewhat hazy

and dream-like, though other times they are completely crystal clear and you are fully
aware of everything you experienced and how it felt.

Everyone can learn to do astral projection, and there are

many books and courses on it, and it is a great way to understand the complexity of
oneself, existence, and everything that is.
6. Spirituality and Magick

The spiritual practices are many, anything from healing, to astral projection,
meditation, chakra work, telekinesis, telepathy, channeling, and so much more.

However in this section I will focus on spiritual methods and practices used
relating to what this book mainly is about, time-travel, teleportation, inter-
dimensional travel etc, as well as Magick, and how it is used for the same and to
connect with entities and beings assisting in such work.

Magick itself is of course one of many spiritual practices, and there are in turn
many types of magick. I will mostly be talking about the darker types of black
magick here.

Spirituality is an important part of the practices of the Elite and those in Power,
since it greatly improves their power and control by giving them insights, experiences
and knowledge through spiritual means that they otherwise would not obtain.

Of course, any other person, such as yourself, can also tap into these spiritual
resources and connect with the higher parts of yourself and the greater totality of
existence itself.

Now when it comes to magick, in the case with the Elite, they practice Black
Magick. You could call it satanic, as they invoke and evoke demonic beings to assist
them in their work and to reach closer to their sinister agenda.

These demonic beings have been worshipped, invoked and evoked for up to
thousands of years by secret groups the Elite are part of, and one major part of
imporance to many such black magic rituals is some great sacrifice, to please the dark
demonic beings, and give them too more power.

Human sacrifice have always been part of History, and is probably more
practiced and carried out around in the world than ever.

They did find a smart solution to it though, to be able to do great horrible

sacrifices without anyone even knowing they are sacrifices. That is called War and

In ancient days it was common to carry out human sacrifices in the open, in the
public, but times have changed, and obviously that would not be possible today. So,
they started to use War and Terrorism as a cover for their sacrifices.

9/11, the Two Towers of WTC, is a great example. That was in truth a major
ritual, a true and horrific mega sacrifice where the Two Towers were the Altars of

Even 9/11 connects back to previously mentioned Aleister Crowley, who

prophecised the event in one of his books, where he also stated that muslims would
be blamed for it. He also explains how to fold the dollar bills to see step by step the
two towers falling down.

The dollar bills themselves are black magick talismans filled with occult
symbols and hidden meanings. And this becomes even clearer when you understand
that 9/11 was pre-planned, the Towers were built to serve as Altars of Sacrifice, the
event itself is embedded into the magickal talismans of the dollar bills, and Aleister
Crowley correctly prophecised decades before both how to fold the bills to reveal this
and how the event would be carried out.

Then further on, it is a perfect occult illustration and seen so clearly from the
New York Arch with the collaps of the towers being shown in correct order as the
value increases on each dollar bill.. This shown by folding them i a 2-way step,
completely identical 2-way folding for every dollar bill, which would be an
impossible coincidence. Specially when it was Aleister Crowley himself who made
the prophecy about what would happen and that it could be seen by folding the papers
in this specific way.

The prophecy on the dollar bill and 911 attack is found in Liber Al: The Book of the
Law by Aleister Crowley, where this prophecy "Paste the sheets from right to left
and from top to bottom: then behold!" is from. According to Crowley, a spirit
channeled the book through him. Another line above it also seem it might be related
to 911 as it goes: "Hail! ye twin warriors about the pillars of the world! for your
time is nigh at hand." Here is the full quote of what he wrote about this:
III:52. I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him.
III:71. Hail! ye twin warriors about the pillars of the world! for your time is nigh at
III:72. I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power; the wand of the Force of Coph
Niabut my left hand is empty, for I have crushed an Universe; & nought remains.
III:73. Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom: then behold!

So he explained both what was going to happen, and how it could be seen in the
dollar bill by folding them in a simple and identical way. Twin warriors and pillars , a
very clear and straight forward reference to the WTC towers. And the flapping of
wings in the face of mohammed is another clear reference to something flying would
be included (airplanes) and that the followers of Mohammed would be blaimed for it
(meaning people of Islam religion and that's exactly what happened).
7. Mind Control

Some type of Mind Control is used almost everywhere in society, from the use
of hypnotic suggestions, subliminal messages, persuasion and to more complex
technological means. This is done in the Media, Marketing, Religions, School
system, Politics, and of course Governments, the Elite and those in Power.

It is already a fact that Governments experiment with Mind Control, since they
have admitted it themselves, and through CIA released large amounts of declassified
documents on this.

The main program there was called Project MKUltra, where subjects where
submitted to all kinds of experiments with drugs, hypnosis and technological
methods, and the scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at
80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons,
and pharmaceutical companies.

You can look up MKUltra on the internet for more information as its already
been covered and researched in great details by huge amounts of researchers.

Further on, not only do they perform mind control on people to gain power and
control over them, they also use it on their own agents that are involved with things
such as time-travel, teleportation, inter-dimensional travels, aliens and other secret

This way, they can make a type of "split person", meaning they can "activate"
and "deactive" 2 different (or more) personalities of a person as they wish, where one
will not remember anything the other have done or been part of.
So then they can control the ones participating in the project and make sure it
stays secret, by "switching" between the personalities of these people, so one
personality lives his normal life knowing nothing or very little of what he has been
part of, and the other is highly knowledgable and experienced with the secret

When not active in one of the projects, they "switch" the personality back to
the "normal" state, which will then not remember what he has been part of.

There are many forms of mind control in society affecting us all at all times
almost anywhere we go.

Almost everything have been "optimized" by the Elite to make it easier to

control our minds. That goes from what you eat and drink, filled with chemicals to
make you more "open", same with pharmaceuticals, then you have the educational
system, religions, media, governments & politics, technology, etc.

I have written more detailed about the different ways of mind control in my
chapter called "External Influences on your Mind and Body" in my other book
"Earth: A Spiritual Trap" that you can get from

Thought-control can be done by implementing ideas, beliefs, thoughts and

emotions through psychic means. This is done both by individual entities, by groups,
by larger Consciousnesses, and even by different People in between themselves.

Spiritual Experiences - this goes from meetings with "Angels" and "Demons",
to "Guides" and so on, "Advanced Beings" whom tell you the "truth" and show you
"reality" etc. Most people's Spiritual Experiences takes place on very low levels of
Existence, and are far from what anything is really about, just a mere weak reflection
of a fragment of Totality.

A lot of the negative experiences, emotions, anger, hatred, depression, physical

problems, difficulties in life, problematic state of mind and so on, is a direct effect of
all the above mentioned external influences and mind control methods constantly
being bombarded upon us.

The Elite themselves are largely under Mind Control by spiritual beings,
entities and demons operating from other planes of existence, a lot of them who they
have brought upon themselves through their involvement with black magick, dark
spiritual practices, and unsafe technology.
8. Aliens & UFOs

Since I have already mentioned Aliens and Extraterrestrials earlier in this book,
i will add some extra information on that topic as the last part of this book.

Aliens in different forms have been coming and going to Earth many times
throughout history. There is a lot of evidence to this in ancient stories, sculptures,
carvings, paintings, artifacts etc. Since this topic is already deeply covered by others,
i urge you to look up "ancient aliens" on internet, search in google or youtube etc.

History Channel had a whole documentary series based on this theme, which
was quite fascinating, and you should try get a copy of that if you have not seen it
already. Here are the first 7 seasons of the series:

Should that link not work, simply search "History Channel Ancient Aliens" in and you'll get a huge amount of results since its already up in 11
seasons, so plenty to watch through. Try start with first episode of first season and
watch them in correct order.

In either case, there are many types of aliens, some are from other planets,
some are inter-dimensional or etheric, some are even time travelers.

Mankind itself seem to be "aliens", in the sense that we seem to have come to
Earth a long time ago, from somewhere else. This explains the perfectness of the
most ancient structures and civilizations, that suddenly came to be and later the
technology and knowledge were lost through generations and probably some disastes
that killed a lot of people with the knowledge.
My personal theory is that we came from Mars, some catastrophic event took
place there, and a large amount of people from Mars escaped and settled on Earth.
There is a lot of evidence on Mars for ancient civilizations and life there, and also
current life.

Through remote viewing it has been established that not only were there large
civilizations and a fertile planet with great nature and vegetation in the past, but there
is also some life there now, mostly living underground due to toxic air and thin
atmosphere with a lot of radiation on the surface.

You can see some evidence on this by googling things such as "mars
anomalies" and "remote viewing mars" etc, or go to the following website that got a
huge archive of evidence:

Those in Power, the Elite of the World, are now apparently working together
with people living on Mars, I can only speculate but I believe they are interchanging
information and science, and helping each other to suit their own separate agendas.

Earth seem to be helping Mars to terraform the planet, meaning trying to fix
the problems with the atmosphere, regain vegetation and nature, and a habitat on the
surface that can support life.

In turn Mars is helping Earth with highly advanced technology that they
implement and use in a large amount of secret projects and technology, both for their
own use such as military use and scientific use, but also for public use such as
helping out with the technological advancements of society.

UFOs are both alien crafts as well as mankind crafts, and some seem to be a
form of etheric or energetic beings that usually just are perceived as balls of lights.

Some of these UFOs come from other worlds and dimensions, some are time
travel machines by future people, and some are crafts of our own Governments and
the Elite of this World.

And with this last part, I thank you for having read my book, and I hope it have
given you some insights and understanding into what is really going on regarding the
Mandela Effect, and everything that connects to it, and all the secret activities of
those in Power of this World and the Governments and others here are part of.

Stay observant and never trust anything until you have confirmed it yourelf!

All the best,

Edward Alexander

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