Suggested ANSWERS To The 2010 BAR EXAM Questions On Public International Law

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The document discusses the jurisdiction and subject matters of the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice, as well as crimes under international law like genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

The ICC has jurisdiction over core international crimes committed by individuals while the ICJ deals with legal disputes between states. The ICC also has jurisdiction over parties while the ICJ requires state consent.

Crimes like genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes fall under international law and states have an obligation to prosecute these crimes.

Suggested ANSWERS to the 2010 BAR EXAM Questions on Public whole, particularly: (a) the Crime of Genocide; (b)

: (a) the Crime of Genocide; (b) Crimes against Humanity; (c) War
International Law crimes; and (d) the Crime of Aggression. (R. Sarmiento, Public International Law Bar
September 7, 2010 at 9:28pm Reviewer, 2009 Revised Edition, p. 308). On the other hand, the jurisdiction of the ICJ
covers legal disputes which the States refer to it. This includes disputes concerning:
Copyright 2010 by Atty. Ralph A. Sarmiento. All Rights Reserved. (a) the interpretation of a treaty; (b) any question of international law; (c) the
existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an
I. international obligation; and (d) the nature or extent of the reparation to be made
for the breach of an international obligation. (Article 36, ICJ Statute) The ICJ also has
The dictatorial regime of President A of the Republic of Gordon was jurisdiction to give an advisory opinion on any legal question as may be requested
toppled by a combined force led by Gen. Abe, former royal guards and the by the General Assembly or the Security Council or on legal questions arising within
secessionist Gordon Peoples Army. The new government constituted a the scope of the activities of other organs and specialized agencies of the U.N. upon
Truth and Reconciliation Commission to look into the serious crimes their request and when so authorized by the General Assembly. (Article 96, U.N.
committed under President As regime. After the hearings, the Commission Charter)
recommended that an amnesty law be passed to cover even those involved
in mass killings of members of indigenous groups who opposed President As to jurisdiction over the persons or parties (ratione personae), the ICC shall have
A. International human rights groups argued that the proposed amnesty the power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of
law is contrary to international law. Decide with reasons. (4%) international concern, and shall be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions.
(Art. 1, Rome Statute) On the other hand, only States may be parties in cases before
Suggested Answer: the ICJ and their consent is needed for the ICJ to acquire jurisdiction. ( R. Sarmiento,
Public International Law Bar Reviewer, 2009 Revised Edition, p. 185)
The proposed amnesty law is contrary to international law.
The indigenous group may constitute an ethnic group which is protected by the law
on Genocide. If the mass killing was committed with the intent to destroy (dolus A, a British photojournalist, was covering the violent protests of the Thai
specialis) the said ethnic group as such, in whole or in part, then the crime of Red-Shirts Movement in Bangkok. Despite warnings given by the Thai
Genocide was committed. The international norm for the prevention, prosecution Prime Minister to foreigners, specially journalists, A moved around the
and punishment of Genocide is a peremptory (just cogens) norm of international law Thai capital. In the course of his coverage, he was killed with a stray bullet
and, therefore, non-derogable. (Prosecutor v. Blagojevic and Jokic, ICTY, January 17, which was later identified as having come from the ranks of the Red-
2005) Shirts. The wife of A sought relief from Thai authorities but was refused
Even if the mass killing was not committed with the dolus specialis to destroy the
ethnic group as such, the same may still constitute the Crime Against Humanity of A. Is there state responsibility on the part of Thailand? (2%)
Extermination if the mass killing was widespread and systematic or the War Crime of
Intentionally Attacking Civilians if the same took place in the context of or was B. What is the appropriate remedy available to the victims family under
associated with an armed conflict. The norm for the prevention, prosecution and international law? (3%)
punishment of crimes against humanity and war crimes are also customary norms of
international and therefore binding on all States. (Prosecutor v. Stakic, ICTY, July 31, Suggested Answer:
A. No, there is no state responsibility on the part of Thailand because the acts of
Thus, Republic of Gordon has the obligation under international law to prosecute and the Thai Red-Shirts were not the acts of Thailand. Under the Principle of Attribution
punish all those involved in the mass killing of the members of the indigenous group or Imputation, a State only incurs liability for individual acts or omission which can
and providing amnesty to those involved is violative of this obligation. be attributed to it. The Thai Red-Shirts are not its officials, agents, or representatives
and they were not acting on the instructions of, or under the direction or control of,
II. the Thai Government. (R. Sarmiento, Public International Law Bar Reviewer, 2009
Revised Edition, pp. 65-66)
Compare and contrast the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
and International Court of Justice. (3%) B. Unless the Red-Shirts becomes the new Government of Thailand or Thailand
acknowledges and adopts the conduct of the Red-Shirts as its own, the victims
Suggested Answer: family has no appropriate remedy under international law. Their remedy, if any, if
only available under the domestic laws of Thailand by the institution of the
The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) primarily deals with the appropriate criminal cases against the persons responsible for A killing and the
prosecution of individuals for core international crimes, while the jurisdiction of the filing of an action to recover damages arising from As death.
International Court of Justice (ICJ) deals with contentious proceedings between
States. IV.

As to subject matter jurisdiction (ratione materiae), the jurisdiction of the ICC is Choose the statement which appropriately completes the opening phrase:
limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a
A State which resorts to retorsion in international law XXVII.

A. must ensure that all states consent to its act. What is the concept of association under international law? (2%)
B. cannot curtail migration from the offending state.
C. can expel the nationals of the offending state. Suggested Answer:
D. should apply proportionate response within appreciable limit.
E. None of the above. Under international law, an association is formed when two states of unequal power
voluntarily establish durable links. In the basic model, one state, the associate,
Explain your answer. (2%) delegates certain responsibilities to the other, the principal, while maintaining its
international status as a state. Free associations represent a middle ground between
Suggested Answer: integration and independence. (C.I. Keitner and W.M. Reisman, Free Association: The
United States Experience, 39 Tex. Int'l L.J. 1 (2003)).
D. A State which resorts to retorsion in international law should apply proportionate
response within appreciable limits. In international practice, the "associated state" arrangement has usually been used
as a transitional device of former colonies on their way to full independence.
Retorsion consists in retaliation where the acts complained of do not constitute a Examples of states that have passed through the status of associated states as a
legal ground of offense but are rather in the nature of unfriendly acts done primarily transitional phase are Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Dominica, St. Lucia, St.
in pursuance of legitimate State interests but indirectly hurtful to other States. (R. Vincent and Grenada. All have since become independent states. (Henkin, et al.,
Sarmiento, Public International Law Bar Reviewer, 2009 Revised Edition, p. 233) International Law: Cases and Materials, 2nd ed., 274 (1987))

To be valid in international law, acts of retorsion should not be excessive when In deciding the constitutionality of the Memorandum of Agreement on the Ancestral
compared to the unfriendly acts committed by the offending State. Moreover, they Domain (MOA-AD) Aspect of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement on Peace of 2001, the
should not violate a States obligation under Article 2(3) of the U.N. Charter to settle Supreme Court had ruled that the concept of association under international law is
their disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and not recognized under the 1987 Constitution as it runs counter to the national
security and justice are not endangered. sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic. (Province of North Cotabato v.
GRP Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain, G.R. No. 183591, Oct. 14, 2008)

Which statement best completes the following phrase: (1%)

Suggested ANSWERS to the 2009 BAR Questions on Public International Law
Freedom from torture is a right
January 14, 2010 at 5:05pm
A. subject to derogation when national security is threatened.
B. confined only during custodial investigation.
C. which is non-derogable both during peacetime and in a situation of
armed conflict.
D. both (a) and (b) Copyright 2009 by Atty. Ralph A. Sarmiento. All Rights Reserved.
E. none of the above.

Suggested Answer: XII.

C. Freedom from torture is a right which is non-derogable both during peacetime

and in a situation of armed conflict. William, a private American citizen, a university graduate and frequent
visitor to the Philippines, was inside the U.S. embassy when he got into a
Article 2(2) of the U.N. Convention Against Torture provides that No exceptional heated argument with a private Filipino citizen. Then, in front of many
circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal shocked witnesses, he killed the person he was arguing with. The police
political in stability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification came, and brought him to the nearest police station. Upon reaching the
of torture. station, the police investigator, in halting English, informed William of his
Miranda rights, and assigned him an independent local counsel. William
Because of the importance of the values it protects, the prohibition of torture has refused the services of the lawyer, and insisted that he be assisted by a
evolved into a peremptory norm or jus cogens, that is, a norm that enjoys a higher Filipino lawyer currently based in the U.S. The request was denied, and the
rank in the international hierarchy than treaty law and even ordinary customary counsel assigned by the police stayed for the duration of the investigation.
rules. The most conspicuous consequence of this higher rank is that the norm
prohibiting torture cannot be derogated from by States through international treaties William protested his arrest.
or local or special customs or even general customary rules not endowed with the
same normative force. (Prosecutor v. Furundzija, ICTY, December 10, 1998) [a] He argued that since the incident took place inside the U.S. embassy,
Philippine courts have no jurisdiction because the U.S. embassy grounds
are not part of Philippine territory; thus, technically, no crime under
Philippine law was committed. Is William correct? Explain your answer. Ans. The contention of the Philippines is the correct one. State practice and the U.N.
(3%) Security Council's actions after 9/11 indicate a trend towards recognizing that a
State that suffers large-scale violence perpetrated by non-State actors located in
Ans. No, William is not correct. While Article 22 of the Vienna Convention on another State has a right to use force when (1) that other State proves unwilling or
Diplomatic Relations provides that the premises of a diplomatic mission shall be unable to reduce or eliminate the source of the violence, (2) the use of force is
inviolable, and may not be entered by the police or by any other agent of the proportional to the threat posed by the non-State actor, and (3) the use of force is
receiving State, except with the consent of the Ambassador or the head of the temporary and does not result in non-consensual occupation or annexation of
mission, it does not alter the fact, however, that such premises are still part of territory.
Philippine territory. The concept of exterritoriality, under which diplomatic
premises are deemed to be part of the sovereign territory of the sending State, has Under UN/A/RES/60/288 (2006), known as the UN global counter-terrorism strategy,
not been adopted in the Vienna Convention. Hence, a crime committed on or within member States shall adopt a plan of action, including a number of measures to
such premises by a private person like Williams who enjoys no diplomatic immunity prevent and combat terrorism, in particular by denying terrorists access to the
falls within the jurisdiction of Philippine courts. means to carry out their attacks, to their targets and to the desired impact of their

[c] Assume that the commando team captured a member of the Emerald
XIII. Brigade and brought him back to the Philippines. The Philippine
Government insists that a special international tribunal should try the
terrorist. On the other hand, the terrorist argues that terrorism is not an
A terrorist group called the Emerald Brigade is based in the State of international crime and, therefore, the municipal laws of the Philippines,
Asyaland. The government of Asyaland does not support the terrorist which recognize access of the accused to constitutional rights, should
group, but being a poor country, is powerless to stop it. apply. Decide with reasons. (3%)
The Emerald Brigade launched an attack on the Philippines, firing two Ans. Terrorism is an international crime both in times of peace and in times of
missiles that killed thousands of Filipinos. It then warned that more armed conflicts, and therefore it may be tried by a special international tribunal. The
attacks were forthcoming. Through diplomatic channels, the Philippines municipal laws of the Philippines cannot apply because the terrorist acts in question
demanded that Asyaland stop the Emerald Brigade; otherwise, it will do are transnational in nature; that is, not limited to the territory of the Philippines and
whatever is necessary to defend itself. they do not fall under the extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction of the Philippines under
Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code.
Receiving reliable intelligence reports of another imminent attack by the
Emerald Brigade, and it appearing that Asyaland was incapable of When committed during peacetime, international terrorism may be prosecuted
preventing the assault, the Philippines sent a crack commando team to under the different international conventions on the prevention, suppression and
Asyaland. The team stayed only for a few hours in Asyaland, succeeded in punishment of terrorism, and when committed during an armed conflict, it may be
killing the leaders and most of the members of the Emerald Brigade, then prosecuted as a distinct category of war crimes. International law indisputably bans
immediately returned to the Philippines. terrorism in time of armed conflict. Article 33(1) of the Fourth Geneva Convention of
1949 prohibits all measures of terrorism against civilians. A similar provision is
[a] Was the Philippine action justified under the international law principle contained in the Second Additional Protocol of 1977. Article 4(2)(d) prohibits acts of
of self-defense? Explain your answer. (3%) terrorism against all persons who do not take a direct part or have ceased to take
part in hostilities.
Ans. Yes, the Philippine action was justified. Article 51 of the U.N. Charter affirms
the inherent right of States to individual or collective self-defence.

The terrorist group Emerald Brigade had already launched actual armed attacks on XIV.
the Philippines which killed thousands of Filipinos with a warning that more attacks
were forthcoming. Asyland, on the other hand, had failed to fulfill its obligations,
under international law, to prevent the use of its territory for the staging of terrorist The Philippine Government is negotiating a new security treaty with the
acts against the Philippines. As such, in the face of another imminent attack by the United States which could involve engagement in joint military operations
Emerald Brigade, and it appearing that Asyland was incapable of preventing the of the two countries armed forces. A loose organization of Filipinos, the
assault, the Philippines was therefore justified in resorting to military action to Kabataan at Matatandang Makabansa (KMM) wrote the Department of
protect its own security as an act of self-defence. Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Department of National Defense (DND)
demanding disclosure of the details of the negotiations, as well as copies
[b] As a consequence of the foregoing incident, Asyaland charges the of the minutes of the meetings. The DFA and the DND refused, contending
Philippines with violation of Article 2.4 of the United Nations Charter that that premature disclosure of the offers and counter-offers between the
prohibits the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or parties could jeopardize on-going negotiations with another country. KMM
political independence of any State. The Philippines counters that its filed suit to compel disclosure of the negotiation details, and be granted
commando team neither took any territory nor interfered in the political access to the records of the meetings, invoking the constitutional right of
processes of Asyaland. Which contention is correct? Reasons. (3%) the people to information on matters of public concern.
Court stressed that secrecy of negotiations with foreign countries is not violative of
[a] Decide with reasons. (3%) the constitutional provisions of freedom of speech or of the press nor of the freedom
of access to information.
Ans. The suit filed by KMM should be dismissed. It is true that the details of the
treaty negotiation, including the offers and counter-offers between the Philippine [b] Will your answer be the same if the information sought by KMM
Government and United States, are matters of public concern. However, it is also pertains to contracts entered into by the Government in its proprietary or
well-established in jurisprudence that neither the right to information nor the policy commercial capacity? Why or why not? (3%)
of full public disclosure is absolute, there being matters which, albeit of public
concern or public interest, are recognized as privileged in nature. Ans. No, the answer will be different. Information pertaining to contracts entered
into by the Government in its proprietary or commercial capacity are not covered by
As held in the recent case of Akbayan vs. Aquino (G.R. No. 170516, July 16, 2008), the doctrine of executive privilege. These information are matters of public concern
the privileged character of diplomatic negotiations has been recognized in this to which the people have the right to information under Section 7 of the Bill of
jurisdiction. In discussing valid limitations on the right to information, the Supreme Rights. Under Section 7, citizens shall be afforded access to official records, and to
Court in Chavez v. PCGG (360 Phil. 133, 764 [1998]) held that information on inter- documents, and papers pertaining to government transactions. Moreover, Section
government exchanges prior to the conclusion of treaties and executive agreements 28 of the Declaration of Principles directs the State to adopt and implement a policy
may be subject to reasonable safeguards for the sake of national interest. Even of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.
earlier, the same privilege was upheld in Peoples Movement for Press Freedom
(PMPF) v. Manglapus (G.R. No. 84642, September 13, 1988) wherein the Supreme

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