Introduction To in Situ Forming Hydrogels For Biomedical Applications

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Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels

for Biomedical Applications

Bogyu Choi, Xian Jun Loh, Aloysius Tan, Chun Keat Loh, Enyi Ye,
Min Kyung Joo and Byeongmoon Jeong

Abstract In situ gelling polymer aqueous solutions undergo sol-to-gel transition

through chemical and/or physical crosslinking. The criterion on sol and gel is an
important issue, therefore, rheology of hydrogel have been discussed in detail.
The in situ gelling system has been investigated for minimally invasive drug deliv-
ery, injectable tissue engineering, gene delivery, and wound healing. In this chap-
ter, in situ gelling systems and their various biomedical applications were briefly

KeywordsInjectableRheology Physical crosslinking ThermogelTissue


B. Choi
Division of Advanced Prosthodontics, University of California, Los Angeles,
CA 90095, USA
X.J. Loh(*) A. Tan C.K. Loh E. Ye
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR, 3 Research Link,
Singapore 117602, Singapore
e-mail: [email protected]
X.J. Loh
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore,
9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore
X.J. Loh
Singapore Eye Research Institute, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, Singapore
M.K. Joo
Center for Theragnosis, Biomedical Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science
and Technology, Seoul, South Korea
B. Jeong(*)
Department of Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans University,
52 Ewhayeodae-Gil, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-750, South Korea
e-mail: [email protected]

Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2015 5

X.J. Loh (ed.), In-Situ Gelling Polymers, Series in BioEngineering,
DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-152-7_2
6 B. Choi et al.


Hydrogels are hydrophilic macromolecular networks swollen in water or biologi-

cal fluids [1]. Wichterle and Lim [2] reported the pioneering work using hydro-
philic 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) hydrogels in 1960. Recently, in situ
gelling systems based on various natural and synthetic polymers have been widely
investigated for biomedical applications due to effective encapsulation of cells
and bioactive molecules, minimally invasive injection, and easy formation in any
desired shape of defects, in addition to several advantages of typical hydrogels
including high water contents similar to extracellular matrix (ECM), controllable
physicochemical properties, and efficient mass transfer [35]. When hydrogels
are prepared by covalent-crosslinking, they form permanent or chemical gels. On
the other hand, when physical intermolecular association induces hydrogels, the
hydrogels form physical gels and their formations are usually reversible.

2Chemical Hydrogels

Chemical hydrogels are 3D crosslinked networks that formed by new covalent

bonds between water-soluble macromers. To use chemical hydrogels for bio-
medical application, chemical reactions should not damage incorporated biop-
harmaceuticals or cells. There are several chemical crosslinking methods such as
redox-initiated polymerization, photopolymerization, classical organic reactions
between functional groups, and enzymatic reactions.
Redox-initiated polymerization using ammonium persulfate (APS)/N,N,N,N-
tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) or APS/ascorbic acid has been used to
encapsulate cells in poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), oligo(PEG fumarate) (OPF),
poly (lactide-co-ethylene oxide-co-fumarate) (PLEOF), chitosan derivatives, or
carboxybetaine hydrogels [611]. In these systems, an increase of initiator concen-
tration led a decrease in the gelling time, however, it also affected the cell viability.
Therefore, low cytotoxic free radical polymerization is needed to use this method
for biomedical applications.
Photo polymerization of vinyl groups bearing polymers via ultraviolet (UV) or
visible light irradiation with photoinitiators is one of most common and effective
encapsulation methods for cell or bioactive molecules in biomedical applications.
The hydrogel can be performed at physiological pH and temperature. Various
photo initiators, such as 2-hydroxy-1-[4-(hydroxyethoxy)phenyl]-2-methyl 1-pro-
panone (Irgacure 2959) [1214], lithium acyl phosphinate (LAP) [15, 16], methyl
benzoylformate (MBF) [17], or 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (DMPA)
[18] have been used to produce UV sensitive hydrogels. UV-initiated free radical
polymerization systems showed lower cytotoxicity then redox-initiated polym-
erization. However, UV-irradiation can damage cells, proteins, or tissues; there-
fore, visible light inducible hydrogel systems have been developed. Exposure to
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 7

visible light is less-thermogenic yet causes less cell damage. In addition, visible
light penetrating through human skin provided greater depth of cure than UV [19].
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) [20], eosin-Y [21, 22], or ruthenium (Ru (II))/sodium per-
sulphate (SPS) [23] have been used as a visible light initiator.
Crosslinking via reactions between functional groups present in the water-
soluble monomers or macromers produce hydrogels. Classical organic reactions
between functional groups such as the Michael addition, click reaction, Schiff
base formation, epoxide coupling, genipin coupling, and disulfide exchange
reaction have been used to prepare hydrogels. The Michael addition of nucleo-
philes (amine or thiol group) to ,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds or ,-
unsaturated sulfones in water forms hydrogels. Various functionalized polymers,
such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) [2426], poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) [27],
N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) [28], and natural polymers [14, 29] have been
crosslinked via Michael addition and formed hydrogels. The copper [Cu(I)] cata-
lyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition is one of the most popular click chemistry reac-
tions. Macromolecular derivatives of PVA [30], PEG [3133], NIPAAm [34], and
polysaccharides [35] with Cu(I) as a catalyst have been used to prepare in situ
forming hydrogels. However, cytotoxic problem of Cu(I) should be solved to use
these click chemistry induced hydrogels for biomedical applications. Thus, Cu(I)-
free click reactions have been developed to be used as a tissue engineering scaf-
folds [36, 37]. The Diels-Alder reaction, highly selective [4+2] cycloaddition
between a diene and a dienophile without a catalyst, is also known as a click type
reaction. Diels-Alder click crosslinked PEG [38], NIPAAm [39], or hyaluronic
acid (HA) [40, 41] based hydrogels have been investigated for tissue engineering
There has been an increased interest in the enzymatically crosslinked hydro-
gels that shows few side reactions since their high specificity for substrates.
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)/hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), transglutaminase (TG),
phosphatase (PP), tyrosinase, or thermolysin catalyzed crosslinking provides in
situ hydrogel formation of hydroxyphenyl propionic acid (HPA) functionalized
8-arm PEG [42], thiol functionalized poly(glycidol) [43], Tetronic-tyramine (Tet-
TA)/gelatin-HPA (GFPA) [44], dextran-tyramine (Dex-TA) [45], alginate-g-pyr-
role [46], or protein polymers containing either lysine or glutamine [47]. These
enzymatic crosslinks provide fast gelation.

3Physical Hydrogels

Heat, ions, inclusion complex, stereocomplex, and/or complimentary binding can

induce a hydrogel formation by forming physical junctions via molecular entan-
glement, crystalline order, or intermolecular interactions. Hydrogels formed by
physical association are called physical, reversible, and stimuli responsive hydro-
gels. These hydrogel systems should be biocompatible with a host as well as the
incorporated bioactive agents.
8 B. Choi et al.

Polymers containing well balanced hydrophilic blocks and hydrophobic blocks

can physically crosslink as temperature increases by forming associations of
hydrophobic domains. PEG has been used as a hydrophilic block in most of the
thermogelling systems. Thermogelling systems that show sol-to-gel transition at
around physiological temperature have been widely developed for injectable bio-
medical applications. At low temperature, thermo-sensitive polymer aqueous solu-
tion is easy to mix with cells, drugs, and/or bioactive molecules, followed by an
injection of the mixture to target site to form a hydrogel. The target site can be
a subcutaneous layer for a protein drug delivery, a tumor tissue for an anticancer
drug delivery, or a damaged defect for tissue regeneration. As thermogelling poly-
mers, (1) polyacrylates: NIPAAm copolymers and mono and dilactate substitute
poly(2-hydroxypropyl methacrylamide), (2) polyesters: PEG/PLGA, PEG/poly(-
caprolactone) (PCL), and PEG/poly(-caprolactone-co-lactide) (PCLA) block
copolymers, (3) poly(ester urethane) (poly(1,4-butylene adipate) (PBA)/PEG/PPG
connected by hexamethylene disiocyanate, (4) natural polymer and its derivatives
(chitosan/-glycerol phosphate, chitosan-g-PEG, HA-g-PNIPAAm, (5) polyphos-
phazenes, (6) Pluronic and its derivatives, (7) poly(trimethylene carbonate), and
(8) polypeptides: elastin-like (VPGVG) polypeptide (ELP), silk-like (GAGAGS)
polypeptides, polyalanine (PA), poly(alanine-co-phenylalanine) (PAF),
poly(alanine-co-leucine) (PAL), etc. have been developed [4861]. Polypeptide-
based thermogelling systems have several advantages compared with polyester-
based hydrogels. (1) During gel degradation, polypeptide thermogels maintain
neutral pH since degradation products are neutral amino acids, while pH of poly-
ester thermogels decreases due to their acidic degradation products. Decrease in
pH can be a problem for biomedical applications, since it can decrease cell viabil-
ity or protein drug stability. (2) Enzyme-sensitive degradation of the polypeptide-
based hydrogel systems provides a storage stability of the encapsulated material
in vitro [62]. (3) Polypeptides have unique secondary structures including -helix,
-sheet, triple helix, and random coil, allowing various nano-assemblies followed
by sol-to-gel transition. These nano-assemblies can give unique nanostructures in
the hydrogels. Thus, polypeptide-based hydrogels can provide biomimetic ECMs
with various nanostructures that can affect proliferation and/or differentiation of
encapsulated cells [3, 63].
Crosslinking by addition of ions provides reversible hydrogels. Alginate
hydrogel formation using calcium ions can be carried out at mild condi-
tion of room temperature and physiological pH. Therefore, alginate gels have
been used for encapsulating cells and protein drugs [64]. Salts in media also
(VLTKVKTKVDPLPTKVEVKVLV-NH2) peptides to fold into a -hairpin confor-
mation that induced hydrogel formation [65].
Inclusion complexes between cyclodextrins (CDs) and guest molecules induce
physical associations to form physical hydrogels. There are three subtypes of -,
-, -CDs consisting of 6, 7, and 8 glucopyranose units, where the internal diam-
eter of the cavity are 5.7, 7.8, and 9.5, respectively [66]. Different-sized guest
molecules can selectively insert into the inner cavity of CD with proper diameter.
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 9

Sequential inclusion complexations were used to form an in situ hydrogel [67].

First, Pluronics were immobilized on the cellulose nanocrystal via interaction
between PPG block of Pluronic and -CD on the nanocrystal surface, and then
uncovered PEG blocks of Pluronic were inserted into cavity of -CD followed by
in situ hydrogel formation.
Stereocomplexation between enantiomers by stereoselective van der Waals
interaction have been used in the design of in situ hydrogel systems. Mixing two
polymer aqueous solutions containing poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) block and poly(D-
lactide) (PDLA) block induces a stereocomplexed hydrogel. Stereocomplex
of PLLA-PEG-PLLA, PDLA-b-cationic poly(carbonate)-PDLA (PDLA-CPC-
PDLA), and PDLA-PEG-PDLA triblock copolymers provided a thermosensitive
antimicrobial hydrogel [68]. The 8-armed star block copolymers of PEG-(NHCO)-
(PDLA)8 and PEG-(NHCO)-(PLLA)8 were mixed to form stereocomplexed spon-
taneous hydrogel [69].
Complementary binding such as antigen/antibody interactions, ligand/receptor
interactions, and base-pairing interactions between oligonucleotides can also form
in situ hydrogels. Acrylamides attached either an antigen (rabbit immunoglobulin G;
rabbit IgG) or its specific antibody (goat anti-rabbit IgG) formed semi-interpenetrat-
ing network hydrogel [70]. Gyrase subunit B (GyrB) was dimerized by the addition
of the aminocoumarin antibiotic coumermycin, resulting in hydrogel formation [71].
Addition of increasing concentrations of clinically validated novobiocin (Albamycin)
dissociated the GyrB subunits, thereby resulting in gel-to-sol transition. Multi-arm
star shaped PEG functionalized with thymine and adenine self-assembled via base
pairing of thymine and adenine to form a hydrogel [72]. The potential of this biologi-
cal hydrogel for targeted growth factor delivery and cell encapsulation was confirmed.

4Combining Chemical and Physical Crosslinking

Generally, physical hydrogels have the limitation of weak mechanical proper-

ties, thus, a combination of chemical and physical crosslinking has been used to
overcome this weakness. Thiolated chondroitin sulfate (CS-TGA)/PEG diacrylate
(PEGDA)/-glycerophosphate disodium salt (-GP) mixture formed hydrogel by
Michael addition, disulfide bond forming, and temperature increasing to 37C
[73]. The PNIPAAm-co-glycidyl methacrylate (GMA)/polyamidoamine (PAMAM)
mixed solution was formed hydrogel by a physical and chemical dual-gelation [74].

5Hydrogel Rheology

The basic principles and different aspects of hydrogels have been covered in sev-
eral reviews [4, 7577]. The mechanical properties of a hydrogel are important
considerations for specific biological applications [78]. The free-standing ability
10 B. Choi et al.

of the gel is an important consideration for cell growth scaffolds. The stiffness
of hydrogels has been reported to direct the differentiation of different cell types
[7981]. For drug delivery, hydrogels should preferentially reduce in viscosity
upon injection and undergo rapid recovery upon removal of the stress to form the
drug release gel depot. This design principle has been the basis of several in situ
thermogelling polymeric networks [5, 8284]. Finally, rheological measurements
allow for the understanding of the different gelation mechanisms which can be uti-
lized in the optimization of the properties of the hydrogels for tissue reconstruc-
tion and drug delivery applications.
The flow and strain properties of soft materials have been extensively investi-
gated since the 17th century. In the 1830s, scientists discovered that many materi-
als possess time-dependent mechanical properties under various conditions, which
cannot be explained by the classical theory of Newtonian fluid. For example, in
1835, Weber observed the phenomenon of elastic hysteresis when he studied the
uranium filament. In 1865, Lord Kelvin discovered the viscosity behavior of zinc,
and that its inner impedance was not proportional to the strain rate. Two years later,
Maxwell proposed a model for viscoelastic materials having properties both of vis-
cosity and elasticity. The Maxwell model can be simply represented by the series
connection of a purely elastic spring and a purely viscous damper. At the same time,
scientists also found many fluids, which were all called non-Newtonian fluid later
due to the nonlinear relationship between the shear stress and shear rate. Based on
the known constitutive equation, people proposed the concept of stress relaxation
time, suggesting the viscosity to be the product of the elastic modulus and the stress
relaxation time. In 1874, Boltzmann developed the linear viscoelasticity theory,
suggesting that the stress in a given time is not only related to the strain in the given
time, but also dependent on its previous deformation. In 1940s, Reiner pointed
out that in order to eliminate the Weissenberg effect (The Weissenberg effect is a
phenomenon that occurs when a spinning rod is inserted into a solution of liquid
polymer. Instead of being thrown outward, the solution is drawn towards the rod
and rises up around it), a stress proportional to the square of the spinning speed
needs to be applied [85]. Almost at the same time, Rivlins study on the torsion of
a rubber cylinder helped to solve the problem of Poynting effect [86]. The intrin-
sic significance of these two studies is to further apply the generalized approach
regarding the nonlinear constitutive equation, which brought in flourishing progress
in the field of rheology. With the advance in rational mechanics, from small defor-
mation theory to finite deformation theory, from linear theory to nonlinear constitu-
tive theory, from classical object model to microstructure theory, rheology rapidly
advanced after 1965, moving from phenomenological theory, which describes phe-
nomena only into the ontology, which considers the internal structure. The term
rheology was first coined by Bingham and Reiner in 1929 when the American
Society of Rheology was founded in Columbus, Ohio [87]. This term was inspired
by a Greek quotation, panta rei, everything flows. In the same year, Journal
of Rheology started its publication. In 1932, the Committee on Viscosity of the
Academy of Sciences at Amsterdam was founded, which was later renamed The
Dutch Rheological Society in 1951. The British Society of Rheology was founded
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 11

as an informal British Rheologists Club in 1940. In the following years, Society

of Rheology/Group of Rheology was founded in countries like Germany, Austria,
Belgium, Sweden, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Israel, Japan and Australia. Many
of these societies/groups became members of the European Society of Rheology
later, greatly promoting the development of rheology. Basically, rheology is defined
as the science of the deformation and flow of matter, thus it mainly focuses on
the investigation of the time-dependent strain and flow properties of soft materi-
als under conditions like stress, strain, temperature, humidity and radiation [88].
Rheological parameters include the physic-mechanical properties of liquids and sol-
ids which describe strain and flow behavior. When external forces are exerted on the
materials, strain can be measured and experimentally studied.
The viscoelastic properties of hydrogels can be determined by rheometry. The
basics and theories of rheology, its measurements and the types of equipment can
be found in several seminal publications [89, 90].
In rheology, the variable shear stress, , is defined as the ratio of the force F
applied on a sample area A to cause the disruption of the material between the two
plates. The strain, , is defined as the ratio of the deviation of x of the sample to the
height of the sample, h or more simply defined as tan . The velocity of the move-
ment at the applied force is controlled by the internal force acting within the material.
The mechanical properties of hydrogels are determined by small perturbation
rheology experiments on hydrogels. When the hydrogel is subjected to a small
perturbation, the material particles are displaced relative to each other result-
ing in strain. When external anisotropic forces are exerted on elastic bodies, they
undergo elastic strain. A spontaneous full recovery of the original form of the
material results when the external force is removed. On the contrary, the strain
on viscous bodies is irreversible once external anisotropic forces are exerted. The
input energy is transformed and this causes the material to flow. Hydrogel materi-
als are neither completely viscous nor elastic; instead it exhibits a behavior known
as viscoelasticity. These small perturbations of the hydrogels are meant to ensure
that the rheology experiment is carried out within the linear viscoelastic region
(LVR) of the material, hence ensuring the measured properties of the hydrogels
are independent of the magnitude of imposed strain or stress. In addition, the lin-
ear viscoelasticity region is when the magnitude and stress are related linearly.
When small deformation is applied sufficiently slowly, the molecular arrange-
ments of the polymers are still close to equilibrium. The mechanical response is
then just a reflection of dynamic processes at the molecular level, which go on
constantly, even for a system at equilibrium (Fig.1).
Small amplitude oscillatory shear measurements, creep and creep recovery tests
are examples of small perturbation tests carried out on hydrogels. The principle of
small amplitude oscillatory shear measurements is shown in Fig.2.
By applying shear stress, a laminar shear flow is generated between the two plates.
The uppermost layer moves at the maximum velocity Vmax, while the lowermost
layer remains at rest. The shear rates of typical actions are summarized in Table1.
Shear rate =
12 B. Choi et al.

Fig.1Illustration of the linear viscoelastic region (LVR)

Fig.2Shear forces in rheology

Table1Examples of actions Actions Shear rate/s1

and the shear rate involved
Spraying 104105
Rubbing 104105
Curtain coating 102103
Mixing 101103
Stirring 101103
Brushing 101102
Chewing 101102
Pumping 100103
Extruding 100102
Levelling 101102
Sagging 101102
Sedimentation 101103
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 13

Fig.3Principle of a small
amplitude oscillatory shear





For controlled-strain rheometers, the shear strain that is a sinusoidal function

of time, t, can be expressed as, (t) = 0(sin t), where 0 is the amplitude of
the applied strain and is the angular frequency of oscillation (in rads1). The
angular frequency is related to frequency, f, measured in cycles per second (Hz)
whereby =2f. The shear stress resulting from the applied sinusoidal strain
will also be a sinusoidal function, which can be expressed as (t)=0(sin t+)
in which 0 is the amplitude of the stress response and is the phase difference
between the two waves.
On the other hand, for stress-controlled rheometers, the shear stress is applied
as (t) = 0(sin t) and the resulting shear strain is measured as (t) = 0(sin
t+). For a purely elastic material, it follows from Hookes law that the strain
and stress waves are always in phase (=0). On the other hand, while a purely
viscous response has the two waves out of phase by 90 ( =90). Viscoelastic
materials give rise to a phase-angle somewhere in between (Fig.3).
In small amplitude oscillatory shear measurements, the shear storage modu-
lus, G, loss modulus, G, and loss factor, tan , are critical hydrogel properties
monitored against time, frequency and strain. An alternative approach to discuss
the dynamic response of a viscoelastic material is by using complex notation
describe an applied sinusoidal strain, * = 0 exp(it), whereby i = 1, the
complex stress can be expressed as * = 0 exp[i(t + )]. From Hookes law,
the complex modulus of the tested material is G*()=*/*=(0/0) exp(i).
This expression can be resolved into an in-phase component and an out-of-phase
component by a substitution of the Eulers identity where exp(i) =cos + i
sin . This gives G*() =G +iG with G and G as the real (i.e. elastic or
in phase) and imaginary (i.e. viscous or loss or out-of-phase) components of G*,
respectively. The loss factor, tan , is defined as G/G. To re-emphasize, G meas-
ures the deformation energy stored during shear process of a test material which
is characteristic of the stiffness of the material and G is representative of the
energy dissipated during shear which is characteristic of the flow response of the
14 B. Choi et al.

Fig.4Typical graph
showing storage and loss G, Storage modulus

G, Loss modulus

Strain amplitude 0

material. If tan >1 (G>G), the sample behaves more like a viscous liquid
while, conversely, when tan <1 (G>G), the sample behaves more like an
elastic solid (Fig.4).
For gel samples, these parameters are often measured as a function of time,
strain and frequency. Observation of the gelation process can be achieved by mon-
itoring the temporal evolution of G and G. The linear viscoelastic region within
which G and G are independent of shear strain can be determined by monitoring
the moduli of the material as a function of the strain.
The behavior of the hydrogel at short and long timescales can be studied by
measurement of the moduli of the material as a function of frequency. The fre-
quency dependence of the moduli is a critical hydrogel parameter since a single
material can look quite solid-like (GG) at a high frequency (short timescale)
but behave much more liquid-like (G>G) at low frequency (long timescale).
Gelation kinetics and final gel stiffness are critical material properties that directly
impact the application of the material.
Besides small perturbation measurements, creep and creep recovery tests are
also employed to investigate the time-dependent evolution of compliance. This
aids in the critical understanding of the long-term viscoelastic behavior of hydro-
gels. Different mammalian cells exert different stress levels on the hydrogel scaf-
folds and they behave differently in response to the compliance of the gel material.
In typical experimental setups, creep and creep recovery tests are performed con-
secutively. For this experiment, there is an instantaneous increase in the stress
from 0 to 1. This is kept constant from t0 to t1 in the creep phase to subject the
material to a prolonged period of stress. Then the stress is completely removed
in the subsequent recovery phase. The resulting strain is recorded as a function
of time (t0<t<t2) in both tests. The creep compliance is defined as J(t)=(t)/
0 which has a unit of reciprocal modulus (Pa1). Within the linear viscoelastic
region, the creep compliance is independent of applied stress and all J(t) curves
obtained under various stresses should overlap with each other. Sometimes creep
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 15

Fig.5Sample creep curves under different stresses

compliance is compared to reciprocal shear modulus measured in small amplitude

oscillatory shear tests in order to judge if the sample displays pure elastic behav-
ior. Figure5 shows a typical example of creep strain curves and creep compliance
curves of polystyrene at various stresses. In the linear viscoelasticity region, under
different stresses of A and B, the creep compliance curves overlap each other. The
curve induced by Stress C does not overlap as shown in Fig.5, indicating that the
linear viscoelasticity region has been exceeded.
In addition to the above-mentioned measurements, the flow properties of the
hydrogels as well as their abilities to retain or recover their original form after
experiencing shear flow or large strain are important factors to understand. Shear-
thinning and self-healing hydrogels are excellent candidates for injectable thera-
peutic delivery vehicles. Monitoring rheological behavior and structural evolution
of these gels during and after flow can help evaluate encapsulated therapy reten-
tion and delivery during syringe injection and the ability of the material to stay
localized after injection against possible biological forces in vivo (Fig.6).
Inspired by our bodies ability to heal, self-healing materials have the ability
to repair themselves when they are damaged. In the literature discussed in other
chapters in this book, supramolecular chemistry as well as sample conditions
were varied in order to examine whether gel rheological behavior is dependent on
factors like polymer functionality sequence, polymer concentration, temperature
and pH.
There could be situations where a test material has not been rheologically
evaluated. This section focuses on the assessment of an unknown material. As a

Fig.6Graph illustrating
shear thickening and shear
16 B. Choi et al.

Fig.7Graph of an G, G (Pa)
oscillatory stress sweep
G, Storage modulus

G, Loss modulus

range here

Oscillatory stress (Pa)

general guide, this section should cover the general rheological characterization
of the different unknown materials, however, it also requires certain amount of
creativity on the part of the rheologist to design the most appropriate protocol. A
point to note is that these recommended conditions could be independently used
to further evaluate a materials rheological response. In all the experiments, it is
important that the sample is well conditioned to a particular temperature before
proceeding with the measurements.
Most of the time, the rheological properties of a viscoelastic material are strain-
independent up to a critical strain level. When the strain exceeds the critical level, the
storage modulus of the material declines and a non-linear behavior is observed. The
measurement of the strain amplitude dependence of the storage and loss moduli (G,
G) is a usually the first step taken to characterize a materials viscoelastic behav-
ior and to determine the pseudo-linear viscoelastic region (LVR) of the material. An
oscillatory stress sweep (OSS) will give a general range of where the LVR is located.
The range of the stress sweep should be tested over the allowable shear stress
(torque~110,000Nm) range of the instrument. In future experiments, the shear
stress range can be adjusted appropriately to collect only reliable data. As the allow-
able shear stress range is dependent on the geometry used, torque will be used as the
controlled variable. The frequency should be set to a value of about 1Hz (Fig.7).
After the materials LVR has been defined by a strain sweep, its structure can
be further characterized using a frequency sweep at a strain below the critical
strain. This experiment provides more information about the effect of colloidal
forces and the interactions among particles.
In a frequency sweep, measurements are made over a range of oscillation fre-
quencies at a constant oscillation amplitude and temperature. Below the critical
strain, the elastic modulus G is often nearly independent of frequency, which is a
characteristic of a structured or solid-like material. On the other hand, frequency-
dependent elastic modulus is a characteristic of a more fluid-like material.
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 17

Fig.8Frequency sweep
test in the sol (10C) and
gel (37C) phases of the
CS-g-(PAF-PEG) polymer
aqueous solution (6.0wt%).
Reproduced with permission
from [91]

These measurements have been used to determine the sol-gel properties of ther-
mogelling polymers. Jeong etal. studied the sol gel behavior of thermogelling
polymers with this approach [91]. The frequency sweep test showed that the sol
and gel phases of the PEG-PAF grafted chitosan (CS-g-(PAF-PEG)) aqueous solu-
tion were characterized by fluid-like behavior and solid-like behavior (Fig.8). At
10C, the elastic modulus and loss modulus of the aqueous polymer solution were
proportional to 2.1 and 1.1, respectively, indicating a typical viscoelastic fluid-
like phase of the sol [9294]. In addition, the loss modulus was greater than elastic
modulus at 10C. At 37C, the elastic modulus was greater than the loss modu-
lus by an order of magnitude at 37C. The elastic modulus was nearly independ-
ent of frequency, whereas the loss modulus slightly decreased as the frequency
increased in the investigated frequency range of 0.110rads1. In the solution
state, the thermogelling system showed viscous fluid-like behavior with G>G
and a frequency-dependent modulus, whereas in the gel state, G>G and G was
independent of the frequency.
Next, it is important to determine if the material requires pre-treatment (such
as pre-shearing) before measurements. This can be determined from the pseudo-
viscosity profile of the material. Pre-shearing will determine a zero-time of shear,
thereby eliminating any structure history prior to loading. This is done by perform-
ing a continuous flow test under the broad torque range. The data can be viewed as
viscosity versus torque/stress and converted to viscosity versus shear rate.
Most food formulations, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and paints are structured
fluids, containing droplets of an immiscible fluid or particle suspended in a liq-
uid matrix. The viscosity of the liquid matrix in the dispersions plays an impor-
tant role on the flow properties of the material. When there are repulsive forces
between particles they do not settle rapidly, forming a network structure, which
stabilizes the suspension. The delicate network structure can be destroyed by
shearing, resulting in decreased fluid viscosity.
Most structured fluids do not obey a simple linear relationship between applied
stress and flow (Newtonian fluid behavior). Most of these materials have viscosi-
ties, which decrease with increasing stress. Such an observation is known as shear
thinning which becomes progressively significant as the volume concentration of
solid particles increases.
18 B. Choi et al.

Another aspect that has to be ascertained is the stability of the material prop-
erties over the time of testing. For this experiment, an oscillatory time sweep of
about 15min, with oscillation shear stress/torque within the LVR and a frequency
of 1Hz can be carried out. The material can be pre-sheared at a shear rate beyond
the 1st Newtonian plateau determined in the previous step. The experiment is
allowed to run and a plot of modulus against time is obtained. The point where the
modulus plateaus off is judged to be the minimum time required for the recovery
of the material structure. This was applied by Moura etal. to understand the gela-
tion kinetics and gel properties upon crosslinking the hydrogel. Both the compo-
nents G and G moduli, was monitored. Figure9 shows the time sweep profiles
of elastic (G) and viscous (G) moduli near the gel point for pure chitosan solu-
tion (A) and for 0.10% (B) and 0.15% (C) genipin concentration networks. At
the beginning, G was larger than G, which was expected because the samples
were still in a liquid state and, thus, viscous properties dominated. As the solutions
began to turn into a gel-like state due to the formation of the cross-linked network,
both moduli increased. However, the rate of increase of G (G/t) was higher
than that of G because the elastic properties started to dominate. This difference
in the rates leads to a G and G crossover. The time required to achieve this cross-
over is, as mentioned above, the gelation time. From the figure, it is can be seen
that higher genipin concentrations lead to lower gelation times. It should also be
stressed that the gelation time decreases from about 8min to about 2min when the
genipin concentration is increased from 0 to 0.15%.
The creep test probes the time-dependent nature of a sample. Creep and recov-
ery tests allow the differentiation between viscous and elastic responses when the
viscoelastic material is subjected to a step constant stress (creep) and then the
applied stress is removed (recovery). A standard creep experiment provides criti-
cal parameters such as zero shear viscosity (o) and equilibrium compliance (Jeo),
which measures the elastic recoil of a material.
After a sample is allowed to creep under load, the materials elastic behavior
can be obtained by abruptly relieving the imposed stress and measuring the extent
the sample recovers. A creep/recovery test can be carried out as follows.
First, standard temperature conditioning and pre-shearing beyond the 1st
Newtonian plateau is performed.
The sample is then equilibrated for a set time necessary to obtain a stable struc-
ture as determined earlier in the judgment of the material stability.
Next, for the retardation step, a shear stress is again selected from within the 1st
Newtonian plateau and performed for about 15min or enough time for slope to
be constant.
Then the recovery of the sample is affected by setting the shear stress to zero
and duration for the sample to recover is examined.
During the creep test, the stress causes a transient response, including the elastic
and the viscous contributions. By following the recovery phase after the release
of the applied stress, one can separate the total strain into the instantaneous elastic
part, the recovered elastic part, and the permanently viscous part.
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 19

Fig.9Dynamics of
elastic, G, and viscous, G,
moduli near the gel point,
at 1Hz (a, pure chitosan;
b and c, 0.10% (w) and
0.15% (w) genipin chitosan
concentration network,
respectively). The gelation
time is determined as the time
at which G and G intersect
each other. Reproduced with
permission from [95]
20 B. Choi et al.

Fig.10Creep (open
symbols) and recovery (full
symbols) curves for the
poly(isopropyl lactate diol)-
based polyurethane hydrogels
at 37C when a stress of
5Pa was applied for 60s.
Reproduced with permission
from [96]

Viscoelastic creep data can be presented by plotting the creep modulus (con-
stant applied stress divided by total strain at a particular time) or the strain, as
a function of time. Gradinaru etal. studied the creep response of thermogelling
poly(isopropyl lactate diol)-based polyurethane hydrogels [96].
Figure 10 shows the curves that represent the viscoelastic response at an
applied stress of 5Pa for the three hydrogels obtained at 37C, in a creep test fol-
lowed by recovery. The creep curves comprise three parts: the instantaneous strain,
the retardation strain, and the viscous strain. When the applied stress is removed,
the recovery process starts, and first the instantaneous strain is recovered, then the
retardation one, and finally remains the viscous part. The high elasticity of the
hydrogels can be observed, where the reached strain after the stress of 5Pa was
applied for 60s is very high, and the recovered strain represents 52% from the
maximum value reached by the strain in the creep test.
Changes in modulus of thermogelling polymer aqueous solutions can be deter-
mined by dynamic rheometry (Fig.11).
First, standard temperature conditioning at the lower solution temperature and
pre-shearing beyond the 1st Newtonian plateau is performed.
The sample is then equilibrated for a set time necessary to obtain a stable struc-
ture at the lower temperature as determined earlier in the judgment of the mate-
rial stability.
Next, the material is subjected to a temperature ramp at a fixed stress and a
fixed frequency rate.
The point at which the elastic and loss modulus intersects is defined as the gel
transition temperature.
Jeong etal. reported poly(alanine-co-leucine)-poloxamer-poly(alanine-co-leucine)
(PAL-PLX-PAL) aqueous solution [62]. As the temperature increased, the polymer
aqueous solution underwent sol-to-gel transition at 2040C in a polymer con-
centration range of 3.010.0wt%. The sol-gel transition of the polymer aqueous
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 21

Fig.11a Phase diagram

of the poly(alanine-co-
aqueous thermogelling
solutions determined by the
test tube inverting method.
b Storage modulus (G) and
loss modulus (G) of the
co-leucine) aqueous
thermogelling solutions as a
function of temperature and
concentration. The legends
are the concentrations of
the polymers in water.
Reproduced with permission
from [62]

solution was investigated by the test tube inverting method. The aqueous polymer
solution (1.0mL) was put in the test tube with an inner diameter of 11mm. The
transition temperatures were determined by a flow (sol)-no flow (gel) criterion
with a temperature increment of 1C per step. Each data point is an average of
three measurements. Changes in modulus of the polymer aqueous solutions were
investigated by dynamic rheometry. The aqueous polymer solution was placed
between parallel plates of 25mm diameter and a gap of 0.5mm. To minimize the
water evaporation during the experiment, the plates were enclosed in a water-satu-
rated chamber. The data were collected under a controlled stress (4.0 dyn/cm2) and
a frequency of 1.0rads1. The heating rate was 0.5C/min.
The phase diagram of PAL-PLX-PAL aqueous solutions determined by the test
tube inverting method is shown in Fig.11. Aqueous solutions of PAL-PLX-PAL
undergo sol-to-gel transition as the temperature increases in a concentration range
of 3.010.0wt%. The sol-to-gel transition temperature decreased from 38 to 23C
as the concentration increased from 3.0 to 10.0wt%. At concentrations lower than
3.0wt%, the viscosity of the polymer aqueous solution increased as the tempera-
ture increased; however, it was not large enough to resist the flow when the test
tube was inverted, and thus they were regarded as a sol state. At polymer concen-
trations higher than 10.0wt%, the polymer aqueous system formed a gel in a tem-
perature range of 060C.
22 B. Choi et al.

Fig.12Variation of
viscosity of chitosan-
ammonium hydrogen
phosphate solution with
time as measured using an
oscillatory rheometer at a
fixed frequency of 1Hz and
fixed temperature of 37C.
Reproduced with permission
from [97]

Sharp increases in both the storage modulus (G) and loss modulus (G) of
PAL-PLX-PAL aqueous solutions were observed as the temperature increased
(Fig. 11). G and G are an elastic component and a viscous component of the
complex modulus of a system, respectively. When G is greater than G, the sys-
tem is considered to be a gel, and the crossover point was defined as the sol-to-gel
transition temperature. The sol-to-gel transition temperatures defined by the test
tube inverting method coincided with those defined by dynamic mechanical analy-
sis of G and G within 2 to 3C. By varying the polymer concentration, not only
sol-to-gel transition temperature but also modulus of the gel could be controlled.
The control of gel modulus (G) has a significant effect on 3D cell culture as well
as the differentiation of the stem cell. In the case of chondrocytes, the modulus of
3002,500Pa showed a cytocompatible microenvironment for proliferation of the
cells. The gel prepared from 10.0wt% aqueous solution of PAL-PLX-PAL formed
a gel with a G of 380Pa at 37C, thus being recommendable as a 3D culture
matrix for chondrocytes.
By raising the temperature above the gelation temperature, the time required
for the gelation can be determined. Nair etal. demonstrates the thermogelation
of chitosan-ammonium hydrogen phosphate solution determined as a function of
time using oscillatory rheometers [97]. The viscosity of the chitosanammonium
hydrogen phosphate solution was found to increase after 8min and showed a sig-
nificant increase within 15min of incubation at 37C, demonstrating the sol-gel
transition (Fig.12).

6Biomedical Applications

In situ forming hydrogels have been increasingly studied for various biomedical
applications such as drug delivery, gene delivery, wound healing, tissue engineer-
ing, and microfluidics [83, 98105]. To use hydrogel systems as drug or gene
delivery systems or tissue regeneration matrices, (1) drugs, genes, and/or cells
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 23

+ Drugs
(a) or genes

Polymer solution

In-situ formed physical
and/or chemical hydrogels
(b) + Cells
& bioactive molecules

Fig.13a As injectable drug or gene delivery systems, drugs or genes were dispersed in the pol-
ymer solution and then injected to form in situ hydrogel depots. b As injectable tissue regenera-
tion matrices, cells and bioactive molecules were mixed with polymer solutions and then injected
to the defect area. c Injected solutions to the target sites form in situ hydrogels via physical and/
or chemical crosslinking

were dispersed in the polymer solution, (2) injected subcutaneously or directly to

the defect area, (3) then polymer solutions turn into hydrogels via chemical and/or
physical crosslinks (Fig.13).
Tetrazole-alkene photo-click chemistry induced hydrogel of 4-arm PEG-
methacrylate (PEG-4-MA) and PEG-4-tetrazole (PEG-4-Tet) showed sustained
release of proteins (cytochrome c, -globuline, and recombinant human interleu-
kin-2) without losing their bioactivities [37]. PLGA-PEG-PLGA thermosensi-
tive hydrogel with PEG/sucrose and a zinc acetate-exenatide complex (Zn-EXT)
showed decreased initial burst and promoted late stage of release of EXT, a glu-
coregulatory peptide drug for type II diabetes [106]. Nanoscale liposomal poly-
meric gels (nanolipogels; nLGs) showed sustained delivery of both IL-2 and
TGF- inhibitor and this system enhanced anti-tumor activity against subcuta-
neous and metastatic melanomas (Fig.14) [107]. Therapeutic contact lenses of
poly[HEMA-co-acrylic acid-co-acrylamide-co-N-vinyl 2-pyrrolidone-co-PEG
(200) dimethacrylate] [poly(HEMA-co-AA-co-AM-co-NVP-co-PEG200DMA)]
loaded with ketotifen fumarate, a drug that relieves and prevents eye itching,
irritation, and discomfort associated with seasonal allergies, showed a dramatic
increase in ketotifen mean residence time and bioavailability up to 26h [108]. A
poly(HEMA) based hydrogel containing the ocular drug (DMSA) loaded micelles
24 B. Choi et al.

120 20 nm
Loading and photopolymerization

Cholesterol 3:1:1 Rehydration
Extrusion/freeze drying UV washing

CD-Sb505 complex


(b) (c)
IL-2 released (ng mg-1 mLG)

SBreleased (g mg-1 nLG)

Drug No treatment
Soluble SB
Tumor area (mm 2 )

Sol SB+IL-2

Time (days) Time (days)

Fig.14a nLGs were formulated from lyophilized liposomes loaded with biodegradable PLA-
PEG-PLA diacrylate, acrylated-CD-TGF- inhibitor complex, and IL-2 cytokine. After loading,
photopolymerization of the polymer and acrylated-CD induced gel formation. b Simultaneous
release of IL-2 and TGF- inhibitor released from co-loaded nLGs. c Tumor area growth versus
time. Reproduced from [107]

(silica shell crosslinked methoxy micelles; SSCMs) was developed as a potential

therapeutic contact lens material for long term treatment of ocular disease [109].
In vitro release of DMSA from SSCM embedded hydrogel system was observed
over a month. Multiple model drugs of low steric hindrance molecules (LSH) and
high steric hindrance molecules (HSH) loaded in the Agarose and Carbomer 974P
based hydrogel was suggested as a promising spinal cord injury repair system
[110]. LSH released almost completely in 1day, whereas HSH released only 40%
at day 1 and sustained released during 7days in vitro. In vivo release was more
rapid than in vitro but release pattern was similar with in vitro. LSH can be drugs
for short-term neuroprotection purposes, while HSH can be drugs for long-term
neuroregeneration approaches. Anticancer drug of Paclitaxel (PTX) loaded PEG-
PCL-PEG (PECE) hydrogel showed steady release of PTX for up to 20days in
vitro and prevented recurrence of breast cancer [111]. Another anticancer drug of
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 25

Doxorubicin release-profile from the hexamethylene diisocyanate-Pluronic F127/

HA composite hydrogel was almost zero-order release during 28days [73]. This
system also showed antitumor efficacy and therapeutic effects in animal study.
HA and fibrin hydrogels with plasmid DNA (pDNA)/PEI polyplexes loaded
through the caged nanoparticle encapsulation were able to deliver genes in vivo
without aggregation [112]. Oxidized alginate hydrogels loaded with DNA/PEI
nDNA were shown to achieve sustained release in vitro and achieve enhanced
revascularization in vivo [113]. Alginate hydrogels conjugated with various RGD
densities for siRNA-mediated knockdown of eGFP demonstrated that increasing
RGD density resulted in significantly higher knockdown of the targeted protein
[114]. Nanostructured micelles-containing PEG based hydrogels that encapsulated
cationic bolaamphiphile/DNA complexes and human mesenchymal stem cells
(hMSCs) showed higher gene expression efficiency in hMSCs than the PEI/DNA
complexes [24]. A CD-based supramolecular hydrogel system with supramolec-
ularly anchored active cationic copolymer/pDNA polyplexes was able to sustain
release of pDNA up to 6days [115]. Hydrogel stiffness can also be used to modu-
late migration and gene delivery rates; stiffer gels result in slower release rates of
encapsulated polyplexes and decreased cell populations, spreading, and transfec-
tion [116].
Hydrogels have been used for wound healing as moist wound dressing mate-
rials. Hydrogels not only keep the wound moist, but also help proliferation of
fibroblasts to recover defects. Rutin-conjugated chitosan-PEG-tyramine hydro-
gels showed enhanced dermal wound healing efficacy and tissue-adhesive prop-
erty [117]. Fibroblasts encapsulated PEG-L-PA hydrogels significantly improved
in vivo wound healing rate than controls of PBS treated or cell-free PEG-L-PA
hydrogel treated group [118]. Treatment of dextran based hydrogels on burn
wound promoted neovascularization and skin regeneration [119]. The PECE
hydrogel was treated to the full-thickness skin incision wounds and accelerated
wound healing compared to untreated controls [111]. In situ forming hydrogels
also can be used for prevention of postoperarive adhesion [120]. When biodegrad-
able and thermoreversible PCLA-PEG-PCLA hydrogel treated onto the peritoneal
wall defect, postoperative adhesion significantly reduced.
In situ hydrogel systems have been used for tissue engineering. For tissue engi-
neering, usually patient-derived healthy cells are expanded in vitro, mixed with
polymer solutions and bioactive molecules, and then inject into a defect area to
form a hydrogel in situ. Fibronectin- and NT-3-functionalized silk hydrogels that
triggered axonal bundling [121] and self-assembling peptide hydrogel of RADA16-
tral nervous system brain tissue regeneration [122] were developed as neural
tissue engineering systems. Thermosensitive PNIPAAm-O-phosphoethanolamine
grafted poly(acrylic acid)-PNIPAAm hydrogel showed potential as an osteogenic
matrix [123]. Mixture of chondroitin sulfate succinimidyl succinate (CS-NHS) and
freeze-thawed bone marrow aspirate formed hydrogels and showed potentials as
a meniscus repair system [124] or an articular cartilage regenerative matrix when
rhBMP-2 localized within the hydrogel [125]. Thermoresponsive and various
26 B. Choi et al.


(b) 70
PI PII PIII Matrigel
g sGAG/(10 cells)






14d 28d


Type II Collagen

Type I Collagen


Fig. 15a Nanofibrous interior morphology of (L/DL)-PA-Pluronic-(L/DL)-PA thermogel.

Expression of chondrogenic markers of (b) sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) and (c) type II
collagen. MatrigelTM was used as a control for 3D chondrocytes culture. Glyceraldehyde 3-phos-
phate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is compared as a house-keeping gene. Reproduced from [3]

terminal groups modified PNIPAAm brushes were fabricated for improving cell
adhesion and cell sheet harvest [126]. Specifically, carboxyl-terminated PNIPAAm
brush surface most enhanced cell adhesion and cell sheet harvesting. (L/DL)-
PA-Pluronic-(L/DL)-PA thermogel showed a higher population of nanofibrous
structures as the L-Ala content increased and chondrocytes cultured in these ther-
mogels expressed higher chondrogenic markers compared to commercially avail-
able MatrigelTM (Fig.15) [3].
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 27

For the successful tissue regeneration, we need to better understand cell-matrix

interactions. Stem cells can be differentiated into specific lineages through the
interaction between cell and biological cues or between cell and physical cues
[127]. Physicochemical properties of photodegradable PEG based hydrogels could
be dynamically controlled by light [9]. Crosslinking density of hydrogel decreased
via photodegradation and facilitated spreading or migration of embedded cells. In
addition, MSCs showed enhanced chondrogenesis when cell adhesive sequence of
Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) was photocleaved from hydrogels. Neurogenesis, myo-
genesis, and osteogenesis of stem cells on 2D gel surface were controlled by vary-
ing stiffness of the hydrogel surface from 0.11kPa, 817kPa, and 2540kPa,
respectively [128]. Three-dimensional culture of mesenchymal stem cells in
RGD-modified alginate hydrogels also showed stem cell differentiation is corre-
lated to the hydrogel stiffness [129]. Briefly, adipogenesis or osteogenesis was pre-
dominantly occurred in 2.55kPa or 1130kPa microenvironments, respectively.
However, cell morphology remained spherical regardless of modulus. MSCs cul-
tured in matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) degradable hydrogels showed high
degrees of cell spreading followed by osteogenic differentiation, while remained
spherical and underwent adipogenesis in non-degradable hydrogels [14]. MSCs
can be induced various differentiation through the interactions between cells and
small functional groups in hydrogels [130]. Specifically, phosphate or alkyl groups
in PEG hydrogel induced osteogenesis or adipogenesis, respectively. Human adi-
pose derived stem cells (hADSCs) encapsulated in PEG hydrogels with multifunc-
tionalized -CD nanobeads regulated stem cell fate [131]. Ultimately, the alcohol,
hydrophobic methyl group, and phosphate-substituted -CD nanobeads stimulated
chondrogenic, adipogenic, and osteogenic differentiation, respectively.

7Conclusions and Prospectives

In situ forming chemically and/or physically crosslinked hydrogels under mild

conditions have been developed for various biomedical applications. Injectable
hydrogel systems are minimally invasive and patient friendly. We can decrease
injection frequency for better patient compliance by developing novel sustained
drug delivery systems. Cells or bioactive molecules are easy to mix with poly-
mer solutions and these mixtures are in situ and easy to form the 3D microen-
vironments into any desired defect shapes. For successful designing of an in situ
gelling system for a specific biomedical application, several points should be
carefully understood. (1) Different crosslinking type gives different degradation
products and release-profiles of incorporated drugs. (2) Porosity and pore size
of hydrogels can affect to cell viability, proliferation, and/or drug release profile.
(3) Initiators, catalysts, or residual monomers can lead cytotoxicity. During radi-
cal polymerization, produced radicals not only can react with the vinyl group in
monomer but also can damage cellular macromolecules. (4) Reactive functional
groups of polymers can give side reactions with incorporated bioactive molecules
28 B. Choi et al.

or cells. These side reactions might induce immunogenicity and damage cells or
the efficacy of drugs. (5) Residual enzyme after enzymatic crosslinking also can
provide unexpected reactions with incorporated protein drugs. (6) Development
of various hydrogel-based drug delivery systems with non-modified original drug
is one of the best ways to produce the improved versions of biologics. Biobetters
can advance the efficacy, pharmacokinetic parameters, and safety profile of drugs
than original biologics or Biosimilars (subsequent versions of off-patent biolog-
ics with demonstrated physicochemical similarity). In addition, Biobetters can
also improve patient compliance due to a reduced rate of side effects and enhanced
convenience. (7) Sustained-release systems without initial burst release should be
considered. The charge interaction or the inclusion complex formation between
polymer and drug can improve these problems. (8) Incorporated drugs or cells
should be stable during the implantation period. Acidic degradation-products
released from polyester-based hydrogels raise the local acidity inside and around
the hydrogels, which lead an inflammatory response and a decrease of cell via-
bility or drug stability. (9) For tissue regeneration application, ECM mimicking
design of the hydrogel system is a key factor. Polypeptides have unique second-
ary structures of -helix, triple helix, -sheet, or random coil, etc. Different
combinations of polypeptide-based hydrogel systems allow various nanostruc-
tures in the hydrogels that affect proliferation and/or differentiation of encapsu-
lated cells. (10) Duration of in situ formed hydrogels should be adjusted to match
with drug release profile or tissue regeneration rate. (11) Macromers should be
selected based on application route. NIPAAm copolymer has been used for cell
sheet (a tissue-like cellular monolayer) development that already showed suc-
cessful applications to human clinical studies. However, in vivo application of
PNIPAAm hydrogel still has limitation on the toxicity of the residual monomer.
(12) Gel modulus, degradability, functional groups can affect stem cell fate. Soft
gel improves neurogenesis or adipogenesis, while stiff gel enhances osteogenesis.
Degradable or non-degradable hydrogels induces osteogenesis or adipogenesis,
respectively. Phosphate groups or alkyl groups can stimulate osteogenesis or adi-
pogenesis, respectively.
Challenging design of hydrogels with these understands and considerations
about various hydrogel systems will advance the development of smart bioactive
in situ gelling hydrogels for specific biomedical applications.
Also, study of flow properties of liquids is important for pharmacists working in
the manufacture of several dosage forms, such as simple liquids, ointments, creams
and pastes. The flow behavior of liquids under applied stress is of great relevance in
the field of pharmacy. Flow properties are used as important quality control tools to
maintain the superiority of the product and reduce batch-to-batch variations.
The clinically approved systems by using Pluronics/alginate (Guardix-SG)
and chitosan/glycerol phosphate (BST-CarGel) based thermal gels are interest-
ing examples. Alginate and Pluronics form interpenetrating network (IPN) by
adding calcium salt, where it forms a temperature sensitive gelling system. The
system was successfully applied as an antiadhesive agent after the surgery. BST-
CarGel was applied for articular cartilage repair on the microfractured treatment.
Introduction to In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications 29

Compared with current microfracture treatment, the BST-CarGel system improved

the repair by successfully holding the cells/stem cells released from the microf-
ractured site. Both systems are already on the market. Another system is Regel,
which was a pionieering system of biodegradable thermogelling system. The bio-
compatibility was good as evidenced by passing phase I clinical trial. However,
the paclitaxel loaded Regel (Oncogel) was stopped for further investigation
[132]. When a patient is diagnosed as a solid tumor, he/she immediately wants
surgery instead of waiting till the tumor size decreases by using the sustained
release of the anticancer drug from the in situ formed gel. Therefore, the treatment
was narrowed down for inoperable tumor such as inoperable esophageal cancer.
However, compared with current treatment of anticancer drug combined with radi-
otherapy, the additional treatment by using Oncogel did not significantly improve
the patient. Above cases studies suggest that the patient-oriented development of
an in situ gelling system is very important.


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