Pier Design

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7.500 m

0.185 0.185
+ 449.530 m (bottom level of deck )
0.25 m
+ 448.230 m 1.05 m

FSL + 445.605
2.275 m 3.750 m 2.275 m

0.400 2.950 0.400

CBL + 443.955

+443.055 m
VRCC Footing + 442.455 m
4.60 m

0.800 3.60 m

4.600 m
Hydraulic Particulars :-
1 Design Discharge through the Bridge = 9.903 Cumecs
2 Effective Linear Water Way @ FSL = 13.450 m
3 Maximum Mean Velocity of Flow at FSL V = 0.64 m/sec
4 Full Supply Level FSL = +445.605 m
5 Scour Level :- = +443.375 m
6 Founding levels of Pier = +442.455 m
7 Safe BearingCapacity of Soils. (Assumed) = 35.000 t/m2
8 Number of Spans. = 2.000 Nos
9 Span c/c. of bearings = 10.370 m
10 Full Supply Level FSL = +445.605 m
11 Bottom of Deck = = +449.530 m
12 Road Level = +450.420 m
13 Height of Deck .= = 0.790 m
14 Thickness of Wearing Coat = 0.100 m
15 Canal Bed Level CBL = +443.955 m
16 Top of RCC Footing = +443.055 m
17 Thickness of Footing = 0.600 m
18 Scour level = +443.375 m

II - 5
Superstructure and Loadings & Type of Substructure :-

1 Span length c/c. of bearings = 10.370 m

2 Total width of the Decking = 7.500 m
3 Carriageway Width = 7.500 m
4 Thickness of Uniform Wearing coat in CC M30 = 0.100 m
5 Type of Substructure Piers = VRCC
= 0.800 m thick
Design Loadings :-

1 Unit Weight of Dead Loads :- As per IRC: 6 - 2000.

Unit Weight of RCC = 2.500 t/m3
Unit Weight of PCC = 2.400 t/m3
2 Type of Live loads :- = One lane of Class - 70 R
+ Two Lanes of Class - A

Expansion Joints :- 20mm Simple Expansion Joints.

(i) Calculation of Vertical Loads from Superstructure :-
Span C/C of bearings = 10.370 m
Thickness of Expansion Joints = 20 mm
Total length = Clear Span + ( 2 x Bearing Width )
= 10.000 + 0.740
= 10.740 m
From MOST Drg. BD/9-75 Dead Load of pier
= 184.58 t

(ii) Dead weight of Sub Structure :-

(a) Dead weight of caping beam 800 mm width at Top and bottom of pier
Depth Tapering from 250 @ Top to 1300 @ Pier.
7.500 m 0.800 m

+ 449.530

+ 448.230 1.05

3.750 m 0.8
1.875 m 2.950 0.400 1.875 m
Caping Beam. Section.
Weight of Rectangular portion = Deep = 0.25 mm
7.500 x 0.800 x 0.250 x 2.500 = 3.750 t
Weight of Tapered portion = Height = 1.05 mm
Area = 5.225 x 1.05 = 5.4863 m2
Total area = 5.486 m2
Weight of Taper portion = 5.486 x 0.800 x 2.500 = 10.973 t
Hence the weight of caping beam = 3.750 + 10.973 = 14.723 t

0.400 2.950 m 0.400


Plan of Pier

II - 6
(b) Dead Weight of pier
Size of Pier 3.750 x
0.800 with Triangular cut waters.
Top of Bed Block = 449.530 m ; Bottom of Pier = 443.055 m ;
Bottom of Caping Beam = 448.230 m ; FSL = 445.605 m ;
Height of Pier = 448.230 - 443.06 = 5.175 m
Height of Pier up to FSL = +445.61 - +443.1 = 2.55
Area of Pier = x 0.50 0.800 x 0.400 = 0.320 m2
2.950 x 0.800 = 2.360 m2
Total Area of Pier = 0.320 + 2.360 = 2.680 m2
Weight of Pier :-
Dry = 2.680 x 5.175 x 2.500 = 34.672 t
15% Buoyancy = 2.680 x 5.175 - 2.55 x 2.500 =
+ 2.680 x 2.550 x 2.35 33.647 t
100% Buoyancy = 2.680 x 5.175 - 2.55 x 2.500 =
= 2.680 x 2.550 x 1.500 27.838 t
( c )Dead Weight of footing :
Size of Footing = 4.600 m x 3.600 m
Thickness Footing = 0.60 m
Area of Footing = 4.60 x 3.60 = 16.560 m2
Volume Rect. = 16.56 x 0.30 = 4.968 m3
Taper = ( 2.80 + 3.60 ) x 4.60 x 0.30
2 = 4.416 m3
Total Volume = 4.968 + 4.416 = 9.384 m3
100% Buoyancy - Footing = 9.384 x 1.500 = 14.076 t
Without Buoyancy = 9.384 x 2.500 = 23.460 t
3.750 m 0.400 m

4.600 m 0.300 2.800 m

VRCC Footing. 0.300 3.600 m


Effective Span = 10.37 m
a). Class 70-R Wheeled Vehicle :-

17 17 17 17 12 12

1.37 3.05 1.37 2.13 1.52 1.115

0.185 0.185
A 10.37 m c/c. B
Diagram for C.G. of Loads
17 ( 1.37 + 4.42 + 5.79) +12 x( 7.92+9.44)
C.G. of Loads = 4 x 17 + 12 x 2
= 405.18 / 92 = 4.404 m from Load I (17 t)
4.404 m 92 t

4.219 m 6.1509 m

10.370 m c./c.
Final Load Diagram
Maximum reaction without Impact = 92 x 6.1509 = 54.57 t @A
Minimum reaction without Impact = 92 - 54.57 = 37.43 t @B

II - 7
b) Class - A Loading ( 1-lane ) :-
11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8
1.20 4.30 3 2.055
A 10.37 m c/c. B
Diagram for C.G. of Loads
11.4x(1.20) +6.8 x ( 5.5+8.5)
C.G. of Loads = 11. 4 x 2 + 6.8 x 2
= 108.880 / 36.40 = 2.991 m from Load I ( 11.4 t)
Class - `A' : contd..
36.4 t
2.991 m

0.185 2.806 m 7.564 m

10.37 m c./c.
Final Load Diagram
Maximum reaction without Impact = 36.4 x 7.5638 = 26.550 t
For Two lane Maximum reaction without Impact = 26.550 x 2.00
= 53.100 t@A
Minimum reaction without Impact = 36.400 - 26.550
= 9.850 t @B
Effective width = 0.76 m
A Eccentricities :-
Bearing width = 0.370 m
0.185 0.185

a). Dead load Eccentricity :-

Along Traffic (Longitudinal ) = 0.380 - (0.37/2)
= 0.195 m
Moment due to DL eccentricity of S.S : 184.58 x 0.195 = 17.997 t-m
b) Live Load Eccentricity :-
Eccentricity along traffic = 0.195 m
70 R Transverse Eccentricity across traffic
C/L of load C/L of deck
1.2 0.85 1.2 0.85

2.65 1.1
ET = 1.20 + 0.425 + 2.05 + 2 - 7.5
= 1.100 m
Max. Moments due to L.L.Ecentricities :-
(Including Braking Force Reaction = 3.710 t )
( without Impact)
Load = 53.100 + 3.710
= 56.810 t

Longitudinal = 56.810 x 0.195 = 11.078 t-m

Transverse = 56.810 x 1.100 = 62.491 t-m
Net moment = 73.569 t-m

II - 8
II - 9
B Longitudinal Forces :-

a) Braking Force :-

As per IRC:6-2000 cl:214.2

The braking force will be 20% of Train of Loads ocuupying the Span and will be acting at 1.20m above
RFL of 450.420 m
Consider Class 70-R wheeled : Height of S.S = 0.790 + 0.10 m
Braking force = 20% of 92.000 0.890
92 x 20% = 18.400 t
Force to be considered on each pier = 18.400 / 2 = 9.200 t

Reaction due to Braking force up to Bearings = 18.4 x ( 1.2 + 0.890 )

= 3.7084 t
say 3.710 t

Hence Moments due to Braking force from Bearing Level of 449.530 + 443.055 & + 442.455
Upto Bottom of Pier = 9.200 x ( +449.53 - +443.055 ) = 59.570 t-m
Upto Bottom of Foundation + 442.5 m
9.200 x ( +449.53 - +442.455 ) = 65.090 t-m
Consider Class A Loading : Height of S.S = 0.600 m
Braking force = 20% of ( 36.4 x 2 )
= 72.800 x 20 %
= 14.560 t

Force to be considered on each pier = 14.560 / 2 = 7.28 t

Reaction due to Braking force up to Bearings = 14.560 x 1.200 + 0.890

= 2.9345 t
Say 2.940 t

Hence Moments due to Braking force from Bearing Level of 449.530 443.055 & 442.455
Upto Bottom of Pier = 7.280 x ( 449.530 - 443.055 ) = 47.138 t-m
Upto Bottom of Foundation cap = 7.280 x ( 449.530 - 442.455 ) = 51.506 t-m

b) Water Current :-
Presumed to be hitting the Pier at 20o to flow.
IRC:6-2000 Cl.213.5
Mean velocity of Water Current = 0.640 m/sec
Max. Velocity @ FSL = V = 2 x v
= 2 x 0.64 = 0.905 m/sec
Square of Max. Velocity = V^2 = 0.905 ^2 = 0.819

The Intensity of Pressure on Pier = P = 52 k X V^2

Where k = 0.9 for triangular cut waters Cl.213 of IRC :6 - 2000

k = 1.5 for square ended piers as per Cl.213 of IRC :6 - 2000
V = Max. Velocity of Water Current.
Inclination of flow considered = 20 degrees.
Cos 20o = 0.9397 Sin20o = 0.342
Width of Pier = 3.750 m
Thickness of Pier ( Cut Waters ) = 0.800 m
Scour level for Pier = +443.375 Bottom of Footing = +442.455

II - 10
+445.605 0.819 FSL

Ht = 2.230 m

+443.375 Scour Level

+443.055 Ht = 0.320 m Bottom of Pier

Water Current Intensity Diagram.
( i ) Water Current on Pier : 2

The Intensity of Pressure on Pier = V =

( v sin 20 0
P = 52 k V 2

Average Pressure on Pier in Longitudinal direction :

52 x 0.900 x 0.819 x Sin 20^2 = 4.4842 Kg/m2
2 2

Average Pressure on Pier in Transverse direction : V2 = ( v sin 20 0

52 x 0.9 x 0.819 x Cos 20^2 = 33.854 Kg/m2

Lever arm 2.230 x 2 = 1.4867 m

Forces due to water current on Pier :
Longitudinal = 4.484 x 3.750 x 2.230 = 0.037 t
Transverse = 33.854 x 0.800 x 2.230 = 0.060 t
Moments due to Water current on Pier :-
Longitudinal = 0.037 x ( 1.487 + 0.320 ) = 0.068 t-m
Transverse = 0.060 x ( 1.487 + 0.320 ) = 0.109 t-m
( ii ) Water Current on Footing :
Length of footing = 4.600 m
Width of footing = 3.600 m
There is no Water current effect on Footing.
Moments due to Water current on Pier :- for Footing design.
Longitudinal = 0.037 x ( 1.487 + 0.320 + 0.600 )
= 0.090 t-m
Transverse = 0.060 x ( 1.487 + 0.320 + 0.600
= 0.145 t-m
c) Wind Force :-
As per IRC:6-2000. Maximum wind load acts when the Canal is Dry.
Wind force as per Cl. 212.3 should be doubled.
Case - 1 :- Dry Condition.
CBL = +443.955 m
RCL = +450.420 m
BOD = +449.530 m
Wind force on Deck : Deck Length = 8.450 m ;
Kerb + parapet 0.275 +0.600
Slab + W C 0.790 +0.100
Average height of deck = ( 0.890 + 0.875 ) 2.000
= 0.883 m
Height of Deck = +450.413 - +443.955 = 6.457 m
Total Deck length = 10.740 m

II - 11
As per Cl. 212.3 of IRC:6-1966 - Table - wind pressures,
H P So, for H= 6.457 m
for 2m 52 kg/m 2
Say P= 75.059 kg/m2
for 4m 63 kg/m2
6m 73 kg/m2
8m 82 kg/m2
Wind force on Deck = 75.05875 x 1.765 x 10.74 = 0.711 t
2x 1000
This force will be acting at half the height of the deck Level =
449.530 + 1.765 = + 450.413 m
Wind force on Moving Loads :- As per Cl. 212.4 of IRC:-6:2000.
The Intensity of wind force on moving loads = 300 kg/m
Acting @ 1.5 m above RFL = 451.920 m
Length of Class -A , vehicle = 5.50 m
Hence force acting on Live Load = 300 x 5.500 = 1.650 t
Force effected on each Pier = 1.650 / 2 = 0.825 t
Calculation of wind force moments on Deck :-
Due to Wind force on Superstructure :-
At Bottom of Pier = 0.711 x ( 450.413 - 443.055 ) = 5.234 t-m
At Footing = 0.711 x ( 450.413 - 442.455 ) = 5.661 t-m
due to wind force on moving loads :-
At Bottom of Pier = 0.825 x ( 451.920 - 443.055 ) = 7.314 t-m
At Footing = 0.825 x ( 451.920 - 442.455 ) = 7.809 t-m
Total Wind moments on Deck :- (LWL condition)
At Bottom of Pier = 5.234 + 7.314 = 12.548 tm
At Footing = 5.661 + 7.809 = 13.470 tm
But Wind force as per Cl.212.6 of IRC:6-2000 -
Minimum 450 kg/m of wind on loaded structure acting at RFL = 450.420 m
Hence force on Deck 450 x 10.740 = 2.417 t
1000 2
Moments due to this force :
At Bottom of Pier = 2.417 x ( +450.42 - +443.055 ) = 17.798 t-m
At Footing = 2.417 x ( +450.42 - +442.455 ) = 19.247 t-m
The Moments as per Cl.212.3 & Cl. 212.4, will be considered.

Wind force as per Cl. 212.7 :- On Unloaded Structure : One span Laid = 10.740 m ;
Intensity of wind = 240 kg/m2 ;
This is acting @ half the height of Deck = +450.413 m
Wind Force on Deck = 10.740 x 0.883 x 240 = 2.275 t
Force on Pier = 2.275 / 2 = 1.137 t
Moments due to this force : Cl.212.7 of IRC:6-1966,
At Bottom of Pier 1.137 x ( +450.41 - +443.055 ) = 8.368 t-m
At Footing 1.137 x ( +450.41 - +442.455 ) = 9.051 t-m
Case - 2 :- FSL Condition :-
FSL = 445.61 m Spans Length = 10.740 m
Height of Deck above FSL = 450.420 - 445.605 = 4.815 m
As per Cl. 212.3 of IRC:6-1966 - Table - wind pressures,
H P So, for H= 4.82 m
for 2.00 m 52.00 kg/m 2
Say P= 67.075 kg/m2
for 4.00 m 63.00 kg/m2
6.00 m 73.00 kg/m2
Wind force on Deck = 67.075 x 0.883 x 10.740 = 0.318 t
2 x 1000 < 0.711 t

II - 12
This force will be acting at half the height of the deck Level = 450.413 m

II - 13
The Design moments due to wind force
Resolving along and across Traffic :
for CBL & FSL Conditions :
For Pier Design = Longitudinal = 12.548 x 0.320 = 4.015 t-m
Transverse = 12.548 x 0.660 = 8.282 t-m
For footing design = Longitudinal = 13.470 x 0.320 = 4.310 t-m
Transverse = 13.470 x 0.660 = 8.890 t-m
for Unloaded Condition : One span laid = 10.740 m ; span laid.
For Pier Design = Longitudinal = 8.368 x 0.320 = 2.678 t-m
Transverse = 8.368 x 0.660 = 5.523 t-m
For footing design = Longitudinal = 9.051 x 0.320 = 2.896 t-m
Transverse = 9.051 x 0.660 = 5.973 t-m

The Foundations are designed for Both the Spans Laid and One span Laid conditions.
Foundation Level = +442.455
Scour Level = 2 dsm = +443.375

0.800 m +443.375
+443.055 m
0.600 m
Foundation Level. +442.455 m
R.C.C. Footing. 3.600 m


1 Both the Spans laid Condition :-
a). Service + LWL Condition :-
Vertical loads :-
1 Dead Load From Superstructure = 184.580 t
2 Weight of Caping Beam = 14.723 t
3 Weight of Pier = 34.672 t
4 Weight of Footing - with out buoyancy = 23.460 t
Total Dead loads = 257.435 t
Live Load Reactions :-
1 Total Live Loads = = 56.040 t
Total Dead + Live loads for Design = 313.475 t
2 Braking force = 9.200 t

II - 14
Moments about 442.455 m Level :-
S. No. Type of Force Load LA Long. Trans.
1 Dead Load Moments 257.44 1.875 482.691
2 Live Load Eccentricity 56.04 0.195 10.928 62.491
313.47 493.618
3 Braking Force 9.200 7.965 73.278
Moments without Wind 566.896 62.491
4 Wind Force ( On Loaded structure) 4.310 8.890
Moments with Wind 571.207 71.381
X = 493.62 313.47
= 1.575 m
e = 1.575 - 1.8
= 0.225 m
Ml = 313.475 x 0.225
= 70.636 t -m
Section Properties :- Size of Footing = 4.60 m x 3.60 m
Area A = 4.60 x 3.60 = 16.56 m2
Section Moduli =
Zl = 4.60 x 3.60 ^2 / 6 = 9.936 m3
Zt = 3.60 x 4.60 ^2 / 6 = 12.696 m3
Foundation Pressures :- Service + LWL.
a). Without Wind : 313.47 ( +/- ) 70.64 ( +/- ) 62.49
16.56 9.94 12.70
= 18.93 ( +/- ) 7.11 ( +/- ) 4.92 = 30.961 / 6.898 t/m2
< 35 t/m 2

b) With Wind : 317.79 ( +/- ) 74.9 ( +/- ) 71.38

16.56 9.94 12.70
= 19.19 ( +/- ) 7.54 ( +/- ) 5.62 = 32.355 / 6.025 t/m2
< 35 x 1.333 = 46.655 t/m2
b). Service + FSL - Condition :-
Vertical loads :-
1 Dead Load From Superstructure = 184.580 t
2 Weight of Caping Beam = = 14.723 t
3 Weight of Pier ( 100% buoyancy ) = = 27.838 t
4 Weight of Footing - 100% buoyancy = = 23.460 t
Total Dead loads = 250.601 t
Live Load Reactions :- = 56.040 t
Total Dead + Live Loads = 306.641
Moments about 442.455 m Level :-
S. No. Type of Force Long. Trans.
1 Dead Load Moment 482.69
2 Live Load Eccentricity 10.928 62.491
3 Braking Force 73.278 0.000
4 Water Current 0.068 0.145
Moments without Wind 566.90 62.636
5 Wind Force ( On Loaded structure) 4.310 8.890
Moments with Wind 571.21 71.526
Section Properties :- Size of Footing = 4.60 x 3.60 m
Area A = 16.56 m2 Zl = 9.936 m 3
Zt = 12.696 m3
X = 493.618 306.641
= 1.610 m
e = 1.610 - 2
= 0.390 m
Moment about centre = 306.64 x 0.390
= 119.7 tm

II - 15
Foundation Pressures :-
a) Without Wind : 306.64 ( +/- ) 119.7 ( +/- ) 62.636
16.560 9.936 12.696
= 18.517 ( +/- ) 12.043 ( +/- ) 4.934 = 35.494 / 1.540 t/m2
> 35 t/m2
b) With Wind : 306.64 ( +/- ) 123.97 ( +/- ) 71.526
16.560 9.936 12.696
= 18.517 ( +/- ) 12.477 ( +/- ) 5.634 = 36.628 / 0.406 t/m2
< 46.655 t/m2
2 One Span laid Condition :-
a). LWL Condition :-
Vertical loads :-
1 Dead Load From Superstructure 184.58 = 92.290 t
2 Weight of Caping Beam = 14.723 t
3 Weight of Pier ( Dry ) = 34.672 t
4 Weight of Footing - 100% buoyancy = 23.460 t
Total Dead loads = 165.145 t
5 Total Live Load = 58.279 t
6 Braking force = 9.200 t
Total DL + LL = 232.624 t
Moments about +442.455 m Level :-
S. No. Type of Force Load LA Long. Trans.
1 Dead Load Eccentricity 165.15 2 330.290 0.000
2 Total LL Moments 58.28 1.355 78.968
3 Braking force Moment 9.20 9.165 84.318
Moments without Wind 493.576 0.000
4 Wind Force (Unloaded Section) 2.896 5.973
Moments with Wind 496.472 5.973
Section Properties :- Size of Footing = 4.60 m x 3.60 m
Area A = 16.560 m2 Zl = 9.936 m3 Zt = 12.696 m3

X = 496.47 232.62
= 2.134 m
e = 2.134 - 2
= 0.134 m
ML = 232.62 x 0.134
= 31.224 tm
Foundation Pressures :-
a) Without Wind : 232.624 ( +/- ) 31.224 ( +/- ) 0.000
16.560 9.936 12.696
= 14.047 ( +/- ) 3.143 ( +/- ) 0.000 = 17.190 / 10.905 t/m2
< 35 t/m 2

b) With Wind : 232.624 ( +/- ) 90.431 ( +/- ) 5.973

16.560 9.936 12.696
= 14.047 ( +/- ) 9.101 ( +/- ) 0.470 = 23.619 / 4.475 t/m2
< 46.655 t/m 2

b). Service + FSL - Condition :- One span Laid condition.

1 Dead Load From Superstructure = 92.290 t
2 Weight of Caping Beam = = 14.723 t
3 Weight of Pier ( 100% buoyancy ) = = 27.838 t
4 Weight of Footing - 100% buoyancy = = 23.460 t
Total Dead loads = 158.311 t
5 Total Live Load = 58.279 t
6 Braking force = 9.200 t

II - 16
Total Load = 225.790 t

II - 17
Moments about +442.455 m Level :-
S. No. Type of Force Load LA Long. Trans.
1 Dead Load Eccentricity 158.311 2.000 316.622 0.000
2 Total LL Moments 58.279 1.905 111.021
3 Braking force Moment 9.200 6.015 55.338
Moments without Wind 482.981 t - m
4 Water Current 0.068 0.145
Moments without Wind 483.049 t - m 0.145
5 Wind Force ( On Unloaded structure) 2.896 5.973
Moments with Wind 485.945 t - m 6.119

X = 485.945 225.790
= 2.152
e = 2.152 - 2.000
= 0.152 m
Moment = 158.31 x 0.152 = 24.0950796 t-m
Section Properties :- Size of Footing = 4.60 x 3.60
Area A = 16.560 m2 Zl = 9.936 m3 Zt = 12.696 m3
Foundation Pressures :-
a) Without Wind : 158.311 ( +/- ) 24.095 ( +/- ) 0.145
16.560 9.936 12.696
= 9.56 ( +/- ) 2.425 ( +/- ) 0.011
= 11.996 / 7.123 t/m2
< 35.000 t/m2

b) With Wind : 158.311 ( +/- ) 26.991 ( +/- ) 6.119

16.560 9.936 12.696
= 9.560 ( +/- ) 2.717 ( +/- ) 0.482
= 12.758 / 6.361 t/m2
< 46.655 t/m2

The maximum pressures are due to Service + LWL (without wind ) condition.
Pressure on Soil :-
Without Wind : 313.475 ( +/- ) 70.636 ( +/- ) 62.491
16.560 9.936 12.696
= 18.930 ( +/- ) 7.109 ( +/- ) 4.922 = 30.961 / 6.898 t/m2
0.800 m

RCC Pier
1.400 m
0.400 1.00

0.30 2.80
0.600 3.60 M x
0.30 Foundation
3.60 m
Pier 25.226 30.961
1.400 Y
21.603 1.400

II - 18

II - 19
With 50mm Cover and 16 mm Bars :
Effective depth = 600 - 50 - 8 = 542 mm ;
= 54.2 Cms ;

Check for Bending :- At the Face of Pier . L.A. = 1.400 m ;

Moment due to Uniform Pr. 21.603 x 1.4 ^2 = 21.171 t-m
Triangular Pr. = ( 30.961 - 21.603 ) x 1.4 x 1.400 x 2
2 3
= 6.114 t-m
Total = 27.285 t-m
Deduct :-
Self weight = 0.300 x 1.400 x 1.4 ^2 = 0.412 t-m
+ 0.30 x 1.400 x ( 1.000 + 0.400 ) ^2
= 0.412 t-m
0.3 x 0.400 x 1.400 x ( 0.400 x 1 + 1.000 )
2.000 3
= 0.10 t-m
Total due to self weight = 0.918 t-m

Net Moment for Footing Design = 27.285 - 0.918 = 26.366 tm/m

Using M-20 Grade Concrete : and 16mm tor bars - Q = 8.290 t/m2

Depth of section required = 26.37 x 100000 = 56.396 cms.

100 x 8.2899
Area of steel = 26.366 x 100000 = 27.453 cm2
2000 x 0.886 x 54.200
Minimum steel @ 0.12 % = 0.12 x 54.200 x 100 = 6.504 cm2
100 20 mm ; tor 114.44 mm
Distribution steel = 0.300 x 27.453 = 8.236 cm 2

Provid 20 mm; tor. @ 130 mm c/c.@ Bott. Longitudinals. 24.166

and 12 mm; tor. @ 200 mm c/c.at Bottom Transverse. cm2.
Check for Shear at`d' from face of Abutment = X-X= 858 mm ; from Edge.
Shear Force / meter = ( 30.96 + 25.226 ) x 0.858 = 24.104 t
Deduct Self Weight = 0.300 x 1.400 x 0.858 = 0.360 t
+ 0.30 x 1.400 x 0.4 = 0.084 t
Total Self weight = 0.444 t

Net Shear for Design = 24.104 - 0.444 = 23.660 t

Shear Stress = 23.66 x 1000 = 4.365 kg/cm 2

100 x 54.2
100 As / bd = 0.446 Allowable
c =
2.104 kg/cm2
< 4.365 kg/cm2
At Top provide nominal steel 12 mm, tor @ 150 mm, c/c. Bothways.
7.540 cm2
the dimensions of pier and reinforcement in it is adopted from Most drawing no:BD/8-75 & BD/9-75
design the footing considering above dead loads and live loads

II - 20
DESIGN OF RETURN WALLS : (Beyond berm level)

unit wt of concrete = 2.400 t

unit wt of earth = 2.100 t

0.3 + 451.170
0.15 W 11
+ 450.645
+ 450.420 Road level

W4 W1


0.15 0.900 0.450 0.15 + 448.780

W5 0.45
1.650 + 448.330

Design same as per the design of return for SLRB.

II - 17

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