Abrasive Grit and Particle Conversions
Abrasive Grit and Particle Conversions
Abrasive Grit and Particle Conversions
The grit size nomenclature adopted by us is The following table will help you in decoding
based on FEPA (European) standard. The the grit size based on foreign competitors
particle size and marking standards as per JIS sample. Use the particle size information as a
or ANSI differ from FEPA slightly, especially in guide or a check against the requirement of
finer grits. application. In case of doubt or clarification
kindly refer to PED.
Average Average JIS ANSI FEPA GOST
Particle Particle R6001-87 B74-12 B74-10 32GB 33GB (USSR)
Inches Microns Coarser Finer Coarser Finer Coarser Finer Coarser Finer
0.0031 80 0
0.0031 75 150 150 150 150
0.0024 63 180 180 180 6
0.0022 57 240
0.00208 53 220 220 220 230
0.00204 52 240
0.00196 50 5
0.00188 48 280
0.00177 45 240
0.00165 42 280
0.00157 40 320 4
0.00145 37 280
0.00137 35 360
0.00133 34 320 M40
0.00118 30 400
0.00094 24 M28
0.00090 23 360
0.00086 22 400
0.00078 20 600
0.00070 18 500
0.00066 17 700 400 M14
0.00057 14.5 600
0.00055 14 800
0.00051 13 500
0.00047 12
0.00045 11.5 1000
0.00043 11 800
0.00037 9.5 1200
0.00035 9 600
0.00033 8.5 M10
0.00031 8 1500 1000
0.00027 7 800
0.00026 6.7 2000
0.00023 6 M7
0.00021 5.5 2500 1200
0.00019 5 1000
0.00015 4 3000 M5
0.00011 3 4000 1200
0.000078 2 6000
0.000047 1.2 8000
0.00003937 1