Myofunctional Analysis and Its Role in Dental Assessments and Oral Health
Myofunctional Analysis and Its Role in Dental Assessments and Oral Health
Myofunctional Analysis and Its Role in Dental Assessments and Oral Health
3 CE credits
This course was
written for dentists,
dental hygienists,
and assistants.
Myofunctional Analysis
and its Role in Dental
Assessments and Oral Health
A Peer-Reviewed Publication
Written by Paula Fabbie, RDH, BS
Abstract Educational Objectives Author Profile
Dental healthcare professionals are encouraged to assess orofacial At the conclusion of this educational activity Paula has enjoyed over thirty years of practice in clinical dental
myofunctional disorders (OMDs) in their patients. Interest in myo- participants will be able to: hygiene. Myofunctional therapy was first introduced during her
dental hygiene education. She currently operates Paula Fabbie
functional therapy by sleep experts is compelling dental healthcare 1. Define orofacial myofunctional disorders. LLC, where she teaches children and adults with orofacial
professionals to revisit the evaluation of myofunctional disorders. 2. Discuss the origins of orofacial myo- myofunctional disorders on improving proper rest postures and
Many dental offices pay little attention to orofacial myofunctional functional therapy (OMT) and its role in oral functions. As part of a team approach, she works closely
disorders (OMDs) and the role they play in airway, dentofacial dentistry today. and consults with referring dentists and physicians.
growth and development and overall health. Professional dental 3. List the signs that may indicate the Paula has taught continuing education courses to dentists,
hygienists, and physicians, and other healthcare professionals
programs that once required clinicians to recognize and treat presence of an orofacial myofunctional here and abroad. Her prime focus is on early identification and
OMDs have been abandoned. Resurgence in the identification and disorder. treatment of myofunctional disorders and how they relate to
treatment of these disorders by sleep experts are encouraging the 4. Identify the basic components of orofacial overall health. Paula can be reached at [email protected].
re-education of dental professionals in assessment and treatment myofunctional therapy and parameters
of myofunctional disorders. that are required for success.
Author Disclosure
Paula Fabbie has no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
cular or connective tissue dysfunction. It is easily documented
during sleep. 5 3
History of low muscle tone
Craniofacial and neuromuscular disorders
Figure 6.
Tongue position classifications. 5
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 2013 revised
their guidelines on periodic examinations. These guidelines were
designed to help practitioners make clinical decisions. Anticipa-
tory guidance is a way for practitioners to provide practical and
developmentally-appropriate information about the childs health.
Non-nutritive oral habits that include digit and object sucking,
bruxism, abnormal tongue thrusting and nail biting should be ad-
dressed before the malocclusion or skeletal dysplasia occurs. De-
ficiencies and abnormal delays in speech can be recognized, and
care coordinated using dental appliances and professional speech
and language intervention. From age two to adolescents it is ad-
vised to provide treatment or appropriate referral for treatment of
non-nutritive habits. Treatment of developing malocclusion is an Figure 8.
integral part of comprehensive pediatric dental care. Intervention Lingual frenectomy one month post-op and after OMT exercises.
to improve the dental structure will assist with achieving occlusal
harmony, proper oral functions and dentofacial esthetics. Objec-
tives for intervention and treatment include: reversing adverse
growth, prevention of skeletal and dental disharmonies, improv-
ing esthetics, self-image and improving the dental occlusion. 13
Risks for heart disease, diabetes, difficult childhood behavior
and attention issues, inadequate sleep, poor self-esteem can be
increased when orofacial myofunctional disorders go undetected
and are overlooked. Many healthcare professionals are increas-
ing their awareness and understanding of orofacial myofunctional
disorders, TMD, respiration, and sleep apneas impact on the oral
facial environment and total health. 14
Otorhinolaryngologists perform upper airway evaluations to
address nasal insufficiency and lymphatic tissue hypertrophy pri-
or to the start of OMT when obstructions are suspected to impair
OMT results. Physicians that focus on sleep, airway and allergies
are working alongside dentists and other healthcare professionals. Figure 9.
Maxillary labial frenum affecting lip rest posture, midline dia-
The emergence of dental sleep stema.
medicine and orthodontics
Dental sleep medicine brings these medical issues into the dental
office. Many dental offices have incorporated dental sleep medi-
cine into their practice. 15 Upper airway imaging has allowed us
to begin to understand the biomechanical bases for OSA and
mouth breathing. (Figure 10) Imaging of the upper airway forms
an essential tool in the field of orthodontics. It is recognized that
naso-respiratory function and its relation to craniofacial growth
is of great interest not only for orthodontists, but also for pe-
diatricians, otorhinolaryngologists, speech pathologists, and other
members of the healthcare community. Nasal airway function has
been implicated as an etiological factor in dentofacial development
(Figure 11). Craniofacial form and function should be managed
closely particularly during the early ages of growth and develop-
ment. In cases of impeded airway it is important to recognize the
disfigurement and take adequate steps to achieve harmony and fa-
cial balance in conjunction with the restoration of the physiologic
functions. Sharma et al. detail how different methods of measuring Figure 10.
the upper airway can be utilized to evaluate growth of the craniofa- CBCT imaging software program mapping constricted oropharyn-
cial structures and assist with treatment planning. 16 geal airway.
Orthodontists collaborated to create the Orthodontic Sleep
Apnea Clinical Advisory Team, after their lives were personally
affected by OSA. In Orthodontic Strategies for Sleep Apnea,
one of the authors, Quintero, describes how through CBCT his
8-year-old son was diagnosed with severe airway obstruction. The
medical team involved missed the etiology. Combined treatment
of ENT surgery and orthodontic treatment greatly improved the
upper airway volume. Carlyle et al. developed a comprehensive
educational course that provides an evidence-based system to
implement sleep apnea treatment in the orthodontic practice. The
educational goal is to broaden the scope of the orthodontic practice
to screen effectively, test and treat patients for OSA. 17 A clinical
sign that may indicate sleep apnea is scalloping of the borders of
the tongue. (Figures 12, 13)
Screening can start with the dental hygienist taking the medi-
cal history and asking parents specific questions regarding their
childs sleep. Dental hygienists as oral health educators have a
unique opportunity to assess the deviations from normal that may
Figure 11.
Mouth breathing, lip incompetence and nasal insufficiency. alert the dentist that a sleep referral is indicated. Questionnaires
such as Epworth, STOP BANG and BEARS can be provided to
patients. Many dental offices are integrating parts of these forms
in their medical histories. Dental software programs have areas in
exam modules that assist with gathering data regarding myofunc-
tional issues and patients habits. The user is prompted to evaluate
tongue habits, lip habits, speech, nail biting, thumb/finger suck-
ing, gum chewing, teeth grinding/clenching, cheek biting, tongue
thrusting, mouth breathing, and a place to write in other patient
The American Dental Association claims that medical screen-
ings for hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol in a dental
office could save $102 million a year. 18
Sleep disorders have been estimated to affect 50-70 million
Americans and have been linked to increased risk for hyperten-
sion, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and stroke. 19
Figure 12. The risk of a serious car accident increases when the operator is
Scalloped tongue in patient with sleep apnea. sleepy. Teenage drivers who are sleep deprived are at an increased
risk. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent each year in medi-
cal costs related to sleep disorders.19 Dental sleep medicine brings
these medical issues into the dental office.
What impact does sleep-disordered breathing have on chil-
dren? In children, snoring, mouth breathing and obstructive sleep
apnea can negatively affect behavior and ability to pay attention.
In a large, multi-year cohort study, it was shown that in chil-
dren 6 months to 7 years of age, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea
and mouth breathing contribute to neurobehavioral morbidity,
including greatly increased risk of ADHD, peer to peer behavior
problems, increased aggression and anxiety. 20
Researchers from Sanford University have published an
article that addresses the relationship between OMD and sleep
disordered breathing. The importance of early recognition and
treatment in children is paramount to maximizing resolution
Figure 13. of symptoms and potential avoidance of OSA syndrome during
Scalloped tongue, OSA and periodontal disease adulthood. Adenotonsillectomy, palatal expansion and the ad- 7
dition of myofacial reeducation may play a role in the treatment development depend on an open pharyngeal airway, nasal breath-
for sleep-disordered breathing. Tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy, ing and restorative sleep. This requires a partnership between
maxillary or mandibular deficiency, orthodontic complications, the ENT, pulmonologist, lactation consultant, myofunctional
and craniofacial abnormalities all contribute to these sleep is- therapist, obstetrician/gynecologist, osteopath, chiropractor and
sues.21 physical therapist. 25
Many adults with obstructive sleep apnea have long standing Many adults with sleep apnea will want their childrens sleep
OMD and sometimes overlook these problems in their children. A and airway issues assessed and addressed. Current continuing ed-
2003 study by Jaghagen examined snoring, sleep apnea and swal- ucation courses in airway orthodontics and dental sleep medicine
lowing dysfunction. This studys results were explained by Dr. have increased dentists interest in myofunctional therapy. Screen-
Brian Palmer on his website. Swallowing dysfunction has been ing for OMD in children can easily be included during routine
found to be more than seven times as frequent among patients exams. Dental patients can benefit from assessing OMD early and
with snoring and sleep apnea as it was among controls 22 (Palmer, providing adequate treatment at the proper time. Screening for
2013). It is frequently observed in practice that patients with orofacial myofunctional disorders and associated comorbidities
sleep-disordered breathing have low forward postured tongues will assist with providing our dental patients with a level of care
and exhibit tongue thrust swallows. In the 2003 International that ensures dental and overall health.
Journal of Orofacial Myology, Paskay wrote; The genioglossus
muscle (GG) is the most important muscle for airway patency at References
night and suffers the greatest physiologic damage during OSA. 1. Hanson ML, Mason RM. Orofacial Myology International
Perspectives.2003 Springfield: Charles C. Thomas
The GG is also the main muscle trained by orofacial myologists in 2. Moeller JL, Paskay LC , Gelb ML. Myofunctional Therapy A Novel
tongue repositioning. She continues; Orofacial myologists have Treatment of Pediatric Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Sleep Medicine
much to gain from research on muscle behavior during sleep. It Clinics. 2014,9 : 235-43.
could open the door for an interesting and fruitful collaboration, 3. Levrini A, Historical review of Orofacial Myofunctional
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similar to one that already exists between orofacial myologists and Meeting,Renaissance in Orofacial Myology
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tongue thrust, non-nutritive sucking and poor rest postures. Pe- academics, and behavior. General Dentistry. 2010 Jan 8:7 18-25.
6. Guilleminault C, Sullivan SS. Toward Restoration of Continuous
diatric sleep experts are looking at improper facial and jaw growth Nasal Breathing as the Ultimate Treatment Goal in Pediatric Obstructive
that has an impact on the upper airway. These improper rest Sleep Apnea. s.l.2014 Enliven:Pediatr Neonatol Biol 1(1):001.
postures and noxious habits may play a role in the development 7. Josell SD. Habits affecting dental and maxillofacial growth and
of sleep-disordered breathing and obstructive sleep apnea. The development.., Dental Clinics North America, 1995 Oct;39(4): 851-60.
8. Olivi G, Signore M,Olivi M, Genovese. Lingual Frenectomy:
presence of snoring in a child should be addressed according to Functional evaluation and new therapuetical approach. European Journal
Pediatric Clinical Guidelines. Family history of OSA and disrup- OF Paediatric Dentistry. 2012 Jun;13(2):101-6.
tive snoring is commonly found among children who exhibit these 9. Mills E. A Clinical Method for the Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
symptoms. 24 of Resorative Dental Patients. Journal of Oral Implantology.2002,Jun,v
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Some dentists are considering holding off on complex orth- 10. Eslamian L, Leilazpour AP. Tongue to palate contact during speech
odontic, implant and prosthetic cases until they are assured that in subjects with and without a tongue thrust. European Journal of
there is adequate room for the tongue, a patent nasal airway, healthy Orthodontics 2006 Oct;28(5):475-9.
temporal mandibular joints and no orofacial myofunctional disor- 11. Smithpeter J, Covell J. Relapse of anterior open bites treated with
orthodontic appliances with and without orofacial myofunctional therapy.
ders. These concerns must be addressed during the treatment- American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2010
planning phase. The size of the tongue and parafunctional tongue vol.137(5): 605-14.
habits must be evaluated. Lateral and frontal tongue thrusts can 12. Saccamanno S, Antonini G, DAltri L, DAngelantantonino M,
displace natural teeth as well as certain types of implants. 9 Fiorita A, Deli R, Causal Relationship Between Malocclusion and Oral
Muscles Dysfunction: A Model Approach. European Journal of Paediatric
OMD, OSA and TMD 13. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guidelines on
Sleep deprivation and sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) have pro- periodicityof Examination, Preventive Denatl Services,Anticipatory
found effects on stage three restorative sleep, which is necessary Guidance/Counseling, and Oral Treatment for Infants, Children and
Adolescents. Clinical Guideline. 2013 v35/No6:114-22.
for repair and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissue, as well as on 14. Benkert K. The Function-Junction: Using natures bio-adaptibility of
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that is needed for well-being and hard and soft tissues. JAOS, 2012;May-June;28-40.
memory consolidation. SDB also profoundly affects tissue inflam- 15. Swecker T, Schroder J. Sleep Apnea Screening in the Dental Office.
mation, hypoxia and reperfusion, oxidative stress and endothelial Dimensions in Dental Hygiene. 2014 Jan;12(1): 42-6.
16. Sharma K, Shrivastav S, Hotwani K, Murell M. Orthodontic
dysfunction, all of which impact the TMJ, muscles of mastication, Airway Imaging; The cutting edge in treatment planning. General
and general well-being of the patient. AIRWAY CENTRIC TMJ Dentistry. 2014 July-August;62(4) 54-9.
is a new philosophy in dentistry. Ideal health, wellness and brain 17. Carlyle TD, Churma L, Damon PL, Diers N, Paquette D,
Quintero JC. Orthodontic Strategies for Sleep Apnea. Orthodontic
Products. 2014 April/May; 68-77. Author Profile
18. Goldie MP. RDH e Village. The Dentistry IQ Network. [Online] Paula has enjoyed over thirty years of practice in clinical dental
March 21, 2014. [Cited: March 22, 2014.] hygiene. Myofunctional therapy was first introduced during
articles/2014/03/are you screening.html?sponsored=topic9.
her dental hygiene education. She currently operates Paula Fab-
19. Commitee On Sleep Medicine and Research. Sleep Disorders and
Sleep Deprivation: and Unmet Public Health Problem. Washington, DC: bie LLC, where she teaches children and adults with orofacial
The National Academies of Sciences, 2006. myofunctional disorders on improving proper rest postures and
20. Bonuck K, Rao T, Xu,L. Pediatric Sleep Disorders and Special oral functions. As part of a team approach, she works closely and
Education Need at 8 Years: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Pediatrics.
consults with referring dentists and physicians.
2012;130(4):634-42.doi 10.1542/peds.2012-0392.Epub2012 Sep3
21. Guilleminault C , Huang YS. Crtical role of myofacial reeducation Paula has taught continuing education courses to dentists,
in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep 2013,http://dx.doi. hygienists, and physicians, and other healthcare professionals here
org/10.1016/j.sleep.2013.01.013. and abroad. Her prime focus is on early identification and treat-
22. Palmer B. Brian Palmer,DDS, For Better Health. [Online] 2013. [Cited:
ment of myofunctional disorders and how they relate to overall
March 6th, 2013.]
23. Paskay LC. Oral Structures and Sleep Disorders: A literature review., health. Paula can be reached at [email protected].
International Journal of Orofacial Myology.2003 Nov;15-28.
24. Midell J, Owens, J. A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
Author Disclosure
25. Gelb M L. Airway Centric TMJ Philosophy. California Dental
Association Journal. 2014 Aug; 42(8):551-62. Paula Fabbie has no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
26. Paskay LC. OMD Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders Assessment,
Prevention, and Treatment. Journal of the American Orthodontic Society.
2012 Mar;74-80.
Notes 9
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1. At what age do experts agree that 60-70% of 11. Orofacial myofunctional therapy combined 21. Which of the following is correct?
dentofacial growth is completed? with orthodontics has been shown to: a. Craniofacial and neuromuscular disorders may include
a. Age 3 a. Prevent orthodontic relapse OMD
b. Age 4 b. Encourage low tongue resting posture b. A child with low muscle tone will grow out of it and not
c. Age 7 c. Facilitate improved mouth breathing at night need to be assessed for OMD
d. Age 12 d. Discourage nasal breathing c. Crossbites in primary dentitions will always self correct
d. Most of the rapid growth of the face occurs at age 12, or
2. The study of myofunctional therapy dates 12. To obtain an efficient myofunctional when most of the permanent teeth have erupted
back to the 1900s in conjunction with what therapeutic result, several factors must take
22. Which of the following is responsible for
other discipline? place including:
a. Pediatrics a. Correcting ankyloglossia after myofunctional treatment is tongue thrusting?
b. Dental Hygiene complete a. Early addition of a variety of solid foods
c. Orthodontics b. Resolution of related pathologies of tonsils, allergies, and b. Anything that promotes mouth breathing
d. Otolaryngology adenoids prior to treatment c. Transitioning to a cup after breastfeeding
c. Waiting until orthodontic treatment is complete d. None of the above
3. Orofacial myofunctional disorders may d. Assessment of impacted third molars 23. Orofacial myofunctional therapy goals
include or result in which of the following?
a. Nasal insufficiency 13. Sleep dentistry is now looking at which of include:
b. Lip incompetency the following factors? a. Proper oral phase of swallow
c. Nasal pharyngeal obstructions a. Upper airway development b. Proper oral rest postures
d. All of the above b. Facial development c. Promote nasal breathing
c. School performance d. All of the above
4. Some signs to look for when assessing d. All of the above
OMDs may include which of the following? 24. Which of the following is correct regarding
a. Ankyloglossia of the tongue and lip tie 14. Which of the following oral habits most ankyloglossia?
b. Crossbite likely will disappear as the child ages and a. Can be corrected only with a scalpel
c. Drooling b. Can interfere with breastfeeding and facial development
will not have any deleterious effect? c. Frenum can be stretched
d. All of the above a. Digit or object sucking
d. Does not interfere with myofunctional therapy
5. Which of the following may occur if b. Nail biting
ankyloglossia is not diagnosed and treated at c. Mouth breathing 25. Tongue thrusting does not contribute to:
d. None of the above a. Open bites
an early age? b. Over jet
a. A wide maxilla 15. Early intervention objectives for discon- c. Retruded jaws
b. A low forward tongue posture tinuing non-nutritive sucking can include: d. None of the above
c. A cleft palate a. Prevention of dental and skeletal disharmonies
d. Inability for baby to bottle-feed b. Allows for proper transition from infantile swallow 26. The 2013 American Academy of Pediatric
6. Problems that can result due to ankyloglos- c. Improving esthetics and self- image Dentisrty guidelines on periodic dental
d. All of the above exams addresses:
sia include:
a. Inability of the tongue to contact the palate properly 16. The risk for heart disease may be elevated a. Non-nutritive sucking
b. Speech difficulties b. Abnormal tongue thrusting
with OMDs as well as:
c. Atypical swallowing pattern a. Pre-term labor c. Bruxism
d. All of the above b. Diabetes d. All of the above
c. Hypertension 27. Orthodontist are utilizing CBCT imaging
7. Before a myofunctional assessment and
d. All of the above to:
treatment can begin, several things must
17. Sleep disorders may be related to: a. Evaluate growth of the craniofacial tissues
take place including: b. Evaluate impeded upper airways
a. Prophylaxis completed a. Diabetes
b. Stroke c. Look for hypertrophied adenoids and tonsils
b. All dental restorations completed
c. Depression d. All of the above
c. Speech therapy completed
d. None of the above d. All of the above
28. Sleep questionnaires for dental patients
8. The phases of a myofunctional assessment 18. At what age can sleep disordered breathing include:
and treatment can include: have an effect on children? a. Epworth, STOP BANG, BEARS
a. Identifying dysfunctions and their etiologies a. Infancy b. Mallampati, Friedman
b. Using a team approach for diagnosis and collaborative b. Age 7 c. Hanson and Mason
treatment c. Puberty d. All of the above
c. Restoring proper oral resting postures d. All of the above
29. Which of the following is affected by sleep
d. All of the above 19. In children, snoring, obstructive sleep disordered breathing?
9. The team approach may include which of apnea and mouth breathing can contribute a. Stage three restorative sleep
the following professionals? to increased risk for: b. Tissue inflammation, hypoxia, oxidative stress and
a. Orthodontist / Dentist a. ADHD endothelial dysfunction
b. Speech therapist b. Peer behavior problems c. TMD development
c. Otorhinolaryngologist c. Increased aggression and anxiety d. All of the above
d. All of the above d. All of the above 30. Which of the following factors concern
10. When is the proper time to begin a 20. Orofacial myofunctional therapy came into pediatric sleep experts when assessing the
myofunctional therapy program? existence to: upper airway?
a. When the child has a complete primary dentition a. Modernize orthodontic appliances a. Snoring
b. During the mixed dentition b. Reduce dental lab fees b. Improper facial and jaw growth
c. After orthodontics are complete c. Assist with improved orthodontic outcomes c. Tongue thrust and non- nutritive sucking
d. All of the above d. None of the above d. All of the above
Myofunctional Analysis and its Role in Dental Assessments and Oral Health
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