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Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (Linear) — 1MA0 STEM & LEAF DIAGRAMS ‘Materials required for examination _Items included with question papers Roler graduated in centimetres and Nil millimetes, protractor, compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser. “Tracing paper may be used. Instruetions Use black ink or ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number Answer all questions. ‘Answer the questions in the spaces pro' Caleulators may be used. .d —there may be more space than you need. Information “The marks for each question are shown in brackets — use this as a guide as to how much ti each question. Questions labetied with an asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your written communication will be assessed ~ you should take particular care on these questions with your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as the clarity of expression. ¢ to spend on Advice Read each question carefully before you start to answer it, Keep an eye on the time. ‘Try to answer every quest Chieck your answers if you have 1, 3, Here are the ages, in years, of 15 students. ww 0 BB Bx ot ww 42 B 2 of yw Show this information in an ordered stem and leaf diagram. 117 3 4 2}]oo0! 2 354 3 )/377 ef 2 (3 marks) 2. Jo measured the times in seconds it took 18 students to run 400 m. Here are the times. gr 1 9 ars 6 wes oe 3s oe ow a 86 82 3e 96 oe on 3 (a) Draw an ordered stem and leaf diagram to show this information. Outlay 7\5 89 fers y qloor~4ses 10 |3 Nea bhi = 64 Sseceond|y @) (b) Work out the median, eb +89 - B75 2 ... seconds @) (S marks) 3. Here are the speeds, in miles per hour, of 16 cars. A SEB A 3 BF BS SA WA te 5B Draw an ordered stem and leaf diagram for these speeds. 2/49 fase -aeEEaEEREREEERESEREEEEE kev 3413569 eee 24 = 2I mph 4 12334689 5 {245 (4 marks) 4. Here are some people’s ages in years. a a BO 2 SS gr se 6 25 no wm ge of In the space below, draw an ordered stem and leaf diagram to show these ages. kev ajaz We yews (4 marks) 5, Jim did a survey on the lengths of caterpillars he found on a field trip. Information about the lengths is given in the stem and leaf diagram. Key: 5[2 means 5.2 em tae eo a) ANe 0 ° WUD a 0 1 1 12 won Work out the median, (2 marks) 6. Here are the times, in minutes, taken to solve a puzzle. AWRY T We ws WS WW Ww 2 ew (a) In the space below, draw a stem and leaf diagram to show these times. O1s 78° | joo 0CO2S5S5S 6 key: o]s = Sriautes 2 joo C44 3 135 (3) (b) Find the median time to solve this puzzle, +. mins: 2) (Smarks) 7. Jan measures the heights, in millimetres, of 20 plants in her greenhouse. Here are her results. Ww 8 wt vt 166 WF eS at Jet we BS aS Es 1st Wo ata Complete the stem and leaf diagram to show this information. Stem Leaf Ve 7773 15 123598 key Petia ie ligireleg a 44] 2 UT mm Fee etsy a a9 (4 marks) 8. Anil counted the number of letters in each of 30 sentences in a newspaper. Anil showed his results in a stem and leaf diagram. 839 1234489 40355778 322336688 412335 Key 4|1 stands for 41 letters (@) Write down the number of sentences with 36 letters. ay (b) Work out therange 45 - ¥ a) (c) Work out the median. @) (4 marks) 9, Here are the weights, in kilograms, of 15 parcels. HE J YW Jd IA 98 3S 20 VS 6 35 aA eT Je 06 Draw a stem and leaf diagram to show this information, eal oe HHL Key Site i Hite Oates eo) s = 0, Sky 2/00!6 Sit |ioito: (Total 3 marks) 10, Janine recorded the times, in seconds, for each of 15 people to do a puzzle Here ate her results. 90 BO 7 8x 68 KRM 6F 9 Won gf Bw ot (a) Complete the ordered stem and leaf diagram and key to show these results. 617 8 4 713 5 6 BF aa ote, Key 6/72 6 7 second] 9} oO} (3) Janine says “To find the median time, you add all the results and divide by 15” Janine is wrong, (b) (i) Explain how to find the median. The, Median is, tre middle nuabe. (ii) Find the median, 8 @) (Total 5 marks) 11. Here are the ages, in years, of 15 teachers. BH WE Ww 2S 3 A 50 3 ACB 1S 1S 98 (a) Draw an ordered stem and leaf diagram to show this information. You must include a key, 378 iu SE Key ec O23 @) Je}e alt One of these teachers is picked at random. (b) Work out the probability that this teacher is more than 40 years old & 1S Q) (Total 5 marks)

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