Protect PSC

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Programmable Modular Safety System

Overview 08
Brief Description


The PROTECT PSC As a special feature the
programmable modular PROTECT PSC also offers Connectable devices
safety control system is the possibility of carrying out (sensor level)
primarily designed for use in (non safe) signal processing
modern production systems under operating conditions EMERGENCY-STOP-
or in complex individual in addition to safety-oriented control units with dry
machines. signal processing. contacts

PROTECT PSC is suitable If programming is to be

both for the safe evalua- completely eliminated, a Safety switch with dry
tion and linking of several safe zone section shut- contacts, ditto interlocking
safety-oriented signals such down can be achieved with devices (with and without
as emergency stop control the PROTECT PSC, similar latching), enabling switch
equipment, guard monitor- to a system of safety relay or similar.
ing, safety light curtains modules, determined only by
(AOPDs) or safety sensors the sequence of modules on
from the Schmersal CSS, the DIN rail.
MZM or AZM200 ranges. Electromagnetic safety
A summary of the most switch, e.g. Schmersal-
A significant advantage of important features: BNS
the PROTECT PSC lies in Modular design
its modular and therefore Integration of safe signals
extremely flexible construc- under operating conditions
tion. This enables the user to Free programming to
achieve an optimal solution IEC61131 via standard
for the respective task from USB interface or
the point of view of costs Signal interlinking via Protective devices with
without leaving unnecessary external wiring without non-floating contacts,
numbers of inputs or outputs programming for example optoelec-
unused. In addition the very Connection facility for tronic protective devices
high packaging density of external gateway (Profibus, OSSD1 OSSD2 (AOPDs) or similar.
connecting terminals helps DeviceNet or CC link)
to save space in the switch Reaction time 22 ms
cabinet. (semi-conductor outputs)
or 37 ms (relay outputs)
Visualization and status Safety sensors from
display on module or PC Schmersal CSS range
applications to be realised
Simple DIN rail assembly and contact-free inter-
in control category 4 to
locking devices from
EN954-1, Performance Level
the Schmersal-AZM 2xx
e to EN 13849-1 or SIL 3 to
IEC 61508.

able Modular Safety System
Representation of
30 45
modular design
with dimensioning



Power CPU I/O modules under

module module Various safe I/O modules operating conditions

Module overview

Number of single channel inputs Number of single channel outputs

Module Standard Safe Standard Safe
signals with Dry1 Non- Selectable* signals with Transistor Relay
dry contacts floating* dry contacts
0.3 A** 0.5 A** 0.3 A** 4 A**
PSC-S-STP-E 4 2 4
PSC-S-STP-LC 4 2 4
PSC-S-STP-ELC 2 2 2 4
PSC-S-Relay 22
* The dry or non-floating information refers to the technical properties of the input signals:
Dry-contacts input signals, e.g. from emergency stop control devices, safety switches, interlocking devices, safety solenoid switches and similar.
Non-floating input signals, e.g. PNP outputs from optoelectronic protective devices such as safety light curtains, laser scanners etc. but also from safety
sensors from Schmersal CSS or AZM200 ranges.
Selectable, input signals are monitored without cross short recognition. Outputs from optoelectronic protective devices can be directly connected, or dry
contacts can be monitored up to a PL d.
** Maximum current per output with resistive load.



In addition to the central
unit (Fig. 1), a power supply
module (Fig. 2) and various
input and output modules
(see Table Page 3) form
part of the PROTECT PSC
Fig. 3: Backplane bus
system. A minimum con-
figuration consists of a CPU
module and a power supply
module. The CPU can trigger
up to 15 modules so that
additional input and output
modules can be added at a
later date as required and
integrated into the complete
system with little effort.
All modules can be easily
assembled on DIN top hat Fig. 1: Central unit PROTECT Fig. 2: Power supply module
rails and are connected via PSC-CPU-MON PROTECT PSC-POWER
backplane bus (Fig. 3). This
means the user can freely
determine the extension version to over 250 inputs/ to various gateways (Fig. 4)
stage of the system and outputs when the system is in order to be able to perform
Fig. 4: Gateway
therefore also the number fully extended. a data exchange via Profibus
of available inputs and DP, DeviceNet or CC link.
outputs from 8 inputs and In addition the safety con-
6 outputs in the most simple troller also offers interfaces

Possible operating mode

a) Hardwired version
The operation of the
PROTECT PSC in Operating PSC PSC Any I/O PSC Any I/O PSC Any I/O
Mode 1 is intended for Power CPU modules Sub- modules Sub- modules
applications in which a zone CPU CPU
section shut-down is to be
performed without software
programming. This is, of
course, possible in a much
simpler and more elegant
manner in Mode 3 with free Submaster Submaster
programming. system 1 system 2

The application represented

in Fig. 5 serves as an ex-
planatory example. A safety
Guard Zone 1
request (here emergency-
stop contact) to the CPU
(master system) switches all
outputs of the entire system
to the safe state. A safety Guard Zone 2
request (here guard con-
tact) to the SUB-CPU only
switches the outputs of the
submaster system (Sub-CPU
Fig. 5: Example of application
and subsequent input/output
modules) to the safe state.

able Modular Safety System
Possible operating mode Fig . 6: Programming

b) Freely programmable environment

This operating mode allows
the real capacity and flex-
ibility of PROTECT PSC to
be demonstrated. All inputs
and outputs of the entire
system are assigned via
a programming language
(ladder) corresponding to
IEC61131. Logic functions,
e.g. AND and OR, as well as
other dependencies can be
freely programmed.

Fig. 7: Configuration
of the I/O modules:
clear differentiation
between safe and
operational area


Fig. 8: Free
programming to
IEC 61131 with
the opportunity to
incorporate func-
tional blocks into
the program. The
user is provided with
various functional
modules in a library.
The user also has
the possibility of
designing own
functional modules.



Diagnosis Fig. 9: Clear display on the CPU

and visualization module of which input and output

A fast diagnosis can be signals connected

achieved via the LED display

on the modules or the PC
in monitoring mode or by
reading out the error reports
from the central control unit.

Fig. 10: Online visualization: active

contacts are displayed in color

Fig. 11: Diagnosis: clear problem

solutions are provided in the event of
an internal or external error

Terminal Assignment

able Modular Safety System

Flexible input/ Determined input/
output circuitry output circuitry
in freely pro- (without
grammable software)
S1 0 S-Stop 1A
+ 2-channeled
+ input
Input 1 Isolated contact
0 S-Stop 1B
S1 1

Input 2 Isolated contact
1 2
LM Ready lamp
Output 1 max. Strom 0,5 A
2 3 Master-on lamp

Output 2 max. Strom 0,5 A
S2 4 S-Stop 2A
+ 2-channeled
Input 3 Isolated contact input
4 5
S2 S-Stop 2B

Input 4 Isolated contact
+ S/R 6 Reset Reset and
Input 5 Isolated contact + error reset
6 7
S/R ErrReset button
+ +
Input 6 Isolated contact
+ RB 8 MS1 RB
Input 7 Isolated contact + Readback
8 input
RB 9
+ MS2 RB
Input 8 Isolated contact +
M1 A
Output 3 Max. current 0.5 A MS1 Semiconductor
M1 B outputs
Output 4 Max. current 0.5 A
M2 C
Output 5 Max. current 0.5 A MS3
C Semiconductor
M2 outputs
Output 6 Max. current 0.5 A MS4
I+ I-P
I-P Power supply inputs
I Power supply
0+ I/O 24 VDC
O-P Power supply outputs

Fig. 12: External circuitry Mode 3 (freely programmable mode) Fig. 13: Example of external wiring

Terminal assignment By contrast the terminal con-

In general two different op- nection in operating mode
tions for terminal assignment 1 has a completely different
are available depending on design in which it is possible
operating mode. The freely to achieve a zone section
programmable operating shut-down entirely without
mode offers the user the software programming. In
greatest possible flexibility. a similar way to safety relay
All input signals can be freely module circuitry, here the
connected to each other and user is given exact specifica-
outputs can be activated with tions for how the terminal
the desired mutual depen- assignment of the input and
dence (Fig. 12). output signals should look
(Fig. 13).

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15 Skyline Drive 15 Regan Road, Unit #3
Hawthorne, NY 10532 Brampton, Ontario L7A 1E3

Tel: (914) 347-4775 Tel: (905) 495-7540

Fax: (914) 347-1567 Fax: (905) 495-7543

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