0,546 (P 0, 05) and Odds Ratio (OR) 1,385 To The 2 Hours Post Meal Blood Glucose Level

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The Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is an endocrine disease which is about to rise up
its prevalence. Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) as one of micro vascular complication from type
2 DM is the main cause of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The expansion mechanism from
type 2 DM to DN cannot be definite.
The objective of this research is to understand about the effects of the 2 hours post
meal blood glucose level and type 2 DM duration to the event of CKD. Subjects in this
research are 100 persons who are selected using the consecutive sampling method. This
research is observational analytic in case control approach. Instruments used in this research
are the medical record data and interview outcomes. The result of this research shows p
=0,546 (p>0, 05) and Odds Ratio (OR) = 1,385 to the 2 hours post meal blood glucose level
variable and p = 0,421 (p>0, 05) and OR= 1, 5 to the type DM duration variable. This is
meant that there is no relationship and its not proven the effect of 2 hours post meal blood
glucose and the type 2 DM duration to the event of CKD.

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