Me 211 Examples Solutions

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1) The average atmospheric pressure in Denver (elevation=1610 m) is 83.4 kPa.

Determine the temperature at which water in an uncovered pan will boil in

1 bar
p 83.4 kPa 83.4 10 3 Pa 0.834 bar
10 5 Pa
p 0.834 bar T Tsat ?

From Table A-3:

p 0.8 bar T 93.50 o C

p 0.9 bar T 96.71 o C




93.5 96.71

0.834 0.8 z

0.9 0.8 96.71 93.5
z 1.0914
T 93.5 z 94.59 o C
2) A rigid tank with a volume of 2.5 m3 contains 5 kg of saturated liquid-vapor
mixture of water at 75oC. Now the water is slowly heated. Determine the quality
x at the initial state. Also, determine the temperature at which the liquid in the
tank is completely vaporized.

T2 2


v = constant
V 2.5 m 3
v1 0.5 m 3 / kg
m 5 kg
T1 = 75 C

From Table A-2 @ T1 = 75oC:

vf = 1.0259 10-3 m3/kg

vg = 4.131 m3/kg

v1 v f x 1 v fg x1 0.121

@ State 2:

v2 = v1 = 0.5 m3/kg
x2 = 1

v 2 v1 0.5 m 3 /kg
v g 0.5m /kg

x 2 1

From Table A-2 @ vg = 0.5 m3/kg:

0.5m 3 / kg 0.5089m 3 / kg T2 140 o C

T2 140.7 o C
0.3928m / kg 0.5089m / kg 150 C 140 C
3 3 o o
3) Consider a two phase mixture at 100oC with x3 = 0.9. Determine the specific

From Table A-2 @100oC:

v f 1.0435 10 3 m 3 / kg
v g 1.673 m 3 / kg

v 3 v f x(v g v f )
v 3 1.0435 10 3 m 3 / kg 0.9(1.673 1.0435 10 3 ) m 3 / kg
v 3 1.506 m 3 / kg

Note: Once the quality x, is known, it can be applied to calculate v, h or s in the same
manner as above.
4) Refrigerant 134a with a quality of 0.4 and a temperature of 12oC is contained in
a rigid tank that has a volume of 0.17 m3. Find the mass of liquid present.

T1 = 12oC
x1 = 0.4
liquid V = 0.17 m3

m , m g xm , mf m mg

v v f xv fg

From Table A-10 @12oC:

v f 0.000797 m 3 / kg
v g 0.046 m 3 / kg

v1 v f xv fg v1 0.000797 m 3 / kg 0.4(0.046 0.000797)m 3 / kg

v1 0.0189 m 3 / kg

V 0.17 m 3
Total mass m 9 kg
v1 0.0189 m 3 / kg

m g xm (0.4)(9) 3.6 kg

m f m m g 9 kg 3.6 kg 5.4 kg
5) Consider Refrigerant-22 at 12oC. It is specific internal energy 144.58 kJ/kg.
Determine phase description and enthalpy.

From Table A-7 @12oC:

u f 58.77 kJ / kg
u g 230.38 kJ / kg

So uf < u < ug saturated liquid vapor mixture.

(u u f ) (144.58 58.77) kJ / kg
x 0.5
(u g u f ) (230.38 58.77) kJ / kg

h h f xh fg 59.35 kJ / kg 0.5(253.99 59.35) kJ / kg

h 156.67 kJ / kg
6) Determine the temperature of water at a state of p = 0.5 MPa and h = 2890

P = 0.5 MPa = 500 kPa = 5bar

h = 2890 kJ/kg

From Table A-3 for p = 5 bar

p (bar) hf (kJ/kg) hg (kJ/kg)

5 640.23 2748.7

h > hg so superheated vapor

From Table A-4 @ p = 5 bar:

T (oC) h (kJ/kg)

200 2855.4

240 2939.9




200 240

2890 2855.4 z

2939.9 2855.4 240 200
z 16.37
T 200 z 216.38 o C
7) Determine the missing properties and the phase descriptions in the following
table for water:

T, oC p, kPa h, kJ/kg x Phase description

(a) 200 0.7
(b) 140 1800
(c) 950 0.0
(d) 80 500
(e) 800 3161.7


p 200 kPa 2 bar

T Tsat 120.2 C

x 0.7

h h f xh fg 504.7 0.7(2201.9) h 2046 kJ / kg saturated mixture


T 140 o C
p 3.613 bar 361.3 kPa
h 1800 kJ / kg

h h f xh fg 1800 kJ / kg 589.13 kJ / kg x (2144.7 kJ / kg)

x 0.564

saturated mixture


p 950 kPa 9.5 bar

saturated liquid

p = 950 kPa = 0.95 MPa = 9.5 bar T = 177.65oC

h = hf = 752.82 kJ/kg


p 500 kPa 0.5 MPa 5 bar

p 5 bar Tsat 151.9 C

T 80 C

T Tsat compressed liquid

h h f @ T 80o C 334.91kJ / kg


p 800 kPa 0.8 MPa 8 bar

h 3161.7 kJ / kg

p 8 bar h f 721.11 kJ / kg, h g 2769.1 kJ / kg

h hg
superheated vapor

p 8 bar
T 350.06 C

h 3161.7 kJ / kg
8) A frictionless piston-cylinder device initially contains 200 L of saturated liquid
refrigerant R-134a. The piston is free to move, and its mass is such that it
maintains a pressure of 800 kPa on the refrigerant. The refrigerant is now heated
until its temperature rises to 50 oC. Calculate the work done during this process.
9) A piston-cylinder device contains 50 kg of water at 150 kPa and 25 oC. The
cross-sectional area of the piston is 0.1 m2. Heat is now transferred to the water,
causing part of it to evaporate and expand. When the volume reaches 0.2 m3, the
piston reaches a linear spring whose spring constant is 100kN/m. More heat is
transferred to the water until the piston rises 20 cm more. Determine (a) the
final pressure and temperature and (b) the work done during this process. Also,
show the process on p-v diagram.
10) The radiator of a steam heating system has a volume of 20 L and is filled with
superheated vapor at 300 kPa and 250C. At this moment both the inlet and
exit valves to the radiator are closed. Determine the amount of heat that will
be transferred to the room when the steam pressure drops to 100 kPa. Also,
show the process on a p-v diagram with respect to saturation lines.
11) Two kilograms of saturated liquid water at 50 kPa are heated slowly at constant
pressure. During the process 5876 kJ of heat are added. Find the final


Q = 5876 kJ

p1 = p2 = 50 kPa
m = 2 kg

State 1:

p1 50 kPa 0.5 bar

h 1 h f 340.5 kJ / kg
x1 0

Q W = U2 U1

W pdV p(V2 V1 ) p 2 V2 p1V1

Q W ( U 2 U1 ) p 2 V2 p1 V1 U 2 U1 H 2 H1 m(h 2 h 1 )
Q 5876
h2 h1 340.5 3278 kJ / kg
m 2

State 2:

p 2 50 kPa 0.5 bar

h 2 3278 kJ / kg

@ p 2 0.5 bar h f 340.5 kJ / kg, h g 2645.9 kJ / kg

h 2 h g superheated vapor

From Table A-4 T2 = 400oC

12) A vessel having a volume of 5 m3 contains 0.05 m3 of saturated liquid water and
4.95 m3 of saturated water vapor at 0.1 MPa. Heat is transferred until the vessel
is filled with saturated vapor. Determine the heat transfer for this process.



Q12 W12 U 2 U1 KE PE 0

State 1:

p1 0.1MPa 1bar v f 1 0.001043 m 3 / kg, v g1 1.694 m 3 / kg

u f 1 417.36 kJ / kg, u g1 2506.1kJ / kg

Vf 0.05 m 3
mf1 47.94 kg
v f 1 0.001043 m 3 / kg
Vg 4.95 m 3
m g1 2.92 kg
v g1 1.694 m 3 / kg

U1 (m f u f )1 (m g u g )1 (47.94 kg)(417.36 kJ / kg) (2.92 kg)(2506.1kJ / kg) 27326 kJ

State 2:

m m f 1 m g1 47.94 kg 2.92 kg

V 5 m3
v2 0.09831 m 3 / kg
m 50.86 kg

x2 1
We need to do interpolation
v 2 0.09831 m / kg

vg (m3/kg) p (bar)
0.09963 20
0.09831 ?
0.07998 25
p 20.3 bar (final pressure)

ug (kJ/kg) p (bar)
2600.3 20
? 20.3
2603.1 25

u 2 2600.5 kJ / kg

U 2 m 2 u 2 (50.86 kg)(2600.5 kJ / kg) 132261kJ

Q12 U 2 U1 104935 kJ
13) A cylinder fitted with a piston has a volume of 0.1 m3 and contains 0.5 kg of
steam at 0.4 MPa. Heat is transferred to the steam until the temperature is 300oC
while the pressure remains constant. Determine the work and heat transfer for
this process.

p2 = p1 = 0.4 MPa

2 2
W12 pdV p dV p(V2 V1 ) pm( v 2 v1 )
1 1

Q12 U 2 U1 W12 m(u 2 u 1 ) mp( v 2 v1 ) m(u 2 p 2 v 2 ) (u 1 p1 v1 )

Q12 m(h 2 h 1 )

State 1:

V1 0.1
v1 0.2 m 3 / kg and p1 0.4 MPa
m 0.5

From Table A-3 @ p1 = 0.4 Mpa = 4 bar:

vf = 0.001084 m3/kg, vg = 0.4625 m3/kg

v f v1 v g liquid vapor mixture

v1 v f x 1 v fg 0.2 m 3 / kg 0.001084 m 3 / kg x 1 (0.4625 0.001084) m 3 / kg

x 1 0.4311
h 1 h f x 1h fg h 1 604.74 kJ / kg (0.4311)(2738.6 604.74) kJ / kg
h 1 1524.7 kJ / kg

State 2:
p2 = 0.4 Mpa = 4 bar
T2 = 300oC

p2 = 0.4 Mpa = 4 bar Tsat 143.6 o C, T Tsat superheated vapor

Using Table A-4:

p = 3 bar
T (oC) h (kJ/kg)
280 3028.6
300 ?
320 3110.1




3028.6 3110.1

300 280 z
z 40.75 h 3028.6 z 3069.35 kJ / kg
320 280 (3110.1 3028.6)

p = 5 bar
T (oC) h (kJ/kg)
280 3022.9
300 ?
320 3105.6




3022.9 3105.6
300 280 z
z 41.35 h 3022.9 z 3064.25 kJ / kg
320 280 (3105.6 3022.9)

T = 300 oC
p (bar) h (kJ/kg)
3 3069.35
4 ?
5 3064.25


3064.25 3069.35

43 z
z 2.55 h 2 3064.25 z 3066.8 kJ / kg
5 3 (3069.35 3064.25)

We do similar interpolation for v2 = 0.6548 m3/kg

Q12 m(h 2 h 1 ) 0.5 kg(3066.8 1524.7) kJ / kg 771.1 kJ

W12 mp( v 2 v1 ) (0.5 kg)(400 kPa)(0.6548 0.2) m 3 90.96 kJ
14) A frictionless piston is used to provide a constant pressure of 400 kPa in a
cylinder containing steam originally at 200oC with a volume of 2 m3. Calculate
the final temperature if 3500 kJ of heat added.


Q = 3500 kJ

State 1:

p1 400 kPa 4 10 5 Pa 4 bar

T1 200 o C
V1 2 m 3

From Table A-3:

p2 = 4 bar Tsat 143.6 o C, T Tsat superheated vapor

Using Table A-4 for p1 4 bar and T1 200 o C :

v1 0.5342 m 3 / kg, u1 2647 kJ / kg, h1 2860 kJ / kg

2 2
W12 pdV p dV p(V2 V1 ) 400 kPa(V2 V1 )
1 1

V1 2 m3
m 3.744 kg
v1 0.5342 m 3 / kg

Q W ( U 2 U 1 ) m( u 2 u 1 )
3500 kJ 400 kPa(V2 V1 ) m(u 2 u 1 )
3500 kJ 400 kPa(3.744v 2 2) m 3 (3.744 kg)(u 2 2647) kJ / kg

This problem requires trial error procedure:

1) Guess a value of v2
2) Calculate u2 from above equation
3) If this value checks with u2 from steam tables then the guess is correct one.
A) 1) Let v2 = 1 m3/kg
2) 3500 kJ 400 kPa(3.744)(1) 2m 3 (3.744 kg)(u 2 2647) kJ / kg
u 2 3395 kJ / kg
3) From Table A-4 for:
p 2 4 bar
u 2 3300.2 kJ / kg
v 2 1 m 3 / kg
These two u values are not the same. So revise value of v.

B) 1) Let v2 = 1.06 m3/kg

2) 3500 kJ 400 kPa(3.744)(1.06) 2m 3 (3.744 kg)(u 2 2647) kJ / kg
u 2 3372 kJ / kg
3) From Table A-4 for:
p 2 4 bar
u 2 3372 kJ / kg
v 2 1.06 m / kg

We now accept that u2 values are close enough. So temperature is T2 640oC.

Second Method:

Q W (U 2 U1 )
2 2
W pdV p dV p(V2 V1 )
1 1

Q W (U 2 U1 ) p(V2 V1 ) (U 2 U1 ) Q H 2 H1 m(h 2 h1 )

Q 3500 kJ
h2 h1 2860 kJ / kg 3795 kJ / kg
m 3.744 kg

From Table A-4 for:

p 2 4 bar
T2 641 C

h 2 3795 kJ / kg
15) Determine the enthalpy change h of nitrogen, in kJ/kg, as it is heated from 600
to 1000 K, using (a) the empirical specific heat equation as a function of
temperature (Table A-21), (b) the cP value at the average temperature (Table A-
20), and (c) the cP value at room temperature at 300 K.


T T 2 T 3 c p 8.314 kJ / kmol.K T T 2 T 3
From Table A-21:

3.675, 1.208 10 3 , 2.324 10 6 , 0.632 10 9

T2 T


h c p dT 8.314 kJ / kmol.K T T 2 T 3 T 4
1 1 1
T1 2 3 4 T1

3.6751000 600 2 1.208 10 1000 600
1 3 2 2

h 8.314 kJ / kmol.K

1 2.324 10 6 1000 3 600 3 1 0.632 10 9 1000 4 600 4
3 4

h 12544
h 12544 kJ / kmol kJ
h 447.8
M 28.01 kg / kmol kg

b) From Table A-20 at Tavg = 800 K, cp,avg = 1.121 kJ/kg.K

kJ kJ
h c p,avg (T2 T1 ) 1.121 (1000 600) K h 448.4
kg.K kg

c) Taking the cp at room temperature from Table A-20:

cp = 1.039 kJ/kg.K

kJ kJ
h c p (T2 T1 ) 1.039 (1000 600) K h 415.6
kg.K kg
16) A rigid tank has a volume of 400 cm3 contains air initially at 22oC and 100 kPa.
A paddle wheel stirs the gas until the temperature is 428oC. During the process,
600 J of heat are transferred from air to surroundings. Calculate the work done
by the paddlewheel two ways:

(a) assuming constant specific heat

(b) assuming variable specific heat


(a) cv = constant

U mc v (T2 T1 )
22 428
Tavg 225 o C 498 K

From Table A-20:

c v 0.742 kJ / kg.K 742 J / kg.K

pV pVM
pV mRT m m
(28.97 kg / kmol)(100 kPa)(400 cm 3 )m 3 / 10 6 cm 3
m 0.0004725 kg
(8.314 kJ / kmol.K)(295 K)

W Q U Q mc v (T2 T1 ) 742.3 J

(b) variable cv with temperature:

U m(c v 2 T2 c v1T1 ) Q W m(c v 2 T2 c v1T1 )

From Table A-20:

At T1 = 295 K cv1 = 0.718 kJ/kg.K = 718 J/kg.K
T2 = 701 K cv2 = 1.098 kJ/kg.K = 1098 J/kg.K

pV pVM
pV mRT m m


(28.97 kg / kmol)(100 kPa)(400 cm 3 ) m 3 / 10 6 cm 3 0.0004725 kg
(8.314 kJ / kmol.K)(295 K)

Q W U 2 U1
U 2 mc v 2 T2 U 2 (0.0004725 kg)(1098 J / kg.K )(701 K ) 363.682 J
U1 mc v1T1 U1 (0.0004725 kg)(718 J / kg.K )(295 K ) 100.080 J
W Q U 2 U1 600 J (363.682 100.080) 863.602 J
17) A mass of 15 kg of air in a piston-cylinder device is heated from 25 to 77C by
passing current through a resistance heater inside the cylinder. The pressure
inside the cylinder is held constant at 300 kPa during the process, and a heat
loss of 60 kJ occurs. Determine the electric energy supplied, in kWh.
18) Helium (He) gas initially at 2 bar and 200 K undergoes a polytropic process
with n = k to a final pressure of 14 bar. Determine work and heat transfer for the
process, each in kJ/kg of helium. Assume ideal gas behavior.

p PVk = c

2 1

Q - W U
dV m(p 2 v 2 p1 v1 ) mR (T2 T1 )
V2 V2

W pdV m
V1 V1 v
1 k 1 k

To find T2 use:

k 1
T2 T1 (p 2 / p1 ) k

cp 2.5
k 1.667
cv 1.5

T2 200(14 / 1) 1.667

W (8.314 / 4.003)(575 200)

1167.7 kJ
m 1 1.667

Q m(u 2 u 1 ) W u 2 u1 c v (T2 T1 )
m m m
cp cv R
cp R R
1 k 1
cv cv cv
k 1
Q R R (T2 T1 )
(T2 T1 ) 0
m k 1 1 k
19) Determine the specific volume of superheated water vapor at 1.6 MPa and 225
C, using (a) the ideal-gas equation, (b) the generalized compressibility chart,
and (c) the steam tables. Also determine the error involved in the first two cases.

R 8.314 kJ / kmol.K
R 0.4615 kJ / kg.K
M 18.02 kg / kmol
Tc 647.3 K
p c 220.9 bar 22.09 MPa

a) ideal gas law:

RT (0.4615 kJ / kg.K)(498 K) m3
v 0.14364
p 1600 kPa kg

b) compressibility chart, see Figure A-1, Figure A-2, Figure A-3:

p 1.6 M Pa
pR 0.072
p c 22.09 M Pa
Z 0.935
T 498 K
TR 0.769
Tc 647.3 K

v Z 0.935(0.14364) 0.13430 m 3 / kg
0.1343 0.14364
error 100 7%

c) using superheated table:

p 1.6MPa 16 bar
v 0.13287
T 225 o C
21 )
21) Air is confined to one side of a rigid container divided by a partition, as shown in
Figure below. The other side is initially evacuated. The air is initially at =5 bar , and
=500 K, and . When the partition is removed, the air expands to fill the
entire chamber. Measurements show that and . Assuming the air
behaves as an ideal gas, determine (a) the final temperature, in K, and (b) the heat
transfer, kJ.


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