Cyclone Basic Tutorial
Cyclone Basic Tutorial
December 2016
Open the program C10 Data Copy or Pxx Data Copy. This can be downloaded from the Leica
MyWorld website. The program will automatically find a scanner connected to the Ethernet port. If
after 5 minutes the scanner is not found automatically, make sure your network adapter settings in
Windows are set to Obtain an IP address Automatically. These should be the default settings.
A window with two sections will appear. The view on the left is the Scanners Hard Drive. The view
on the rights is the PCs hard drive.
Select the Project and the destination folder, click Copy Projects. For Ok Tedi the destination folder
is D:\laser scans\.
Opening Cyclone
Open Cyclone by clicking on the Cyclone icon on your desktop, or
Start -> All Programs -> Leica Geosystems -> Cyclone 8.0 -> Cyclone.
Database definitions
A cyclone database is made up of several modules.
Project Folder - This folder contains all your scan data. You can create new project folder (Create -
> Project) to re-organise your scan data.
ControlSpace This is a point cloud that contains all the scan data and targets. Only open a
ControlSpace if you need to make adjustments to targets. When you combine scans in a registration,
Cyclone refers only to the ControlSpace, not the ModelSpace. Normally you never have to access the
ModelSpace This is also a point cloud that contains all the scan data and targets. Use the model
space for your point cloud work (viewing, modelling, fencing, deleting, meshing, etc). You can create
multiple ModelSpaces by copy/paste, or using the fence tool inside a ModelSpace.
Scans This folder contains all the point cloud data that you acquired whilst scanning, including
targets. You only need to access this data to separate scan data into multiple ModelSpaces.
Images This folder contains the photograph that you took with the scanner. By double clicking on
MultiImage, you can see all the photos that were acquired.
Right click on Servers folder, the menu will appear. See Figure 5.
Click on Servers
The database has been created. Right click on the blue database icon that you just created,
1. Import your scan data (e57, as well as most all vendor formats are supported) In addition, you
must have iSTAR images that match the scans.
2. Either register your data in Cyclone, or import data, like e57 that has already been registered.
3. After importing, select the scanworld icon in the Cyclone hierarchy, then right click and select
4. Navigate to the folder that contains the iSTAR files, and select the file named with the .nctri
extension. This process will take some time, since image mapping is being done.
5. Once the importing is complete, select the MultiImage node in the Cyclone hierarchy, right click
then select Apply MultiImage.
6. Once this process has completed, you may double click on the MultiImage node in the hierarchy
to check to make sure the images appear aligned correctly.
7. Finally, open the registered modelspace view, and inspect the mapped images.
Points where the field of view of the scanner is greater than the Canon external camera are
highlighted in bright green. To change this to a grey colour:
Figure 17. Points where the field of view of the scanner is greater than the Canon external camera are highlighted in
Click on your project folder under your database. Click Create -> Registration, call it whatever you
like. Double click on the registration icon to open it.
Scans are referred to as ScanWorlds. To add your scans into the registration, click Scan World -> Add
Scan World. Select the scans you wish to combine, and copy them to the registration. If you added
control, make sure you select the control ScanWorld as well. Click OK.
Notice that the errors have not been computed under the Error column (the value is N/A). To
calculate the errors, click Registration -> Register.
Once youre happy with the error values, click Cloud Constraint -> Auto Add Cloud Constraints. This
feature examines scans that have at least 20% overlap, identifies common objects in the point
clouds, and further aligns the scans based on these common objects. The cloud constraints are
added to the Constraint List tab as cloud/mesh.
Look at your registration file in the Cyclone Navigator. It now looks like a normal ScanWorld, with all
the scans aligned perfectly together.
Rather than adding constraints automatically like before, we have to add them manually. Click:
Cloud Constraint -> Cloud Constraint Wizard.
Move the Cloud Constraints Wizard window away, but do not close it. You will now
see two windows displaying two point clouds on Cyclone. Using the multipack mode,
click on at least 3 common points on each scan with at least 100mm accuracy.
Try and spread the points around as much as possible. Then click on Preview in the Cloud
Constraints Wizard window, and view the combined scans to confirm that they are aligned. If you
have you not picked enough points or spaced your points around enough, Cyclone will tell you with
an error message. Simply add to the points that you have already picked, and click Preview again.
When you click Preview, visually check that the scans are aligned. Then close down the ModelSpace
preview, and click Constrain on the Cloud Constraints Wizard. The wizard will automatically
progress to the next combination of scans.
Once you have combined all the scans, notice that Cloud/Mesh constraints are now in the
Constraints List tab. The errors will need to be calculated; Registration -> Register.
Confirm that all the errors are minimal. If not, delete the Constraint and recombine the scans again
using the Cloud Constraint Wizard. If youre happy with the errors, click:
Registration -> Create ScanWorld / Freeze Registration, then
Registration -> Create and Open ModelSpace
Look at your registration file in the Cyclone Navigator. It now looks like a normal ScanWorld icon.
First, generate the thumb nails. In Cyclone Navigator, select the scans, right click -> Re-Generate
Scan Thumbnails.
In Cyclone Navigator, create a new registration (Create -> Registrion). Open the Registration (double
click). Add the ScanWorlds (ScanWorlds -> Add ScanWorlds). Automatically group the ScanWorlds
(select the ScanWorlds, right click -> Create Scan World Groups with .).
3. A dialog will appear asking if you wish to use SmartAlign. Click the check box if want to use
SmartAlign. You can run Auto Align without Smart Align by not checking the box. (More on
SmartAlign in the next section.
4. If the check box Use SmartAlign was checked the SmartAlign window will open with the setups
that were in the registration. (More on SmartAlign in the next section.)
5. If the check box to Use SmartAlign was not checked, then Auto Align will run on all setups as
(Optional) At this point you can add another Site by clicking the + sign on the tab bar at the top.
Adding another Site will allow you to transfer setups to another area. You may want to do this if you
need Auto Align to consider groups of setups separately. For example, all setups on Floor 1 go into
Site 1 and all setups on Floor 2 go into Site 2.
4. Next select the Add Image button to add a background image to the dialog. Browse for an image
and click OK to view image in SmartAlign dialog:
6. Next, add links between setups. Adding links will allow Auto Align to only consider the links added,
thereby saving a great deal of time. You have multiple options for adding the links: a. Drag one icon
over another then back to the original position. A link will appear between them.
b. Click the Add by Time button. This will add links by the time stamp on the scanner file. This is a
great way to add links according to the time if scans were captured in a sequential and chronological
c. Click the Add by Distance button. This will add links based on pixel spacing between the icons on
the map.
7. You can edit links by deleting them; simply left click to select the link and then press the keyboard
delete key.
8. When all links are established, click the Align button to begin the Auto Align process.
9. During the Auto Align process links will turn red while they are being analysed.
10. At the end of the Auto Align process the links will turn colors based on the status of the link: a.
Green = Good link. Link will be used to form the group.
b. Yellow =Good link, but not necessary to form a group. You may decide to add this link latter in the
registration process.
c. Red =Bad link. Link will not be used to form the group.
11. At this stage, you can edit the links again by deleting them and creating new links in order to try
the Align process again until you get to a desirable result.
Note: You can have more than one group in one site if Auto Align finds more than one group in a
particular site.
12. In the below example, Auto Align found 3 green (good) links and 2 red (bad) links. However the
green links are enough in this situation to form a group as the green links connect all the setups in this
site. You do not need to delete red links when you are ready to accept the results and continue with
the Auto Align process.
14. You can then continue with the completion of the registration as normal.
Registration Diagnostics
A full report on a registrations diagnostics can be easily generated. Open the registration, and click
Registration -> Show Diagnostics. The report will display the errors of each constraint used.
Unifying a ModelSpace
Before you start modelling or do any further changes to the registration, unify the registration that
you have done. Even though the registered ScanWorlds look like one single point cloud, they are still
treated as separate point clouds in a ModelSpace. Unifying results in better resource allocation of
your PCs memory.
Click on the centre of target with the Pick Mode, and then Tools -> Registration -> Add/Edit
Registration Label.
ScanWorld Explorer
The ScanWorld Explorer is a useful tool to turn on/off point clouds in a registration. You cannot do
this once you have unified the cloud.
To access the ScanWorld Explorer open the ModelSpace of a registration, and click Tools -> Scanner
-> ScanWorld Explorer.
In the ScanWorld Explorer, you can hide or show clouds that are part of the
existing registration by un-ticking the viewable icon:
Segment scan by distance. You can apply delete data beyond a certain range
from your scans.
Allign View. This function puts you into the perspective of the scanner in a
particular scan. NB: A short cut to this view is to select the point cloud with the pick-
mode, and press a on the keyboard.
Note that the align view mode is set to the panoramic view. This locks your view in a
360 bubble view.
Notice that there are three main tabs: Layers, View As, and Selectable/Visible.
You can select points, meshes, or modelled objects, and assign them to a layer of their own. This is
useful if you wish to hide certain objects, or group the same objects together (e.g. assign all cylinders
to their own layer).
View As
You can set the resolution of object in the View As tab.
For example, a mesh can be viewed in high resolution (LOD Full Range) or as a wireframe.
Select/Visible Tab
This tab gives you the option allowing an object to be visible, and also selectable with the pick mode.
3D Modelling
Cyclone is a very powerful tool for modelling pipes, steel beams, valves, boxes, patches and other
objects. When modelling pipes and steel beams, Cyclone can model to standard sizes. To activate
this mode, click Create Object -> Use Parts Table.
You can choose the database to use by clicking Edit -> Object Preference.
There are five ways to model: Region Grow, Fit to Cloud, Fit to Fence, 2D Draw and Insert Object.
When modelling objects from the point cloud using Region Grow commands, the objects point cloud
will be made invisible. At any time you can show the objects cloud by selecting the modelled object,
and clicking Create Object -> Insert Copy of Objects Points.
To model a pipe run, click on the separate parts of the pipe with the multi pick mode, click
Create Object -> Region Grow -> Pipe Run.
You may wish to colourise the cylinders different colours. To do so, click: Edit Objects -> Appearance
-> Create Objects from Random Colours
You can filter cylinders by size by clicking: Create Objects -> Filter Pipes
Modelling Patches
Figure 55. Modelling objects not in
A patch is a 2 dimensional plane. Patches can be used to model flat
the point cloud.
objects, such as walls, ceiling, floors, etc.
Holes can be cut into patches, so long as they do not cut through the perimeter.
Patches can be extruded to become 3 dimensional objects. Once extruded, holes cannot be cut into
Normally there will be numerous handles and corners. The patch can be made rectangular by
selecting the patch, then Edit Object -> Patch -> Make Rectangular.
NB: In the above example, a patch could also be created using by drawing a 2D polygon against the
XY reference plan.
Extruding Patches
Extruding a patch give it depth and becomes a
3D object. A patch is only a 2D flat surface. Once
a patch has been extruded, fences can no longer
be cut from it.
Clean up the steel beam by using the polygonal fence tool, and right click
-> Fence -> Delete Outside or Delete Inside. The steel beam point cloud
should look like the below figures.
NB: You can also fence the beam, right click -> Fit Fence -> Steel Section -> Wide Flange.
Steel beam Angle, channel, Tee, rectangular tube, and wide flange (I-beams) steel beams can all be
modelled in Cyclone using the above method.
Figure 63. Steel Angle Beam Figure 64. Steel Channel Beam.
Tee: Rectangular Tube
NB: The area around the cross section of the picks on the
steel must be clean of noise for 20mm on each side of pick
see image.
Modelling Spheres
Like steel beams, spheres can only be modelled from point clouds using the Fit to Cloud command.
Therefore, you must first fence and copy a sphere to a new model space, isolate the spheres point
cloud data, then Create Object -> Fit to Cloud -> Sphere.
Modelling Targets
Scanner targets (HDS target, black/white target, or sphere target) can be modelled in Cyclone.
Select the target with the pick mode. You do not have to select the centre of the target.
Note, you do not have to isolate the target. If there is enough point data on the target, Cyclone will
automatically add a vertex in the centre of the target.
Object Handles
Handles are contained in objects within Cyclone that are used to adjust the objects position,
orientation, and size. Handles are colour coded to indicate the movement type.
Red Rotate
Orange Resize, translate, and snap
Blue Translate and snap
You can move objects in Cyclone, and restrict the movement to a 2 dimensional plane.
Edit Object -> Handles -> Constrain Motion To -> ..
Left click on an orange handle, and hold Shift to will snap handles to each other.
Quick Move
A modelled object can be moved easily with the Quick Move command. Select 2 points on the
model (click on the blue handles) with the multi-pick mode, then select two corresponding points on
the point cloud, and Edit Object -> Quick Move. This is much faster than manually dragging an
Create Object -> Fit Edge Figure 72. Point cloud of a step.
Figure 73. Fit Edge window with cross section view on point
To export a model from Cyclone, select the item(s), and click File -> Export, and selected AutoCAD
DXF R12 Format (*.dxf).
Cyclone can only import COE (Cyclone Object Exchange) objects. It cannot import DXF objects
directly. To import DXF models into Cyclone, you have to convert them into COE files using the Leica
COE data transfer plugin for AutoCAD or MicroStation.
Model Library
Cyclone has a model library for commonly used objects. You can add or load models to/from the
library easily.
Geo Tags
A Geo Tag allows you to add additional meta data to the point cloud in
Cyclone. Geo Tags will be automatically saved into a Leica TruView when
Tools -> Geo Tags
To create the TruView, open the ModelSpace that you wish to share.
Zoom out so that you can see all the scan station positions. This will
be the site map of your TrueView.
NB: The TruView plugin will only work with Microsoft Internet
Explorer. You can download the TruView plugin from the Leica
website: Figure 78. TruView Colour Map
Key Plans
A key plan allows you to easily share point cloud data locked into the perspective of the scanner,
with anyone that has Cyclone installed. It is very similar to a TruView, except a Key Plan must be ran
in Cyclone. Cyclone can be installed without a license and used as a viewer.
A background image (e.g. from Google Maps) can be imported. Select 2 scanner setups to align it.
Limit Boxes
Limit boxes are a useful way to view a small volume of data in a large point cloud.
Open a ModelSpace, click
Notice that now the data is limited to just the box. To turn off the limit box, click View -> Limit Box.
You can increase the size of the limit box with the multipack mode. Click on the limit box, and then
drag the handles (the orange squares).
Limit Boxes can also be saved and loaded in the Limit Box Manager: View -> Add/Edit Limit Boxes.
The saved Limit Boxes in Cyclone can also be viewed in AutoCAD Cloudworx with the Clipping
Manager tool.
Limit boxes can also be aligned to an axis. Select the limit box, then click Edit Object -> Align -> Align
to Axis -> XYZ Axis.
Fences are another useful way of isolating or deleting points from the point cloud. There are 3 fence
modes: Polygonal Fence, Rectangular Fence and Circular Fence.
Perspective view: Shows the point cloud with Orthographic view: Shows the point cloud
depth of field. with no depth of view.
Seek : Focuses the view on a point in the point View Mode: Allows you to zoom, rotate and
cloud. The shortcut is S on the keyboard. pan around a point that you selected with Seek.
Pick Mode: Allows you to pick a point in the Multi-pick Mode: Same as the pick mode, but
point cloud. The co-ordinates will be displayed allows you to pick multiple points without
at the bottom of the screen. Hold down Shift to holding down Shift.
pick multiple points.
Interfering Points
This function is useful for clash detection (i.e interference or collision of points) of a modelled object
against the point cloud. For example, one could import a modelled pipe run for a new pipe, and
confirm if the new pipe will fit against the existing cloud.
Select the point cloud and the model (Selection -> Select All).
Measurements can easily be made in Cyclone. Using the multi-pick tool, select tool points on a point
cloud, and select:
Tools -> Measure -> Distance -> Point to Point
You can add additional columns by right clicking on the top of a column, and selecting Customise.
Use the Fit Edge tool to place a polyline along the edge of the bridge. Select the edge with the pick
mode, then click Create Object -> Fit Edge
Tools -> Measure -> Point to Unbounded Surface (gives the true vertical distance to a patch).
In this example, a different height is found in each lane. By using the Fit Edge tool, you can
calculate better clearance values then picking points in the field by eye.
First, you will need to use the multipick to pick a two point on the road, and then two more points
above the road on the underside of the bridge.
Tools -> Measure -> Clearances
The point cloud will now be split into 2 separate clouds; the smooth surface (e.g. road), and the
noise above the roads (e.g. cars, people, etc). Select the noise above the road with the single pick
mode, and press delete.
Fence an area of a road. Select two points on a road surface with the Multi-Pick tool, and click
Create Object -> From Pick Points -> Alignment. If the road surface is curved, you can create a
polyline. If you need to filter the noise, see the previous chapter Filtering noise from a flat/smooth
Next, create the alignment; Tools -> Alignment & Sections -> Create Alignment, then create
sections; Tools -> Alignment & Sections -> Create Sections.
A list of sections will be displayed. The individual sections can be inspected by click on the station in
the Station column.
Figure 102. Note that the polyline will follow the alignment.
The handles of the polyline can be manually adjusted to better follow the point cloud if needed.
Point cloud data can be copied with the alignment by selecting collect points in the Create
Sections window.
The polyline alignment and centre line can be exported as a DXF file. File -> Export -> (select
AutoCAD DX R12 format).
This tool allows you to quickly break an alignment into sections, and draw string lines of features
down an alignment (e.g. top of curb, edge of curb, bottom of curb, etc).
First, an alignment must be drawn. Select two points using the multipick tool, then click
Create Object -> From Pick Points -> Line Segment.
Next, turn your line segment into an alignment. With the line segment selected, click
Tools -> Roadway Alignment & Station -> Create Alignment
Figure 104. Alignment Section Manger & Plan View in Cyclone 9.0.
To create an alignment, enter in the desired values and click Create. The point cloud will now be split
into sections, and a top down Plan View window be shown.
Figure 106. A TIN mesh when viewed as a solid Figure 106. A TIN mesh when viewed as a wireframe.
1.) Isolate the point cloud that wish to calculate the volume of with the fence tool, and
right click -> Copy To New Model Space.
2.) Select the isolated point cloud with the
pick mode.
3.) Create the Mesh:
Tools -> Mesh -> Create Mesh -> Tin.
4.) Click on the bottom of the mesh with the
pick mode.
5.) Add the Reference Plane:
Tools -> Reference Plane -> Set Plane
Origin at Pick Point.
6.) Calculate the Volume:
Tools -> Measure -> Mesh Volume ->
Above Ref Plane.
The volume area is now calculated
Figure 113. Using a Mesh and Reference Plane to calculate a
Decimating a Mesh
Often the mesh may be of higher resolution than
needed. To reduce the number of triangles in the
mesh, and hence the resolution, select the mesh
(Selection -> Select All), and then click Tools -> Mesh
-> Decimate Mesh. Usually a 10% reduction is
First, create the break line. Pick a polyline along an edge, and click Create Object -> From Picked
Points -> Polyline. Do the same for the bottom of curb. You could also use the Fit Edge tool to
perform this.
A fly through animation through a point cloud can be created from within Cyclone. It may take some
trial and error to achieve the correct frame rate.
1.) Add the cameras at intervals along your cloud: Create Object -> Insert -> Camera
2.) Create a path for the fly through by joining the cameras up: Tools -> Animation -> Create
3.) Tools -> Animation -> Set Path
4.) Hide the cameras and the path so they dont show up in the animation.
View -> Set Object Visibility -> Untick Camera and Polyline
5.) Tools -> Animation -> Animation Editor
6.) Tools -> Animation -> Animate
Set frame rate around 50 and the resolution at 800 by 600. The animation will render quickly and
you will be able to preview the product. Once animation is perfected, increase the frame rate to
desired level and increase resolution to 1200 by 900.
I find it easier to use the icons of the Cut Plane toolbar. The Cut Plane menu is located under Tools ->
Cut Planes.
The easiest method is to first align the cut plane to a reference plane. Remember, reference planes
can be on the XY, XZ, or YZ planes.
First, adjust your coordinate system to be aligned with the object you want to slice. In the below
example, the X axis is parallel to the front of the building (see the previous section Changing the
Coordinate System). Next, show the reference plane you want. Tools -> Reference Plane -> Set to
XY/XZ/YZ Plane. Click on the View Slice icon in the Cutplane toolbar. You can also set the thickness
of the slice, and progress through sections on the point cloud. Using a single pick point with Quick
Slice will result in a 1 meter slice thickness.
Hot Keys
Hot keys are keyboard shortcuts that can be saved for nearly all commands in Cyclone. Theyre ideal
for saving time and reducing mouse clicks for commonly used features. All functions on Cyclone can
have a hotkey assigned to them.
Ctrl + Left Mouse Turns the viewpoint around (i.e. Look around).
Alt + Left Mouse While in view mode, rotate slowly around focal.
A TruSpace is useful for viewing the point cloud from the perspective of the scanner. Its a useful tool
to manually add targets that were missed.
Select a TruSpace with the pick mode, and click View -> TruSpace -> Open TruSpace.
To link the TruSpace to the main ModelSpace, click View -> TruSpace -> Link TruSpace.
You can use Cyclone to draw objects in 2D against the reference plane. This is useful if you wish to
trace the outline of an object and then extrude it.
Select a point with the pick mode that you wish to draw on against a plane, then
Tools -> Reference Plane -> Set to..
NB: The reference plane can viewed as a XY, YZ, or XY plane. It can also be rotated and tilted to suit
the object that youre drawing to.
When prompted, Opening Existing VS File?, click the Skip button to start a new VS file. A new VS
window will appear.
In the VS window, create a New Layer by clicking the Layers button, to put in the linework and give it
a colour (optional). See Figure 1. Then click Set Current in the View Properties box, then click OK.
Repeat this step for additional linework.
Enter or select a Feature Code (optional). See Figure 2.
Turn OFF the Automatic Candidate Features button. See Figure 3.
Multi-Select points. See Figure 3.
Click Start to create Polyline. See Figure 3.
Turn ON the Feature Code button. See Figure 3.
Check in candidate picks at the bottom of the VS dialog box.
1. From Cyclone Navigator, highlight the project folder and from the drop down menu, Create
Station. Highlight the Station and create a ScanWorld. This creates a blank ScanWorld structure.
2. Expand the Scans folder under the position with the duplicate data. The scans are symbolized with
turquoise clouds. Identify the scans that need to be moved. Drag and drop the scans into the Scan
folder of newly created Scanworld. The scans can also be copied and pasted into the new
ScanWorld. Cyclone will prompt you that your are attempting to move data. Click OK. Highlight the
target scans, select copy and paste the associated target scans into the new Scan folder. Delete any
duplicate target data in the original ScanWorld. Create the ModelSpace and ModelSpace View.
3. Open the ScanWorld with the duplicate data and turn off the point cloud under View, Hide Point
Clouds. With multi-pick, select the vertices of the targets that need to be separated and copied into
the new ScanWorld. Select Edit, Copy. Open the ModelSpace of the new ScanWorld and go to Edit,
4. Return to the ScanWorld with the duplicate data. Multi-pick the extra targets and delete them.
Turn on the point cloud under View and uncheck Hide Point Clouds.
Traverse Editor
If you have traverse with a Leica Cxx or Pxx scanner, and have made a mistake with the vertical
heights, backsight or resection, you can manually correct these values in the traverse settings in the
Traverse Editor.
1.) In the Cyclone Navigator menu, click Configure -> Scanners -> Add. Add a new scanner. The
name and IP address can be anything you like.
2.) In the Cyclone Navigator, open the Scanners folder, and double click on the Scanner icon.
3.) Select your project folder from your existing data.
4.) Click Windows -> Traverse Editor, to open the Traverse Editor.
5.) Select all the ScanWorlds you wish to assemble and Click the ok button
6.) If all the fields were entered with correct information during field collection then all you
need to do to complete the Traverse is click the Verify button. If good then just click the
Registration button and you are done. No more manual entry of traverse data.
1) After the import, delete the "Registered ScanWorld" in Cyclone Navigator, just to avoid any
confusion regarding ControlSpaces.
2) Open the ControlSpace of the first and the last position and add the name of the Station to the
scanner position.*
Tools - Registration - Add/Edit Registration Label
* Since the traverse is open, Cyclone will only find one constraint for the first and last position, which
is not enough.
One needs to have 2 constraint if all ScanWorld are leveled. When you add the name of the scanner
position, Cyclone will use the scanner position as a constraint.
Thus one has enough constraint to register the ScanWorlds.
3) Open the ControlSpace of the position where the target height is incorrect and change it.
Tools - Registration - Add/Edit Registration - Set Target Height
4) Open a new registration and add all ScanWorlds, include ScanWorld: "Known Coordinates".
For the detailed workflow, please have a look at the video link below:
Python Scripting
Cyclone allows users to create scripts using the Python language. In a model space, click User Apps -
> .
Activating a License
To activate the licenses on the Server, open the License Administrator Server (Start -> Programs ->
Leica Geosystems -> Client License Manager -> Administrator Server or CLM For Floating Licenses).
Click on Activate New Licenses, copy and paste the EID number, then click "Check for Activatable
Licenses", then "Activate License".
If you need to rehost the license on a new server or PC, you have to first return the license.
Start -> Programs -> Leica Geosystems -> Client License Manager -> Administrator Server or CLM
For Floating Licenses).
Click View Installed Licenses -> Check the license -> Return Licenses (rehost)
To enable clients to check-out or borrow licenses from a server in your LAN you have to create
inbound rules to open TCP ports:
For the application `lmgrd.exe` open a local TCP port in the range from `27000...27009`. (The
default is 27000)
For the application LGS.exe open any unused TCP port, e.g. 27010
For the application clmrdsvr.exe open the local TCP port 19701
With CLM 1.3 or higher they have already been predefined and do not have to be entered manually.
add the server port number to the first line: SERVER this_host ANY 27000 (possible
between 2700027009)
add the vendor daemon port to the second line:VENDOR LGS port=27010 (any port e.g.
It is either that part of the program is not running properly or is blocked by anti-virus software or a
5. Click on Server Status tab, click on Perform Status Enquiry check the result to see if
any servers are down. If they are go to Step 6.
If the lic file cannot be read go to step 6.
2.) Close INFINITY/LGO or CYCLONE and close CLM software if open
3.) Go to Control Panel /Administrative Tools /Services (or type services into your windows
search area & it takes you here)
One by one click on the 3 services which start with Flexnet and choose to STOP the service.
If you have a floating license also stop the CLM Remote Daemon (svr). If you are not sure
look for it and stop it if you find one.
6.) Start the FLEX NET service from point 3 (and CLM Remote Daemon)
7.) Go to CLM and re-activate the licenses. After that Infinity/LGO or Cyclone will work
1) Open the Cyclone Navigator with full administrator right (Right click on Cyclone Icon, choose
Run as administrator).
This will immediately invalidate any Cyclone/Cloudworx licenses on this computer and generate
the Hostid.log file
3) You can also go to Help/ Defect Report and generate a report (include logfiles) and sent the
report log to me.
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\Leica Geosystems
Please e-mail the generated Defect Report and logfile from the old computer along with the HostId.txt
file of the new computer to your local HDS Support in order to receive back a new license key.
Technodigit 3D Reshaper
To find information about the use of 3D Reshaper, please refer to the following :
1. Beginner's guide (from the Windows Start Menu or in your "My documents" folder)
2. Help files (from Reshaper Help Menu)
3. Videos:
4. Exercises:
-> Login: NurbsSurface
-> Password: Reconstruction
5. 3D Reshaper forum