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This article is about the color. For the Indian airline, see IndiGo. For other uses, see
Indigo (disambiguation).


Indian indigo dye lump.jpg

A piece of indigo plant dye from India,

about 6 cm (2.5 in) square

Wavelength 450420[1](disputed) nm

About these coordinates Color coordinates

Hex triplet #4B0082

sRGBB (r, g, b) (75, 0, 130)

CMYKH (c, m, y, k) (42, 100, 0, 49)

HSV (h, s, v) (275, 100%, 51%)

Source HTML/CSS[2]

B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

H: Normalized to [0100] (hundred)

Indigo is a deep and bright color close to the color wheel blue (a primary color in the
RGB color space), as well as to some variants of ultramarine. It is traditionally
regarded as a color in the visible spectrum, as well as one of the seven colors of the
rainbow: the color between blue and violet; however, sources differ as to its actual
position in the electromagnetic spectrum.

The color indigo is named after the indigo dye derived from the plant Indigofera
tinctoria and related species.

The first known recorded use of indigo as a color name in English was in 1289.[3]
Contents [hide]

1 History

2 Classification as a spectral color

3 Distinction between the four major tones of indigo

3.1 Electric indigo

3.2 Deep indigo (web color blue-violet)

3.3 Light indigo (web color indigo)

3.4 Tropical indigo

4 In nature

5 In culture

5.1 Business

5.2 Computer graphics

5.3 Food

5.4 Dyes

5.5 Music

5.6 Spirituality

5.7 Military

6 See also

7 References

8 External links


Extract of natural indigo applied to paper

Species of Indigofera were cultivated in Peru, India, East Asia and Egypt in antiquity.
The earliest direct evidence for the use of indigo dates to around 4000 BCE and
comes from Huaca Prieta, in contemporary Peru.[4] Pliny mentions India as the
source of the dye, imported in small quantities via the Silk Road.[5] The Greek term
for the dye was ("Indian dye"), which, adopted to Latin as indicum
and via Portuguese gave rise to the modern word indigo.[6] El Salvador has lately
been the biggest producer of indigo.[citation needed]

Indigo was actually a plant that got its name because it came from the Indus Valley,
discovered some 5,000 years ago, where it was called nila, meaning dark blue. And
by the 7th Century BC, people starting using the plant as a dye the
Mesopotamians were even carving out recipes for making indigo dye onto clay
tablets for record-keeping. By 1289, knowledge of the dye made its way to Europe,
when the Venetian merchant traveler Marco Polo reported on it.[7]

But it wasnt until 1640 when demand started to pick up for indigo. Spanish
explorers discovered an American species of Indigo and began to cultivate the
product in Guatemala. The English and French subsequently began to encourage
indigo cultivation in their colonies in the West Indies.[8] Indigo dye could be made
from two different types of plants the indigo plant, which produced the best
results, and from the woad plant. The British were producing indigo with woad, a
plant that yielded a lesser quality dye, but a plant they could grow. They even tried
to hold their monopoly on indigo dye by managing to ban the indigo plant for years,
claiming that it was poisonous. But eventually the British began to focus on tea and
other crops and meanwhile, the French started to get their fair share of the
market. But this was problematic. The French had gone to war with Britain, so the
British could hardly rely on the French for this precious blue dye. Consequently, the
British had to turn to their colonies in America. It was Eliza Lucas from South
Carolina who figured out how to grow the indigo plant and use it to make indigo
cakes that would support British demand.[7]

The same indigo dye is contained in the woad plant, Isatis tinctoria, for a long time
the main source of blue dye in Europe. Woad was replaced by true indigo as trade
routes opened up, and both are now largely replaced by synthetic dyes.

The Early Modern English word indigo referred to the dye, and not to the color (hue)
itself, and indigo is not traditionally part of the basic color-naming system.[9]

Classification as a spectral color[edit]

Indigo is one of the colors on Newton's color wheel

Modern sources place indigo in the spectrum between 420 and 450 nanometers,[1]
[10][11] which lies on the short-wave side of color wheel (RGB) blue, towards
(spectral) violet. However, the correspondence of this definition with colors of actual
indigo dyes is disputed. Optical scientists Hardy and Perrin list indigo as between
445[12] and 464 nm wavelength,[13] which occupies a spectrum segment from
roughly the color wheel (RGB) blue extending to the long-wave side, towards azure.

Isaac Newton introduced indigo as one of the seven base colors of his work. In the
mid-1660s, when Newton bought a pair of prisms at a fair near Cambridge, the East
India Company had begun importing indigo dye into England,[14] supplanting the
homegrown woad as source of blue dye. In a pivotal experiment in the history of
optics, the young Newton shone a narrow beam of sunlight through a prism to
produce a rainbow-like band of colors on the wall. In describing this optical
spectrum, Newton acknowledged that the spectrum had a continuum of colors, but
named seven: "The originall or primary colours are Red, yellow, Green, Blew, & a
violet purple; together with Orang, Indico, & an indefinite varietie of intermediate
gradations."[15] He linked the seven prismatic colors to the seven notes of a
western major scale,[16] as shown in his color wheel, with orange and indigo as the
semitones. Having decided upon seven colors, he asked a friend to repeatedly
divide up the spectrum that was projected from the prism onto the wall:

Newton's observation of prismatic colors. Comparing this to a color image of the

visible light spectrum will show that indigo corresponds to blue, while blue
corresponds to cyan.

I desired a friend to draw with a pencil lines cross the image, or pillar of colours,
where every one of the seven aforenamed colours was most full and brisk, and also
where he judged the truest confines of them to be, whilst I held the paper so, that
the said image might fall within a certain compass marked on it. And this I did,
partly because my own eyes are not very critical in distinguishing colours, partly
because another, to whom I had not communicated my thoughts about this matter,
could have nothing but his eyes to determine his fancy in making those marks.[17]
Traditional seven colors of the rainbow

Indigo is therefore counted as one of the traditional colors of the rainbow, the order
of which is given by the mnemonic Roy G. Biv. James Clerk Maxwell and Hermann
von Helmholtz accepted indigo as an appropriate name for the color flanking violet
in the spectrum.[18]

Later scientists conclude that Newton named the colors differently from current
usage.[19][20] According to Gary Waldman, "A careful reading of Newton's work
indicates that the color he called indigo, we would normally call blue; his blue is
then what we would name blue-green, cyan or light blue."[21] If this is true,
Newton's seven spectral colors would have been:

Red: Orange: Yellow: Green: Blue: Indigo: Violet:

The human eye does not readily differentiate hues in the wavelengths between blue
and violet.[dubious discuss] If this is where Newton meant indigo to lie, most
individuals would have difficulty distinguishing indigo from its neighbors. According
to Isaac Asimov,[relevant? discuss] "It is customary to list indigo as a color lying
between blue and violet, but it has never seemed to me that indigo is worth the
dignity of being considered a separate color. To my eyes it seems merely deep

Modern color scientists typically divide the spectrum between violet and blue at
about 450 nm, with no indigo.[23][24]

Distinction between the four major tones of indigo[edit]

Like many other colors (orange, rose, and violet are the best-known), indigo gets its
name from an object in the natural worldthe plant named indigo once used for
dyeing cloth (see also Indigo dye).

The color electric indigo is a bright and saturated color between the traditional
indigo and violet. This is the brightest color indigo that can be approximated on a
computer screenit is a color located between the (primary) blue and the color
violet of the RGB color wheel.
The web color blue violet or deep indigo is a tone of indigo brighter than pigment
indigo, but not as bright as electric indigo.

The color pigment indigo is equivalent to the web color indigo and approximates the
color indigo that is usually reproduced in pigments and colored pencils.

The color of indigo dye is a different color from either spectrum indigo or pigment
indigo. This is the actual color of the dye. A vat full of this dye is a darker color,
approximating the web color midnight blue.

Below are displayed these four major tones of indigo.

Electric indigo[edit]

Electric Indigo

About these coordinates Color coordinates

Hex triplet #6F00FF

sRGBB (r, g, b) (111, 0, 255)

CMYKH (c, m, y, k) (57, 100, 0, 0)

HSV (h, s, v) (266, 100%, 100[25]%)

Source [1]

B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

H: Normalized to [0100] (hundred)

The color 'electric indigo' is much brighter than the pigment indigo reproduced
below. When plotted on the CIE chromaticity diagram, this color is at 435
nanometers, in the middle of the portion of the spectrum traditionally considered
indigo, i.e., between 450 and 420 nanometers. This color is only an approximation
of spectral indigo, since actual spectral colors are outside the gamut of the sRGB
color system.
Deep indigo (web color blue-violet)[edit]


About these coordinates Color coordinates

Hex triplet #8A2BE2

sRGBB (r, g, b) (138, 43, 226)

CMYKH (c, m, y, k) (63, 81, 0, 0)

HSV (h, s, v) (271, 81%, 89%)

Source X11

B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

H: Normalized to [0100] (hundred)

At right is displayed the web color 'blue-violet', a color intermediate in brightness

between electric indigo and pigment indigo. This color is also called 'deep indigo'.

Light indigo (web color indigo)[edit]


About these coordinates Color coordinates

Hex triplet #4B0082

sRGBB (r, g, b) (75, 0, 130)

CMYKH (c, m, y, k) (42, 100, 0, 49)

HSV (h, s, v) (275, 100%, 50%)

Source X11

B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

H: Normalized to [0100] (hundred)

The color box at right displays the web color indigo which is equivalent to 'light
indigo', the color indigo as it would be reproduced by artists' paints as opposed to
the brighter indigo above (electric indigo) that is possible to reproduce on a
computer screen. Its hue is closer to violet than to indigo dye for which the color is
named. Pigment indigo can be obtained by mixing 55% pigment cyan with about
45% pigment magenta.

Compare the subtractive colors to the additive colors in the two primary color charts
in the article on primary colors to see the distinction between electric colors as
reproducible from light on a computer screen (additive colors) and the pigment
colors reproducible with pigments (subtractive colors); the additive colors are
significantly brighter because they are produced from light instead of pigment.

Light indigo (web color indigo) represents the way the color indigo was always
reproduced in pigments, paints, or colored pencils in the 1950s. By the 1970s,
because of the advent of psychedelic art, artists became used to brighter pigments,
and pigments called "bright indigo" or "bright blue-violet" that are the pigment
equivalent of the electric indigo reproduced in the section above became available
in artists' pigments and colored pencils.

Tropical indigo[edit]

Tropical Indigo

About these coordinates Color coordinates

Hex triplet #9683EC

sRGBB (r, g, b) (150, 131, 236)

CMYKH (c, m, y, k) (48, 51, 0, 0)

HSV (h, s, v) (251, 44%, 93%)

Source Gallego and Sanz[26]

B: Normalized to [0255] (byte)

H: Normalized to [0100] (hundred)

'Tropical Indigo' is the color that is called ail (the Spanish word for "tropical indigo")
in the Gua de coloraciones (Guide to colorations) by Rosa Gallego and Juan Carlos
Sanz, a color dictionary published in 2005 that is widely popular in the
Hispanophone realm.

In nature[edit]


Lactarius indigo is one of the very few species of mushrooms colored in tones of


Male indigobirds are a very dark, metallic blue.

The indigo bunting, native to North America, is mostly bright cerulean blue with an
indigo head. The related blue grosbeak is, ironically, more indigo than the indigo


The eastern indigo snake, Drymarchon couperi, of the southeastern United States, is
a dark blue/black.

In culture[edit]


Indigo Books and Music uses an indigo logo and has sometimes referred to the color
as "blue" in advertising.[27][28]

IndiGo Airlines is an Indian budget airlines that uses an indigo logo and it operates
only Airbus A320s.

Indigo Line, a proposed MBTA commuter rail line, set to open in 2024.

Indigo Dreams is an award-winning publishing company based in Devon, England.

The Indigo Tribe is a home accessories company that uses natural indigo dye as its
main dyeing agent. It is located in Los Angeles, CA.

Computer graphics[edit]
Electric indigo is sometimes used as a glow color for computer graphics lighting,
possibly because it seems to change color from indigo to lavender when blended
with white.


Scientists discovered in 2008 that when a banana becomes ripe and ready to eat, it
glows bright indigo under a black light. Some insects, as well as birds and bats, may
see into the ultraviolet because they are tetrachromats, and can use this
information to tell when a banana is ripe and ready to eat. The glow is the result of
a chemical created as the green chlorophyll in the peel breaks down.[29]


Indigo is created in potholes carved in pumice "tufgrond" in Karoland, Sumatra

In Mexico, indigo is known as 'ail'.[30] After silver and cochineal to produce red,
ail was the most important product to be exported by historical Mexico.[31]

Guatemala, as of 1778, was considered one of the world's foremost providers of



"Mood Indigo" (1930) is a jazz composition and song, with music by Duke Ellington
and Barney Bigard with lyrics by Irving Mills.[33]

The Indigo Girls are a folk duo.

The Indigo Kings are a six-piece jazzy blues and vintage pop band from the UK.

The Indigo jam unit are a Japanese jazz band.

"Indigo" is a song by Peter Gabriel from the album Peter Gabriel (1978 album)

"Indigo Eyes" is a song by Peter Murphy.

"Indigo" is a song by the duo Moloko from their album Things to Make and Do

"Indigo is Blue" is a tautological song by Catherine Wheel.

"Indigo Children" is a song by Puscifer from the album "V" Is for Vagina (2007).

"Indigoism" is an album by The Underachivers (2013).

"Turbulent Indigo" is an album by Joni Mitchell (1994).

"Wit a Indigo" is a song and music video by recording artist Willow Smith (2015).

"Indigo" is a prologue track by Dutch Symphonic Metal band Epica, from their third
studio album, The Divine Conspiracy (2007).


The tone of indigo used in the spiritualist applications is electric indigo because the
color is represented as being the color of the spectrum between blue and violet.[34]

The color electric indigo is used in New Age philosophy to symbolically represent the
sixth chakra (called Ajna), which is said to include the third eye. This chakra is
believed to be related to intuition and gnosis (spiritual knowledge).[35][36]

Alice A. Bailey used indigo as the "second ray", representing "Love-Wisdom", in her
Seven Rays system classifying people into seven metaphysical psychological types.

Psychics often associate indigo paranormal auras with an interest in religion or with
intense spirituality and intuition. Indigo children are said to have predominantly
indigo auras. People with indigo auras are said to favor occupations such as
computer analyst, animal caretaker, and counselor.[38]


Indigo in its dark blue shade was adopted by the French Army at the time of the
Revolution as a replacement for the white uniforms previously worn by the Royal
infantry regiments. In 1806 Napoleon decided to restore the white coats because of
shortages of indigo dye imposed by the British continental blockade. However the
greater practicability of the blue color led to its retention and indigo remained the
dominant color of French military coats until 1914.

See also[edit]

List of colors

Rainbow indigo is usually the sixth listed color of the rainbow

Indiglo, a brand name for a method of electroluminescence technology

Indigofera, a genus of flowering plants

Baptisia (false indigo), a genus of flowering plants

Champaran and Kheda Satyagraha The first pacific rebellion of Mahatma Gandhi
against the British Raj


^ Jump up to: a b Encyclopedia of PhysicsGoogle Book Result:

Jump up ^ W3C TR CSS3 Color Module, SVG color keywords. W3C. (May 2003).
Retrieved on 14 December 2007.

Jump up ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page
197; Color Sample of Indigo: Page 117 Plate 47 Color Sample E10

Jump up ^ Splitstoser, Jeffrey C.; Dillehay, Tom D.; Wouters, Jan; Claro, Ana
(September 2016). "Early pre-Hispanic use of indigo blue in Peru". Science
Advances. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501623.

Jump up ^ Robin J. H. Clark, Christopher J. Cooksey, Marcus A. M. Daniels, Robert

Withnall: "Indigo, woad, and Tyrian Purple: important vat dyes from antiquity to the
present", Endeavour 17/4 (1993), 191199.

Jump up ^ in Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon.

revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones. with the assistance
of. Roderick McKenzie. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1940; English indigo since the 17th
century, changed from 16th-century indico.

^ Jump up to: a b "So why the name Indigo Artbox?". Retrieved 2016-09-23.

Jump up ^ Pritchard, James (2004). In Search of Empire: The French in the Americas,
1670-1730. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 127.

Jump up ^ Ottenheimer, Harriet Joseph (2009). The anthropology of language: an

introduction to linguistic anthropology (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. p. 29.
ISBN 978-0-495-50884-7.

Jump up ^ Huris GroupSpectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation:

Jump up ^ MathWorksVIBGYOR segmentation:

Jump up ^

Jump up ^ Arthur C. Hardy and Fred H. Perrin. The Principles of Optics. McGraw-Hill
Book Co., Inc., New York. 1932.

Jump up ^ Allen, O.N. Allen & Ethel K. (1981). The Leguminosae: a source book of
characteristics, uses, and nodulation (null ed.). Madison, Wisc.: University of
Wisconsin Press. p. 343. ISBN 978-0-299-08400-4.
Jump up ^ Newton's draft of A Theory Concerning Light and Colors on

Jump up ^

Jump up ^ Brewster, David (1855). Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of
Sir Isaac Newton, Volume 1. p. 408.

Jump up ^ Ronchi, Lucia R.; Jodi Sandford (2009). The Excentric Blue. An Abridged
Historical Review. Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi. ISBN 978-88-88649-19-1.

Jump up ^ Evans, Ralph M. (1974). The perception of color. (null ed.). New York:
Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 978-0-471-24785-2.

Jump up ^ McLaren, K. (March 2007). "Newton's indigo". Color Research &

Application. 10 (4): 225229. doi:10.1002/col.5080100411.

Jump up ^ Waldman, Gary (2002). Introduction to light : the physics of light, vision,
and color (Dover ed.). Mineola: Dover Publications. p. 193. ISBN 978-0-486-42118-6.

Jump up ^ Asimov, Isaac (1975). Eyes on the universe : a history of the telescope.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin. p. 59. ISBN 978-0-395-20716-1.

Jump up ^ J. W. G. Hunt (1980). Measuring Color. Ellis Horwood Ltd. ISBN 0-7458-

Jump up ^ Craig F. Bohren and Eugene E. Clothiaux (2006). Fundamentals of

Atmospheric Radiation. Wiley-VCH. ISBN 3-527-40503-8.

Jump up ^ Color Conversion Tool set to color #6F00FF (Electric


Jump up ^ Gallego, Rosa; Sanz, Juan Carlos (2005). Gua de coloraciones (Gallego,
Rosa; Sanz, Juan Carlos (2005). Guide to Colorations) Madrid: H. Blume. ISBN 84-

Jump up ^ "It's New and It's Blue" (Indigo advertisement), Globe and Mail, Toronto,
October 1, 1999, p. A3

Jump up ^ "Indigo Bookstore had a 'Think Blue' campaign back in 1999" according
to: "Think Blue 2008: a Before and After Tale of Silly Turf Battles and Redemptive
Communication". Retrieved 2013-02-04.[better source needed]

Jump up ^ Wired Volume 19 No. 10 October 2011 Page 50

Jump up ^ Gallego, Rosa; Sanz, Juan Carlos (2001). Diccionario Akal del color. Akal.
ISBN 978-84-460-1083-8.
Jump up ^ Article ail in: Enciclopedia de Mxico, vol 1, Mexiko-City: Secretara de
Educacion Pblica, 1987

Jump up ^ Kitchin, Thomas (1778). The Present State of the West-Indies: Containing
an Accurate Description of What Parts Are Possessed by the Several Powers in
Europe. London: R. Baldwin. p. 30.

Jump up ^ ASCAP Title Search on author credits

Jump up ^ Tansley, David W. Subtle Body: Essence and Shadow 1984 (Art and
Cosmos Series--Jill Purce, editor)

Jump up ^ Stevens, Samantha. The Seven Rays: a Universal Guide to the

Archangels. City: Insomniac Press, 2004. ISBN 1-894663-49-7 pg. 24

Jump up ^ Graham, Lanier F. (editor) The Rainbow Book Berkeley, California:1976

Shambala Publishing and The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Handbook for the
Summer 1976 exhibition The Rainbow Art Show which took place primarily at the De
Young Museum, but also at other museums) Indigo Pages 152153 The color indigo
is stated to represent intuition.

Jump up ^ Bailey, Alice A. (1995). The Seven Rays of Life. New York: Lucis Publishing
Company. ISBN 0-85330-142-5.

Jump up ^ Oslie, Pamalie Life Colors: What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal Novato,
California:2000--New World Library Indigo Auras: Pages 161174

External links[edit]

Wikisource has original text related to this article:

An 1869 debate over whether "indigo" is an appropriate term for the spectral color.

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Shades of blue

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