Guided Bone Regeneration in The Oral Cavity: A Review: Rita A. Hitti and David G. Kerns

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The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, 5, 33-45 33

Open Access
Guided Bone Regeneration in the Oral Cavity: A Review
Rita A. Hitti and David G. Kerns*

Department of Periodontics, Texas A & M Health Science Center, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas, USA

Abstract: Guided bone regeneration (GBR) in the oral cavity is defined according to the American Academy of
Periodontology as procedures attempting to regenerate lost periodontal structures through different tissue responses...
typically referring to ridge augmentation or bone regeneration procedures. GBR evolved from guided tissue regeneration
(GTR) techniques directed toward regenerating tissues in osseous defects adjacent to natural teeth. One of the objectives
of GBR is formation of new bone at sites deficient in bone volume. Another objective is to treat fenestrations and
dehiscences at implant surfaces as well as defects associated with immediate implant placement into extraction sites. GBR
has allowed for placement of restorations at a more ideal location in the oral cavity, thus improving esthetics and function.
This paper is a review of current techniques of GBR for ridge preservation.
Keywords: Guided bone regeneration, ridge preservation, implants, dental implants, extractions.

INTRODUCTION Evaluation of cell proliferation kinetics revealed that both

the PDL and perivascular cells from the bone proliferate and
One of the initial objectives of periodontal therapy is
migrate into the osseous defect to form the early healing
infection management.
tissue [5]. Melcher [6] amended his original hypothesis to
Understanding the putative pathogenic periodontal include the contribution of the perivascular cells of the bone
microfloralanguage has altered therapeutic approaches from in periodontal regeneration concluding that cells from both
one of elimination of microbes to one of controlling the PDL and alveolar bone are important in formation of new
pathogenic microorganisms and the immuno-inflammatory bone, cementum, and functionally oriented PDL
response. Using treatments such as scaling and root (regeneration).
planning, maintenance therapy, and antimicrobial therapy,
The mechanism of new attachment formation was
the main goal is to control the pathogenic microflora to described by a series of studies by Nyman, Karring, Lindhe
prevent further periodontal destruction.
and others [7-9], and based on this, guided tissue
Despite successful disease control, anatomic changes regeneration (GTR) was designated as a periodontal tissue
resulting from past disease activity often occur and need to regenerative procedure.
be corrected. Therapeutic approaches include procedures
Nyman et al. [9] treated eleven periodontally involved
such as flap debridement/flap curettage, resective teeth in ten (10) patients and performed periodontal therapy
procedures, and periodontal regenerative therapy. Of these
without osseous surgery. A teflon membrane (Gore-Tex)
therapies, periodontal regeneration is the ideal goal [1].
was placed on the coronal one- third of the root. The
Melcher [2] contributed to the current understanding of mucoperiosteal flaps were secured with sutures over the
periodontal healing. It is based on a hypothesis that the cell membrane. Three months after healing, four teeth were
type that repopulates the exposed root surface at the extracted with their associated periodontal tissues and
periodontal repair site will define the nature of the examined histologically. New attachment was evident in five
attachment or repair that takes place. If mesenchymal cells sections. The seven non-extracted teeth were evaluated for
from the PDL or perivascular region of the bone proliferate attachment level at a second surgical procedure three months
and colonize the root surface, regeneration occurs. If later at which time the membrane was removed. Three
epithelial cells proliferate along the root surface, a long months later, using clinical parameters, probing attachment
junctional epithelium will result. If gingival connective levels were re-evaluated. In some teeth, new attachment
tissue populates the root surface, a connective tissue formed, whereas in others, only a few millimeters of new
attachment will form and root resorption may occur. If bone cementum formed.
cells migrate and adhere to the root surface, root resorption
These results demonstrated the basis of the biologic
and ankylosis occur. Root resorption is much more common
principle of GTR for the treatment of periodontal disease in
in animal models than it is in humans. Animal models have
humans. Currently, the periodontal literature is replete with
confirmed the importance of periodontal ligament (PDL) basic research and clinical investigations concerning GTR
cells as progenitor cells for periodontal regeneration [3, 4].
for the treatment of localized bone defects in natural
dentition and in conjunction with endosseous implants.

*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Periodontics,

The osteopromotion principle describes the technique of
TAMHSC Baylor College of Dentistry, 3302 Gaston Avenue, Room 141, physically placing a barrier over sites of osseous deformities
Dallas, Texas 75246, USA; Tel: 214-828-8140; Fax: 214-874-4532; where insufficient vertical, buccal and/or lingual bone
E-mail: [email protected]

1874-3757/11 2011 Bentham Open

34 The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 Hitti and Kerns

volume is present. This segregates the site from the could be prevented and consequently could enhance
surrounding soft tissues, which are known to interfere with unimpeded bone healing greatly.
osteogenesis or the formation of new bone [10]. The use of
Further experimentation was performed in animals which
this term is germane to the terminology that describes bone
demonstrated the generation of bone around titanium
forming mechanisms, such as osteoinduction, implants.
osteoconduction, osteogenesis, and osseointegration. As
discussed previously, the use of the barrier membrane As an alternative to a two-stage, bone grafting procedure
enhances complete osteogenesis by preventing the rapid in- followed by implant placement, Dahlin et al. [13] evaluated
growth of fibroblasts into a bony defect and promoting the the principle of GTR to generate bone at the exposed parts of
migration of osteogenic cells from the adjacent bony edges titanium implants. Thirty commercially pure 10-mm
or bone marrow into the defect in an unimpeded fashion titanium implants were placed in the tibia of 15 adult rabbits,
(Fig. 1). Leaving the barrier membrane in place for an each with three to four exposed threads per implant. A PTFE
extended period of time and sealing off the bony defect membrane was placed over the test fixtures, covering the
permits uninterrupted osteogenesis to occur and allows threads and 5 to 8 mm of the adjacent bone. The muscle and
maturation of the newly formed bone. periosteum were replaced, adapted, and sutured. The control
fixtures were not covered with a membrane. After healing
The rationale of GTR is to impede apical migration of the periods of 6, 9, and 15 weeks, the specimens were removed
epithelium by placing a barrier membrane (epithelial
en bloc and evaluated grossly and histologically. The results
exclusion), which can allow the repopulation of PDL cells
showed that all exposed threads of the titanium implants
onto the dental root surface.
were covered with newly formed bone at a uniform
Guided Bone Regeneration thickness, even as early as 6 weeks. New bone formation
also was seen in the control areas, although to a much lesser
Dahlin and colleagues [11-13] spearheaded early extent than the test areas. It was shown that by placing an
research on guided bone regeneration (GBR) in an attempt to inert membrane with an appropriate pore size, which
solve the confounding problem of reconstructing large, hindered the penetration of undesirable cells, a space was
osseous defects in the jaws and for the treatment of the created that permitted the entrance of osteogenic and
atrophic maxilla or mandible. It is known that to accomplish angiogenic cells from the adjacent bone marrow to populate
the repair of a bone defect, the rate of osteogenesis extending the area and proliferate. It also was recognized that the
inward from the adjacent bone ends must exceed the rate of amount of new bone formed was contingent upon the
fibrogenesis growing in from the surrounding muscle or amount of space created by the membrane.
connective tissue [14].
Further studies by Dahlin et al. [11] continued to provide
In 1988, Dahlin et al. [12] published the results of animal support for the principle of guided bone regeneration in the
experimentation on the healing of bone defects. Bilaterally, a regeneration of bone for clinical application.
through-and-through defect was surgically created in the
ramus in 30 Sprague-Dawley rats. On one side of the jaw, Osseous defects surgically created in the maxilla and
the defect was covered with a porous polytetrafluoroethylene mandible of monkeys, which were covered by a barrier
(PTFE) membrane (Gore-Tex). The other side served as the membrane, evidenced complete regeneration of bone.
control, without a membrane covering. After 3, 6, and 9 The principle of selective cell repopulation has been
weeks of healing, the specimens were evaluated useful in enhancing site development for implant placement
macroscopically and histologically by light microscope. [1]. Whereas GTR requires the regeneration of bone, PDL
Statistical analysis of the healed sites demonstrated a highly and cementum to form a new periodontal apparatus, the
significant increase in bone regeneration on the membrane requirements for implant site development are less
side as compared to the control. Therefore, it was complicated in that only bone formation needs to be
demonstrated that soft tissue in-growth into a bony defect enhanced. By using a barrier membrane at an extraction site

Fig. (1). Osteopromotion principle.

Guided Bone Regeneration The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 35

or deficient alveolar ridge, bone can be regenerated. At the Rationales for augmenting bone formation primarily
time of tooth extraction, the socket can be augmented with a relate to improvement in function and esthetics of restorative
graft material and sealed with a barrier membrane. In some dentistry [17]. GBR may also be used as an adjunctive
cases, a membrane may be used without graft material in the procedure to enhance conventional dental prosthetics such as
socket. T his procedure is termed ridge preservation1. a fixed partial denture. An improvement of deficient
Similarly, an alveolar ridge with a volumetric deficiency can contours beneath a pontic of a fixed partial denture will
be improved with the use of graft material and a barrier. This facilitate more natural emergence profiles as well as prevent
procedure is also termed guided bone regeneration (GBR) altered phonetics due to space between the restoration and
and is a commonly used technique for osseous ridge the gingival tissues.
augmentation [1].
Additional indications for bone augmentation include
Sufficient alveolar bone volume and favorable increasing the volume of bone in order to facilitate
architecture of the alveolar ridge are essential to obtain ideal placement of endosseous dental implants. GBR procedures
functional and esthetic prosthetic reconstruction following can be accomplished prior to or in some cases in conjunction
implant therapy [15]. Knowledge about the healing process with dental implant placement. In other cases, the purpose is
at extraction sites, including contour changes caused by bone to increase bone volume where deficiency would
resorption and remodeling, is essential. compromise the function or esthetics of the dental implant
restoration [17].
Loss of alveolar bone may occur prior to tooth extraction
because of periodontal disease, periapical pathology, or PRINCIPLES OF GUIDED BONE REGENERATION
trauma to teeth and bone. Damage of the bone tissues during
tooth extraction procedures may also result in bone loss. To achieve better clinical outcomes, the GBR barrier
Finally, alveolar bone atrophy after tooth extraction is a should possess the following properties [18]:
well-known phenomenon. Cell exclusion: In GBR, the barrier membrane is used to
Schropp15 demonstrated that major changes of an prevent gingival fibroblasts and/or epithelial cells from
extraction site take place during the 12 months following gaining access to the wound site and forming fibrous
tooth extraction. The width of the alveolar ridge was reduced connective tissue.
by 50% during the observation period. This loss, Tenting: The membrane is carefully fitted and applied in
corresponding to 5 to 7 mm, is in agreement with earlier such a manner that a space is created beneath the membrane,
studies. The finding that approximately two thirds of this completely isolating the defect to be regenerated from the
reduction occurred within the first 3 months after tooth overlying soft tissue. It is important that the membrane be
extraction also corresponds to earlier findings. When trimmed so that it extends 2 to 3 mm beyond the margins of
analyzing the extraction sites separately according to region the defect in all directions. The corners of the membrane
and jaw, there was no major diversity between the sites. should be also rounded to prevent inadvertent flap
A 6-month randomized, controlled, blinded clinical study perforation.
[16] was conducted to determine whether ridge preservation Scaffolding: This tented space initially becomes occupied
would prevent post-extraction resorptive changes as assessed by a fibrin clot, which serves as a scaffold for the in-growth
by clinical and histologic parameters. Twenty-four patients of progenitor cells. In GBR, the cells will come from
aged 28 to 76 years, requiring a non-molar extraction and adjacent bone or bone marrow.
delayed implant placement were randomly selected to
Stabilization: The membrane must also protect the clot
receive either extraction alone (EXT) or ridge preservation
from being disturbed by movement of the overlying flap
(RP) using tetracycline hydrated freeze-dried bone allograft
during healing. It is therefore often, but not always, fixed
(FDBA) and a collagen membrane. Following extraction,
into position with sutures, mini bone screws, or bone tacks.
horizontal and vertical ridge dimensions were determined
Sometimes, the edges of the membrane are simply tucked
using a modified digital caliper and an acrylic stent
respectively. Prior to implant placement, a 2.7 x 6.0 mm beneath the margins of the flaps at the time of closure,
providing stabilization.
trephine core was obtained for histologic analysis.
Framework: where necessary, as in non-space
The width of the RP group decreased from 9.2 to 8.0
maintaining defects such as dehiscences or fenestrations, the
mm, while the width of the EXT group decreased from 9.1 to
membrane must be supported to prevent collapse.
6.4 mm, a difference of 1.6 mm. Both the EXT and RP
groups lost ridge width, although an improved result was Bone-replacement grafts are often used for this purpose.
obtained in the RP group. They serve as a sort of internal framework to provide a
measure of support to the graft. Stiffer membranes such as
Most of the resorption occurred from the buccal and
titanium-reinforced membranes have also been used for this
maxillary sites lost more width than mandibular sites. The
vertical change for the RP group was a gain of 1.3 mm versus a
loss of 0.9 mm for the EXT group, a height difference of 2.2 FACTORS AFFECTING SUCCESSFUL REGENERATION
mm. Histologic analysis revealed more bone in the RP group:
about 65 % versus 54 % in the EXT group. The RP group A number of factors have been implicated or shown to
included both vital bone (28%) and non-vital (37%) FDBA adversely influence periodontal regeneration therapy19.
fragments. They concluded that ridge preservation using FDBA These include:
and a collagen membrane improved ridge height and width
dimensions when compared to extraction alone.
36 The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 Hitti and Kerns

Bacterial contamination: It is well established that plaque surgically reentered mandibular class II furcations that had
control is a critical determinant of the success or failure of been treated with guided tissue regeneration therapy and
various outcomes of periodontal therapy [19]. evaluated the success factors. They determined that the
optimal gain in attachment level and the amount of new bone
Tissue-implanted materials, such as GTR membranes,
encourage bacterial contamination of the local site [20]. were observed in sites that met the following criteria: 1)
deeper sites, 2) good oral hygiene, 3) minimal inflammation,
Mombelli et al. [21] evaluated the microbial contamination
4) no detectable Aa and 5) the presence, by microscopy, of
of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) membranes 6
connective tissue cells on the inner surface of the membrane.
weeks after surgical placement in ten patients. Patients
In a similar 1-year longitudinal study [30], 47% of the
received diligent professional monitoring during the
variability in clinical attachment level could be explained by
postoperative healing phase, including professional cleaning
at least every week and home rinsing with chlorhexidine defect characteristics, early membrane exposure and the
presence of plaque in the area. The presence of plaque in the
(0.1%). Surgical results were described as clinically
local area was associated with significantly less clinical
successful, yet gram-negative anaerobic rods, commonly
attachment level gain and less bone fill. Hugoson et al. [31]
associated with adverse periodontal conditions, were found
have noted that high plaque levels were present in many of
in all samples.
the class II furcations that were treated with guided tissue
Porphyromonas gingivalis was found at high levels in regeneration procedures, which did not respond favorably.
one patient, and Prevotella intermedia was found in six of
Smoking: In a retrospective analysis of a longitudinal study
the nine patients. The authors concluded that GTR
of GTR procedures in class II furcations, Rosenberg et al.
membranes appeared to harbor periodontal pathogens on a
[32] reported a 42% failure rate after at least 4 years. Of
frequent basis. Several investigators have found relatively
those failures, however, 80% were in patients who smoked at
high levels of bacterial contamination of e-PTFE membranes
[22, 23]. Others [24] have reported that guided tissue least 10 cigarettes per day for 5 years.
regeneration sites during the active healing phase were more As part of an extensive clinical study to define success
likely to be colonized by periodontal bacteria than sites criteria and determinants for regeneration, Tonetti et al. [33]
treated without membranes. determined the influence of smoking on regeneration
outcomes. At 1 year after GTR surgery, smokers (10
In clinical sites with submerged barrier membranes,
periodontal pathogens were not present by various detection cigarettes per day) had a significantly less favorable gain in
probing attachment level than did nonsmokers.
techniques, whereas high proportions of P. gingivalis,
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) and The probing attachment level gain in non-smokers was
Peptostreptococcus micros were found in exposed 5.2 1.9 mm compared with 2.1 1.2 mm gain in smokers.
membranes with minimal bone regeneration [25]. This effect remained significant after adjustment for
The type of membrane used for regeneration in human different plaque levels and baseline differences in defect
subjects, including collagen, e-PTFE and polylactic acid,
does not seem to influence the colonization by various Approximately 62% of the variance in the probing
periodontal bacterial species [26]. attachment level outcome could be explained by the baseline
depth of the infrabony defect, smoking status and oral
Experimental studies of GTR in monkeys have explored
the influence of membrane exposure to bacterial plaque on hygiene. Smoking produced a 4.3 times increased risk of an
unfavorable response. In patients who were nonsmokers and
the healing of the lesions. In one study [27], experimental
had good oral hygiene, only 8.7% of the sites had an
periodontal lesions were created and the GTR membranes
unfavorable outcome after one year. In patients who were
were either completely covered by soft tissue or left exposed
smokers, had poor oral hygiene, or both risk factors, 43.8%
by 2 mm. After 6 months of healing, histological evaluation
to 62.5% of the sites had an unfavorable response.
showed that the covered GTR membranes had new
connective tissue and bone corresponding to 67% to 100% of In a 5-year follow-up in a controlled study [34], GTR
the initial depth of the defect, whereas the healing under therapy was compared to root planing alone. In most cases
exposed membranes ranged from 30% to 59% of the defect both the GTR site and the control site in each patient
depth. Although this study suggests a major role for the responded concordantly. Patients in which both sites
bacteria in less complete regeneration, the exposed remained stable were characterized by good oral hygiene,
membrane also introduces additional complications relative compliance with recall, and non-smoking status.
to healing, such as differences in revascularization.
Those in which both sites showed deterioration tended to
The clinical effects of plaque control have been well be smokers with oral hygiene that deteriorated during the
described in longitudinal studies of GTR procedures. In one follow-up period.
4-year study [28] of 23 patients, GTR procedures resulted in
Diabetes: Schwartz-Arad et al. [35] determined the
a mean gain of 4.1 mm of clinical attachment level after 1 presence of diabetes to be a risk factor for failure in
year of strict plaque control. This clinical outcome was
regenerative procedures, citing lower success rates of block
stable for an additional 3 years in 15 patients who adhered to
grafts in patients known to have diabetes. Kornman [19]
a regular recall program every 3 months. In the other 8
concluded that although no direct data are available,
patients who received sporadic maintenance care, a mean of
diabetics with less than optimal glucose control should
2.8 mm of the 1-year gain was lost in the next 3 years. In
theoretically be at increased risk for failure with regenerative
addition, P. gingivalis and P. intermedia were detected more procedures. One component of the increased risk may be a
frequently in the sporadic care group. Machtei et al. [29]
Guided Bone Regeneration The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 37

delayed wound healing response that is most likely the result healing. Other studies have failed to show any such
of poor control of glucose metabolism on the inflammatory difference. In a meta-analysis conducted by Machtei et al.
process. Improved metabolic control is currently the only [41], the existing data were combined in order to provide
practical approach to managing this risk factor. There are meaningful information based on a large database.
currently no data to quantify the influence of diabetes on the Studies of GTR in Class II furcation and intrabony
success of regeneration.
defects (IBD), together with GBR around dental implants,
Defect morphology and tooth anatomy: The number of where the membrane became exposed during the
associated bony walls and overall defect depth has long been postoperative period, were combined to form 3 separate
related to success of regenerative therapy. In a retrospective databases. Five studies with a total of 101 sites were
analysis of 26 proximal defects treated with flap surgery and included in the furcation database; 43 of these sites became
e-PTFE barrier membranes, Selvig et al. [22] concluded that exposed. Mean horizontal attachment level (AL) gain for the
the extent of crestal involvement, circumference, number of S sites (3.72 +/- 0.15 mm) was slightly greater than that of
tooth walls involved, and wall form in the fundus of the the E sites (3.06 +/- 0.15 mm). For the intrabony group, there
defect did not influence the healing response. Attachment were 309 sites in 5 studies: of these, 142 sites became
gain and bone fill were positively correlated with the depth exposed. Mean gain in vertical AL was 4.22 +/- 0.15 mm
of the 3-walled intraosseous component of the defect. A and 4.69 +/- 0.13 mm for the E and S group, respectively.
series of studies focused on factors affecting healing of The GBR group included 60 sites in 2 studies: new bone
intraosseous defects treated by GTR [36, 37], also identified formation in the 24 S sites (3.01 +/- 0.38 mm) was 6-fold
increased total depth of the intraosseous component of the greater compared with the 36 E sites (0.56 +/- 0.45 mm).
defect as well as decreased radiographic width of the defect These differences were also statistically significant. They
angle as important positive correlates of regeneration. It was reported an overall incidence of membrane exposure of 60%
suggested that the decreased amount of regeneration in GBR procedures. Membrane exposure during healing had
associated with an increased radiographic defect angle a major negative effect on GBR around dental implants but
between the root surface and defect wall may reflect space only a minimal effect on GTR around natural teeth.
loss and clot disturbance caused by postoperative collapse of
Early membrane exposure is a common problem in GBR
the membrane, the greater distances required for cellular
during fixture placement, but it does not mean treatment
repopulation of the wound or an enhanced susceptibility to
failure. Simion et al. [42] examined membrane exposure in
oral environmental factors leading to incomplete bone fill. GBR and found that 99.6% bone regeneration was obtained
These latter oral environmental factors, including mechanical
in osseous defects around fixtures where membrane
trauma and infection, are also proposed as primary reasons
exposure did not occur for 6-8 months. They reported 48.6%
for incomplete fill of the most superficial portion of the
bone regeneration where membrane exposure occurred
Enamel projections, bifurcation ridges, lingual grooves, Membrane exposure reduces bone fill remarkably.
irregularities in root morphology, and other factors related to
Becker et al. [43] and Simion et al. [44] reported
tooth anatomy have been implicated in the causation of
significantly less bone regeneration around implants placed
periodontal disease, primarily because they favor plaque
into immediate implant sites when membranes became
accumulation [38].
exposed compared to non-exposed membrane sites (41.6%
It is reasonable to expect that such factors may also versus 96.6%).
adversely affect the success of regenerative procedures [39]
Complete primary closure is essential to prevent early
since the presence of plaque and related periodontal
exposure; however, some reports have shown that early
inflammation and the inability to maintain high levels of oral
membrane exposure may not affect the results of GBR
hygiene endanger a positive outcome of GTR.
depending on other conditions. Mellonig and Triplett [45]
Membrane Exposure: The most frequent postoperative reported that early membrane removal did not affect results
complication of GTR is membrane exposure. Murphy [40] despite early membrane removal in 53% of sites due to
reported membrane exposure in 87% of GTR-treated sites in exposure during healing. However, frequent patient follow-
62 patients (102 sites). The average time of membrane up and thorough management of the exposed area is essential
exposure was 16.2 days after surgery, with most membranes in early membrane exposure cases. Shanaman [46] reported
exposed within 2 weeks. The membrane exposure rate was that membrane exposure was not significant if postoperative
high because Murphy used GTR for interdental osseous oral hygiene management was adequate. Thus membrane
defects. With membrane exposure, thorough plaque control exposure due to postoperative soft tissue dehiscence is
of the exposed area is essential to avoid infection. One cause disadvantageous, but thorough postoperative oral hygiene
of early membrane exposure is necrosis of a thin flap helps counter the problem because it reduces the likelihood
covering the membrane. In GTR, blood supply to the flaps of infection.
depends on flap thickness because blood supply from the
Gingival thickness: Anderegg et al. [47] reported on the
bone to the flap is impeded by the membrane. relation between the thickness of the flap covering the
The significance of early membrane exposure on the membrane and gingival recession occurring after surgery.
regenerative outcome in GTR and GBR procedures is They measured the thickness of flaps 5mm apical to the
somewhat controversial. Several clinical trials have shown gingival margin during surgery and classified patients into
better response when the membranes remained submerged two groups based on flap thickness. Six months after
(S) compared to those that have become exposed (E) during surgery, they found an average 2.1 mm gingival recession in
38 The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 Hitti and Kerns

the group with less than 1 mm flap thickness, and an average membrane and tenting pins. He reported on twelve patients
of 0.6 mm gingival recession in the group of flaps of greater who received alveolar ridge augmentation for the purpose of
thickness. The thickness of the flap covering the membrane dental implant placement. Surgical protocol included
is an essential consideration. mucoperiosteal flap reflection followed by perforations of
To maintain blood supply to the flaps, to prevent flap the cortical plate within the defect using a round bur to
increase blood supply to the graft. Placement of titanium
necrosis, and to achieve favorable results, more than 1.5 mm
mini-screws within the defect helped to provide support to
gingival thickness is a prerequisite in GTR. If GTR is
the overlying e-PTFE membrane. Following a healing period
performed in deep osseous defects with thin gingival in the
of six to ten months, the authors demonstrated an increase in
maxillary anterior region, recession of the interdental papilla
bone volume adequate to allow placement of dental implants
or gingival will occur. Therefore, for esthetic reasons, other
procedures, such as flap curettage or bone grafts, should be in nine of the twelve sites. The gain in new bone formation
ranged from 1.5 to 5.5 mm. The authors concluded that the
considered [48].
biologic principle of osteopromotion by exclusion is highly
Space maintenance: Space maintenance is considered a predictable for ridge enlargement or defect regeneration
desirable property in a barrier device, with a direct under the prerequisite of complication-free healing. Schenk
correlation between bone volume regenerate and potential [54] studied the pattern of bone regeneration in membrane-
volume beneath a membrane. Jovanovic et al. [49] reported protected, critical size defects in the mandible of four adult
bone regeneration within localized alveolar ridge defects male foxhounds. Extraction of three mandibular premolars
using a flexible, titanium-reinforced e-PTFE membrane that bilaterally created a 50 mm edentulous space. Four months
can be shaped to conform to the desired ridge morphology after the extractions, membrane surgery was performed. Two
with the purpose of preventing membrane collapse within the through-and-through rectangular defects were created
ridge defect. In addition to membrane rigidity, other means bilaterally that measured approximately 8 mm vertically, 12
of providing space maintenance include the use of tenting mm mesiodistally, and 10 mm buccolingually at the most
screws, osseous particulate grafts, cortico-cancellous osseous inferior aspect of the defect. Each dog received (1) one
block grafts, dental implants, and use of binding agents in standard, e-PTFE membrane, (2) two prototype reinforced e-
combination with osseous graft materials. Currently, there PTFE membranes (r-GTAM) that had been preformed into
are no available collagen-based membranes with enough an arch shape, and (3) one non-membrane control site. The
structural rigidity to maintain shape over the defect alone. In membranes were sized to cover the defect and fit beyond the
cases where these membranes are used to treat ridge defects, bony margin by 2 to 3 mm. The membranes also were
graft material is placed into the ridge deformity to support secured to the alveolus with fixation screws. Primary wound
the overlying collagen membrane, thus facilitating space closure was carried out. Healing was permitted for 2 months
maintenance. in two dogs and 4 months in the remaining two dogs. Each
of the four control sites demonstrated incomplete bone
regeneration restricted to the bony margins of the defect.
There are five criteria considered important in the design Copious scar tissue formation also was present within the
of barrier membranes used for GTR [50,51]. These include defect. A deep indentation persisted along the alveolar crest
biocompatibility, cell-occlusiveness, space making, tissue that was partially filled by the collapsed mucosa, a finding
integration and clinical manageability. Various types of not observed in the membrane-covered defects. The
materials have been developed, which can be grouped microscopic pattern of bone formation occurred, as
together as either non-resorbable or resorbable membranes. demonstrated in the 2-month and 4-month healing
specimens, in three general categories or phases. The most
NON-RESORBABLE MEMBRANES immature bone was woven bone, a random orientation of
The first membranes used experimentally by Nymans collagen fibrils along the margins of the surgically created
group in their initial work were constructed from Millipore defect. Next, parallelfibered bone was deposited on the
(cellulose acetate) filters. As this technique became more surface of the primary spongiosa as reinforcement.
prevalent, the first commercial membrane was produced Finally, lamellar bone was seen, which represented the
from Teflon (e-PTFE). This membrane consisted of 2 parts: most mature phase of bone regeneration. First, this study
a collar portion, having open pores to allow in-growth of confirms conclusions of previous experiments that
connective tissue and to prevent epithelial migration; and an demonstrated bone regeneration in membrane-protected
occlusive portion, preventing the flap tissues from coming defects. Second, the environment created by the membrane
into contact with the root surface [52]. Because the space permitted the regeneration of bone by physically supporting
defined and protected by the membrane determined the the overlying soft tissue and preventing collapse of the soft
volume of tissue that could be regenerated, the material was tissue into the defect. It also protected the blood clot from
redesigned with a stiff central portion to treat osseous defects surrounding soft tissue invasion while maintaining a space
[51,52] and reinforced with titanium for both osseous and into which osteogenic cells could migrate and possibly
periodontal defects [51]. Successful use of non-resorbable enclave local growth factors and bone-promoting substances.
membranes in GTR therapy led to application of these Third, bone regeneration occurred, as mentioned earlier, in
membranes in GBR procedures. three stages. Fourth, complete bone regeneration was not
e-PTFE Membrane in GBR-Ridge Augmentation seen at 4 months which provoked questions regarding the
required healing time for the regenerate and the physical
Buser [53] was one of the first to report successful ridge properties of the membrane itself, particularly of the
augmentation with GBR in humans using an e-PTFE resorbable type. Finally, the reinforced membranes
Guided Bone Regeneration The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 39

maintained their original structure throughout the study as months later, the animals were sacrificed and sections were
compared to the e-PTFE membrane, which showed minor evaluated histometrically for bone-to-implant contact. All
deformation from the overlying soft tissue. sites demonstrated high percentages (50% to 65%) of bone-
to-implant contact, with no significant differences across the
Fifteen non-submerged implants were placed bilaterally
in regenerated bone created in membrane- protected defects various treatment groups. In addition, all tested bone fillers
formed a complex that supported and maintained the
in the mandible of five adult foxhounds [55]. A 6-month
osseointegrated implants in a healthy state, with no apparent
healing period occurred between the surgical creation of the
signs of peri-implantitis. Using a staged approach, this study
defects and the placement of the implants. 8 implants were
provided evidence that implants placed in entirely
restored and functionally loaded for 6 months, leaving 7
regenerated bone can achieve and maintain osseointegration,
implants unrestored. At the termination of the study, 9
months after implant placement, the histologic analysis regardless of the type of bone fillers used.
demonstrated direct bone to implant contact for all 15 One study [57] compared, in a human model, the ability
implants. It may be concluded that bone regenerated under a of (1) e-PTFE membranes plus bone-chip autografts, (2) e-
barrier membrane responds to implant placement similarly to PTFE membranes plus demineralized freeze-dried bone, (3)
native, non-regenerated bone by stimulating bone maturation e-PTFE membranes plus a new form of demineralized
and remodeling. The newly formed bone also is capable of allograft bone tissue, and (4) e-PTFE membranes alone to
sustaining functional loading. Interestingly, the regenerated enhance bone regeneration around dental implants placed
bone that served as a control (no implant placed) into recent extraction sockets. The histologic results
demonstrated bone atrophy beneath the membrane. demonstrated that, in humans, guided tissue regeneration
techniques are capable of producing new bone
Becker et al. [43] conducted a prospective multicenter
osseointegrated with titanium dental implants. Among the
clinical study that determined the predictability for implants
placed into immediate extraction sockets and augmented graft materials, autogenous bone provided the most dense
and the greatest amount of bone formation, but use of
with e-PTFE barrier membranes. A total of 49 implants were
demineralized freeze-dried bone and a new form of
placed with e-PTFE membranes. Three implants were lost at
demineralized allogenic bone matrix also improved bone
abutment connection surgery.
regeneration compared to membranes alone after 6 months
Patients were followed up to 1 year after implant loading. of healing. Autografts are the best material for space making,
The average bone formation for membrane-retained sites was but the amount of graft material that can be harvested from
4.8 mm, whereas the average bone formation for sites in the oral cavity is limited. For this reason, Nevins and
which the membranes were prematurely removed (20) was 4 Mellonig recommended the use of DFDBA [58].
mm. At stage 2 surgery, an average of 0.6 threads were
The outcomes of these studies demonstrate the
exposed for the membrane retained sites and 2.6 threads for
predictability of ridge augmentation using non-resorbable
the early removal sites. Forty-five pairs of nonstandard
radiographs were evaluated for bone loss after implant membranes either alone or in combination with osseous
loading (7.5 months). The average mesiodistal bone loss
averaged 0.72 mm. The results of this study demonstrated DISADVANTAGES OF NON-RESORBABLE
that by securing an e-PTFE membrane over an endosseous MEMBRANES
implant placed into an immediate extraction socket,
substantial amounts of bone formation occurred adjacent to Membrane exposure caused by variable amounts of flap
the implant. Sites at which the membranes were retained sloughing during healing has been a frequent post-surgical
until stage 2 surgery also had the greatest amounts of bone complication associated with the use of non-resorbable
formation. membranes [40]. Exposure rates as high as 31% resulting in
GBR failure have been reported [59]. Membrane exposure
Ridge augmentation has been performed using other permits a communication between the oral environment and
materials in combination with the e-PTFE membrane, such newly forming tissues, increasing the potential for infection
as resorbable tenting pins or composite grafting. and decreasing the likelihood of regeneration. In addition,
Fiorellini et al. [56] evaluated the percentage of bone-to- non-resorbable membranes must be retrieved by employing a
implant contact following guided bone regeneration using e- second surgical procedure that can at times be a tedious
PTFE membranes and various bone fillers in a beagle dog undertaking and can also disturb healing [18].
model. Three months after bilateral extraction of the RESORBABLE MEMBRANES
mandibular premolars and first molars, rectangular, distal-
extension defects that included the entire width of the ridge There are three types of biologically resorbable
buccolingually were surgically created in the alveolar membranes: 1) polyglycoside synthetic copolymers:
processes. All defects were covered with an e-PTFE polylactic acid (Guidor), polyglactide (Resolute),
membrane, and several bone fillers were placed, in a polyglactin 910 (Vicryl), 2) collagen and 3) calcium sulfate
randomized fashion, under the membrane: autogenous bone, (CalcigenOral).
demineralized freeze-dried bone, anorganic bovine bone, COLLAGEN MEMBRANES
tricalcium phosphate granules, and collagen sponge. One site
in each animal was treated with e-PTFE barrier membrane Unique Properties of Collagen Membranes
alone as control. Following an 8-month healing period, non-
Collagen membranes share in common with all
submerged titanium implants (36 total) were placed in
resorbable membranes the fact that they do not require a
regenerated bone following membrane removal. Three second surgery for retrieval. This saves time and cost and is
40 The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 Hitti and Kerns

also greatly appreciated by patients. Collagen is the principal Marinucci et al. [65] evaluated the in vitro influence of
component of connective tissue and provides structural bioabsorbable and non-resorbable membranes on specific
support for tissues throughout the body [18]. parameters of human osteoblast activity. Human osteoblasts
were cultured on bioabsorbable membranes made of
Hemostasis: Collagen is hemostatic agent and possesses
the ability to stimulate platelet attachment and to enhance collagen, hyaluronic acid, and poly DL-lactide, and the most
common non-resorbable membrane, which is made of e-
fibrin linkage, which may facilitate initial clot formation and
PTFE. The osteoblasts were cultured in vitro for 24 hours on
clot stabilization, leading to enhanced regeneration [18].
barrier membranes in the presence of 3H-thymidine and 3H-
Chemotaxis: Collagen has been shown to be chemotactic proline to study cell proliferation and collagen synthesis.
for fibroblasts in vitro. This property could enhance cell Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) secretion
migration in vivo [18]. was evaluated in conditioned media using an ELISA kit. The
Ease of manipulation: collagen can be easily manipulated results showed that collagen and poly DL-lactide stimulated
and adapted [18]. DNA synthesis more than ePTFE and hyaluronic acid. All
bioabsorbable membranes significantly increased collagen
Well tolerated: Collagen had been demonstrated to be a synthesis and alkaline phosphatase activity. Collagen and
weak immunogen and is therefore well tolerated by patients hyaluronic acid increased secretion of TGF-1, a growth
[18]. Membranes made of bovine collagen do not elicit an factor involved in bone remodeling. These data suggest
antibody response when used in GTR. bioabsorbable membranes, particularly collagen and
Bioresorbable: Because collagen is bioresorbable, during hyaluronic acid, may promote bone regeneration through
enzymatic degradation it will incorporate with the flap to their activity on osteoblasts.
support new connective tissue attachment [60]. This may Alpar et al. [66] evaluated the cytocompatibility of three
result in augmenting tissue/flap thickness to protect resorbable and non-resorbable membranes in fibroblast and
furtherbone formation. osteoblast-like cell cultures and observed the growth of those
Slow absorption: Membranes must remain in place until cells on the various barriers by scanning electron microscopy
cells capable of regeneration are established at the wound (SEM). Primary human periodontal ligament fibroblasts
site. Collagen membranes cross-linked with formaldehyde (HPLF) and human osteoblast-like cells (SAOS-2) were
have been shown by Blumenthal [61] to last 6 to 8 weeks incubated with non-resorbable e-PTFE barriers and
before being absorbed, whereas non-cross linked membranes resorbable polylactic acid as well as collagen membranes.
lose their structural integrity in 7 days. No changes were established in the periodontal ligament
fibroblasts and human osteoblast-like cells after incubation
Degradation of resorbable membranes is accomplished with the collagen membrane. Cytotoxic effects, however,
by various mechanisms present within the periodontal were induced by the polylactic acid barrier which slightly
tissues. The primary structural component of most inhibited cell metabolism of the periodontal fibroblasts.
commercially available collagen membranes is Type I Moderate cytotoxic reactions were caused by the e-PTFE
collagen, which is degraded by endogenous collagenase into membrane in HPLF-cultures and osteoblast-like cell
carbon dioxide and water. Cross-linkage of collagen fibers monolayers. Mitochondrial activity in both cell cultures was
can affect the rate of degradation [62]. Cross-linking is a significantly reduced by e-PTFE barriers in comparison to
laboratory modification of the collagenous matrix designed non-incubated control cells. SEM analysis of cell behavior
to stabilize the collagen fibers and maintain the integrity of on barriers demonstrated the differences between these
the membrane after placement [63]. There are many different materials: collagen barriers were densely populated with
laboratory techniques for cross-linking collagen membranes, HPLF and SAOS-2, whereas only few or no cells were seen
including ultraviolet light and glutaraldehyde, which to adhere to the ePTFE and polylactic acid membranes. The
increases the time period that the device serves as an collagen barrier investigated is very cytocompatible and may
occlusive barrier in vivo. be integrated into connective tissue well. On the contrary,
In a report on the bio-degradation of various collagen the ePTFE and polylactic acid membranes induced slight to
membranes implanted in rats, Rothamel et al. [64] reported moderate cytotoxic reactions, which may reduce cellular
that non-cross linked porcine derived types I and III adhesion. Thus, gap formation between the barrier surface
(BioGide) exhibited a perfect tissue integration and thereby and the connective tissue may be promoted which may
rapid vascularization, resulting in a nearly complete facilitate epithelial down-growth and microbial
biodegradation 4 weeks following implantation without accumulation. Consequently, these effects may reduce the
observable foreign body reactions. The cross-linked bovine potential gain in periodontal attachment.
collagen membrane (Ossix) underwent the least amount of Collagen Membrane in GBR-Ridge Augmentation GBR
degradation after six months, maintaining greater thickness procedures utilizing collagen membranes have been widely
and occlusive function compared to porcine collagen (Bio- reported.
Gide), however it exhibited decreased tissue integration and
vascularization and was associated with foreign body Sevor et al. [67] evaluated the usefulness of resorbable
reactions. 3 other commercially available bovine collagen collagen membrane for guided tissue regeneration. Buccal
membranes (BioMend, BioMendExtend, TutoDent), and dehiscences were surgically induced in 6 dog mandibles.
three prototype collagen membranes VN (chemical cross- Twenty-four hydroxyapatite-coated and twenty-four grit-
linked porcine type I and type III collagens) were included in blasted implants were then placed in a random pattern in
the study. They concluded that the higher the degree of both sides of the mandibles (two of each type of implant in
cross-linking, the longer the resorption rate. each side of the mandible). A resorbable collagen barrier
Guided Bone Regeneration The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 41

membrane was placed around one pair of implants on each dermis collagen barrier (Bio-Gide) or (3) bovine tendon
side. The other two implants on each side served as controls. collagen barrier (BioMend ExtendTM). Dogs were sacrificed
At 8 weeks, the mean defect fill was 80.29% in the collagen at 4 and 16 weeks (four dogs each) after treatment. The
membrane-treated group compared to 38.62% in the control results of the study revealed no significant differences
group. Sites around experimental hydroxyapatite-coated and among groups for any parameter at 4 weeks. However, at 16
grit-blasted implants showed significantly more bone fill weeks, more linear bone fill (LF), bone-to- implant-contact
than did control sites. In addition to its apparent ability to (BIC), and new bone fill were noted in the membrane-treated
encourage bone regeneration, the collagen membrane is groups than controls. BioMend Extend-treated defects
resorbable, obviating the need for a second surgery to allow demonstrated significantly greater BIC than control at this
removal. time point. BIC at 16 weeks was significantly greater than 4-
In a pilot study [68], Colangelo et al. created through and week BIC. Membrane exposure occurred in 9 out of 15 sites
examined, resulting in significantly less LF and BIC than the
through defects on the lateral aspect of rabbit mandibles and
sites without membrane exposure. The results of this study
then treated these defects with either a type I highly cross-
indicate that:
linked collagen membrane or no-treatment control. The
histologic evaluation at 30 days demonstrated a nearly (1) GBR treatment with collagen membranes may
complete continuous layer of lamellar bone with osteoblastic significantly enhance bone regeneration, manifested at late
activity in the collagen membrane-treated group compared to stage (16 weeks) of healing; and (2) space maintenance and
only fibrous connective tissue in the control group. membrane coverage were the two most important factors
affecting GBR using bioabsorbable collagen membranes.
In another study, Zitzmann et al. [69] compared a
resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide) to the Taguchi et al. [72] focused on histological changes and
conventional e-PTFE material (Gore-Tex) for guided bone cellular events in osteogenesis induced by GBR with a
regeneration in situations involving exposed implant collagenous membrane, Bio-Gide. This membrane appears
surfaces. Over a 2-year period, 25 split-mouth patients were to have osteoconductivity, resulting in a well-augmented
treated randomly: one defect site was treated with Bio-Gide alveolar ridge, which is suitable for the subsequent
and the other defect site with Gore-Tex; all 84 defects were placement of dental implants. This material represents an
filled with Bio-Oss and covered with the respective excellent choice for GBR by promoting osteoblastic activity.
membrane. Changes in defect surface for both types of
membranes were statistically significant. The mean average GBR WITH BONE GRAFTING
percentage of bone fill was 92% for Bio-Gide and 78% for Various methods have been developed to prevent
Gore-Tex sites. In the latter group, 44% wound dehiscences membrane collapse and to preserve and maintain the space.
and/or premature membrane removal occurred. The Placing various bone graft materials under the membrane or
resorbable membrane, Bio-Gide, in combination with a bone using mechanical support are among the methods used.
graft, can be a useful alternative to the well-established e- Grafts are generally classified according to their original
PTFE membranes. source as follows: autograft (oral or extraoral), allograft
Recently, Parodi et al. [70] evaluated the possibility of (DFDBA, FDBA, Puros cancellous), xenograft (bovine or
expanding an edentulous ridge spanning two or more teeth porcine), and alloplasts (hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphate).
by a two-step technique with bio-resorbable collagen Autogenous Bone Grafts
membranes. Sixteen healthy patients were treated. The
borderline of the crest width was less than or equal to 4 mm. Iliac bone and marrow autografts have proven to be the
The width of the crest at the location of the surgical stent most predictable graft materials for bone growth. However,
was measured at the time of GBR procedure and 7 to 12 because of the necessity of harvesting from a secondary
months later during implant insertion. Native collagen surgical site and the possible morbidity associated with these
sponges were placed buccally and lingually, and a collagen procedures, they are no longer popular1. Complications
membrane was shaped and trimmed to completely cover the associated with the use of fresh iliac bone and marrow
edentulous ridge. The patients were recalled every 2 weeks. included a high rate of root resorption and ankylosis [73].
At implant placement, the mean increase in the size of the These complications were later minimized by either freezing
crest was 2.49 mm. In 12 out of 16 patients (75%) it was the bone graft in a storage medium or adding autologous
possible to insert 27 implants according to the prosthetic intraoral bone to the harvested iliac crest bone graft mixture.
need established previously. All implants were successfully Intraoral autogenous bone grafts have been harvested
loaded, and in the four cases where no appreciable results from various intraoral sites including edentulous ridges, the
were obtained, no clinical complications or loss of hard and maxillary tuberosity, 8- to 12-week post-extraction healing
soft tissue were observed. sites, and tori or exostoses1. One controlled study [74] of 37
Another study [71] aimed to clinically and paired defects demonstrated 2.98 mm of bone gain when
histomorphometrically compare two collagen membranes, autogenous intraoral bone grafts were used, as compared
Bio-Gide and BioMend ExtendTM, for the treatment of with 0.66 mm for debrided controls that received no grafts.
implant dehiscence defects in eight mongrel dogs. Implant The source of intraoral bone also is important [1]. When
dehiscence defects were surgically created in edentulous bone is predominantly cortical in nature, it has little
ridges, followed by the placement of three endosseous osteogenic potential. Cancellous bone, which contains
implants bilaterally in the mandible. Each implant hematopoietic marrow, such as red bone marrow from the
dehiscence defect was randomly assigned to one of three
treatment groups: (1) control (no membrane), (2) porcine
42 The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 Hitti and Kerns

maxillary tuberosity or from healing bone sockets 8 to 12 horizontal ridge augmentation with high predictability. The
weeks after extraction, provides better osteogenic potential1. hydrophilic membrane was easy to apply, and did not cause
wound infection in the rare instance of membrane exposure.
In a recent study, Hammerle et al. [78] tested whether or
Proussaefs [75] reported on three patients who underwent not resorbable membranes and bone substitutes will lead to
localized alveolar ridge augmentation using block autografts successful horizontal ridge augmentation allowing implant
harvested from the mandibular tori. Autogenous particulate installation under standard conditions. Twelve patients in
bone graft was placed at the periphery of the block. need of implant therapy participated in this study. Soft tissue
Resorbable collagen membrane was placed above the graft flaps were carefully raised and blocks or particles of
material. Implant placement surgery followed at 6 to 16 deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM/ Bio-Oss) were
months after bone grafting. Clinical evaluation revealed placed in the defect area. A collagenous membrane (Bio-
incorporation of the graft material at the recipient site. Gide) was applied to cover the DBBM and was fixed to the
Histologic evaluation suggested that the block autograft was surrounding bone using poly-lactic acid pins. No flap
vital and in an active remodeling phase at the time of implant dehiscences and no exposures of membranes were observed.
placement. Impressions were made intraorally before and 6 Nine to 10 months following augmentation surgery, flaps
months after bone grafting. Laboratory measurements were raised in order to visualize the outcomes of the
revealed 13% resorption at 6 months after bone grafting augmentation. An integration of the DBBM particles into the
while 0.53 mL of ridge augmentation was achieved 6 months newly formed bone was consistently observed. Merely on
after bone grafting. Linear tomographs indicated 4.33 mm of the surface of the new bone, some pieces of the grafting
lateral alveolar ridge augmentation. This report suggests that material were only partly integrated into bone. However,
block autografts harvested from the mandibular tori may these were not encapsulated by connective tissue but rather
have the potential to maintain their vitality after bone anchored into the newly regenerated bone. In all of the cases
grafting, while they may demonstrate resorption rates similar but one, the bone volume following regeneration was
to those of autografts harvested from other intraoral donor adequate to place implants in a prosthetically ideal position.
sites. Before the regenerative procedure, the average crestal bone
Llambes et al. [76] performed vertical ridge width was 3.2 mm and increased to 6.9 mm at the time of
augmentation on 11 patients at the time of implant implant placement. This difference was statistically
placement. The part of the implant out of bone was covered significant. After a healing period of 9-10 months, the
with autogenous bone/graft, and a slow-resorption collagen combination of DBBM and a collagen membrane is an
membrane was placed on top. effective treatment option for horizontal bone augmentation
before implant placement.
Second-stage surgery was performed 4 to 6 months later,
and healing abutments were placed. Measurements revealed PERICARDIUM MEMBRANES
that the mean implant out of bone was 3.5 mm at stage 1 and
Bovine pericardium has been widely used for grafts in
0.5 mm at stage 2. Mean bone gain was 3 mm, which
represented 83% of the exposed implant at stage 1. Minimal cardiac surgery and seems to have suitable properties for use
as a dural graft. Filippi et al. [79] reported on the use of
complications were detected, and only one case failed.
solvent-preserved, gamma-sterilized Tutoplast bovine
Histology from one successful case showed new trabecular
pericardium for dural grafts in 32 patients undergoing cranial
bone with large cellular marrow spaces in the regenerated
and spinal operations with the objective of clinically
area. Slow-resorption collagen membranes have the potential
assessing this material and technique by a retrospective
to promote vertical ridge augmentation when used with
autogenous bone at the time of implant placement. analysis.
Outcomes were excellent in 31 patients; the one poor
The clinical outcome of horizontal ridge augmentation
outcome was unrelated to surgical closure. Bovine
using autogenous block grafts covered with an organic
pericardium was found to be a flexible and easily suturable,
bovine bone mineral (ABBM) and a bioabsorbable collagen
safe and cost-effective material for duraplasty.
membrane was analysed by von Arx and Buser [77]. In 42
patients with severe horizontal bone atrophy, a staged Also Bovine pericardium has been used in abdominal
approach was chosen for implant placement following wall repair (incisional hernias). In an experimental study by
horizontal ridge augmentation. A block graft was harvested Kapan et al. [80], three commonly used mesh materials
from the symphysis or retromolar area, and secured to the (Gore-Tex PTFE; Tutoplast Fascia lata; Tutopatch
recipient site with fixation screws. The block graft was Pericardium bovine) were compared according to
subsequently covered with ABBM and a collagen effectiveness, strength, adhesion formation, histological
membrane. Following a mean healing period of 5.8 months, changes, and early complications. Three groups, each
the fifty-eight augmented sites were re-entered, and the crest consisting of 14 rats, have been formed as group A:
width was re-assessed prior to implant placement. The mean polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), group B: pericardium
initial crest width measured 3.06 mm. At re-entry, the mean bovine and group C: fascia lata. No statistically significant
width of the ridge was 7.66 mm, with a calculated mean gain difference regarding adhesion formation was observed
of horizontal bone thickness of 4.6 mm. Only minor surface between groups although adhesion formation was less
resorption of 0.36 mm was observed from augmentation to significant in PTFE and pericardium bovine groups than in
re-entry. The presented technique of ridge augmentation the fascia lata group. No statistically significant difference
using autogenous block grafts with ABBM filler and was observed between groups regarding wound maturation.
collagen membrane coverage demonstrated successful In this experimental model, PTFE and pericardium bovine
Guided Bone Regeneration The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 43

were found to be superior to fascia lata in abdominal wall Oxidative treatment destroys soluble proteins, non-
repair. enveloped viruses and bacterial spores and minimizes
potential graft rejection. Alkaline treatment reduces prion
Bovine pericardium was also tested as a collagen
infectivity. Solvent dehydration removes any residual prions,
membrane for exclusion of all non-osteogenic cells from the
healing wound site, and for protection and stabilization of inactivates enveloped viruses, and dehydrates the tissue,
allowing it to be stored at room temperature.
the healing clot. In a rat study by Schwarz et al. [81], in
histologic and histometric analysis after 8 weeks following Limited-dose gamma irradiation provides a sterility level
implantation, the pericardium membrane showed of 10-6 and preserves graft integrity.
approximately 60% of membrane thickness measured after 2
Shin and Sohn [84] described a technique regarding
weeks. The Tutodent membrane body seemed to be repairing completely perforated sinus membrane after the
structured like an interconnected porous system. Histologic
removal of a mucocele using human collagen pericardium
analysis 2 weeks following implantation revealed that
membrane (Tutoplast pericardium) and fibrin adhesive
merely half the Tutodent membrane body was vascularized.
(Greenplast) to stabilize collagen membrane.
After 16 weeks, the Tutodent was almost entirely organized
and replaced by newly formed connective tissue. After 24 In a clinical report, Taskonak and Ozkan [85] described
weeks, a nearly complete biodegradation and substitution of guided bone augmentation for treatment of a facial maxillary
the membrane by newly formed connective tissue was alveolar bone defect to enhance the esthetic result for an all-
observed. They also described the resorption time at 8-16 ceramic fixed partial denture (FPD). A combination of
weeks. Another study from Rothamel et al. [82] showed that decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft and resorbable human
the pericardium membrane promoted the attachment and pericardium, in conjunction with cortical channel expansion,
proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts and was used for the augmentation process to eliminate a
human osteoblasts. Steigmann [83] evaluated the clinical secondary surgical procedure. Post-operative examinations
feasibility of using a native collagen physical resorbable showed improvement in the alveolar bone contour. The
barrier made of bovine pericardium to augment localized regeneration of the missing osseous structure was
alveolar ridge defects for the subsequent placement of dental accomplished to support the future esthetic soft tissue
implants. There were 8 systemically healthy patients with 19 contours. This osseous regenerative technique significantly
implant sites, with inadequate dental alveolar ridge widths, increased the functional and esthetic outcome of the final
selected for study. All ridge defects were augmented with FPD by restoring the alveolar ridge defect to its original
bovine xenograft and a collagen pericardium membrane. dimension.
Horizontal (width) hard tissue measurements were taken the Bovine and human pericardium membranes were also
day of ridge augmentation surgery, or implant placement and evaluated in a study by Thomaidis [86]. Fifty adult male
augmentation (baseline), and at the 6-month (reentry or New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study.
uncovering) surgery. The change in ridge width varied from
a loss of 0.2 mm to a gain of 7.8 mm, measured clinically Five groups of 10 animals each were used: HFL (human
with a mean value of 3.04 and a median of 2.8 mm from fascia lata membrane), HP (human pericardium), HFT
baseline. (human fascia temporalis), BP (bovine pericardium), and e-
PTFE (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene). Animals were
The results suggested that pericardium collagen sacrificed 10 weeks after membrane application. In each
membrane might be a suitable component for augmentation animal, 9-mm circular mandibular defects were created
of localized alveolar ridge defects in conjunction with bilaterally. On 1 side of the jaw, the defect was covered with
different xenografts. 1 of the test membranes; the defect on the other side served
Puros Pericardium is a natural biological dressing as a control. Membranes were significantly superior to the
designed for guided tissue regeneration and guided bone controls in all animals. Paired comparisons showed that
regeneration procedures. It retains the natural collagen groups HFL, HP, BP, and e-PTFE were significantly
matrix and mechanical properties of native pericardium due superior to HFT. Conversely, comparisons of HFL-HP,
to the proprietary Tutoplast Process. It is characterized by HFL-BP, HFL-PTFE, HP-BP, HP-ePTFE, and BP-ePTFE,
its multidirectional strength, quick hydration, five-year shelf showed no significant differences. According to the results,
life and room temperature storage. Puros Pericardium has a the fascia lata, human pericardium, bovine pericardium, and
resorption profile of 4 to 6 months. The timeframe for e-PTFE advance bone regeneration and can be successfully
remodeling depends upon the site; patient age, health and used as GBR membranes for osseous defects beyond the
metabolic and nutritional status; biomechanical load on the critical size.
graft. Three convenient sizes can be cut to shape for specific The defect in the human pericardium group was filled
procedures. with a mature, mainly newly formed bone, lamellar in its
The Puros Allograft family of products is refined using greatest part, with distinct bone trabeculae and marrow sites.
the proprietary, 5stage Tutoplast sterilization process. The thickness of the new bone was slightly smaller than
While preserving the valuable collagen matrix and tissue normal bone.
integrity, this process gently removes unwanted materials The gap was fully bridged by new bone, whose bone
such as cells, antigens and viruses, as well as inactivating trabeculae were almost sufficiently thick around the bone
pathogens. Osmotic treatment ruptures the cell membranes tissue. The membrane was visible without causing any
killing bacteria, washes out cellular debris and removes inflammatory reaction. In group BP, the results were the
antigens. same as those in group HP. The origin of the pericardium
44 The Open Pathology Journal, 2011, Volume 5 Hitti and Kerns

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Received: February 25, 2010 Revised: March 10, 2010 Accepted: March 20, 2010

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