Komatsu Views 2013 No.21 (Ing)

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Views No.

21, December 2013


Komatsu Utility Europe

TOPICS Views No. 21, December 2013

Komatsu Utility Europe Celebrates

finishing his official duties in Rome. At the dinner,
the minister expressed his appreciation to Komatsu
for undertaking production in Este.

Its 50th Anniversary Toward New Development

KUE has significantly upgraded the interior of its
n September 17, 2013, Komatsu Utility plant by undertaking structural reforms over the
Europe S.p.A. (KUE) held a commemoration past two years. President and CEO Tetsuji Ohashi of Komatsu Ltd. delivering a congratulatory
speech to KUE employees
ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of
the establishment of its forerunner, F.A.I. S.p.A., 1 Improved component supplies
in 1963. Directors from Komatsu Ltd., including l Consolidated warehouses: KUE divided its
President and CEO Tetsuji Ohashi, were in atten- Dinner on the premises of Este Castle
warehouses according to assembly lines and is
dance along with directors from Komatsu Europe promoting the visualization of components. 3 Realized a visually effective plant
International N.V. An unveiling ceremony for a commemorative l Reduced line-side inventories: KUE introduced l Installed visual information (information
Prior to the ceremony, participants toured monument was then held at a roundabout near a train-style supply method by connecting board)
KUEs upgraded plant and President Ohashi deliv- KUE. The monument was made from a specially kanban signboards with carts to supply only l Directly linked with Global Hansei Operation
ered a congratulatory speech to all KUE employees processed PC05 mini excavator, the first Komatsu the necessary volumes when needed. Center in Osaka, Japan, via webcam
in the shop. Thereafter, everyone moved to the model manufactured in Este, and installed and l Upgraded kits: By putting the line delivery
internal garden and took part in a commemorative presented to the city of Este, home of KUE. The of components into kits, only the needed KUE has realized higher productivity and safer
planting of olive trees, Japanese maples, cherry ceremony was attended by Este mayor Giancarlo components are prepared and supplied to the work operations. From spring 2013, KUE com-
trees and lily magnolias, all of which symbolize Piva, who unveiled the monument together with necessary part locations. This is effective in menced production of PC138US-10 hydraulic
Italy and Japan. President Ohashi and KUE President Enrico preventing the possibility of a wrong part excavators and plans to start production of the
Prandini. being attached or forgetting to attach a part. PC170 LC-10 in spring 2014. On the occasion of
Thanks to the hospitality of the city of Este, Moreover, this also makes it easier to detect its 50th anniversary, KUE announced that the com-
a dinner was held during the evening on the grounds component excesses and shortages. pany name would become Komatsu Italia
of Este Castle and attended by F.A.I. founder Manufacturing S.p.A. in 2014. KUE will transcend
Giovanni Bettanin, F.A.I.s former presidents 2 Rationalized line-side sub-assembly the boundaries of utilities equipment and strive for
and top managers, and distributor representatives l Reevaluated layouts: Space savings were new growth as it strides toward the future.
from Europe and North Africa. Also present was realized through component supply improve-
Mr.FlavioZanonato, Minister of Economic ments, which enable components to be placed
Development, who hurried to the event after in optimal locations. Additionally, by synchro-
nizing some kits with carts and moving these
on the lines, the distance that assemblers carry
parts is significantly reduced.
Upgrading Plant Interior

Train-style cart for supplying parts Sub-assembly space after rationalization Signboards within the plant

History of Komatsu Utility Europe

1963 F.A.I. S.p.A. founded by Mr. Giovanni Bettanin in Noventa Vicentina, Italy

1973 First in the world to manufacture 4WD backhoe loader

1979 Bought a new plant in Salara to manufacture skid steer loaders

1984: Expanded product range with the introduction of new articulated backhoe loader models

1986 Purchased a larger plant in Este and ceased production in Salara

1988 Obtained license from Komatsu to produce and sell DASH-7 range of mini excavators in Europe

Changed its name to Fai Komatsu Industries S.p.A (FKI), becoming the Komatsu distributor for the
1995 Italian market, and commenced international sales network integration

1996 Komatsu acquired 100% of FKI, fully integrating the company with the Komatsu Group

2000 FKI changed its name to Komatsu Utility Europe S.p.A., reflecting its global status

2001 Introduced DASH-5 series of skid steer loaders

2004 Introduced MR-2 series of mini excavators

Introduced crawler version of skid steer loaders

2005 Introduced DASH-5 series of backhoe loaders

2006 Introduced MR-6 series of midi excavators (crawler and wheeled) with short swing radius

Introduced MR-3 series of mini and midi excavators

2008 Introduced new MR-8 series of midi excavators

Product photos in this newsletter may show optional equipment.

Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
2-3-6, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8414, Japan Available models may vary by region or country.
Models shown in this newsletter may be positioned for photographic purposes, with the bucket up. For safety reasons, please leave the equipment in a secure position.
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