Wave Scattering in Porous Media and Shape Reconstruction of Scatterers

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Wave scattering in porous media and shape reconstruction of scatterers

Koji Yamamoto
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, Chiba, Japan

Masaki Yamamda
Department of Civil Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

ABSTRACT: The Linearized Inverse Scattering Analysis (LISA) with Born approximation is utilized for a
shape reconstruction of inhomogeneties in fluid filed porous materials using elastic waves. The mechanical
characters of the media are modeled with Biots theory of poroelasticity. Integral expression of the scattered
field is the basis of this method, and inverse Fourier transform of the approximate form of the equations gives the
geometry of the scatterer from the observable values of scattered amplitude. Numerical examples of the shape
reconstruction that are derived from simulated scattered amplitude computed by the boundary integral equation.
In the examples, images of the scatterers such as a cavity in porous media or a domain in which pore fluid is
different from surrounding region are presented.

1 INTRODUCTION poroelasticity (Biot 1956, 1962). In this model, three

waves, namely a transverse wave (T -wave) and two
Imaging of inhomogeneities in a porous material using longitudinal waves (fast wave or L1-wave, and slow
elastic waves is a key technology of the resource and wave or L2-wave). Those waves have dispersive char-
environmental engineerings. Particularly, monitoring acter with different degrees. Using this model, pore
of phase transition of pore fluids is important for fluid characters are directly considered in the wave
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) (Nur 1987), CO2 geo- velocities.
logic sequestration (Chadwick et al. 2002, Ohsita In this paper, the formulation of LISA and some
2002), gas production from methane hydrate bearing numerical examples of the shape reconstruction are
sediments (Takahashi et al. 2003), and other applica- presented. The accuracy of the reconstructed shape
tions. For such purposes, several inversion techniques is discussed for the effect of limited frequency and
have been developed and implemented to the field spatial data.
application such as the cross well tomography tech-
nique. In most of such techniques, observed value is
refracted waves, and the velocity structure of the media 2 FORMULATION OF LISA IN
is reconstructed to match with the observed arrival POROELASTIC MEDIA
time or waveforms by iterative methods.
On the other hand, Linealized Inverse Scattering 2.1 Integral expression of scattered field
Analysis (LISA) is a technique to observe scattered
waves for the reconstruction of the shape of a scat- As shown in Fig. 1, a scatterer Dc is modeled in
terer in a uniform medium. The spatial and frequency an infinite and uniform medium D (matrix) defined
distribution of the amplitude of scattered waves are ,
by poroelastic parameters (, , , 1/M , 1/m). The
measured around the scatterer for this purpose (Rose & definitions and the typical values using here for
Opsal 1982, Rose 1984, Schmerr et al. 1989). The the matrix are listed in Table 1. The differences of
method adopts either Born or Kirchihoff approxima- the parameters between the matrix and the scatterer
tions for the linearization of the relation between the are written as (, , , , (1/M ), (1/m)).
scattered fields and the geometry of the scatterer. The The listed values are based on the ones of porous
method has been formulated for elasticmedia, and sandstones (Detournay & Cheng 1993).
applied to the real solids such as metals and cements. Let us consider an incidence of a unit amplitude
(Kitahara et al. 2002). time-harmonic wave q(i) (x, t) =A(i) ekw(i) p (i)x eit to
For model the characteristics of fluid-filled porous the scatterer Dc , where A(i) is the amplitude vec-
materials, the authors use Biots model of dynamic tor, kw(i) is the complex wavenumber of (i) wave

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D (,,,f /m,1/M,1/m)

Dc (,, + ,  + ,
f /m + (f /m)1/M + (1/M), 1/m + (1/m))
p(i) where ui , p is the total field that is the sum of the
p(s) incident and the scattered waves.
y By applying the far field approximation of the
fundamental solution (Yamamoto & Kitahara 2003):
Figure 1. Wave scattering by a scatterer Dc in a poroelastic

Table 1. Poroelastic parameters used in this paper.

the scattered field is rewritten as
Symbol Definition Values in matrix

Bulk density 3000 kg/m3

f Fluid density 1000 kg/m3
, Lam constant = = 5.0 GPa
Biots constant 1.0 where kw(s) is a complex wavenumber of the scattered
Porosity 0.2
wave, r is the distance between the scatterer and the
M Biots modulus 12.5 GPa
b Dissipation factor 0 (no dissipation) observation point y. Aw(s) is the scattering amplitude,
Coupling parameter f /m and defined as
m Mass parameter = f / ib

(w(i) = L1, L2 or T ), p (i) is the propagation vector,

is angular frequency of the wave. The generalized dis-
placement q is defined as the combination of solid In the equations, (x) is a function that determine the
displacement (ui ) and pore pressure ( p), and written as geometry of the equivalent source, and defined as
q(i) (x) = {ui (x), p(x)}. The type of the wave is written
as wi where.
Using a equivalent source B that means the effect
of scatterer on scattered waves, the scattered field by
the scatterer Dc at the point y (q(s) ) is written as and p (s) is the propagation vector of the scattered wave.

2.2 Born inversion

The right-hand side of Equation 6 contains the mate-
rial constants of both the scatterer and the matrix, the
where q(s) ( y) is the generalized displacements of scat- shape of the scatterer, and total field in the scatterer.
tered fields, and [G] is the frequency domain funda- Therefore, the observable scattering amplitude in the
mental solution of the Navier-Caucy type motion equa- left-hand side includes those information.
tions of Biots material (Cheng et al. 1991, Dominguez The total field q = (ui , p) in Eqs. 2 and 3 is a function
1992, Fukui et al. 1996, Yamamoto& Kitahara 2004). of the geometry and material constant of the scatterer.
The equivalent source is defined as If the material constants of the scatterer are known,
and the geometry defined by (x) is unknown, Equa-
tion 6 is nonlinear one for the value of  By using
Born approximation, the equivalent source B becomes
known value. The approximate form of the source term

Bexp(ik (i) x) is obtained by replacing total fields
w(i) p
in Eqs. 2 and 3 by the incident wave. In this form, the

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unknown value of the righthand side is solely the shape
of the scatterer (x), and the scattering amplitude is a Transmitter-
linear function of (x). It is noted that the Born approx- 3a
imation is well established in the low-frequency range 2a
in which wavelengths of incident and scattered waves
is longer than the typical length of the scatterer. Flat ellipsoid Scatterer
Let us multiply both sides of Equation 6 by the par-
ticle displacement vector of the scattering wave dK ,
and the equation is rewritten as 3a


Long ellipsoid
(s) (i)
where, sp = kw(s) p kw(i) p . Figure 2. Schematics of a Pulse-Echo mode measurement.
Since Equation 8 has a form of Fourier transform,
F(k) = f (x)exp(ik x)dx, the inverse Fourier For the scatterer, solely Biots modulus M (Biot &
transform f (x) = 1/(2)3 F(x) exp(ik x)dk gives Willis 1957) is different from the matrix. Among four
the shape function (x). In the case of Biot material, moduli of poroelastic system, only the modulus is
the wavenumber vector s is complex, thus the follow- affected by the compressibility of the pore fluid, and
ing modified form of the inverse Fourier transform the effect is written as follows (Stoll & Kan 1981):
is used:

where K, KS and KF are the bulk moduli of solid frame,

grain, and pore fluid. In the case that the solid frame is
Using this equation, the geometry of the scat- far more compressible than the grain (K
KS ), close
terer (x) is reconstructed by the observation of the approximation of M is given as
scattered amplitude AK(s) (p(s) ) in entire direction and
When the scattered wave is either transverse (T )
or fast longitudinal (L1), the effect of the imaginary
part that causes energy dissipation is almost negli- Therefore, the fluid compressibility determines Biots
gible. However, when it is slow longitudinal wave modulus M in porous materials such as sandstones.
(L2), the energy attenuation should be accounted in Thus, a region in which phase of the pore fluid
the scattered field. is different from surrounding region, e.g. the pore
fluid contains gas by gas injection from borehole, is
modeled as the domain with different M .
3 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES In the following numerical examples, Biots modu-
lus in the scatterer Minc is set to be 10.
3.1 Model configuration The incident and scattered waves are the fast longi-
tudinal (L1-) wave. For the simplification, dissipation
To verify the effectiveness of LISA, a trial of the shape is neglected (b = 0).
reconstruction in poroelastic media is carried out using The wavenumbers used here is normalized by
simulated scattering amplitude that is computed by the the typical length of the scatterer a, and its range
surface displacements of the scatterer given by the inte- is 0.17 < aRe(kLS ) < 1.52 that corresponds to 28
gral form of the scattered field (Yamamoto & Kitahara krad/sec in the angular frequency for the a = 1 m
2003). scatterer.
For examples, spherical and ellipsoidal scatterers
are modeled in poroelastic media of which the poroe-
lastic parameters are similar to the ones of porous sand 3.2 Reconstruction of scatterer shape
stone in Table. The measurement configuration is the 3.2.1 Image of the scatterer
Pulse-Echo mode in which the transducer and receiver Figures 3 and 4 shows the reconstructed images of
are common, and the back scattering is observed. flat and long ellipsoids. The figures indicate the

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(x) (x)


(a) Distribution of (x) in x1-x3
(a) Distribution of (x) in x1-x3

x3 x2
x2 x1

(b) Isopleth surface that (x) is 50% of its peak value

Figure 5. Reconstructed image by the data of upper and

(b) Isopleth surface that (x) is 50% of its peak value
right half space ((x) distribution.
Figure 3. Reconstructed image of a flat ellipsoid
M = 0.9 M ((x) distribution). distribution of (x) in a plane that include the rota-
tion axis, and the isoplethic boundaries on which the
value of Gamma(x) is half of its peak. The dotted lines
in the figures are true shape of the scatterers.
Even by this relatively narrow range of the fre-
quency, the reconstructed shapes agree well with the
true geometry of the scatterers. Those results show
that the region with different Biots modulus can be
reconstructed by observing the scattered waves.
x1 3.2.2 Shape reconstructions using imperfect
data: spatial domain
(a) Distribution of (x) in x1-x3 plane In real situations, spatial and frequency domains for
observation are limited due to technical reasons. The
inverse method should be less sensitive to such lack of
the information.
Figures 5 and 6 show the reconstructed images of
the flat ellipsoid using the data in upper half ( 90 ),
and half side (90 90 ) regions, respectively.
In both images, the reconstructed shapes are sim-
ilar to the true geometry of the scatterers in the
observed hemispheres. Those results mean that the lin-
x2 earized method is robust process for the lack of spatial
x1 information.

3.2.3 Shape reconstructions using imperfect

(b) Isopleth surface that (x) is 50% of its peak value data: frequency range
In order to evaluate the effect of the frequency range,
Figure 4. Reconstructed image of a long ellipsoid the varied frequency range is used for the shape
M = 0.9 M ((x) distribution). reconstruction. A spherical cavity is modeled for

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(x) 0.2- 4.0krad/sec
0.2- 8.0krad/sec

(a) Distribution of (x) in x1-x3

x(y = 0, z = 0)

Figure 8. Distribution of (x) on x-axis for different fre-

x3 quency range data. (Spherical cavity case.)

x1 x2 Gamma(x) should be a step shape as shown with a gray

thick line.
The results show that the data with higher fre-
quency range tend to give more accurate distribution
(b) Isopleth surface that (x) is 50% of its peak value of Gamma(x) when the highest frequency is less than
1.6 krad/sec. However, the highest frequency (0.2
Figure 6. Reconstructed image by the data of right half 20 kHz) result leaves the true value. One reason is that
space ((x) distribution. Born approximation is not held in higher frequency
range. It shows that the usable frequency range should
be chosen carefully.Also, it is noted that the error of the
L1-wave BEM result is also large in higher frequency ranges.
Scattering Amplitude (Backward)


The paper presents the shape reconstruction formula-

tion for fluid saturated porous media using the integral
expression of the scattered field and Born approxima-
tion. The numerical examples show that the method is
applicable for the domain in which pore fluid is dif-
ferent from surrounding regions. This method gives a
certain degree of accuracy if the usable data is limited
in spatial and frequency domains.
The formulation is low frequency approximation
Frequency (rad/sec) in which typical wavelength is shorter than the scat-
terer size. In such low frequency ranges, power of the
Figure 7. Variety of scattering amplitude with frequency. transmitter can be strongthened, and effect of small
(Spherical cavity case.)
scatterers such as small voids and fractures can be
this purpose, and used frequency ranges are set to The example presented here suggests that this tech-
0.28 krad/sec, 0.212 krad/sec, 0.216 krad/sec, and nique is applicable to the monitoring of the fluid
20 krad/sec (four cases). The scattering amplitude in earth formations. For such application, verifica-
variation with frequency is shown in Fig. 7, and depen- tion of the model, noise reduction technologies, and
dency of the Gamma(x) distribution on x-axis for each development of hardware such as transducers are
frequency range is shown in Fig. 8. The true value of necessary.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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