Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Evaluation Process:
Review of street plans
Investigation of traffic conditions
Field studies
Stop Spacing. It is based on tradeoff between walking distances for passengers and the
increase in bus travel time that occurs each time the bus is stopped.
Clearance time. It is the time spend in decelerating and accelerating the vehicle and in
opening and closing the doors.
Table 1.0 Values of R
R Queueing Probability
0.400 1% Dwell time. It is the time spend loading and unloading
0.667 10% passengers.
0.883 30%
Considerations in determining stop locations
1. Decisions must be made as to the relationship of the stop to intersections in the vicinity
a. Far-Side Bus Stop. The bus stops immediately after passing through an
a. Near-Side Bus Stop. The bus stops immediately prior to an intersection.
b. Midblock Bus Stop. Table 2.0 Common values of dwell time
The bus stops within Event s / passenger
the block. Unloading under normal conditions 1.5 2.5
Boarding (Prepaid fares) 1.5 2.5
Boarding (Farebox systems) 2.0 3.0
Boarding (Exact fare systems) 3.0
2. Provision of access to user concentrations
3. Safety
4. Convenience for transferring passengers
Chapter 12 of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) gives an extensive treatment of bus
stop capacity. It suggests that the overall capacity of a single berth is
C =
( C)
3600 R
t +( ) D
where: CB = berth capacity
Example No 1. A bus route on a city street is scheduled for 2-min headways. On the average, 7
passengers per bus board at a particular stop and 10 passengers alight. All boarding
passengers use the front door and all alighting passengers use the back door. Fare collection is
exact fare and farebox, but not single coin. Assume clearance time is 15s and that the maximum
allowable probability of bus queueing is 1%. The stop is a near side stop at an intersection with
a (g/C) ratio of 0.50. How many berths are required?
Number of busses:
60 min/h
N= =30 buses /h
2 min/bus
Route Schedules. Also knows as timetables, give the time that successive buses pass points
called time points. They are most commonly constructed by maintaining approximately uniform
headways among successive vehicles during periods of time known as schedule blocks.
12.4.1 Headways. They are influenced by the demand for service, with the shortest headway
being maintained during busiest periods.
Classification of headways
1. Capacity Headways. Headways such that the vehicles are just filled at the maximum
load point on the route.
h = headway
M = bus seating capacity
L = maximum acceptable average load factor
P = total patronage for the route in passengers per hour
r = ratio of maximum load to passengers per trip
2. Policy Headways. Headways that are intended to represent the minimum acceptable
standard for frequency of service.
3. Total Cost Minimum Headways. Headways that minimize the sum of the operating
costs and the value of time spent by passengers waiting for service
2 O
O = operating cost per vehicle hour of operation
= cycle time
W = value of passengers waiting time in dollars/hour
P = total patronage for the route in passengers per hour
Example No 2. An urban bus route has a patronage of 500 passengers per hour and a cycle
time of 2.5h. It is operated with buses having a seating capacity of 50 passengers. The
operating cost is $60/bus-h and the transit operator believes that passengers value waiting time
at $10/h. The ratio of maximum load to the total number of passengers boarding is 0.60 and the
operators maximum load factor standard is 1.20. Determine the capacity headway, the
headway that minimizes the sum of operating costs and passengers time cost, and the actual
headway to be operated. All headways are to be rounded off to the nearest minute.
Capacity headway:
ML (50)(1.20)(60)
h= = =12 mins
rP (0.60)(500)
2 O
2 ( 60 )( 2.5 )
( 10 ) (500 )
h=14.7 15 mins
Since the capacity headway is less than the headway minimizing the sum of the
operating costs and the passengers time cost, the buses will be overloaded if the latter is used.
Use the capacity headway
Therefore, h = 12mins
Bus services is very important to public commuters. This kind of mass transportation system
gives ease to people, lessens traffic, and requires smaller fare. Whats interesting in bus
services is that, aside from they have proper route, approximately, they come in equal time
intervals which will be discussed later on. If you want to be an owner of a bus line, you need to
coordinate with the government to ensure that you are following of how does the transportation
engineer designed the stop locations, route schedules, and headways.
Once headways are determined for each schedule block, the actual route timetable can
be constructed. The simplest case is that in which there are constant average travel times on
each route segment, uniform headways, and no interchange of vehicles among routes. Under
these conditions, there is a constant cycle time, the number of vehicles serving the route must
be an integer, and the cycle time must be an integral multiple of the headway. Note that if the
segment travel times vary in a nonrandom fashion, as they might as traffic congestion increases
or decreases on the route, or if vehicles are interchanged among routes, these constraints do
not apply. In the case in which travel times are changing, it may not be possible to maintain
uniform headways, except at the dispatch point. Where vehicles are interchanged among
routes, fleet sizes for individual routes do not have integers, and total cycle do not have to be
integral multiples of the headways.
Where the conditions outlined above do apply, schedules may be determined by the
following process. First, time points are established and the average travel time is determined
for all route segments between time points are established and the average travel time is
determined for all route segments between time points. Note that even though vehicles traveling
in opposite directions most often use the same streets, travel times in opposing directions may
be different, so that separate travel times should be determined from A to B and B to A. In
practice, travel times for routes that are not yet in existence must be established roughly from
driving times, with allowances made for time spent picking up and discharging passengers.
Where schedules for existing routes are being adjusted, travel times may be observed directly.
Given a headway and travel time, the cycle time and number of vehicles needed to
operate the route may be determined. The cycle time will consist of the sum of the travel times
on the individual route segments, minimum layovers required to dampen variations in running
time and provide work breaks for drivers, and excess layover needed to make the cycle an
integral multiple of the headway. That is,
=T +t L
T = t i+t l
t l =max ( t , t w )
Then, from Equation (12.3) and the requirement that the number of vehicles be an integer,
N=nhint ( Th )
Where nhint( ) indicates that the quantity in parentheses is to be rounded up to the next
highest integer, and
t L =NhT
Then, given the dispatch time (or time passing any point) for any vehicle in the schedule, the
entire schedule can be determined.
EXAMPLE PROBLEM: Construct a bus route schedule based on the running times given below.
Headways are 30 min and minimum layovers are 7 min at each end or 10 percent of running
time (total both layovers), whichever is greater. The first bus from A to D should leave at 8:00
am. The schedule should cover the time block from 8:00am to 12:00 noon.
Segment Travel Times
N=nhint ( 168.3
30 ) = nhint ( 5.6 ) = 6 vehicles
Use 14-min layover at A and 13 min at B. (Note: any combination between 7 min at A and 20
min at B and 20 min at A and 7 min at B is acceptable)
Bus A B C D
1 8:00 8:20 8:35 9:15
2 8:30 8:50 9:05 9:45
3 9:00 9:20 9:35 10:15
4 9:30 9:50 10:05 10:45
5 10:00 10:20 10:35 11:15
6 10:30 10:50 11:05 11:45
1 11:00 11:20 11:35 12:15
2 11:30 11:50 12:05 12:45
3 12:00 12:20 12:35 1:15
Bus A B C D
4 7:58 8:36 8:54 9:16
5 8:28 9:06 9:24 9:46
6 8:58 9:36 9:54 10:16
1 9:28 10:06 10:24 10:46
2 9:58 10:36 10:54 11:16
3 10:28 11:06 11:24 11:46
4 10:58 11:36 11:54 12:16
5 11:28 12:06 12:24 12:46
6 11:58 12:36 12:54 1:16
Figure 12.2
Types of shifts:
Straight Shift Straight runs / all pieces of work are continuous
Split Shift Pieces of work are not continuous; there are unpaid breaks
Trippers Extra board drivers having irregular trips that are not included in the schedule
Shakeup Reconstruction of runs
Spread Total time from the beginning to end of workday
Guarantee Payment with total work hours of less than 8 hours
Premium Pay
Overtime Holiday Pay Day-off Pay
Major needs for real-time control:
Routine mistakes
Coordination of transfers
Schedule instability
Responsibilities of Dispatchers
Ensuring that vehicles are dispatched at the beginning of the day
Assigning extra board drivers to runs whose regular drivers fail to report
Dispatching trippers
Ordering schedule deviations
Responsibilities of Field Inspectors
Making sure that drivers do not run ahead of schedule
Dealing with equipment failures and other emergencies on the field
Train controls by means of automatic system:
Transfer coordination
Prevention of vehicle bunching