Chord Progressions For Practice: Augmented and Diminished Chords

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The Banjo Encyclopedia by Ross Nickerson Chapter 9: Rhythm, Chords, and Playing Backup

Chord Progressions for Practice

Use three different chord progressions (series of chords we will use to play a fictitious
practice song) as practice tools for learning these chords. These examples will give you
the opportunity to try all the positions in context. The chord progressions are identical in
each key, only the key changes.

Practice by playing each chord below for two measures. As you learn the chord positions,
it is okay to start by strumming or using the three-finger pinch as you locate each chord.

Key of G Key of D Key of A Key of C

G D F C D A C G A E G D C G Bf F

G E7 A D D B7 E A A Fs7 B E C A7 D G

G Em Am D D Bm Em A A Fsm Bm E C Am Dm G

Augmented and Diminished Chords

Augmented Chords
Augmented chords may be useful in some of the songs you will be playing. They are used
often in place of the V chord (see Chapter 14 for more on V chords) or by splitting two
measures with a V chord. For instance, in the key of G, when turning the verse around,
you would play the D chord for one measure and the D aug for one measure before
returning to G.
The same shape is used for every augmented chord. Use the form graphic and the
accompanying chart to find any augmented chord in these keys.

Diminished Chords
The diminished chords work in much the same way as the augmented. The same shape or
chord position is used for every diminished chord. I have two dimished shapes, but, if
you look carefully, the only difference between the two shapes is where you put your
fingers. The actual notes are the same.


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