Worldwide Technical Centers and Production Facilities: 5. Umicore Autocat USA Inc

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Worldwide Technical Centers

and Production Facilities

Around the corner or around the world, Umicores Technical Centers are design teams offer customer testing data early in the emission control system
located conveniently near the industry they serve. These facilities each design phase. This provides Umicores customers with technically proficient
have specialized expertise that has evolved to serve customers strategies, cost and development time reductions and ensures reliability.
regional requirements.
Umicore uses both molecular modeling and up-to-date, physico-chemical
Umicores Technical Centers have all of the equipment necessary to analytical techniques such as Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)
develop engine-specific catalyst technologies: and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) to obtain
quantitative and factual knowledge about the molecular phenomenon of
Chassis dynamometers for the development of ultra low emission systems
heterogeneous catalysis. This enables a determination of a new solution for
Custom driving cycles emission control of harmful pollutants such as CO, HC, NOx and particulate
Analysis for CO, Sulfur, NOx and speciated HC matter to meet customer specifications and regulatory requirements.
Subsequently, the solution is evaluated in dedicated model gas reactors,
Dynamic engine test cells
with tests on real engines mounted on benches and on a vehicle using
Advanced equipped engine test cells for catalyst evaluation and aging the legislated international test-drive cycles. Both the model gas reactors
Light Duty (LD) and Heavy Duty Diesel (HDD) engine test cells and the applicable test and aging procedures are designed by the researchers
to quickly generate reliable performance data under demanding operating
Fuel versatility
conditions. The catalysts then go through a production simulation to ensure
Advanced statistical analysis capabilities the demanding quality assurance requirements of the international
automotive industry can be met.
Laboratory technicians and engineers work closely with R&D and applied
technology specialists to quickly identify and target design improvements
to emission system solutions. Simultaneous engineering systems with these

5. Umicore Autocat USA Inc.

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