Background of The Study Resosrt

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Background of the Study

The continuous growth of the world their exist the modern and a high-tech way of living due to the
reason of unsatisfied and consciousness of humans by discovering and searching for more effective
way of living such as computer- is a device that computes, especially a programmable electronic
machine that performs high speed mathematical or logical operations that can assembles, store,
correlates and otherwise process information. Dealing with the triumphant advancement, internet is a
network of almost transaction system through this transaction system must gather sort of information
for on line services.

Website is related collection of web files that includes an initial called a homepage it is essential in an
organization to establish a tourist spot in the province of Capiz adopting reliable reviewing like a
website to provide a complex transaction system through on line services.

Villa Consorcia Resort and Restaurant formerly known as Consorcia green Valley establish on January
1998 by the late Wilson Baquilar Sr. the resort named Consorcia Bacaro Baquilar the wife of the
founder. The establishment started with just a small canteen, a dinning room and seven small dinning
cottages. After a few months, reception hall and hotel rooms were built in February 2009 a swimming
pool was formally open to the public. Villa Consorcia has a total land area of two hectares conviently
located at Brgy. Malag-it Pontevedra, Capiz. The guest who visted Villa Consocia loved enjoyed the
unique ambiance, natural settings and delicious food serves. Presently, Villa Consorcia offers plenty of
facilities and amenities. There are the Wilson Bar, the Fiesta Pavillion one of the venues for wedding
and birthday parties, island Park intended for playful kids and weather favors the park also serve as
venue for children party and garden wedding reception for sports minded guest, there is a sports area
the convertible court is the venue for volleyball, basketball and lawn tennis competition. There are also
hotel rooms, air-conditioned function room, Jacuzzi and swimming pool. Villa Consorcia has its
captivating landscapes, fresh air form natural unspoiled environment, accessibility of its location, the
safe and spacious parking area, delicious food and many more that had contributed to the overall
success of this more that a decade old establishment.

Significance of the Study:

The significance of this study was to help to give a benefit to the concerned group below.
The Resort
This is capable for viewing the features and promotes Villa Consorcia Resort and Restaurant in the
World Wide Web. That will become one of the highly competitive establishments not only in the
province of Capiz but also in the whole western visayas and national level by having upgrade to
modernization for the resort.
The management of Villa Consorcia Resort and Restaurant.

This study has significance to the management in order to provide of source information regarding the
establishment to promote the common services rendered.
The future researchers of Hercor College students
The future researchers can benefit this study in order to provide them a broad ideas and knowledge to
gather information about the resort and provide of source of information.
The Proponents
This study is the most significance to the proponents in which overcoming the problems and analyzing
things with the programs and datas weve acquired. It feeds the proponents the experience and
knowledge in which they can apply for the future jobs they indulge with.
Related Study

Resort industry gets best practices study on internet marketing and distribution

A new study has been launched to examine Best Practices on Internet Marketing and Distribution for
Resorts,. The report was initiated by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association Internationals
(HSMAI) Resort Marketing Special Interest Group.
According to the findings, many resorts are still at an early stage of adoption of Internet marketing;
only about one-half of the participating resorts actively practice search engine optimization and many
do not participate actively in third party online travel agency programs due to a perception that these
sites specialize in rates well below their targets. There is a corresponding lack of connection between
most resorts distribution strategy and their revenue management practices.
It is clear after investigating this topic that when a resort moves its business from offline to online
channels of distribution there is far more involved than just changing channels of distribution, states
Cindy Estis Green, director of the study and managing partner of The Estis Group. Working with
online channels entails operational issues including customer service and reservations, direct sales,
awareness and image campaigns, direct mail, special promotions, lead generation, and customer
relationship management, she adds.
The report benchmarked participating resorts in key Internet marketing metrics such as: total
marketing spend as a percentage of total revenue; marketing efficiency; percentage of electronic
channel revenue as a percentage of total revenue; percentage of e-marketing spend to total revenue;
and direct web revenue per web marketing dollar spent. Based upon these metrics, participants were
categorized based upon their efficiency in marketing spend and Internet revenue volume. The
resulting categories were: experimenters, champions, novices, and gotta get out of this box.
Emerging from the study is a series of eight building blocks that establish a sound strategy for the
2005 online world. The full report details each of the topics.
Website Planning: setting goals, planning, and designing a website.
Establishing Infrastructure: building the systems to support a websites goals.
Building Traffic: search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, link strategies, email campaigns
and stimulating group opportunities.
Dovetailing with Offline: websites (internal and external) and how they function without the interaction
of sales and rooms operational teams such as reservation call centers, customer service, revenue
management, and offline marketing.
Third Party Influence: considering third party intermediaries including wholesalers, search engines,
meta-search engines, GDS vendors and affiliate marketers.
Closing the Loop with Customers: incorporating customer feedback regarding service, travel patterns
and product preferences in an Internet marketing plan.
Keeping Score: a series of metrics to measure success and failure, tracking cost/benefit analyses,
post-campaign analyses, etc.
Keeping Up with the Joneses: knowing what may be applicable in the 2-5 year time horizon in the
areas of new technology, new communication methods and new distribution channels.

Case Study Quinault Beach Resort & Casino

Quinault Beach Resort & Casino Increases Revenue from Website and Enjoys Benefits of Two Years of
Blizzards Online Marketing
Quinault Logo

Customer Overview
The last time Blizzard Internet Marketing, Inc. showcased Quinault Beach Resort and Casino was in
2005. At the time, Blizzard and Quinault had just released a website redesign and were in the initial
stages of starting a successful Comprehensive Marketing Plan. Lets take a look back at the beginning
of the relationship between Blizzard and this Washington State resort and casino:

* In 2004, Quinault approached Blizzard to redesign their website. With Blizzards help, Quinault
hoped to achieve:
o Faster load time for improved usability.
o More user-friendly navigation to funnel users to the appropriate Money pages.
o A Book Online function to streamline the reservation process.
o Easier navigation to view room types.
* The redesign and promotional efforts showed immediate benefits:
o Link popularity increased by 59%.
o Average monthly unique visitors increased by 66%.
o Bounce rate of the homepage dropped to less than 20%.
o Monthly return on investment was calculated at 895%.

With the purchase of a Comprehensive Promotion Plan and the guidance of their Promotion team,
Quinault hoped to attain the following:

1. Increase Google traffic and unique visitors to their website.

2. Establish a definition of their target market keyword research showed Quinault is a family
vacation hot spot.
3. Promote three different URLs The promotion team recommended focusing on one URL and
forwarding the others.
4. Increase online revenue from paid and organic listings.

Quinaults Promotion account team focused on the fundamentals of promotion for the site in order to
build a solid foundation before pursuing more advanced techniques; the results show that perfecting
these basic techniques of promotion can have a significant impact on revenue generation. The team
focused on the following Promotion procedures:

* Link Building

Blog Link Building Submission to relevant blogs that link back to the website.

Benefit As with any link building program, the intent is to link to a relevant website or blog that
ideally results in a Google backlink.

* Optimization

Benefit By constantly updating keywords, metatags and page text, Quinault can be sure that they
are targeting the changing habits of searchers as well as their key demographic market.
* Directory Submissions

Benefit The Promotion team researched and found the most appropriate directories for Quinault to
be listed in. These directories drive quality traffic to the site. Some listings qualify as backlinks.
* Pay-per-click (PPC)

Benefit As mentioned in previous case studies and articles, PPC advertising is the fastest way to gain
online exposure. This option allows one to bid his or her way to the top of search engine results by
focusing on targeted keywords that are relevant to the property or service being sold.

* Blizzard Tracking

Benefit The Comprehensive Promotion Plan includes the Blizzard ROI Tracker, an integral part of
making decisions on what services to perform. The tracker allows the Account Manager to track many
aspects of the promotion campaign and make changes where necessary and shows the client how
effective online marketing can be.

* Client Involvement

Since the websites redesign, Quinaults management has worked with Blizzards design team to keep
content fresh and interesting.

The Blizzard ROI Tracker makes it easy to analyze the effects of promotion efforts. The results are
simply amazing, and clearly show that focusing on perfecting the most basic promotion techniques can
prove to be very valuable in the long run.
# Unique visitors increased 40% from 2005 to 2006.
# Google visitors increased 86% from 2005 to 2006.
# Revenue from paid resources (Google AdWords, Yahoo, Overture, etc.) increased 136% from 2004
to 2006.
# Revenue from organic listings, those available for free and are derived from search engine
algorithms, increased 122% from 2004 to 2006.
# Bounce rate off the home page is holding steady at under 20%.

Whats Next?
Relying on the strength of the basics of online promotion will propel Quinault Beach Resort & Casino
into the next level of online success. As the Promotion team continues to work with management at
Quinault, they will continue to refine the key elements of promotion that have provided success to

Quinault continues to build a partnership with Blizzard, and their web presence and online revenue
continue to flourish. As the Internet changes and grows, Quinaults relationship with Blizzard Internet
Marketing will keep them at the forefront of Internet marketing and continue to bring them a very
high return on investment.

Background of the study

A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for holidays or
vacations. These are place, towns or sometimes commercial establishment operated by a
single company. It is a living spa in the old fashioned sense of the world and a beautiful
destination that caters to your needs and desires, in a peacefully placed environment. One
cant help wonder about the history and heritage behind a resort on a visit. Many resorts
have been restored and refurbished to portray rural life, which is temporarily interrupted by
modern services that blend very well together.

Puerto Paraiso Resort was established year 2005, owned by Engr. Alberto Espiritu. It is
located in Barangay Bugayong, town of Binalonan, Pangasinan. Its just a hours drive from
Manila. Its proximity to Baguio City makes it an ideal place to stay as you can get a glimpse
of the countrys summer capital in just a two hours drive from the resort. And if you want
to reflect deeply with Mother Mary, you can visit the shrine of Our Lady of Manaoag, which
is just 20 minutes leisurely drive amidst green country side sceneries and smooth concrete

They offer resort reservation for all occasions such as weddings, birthdays,
seminars, anniversaries and baptismal.

Definition of terms

Operational terms
Data, details, documents, file, information, or reports. In
the structure of a database, the part consisting of
several uniquely named components called data
fields. Several data records make up a data file, and
several data files make up a database.

Resort management- A program that prepares individuals to

plan, manage, and market comprehensive vacation facilities and
services and related products. Includes instruction in hospitality
administration, hotel/motel management, restaurant and food services
management, facilities planning, leisure studies, recreation
administration, marketing, recreation equipment and grounds
operations and maintenance, business finance, insurance and
taxation, event management and guest services, personnel
management, travel and logistics management, safety and health
services, professional standards and ethics, and applications to
specific vacation types and locations.

Conceptual terms

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