English G6 Week 9

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Ajial Lesson Plan

Week 9

Unit 1: "Weather That's Out of This World";"Space

Settlements; Artists View of a Space Colony"

Grades: 6 A/B/C/D/E

Teachers: Mr. Adi & Ms. Samiha

Day Objectives Standards Key Content &Activities Assessment

Sunday Students will be RI1 Academic *Classroom discussion *Class discussion
able to: RI2 Vocabulary: about life in outer space *Individual
*Cite textual Tone/Mood *Reading silently to comprehension
evidence to support Main Idea identify the core theme questions
what the text says Synthesize of the text *Teacher
explicitly Science *Reading and looking for Observation
*Determine a Article specific details.
central idea of a *Matching words with
text and the right definitions.
how it is conveyed
through details

Monday Students will be RI1 Academic *Vocabulary practice: *Class discussion

able to: RI2 Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary *Individual
*Guess meaning Tone/Mood revision comprehension
from context Main Idea *Spelling: Guessing the questions
*Determine a Synthesize meaning of new words *Teacher
central idea of a Science using the context in Observation
text and explain it Article example sentences
using evidence *Find and discuss the
from the text itself details and information
* Spell properly that point to the central
idea of the text

Tuesday Students will be Rl7 Vocabulary in *Class discussion on *Teacher

able to: Context: Conditions on Venus. & Observation
*Integrate Cylinder Your very own space * Taking the
information Torus colony. questions in an
presented in Sphere *Brainstorming on the open class
different media or Acid kinds of media we know discussion.
formats to develop Space Colony and use every day and *Peer correction.
a coherent Environment how we can use them in
understanding of a Conditions expanding our
topic knowledge on a certain
*Come up with their topic
own articles on a *Reading out loud with
given theme the rest of the students
*Use key writing down points for
vocabulary in miss-pronounced words
meaningful and working on that set
sentences. of words
comprehension tasks

Wednesday Students will be RI1 Vocabulary in * Written Work: Writing * Class discussio
able to: W2 Context: an informative text *Oral presentatio
*Cite textual Cylinder examining Football in of each group.
evidence to support Torus Kuwait
what the text says Sphere *Grammar Workshop:
explicitly Acid Punctuation End Marks &
*Write informative Space Colony Commas
texts to examine a Environment *Students work in groups
topic Conditions to sum up main points of
* Demonstrate informative articles and
command of the incorporating newly
conventions of gained grammar
grammar. knowledge and the
importance of
Thursday: Spelling Test and Periodic Unit 1 Test - Teacher One Stop DVD-ROM

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