English G6 Week 9
English G6 Week 9
English G6 Week 9
Week 9
Grades: 6 A/B/C/D/E
Wednesday Students will be RI1 Vocabulary in * Written Work: Writing * Class discussio
able to: W2 Context: an informative text *Oral presentatio
*Cite textual Cylinder examining Football in of each group.
evidence to support Torus Kuwait
what the text says Sphere *Grammar Workshop:
explicitly Acid Punctuation End Marks &
*Write informative Space Colony Commas
texts to examine a Environment *Students work in groups
topic Conditions to sum up main points of
* Demonstrate informative articles and
command of the incorporating newly
conventions of gained grammar
grammar. knowledge and the
importance of
Thursday: Spelling Test and Periodic Unit 1 Test - Teacher One Stop DVD-ROM