Technical Textiles in India - Current and Future Market Scenario, ICTN 2010, IIT Delhi
Technical Textiles in India - Current and Future Market Scenario, ICTN 2010, IIT Delhi
Technical Textiles in India - Current and Future Market Scenario, ICTN 2010, IIT Delhi
Source: World Market Forecasts for 2010 of technical
textiles and industrial nonwovens by David Rigby
of both production as well as consumption of India have great potential to make an impact in this
technical textiles. China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and industry in the coming decade.
2|P a g e
This segment is witnessing a significant thrust from
Though the country consumes products belonging to the Government owing to increasing awareness
all 12 categories of technical textiles, the share of about the benefits of the usage of shade nets, mulch
indigenous production varies drastically across mats, crop covers, anti-hail nets and bird-protection
products. India is a key producer of technical textile nets.
products including flexible intermediate bulk
containers (FIBCs), tarpaulins, jute carpet backing, Exhibit 5: Value-wise share of various products in Indian
Agrotech market (2009-10)
hessian, fishnets, surgical dressings, crop covers,
etc., which are typically commoditised. The
technology-intensive technical textile products such
as incontinence diapers, high altitude clothing, etc.,
are majorly imported with its imports accounting for
over 90% of the domestic consumption.
3|P a g e
the farming community. The subsidies extended by 3.2. Meditech
NHM will continue to play a crucial role in increasing
the consumption of these products. Meditech products include textile materials used in
hygiene, health and personal care as well as surgical
Exhibit 6: Value-wise CAGR for Agrotech products (from 2009-10
to 2012-13) applications. The Meditech products are available in
woven, knitted and non-woven forms based on the
Overall CAGR: 8%
area of application. Increasingly, synthetic fibre is
being used in the production of these products. It
Mulch-mats 51%
includes products like diapers, sanitary napkins,
Shade nets 6% disposables, contact lens, artificial implants, etc.
Fishing nets 5%
Technical textiles market under Meditech is
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% estimated at US$ 422.6 million in 2009-10. Surgical
dressing alone accounts for over 50% of the total
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
technical textile consumption across Meditech
IMaCS Analysis
segment. Surgical sutures account for around 21% of
International trade the total Meditech consumption followed by contact
lenses and artificial implants as can be seen in
Majority of the demand for Agrotech products is
Exhibit 8.
satisfied by domestic production, with only around
4% of the fishing nets being imported.
Exhibit 8: Value-wise share of various products in Indian
Meditech market (2009-10)
As far as exports are concerned, crop covers and
shade nets are the export-intensive products, as
evident from Exhibit 7. The major export markets
include Middle-East countries, the UK, Netherlands,
Italy, Belgium, Poland, New Zealand and Africa.
4|P a g e
products. Few of these policies include, National primarily imported. Majority of imports are from
Health Policy 2002, Rural Health Policy, policies Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan and China.
promoting manufacturing of medical devices and
various other policies working towards removing Exhibit 10: Volume-wise share of imports in the domestic
hurdles for private and voluntary sector consumption of Meditech products (2009-10)3
In line with these developments, Indian Meditech
industry is expected to achieve a growth of 8-9%
year on year, over the next three years. The
domestic consumption of technical textiles under
Meditech is expected to increase from around US$
379.4 million in 2009-10 to around US$ 488.2 million
by 2012-13. Incontinence diapers and contact lens
are expected to achieve significant growth, followed
by artificial implants, as evident from Exhibit 9.
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
IMaCS Analysis
Exhibit 9: Value-wise CAGR for Meditech products (from 2009-10
to 2012-13) By value around 12% of the technical textiles
produced under Meditech in India are exported.
Surgical sutures and surgical dressings are the key
export products, with their exports constituting over
86% of the total exports under this segment. The key
export markets are Bangladesh, the UK, Sri Lanka
and Netherlands.
3.3. Mobiltech
5|P a g e
and commercial vehicles segments. The Indian Exhibit 12: Value-wise CAGR for Mobiltech products (from 2009-
10 to 2012-13)
passenger cars segment has grown at a rate of
around 13% over the last five years, while the Indian Overall CAGR: 10%
government focus on the road safety measures. Seat Nylon tyre cord 40%
belt webbing, upholstery, automotive interior Airline disposables 23%
carpets, headliners and NVH components are the
Seat cover fabric 7%
other products with significant growth potential.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
6|P a g e
3.4. Packtech Exhibit 15: Value-wise CAGR for Packtech products (from 2009-
10 to 2012-13)
International trade
Indian Packtech industry is self reliant as less than
1% of the total domestic consumption by value is
imported; However soft luggage products and tea
bag filters are the key import products, with imports
accounting for 20% and 10% respectively, of their
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
domestic consumption by volume. Majority of
IMaCS Analysis
imports of soft luggage fabrics are from China, Hong
Kong and France, while that of tea bags are from
The demand for the industrial packaging products
Germany, the UK and the US.
like woven sacks, FIBCs, jute sacks, etc, which
comprise the maximum share of the Packtech
Indian Packtech industry is focused on the domestic
market, is mainly driven by the cement, fertiliser and
market with exports comprising only 5% share of the
food industry. In the short term, the Packtech
overall market. FIBC, soft luggage products, jute
industry is expected to achieve a growth of 13% year
hessian and sacks are the export products, as
on year and reach a market size of US$ 5.77 billion
evident from Exhibit 17. The key export markets are
by 2012-13.
the UK, the US, Germany, Spain, France, Egypt, UAE,
Saudi and Japan.
7|P a g e
Exhibit 16: Volume wise share of Exports in the production for Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
top three products (2009-10)3 IMaCS Analysis
3.5. Sportech
8|P a g e
Exhibit 19: Volume wise share of Exports in the production for
Sportech products (2009-10)3 The market for Buildtech products is expected to
grow at a rate of 8.5% annually and reach a size of
US$ 697.3 million by 2012-13. Architectural
membranes, awnings and canopies, High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) tarpaulins and scaffolding nets
are the high growth potential areas, as evident from
Exhibit 21. Booming construction activity and
increase in awareness are expected to drive the
demand for scaffolding nets; whereas the demand
for awnings and canopies would be driven by
increase in number of hotels, fast food places, sale
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India, counters, etc. Demand for HDPE tarpaulin is
IMaCS Analysis expected to increase in line with increase in road
freight transport.
3.6. Buildtech
Exhibit 21: Value-wise CAGR for Buildtech products (from 2009-
10 to 2012-13)
Buildtech segment comprises of textiles or
composite materials used in the construction of
permanent and temporary buildings as well as
structures like, architectural membranes, hoardings
and signages, tarpaulins, awnings, scaffolding nets,
International trade
Imports comprise around 20% (by value) of the total
domestic consumption under the Buildtech segment
Around 95% of the flex fabric used for hoardings and
signage and around 90% of the architectural
membranes are being imported, as seen in Exhibit
23. Other products with significant import volumes
are awnings and canopies, cotton canvas tarpaulin
and floor and wall covering. Majority of products are
imported from China, Germany, Australia, Korea and
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
IMaCS Analysis
9|P a g e
Exhibit 22: Volume-wise share of imports in the domestic Exhibit 23: Value-wise share of various products in Indian
consumption of top five products (2009-10)3 Clothtech market (2009-10)
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India, Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
IMaCS Analysis IMaCS Analysis
Around 24% of the total production under Buildtech High growth potential of soft luggage industry,
segment is exported; floor and wall coverings are the footwear industry, home furnishing and apparel
key export product, comprising almost 99% the total industry are likely to drive the growth of velcro, zip
segment exports by value. The key export markets fastener and elastics.
are UAE, South Africa, the US and the UK.
Exhibit 24: Value-wise CAGR for Clothtech products (from 2009-
10 to 2012-13)
3.7. Clothtech
10 | P a g e
interlining, elastic and velcro. Majority of imports
are from Hong Kong and China.
11 | P a g e
International trade defence comprises bullet proof jackets, NBC
Value-wise around 13% of the total consumption is (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) suits, high altitude
imported. As per volume, 67% of HVAC filters clothing and fire retardant apparel.
consumed are imported whereas the value-wise
import of nonwoven wipes is 80% of the total Technical textiles market under Protech is estimated
consumption. Majority of imports are from Germany to be US$ 338.5 million in the year 2009-10. High
and Netherland (HVAC filters) and China. Majority of altitude clothing, bullet-proof jackets and fire
wipes are imported from China and Singapore. retardant fabrics account for 44%, 21% and 17% of
the Protech market, respectively, as seen in Exhibit
Exhibit 28: Volume-wise share of imports in the domestic 29.
consumption of top four products (2009-10)3
Exhibit 29: Value-wise share of various products in Indian
Protech market (2009-10)
12 | P a g e
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India,
Exhibit 30: Value-wise CAGR for Protech products (from 2009-10 IMaCS Analysis
to 2012-13)
Further, the country also imports raw materials like
fire retardant fibres, chemicals and special fabrics
which are processed into products in India. Majority
of imports are from the US, Korea, China and
Western Europe.
13 | P a g e
Oekotech products, which is estimated at US$ 20.7 The Geotech segment in India is set to witness a
million. Synthetic Geotech products (geosynthetics) change owing to certain recent developments in the
account for around 90% of the total market, the road sector that are likely to provide the necessary
balance comprising of agro-based Geotech products. boost to the consumption of Geotextiles in roads.
Geotextiles comprise the largest share of Indian Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) model
Geotech market, with a share of 63% in 2009-10 of has been introduced in road contracts wherein the
which, woven geotextiles comprised 35%, as seen in private sector undertakes the responsibility for
Exhibit 32. operation and maintenance of the project road as
well as for building specified improvement schemes
The consumption of Geotech products is driven by (where appropriate). Under this model contractors
investments in the Infrastructure sector. Continued get liberty to design independently and, are
thrust on infrastructure development in India augurs responsible for the maintenance of project roads.
well for this segment. However, the Industry has not Thus, in order to ensure longevity of construction at
realised its full potential owing to lower than optimal cost they would prefer geotextiles.
expected penetration of geotextiles in various Moreover, successful control trials have been
infrastructure projects. A classic example of this is conducted by Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
the road projects in India. for use of Jute geotextiles in roads, which is likely to
boost their use under the Pradhan Mantri Gram
Road sector is the largest consumer of Geotextiles in Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).
the Indian market, whereas, demand from other
sectors (power, ports, airports, railways, etc.) is In addition, the Office of Textile Commissioner and
largely project specific. Government had planned an industry experts are making targeted efforts to boost
investment of around US$ 5.55 billion in roads the consumption of Geotextiles. Bureau of Indian
(excluding PMGSY) during 2006-07 to 2010-11. In Standards (BIS) has approved the standards on Coir
case Geotech products were used in all these road Bhoovastra (Jute Geotextiles and Coir Geotextiles)
projects, the consumption of Geotextiles in NHAI and, have published two standards viz. IS 15868
road projects alone could be to the extent of US$ (part 1 to 6 2008) and IS 15869 -2008. BIS has also
22.2 million per annum. formulated the standard for geosynthetics made
from polyolefin or polyester material for highways.
However, the consumption of geotextiles in India is Moreover, promotion of the use of geomembrane as
very low as compared to its potential. Conservative lining for canals, ponds and reservoirs by NHM is
views of major institutional users have been a key likely to boost the consumption of geomembranes.
impeding factor for the growth of this segment in
the domestic market. Moreover, the segment has In view of the above mentioned developments, an
been suffering from issues related to lack of optimistic estimate of the potential market size for
awareness about economic benefits of Geotech Geotech products that could be achieved in 2012-13
products amongst all institutional buyers, lack of can be placed at around US$ 164 million. In
adequate testing facilities and non-availability of addition, the Office of Textile Commissioner and
trained technical personnel. industry experts are making targeted efforts to boost
the consumption of Geotextiles.
The details of the Oekotech application under
technical textiles have been explained in the next
Exchange rate used US$ 1 = ` 45
14 | P a g e
Exhibit 32: Product-wise market share of Geotech segment (2009-10)
Source: Baseline survey of the Technical Textile industry in India, IMaCS Analysis
Europe are the major suppliers of these products to
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has approved the India.
standards on Coir Bhoovastra (Jute Geotextiles and
Exhibit 33:Value-wise share of imports in the domestic
Coir Geotextiles) and, have published two standards
consumption of Geotech products (2009-10)3
viz. IS 15868 (part 1 to 6 2008) and IS 15869 -2008.
BIS has also formulated the standard for
geosynthetics made from polyolefin or polyester Geocomposites
15 | P a g e
around process tanks for secondary containment). Exhibit 34: Market size of various products in Indian Indutech
market (2009-10)
The various geosynthetic products used are
Geotextiles, geosynthetic clay liners, geo grids, geo\
membranes and various specialized geocomposites.
Other potential Oekotech application areas of
geosynthetic products such as landscaping (golf
courses, ponds, etc.), mine rehabilitation, tunnel
linings, etc. do not represent recurring usage
currently in India.
3.12. Indutech
16 | P a g e
applications of fibre glass constitute majority of the Inadequate awareness about the benefits of
imports. Majority of the imports are from China, technical textiles among end-users, primarily in
Taiwan, Thailand, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and sectors like Meditech, Agrotech and Geotech,
which is hampering the potential demand of
Exhibit 36: Volume-wise share of imports in the domestic technical textiles in India
consumption for Indutech products (2009-10)3 Absence of defined standards and regulations
promoting usage of products made from
technical textiles, which leads to lack of
sufficient demand for technical textiles.
Lack of indigenous availability of specialised
raw-materials hampering cost competitiveness
Lack of skilled manpower for new technologies
like nonwovens
Lack of technology/consultancy support to
manufacturers of technical textiles
accelerate the growth. There are several areas Domestic availability of high performance and specialty
17 | P a g e
assignments and has worked in over 35 countries consulting expertise, backed by the following
across the globe. capabilities:
Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC), Transaction M&A/Due Diligence/Project Advisory/Bid Advisory/Financial Restructuring
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Advisory
Development Bank (ADB) and International Finance Business Banking & Government/
groups Energy Infrastructure Corporate
Corporation (IFC). Insurance Multilaterals
18 | P a g e
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