The Potential For Friction Stir Welding in Oil and Gas Applications
The Potential For Friction Stir Welding in Oil and Gas Applications
The Potential For Friction Stir Welding in Oil and Gas Applications
offshore industry, and the state of the art in the development of systems
ABSTRACT which can be used in an environment where performance and reliability
are at a premium.
Friction stir welding is a solid state one shot joining process originally
developed for aluminium alloys. It uses a simple rotating tool to INTRODUCTION
generate frictional heat at the interface between two components to be Definition of process
welded. The material is softened and contained by the tool and backing The principle of the process is shown in Figure 1. FSW can be thought
support. The progress of of the tool along the joint line subjects the of as a process of constrained extrusion. Friction between the rotating
materials to very high strains, forcing consolidation into a solid state tool and the workpieces generates heat, and the high pressure under the
weld. The principle is demonstrated in Figure 1. In aluminium, the tool causes a plasticised zone of material to form around the probe. As
process can weld materials from <1mm to >60mm in a single pass, and the tool is traversed along the joint line, the workpiece material is
these limits are constantly being extended. heated, plasticised, and extruded around the tool probe. The extruded
material forms a solid-phase joint behind the tool as it passes.
Since its invention at TWI in 1991, friction stir welding has made
significant inroads into the aluminium fabrication industry, for use in The advantages of the process can be summarised as follows:
airframes, rocket fuel tanks, shipbuilding, railcar manufacturing and
automotive applications. New applications are constantly coming on Solid phase process
stream, and this trend is likely to continue. Single pass process (<1mm to >60mm per pass in Al alloys)
Mechanised process
There have of course been significant efforts put into extending the
No special pre-weld edge profiling or cleaning
processes to materials other than aluminium, and progress has been
No shielding gas or filler wire required for most materials (gas
made with joining magnesium, copper, titanium, steels and nickel.
shield usually required for steels and Ti alloys)
These developments open the way to exploiting the advantages of the
process for the offshore industry, in particular in the joining of steel Low distortion and shrinkage
pipelines and other structures. 1-D, 2-D or 3-D, any position
Excellent mechanical properties
Friction stir welding of steel has been demonstrated for several steels of No welding fume or spatter hazards
interest to the offshore industry, including high strength structural No UV or electromagnetic radiation hazards
steels, several pipeline steels up to API 5LX-100, and several corrosion Low energy consumption
resistant alloys such as AISI 316L and 304L. The number of materials High joint completion rates for thicker section materials.
for which the process has been demonstrated continues to rise.
However, there are still challenges to be overcome when welding such There are of course some disadvantages:
materials, and most of these are centred on the choice of material for Workpieces must be rigidly clamped
the welding tool. Several materials are being investigated, all have Backing bar normally required
certain positive features, but all have disadvantages which make their Keyhole usually left at the end of each weld
immediate use unlikely. Rapid progress is however being made, and it Cannot make fillet welds, or any geometry which requires a filler.
is expected that a tool material which is reliable, obtainable and
affordable will emerge in the near future.
This paper reviews the process and how it works, its possible
advantages and disadvantages, potential applications of relevance to the
automotive and other industries, many of these being safety critical
welds. Many further applications are under development. At the time of
writing, there are over 100 licensees of the process, a number which is
growing continuously.
Properties of steel welds
Examples of single and two pass welds (Johnson and dos Santos 2003)
in a ferritic structural steel (EN10025:1993 S355) are given in Figure 3.
Unlike aluminium welds, friction stir welds in C-Mn steels do not show
a distinct nugget region, and microstructural regions are more difficult
to distinguish, as the extent of plastic deformation is generally difficult
to determine. The microstructure in the weld centre is generally similar
to the HAZ of a conventional fusion weld, although the maximum
austenite grain size is generally less. As the distance from the original
(a) Typical W-25%Re tool bond line increases, the microstructure exhibits the normal features of
fine grained supercritical HAZ, intercritical HAZ and subcritical HAZ.
Hardness values can vary, but high hardness levels are unusual. Typical
examples of microstructures are shown in Figure 4a-d.
100 nugget
-50 -25 0 25
Temperature (C)
Figure 5. Charpy data for friction stir welded C-Mn structural steel
(Johnson and dos Santos 2003)
The formation of retained ferrite is not confined to PCBN tools Therefore it must be concluded that, although the friction stir welding
however, as can be seen from the micrograph in Figure 7, taken from process can give sound welds in austenitic steels, it is possible to
the nugget region of a weld in 304L made with a W-Re tool. If the generate conditions under which sigma phase can form. It is therefore
thermal cycle is sufficiently protracted at high temperature, there will evident that careful qualification of welding procedures will be
be a risk of delta ferrite formation. required.
Figure 7. Microstructure of nugget region of 304L weld, showing (b) Nugget/TMAZ boundary microstructures.
extensive retained ferrite.
More recent work (Park et al, 2003) has shown beyond doubt that the
retained ferrite can contain sigma phase. This has been identified by
electron diffraction in welds made with PCBN tools. This statement
does not necessarily mean that sigma does not form in welds made with
W-Re tools. As already mentioned, delta ferrite has been reported in
such welds (Johnson and Threadgill, 2002), but no detailed electron
microscopy has yet been carried out.
and orbital welds, and indeed such welds have been successfully made
in pipeline steels. However, both the technical and economic case for
using the process must be demonstrated, and the perceived benefits
proven unambiguously. This will require considerable effort and
investment in an industry which rightly takes a conservative approach
to the introduction of new technologies in safety critical areas.
International Friction Stir Welding Symposium, Park City UT,
Sorensen C D and Nelson T W (2003). Progress in
Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride Friction Stir Welding
Process. 4th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium,
Park City UT, USA.
Threadgill P L (1999). Friction stir welding the state of the
art. TWI members Report 678/1999